21 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 15, 1922 A FOR RENT. House. READY OCTOBER 1. Beautiful borne In Irvington, hard wood floors, all conveniences, thorough ly modern, three large bedrooms, sleep ins porch, large living and dining rooms, den, full cement basement, ga rage; situated 8 blocks from public school; lease preferred; only respon sible parties -will be considered. See Mr. Reed Monday at 1031 Northwest Bank bldg. MT. TABOR. SCO Six-room modern home, large grounds, garage; 311 E. 60th- East 145 Eight-room modern house, ram st. East 9213. Four-room house, near Broad way oriflge. East 9213. BU TT E R & LACEY. AT MULTNOMAH. 49-room unfinished house, $15 per month. New 5-roora bungalow, just completed, every convenience, $40 per month- Modern 6-room 2-story house on the highway, close to station, $40 per month. Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg.. Il'7 Park at. ; SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES 024 Heights Terrace. 2, 3, 4 rooms, fine view of moun tains and city, 20 minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall st. car, on Morrison to 13th. 2 blocks west; shower and tub bath; see to appreciate; wood in for winter: don't miss. 532 DAVIS ST., Nob Hill $55 month. 7-rocm house, modern, 3 sleeping porches, gas, w. heater, elegant fire place, bookcases, furnace, sta. wash tubs, bath, showers, new electric fix tures; A-l condition. Call afternoon. No children. Bdwy. 3225, YOUR home well built, reasonably financed, no bonus. Pay like rent, saving half. Don't wait. See us. -i years' hon'est building. THE J. N. JUSTUS CO. 1109 Yeon Bldg. Main 1239. 577 Fairmont Blvd. Atwater 5209. $30 PER MONTH $30. An attractive 7-room house and ga rage, 6 fine lots, all enclosed, fruit and shade trees, on 49th st., just north of 03d ave. Ket with neighbor. RITTER, LOWE fc CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT tt-room house with base ment, garage, chicken house, acre ground with fruit trees and garden; rent $26.50. 85 K. 93d st., one block south of Gllsan at. Take Montavilia depot car. WILL rent to family of adults one of Jrvington's lovely stucco homes, in choicest location, 8 or 8 rooms, lovely breakfast room and 2 sleeping porches, perfect condition, double garage. East a 207. 754 E. 40TH ST. MODERN 4-KOOM BUNGALOW, NEAR CAR; GOOD CONDITION. $30. G. G- ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 2m Panama Bldg. FOR LEASE. 15-room house in 3 and 2 -room apartments, completely furnished, moo ern, with water in all rooms. Kerr, Jtftiyam h ill. ; . E. 14TH AND MADISON STS. Have some dandy 5-roora flats, close in ; furnace ; reasonable. G. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR, ?Q Panama B 1 dg. 4-ROOM bungalow with all modem con veniences, on river front, Rothe sta tion, Oregon City line. References re quired. Phone East 9775. Open for inspection after 1 P. M. today o n 1 y LARGE, fine 8-room housa at 439 E. 4 2d North, has hardwood floors, fire place, built-in features; hot air fur nace; $00 per month to desirable ten ant. Main 4tHt. $00. 7-ROOM modern furnished house. near Reed college; strictly modern. . to lease 6 months or longer. 102S East 30 th st. M O DEK N" 5 -rm. cottage and garage ; nice grounds. Immediate possession; $30 month. Call Monday. 1283 E. Sth wt. N. . IRVINGTON modern home. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood f'oors, white enamel woodwork, ga.ra.ge; rent $90. al Auto. 321-55. b-ItOOM mod. bungalow, in first-class - condition; good furnace, 2 blks. to car. Come see it at K. 43d N., Sunday, or call owner at Auto. 043-72. U-IiOOM house for rent, full basement; rlose to car. G. Hoestrand, 1382 Greeley Ft., St. Johns carline; $25 a month. Walnut 50. Bo. ROSE CITV Beautiful new 3-room bun galow and garage; hardwood floors throughout; lease 1 or 2 years; $75 per month. Tabor 6441. KOk RENT -7-room house. $35 per month; lhk lots, gas range with house. 4ith at., near Powell Vallev road. ln quire at 8027 4Hth st. S. E. FOR RENT Good 7-room house. 506 E. ilSth, near Division Ft, one-half block Richmond car, $30. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 0219. WANTED Respectable woman to chare home with elderly lady; divide ex penses; references required. Phone Walnut 0295. KM PLOYED couple to b-hare home, use of kitchenette, sleeping room, living, with all home privileges; on carline ; garMge If desired. Walnut 5102. 1'OR RENT 0-room good clean hou.e near Peninsula para, at reanoname price to responsible- party. Inquire 14-19 Commercial st. UNFURN1SH EI 3-room house for rent or sale ; newly papered ; adults only. Call Atwater 3658, Sunday night or Monday. 5-ROOM house, cor. Union and Division, $17.50. Phone Bdwy. 7213, Monday, or inquire 303 Concord bldg. FOR RENT Neat 5-room bungalo furnace and garage. $45. 24 East 32d st. Call Tabor 2604. 4 ROOMS lower floor, residence near Council Crest; bath, basement, fur nace, modern conveniences. Main 2471, UOOD warm 6-room bouse in Rose Park; hardwood, electric and gas, Sunday. E. 7809. Atwater 43T8. City $30. 'OR RENT 5-room house, partly fur nished, with garage. 780 E. 32d. ln q uire 905 Francis a ve. 5-ROOM house, newly papered, electric lights and gas; with yard. Inquire at 055 Borthwick. NEW. 5-ROOM hous", firepiacf, hard wood floors; 1 (tux loo corner lot. 1431 Lenore st. Walnut 2393. 5-ROOM house, walking distance; garaire. 346 Victoria block, east of Williams ave., near E. Broadway ; adults. MODERN O-room hu borhood, walking 7th st.. near Oak. in good neigh distance. 53 East 6-ROOM modern housn, in Sunnysid, $35; winter fuel in basement; can bs bon g h t. Tabor 8815. 22 7 Glen n ave. 2-ROOM SHACK, for rent, $10 a month; wme furniture for sale. 5409 36th ave. S. K., corner 54th st. -ROOM new home, vacant, with option purchase, Bdwy. 7352. 7 2d st. S. K., easy terms. MODERN 4-room bungalow, furnace, large lot and fruit trees, $25. Auto. 313-93. 6 ROOMS and bath, $25. 4S1 N. C3d st. 1 11 q uire Salomon &, Co., 307 Railway Exchange bUi.a. MODERN 6 -room house. 311 Eiust 60 1 h st. Lovely grounds with garage, $60. See Metzger-Parker Co. 5 ROOMS' and garage, 1 block to car, no children : will sell some furniture. Rent $35. Tabor 1 OS 6 ROOMS and sun room, place, s. furnace, $,0. bldg. garage, fire 449 Sherlock 6-ROOM motltrn buns;ow, hot water heat, r?nt $40. East 19th and Taylor. Main 8440. Bdwy. 7340. -ROOM modern, 2-story, floored furnace, fine location, rent $40. East Taylor, cor. 20th. WILL lease beautiful modern 5-room bungalow to responsible party; garage. furnaoe; get particulars, 1292 E. 30th . MOiEKN 4-room house and gitrage, $0. Inquire 773 East 11th st. N. BE ACTIKI'L. completely turn. home. Portland Heights. Tail Main 5906. BEAUTIFUL 9-room home in Ladd'a ad dition. $75 per mu. Metzgr-Parker Co. AT 906 HAWTHORNE ave.. 7-room mod ern house. 3 bedrooms. $50. 6-ROOM bouse, gas and electricity, r.il 22! 17th st. North. G.t"OI warm si x-roora house. lam av. Rent $32. LALRELHURST iy modern. $00. -Six-room house, strict AO 6. Ore go man. ''UK KENT F 4l04 42d -vs. ur-room modern cottage. S. K Auto. 1320-23. MODERN -rtom house near Reed col lge. Main 0 737. -ROOM house 4t w. lOtfl ! close tn; water paid. SRS for rent, 1 Ma; a. $15 and $25. Owner, C-HM. MODERN. $!5. S.:nnslde cur. Wn'n 100 K. 19th St., ut ON 4 3 6-KOOM hou.Hc. modern. 629 3d st. In- qu:re - etit st. or Main olMV ;ous ront, Sll mrtnth; Atwater 252H. 20ST IjESI It A til. E 4-roOii furnished flat; yar-i?. phone and lawn. Walnut 12(-V 3 ;;. 8-ROOM modern house, fire placed urnace, si e e i .n g porch. 505 Weidler at. VnrnNhed Hnis. ATTRACTIVE 7-room homo in Irving ton fr It months. East 5505. 25 00, 4-ROOM Sair.icn. Mtil st. Call at U-ROOM Ft'H. HOUSE, WITH BATH. TABOR 5724. t'AHT o. 'furnished nous.-. Piedmont dis trict, rhrr.e W,t!mu in;7. WILL share my home with 2 business women. Reforenc1. Kast 217. UOOD 6-rom house, nearly furni-hd, 130. Lauer Realty Co., ihone 633-S3. ' FOR BENT. J FOR BENT. Famished Houses. Furnished Houses. "d "HlllSdrtiptaf'Si.i SEJ ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, tub and shower bath; full concrete On paved street In ernon district, basement with furnace: electric range. 1 blk. from Alberta carline. Nice fireplace, hardwood floors, double a- lawn and trees. Available Immedi- rage; lot loO feet front with lawn. ately. $40. Mr. Staley at Empire large shade trees, plants, flowers and ltttt before 4 o'clock or write 331 shrubbery. 678 East 64th St. M.. near Jefferson. Sandy blvd. and car line. Inquire '605 C'f.rbett bldg.. Main 5714. 100 per 5.R0OM HOUSE Well furnished ; ga- raonth. rage, lights, water, gas; $5 month; i 6-ROOM house, partly furnished; 2, lots, call today. 1451 Union ave. Sunday close in, 2 blocks to 5 car lines; nice Tabor 4Kn. 1 yard and garden; new furnace; every- STEWART JOHNSON", thing in good shape; wou:d like to 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 'rent it for a year to some good couple; ATTRACTIVE o-room furnished bunga- owner will room and board with r.nter low; full cement basement, full attic. ! if agreeable; can see house Saturday ga3i hardwoqd floors, fireplace. 84 J and Sunday, October 14 and 15. cor- Brooklyn, one-half block Woodstock ner Fliru and 248 Tillamook St. car, near 28th. . ATTRACTIVE bungalow situated on Willamette river and river road; TWO SIX-ROOM homes, completely fur- garage available; rental $15 per month, nished. except linen and silver: hara- call 728 Morgan bldg.. or phone Oak wood floors, furnace, garage; will rent Grove I26X. . separately 4 to 6 months, 65 per month WIL lease for year or more, beautiful each. Walnut 4967 or Walnut 1597. Irvinglon home, 8 rooms, garage, hard wood floors, two fireplaces, ivory . - woodwork. Rent 1100. Call Auto. 9-ROOM, MODERN RESIDENCE. MT. 321-55. . It-ncmSv C?URNISHED 7-ROOM furnished house; Pettygrove. 5? vr.KTHS TO ONE near 2,,lh: gas. electricity, bath; no TO LEASE lOR 6 MOMHS 1 J- children- riennai. rpmitrwl "RronriwaV YEAR- 2 GARAGES; RENT 75. St!, en' aePoslt required, uroaaway PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 2f.2 STARK ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Five-room fur- JgjraC SrBevJrr.aV0gere.nfgrrm.";LS ml 3 "fireplace., i P bafhrooms, fur- lot: rent $75: references. Main 4342. nace and garage. House completely FURNISHED 7-room house for rent, furnished. Will lease for one or more with garage, $80 a month. Call Ta- years. $125 month. Inquire Monday, bor 1179. . S02 Corbett bldg.. owner. SIX-ROOM modern, fireplace, $35; 3- FKOM Nov. 1st for 6 months, a modern, room, ivory enameled, $20. Phone Oak centrally located east wide residence. Grove 135. beautiful grounds, choice shrubbery 8 WAXT youn5 COUpie or working girl to fine bedrooms, large ?ntn ' share furnished bungalow with girl reception hall living room who Is employed. Walnut 6402. room and kitchen, large garage; adults - - - , : onlv Phone East 2281 4 ROOMS, attic, basement. 3 blocks to 'pfp:.',,, ' r, ' T7 car, east of Mount Tabor; $37.50. Ta- FL RMbHED 12-room residence, ioi b ft3i 14th st., earner Morrison; walking dis- : tance Will lease for year or two to 6-ROOM modern house; fireplace, fur responsible party; references, at 5160 nace, hardwood floors, piano, electric per month. Le Ballis, Wakefield, range; call afternoong. Tabor 4221. , Fries & Co., 85 4th st. PfiRTI iVTl WRIfiHTS. 9-room modern well-furnished; walk ing distance; view of city and moun tains; will lease for term of years at $100 per month, or will sell for cash or terms. Atwater 0:j FUHXISHED 12-room residence, 101 14th t., corner Morrison ; walking distance. Will lease for one year to responsible party, references, at $160 per month. See Bailie. Wakefield, Fries & Co., S3 4th st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Partly fur nished house, near Council Crest car line; modern, bath, city water, elec tricity, large garden, fruit and berriea Fine view of city. References. Phone Main 5H1 Monday. FURNISHED modern 6-room house for rent to responsible party. Adults only. Will give long lease wth option to buy if wanted. No blankets, linen or silver furnished. Call 1150 E. Madison st. Phone Tabor 7350. PORTLA.ND HEIGHTS Partly fur nished house, near Council Crest car line: modern, bath, city water, elec tricity, large garden, fruit and oernes. Fine view of city. References. Main 5041 Monday. Phone BEAUTIFULLY furn. 6-rm. residence, h. w. floors, fireplace, white enamel kitchen. large light rms.; good neigh borhood; to refined people. Call E. 1901. 765 E. Flanders. ROSE CITY PARA.. Owner will share 5-room modern home with couple or board couple em ployed; 1- block Rose City Park car line. 028 East 64th st. N. FURNISHED, thoroughly modern seven room hause with garage, in fine resi dence district. Vacant Nov. 1. Call Broadway 4fl28 Sunday 9:30 to 12; week days, 8:30 to 5:30. FOR RENT 7-room furnished or un furnished house; 1 block from hard surfaced street, school and car. Wal nut 6273. FURN. modern 5-rm. bungalow; in Al berta; furnace, garage; near schools. 1025 B. Sth. N. Call between 1:30 and 4 P. M. 5-ROOM fur. bungalow with pipeless fur nace, new rugs, piano, Dutch kitchen, near Richmond school. 42S East 39th S. CI1 East 7345. MULTNOMAH STATION 3-room cot ta?e, partly furnished, with 1-3 acre, near station on highway ; $10. Ned Burke. Main 194)3. 5-ROOM. nearly furn.. owner's home, in llonnf Scott- vtirv re as. rent: accessible b- eood road; street paved. Walnut 1 203 9; 4 ROOMS, partiv rurnished, near school and car. 0713 55th ave. S. E. Rent $30. C. A. WAGNER COMPANY, ?3i Stark Sr. Bdwy. 7150. WANTED to rent, nicely furnished house to lady In exchange fr boy's room and board. Tabor 3046, Sunday and evo Tiingg. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room -house with sleeping porch and garage; fur n things include piano, linen and silver. 720 East 30th St. N. East 7144. 6-ROOM wrll-iur nished house, piano, fire place. 592 East 10th st. N., bet. Knott and Stanton. Phone East 2487; will trive one year lease DANDY 4-room bungalow, wt-ll fur nished ; strictly modern, fireplace, fur nace, etc., for lease, $40 per month. Sellwood 3488. LOWER floor, furnished, piano, wood and sras ranare". lisht. water, eas fur nished, $35- 140 E. 34th St.. block S. S. car. PARTLY furnished 5-room house, new and clean, near school. 1392 Belmont st. Tabor 8192, after 10 A. M. ; rent $12. 50 . FURNISHED 4-room house. IIS Otymp;a st., St. Johns, $20. Phone Empire 1 81 . FOR RENT Furnished house, 5 rooms and- sleeping porch ; garage ; $75 month ; references. 949 Skidmore st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8-room- house. well furnished, months or longer. Main 1397. LAKE UROVB i-rm, cottage, auto road, $H0: attractive scenery; piano. Bdwy. MT. T.ABOR. modern 5 rooms, piano, nc garage ; $50. 70 68th st. Phone morn ings. Brtwv. 3921. FOP. RENT Modern 3-room furnished house, bHth. furnace, garage; rent $30. 3:i" E. 00th N. Call Sunday.. WANTED Elderly lady or couple to share 5-room house, near carline; good location. Seilwood 1071. $40 RENTS 9-room house. 5 rooms fur nished, full of good roomers, lovely home. $350- cash. 371 6th at. 5-ROOM modern house, 3 bedrooms, 2- room shack, clean, Kenton car 4-room cotta ?p. reasonable. I486 Omaha ave. FURNISHED 6-room house, ed walking distance. 28 Main 593. newlv tint E. llth N. 5-ROOM house. East Salmon and 16th, $13, water included. Room 207, Mc Kay bldg FURNISHED cottage, walking distance. west side, rent only t:ail a 0th, after 5. on Sunday all day. 624 MY 5-ROOM modern home for winter; furnished; garage; Hawthorne district 406 Marguerite ave. Tabor 9254. MODERN" completely furnished 6-room bungalow to lease very desirable, S2S E. 3 2d St., on Woodstock carline. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. $37.50 month. llftS E. Morrison, at 39th tt.. IS mm. to to w n . ROOMS, sleeping porch, partly fur nished; fuel for sale, .$45. 212 Knott st K. 33S2. ' 4 ROOMS, furnished, now vacant. $18 month. Inquire at I3d Fremont, near ftsih. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room modern house, furnished, fire place, garsire: $SS Main 0847. ATTRACTIVE 7-room hou. .n Irvington with option to board business woman and daughter. 15. Eist 9877 evenings. WANT employed couple to share 5-room bungalow In Rose City. D2 East 44th FURNISHED 4-room bungaiow with or without garage; close-in. Main 0012. 811 Mohawk bldg MOD. 8-RM. East 81st Tabr 1016. fur. house ind Salmon. and near garage. 2 cars. 7-ROOM furnished houso. will lease for year or more. Main 5i62 for informa tion . c a II S u n Main 7797. ARTISTIC, weil-furn. cor. bungaiow flat, garage, large porches, lawn, car line. Automatic 016-73 25, 6-ROOM bungalow, completely fur nished, garage. Oak Grove, Call Ta bor 0342. FURNISHED house for 2 months. Port !nd HViirhts, $50. Main 7350. FURNISHED 4-room modern house; J27. 421- 5Sth t. . E. Ko M hoase. cZose to carline, partly furnished. 1493 Atlantic. FURNISHED c o t La g e Benton. $23. for rent at COSTLY furnished 4-room cottage, lovely view, west P'de. 24ft Bancroft. MY HOME. mod., completely fur., 6 rms.. furnace, garage. 631-43. $40 MODERN 5-rm, bungalow, fur. .Vth eve. S. E. Auto. 031-75. 5505 NEATLY cleaned, furnished 5-room cot tag, iwmgfs. Call 723 Clinton. 4 ROOM 3." $2; high shoo modern, near school and 5330 Powell Valley. 3-ROOM house for rent, partially fur r'shed. 22t Denver ave. Call Sunday. 'OK RENT Four-room house furnished. Call at 5 20S SSth st. S. K. Owner. . - ROOM house, attractively furnished, .piano, $00. 423 re&cotC MODERN 6-room bungalow, furnished ; nawtnorne ave. ; lurnace, piano, era rage; no children; $55. - Tabor 0930. MODERN 3 or 4 rooms , and sleeping porch, nicely furnished, clean, close in; reasonable; adults. 368 Knott st. 5-ROOM fur. cottage, $37.50 month, at 1158 E. Morrison at 30th St.; 18 min utes to town. MY STRICTLY modern 7-room fur. t home, lease 6 months or longer. Ta bor 1612. 0 ROOMS Garage, desirable corner, two blocks from Rose City car; references. Tabor 3666. FOR RENT Small house, nicely fur nished, good car service. Inquire Sun day. 740 E. 75th N.. near Fremont. MY beautifully furnished home, hard wood floors, fine rugs and furniture; large yard ; garage. East 2866. $37.50 SUNNYS1DE home, 0 rooms semi-modern, 2 bedrooms. 127$ E. Taylor. Bdy. 4728. MOD. 3-room house. 8110 63d ave. $18.50 per month. 6-ROOM furnished house; close in; $35. Call at 452 Failing st. HAWTHORNE dist., completely fur nished 7-room house, at 3()5 Glenn ave. 6-ROOM house; can arrange or 2 fami lies. 221 17th st. North. WEST SIDE 5-room $25. 744 4th. Take N. furnished house, S. car to Hooker. FURNISHED 3-room cottage, bath, gas, electricity, water paid. $25. At. 3063. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. 28 E. 15th st. FURNISHED boathousea for rent, foot of Nevada st. Inquire 283 Alder st. COMFORTABLE funished 5-room cot tage. 4.'!5 East Alder, cor. 7th. E. 7506. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 rooms. $35. 343 Williams ave. 5-ROOM cottage, partly iurnished. 1351 E. Yamhill st. Call Monday. 4-f.OOM house in Kenton. Tabor 7907. $18. Phone 3 ROOMS, bath, gas, elec, -garage. 79th, near Powell Vallt-y. Tabor 1981. MODj-KN, attractive 7-room to adults. Sell. 0484 after 9. llouae for Rent -B urniture for Sale. 5-ROOM modern flat for rent, Irvington district ; furniture for sale; mahogany library table, .dresser, rocker and chairs, overstuffed davenport, rugs and carpet, Simon's walnut sceel twin beds with high-grade springs and hair mat tress, fuel, gaa range, kitchen an'l hot water heater, other furnishings; all sacrificed; no dealers. Call East 2277. HOUSE fyr rent, furniture for sale cheap, want to sell altogether. Buy from owner, &ave commission; close in, rent cheap; part of house rented. Call Sun day or after 6 week days. 546 Kearnty st. MoDERN house, completely furnished everything first class, full price $650 cash. Rent $45. Can take in from $80 to $100 besides a firot-class apt. for yourself. Particulaxa. Call 301 llth st. Monday. FURNITURE, practically new. in 5-room modern, upper, clean flat; hdw. floors, near Laurelhurst; rent and price of furniture a snap; garag'e if desired m.8t E. Glisan. East 310. FURNITURE for aale, 5-room modern house complete; cost over $900 iess than one year ago. PHye $400. Rent $30 a month. Empire 0887, or Empire u:i89. ; 6-ROOM flat for rent. $37.50; furniture for sale, only $450; good furniture. Can arrange for two apts. close in, west s;i;ie. Phone owner Monduy, Bdwy. 4861. WE CAN sell your furniture and rent your house. Phone us and .we will cai; and inspect at once. J. A. W1CKMAN CO., Realtors, 801-4 Board of Tra d e. Bd w y . 6794. 4 -ROOM modern house with garage for rent, $15 per mo.; furniture for sale, all or by the piece. Iu3 Porter St., ac ro.ss O. E. Ry. track s 4-ROOM flat for rent, $20 month, fur niture 'for sale, $350'; on Ea-t Davis st.. walking- distance. 402 East Mor rison st. East 7476. CENTRAL clean, large, new t at ; rent $00; new furnishings for sale, $850 without pi ano. 2.16 12th st. FOR RENT- 5-room house, $20.50 per month; furniture for sale, almost new; walking distance. 190 Halsey st. Phone East 1790. MODERN 7-room house, completely fur nished, suitable for two families. 214 E. 34th st., near Hawthorne. Tabor 4872. 4-ROOM house for rent very cheap; furniture for ale. 726 Kearney today from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 6-ROOM house for rent, $22.50 a month, some furniture for sale, $200. Call East 2 1 86. 6-ROOM FLAT for rent; furniture for sale: rooms pay expenses; 375. 143 ' llth st. MUST sell new furniture of seven-room house on West Park St.; rent $45; in- come. Atwater 3268. FURNITURE of 14-room apt. house for salt; apt. house for rent- By owner. Main 392. 3 ROOAJS of good furniture, $25 cash, balance $73: on terms, hoye for rent. $7. Walnut 1021. 1U75 E. 36th st. N. 10-ROOM . modern house, partly fur nished, rent and price of furniture rea- sonahle. 5o6 Johnson st. ri2 LOVEJOY, rent $50; 8 rooms, can save your rent. Main 6096. FURNITURE o-ioom heated apt, for sale. For psrt cular5 Bdwy. 3 090 FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. Main H'9. 6-ROOM modern house, west side; furni ture for sale. :ti2 14th st. Resorts. SAN YSIDRO RANCH. Furnished bungalows of various sizes; situated on the foothills among the orange groves, overlooking the sea; central dining room, electric lights, hot and cold water: good tennis court; six miles from Santa Barbara, two miles from ocean. Booklet. Addresa MAN AGER, SAN YSIDRO RANCH. SANTA BA RHA RA, CA L, Stores and Business Places. WANTED Tenant for basement, first and second stories of new 50x100 build ing on west side trackage, AH 3, Orironian. STORE room, 10x50, in new brick huild- ing. 13S3 Hawthorne ave.; thriving district : rent $40 per month. . Phone Seilwood SS06 or Bdwy. 61S9. STORE, corner First and Washington, very cheap. Room 2, 253 ht Waeh ington st. USE THIS BUILDING, for retail, wholesale or factory; sub-divide. Front and Burnside. FOK RENT Scor looru. uxjw. .iornr Gliaaa and Park. Inquire Prk ilotet. S.'OOIUan. 520 Columbia st., near 3d for storage or shop. Main 4388. 1 8x30, W. G. good Cox. COUNTRY store, 7 miles from Portland Re n t$2 $25- STORK ISnO, East 1st and Hoila day; gteam heat. Key next door FOR DESIRABLE space Til fireproof ware nouse phone Broadway 3715. STORE. First street. $20. Apply $04 ' Concord bidg. SMALL, steam-heated hali for rent. 10U 2d at. Call Bdwy. 7143- STORE for rent, corner Union ave. and Fremont. 303 Fremont. TWO NEW stores, corner, suitable for drugstore. Call Main 7136. FOR SENT New store for meat market. goud ivcauon; ra& $-i, Ai-ia 1416. FOR BENT:' Stores and Business Place. REALTORS TAKE NOTICE! Warehousa near Goiaen Rod Milling company, for rent, leae. sale or exchange. Realtor- pleas list. P. H, dlesen, Empir 0151. WANTED by respectable unincumbered widow, place as housekeeper for wid ower in city or country ; only those with references of character and mod ern home need apply. This is the first time I applied for a situation and I need the woric in a respectable home. Give full particulars in answer. BD 23, Oreeronian. ' LEASE FOR SALE 3 YEAR LEASE. I AM FORCED TO DISPOSE OF MY LEASE AT 2T2H WASHING TON STREET. THIS IS A SPLENDID LOCATION FOR A CIGAR STAND AND THE ' LEASE CAN BE OB TAINED DIRECT FROM OWNER. STORE room, 433 East Morrison; ground floor; McKinley apartments, full-size basement, suitable any -kind business; reasonable rent. See owner. Mckinley mitchell. 202 Stark St. Phone Automatic 521-31. LARGE, beautiful store room in fine lo cation; suitable for hardware, plumb ing, candy factory or drug store; it's already wired Tor cleaning and press ing; large enough for living in back part; hot and cold, water and gas. Sell wood 3620. LEASE FOR SALE. Business calls me to Seattle. I am forced to dispose of my lease on Wash ington st., just the place for cigar stand or florist. 714 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 594S. . WASHINGTON-STREET STORE. Jil-f oot front ; 5-year lease at $250 first year and $30O on balance; also have many other west side stores. See Mr. Fulton, W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. FOR RENT. tore building on Washington st. ; size 21x96 brick bldg.; will give lease for 3 or 5 years. See Mr. Hicks at 714 Couch birig. Broadway 5048. WEST SIDE STORE. Right downtown, 17x50 feet, modern, brick ; long lease at $100 per month. See Mr. Fulton, W M. Umbdenstock & Co., mo Oregon bldg. Broadway itta. FOT REXT. Two- store bldgs. on 11th st., just off .Morrison; size 18x60; will lease sep arately or together. See Mr. Hicks at 7X4 Couch bidg. Bdwy. 5948. FOR RENT Warehouse of 10,000 square feet with R. R. side track. H. N. Bur pee, 908 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 6580. OfnceH. SOLDIERS, USE YOUR BONUS. - We can build and'finance your home. Very easy terms. Come and see us. Acme Home Builders, 306 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5622. DESK ROOM with phone, rent $15. 306 Henry bldg. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heated offices, single or en suite, central office build ing In financial section of city; low rents. See Donald G. Woodward. agent. 104 Second st.. corner Starlf. 6-ROOM, newly decorated; 2 rooms suit able for doctor or dentist office, and 4-room flat. Location can't be beat. Will give 5-year lease to suitable ten ant. 360 Williams ave.. corner Broad way and Williams ave. VERY desirable space in ground floor, centrally located office, desirable for manufacturer's agent. Ample space for sample room; telephone service, steam heat, light included; rent rea sonable. Apply 230 Stark st. PRIVATE of.lce 2d floor Artisans' bldg., next Benson hotel, Broadway side; fine for manufacturer's agent; $15. Tele phone Broadway 5269. ROOMS for dentist or doctor office, fine location, 300 Wms. ave., corner Broadway. Call Sunday between 2 and 5 P. M. CHOICE offices, suites or single ; also lurnisnea orrice; reasonable rent; best service. 207 Stock Exchange bidg. FURNISHED room with use of- main line phone. 433 Chamber of Commerce, bldg. FURNISHED prrvate office with Joint use of reception room. Inquire H. S. M c Cutchan. 405 Henry bldg. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. 410 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. FRONT OFFICE ; mouern conveniences; Railway Exchange building. Apply room 312. $7.50 MONTHLY, desk space and phone. 213 Tilford. Broadway 6456. OFFICE for rent, furniture for sale. 6a3 CI amber of Commerce. Broadway 1759. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Broadway 3715. DESK- room. Northwestern Bank Phone Main 1043. DOWNTOWN studio for rent Mondays and Thursdays. Tabor 8673. OFFICE room with joint use reception room. AN 14, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. FURNISHED apartment for rent; also light housekeeping room. 385 N. 22d. To I -ease. FOR lease to reliable parties, residence. OohS Irving st., between 20th and 2lst sts. Mrs. Helen Thebaud. Alexander Court. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RARE opportunity, established grocery, best town Willamette valley; county seat; college; tine location; $4000 re quired; sickness forces retirement; no agenta or tritlers. M 5. Oregonian. STORES OF EVERY SIZE. Groceries, confectioneries, dry goods. restaurants, cafeterias, garages, in fact business opportunities of every kind. BRUCE OQDDARD, 501 Couch Bldg. PARTY with $-.00 to invest to join advertiser in going concern; profit large and a jrreat future is certain; agents. Telephone for appointment. I KNOW where there is some very rich placer gold-bearing gravel; a plant to cost $50to should earn $1000 or over per month for years. Give your phone nuinoer. AL 10, Oregonian. WHY PAY RENT? Will sell corner store building with comronaoie nvzng rooms ana oatn, lot HOxlOO; room for 4 more stores. Present income $50 month. Owner, -Morrison st. CORNER GROCERY, $1575 Complete stocK, iixtures. etc.; nice living room; near two Dig scnoois; ai traae. jrtroaa way 7H72. McFARLANB, 208 Failing mag. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. $2tM down, full price $6O0. A-l lo cation, doing: a good business. .Equip ment, awne. wortn See SHEPPAKD, '-G4 Stark St CAN snow you where $0o00 will earn you $1000 per month and over for years. ibis if a piacer proposition. Bars very fiat and rich; on bedrock. Give phone numner. Art la, oregonian. HAVE VOU the money to install a small plan on some placer bars. Will make you a fortune in few years. Give phone numocr. Ar iu, oregonian. NICE GROCERY Living room, $2200; good fixtures, steady trade, low rent. Broadway 7672. McRARLAND, 20: Falling hldg. MUST SELL RESTAURANT AT ONCE. BEING CLOSED OUT. PRICE $1000. SKK NICHOLL, 501-2 COUCH BLDG. FOR SALE Drug store, invoice about $50O0; good residential section; big territory ; no rteaa stocit. au t0, Oregonian. DISHES, linen, furniture of large 9-room residence, heart of city; 3 apts. to sub rent; pays big profits; gas, elec. Phone KKst 47S7. Williams ave. SINGLE MAN, Al character, would like a business partner, lady preferred, with some cash; T have more work than I can do. J 989. Oregonian. IF YOU are. looking tor a good loca tion to start a butcher shop in a gro cery store, call Tabor 0277 week days. NEWSPAPER Good one-man proposi tion: clo.ee to Portland; $1000 will handle. Y 2. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND furniture store, good lo cation, cheap rent, bargain. Sunday and Monday. 640 Williams ave. DRUGGIST wishes partner; not neces sary druggist: dandy Tocation, fix tures, small amount. 1474 llth st. REPRESENTATIVES wanted everywhere. Pat. Automatic Road Sign Co.. Med f .rd bldg.. yikron. Ohio. 2-CHAIR barber shop, new equipment, good location. A bargain, cheap rent. At 70 6th st. S. Broadway 7W6. FOR SALE Haif interest in a good pay ing bus line for $500. Call Bdwy. 4644. S7 N. 12th st. CIGARS, DRINKS. CANDY. Good location, for cash or will take auto in trade. 423 Stark st. J 200. Business c!earinr $200 per month : $45ft down; $.M total. 415 Cham. Com. ATTENTION, chiropractors, osteopaths or masseur, good proposition to offei. X25. Oregonian. GROCERY stock for sale by owner. Liv ing rooms in connection. Rent $15 t(vr month. 69 E. Mrh st. North. WELL-EQUIPPED restaurant for ex change. Bdwy. 1226. Room 408 Ore gon bldg. IF INTERESTED in good wood propo sition, near Forest Grove, call Walnut 34SS. CANDY, cigars, light groceries, living room: low rent. $lt. L 7522, ap-jsuiauneitt. BUSINESS OPPOKTt NITIES. AT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 347 Plttock Block. Washington at Tenth, Phone Broadway 205 L OREGON'S LEADING BROKERS. 14 Successful Years in the Busineaa. Deal with a dependable concern with sound financial resources. All tiuea . guaranteed. Our buyers protected. GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here is the very best opportunity In Portland to secure an equai half-interest in a long established garage and auto repair business; ideal location, right downtown, fireproof bldg- 50x100 feet, long, valuable lease; fuliy equipped re pair shop; storage of cars and sublets practicahy pays all expenses, repair shop receipts clear profit; you need not be an expert mechanic if you are handy with tools and willing to learn the business; you can easily clear ' never less than $200 per month for yourself; equal half interest only $.0 required; a first-ciass shop in a first class location; best buy in Portland. Be sure and see this before you Invest. Dept. 1). SUBURBAN CONFECTIONERY. Ideal location on buy uto thoroughfare near large high school; elegantly equipped;-also handles lght groceries and cigars; established by present owner 8 years; will positively average never less than $400 per month net profit; $20O0 will handle; will con sider exchange for Portland property. Dept. B. EXCEPTIONAL GARAGE BUY. No -better location on busiest auto thoroughfare in Portland; 60-ear ca pacity; complete modern equipment; gas station on street; doing large vol ume of business in gas, oiis. tires end accessories; steady auto repair trade; no near competition. Long lease, low rent; fireproof bldg. Any business man will easily clear better than $5)0 net per month. $45O0 handles. Absolutely the best available garage buy in city. Dep-t. D. LIVE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Located in modern fireproof bldg., here in Portland; product now selling in large quantities to grocery and con fectionery stores; pioneer work all done; business increasing rapidly; now clearing $500 to $600 per month; com pletely equipped plant. Special ex perience not essential. Price $4000; a paying business with a big future. Dept. A. BAKERY AND CAFE BARGAIN. Positively clearing $250 to $300 every month above all expenses; best loca tion, opposite depot in live payroll town south of Portland; completely equipped bakery and cafe fixtures; will invoice $2000; must sacrifice; price $16Q0; $700 cash, balance easy terms from profits; 7 living rooms in connection. Ideal opening for man and wife. Dept. E. BARGAIN FOR MAN AND WIFE. Grocery and confectionery on main thoroughfare near large public school; no competition. Four living rooms in connection. Entire rent only $15. Will easily clear better than $150 per month. - $050 cash handles, small bal ance on liberal terms. A real bargain. Dept. C. GARAGE RIGHT DOWNTOWN. Here is an excellent opportunity to step Into a long-established garage and auto repair business; storage for 25 cars; fully equipped shop; power ma chinery. 2 Bervice cars, etc.; long lease at reasonable rent. Will easily clear $350- per month; other Interests force sale. $1250 will handle. A real snap that will be quickly sold. Dept. E. n.-RAVTVn-PRKSSTNO SHOP $650, Busy downtown location catering to hotel and aoartment house trade. Com plete equipment including steam press. Actually clearing $22o monthly now and busy season Just starting. Value In eight. Dept. B. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. Suite 347 Pi t tock Bik . . W a sh. atl 0 th aP.VKPAI, MERCHANDISE STORE. Located 35 miles from Portland on hiehwav in nrosnerous farming com munity; established by owner 31 years ago; first time on market; will adjust any old stock; frame building 46x70 ft., with an upstairs: will sea duuu ing on agreeable price or lease; every thing at invoice price. Will rua about $6000. HARDWARE STORE. 40 miles on highway from Port land: brick building, plate-glass front good live country town ; one partner getting too old; wishes to sell his in terest at Invoice: other will sell but -refers to stav: this nlacefowned and operated by same partners for 8 years: knlMi-ff. nril' give long lease at reasonable renr around $6000; sales for 1921 were $2S,. 246.46. We have several good paying drug stores, located in and out of the city, ranging in prices of from $5000 to ia,uoo. can maae gooa terms. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. PARTNER WANTED t2O0 REQUIRED. AUTO REPAIR HUSlMSSo. Here is absolutely the very best op portunity in this city to secure an eoual one-half interest in the busiest and best-equipped small auto repair shon: fine busy location, very 10 rent; long established steady trade; doing only guaranteed first-class work; have more work than can handle: prefer a steady and reliable partner to hired help; previous experience no. necesttarv if vou are meenanicauy in clined and handy with tools; need man more than money; you can easily clear better than $165 every month for your self rrom tne start; only juu requirea to secure an equal half interest: don't fail to see this before you buy; well worth double the Investment; a genu ine bargain. Call early at 347 Pittock block, Washington at 3"tn st. BATTERY, ELECTRIC SERVICE AND REPAIR STATION. Here is an excellent opportunity for a steady and reliable man to secure sn equal haif Interest In a busy battery and electrical repair service station; no better location, right downtown have aarencv for leading battery; pre vious experience not essential, as the duties are easily learned; right man will easiiy ciear better than $175 per month for himself from the start; only $400 required: investment fully secured. Apply 347 Pittock niik., wasn Ington at 10th st. INCORPORATING a company? Save expenses and taxes by organizing on the popular. Common Law plan under a pure ueciaration or 1 rust. Any one, anywhere, can fill in Demaree Standard Forms, issue shares and be gin doing business at once. Insist upon Demaree Forms, the original, nationally-accepted forms, approved and used by well known attorneys. Send for large, free pamphlet (C-137) contain ing much Information that you will need. C. S. Demaree. Legal Blank Printer, 708 Walnut, Kansas City, Mo. 3. RE FT AURA NT MAN. STOP, LOOK. LISTEN. Here is your opportunity; res taurant, downtown district, doing fine business, fully equlpped, newly renovated - throughout ; must sacrifice, best of reasons ; deal with owner and save agent's comm. S 92b, Oregonian. PATENTS Write for frew guide book and evidence of conception blank: "end model of sketch and description of in vention for our free opinion of its patentable nature ; highest reference ; prompt atention; reasonable terms, Victor J. Evans & Co., Hobard bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Main offices 642 tnh st., Washington. P. C. A PARTNER WANTED. I own a delicatessen, fruit and light lunch business: my store is nicely lo cated, with a 3-year lease; busy cook ing. I need a partner to wait on the customers: can clear $5 day for each of us; $400 han-dles It fuliy. Secured. Call room 4fl Dekum bldg. HALjs' interest in one of the beet busi nesses in Willamette valleiy with un limited future; $6000 cash will han dle, balance long time mortgage, which can be paid out of profits. Not a get-rich-quick proposition. Don't answer unless you have the money. AV 104, Oregonian. GROCERY, hay and grain store, in coun try town or anout aouu population ; near Portland, doing $45 per day; will trade for ranch or business property la or near Portland. PACIFIC FINANCE CO.. 320 Plttock B'dk. GARAGE FOR SALE. SO miles from Portland, on new high way to coast; new . gaa pump, small stock and hand tools; stock wholesale price less 10 per cent, terms on equip ment If desired. Highway Garage. Gas ton, Or. A PARTNER WANTED. A sawmill, 20 M capacity, plenty of timber, on trackage; now operating on large orders; profits $l-"0 month; want a business man; $4KH handles it Room 401 Dekum bldg. BILLIARD, card and confectionery, in good payroll town, near Portland, do ing good business, for sale or trade for small, well-improved, stocked and equipped farm. Owner. AV 202, Ors- STOCK WANTED. Merchandise stock of any else want ed. Will pay part caah and give im proved alfalfa ranch near Los An geles. Give details first letter. Owner, L. T. Solomon, Parris. CaL KEWSPAPSR Prosperous and well- equippea: niy paper in county seat; besv climate in Oregon: price $3000. In cluding modern building, office and living rooms; no terms. AV 0, Ore- gonian. FOR SALE: Barber shop. Writs J. J. V BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $ 800 For grocery store fixture! ; stock at invoice; reasonable rent; doing a very nice busi ness. $15u0 will handle. $ 800 And stock at invoice takes dandy grocery store with ft liv ing rooms, in good location; no other stores near; good residen tial district ; doing business from $50 to $60 per day. $200 Buys delicatessen and light gro cery; close in on west side; in one of best apartment house districts; doing no to $i0 a day cash. $2200 will handle. $2&O0 Buys dandy west eide grocery. doing business from $4o to $0 a day, all cash; rent $28 with 2 living rooms; 3-year lease. $75u for fixtures and stock at in voice. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 300-2 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. GROCERY, CONFECTIONERY. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Good desirable location, opposite larire school, doing a good business the year round. The ren t only $55 for large sized etor and four very modern liv ina- rooms with bath and all conven iences. The stock will be lnvoict-d. will run about $lvw). The owner must sell roon as ho is going t college. ARTHUR I.. HOOTT CO.. 330 Oham. of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 366S. CONFECTIONERY STORE. SOHOOL SlIPPLIfcia. Good location, long established busi ness, fully equipped, clean stock, doing a good business; rent $2"-'. 50 under lease: fctock invoices over $12J0; fix lures cheap at $b0u. For quick sale pnc-3 $IS00. Owner leaves lor ins vada this week. ARTHUR T.. RTOTT CO.. 330 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 3663. POOL HALL. GYMNASIUM IN BASEMENT. Located on street car transfer cor- ner; 5 pool. 1 billiard, and 1 snooker table. Rent $40 with lease. Only $2750. or will sail half Interest. A rea opportunity for a capaola man. bee this tb day. MERRICK & CO. 304 Panama B:dg. Bdwy. 6942, MAKE MONEY manufacturing non-alcoholic fruit flavor ciders and selling them in kegs to merchants In your territory for fall and winter traae. No machinery or previous experience necessary. w e rurnisn every.mng small canitnl renutred: enormous orof its; territory going fast. Write quick for particulars and free sample, uixi Fruit Produc t s Co., Little Rock, Ark. POX'P KPT 1 O K H Y A XII CIGARS. PARCEL CHECKING WINDOW PATS THE RENT. Marble fountain, back bar, candy cases, ice cream tables, etc. Large magazine trade. Rent $75 with 5 years lease, sub-rents part. .Trice ouu $1250 cash, balance easy. MERRICK & CO. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6042. MOVIE HOUSES. High-clase movie houses in the city end in live country towns, one witn 400 opera chairs for $3000, down pay- Two shows In another twon, $16,000, part cash. WESTON CO., 1206 N. W. Bank Bldg. DAIRY LUNCH. A V V R Al'.IVfl 41 ft TlATT.Y. One of the most completely equipped restaurants in the city, and the location is all that could be de sired; 5-year lease with reasonable rent. No phone Information. MERRICK. & CO 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 604 T $2700 ONLY $2700. West aide garage and repair rhop, 6-year lease; brick building; a snap; come ouick if you want this place $2O00 cash will handle; haa lathe, drill press and all other equipment for heavy repair work: also has 40-car storage, 714 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. BJMS. MEAT MARKET SNAP. $3500 w ill handle large market do ing a fine cash business In a thriving city, close to Portland; must thorough lv understand the business and be i hustler to handle this place and make big money. GOKEY & WESCH, 327 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6706 CONFEC. AND LIGHT GROCERY. Good location. 4 modern living rms, In connection; doing $45 per day; as we are getting old and have been in business a long time have decided to sell and take a rest; lt00 win handle. fcee our agent at 714 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 5948. NO FIXTURES TO BUY. Old established grocery, $30 a day business, cash and carry. You only need one eye to see a bargain here. Price SI 200. See McAten with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors 4ur-e Manama tsing. aa ana Aiaer. HOME WITH INCOME. Dandy 4-room modern bungalow wun urepiace ana all modern conven iences, with 3 stores and garage front ing on toanay nivu. Price uuo. Terms. A rent nuy. see tnls today. MERRICK A CO., REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bd wy OiM 2, HARDWARE stock in southern Idaho lr rigated section, where Immense crops are Harvested, une ownership Ij years. Building cheap at $5000; stock at in voice; $5ouo cash and security will buy it. B. M. Price, 142 Shaver, Portland. OFFICE BUILDING CIGAR STAND, Lobby of office building; dandy fix tures and good stock: nets $160 mo. 3-year lease, rent only $30; will trade ror n. k. rooms up to sooo lr clean and has income: full price $1450. See Mr. Hicks, 714 Couch bldg. ONE OF the best equipped sheet metal snops on me f acme coast. we are busy all year round and employ five men. Business will stand the closest invest Igat ion. Selling on account of hoaith and going east. Kolb Sheet Metal- Works, 70S Commerce St., Ta- coma. Wash. RESTAURANT in good town close to Portland; 8-year tease, wun o living rooms: rent doing $65 a day business; 800 men working on long contract Job; come ann waicn DU9ines oerore you buy jlSOO cash. 714 Couch bldg. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY. 6-year Iase. A living rooms, new'y painiea ana Kaisomtneu; rixtures .vm. Invoice stock. Total about $2000. Trial given. Se McAu-e with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors 40-.J-0 Panama Hldg. 3d and Alder. MILK ROUTE, FOR SALE Only milk route In town of 2u00. Summer resorts near using larKt amounts or miia ana cream In season. $2500 will handle this. Ad dreta AV 165, Oregonian. GROHKRY STORE. NO FIXTURES TO BTTY, Good, clean stock, rent $10; om er location residential district. The pries $25H). ARTHUR !, SCOTT, 330 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 366. TAILOR SHOP for sale, fine location. excellent business tn Willamette valley. I am the only tailor in town of 2000 population : sacrifice for a very good price. 1 want to retire from the busi ness. - Inquire Box 403, Lebanon, Or. THINK O V THIS! Cash-and-carry grocery and conto tlonery store, dandy, location, doing $50 a day business ; old established place and will go quick at $160. 714 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 5048 GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Fine chance for mechanic as partner has large storage and good repair trade. $500 cash will handle. Room M 1 Railway Exchange . GOOD mechanic with $500 or Portland or suburban property cart get a fine brick garage in busy southern Idaho town, balance eajsy monthly payments. B. M. Price. 142 Shaver. Portland. AUTO TIRE BUSINESS. Established for years; owner wishes to retire. Will sell for $750, worth $1200; profitable place. Room Gil Railway Excha n ge. CONFECTIONERY In one of best towna in vaney; county seat, on hlghwsyy; good payroll, ateady business; am qui't- tmg conr. ousiness. a v j n, Oregon ia n. LEAVING town, will sacrifice my up-to- dats barber shop. Excellent lease, good biieinesa, right location. BF 29, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED. Half interest in good paying ba1--ess; be ome outaide work; $750 re quired. Room Ell Railway Exchan g A CASH BUSINESS for only $325; profits $175 month: can try it out before you buy. Particulars 4f Dekum Mdr RESTAURANT FOR SALE Right in business center; will sell for $&H) cash for quisle sale. Emplrs 0887 or m plre 03 SO. NEW public market wants a meat mar ket ano Darry 10 ihk ,i or 4 stalls each. Information at 324 Hoiladay ave. CONFECTIONERY and lunch, good bust- Dees, corner on Dusy street. Phone Ea1V Uwocr. REAL ESTATE business, furniture and listings; reasonable rent; ail for $1UV cash. Tabof 8tQ3. BAKERY for saie, fuliy equipped with monertt mscninery, gooa reason lor neUing. 45P Woodcock sve. 2rn -$250. Investirats this; a possible turnover each month. 38 Morgan bidg. SHOE REPAIR Cleanest and best lo cated smaJl nhop tn Portland, $30; rent Jl. . C ft. Oregonian. PRUG STORE for sale In small Oregon town. For details, writs AV 171. Ore gonian. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. Call or writs Dr. Deaa. Second and Morrison. MANUFACTURING chemical products, nely started, staple Laea wlU seii. A R. 10, Gresoaiaa, BISI NE! O PPO BT I" N IT I ES. m AUTO PAINTING 1'A RTNERSH IP. Hre Is positively the very best op portunity la Portland to secure ma equal half Interest In a large, well known automobile pslnt shop: jong laMiehed trade, doing a i1y but ness with isrgnst firms In city; have more work than can hand!, need in terested help; previous experience l't necessary if you se truitwori hy, steady end wiUng learn the bu-intss, sa you will be associated with an expert automobile painter with yesrs 0 perieuce. Ton can easily clear better than $1SMJ every month for yours if from the start; only $3M required tu se cure sn equiti hsif interest. If went the best don't Isil to e this before yua buy. Call early, $47 Pitto. b k . Washington at 10'h t. FOR SALE Having loat our plant by fire and hsvius decided to lioudat. we offer for aa-e our excellent nn-1 sit located st Cbebalie. on mtin line N. P., O. X.. O.-W R. A N" C. M St. P. snd C. C. A C. Ry. Co . railway-. i"getner witn salvage from rire nl un Durneti portion of plant consist tna air-cooled burner, los oond. donVe engine and dredge, barn. :umbr nl. 1 ram a, docks ani ancus am urt ances; office buildinr snd eau.miirnt lova in pond and equitlea In timber and lodging railroad and equipmrnt Chi ha!i. Mill Co.. C'hrhaha. Wh. GOLD PLAt ER MINK Juat before th war a company examined snd equtpp a rich gravel dpou of several m Utoi cudic yards, out was compelled atop work: $5"00 cah will now feu half Interest: th clean-ups wlil pa balance, few day a' work will star nuieini. I will dr1v u- w.thin mile of property; 3O0 feet pipe, mt mill, gianta. etc. Earl C. Stevens, km COUNTRY TOWN HOTEL. 42-room hotel 4 the only one) I thrls ing town in eastern Oregon . In cated right for good local and turii business; showing NET PKt KITft cl about $40Oo yearly, price .".oo"; $3mi caah or will consider modern Puruaud nome or tame valiif. SIMMS, 010 HENRY BLDG. CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. $5oy buys nice little grocery stock snu ux tures, average receipt $1 $2U per day. can be tncraaed bv ant- one knowing grocery bualnt-aa. A Rood piace tor etderiy man or lor woman lurnisnea bnunetceeping roo rua It ir-d. Call 4W N. lUtli at. SANDWICH LUNCH. Right .n the heart of downtown (flp trict doing about $7$ dally; rent $JOO -1-1- "mu, fjuy p.ace 10 nanme, hort hour and a real money-maker uuu wiii nanaie. SIMM 3. 010 HKNRT BLDO. HERE le the beat buotneaa cnance Portland: well eatacitianed centn located and doing a high-clase bui reai eat ate. macmnery ana equipment included tn orice: ua range terms if neceaMsrv. Addre thii office or phone Tabor D23. AH A. Ore GA RAGS AND SERVICE STATION in best weet side location, ealab n.nea by present owner $ years sg new value over $!uoo. Will aacnfn lor tiiuu wun f.uoo csh; ciearma iiuuve an expenses anout 0U mouibty tt RtXJM.S. SlUfiO. Rent $55. Very clean and furniture aoove tne average; gaoa iwtit aide lo cation, wanting distance and on car line. House nicely located on corner f uv uown. MERRICK A CO. 304 Panama Bldg. Brlwy. flfl42. 6O.ME Bi:y, OH BOY! Sme buy tn cafeteria. East side apartment house district;, $35 to $.0 day. Very clean aim cozy. uaaay rurnienert kitchen, steam table, all ready to step in snd make big money : 1750 will handi. See Hampton. Portland In vesture, inc., iio Couch bldg. Aut. 512-17. HOTEL CIUAR STAXI). This la a dandy little place In lobby 01 large notei, doing a nice business we are not going to aay any more come In and let us show you this piece zuii price ii'ii. 714 COUCH BLDO. BDWT. MH MEAT MARKKT In a flrst-clase apartment honss dla trict, very little competition; choice lo cation, A real opportunity for a, live man. trice only iJtto. MERRICK CO. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. W42. iiAXE $200 to $4U(1 ner month In etah Us tied wood business on river, selling 10 nouaeooats, gasoline d rait saw, launch, houseboat and all equipment and logs to make fto cords ready for raw. Will sacrifice for $Too. Apply 410 v. union st., near urand ave. DANDY GROCERY TO TRADE, A splendid little store. Invoice valua about $25un ; doing $40 or more aver age; rent $25. Will exchange for good "in " no (Tiw in roruann. SIMMS, S10 HENRY BLDG. MANUFACTURING. fartner wanted for mv growing Business; ouny overseeing the work In ins snop. 1 need a partner to 1sk charge of the o.'flce and business end profits are very good. $11K0 required. $1300 ONLY $iau. Restaurant and lunch counter In nean 01 city, doing per day; rea sonable rent; good, clean place; oth-r piace compels mt to sell; see my agent some terms. 714 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. KP4. SAWMILL and iimoer tor sate, li miies nonneasi or ooidendale; mill fully equipped with donkey. Sell cheap for cann or exenance tor income property, For information writs L. L. Bus. Yak ima V a a b i n r HONEST, reliable man to take half tn xereai in dsn meat market; can draw $40 week and snare t-fjually In profira. Tnls is a real opportunity for the right man; win nsnaie. caii owner, Tabor 7012 PLUMBING, heating and metal storj and tools In good Wlllametie vHj town of 250O population, fine propo- aiuon 1 or pi umber and metal wnrkoi as partners. Address J. R. Enderd. YOU can build a good paying buins wuri a smaii invrsiment In a staple article we manufacture; exclusive coui.iy rijrnts Riven; investigate th, cte nr. weaver, room 4oti ConRr MOVING picture business for sale, north era inano; one management; only onei In town ; center of lumber industry on larRe laae: tnree raiii od ; draw ing power of 000. Pries $Ja,000. AV SMALL confectionery and luncheonette. in business district; must sell on ac count of other business. All kinds r.f canny ma Ket s equipment and a; a ha JI2tH) will handle. 8-e Hamptoa, Pon- ' " " torn, inrorporaiei it EiA mom-y-maKtr. in ro'uii, ren I $y., depot location. Hearing $!.Ml mo.; f'w i naiiuie. win Dear inveatitfa non. corns at 12. See owner. 4us CASH (iRiM'EHV A good one; has fine trsrte. en posits Fi-m-ji, h.b jiving rooms ann low rnt. particulars noom ftii Kail war E c nan ge. Li-r.A.Mu. oyeinR, t-llortna. steam pres, power cleaning machine, nut of Portland, college town. Priced to seii on account of hea.th. C it or address room HI- neuevu norej. portlnnn. PARTNER WANTED In mr factory: want Intereatad fcafn dirties easily learned; pay good salary besides profits; small Investment re- quircq. noom eoi 1 e nwm nidg. M A NU PACT U R I N ( i Opportunity for mechanic as partner in paying nusiness. j-ianic reference a. $1200 will secure It. Room oil Kall- w ay cic nange, BUSINESS FOR SA LE. GOING PROFITABLE RESPECTA BLE BUSINESS, SI" ITA RLE FOR WOMAN OR HUSBAND AND WIFE $2QQ0 NEEDED BJ 24. OREGONIAN $l0O GROCERY and fiturea, dolnR gooa casn ousi n " ; living rooms , should invoice $!.".: 1; buy this p a: and save $3-0. 327 Cham of torn, hlrig. GOKEY A WES'" f 1 Bdwy, 7 1 -I BUTCHER SHOP Meats, butter, esga, milk, small Jcs machine; cheap rent: living rooms. WcCARTT. MAXWBLL DOWNEY. Rnn-i 1. Ry. E Teh, Bdwy. 7fl !. BAKERY. at 317 Eat llth. fullj eq Uippert, xihjo rest rioor apace, brie ovnn; equipment for sals at a banraln. Long )tise on building. Call Bread way SS2. ESTABLISHED grocery doing rood bus rtss, neat and attrsetlve. Washmrtoo street apartment district; $-year leans, reeffonah'" rent; snap. Isqulrs 201 AMaky bldg. A BUSY GAS STATION. Pell gas. oils, accessories. aate re pairing, etc.; profits $4o month - $1000 hA n dU s It. R 00 m 40 1 De k u m b ,J g . CAUTiON, BtTEM Before ciosinc s deal of so-eailed Interest In tab lisneU real estate kuslness vet advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Greco bldg Phone Broadway 10Q2. OWNERS ONLY. I am In the market for an apart ment house property If priced riirhi. Prefer not lf'ai'fll,-l.?-r.7'J 0 r ''I""11"' " 'AL'Tt. LKPAIH SHOP. A good man wanted as partner; well located snd busy place; price f 510. wlM handie. Call Bdwy. 132. SOOT paying restaurant, $1 500, terms ; $H00 down or $12u cash; lares dining room, low rent. Owner, C 11, Oriw- nlan. $2.'U CASH tke a neat lit t.e cl.-.ninc and pressing shop with furnished livtn quarters cheap rent; owner leaving rity. FiH-y 4 29. BUSY CIOAR STORE u dawnwa itwial lobby. Zbi AUa st. m orroKTt MTir. I WTT,L bs hi Portland purr-.. of male lug a o.r.ifi-( t" c. usa v d nrut n in of rea for a standard line tf il'.inmi tw-S fiatlojiiy 'tvff e.) r.d r- - to li w s r ar. -wrr n't garass; wM cr,n mf resvns h.m partv i be .t ftr s. I and sh;i t '-l , to m e . s A must know t-M,t be a w.uc l with the trsie In th.s l-rru.. ew ureMfuI record as t...i . hv t -perienre a a mr.a-r and t content to mj y anl ban.l e r.n. I want ti U-' -k up i a it f.sted, urirM.v, w-irtir.l .! catea eaifsn.sft s' oat M ! 4 yae Old, Who h-a lr;!,til, SrsO'S ' bu 't up a businvs f u m own r f dea.re and a.-t'y (o n.e s iti" . yos will nee J Imf.f'i h r r ' to the e'em .r -i-u tr j:-a t-r i ofli-s and Siiri'iry ijnt ae.4 1 "r ' -ry:ng outstan't f C I. a. i'ns 4 tIi arunl fr (ltre mh pn.ern (rom factory car.-td t s i. .- In full rtrl u.kri ai'1 n-eru- B t ?honn nuiritM r that rs h t a UrsMiay n.rsrg for lW' " t men. A V 1 7 T"t '-n .an. n. c rt.inrK co.. 0UitS 4'S Ht M K 1 Ala. a 4 ;;.-. . - INC , is 1 1f. Account nf st.-kes In famll , mut sil iri!l (rm try mnA lift bus Iiese Ht"' K KP'I ftiute if voi. t ihnut I .", ill tl e. t f quit ic mi Tlits is a rea. lay and 1U not last lung. Fine rinse In east er.er!r A r-l niney mi.r. lu'iii, ". at Inv-.lre a (n.iit I P'"''' from bread and rm.fc saies psa th rent. n c. rrntow ro . ir. Bulls 4"3 fitocic li.?g. Ata.u e.;.-.4-4.l.'-. COUNTRY OENPRAL UToWK. A splendid sutie in :.i ;tt(i esj thout A miles from l ortlst.'l ; rf thitklv settied. er .'lie lar -n in r-i. jminlty and big umnii-r t"irit tfs4. g.-r-rat !ork Inv..!! c 1' ""t IU ' . to;ng $4H.t4Mi yrr'i) bi.t. r.wi aid live ens can duf ie it; half cb It aecurl'v ii hin-M, flMMH, Bio HKvrr llt.tJ. ATTHAt'TI V K rounirr hmei. Jini r. a out h of Port lei . 1 n IC A thrlftv town or 10H tenpl, ') . IOO tl on t rn-r, bue c nut plainly sttl nlriy f uri.lha , , rnti-S rent lor $1 per day. M rM.s and "lin ing mom and kitchrn. I'rice $Un, easy terms. KII'KLITT T NVICTM rNT CO. 141 N. W lUMi HI HO A GOOD OROrKHT Ht'Y. Winter ts conina. a musi hsve a place 10 lh srwl k1tn'U.ini tn dt. Huv this grocsry aiih 4 iv;rs ri'nn m full basement, St 145 rT'; rt'-ll.S i'l to $ dmly. Futures $iUt and c at Invoke. Ttal pthe a-otn $!". SIMMS. ! fl K N It Y Mil", rKY (jooTm Tn r. AT PRKSKNT AIAKKKT PRICK. Price of Mock and (i mures w li rtm around 4.VmJ; l.i-ted on enst sHl- in corner brick build ins. Kent and Jiel $ftO. A wnrth hii- pi are. SIMMS. HIO MKNKY Hl.r'l. Pot iLli' M M Tf yon want a stnsil piare i-!n ff a day rab this; ban two prtl ish,s, back anl Iront hsr. 4 tts and chsira n at and candy cat's, ful.y etul'i-d kltc'ien. serves lun h"S. f uii pi l $1110. ITVi cfh. 714 couch m.pn pnwT PRY OOODfl AVO NrtTirtXH. 5-)Mr lease; refit rtO, nclulms hasa ment and A niudrn lunK rnni, rto.nf llti.tMM) and b'ttr .-arly lusine Fixtures and stuck at In or is at about I fiH). H1.MM8. )Tf HFVRT TtTT?. OHKAThT rttscwvery oT the at", n Ivs distributors wanted, tl-"nnoi un- necetirv, l..o profit. nmmmll 1 1 nr)d by everybrtfty, tjran 14 bj $UMI Oi0 rorpnr itmn Po;r.ilitte yn. l!nut-d f "r rtsht psMy wiih .'."d ti $ I iiihi Secretary, S.'O Reaper litork, Chl"-ng.l. 1M. LAROB OROfFRT RKNT S. This place doing h-ttr than IIfJ a month business. Ptmiures at $i-". are Very cheap. Rtork at ln"i'. A REAL KT'KK and a REAL. MAN ran double this bnfi-s", i I M VI S. Kin H KN'RT TIT.rf, tA.)N KKCTloN Kit J, barber iiifip. fun-rS Counter, laundry afney. livt too "a. all tn same bulM ing. conveniently r ransed, nod town, fxnl t-av r ad choois; only hp and cranfeet lnery m t"wn, fpu.atl'n as; rinohi r-n. MtNM ail on account of hIUi. Writs or phone W. E. Et'a. Mif. , Oresn. 20 per cfvt orr. Ptrknefia in rnmiiy forces smIS f eombined grocery and meat mar tret. Stork and fixtures lnvi-s Shout l.NNiO Will tnk- !'." for guK-k sa.s. Mr. Meyer, iLun 4JJ4. CliiAKA AM CONKhrCTI'-NEHt A good buy ; good location . doe,g $40 per day; If loMlng for a p m it us show you this and slay and 'h the business snd satisfy yours, f; pries only $17't th couch Pf.Ta. pnn-T F APT Trw onorrRT. NO FIXTUHEH TO liLT. Pelng $lt to dally. Rsnf st tors and 2 living rflomi, I'M), I'rles I2A0O. FULl, PKI KVUK Clrmr roup ter rsndi. m 4 fight lnnrh. with f'irnisrd ii"'' roms. rn trally to-t d, t slfie; fttrnttut-, stork, fixtures In'l'ided In this prije Eveo-lhlng '4:.. Heo Ml' K, 514 fsrV rl f CONFKCT" iciNKRT' H V A P. fUT'Mk on corner of n f Port lands busiest -ontfn it nf t a, hul rirm. hrnk orn, 'IH t r;'d ln-v-sr igat nn, low rnt . Ivr g ; ylsces Itks this sr s-olom offered fof Sa.e. Universal l-. 4'i.ltv K !. HALF 1 NT E H KMT In nrral grg. r- pa ira, sreesa r !. storage; i si i"r Hon In ln. long Wm t low rental. iood for -'"0 month; lu0 down bin dies. H' Iffk. FIUELITy INVKMTMENT CO. 1 4 1 N . HANK PI.I n A It K A L HIT' $0 handles It-r- ration; r-nt .!. ( tarn-'", - nr I'-a' il. PHEPPAItli. ItT I'M T V k . r4 t- nlklng dts- c'r. HtarlC IM. HI IIVK fMALL fRT oontm "JTOr; B. A o a "ice Itne of r.oMfr., d'ng fl(ti to fWKi a month hin-s. Itrt $.-.. Miv t..- bo'ilfll at lnw., e of lump Slim Of .No .-,.i!pe'"tfon, 8IM.MH, lift HKVltV H r.?f : monk y1 n";kaI'I." Tmprnved Cs Mfornts, vin-yaM lra-g on eaT terms ana erop parmert's Tour opportunity to m g perrr-atient tneotne. ur f..r youi f Residanca Rot A C.OTNa CArH CROffRT. Fsst side lo--stlon. doing f2 twnrt tfs II y cash rulnes, fl t ur at stock at Invoice of about $10ha, lut $--. ptmmk. i KTrvwr nT.no FOR PALB The Vu.in Tirs lo-p. 1 1 ; rand ava best -paving ai.on in ts rity. Csn e'esr J'M and b-'tsr V month. Pel re $7.-0, terms. VU i--h bUKlnesS If desired. Owner baa oth'f Interests. KOO.M hotel. Inciudmg i2"-f' '"t In good t ow n Mr.r1 prp' y W'll rlng In to o mon'h v. la good opp'irty.r r to m a v for the r;jt'tt p--on. J H, This mo pei Ho'hr. k, R'l.tor. -H . Punarr-a Vdg. CAI I r A I 1 si'' Jt1 1 'i f i'ei, - tr,g pi- itorlous toijolness er; rerpr'. a ny sesuog storks or flrt mortgage b- nds i' t f commission basis Mall f'l 1 ''! u nr In first letter. John Trier, I.dd St , Chiraro J! . gain; choios downtown iorarioo ; 1 trarfle Jy t usi snow you TAt l.MALXlfc, ItKAi.TT CO, -wy. 0-:T5 61t Hnry ORrtr-KRT DOTrj ISTrfin V'VTHI.T Kine east side locaCon. 4-er ) t tMt; fiit ' $i.-h, a toe a at in voice of simut $;'.. on HlviM.t. li" H-:nRT Tr.T'"t 14 a A buainesw that baa avwragM MM prof 't per motif h f-r t ha t t'inm m on t h a. Thie im prm4 Irv-s-tlgstion Invited Win tafe je.rrua trad and terms. 41". C-a ; ''"ir.m. ft".d A CHOCKKT ffCKCr. Rlsht in downtown arartoierit noi district doing : 10 i dal.y, tfhsuid do double I'rlr "gfft MV Mq. HH ( KN HTPTTfT m otr upportunnv for ynui man w:ti $'0 to start in bttna with prt auditor snd accounts n wi;-knol Hn lvekaespiig systems and forms: prtsn. lal n--asary A R -i. J regrn ! .- T A M KILL XAIKI Have restaurant, lurs- U ro'inr, 4et. (rat'isaen. smofc eij f ms kt, if snd but tar '(" snd cm mer . f lofSflr.ns Trires reasoest C v. Wi. n)-.lp. 4ti st M!n AI. e-KTMKHf mn-y. gt f sii; rgs raf r'o t,i n laid fra Msndard AArert. Atar. ft- JUsui M