THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 15, 1922 PORTLAND COUNCIL OF CHURCHES TO MEET OCTOBER 20 Various Co-operating Institutions to Send Delegates to Session, at Which Reports of Ten Departments Will Be Made and Election of Officers -for the Year Held in First Presbyterian Building at 7:43 P M. 4 THE third annual meeting of the Portland Council of Churches will be held Friday night, Oc tober 20, at 7:45 in the First Pres byterian church. The various co operating Protestant Evangelical churches of the city will send dele gates to this important gathering, at which the reports of the ten de partments of the council will be ' given. Election of officers for the ensuing year will also be held. The Council of Churches was or ganized June 23. 1919, and at the beginning had seven departments. The work tas gradually widened out until ten departments are neces sary to carry on the varied united activities of the Protestant churches which are in this co-operative move- ment... Dr. Joshua Sfcanfield, pastor of the First Methodist church at that time, was the first president of the or - ganization. During the past two years Amadee M. Smith has been the leader of the movement. Ralph Mc Afee was called from the office of religious director of the Young Men's Christian association to be come the executive secretary and served in' this capacity until in Jan uary of this year, when he was called to take up similar work with the Kansas City federation of churches. Rev. Ray Edwin Close was then chosen to head the local organization, coming to this work from the pastorate of the Third Baptist church. The co-operative programme of the council has met with increasing fav6r and has opened the door for greater achievements than could possibly be attained by the churches individually. The outstanding ac complishments of the council during the year have come through the fol lowing departments: Evangelism, which has led the churches in si multaneous evangelistic campaigns, Thanksgiving and Easter services, and summer park meetings, at which 16,000 persons gathered; social and industrial betterment, which con ducts a home for. unfortunate girls, with a Christian mother in charge, and which has also held Industrial conferences with competent leaders of national reputation; survey and comity, which by means of frequent conferences seeks to render obsolete sectarian rivalry and to avoid over lapping of parishes and competition between the denominations; depart ment of religious education, which has held institutes, conferences, and training schools for the development of Christian leaders; the Institute for daily vacation Bible school in- T-Tl f t ni-O havlni, nn ..n -nt 1 , a. . . more than 100; the women's depart ment, which was organized during the year, and has led in the united activities of women of the Protes tant churches. , It is expected that there will be a large attendance at the annual meeting and an Interesting pro gramme Is being arranged. A. programme for the nlaeement o the cornerstone for the new Bap tist church of the Aloha community was given last Saturday afternoon. The address was given by Dr. O. C. Wright, executive secretary of the uregon .tsaptist state convention, Mrs. M. Lemmon read the church history and Rev. J. E. Mairuire. nas tor of the church, gave an address on the subject "The Child and the Church," illustrated by a declama tion by Esther McKeown. Mrs. Ma guire gave Bible readings. mis church is the first to be built on the cement state highway between Beaverton and Hillsboro. The building will be 48 by 64 feet u sizo, wun a small auditorium nr rest room 16 by 28 in size for prayer meetings, young people's services and social gatherings. . The twenty-second annual con vention of the Columbia district Luther league, comprising leagues from Oregon and southern Washing ton, will meet from October 20 to 22 inclusive, in The Dalles. The con vention theme is "God's Will." Rev. H. J. Thorpe of Portland will deliver the opening address Friday night, and Professor T. W. Kretschman, of the Pacific Theological seminary of Seattle, Wash., the closing sermon on Sunday morning. Miss Hildur Nelson of Portland will read a paper on "God's Will Concerning Our Youth." Several other papers dealing with different phases of the topic will also be read. A round-table discus sion on district and local work will be held Saturday afternoon. The business sessions Saturday will see the organizing of a "Tenth Legion" and "Quiet-Hour Comrades." The district is considering the support of a native student or worker in the foreign mission field, necessitating an increased budget. A rousing fel lowship social will be held Saturday night and Sunday morning when of ficers will be installed. The local committee at The Dalles Is working hard and a largo delegation is ex pected. Monday at the First Congrega tional church groups of Congrega tional leaders from all the Congre gational churches in this part of the otate will meet to confer with the new state superintendent. Dr. C. H. Harrison, and the Rev. H. H. Kelsay, from San Francisco. Brief addresses will be made on "The Pro gramme of the Congregational Church la Oregon." The denomina tion set oirt this year to raise J5. 000,000. Unless strenuous work is put Into the next 2H months, that big objective will not be realized. Every Congregational church within 100 miles Is asked to send its pastor, its Sunday school superintendent, one of its trustees and representa tives of its women's organizations. Lunch will be served in the smaller parlor of the church at 12:30 o'clock for all .out-of-town delegates. The conference 'will begin at 10 o'clock and continue through the afternoon. Singers interested in the great re vival mass meeting beginning at the municipal auditorium October 22, at R o'clock, under the leadership of Rev. John G. Lake, are cordially Invited to join choir practice Wednesdays 8 P. M. at the church at Portland. 129 Fourth street. a The Home Auxiliary will meet at the Methodist Deaconess home, 815 Kast Flanders street, Friday, Octo ber 20. In tne morning sewing will be done for the needy. Pot-luck lunch will be served at noon by the officers. A business meeting will be held it 1:30, followed by a pro pram me. Dr. Mills, editor of the. Pacific Christian Advocate, will give a "pre election" talk. The Portiand Union Bible classes will hold one of their interesting sessions Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock when the subject under dis cussion is "The Tabernacle and Its Typical Significance." The teacher, Rev. B. B. Suteliffe, making use of the blackboard for diagrams, outlines and references, and the large num ber of women who attend this class are raining a very practical knowl edge of the teachings of the Old Tes- lajnent crlpture. The text to bej considered next Wednesday is Ex odus xivi: "The Vail and the I lllars." ' Three meetings are announced for today at the. big tabernacle at East Ninth and Hancock streets, con ducted by the Collins party. The morning service will be at 11 o'clock, afternoon service at o'clock and night service at 7:38. Rev, L. R. Carter, of Philadelphia, is continuing his daily Bible lectures at 2:30 each afternoon. ' a a a A series of gospel meetings is be ing held at the First Swedish church by Rev. David F. Nygren of Chicago, every night except Mrnijg v and Sat urday and at 10:30 A. M., 3:30 P. M and 7:30 P. M. each Sunday until October 29. The Sunday morning and Thursday night -services are held in Swedish and all others are in English. Rev. Mr. Nygren is an interesting and able speaker and is 1 handiing. both languages with ease Special song books compiled by the evangelist are used, in this cam paign. Many of the songs -have been written by Mr. Nygren and have already become popular with those attending the services. A mass meeting for men will be held this afternoon at the Swedish tabernacle at Seventeenth and Glisan streets and Rev. Mr. Nygren will speak. Mrs. Nygren will conduct a meeting for women in the Baptist church at the same time. t- . BURLINGTON, N. C, Oct. 14. The quadrennial general convention of the Christian church, to be attended by delegates from conferences throughout the United States and Canada, will begin here Octoher :7. and continue for ten days, according to announcement by officers "of the church. Plans for the activity of the denomination for the next four years will be outlined at-the conference. The commission appointed four years ago to study the work of the forward movement will report at the conference and suggest its recom mendations. Eighteen other com missions of 11 persons each also will report on Christian Tj nity, , -city churches, laymen's work, organiza tion. Christian Endeavor, steward ship, lifework recruits, evangelism, home missions, foreign missions, education, ministerial relief, public morals, publicity and. literature, rural church, social service H and Sunday schools t The church's foreign missionary work is confined to Japan and Porto Rico, a number of whom will attend the convention. , "Much interest will center Jh the report of the organization'-.commit-tee, which .will recommend ways to improve the organization of the work o the, church." according to announcement. . The denomination has the oldest religious newspaper in the. world, the announcement said. It ateo has colleges at Defiance, O.;. Elon, N. C Missouri, Indiana, New York and a new one being built in. Alabama; It also was the first denomination to. ordain women to the ministry. -' . Present officers include the "Rev. Frank G. Coffin, Albany, Mo., presi-. dent, and the Rev. J. F. Burnett, Dayton, O., general secretary. - ; Dr. Villers to Give Illus trated Talk.' World War's Havoc to Be Shown at White Temple. AT THE First Baptist church (White Temple) tonight Dr. Thomas J. Villers will give an illus trated address, showing pictures of the havoc wroght by the world war in France, where (as in La Fere) the Baptist chapels were destroyed; a typical native wife in the Philip pines; in China, a mothercraft school, Ginling college in rose time, basketball players, Shanghai gym nasium, a needle image, the sick 'at hospital doors; in Africa, the witch docfor, a baby clinic; in Japan, a kindergarten playground, a boys' school, Waseda university, Red Cross work, mission ship in the In land sea; in India, the Waterbury hospital, orphan children, native 1 plowing-, .a tank of people, a fakir, a pilgrim, the baptistry at Ongole, a native limousine; in Assam, . a I Sunday morning congregation, ' a carpenter shop, a press building; In Burmah, the mass movement (16,000 natives baptized). The 20-minute song service, led by William Mansell Wilder and the men's quartet, will have for its theme "The Shepherd's Call," by Vtrdi. Special features will be: Duet, "God's Guiding Hand"; bari tone solo, "Because He Loved Me Sc"; quartet, "Now the Day Is Over." Ernest Crosby will sing 'Christ in Flanders," by Ward Ste vens, while the picture of the ruins the once beautiful village of Notre, France, is on the screen. In the morning Dr. Villers will speak on "God's Cross-Questioning." Other features will -be: Anthem, 'Still, Still With Thee,"' by Foote; cortralto solo, Mrs. Iris Martenson Oakley, "If. I Were a Voice. by Woodbury. Dr. Villers will lead the regular midweek meeting Thursday at 7:45 P. M., continuing studies from the Book of Acts, "The Giving of the Koly Spirit." Wednesday the regular monthly luncheon and business irleeting of the Women's society will be held at the home of Mrs. H. W. Stone, 369 North Thirty-first street. Assisting hostesses will be Mesdames W. H. Siegner, A. M. Singleton, J. K. Ste venson, A. L. Veazie and H. W. Gar diner. - nr. Walter Benwell Hinson. pas tor of the East Side Baptist church. East Twentieth and East Salmon streets, will preach this morning at 11 o'clock from the subject "In the School of Christ." Tonight Dr. Hlnson's theme will be "A Life Fur Square." Mrs. Milly. Perryn Canfield. or ganist, will render two numbers on the organ "Prelude," by Rachman inoff, and "Berceuse," by Spinney at 7:15 P. M. Is Ours the Only True Religion?" i will be the topic of tne Young peo ple's meeting at 6:15 P. M. Miss Margaret Harding will have charge and Miss Dorothy Wickham will sing "The Prayer Perfect," by Sten son Karl Jones and Miss Gwendolyn Beach will be the speakers at the county hospital this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. at the midweek service Dr. Hinson will speak on "Missions in South Amer ica." ' The Women's society will meet Thursday at 10 A. M. for White Cross and relief work, and a mission programme and business session will occupy the afternoon. Dr. Hin son will speak from 3 to 3:30. At the Tabernacle mission (Bap tist), Forty-second street and Forty fifth avenue Southeast, Bible school is held at 9:45 A. M. C. A. Wood is superintendent. Preaching will be at It and the subject is "Lifted by God.' At 7:30 P. M. rally day exercises Is! i ' - il ;p4 Rev. David V. Jiygrts of Chicago, who is conducting a aeries of meetings at the First Swedish Baptist church. wil. be observed. A programme will be given and graduating exercises wil take place. The public is in vited. The- evangelistic services at Ar leti. Baptist church, under he lead ership of H. August Hunderup. are proceeding, with unusual interest. The singing of the choir and , con gregation is a very attractive fea ture of the service. There is also a special musical feature for each service. The intermediate and senior Young People's societies gave a 30 minute song service at Arleta sta tion last Sunday night. It was at tended by a great crowd. If the wester permits this outdoor song service will again be held at the same location at 7 o'clock tonight. The contest between the junior ami senior departments of the Bible school is developing a friendly ri valry which promises results for tho whole -school. C. C. Hessenek, superintendent, is leading the sen iors in the contest. Mrs. Lincoln leads the juniors. .' ...V ' Rev. W. Arnold Bennett continues his series of sermons in the Third Baptist church this morning, taking for his topic "The Baptism of the Holy Ghost: What Is It?" He will discuss a variety of .teachings on this subject, such as pentecostalism, entire . sanctif ication, perfectionism, etc. . ' Tonight he will preach on "Com-Irg-jDown Through" the Roof; An UHusual'Way of Being Saved." Song service will precede the regular service.. . ,: j ' i ?' i-1 ' ,-'''''. 1- -" The senior Baptist Young People's union of ?the Third Baptist church held its monthly business meeting Tuesday night, October 10, at the home, of Miss Laura Spall. -The society decided to adopt the "standard of r excellence" of the pregftn Baptist Young People's union. .... . At Highland Baptist church cor ner Albrta and East Sixth streets North, the services today will he as follows: 11 A. M., "The Stewardship of Life." by Rev. W. L. Rileyi 7:30 P. M., "God and My Mind," by Rev. W. L. Riley. 1 , Special meetings w-ill begin in the Highland- Baptist chnrch next Sun day and continue through the week. Rev, J.- F. Huckleberry, pastor of tile Grace Baptist church, will speak each night except Saturday. A musical prelude will be given under the direction of Mrs. C. C. Potter. The ser.vlces will begin at 7:3 P. M. . ! "The Unpardonable Sin," . Dr. Morrison's Topic. Spiritual Healing Is .Subject of Sermon This Evening:. .rpH-E UNPARDONABLE. SIN" X is r. Morrison's subject at the 11 o'clock service in Trinity church. "Spiritual Healing and the Power of Faith." is the evening topic. A large number of requests for prayers for the sick were made at the meeting last Sunday night. The Sunday school is in a most flourishing condition. Attendance shows a marked, increase over pre vious years. ' " A young people's party has been arranged for Monday night, October 23, in the parish house. At the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Rose City Park, there will be celebrations of the holy communion at 8 and 11 o'clock; Sunday school with classes for all ages at 9:45. At the morning serv ice Rev. T. F. Bowen will preach on "The Eternal Challenge." Young People's meeting at 7 P. I. The women of the congregation are pre paring for a rummage sale to be ,held this coming week. The Young People's society, for merly of St, Stephen's pro-cathedral, will hold its regular weekly meet ing in room A of the public library at 6:30 tonight. Miss Edith E. Burke, president, will lead the busi ness period and MIs.s Doris Wild man the devotional and programme. Special music has been arranged. The public is cordially invited. "Doctrine of Atonement" Is Science. Subject. Topic for Today in Chnrche In Announced. . TOCTRINE 'OF ATONEMENT" Xj is the subject of the lesson sermon in .. Christian - Science churches today. Regular morning service is held in all Christian Science churches today at 11 o'clock, Sunday evening serv ice ,is held- at 8 o'clock in all churches except Fifth and Seventh Sunday school is held for pupils up to the age of 20. The sessions convene at 9:45 and 11 in all except Third and Fifth, which hold then sessions at 9:30 and 11. Testimonial meetings are held in air churches Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. . Christian Science reading rooms are maintained at 1133 Northwest ern Bank building, 33 North Third street; 133 North Sixth street and 148 Killingsworth avenue, where the Bible and all authorised Chris tian Science literature may be read or purchased. Churches are located as follows: First church. Nineteenth and Everett streets: Second church. East Sixth street and Kolladay avenue: Third church. East Twelfth and Salmon .-.treets; Fourth church, Vancouver avenue ana Emerson street; Fifth church. 42'24 Sixty-scond street Southeast; Sixth ehorclt. Pythian temple; - Seventh . church. 413 Smith i avenue. -. ' The public is cordially invited tot 1 j- attend the church services and use the reading rooms. Second Church of Christ. Scientist, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Clarence W. Chadwick, C. S. B.. of Omaha, Neb., a member of the board of lecture ship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, Boston, Mass.. in the municipal auditorium Friday. October 20, at 8 I P. M. Doors open at 7:30. The public is cordially Invited. Dr. Bowman's Theme for Today Announced. Bible as Autobiography Will Be Mornlnir Topic. a MAN, D. D., the pastor, preaches . ,i 3 .,. , K.h corner of. Alder and Twelfth, at both services. The theme of the morning sermon is "The Bible as an Auto biography," and the evening, "The Bankrupt Who Tried Spiritualism," which is the- third sermon in the series on "Modern Business Men of the Bible." The quartet will sing the follow ing anthems: Morning, "Give Me a Perfect Heart" (Wooler) and "New Every Morning Is the Love" Bul lard.) Evening, "Eye Hath Not Sten" (Foote). Miss Ninsr Dressel will sing the offertory solo. "The Sun Goes Down" (Jewitt), at the evening service. Rev. N. K. Tully, D. D will con duct a mission study class in room H of the church house. Wednesday 1 evenings, beginning October 18. The 1 class will study Dr. Flemings book. Bullding With India. Men and,. women are Invited. At the regular midweek meeting Thursday night Dr. Bowman will soeak on the theme "How We Got Our Bible." At 6:15 on the same evening the congregational, dinner will be served ln the dining room. One of the study classes of the church, under the leadership of Mrs. N. K. Tully, will meet at the home of Mrs. D. M. Watson. 251 Cornell road, .tomorrow, at 2:30. The sub ject for study will be "Building With India." All who are interested in this study are invited. Miss Henthorne will begin her Bfbla study classes this week, as follows: Monday, at 7:15 P. M.. "The Gospel," by Mark; 8:16 P. M., "Bible Principles of Teaching"; Wednesday, 10:30 A. M "The Book of the Acts"; 2 P. M "Principles of . Prayer." Classes are open to all who are in terested in Bible study. . The Warren Bible class of the First Presbyterian church meets to day at 12 o'clock, immediately after the morning service. This third Sunday of this year's work finds the class well organized into the three .sections forr a membership drive, with social and other committees working energetically. A large open ing party was held at the home of the teacher, ' Mrs. Angela L. Ford Warren, on last Tuesday evening. The hundred young people who gathered ther.e showed great en thusiasm for the work just ahead. A helpful talk was given by Rev Mr. Tully. 1 - a The Warren vesper class is forg ing ahead in both in numbers and work. Meetings are held every Sun day at 4 o'clock and the many mid week meetings and parties are a proof of the congenial fellowship of this class. This afternoon the teach er, Mrs. A. L. Ford Warren, will pre sent short character sketches from handwriting, a musical concert will be presented by the orchestra of 10 members and a short talk on the New Testamenf will be given. Young menand women are invited to .join the class. Westminster Presbyterian will be favored with a special series of Sunday night sermons for the next fcur Sundays. Dr. Pence wil! dis cuss the general theme of: "How Christianity Won Its Place in the World," with the following definite subjects: October 15, "Rome, the Melting Pot of the Nations"; October 22, ,'"The Dying Faith in the Un seen": October 29, "Rome Is ' Con quered by the Religions of Hfr Con quered," and November 5, "The Jew and His Religion." x v His Sunday morning theme will be "Strange Companionships." Professor Hutcl.inson has provldedi the following special music. 10:30 A. M. Anthem (with aoto so prano), "Praise the Lord, O My Soul," (S S. Wesley); offertory, "Air in G Minor," (Edward Greig); hymn-anthem. "Just as I Am." (J. S. Camp). 7:30 P. M. Anthem. "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God," (John Stainer): offer tory, "Adagrio in B flat," (Robert Schu mann): quartet. ."What Are Theae That Are Arrayed ln White Robes?" (John Stainer). The women of the church meet Monday at 2:30 for their monthly session. Mrs. George Hogshire has charge of the programme with the topic South America. Miss Arline Cameron will give a piano solo. Re ports of the synodical sessions will be presented- by the three delegates. The Young People's- society pro gramme at 6:45 this evening will be in. charge of the King's Daughters' class, of which Miss Ruth Walter is leader. The theme for discussion will be "The Inner or Soul Life." Light refreshments are served between 6:15 and 6:46. At last Sunday's communion 15 united with the church. a . At Central Presbyterian churchTI East Sixteenth and Pine, the pastor, Dr. Nugent, will preach this morn ing from the topic, "The Ministry of Surprise." and in the evening, "Respectable Sin." ' The evening service has been changed from 7:45 to 7:30. . The chorus .under the di rection of J. William Belcher will sing at the morning service, "O, for a Closer Walk With God," by Foster, and "Come Unto Me," by Neidlinger; in the evening "Appear Thou' Light Divine," by Morrison; also a solo .... ... is-. .. -i. .r i .Msb:;,js iir .ti irB ii aat fr,. .-.ftnr. trj vfi ti 'r E. A. Elliott, new pastor of the Firm United Brethren church In Portland. by Miss Eileen Sealy. :'Just for To day." by Abbott. The eiders, deacons and trustees will hold a joint meeting Monday evening at the home of W. H. Mar kell to discuss plans for the future. Tuesday afternon at 2:30 the Cen tral chapter of the Westminster Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. A E gau; 574 Maole street. a a The Fidelis guild will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. L. P. Hewitt. 1121) Kast Market street, at S:30 P. M. Thursday night is church night. The devotional service will be con ducted by Dr. Nugent. After a short meeting the evening will be given j over to the Men's club. A good pro j gramme is being arranged. William j F. Woodward will speak on the "Compulsory Education Bill." There in the gymnasium This afternoon there will be an every-member social visitation con - ..,,, hv . f tht, various circles. In the past this has proved excellent in becoming acquainted with new members. At Calvary Presbyterian church. Rev. B. B. Suteliffe, pastor, will preach at 11 A. M- On ' The Blessed Hope the S. cond Coming of Christ." and at 3:30 P. M. on "The Power of Paul's Gospel," Gal. 6. At Rose City Park Community church. East Forty-fifth and Han cock, Rev. Donald W. M. MacCluer will preach at 11 A. M., on "Life, a Fight or a Faith?" and at 7:30 P. M ing Things Left Undone" iool of fmJfon. wfll open "Concern The sc 0n Thurs(ray tnis week. The fam. lle3 of the church w-j gather in (ne par,or- at 6:30 p. M. tor a pot- ,uck and soetal hour. At l.dU JT. BL. CiilBB W Ol K Will MCBIIi. school is graded so that the whole family can be studying missions at the same time. The following courses will be given: A woman's class, "Building With India": teacher, Mrs. T. V. Higgins. A mixed class of high school age, "India on the March"; leader. Mrs. O M. Washburn. A men's-' class. "Building With India"; leader, Floyd Dorris. A mixed class for Juniors on "The Wonderland of India"; leader, Mrs. L T. Nelson. A mission band, "Stories of India"; leader, Mrs. J. A. MacTarnaghan. A mixed class, "South America'! Neighbors": leader, Donald Mac Cluer. The classes will come together in the church auditorium for a brief prayer and praise service. Follow ing this w.111 be a stereopticpn lec ission country. Meet- ture on some Ings will close promptly at 9 P. M. and will continue for six Thursday evenings. Stereopticon lectures will be as follows: October 19. "White Man's Alaska"; October 26, "Native Alaska"; Novem ber 2, "India"; November. 9. "Slam"; November 16, "The Phillippines"j November 23, "South America." The public Is invited. a The Millard Avenue Presbyterian church. Seventy-third street and Fifty-fifth avenue Southeast, opens its financial campaign today. The Rev. Boudinot Seeley and the Rev. Henry White, pastor, have charge of the service of the morning. The Rev. Henry White preaches from the sub ject, "God, the Source of an Inex austible Supply of Riches," At the close of the service the ladle of the church, Mrs. Glen Sanders heading the committee, will serve luncheon to the canvassers. Fifty of the can vassers are to be supplied by the other Presbyterian churches of the city, and 50 from the local church. The canvass will be continued throughout the week, supper being served every night in the church by the women. The object of tonight's discourse is "The Church Offers an Interesting Field for the Exercise of the Talents of All Her Members," Mr. White preaching. The Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30, Miss Bernadine Martin is the leader. The musical selections for the day are as follows: Morning Prelude. selected, quartet, "Hark. Hark. My Soul." (Shelly): offer tory solo. "Look Down, Dear Lord," (Fisher), Miss Lola Kernan. Evening Quartet, "No Shadows Yonder," (Gaul); offertory aolo. "Just for To night," (Ambrose), Allan B. John. Miss Audrey Daut will tell the dramatic story of Esther tonight in the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church and the minister. Ward W. MacHenry, will preach on the same subject. This morning the sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be dispensed and new member re ceived. . ' ' Thursday night a special church school is . conducted with three classes: Psychology, taught by Pro fessor L. A. Wiley; pedagogy, taught by Professor A. J. Prideaux and old testament outlines, tought by the pastor. f . a At Piedmont Presbyterian church, the associate pastor. Rev. P. O. Bone brake, will preach at both morning and evening services. His theme in the morning will be "Christ and Spiritual Healing." and in the eve ning, "The Cure of Our Social Un rest." The Sunday school convenes at 9:45 A. M. and the young people's Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. a The Christian Endeavor society of Piedmont Presbyterian church in vites all of the Endeavorer of Port land and their friends to attend a hailoween social and entertainment which will be given October 30. a Rev. S. W. Seeman will be the speaker at the Men's Resort service today at 4 P. M. Miss Emma Grab ber will be soloist, and there will also be a song service. At 8 P. M. Rev. Levi Johnson will give the Bible talk, his sermon being pre ceded by singing and the screen magazine "Pathe Review" and on Wednesday night at 8 P. M., Sunny- side Congregational young people wiil give their opening programme of the season. a a Rev. Agnes J. Galer of Seattle will speak at -the First Divine Science church. 816 East Clay street. near corner of East Twenty-fifth street (take Hawthorne avenue cars), at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M., on "Mind and Memory," "Cheerfulness of Good Medicine." Rev. T. M. Minard, the pastor, will read the Scripture lesson at both services. Francis Richter, the orgnist. will commence the morning organ re cital at 10:55. The Sunday school is in session from 10 until 10:35. The midweek meeting is. neia on on Thursday evening at S o clock tn the church building. Rev. Mr. Minard is giving an advanced course in divine science. a a The Churclat Portland, Dr. John G. Lake overseer, 129 Fourth street, will have a special day of spiritual preparation for tle great audito rium meeting. Services at 11 A. M . Z and 8 P. M. Dr. Lake will preach at each service. a a a "Divine Healing" will be the lee ture topic of the Rev. Ida M. Schorl, i-v - ; hi 1 1 !H 1 ' , I? H. Doioi Bouz-hter of Decatur, III., new president for the I nlted Brethren college at Philomath. pastor of the Independent Bible Spiritualist society and church, located at 55 East Forty-seventh street North (take Montavllla car). I Thursday night a circle metin( ' H r clmrcn, 11 1 J will be held at 8 o'clock. The ladies Today.he-wi'.l take both the morn will serve a luncheon. Individual i ing and night ervlc. The morn messages are expected. I ing service. 11 o'clock, will be con- I ducted in the Norwegian language. Rev. H. Edward Mills will speak Th. r,io-h rvire. 7:30 o'clock, will !' 11 A' M' at the Re-""10" league, J , "e?"' "iL , Z"?' Lack I Yet?" and "The Terms in Which We Do Our Thinking and Their Results." at 8 P M. Dr. Parker Will Discourse on "The Added Touch." Efficiency Wheel of F1rt Meth- - dint Church Turning. DRm PARKER will preach this morning at the First Methodist Episcopal church on "The Added Touch." The evening subject will be the "Ministry of Surprise " The evening services are planned ln popular fashion to suit the growing audiences of younger folk. The efficiency wheel of the church ha . marliari tin anH h lftm- paign to round it out is on In full force. Every organization and de partment of the church is in the midst of a campaign to increase its rating and thereby make the show- ' " whole, church better..' The Oxford Eoworth league, com posed of yoiuig folk of high school age, is launched upon a large cam paign of improvement and expan sion. An orchestra which play at the Sunday night meetings i an important feature. There Is place for a few 'more musicians In it ranks.' The weekly meetings are held in the Oxford parlor of the church, entrance to which is on the Twelfth street side of the church. All high school folk or persons of that age are eligible to attend or become members. : The legions of the woman' 'asso ciation will meet Wednesday of this week In the home of the members. The Epworth league and Sunday school are uniting to give a welcom ing party for college students and young folk who may be stranger in the city next Friday at 8 P. M. All young folk will be welcome. If you are a student at ' one of. the many) special schools in Portland yon are ; especially Invited to attend. a a a At Clintoh Kelly Memorial Metho- 1 dist church Rev. J. H. Irvine at the ! morning service will speak on "The Emergency measures of St. Paul" and in the evening the Epworth league will discuss "The Abundant Life." 'followed by our address to young folk at 7:30 o'clock. a a a Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal church. East Tenth street North, above Durham avenue, there Is some special feature of a .helpful char acter each Sunday to strengthen faith and inspire Interest. There will be some special music. Rev. E. Sutton Mace will speak in the morn ing at 11 o'clock on "Alive." and ln the evening on "Who Is Who." The large Bible school convenes at 10 A. M. The young peoples' meeting will begin at 6:30 P. M. The Junior league will meet Friday at 4 o'clock. The midweek service is held Thurs day at 7:30 P. M. a a a At the Sellwood Methodist church the pastor. J. Edgar Purdy, will preScti at both services today. His sermon theme in lt morning will be "Underneath Are the Everlasting Arms' and ln the evening "Three Reasons for Not Being a Christian." Hours of services, 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M. a a a The Rosarlan band will give a concert at the night service of Cen tenary Wilbur Methodist church. The sermon of the evening will be delivered by Dr. William Wallace Youngson on the theme. "The Rose of Sharon Investment and Serv ice." The quartet arid choir will be heard in sacred numbers. This promises to be one of the most en tertaining "services. The hour Is 7:30. The morning sermon will be de livered by Dr. H. T. Greene on the theme, "Greatest Love." The musical numbers for the morning serlvce are as follows: Onin. ali-rftto (El-tar) Quartet. "Jeans Only" fBololi) Soio, "Callest Thou Thus. O Master." (Mrtike) Mrs. Perrtn. Chorus, "tn Thee Do 1 Put My Trust." (Woodard) Posttude, allegretto maestoae (Gounod) Beginning this Sunday the Sunday school at 10 A. M. and the services at 11 will be conducted In the Eng lish language at the First Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal church, corner Eighteenth street North and Hoyt street. It Is very; much desired that the parents ln that neighborhood would send their children to the Sunday school and attend the morning service. This morning the pastor will speak on. "Mighty Factors In the Destiny of Men," in the evening on "The Home Beautiful." Wednesday evening the young peoples society programme, in charge of Gurlne Pedersen. Thursday evening a welcome re ception will be given to the return ing pastor and family. a a a . Dr. H. B. Johnson, superintendent of the Japanese wont on the Pacific, coast, will speak thi morning at 1 noon service neia at ociock. the Rose City Park Methodist Epis-I (Dining room service available for copal church. Dr. Johnson ha been those desiring to remain for th for a number of years a missionary evening service; bring your lunch.) In Japan and ha had large exper- I Spiritual message will be given-by lepce at home and so possesses an j Rev. Mr. Hills and Mrs. Anna Snyder, intimate knowledge of the work the blind medium. Mr. Hllla will both at home and abroad, Aside again speak upon "Psychology" from an exceptional experience In Tuesday evening, to which the pub the work he is exceedingly well lie la cordially Invited. -trained In the schools, is broad The Wednesday night service Is minded In the very best sense of devoted exclusively to message that term with an open mind to- Next Wednesday the Woman' ward every movement that promts Psychic club will glv a ball ln th advance in righteousness and Chris- clubroom. adjacent to th church. tlan living. To hear him will be a real treat as well ti a privilege. Tonight the paxlor. lr. '. W Huett. will speak on the "BleMina of Discontent' We hear niu-h h) u; the danger of such a stale t mint' and are constantly being aitmmij lii-d concerning It. Let u look for a I -tie while at the other side of i lie picture and see In some meamire hi least what it has been the of doinir for modern life. At the Punnvslde Methodist church j Dr. Gallagher will begin a series of Sunday night addresses wntcn 11 is believed will prove attractive. They ar call "On to Election" ari- 'drs. The first one will be fivn tonight. "What I Think of the K11 Klux Klin." What i there good about It? What Is there wrong about It? This 1 not a closed-door affair. It Is a wide-open service to which all persons are Invited. New Pastor to Speak at Lutheran Church. Frrueherk Decide to rinht Pro poned Bduratlon Bill. REV. 1 near LE1F 11. AWES, from Min- polis, Minn., has been In stalled as pastor of Bethel Lutheran I be ln English, when the pastor will 1 P the subject "The Complete Man." a a The Sunday school of Our Savior' Lutheran church will take part In the general Ingathering by the chil dren in order to build a missionary school in China. The first Sunday ln November has been designated as the children's missionary day. At a recent circuit meeting of Lutheran pastors and delegates of Oregon the proposed education bill was discussed. It wa agreed to fight the measure on the grounds of Americanism and the religious lib erty guaranteed by the constitution "What Think Ye of Christ?" will be the sermon theme of Rev. M. A. Chrlstensen in Our Savior' Luther an church at the morning service. The Sunday school of tie Clay- street Kvangellcal churcn win com j mence at 9:30 and will be In charge of Acting Superintendent Gegen helmer of Napervlll. Ul. At 10:45 the pastor. Rev. Jacob Blocker, will continue his erle of sermon on th letter to th Ephelns and will preach a sermon on the subject "Spiritual Welfare." In the after noon at Z o'clock he will address the old people at the Altenbeim on Divi sion street. The Young People's alliance meet at 7 o'clock, fol lowed by the nigM ervlce at I o'clock. Mr. Gegenhelmer will pak on "Sidelight of the Sunday School Convention." a a At Grace Lutheran chureh. East Broadway and Twenty-fourth street North, there will be the regular morning service at 11. The pastor' theme will be "The Benefit of Be ing a Christian." Children' class in religion meets Saturday at 10 o'clock. Adult classes In Bible study meet Monday and Wednesday night at the pastor' home.' Sunday achool opens at 9:45. ' Men at Y. M. C. A. to Hear Dr. H. L. Bowman. Special Music Will Be Feature of Service at 3uUK a a A PIC wil PICTURE Without a Frame" Harold Leonard Bowman, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. In the auditorium of the Portland Young Men' Christian association at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Spe cial music will be furnished by the Ross evangelistio trio. The meet ings are held every Sunday after noon under the auspices of the social and religious work depart ments of the Y. M. C. A. James W. Palmer will be chairman. a a Rev. Norman K. Tully, associate pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will open the Monday night Bible classes tomorrow night In the gray room of the Y. M. C. A. a a a Leslie Cranbourne, secretary of the "Y" service and membership department, is conducting a Bible ciass Wednesday nights ln the lobby, a a a The weekly concert of the Y. M. C. A. orchestra are growing in popularity. . a a a The Ross evangelistic trio, now holding a meeting at the East Sid Christian church, of which Rev. W. S. Crockett is pastor, will con duct the services next Sunday after noon in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Rev. E. BJ Ward to Fill Pulpit Again Today. Subject for Flrat United Brethren Church Announced. THE pulpit at First United I 'Brethren church. Fifteenth and! East Morrison streets, will again b ' supplied by Rev. E. B. Ward. In th absence of the pastor.. Rev. Mr. I Ward will use the following nub- I jects, morning. "The Palm Tree ! Christian"; evening, "Tne Divine 1 Nature." ! a a a Rev." G. K. Hartman, pastor of the Second United Brethren church. Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets, will preach In the morning on "Spiritual Work," and In the eve- I nlng on "A Gracious Invitation." a a a Rev. E". O. Shepherd of the. Third United Brethren church will preach morning and evening. a a a "A Blackboard Talk" will he th order of service at Tremont United Brethren church In th morning, and In the evening the pastor. Hev. B Ross Evans, will preach on "A Bad Dream " a a a The Rev. J. Wlllard Hills, pastor of the First Spiritualist Church. Inc.. East Seventh and Hassalo streets, chartered by the National Spiritualists association, will speak on the ubject of "Spiritual oirts' Sunday night st 7:30 o clock (note the change in time). Sunday after- preceded by Alice M. McNaurht. hllth-clasa vorallnt and character chunae act. at 8:30 o'clock. XI r. McNauaht la a candidate for atat epreHentatlve and Is widely known 'i Portland. on October the Viutu peoples Kismet club will .ive a Halloween party also for the :.!! fit of the bulldinr fund. lt f. -ewhoienta served at both entertain inenlK. Mrs. Nora Armatron. prenl f.etit of the Woman Pavrhic club, announces that contribution1" fr the annual hamanr w ill be tjiank fully received. Every effort l bln made1 to surpass all previous bazaars. a The Whitney boys' rhn'us w ill h , full cbarae of (he service th'a rvfii I Ing at the Fpworlb Vethotiai v:;l jcopsi church. A full houpr la e. I peeled. I At tli Mystic Church of l. lli.-l.. 1 4 Alder street. n'r K.lvnl'i (upper hall), services will ha i-.hi ducted tonight by Kv. W. W. .lr 'at I o'clock. hn will deliver art course upon a selecte'i hiN)h-i After the lecture there will l pre sented a "Physical Light Iwmnn stratlon." Circle will be firmed 1 between P. M. and 7 0 P M . where mediums will be In attend ance. K A LA MA. Wash.. Oct. 14 Impe rial.) The First C'onrti.n I church of Kalama Is undaraoma remodeling and repairing, which l a greet Improvement to th truc ture. While the work I being done service are being held at tb high school auditorium. "A Reason for My Mope," Mr. Griffis' Subject. Klrat rhrlatln Church Will -' hl at Lincoln H 1 ALTHOUGH deprived for th tim bring of a regular church building, the First CtfrUtlah eotigr tatlon I maintaining It work and worship In encouraging fahlon, waiting patiently for th comple tion of It new atructur on th former site at Tark and Columbia treet. Th church 1 holding It Sunday service In th auditorium of fia Lincoln hlcn ichoo'. and it weekday appointment In jthar elt assembly hall and in lb bom of it member. With th new iruc ture almost ready for the roof. It i hoped that th congregation may occupy at ieait th flrat floor bofnr the close of the present calendar Thl morning at 11 o'clock th pastor. Rev. Harold H. Urlffla. will devote bis dlscoura to a considera tion of the Intellectual ground of a consistent modern faith, having tor hi theme "A Ron for Mv Hope." Th mualcal programme for tht morning will Include the an them "Oh. for a Cloaer Wlk With God" (Spro). and th dut. Through th Gate of Oold" (Hart), by Eleanor Louis Stockton and L. Carroil Day. The night worship at 7:45 wl'l open with a praise aervlce. led by th chorus choir, th historic hymn for special tudy and tory being H. F. Lyte "Abld With Me." Thi pastor sermon will b a discussion of certain social Implication of th Lord's prayer, th pciflo topic being "Why Pry for Dally Bread?" Tomorrow night at th dinner hour the Bible achool worker will hold their monthly conference In the cafeteria annex of th Y. M. C. A Wednesday afternoon, between th hour of 2 nd 5. the woman mis sionary oclty will give a 'allver tea for the benefit of the Christian Chinese mission of Portland, at tha bom of Mr. Clark Hlark. t.'i Tillamook street. Thura.lay the young matrons' B'.b'a clasa. of which Mrs. C. J. Parker I" presi dent, will hold a midday oclal and business session with Mr. c M. Egbert, T053 Rodney, avenue, a a With a messaB that grip h's hearer and an eloquence that hold, their Interest the Rev. Klyd A Row ha been meeting wlih re markable u:ces In the evana-eiiai!" camt sign In which he ha been l-a'l-Ing the congregation of the Kaat Side Christian church. East Tweifch and Taylor atreei. for th lt two week. There hav been nearly ua addition to the church thu far. and the meeting will continue) throughout the month of October The church, under the pastoral of Rev. Walter hcott Crockett, was In excellent condition for a meeting and it bid fair to be one of th most successful campaigns con ducted in the city. Th evangellt I assisted by Mr. Rom and Mlaa Dorothy Ho. Or chestral concert at 7 o'clock earn night featur th meeting. Many praiseworthy things are said of th manner In which th meetings re . conducted, no sensational method being used. The olo :h evening, by Evangelist Ho ar much en Joyed. At 9:45 this morning an orchestral concert will b given by th lios trio. At 10 the Bible chool class, will assemble. Th auditorium rlaas. taught by Rev. Mr. Crockett. I growing from week to week nd In vite adults who ar not connectad with other churches, to attend th lecture. Ther will be a luncheon at th church Immediately follow ing the morning service for ail men and boy who will remln. Ther will be toast and a period of gnod fcliowRhlp, and at I 31 Evangllt Hon will glv an address to man and bova only tn tha auditorium. At 10 will be the Christian ICn. deavor meeting, at 7 an orchestral concert by the Hoaae and at 7 J1 the evangelist will epeak. Th sub ject announced for th week wi l be a follow: Hunday morning. "Tha lord's Supper"; evening. "Can a man be saved out of th rhurrh" Monday. "I'renaredneas"; Tuesday, "t'nnverflnn rf New Testament Murderer"; Wednesday. "The Mean est rhlnc In Portland": Thursday, New Apostolic Fdith Mission Cor. Sixth and Durnirj S. Services: Sunday, 11 :.')() A. .'4 , 2:33 and 7:S0 P. M. For the pt sixteen yer rort-' land has had s rral live, rou'. tavinff station. Come, hear personal tetimonic from men and women of a l walks in life. 80-piece orchestra, ma e quartet, ladies' quartet. "A Vital for You" No collections. Com-i and ie.