The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 42

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Furnished Roc ma In Private Family.
FURNISHED room to rent with the use
of kitchen and bath, for lady who is
employed during1 the day and whose
little girl can be at home or go to
school in Wocdlawn district or Jef
ferson h.lh. Terms reasonable. BF 32,
2 LARGE SLEEPING rooms, kitchen,
bath, phone, acads of heat and hot
water, entire floor to self; no other
roomers, easy Vest side walking dis
tance, near park blocks and college;
ideal for 4, men $5 each per week,
everything furnished. Atwater 0069.
WOULD like employed girl as roomer to
act as companion at night. "Refined
home, 20 minutes from town, near ca
line. Room newly furnished, every
convenience. $12.50 for room, break -fast
If desired. Call Sunday or Mon
day evening. 5S5 E. 57th at. X.
LADY baa nice accommodations tor club
of 6 or 8, gents, ladies or both; close
in; convenient car service; bath, phone,
heat, light; real home for appreciative
people; reasonable price. 144 N. 23d,
near Hoyt. ' ,
WELL furn. clean front rooms, heat,
plenty hot water, bath, phone, quiet,
line view, close to bus. center, good
beds, meals optional. 321 12th st, cor
ner of Clay st.
FIRST-CLASS sleeping room, bath,
phone, furnace heat, glassed-in Bleep
ing porch, use of living room with
fireplace. Hawthorne district, close In;
gentlemen only. Tabor 0716.
LOVELY front room, handsomely fur
nished In attractive private home for
two young men, twin beds. 71 Trinity
Cu.N'GENIAL young man wishes room
mate, separate beds, , piano, a real
home, $5 per week. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy.
2721. ,
NOB HILL, beautiful corner room, ma
hogany furniture, fireplace. Gasco fur
nace, every home comfort; C. S. pre
ferred. Atwater 1010.
a. SLEEPING rooms. 2 blocks north of
Bdwy. on Wms. ave.; clean, light and
sunny; furnace heat, piano; home
privileges. Gentlemen pref. E. 4421.
A COMFORTABLE front room for a
gentleman; home privileges; close in;
rent reasonable ; with or without ga
rage. East 1962.
TWO bright, well-furnished rooms, suit
able for gentlemen or ladies, private
home. Two blocks from Irvington and
Broadway cars. East 6253, bet. 9-12.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman,
private family, no other roomers, rea
sonable. Hawthorne district, close in.
Tabor 7 42ft.
LARGE, light, airy room for rent, fur
nished or unfurnished, suitable for
light housekeeping or will room, and
board two, $75; west side. Auto. 519-1.
FOR RENT Large,' steam-heate, fur
nished bedroom, kitchen privileges;
reasonable; references exchanged. Tel
ephone Automatic 514-60.
NICELY furnished room in modern
home, walking distance ; lady pre
ferred; rent $10 per month. Atwater
, 02. ,
NICELY furnished front room suitable
for 2, in private home;,on car line and
walking distance from city. 760 E.
Ankeny. E. 9336.
2 ROOMS, well furnished, including
kitchenette, 1 large rwir. on ground
floor, kitchenette, running water, pri
vate entrance. 414 Market, corner 11th.
LARGE, sunny front room in private
family, refined and comfortable sur
roundings, within walking distance.
Main 45S4.
LIGHT, clean, newly furn. sleeping
rooms, reasonable, modern and heated;
1 blk. from Bdwy. and Williams ave.
car line. :87 Vancouver ave.
LA RGE sleeping rooms, aieo 1 room
to share with school boy, furnace heat,
walking distance. 427 Clay. Phone
Atwater 0954.
PLEASANT front room, close in for
gentlemen In exclusive ant. house, twin
beds, shower bath. Plenty of heat.
Reasonable. Bdwy. 0526.
LARGE, clean front room in nice mod
ern home lor two men, close in, west
side; references. Main 4640.
PLEASANT sleeping room, furnished, for
gentleman that wishes a nice place.
4."1 10th st. S. Reasonable
1 NICE h. k. room with kitchenetteand
2 sleeping rooms, $2.50 and S3. 400
4th at.
NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen
in modern home, 680 Everett St., cor.
NICELY furnished room, sleeping or
housekeeping. 223 21st st. Walking
ROOMS, everything furnished, fur
nace heat, 1 block to oar, $20 a month.
879 Garfield ave. Walnut 6.192.
SINGLE room for gentleman, modern,
very desirable location. Bdwy. 2626.
627 Kenrney st.
BRIGHT., furnished front room, Rich
mond d i strict ; breakfast if desired,
Tabor 3737.
SLEEPING room for rent, nicely fur
nished: extra fine bed. 5 E. 12th st. S.,
on AnKeny. cast hm'.-
SLEEPING rooms, strictly modern, new
house, for man and wife or 1 lady.
ROOM in newly furnished home, all con
veniences; close in on west side. At-
water 2S63.
GOOD ROOM, furnace, bath, phone,
walking distance, reasonable, men only.
2S9 13lh.
PLEASANT front room, walking dis
tance Broadway bridge ; cheap rent .
East 9175.
SLEEPING rooms, neatly furnished,
cosy and warm;' private family, close
in, very reasonable. Phone East 5010.
SLEEPING rooms, suitable 1 or 2 em
ployed; reasonable. 194 E. Broadway.
cor. Benton.
LARGE, clean front room, bath adjoin
in?. No other roomers. Garage. East
8469. 29 E. 18th Bt.
LARGE front room, well furnished;
breakfast if desired. Walking distance
699 blunders st.
EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant front room,
walking distance, west side. 433Vi
Montgomery. Main 8570.
261 14TH ST. Furnished room, modern
conveniences; walking distance. Main
3S93. t
FURNACE heated room and housekeep
ing room for employed people. 427
Williams ave. East 7618.
LARGE corner furnished room ; plenty
light, closets, modern home, 23d, near
hospital, $14 per month. Main 3048
FURNISHED room to business woman;
best residential district; steam heat;
gi'ft per month. Main" 7S35.
LADY alone will share modern country
home with refined woman; references.
AV 219. Oregonian.
2 WELL furnished bedrooms, $20 per
iiiuuLii e-iiuu. ooi iayjor. opposite
Multnomah club.
Main 3010.
252'-3 S. BROADWAY, near Madison,
small, cosy room, $3 per week; gentle
men. LARGE, steam-heated rm., modern con
veniences. C. S. preferred. 549 Wash.,
apt A.
ROOM for gentleman, private phone;
references. 729 Glisan, west side:
walking distance.
A HOUSE, 5 to 7 rooms, small payment
down, balance like rent; must be bar
gain. Tel. Emp. 1281.
$S PER MONTH, sleeping room, phone;
walking distance. Call Monday. 498
BEAUTIFUL room in modern home, blk.
from Sunnyside car. East 15th and
Belmont. East 3218.
in new home, Laurelhurst; breakfast
if desired. Tabor 3694.
HAVE room for 3 young men, separate
beds, piano, homelike. Bdwy 274 61
North lSth.
)R INGTON Nicely furnished rooms
for 4 young gentlemen or ladies.
Breakfast if desired. S 10, Oregonian.
ONE sleeping room,
Broadway 7S36.
newly furnished.
257 12TH ST. Double room, hot and
cold water. 2 beds. Men only.
1 GOOD, light room, reasonable.
Going st. Automatic 322-87.
CjjLAN, cheerful room, good location
r.nd home. 305 12th st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms.
close in, reasonable rates. 595 6th at.
FIRS T-CLASS sleeping room. Irvington
home, walking distance. East 9650.
FURNISHED room, also auto garage. 746
LARGE room, suitable for 2; home privl-
igea; cheap. 507 Montgomery st.
6..0 WEEK Large, light, well furn.
rooms, bath. Main 7119. 549 Yamhill.
ONE large room, twin beds, running
water. men only. 668 Everett, near 21su
LARGE heated front room, walking dis-
tance, 1 or 2 girls. 440 W. Park.
rooms for women employed ;
ily. 302ft Park, cor. Columbia.
women on
ment ; references. Main 3203.
BUSINESS girl wishes girl roommate.
455 Montgomery st. Atwater 3157.
CLEAN, comfortable, convenient room;
west side, and garage. Atwater 4 761.
FOR RENT Room in nice home.. Wal
nut 6376.
Vy'ELL furnished room, East 15th and
Hawthorne. Fast 2363.
FUR. OR ur.fur. heated front rms. 834
E. Yamhill, cor. 27th. East 4525.
FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, mod
ern conveniences, close in. E. 3533.
CLEAN, comfortable room, near bath,
cioic in. reasonable rent. Bdwy, 42H6,
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
ONE FURNISHED room with kitchen
ette; one block from Sunnyside car;
$4.50 per week. 174 E. 35th st. Phone
Tabor 0302.
CLEAN room for gentleman ; "bath,
phone, steam heat, walk cistance; $22
month. 500 Main st, behind Multno
mah field.
CONGENIAL girl can have lovely sleep
ing room witn use or Kitcnen ana liv
ing room, reasonable rent; walking
distance. 387 -12th street-
NICE, clean, 2-room apariment, with
kitchenette, .also 2 housekeeping rooms,
heat, light and phone, walking dis
tance. 5S5 E. Main.
LOVELY room, finished in white and
gray, with blue hangings, furnished
with birdseye maple, walking distance.
East 2604. 451 Weidler.
NICE front bedroom. modern home.
closet, bathroom, use of piano and
living room. 167 Graham st. East
ATTRACTIVE, warm. light room, very
aesiraDie location, west side, walking
distance, rent reasonable. Broadway
WANTED 2 ladies to room, with or
wnnout us 3 or Kitchen, call after 1
o'clock Sunday. 610 E. Alder. Phone
East 1939,
NICELY furnished room, furnace heat,
next oath. $3.00, week. 290 College,
near Fifth.
NICELY furnished room In private
home In Irvington; private bath, ga
rage. East 498.
FOR RENT cheap, 3 nice clean, newly
iumisnea apt. ; everytning iurnisnea.
567 Vancouver. East 0551.
jRONT room, clean, bath, phone, walk
ing distance, west side, $12 per month.
534 Taylor. Call Monday. .
NOB HILL, very large room, fireplace.
private Datn, also cheaper room ana
attic room. 84 N. 21st at., cor. Everett.
MAN in his 30s will share rm. with
quiet fellow appreciating home. Priv.
bath and living rm. Seliwood 2412.
LARGE, nicely furnished room in beau
tiful home, steam heat, easy walking
distance. 215 14th.
Rooms With Board.
23d street at Hoyt. Atwater 0881.
Koons, single and en suite, with or
without bath, by day, week or month.
Meals to transients. White help only
One of the best-known residential
hotels on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients. ;
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down
town high-class family hotel; rooms
en suite or single, with or without
board, for families and business men
and women. All the comforts of a
home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy 1180.
SLEEPING poroh newly finished and
furnished, with separate dressing
room; also one attractive room with
fireplace and running water; thor
oughly modern: close in ; enjoyable
meals. East 7384.
Rates by day, week or month.
Meals served to transients.
332 10TH ST.
. Exclusive west side residential hotel,
especially pleasant rooms, running wa
ter, steam heat, suitable for two; also
single room; tempting meals, nicely
served. Main 6381.
A comfortable home for business
people; excellent table board;' all rooms
have running water, some private
baths. Reasonable rates.
LARGE corner room, large bath and
shower, suitable for 3 young men, in
a high-class small hotel, $50 month
each. Phone Bdwy. 34oo, The Lorraine,
212 N. 20th st.
735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3305.
Excellent dining room service, under
the direct supervision of Mrs. Mc-
Lougall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel.
633 KEARNEY BDWY. 1509.
Residential, newly furnished home
for business people; excellent meals.
,;UUil and board lor business girls; mod
ern conveniences; walking distance, 45
per wftek. East 9730. 12 E. 7th he.
$7 PER WEEK, room and board, near
O.-W. R. &. N. ahops; best board in
city tfor price. 521 fe Delay st.
LIGHT, warm, well fur. rm. with best
board for $2.75. 381 12th. Main 1199.
Mrs. .Dillon.
452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Rooms, board
optional; modern conveniences; walk'
ing distance. - -
ROOM FOR ONE more in private board
ing house, rates reasonable. 779 Mar-
shail st. Main 4878.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
WANTED to care for infants or small
children; will board mother and care
for baby while she works. Wal. 548o.
NICELY furnished room for business wo
man; breakfast optional; reierences.
Nob Hill district. Aut. 510-12,
ROOM and board for 2, near Benson
school. Vogan's Candy Co. and U. S.
Bakery. East 8143.
ROOM with board for gentleman In
private home, lots of heat and best of
eats. East 3862T
HAVE large front rm. to rent with board
to gentleman; easy walking distance.
4ftl w. park.
LARGE, clean room, walking distance (
choice location. Y70 lrvmg st. At
water 4410.
3-ROOM apartment, modern, private en
trance; walking distance. 511 Co
WILL give board and room to little
boy- or girl in refined home. Call
Bdwy. 6ti.). Monday.
CHILDREN will -receive good care it
home of responsible woman. Aut.
WANT children. Large play-room and
porch or room and breakfast, to
cnup:e. Tabor g
ROOMS with or without board; outside
rooms; good heat. Ma'in 2864. 394 Co
lumbia, cor. 10th.
ATTRACTIVE front, room with large
closet Tor lady, nice location, near car,
board if desired. Call E. 0705.
1 ROOM on first floor with sleeping
porch, with or without board. Call
Sell. 22S6.
NICE big room with board for single man
or two young men together, very rea
sonable.. 654 Lovejoy st. Bdwy. 5479.
BOARD and room in modern home for
young man or lady. 1 block I to car.
Tabor 5105. 326 East 32d st. South.
WILL give 2 ladies rooming together
clean, light room and breakfast. $14
month; nome cooKing. walnut o.-ttfi
LARGE, attractively furnished room near
' Union-ave. carlino and close in, home
privileges, 2 meals. Aut. 328-71.
LARGE front room, suitable for 2
ladies or gentlemen with board. East
NICE room with board, fine location.
modern, nome privileges, reasonable.
Call East 6080.
EMPLOYED woman can find good room
and board at 766 Commercial st. On
car line; close in.
FOR COUPLE employed or single people.
select modern home near Multnomah
club. Reasonabie. Mam jto2.
WANTED An elderly lady to care for
. in my nome. Tabor 383.
BOARD an room for two gentlemen
st-pa rate beds. Atwater 0981.
KO(9MS for young men. Please phone,
Taylor, cor. lnth. East 0040.
WANTED Elderly lady . to room and
board and care for. Tabor 410j.
ROOM and good home cooking, $30 per
month. 121 E. 11th. East 2522.
CHILDREN Any age, room and board.
' Mother's care. 1084 E. 15th N.
CHILDREN in private family;
care given. Walnut 4274.
BOARD and room, walking distance. 554
Johnson. Bdwy. 0646.
BOARD and room In private boarding
house" 8 to $101' 692 E. Ash. E. 1207.
GOOD, clean, modern home for small
child; no other children. Tabor 2SO0.
ROOMS and board, $30 and $35 per
I month. 24 E. 11th st. East 6593.
WANT a child to board; good home. Wal
nut 74.
$35 ROOM with board, walking dis
tance. 735 Hoyt.
GOOD home cooking, all home privi
leger 654 Love.ioy. Bdwy. 5479, V
LARGE front room with board, home
privileges. Auto. 518-66. 170 N. 22d.
WANTED Board child,
Sell. 2775.
'ft to 5 yeara
CHRISTIAN home for 2 young women;
home privl'leges; 2 meals. East 3131.
ROOM and board in widow's attractive
home. Call E. 1044.
ATTRACTIVE rooms, excellent meals;
real home, employed people. E. 6460.
WILL board children bv month. 323
Weidler. Automatic 328-73.
FINE ROOM, ne a r M u It n omah club;
home cooking; reasonable. Main 2219.
ROOM and
close In. 1
board in
last 1769.
private family.
BOARD and room In private family, good
home cooking. Walnut 4323.
LOVELY rooms for two: all orivilfttren
close in. 194 X 19 th aL Bdwy. 4ol4
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
A REFINED. Christian girl, employed,
16-20 years of age, may enjoy a good
home in a modern house close in on
east side; small charge and some light
services In return. Call after 5 P. M.,
129 E. 12th et., near Morrison.
C. S. HOME. I will take convalescent or
one needing quite place to rest; will
give excellent care, lovely furnished
room with furnished heat; best refer
ences; Rose City Park. Automatic
ROOMS LEFT. E. 310. 704 E. BURN
IRVINGTON home of refinement nicely
furnished room with sleeping porch
filled with sunshine; excellent 'board;
all conveniences. Broadway car. 023
. E. 25 st. N phone East 8627. "
LARGE, 4-window front room, ivory fur
nished, 2 beds, suitable for father and
son or 2 gentlemen; inmodern home;
home comforts; $30 pef month each.
Wal nut 6892.
1 NICE large airy room, suitable for
marr'ed couple or 2 gentlemen, $27
month,, bath on same floor, hot water;
home privileges, home cooking. E.
0978- Broadway and I. J. cars.
MIDDLE-AGED widow having fine home
in Irvington. would like to' take five
or six gentlemen to room, with break
fast. Best of cooking and service.
AF 37, Ore go ni an.
ATTRACTIVE room for two in widow's
home, twin beds, 'extra large -closet,
modern conveniences, excellent table,
close In. 1 blocks to car, garage if
desired. Tabor 4748.
FRONT room or sleeping porch, modern
conveniences, aauit lamuy, soutnern
home cooking, for one or two young
men or couple. Masonic affiliations
preferred. Tabor 3114.
ROOM and board ; one or more meals.
whatever desired; ciean, well-furnished
rooms, phone, bath, home privileges.
361 14th st., corner Mill.
ATTRACTIVE front bedroom, breakfast.
plenty hot water, comfortable, private
home, 1 block to Rose City car; rea
sonable. Tabor 8976. .
LARGE, newly furnished front room
with board, suitable for 2; walking
distance. 385 ft Mill. bet. W. Park
and 10th. Atwater 2038.
WILL board and room two children be
tween the ages of 4 and 8. in good
home; -can give references. Call Auto.
615-26. 9615 42d ave. Box 11.
WANTED Good home for schoolboy,
anvwhere between Seattle and Port
land: no other small children; . $20 a
month. AV 192. Oregonian
YOUNG couple in warm wst side flat
would nice to board two nice gins;
walking distance;, laundry privileges,
$60 for two. Atwater 4337.
IRVINGTON Near 2 carlines. room with
running water for 2 employed people;
sleeping porch; excellent food; garage.
East 6724.
NICE large room with board in refined
home on R. C. line. No other roomers.
Home privileges. Business girl pre
ferred. Tabor 7338.
BUSINESS woman will find attractive
room in modern, well-kept home; ex
cellent meals, plenty heat, hot water.
Auto. 315-58.
CHEERFUL and congenial home for two
girls or young men employed; snaring
same room and two meats. $25 each.
Bellwood 2203. .
LARGE, nicely furnished room with
board in modern home; not water neat,
beautiful location, and good car serv
ice; Walnut 4706.
WOULD like to room and board two
school girls or working girls. Just my
self and daughters in the family. 306
College st.. between 5th and 6lr.
BEAUTIFUL room, private home, excel
lent meals; business couple; home priv
ileges; piano, fireplace, hot-water heat,
reasonable. C. S, preferred. East 9359.
WILL befaxd widower with one to three
children in widows home, modern
home, close to school. 1084 E. 15th
st. N.
LARGE, newly furnished room, suitable
lor two people; home privileges; gooa
car service ; a real home for refined
people, .fnone TaDor jia
ROOM and board for one or two adults
in suburban home, about 12 miles
from Portland, $25 a month, one; two
for $45. Write box 47, Slfton, Wash.
FURNISHED with or without breakfast.
In private home for lady employed
during the day, 439 East 37th st.
Tabor 0025,
WILL share my home with 2 working
girls, business women, modern norne, i
block street car. luts-i iu. 'iotn st.
N. Alberta car. -
ROOM and board in private home; 2 men
or married couple preierred; must oe
empioyed; good location. 803 Kirby.
Walnut 4136.
(COMFORTABLE and clean rooms with
board, for one or more people; home
privileges. East hm.i.
LARGE light room, clejui and well fur
nished in private home, small lamuy
of adults. Steam heat Atwater 4391.
WILL take three or four school children
to board and room in refined: home.
303 Glenn ave
ROOM AND BOARD, private family; $35
per month. 367 Sacramento st, cor.
Un-io-n ave. North.
GOOD home for girls, mother's care,
plenty of milk, near school. Phone
.Tabor 0576.
ROOM and board for one or two people
in modern home. 275 46th East
Tabor 2311.
PLEASANT rooms, .rood home cooking,
for four men, in private family; mod
ern home privileges. Empire 1409.
BOARD for children, $15 per mo. Lovely
home, 833 OvenooK iiva. '.Mississippi,
transfer west R-S car. s
FURNISHED room for lady, with or
without board., 1083 Hawthorne ave.
Phone Tabor 0722.
Ht.b-.AND and wife will take one or two
children, in good health, to 'board.
School near. Call Empire 3338.
CONGENIAL young man wishes room
mate; 2 beds, nice home. 2 good meals;
Irvington; $28. East 5 SI) 7.
NICELY furnished room and bbard for
girl wishing home, reasonable. 1185
Kerby st. Walnut 0256.
Furnished Apartments.
jlS VERY desirable rm.. kitchenette,
closet, also neat 2-rm. apt., running
water, heat, walking distance. 735
3 ROOMS with hath, dressing room and
sleeping porch, heat and hot water,
walking distance, rent $40. adults. 427
17th' and Everett. 513-25.
front apartments;
WANT a refined business woman to
share apartment; ref. required. Phone
Bdwy. 3109, or AH 39. Oregonian.
4 APTS. for rent, partly furnished. 228
Dixon st., one block from Broadway
bri; new b u i 1 d,i n-g.
3 NICELY furnished apartments, $20
per month, ool Dekum ave. Wood
lawn car.
WORKING GIRL or woman to share
my apartment 'board and room rea
sonable. Call 733 Savier st.
WANTED Protestant girl under 35 to
share 3-room $35 apartment, west side.
I have piano. C 6, Oregonian.
-RM. APT., clean, com-pletely furn.,
water and, light, $20. 680ft Lombard.
Empire 1813. St. Johns car.
3-ROOM furnished corner basement apt
in high-class apartment house, 15th
and Belmont. East 6613.
SEVARG apartment, 271 South Broad
way. 2-room apartment, light, eteam
heat and running hot water.
CLEAN 3-room apt., gas, elec. ; walking
distance. AnKeny. single ti, K..
48 E. 8th N.
2-ROOM ant. modern, fireproof brlen.
heat, light, $2S a month. 616 Petty-
grove. -Bdwy. aiMb.
I HAVE a furnished apt I would like
to share with some good lady. East
WILL share small apt. with laay ;
steam heated ; references exchanged.
V 13, Oregonian.
FURNISHED apartment flat; close In.
Rent reasonable, ssu E. 8th st. N.
near Broadway. Phone Main 4861.
SUITE 2 rooms, light, airy, pleasant.
newly painted, very desirable. 534
, Morrison st.
$40, 3 lovely warm rooms, private
pains, nan, st. car, .viain SjUo.
EMPLOYED girl will share furnished
bungalow with working girl, reasonable
rates, wainut 64U2.
apt., reasonable.
- 2-rm.. modern, fur.
341 14la at.
TWO 2-ROOM apts rent reasonable. 152
E. 6th, near rteimont. Kast 1651.
Atwater 3181. Furnished 4-room apt,
2 FRONT rooms, clean, light, cheerful.
300 Jefferson, above west Park.
BUSINESS girl to share apariment, close
in. Main 1086, apt 47.
BUSINESS woman to share nice apart
ment ; good location. Broadway 2787.
4-ROOM fur. heated apt., private bath,
adults. 667 .East Morrison.
FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt, $25
mo. 4oo r. Asn, cor. J, am.
3 rms. and bath; rea's. rent. E. 91
LOVELY 2-room apt, ideal location,
rent very reasonable. 402 Park st.
VERY desirable, cozy, 2-rm. apt, light,
phone, bath.; $ 6 tin iiarket.
Furnished Apartments.
For tourist and permanent guest, the
handsomest furnished apartments in
the city; 1 to 5 rcome and sleapng
porches; very artistic; light, airy and
exceptionally ciean; few in ivory; wu
low Chinese rugs and pongee hang
ings, floor lamp, etc. Those wishing
home In every respect, with refined
surroundings and A-l service at4 maid
service if required. Single rooms and
uitea for rrffined gentlemen, Refer
ences required. -166 St. Clair, cor. 22d
and Washington. Bdwy. 5830. ,
TO SUBLET, beautifully fdrnished apt.,
nice living room and dressing room
with hardwood floors; large kitchen
with electric range, tile bath, oriental
rugs; overstuffed velour furniture;
period dining, room suite; must be een
to be appreciated ; no children ; refer
ences; east side, $75 per month. Call
East 0945. -- .
2 and 3 -room apartments and single
rooms by the day, week or month;
close to business center. Main 6641.
3 ROOMS and bath, completely fur.
nisnea; orignt, cneenui iwuiub, cit.
light, gas, furnace heat (It's differ
ent). You'll like this place. 16o E.
33d st.,- corner Belmont, Sunnyside
and Mount Tabor cars pass the door.
This apt., large living room, small
kitchen, good bath, fireplace, large
davenport and overstuffed chairs,
Victrola. light, and all the heat you
want, included. Main 3816.
All outside 2 and S-room furnished
apts.; French doors and balconies, per
manent and '.ransient. Atwater 519S.
FOR RENT 3-rum 'clean, well-fur.
nished apartment; 764 Michigan ave.
nr RPHPh st . nne block from Mis
sissippi carline;, large porch and fine
yard; to man and wife, $20; to man,';
wife and one adult, 525
Why tire yourself out looking for
empty houses and flats when you can
rent nice, clean 2 or 3-room apts.p
everything furnished, for $20 month.
. can at nuu ortn zisx. str-.
COSY front sleeping rooms or ligtit
housekeeping, clean linen, lights, fur
nace heat, gas, $11 per week; ft block
to car, W. S. 687 Glisan, cor. 21st.
Main 5037. '
2 rms. with lots of light, heavy
rugs, overstuffed and caife furn.. lots
of heat, kitchenette, 2 employed, $30
Flat 5. 564 Couch. Main 3838.
3-room apt., suitable for people who
are away during day, modern and
clean, walking distance. W. Park and
Columbia. -
NEATLY furnished 3-room apt., light,
wattr and phone furnished. iou ii
have to see it to appreciate it. Adults
only. Phone Walnut 2975. 1090 E.
15 th st. N.
1 and 2-rm., Including steam hat,
hot, cold water light and phone, $15.
$25. 245 ft N. 37th st.
Three rooms, dressing room and bath,
hardwood floors, white enamel ; free
elec. washer and mangle; East 3782.
3 LARGE clean rooms, all outside; hot
water heat; dandy place; 10 min. on
Mississippi car; 2 adults' only. See
this. 816 Albina, corner Failing.
PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel
mont. 2 and S rooms, completely fur
nished ; tile baths, white enameled
woodwork. East 454S.
3-ROOM furniehed apartment, large rms.,
brick building, all outside rooms; rent
only $45. Washington High apart
ments. 14th and E. Stark sts.
Well furnished 2 and 3-room, walk
ing distance; $35 to $4u. Grand ave,
and Oak st.
Dormitory room and board, $5 per
week: age limit 17-25. Main 342.
Modern - room; hardwood floors,
elevator, electric washer, lights and
phone; walking. 3S6 3d. Main 9466.
MOD. APTS., WK. OR MTH. E. l9t.
WILL' share modn apartment with
young lady employed, price reasonable.
Phone Bdwy. 4400.
' Clean H. K. rooms, Is, 2a and 3s;
low rent: children welcome.
3-ROOM first fiOor apt, private en
trance and toilet: running water; 2
beds. Near Willamette Steel & M. W.
Co. 412 19th st. N.
206 UNION AVE.. 4 new apts., partly
furnished; 3 two-room, 1 one-room.
each with kitchenette. For informa
tion phone E. 3708. ,
4-room nicely furn. outside
walking-distance. Bdwy. 5151.
J60 715 Wayne St., Near King $60. "
4 large outside rooms, furnished, first
floor., heat arid water. Broadway 6280.
LEONCE APTS., 186 N. 22D ST.
3-room front apt., private bath; $50.
Atwater 2250.
FURNISHED -2-rm. apt; heat. light.
hot and cold water; $30 a month. 4UUft
Jackson. Main 5196.
MOORE Apts., 415 E. 10th st Newly fur-
nuished two-room-bath apt, new buua
ing, $35. East 1507.
Two and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath.
11th and Montgomery. Main 0359.
ALTON I A APTS., 19th and Marshall 2.
3 and 4-rm. apts.. large, light, airy,
unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412.
WILL give employed woman or high
school gin gooa nome m exenange tor
light services. labor ocg.
Attractive 3-room steam heated apt
Close in; reasonable. East 1808.
VHREE outside rooms; clean, light, airy..
Well furnished,' modern. Reasonable.
Phone E. OS58. -
3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. flra.
private balconies. $35up. Atw. 1160.
ALICE COURT, E. 8th. Burnside Walk
ing distance; & ana i-rm. apts.. z beds,
fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3666.
SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and
Multnomah. & and d-room furnished
apts.. all outside apts. , East 1426.
steam-heated apt., $23:
best car service in city.
Walnut 4420.
142. Shaver st.
DANDY 3-room apt., all outside rooms;
private phone and Datn, cheap, labor
WESTMINSTER, Main 5582. nicely-fur
nished apts.. with bath, sleeping
NICE front apart., two large rooms and
kitchenette; adults; isroadway and
Main st. Atwater 2242.
208 15th, near Taylor. Atwater 0128.
5-room completely furniehed apts.
BARKER APT.. 2 and 3-rm. apts., dis
appearing beds, well furn. b5 Irving,
cor. 21st.
CHETOPA ANNEX, 89 North 18th St.;
3-room apt., walking distance, bdwy.
Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and
dressing room; elevator. Main 0359.
NEW YORK apts., 1, 2. 3-rm. apts.. gas
ranges, elec. lights, sinks, steam heat;
walking; dist.; $4 up. 441 & Belmont.
3-ROOM furnished apt. private bath,
telephone and heat, walking distance.
East ll)6'i. ' ,
CONGENIAL girl, or woman, not over
3-5 years, to share apartment; Nob Hill.
189 N. 23d. Main 3316.
IDAHO APTS.. 389 Sixth St., neatly fur
nished, 2, 3, 4-room apts., $20 and up.
Walking distance.
FURN. 4-rm. apt., in one of the beet
west side houses, for rent fol- 5 mo.
Strong & McNaughton. Corbett bldg.
3 ROOMS, ground floor, private bath,
walking distance,-west side. 454.11th
3-room fur. apt. with 2 beds.
12th St. .
THREE-ROOM front apartments, good
furniture. The Florence, 388 11th sL
Atwater 4174.
Modern 2 and 3-room apts., all rooms
outside. Bdwy. 1812.
THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th. 2 and
4-room apts. Broadway 3658.
2 AND 3-room modern furnished house
keeping apt. 662 Glisan.
3-ROOM furnished apartment. 6S3 North
rup st. Atwater 2228.
MARTHA APTS., 1 and 2 rooms, newly
furnished. Main J!141.
UNION AVE. ' and Ktlllngsworth, furn.
apt.. $24.50; complete; concrete bldg.
NICELY fur. 3-room modern apt., close
to car line, 2o. Atwater 4166.
2 AND 3-room apts. Peabody Apts., 409
lth St. N. Bdwy. 1546.
2 LARGE fur. apts., with or without
Stuage, Sla -a u ...
Fu rn ished Apartments.
5-room furnished apt. ; every room
large, light, airy.; large music room,
with disappearing bed; living room,
dining room, private bedroom, white
Dutch kitchen, large bathroom; wood
work in ivory; tapestry wallpaper; al
ways an abundance of steam heat and
hot water; telephone and janitor serv
ice. The Meda Apts., ft block N. of E.
Broadway; just across the Broadway
bridge. No. 377 Vancouver ave.
TWO ROOMS beautifully furnished;
spotlessly clean; very reasonable;
easy walking distance.
Also one room, beautifully furnished,
hot water, small gas plate for light
housekeeping; 1 block R-C car and
Grand ave. 415 East Couch.
Modern, nicely furnished, roomy,
warm; there's none better; equipped
for 2 to 5 persons.
when you can live in one of the nicest
apts. in town, one block from Central
library, for $50 a month? This ap.t. has
three lovely rooms, bath and hall, com
pletely furnished; Main 8397. 229
11th st. ' .
$22.50, in private home, close in ;
2 lovely, cheerful rooms and bath, to
couple employed.; no children. 823
8-ROOM furnished apartment in a very
- nice fiat, has private bath and back
and front porch; $20 includes water
and phone. 1299 Keliiy St., take Ful
ton car to Flower st.
3-RM. SUITE, also 2 rms. partly fur
nished, in ouiet, ciean home. Good
heat, light, phone, bath, electric wash
er, vacuum cleaner; $35. You'll look
no further. Adults. Walnut 5667.
2 LARGE ouide rooms, newly finished;
piano; heat, light, and use of phone;
$32.5-0 a month; no small chdldtren.
235 Chapman st, corner of Main, one
block south of MuHnonvah club.
FURNISHED, jieat 2-room apartment,
heat, light and water furnished, near
Washington high and Morrison car,
$22.50. 171 E. 13th st. Phone East
THREE large rooms, two beds, suitable
for four or five people, steam heat,
private bath, $40 ; other three rooms,
with private bath, $30. 300. Williams
Wferm, light 3-room front apt., fur
nished, steam heat, private bath, dis
appearing bed, new rugs, $45. 494
Large modern front 3-room apt.,
equipped for 2 to ii persons; also 2
rooms. Walking distance. Atwater
1027ft BELMONT ST. Front corner 3
room apt., private phone and. bath.
' Mt. Tabor or Sumnyside carilne. Call
Tabor 0i54fl.
NICELY furn., h. w. floors, dome light,
pongee drapes; private bath, toilet.
Yard, rarage. 1197 Cleveland. Wal
nut 5936.
Clean 4-room apartments, fireplace,
oak floors, suitable 4 adults. Atwater
3-ROOM furnished apartment in high
class apartment house with first-class
service. Corner loth and iseimoni.
East 6613. .
CONGENIAL girl can have lovely sleep
ine- room with use of kitchen and liv
lng room, reasonable rent; walking
distance. 387ft 12th street
FURNISHED 2-room private apartment,
kitchenette and private bath, light,
phone and heat 554 E. Madison, cor
ner of 13th. "
Two rooms and bath, west side.
walking d-istance, Broadway and Grant
Atwater 0426.
ROOMS and a. kitchenette.
22d street
3S5 North
Unfurnished Apartments.
There is only one 3-room and one 4
roor.t apartment left in Portland's new
est and most modern apartment house.
These apartments have large, brignt
rooms and overlook beautiful gardens.
800 E. Hoyt St., near 24th. East 7527.
"First-c'.ass in every respect, has a
large furnished apt, also an unfur
nished 4-room. very desirable and: un
excelled in the city, reasonable rent,
closf . to theater and shopping district.
juam 086. Also furnished apt.
8 AND 4-ROOM new modern apartments,
all laree sunny outside rooms, must
be seen to be appreciated, walking
distance, private garages, rent mod
erate to desirable tenants. 34 E. 9th
st N. Phone Bdwy. 2768, evenings
East 2076.
BEAUTIFUL new Irvington 5-rra. apts.
ready about the 15th; electric ranges
and electric water heaters; automatic
heat; extra large living room and sun
room, fireplace, tiled and shower bath.
Phone East 88U3 or. apply corner 11th
and Tillamook.
EXCEPTIONALLY nice 4-room apart
ment, newly renovated and kalsomined,
brick building, all outside looms, real
bedroom; rent only $45. Washington
High apartments, 14th and E. titark
Fine five-room apt: steam heat,
wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor serv
ice; no children; references.
210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 800T,
One of cur best unfurnished front 4
room apts. will be vacant Nov. 1st,
hardwood floors, nothing superior in
city; No. 1 service; fine lobby and
courtyard: adults; references. $70.
70 LARUE 6-ROOM APT. $70.
All outside rooms, all on one floor;
close in and fine residence district;
heat and water furnished. Bdwy . 6280.
RAGE, J92.50. EAST S6il3. 730 WEID
water hea-t. all light rooms, ivory fin
ished, art paper, oak floors, fireplace.
janitor service., JSu. Neuhausen & Co.
Main S078.
IONIAN COURT, lhth and Couch sts.
4-room modern apartment, all outside
sunny rooms, newly renovated, elegant
view, walking distance, rents reAscrh
able. Adults. Bdwy. 2761.
Attractive 5-room apartment with
sleeping porch; Lombard st at Albina
ave.; 2o minutes to town; $25, Bdwy.
3070 or Walnut 2642.
4-ROOM unfurnished aptv steam heat;
no children; $40; garage if desired.
Waverley Court, E. 26th and Clinton.
, Seliwood 2752.
Five large rooms, newly decorated
throughout; very light. Phone Main
HIGH-CLASS 5-room steam-heated apt.,
in Irvington; French Ivory woodwork.
Imported tapestry paper, hardwood
floors. East 1369. .
FOR RENT 3-room apartment, steam
heat, hardwood floors, good view of
city, rent reasonable. 625 Main St..
. near King.
Three rooms, dressing room and bath,
hardwood floors, white ' enamel ; free
elec. washer and mangle East 3782.
VOLHE1M APTS., 30th and E. Alder;
lovely corner fronts-room apt., hard
wood lioors, eieccno .
. range, electric
FOR RENT Partly ' furnished 4-room
upper flat, private bath. In modern
home; furnace heat; on car line, $35.
544 E. 26th st. Phone Seliwood 3584.
THE WASSELL 4 outside rooms, first
floor, newly renovated, heat, water,
garbage; $45. 555 E. Yamhill. Walk
ing distance. East 5004. Adults.
ATTRACTIVE Gordon Court, family apt.,
beautiful 5 fooms, lawn, flowers. 530
Montgomery drive, near St, Helens hail.
apartment with large
sleeping porch.
UCK AptS., 1U7 JN.
21st st.
ROSE FRIEND APTS, Broadway and
Jefferson Bt. Choice 5-room apt, can
he secured November 1.
LARGE, unfurnished housekeeping
rooms steam heal. 917 Union
ave. K.
4 APTS. for rent, partly furnished. 228
Dixon .st., one block from. Broadway
bridge;" n ew building.
BARKER APT., 3-rm, vacant Nov. 1,
2 disappearing beds, 2 dressing rms.,
large closets. 685 Irving st., cor. 21st.
4-room modern outside bungalow
apt., steam heat; janitor. East 1369.
Large, desirable 3 rms., all outside,
sleeping porch. "30 Hoyt st. Main 1552.
STEAM-HEATED four-room apartment,
$35. Cottel Drug Co.. Main 0792.
MAYO apts., 50SH Union ave. N. i
ro o m unfurnished apt. Walnut 0920.
69 N. 23d st. 8-room apartment.
THREE good rooms, private bath. 15th
and Alberta. Phone Wal. 0549.
ICAN Modern 4 and 5-room
Broadway 3360.
ALTER APTS. 6 rms., steam heat, tile
bath: shower L-21st Overton. Bdy. 1980.
UNFURNISHED apartment, in modern,
new building. East 9958.
3-ROOM apt., toilet and bath; Thurman
st., near 20th. Atwater 4761.
2 AND 4-RM. new, mod.; b. nook, h w.
lioora, .W'Aiaut 383.
1'nfumished Apartments.
RESIDENTIAL apartments, just com
pleted. 793 E. Main St., cor. 25th.
Privateentrance. 3 rooms and tiled
bath and dressing room; steam heat,
electric range,' 2 disappearing bedd.
East 6918. O. W. Tarr.
Furnihhed or tnrurn:sned Apartments.
406 N. 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and un
furn. 3 and 4-rm. apts. everything new.
RY DESIRABLE 7-room, upper flat.
Large sleeping porch. Furnace, fire
p iace piped for gas. Gas range for
cooking and heating water. Inlaid lin
oleum on kitchen. Rooms arranged
for sub-letting'if desired. This is on
west side, walking distance. Rent $50.
Strong & Co., 6u Cham, of Com.
IF YOU WANT a large 5-room upper
iiai, wun mrnace ana nreplace all
newly tinted and painted, new lin
oleum; walking distance, Sunnyside,
you'll take this flat. 7S9 YamhiU.
Phone Bdwy. 6011 or East 7978, Mon
day. Rent reasonable to responsible
part lea
5 rooms, 606 Madison st $40
6 rooms, 606ft Madison st 40
6 rooms, 900ft Longview av 25
5 rooms, 775ft Wilson st 75
2oy Oak st Bdwy 5355.
-ROOM flat in excellent condition: fur
nace, fireplace piped for gas. Gas
range and linoleum in kitchen. This is
301 16th st, second building eouth of
I'jontgomery. Key at office. Rent $40,
S t r on g&Co . . 606 C h am. o fC u m .
Attractive 4-room flat, linoleum, gas
Tange 71ft E. 2Sth st. near Stark;
rent $35.
IDEAL flat, 7 beautiful light rooms; best
BBiuence aisi. cor. way above aver
age, $60. 996 Savier st Atwater 4371.
ONh. of Portland's most' modern 2-familv
flat buildin. just completed, stucco
exterior, all floors hardwood. Cor E.
-Nth, and Yamhill sts. Open for' in
spection. Metzger-Parker Comnanv
DANDY 4-room lower fiat, nartiv f..r.
nished, rent $30, including water and
garbage, adults only; ft block to Will
iams ave. car. Call 291ft Beech. Wal-
nut 5861.
NEW 5-ROOM flats, electricity g&s,
private entrance. bath, hardwood
floors, modern conveniences', walking
d is tance; references required. 541 2d st.
4-ROOM FLAT for rent, newly d
wiAteu. ow w uuams ave., corner
.oroaaway. can Sunday afternoon be
tween 2:30 and 5. :
RENT 4 and 5-room modern flats, sleep
ing porch and garage, 15th st. and
Belmont; first-class repairs; $40 and
$25 per month. East 8421.
ROSE CITY Three blocks from car. five-
v.UUeiu mwer uat, tapestry pa-
SeiLed oooBe Prch- nice yard, $40.
1 a bor 8333.
5-ROOlI flat, first floor, walking dis
tance, nice view, fireplace, fumaoe-:
$)7.50. SSI) 16th t., south of Mjnt
gomery. S-KOOM flat, fireplace, furnace, open
V . b?'rom, built-in conveniences,
tast, 10th and Halsey. Call Bdwy.
. TlKlfi or East 0148.
DA-D? -room flat. In eood condition
A'O Margin St., foot of Halsey; only
. J ,41 w""1 Irom union depot
FOR RENT Unfurnished 5-room upper
flat. Irvineton rilti. k.j j 1,1-
VVi-ce- furnace, garage. 465 Enst
12th .North. East 8371.
NEW AND modern 5-room upper flat,
very conveniently situated, on west
SlSfv, erences "IU'red; no children.
VERY desirable 5-room flats with sleep
"is Dort'n well nn.i.H n j
Hawthorne; - strictly modern? ?50 a
... .. i nunc uvtiier. r.HRr hxhk
BEAUTIFUL five-room flat. hM.mfl
floors, strictly modern, perfect con-
v niiV. ; T, L'' inquire 74
-"i" rnone n.ast 0070.
4-ROOM modern flat. 77 u. "
1 blk. south of 23d and Washington st!!
J'al" ""OP or jsawy.
3 NICE large rooms, furnace heat and
Call at 5309 80th ave.. or Aut. 628-38:
.uwr,niv. rive rooms, sleeping porch, all
""T ne";ln wh'ts enamel; close
noss St. Kasf 53!R
3 LARiE rooms, lig-ht and airy, heat,
I'SrV telephone. 3l per month.
- ......r, m,, ue-Tiveen -'3d and 24th.
7 ROOMS, newly remodeled n-ith .n
conveniences 13th and Clay sts. See
.it.tsciTiiiiier o., zoy oak st.
UiMPf f!at- yard- basement and
V ill! n-c aauits. 332.50. Wal
...... .,,0-2 commercial st.
side, t
m ..u; .Ar." " " i
Tahni. a-oii' "'"-" M--ou month. Call
Tabor 370H.
JPPER flat, close in. 63 'A E. Kth V
w-t'or " 10 A- M-: 21' includes
MOTH BR and daughter will share o-rm.
partly furnished, fiat, w. s., with some.
one wno has furniture. Atwater 2618
T .i1X" C Q 5 . . : .
luunie, ciean, with or witbout
! . ivovemDer 1; adults.
LOWER flat, five rooms, fireplace, fur.
$45 J,c,clL near -ist, west side.
LOWER, 6 large rms., new fixtures, ne
4'K"' real nome, lawn, porches Noh
anuiis. .Mam at-tv.
FO,U? unfurnished rooms, phone, water
Ph a garage; furnished; $25.
Williams ave. Call East 843S or K.t
60 EAST 12th st. North, cor .1 r..i.
iV.V ' . ... L,m Ilrepiace, newly
tinted; rent $45. Main 3005.
5-ROOM flat, modern, telephone water
?ioSii VZZ' .WalkinF stance, $22,501
rC au., nuuig pi .i on t gomery.
2 u"to"?f,le 5-room flats; adults.
3-ROOM flat with bath and basement
$15. 1031 Corbett. Atwater 4441 '
5-RCK-M upper.
Couch and E.
i u.. 12th North, bet. E.
uiirnsifle: adults. $35
86 ln' talking
. n... i,uf. voyrc.
om uDDer fla
st 2d. near CTackama
Tabor 319
12M, EAST 18TH ST.. cor. Ash Modern
-rooi upper; fireplace, furnace; $40.
6-ROOM flat. Lovejoy, between 21st and
22d; rent $35. Phone Broadway 0303.
5"?-?i0iIi5,1'U 'wr,en, 368 San Rafael,
,. . .,. Tli i .oroaaway.
oiniiL,! mouern. ara-p a.pAnm fi
223 Alberta, near Jefferson high school.
. Fi Th" vCOr' "Vyaahinffton Newly
o-itwu nat at til j 1st st.; rent, Jiao.
M?P,E??. B-rom ''at, hot water heat.
Mi.'. .lofforBnn
aMOD&'P lower flat. 4 large clean rooms,
hthxc. ciose in. i Kast Main.
4-ROOM modern flat.
3!I3 Freemont
Furnished Fla t.
3-ROOM furnished flat, modern weeept
a .'nVX, WCSL siae; reierences.
-rxuLU. inn St. lower riat. res denn so w
27th st. " Very low rent to responsible
tnniiL. j-none laoor c3 7 .
( L)SIRABLiY located f-
nished flat, 146 East 30th at. near S. S.
4-ROOM furnished upper flat, strictly
wxw 1U uiwinii, witn garage :
aauits only. Wfrfr Brixton st. Tab. fi!4i
COMPLETELY tpi;rvtsup.t
5-rm. modern fl-at, furnace, etc.: $47 50
lfSfl Hawthorne ave. Phone 647-,V!
tf-ituu-n lurnisned flai- its a r,tu
electric lights, coai and wood range
FOUR large rooms, furnish ra
will divide Into two apartments;' on mor. o I o -,(1 st. X.
5-ROOM modern furnished flat.
Corbett Pt. AtwateT 3920.
$50 NICE 5-rm. flat, 1st floor. E. Yam
hill. Adults. Now readv. Tabfvr firm
2nno3fy5ERX 5 rooms' Partly furnished.
'Q-5 vurnmerciai. Wairrut 0187.
LADY having artistic flat would like
lady to share it. Aut 616-73.
6-ROOM modern flat, close in. 190 17th
st. Inquire 189 16th st.
CLEAN" 4-room lower flat, well furnished.
FOR RENT 4 rooms partly furnished.
768 Cleveland.
$25 MONTH Modem 4-room lower flat,
garage, 913 Williams ave. Wal. 2469.
3 ROOMS and bath, fur.;
trance. Walnut 5849.
private en-
3-ROOM fiat, very desirable; fireplace,
couple only. 568 f4 East Main .
4-ROOM nicely furnished flat, 616 Cora
merclal at. Call 10 to 5. Atwater 2812.
FIRST floorr, 5-rm. flat, E. Yamhill; Mt.
Tabor cars; $50; adults. Tabor 6931.
5-ROOM furnished flat at S63 16th St.,
west side, corner of Mill st.
NEATLY furnished upper flat, adults.
Walnut 3045. 161 Monroe.
4-ROOM flat for rent.
Seliwood 3936.
Call Mrs. Hall,
2-ROOM fur. flat: private bath; private
family. 63 E. 19 st. N cor. Davis.
NICELY furnished 4 or 5-room flat.
Piano, fireplace. Nob Hill.- At. 8462.
CLEAN, lower fur. .flat; want responsi
ble rnantTabor 3879.
FART of flat, west side, adulta. Main
tiUUl ftttejf I P. M.
Furnhmed Flats.
2 LARGE SLEEPING rooms, kitchen,
bath, phone, scads of heat and hot
- water, entire floor to self, no other
roomers, easy west side walking dis
tance, near park blocks and college;
Ideal for 4 men $5 each per week,
everything furnished. Atwater 0069.
IRVINGTON On car line, 2 large rms.,
completely furnished; small kitchen
ette; on ground floor; $40, -includes
phone, lights, water. No children.
Suitable for 2 adults. East 4384 after
2 P. M.
IRVINGTON 4-room modern flat, laWn
and sleeping porcn. furnace, fireplace,
oak floors, gas range and watfr heat
er, disappearing bed. Tabor 8018.
CHARMINGLY furnished, newly deco
rated, 4-room flat, piano, real kitchen,
southern exposure, close Multnomah
club: no children; $45. Atwater 3295.
I NEWLY finished 3-room flat, suitable
for 2 or 3 adults; white Dutch kitcnen;
light, water included, $35. 1010 East
Main st.. near 34th.
3-ROOM furnished flat, walking dis
tance, nice view, telephone, water,
$32.50. 389ft 16th st, south of Mont
gomery. NOB HILL.
Very fine flat, fur. extra nice; phone,
water, garbage; adults only. Main 3670.
204 22d street. t
5 OR 6-ROOM upper, clean, pleasant,
nrepiace. ao ota st .rnone auio.
NICELY furnished 4-room or 5-room
flat; piano, fireplace. Nob Hill. At
water 3462.
$53 ATTRACTIVE four rooms, sleeping
porch; c no ice location, irvington car.
East S01 5.
4-ROOM furnished flat. All private.
neat and clean; walking distance. 327ft
South 17th st., west side.
4-ROOM furnished flat on Sandy blvd.
and 28th st. Call East 0661, or Tabor
6442. . .
WEST SIDE, 5-i oom upper flat, light
and airy, beautifully turnisnea. i id
Kearney st. Main 1563
5-ROOM nicely furnished flat, close in.
for permanent tenant. C. A. wagner,
230 Stark st. Bdwy. 7150.
ATTRACTIVE bungalow flat, fireplace.
iurnace, wen turnisnea, large porcnes,
ayn.carline. Automatic 616-73.
Housekeepi ii g Rooms.
Why tire yourself out looking for
empty houses and fiats when you can
rent nice, clean 2 or 3-room apts.,
everything furnished,, for J2U month?
Call at 200 U North 21st st.
2 AND 3-ROOM suites. 12 to 18. single
n. k. rooms, 83 to $10 per montn;
bachelors or couples; lobby; special
rates to ex-service boys. The Vaughn
apts.. N. 19th and Vaughn sts.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette: electric
stove, heat, bath, light, phone fur
nished; neat and clean; fine for couple
employed; $32. oO. 624 .Nortnrup Kt.
Phone Broadway 0224.
EXCESSIVELY clean housekeeping with
Kltchenete, airy, quiet, aesiranie resi
dence, view and location. 768 Park
avenue, very close Vista avenue and
Council Crest car. Main 4278.
2FURNISHED h. k. rooms, everything
furnished but gas; close In; will take
childrpn; $23. 179 Stout, or 20th and
Morrison. Bdwy. 1609.
DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, good
neighborhood, reasonable rent, light,
gas, heat, water and furnished. 428
Mill, bet. 11th and 12th sts.
NEWLY furn. h. k. and sleeping room.
wa;jt. dist., 1 block from 1J car, J
blocks south of Multnomah club. 260
Nartilla. cor. Madison. Atwater 4173.
OR 3-ROOM outside apts., everything
furnished, very convenient and clean,
downtown, rent reasonable, by week
or month. 170 12th st.
NOB HILL Large, clean rm. with kitch
enette ana iront parior; not ana uiu
water, furnace heat; also single h. k.
rm. 283 N. 24th.
LARGE downtown room and kitchen
ette, light, gas furnished, $7 wrek.
2536 Wash. St., cor. 3d. Inquire at
room 6 week days. ' ,
1 AND 2-rm. H. K. suites, steam heat,
not ana com water, gas ana iignt, iurn.
Respectable, clean, $.1 up. Hendricks
Apts., loth and r landers.
1-2 WELL-FURNISHED H. K. rooms,
steam heated, gas and light included
iu rent; near dental college and chiro
practic college. 423 Pacific st.
VERY desirable, newly fur. 1 and 2
1 H. K. rms., heat, light, phone, bath,
very close in, cor. 16th st. 613 Yam
hill. FOUR nice, clean housekeeping rooms
with bath, in private home. 687 East
Oregon at.
CICELY furnished large front room and
kitcnenette; electric lights, heat, phone
and bath privileges. Adults only. 405
12th st. "
ii-ROOM fiir. 'apt., heat, ligAs, gas. hot,
cold water fur., laundry; -$35 month:
walking distance; adults. 367 16th st.
ONE front light housekeeping room; fur
nished; light, water and iurnace heat.
315 22d N.
1IODERN light rooms, with or without
kitchenette; all new furnishings. 15U
N. 24th st. Main 2106.
1-ROOM $14. 3-room $25: cheerfully fur
nished, 4 minutes' walk to business
center. 306 4th st.
LARGE room with kitchenette, hot and
cold water, furnace. 494 Taylor. Main
2121. -
AND 3-ROOM h. k. apts.. 515 Van
couver ave. Free bath and phone.
Phone East 8702.
THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur
nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, including
hot water, elec. lights, laundry room.
MODERN, well furnished. Single house
keeping rooms. Atwater 1195. 267
Hall st.
NICE ciean sleeping porch for 1 or 2
gentlemen. Outside entrance. Fur
nished h. k. rms. 433 Market.
CLEA.' fur. H K.. room; heat, phone and
bath, $4 per week. 421 6th st. At
water 2605.
LOVELY large front room, hot and c6ld
water, kitchenette; children welcome.
501 Harrison, above 14th. Auto 518-13.
E4 N. 10TH, near Wash., large h. k. rm.,
first floor, , water, fireplace; no child
NEAT and clean. 2 h. k. rooms, lights
water, telephone, bath and heat free;
easy warning aistance. d college st
2-ROOM apt., well furnished, h. and c,
water, suitable for 3 or 4 people. Bdwy
4046. 631 Hovt, near 20th.
NICELY furnished 2-room housekeeping
apt.; heat, light and phone furnished.
At 2u N. lstn st.
1 fcOSY room $18, single; 3 swell large
rms., gas, light, heat, $45. Main 6746.
422 ii. Jefferson st.
141 ELEVENTH, front H. K. room, $25
mo. 2-rm. H. K. suite, $25 mo., phone.
FOUR nice clean furnished housekeep
ing rooms with bath, in private home.
087 E. Oregon st.
LARGE housekeeping room, also double
sleeping room, 575 Everett. Bdwy.
2 LARGE H. K. rma. with dressing rms.,
light, ohone and bath. 535 E. Burn
side. East 3833.
NICE, clean, furnished H. K. apts., sin
gle and double, $2.50 week up. 461 E.
M o rrison, Montg o mery apartment.
NICE, clean, single H. K., rooms, suitable
for employed adults; gas, elect.; plenty
steam heat. 361 11th street.
NICE and cieam housekeeping and sleep
ing' rooms, very reas-onafol-e. Th-o Cole,
122 12th st.. cor. Washington.
NICE, clean single H. K. rms., gas, eiec,
heat and phone, included. Suitable
for employed adults. 314 Mill., cor. 6th.
.PT. O'F three roms, close in, closeto
school, nice back yard. 262 12th st.
Main 4326.
ROOMS for batchelors, $2.50 a week,
two rooms, private 'entrance, $5. 573
3d st. -
CLEAN, fur"-H K or sleeping roon,
close In, $2 per wk. East 8431.
GOOD basement room, $10 a month. 262
12th st.
TWO LIGHT housekeeping suites, clean
and reasonable, otil Irving ai.
i NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
$25. 264. 14th st. Atwater 6079.
THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping
apartment, $6 weekly. 350 14th st.
TWO-ROOM suite, telepnone. bath, hot,
cold water. 67 N. 20th. Bdwy. 4123.
DENVER APTS., J 208 Wash. st. H. K.
rm;., single and double, $2-75 up.
JEFFERSON APTS., 2 front room apts.,
clo-se in. 3052 Jefferson.
STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c
water. $3 to $7 week. 147 18th s;.
NICE, clean outside rooms, single and
suites. 495 Davis St.
CLEAN, reasonable H. K. room la good
home. 305 12th. near Columbia. '
FURNISHED h; k. rooms. 684 Glisan st.
Atwater 0197. .
NICE, warm single rooms, $15; electric
light, phone, baths. 655 Flanders.
CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping
rooms, $14; wa Iking distance. 267 Hal L
H. K. ROOMS; double, $3.75 up. 10 E.
Sixth, st. N., corner Burnside.
LARGE, clean front room, heat, light
phone free. 635 Everett.
2 AND 3 H. H. rooms; heat, hot and
cold water. Place for car. 83 N. 21st.
MODERN 2-room h. k. apts., single rm,
for bachelor. 306 12th.
THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th st. Large front
j-rouiii npi. &LBin neat.
354 CLAY ST. Furnished housekeeping
room w i m inicucneLie , no Children. ,
2 H. K. ROOMS, front, rent $4; 2HK
rooms, font $3.50. 166 X. 10th st
LARGE front h. k. room: heat, light
Housekeeping ltoms m Private Family.
TWO large, clean front rooms, nicely
furnished for housekeeping. Kitchen
has new gas rang , hot ind cold water.
Phone, bath, furnace heat, laundry
privileges; walking distance. Reference
required. Adults only. Rent $25. 32J
Grand ave. East 2143.
ON HAWTHORNE and 49th st.. 2 rooms,
first floor, front, including water,
$12.50, with partly furmshei. 3 rooms,
f i rst f loo r. back, part 1 y furn ish ei.
$15.0, including water. Apply to John,
H. Goulds ton 1392 Hawthorne aveA
corner 50th.
2 NICE sunny H. K. rooms, newly fur
nished with rugs, ivory and wicker
rurniiure, electric lights, steam heat.
gas stoves and telephone, block and
half from street car. 571 Glisan, bet.
lTth and 1Mb, st.
TWO ROOMS, clean, plenty of heat,
bath, phone, gas, electricity and linen.
Walking distance: $25. Also ne room
suitable for gentleman, clean and
warm; can worit out part of rent; $lov
327 Clackamas. Phone East 5305.
ROOMS in private family, one large,
bright, cosy room; light, water, fuel,
phone furnished; st. paved; half block;
to car; $3 per week; no children. Em-
pire liiZ.
ALL OR PART of second floor, elegant
home and block at 6S0 E. Madison;
fuel, water, light furnished; references
required; 2 rooms $30; 4 rooms, $50;
including hath. East 9943.
3 STRICTLY modern, well-lighted out
side rooms, handy to bath and laun
dry, private entrance;"also 2 rooms and
sleeping porch; nice home; reasonable
rent. 228 E. 20th st.
TWO large, pleasant front h. k. rooms in
modern home for employed couple;
walking distance. 566 E. Yamhill, cor.
13th. East 4843.
WHOLE lower floor, furnished, piano,
wood and gas range, light, water, gas,
furnished; 1 block SS car, $35. 110 E.
34th st, cor. Morrison.
3 EXTRA nice unfurnished- rooms near
bath, light, furnace eat (and plenty
of it); hot water, phone, alt for $22.50.
Tabor 6875. 214 E. 33d. cor. Salmon.
ONE LARGE room and kitchenette,
breakfast nook. Clean, on Seliwood
carline. Phone Sell 742, call between
10 A. M. and 3 P. M. .
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. very nice;
fireplace, furnace and built-ins. Dutch
kitchen; 1 blk. from car line; adults
only. 4304 45th ave. Aut. 635-56.
3 SMALL rooms, light and airy, nicely'
furnished for housekeeping, suitable
for 2 or 3 adults; walking distance.
42-i Third St.
NICE, clean h. k. rooms, very reason
able; homelike place; 1 or 2 girls;
west side, walking distance. Phone
Main 0512. 603 Fifth st.
2 LARGE, light, modern housekeeping
rooms, $20 a month; also sleeping
room, $4 a week. 354 H Hawthorne.
LARGE, airy single h k. room, kitch
enette; reasonable. 206 13th st., near
2 OR 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, light
and water; private hath ana telephone.
1045 East Washington. m
$5 BEAUTIFULLY furnished front
room, kitchenette, el-egant nome. Viv
Corbe 1 1. Mai n89 4(K t
2 ROOMS, newly furn., all conveniences.
adults; reasonable; good location.
Phone E. 1477.
H, K. AND S. rooms. Clean, quftt home.
All conveniences; electric washer.
Adults. Reasonable. Walnut 5067.
TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
gas, light, water and heat included;
$40. Phone East 3925.
ONE ROOM suitable for 1
t 2 people
427 Wiil-
employed; furnace heat,
A BASEMENT apartment, close ln; rea
sonable; employed couple preferred.
368 Multnomah st. East 8051.
ROOM and kitchenette, single room, $10;
close in, near school and car. 736
Hoyt st. .
CLOSE-IN sleeping and housekeeping
rooms for rent reasonable. 569 Everett
ItOOMS upstairs lor rent, partly fur
nished, private family, $15. 1170 E.
JUst N. Alberta car.
2 NEAT h. k. rooms, walking distance;
heat, light and water furnished; rent
reasonable. 41)4 Park st.
1 AND 2 h. k. rooms. $18 and $25, in
cluding gas, light, phone and fuel. 271
Noith 2lst st.
1 LARGE h. k. room with large kitch
enette, walking distance. 402 Ross.
East 9370.
NEWLY furnished bed-sitting room in
steam heated flat; light H. K. if de-
sired. 403 12th st.
LIVING room, dressing room, kitchen
ette, private home in Laureihurst; no
children. Tabor 9333.
3 NICELY furn. h. k. rms. on west
side; ground floor; private entrance.
Bdw. g04 .'i
TWO ROOMS, nicely furnished, electric
light, furnace heat with garage. 661
Washington street.
2 NICE, large, double parlors for h. k. ;
first floor; light .nd clean; west aide;
walking distance. A t water 1036.
LARGE front room and use of kitchen;
very reasonable. 452,$ E. Market st.
NICE 2 and 3 rooms, h. k. apts., with
private entrance Auto. 513-57.
WELL-FUR NISHED housekeeping rooms
for rent at 595 Sixth st. With garage.
CLEAN, furn. H. K. rms., 1st floor, nice
home, near car. married couple. 631-32.
RM. JND kitchenette, completely furn.
440 Ross st.. East 5396.
1 TO 5-ROOM, private entrance, partly
furn., Dutch kitchen. 38 8 Grand ave. N.
TWO furnished h. k. rooms and garage
at 939 E. Couch.
NICELY furnished h. k. room,
rabee. East 5914.
HOUSEKEEPING front room. 1
cheap. Atwater 6059. 402 4th.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms on ground
floor; elec. and gas. 165 Ivy st.
WANTED Share my flat, bedroom or
H. K. ; references. Walnut 7104.
CuEAN, warm h. k. room. Also sleeping
rm. 121 N. 23d. Atw. 1502.
. LOVELY furn. front rms. with kitchen
ette and bath; adults. Main 4709.
3 ROOMS, 2 furnished for H. K, 271
College, between 3d and 4th sts.
$4 A WEEK One large furnished h. k.
room; phone, bath. 651 E. Morrison.
2 ROOMS and kitchenette, reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East 9510.
6 ROOMS, newly painted and varnished.
Hardwood floors; well located. 703
Dekum bldg.
MODERN 5-room house. 43d and East
Alder, $35. The Lawrence Co., 212
Corbett bldg.
5-ROOM noose with, bath and electricity,
newly papered and cleaned. 612
FOR RENT Desirable 8-roomed houBe,
in fine residential part of Irvington.
Call Aut. 325-71.
6-ROOM colonial house, sleeping porch.
" 615 E. Davis st, cor, Sandy blvd, $40.
Broadway 6012.
3-ROOM neat, cosy home, walking dis
tance, rent of ground $2 per mou snap,
$350. Call 260 Taylor st.
7-ROOM modern residence; fine district;
no small ennaren; rent $40. 821 East
8-ROOM house, 3 large lots, garage. 436
East Lombard St., $35 a month. Call
Bdwy. 6559 Monday.
5-ROOM bungalow, open for inspection;
fireplace, larire basement. East 27th,
st. North. Call East 5039. $25.
WELL kept 8-room modern house. 2
blocks from car. 60S E. 43d N. or call
ROSE CITY PARK, attractive 5-room
bungalow, fireplace, large living room,
furnace, attic. Main 0RO6.
GOOD, modern 7-room house. 4012 East
47th st. S. E-, $30. Main 6091 or Tabor
CORNER, 4 large rooms, bath, fireplace,
piano and garage if wanted. Newly
painted in and out 581 6th st
$25 - DELIGHTFUL modern bungalow,
fine garden, bearing fruit trees. East
$27.50 SPLENDID bungalow, 5 rooms,
sleeping porch. 452 Rodney ave.
MODERN 6-room hou:l3 with garage,
$35.50. 407 Beech st. East 69S
MODERN 6-room house, 571 Pershin t.
Rent $25. East 9655.
4-ROOM house and garage. 090 East
75th st. N. Rose City Park car.
FOR RENT Strictly modern house, ga
rage, $60. 1334 E. Glisan st.
5-ROOM cottage, garage, hot water, bath,
gas. electricity. East 0178.
LARGE. 6-room bungalow, $35, acre.
jfcan:,.Vlreii0.r?,..e 1 Atwater J8o.
BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, furnace.
baths. $50. 695 E. Wash. St., cor 20th.
SIX-ROOM house and garage. 801 E.
Taylor, cor. 25th. Kent $50. Tauor isil.
LAURELHURST Modern 6-room hcuse
near car, $55. AK 32. Oregonian.
6-BOOlI house lor rent.
Call Woodlawn
COMPLETELY renovated 6-room house,
yiO : grown-ups. 141 Stanton.
HOUSE of 3 large rooms,
Adults. 424 East 9th st.
light, gas.
MODERN six-room house, walking dis
trance. 53 East 7th St.. near park.
10-ROOM modern house, ln fine condi
tion. Phone Walnut "732.
5-ROOM house, furnace and flreplac.
238 E. r.lst St. Aut 512-S7.
NICE and clean unfurnished o-room bun.,
galcw. Call ilaia M10.