THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 5, 1923 19 FOR RENT. Flats. BEAUTIFUL, new Irvingtoa five-room apartments, ready about the 15th, elec- trie ranges and electric water heaters; automatic heat; extra large living room and sun room, fireplace, tiled and shower bath. Phone East 880S. FLATS 4 large rooms and sleeping i-ii, ueu, i run i ana cacti puixii, hot water heat, light and airy; only ?4a. Apply 303 E. 21st, near Haw thorne. IRVINGTON New 5-rra. upper flat for rent cheap; garage, hardwood floors, good lurnace, fireplace, gas range, linoleum; within 3 blks. both cars. E N., cor. Thompson. East BOfl. SUNNY Irvington flat, 5 rooms, sleep ing porch, fireplace and hardwood floors; building and grounds given best of care; rent $45. Call mornings. 415 K. 17th st. N. Kast 1701. COMFORTABLE 7-room upper flat with Bleeping porch, furnace, it replace wito gas; gas range, linoleum in kitchen, west side, 15 mln; rent $50; city view Strong & Co., 606 Ch. of Com. 6-ROoAI lower fiat With breakfast nook; newjy painted ana decorated tnrough out; close in, west side. Gas range and kitchen linoleum furnished. 323 Pittock o.ocu. Jitlwy. In.yj. MODERN four-room lower flat, furnace, urepiace, open-air bedroom, gas range, linoleum, built-in conveniences. East 10th and Halsey. East' 0148, Broad- BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON APT., .MOD- iKN, HARDWOOD FLRS., FRENCH BOORS, IVORY WOODWORK; GA RAGE, EAST 0605. 730 WEIDLER. NEW and mod. 5-rm. upper flat, very conveniently located on west siue; no children; references required. 606 .Kearney. MODERN 5-rm, upper flat, gas range. wa'er neater and water rum.; adults; near Wms. and Russell st. 540 Ganten-b-i'n ave. E. 5042. HOLLADAY ADDITION 5-room mod ern lower fiat, furnace, gas range, linoleum; walking distance. 264 East 2d st. N., corner Multnomah. BEAUTIFUL strictly . modern 5-room f.&t, hardwood floors, f.replace, fur nace, all built-lns. S01 East Yamhill at. :':t ztrer-arivP r Company. 6-RoOM FLAT First floor; walking distance; nice view, fireplace, furnace; $37.50. 389 16th St., south of Mont gomery. TWO-ROOM modern flats, 1 block from atr, aowntown district, furnace, fire place, all newly renovated, $35 each. om cnam. of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 4028. 6-ROOM flat in fine condition; furnace. nreplace, gaa range, linoleum in kitch en; west side, 15 min.; rent $35. Strong & Co., fiotj Chamber of Commerce. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Three large outside rooms, light, heat, water and phone, $25 per month. 770 Kearney St., bet. 23d and 24th. TWO single housekeeping- rooms, fur nished; newly tinted, light, gas, phone, furiiace heat; $12 and $15. 554 East Madison st.. corner 13th. $2; UPPER 4-room flat in nHvn to residence; Hawthorne district; adults only. Tuber !30. ROOM unfurnished lower flat, ex cellent appearance; near dental col lege. E-asi 2iity. FLAT Unfurnished, 4. rooms and bath. near Jefferson high school. 1035 Rod ney ave. Phone Walnut 7122. MODERN 5-rooin flat. 006 Madison St., urepiace, runiace. gas range in kiLchen. -wt-izstT-far iter com nan v. 3 ROOMS, modern, with bath, 23, at -i m o.. illLUl lliiltlUIl, can Al- MODERN 6-room lower fiat on west r ".'"s ui-iiiul-c , .u. ivir. Kan kin Ftiiwv (!7:i 4-ROOM flat with or without furniture. joi urauu ave. ji.asi UNFURNISHED flat. 3 rooms. bath. porcn. mo uusan, near 22d. 18TH AND ASH Very desirable 5 large rnnms iinH ll,.,, i . . , un.Miij,, hi t-jjiitue, iurnace, clean nnH froch .v.;.. MODERN 5-room flat in Overlook addi- ..-u vra i.u.ifiMew ave. o. Metz- ffPr.Purloi. N?iW,L1J I,UILT. modern 5:nn. ui;per wc . i iiiiicuiii, pmisnea noors and garage. 704 V!. Belmont. E. CA:. lumislifd fiats. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Jfii Real cozy, modern flat. You'll like it; has everything. Kiwi Hawthorne, near 36th. Phone 547-30. IRVINGTON-. on car line. 2 large rooms, amail kitchenette, completely furnish ed, on ground floor; ::.-. Includes phone, lights, water; no children; suit- xu,y iur aqima. fcjast 5 RMS. BKAUTIFULLY furnished, with piano and mahogany furniture; lower flat, ?i; no children. C. A. WAGNKH CO.. 230 STARK. uunx. now. ATTRACTIVE, nicely furnished 4-rnom Ilat, strictly modern. Dutch kitchen, buffet, cement basement, etc., Al con dition, newly decorated, adults; 33. .tnneny. rnonp East 5449. FLAT FOR RENT, furniture for sale 5 rooms of good furniture, ready to move in; must sell today, all for $43 Lo cated close in. west side. Bdwy 4Sfil - ....uitt.i, ri,fli, ewly furnished, strictly modern. 5 rooms, lurnace, fireplace; 45; walk- 9 ROOMS, completely furnished, nicely arranged for keepnig roomers or board KmgCs't' frm 1 to 8 P- 50 North 3-ROOM Hat, private bath, all oufide rooms, combination range, gas, water ant. flSO Miiwaukie st. FURNISHED. beautiful 4-room flT rverytuing new; private bath; garage L Z"at; rei""nable. US8 47th ave. u. uuiiauR'K ca WILL rent lower part of first-class home, adults, thoroughly modern, reasonable, ?al?lnJf,t."u,tance- '15 E. Burnside. FURNISITBl) and 3-room flats. 1 biVrk from Bdwy. bridge, reasonable. 344 Benton. 6-ROOM modern flat for rent, close in,' 53-8a' uylns 60me 'urniture. East FULLY furnished 4-room flat. Including water piano, phone and garbage re moval. fall East 4708. '327S"ROuJ-y modern, clean, private T,hSle Ioor to itself ! "-du'ts on.y. 4-ROOM furn. flat, rrivate bath, gas, 30"'ft- 4,31,4 Falling. Walnut 47311 P1fnrANTK UshL '"""-keeping rooms, vvlre T '5lk'n8 distance. 354 - WELL fur. upper and lower flat: rent Wffs 759 iVilli East 3-ROOM furnished flat with hot water and bath. 4741,4 Gantenbeln ave.rcor- r nerJage,-Wmiam3-ave. car, '8 OS 7-HOOM upper, pleasaht. clean. fireplace,,.tove heat, corner 5th and Harrison sts, PhoneSJS-l'(l 6-ROOM furnished flat," walking dis tancec; nice view, phone, water-v w 389 H 10th St., south of 'Monitn'm.'-8'1 FURNISHED 4-room ' flat, with' garage nVn ?Jn'S10Ii Marguerite avenue! 3 ROOMS In moaern private home: em Ployed couple, mother v and son or daughter; adults only. Walnut 1638 MODERN 3-room lower flat, neatly fur nished; walking diatance. 3rn Mill st. "?-?,;V! """dern upper Hat, with piano. " - wii-t luiiiamn ave. 7-HOOM furnished flat, an new. 561 Ev" erett st.. cor. 17th. Bdwy. 8012. 4-ROOM furnished modern, open 10 to Commercial st. Atwater 2812. 6-RC-OM furnished lower flat, J40 Apt p.- IS: Chapman st. Atwater 0402 4 ROOMS and bath. neat, clean, walking distance, j38. Adults. East 7722 "?n??M, rurn,if.hed flat- reasonabla.' 401 10th at. Main 2480. (i Vancouver a- CISIo;r.0'hnV. lat floor- Eost 40th'; ' " inra, -jannr po.Tl 4-ROOM flat STr rent and sleen n porch. Bermont 8t Tab B9-nnfR?nld0ra; walkin distance! NICELY fur. 6-rm. fiat, sip. porch Diana fireplace. Nob Hill. At Water 'a5Si ' nouwkepplng Room. 2-ROOM apt., everything furnished, rent reasonable. 367 10th st.f between Mill ONE CLKAN H. K. rm.. week; closi m. 50 Kverett. Bdry. 8201. 2" NTCELT fur. H. K. rooms at "30 v TZth at. Bdwy. LAROJE, clean, well furnished h k room" also garagp. fif3 K. Madison 'st. CLEAN, Bing-ie housekeeping- roo7ns $'5 a month. 482 Second st Atwater '44 CLEAN fur. h. k. rooms; elec. 48 E 8th st. North. ' FURNISHED housekeeping apartment wa Iking d i stance. 5 0 S yfpffe r s o n . ' H. K. ROOM for bachelor; heat, lighT gag for cooking furn. 308 12tnl CLEAN 2-room h. k. apt. 331 lUh bL FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE 1 and 2-room housekeeping apts., $21.50 per month and up; perfectly clean and comfortably furnished, close in on west side; very good furnace heat, plenty hot water, electricity and laundry privileges; employed adults only; no children. Delmonte, 167 Stout, at Morrison and 20th sts. TWO 2-ROOM, one with private bath, wood range and gas,, electric lights, large enclosed porch, convenient, walk ing distance. 91 E. 12th. Near Stark. Sunday 2 to 4, other hours. East 4854. $1011. K. ROOM, working ma or woman, third floor, 1 in basement, $8; warm, everything handy; Nob .Hill. 530 Davis, 2 blocks off Wash., near 30th street. CLEAN, cosy, 2 and 3-room suites, $10 $16; single h. k. rooms, $5 to $10; quiet house, dandy lobby, free bath; bachelors or couples. The Vaughn, N. liHh and Vaughn. SINGLE H. K. rooms, steam heat, gaa lights, hot and cod water furnished, clean and" respectable, $3 up. Hen dricks apts., 15th and Flanders. TWO WARM, light front h. k. rooms, well turnished; also 1 sleeping room; iovely neighborhood, close in; reason aole. Bdwy. 4205. 629 Everett. VERY comfortable 2-room H. K. base ment apt.; everything furnished com plete, $16. Call Sunday oaiy. 507 Clay. i LARGE 2-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APT. $3 WEEK; HEATED; CONVENIENT TO BATH, PHONE, ETC. 624 FLANDERS ST., NEAR 10TH. SNAPPY, clean furnished h. k. rooms, everything new and everything fur nished. Good yard for car. 302 Tilla mook, near Wiai.nv-s aye. NICE, light housekeeping room for bachelor. $10 per month ; 1 sleeping room, $1.50 per week. 163 16th Bt. Main 4i;3. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, hot and cold water, gas piate for light house keeping; very homey; - cheap. 415 East Couch. FINE FOR BACHELOR. Large, light, clean housekeeping room, $1.75 week; warm. 64 FLANDERS ST., NEAR 1PTH. ONE and two steam heated h. k. rooms, gas and light furnished; reasonable. 423 Pacific st., near dental and chiro- pra ctic schools. NICELY furnished 2-room h. k. apt., $22, including light, heat and phone. 275 N. Ist. THREE outside furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, $25. dutt Mill st. Atwater 21T2. THE BEAVER J 2th and Marshall Fur nished h, k. rooms, $15 up, including -iv 1 , c' insula, mmimj :uui LARGE room with kitchenette hot and cold water, furnace. 4iH Taylor. Main 2121. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th., near , Wash. Best h, k. rooms tor the money; sit-am heat. 5 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, no objection to one child, $20 per month. A. M., 5003 58th St. S. E. NICE, clean, H. K. rooms, single or in euite, close !n; good conveniences, rea sonable. 495 Davis st. 1 LARGE, weil furnished H. K. room, clean, comfortable. Bdwy. 4046. t31 Hovt. cor. 20th. 3 ROOMS furnished, water, electricity, for anyone who likes view and don't mind hiiia; $15. Atwater 2683. 51G-SFLENDID 2-room suite, "furnish your own bedding, ' 040 CorbeU st. Main 8!t40. ROOM arid kitchenette, $4.50 a week; single, $2.50. 327 3d st.t opposite auditorium. : COZY 2 ROOMS, H. K., VERY CLEAN, 2 PORCHES, 3D FLOOR. NO CHJL D REN. 54 N. 1 OTH. NEAR WA S H. TWO nice large convenient housekeeping rooms. 434 East 7th st. Phone East 1301. NEAT and clean h. k. rooms, lights, wa ter, heat, bath and phone free; easy walking distance. 340 College st. TWO FURNISHED H.K. rooms, private bath; private family. 63 E. 19th st. N., corner Davis. CLEAN 2-room housekeeping apartment, 1 single, furnished heat, walking dis ta"Ce H66 Johnson st. Bdwy. 8236. CLEAN housekeeping and sleeping rooms; right downtown; reasonable. S3 Park st. " LARGE, warm room and kitchenette, first floor; single rooms, $12 to $15 monthly. 655 Flanders st. FURNISHED housekeeping room, rea sonable; everything furnished. 215 W. Park at. ONE SUNNY H. K. room, suitable for girl or woman alone, $12.50. Bdwy. 4046. 631 Hoyt. H. K, ROOMS, newly furnished tiingle or en suite, $2.50 per week up. Alain 3502. ONE EXTRA large, clean, warm H. K. room, on first floor, close in. Roycrest apts., 175 12th St.. cor. Yamhill. H. K. rooms hot and cold water, heat, reasonable rent, adults only. 341 Har rison, corner Broadway. NICE attic, elec. lights, place for stove, can be ueed for h. k. rooms or for stor- ase. 323-90. 2 OR 3 h. k. roms. 141 lltji. By month only. Op. new Elks temple. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms. Main st. 475 1 AND 2 rooms, $2.50 to $4.50 a week. Walking distance. 573 3d st. TWO front housekeeping rooms, stove heat. ISO 17th St., cor. Yamhill. TWO CLEAN, weli furn. H. K. rms., $25. 10 East 10th st. East 2796. lEVLJi APTS.. 208 Wash. st. H. K. rms.. single and double, 2 75 pp. STKAM -HEATED h k. rooms, h. and c water, $3 to $7 week. 147 13th st. FUR. MOD. h. k. rms., also double sleep ing rms. Bdwy. 7330. 575 Everett St. 2 FURN. h. k. rms.. newly decorated. 320 4th st. Aut. 520-23. 3 H. K. ROOMS, ground floor, sink, fange; accommodate 4. 325 W. Bdwy. CLOSE in, 2 largo h. k. rooms. 10 TS. 6th N., cor. Rurr.side. UNFURNISHED H.- K. rooms, very pleasant. 631 Hoyt. Bdwy. 4046. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat. Call Walnut 1035. LARGE, comfortable, single, close in, $3.50 week. 108 13th and Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO housekeeping rooms in private residence; walking distance. Phone East 279. TWO FURNISHED front h. k. rooms, garage ..f wanted, $25; adults. 4?6 East Oak. TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms, newly decorated; children not barred. Wal nut 352. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms. $4 per week or $15 per month. 680 Savier st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms (ground floor), gas, bath, $17. 692 Front. 4 UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms with bath; no children. 560 E. Morrison. E. 1663. SINGLE housekeeping room; 1 electric lights, running water, free gas; $2-50 per. 210 Mill St. SMALL H. if. room, $4.25 a week;-heat, hot water, electric lights included. 254 win street. 3-ROOM nice light apartment, reason able. eoo lourman et., near 25th, west side. LOVdLY apt. for 3 or 4 people employed, sleeping porch, fireplace, walking dis 61 North 18th st. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping rooan with kitchenette, walking distance. East 3Qi4. ISO E. 14th. IRVINGTON, $40; 3-r. corner apt.; all outside rooms; heat, light, water. Bdwy. car. E. 82 5 9 . WANTED Nice couple to share home with owner; heat, light, gas and phone furnished. Woodlawu 19t7. COZY furnished h. k. room, walking dis tance, couple working preferred. 680 Lovejoy. co r ner 2 1st. TWO NICE, clean, light rooms; electric ngnts, water. Data and phone; adults only 1 mi k. ttn st. jn. Kast 7H1 LARGE, airy H. K. room, everything new and clean, suitable for couple or two gins empioyeq. iioyt. 1 ROOM, breakfast Jiook and kitchenette, furnace heat, light, water; close in; nochi 1 d r e n. E ast 753 1 . TWO Housekeeping rooms with private $1U TWO clean furnished H. K. rooms 3 ROuMS, partiy furished, Dutch kitch en, yinnic iiuttiac. 000 (jrauu, ave. 2i, LARGE, single h. K. rm., furnace heat close in, $5 a week. 331 W. Park. NOB HILL 2 front warm, comfortable H K. rooms. 710 Lovejoy. f 16 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, whole, second f?oor. Call 320 Salmon H. K. ROOMS, walk. dist. 275 "Williams ave. E. 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. TWO LARGE, pleasant h. k, rooms, near dental college. E. 4962.' 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable. 733 Savier at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very reajwnable: come and jsee. 350 Clay st. THREE H. K. rooms on ground floor, electricity and gas. 165 Ivy st ree t. TWO LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms; adults. 1470 E. Olisan. $25 MT. TABOR, 3 furnished house keeping rooms. CaUTabor 0770. $35 3 FURNISHED rooms, 425 E77th st.; adults only. I LARGE front room, furnished, with kitchen. 360 Pacific. 2 H. K. ROOMS, furnished; light, heat bath, phone, garage. 711 , Ankeny! FOR KENT. Housekeeping Kooms n Private Family. WEST SIDE Half block from car line, 3 blocks to Couch school, nice warm, newly furnished h. k. room; clothes closet and kitchenette, furnace heat, electric lights and phone free. Plenty hot water. 571 Glisan st. TWO ROOMS, completely furnished, $25.50, including light, heat and phone. Suitable for two women employed, or married couple; references. 214 East 33d. Tabor 6875 . NOB HILL 2 clean rooms and kitchen ette, heat, light, bath, accommodate 3 adults, $35. Phone Bdwy. 0224.' 624 Northrup, near 20th. TVO ROOMS, downstairs, newly furn., heat and lignt; also 1 room and kitch- enette; Irvington car line. B ine loca tion East 1477. LARGE light sleeping room, $20 month. Nice 2-room apartment, $32 month or $7.50 week. Walking distance. 195 21 su and Taylor sts. 4-ROOM apartment, clean; gas, lights, . heat, phone free; 1 block from Wash- iiigton st.; walking distance. 65 N. 22d st. Main 6036, 3 SMALL -rooms, light and airy, nicely furnished for housekeeping, suitable for 2 or- 3 adults; walking distance. 424 Third st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern, private family. Call Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. East 5327; 505 Rodney ave. COMFORTABLE H. K. apt. in private home for couple employed, walking distance, garage. References. 442 Hoi 1 aday. East 0226. 3 LOVELY h. k. rooms, 15 minutes out. Brooklyn car, $25, including light and water. No children. 610 E. 6th S. Sellwood 1102. IRVINGTON- 3 large h. k. rooms, newly papered and painted, piano and con veniences; rent reasonable. Phone E. 4 SOS. 2 OR 3 LIGHT, cheerful h. k. rooms in attractive home for 1 or 2 adults; fine location; best car service. 100 E. 30th. Tabor 5501. " SUNNYSIDB On cariine. 2 nicely fur nished, h, k. rooma, modern home, fur nace heat, phone; adults. 1075 Belmont. NEWLY furnished h. k: and Sleeping rooms; clean, and attractive; choice location. 409 Salmon st. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, furnace heat, fireplace, all conveniences, walk ing distance. 145 E. 12th. East 8860. 1 AND 2 housekeeping rooms. $16 and $22 a month; gas, light, phone and fuei 271 North 21st Bt. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms and. sleeping room, close in, reasonable rent. 200 'fr Broadway. 10 WEST CHURCH ST., 5 H. K. rooms, bnth. $14. East 6667. Houses. GOOD six-room brick house ; two acres, all under cultivation; on hard surface Euck.ey ave. near cariine; electric lights, gas, garage. Will sell at bar gam or rent, $25. Tabor 2934. ALAMEDA PARK Modern bungalow, 6 large rooms, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, sleeping porch, mirrored doors, srage, lease for one year. 900 E. 27th N. 11 E. 12TH ST. Six fine rooms; walk ing distance, Burnside bridge ; $30 Donald Woodward, 102 2d st. Broad way 7439. 535 E. 47TH ST. N. Seven-room mod ern home, corner lot, nice lawn, fine steel range; $40. Donald Woodward, 102 2d st. Broadway 7436. $50 MODERN 6-room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace and built-ins; good district. Ta bor 4 0o2. - BEAUTIFUL modern residence, S rooms, 658 Irving st., between 20th and 21st. For lease to Reliable party. Inquire Mrs. Thebaud, Alexander Cowt. HOUSE for rent, 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; one-half acre of" ground, ! with lots of fruit and berries. Add. 733 DM well FOR RENT 5-room house and garage on paved 82d st and 67th ave. Six blocks to car. $21. Water paid. Phone Auto. 614-32. 5-ROOM, modern house, 3 lots, paved street, wood in basement, double ga rage. $30 per month. H. Mendenhall, 150 Firs t st., Tourist ho t 1. FOR RENT 5-room cottage with bath. 917 Michigan ave. Call at VV.t Michi gan ave. aiter 4 o'ciock. $15.60 per month. 532 DAVIS, NEAR WASH., 6-R. MOD ERN, CLEAN HOUSE, FURNACE. ' FIREPLACE, SLP. PORCHES, Al CONDITION. 506 STEPHENS ST. Four-room cottage; this is walking distance ,to Madison bridge; $15. Donald Woodward, 102 2d st. Broadway 7436. $35 6-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, pipe leps furnace, nice lawn, no garage, just off Ains worth ave. on 7th. Sell woqd 1133. IRVINGTON HOME, non-resident owner, at 590 E. 15th N., to sell or lease todwy; best offer accepted; will be at house 2:30 to 4:30. $ 4 0 I R V ING TON 6-r. modern, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. 505 Weid- ier st. 5-ROOM bungalow, partly furnished, 1 block tp car and store; adults only. Key 4506 Woodstock ave. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $25. 255 E. 71st N., Montavilla car. House open Sunday. 12 to 4 P. M. 6-RM. COTTAGE for rent, $20. 621 E. 13th and Kelly sts. Phone Oak Grove 113-J. . 251 E. 31ST ST., near Hawthorne ave. Seven-room modern house, $35. Donald Woodward . 10 2 2d s t. Broad wa yJ7 43 6. 208 E. 4!)TH ST.. Hawthorne district. Seven-room modern home, $50. Donald Woodward, 102 2d st. Broadway 7436. 369 E. 52D ST. N. Absolutely modern 5-room bungalow, $43. Donald Wood : ward, 102 2d st. Broadway 7436. m 521 SKIDMORE ST. Five -room bunga low; furnace, corner lot; $30. Donald Woodward. 102 2d st. Broadway 7436. $25 6-ROOM house, 4 rooms down, 2 up, garage, block off Stark, 57th. 1515 E. Onk. Call after 12. FOR RENT Modern unfurnished 8 room house. 286 E. 6th st. N. Phone East 03S4. 5-ROOM HOUSE Good order; new lino leum; $32.50; garage $6. 642 E. Sal mon st. IRVINGTON model bungalow, 7 rooms, 2 baths, artistic finish; adults; refer ences. Call owner. Atwater 2620. MODERN 6-room house, on paved street, just papered and painted, furnace and garage, $37.50. Call Tabor 7781.- 5-ROOM cottage, $12.50. 566 N. 23d st., near Nicolai. Inquire 307 Railway Ex- change bldg. MODERN 5-room cottage, will be vacant December 1. Can be seen anytime; no children. Walnut 5701. 5-ROOM bungalow 1 block from end of Alberta cariine, $35. Key next door. Broadway 5190. FOR RENT 7-roftm house. 972 Belmont st., newly painted and tinted, $40 per mo Pho-ie Tabor 1009 MODERN 6-room house, furnace, t fire place, yard. 060 Vancouver- ave., $40. Walnut 0196, 4-ROOM bungalow, $25 a month. Includ ing telephone. Auto. 617-00. 5422 37th ave. 3. E. $3o MODERN G-room house, clean and pleasant; with garage, 407 Beech st. East 69S0. 6-ROOM bouse with furnace. 449 East Lincoln, corner 8th St., $30. Auto mat ic 321-34. ' . $30 5-ROOM modern cottage, 2 blocks to Woodlawn car. Wood in. After 10 A. M., Walnut 6237. 683 Liberty st. 7-ROOM htfuse, all city conveniences. Cap ital Hill, close to 2 schools, 2 biks. from train. Main 8458. 9-ROOM house at 644 Albina. suitable for 1 or 2 families. Inquire 655 Borth- wick st NEW" 7-ROOM horn?, now vacant, 72d st. S. lease with o-ntion of pur- chase. 411 Chamber Commerce. 5-ROOM bungalow. Key at grocery store corner 52d and Woodstock ave. Rent $25. 6-RM. cottage for rent, $20. 621 E. 13th and Kelly sts. Phone Oak Grove 113-J. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house near Freemont. E. 30th N. Call East 2640. 4-ROOM house for rent. 614-81. Automatic TRANSFERRING at all times; lowest rates In Portland. Sellwood 3164. FOR RENT Modern S-room bouse. 11th E. Stark. Phone owner. East 2704. NICE suburban home for rent or lease. reasonable, fnone trf4-ri. 5-ROOM cottage. . 566 Mill st. $20, in ducting water. 6 ROOMS, garage, fruit trees. 1378 E: Glisan st., 40th. OPEN 1 to 5 Duplex 5-room. rent rea sonable. 378 S. 54th. Tabor 3970 MODERN 6-room house, walking dis tance. 53 E. 7th, near Oak. FOR RENT 5-room house with garage. 916 E. Yamhill. FOR RENT, 5-room house, 48th st ami 63d avenue S. E., $15. 4727 63d ave. MODERN 6-room house for sent. 971 E. 31st st. N. -ROOM house, good condition, conveni- ent distance to town. Inq. 541 Clay st. 8-ROOM house, strictly modern, wal&tng distance. Phone East 0480. SEVEN rooms, modeVn. $35. 829 E 11th street South. 2-4 P. M. Inquire at door. FIVE rooms, unfurnished, private bath $30. 422 Second. 8-KOC-M house fr rent cheap. East 5-099 evenings. - NEW 5-room house, nook, hardwood iuio, iiicjjiuvc, O 1 -TfO MODERN bungalow: gas furna.: M, T. car line, lot E, 69th it, FOR RENT. Houses. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Large 7-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms on first flodt, 2 up; hardwood floors throughout on first floor, ideal fireplace, full ce ment basement with efficient furnace and automatic gas heater ; grounds 100x100 with wonderful shrubbery and . fruit; garage, too; located 1190 Knott street, corner 41st street. Will lease for year, rental $7fi. "A. G. Teepe Co., agents, Sandy at 40th street. Phone Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9566. FOR RENT New 6-rm bun galow at 610 East 48th at. N.. $50 per month. Will give lease. HILLER BROS., 211 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 3626. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Magnificent home, 8 rooms, new, modern, garage, etc.; 1 or 2 years' lease, $li50 per month. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Estab. 188. 203 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. MOV3 THE SECURITY WAY. Extraordinary Service For the Ordinary Price. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS. CO.. 4tlj at Pine st., opp. Multnomah Hotels - ' Phone Bdwy. 3715. - . 7-ROOM house, 807 Cleveland; gas, elec tricity, large bathroom, excellent neighborhood, paved street, near Will- lams-ave. car., $25. Will not rent to family with children,' chickens or dogs. Open Sunday only. Key at 801 Cleve- land. Tel. Walnut 1576. ROOM bungalow with garage for rent, $35 per month. We also have a fur nished house and other unfurnished houses for rent OTTO & HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 0389. A HOME for rent, 15 East 72d st. No objection to good children; largo grounds; three minutes to good erado school; modern in everything; 7 rooms and two sleeping porches with dress. ng rooms. For information call owner, Bdwy. 1590. ONLY $20.00 PER MONTH. , 5-room bungalow, water, gas and electricity, with use of 7 acres of land; on )2d st. and city boundary. MAC 1NNES. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Bd. of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 6 rooms, garage, Treplaee, built-ins, new fur nace, one biock from car. $55 rent; only those furnishing good references need apply. Call at 420 E. 45th N. after 10 o'clock or phone W alnut 2.897. DESIRE permanent tenant for 4-room modern house, garage, 1 acre ground, 40 fruit trees, good place for cow or chickens ; close to Bchool ; 2 block to car, on macadamized street.' Sell wood 3121. WANT loaJ of freight or household goods (4 or 5 rooms) to Olympia, Tacoma or Sea-ttle. about Nov. . 12-15: price ap pro. $00. A d d r e s s Co-operative Trucking Co., J13 9th ave. N., Seattle. FOR RENT, near Multnomah," 5 acres with house and Barn; $25 per month. Modern 5-room house, furnished, with one acre; $25. For particulars Call Main 6039. . 4-ROOM, brand-new bungalow; 2 bed rooms; $30; will lease; No. 1721 Minne sota ave., corner Kilpatrick, Kenton, Key at 318 Board of Trade bldg. Tel ephone Broadway 7-1 u2. . 7-RM. DWELLING, near end of Irving toi, car line; furnace, bath, two lav atories, t tc. ; good condition; $47.50. Ur.ion Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Bdwy. fi;'43. 2-84 Oak Pt WOODSTOCK 9-room house, fireplace, electricity, bath, garage; large grounds. Suitable for large family; will lease, reasonable rent. Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 Fourth st. 6-ROOM house, good condition, modern, one block from car. 1034 Cleveland avenue. See V. A. Billion, 7th floor Meier & Frank Co., stove, depart ment. NEARTOswego lake, will lease for year, 4-room cottage i water and lights, acre ground, some fruit, $15 per month. Call for Alien, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark stf. IRVINGTON High-class home of seven rooms; sleeping porch; every conven ience, hd. floors, white enamel; can be seen today or Mon. 430 E. 26th st. N. 8-ROOM house, southwest corner of Ev erett and Trinity placL west side. Call at 509 Gerlinger bldTTbet. 12 and". 1 o'clock. Thos. Meienberg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, fuel in base ment; lights, gas and water connect ed. Tabor 0605. DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, iwmg room, din im; room, D. kitchen, hdw. floors, fire place and furnace, 'all new ; adults. Wal. 6944. 823 Haight ave. MODERN 5-room house. 368 Stephens st. Four blocks south of Hawthorne ave., near Union ave. Rent $20. Walking distance. MOD. BUNGALOW. 5 rms. and break fast room; linoleum and gas range in "kitchen; gas furnace. 850 Franklin, bet. 26th and 2Sth E. Sell. 4094, FOR RENT. 6-room house and garage. 312 Sher man street, west side. Phone Main rsio. Sunday, Oak Grove 176-W. FOR RENT 4 rooms, bath, pared at. No. 200 Boundary. Fulton car. RALPH HARRIS CO., 316 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at Tenth Street. 8-ROOM modern house, lovely porch, newly tinted artd painted. 66th st. and Foster Road. For particulars call Main 9121. fl-ROOM house with "sleeping porch, nswly renovated throughout, on 47th and East SalmonstuMain4668J FOR SENT or lease, modern 5-rm. house with slpw porch and garage. 6219 70tn S. E. Auto. 610-39. 4 OR 5 ROOMS. FURNITURE MOVED ANY PART OF CITY, $10. PHONE ATWATFR 3347 CUT RATES ON FURNITURE MOVING. FIREPROOF STOR. 16 DAYS FREE. LGNG DIST., HAULING. BDWY. 24,45. COTTAGE for rent on East 33d St.; carpenter work accepted as part pay ment. E, W. Hatch, route 5, Portland. 5 LARGE room house; garage; paved St.: one block to Kenton car. 165 W. Watts 5- ROOM house with garage, for rent. 154 East 28th st. N., $65. Call Tabor 1719. 6- ROOM modern house, $35 ; near Jef ferson high. 1189 East 0th st. N. Tabor 6802. SOUTH PORTLAND Owner on prem ises, 7-room mod. house and garage; just completed. 1273 Kelly st. Rent $45. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans fer Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-distance hauling a specialty. O- & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5121. ROOMS, 311 E. 60th St., all conven iences, lovely grounds. See Metzger Parker Company. GENERAL and long distance hauling. Sell. 1132, 1305 E. 19th S. Westmore land. 8-ROOM modern bungalow in Laurel hurat. 1169 E, Pine st., Metzger-Parker Company. MODERN C-room houe at 1936 E. Stark, bet. 2 good schools and 2 carlines. Owner leaving city. 4-RCOM house, bath, gaa. electric, $21 p'.r month including water, garbage. 364 Nortn 19th St. 6-ROOM cottage and garage, one block north of Alberta car, $35. Inquire 1082 24th st. N. Walnut 5209. " -ROOM house, 557 Gideon St., $35. Bdwy. 5576. 3-ROOM -houi-e, electric light, water and gas. 443 E. 43d st. Tabor 7639. 6-ROOM house for rent. Call Tabor 8662. 319 E. 37th St. FOR RENT 4 rooms, 434 Rodney ave, close in, adults only, $20. 6-ROOM BUNGA-LOW, 4812 60th st. S E. $25. Call at 1269 E.s Yamhill st. 6 ROOMS, modem, clean, close 111; adults only. East 1390. 381 Grand ave. S. 8-ROOM modern house, garage. -JS30 E. 32d N. Alameda. Call Walnut 0798. 872 VICTOR I A ST. 6 rooms, modern, close in. East 9405. MCDEDN bungalow, seven rooms, ga rage, Irvington, close in. Atwater 4239. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mc Guire. Abington bldg. MODERN, clean 6-room houso, oak firs., 3 bedrooms. Tabor 4679. $42.50 6-RM. mod. house, furnace, fire place. si. porch: key at 54 N. 16th. 5 ROOMS, ' modern, with garage, $35. 7327 45th ave. Tabor 5476. 6 ROOMS, modern, $40. 672 E. Stark st. Phone East 0318. 6-RM. MODERN house, near Franklin high. E. 8022. 5-ROOM house, bath, gas stove, rent - 7 00. .63 -Kirpy Bt. 6-ROOM house, large rooms; modern; $30. Walnut 6320. 5"-ROOM house. East Salmon and 16th, $13. watjr included1 207 McKay bldg FOUR fine furnished rooms, all modern. 481 C hapman street, Portland Heigh t s. MODERN 6-room house, no furnace. 343 rargo street. - 1 5-ROOM house and bath. 830 Williams ave. Phone Atwater 4420. j FOR RENT 1 acre, large- house, plenty iruu; d DJocat 10 car. c J, oregonlan, FOR RENT. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. 6 rooms, 792 Clackamas t... 8 rooms, 847 E. 7th North-.... 8 rooms, 733 Johnson st 7 -rooms, 669 East Washington.. FLATS FOR RENT. 5 rooms, 465H Bast 12th N... 6 rooms, 715 First st 6 rooms, 713 First st 3 rooms, 223 Dixon st FARRII, WATKINS & CO 1 252 Stark St ,$50 . 20 20 . 40 8-ROOM bungalow, all modem; has sleeping porch, fine lurnace, linoleum, shades, fireplace, big porches f.ruit. In fine district. Two blocks from car and close to school. See it Sunday at 6H8 E. 43d st. K; Later call Aut. 643-72. MODERN 8-room house, newly decorated, furnace, wash trays, hwd. floors, large garage, 127 E. 32d St. Could be uaed by 2 families. Modern 7-room house, nice and clean, wash travs, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. 4012 E. 47th st. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. . SIX NICE rooms, besides two in fin ished attic; living and dining rpom, hardwood; garage; house and grounds In good condition; full cement base ment; 11th st.. Irvington, three blocks to Irvington school. Rent ?65 per month. Call Tabor 0178. FOR RENT A good large 6-room house, newly painted and kaisomined; now vacant; $30; agent will take one room If agreeable and allow $5 to $10, ac cording to room and care. Inquire of Judge, 85 iOth See house, 48$ Lex ing t onave., or P hone Se ll. 3322. $50 RENTS 8-room house, thoroughly modern, sun rm, sleeping porch, den, billiard room and pool table, hot water inrnace: lot 100x125, with nice lawn, shrubbery and fruit, garage, 2 blocks from car. Auto PORTLAND HEIGHTS partly furnished house, modern, bath, city water elec tricity, fine view of mountains and val ley; large garden, fruit and berries; near car line and municipal golf links. References. Main 5041. , WEST SIDE. Eight rooms, 4 bedrooms, furnace heat; walking distance; Al condition; will be vacant Thursday; will give lease. Broadway 2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS partly furnished house, modern, bath, city water, elec tricity, fine view of mountains and val ley; large garden, fruit and berries: near car line and municipal golf links; references: Main 5041. ; BEAUTIFUL 9-room house, 601 Arden road 2 fireplaces, furnace and 4 lovely bedrooms, -with sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout. METZGER-PARKER CO. ijroaaway ojjo. FOR SALE or rent, modern 7-room bun galow, 1 1 reyiauvi 1 " i.&t, " . ment basement. 2 blocks to Rose City car for sale at $5500, or rent at $ per month. Call Sunday, 403 E. 49th Norm FOR RECN'T 6-room house with large enclosed steeping porch, all modern Improvements,, nk neighborhood, cen tral location, fine condition. see owner 74g E. uuragaae st- FOR RENT Duplex house. Just being completed, Ladd's add.; garage, elec tric range, everything modern ; rea sonable. 3G8 E. 12th st. Phone East 3084 $00 ROSE CITY PARK; 5-room lower Call Rose' City Park branch oft ice, 45th and Sandy blvd. J. L. HART- MAN COM PAN 7 ROOMS, basement, good neighborhood. 861 Front. Atwater 4440. . Furnisher Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. -Five-room bungalow, breakfast nook, attic, garage, strictly modern and com pletely furnished, player piano, etc.; will lease to right party. Broadway 2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg". FOR RENT $65 month; modern 8-room nouse; oeauiuui cumc - - . east side residence district; new-y painted inside and out; good furnace, fireplace; built-ins; Dutch tkltchen, 4 bedrooms; references required. Inquire - Furnished house, 12 rooms. 161 14tn fit., corner MorrLon. $150 per mo.; will lease for year or two; references. See ladv on premises or Ballis. "WAKEFIELD. FRIES &. CO. H.i -un si. IN ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful-lv furnished 6-room bunga low all modern convenience. dw. floors, shower bath, 3 bedrooms, elec trie washers'; will rent for 1 or z months. $SQ. Auto. 310-10. BEAUTIFUL home in Rose City Park, mahogany walnut and ivory furniture, Wilton velvet rugs, floor lamps. Call Sunday after 10 A M. Phono Tabor $40 6-ROOM residence. No. 1294 E. 2Sth t N near Ainsworth ave. 3 bedrooms, piano. F. V. Andrews & Co., 603-604 .fiatt mag, al. w.q. TO LEASE 5 large rooms and bath, modern, beautiful tapestry paper hroughout; furniture for sale, $30. MODERN 6-room Dutch colonial home; old ivory finish, oriental rugs; garage for two cars. 457 E. 20th N. Phone East i-ROOM house nicely furnished with piano, garage, suitable for renting rooms; reasonable rent. 661 Washing- ion si WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 6-room at tractively furnished home; lease to adults, $75. Atwater 3913 or Broad way 6952. FOR RENT Two-room furnished house and garage, $15 a month. 143 E. 81st St. N FURNISHED 5-room house, bath, base ment, garage. 666 Linn ave., Sellwood 3714. MODERN 5-room furnished bungalow, $35 per month. Phone Tabor 2850, be tween 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. 7-ROOM furnished house, fireplace, fur nace and piano, garage; $50 per month; references. East 1066. TO RENT or lease, 5-room modern house, completely furnished. 1084 E. 15th N. Alberta cariine 1 blk N. THREE-ROOM house. $15 per month; on cariine; clean and, cozy. Call Walnut 5393. , ATTRACTIVE honve of 6 or 9 rooms. Phone E. 4610 Sunday, week days by 10 A. M. COZY furnished 2-room cottage, $14; M-V depot car to 82d st. N., to Hol ladav. East to 2103 Holladay ave. 7-ROOM nioely furnished house. Will accommodate 2 families, garage, $65 a month. 412 Marguerite ave. IRVINGTON 8-rom house, completely furnished, responsible party. Call East 3003. BASEMENT sleeping room, only $8 per month; ciose In. 428 Columbia st., near 11th. Atwater 2277. . 4-ROOM furnished house or 3 housekeep ing rooms for rent; references. 1225 Montana ave. 5-ROOM house completely furnished. Call at 848 Sumner, 1 block from Al berta car. . ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room bunga low, with garage, $35 per month, 222 Couch street. MODERN 4-room fur. house with piano, 1154. Raymond, cor. 50th ave. S. E. Automatic 630-68. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, Just refin ished, 1 block from car. References exchangee, igia iay st. FIRST flodr of private home, partly fur niehed, adults only. Sell. 0590. 1193 Cora ave., near E. 39th' st. 7-ROOM house, partly furnished, $40. 4419 44th et. S. E. Call Woodlawn 5194v for details. - - 9-RCOM Dungalow in In-gion. hard wood floors, ivory finish; rent $100. 0713- forenoons. 4 ROOMS, modern conveniences, good suburban location, $20. Main 6500. Local 87. " 5-RuC M iur., mod. home, hardwood floors, fireplace, $60 month including h-at and phone. 765 Flanders. E. 1991 $25 5-ROOM furnished house, 746 4th, bet. Porter and Woods. N. S. car to Hooker. FURNISHED 4-room house, close,. $30.60. Phone Automatic 643-61. 5-ROOM furn., for rent, adults. 1028 E. Tabor 0743. 4 OR 5-ROOM well furnished house, Kenton district. AN 71, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM modern furnished house $50 a month 708 E. Anfteny. . COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house. 3 bedrooms, furnace. Tabor 4679. MODERN bungalow, 3 bedrooms; high and sightly. Sellwood 0484. ElGBT-room house, 2 baths, furnace; for 2 families, $40. 695 E Wash. ROOMING house, partly furnished. Call on premises, 267 11th street. FURNISHED 5-room modern house. 1215 Wilbur st., cor. jessup. 5-ROOM house, nicely furnished, garage, $47; adults. Inquire 665 E. Morrison. 3 ROOM furnished house, 2 acres, barn. Davenport, chickens for sale.. T. 3952. 3-ROOM furnished house for rent, $20 per month. Phone Auto. 628-30. 4-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for sale. Call East 9066. EIGHT-ROOM furnished house; hot wa ter heau Call East 2590. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. f HAWTHORNE. 8-room, elegantly furnished. Includ ing piano; garage, etc; 6 months' to a year's lease, $73 per month. Phone Bdwy 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Estab. 1S8. 208 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. $45. 10R9 HAWTHORNE A VIC. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Real cozy, modern home. You'll surely like Jt. Has everything. AUTO. 547-50. FOR RENT, 5-room house, 4Sth st. and residence of six rooms with bath, liv ing room and dining room and kitchen on first floor and three light, airy bedrooms on second. This will make a comfortable and permanent home. Take Rose City car to .E, 20th and walk two short blocks to E. Davis. Inquire between 11 and 2. 714 E. Davis street. IRVINGTON. Completely furnished 7-room bunga low, 1 year's leae if desired, $60 per month. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 208 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. Estab. 18S9. HAVE 5-room modern cottage in Lents, 6303 94th S. E. Has always rented for $25. furnished. Will give 1-year lease for $185, furnished or unfurn'shed. Must be advanced cash, however. See owner at 7511 65th ave. S. E. Old Folks' home. Auto 617-14. FINE HOME. Five rooms, partly furnished, mod ern, never before rented; near Jeffer son high and flouring mills; adults; references required; $40. 195 West Wygant. St. Johns car to Gay IRVINGTON $75. Completely furn. 6-room house; ex ceptionally nice furniture; all ready to move right In. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 STARK. BDWY 7150. 8 ROOMS,' modern, furnished residence, 1655 East Morrison st. ; rent $50. ' v PARRISjtJW ATKINS & CO.. 252 Stark St. WILL rent or lease my 7-room com pletely furnished home at 515 Weidler; furnace; adults; walking distance to town; 1 block to Broadway car. Call Aut. 317-78 or East 0527. PAY RENT to yourself; meet owner to day, 10:30 A. M., Oregon Electric de pot, Jefferson street; big bargain, fur nished 6-room house. acre, easy monthly payments. ATTRACTIVE modern suburban bunga low, river view, fireplace, $35. u, f New 3-room cottage, sleeping porch, $20. Phone Oak Grove 136-R. $60 MODERN 6-room and sleeping porch, h.w. firs,, fireplace and built ins; Wm. and Alary dining rm. set., overstuffed davenports, etc. Call Ta bor 4602. 7-ROOM furnished, modern home, piano, htrdwood floors; will lease to respon sible adults for 1 or more years. 173 Krt 20th st. near Belmont. S. S. or Mt. Tobor oar. PORTLAND HEIGHTS furnished 9-room house, fine view, east, west, north, for 1 year, modern. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., QIZ-LA v ucox .tfiag. 7-ROOM furnished house, 5 acres ground, outside city limits; no children; re sponsible people; will rent cheap If 3 mos.' rent paid in advance. Sellwood 1529, 4-ROOM modern furnished house, gas range, late Edison phonograph, elec tric sewing machine; if desired some fuel; rent $38.50. 6123 2d ave. Phone Auto. 626-27. FIV E rooms, partially furnished, acre ground, plenty fruit; Lents. Also house near Milwaukie. Also dairy ranch, some equipment. Phone Miiwaukie 44 Y. FOR RENT Modern, furnished 5-room bungalow, fireplace, sleeping porch. Rose City Park, $65 per month. 433 E. 42d North. Phone Tabor 49S4. CLEAN, 8-room furnished house, suit a!e 2 families; large basement, fur nace, electric lights, gas, 1 block from Celine. $50. Bdwy. 6612. IN CENTRAL E. Portland, will lease 6 room modern house, fine condition, No vember 20, rent $50 month. Adults only. P 50, Oregonian. 5-ROOM bungalow, wonderful view, iew ly furnished, excellent furnace; adults only; references. $50. 626 East 28th St. South. Rnllwood 2072. PARTLY-FURNISHED modern bunga low, garage, fruit, chicken house, hard surface street, $30. 6021 65th ave. Automatic 620-40. 7 ROOMS. E. Morrison st., near 55th. $40 a month. Immediate possession. Herman Moeller, 426 Luinbermens Dilg. WILL lease a 5-room furnished mod. house. $180. for one year. Call at 7733 64th Place, 2 blocks north of Woodmere school. HAWTHORNE diet., on 37th St.. 6-room, nicely furnished house. $50 a month; fuel included; couple working would like to rent one room. Tabor 5829. TO LEASE for term of months, fur nished modern bungalow in best west side residence district, garage, refer- ynces. iviam sunoay. 6-ROOM colonial house, sleeping porch, garage, between Knott and Stanton, on 22d, Irvington, $80. Bdwy. 7874. Collins. 6-ROOM house, nicely furnished, good location; half block Rose City car. walking distance; no children ; $45. E. 6S52. $85 8-ROOM house, furnished, In Irving ton. Phone East 5828, Sunday after noon. Monday evening and any time Tuesday. FOR RENT, well-furnished modern home, Su, pr if two children cared for part time no rent charged. Apply j. -i' t Litaimerciai aiter n t . jvi. EAST 8TH N near Mason St., a well furnished home of 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, furnace, fine garage, pleasant neigh- oornooa, reasonaoie rent. Tabor 3900. MY OWN home, completely furnished, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, with garage. 7930 58th ave. S. E. Auto matic 622-31. ROSE CITY PARK 4 furnished rooms in owner's home, all modern conven iences; 1 block R. C. P. car. 628 East 64th st. North. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow, beautifully furnished; reasonable to right couple; must give references. Tabor 2!51. 5-ROOM bungalow, clean and niceiy fur nished. 43S Kenilworth, cor. Sherman, Seilwoort 3595. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON home, fur nished, for rent until June. Apply 456 Eart 24tn St. North. TO RENT Furnished residence to good party for winter. Mt. Tabor district. Tabor 4104. 4 ROOMS, well furnished, with phone In, $35 per month. Call after 3 P. M., 847 East 12th st. N. 7 rooms of my 9-room house, exception ally well furnished; piano. 435 Pres catt COMPLETELY-FURNISHED Irvington home. 8 rooms. bIx months from No- vember 20. Phone forenoons. East 5570. MODERN house, 5 rms., furn" $40 675 E. Ankeny st. East 1038. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. 6 ROOMS, good furniture, lower flat, furnace, heat; some rooms can be rented. Price $600. Some terms if desired. Location Realty Co., 323 iPt- tock block. FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE. Modern 5-room bungalow, full ce ment basement. South Moreland. 1512 Milwaukie st. Phone Sunday and mornings. Sellwood 2504. MUST sell today, furniture of 5 rooms, mahosrany and oak. all for $47V o1or k in, west side flat for rent at $37.50. MODERN 6-room house for rent and furniture for sale; all up-to-date fur niture, very reasonable. Walking dls tance, west side. Call at 330 Jackson. NEARY new furniture of 5-room cottage; house arranged to rent two connect ing rooms-; some terms; no dealers. 408 Co U ege st. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale; good condition, reasonable for cash; flat for rent, $30. 292& E. 10th, cor. Clay. East 4929. ' 1 6-ROOM modern flat, attic and basement for rent, furniture for sale. One block from Central library. Call Atwater FURNITURE (new) 3-roora apt. for sale. v apis, in 11 u use, iease or noxise goes with furniture. East 8387. 373 E. 7th. 5-ROOM flat for rent, $2-5. and furniture for sale. 3 rooms rented for $27.50. 459 Belmont st. FOR RENT Attractive 5-room house, furniture for sale at a sacrifice. 608 Fifth st. SACRIFICE furniture of 7-room house. $200. Rent $23 a month. 695 Overton Bdwy. 3628. HOUSE for rent with income, furniture . for sale. Call 513-34 between 10 and 3, or call at 501 Market street HAVE small rooming house with garage, good furniture, $400 on terms or less for cash. Owner, 661 Washington st. HOME for rent on three to 5-year lease, and furnuure for sale. 798 E. 72d st. N. FURNITURE for sale, house, $45, near Lincoln high school. Atw. 2003. 8-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale , by owner, 14X N. 2lat. TOR RENT. Houses for Rent Furn I tore for Sate. STEAM HEATED. WALKING DISTANCE Must se'l my 6-rm. income flat, Axm, rugs IvoEy, overstuffed, wicker furni ture all rooms off hall, team heat, hoi water included In rent; no furnace to tend ; Income capacity $105; $350 duvn. small balance, easy terms. Own er Sft4 Couch, flat 5. ' NEW 4-ROOM bungalow, strictly modern, h. w floors, gas fireplace, built-ins. 2 bedrooms, all white enamel, $28, lon'g lease; complete furnishings of white ivory, oak and mahogany at leas than hair 5016 60th st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. Paved street. FURNITURE OF A CLOSE-IN 6-ROOM FLAT SUITABLE FOM ROOMERS. MUCH LESS THAN COST; KENT REASONABLE. ATWATER 108 MRS. BERRY. S-ROOM house to lease, $50 per month. Clean, modern, west side, near Lincoln high. 5 minutes' walk from business district, 5 rooms of up-to-date furni ture for sale, all in first-class condi- - tion; ?ii5P. Phone Main 0710. 7-ROOAI house, modern conveniences, close in, west side; suitable 2 families or more, for sale; will lease; furni ture for sale; In good condition; 2 ga rages. 621 6th st. Automatic 520-81. Stores and luMaeM Places. FOR RENT WAREHOUSE SPACE. 25,000 FEET FLOOR SPACE, UN LIMITED LOAD LIMIT. CEMENT BUILDING, TERMINAL TRACKAGE, SHELTERED LOADING PLATFORM. INQUIRE THE R. M. HOLLINGS HEAD CO., 19TH AND UPSHUR STS. NEAR SANDY BLVD. Across from Doernbecker Furniture Co., storage space 30x60, concrete building, concrete floors; rent reason able to right party; also suitable for auto garage and repair shop. Wi;i lease. A. B. Gustaff, 400 Henry bldg. Broadway 4975. STORES TO LEASE. Have several desirable stores in heart of central west side district; rents from $100 and up; long leases to desirable tenants. See Mr. Fulton with W. M. I md-nstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. BUTCHER SHOP FOR RENT. New building, located well, 21st and Clinton sts.; grocery now operating in one store; flats above: rent $25 a month. See Mr. Feu, the grocer, or phone Mr. McDutree, Broadway 190 FOR RENT Warehouse of 10,000 sn. ft., R. R. sidetrack. On important thoroughtare. H. N.- Burpee. 90S Wil cox bldg. ,Bdwy. 6586. , NEAR SANDY BLVD. Across from Doernbecher Furniture Co., storage space 30x60. concrete build ing, concrete floors; rent reasonable to right party; will iease. A. B. Gustaff, 400 Henry bldg. Broad way 4053. $22.50 FINE store. 18x33, 1424 Sandy blvd., cor. 52d, Rose City Park; largest and most modern dist. in city, directly across new Highway theater. Tabor 2663. FOR RENT. One-story concrete bldg., 100x100, in center of business district, suitable for garage or wholesale purposes. 714 C o uc h bldg. Bdwy. 5948. ABOUT Dec. 1 space suitable for small cigar store or jewelry store; also 2-VJ-' suare feet 2d floor, corner 3d and Alder sts. Inuire Miller Clothing Co., S. W. corner 3d and Alder sts. EXCELLENT location for drug store, grocery, confectionary end general store; big., just completed, cor. 23d and Northrup sts.; car intersection and termini's. B d w y. 4 130. FOR RENT. Store bldg. on Washington Bt., size jzix'.tb, suitable for grocery and meat market. 714 Couch bldg. Bd w y. 5 9 4 S. FOR RENT New store building, suit able for any business, with two living rooms in roar. 252 W. Lombard, In quire at 121 Monroe st. STORE space, 30x00, an excellent place for grocery store and meat market. Located in apt. house district, west side.' 323 Pittock block. Bdwy. 7532. $23 STORE. 22x60. 652 Thurman st.; excellent business location for store, shop, small factory, restaurant. Bdwy. 73. STORE 15x50, 534 Alder St., equipped for tire shop tft present time; suitable for auto specialty. Apply on premises. WAREHOUSE. FACTORY BUILDING. 24,OuO sq. ft. floor space for lease, $150 per n:o. Lewis, 262 Stark st. FOR RENT Store loom. Suxii. corner Glisan and Park. Inquire Park Hotei, 850 Glisan. BASEMENT room for rent, suitable for small business. 255 oth st. Phone Main 5237. 3 STORES, new Carlson bldg., 13th and Stark sts. Rent very reas. Inquire sir.snn printing co.. n wy. .-:n. FOR DESIRABLE .pace in fiieproof warehouse phone Broadway 3715. STORE, Washington st., $50. First St., $25. Apply Gntf Concord bldg. UNION AVE. store for rent. '$35. R. J. McGuire, 545 Union. E. 5407. $25 STORE. 18x40, E. First and Holla day; steam heat. Key next door. CLOSE-IN west side store only $20; Columbia near 3d. Main 43SS. CORNER store, suitable for grocery and butcher, good location. Tabor 1281. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD Well-lighted and heated offices, single or en suite, central office build ing in financial section of city ; low reiits. Sea Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 Second st.. corner Stark. PRIVATE office, furnished or unfur nished, with use of reception room. Lawver or broker preferred. Inquire H. S. McCutchan, 405 Henr y bldg. WILL RENT part of furnfshed office with phone, to responsible, hustling real estate solicitor; no money re quired. BJ 72, Oregonian. FOR RENT Nicely . furnished office with use of reception; room, mahogany and wicker furniture. 320 Lumbermen Bl d g DESK 'SPACE, nice suite with phone privileges; reasonable. 625 Board of .Trade. PRT.VATS lurnlshed office, also suite or sinjrle offices, reasonable rent. Stock E-hango. 3d and Yamhill. FRONT OFFICE; modern conveniences; Railway Exchange building. Apply room 312. DESK room. Northwestern bank bidg. Phone Main 1043. DESK room with telepnoue and steno graphic service. Phone Broadway 3715. $7.50 DESK space and phone, downtown office. Bdwy. 6456. East 1275. FURNISHED room, use main line phone. 433 Chamber of Commerce bidg. DESK room in modern office. 819 Spalding bldg. 1 Apply DESK space, with desk If desired. 602 Oregonian bldg. SHARE private office, total $15 month; m odern building. P. O. Box 377. DESK room for rent, 614 Henry bldg. Phone Broadway 1831. OFFICES for rent. Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. Very reasonable. Miscellaneous. FOR ' RENT 3-room houseboat, nicely furnished, $8 a month. Inquire boat Stranger, at Fulton boat yard. JUSTNESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY STORE. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Good location, long established busi ness, fully equipped, clean stock, doing a good business; rent $22.50 under lease; stock Invoices over $1200; fix tures cheap at $800. For quick sale price $1800. Owner leaves for Nevada this week. ARTHUR U SCOTT CO.. 330 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 3668. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT. . A nice, clean place for 10 tables and 3 mahogany booths, with upholstered seats; good counter with large back bar. Doin,g good business; reasonable rent. Call roadway 4364. 320 Lum bermens bldg. ARE you looking for a fine business? If so, buy this splendid grocery and mar ket. Weil located, free from incum brance; nice, clean stock, doing good business. For sale at a bargain. $4000 cash will handle. Balance term. Ad dress V 51, Oregonian. A SACRIFICE. Beauty parlor, downstairs location; leaving city. BJ 63. Oregonian. WANTED ARTICLE THAT CAN BE MANUFACTURED ON NOMINAL LN VESTMENT. BD 55, OREGONI AN. BAKERS, ATTENTION! Good location for electric, bakery. Reasonable rent. See J. W. llcCrea, No. 5 1st sf. BUTCHERS. ATTENTION! Good location for meat market in a good neighborhood. Reasonable rent. See J. W. McCrea, No. -5 1st st. $750 BUSY restaurant, coffee house. $200 profit monthly, rent $15. Bdwy. 7672. McFarland. fcOS Failing Bldg. MUST LEAVE CITY. Store with bakery to sell, good loca tion, cheap. BC 65, Oregonian. BEAUTY parlor, in town of 16,000, do 'Ing a fine business, will stand Investi- gation. BF 51. Oregonian. . GROCERY store for sale, good location, good business, clean stock. 294 Lar- rabee st. IF you want a business for yourself and have $200 I have the best opportunity In the city. AO 62. Oregonian. GROC. ana confec. for sale, close In', in voice or lump, Bu.wy. 4654, 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IS THIS YOUR OPPORTUNITY T A successful young business man, Ke 80, with training along legal, ad vertising and sales lines has several highly profitable business propositions , ready to cash in on right now, but an unavoidable circumstance leaves him short of the necessary capital to handle It. He would like to form a partnership with a congenial man who can supply at least $600 working capital. Such a man should be conversant with offici or sales management and If he is fa miliar with financial securities, so much the better. Here is an oppor tunity to become identified in a very profitable, dignified business whM profits to each man of $500 to $muu ( month should be the ruie rather than the exception. Experience not abso- , lut;ly necessary if man is willing to worlf and has a clean record. If you are that roan and are ready to act quickly, write AB 13, for appojntnTent. $2800 BUYS dandy west side grocery; doing business from $40 to $60 a day, -all cash; rent $2S. with 2 living rooms, 8-year lease. $750 for fixtures and stock at invoice. $2000 buvs grocery doing around 5oU a day; 4 blocks from any other store, on cariine. From $50 to $60 per day. Good residential district. Good living rooms. -rrt . $600 and invoice. Doing from SoO to $60 per day. Will invoice bout $2000,, rent $10, with living rooms. $4500 buvs dandy grocery in very best location; will invoice. Reasonable rent. Doing good business. See this at once. . S. BORLANT. REALTOR. 8uOBnry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. $1050 GROCERY, beautifufplace, nice living rooms, no competition; In a growing neighborhood. $1800 or invoice, grocery averaging $58 day; 4 beautiful living rooms, bath, garage. $2300 or Invoice; grocery; last month , averaged $76; 4 beautiful living rooms, bath. This is a wonderful buy. We select the places worth while. Many others. ' Z. EAK1NS. 315 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St. , $10,000 FOR HALF partnership In Ford agency; good live town: will invoice. This is really a dandy proposition; will stand strictest investigation. $7000 buys half interest In one of the best transfer and storage com panles in town; has seven trucks oper- . a ting; old established business. Got beyond reach of one man to handle it j alone-. Partv must be a live wire. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 300 H.-nry Bidg, 4th and Oak gts. N. W: HOTEL NEWS. " 714 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 5948. RESTAURANTS. $2000 handles large cafeteria that U doing $100 per day, dandy location; 5 year lease, rent including heat. $200. $300 handles restaurant on west side In heart of city; full price $0000. We have lots of others that we would like to show you. 714 COUCH BLDG. $550 FOR A FINE up-to-date ww side delicatessen. Price reduced from $900 for quH-k sale. Located in good apt. house dlbtrii't. All spotless and clean, doing a fine business. Disagreement between partners reason for selling. Act quick if you want a bargain. P. L. BLANC11ARD, Realtor. s 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6ST0. POOL II ALL. Workinemen's location; sawmill, can nery, wonVn mill, all kinds of business around thia plate; 3 pool tables, bil liard table, keno board, showcases, root beer barrel, other fixtures; $1200 will handle. Se McAtee. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 40r-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. DYEING AND CLEANING BUSINESS. We have a fine going dyeing and cleaning establishment for sale. Doing a good business antl in an excellent location in one of the best valley towns. It is really worth investigation. Price . $3000 with terms. Write us for full particulars. Ttyler " & B'akely, Cor vallis, Or. - MEAT MARKET lor sale; oldest and best established and located in Ash land, Or.; ammonia plant. 3 good boxes and equioment; new and up-to-date slaughter house and yard, doing al most $5000 a month business; will sell at a bargain. Apply T. H. Elliott, SUo Main st., Ashland, ur. COUNTRY STORE" TO TRADE. In good small town near Portland. TTand5K eropt'ries. notions, feed, etc. Doing $100 dally, mostly cash. Total. invoice price about $6000. Will ac- cept residence or acreage for all or part. t. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDO. CIGAR STANDS. We are headquarters for cigar stands and have- some very gfcod buys, both in office buildings and hotels; come In and let us tell vou about them. 714 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 59 IS. FOR SALE k or 1-3 or Vz interest In large concern manufiacturing staple product: estimated profits $110,0t0 per year. Fine chance for young man to accept position of trust and maka money. Bank Teferences required. BC 45, Oregonian. , POOL HALL. Old established place; rent $25.75; lease; 4 pool tables, back and front bar, showcases, counters, stock. $1100 will handle. See MrAtee. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4-05-6 Panama Bkl. 3d and Alder. ONLY $600. CIGARS AND CANDY. Close in on east side, rent only $15; this is a nice clean place and certainly Is a snap. 714 COUCH BLDO. BDWY. 5948. . POOL HALL AND LUNCH counter, close in, east side; 4 pool ta bles wall case. bar. root beer barrel, linoleum, lunch counter -outfit; price $1500; $1000 Vill handle. V ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO Realtors, 405-G PanamjiPIgdndlder. FTXF. FOR MAN AND WIFE Restaurant, 2 nice living rooms, bath, $25 a day business; first-clast res taurant equipment; old established place. See McAtee. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtor 405-6 Panama Bid. 3d and Alder. LAUNDRY machinery, 2 washing ma chines, 2 extractors, 1 mangle, 1 shirt machine, 1 collar and cuff machine, 2 body Irons, dry rooms, belts, pulleys, shafting. 35-horse boilers, 12-horse en gine; inspection papers on boiler. Route 4, box 1056. Portland. FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL. Factory town; 43 rooms; rent $100 ppr month. Price $00jjO. Mortgage $23K. Will trade equity for any kind. , of business. See McAtee. - ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor 4t 5-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Aid er. WELL located little grocery at invoice, wtib new house in connection; lot 50x 100, with garage; cash takes every- -thing at cost, account death. E. 34th and Jessup sts. Block north of Kill ings worth avenue. WANT man to take charge of shop; $1000 down will buy half Interest in weli-estiblished business. Must be , live and wide-awake fellow. Want to devote more time outside. AG 47, Oiegonian, WORTH INVESTIGATING. Lunch counter and tea and coffee business; In heart of city with good lease; very well equipped; $525 will ; handle. THOMSON'S, 620 Henry Bldg. BARGAIN. Store and 3 lots with dwelling house a sacrifice at Bingen, Washington, White Salmon station, main highway. , Frank Mosher, Bingen, Wash. 22x30 SPACE for barber shop, off large lobby of flrt-class hotel; will give lorg lease; Hotel Montana, 6th and . Everett sLS. A PARTNER WANTED. A wood and contracting business; need assistance of steady man; draw $50 weekly salary; also share of the profits. Room 401 Dekum bldg. A GARAGE SPECIAL. - - A fine location; sell gaa, oils, acces sories; storage and repairing; profits $450 month. Trial given. $2000 will ', handle it. Ro0m 401 Dekum. bldg. GARAGE, stock and equipment for sale cheap; $2000; rent $125 per month i big opportunity. - FISHER REALTY CO., 515 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 4026. FOR SALE BY OWNER Grocery store, about $1200 down, living rooms In rear, Including 2 lots, good location. . Price $3S00; $1500 will handle. A3 48, Oregonian. WOOD AND COAL. Partner wanted for this oM-estab- Hshed business; must be a worker; can draw good profits; $800 will han dle it. Room 401 Dekum bid g. INVESTIGATE THIS. Dandy restaurant, gooa location, Go ing $60-$65 day; $7'K down, terms. . 505 COUCH BLDO. WILL sell my residential-dressmakio business for $300. owing to sickness . For appointment call Walnut 49S8. A MERCHANDISE STORE. Fine valley town; big sals; Invoices $7000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANT to buy from owner, restaurant, well located, doing good business, that $1000 win nanaie. 72, Oregonian. WANT to buy from owner, good smali business that $2000 will handle. S 62, - Oregonian. WANT to buy from owner, grocery store in good district that $2500 will handle. ' K 64, Oregonian. WANT to buy from pwner, garage that " $2000 will handle. AL 52, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED With $500. good business. 626 1st St. FIRST-CLASS shoe repair shop for sale, 800 East Larrabee st,