THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 192S SWEET CHARITY Copyright, 1922, by the Chicago T rib ape. Charity begin at home, you know. That's -probably why Mrs. Fred Gunther has been over to tell the minis ter's wife that really - her dresses are a little., too sborti -rw &aS&aii!x ter's wife that Is I ' lift ' - fife w 4? R I Stftf 2 I i f ft E i irxrc a t I 1. .-A ffAVtik FMtfi The lady philanthropist who is perfectly willing to give provided she er way. U Intertercd with, she won t play. if . ' - 5 f, . f : ft y'W 1M ': .'"'i 'lift i tfi" ' i - ,(r 5 I 7-t 'J "i Irwin, alas I has the type of (ace that only means one th'ng- a chronic r ionocr. if. 4 .nil l 1 1 The willing performer, who voh.:ntcers her ser vices for charity often with little or no provoca tion. The W. P. is sing ing about how "thy fra grance make me swoon,, as the jasmincatjiooa.'; Why. I didn't suDDOse vou were aroinsr to wear them anv more. Arthur. -so I gave them to the furnace man." There are -times when Mr. Dobhie wishes that charity would NOT begin at home! The organizer, whose life is just one series of committees for the ben efit of this, that aad the other thing. l IV ... -If -44 i$I m IB:":'-, ft v L r irm . 'f.v. -f& . if": 1 d I fill r w ii at .jr-" . -r- - ill j The church work er. Cousin Rhoda Tor by varies In her' religious in tensity. Some months she will be very slack, snd then again she win be tust ss I willing about the Jtar Dowers ana The temporary set tlement worker. Gladys is working st the day nursery Something has to be done with Gladys Uil she marries. Every man his own settlement workc," It all depends on seems to be Mr. Clock's motto. His whether or no.t Inside coatpocket, is full of little ards the minister has telling where the needy and jobless can oEendcd her. obtain good, wholesome.- honest em ployment. AH the venders of rubber gum and leadless pencils are. of crvrse, grateful beyond words to Mr. Clock. f 1 1