The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1922, Section One, Image 1

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    98 Pages
Eight Sections
Section One
Pages 1 to 22
VOL.' XLI "YO. 43 . -Entered at Portland (Oron
m. mi. rasi
u Null I t rriD unu erne DAin?rnII 1 1 u
i uii i nun oi-rivj iniu
Palice Continue Drive
Against 1 Radicals.
Municipal Judge Reverses
Stand in Campaign.
Jui1 st Declares That Experience
Has Changed Sympathies
to Some Extent.
"With the threatened I. W. "W. in
vasion of Portland a complete and
miserable failure, police officials
asrain turned their attention to local
members of the outlaw organization
yesterday, and in a. wholesale raid
on the I. W. W. hall. 109 ft Second
street, arrested 60 self-proclaimed
The 60. all of whom had been be
fore the municipal court and who
had been released by Municipal
Judge Ekwall, were locked up on
charges of vagrancy. Orders Issued
yesterday by Police Chief Jenkins
definitely closed the I. W. W. head
quarters and further attempt to
hold meetings there will result in
more wholesale raids.
The day was a quiet one' as far as
the longshoremen's strike was con
cerned. Picket lines were reduced,
according to police reports. No vio
lence was attempted. Non-union
men went to and from their work
without molestation.
Radicals Held Cowed.
The prompt and decisive action by
the city's mayor and chief of police
has evidently thoroughly cowed the
radicals. Despite appeals for "foot
loose pickets to march on Portland,"
circulated among all 1. W. W. of
the northwest, none have responded
to the call. Even the ordinary hobos
map Itineraries that do not include
this city: Though police squads
searched all incoming fretght trains
yesterday they were able to find but
one hobo and that hobo was simply
a runaway 17-year-old boy.
Friction between the police and
the municipal court, though, has
given courage to the L W. W. who
claim Portland as their temporary
home. Sixteen members of the or
der' who faced Judge Ekwall yes
terday were released. Some had
been arrested in the wholesale raids
of Wednesday night. The court
showed a slight irritation at the ac
tion of the bluecoats. Judge Ekwall
frankly admitted that his associa
tion with the radicals had made him
a bit of a radical himself. It hap
pened during the examination of a
foreigner who had been caught in
the dragnet. The court asked the
prisoner if he was an I. W. W.
Judge Changes Views.
"No, I wasn't, until X was put In
jail last night. Now I am one,
though," the defendant answered.
"Well, I was made something of
a radical myself, yesterday," the
jurist answered.
Despite the apparent 'Change of
attitude. on the pan or the munici
pal' court, the police continued their
campaign against the undesirables.
No deportation parties were held
yesterday due to the lack of ma
terial furnished by the court.
Between midnight Friday and
o'clock last night, 95 persons, SO
of whom were avowed 1. W. W.,
were arrested. Twenty-five were
picked up in the I. W. W. hall and
about the streets. Eighteen were
released after examination by the
Literature Is Seized.
Copies of I. W. W. and radical
papers of other cities, how in the
hands of police officials, show that
the leaders of the organization are
making desperate, attempts to flood
the city with pickets. Reliable in-
(Concluded on Page 8. Column 1.)
YeH v6to VMCfc
TWufrte havikg:
.Ne?TvEt h "the: 1
27 Cents Asked for Fresh Prod
uct, While San Francisco
Quotation Is 6 7 H c.
CHICAGO, Oct 21. Egg speculat
ors In Chicago and other produce
centers . are being caught beneath
surplus supplies of millions of dozns
of eggs. Lower prices are largely
due, egg men said today, to the
greatly increased activity of the
hens. It was estimated that of Chi
cago's approximately 3,000,000 in
habitants would have to eat an- egg
a day until January 1 to wipe out
the surplus thai is being Increased
by arrivals of 300,000 dozens weekly.
Speculators were said to lytve
been holding eggs at a loss of three
cents a dozen wit.. 19,000,000 dozen
more eggs in storage than at this
time last year.
Storage eggs which last brought
30 cents a, dozen by the case in the
commission district today were sell
ing for 26 cents. Fresh eggs at 65
cents last year were quoted today at
27 cents.
why fresh eggs in Chicago shouni
be selling for 27 cents a dozen
wholesale, while in San Francisco
they are selling for 67 cents, with
this city a scant hour away from
Petaluma, which professes to be the
egg capital of the universe Is puz
zling students cf marketing condi
tions here today. The dairy mar
ket was closed today but the quo
tation remained at 67 rnts, with
every indication that the quotation
would hold for a few days at least.
AV. H. Bare Dies as Result of
Hurt Suffered In Quarrel.!.
BURNS, Or., Oct. 21. (Special.)
W. H. Bare of Calamity Creek, near
Dre'wsey, Or., was shot and fatally
wounded by his son late Thursday,
according to a report to officials
here. Mr. Bare died shortly after
the shooting.
The two men had quarreled, ac
cording to the report, and the father
attacked the son with a pitchfolk.
D. O. Bare, the son, was quoted as
a.ving 'that he drew his pistol In
self-defense, and that jthe weapon
went off accidentally when his
father hit him on the head with the
fork. The' bullet struck the man be
tween the eyes and ranged down
ward. . .. '"-'-..: , . .. v
Band Threatening Power Plant
Scattered by Troops.
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 21. Mexaca,
in the state of Pueblo, the site of
the power plant supplying the en
tire federal district, was threatened
with attack Wednesday flight by a
rebel force of 800 men under Lin
dorm Hernandez, but the raiders
were scattered by the defending
government forces, according to a
dispatch to the Excelsior.
Hernandez recently attacked Ja
cala, in the state of Hidalgo, 'and
committed many depredations.
Diplomat Now in Tokio to Be
Sent to AVashington. '
THE HAGUE, Qct. 21. Jonkher
Dr. A. C. D. Van de Graeff, Nether
lands minister to Tokio, has been
appointed Dutch minister to the
United States, it was .learned here
He will succeed Dr. J. C. A, Ever
wijn, whose resignation as minister
to Washington was announced last
Two Others Injured In Mishap
' . Near Wheaton, III.
AURORA, 111., Oct. 21. Four men,
employes of the Chicago, Aurora &
Elgin railroad, were instantly
kiUed and two were injured in a
mishap today.
A motor truck was struck byan
Aurora-bound car at Westmore, near
i ' lFff"1 ArnJNyCY r Uhwwiuuut' M HANKS J6VW CftU fSRouiHD
rj i A ?oTWftNt- - MMK r-.
. A'
Action in Strike Emer
gency Defended.
Campaign at Home Opened
by Attorney-General. ,
Attacks on Department's Record
In 'Prosecution Declared
. Made by Those Hit'.
CANTON, O., Oct. 21. (By the As
sociated Press.) Attorney-General
Daugherty, making his only cam
paign speech to the voters of his
home state, tonight gave an ac
counting of his stewardship at
Washington, defended his course in
the Chicago injunction proceedings
and in the prosecution of war frauds
and declared that despite "accusa
tion and calumny" the department
of justice would proceed to perform
its duties as it sees them under the
In the strike emergency, the attorney-general
said, the federal
government used the injunction as
the least drastic means at hand for
rescuing the country "from the grip
of civil war." He ascribed some of
the blame "to the radicalism and
character" of prominent labor lead
ers and some of it to "hard-boiled"
railway executives, and asserted that
any attorney-general who r would
not have acted under the circum
stances "should be impeached."
Td Spot Declared Hit.
Mr. Daugherty, declaring the real
purpose of attacks on the depart
ment's record in war frauds investi
gation was to force the hand of the
government tand prematurely dis
close important evidence, said such
assaults had been inspired! not by
the department's inactivity, but be
cause tender " spots had been
touched by the suits already under
way." ..'-;..
"We would have heard little criti
cism of the department of justice,"
he said, "had it not been discovered
that a case like the chemical foun
dation, for instance (in which val
uable patents were assigned by
public officials to companies, which
they themselves had organized) was
under investigation, and . the part
played by those involved also was
being scrutinized by government
Trickery Is Charged.
. "And let me suggest here, with
out ; ivlng any intimation as to who
the men w-ere, that I have had the
unique experience of sitting in the
department of istice and listening
to the story of a man formerly con
nected with the government and
hearing patiently his pleas for cer
tain fairly legitimate concessions,
when, at the same time, in the city
of New York, another ex-official,
one of his associates, was busily
engaged in getting contributions
and makirfe connections in order
that the attacks upon the depart
ment of justice and the government
might be Increased, reinforced and
successfully continued. . .
"I can give the names of these
parties if ever they lift their voices
to dispute this statement, but, un
less I am authorized by '.hem to do
so, I should like to go through this
investigation without prematurely
mentioning names except . in . the
orderly process of court proceed
ings.x Their names, however, will
be found in connection with certain
litigation wherein some of the most
important questions and some of
the most questionable transactions
and some of the most valuable prop
erties in the world are in dispute,
and the right and wrong of 'the
transactions connected with the
(Concluded Page 8, Column 3.)
Kansas Representative Believes
All Xeeded Legislation , Can
Be Effected by March 4.
WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. " 21.
Prediction that ' congress will be
called in special session about No
vember 20 was made by Represen
tative Campbell, republican, i Kan
sas, today after a conference with
President Harding.
Mr. Campbell said if congress
should convene about November 20
undoubtedly all the necessary ap
propriation bills and other legisla
tion could be disposed of before the
sixty-seventh congress ends next
March 4. He indicated, however,
that no call would be issued until
after the elections.
The Kansas " representative , has
been engaged in a speaking .cam
paign through the east and planned
to leave tonight to make additional
campaign speeches in the Rocky
mountain states. Upon his return,
he said, as chairman of the house
rules committee, he would take up
with the president the legislative
programme, adding that undoubt
edly the first important measure
to come before the house would be
(he merchant marine bill, this to be
followed by the regular appropria
tion bills, the senate in the mean
time considering the Dyer anti
lynching bill.
American Prosperity Wrecked,
Says Former Secretary.
PEORIA, 111., Oct. 21. Interna
tional co-operation to prevent war
and a sound basis for agriculture
are among the biggest problems
confronting the country, William G.
McAdoo, former secretary of the
treasury, declared here tonight In a
democratic campaign address. He
charged that the republican admin
istration had by a policy of defla
tion destroyed prosperity and at
tacked the Fordney-McCumber tariff
bill. .
"It is estimated that the cost of
living to he American people will
be increased by the Fordney-McCumber
bill $4,000,000,000 per an
num, of which only $400,000,009 Will
go Into thcfederal treasury," h
said.. .''"'
America Is Said to Be on High
,Road to Prosperity.
ELIZABETH, N. J., Oct. 21 Sec
retary of Labor Davis, speaking last
night in the republican campaign,
declared that America is nearer to
Industrial peace today than It has
been for many years.
, "In spite of the great industrial
conflict in three of our basic in
dustries, affecting mflre than 1,
000,000 workmen," Secretary Davis
said, "the nation has brought itself
back to the high rpad of prosperity.
Production is on the increase and
wages have been stabilized in many
lines on the basis of pay. which will
provide more than a. mere living for
the workman and his family."
United States Destroyers Due at
Constantinople Today.'
flotilla of United States destroyers
hurrying to new duties in the near
east will arrive at Constantinople
Sunday morning, the American em
bassy was notified todajl by wire
less by the approaching vessels.
At the entrance of the BospKorus
the flotilla will be reviewed by
Rear-Admiral Mark L. Bristol, com
mander of the American ' naval
forces in 'near eastern waters.
Occasional Rains on North Coast
Predicted for Week.
Weather outlook for the week be
ginning Monday for Pacific States is
generally fair and normal tempera
ture. Probability of occasional rains on
the north coast, however, is forecast
Women's College Heads Would
Banish High Heels, Ear Bobs,
False Curls and "Rats."
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Long "slink
er" skirts, with their attendant
high-heeled shoes and ear bobs and
false curls and "rats," were roundly
denounced today by deans of wom
en's colleges in Illinois, in session
here. . All deplored the departure of
the short skirts and bobbed hair and
low, comfortable shoes, which helped
breed a healthy,, vigorous race of
The deans agreed that the new
styles, in addition to being ungrace
ful would result in poor health for
the girls who follow them. The long
skirts will hamper their movements
and deprive them of grace. The nar
row shoes with high heels will re
sult in stilted, painful locomotion
and the wearing of false hair will
be injurious to their own hair, their
scalps and their sight. '
NEW YORK, Oct, 21 Skirts not
at the knees, not on .the ground
"just sensible' lengths seven inches
from the shoe soles" are recom
mended by members of the New
York City Federation of Women's
clubs. .
A resolution to this effect is to
be voted upon at the federation
meeting October 27.
Present vogues of long, sweeping,
draped costumes drag the ground
and carry germ-laden dirt into the
home, the resolution says, and sug
gests that new garments, including
draperies and panels, should be no
nearer the ground than seven inches
and cut In such fashion as to permit
freedom of all parts of the body.
Harold F. McCormlck to Buy Es
tate In Switzerland.
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Oct. 2L
(By the Associated Press.) Har
old F. McCormick of Chicago has
rejoined his daughter, Mathilde, and
her fiance, Max Oser, the Swiss
riding master of St. Peters island
in ' Lake Blenne. Mr.- McCormick,
the natives understand, intends to
purchase a country estate In this
part of Switzerland. The Oser
McCormick party will remain on
the island until winter sets in and
then they will go to Italy.
The marriage will take place as
soon as Mathilde attains the .Swiss
legal age.
Mathilde has engaged Fraulein
Settler, daughter of the manager of
the Island, as her companion. She
and her fiance - often take long
horseback excursions to neighbor
ing towns and castles.
Fight Against Profiteers Not to
Be Discontinued.
PARIS, Oct. 21. There will be no
letup in the prosecution of French
war profiteers. This was assured
today when the senate , quickly
adopted measure already passed by
the chamber of deputies continuing
in operation the anti-profiteering
law which would have expired next
As continued the prosecutions are
restricted to offenses prior to Oc
tober 23 of this year. The senate
abandoned its disposition to reframe
the legislation when it was seen
that such action would lead to all
night 'sessions of both -houses and
that even then there would prob
ably not be- enough time left to
put the bill through before the law
would expire. .
Association - "Conference Opens
With 19 Counties Represented.
VIENNA, Oct. 21. The League of
Nations' association opened a con
ference here today with delegates
seated from 19 countries. American
was represented by Professor Jere
miah Jenks of New York university.
Turkey and Ukraine had the largest
delegations. . . -
Soviet Russia , and the states
formed out of the one-time Austro
Hungarian monarchy were not represented.
Senate Election to Be
Volstead Referendum.
Frelinghuysen and Edwards
Now Fill Arena.
Thirsty, Resentful Voters and
Prohibitionists to Forget
Parties in . Choice.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. (Special.)
According to the law, as set down
in the statute books, the sovereign
state of New Jersey will hold an
election next month, to select a gov
ernor, a Unitea States senator, 13
representatives in congress and
various minor officials. What actuals
iywill happen is that the state of
Jersey Justice and Applejack is to
have a solemn referendum on the
subject of prohibition.
Not that anybody expects that
New Jersey will be able to set aside
the Volstead law. Not at all. But
moderate and Immoderate drinkers
hope to make such a demonstration
of force as will impress congress
with the necessity of reforming the
present unpopular one-half per cent
Wets and Drys In Fight.
The standard bearers in the fight
are United States Senator Freling
huysen, republican, who hopes to be
re-elected on a dry platform, and
Edward I. Edwards, the present
governor, who does very little drink
ing himself, but is as wet as a
cloudburst. Edwards was elected
governor of the state on the wet
issue three years ago, and is making
his present campaign along the same
In ordinary political battles it is
the nominees for governor who hold
the center of the stage. In New
York, for example. Senator Calder
and Dr. Royal S. Copeland, his op
ponent, are minor leaguers as com
pared with Governor Miller and ex
Governor "Al" Smith. But Jersey-
ites are not interested in the battle
for chief executive. It is doubtful
if a majority of the voters know
who is running. It is a certainty
that a majority does not care in the
slightest. The one subject of inter
est, the one matter that is talked
about is "Will Eddie trim Joe, or
will Joe lick Eddie?"
Expenditures Not Limited.
Frelinghuysen comes from Rarl
tan, down in the center shore sec
tion of the state. He is a big. im
pressive looking man and lnde
pendently wealthy. The way things
are going he may not be so wealthy
when the campaign closes. For New
Jersey doesn'l have any of those
"campaign expenditure limit" laws
It is presumed that a gentleman
knows how much money he wants
to spend and, it is regarded as bad
form to ask him about it later. So
Senator Frelinghuysen will be per
mitted to go the limit in tact, he
may be urged to do so.
Edwards is a lawyer from Jersey
City and only fairly well off. Ed
wards has been active in democratic
politics for. a long time, serving In
the state senate. before he became
governor. He is an able debater, a
fine handshaker and Is not a bit
afraid to come out with straight
forward attacks n the present pro
h."bition law.
Edwards Is Shrewd.
There Is no "pussyfooting" about
EdWards. He is a shrewd politician
and thoroughly realizes that his one
chance of success Is to "ride" in"
on the ' anti-Volstead sentiment.
When Edwards ran for governor
three years ago he promised that
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
Formal Action Probably to Be
Taken as Result of Over
zealous Dry Agents.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 21.
Formal apology probably will be
made by the state department to
the British government for the ac
tion of overzealous prohibition en
forcement officers in seizing the
Canadian schooner Emerald, with a
liquor cargo, beyond the three-mile
limit off the New Jersey coast, it
was learned today upon high
i. A thorough investigation which
has been conducted by the treasury
department, it was . stated, has es
tablished that the seizure of the
Emerald calls for an official expres
sidn of regret by the American gov
ernment. A report of the treasury
department to Secretary of State
Hughes will admit that the Emerald
did nt establish contact with the
Jersey coast and that members of
the crew did not land, facts which
prove that the seizure was unwar
ranted. The Emerald T"as "captured" by
the "dry navy" chaser Hahn, about
eight miles off the Jersey coast.
The Hahn trained her guns on the
Emet-ald and brought her into the
port of New York. Officials of the
prohibition enforcement bureau con
tended that the Emerald was plan
ning to land liquor in the United
States, but admitted that there was
no evidence of smuggling.
The seizure of Jthe Emerald was
followed by protests from the Brit
ish government through the em
bassy in Washington challenging
the right of the United States to
search or seize ships beyond the
three-mile limit. The protest will
now be answered with an expression
of regret that the zealousness of
the prohibition officers carried them
too far.
Italian King Throws Rope to Oc
cupants of Sailing Craft.
ROME, Oct 21. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) King Victor Emman
uel is pictured in advices from
San Rossore today In the role of
a rescuer of an endangered pleasure
While the king was out on a
fishing exj.cditton with the royal
lrincesses at the mouth of the Amn
in Tuscany, he saw a sailboat being
carried into danger by a strong
current The royal party hurried
to the rescue and the king, with the
aid of the princesses, threw a rope
to the men on board the sailing
craft and saved the boat with its
Lord Birkenhead Elected Rector
of Glasgow University.
GLASGOW, Scotland, Oct. 21.
(By the Associated Press.) The
present political turmoil in Great
Britain was reflected in the pro
ceedings at the rectorial election at
Glasgow university this afternoon
when Lord Birkenhead, unionist,
was elected with 115 votes over Sir
John Simon, liberal, who received
630 votes, and H G. Wells, the nov
elist, as the labor candidate, who re
ceived 353 votes.
In the course of the polling sev
eral free fights occurred among the
students. In which flour, soot, rotten
eggs and decayed fish were freely
used. Several students were Injured.
No Rate Reduction Wanted Un
less Interior Benefits.
" SPOKANE, Wash., Oct 21. Ob
jections to a proposed 6-cent reduc
tion in freight rates on rails and
rail fastenings from steel mills at
Midvale, Utah, to Pacific coast
points, unless like reductions to in
terior points are granted, were
voiced by Spokane hardware dealera
at an Interstate commerce commis
sion hearing here today.
The Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company has proposed
to cut the rate from 67 ft cents to
62 ft cents a hundred.
"I Stand for People," De
clares Lloyd George. ';
Coalition's Work in War and
Peace Upheld.
Bonar Law's Position Likened to)
That of Horseman Hold
ing on by Tail. .
LEEDS, England, Oct. 21. (Br
the Associated Press.) David Lloyd
George, the retiring prime minister,
speaking at a great meeting of
coalition liberals here this after
noon, declared the "banner of party
strife" had been hoisted at the re
cent meeting of conservatives at the
Carlton club, which voted against
continuing the coalition.
"It is for the people of this coun
try," he exclaimed, "to decide
whether party comes first or the
nation first. I stand for the peo
ple." Mr. .Lloyd George asserted that
the combination which had achieved
the victory in the late war had been
brought to an end, not because it
had ceased to serve the nation, but
because a party was not getting
enough out of it
Administration Is Defended.
He then launched into a vigorous
defense of his administration.
"I have . sought hpnestly, sin
cerely and within my dominant pur
poses to serve my native land to the
best of my ability," said Mr. Lloyd
George. "In the war the govern
ment did everything it could. I am
told: You may have been a very
good war minister, but you are no
good in peace. War is not a bad
test and I have done a few thing
in peace."
The speaker was greeted with loud
The hall seats 3000 persons and
more than twice that number ap
plied for admission.
Persons on the platform included
Sir Hamar Greenwood, ex-chief sec
retary for Ireland; Charles A. Mc
Curdy, ex-parliamentary secretary of
the treasury, and others of the late
New Party Not Suggested.
ThOBe who were expecting a sen
sational announcement from the re
tiring premier were disappointed.
There was no suggestion of the
formation of a new party.
Mr. Lloyd George declared ths
whole bent of his mind was demo- .
cratic and progressive and he ar
dently defended the coalition as an
instrument by which the country
had done its part in winning the
war and through which reconstruc
tion had been effected.
Further along In his speech Mr.
Lloyd George said:
"I promise the people of this eoun-
try that whatever the future may .
bring forth I will do nothing mean
or jjaltry. I will not play any part
which is unworthy of the confidence
that has been placed in me.
Stand la for Progress.
"My whole bent of mind is demo
cratic and progressive. They do not
like it (he was referring to his po
litical opponents), and they have got
to like it less and less. I stand
where I have always stood for the
same sound progress."-
Alluding to the United States, Mr.
Lloyd George said:
"The United States of America and
ourselves march side by side on the
path of peace and international good
"If Lord Balfour had not come to
the disarmament arrangement with
the United States of America you
might have had competition In
(Concluded on Paffe 4, Column 1.)
RE. COV.c oV Z4t.S tA LE.S '