The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 29, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 43

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AGENTS wanted, either sex, in city and
country for a high grade, guaranteed
line of toilet and medical prepara
tions, manufactured in Portland by
one of the leading chemical com
- panies. Big profits and sure repeat
ers, and to workers we will give ex
clusive territory. We also handle
' hundreds of other specialties, novel
tles and canvassers' supplies, both do
mestic and imported. Mueller Trad-
ing CO., 27 2d st,
SALESMEN making big money,, selling
our Clover Leaf tubes equipped with
combination valve and air gauge which
shows exact amount of pressure when
lnriating tire, also while in use; lrnme
- diately warns against under-lnflation.
If thus increasing tire mileage one-third.
Dealers eager to buy. Liberal com
missions to salesmen; exclusive con
tract to producers. Salesmanager,
r-aui juoner to., aaiispury, .. c.
AGENTS Cash in on coal shortage.
Make $10 to $20 daily. Thousands
buying new irventlon. Burns kero
sene in any stove or lurnace. Just
set In stove and burn. Cheaper and
cleaner than coal. Written guaran
tee. , Send for sample and particulars.
Control your county quick, j Jennings
j-ji-s. v,v., j.iivt;iii.iun 010, uiiytun, j.
AGENTS $15 a day; easy, quick sales;
free auto, big weekly bonus, $1.50 pre
mium free to every customer. Simply
show our beautiful 7-piece solid alu
minum handle cutlery set. Appeals in
stantly. We deliver and collect. Pay
dally. New Era Mfg. Co., 803 Madi-
oun at... uepi. unicago.
Airr-iNTS $10 daily easy; no compe
tition; sell our lamb pelt polishing
mitts for furniture, pianos, autos. Be
first in your territory. Experience uif
uecessnry. Sample free. Rallen Mfg.
Co., Dept. 830, Baltimore bldg.. Chi
cago. L BUSINESS of your own, make spark
ling glass name plates, numbers,
checkerboards. medalliOLS, signs. Big
Illustrated book mailed free. " E.
Palmer, 240 Wooster, O.
SVE DESIRE the services of a traveling
saleslady for parts of Oregon and
Wash. Our line consists of 4 staple
notion Items which aire easily shown
and well advertised. Write for per
sonal Interview, stating territory cov-
' ered and other information. Commis
sion basis. Portland shipments. D 40,
The "Totsy Toddler" baby swing and
developer. Nothing else like It Every
mother wants one. We have an open
ing for a few ladles of refinement to
take orders for this easy seller. List
of names furnished you.
jvik. is ail, union Ave. s. '
DEFINED, educated -Christian woman
for enrollment department religious or
ganization, Protestant; prefer one ex
perienced in Sunday school or En
deavor work ; good salary, ad vance
mert; give telephone number. L 80,
WANTED Ex-teacher or woman Inter
eated In child training or kindergar
ten work, for employment supplemen
tary to grammar grades; $20 week to
start, increase if capable. Give telephone-
number. AO 46, Oregonian.
.RADB or high school girl wanted to as
efst with housework and plain cooking.
Good west aide home for girl witling,
cheerful and fond of children; wages.
Telephone Atwater 0794 after 8 P. M.
who wishes excellent home In country i
town, some wages, In exchange for
light housekeeping. Box 121, Ver-
nonia, Or.
DEMONSTRATOR wanted for national
organization, high school education
necessary, strong, pleasing personality,
age 25 to 45. $1200 future. BC 1, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Experienced posting clerk
for wholesale customers' ledger; must
understand d. e. bookkeeping. In re
ply rive experience, salary expected
nna. punne numner. r o. uregonian.
KEAT girl or woman for cooking and"
help with housework on dairy; no
wa shing ; good wages. Call Tabor
6175. Greaharn, route A, box 289.
YOUNG lady tor office work, must un
deratand typewriter. Answer giving
age, experience, salary expected. J 49,
WANTED Responsible young lady, com
petent stenograpner ana bookkeeper;
must be well recommended and fur
nish references. Call 34 N. Broadway.
nent position. Apply Sunday morning
11 o'clock. Michelin Tire Co., 43
Front st.
UNATTACHED lady to travel; sell busi
ness men only; salary and expense;
full information In replying. A 66,
REFINED, competent housekeeper and
cook, wisning good home and easy
work; three in family; must take full
charge; wages $25. 'Walnut 1348.
WANTED An experienced chamber-
ma M; none other need apply. Call in
person only between 8 and ' 10. 312
Oak st
TELEPHONE operator wanted; prefer
woman 25 to 30 years, must be single,
neai in appearance and can meet pub
lic. F 33, Oregonian.
WANTED Two lady eolocitors for house
to house work ; must be experienced ;
good proposition; steady work for suc
cessful saleswomen. Auto. 624-50.
WANTED Experienced cloak and suit
salesladies, good salary for those who
qualify; steady position. Blees. 286
fliorrison st
BONBON dipper' wanted; girl to dip
French mixed and bonbons; must have
some experience. Apply Henry Ross
& Sons. 386 E. Stark st.
WANTED Woman or school girl to
work for part of her board and have
a good home; C. S. preferred; walking
distance. East 6303.
CAPITALIZE your spare time; dignified
work that will net you from $1 per
hour up. Call or write 614 Bdy. bldg.
WANTED Young girl to assist with
li ght housework. Call 430 hi Broad
way. WANTED Attractive young ' lady to
demonstrate during livestock show;
must be good talker. 620 Morgan bldg.
HOUSEKEEPER for business woman:
small family; child in school. Sell.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, give full
qualifications in letter. AL 26, Oregonian.
CAPABLE person for second work. Three
in family; wages $40. Apply Immedi-
ately. 741 Everett. Atwater 3311.
GIRLS to address envelopes. Apply for
position in own handwriting to BC
69, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED fitters wanted; only
those experienced In fitting high-grade
garments need apply. Phil Harris & Co.
LADY for light work in small apartment
and cook one meal, hours 10 to 2;
...state wagpg wanted. AJ 65. Oregonian.
COMPETENT 'stenographer by whole
sale house, permanent position, mod
erate salary. E 73, Oregonian. -
YOUNG women, hustlers; each town and
city; easy, pleasant work, big money,
m Y 50, Oregonian.
BRIGHT girl to assist with children
and housework. Apply Monday, Main
GIRL to care for 3-yr.-old child and
assist with housework ; good position
ior me ngnt party. Kast 2625.
SOMEONE experienced for cooking and
general housework. East 3788. 542
E. 15th N.
WANTED Woman to work In board
ing house for husband's room and
board. Main 3828.
LADY to take charge of office; top
wages; must be able to invest small
amount, u ao, oregonian.
VANTED C. S. student as nurse, com
panion. Call Sunday, 2618 40th st. "S.
E.. near Divis;on.
WANTED A business college or high
school girl to work for room and board
ana so me wa ges. Atwa ter 430 1.
MIDDLE-AGED or elderiy woman to
hV in home where mother is conval
escent, boy 7. glri 11. Tahor 644.
WANTED Woman to assist with gen
eral housework ; good home and fair
wages. Phone Automatic 323-81.
If ready to heip any eirl in distress.
955 Eat Gllsan, "MV" car. East 0316.
PARTNER, good cook, to start delicates-
yen;sinan scaie. . .-. uregonian.
GIRL for counter work In cafeteria to
work steady. Apply 373 Wash. St.
8-RM. MOD. house in Alameda. Phone
Walnut 0798 Monday.
ENERGETIC women for outdoor selling.
Call 62!) Pittork block".
EXPERIENCED atnwler wanted. North
west Knitting Mills, 28th and E. Ash.
WANTED- Woman to care for and be
vmranion to Invalid mother. E. 2K7.
GOOD home for 'high school girl; will
pay some wages. Apply 541 E. 3lst st.
WE HAVE excellent proposition for lady
soHcitors. See manager. 21 1 4th st.
YOUNG girl to help with general house-
work can aui. j--jj oerore a f. 31.
HELP WANTED on ladles' tailoring. M.
Sommerfeldt, 407 Central bldg.
EXPERIENCED waitress to work in
restaurant. Terminal Cafe. 188 Park.
WANTED Chocolate dippers. Phone
East 1S78.
LADY wanted from 10 to 12 o'oclock
teaching English. N 29, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress. 373 Yam
hill st.
EXPERIENCED beauty parlor operator;
must marcel. AV 253, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress, Campbell
hotel, 23d and Hoyt. Atwater 0881.
WANTED Girl to clerk in bakery and
delicatessen. Call 190 Park street
SPINNERS, experienced only, day
and night shifty to work on
Johnson & Bassett Jacks. Steady
work, good pay. Apply at once.
(4 miles from Seattle.)
WOMEN WANTED Several with high
school or college education, no incum
brances and free to travel, for nosi-
tions on our sales force to do pioneer
Work on a strictly new proposition
'along school lines. Liberal advance
and railroad fare Datd. also commis
slon and bonus to those anxious to
make J 200 to 1250 iter month. In re
ply state age, education, present and
past employment. Give telephone num-
per tot appointment, v uau. uregonian,
THREE waitress for hotel; must be ex.
nerienced: X55. room, board and laun
dry. Call Skinner & White. 35 N. 2d.
Bdwy. 3205.
A few cultured ladies, well acquainted
In city or suburbs, may represent
America's finest custom underwear;
dignified; $60 average weekly income.
"Write qualifications in full. Audiana
Silks. 61 West 55th St.. New York.
WANTED Midd'le-aged. tingle woman,
for Olympia, Wash.; steady place
caring foe two small children while
mother work. If you want & good
home rather than large wages, apply
In person. Sunday. 2i02O- Willamette
blvd., St. Johns.
WANTED Experienced housekeeper,
without children, between 35 and 40,
for family of two men, small eastern
Oregon town. Give full particulars and
phone number first letter. H 46, Ore
gonian. AT RAYMOND, WASH., girl for general
housework, in new home, modern
equipment; family consists of a couple
with two children; prefer one with, ex
perience as cook and laundress. Ad
drees Mrs. N. H. Ripley, 31! l4th St.,
Raymond, W ash.
GIRL, high school or business college
graduate for work as stenographer;
need not have experience, but must be
bright and fairly rapid at dictation
and typing; give age, phone number
and reference. AJ 56, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework In country; washing, ironr
ing, cleaning. Can use man and wife,
man to do common labor. Miss Winans,
Dee, Oregon. Telephone Odell 17, Hood
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, prefer
aiso experiences in lire insurance,
bookkeeping, real estate, first-class,
permanent position for competent
party. Replies strictly confidential.
AK 22, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED solicitors for an excep
tional holiday article. This Is an op
portunity to make big money. Apply
Monday morning between 9 and 10.
Z12- 4th St.. at Pioneer Printing Co.
ENERGETIC, competent woman of ma
ture years for position of trust which
carries responsibilities and offers sat
isfactory remuneration. Not office. D
30. Oregonian.
LADIES, everywhere, full or spare time;
make $60 commission weekly selling
guaranteed waterproof aprons, sani-
1.0.1 j ayiuiia, 1111. a. oa-inpiea iree. w rite
Miller Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, O.
ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to
the Salvation Army Whits Shield
Home, Mayfalr and Alexander sea.
Phone Main 3450, DM car.
WANTED By a large commercial art
company, art students and those who
4ike to draw to qualify as commercial
artists. Earn while you learn. Call 610
Dekum bldg.
WANTED Housekeeper for elderly gen
tleman; no objection to one child.
Write or call P-70S Dekum bldg., Port
land, from 1 to 5 , P. M. Monday or
We have an opening for a good
. teacher of -rag and jazz piano. No
need to be expert. If interested, answer
at once. AN 56, Oregonian.
FOVR young ladies to sell rubber in
Washington, Oregon and California, $40
week; house- to-house proposition. M
29, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper, not over
40, for "general housework; 3 adults,
in business; 100. Apply 304 Morgan
GIRL for chamber work In good- home
to exchange for room and board, after
noons and evenings free. Close in.
jqwy. 4314.
GOOD opportunity for energetic business
woman introducing Portland-made
toiitt preparation. East 3177, evenings
after 6:30.
TWO HONEST young ladies wanted for
demonstrating in stores, experience un
necessary. Call at 312 Third st. At
water 1522.
EXPERIENCED coat and suit salesladies
wanted for afternoons; only real- ex
perienced people need apply. Phil
Harris & Co.
WAITED Will give good home and
some wages to woman of quality and
reference. Call Monday. 401) Dekum
WANTED Experienced dictaphone op
erator for permanent position: State
age, experience and salary expected.
AN 35, Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to assist
elderly lady as companion ; no washing,
plain cooking1. Apply 1063 Tillamook
Ft., bet. 35-th and 36th st. Tabor 7070.
AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, demon
strate and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per
week, railway fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co., Dept. 101BB, Omaha, Neb.
HOUSEKEEPER on farm, father and
son. Write particulars. N 40, Orego
nfan Wanted Domestics.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
housework and care of small children,
small house with modern conveniences.
Sell wood 1590.
WANTED Respectable woman for half
day to assist in housework. Call Tabor
0559. 297 East 83d st.. near Haw
thorne. ,
A VERY desirable position In private
family is available for Immediate ac
' ceptance; reference required. 889 Over
ton st near 26th.
WANTED Girl who desires permanent
place for general housework, family of
three. Tel. East 2746. 589 East 17th N.
HOUSEKEEPER for country, 2 In fam
ily. Call- Main 0628 between 9 A. M
and 5 P. M.
RELIABLE, kind, school girl to assist
in home; small family. 583 E. 24th st.
CAPABLE girl for general housework,
understand plain cooking, like children.
EXPERIENCED maid for general house
work and cooking; good wages. Apply
mornings. 741 Irving st. Main 7057.
A RELIABLE woman for general hous
work in bungalow; can go home nights
11 ueeiicu. Atwater
GIRL to assist with the care of two chil
dren and do some second work. Main
GOOD home for reliable woman to help
with housework and care of children.
Walnut 1288.
WANTED Girl or woman to work part
time and evenings. Good home and fair
wagps. 523-55.
WANT cooks, waitresses. housemaids'.
Call Squftre Deail Employment, room
hji macifay Dig.. zap Washington st.
WANTED Experienced general house
work girl; must be good cook. Tabor
46!2 ,
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; answer Monday. 835 Love
joy, Main 3710.
WANTED High-school girl to assist
with housework afternoons. Main
WOMAN for housework, $30 a month. In
quire Monday between 7:30 and. 3 30
of Mrs. Barrand, 214 Fifth St.
WANTED Young girl, 16 to IS, to assist
- with housework In pleasHnt home, high
school girl, considered. East 6688.
EXPERIENCED second maid. Apply
7in Flanders st., corner 24th. Main
MOTHER'S he-lper; emaH family; good
wag-es. WIMamette Heights. Mais. 243 5.
EXPERIENCED maid for second work
and to assist with care of baby. At
water 5513.
PUSINESS college student or employed
woman to assist family for board and
room, possibly wages, East 70Si). '
WOMAN for general housework. Tabor
GIRL for general housework.
family. Automatic 320-32.
GIRL for house work, wages $30. Tabor
JAPANESE girl or woman for house
work Sell wood 1925.
GIRL for general "housework, no wash
ing. 344 N. 19th. Aut. 511-34.
GIRL for housework, good home.
GIRL to assist with housework; good
EXPERIENCED woman for general
housework. Phone Bdwy. 0672.
Wanted Domestics.
WANT two salesmen who have had ex
perience in selling hotels and anart.
ment houses to take charge of our
business chance department; must be
nve wires, r wtn, oregonian.
WANT experienced giri for general
housework; bungalow; 3 adults; easy
work, good pay; must be neat and a
good cook; references required. Phone
Tabor 1362.
EXPERIENCED maid for general house
work in family of four adults; wages
$70 or $60, without washing ; refer
encea 445 East 2Sth st. North, phone
East 3405.
HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, elderly
lady, one who wishes good home more
than wages; for widower with three
children going to school. Modern home,
no washing. Box 3492, city.
WANTED A woman with 1 small child
to keep house for. a man on a dairy
ranch. For information address Gas
ton, Or., route 2, box 95. W. A. Good
man. WANTED Experienced woman for gen
eral housework In family of five; must
have references. Address P. O. box 147.
Srtitm. Or.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small family, all modern conveniences.
095 Westover road. Phone Atwater
4316. "
WANTED Capable woman between 35
and 40 to care for elderly Invalid and
do light housework; wages $50. Phone
Walnut 4422.
GIRL who desires permanent place to
assist family of three in modern -five-room
country bungalow. Wages $15.
' Tahor 0041.
HIGH school girl to assist with care of
children and housework for room and
board and some wages. Tabor 0033,
2225 E. Gllsan.
WANTED- Woman or girl to assist with
llg ht housework, no laundry, every
thing electrical, good home for right
party. East 7797.
WOMAN wanted 4nr housekeeping, no
washing or ironing, good wages, small
family. Call phone 892 or write Mrs.
J. B. Long. Rainier, Or., box 112.
COMPETENT girl for general house
work; 3 in family; no washing; good
wages. Apply 1423 Northwestern Bank
bldg. Phone Main 0064.
GIRL for general housework. East 4803.
MEN AND women, employed but am
bitious for better conditions, are of
fered exceptional opportunity of last
ing Independence l everything to start
you furnished free for registered post
age, inclose 14 cents stamps; write now
before offer expires. Address P. O.
Drawer "A," Athlone, Cal.
DO YOU want independent? If so
we can snow you now, age or sex cuts
no figure; no experience needed to sell
our line, it sells itself. Call at or
write Room 3l7Fiiedner bldg., Port
land, Or.
WANTED Elderly couple to care for
ranch and do. chores, good home, small
wages. Write or call on P-708 Dekum
bldg., from 1 to 5 P. M. Monday or
WILij give elderly couple cheap apart
ment for light Janitor services. 428
iiui. pet, inn ana ltn.
MAN or woman in small office. Prefer
one having a little experience at print
Ing. AV 245. Oregonian.
AN EXCEPTIONALLY good proposition
for lady or men solicitors. Apply 279
EXPERIENCED man and wife (white)
for general housework. Phone Tabor
WANTED Salespeople no coupons.
Peasley Studio, 407 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED motor truck salesman
with sales and executive ability; propo
sition involves small investment or
partnership in established successful
Pacific coast organization, represeLting
nationally known motor truck, in Ore
gon and Washington territory. Over
300 sold Jn California this year. This
Is splendid opportunity. J. Jerome
Canavan. Hotel Benson.
ADVENTURE and profit trip to South
eeas. au equal owners, buying ship
$1500 each. Room for few more real
men. Sails Dec. 214 Marvin bldg.,
San Francisco.
WANT expert orchardist who prefers
worKing interest in large ' delicious
apple orchard on Columbia river. 2H
railway Kxcpange bldg. (Noon. )
THEATRICAL producer wants reliable
business associate for high-class in
vestment proposition. AK 34, Ore
gonian. PARTNER in esiabiished woodsaw busi
ness; small investment; make from $6
to $10 a day. S05 Swetland bldg.
PARTNER wanted, woman or man;
rooming house proposition. F 69, Ore
gonian. . ..
WANTED -Man or lady, with services:
some investment; going business. M
51. Oregonian.
A GOOD mechanic with $1500 can get
Vt interest in one of the largest ga
rages in Portland. Telephone East 7165.
PLUM 3ING shop for sale, very little
money wm nanaie. m az, QregonlaTt.
SOMETHING fine to interested party.
valuable proof. C p5, Oregon fan.
MENT OF $700. 10 E. 6TH ST. S.
JEFFERSON high boy wishes work
after school and Saturdays; have had
experience in grocery and can drive
Ford. WalmK 67SS
EXPERIENCED man wants to work
few hours after 0 In evening in kitchen
or dining room and Sunday if neces
sary for board. R 73, Oregonian.
HANDY all round man wants position
in some institution, apartment or hotel;
also experience in gardening. AO 59,
WANT job setting up small sawmills or
filing crosscuts In logging camp. 621
Hood st
POSITION as janitor, watchman or, fire
man, experienced .with oil burners or
others. East 362ft,
EXPERIENCED job printer will con
sider working partnership in . small
shop. O 66, Oregonian.
RELIABLE man wants work tending
furnace or any other kind of work for
room and board. AB 36, Oregonian.
WANT position as manager of cemetery
or park, or good private place. AN 59.
If you want good work at a reason-
anie price, call me up. EaM 3649.
MAN experienced in house-to-house work
to sell furnaces. The Vinton Co., Fifth
and Flanders.
EX-SERVICE man, radio student, wants
work in electric department or garage.
Gallagher. Atwater 2489.
DENTIST wants position; experienced,
licensed. In or out of town, out pre
ferred. AO 58, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work, hotel or res
taurant, dlsihwashlng. mopping and
clnaning. Atwater 2471, room 2.
WANTED Employment, by a steady,
experienced night watchman. Main
4502. Ask for D. P.
NUT 2497.
BOY 18 Y'RS. old
penter helper; b
ence. Auto. 628
wants work as car
as had some expen
se. GOOD reliabi-e mechanic, drive truck,
operating miWwrtght, work in factory
or shop. What have you? Tabor 4-0S2.
HAVE your building or alteration work
done right by reliable builder, day or
contract. East 7593.
WE BUILD HOUSES and garages and
repair old ones; rock-bottom prices.
735 East Main st. East 3550.
PAINTING and kalsomining, good work
guaranteed at reasonable price. At
water 1455.
JOB WANTED for trucks with flat-bed
urc nHiiwra. aii Main on;tu.
SINGLE MAN, self starter, wants farm
or dairy joo. k 4;, uregonian.
MARRIED man wants position on farm.
AF 931, Oregonian.
WANTED Steady position by first-class
barber. Phone Walnut 6312.
ANYONE having trees to cut down,
trimmed or grubbed. Auto. 524-48.
SHRUBBERY planting, pruning, fcvwns
made by lanscape experts. Main 5521.
ING EAST 4216.
CARPENTER, good finisher, day or con
tract. Main 7422.
EXPERIENCED man wants cleaning or
putting in wood. Bdwy. 1764.
BOY 17 wants any kind of permanent
work. Tabor 4522.
FILER, either b?nd or circular Tel
Aut. 612-67. 7303 92d st. S. E.
MAN WANTS work as janitor, watch
man or handy nran. Tabor 8 7 7 9,
TEAMING, plowing, excavating.
En st. 0210. 240 E;ist Sth st.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes laundry
to take home. Atwater 3038.
Automatic 645-96.
Phone -
SHINGLERS When you want shingling i
done. Walnut 5200, mornings, evenings 1
BRICK WORK, fireplaces, furnaces, i CARPENTER, first-clas work, reason
chimneye. etc. East 7968. . L ahle, day or contract. Walnut 6295.
RESHINGUNG done by contract, patch- :
ir.g also neatly done. Tabor 4035.
CARPENTERS, repairing, finishing, day
or contract. Phone Empire 2152.
THE U. S. Veterans bureau hu ths
following physically rehabilitated
trained men ready for work:
1 Scenic artist; married; 29 yrs,
2 Circulation asst., daily paper;
married; 23 yrs.
8 Creamery worker; single; 27 yrs.
A Accountant; single; 35 yrs.
6 Foreign exchange; single; 31 yrs.
6 Interpreter; Spanish, Italian,
Greek, German, English; single;
82 yrs.
7 Scaler, -log and lumber tally man;
married; 26 yrs.
8 Two window trimmers and show-
card writers: one married one
single; ages 24 and 25 yrs.
9 Photographer; single; 48 yrs.
10 Furniture finisher and polisher;
married; 33 yra
11 Refrigerating engineer; married;
28 years.
13 High-grade creamery man (no
butter); single; 86 yrs.
18 Strck farmer; married; 28 yrs.
14 Three auto electricians; single;
ages 25 31, S5 yrs. .
15 Auto mechanic; married; 25 yrs.
16 Auto salesman; married; 82 yrs.
17 Three dental mechanics; two
married: ages 22. 28, 29 yrs.
18 Chauffeur; married; 25 yrs.
For further information communi
cate with United States Veterans'
bureau, Myler bldg., 9th and Oak sts.
Phone Broadway 7621.
HAVE come to Portland from
Tennessee and wish to locate, so
I need a job. Am married, have
five children; am yet - young
enough to be ambitious and old
enough to, understand responsi
bilities. Am an engineer of con
struction, experienced in man
ufacturing clay products and
sales. Do not wish to make in
vestment, nor do I expect a
fancy salary. AO 45, Oregonian.
The Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY af.d
EMPLOYMENT Department can serve
you. We Investigate all our applicants,
whose references are open for your In
spection. Let us know your wants and
we will serve you free of charge. We
operate for service and not for profit.
W'e have several hundred efficient men
and boys wanting employment. If you
want reliable help of any kind call up
Main 8700, Y. M. C. A., and ask for
WHO wants services of all-around auto
mechanic with over 20 years of me
chanical and electrical shop experi
ence? Principally automotive; abso
lutely reliable man with ability, speed
and thoroughness, you seldom have
opportunity of employing; foreman
for number of years, but will consider
'mechanic's position; open for a posl
tion about Nov. 10; state wages, etc.,
and I will call for an interview. AV
100, Oregonian.
COMPETENT printer, pressman, desires
permanent position in Pacific coast
states. Age 21. Six years' experience.
Can handle jobs, ads and average run
of commercial work, including book
work; lock, up, make ready and feed
jobbers, cylinders' or handle Miller
feeder. Reliable, best of references.
State wages -and full particulars In
first letter. Address AV 244, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, no children, wants place
to care for this winter In absence of
owner. Am thoroughly experienced or
chardist. Prefer separate house; ref
erences. AF 45, Oregonian
FIRST-CLASS Japanese couple want sit
uation; man his good experience, who
' worked at Mrs. Meier's home last sum
mer and wife wait on table and house
work. K. Muka!. 28 North 4th st.
SHINGLING We specialize in reshin
gling and roof repairing. It will pay
you to get our figure before letting
contract; satisfaction guaranteed, esti
mates free. East 1928.
Y'OUNG married man. mechanically in
clined, capable of meeting the public
in service department, or will work in
any department of first-class garage.
Atwater 2188.
MARRIED man wants position as day
janitor, handy with tools on general
repairs, three years in new and second?
hand furniture and ranges; able to sell.
N 48, Oregonian.
First-class work. Our prices ane
right. Apartments and hotels a special
ty. Tel. 624-30. or Sell. 2484.
DRAFTING, estimating, office work
wanted by experienced civil engineer
ing graduate ; available immediately.
N 50, Oregonian.
POSITION as waLchman on docks, mills,
private premises or buildings, by man
highly recommended by past employer.
Emnirfl 1488. AJ 46, Oregonian.
EXCELLENT Japanese couple want sit
uation who worked in hotel for baker
or chef and wife wait on table or
kitchen. K. Mukal, 28 North 4th st.
Old and new work, roofs repaired on
short notice. All work guaranteed.
Walnut 7370.
PAINTING, kalsomining, exterior and
interior work;, a first-class job guar
anteed on one-coat work; price rea
sonable. Call East 0459.
JANITOR, white, single, city ref., wants
small apartment house. AH 4a, Ore
gonian PAINTING, kalsomining, house exteriors
painted, $30-96; interior- in proportion,
work guaranteed. Call Empire 0122.
CARPENTER, handy man, built-ins, oddo
and ends. Walnut 2211, bet. 5 P. M.
and 8 A. M.
WANTED Work of any kind for 2-ton
truck, $i.75 hour or will contract any
thing. Atwater 2983.
GARDENER, single, good pruner. handy,
wiiiing, can ooard eeli, wants situa
tion. P 2, Oregonian. -
a guaranteed job at a low figure. J. H.
Jenkins, Tabor 9354.
CARPENTERS, repairing, mill work,
cabinet making. Neison & Nellson, 63
N. Park. Phone 533-81. Tabor 3457.
COOK, all around man, good baker and
meat cutter, will leave city. Auto.
640-85. 4038 73d St. 8. E.
AU.TO electrician, familiar with all auto
electric systems ; capable of taking
charge. 1704 East Sth South.
HARDWARE, B years' experience retail
hardware; ( in or out of city. W 44,
EXPERIENCED chauffeur, capable of
caring for own car; married. Atwater
21 8S.
YOUNG couple wishes position as chauf
feur and maid. 566 Market drive, apt.
1. Phone Atwater 2974.
SHINGLING We specialize in reshin
gling and roof repairing; get our .esti
mate; work guaranteed. Main 7910.
MARRIED man wants place on ranch
where work counts; can do anything.
F 35, Oregonian.
LANDSCAPE gardener and greenhouse
mm, A-l ret, wants position. N 36,
PAINTING, tinting, best material and
work, very reasonable prices. Main
EXPERIENCED Japanese middle-aged
man wishes janitor or any other kind
of work. 29 N. 4th st. Aut. 523-OH.
MARRIED man wishes work painting,
carpenter helper or anything else;
steady. East 9175.
APARTMENT-HOUSE couple, thorough
ly experienced, no children, want posi
tion Nov. 1st. Call East 8115.
DRY-CLEANINtJ route by experienced
man well acquainted in city. Phone
Main 4390.
WANTED, by steady man, a position as
packer, shipping clerk or stock clerk;
any line, ti so, uregonian.
WANT position as watchman or special
noorman; experienced; can give ref
erences. M 47. Oregonian.
MACHINIST, experienced in sawmills
and lumber camps, will consider any
thing. F 48, Oregonian.
RELIABLE man, 45, wants position as
janitor, watchman, elevator work. X
35, Oregonian.
COOK Al Japanese wants situation in
hotel, restaurant or camp; city or out.
O 27, Oregonian.
POSITION day or night clerk, hotel, hy
middle-aged traveling salesman, experi
enced; Al reference's. P. O. box 569.
EUROPEAN baker as helper,
work. K 33, Oregonian.
or any
KALSOMINING, painting, reasonable;
work, material guaranteed. East 1042.
ALL AROUND printer needs work;"city
or country. K 25, Oregonian.
YOUNG man t Swiss), wishes work on
dairy or creamery. Y 40, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants work attending to
furnace. AV 210, -uregonian.
GARDENER, Al references, wants pri
vate position. AH 44, Oregonian.
SECOND BAKER, all around man, wants
stefcdy work. M 36, Oregonian.
COMBINATION cook or counter man.
Atwater 2493. ;
PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work,
reasonable. Seilwood 1319.
' PER1NG- ' CALL AUT. 639-44.
PAl-VTING and tinting work, guaran
tee cpricesiajiab2eMain 455 2.
EXCAVATING Char. Cleeseman. Wal
nut uv-
ri-UMli'NG and repairing, best work,
stable. Phone East 9838.
YOUR fall garden work, house cleaning,
caretaker. Mr. Bacon, Main 4632.
CARPENTER, ali-round mechanic, work
$5 day Iu or out city, V 30, Oregonian.
a man of 42 years, who has trav
eled abroad jntrtducing new lines and
building up trade.
I am willing to take hold of any
ERED will receive a just. reward. Per
fectly willing to go anywhere. D 66,
WANTED Management of apt. house by
act've and experienced couple ; no
children; man can do all repair work
nd Is a first-class interior decorator;
both have good executive ability and
can operate satisfactorily at a mini
mrm expense. C 85. Oregonign.
Hotelkeepera and housewives, for
cleaning your rooms or house, floor
polishing and general house cleaning
by an expert at very reasonable prices.
Prone Main C746.
POSITION with engineering or survey,
ing outiit oy young man wno wishes
to learn the game; salary of p sec
ondary consideration; will go any
where. W. T. Barnes, Broadway hotel.
EXPERIENCED landscape and nursery
men; pruning, all kinds, lawns made.
-Let us do your work properly. Phone
Portland Seed Co., East 2171. Res.,
Main 0613.
MAN, age 35. wishes steady position with
some firm ; work in stockroom, etc. ;
was In Supply Dept., V. 8. Army, dur
ing the war as sergt. first-class. BC
946. Orpgonian.
YOUNG man. 21. with some electrical
experience, desiring to become effi-
cient, win work for small pay with
opportunity for advancement. Main
MIDDLE-AGED Christian man does
housecleaning. decorating, light car
pentry, etc., 50c hour. H 27, Orego-
CARPENTER work wanted by good me
chanic; reasonable cnarges for new or
repairing; estimates and counsel glad
Iy given. Phone East 76U0.
HIGH SCHOOL senior wants position
after aeho 1 to 6 and Saturdays;
drug store or office work preferred.
Atwater 4858. '
PAINTING, tinting and paperhanglng,
exterior and interior work a specialty;
first-class work; reasonable. East
PHARMACIST, registeded, years' of ex
perience, city or country; good refer
ence; permanent. Druggist. 634 Com
mercial st.
WTANTED Situation with -small news,
'paper, two years' experience with type
presses. A J 34. oregonian.
tiokkeepT. Htenograntiers. Office.
YOUNG man wishes position as corre
spondent, preferably in advertising, or
outside work of a mental nature; high
school graduate, 1 year O A. C., how
taking advertising at U. of O. extension
and employed as typist; of good ap
pearance and habits, married; familiar
with office routine ; experience and
references; available in two weeks,
more or less. D 36. Oregonian.
MAN experienced in handling freight
cia'ms, rates, shipping, checking and
general office work, would like to con
,. nec with some transporatlon company
or mercantile nouse. C 39. Uregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, cashier, auditor, twenty
: years' experience, thoroughly competent
to take charge of office. P. O. box
1128. Portland.
YOUNG man, 20, twelve years' experi
ence bookkeeping, 4 years' lumber
business; open for position. AC 67,
t Oregonian.
YOUNG man, married, with 15 years'
office and bookkeeping experience, de
sires position with good, substantial
firm: references. Main 2141
AN ACCOUNTANT wishes a position to
take charge of a set of books In the
evening. Will give best of references.
A 48, Oregonian.
DO YOU require the service of an ac
countant who is an accountant? Any
line; particularly lumber. A 56, Ore-
BOOKKEEPING, small accounts kept,
prompt expert service, reasonable
prices; income tax Reports, Automatic
MARRIED man, SO, experienced account
ant, office manager, credit man, needs
position. AG 4-5. OregonlaiK
GRADUATE accountant wants small set
of books to keep; at liberty Saturday
aitcrnoon ana punaays. Atwater 3085.
-ouujvjvttEit-iiNiT systems, auditing
accounting. Income tax service.
tomatic 610-24.
CAPABLE young office man wants cler
ical position; references. AP 72, Oregonian.
B uOK KEEPING service, weekly or
monthly. Financial statements pre
Fared; audits. P. O. Box 556.
AUDITS made, small sets kept, systems,
income tax. Main 0066.
SALESMAN of good education and ad
dress, 37 yra. of age, 15 yra experience
as specialty salesman and for past 9
yrs. connected with large eastern mfg.
company as traveling' representative,
desires to connect with local concern.
Best of references. AN 57, Oregonian.
SALESMAN starting on a trip through
southern, eastern Oregon and part of
Idaho, wishes side line. Communicate
with H. J. Lynn, Hotel Rowland, 207 &
4th st., city.
LADY with selling experience, with car,
will accept good outside position, ex
cept real estate. R 74, Oregonian.
POSITION in apt. or rooming house as
housekeeper, can take full charge. Call
Atwateer 2747 from 9 to 4 Sunday.
REFINED young woman wishes to work
or care Tor child lor room and board.
Tabor 6776.
WILL cook and serve dinners, lunch
eons, teas; spiendld references Tabor
LADY with several years' experience
would like position as cashier in cafe.
Addresa C 34, Oregonian.
YOUNG womtn will do housework after
noons or prepare and serve dinner.
Main 843.
WELL-EDUCATED young lady desires
position as apprentice to jewelry or
costume designer. Main 1803.
YOUNG lady, educated in Europe, de
; sires position as apprentice in interior
1 decorating. Main 1803.
POSITION wanted by -capable woman;
good cook ; references. AP 47, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants all
around day work, expert Ironer. Main
GOOD laundress wishes work Monday
ana Tuesday, walnut 3046.
WOMAN, good cook, wishes position In
or nut or nxy. mam fl'13-
FOR a rapid, reliable woman, day work,
call Main 7913. .
WOMAN wants general cleaning or
washing by day or hour. East 46H1,
1 T-T
EXPERIENCED woma n wishes day
work Mon.. Tues., Wed. Sell. 1932.
LADY wants day work,
room 1.
Atwater 3342
MAN and wife want work, hotel, apt.
or boarding house. Atwater 2471.
COLORED girl wants chamber
East 5801. room 3.
EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning,
et-,. Broadway 7237. apt. 5.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day
work. Call E&t 7334. apt. 7.
EXP. GIRL wants waitress or chamber
mald work. CaH Empire 1738. rm. 7.
COMPETENT housekeeper; moderate
salary: adults. A 29, Oregonian.
TWO girls desire positions as waitressea
out of town. M 43. Oregonian.
12 Years' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196.
EXPERIENCED woman wants cooking
in camp. Call at 414 Jefferson, apt. 11.
HOME-MADE mince meat, pumpkin
piea and doughnuts. Phone Wal. 6210.
H. K , chamberwork or boarding house
work, competent woman. Aut. 641-30.
Broadway 0855. "
would like work.
YOUNG woman want a to help around
in boarding place. Auto. 513-20.
TWO waitresses, will go anywhere. Phone
East 3418, apartment 11.
WOMAN wants work by day or hour,
35c per hour. Auto. 642-66.
WOMAN wants day work for Tuesday
and Friday; experienced. Walnut 5S38.
WOMAN wants day work by hour, car-far-.
Walnut 5867.
LADY with reference wishes day work
except Monday. Walnut 4300.
GRADUATE piano teache lessons at
your home or mine. TaMr 6542.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day
work. Auto. 626-36.
POSITION as cashier In restaurant or
small business place. Atwater 1943.
COLORED laundress wants light bundle
work, with reference. Main 2224.
SCENARIO writing taught, also playi
criticised and revised. Atwater 0081.
LADi wants day work Monday morning,
Woodlawn 3182. .
COLORED woman wants day work. Au
tomatic 520-04.
WOMAN wishes day work by the hour.
Eist 6362.
MRS. H. J. HILL wants dav work Wed.
and Thurs. Broadway 7S36.
WOMAN wants day work. Main 5621.
PIANO teacher, lady, wishes pupils in
their homes. East 9313.
JAPANESE girl wants position, family
cook, housework. AC 66, Oregonian.
POSITION aa assistant in dentist's office.
Phone Tabor 3663.
POSITION in a reliable institution or ho
tel as housekeeper, assistant housekeep
er, seamstress or linen room; capable
of matronship. Have had some experi
ence; prefer place where there is a
chance of promotion. Address B 3. Ore-gonlan.
REFINED young lady wishes general
office position; best of references. Ad
dress V 70, Oregonian.
good housekeeper, desires position ei
ther in hotel, apt, house or private
home where she can have home for
self and husband; small compeusa
tion. N 32, Oregonian. .
SCHOOL GIRL U years old would like
10 stay wttn reimea people. jan neip
with light housework. Will pay some
board. .Tabor 2196, or call at 944 East
31st North.
MEZZO-CON'TRALTO soloist, profession
al, experienced, wishes choir position
or would direct small church choir;
out of town considered. AN 49. Ore
gori'an. WANTED By widow with family, a
motherly woman, more for home than
wages to stay with children while
mother is at work; no washing. N
30. Oregonian.
A CAPABLE and reliable middle-aged
woman woul-d like to be companion
or helper In some respectable, quiet
Protestant home; personal interview
desired. S 32, Oregonian. .
REFINED girl, 24. with nursing expe
rience, would like permanent position,
'go home nights. G 31, Oregonian, or
call Bdwy. 7895, Sunday A. M.
YOUNG LADY typist wishes position;
housework by young widow with child
2 years old; small wages. L 40, Qre
gorian. CARRIED woman, 34 years' experience
as fountain dispenser and general con
fectionery work, wants position; best
references. AG 42, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, reliable nurse wishes
permanent employment; any position
of trust; references. Phone Atwater
0349. Monday.
WOMAN wants to cook in camp outfit
train ; any foreman in need of cook
write, state wages. R. F. D. No. 2,
box 91, Ridgefield, Wash.
EXPERIENCED cook wants position In
sawmill, hoarding house or camp; out
of town; capable of taking charge.
AV 236, Oregonian. .
YOUNG woman of refinement and ability
desires position as practical nurse to
convalescents or companion to woman
of means. Call room 819 Seward hotel.
WOMAN wants a few steady places,
washing and cleaning, full days, after
Monday. Mrs. Brown, room 206. Call
e venings. East 6788.
YOUNG lady with car desires position;
no commission work ; knows city ;
please state particulars. C 44, Orego
nian. WOMAN of experience and ability de
sirep position as companion to middle
aged or elderly, lady at home or travel.
"AE 44, Oregonian. -
LALY with experience would like po
sition as clerk in small hotel; can
operate switchboard and elevator. Ad
dress D 37. Oregonian. t
LADY COOKS and waitresses want work
in restaurants, hotels and campa
Square Deal Employment office, Mac
leay bldg., 401. Bdwy. 7602.
WILL care for child in C. S. home,
ressonaoie. 163 E. 72d North. Mrs.
Johnson. .
LADY as companion to elderly lady or
children, by day, hour or evening. Best
references. J 32, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED short-hour cashier
wi&hes positron In theater or' restau
rant; references. Main 5309.
COMPETENT laundress wishes work
Wed., Thurs.. Sat. References. Wal
nut 1611.
WILL care for children afternoons and
evenings during parents' absence; ref
erences. Walnut 1611.
LADY wishes work In drug store, might
make small investment. N 37, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED girl, soda fountain, ci
gars, groceries; will consider change;
mgn-ciaas service, w 01 icguumu.
WILL caie (or children afternoon and
evenings during parents absence; ref
erences. Walnut 1611.
LADY whose husband is employed
wishes work for apartment, very cap
able. Main 0930. .
GRADUATE NURSE wouid like posi
tion In dental or physician office. At
water 2N63.
EXPERIENCED woman wants cooking
or general work, private or lnstitu
tional. E 72. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED window demonstrator
has a few open dates. Address G 68,
EXPERIENCED laundress wants wash
ing; repair work done reasonable. At
water 6059.
BUSINESS woman with car wants posi
tion knows city; experienced collector,
saleslady. Y 36, Oregonian.
Z.5FIUED, conscientious lady will care
for children by day or hour, Seilwood
NEAT colored lady wants chamber work
or help with housework ; references.
Ea?t 4270.
A NO. 1 switchboard operator desires
position; can also do typing, filing
and assist on books. X 47, Oregonian.
LADY will do washing and mending
very reasonably for few gentlemen.
455 A 1 de r, apt. E, ground flo or.
WANTED Cleaning for Tues., Wed. and
Friday, 40c hour and carfare. Phone
Main 3457. Room 10.
RELIABLE young woman would like
work in bakery or on Hoffman press.
H 39, Oregonian.
RELIABLE caterers will serve dinners
and lunches. Call Auto. 517-02 eve
nings. , , .
BURROUGHS posting machine operator,
must have
bank experience. BC 60,
WOULD like a place for good quiet girl
to help with light housework, good
home, smnl wages. AF 72. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED hand laundress wishes
to take work home; no bundle work.
Auto. 636-71.
UNDERGRADUATft nurse will give un
limited time in homelike surroundings.
AB 29, Oregonian.
JANITOR work in apt. house or rooming
bouse for rooms and small wages; man
employed. Phone Bdwy. 333.
ADVENTIST school girl wants
Broadway 2458.
Bookkeeper?. Stenographer. Office.
with 3 xh years' experience, de
sires position as private secretary
or stenographer in well-established
office; 2 years' continu-
" ous employment in local real
estate office; would prefer law
office; well educated, good pen
man and best of references.
Walnut 4041.
REFINED young lady wishes general
office position; best of references. Ad
dress V 70, Oregonian.
WOMAN of wide business experience,
college education, pleasing personality
and tact wishes position as office man
ager, private secretary or stenographer.
AE 48, Oregonian.
WANT position as bookkeeper or cashier,
half or all day; 9 years' experience.
Telephone Main 0109; Automatic 613-97
Evenings. ,
COMPETENT college trained woman de
sires secretarial position. Several years'
experience. Best references. Y 33, Ore
gonlan. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, office
help of all description; 'quick service.
Call Bdwy. 6453 Williams Personnel
Service, 504 Spalding bldg. -
COLLEGE woman, with business experi
ence, typing and bookkeeping, wishes
position leading to advancement. Ad-
dreas a.n 00, uregonian
"BOOKKEEPER and stenographer with
four years of general office experience
would like position, can give city ref
erence. Phone Atwater 5400.
EXPERT stenographer, legal or com
mercial, executive ability. Y 30. Ore
gon ian.
Al T i PIST wants copy and mimeo
graph work. , Call Bdwy. 6496. Office,
815 Wilcox bldg.
RELIABLE bookkeeper - stenographer,
lumber experience and other lines,
wants work; go anywhere. Main 0941.
REFINED young lady desires, steno
graphic or general office work; several
years' ex perience. M 48, Ore g o ni an. -
WANTED Stenographic work after 5
o'clock evenings and Saturday after
noons. Phone Main 4404. Miss Mink.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and asst.
bookkeeper desires permanent position.
Tahor 3737.
K&FINED girl, . hign school education,
wants general office work. O 32. Ore
gonian. '
YOUNG lady desires position as stenog
rapher; reasonable salary; references.
Phone Tabor 9183.
STENOGRAPHER Half days, law, com
mercial, multigraphlng, bookkeetlng,
mimeographing. Atwater 2310. ,
LAW STENOGRAPHER, half day posi
tion, competent, accurate, neat. Tabor
STENOGRAPHER 5 years' experience
in law office, wishes position. Best of
references. Call Tabor 7003-
STENOGRAPHER with boy to support
d eslres position. 'Atwater 0245 .
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires
position, half day. at 119 L
SMART gowns, distinctive and cultured
in taste suited to your individual style,
in vour home at minimum cost. Tabor
1105 Sunday.
ENGAuEMENTS by day, year's expe
rience in city; remodel, design, make
over reasonable; work guaranteed.
East 7506.
DRESSMAKING, alterations and relining
in shop or at your home; satisfaction
guaranteed. 404 Broadway-Yamhill
bldg. Main 42S6.
FALL dressmaking, silk or wool dresses,
$7, latest styles, alterations, etc. 2b
11th, cor. Columbia. Main 3365.
DRESSM AKIKG and ladies' tailoring;
first-class work at reasonable price.
28 E. 15th st. So. East 2799.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker recently
from Boston desires sewing; references
given. Phone East 6294.
SIVELY. 309 Barker Apts., 21st and
Irving. At 2742.
DRESSMAKING, reasonable; work guar
anteed. 122 12th st., cor. Washington.
Broadway 6970.
LAURELHURST district, dressmaking,
remodeling, coats rellned, children's
sewing. East 6550.
WANTED Dressmaking to do In home,
children's clothes, house dresses. Ta
bor 2874.
WONDERFULLY artistic dresses made
in 2 days, your home. Walnut 7179.
DRESSMAKING, your home or mine;
guaranteed, . reasonable.. East 2560.
DR fciS&MAKING aud altering reasonable.
Main 4615.
HEMSTITCHING, ary color, 6c. Rm. 403
Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash. Bdwy. 3742.
DRESSMAKING of all kinds; call at
your homes. Walnut 01 HO.
DRESSMAKING in your home or mine.
1171 interstate. Walnut 0453.
EXP. DRESSMAKER by day; ref.; al
tera none. Ba.w;yiH,tim, ciisi 4 kk
DRESSMAKING at your home by day.
East 6645.
COATS, suits, also dressmaking and re
modellng by day. Tabor 3213.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes to care for
invalid, motherly love extended to
children; salary reasonable. P 40, Ore
gonian. ATTRACTIVE, healthy, private home
for invalid. Elderiy. Good table
Gresham, Or., route A. box 226.
FOR AGED Invalids or conva!etcents,
nurse's care with health-building
diet; private home. Phone iiast boJj.
PRACTICAL nurse will take slight men
tal case in her suburban home; home
conveniences. Auto 628-90.
NURSE with hospital and- sanatorium
training would like institutional work.
A(J 4 j, uregonian
WANTED Practical nursing, by day or
week; thoroughly experienced. Tabor
NURSE Dr. of electrotherapy, massage,
Vito Net sweats. Sell. 2939.
EXPERIENCED , practical nurse wants
position; excellent ret, labor rfda.
cases. East 6362.
rishes confinement
ates and practical, phone Atwater 0349.
RESPONSIBLE voung couule want house
keeping or apartment house work; husi
band attending dental school; wife
competent as cook and housekeeper or
manager; excellent references. Ad
dress Y 49, Oregonian.
T.EFINED, capable udy, 35, wishes po
si tion taking charge of apartment or
rooming house, or will keep house for
elderiy gentleman, u iu, uregonian.
CAPABLE woman wishes position
housekeeping in small apt. or rooming
house or respectable home. Write or
call tn person. 434 13th st.
WANT employment as housekeeper or
as cook lor small crew, or will care for
invalid lady in her home. Address
box 356, Wasco, Or.
REFINED widow wishes position in
widower's1 home or hotel as house
keeper; can give city reference. R
46. Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE lady, with child, school
age, wishes housekeeping position for
respectable party with good home. AF
4 j. Oregonian.
WANT position as housekeeper where
can keep baby aged 15 months. L 41,
Oregonian. 4
DEPENDABLE, unincumbered widow,
wishes position as housekeeper. AR
31, Oregonian.
HONEST girl, wants general housework;
warm room; wages $55 or $65 month.
B 26. Oregonian.
Kouseoleaning, floor waxing, wood
work and vacuum cleaning. Estimates
cheerfully given; best references. Bdwy.
4182. 7 to 8:30 A. M. 5 to 8 P. M.
ROOM in strictly private family; no
other roomers. C 26. Oregonian.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desir
able furnished and unfurnished houses,
apartments and flats, with definite ln
fotmation pertaining to each; sleeping
rooms. -
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value In helping them
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANTED Are there persons in Port
land who have not forgotten their own
childhood to such an extent that they
will lend a helping hand to a southern
man and wife, with children, to locate
a 5 or 6-room house, furnished, in a
good location? S i, Oregonian.
WANT 5 or 6-room furnished house, on
east side; will pay $40; references. AG
46, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 5 or 6-room houses, small
payment; Piedmont or Alberta pre
ferred. See Mufigrave.' with
W. A. HUGHES, 264 Railway Exch
WANTED to rent by CM. 1 tn Haw
thorne district, 5 or U-room cottage or
bungalow with garage. Bdwy. 4797 or
U'abor 7847.
WE HAVE mauv calls tor nouses an.i
flats and can rent yours: let us handle
your property and collect your rents.
C A. WAGNER CO . 20 Stark st.
WANT HOUSES TO RENT, furnished or
unfurnished; have clients wafting.
Bdwy. 0675. 619 Henry Bldg.
WANTED Small neatly furnished nouse
or bungalow, with garage, by couple
without children ; rent not over $35.
Phone L. B. G., Broadway 6769.
WANTED to rent by two adults, Nov,
15 or Dec. 1, new 6-room house, ex
cellent care and reterence given. V
28, Oregonian. ' "
PARTICULAR couple want home to care
for during winter or small apt. Ref
erences given Mrs. Harding. Phone
Main 114H.
MODERN 6-room unfurn., Sunnyside
district; rent not to exceed $25. AN
94 0, Oregonian.
6-ROOM bungalow; must be strictly
modern; 3 adults; references if re
quired. Phone Tabor 9310.
YOUNG married coupJe wants 2 or 3-rm.
apartment, unfurnished ; east side pre
ferred; must be modern. AH 70, Ore
gonian. RESPONSIBLE elderly couple want a
heated apartment, 3 or 4 rooms, by
November 15. L 33, Oregonian.
ROOM wanted in private family, near
Montgomery Ward's, with or without
breakfast, by young man with refer
ences. P. O. box 451. Portland.
HtGH. two rooms and sleeping porch,
furnished. East 5760.
Rooms With Board.
ROOM AND BOARD wanted for two
elderly gentlemen ; one is partially
paralyzed, one ia convalescing; a place
where they can have the comforte of
a home. Apply to- J 30, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN doelres board and room In
private family; Mon ta villa car line
preferably, walking distance Benson
Polytechnic. Call Tabor 4064 Sunday
before noon.
WORKING man desires home and board,
private; give particulars. E 37, Ore
gon ian.
REFINED business girl, wishes room ana
dinners In private family; Laurelhurst
preferred. Tabor 6002.
YOUNG lady wishes room and board in
ref 'red private residence; reference.
AO 57. Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board, office man,
- walking distance, west side preferred.
O 30, Oregonian. ;
WIDOW, employed, with two children,
wishes room and board, close in. AH
6S, Oregonian.
.WIDOW wishes modern home in small
family in exchange for light work and
sewing. AB 35, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
LADY would like housekeeping rooms,
in or near Piedmont district. M 942.
LADY, employed, wants housekeeping
room in private family. AP 73, Oregonian.
Business Places.
WANTED General
mercantile store.
out-of-town; must be good;, party has
casn up to S20,uoo. AR 864, Oregonian.
FnmiMied Rooms.
Under New Management,
11th and Washington.
Opp. Blue Mouse Theater.
Newly furnished rooms, $5 per
week. Clean, modern.
ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington st.
A clean, respectable place to live: fr
phones in each room; automatic els
vator. large comfortable lobby; restau
rant in connection; near Washington
park, Multnomah club and hospitals;
reasonable rate, day, week or month.
$1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP;
West Park and Yamhill Sts.
Main 0202.
Clean, modern rooms at reasonable
prices. Transient and permanent
guests desired.
51 Wash, st.; clean, respectable
place to live; $1 and $1 25 day, $5 and
$6 week; room with private bath, $1.54)
and $2 day, $8 a wk. Free phones in
each room.
124 14th st. at Washington; rates $5
per week and up. $1 day; fireproof;
large, attractive, spotless rooms, closa
to amusements and shopping center.
FOR RENT To neat young man. de
lightfully cozy outside room in close-in
west side apt.; has entrance from hall:
lovely new furniture and is warm and
HghL 22. Atwater 3407.
CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of
moderate priced rooms for young men
ft in all parts of the city. Including rooms
at the Y. M. C. A. with phone in each
room, Bhower baths and club facilities.
Rates $1 a day; a week, $5 and up;
private bath, $8; fireproof and clean;
close to business center.
HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 hk to 211 H
4th st.; centrally located, rates 75c. Si.
$1.50 per day; with bath. $1.50. J2.
j.o; special rates. ;4 per wk. and up
HOC EL AMSDON Steam heat, hot and
cold water in every room, free bath,
free phone, brick bldg., good lobby.
Rooms 50c up; weak, $3 up. No. 268
3d st. S. Mainjs639.
ROOM and bath, exceptionally clean,
lots of heat and hot water, for re
fined gentleman or lady; references re
quired. 166 St. Clair Bt., cor. Washing-
1 ton.
Hot and cold water in each room;
$5 per week and up: board optional.
Attractive rooms and suites at rea-
sonable rates by week or month.
Attractive weekly and monthly rates.
See our accommodations.
Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up;
clean, light, hot and cold water, steam
h ea t. "levator service. 204 Columoia.
HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St.. cor. Stark.
! New management; modern; private
j baths, free phone, reasonable rates. $5
and up; hot and cold water, atam heat.
HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St..
2 blocks north of Washington s. ; fire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at
very reasonable rates by day or week.
Three lovely aunny rooms with 2
beds, steam heat and private bath,
$40. OtherH at $35.
ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St.. near
Morrison Clean and moaern rooms by
day, wceltor mtnth at reasonable rates.
LARGE, well-furnished parlor-bedroom,
first-class board if desired. 738 John
son. bet. 22d and 23d. Main 3706.
bite DAY. $2.50 week up- large, aosoiute
ly cltan rms. ; baths free; water always
hoL Hotel Cadiilac.8d near Jefferson.
A LARGE furnished housekeeping room;
also double sleeping room. Broad
way 7339.
FOR RENT Close in, furnished rooms,
free light, phone, bath, good heat, rea
sonable. 315 E. 30th. Tabor 4887.
Modern fireproof steam-heated bldg.
Rates $5 per week and "lip.
HILLCREST HOTEL. 733 Washington
st.. new management, reasonable rates,
plenty of steam heat.
2-ROOM apartment
trance. 501 Mill
and 15th.
with outside en
st., between 14th
STEAM heated room, walking distance,
west side ; all conveniences; no other
roomers. Phore Main C;'.58.
Warm furn. rm.. home privileges;
steam heat; 15 per mo. 494 Market.
ALEXANDER hotel, 131 & 10th at Alder;
clean rooms, reas. rates; some h. k.
apt., steam heat, hot water.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison et. at 10th
H a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone
and baths: light and airy. Steam heat.
WEST SIDE. 3 attractive rms.. Just what
you- would feel at home in. Reference
required. Main 3010.
THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder. A
$1 up. Rates by week qr month.
FURNISHED room and garage for rent,
Irvington district; best location;
couple preferred. East 7315.
Corner 17th and Couch; large, well
furnifrhed. modern rooms; reasonable,
WELL furnished room for 2 young ladies
employed; use of kitchen; walking dis
tance. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721.
NICE room for 2 young men, homelike,
piano. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721.
DAYTON HOTEL. 1st at Taylor; mod
em rooms. $2 per week and up.
LARRABEE hotel, steam heated, $2.50
week up Larrabee and Holladay.
LOVELY' room, nice and clean, furnace
hoat. clone in. Main 3836.
NICE, clean, warm, well furn. room, easy
walking distance. 493 Yamhill st
LIBERTY HOTEL, front and Madison;
cli-an, outside rooms, $1.50 a week.
FURNISHED rooms, twin beds, steam
heat 115 N. '-VMst
FURNISHED room for business woman
in apt.; references. 'Mai n 3203.
2 SINGLE well furnished rooms, $14. 427
Harriso i. near iitn.
LARGE do&irabie roomw, modem. 327
Sixth Ft.
VnfurniHhed Rooms.
TWO UNFURNISHED rooms. 354 3d St.,
$11. Main L'(M1.
Furnished Kooinn in Private Family.
NICELY furnished room with or with
out board; all home conveniences.
741 Hoyt. Main 6004.
LARGE front room, second floor, furnace
heat, electric lights: suitable for 2. 569
Johnso n strict. Broadway 5926.
NICELY furnished front room for two
young men; very reason-hie; home
irrivileges. 256 13th st.
CLEAN room tor young woman, use oi
piano, cooking privileges if desired;
walking disrance. Main 6719.
LIGHT, airy room; all conveniences;
close to business center; 214 11th et.
Atwater 0964.
FRONT ROOSl, clean, bath, phone. wst
side, walking distance, $12 per month.
534 Taylor. ,
ATTIC room, cheap rent in exchange for
starting furnace fire mornings. 569
Johnson st. Bdwy. 8926.
ROOM In newly furnished home, all con
venience: close in on west side. At
water 2863.
NICE furnished room for two girls. 2
mals and washing; $25 a month. Call
.Seilwood 2471.
$5 BEAUTIFUL furnished front room,
kitchenette; elegant home; 940 Corbett.
Main 8940.
LARGE furnlshAl room near Broadway
bridge, $Lper week, at 423 Ross st.
Eat 9512.
EXCEPTIONALLY attractive room. Nob
Hill district; all conveniences. C. S.
preferred. Atwater 1019.
WARM, comfortable room in nice east
side home, close in; man ' preferred.
Phone East 9748. "
LARGE front room, second floor, furnace
heat, electric lights, aultahU for X
569 Johnson st. Broadway
COURT room well furnished, altCTien
and laundry privilegaa. clos In,
Main 279?.
IRVINGTON Ideal room for gentleman;
modern home. East 4073.
LARGE front room near Franklin high,
garage if desired. 5304 4lM ave S. E.
WILL rent furnished room In private
family to couple, r-44 W. Broadway.
NEWLY furnished rooms lor gentlemen,
modern home, 680 Everett st.. cor. 21st.
DOUBLE room and one single room, pri
vate family. 174 23d st. N.
LOVELY room, steam heat, housekeeping
privileges, walking distance. 401 Ms lth.
WELL-FURNISHED, convenient to car.
417 Knott, near Union. $3.
A CLEAN, ploasant sleeping room, good
location. 305 12th st.
NICELY furnished room. 709 ht Kearney
Bt. Atwater 3269.
ROOM, board 574 Ladd ave,, near E.
12th and Hawthorne. East S145.