20 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 13, 1922 FOR KENT. burnished Kimmn in Trtvate Famiiy. C-BOOM flat, furniture for sale, walk ing distance: rent $30 with 2 year L-aae; gas. bath, phone; stove heat; income 45 a month besides two rooms for self. Price $20. cash. Call E. 70-1. l.V PRIVATE famiiy on Port. and Heights, the best district, 2 furnisned rooms joining, with fireplace and bath, garage space If desired. Call Atwater 5839. Reference required. NoB HILL Walking distance, large -oom beautifully furnished in mahog any overstuffed furniture, adjoining bath, opening on large enclosed fiJeep ir.J' porch. Broadway 2158. CoiSILY furnished, warm room, newly tinted, extra large, light closet, batn, in pretty bungalow home, close in, east side ; suitable for 1 or 2. 411 Cook lave. Aut. 33-10. 3 SLEEPING rooms, 2 blocks north "of Broadway on Williams ave.; clean, light and sunny; furnace heat, piano; home privileges. Gentlemen preferred. E. 44 J l. --. GOOD room for young man or 2 wishing to room toeether; good car service, near Franklin high, $3 per week or $4.50 with breakfast. 431 E. 52d st. Tabor -7715. GENTLEMAN can have clean, warm mom t moderate Drice, including breakfast, with widow and son. K. 2'Jth and Stark. Tel. E. 09uti. Call after Sunday. ONE LARGE front room with closet, use of kitchen if desired ; also one Kloinar room : Drefer lady or gentle' man employed. WO Belmont, between .iuth and .ilst sts. THRKK furnished rooms with garage, sing e or together. 604 Holly St.. Ladd Addition, 1 block south of 10th and Hawihorne ave. . LUVELV front room, handsomeiy furn ished In attractive private home for 2 young men ; twin beds. 1 i rmuy Place. FIRST-CLASS sleeping room, bath, phone, furnace heat, use of living room with fireplace; Hawthorne district, close in; gentlemen only. Tabor 0716. EMPLOYED couple to share home, use of kitchenette, sleeping room, living, with all home privileges; on cariine ; garasre if df-aired. Walnut 5102. PRIVATE GARAGE AND LOVELY ROOM. In new home, Laurelhurs't. break fas tlfdeslrpdTaborS VERY attractive front room, newly decorated, close Multnomah club ; gentlemen; running water. Atwater 82&fi. FREE rent, 2 rooms and some wages in exchange for care of child. Full par ticulars at 117 N. Swenson St., St. Johns car to E. Charleston st. ' NICE furnished room with or without board,' walking distance to business center. Call Atwater 43U7 or 704 Everett st. WALKING distance, cosy and warm, basement sip. room, h. and c. water, breakfast and ali home comforts at a reasonable rate. 469 Clay. Main 2228. NICE, furnished, modern room. east front, two beds for gentlemen; price right; Nob HW1 district; walking dls tance. Call Bdwy. 14ft GENTLEMAN can have pleasant room with fireplace in nice private home, all conveniences, close in, east side. Phone East BS'J3. CLEAN, well -furnished front suite, fine vieK ; heat, hot and cold water, fine bed; close to business center; break- fast if desired. il-il 12th Et.. cor. Clay. DOUBLE room newly furnished, private home, suitable for two; one block from Washington and 23d st.; gentlemen preferred. Atwater 2863. $15 PER MO., west side. 15 min. walk to business center; sunny furn. rm. for lady employed ; 2 windows and closet. 634 Fiand-ers st. Bdwy. 3071. ATTRACTIVE room in steam-heated . apartment; piano and Victrola; kitch en privileges. Call Sunday or eveii ings. Apt. 4, Forflham, TWO bright, well -furnished bedrooms, , private home, suitable for gentlemen or ladles; 2 blocks from Broadway and Irvington cars. Call East 6253. FOR RENT Lovely, twin beds, with walking distance Main 1340. largv front room, r without board ; west side. Call LuVEbY room in modern Nob Hill home, all conveniences; Gasco furnace, fire place, clean home comforts. C. S. pre t e rred. At water 101 BUSINESS girl can have lovely room with use of kitchen and dining room; rent reasonable ; walking distance. a8 ft 12th st. CLEAN, home-like front room, with con venient bath and hot water; good board near; close in. East S743. 776 E. Tay lor. SS car to E. 23d. FRONT room, neat, ciean, bath and phone, walkiirg distance; $12 per monih. 534 Taylor, call Monday. 2 LIGHT h. k. rms., kitchenette; phone, Lath, lights, fuel. 2 adults, $30. Auto malic 315-03. FURNISHED room, ir, breakfast if desired ner. Walnut 31UI.S. modern home; r evening din- NICELY furnished room for empluyed men or students, private family, fur nace heat. 2ni Grand ave. N. VERY large room, fireplace, priv bath, also cheaper rm. and attic rm. 84 N. 21st, corner Everett. FURNISHED, clean, comfortable and convenient room, home comforts. At water 4761. CLEAN front room, on cariine. no other roomers, home privileges, breakfast. Tabor 0006. LAURELHURST ROOM. 20 - MINUTE CARLINE. TABOR 3284. NICE, large room, nac; gentlemen ; bath, telephone, fur reasonable. 2s9 13th $22.r0 FOR 3 COZY 'rms. in nice home; adults. Call A. M.. Walnut 3873. Rooms With hoard. HOTEL CAMPBELL. 23d Street at Hoyt. Atwater 0881. A RESIDENTIAL HOTEL WITH A REFUTATION FOR SAFETY. SERV ICE. COMFORT AND EXCELLENT MEALS AT REASONABLE RATES. Rooms, single and en suite, with or without bath, by day. week or month. Meals to transients. White help only. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. One of the best -known residential hcteie on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. 332 IUTH ST. Exclusive west side residential hotel, especially pleasant rooms, running wa ter, steam heat, suitable for 2. also single room; tempting meals, nicely served. Main 63S1. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's down town high-ciwes family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without hoard, for families and business men and women All the comforts or a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180. CHESTER BURY HOTEL. 2U1 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Kates by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. 223 EAST 20TH. Can accommodate 2 young men or ladies in well furnished room, fireplace, running water, good meals all the time. East 7384. HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 Hoyt. near 23d. Main 3305. Excellent dining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. Mc DjukkII. fornujrly of the Ramapo hotel. LARGE corner room, large bath and jhower, suitable for 3 young men. in high-class email hotel, $50 per month eai'h. Phone Broadway 3465 The Lor raine. 12 N. l'0:h si. HOLLYWOOD HOTEL, 633 KEARNEY BDWY. 1509. Residential, newly furnished, home r business people; excellent meals. HOuMS with or without board rrsitlfniial hotel, front $8 a 694 Evprtt. n a small week up. ROOMS. Double, Single, Meals, iV9 Marshall. Main Bath. 4878. ROOM and board, excellent home cook ing and privileges. 710 E. Broadway. t'tlSl 2418. $35 up. ;.OOM and board for business girls; mod em conveniences; walking distance, $5 per week. Eart 9730. 12 E. 7th st. HOTEL RKME, 772 and sleeping porch. Ma r.s hall- rooms ROOMS with or without board. East 5693. two men. Call VACANT today 1 - room, excellent meals. SIO. 735 H yt st. OM and board for one or two gentie 13Q Peimont St. Tabor 1222. men, C H CKIiFUL room, with board if d-?-jeired: Hawthorne district. Tabor 7281. K Hmti With Board in Private Family. WANT to rent room, and board; reason able pric to couple men. Apply 59j Trintv Place. , FUOXT BOOM and board, $30 per - month ; 355 E. 1 1th. corner Stevens South. Phone East 8034. BOARD and room for one or two men. reasonable, -block to car. 146 East 17th st. BOARD and room for lady in private family; family privileges. Inquire S70 A ' b i n .1 . ROOM and board for two. on Hawthorne rar line. Phone Tabor 3232. BO RD and room for chi'd school age, - family 483 N. 23d st. CHILDREN mtiier's agn, room and board, 1087 K. 15th st. N. LOVELY FURNISHED EXCELLENT MEALS. ROOM WITH EAST 460. SUITABLE room E. Taylor, cor. for 2 young men. 505 litu. East ey-ta.. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. FIRST-CLASS heated room with board; walking distance: reasonable. BJwy. 1-75. FIRST-CLASS meals, large, clean, well furnished, heated room, desirable for couple employed or business woman. Phone and home privileges. Walking distance. 344 College st. WaXTED1 or more children to care for by day, week or month, Dy young widow; mother's care; references ex changed. Call or write Sirs. Fred R., 1401 F St., Vancouver. Wash. THOSE having rooms In vicinity of East 20th and Knott may have breakfast and dinner; excellent home cooked meals: reasonable rates. Phone East t 93511. . . WANTED Children to board and care for in grades 1. 2 and 3 at school; bus calls for children and brings them home; $18 per month; best of refer ences. Phone Oak Grove 145 W. ROOM and board in a fine home for couple or 2 young people. Large front room, dressing room with hot and cold water; furnace heat. Home privileges. Walking dist. East 7307. , LARGE, beautifully furnished roomf ex- ceiient ooard ; a loveiy private nome for business couple; all home privileges piano, fireplace, not water heat; rea sonable Phone East 0350. SINGLE and double corner rrns.. well furnished; large closet; fine view, Nob Hill district. Well-cooked meals home privileges. Suitable for two. C. b. pre ferred. Main 3353. FOR 2 employed people, room with run ning water in refined home, bleeping porch if preferred. Meals well cooked and served. Also have garage. East 6724. L.ARGE front room with board, furnace heat, electric lights, $35 per month. Including 3 meals, home privileges, close in, on west side, -gentlemen on.y. Aut. 510-36y ROOM with board for 2 refined young ladies. $32.50 each. Nice steam heated room, congenial atmosphere, every home convenience and priv ilege. close in. Bdwy. 2438. PLEASANT room, board if desired, for one or two young persons employed; exclusive use of living room one even ing a week. Phone Walnut 3170. EXTRA GOOD MEALS. FINE BED, FEAL HOM2, PRIVATE FAMILY. ViCTROLA AND PIANO. ONLY TWO ROOMS LEFT. K. 3109. ROOM and board, nice room with home privileges. Tel. 510-16. private family; very board for two, $75; close in, west side. NICE front room. 1 or 2 gentlemen or ladies, separate beds and dresser; breakfast if desired; walking dist. East 2772. BUSINESS woman will find attractive rm. in mod., well-kept home; ex cellent meals, plenty heat, hot water. Auto. 315-58. NICELY" furnished room with board, suitable for two people; also single room. Atwater 2038. 385 Mill, be tween AVest Park and 10th. FOR $25 EACH will room and board 2 young ladies that work week days. Take Rose City car. 1234 E. Broad- COM FORT ABLE well ventilated room; also board if desired, for two gentle men, in private family. 438 E. 7th Kt. North. East 5010. PLEASANT, large, iront room with or without board, for gentlemen. Twin beds, 2 clothes cloeets. 554 Johnson st. Bdwv. 064G. ROOM and two meals, for 1 or 2 gentle men, or couple emp.oyea. dw J.ast Dh street North, just off Bdwy. East 8172. COUPLE to board and room, new home. private, with widow: garage If de- sired. Call Sunday afternoon or even ings. Seilwood 3!i:;5. WILL give 2 ladies rooming together clean, light room and breakfast, $13' per month ; home cooking. Walnut 8MH. ROOM, board for couple or two young people, half block to car, garage. 634-74. ' NICELY furnished rooms, modern ; ex cellent meals, home privileges; walk ing distance, reasonable. East 0144. PLEASANT rooms, good home cooking, for 4 men, in private famiiy, modern, home privileges. Empire 1409. ROOMS with or without board : outside rooms; good heat. Main 2864. 394 Columbia, cor. 10th. NICE room with board, fine location, modern, home privileges, reasonable. Call East 0080. ROOM and board for respectable man, home comforts; reasonable: no other boarders. Phone Atwater 2502. FEEL at home- in newly painted resi dence, close in, piano, furnace, maga zines, home cooking. East 5S97. IRVINGTON. PLEASANT ROOM FOR MAN. BEST HOME COOKING. GA RAGE. EAST B045. BOARD and room in pretty home for young man or lady; one block to car. Tabor 0393 SOOM, board, all home conveniences: home very desirable, one block from cariine. Phone East 1207. BOARD and room for man and wife, 2 or 3 meals. $60 month. Also single -room. E. 3708. 9 E. 7th st. S. ROOM and board in a beautiful home for couple, well furnished, all conveniences. E. 7374. t NICELY furnished room for 2 with or without board, all home conveniences. 741 Hoyt. Main BOO 4. REFINED gentleman with child not un der 7 or 8, in private home, mother's care, good home cooking. East 4848. ROoM and board for two in private fa mily ; very reasonable. Phone East 385. CHEERFUL and congenial home for any one appreciating same; $.iO. faeiiwooa 2203. IRVINGTON LARGE SITTING ROOM, SLEEPING PORCH, BEST HOME COOKING. GARAGE. EAST 6645. INFANT and small children, the best of care and would room mother. Wal nut 4 S o . PLEASANT warm front room and good board for couple or lady employed. Piano, phone, close In. Atwater 3636. FURNISHED room with board for man and wife or two gentlemen; home priv ileges. East &83.-. NICELY furnished room with board on Rose City line; home privileges; lady employed preferred. Tabor 733S. HOME for young men employed; prices reasonable; good board; pleasant sur round in gs, closehT2S514thst. BOARD and room with sieeping porch, gcod cooking, reasonable; 696 Hoyt St. . Main JU63. BOARD and room in modern home for oung man or lady, 1 block to car. Tabor 5195. 326 East 32d st. South. TWO FURNISH ED rooms, suitable for three: rates reasonable: breakfast and dinner if desired. 659 Kearney sx. WOULD like to care for girl school age, reasonable, board aud room. Phone 94 Oswego. WILL care for infant for $25; older chil dren les. Investigate, AV 177. Ore gonian. WANTED Little girl to board; give mother's care; references. Wal nut 6002. FURNISHED room board, in private hurst. Tabor 5K70. with home without Laurel- ROOM and board, small family, close in. Call Seilwood 0477. SINGLE room, nice home, good table, near club; reasonable. Main 2219. WILL board children in my home; good care. Tabor 50R1. WANT a child to board; good home. Wal nut 7246 MOTHER'S care given child S to 6 yrs., $5 week or $20 a month. Call E. 0072. IRVINGTON Room and board in pri vate !famt!y jgentspr'ed. E. fi339. ROOM your i and board mt'n at S59 r.r . two respectable Minnesota ave. WANTED Lady to rm. and board. $10 mo. Ella Finney. Rt. 2, Gervais, Or. ROOMS, board 574 Ladd ave., near East 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145. GOOD HOME in country for boy under school age. Walnut 1107. GOOD, child. ciean. modern home for small No other children. Tabor 9137. WARM and comfortable, furnace, bath, home privilege. Ea.t S445. ROOM Phon and board at ? SXlwood 15o2 '541 Beacon t. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board ; privileges, ciose in. Main 1199. BOARD and room $8 to $10. private boarding E. A?h. E. 1207. GOOD room and board, Ma'n 9267. reasonable rates. WANTED ONE OR TWO CHILDREN TO BOARD. ATWATER 3530. LADY wishes iitTte g.rl er's care. Walnut 68 to Keep; moth- HOME cooking, veniences. -S' good room, N 24 th modern con- FOR A real home for one or two imt!! girls phone East 5133. LARGE room, suitable for two. Northrup st. Atwater 27S1. WILL kep sinail child in country home. Tabor 84j WANTED -Boy of school age to board nd room Auto. 516-31 or 324 d st. S. 2 LARGE connecting rooms, suitable for 2 or more gentlemen. 699 Flanders. LARGE, well-furnished room with board, in modern home. Walnut 4796. WILL care for elderly lady in my home Tabor 33 S3. WARM and comfortable, furnac. bath ome privileges. t FOR RENT. Rooms Wit a Board In Private Family, j YOUX6 couple in warm, homelike flat i would board 1 or girls. Laundry I privileges, walking distance. $40 for one or special rates for 2. Atwater 4337- ,! ROOM, board; heat, hot water, phone, i piano; home privileges One room W I a month tor two. One block Wood- I lawn car. Phone Walnut 3oo. j vv'aA'TlD A child to board in my coun try home; two miles from city limit; plenty of fresh eggs and milk; good home environment. Seilwood 09 63. LAKUK newly furnished room, suitable I lor two people; home privileges ; good car service; a r;al home for refined people. Phone Tabor 3176. ROOM and board for child, good atmo sphere; references exchanged. Call Seilwood 1042. Fnriushed Apartments. VERY" -FINELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM APARTMENT. CENTRAL WEST SIDE LOCATION. FOR LEASE FROM NOVEMBER 1. FOR 6 MONTHS OR ONE YEAR TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY; ADULTS. RENT 5100. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO.. 252 STARK ST. THESE FURNISHED APARTMENTS - ARE VERY CHEAP. Three rooms, on ground floor. $42.50. Four large . corner rooms, $tK). Equipped for two to five persons. First-class janitor service' guaranteed. The Columbian. 11th and Columbia. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 2T BROADWAY. Four-room corner apartment, two bedrooms, dining room, kitchen and bath; exceptionally well furnished; also one four-room unfurnished apartment. Main 250tJ. $30 103 ST. CLAIR ST. $30. . Well-furnished for comfort; light and warm; large living room and small kitchen apt.; tub and shower bath in cluded; no extras but gas: near 22d and Washington. Main 3816. $30 103 ST. CLAIR ST. $3Q. Weil-furnished for comfort; light and warm ; large living room and small kitchen apt.; tub and shower bath in cluded ; no extras but gas; near 22d and Washington. Main 3816. FIRST floor, corner apt., private en trance, large living room with alcove, hall, dressing room and bath; newly painted and nicely furnished; cozy and clean, heat and light ; rent $40. In Irvington. 395 E. 15th N. CLEAN furnished apartments, room for 2 or 3 ladies, congenial home, 1 block from Washington st. 65 N. 22d. Main 603 tf. call Sunday and 6 o'clock weeks days. ON KENTON CARLINE. Large front room apajrtment, attrac tively furnished; Lombard st., near Al bina ave.; 20 minutes to town; $22.50. Walnut 2642 or Broadway 3070. LOVELY 2-room steam heated, apart ment. Newly furnished, $25; also 8- room unfurnished apartment; best car service in city. 142 Shaver st. Wal nut 4420. " FOR RENT 3-rm. clean, well-furnished apartment, 764 Michigan ave., near Beach St., 1 blk. from Mississippi cariine; large porch and fine yard; to man and wife only. $22. 3 ROOMS with bath, dressing room and sleeping porch; heat and hot water, walking distance; rent $40; adults. 427 Rodney. CLOSE IN Kitchenette, sleeping room and porch ; gas and electric lights; heat ; $30; garage if desired. Inquire 110 E. 20th at Alder. LARGE outside rooms, newly finished, piano, heat, light and use of phone. Ii35 Chapman st., corner of Main. 1 block south of Multnomah club. FURNISHED APT., SPLENDID LOCATION. 1 rm. & kite, brick apt. bldg., vac. Monday, low rent. E. SfiftO. IRVINGTON. beautiful, new apart- one reft ; $80; no children. Neuhausen Co.. Main 8078. CONGENIAL woman, emploved, not over 35 years and Protestant, to share apart ment. Sunday Main 3114 or Monday arter o f. w . Main 33lo. 2-ROOM APARTMENT. Modern, new, partly furnished; bath, s-tove heat, some fuel ; $25 mo. Call Monday, Atwater 3347. 170 10th st. PARAMOUNT APTS. (NEW). 3 large rooms, furnished complete including piano, to-p floor, front; very des-Irabte. 243 E. Broadway. PARK APARTMENTS. Clean 4-room apartments, fireplace, oak floors, suitable 4 adults. At water 2381. ' if ANTED One or '.wo girls to share apt., $15 per month each. Call Miss Jones, Atwater 2947. 304 Catherine apts. .' THREE large rooms, all outside ; hot water heat: 10 minutes on Mississippi car; see this Monday: two adults only. 816 Albina. corner Falling. FURNISHED 4-room apartment, in good west side apartment nouse. ror rent for five months. Strong-MacNaughton, Corbett bldg. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel mont. 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur nished : tile baths, white enameled woodwork. East 4548. 1 AND 2-ROOM apartments, well fur nished, ciean, walking distance; $3 and J5 a week. 434 E. Morrison. THE LILLIAN. Three-room furnished apt., west side, close in. Atwater 1378. 381 6th st MUNCEY APTS. 2-room modern apt., walking distance. 390 Clay st. Main 8663. 2 LARGE front rooms, apt., kitchenette, private bath, light, phone, furnace heat. 554 E. Madison, cor. 13 th. NEATLY furnished 3-room apt., light and phone free ; $30; adults. Phone Walnut 2975. 1090 E. Inth N. 2-ROOM modern, bia. nicely-furnished apartment, walking distance. 511 Colufti- YOUNG business woman desires busi ness woman to share lovely 3-room steam-heated apt. Main 1959. WESTMINSTER, nished apts., rooms. Main 5582, nicely-fur-with bath, sleeping LAURELHURST APARTMENTS. 3 rms. and bath. 142 E. 39th. Tabor 2614. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and dressing room; elevator. Main 0359. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts.; walking dis tance; opp. auditorium. Atwater 5566. SERENE COURT APTS.. cor. E.' 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside apts. East 1426. FRONT 3-room apt., clean, comfortable Heat, phone, light, laundry conveni ences, $82. 166 East 16th. E. 8954. CLARENDON APT. Clean h. k.. walk ing distance; 1 room. $10; 2, $15, and 3 for $18. 71 E. 11th st. N. THE REX FORD, apt.; steam heat, phone, newly this is a nice one. Main 0553. MODERN apt., two rooms, kitchenette and bath, Irvington districL 514 Han cock st. East 2202. 2-ROOM apt., clean, completely fur., water and light, $20. St. Johns car. 680 Lombard. Empire 1813. NICELY furnished outside apartment, 3 rooms; no objection to children. 1S9 North 23d st. $30 WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apart mptit: joining bath. 412 East 9th st. N. 2 AND 3-room apts. Peabody Apts., 409 19th st. N. Bdwy. 1546. NICELY close t furnished 4-room modern i cariine, $30. At. 4166. LUXOR APTS. 1 - room fur, apt. Main 8105. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th, 2 and 4-iooin ats. Broadway 3658. CLARINE APTS 1 and 2-rm. front apts. downstairs: walking dist. 117 N. 18th. 5-RM. MOD., steam heat, front and back porches. 561 Glisa n st. 2-RM. 6th FUR. apt., with t. Main 1620. private bath. 330 2 LARGE rooms, furnished apt., without garage. 315 22d St. N. ALCO apts.. E. Couch, Union, mod. 2-rra. apts., spotless, bath. $:iQ to $42.50. 2 AND 662 O! 3-room motiern furnished apt isan. Broadway 6847. CHETOPA ANNEX, 89 N. apt. Broadway 4936. ' 18th at., 3-rm. FRONT 2 rooms.. fine apt. bldg-. splendid location, low rent. Phone East 6690. 2-ROOM furnished apartment for rent, 135 Killingsworth ave. 2-ROOM apt., reasonable, close in. Mill, near Bdwy. - BEAUTIFUL west side apt., wa.king dist.. private bath. 355 Hall street. 3 ROOMS, private bath, walking distance, west side. 454 11th st. 1 SINGLE roon : tront block or sleeping 687 Glisan. APARTMENTS for rent, furnished; one 2-room and one 3-room. Atwater 3716- 3-ROOM trance. apt., water and separate en 430 Jefferson st. TWO AND 3-room apts., furnished, ud furniyhed. Rex Arms, E. 6680. I-ROOM outside apt., rent $30. A Pta.. E. 10th and Burnside. CAR LOIS APTS. 2-rxn.. modern, fur. 341 14th st. apt., reasonable. REFINED lady to share comfortable cen tra! apt, reasonable. 33. N. 19th st 3-ROOM apartment, 727H Milwaukee private bath; adults, it. Phone Sell. 1719. ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment, fina view, Calking distance. Main 8583. 2-ROOM furnished Morrison st. apt. for rent. 554 VERY dea. 2-rm. apt., parking space: $22 light, phone, bath, mo. 566 Market, i UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, furn. coopeie; concrete mag. FOR RENT. Famished Apartments. STELWYX APARTMENTS, HIGH CLASS. For tourist and permanent guest, the nancsomest xumisnea apartments the citv : 1 to 5 room and sie-3t' porches"; very artistic; light, airy and exceptionally clean: few in ivory; wil low Chinese ruga and pongee hang ings, floor lamp, etc Those wish ng a home in every respect, with refined surroundings and A-l service at-d maid service if required. Single rooms and suites for refined gentlemen. iteier encwi required. 106 St. Clair, cor. 22-d and Waahington. Bdwy. 5h30. UNUSUAL APARTMENT. 5-room furnished apt.; every room large, light, airy; large music room, with disanoearins- bed : 11 vine room dining room, private bedroom, white Dutch kitchen, large bathroom : wood work I n ivnrv ts nestrv walluaner : al ways an abundance of steam heat and hot water; telephone and janitor serv ice. The Meda Aots.. U block N. of E. Broadway; just across the- Broadway bridge. No. 377 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT or lease, newly finished 3 and 4-room apts, either furnished unfurnished; desirable location; very pleasant surroundings: large, light airy rooms; heat, hot and cold water iurnlsned; private baths,; garage ir ae sired; walking distance; adults only. 186 E. 16th st. S. Phone East 8472. WHEELDON ANNEX. APARTMENT HOTEL 2 and 3-room apartments and single rooms by the day, week or month; close to business center. Main 6641. CAR M AUT A APTS. Magnificent 5-room furnished apart ment, ivory finieh in every room, tiile baths, every room outs-ide, nothing bet ter in the city ad close to theater and shopping district; also a smaller apt., unfurnished. Main 20S6. MOST attractively furn. 5 rooms and sleeping p. apt. Chinese rugs and white willow; all outside rms.. 17 win dows. 166 St. Clair, cor. 22d and Wash ington. Bdwy. 5830. ATTENTION. Why tiro yourself out looking for empty houses and flats when you can rent a nice, clean 2 or 3-room apt., everything furnished, for $20 month. Call at 290 21st st. North. 229 11TH ST. BETWEEN MAIN AND SALMON. This apt. is something different. 3 lovely rooms, bath and hall, completely furnished ; has electric cookers and everything for comfort; modern brick b'de;.. near central library. NOW AVAILABLE; Desirable two-room apartmentB in modern brick buiiding; large rooms, roomy kitchen, built-in or open beds, linen furnished ; nothing better for the price, $35 to $40. Lin coin Apts.. 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. THE CROMWELL, FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; French doors and balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater 5198. FRONT APARTMENT. Two large, light, attractive front rooma on Kenton cariine, Lombard St., at Albina ave., 20 minutes to town; $22.50. Walnut 2642 or Bdwy. 3070. NICELY furnished 3 - room apartment, . outside rooms, brick bldg., hot water heat, large room; reasonable rent. Washington High Apartments, cornel 14th and E. Stark. THE ALAMO APTS. Very beautiful fur nished 3-room apt., newiy enameled, real bedroom, furnisned in ivory; steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed, $42.50. 494 Market. . SPECIAL RATES FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Dormitory room and board, $5 per week; age limit 17-25. Main 3429. JEANNE D"'ARC. SAN MARCO, E. 18TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS., WK. OR MTH. E. 1990. FOR RENT 2-room modern furnished apartment, heat, electricity and water furnished; $30 a month. 5811 41st st. S. E. Phone Auto. 631-11. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. ComfortaDle 3-room apartment, com pletely and attractively "furnished. Call Auto. 527-69 25 FOUR rooms, west side, very de sirable ; also $45 Seven rooms. Atwater 43S0. 361 19th st. . . MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, Modern 2-room; hardwood floors, elevator, electric washer, lights and phnne; walking. 386 3d. Main 9466. 1 AND 2-RM. h, k. suites, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas and light, furn. Respectable, clean; $3 up. Hendricks Apf.s., 15th and Fianderg. THE GRAND OAK APTS. Weil furnished 2 and 3-room, walk ing distance; $3 to $4o. Grand ave. and Oak st. 5ROOM apartment", furnished. $55; con venient, close, desirable. Seilwood 07O2. AUDITORIUM COURT' APTS. Front 3-room apt.. 2 beds. Reasonable. Atwater 5566. UNUSUALLY attractive reception and sieeping room in lovely home; $20; garage, $5. Automatic 315-17. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. 3-room front apt., private bath; $50. Atwater 22."i0. -ROOM fur. &pt.. b:ks. east of Bd1 Ean 8646. with basement, three cy. bridge. 3S1 Ross st. THE BROWN APTS. A furnished 2-room apt., 14th and Yamhill. ' DIEL APTS., 790 E. ANKENY. Attractive 3-room steam heated apt. ;. 1S08. ALT AMONT Apartment, 304 College, 3 rooms, private bath, nicely furnished, basement. Main 6375.- 3 ROOMS and kitcnenette. large porch. nicely furnished and clean. . Jvereti and 20th sts. East 1674. VERY desirable newly furnished 2-room apartment, 11th and Wash., opposite Blue Mouse theater, Oxford hotel. KING ALBERT APTS. Two and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Ma!n 039. t ALTON I A APTSTT 19th and Marshall 2. 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs., private balconies, $35 up. Atw. 1160. ALICE COURT7"E. 8th, Burnside Walk ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 beds, fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3566. IDAHO APTS., 389 6th St. Furnished 3 and 4-room front apts., walking dis tance. . JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. BARKER APARTMENT. 2 and 3-rm. apt., disappearing beds, well fur. 685 Irving, cor 21st. 2-ROOM apartment; alsorooms with or without kitchenette; newly furnished throughout. 150 N. 24th. Main 2106. 4-ROOM apartment with bath, beauti fully furnished, walking distance; rent $25. 24 E. 8th st. Bdwy. 1904. SUNN YCREST $28.50; S steam heat, newly furn. rooms, bath 186 Sherman. 1 AND 2-ROOM, 4 th st. kitchenette, bath. 414 Fn.arnished Apaxtments. 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment, outside corner, large rooms, brick building; reasonable rent. Washington High Apartments, corner 14th and E. Stark. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment in high ciass apartment house with first-class service. Corner 15 th and Belmont East 6613. BARKER APARTMENT. 3 rooms, vacant Nov. 1; 2 disappear ing beds, 2 dressing rooms, large clos ets. 6S5 Irving, cor. 21st. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath, hardwood floors, white enamel; free elec. washer and mangle. East 37S2. THE REXFORD. 2-rra. apt.; steam heat, phone, newly finished; this is a nice one. Main 0553. :-ROOM. steam-heated, unfurnished apt.; private bath modern. Cottell Drug Co. FOR RENT West side 3-room furnished apartment, first floor, free telephone. 421 N. 23d. 2-ROOM apartment, newiy renovated, reasonable rates. 401 10th st., apart ment E. Main 2480. ROSE FRIEND APTS. Choice 5-room aput can be secured November L TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desira ble unfur. apts. available at reasonabie rentals. Phone Broadway 6860. WALDORF Court. 475 Schuyier St.; five rooms, sleeping porch and phone; mod ern and clean. BOWMAN APTS.. IRVINGTON. -4-room modern outside bungalow apt., steam heat; janitor. East 139. HOUSMAN APTS. Large, desirable 3 rms., all outsMe, sleeping porch. 730 Hoyt st. Main 1552. , S-ROOM apt., private toilet and bath. I Thurman St.. near 20th. Atw. 4761. ALTER APTS. 6 rms.. steam heat, tile bath, shower: 21st Overton. Bay. 1960. MAYO apts.. 5034 Union ave. N. 3 room unfurnished apt. Walnut 0920. 4-ROOM front unfur. apt., with sieep Ing porch. Buck apts.. 107 X. 21at. UNFURNISHED 3 5721. rooms and bath. East THE WEIST. 23d st. 6-room apartment. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broad way 33 $0. 2-ROOM, $12: large yard. 80 East St ml. East 6367. FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. LUCRETIA COURT. Available on or before Nov. lt, high-class 4-room unfurnished apart ment, top floor, front, fine view. Nob Kill, hardwoad floor, every room newly furnished, tapestry paper; all outside, grood service;, adults; references. At water 1513. BUILDING JUST COMPLETED. HOYT-GLISAN APTS. There is only one 3-room and one 4 room apartment left in Portland's new est and most modern apartment house. These apartments have large, bright rooms and overlook beautiful gardens. 8O0 E. Hoyt su, near 2-th. East 7527. 3 AND 4-ROOM new modern apartmtnts. ail large sunny outside rooms, must bo seen to be appreciated, walking distance, private garages, rent mod erate to desirable tenants. 34 E. Pth st. N. Phone Bdwy. 2708, evenings East 2076. KINGSBURY APARTMENT HOUSE. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash ington; a high-class apartment house; one three-room unfurnished apartment with two disappearing beds and an outside balcony; newly decopated. Call Main S683 ; will be vacant on the 20th. ATTRACTIVE Gordon court family apart ment, you hear so much about, beauti ful 5-room now for rent, back door opens out on pretty grassy lawn and flowers. 53, Montgomery, 2 blocks from St. Heien's Hall. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine f ive-rooin apt. ; steam heat, wood fireplace, tile bath. Janitor serv ice; no children; references. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com.BldgJ BdwyeWT. ON KENTON CAR LINE. Attractive 5-room apartment with Bleeping porch; Lombard st. at Albina ave.; 20 minutes to town; $25. Broad way 307O or Walnut 2642. ONE OF IRVINTON'S FINEST 6-ROOM APTS.. WITH PRIVATE GARAGE FOR RENT NOV. 1ST. NOTHING FINER IN PORTLAND. RENT $92.50. j IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch sts. 4-room modern apartment, all outside sunny rooms, newiy renovated, elegant view, walking distance. r.ents reason able. Adults. Bdwy. 2761. WASSEL APARTMENT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Modern 4-room apartment, all out side rooms. 1 disappearing bed, adults. walking distance. East o)vi. MARLBOROUGH APTS. 5 larse rooms. newly decorated throughout: very light. Phone Main 7516. BUSINESS girl can have lovely room with use of kitchen and dining room rent reasonable; walking distance. 3K7V. 12th st. TLTDOR ARMS APTS. 2 beautiful 3-rm. apts., available. $62.50, $52.50; excellent service; refer ences. Main 25"i9. ' HALSEY APT., 300 Williams 2 apts.. 3 rooms, private bath, steam heat, ror o o ana 8 Jo. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. FIVE-ROOM apartment, light and airy. with fireplace, furnished or unfur nished: rent very reasonable. Apply Belmont apts.. E. 29th and Belmont at p. Tel. Tabor 1C24. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th. near Taylor. Atwater 0128. 5-room furnished and unfurnished apts. UrsHLK APARTMENTS. 4' 6 N 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and an furn. 3 and 4-rm. apts. ; everything nrw. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. 4-ROOM modern apt., Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main 9-39. Flats. 5-ROOM flat, 391 16th St.. second bldg. south of Montgomery; rent ?37.o. 7-room fiat, sleeping porch, fire place with radiantfire, gas range, fine view; 393 16tn st. ; rent $47.50; keys at our office. Strong Co., 606 Cham ber of Commerce b'dg. IDEAL FLAT, 7 beautiful, light rooma best residence dist.. cor., way above av erage, $J0. 996 Savier et.. Atwater 437L NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Attractive 4-room flat, linoleum, gas range'. 7 11, East 28th st., near Stark; rent $35. GEO. T MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BIG INCOME WEST SIDE. 4-famlly fiat, separate furnaces Six 300. good condition, only $10,500, some terms. Bdwy. 6011. Monday. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham of Com. 2 BEAUTIFUL flats, upper and lower; hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch; choice locality; 150 ft. from car line. Price $50 each. 297 E. 21st St., near Hawthorne. Call Ea?t 1225. VERY DESIRABLE NEW AND MOD ERN 4-ROOM UPPER AND LOWER FLATS, 398-400 SAN RAFAEL. NEAR UNION, CLOSE IN. HEAT FUR NISHED. INQUIRE 399 HANCOCK. UPPER flat, 5 large rooms and bath, attic, full basement, fireplace, location east side, easy walking distance. 3d and Morrison sts. East 3349. -ROOM flat to adulus. fireplace, fur nace, cement basement, close in, east side, ali newly painted and tinted. Phone E. 7978. DANDY 5-room flat. In good condition; 290 Marque dt., foot of Halsey; only 10 minutes' walk from union depot; $30, including water. East 3612. NEW furnished fiat, 4 rooma and bath, $25; furniture for sale. Open Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. 146 E. 30th st., near Belmont st. 4 RMS. and bath, corner, w. a., garage if wanted; newly painted in and out. For information, 603 6th st. after 2) P. M. lix IMjTuA 4-room modern flat, sieep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, gas range and water heater, disap- pearing oea. taoor auia. 5-ROOM flat for rent. 535 M Montgomery st. Good location. 53o per month. HENRY W. GODDARD,. REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. MODERN, 5 rooms, sleeping porcn, all ciean and new, in white enamel; close In. ad uits 440 KQss st. East 5396. 4-ROOM lower flat, stoves and linoleum for rale. Phone Main 2869 evenings and Sunday. 3 NICE large rooms, furnace heat and water furnished; on good car line. Call at 5309 39th ave., or Aut. 628-38. IN IRVINGTON; 2 nice 4-room flats; gas ranges; Radiant heater, and fur nace. Call Walnut 0709. MODERN 6-room upper flat in Portland, walking distance, $40. 2301. East East MODERN, large 5-room flat. 228 Al berta, cor. Gantenbein, near Jefferson hig-n. ATTRACTIVE 5-room flat. 606 Madison st. ; fireplace, furnace, gas range and heater in kitchen. Metzger-Parker Co. TWO 5-ROOM flats. 900-900H Longview ave.. in Overlook addition, just re finished, $25 each. Metzger-Parker Co. CLEAN, modern 4-room basement flat. ten blocks rrom Meier at rrantts: very reasonable rent. Phone Main 2869. -ROOM fiat for rent, newly decorated. 30tn Williams ave. Call Sunday be tween 2 and 5 P. M. : 3-ROOM furn. flat, private bath, pri- va te fam. tiS i'Jtn st. in., cor, uavis. UNFURNISHED 5-room lower flat; adults oniy. uaDor o: 5-ROOM fiat, newly papered and painted; f ii mace; locates at j..v r-asi i ;iy.or. 5-ROOM flat. 304 Park street, $45. Metz- ger-Parker company. MODERN 5-room flat. 775 Vi Wilson St., near 23d. Metzger-Parker Co. 7-ROOM flat, Brook.yn dist. CaIl before 1 or after 7. Broadway 5157. NICE 5-rc 'm unfurnished East 2d near Clackamas. upper flat. Tabor' 8143. ELEGANT 6-rm. lower, newly finished. Nob Hill; adults. Main 3749. 12 EAST 18TH ST.. cor. Ash Modern furnace; $40. .-room upptr, in jT-HuOM lower fiat, neauy lurnisuea. bof. Mill st. 5-ROOM lower flat, close in. walking: distance. L,aii w...-?. 4-ROOM flat for rent. 255 Cherry st. Call Last t 7-ROOM unfurnished lower flat; day add'tion. y-ast --ina. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat. mont t TWO NEW up-to-date. E. Yamhill. 5-room flat. adults. H4i IRVINGTON Upper flat and g-arage. 761 E. Broadway. .Kent sou. x.ai a.- 5 LARGE sunny rooms, lower riat; good condition; aauits. r. u , rnm Nhed Flat. 4-xtOOM. nictiy turnisned nat. 616 Com mercial st. Call 10 to S. Atwater 2812 4-ROOM furnished upper flat with garage, on E. 26th and Hoyt. Tabor 6149. FOUR furnished rooms, $16. 21 Morris st. Take Migslss i p pi car. FINE 6-room furnished lower flat, close in. 330. 13th. Main 5999. 7-ROOM furnished flat, modern. Everett St.. cor. 17th. Bdwy. Sf12. 3-ROOM fur. flat, private bath, private I a m i 1 y. 63 E. 19th at. N., cor. Davis. 5-ROOM 'nwer flat, iiy. Phone East ' dandy for large fam 376. 272 W ill! ams. FIVE newly papered rooms, first floor, piano. 495 Montgomery. Atwater 3028. ROOMS, upper, pieasant, cie.n, in. we?t side. Phone 528-26. $-60 6-ROOM modern furn. l.stji, N. 23d. Atwater 220. fiat, piano. 4-ROOM nicely fur. flat for rent, $25 month. 27o Hamilton ave. 5-ROOM fiat, furnished. 3B3 Itith fiU. arcw-r iLi uot aat ato. . FOR RENT. Furnished Flat. FOR RENT Nov. 1. west aide. 5-room completely fur. lower fiat. gM heating system, sleeping porch, piano, etlver ware. walking distance. $6o; refer ences. Phone Main 14ti9. 5 ROOMS, everything furniehed. includ ing piano, phonograph and sewing machine ; close in : 4o; adulta, 21a Cherry st. Call Sunday or after evenln gs. ATTRACTIVE, nicely furnished 4-room flat, strictly modern, Dutch kitchen, 9 buffet, cement basement, etc. Al con dition ; newly decorated : adults. $33. T.42 East Ankeny. Phone East 5440. ALL OUTSIDE rooms, two c.othrs c.os ets. large hail, fcmth on same floor, one b.ock from Williams ave., two blocks from Broadway; walking dis tance. 329 Wheeier gtreel FOR RENT Nice 3-room furnished fiat, private bath. $20, Including phone and water. 1219 Kelly st. Take Fulton car to Flower st. , IRVINGTON Choicely furnished 4-room. garage; heat, light gas; $70. Also 4 room flat and sleeping porch, $55. East 8015. NICE, three, modern, five-room V . S, flat, with party hauling furniture; sharinar expense. Atw-ater 201S Moll- pay. 3-RoOM ncatiy furnished fiat, lights adults only. 1076 E. 26th st. N. Wal nut 3K8ti. VOi! Mil T rn furnished flat bedr.. fireplace, furnace. Rent $50. 711 Kearney st. Call between 2 and o. -ROOM tornishtd flat, private bath, electric lights, gas. reasonable rent. Phone Main 639. . ROOMS nieelv furnished, piano, h light, phone, garage, walking distance, 429 I.rabee. $o. FURNISHED tiat, 4 rooma and. bati, $30; near S3 car; open &unday 2 to P. M. 146 E. 30th near Belmont st. NEW, modern 4-room iurnihed garage U wanted. 1188 47th ave. 3811. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room, steam-heated flat, splendid for re-rent ing; downtown. Bd, 3-ROOM flat. eas. electricity; west side $30. Reference. Auto. 527-71. 450 Xlth st. FURNISHED 4-room fiat. cozy and ciean, newiy tinted and painted; adults only. Call Walnut 4739. CLEAN, newly tinted, mod, 4-room flat, al d. d. : basement, also garage; aauits close in; u blk. to car. Walnut 19"8. MuDEKN niceiy-furn., 4-room fiat. nar Dental college ; built-ina, -fsa Benton. tui4. ROOMS and bath, furnished for iigh nouseteepiug. 0. 755 Belmont at., cor. E. 23d. 5 LARGE, light rooms, well furnished walking dutiance. 03V 5th, St. At' water 3451. 4-ROOM furnished and clean. 327 hit walking distance. modern fiat, nla 1. 17 til St., west Bide, ?CtiSLiiHtL.l fiats. 1 unfurnished. Call Sunday 262 Page St.. or phon Mon day East 203s. FURNISHED 3-room fiat, light and heat, $30 per mo. mook. Including CLEAN, home-like 3-room flat, close apace, private bath, close in, near car, East oo20. 6d Belmont. 4 ROOMS, complete; piano; $20. 7' . Vanderbllt, near Lombard and Flsk. FIRST floor, 5-rnu Tabor cars; $50; flat, E. adults. Yamhill, Ml. Tabor 6V31, PARTLY fnrniahed flat. 23d and Wash irgton. adults. Muin 8901 after 7 P. M -ROoM furnished flat, 2 and apts., 821 Thurman. Housekeeping Rooms. 2-ROOM light housekeeping apartment gas electric lights, water in rooin. free phone; , per aj.; cjobo tu, 5th st. Main 523T. NICELY furnished housekeeping room with large kitchenette; auitable -two. 329 Main St. 10 W. CHURCH ST. Five partly fur nished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas. elect ricity; $14. East 6667. 3-ROOM flat, furnished nicely, perfect ly clean; would sell furniture reason able and rent flat. Call at 145 N. 21st THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. roomi, $15 up, including hot water, eiec. lighf, laundry room. FOR RENT 1 2-room apartment, also 1 s.ngie housekeeping room. lis, js.hi ingswortn ave NICE, ciean. furnished H. K. apart., sin gle and double, $2-50 week up. 461 E. Mdrrison, Montgomery apartment. , SUNNY well furnished h. k. rooms. hot and cold water. Bdwy. 4046. 631 Hoyt. near 20th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and double, $2.50 up. 16 East Sixth North, corner Burnside st. 2 FRONT rooms. $20 and two $25; single rooms $15; hot water always. b55 Flanders. NEAT and clean. 2 h. k. rooms, water, lights, bath, shone and heat free; easy walking gist. 346 College st. 475 MAIN ST. 2 front rooms, nicely furnished for h. k.; heat, light, phone. hot water. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, front, ground floor, hot water, linen, furnished, $. 422 Second street. TWO or three unfurnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath ana electricity f adults. 272 16th St. 9 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $123 gros come; $100 down buys or wm rent; act today. Main 3712. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, adults only. 635 Knapp ave., cor. Mil waukie st. 1 AND 2 PARTLY furnished h. K. rooms. finw location, west side, $18 and $20. Aut. 636-21. vwiitr nieelv fur. h. k. rms.. downstairs, in mod- home; priv. entrance; walking dist. west side. nawy. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, clean, outside rooma; adults ; walking distance. 34 East 13th st. North. NOB HILL I or 2 lovely rooma kitchenette on first floor in modern home. 283 N. 24th. CLEAN, nicely furnished lower floor In private home; garage; $22. 1337 De troit. near Portland blvd. FINELY furnished housekeeping rooms; instantaneous hot water neat. At water 3005. TWO H. K. rooms. $22 ; also one large sleeping room for two men or ladies, $20. 706 Glisan. Atwater 303 5. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, from $2.50 per wek and up; children welcome. Main 3502. 695 Front St., cor. Mead. NICE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; very close In. Corner J6th st. 513 Yamhill st 54 V KITH, near Wash., large h. k. rm first floor, kitchenette, water, fireplace; w a 1 kin g distai.ee ; no cnimren. 2"LA RGB airy housekeeping rms., $27.. 422 y Jefferson st. Main 6746. 2 CLEAN sonable. nicely Turn! shed, n. Call East 2796 $3.50 WEEK, large room, sleeping H. K near schools. 405 W. Park. NICE fur. 2-rm. corner flth st. apt.. 305 V. Jefieraon, LARGE rm. with kitchenette, furnace heat. 494 Taylor. Main 2124. DENVER APTS,. 208 Wash, t rms., single and double. $2 H. PP H- K. ROOM with kitchenette and sin gle H. K. room. 266V 14th at. STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and. C. water, $3 to $7 week. 147 13th st. SINGLE room for bachelor, (3 a week. 2 rooms, private entrance. $5. 573 3d st. THE MAPLE, 30 North 17th St. nlshrd H. K. rooms; steam heat. LARGE housekeeping 575 Everett. Bdwy. ' NEWLY papered housekeeping rooms, heat: $12 and up. 264 12th st. SINGLE housekeeping room, bridge. 21 Larrabee. near Bdwy. 2 UNFURN. h. k. rms., modern except luat. 82 Williams ave. Wal. 3606. SUNN YCR EST Steam heated. H. K . 2 rms , priv. bath optional. 186 Sherman. TWO-ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot. crlfl water- r i - . -in. cuwy. 4 1 2 H. K. ROOMS, kitchenette. $:' $18; small room and 3726 Hawthorne. $20 MONTH 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. Room 2. 2-'3 h Washington. H. K. ROOMS, first floor; running water; reason able. 294 Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, hot ater. electricity, cariine. 315 Williams. FIVE newly papered rooms, first fioor, P i ano. 405 Montgomery. Atwater 30 28. WARM, modern room with kitrhn privileges. 49th and Sandy. Tabor 4847. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping 350 14th st. ment, $ weeKiy. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for houae- keepmg. a- i. jntn st. $2.25 WEEK, clean room, sleeping or H . tt.. Close in. g-ge t"o v . rarK. LOWER flat. 4 rooms, mostly furnished, $20. 347 Kussil St.. near Lnion. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 6S4 wick, near Fargo St.. Albina. CENTRAL h. k. rooms, cheap rent. 253 Washington, corner . CLEAN, single housekeeping room, close ;n, rea gonaoic, ai n n. SINGLE h. ; also 3-roo-m apt.; walk ing distance, on car line. 4S E. 8th X. 3 FURBISHED housekeeping rooma, 972 Union ave. N.. or Walnut 540. THREE housekeeping rooms on grouni floor: electricity and gas. 165 Tvy st. NICE big light housekeeping room, suit able for two. 351 W- Park. 2-ROOM suite, $4; also single, elec., bath. r4 reitygrove. FOR RKNT. IIouM-kf-rpIng JtwoitM. $22 50 MONTH N-at 2-rm. "turn, h. k. apt., absolutely ctan and condition, h. and c. wntcr, irc't 1!M g.MMl oiru'ity. at and i.itt nt-f frr phone and very itn1 n laundry priv iO-km ; wutk m( ami good nc ic h born una : n a1ult only, no children. 1 7 Stout t.. 1 b!k. S. of anh Vi. mr. working man ; Low waffi Id. 7 on tr!kr ? Economise by occupying a batih.nn apt. Our fpec?a!ty. Hing. $5 to fuifa. $10 to $1h. Dandy ioM.y; w.il fu-ated. The Vaughn, X. IVUh nd Vaughn mtn. SME NICE CH KEUFUL JttM.MS Fron t roo-m. ) 1. o wt-ck. t o- r-oi suite $ ti w -Ta . fine J hi- r.rm m h ei -keeping, running water, beautiful view, no obe i tion t. t MMr-n. itj7 Chapman h'.h n ar i a m n 1 i i . LA D Y a Ion will una re iir t urruai. ! ct tag- with buaio-ne g;rl or m.n, $15 tor one, $20 for two. wnlk ng dm tance. call at 24 0th ftt. a; r 6 P. M .. U d a y Sun d a y. t 2 LAKOE lurnisn.d. room n p.ul'lji or together; third fioor; near Washington h.gti and Po.yteW. tuc , Uornsuo car; reasonable recu 171 E. l-i- - LJt 3 1 85. ROOMS in private fumlly, one lirce, brig lit, cosy room ; Hunt, wafr, fuel, phone furnished; st. paved; half block to car; 13 per wea; no children. . Empire 1172. . T'VJ r.ce furnish. d nouseke ril:.g apart ment near Montgomery Ward. A reat clean, coy ham. Na children. 421 N. 23d. LARGE. can, cuty rootx.s: Si-me kl'.cn eneites; hot and eoid watT; children weicome ; low rat s. 5ul Harr above 14:h. Auto. 5 !-!. LARGE fioi.t H. II. rojm with flrrpi-e, all new and clean. BUilable tr 2 bui-n-s women or coupte mpluyed. H.yt. NEWLY furn. h. k. and slt-fp.ng room, walk, dist.. 1 bioctt from iJ car. 2 b otks south of Mu tnomah dub. 210 Na rtiia. cor Madison. At wattrr 41JJ $18 2 LARGE, neat rcoms, enwt side. 5 b!ks. from stel brtdgtf ; S biof k off Wlillamx ave. car. Phone E. Wo33. 331 Wasf-o st. . FURNISHED and unf urnwhed H. K VEa- furnace heat, lights, gas, hot and cold water, laundry included In rent; walking distance; adu.'-i. 367 lth it. RooM and kitchrnetta. 76S Park avenue-; very ciean, quiet. Ideal location fur nished, hot and cold water: very ciuae Council Crest car. Main 4278. N1CEL.Y furnin?d, home. ike room for housekeep.ng, 4 week; convenient to phone, bath, eta 60O Belmont su. cor ner ISth. . t OR 3-ROOM outside apts.. ev rythln furnished, very convenient and cl-an, downtown, rent reasonable, by week or month. 1 70 lth st. NICELY furnish-d 6-rootn, modern up per flat. hdw. floors. nH r Laurel -hurst park; clean and light; garage If desired. East 321ft. SNAI'l'V, clean, f urni.hed houwk raping rooms; everything new snd everything furnished; good yard tor car. 3'2 Tillamook, nt-ar Williams ave. FOR RENT cheap, 3-r. nice, cien. nlv f urn ifhed houkMpin g apt. Every thing furnished. Call Sundays or even ing. 567 Vancomer. E at -' 5 1. Housekeeping Rooma In Pruate Family. VERY EXCEPTIONAL. 1 8-room suite, 2 rms, sleeping or b. k.. in quiet, clear home, very res sjnable. rent include:! bath, good het. hot water, light, phone, laundry room, electric wanner, varuum cleaner, re spectable adults only; C. S. prtferred. THREE clean, well-furnlahed rooma; private oatn. grround rioor. furnace neat; food Joe-Urn; very comfortable place for women. 8iil Ruaaeil a( ha f block east of I'nlon (trae Et 1740 THREE "Ienn, well-furnifhel rooms; private bath, ground I. our, fiirniire heat; Kd location; very comfortuble place f winter. 301 Ruaaeil at., haJf block east nrinion ,ini(e. E;t 1 1. FL HN LSH Eu room with k : tt he net te. fine modern home, in Ladd's additl. with or without sleeptnic purch, auitnliie ior z or more ladies empioyed. ail con veniences, llKht. heat. l.undry prlvi- lene, etc. y'a.11 .M;;wonn Sl.H. LA ROE, cie,in front rms. fur h. k h-i and cold water, furnace heat, bath phone, gas, laundry privileges, waik.ni distance. E. 143. Rent $-5. 3.U (-irand ave. N It, EL i fur. modern H. K. rooma. Jarse kitchen and bedroom; hot and cold water In kitchen; employed couple preferred, i'hone ttaat 031 or call Cil4 oa k 2 LA ROE nicely f urnlahed house keep ing: rooms, furnace heat, batn, phone. gum. launary pnviieKes. wai Kin d's tHnc; $2T. Kmt I'l 43. 320 c;rand ave. LA DY employed. to Mia re fiat with dressmaker, $10 per month; clean and cony; a re if I home. L Stark and -Pth. Tel. E. OTP tti. Call after Sund a y . NICE,. cU an houektt-pin k, --t oom and kitchenette ; also 2-room a pt. ; heat, Hg-ht. phone lurniahed; walking: Uia- tan-e. rv. E. Main. HOUSEKEEPING room In basement, for working: man, electric iijchta, gas, wa Ur, etc., a week : clone in; west side. Phone Main 57:S. NEWLY furnished living and clean h. k. rooms; ivory and wicker furniture; heat, phone free; block and a half car line. 571 Qlisan. 1 7th-ISth ata. TWo desirable h. k. rim In fctricily modern home for employed coupi walking; dUtance. 566 E. lam hill. E&at 443. HOL'SEKEEPINO rooma very nice; fireplace, furnace and bulH-iia, Dutch kitchen, 1 blk. from cariine ; adults only. 4304 4.'th ave. Aut. fl.lA-AH. 2-ROOM hoUKe keep ing apt., heat, elec. gas and wood range, phone, separata entrance, central. and $30 mo. 41S W. Broadway. LAK'iE front rom and kitchenette. newly palntftd and decorated, suitable for 1 or 2 persons; reasuua biu rent. G" 14th st. LAlKiE, airy, rteam heated h. k. room, kitch-nette, sink; first fioor; very rea Bonahle. 445 Columbia. 2 NICE clean f urntshd h. k. room a pantry, adults; $lti month. Cl4 Front, cor. Meade. IKW'LY furn. H. K. i m.. suitable for working people, cheap rent. gum. light, phone, bath. W tf. Tdwy. 77.'tS 2 LARUE front rms. for houaekeeping; large Iren bed, 1 small sjngio room. 314 rh at. NICELY furn. Hpht, clean rms.. In cluding piano, w iking distance, west ale. Atwater lo.H'S. ONE weil-furniant-d houekcplng room ffr one man; electricity, baih an-I phone. 77- Uillliji hvp, near JlearU. 3-ROOM basement apt. with rent re duced for Jiitht service; nicely furn.. clean, clnne In. 474 Clay. Atw. 4104. NEWLY furniahed bed-alttlnjr room In at earn -heated flat. Lt. h. k. If desired. .oa12th at. 3.."0. PLEASANT h k. roomH kltrhen- etto, bautuul home. Uo Corbett, Malu NICELY fur. 2-room ; heat, h. k. apt., at L'SO llffht, phone fur- N. lMth si nih"d. 2-R OM front part ment. with k Jtehen- ette; light. wr, bath and phonal Rdu I fa. f a In 4 700. THREE rooma, two furnished for houae- keepingr. 15 per month. "71 College. between 3d and 4th. LOVELY room. steam heat, houa keeping privilrge. walking distant 4'M u. 12th. CLEAN, fur. II. K. rooms; h llKht. bixth phone, bath, f 4 .0 we. k. 4 ft. Atwater oi i.V FRONT ult of Sight H. K. rms.; mi, e-triflty. pone; auitahl. for 2. I1 y. irt.. fj)l Mar-ha l. ht-ll'fh and jnih LARGE h. k. room and large kid iien" ette; h'.bo 1 a'eoptng room; wa.king fita n". 402 Tiny a;. K f.'l71. UOI'ULK H. K. rooma, hot, cold wlir; fine for coupe empioyed, -'U. T-bor 70OO 271 Kaat 84th at WELL FL'KN'. h. k. rooms, rensonahle to person employed. 403 Hall. Main -0i 7. 1 1 " K . clean h . k . roo m . 1 wn 1 kin v d ! stance. tk)3 Main 0.-.1 Z f-ry r'-aaornhie; uth at. 1'hone CLEAN t runt H. K room a and kit chenette, n ar K. 9. shops on S Iwnod car line, adulta on.y. Seilwood .'l WARM, c:ean. If. K. rm. Everything furn:yheri. Nob HI;! diM. At. l.'Mii;. PARTLY furn. h. k. rooms, light, at-r and gas. Orand ivr N. a LARGE. Sight, fu h. k. rooma 15 E. n mhed, first-floor .'; 4 :h CLEAN, furn. h. k. rms.. lat f ,oor. nr9 nome, near car, marr,"i roup.e. HOI SKK FKPINO room. 68 GUaan, At- wafer 01 H7 5 PER WEEK. 2 large H. K. rooma. all ron ve ni-nf". CLEAN H. K.. rooms, working coup.i Reaaonan.e. r..i.i,n. H O V S E K F E P 1 ! N ' ' mnmn. 1 17. K. Aider. Ta fu rnijhd. LA R'lE furn.ah"d front iff-heneT-te. a ,l jii K3d m. CRNISHKO ai plrur room, f 2 AO pr nraoti -ery. Aiwrr 0115. TWO HOltiKKr.tl I.N'' ruon.i at 46 Grant st. a 11 any ti m e THhFIE very large modern h -Ping roomK. witn I3t h TWO weil-furnfahed It keening rooms: wMlkln g o ijrtan r K' ) ).! S furn :wne . Main 61UV 8-ROOii 'ol Park, suit 41C0aUd; oriial bur.g-low, Ro Cr.y able for famltfea; ne :y g TJkga. Phona 2 aUor i.oli. for itr.T. llnuee. !o R.T 4T!f T. NRTH "tr rent. r if 1 : y inn Ut nw ! m - rurii h'lii w. hH (' .ir Park. ;!: b in Hun il.y, I W vf rti'n(M sr. 4 will 1 ite I.-r .-n rmr . Hll.l-KH HRoil. 211 ltai.ua Uidiiiii HM. P It RENT or i living rMnt. room. 2 brr try and bariiro, rim u p ' 4 . 1 r , w 1 th la unur . bemr,. ituit mr ftrn u noon t rr W. jt , JlT. II U'MI J I f . o w r . t e f n , s it4r on jirem ' t'i f a p m . in a-jutii I t I K I : N 4-r. -urn h t: U 1 i fii.-i.i '''. I4. t.nii fr It: nnHt Ir. u mi 5 ;ni ."r huhnr airtf ii-n on r Ule 1 niir.uua out. it trr 1 t . h t 1 U' at g. t tlKlUt W MMI Kl. I M i A K N..f;,,.,,rn Hr. rJNL irvincton bm tr rent ctiep t nurihwm iurn.T tnt 1 2 1 It and V(d- tr-(s. E cht rot ma, a . ,i''mr Cun enie ea; now tirs pa -t" 1 tinted be Juat ! muwns into a new houae . "r ,h':ie ! Inquire t l hauae rta Fi Hi LKN r. 4n Fhaver at. , -rim m den-. Mil bui.t-ln r--ure nieiit baemnt an.l !urna aud itr.it .-um m ki!-hn. i dern fal- gaat ratsa mwnl hi. Jwli.Nrti'N-l.. i..su. t AIUVE 1 H k hi;,mi rY WAI. For the rl:narr lrl-, PACKING. MiiiM. HlnHAlt PKCt'HITV I'Oli AC ; K A THANH TY, 4lh at Pine of. p. UuHiomih liotaU m l"n ty- "lv ;i-", HP I, K.N I'lO nd-rn 7 rt.m U ma, be!r,g n-w!y r tl n ; .'itl. 1.3 Held.ar. .0. Cioae In. rfi-lern hom aay wa . k j n g d. t art' e. -VI Hnc.j. $5. v.egAnt l"n:vera!t Para li.i fine gardtn, asaorted fruit trea. fcaal o i l-liOOM huuae. pun' y furn.ahed or un furniahed, eiertnciy, water, 1 a re nrchard; "."i mtn- nda auth oa O. K. We Mmmuuiiin fare; m-. Owner r-s' rv 2 rooma for storage, A K ti:fl, ur" .man ML hf iK l,L imj Lus my five-riwin houae !!, ga rang, hat water ' arid lank, lliiuieuin. rang, ah etc. A-tuaI va. ue l-Kt. laa ctiy wa ter. ga, eier-trici: mi, 'I ph4ne. Phona g"'ltt 0. 7l or a rliw U lo. C'regon.afi. ONE OP THE liksf'hou-t-a on l'.rti.,i Heighta. b at View of cMy ntotatnabt. ft mm. from heart of eti v, n rrtia ra f ;ret and i' n4 flo-.ra, a a- r an rftna and batli in attic; rent 9low wf ninti'h. Pdwy BM-a tt-lt fuXl (nod. houMi 1: h 2 iota, fry, I ireea, on rir'.ine. launlrv trara an1 g'U'd furnace. ta1'"Q rni roimtff", $.oi a month, or 3 a it hi aarage. liy , r r 'a i .-let Hji aoitae, oi.e b.ock aouth hai r houlard. aat 4iih at. N. Hom t Hf Park. ull cement baamenl. furnaca, rataga. ail tnodern Inipruvatna&ta, Mats. FOR i.ENT a. room huus. f.na ! ItilT porch. e. .Mient cond ' i'tt. all ntodern impritvenienta central 1n a tion. reasnab;s rent to d-irh: ten snt. See imnr; "47 K.aat Purr 'l at, i nk IHVEl.LiN'i. ina- tn4 f !rlnt ton ear l.tia; furnai batn. two .a oratories, ete. ; giod cnditlnn, lit M t'nioo ;4nfa lpatl 4. Trust U. lJw( n i4 I'M Oa k at. 8-Rw M hou. c.um " in Irvington"; sirirtly modern; will leas for ia eHr. Thona a. a at 007 or call at Clnrkauias at. LA It ib; modern 8-fwm houae. bio ka from Hroadway car; Will eaa fnf year fto per month ; rent in adanra. 74 East .10th at Norh, Pht. tt ff4i. ATTKA' 1 1VE buna on Wn,am-tta ri ( arags avai.abl. h.dg. w. .i a llua 4 . r and rivar A. Cail Mm gas FUR KENT 4 room houaa, large aMie. barn and chuken hou-i, c'na- in. fmo for keeping 1 or 2 tuE J hooa Tiaof FOR RENT 4 a ra. on g " 4 rad, in. 8 -room houae. Ilu.l Hub iir ar.' ga". chuken hfue. r r- a t runnitig v.uter. AM -'3, ( r. .an &-ltiCM buna alow, tiahed, baaement, moat, (l.'.lb at., 3 tr.u. Call hunday i "tft, partly tur ga rag. 1 AM Vr b ! ka. oort b Ma nd y. 5-KOOM bungMlovr, ail built-li.a, i-ri wood in tiaarment: hear l-nr-atry bull ; fine grounda; will give icaae for ooa a r. h 1 1 a f w a t e r it i ' 1. Foil KENT 0an A-foorn Iioum, K, Main at., UunnMa, .1 per monih, I u Ira hi. 11. btaub, H)2 7 Battnool. Tai-ior 21ti MOI'ERN (Hiburban home. hdw. f oora In 1 r. and d. r ; a. land, garage, 9 .3 per mo. Phona 8. P. WuoUar4. . Foil K t NT 6-room ntodarn hua Luat 17th and Ankeny sts.. a: Atwater fllOu, Failing arboot Porter. Tel, C ALL HRAIAVT f-1"' FOR NOR'l H U KM'liHS KLfcc'TKH; CX, LlOU T PuWKR H KAT. ashington at 1-nih Mft tl-ROUM cuourrn country home, rr.a-a h f hwy. 10 acres, Laa v artoo. fru4- way 4 1. L N P L K N I SHK D ho use. c o n n t ed t tore, Karaite. Owner board with m-cu pnnt.No rhlldren. Call Ta br 17a 4. 7-liuuM house, good condition, c3aa ta WooUiawn ach'xil and rnr, to raapoa aihle party, Walnut 013 VS K.HT HIL'K. tt rooma. n.oUarn rea, dan a, owner will rent 2 moma, waU.r.g l tance. I epot Morriarn or, "ti N 21af. vVE.st bll'E. Fulton d.atrlct, 7-riom modern houae a nU garage ; Juat com p:teri. 1.3 heiiy at. Rent ft i-iu Kil houa. u - rurr intl. I in. Lvnta Call at 774:1 H4th H JC PI '1 bl-'rka nirth of Wnil .tit afhno T5 H E.ST 3 1 houaa. W7! lie l in ont 40. Kor lunher bartlcuiars Dhoaa Taho rJ 0 'tf. XI I'LTNOM A H J)TAT1j- A -mom hr.uaa ha'h. 1 acre, 4 biorks frm atatMa S2-MI. Ned Hu;ks Main P'S Cl'T RATES OS PI IlNITLItK MnVfN7!, FIRKl'JtiiOK rT')H, 1 r MTH rFr.U, 6-JtOOM houie, WCihutiS av. and i'rea. rott st.. also 4-room furnlahaa fiaL Kat orTabr 44 2 l-KOOM hut.irtinw, goo.i d!al ric t, nMf car. H. T. Klrkwooi 201 .Ilia TruaC bMr. Ilrraiway b- VHES moving, city or country, get tb beat a t low est p r ic mm. t J ren T r a r.s- fer Co. !aip 2iiLi3, Aiderst. 4 ROoM.. lower floor, reai-ino pr .Council Creat; baih, baamnt, fur rate, modern ron ye lewrea. Ma.n 2471, "hooMS, mod'-rn. Unnioo road. rio In; id al for rhtf-ken dinners; raaaoa able Phone P--v 4?MI UUV ING Pinrs. line hau'lTig a f urn)! urs SP-r'aii y. long-d a- Truck Frvtre r . 40 .N at P-1wy. ftll j.liiioM but."low. unf urnlahed, mod ern; will lease; wood for aaia alraadf In baaeinerit. ,. Tabor Blt2. r( ilt" KENT room houar5HI K. Ao- keny at., . pr mom a. rno am Atwater Fc R K ENT Mo1era 4-room eottaga. Wiodia wn dia: ru t. ur fum;ph.4 .tit prtiy f 'irniah d Call JVi, iT. Nl ' Kl, V FI N I fII KI 1 6 rm, knlfy eiet-.-t, r . lawn. 4i IC. P.na, c.o !n; I'lQjgrage rm rf 6-ltotiM a iii.-liii ii . to d.h ini K-a1e hool. m,W or wl'bout airaga. 7 V Kni'fiB a'! Wa.nt n'.' HAWTM'llNE HMTHICT-- r... m r-o 1. ern "Ue with garage at 171 Kt '.tfc at 0 ChA .-'n a rut ? o--v.a Hi SK r'Mit. "4 Krn? . liCVRM' 't houaa. .4l V. f'7h pt N. It , Tah J. 'fn ii p ! b on ard sleeping porrh . lujt-11, an'Wruajhraea. JW lat4at w7rI K. T roo-n houaa at 74 El ,1s a v- ;i fq 2 . F R R ' e ' T A 7-room modern ho um. 1 'i 43 R"lney tfMAU h u M .i:-r. 1 4 .,"? 7 man atatloa. IT V Lit h.M I. ' a l w a tnodara. F.ardara ::hi TO- K ENT your home Fran's flu. re, AblrCofl b.dg For "kknt Kour-ro-)ra modern c Ant ;..:--. V Mt iOl.H N h Morn I.tl'i 7-p mM mo.lern Il4 Vfif uver I.mioM httuaa. prf-v torn if 4 H !H U'iM P.mt iH rn"nt ta, price 114, A(-p.y -nt 6 Aacrsmaat 6 -H'AlM ho.ae for i at. Ph'-r.a K-l ea L.VlJ'iB $:!. MiooM tin hrs bat ha. f rnac. cot'age. go yard. J nou'r- f.aa Ii; 't t n In Lao t a. OM inBr 1. I W 1 ,.v ?" T R A N ! K E 1 1 i N G rir. a th- 1' West (at4 In porr.ar .1 He , ; w oo1R 1 V4 vs $40. Cmui .aai lavOl CITY PAllK - Vroom butia . rn. f-irnur. tir r Ma'n iiA"l. ity , vri . a rooms. k t warer 44 40 f y 1 ara. 13.1 a. Ut a. Owoar, iir. bona wi-h urn. 9:0. vi Wa f.ul ,n-g -an y f'ji-n if w a n i ! nr a-" JJ!,,r' ai"'i' "- LA t I . TfiTM CR s T N w7 rooma. S ka t- a. doUMa Uf; leaae, t"1 1 a her ft a. A