The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
NICE, clean room, 3 windows, big clothes, eiectrjc lights, in modern fiat,
close in, west side, $13 per month;
also basement room. 22S 10th sL Phone
Main o7d&.
-'UH RENT A lower front bedroom,
furnished ; roomy and cozy with fire
place, eiectric lights; absolutely clean;
on carline. 405 E. 11th St.. between
Carruthers and Division sts. Call any
WALNUT PARK Nicely furnished room
in private family with kitchen priv
ileges, for couple or lady with child;
wiii care for child daytimes if mother
la employed. Walnut 3208, Sunday
before 2 and after 7.
FOR KENT On Portland Heights, the
best district, 2 furnished rooms join
ing, with radiant fireplace and bath,
suitable for man and wife or 2 fellOWS.
Parage space if desired. Call Tuesday.
Atwater 5830. Reference required.
Vv -.LLiNUTON COURT, under new man
agement; 5 rooms up In first -class
ai.ape; only 3 blocks from Washington
at.; phone and heat included; rent $o0.
laqwy. 14
FINELY furnished front suite, plenty of
hot and cold water with heat; two
good home-cooked meals if desired.
New garage. Close to business center.
321 12th. corner Clay.
PLEASANT sleeping room, well lighted,
ventilated, heated and furnished. Use
of phone and piano; 3 blocks east of
Broadway bridge. 381 Ross st. Phones
East 8046.
V1LL give nice room to working lady
and care for child over 2 while mother
works. Home privileges. Rent cheap.
For further information call Main
1'LKASaNT Uont room, in good neigh
borhood; close in, with S. 6., Mt. Ta
bor and Hawthorne cars; excellent
meals near, I.3i-. .tat 8743. 776
E. Taylor, near 25d.
TH REE clean, well -furnished rms., pri
vate bath, ground floor, furnace heat,
good location, very comfortable place
for women. .Ml Russell, half block east
of Union. Telephone East 1740.
NICELY fur. large room for 2; kitchen
privileges if desired. Electric washer,
garage. No other roomers. Quiet
home. Refs. exchanged. Tabor fe-187.
DESIRABLE large room with alcove,
fireplace, modern, suitable for one or
two gentlemen; walking distance; Nob
Hill. 7::8 Hoyt st. Main 26.
'i'Wu CHEERFUL front rooms, pleasant
home surroundings; ladies or gentle
men; convenient to several cars. 20
min. out. Call evenings. Walnut 1976.
TWO NICE, clean, newly furn. rms.. in
strictly modern flat, close in. east side,
meals it desired. E. 3561. 033 E.
ONE room only in refined home, ciote
in, west side, $15 month. Nice home
for lady or man. Every convenience.
Main 0854. .
WALKING distance, cosy and warm;
basement room; hot and cold water,
breakfast and all home comforts at
a reasonable rate. 4iil) Clay. Main 222S.
BEAUTIFUL rm. with fireplace. 3 clos
ets, priv. bath. Smaller inexpensive
rm. lid floor ; one on first floor. 84
N. 21st St., cor. Everett.
VERY desirabl room, suitable for one
or two persons, in modern home; walk
ing distance. OS Lucre tia st. Main
' Si) 30.
2 BRIGHT, well -furnished bedrooms In
private home ( Irvington), suitable for
. ladies or gentlemen, two blocks from
Bdw y. and Irvington cars. East 6253.
$15 PER MO., west side. 15 min. walk
to business center; sunny furn. rm.
for lady employed; 2 windows and
closet. 034 Flanders st. Bdwy. 3071.
ATTRACTIVE room in steam-heated
apartment for business girl or nurse.
Good home to right party. Atwater
NICELY furnished room in modern
home, convenient to 2 cars. Price is
moderate. Board if desired. 1 58
Couch. E. 55(13.
LARGE front room, 3 windows, fire
place, walking distance, in O. S. home;
garage if desired. 300 Vancouver ave..
corner Broadway.
LARGE front sleeping room in privat
home, walking distance; 2 blocks west
of Mult, club.; reasonable rent. At
water 2 400.
LARGE well furnished heated room,
with or without kitchen privileges,
phone and everything furnished; ladies
only. 344 College. t
LOVELY front room Handsomely fur
nished in attractive private home, for
2 young men; twin beds. 71 Trinity
LARGE room, suitable for 2 men or
couple employed; turnace heat; home
privileges; good car service. Phone
Tabor 3170.
CONGENIAL young man wishes room
mate; separate beds, piano. A real
home, $3 per week. 61 North ISth st.
Bdwy. 2721.
NOB HILL Weil .furnished warm room
with large enclosed sleeping porch,
automatic water heater, all conven
iences. 50 Lucretia st. Atwater 30s;.
2 DESIRABLE H. K. rooms in strictly
modern home for employed couple;
walking distance. 500 2ast Yamhill.
East 4S43.
H. K. OR SLEEPING rooms, close in,
hot and cold water, electricity, heat
furnished; garage if desired; reason
able. 503 Haig et.
NICE furnished room, gas or electric
light, hot and cold . running water,
hent, bath and toilet. ,Hoyt st., near
V.tth. Bdwy. 4070.
LARGE, well-furnlshed front room, good
car service or walking distance. 480
PLEASANT room, 44S N. 24th. bath, use
of kitchen, one $12 per month, two $15.
Tabor 0381.
VERY attractive room, reasonable, pri
vate family, adults; close-in Haw
thorne district. Phone Tabor 7420.
N ICE. clean" front room to congenial
business man. close in. west side, ref
erences exchanged. Atwater 0420.
LAKGE front room in private family.
Piedmont district, $15 per month. Call
Walnut 01S7.
YOUNG lady wishes roommate, parlor,
piano, all conveniences. Bdwy. 2721.
01 North ISth st.
newly furnished room suitable for
gentlemen; furnace heat; close
104 E. Broadwav. E. 0774
1 N ICELY furnished outside room in
first-class apt. house; reasonable rent.
Main 3545.
1551 EAST 30TH. near golf links, two
furnished rooms for business men; ref
erences. A CLEAN, nicely furnished front room,
phone, furnace heat, walking distance;
h!mi f mailer room. 1SS 77th st. .
."K.MStlED room in a beauiitui home;
wilh or without board; home priv
'leges; garage. Tel Ss:t5.
v i U . sha re artistic bungalow near
hose city car with young lady em
p'oyed. $15. Tabor 3143.
Mi'K LY furnished room Til Ladd atu1
tiiMi; no meali served, but m-'als can
b" sfpurpd close by. East 0025.
FOR RENT Sleeping" room to "geiitie
ntan: breakfast if desired. Phone' Wal
nut 1037.
LARGE light front room, all conven
iences, young gentleman only; half
block to Mult. club. Atwater 4302.
2 rooms for persons employed. AC 90S,
STRICTLY mod. large front rm. Heated.
Walk. disr.. $10 ea. for 2. or room and
2 meals. $30 ea. E. 4305.
PLEASANT corner rooms, large closet
heat, bath, phone ; gentlemen only.
Atwater 0200.
WARM, cosy room for gentleman or em
ployed couple, breakfast erved. Tabor
4 221.
A LARGE light room wall garage; ref
erences. 554 Johnson st. Bdwy. 0046.
RoottiH With Board.
735 Hoyt. near 23d. Main 3305.
Excellent din ing room service, ji rider
th direct supervision of Mrs. Mc
1 n u -all, formerly of th" Ramapo hotfl.
794 LOVEJOY ST. MAIN -till).
Residential hotel; a real home for
people employed; stood home-cooked
-reals. .
633 KEARNEY BDWY. 1509.
Residential, newly furnished, home
for business people; excellent meals.
$7 A WETCK. room and hoard, room with
out board. $2.50, newly papered and
painted. 521 , Deiay st., 1 block from
M i-s. car.
ATTRACTIVELY furn. steam-h eared
rms. with best of board ; a refined,
homelike place for young ladies or
ion plei employed, close in. Bdwy. 243S.
Double. S.ngie. Meals, Bath.
7V0 MahaH; Main 4S7S.
LOVELY home, all privileges, close in;
home cooking. 194 N. 10th. Bdwy.
BOARD and room, homo privileges. $30
and up; under new management. 710
E. Broadway. East 241 S.
WANTED J or 5 men to room and
hord by week; home cooking. 055
1 n ion ave. Inoiire Mother's Kitchen.
...OOM and board for business girls: mod
ern conveniences; walking distance; $5
p.-.,- vek. Fast 07.30. 12 E. 7th sC
TNICELV iurnished housekeeping ri-om;
V-t-o 2 gentlemen board and room.
Main 42S1.
TA HUE boarder. 051 Kearney; private
honie ; horn t- cooking.
TTH LOVE.ioY Main OjS 1 0 "; new:y iur
wished rooms with gr without board.
Rooms With Board1.
23d st. at Hoyt; 23d st. cars to en
trance of hotel; high class brick build
ing; every modern service; reasonable
rates. Transient meals. Board and
room with or without bath; $-.50 day
and up. Atwater u6l.
One of the best -known residential
hcte-e on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
223 EAST 20th.
Exclusive east side residential hotel,
available soon, especially attractive
front room, fireplace, running water,
suitable for Couple. Enjoyable, meals.
East 7334.
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down
town hieh-ciaj-s family hotel: rooms
en suite or -ingle, with or withoutJ
board, for families and business men
and women. All the comforts of a
home. Reasonable rates.- Bdwy. 1180.
201 NORTH 20TH ST.
Rates by day, week or month.
Meals served to trnsients.
BOARD and room in beautiful Irvington
home for a few gentlemen or business
couple who want the niceties of life
and are willing to pay a reasonable
price for them. East 5002. "
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
NEWLY iurnished first floor room, pri
vate home, suitable for two, with well
prepared, home-cooked meals. Rose
City Park. 317-68. t
FRONT room with board, furnace heat,
piano and phone; horn; cooking: suit
able for 2 gentlemen or couple; no ob-
- jection to child. Phone Sellwood 2270.
BOAkij and room in private family,
home privileges, home cooking, tur
nace heat, close in, C. S. preferred.
Tabor 4.S51.
NICELY furn. rm. with board, suitable
tor 2 people; also single rm., reus. At
water 20o8. liHolk Mill, between W,
Park and 10th.
LARGE room, suitable for two gentle
men, home privileges, no other ooard
ers. 450 East -th. st. N. Phone East
BOARD and room for young man who
wants a borne : all modern ; .-iu
month for 2 meals. East 3022. 025 E.
ROOM and board In private family,
home prlviieges; rates J35-$42.50.
Bdwy. l'.)04.
l'OL'NG coupie without children will take
cnlld, between 2 and 4 years, reason
able charges. Tabor 5370.
EXCELLENT meals served In attractive
home, also rooms; ref. D ifiH, Ore
LARGE, light room, with board, rates
reasonable; easy walking distance. 201
East Flrst jst. .North. East 9283.
2 NICELY furnished, well heated rooms
with board in modern home. Walnut
PLEASANT corner room, large closet,
heat, bath, phone, gentleman only.
Tabor 0527.
R AGE. EAST 6043.
iuuiSu inotner, employed, wants home
for girl 4 years; C. S. .preferred; small
compensation. East 0J04.
NICE room, with or without board; fine
location; modern; home privileges. Call
East 0-QN0.
MAX OF MEANS to let me give mother's
love and care to his child at my own
home. Tabor 172.1.
WILL take Beveral business girls in
lovely home and serve excellent meals.
East 64i0
WANTED To care for a small child";
have had experience. Mrs. Minnie
Trullinger. R. 1, Aurora. ' Or.
IRVINGTON Nice, airy room, with two
meals for 1 or 2 women or couple em
ployed. East 0013.
LOVELY, large cosy front room with
board, all conveniences; private fam
ily. 315 Glenn ave. Tabor 0034.
ROOM, board and home privileges, rea
sonable; hot and cold water. 325 Mar
guerite ave. Call Tabor 2327.
ROOM, board, all home conveniences,
home very desirable, one block from
carline. Phone East 1207.
ROOM for 1 or 2. breakfast and dinner;
clean place; walking distance; reason
able. 547 1 6th st.
PLEASANT home for employed people;
home cooking, reasonable ; Williams
ave. and St. John car.- Walnut 5484.
TWO GIRLS share same room, may have
room and breakfast for $12 a month;
quiet girls only need apply. Wat. 650 1.
ROOM and board in private family for
4 men, modern ; home privileges. Em
pire 140Q.
A FAMILY of 2 adults will room and
board 2 employed people, west side;
walking distance. Atwater 601 8.
ROOM and board, young ladies employed,
in widow's home, home privileges. E
ROOM, with or without board.- close in,
east side, reasonable. 140 E. 17th, near
M orrison st.
ROOM and board, furnace heat, use of
telephone : lady preferred. East 0000,
near Union ave. 300 Eugene st.
2 CHILDREN of school age. to board
and room; boys preferred. 324 Second
st. S. Phone Aut. 516-31.
BOARD and room in modern home for
young man or lady, l block to car.
Tabor 5105. 320 East 32d st.
NICELY furn. room, with or without
board; gentlemen preferred; walking
distance. Call EaJt 0871; call Monday.
AiiHALiivii rm. ana roard for gen
tleman, across from Multnomah club.
Main 7720.
WANTED Two to room together; only
two in family. 1 fe blocks to car; in
Alberta, near Union. Walnut 6.S02.
ROOM and board for 2 young men or
a couple in refined home, close in.
Phone East 7307.
MODERN furnished room,
large garage. $10. All
veniences. Automatic
furnace heat,
modern con-
W ANTED Child to care for: can room
and ' board parent if desired. Tabor
KIND, motherly woman desires care of
infant or small child in her home. AC
0S7, Oregoniam
WILL give motherly care to little boj'
or giri in private home, near school.
Atwater 1431.
LA KGB front room ; suitable for two
gentlemen, with or without board. 009
PI andtrs.
ROOM, board, heat, hot water, piano,
plvme, home privileges; 1 room $00
- tor 2. Walnut 3552.
l HOME for young men employed; only
those spprecihting a good home need
apply, bdwy. 2333.
WEST SIDE, large comfortable rm. with
board, modern home, special" rates for
2. walking distance. Main 895 2.
WELL-FURNISHED room and board
for 2 in refined family, walking dis
tance. 703 Hoyt.
REFLED young men to" room and
board, or room in private family. Main
REFINED home to board children,
mother's care. Phone 045-20.
LADY wants'children to board and room.
Automatic 613-91.
PRACTICAL nurse will take light mentaJ
cane in her ho me. 628)0.
ROOM, and board, all home privileges;
also garage if desired. Tabor 4035.
BEST home cooking, warm, well fur
nished rooms. 3S1 12th st. Main 110!.
CHEERFUL home for any respectable
party. $30. Sellwood 22Q3.
GOOD home, mother s care
child. Call Tabor 0137.
for small
BOARD and room in private boarding
house. $8 to 10. 092 E. Ash. E. 1207.
ROOM and board
at 541 Beacon
Phone Sellwood 150:
FIRST-CLASS rooms and Doard; home
privileges, close in. Main 1199.
LAih board d, over 20 years; private
family, room and board. Sellwood 1796.
REAL home, near club, west side, em
ployed ROOMS, board. 574 Laud ave., near East
12th and Hawthorne. East 5145.
EXCELLENT care given child In. private
home. Sell. 2744.
WARM and comfortable, furnace, bath,
home privileges. East S445.
HAVE good home for girl 0 ta
old . $5 per week. Sell. I5J7.
ROOM and board in private
close in. Call Sellwood 477.
ROOM with board for two men.
club, call E. 9144.
-Child red to board:
and mother's car. Tabor
NICELY furnished
cooking, close in.
rooms with
4 us Benton.
CHOICE location, rooms, west side, home
. -ook i n g. very reasonable. Mai n 2219.
LARGE front room for two:
desired. Reasonable. 451 t
board if
. Park.
LARGE rm.. first floor, suitable for 2.
774 Xorthrup, Atwater 7S1.
ROOM and board for one or two people.
Main lOSt
WANTED Young man to share room ;
rt.(Vrence exchanged. 055 Kearney.
KOOli. witft fchjard. 4a-, Mill ew
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
FOL R gentlemen can have room and i
board in private apartment home, per- j attention given to coo Ring, weu
and excellent. 880 u Belmont St.. at
2:nh. on carline. Phone Tabor 64S4
LARGE, pleasant, pink and ivory bed
room for rent, with breakfast and din-
ner; furnace and pool table, ever.?
modtrn convenience; $8 per week, 2 in
room. $7 each; home privileges. 38i
E. 44th St. Tabor 3705.
HAVE large room and beautiful fur
niture. Hardwood floors: suitable for
three gentlemen; with excellent board.
A lovely home In Irvington district;
near two canines. Phone East yjoa.
WANTED 2 or 3 men to room and Jng porch, apts. in high-class apt.
board in a . lovely home, 1 blk. from house, 16 windows, elegantly furnished
carline a large attractive room with n Chinese rugs. Chinese hangings, floor
2 neds, lots of heat and hot water. ,la.mDS- P'ano. biue and white china.
Tabor 8709 Cninese and ivory furniture. Will rent
: ' to responsible party; everything first
NURSE will take several old people In class; plenty of heat. 106 St. Clair st.,
her home, home conveniences, automo- cor. Washington. References required,
bile service, between Washington an J
Alder, on 38th. East 4222.
LADD'S addition. Front room in private 229 ELEVENTH STREET,
home, heat, phone and bath, blo'k BETWEEN MAIN AND SALMON,
from Hawthorne car, J14. On Holly If yofl look at this apt. you will like
st. Meals next door. Phone E. 2521. it; has 3 rms.. bath and hall; wicker
LARGE cor. room. X or 2 meals, beauti- tvf ry?mnio7 comf orSoM to"! blk
ful private home, good location. 1 blk. from central Slrv ' an a?rracUve
IN IRVINGTON district, very desirable :
C. S. home; rocm and excellent board MOct -r--ti.i- - oni
for business people; absolutely not M?j?Lk T Cheese ?S Snd
boarding house type. Phone East 9359. . ? ftl' oiSe'rm."" win-
BOARD and room in refined home for dows. 166 St. Clair, cor 22d and Wash,
refined people, home privileges, good Bdwy. 5630.
home cooking. 831 Garfield. Wood-
lawn car . . ' THE CROMWELL.
FEEL at home; nice room, congenial FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS.
people, good home cooking, iKvington; NOW UNDER NEW M ANAGEMENT.
walking distance; piano; furnace: ga- All outside 2 and 3-room furnished
rage. East 5807. - apts.; French doors and balconies, per-
WISH to share expense of small apt., manent and transient. Atwater 5108.
good location, with refined young lady, WELLINGTON COURT
business woman preferred; references UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.
exchanged. Bdwy. 6no. 5 rooma with beautiful golden oak
BOARD and large, well furnished rooms furniture, main floor; only 3 blocks
suitable for two people; also single from Washington st., phone included,
room with good cooking, reasonable $57.50. Bdwy. 1245.
600 Hoyt st. Phone -Main 1403. BERYL APARTMENTS.
LADY employed will find an attractive. Very attractive 2-room. newly fur
warm room in well kept modern home; nished and decorated; close in; must
excellent meals, properly served. Aut. be seen to be appreciated. 605 Lovejoy,
315-58. near 21st. -
IF TWO refined gentlemen want a real VERY desirable, lignt, airy, outside 3-
home I have the place; good home room apt., furnished, best of service,;
cooking, plenty hot water and heat. walking distance, plenty of heat and
Main 3177. bot water- $43 per month. j
BEST care for small children, $15 month. Broadway Court, 245 E. Broadway.
Wal. 5485. 772 Williams, near Beach. CHAMBERLAIN APARTMENTS.
Famished AprTments. JiiF, ?EW MNAMF:T
rv; ; " - and 3-room apts, with bath and
UNUSUAL APARTMENT. sleeping room; newly remodeled; rea-
5-room furnished apt. Every room sonable. East 008
large, light, airy. Large music room ,,PAN.,, , pq
with disappearing bed; living room, KAND OAK APTS.
dining room, private bedroom, white furnished, two and three-room.
Dutch kitchen, large bathroom. Wood- walking distance; $35 to $45. Grand
work in ivory; tapestry wall paper. ave. and Oak st.
Always an abundance of steam heat
and hot water. Telephone and janitor SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM.
service. The Meda Apts., block N. MOD. APTS. VK. OR MTH. E. 1090.
of E. Broadway, just across the Bdwy.
bridge. No. 377 Vancouver ave. FIRST floor front. 4-room apt., base-
ment and furnace; 3 blocks east of
Broadway baidge. 381 Koas St. Phone
. East WtHB,
?n ffiL npiaiiTf Modern J-room, hardwood floors,
H3.-Jg t JVatpr ' elevator, electric washers, lights and
OXFORD HOTEL. . phone; walking. 356 3d. Main 9-XW.
3-ROOM fuxn. and unfurn. apts.. in hifih-
clasa apartment house, with first-class
APARTMENT HOTEL. 2 3 uR 3-room apt., finely fur., French
' doors, silk drapes, h. w. floors, fur
Two and 3-room apartments and nace, fireplace, garage. Walnut 5930.
single rooms by the day; week or 1197 Cleveland.
month; Close to business center. Main FOR KENT 2-room modern furnished
, 0041- ! apartment, heat, electricity and water
FOR RENT Partly furnished 10-room furnished. $30 a month. 5S11 41st st.
apartment house In fine location; rent S. E. Phone Aut. fc'jl-1 1.
$40 per month. On account of the MARTHA APARTMENTS,
death of the owner, a player piano, 2-room newly furnished apts.. week
some furniture and rugs will be sold or mentn; also sleeair.g rooms. Main
for the best offer. Phone Atwater 3iTTtO 211.
Monday or any time later. t
Desirable 3-room fur. apt., 2 disap-
APARTMENT HOTEL. pearing beds. 251 12th st.
' 2 and 3-room apartments and single BERKELEY APTS 30 ' TRINITY
iin-rLwTmanKe-t special rates FOR YOUNG WOMEN
TIN PER NfcW MANAUE..via- l. Dormitory room and board, j per
4 rooms with beautnul golden oaK wpek. ae ni, it -; Moin Zi
furniture: main floor; only 3 blocks w.eek- 'jKVe d'arc
from Washington St.; phone included.
557 50 Btiwy 11M5. . 2-ROOM furnished apartment, large out-
TlJVaB-'iR'S-TsRY NICE APTS slcia rooms, brick building, reasonable
FuredREmod it- Wa.hinjton High Apartments.
warm, 4 rooms, $50: 4 rms. $55; 3 rms. .!L ?
$45 Will accommodate 2 to 5 persons THE BENSON, 20TH AND KEARNEY,
each Nicely furnished three-room apart-
THE COLUMBIAN, 11th & Columbia. ment; reasonable rent; Nob Hill dis-
3-room beautiful golden oak furni- 3-room, steam-heated, newly renovat-
ture- only 3 blks. from Wash st. Phone ed, furnished apt. in new brick bldg.
i n c I uded Rent $43. Bdwy. 1245. "f only 9 apts. 027 Union avenue North.
SUNNY" and well furnished apartment,
light and heat; also large, well fur-
. nished H. K. rooms, light and heat;
alfo garage. 571 Glisan, between 16tb
and 17th sts.
5 ROOMS, completely furnished, quiet
street, close in. yard and basement;
easy walking; car handy. $55.
J. C. CORBIN CO., Lewis Bldg.
Sunday call Sellwood uiuj.
WOMAN living alone wishes to get in
touch with middle-aged woman who
wants congenial home: references ex
changed, Mrs. R. C. Warner, No. 53
Fordhani apt.-. -
Two large, light, attractive front
rooms on Kenton carline, Lombard st.
at Albina ave., 20 minutes to town ;
-'2.50. Walnut 2042 or Broadway 3070.
3 AND 3-ROOM apartments, modern
turnishings, gas furnace, west side,
fine view; walking distance, $luO and
'$00 apiece. Main S583.
Furnished 3-room apt., including
piano; also one room ; no children.
Main R105.
2 ROOMS and kitchenette, including
steam heat, hot and cold water, light,
walking distance; $25. Bdwy. 4202.
243 N. 17 th.
vVANTED--Two girls to share lovely
apt., $15 per month each. Call for
Miss Jones. Atwater 2947. 304 Kath
erine apts. '
3 ROOMS with bath, dressing room and
sleeping porch, heat and hot water,
walking distance; rent $40; adults.
427 Rodney.
TWO-ROOM ground floor apartment, op
posite Ladd school, children not ob
jectionable. 300 Jefferson, near West
Lovely furnished 3-room apt., steam
heat, private bath, 2 beds, private
entrance. $40 month. 404 Market.
203 Stanton Street.
Ciean h. k. rooms. Is. 2s, 3s. Cheap
rates. Children welcome.
.NO Li ti i 1-Ij l 1& i KICT.
Pretty 2-room front apartment. $30.
29 Everett. Bdwy. 4205..
ONE 4-ROOM apt., nicely furnished and
clean; garage if wanted. Sellwood
1 200
THE ORDER LEIGH. S2 Grand ave. At
tractive modern 3-room suites, nicely
tin nished; private baths: reasonable.
WOMAN living alone will share beauti
ful apt. with woman owning a car.
Mrs. R. C. Warner, 53 Ford ham apts.
FRONT apts., two and three rooms, reas
onable rent, close in. Address 2S0 Clay
street. "
Three rooms with bath. 142 E. 30th
st. Tabor 2014.
IRVINGTON Furnished two-room apt.
fatkitchenette, bath, two closets. 443
Eas? 13th N. .
LOVELY rooms, housekeeping, only
$2". a month. 643 Upshur st. Bdwy.
TH REE-ROOM furnished bungalow apt.
rooms large, fireplace. Phone free. $30.
East 707S. S32 Wasco st.
VERY desirable front, top floor, fur
nished apartment at "Paramount."
Sublet Oct. 15. Sellwood 15.(V
A WORKING girl with reference wishes
same to share apt. expense. $12.50
each. Aut. 635-84.
Large, desirable 3 rooms, all outside,
sleeping porch. 730 Hoyt st. Main 1552.
TWO large rooms, well furnished, first
floor, private bath and entrance. Close
'in; reasonable. Call East 2700.
NICE 3-rm. fur. basement apt. : reason
able: private bath. 383 Williams ave.
East 5104. -
$25 UP; DESIRABLE, clean, homey h.
k. apt., mod., central. Particulars 415
W . Broadway,
SL'ITE two rooms, light, airy, pleasant,
newly painted. 534 Morrison st.
SUNN VCR EST, $28.50. 3 rooms, bath,
steam heat. 1S6 Sherman.
CLEAN 3-room apartment. I
Main o;;r. Rent reasonable.
F L KN1SHED 3-room apt., adulta, oniv
$2. 204 Ivy st. East 60S4.
BUSINESS giri tc
ment. rent $20.
share 4-room apart
Main 7601.
A LARGE light corner room apt., very
detirable. $4S. 402 Park.
MODERN 3 outside room apt., well fur
nished; very reasonable. Call East 6745.
Attra c five 3-room steam heated a p t.
TWO-ROOM and sleeping porch apt. 401
10th st. Mam 24 so.
-ROOM apt., reasonable walking dis
. tance. 32S Mill, near Broadway.
-AND 3-room modern furnished apt-
2- ROOM furnished housekeeping apt. I
1627 Peninsular ve. St. Johns car.
Furnished Apartments.
For tourist and permanent guest, the
handsomest furnished apartments in
the city ; I to 5 rooms and sleeping
porches; very artistic, light, airy and
exceptionally clean; few in ivory, wil
low, Chinese rugs and pongee hang
ings, floor lamp, etc. Those wishing
a home in eery respect, with refined
surroundings and Al service and maid
service if required. Single rooms and
suites for refined gentlemen. Refer
ences required. 166 St. Clair, cor 2d
' and Washington. Bdwy. 5830.
within five minutes' walking distance
from Portland hotel; rent very rea
sonable 355 Hall street.
Comfortable S-room apartment, com
pletely and attractively furnished. Call
Auto. 527-69.
ONE large front room with kitchenette,
newly papered, steam heat, lights,
phone, nicely furnished; -reasonable.
250 N. 10th. Bdwy. 40OO.
BEAUTIFUL 2 or 3-room apt.; shower
and spray bath; Instantaneous hot wa
ter; heated. Atwater 3005.
ONE 4-ROOM apt., nicely furnished and
clean; garage if wanted. Sellwood
NEW YORK apts.; 1, 2. 3-rm. apts.; gas
ranges, elec. lights, sinks, steam heat;
walking dist.; $4 up. 441 H Belmont.
ALTONIA APTS.. 10th and Marshall 2
and 4-rm. apts.. large, light, airy, un
furnlshed or furnished. Bdwy. 1412.
SHEFFIELD APTS. 4-room corner apt.,
2 sleeping rooms, dining room, kitchen
and bath; $65. Main 2500.
2-ROOM modern, nicely furnished apt..
sleeping porcn, running water, all Co
lumbia st.
ROOD APTS. Neat and clean
apartments. 1347 Corbett st.
water 4217.
UNUSUALLY attractive 3-room fur
nished apt.. $40;. heat, light and phone
furn. ; garage $5. Aut. 315-17.
434 Harrison St. Mhi 1052.
3-room unfur. apt., also l 2-rm. fur.
3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs.,
private balconies, $35 up. Atw. 1100.
WANTED Lady employed to share 4-
room modern apt., downtown location,
prlca reasonable. Bdwy. 4400.
AilC; COURT, E. 8th. Burns tie Walk
ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts.. 2 beds,
fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3561.
2 NEATLY furnished 3-room apts.. light
and phone free. $23 and $30; adults
Phone Walnut 2975. 3 040 E 35th st. N.
5-ROOM a part ment, beautifully fur
nished, walking distance: rent $G0. 24
E. Mh st. N. Bdwy. 1004.
MOORE APTS.. 415 E. 10th St. Newly
rurnisneu :-room. bath, apts., new
bulidin g. $-"7.5g. East 150 7.
FOR RENT A 3-room furnished apart
ment on west siue. rnone Atwater
Three-room modern furnished apart
ment. reasonable. 14th and Market.
$40 LOVELY 3-room apartment,
heated, hot water all the time ;
sirable. Main 3705.
3-ROOM apt., furnished, linen, light, hot
and cold water; private bath and toilet,
$25 per mo. 545 Water st. Atwater 2134.
WESTMINSTER Apt., Main 5582. Nicely
furnished and unfurnished - apts. 202
Sixth st.
Two rooms, kitchen, tiie bath and
dressing room; elevator. Main 0350.
3-room apt., private bath; $45 winter
rate. Atwater 2250.
2 and 3-room apts. ; walking dis
tance; opp. audftorium. Atwater 5560.
SERENE COURT APTS.. cor. E. 1st and
Multnomah. 2 and 3-room furnished
apts.. all outside apts.East 1426.
Two and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath.
11th and Montgomery. Main 0350.
ALCO apts.. E. Couch. Union, mod. 2-rm.
apta.. spotless, bath. 30 to $42.50.
NICE 1-2-3 apartments, walking dis
tance. Phone Bdwy. 6911, 117 N. 18t h.
UNION AVE. and Killings worm, tur.
& pt.. $21 50. Complete, concrete b 1 ri g.
1-BOOM apt., clean, light, airy. 6S0-4
Lomba rd. Empire 18 1 3.
THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 10th. 2 and
4-room apts. Broadway 365S.
NICELY furnished 4-room modern apt.,
close to car line. $30. At 4166.
2 AND 3-RM. furn. apt., 821 Thurman.
Atwate r36R0- .
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts,; easy
walking distance- 801 ' Front st.
NICELY furnished 3-room apt., on
ground floor. if9 E. Ash. Call E. 1371.
666 Glisan, 2-room apte.
Vnfnrnfehed Apartments.
4-room modern outside bungalow
apt-, steam heat; Janitor East 1300.
4-ROOM modern apt. Irving apartments,
21st and Irving st. Main 0230.
MAYO APTS.. 5it3V Union ave. N 3
room unfurnished apt. Walnut 0020.
3-ROOM apt., fine for economical coupie
Thurman st. near 20th. Atwater 4701
MODERN '3-room apartment, i vory wood
work, breakfast aook, 101 East 3d sU
Unfurnished Apartments.
There h only one 3-room and one 4
room apartment left in Portland's new
est and most modern apartment house.
These apartments have large, brignt
i'l-cms and overlook beautiful gardens.
SOo E. Hvoyt t.. near 24;h. East 7527.
NEW APARTMENTS. 3 and 4-room thor
oughly modern all large, sunny outside
rtvnis, desk-able neighborhood, walking
distance; private -garages, large yard;
rent reasonable to desirable tenants;
reference required. Call 9 A. M. to 3
P. M. Sunday, 34 East 0th North, cor
ner Coutv? st. .
A 2-room -eml-basement apartment
with outside entrance; very large liv
ing room, finished in tapestry paper
and ivory woodwork, electric stove.
Main 6041.
Fine five-room apt.; steam heu
wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor erv
ice; no children ; references.
210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6007
A two-room semi-basement apart
ment with ou'side entrance; very large
living room, finished in tapestry paper
and ivory woodwork, electric stove.
Main 6041.
Four large outside rooms apartment,
brick building, light and sunny. Rea
tonable rent. Nice bath. Good heat.
Washington High Apartments, f7 E.
Stark st. X
,5-room flat: up in first-class stiape:
steam heat and phone included ; only
3 biks. fro-m Washington st.; rent $50.
Bdwy. 124
and Thompson sts. 1 rooms, bath, hot
water heat, janitor service, etc. ; one
lower apartment, corner or inside, $50.
Xeuhausen 6c Co. Main trio 7 8.
Large 3-room. two dressing rooms. 2
disappearing beds, newly decorated, all
outside, fine view: must be seen to be
-appreciated. 605 Lovejoy st.. near 21st.
WASSELL Nice 4-room apt., all out
side rooms: disappearing bed; close
in; rent "-!; adults.
East 3252.
555 E. Yamhill.
MODERN 2-room apt,, oak floors
bath; private basement; close in,
- side. Walnut 2714. "
ARBOR COURT. 14th and Columbia. 3
room apt., unfurnished, very desirable:
ad u its ; reasonable.
trix'ttt Pt.AfR APTS A few desira
bie unfur. apfs. available at reasonable
renta.s. rnone Jroa a way oj ov.
4-room. modern front corner apt.. 1
blk. off Wash. St.: adults. Bdwy. 2 uL
4-ROOM unfurnished apt., private toilet
and bath ; no children over one year.
50th and Division. Phone Tabor 0416.
APARTMENT of A large airy rooms,
hardwood floors, steam heat. Lood
view, large yard. Inquire 625 Main.
2-ROOM apartment. $12; large yard; no
objection to children. East 836 1. SO
E. 8th st.
208 16th, near Taylor. Atwater 0128.
5-rbom unfurnished apartments.
23d st. 6-room apartment.
hot water.
4-room uniurnushed; heat,
Main 3705.
TWO-ROOM apt., newly renovated. 401
10th st. Main 24SO.
MORDAL'NT 5S0 Everett. Large mod
ern 4-rm. homelike: inspection muea.
-ROOM modern, steam heat, front and
back porches, ool ullsa'i
THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room
apartments, ornatiway .t.ipp
ALTER APTS. 6 rooms, tile bath, show-
er. 21st-Overton. Broadway 1080.
MODERN 3-room apartment for rent,
4871 Roselawn ave.
Furnished or 1 nfurnished Apartment.
BEAUTIFUL Gordon court, furnished or
unfurnished 4 or 5-room apartments,
flowers, .terraced lawn and ail that
goes to make up a beautiful home. 530
BEAL'TIFCL Gordon Court, furnished or
unfurnished 4 or 5-room apartments;
flowers, terraced lawn and all that
goes to make up a beautitul home. 530
4' 6 N 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and tin
furn. 3 and 4-rm. apts.: everything near.
Furnished or unfurnished apartments.
4-ROOM apartment, brick building, 371
Russell, near union
3 AND 4-ROOM Aria.
LARGE, rowmy, 5-room upper flat; walk
ing distance; Sunnyside; furnace, fire
place; in excellent condition; a real
home to responsible people for $45 mo.
7 fl Est Yamhill
L'Ph'ER t iat, 5 large rooms and bath,
attic, fuil basement, fireplace, location
east side, easy walking distance. 3d
' and Morrison sts. East 3349.
5-ROOM modern flat with garage If f
sired. 3 blocks from Broad w ay and
Williams ave. North. Call owner. 42oV
Rodney ave. Fast 857J.
DANDY 5-room flat. In good condition,
290 Marque st., foot of Halsey; only
10 minutes' walk from Union depot.
$30, including water. East rft-1
UNFURNISHED flat, 5 rooms and sleep
ing porch, east side, close-in ; ntwly
decorated. Owner, 79 E. 19th st. K
East 6:;'.1. .
5-KOOAi fiat for rent. 535 'a Mont gomery
at. Good location. $35 per month.
243 Stark St. . Bdwy.7B.t 1 .
13TH AND CLAY". 7-room modern, with
all conveniences; it must be seen to
appreciate. Seo Smith -Wagoner, Stock
Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill st. .
BEAUTIFUL lower fiat, close in; 5 large
rooms, bath, fireplace, furnace, oak
floor; adults; $40, including water, re
inoval garbage. Tabor 8171.
5 LARGE airy rms. on first floor, hard--.-rtrtrf
floors, fireohice. sleenine porch
first-class neighborhood. 205 E. 21st
St.. near Hawthorne. Call Bdwy. 1000.
IRVINGTON i-rm. modern lower flat.
oak floors, furnace, fireplace, water
heater, bath, gas range, wash trays,
sleeping porch. Tabor 801.
NICE clean 5-room fiat with bath, tonet.
$25: fur. for sale. $200. Call after 4
' P. M., 746 14 Johnson.
6-ROOM unfurnished flat. $25: near O.-W.
R. & is. sr. ops. i orris. iae
Miss, cn r.
PLEASANT 7-room upper flat, walking
distance Brooklyn car shops, yard, de
si rable neighborhood. Bdwy. 5157.
4-RM. UPPER, furnace, gas, range;
built-in beds; near Jefferson high; $30.
1040 Aibina ave.
MODERN, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, all
clean and new, in white enamel; close
in; adults. 440 Ross st. East 53&6.
UNFURNISHED 4-room upper flat; In
cludes lights and water, $17.50. 202
E. 45 rh. corner Taylor.
UNFURNISHED 3 lower rooms.
Includes lights and water. 202
corner Taylor st.
E. 45th
6t' E. 12TH ST.
5-rm. flat, furnace, fireplace,
Phone M. 3005.
i-RuOM lower flat, yard and basement;
all outside rooms. Will lease to adults
only. 078 Commercial st.
IN IRVINGTON; 2 nice 4-room flats. gs.s
ranges, radiant heaters and furnace!
C a'l 1 Walnut 0700.
SEVEN-ROOM Idwer flat, Holiaday addi
tion; present tenant wishes two rooma
East 38 5 Jl .
MODERN upper and lower flat, fine lo
cation, reasonable rent. Inquire Ta
bor 1811.
FLAT Extraordinary lower 6 rooms,
clean, attractive, porches, furnace, fire
places ; Nob Hill ; adults. Main 8740.
540 Second st.
5-room modern flat.
City Garage. Bdwy.
FOR RfiNT Lower 5-room flat, modern
strictly private; some furniture for
sale. 353 Sixth st
IRVINGTON Modern 5-room lower flat.
$50. 010 Hancock. East 6208.
MODERN upper flat, large porches
adults. $35.60. 300 Graham avenue.
6-ROOM modern fiat, close in,
st. Inquire ISO 10th st.
IRVINGTON Modern 5-room lower flat.
$50. 610 Hancock. Eat 0208.
b-ROOM modern flat, cloae-in.
bL inquire iw lein mi.
LPPER ti-room
309 1 X. I9th.
t:at. modern;
CHOICE 7-i oom Lat. large light room;
Grah am st. East SO 15.
5-ROOM lower flat, cloce in,
aiFtance. Call Bdwy. 008.
BEAUTIFUL Irvington fiat. $:2.5fl,
eluding private garag-e. East 170S.
12 V EAST 1 Sth st.. cor. Ah. Modern
5-room upper ; fireplace. f u rnac;. $4 0.
5-ROOM modern flPt. 606 Madison st ,
Me tz--rer-Parker Co., Bdwy. 535 5.
GOOD 5-room. upper. E. 12th. bet. E.
Burnside and E. Couch, adults.
-ROOM flat. $32.50; some furniture for
sale. Slain 12U0.
FOR RENT Lower flat of rooms at
312 E. 34th st.: aduits.
6 ROOMS, unturnisned.
2Tst and 226. Rent $"
Lovejoy, b-t.
Bdwy. 03(13.
4-ROOM corner fiat, private bath, g-a
ranpe. etc. Walnut 3307.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat.
Jaet o-&L
Attractive. 4-room fiat, ditwt pp-"-ing
bed, linoleum. ss range. 71 Et
2bth St., near Stark: rent $35,
G EO T. M PORE Co. . I'M '7 Y nlrt
FRONT loweT 3-rm. fiat, $20. East 4172.
5i"i E. Sa I mon.
Furnished Mat.
FURNISHED or unfurnished for lea.e.
by Oct. 1 at $5 and $5 pr month,
two S-room. one 4-room, newly fur
nished apts. ie-irabie location and
pleasant surroundings: walking dis
tance;, heat, hot and cold water fur
nished; large and airy room, private
bath, garage if desired. Aduits only.
180 E. 10th South. Phone East h47J.
BEAUTIFUL upper flat. hdw. furniture,
good location, ivory woodwork. D. Kit
chen, phone, radiant fire. ery thing
private. Adults. 2tS Kargo. cor. nis.
For kev, 0 4 Wms ave. E. 1719.
VERY deairao.e. 3 large, well
furnished rooms, in modern home ;
light, water, telephone, gas and laun
dry privileges. 111 E. 15th N. Phons
Walnut 32:;.
5-RM. FURN. upper flat; walking dis
tance; large outside rms.. $50. includ
ing water and garbage ; Sunn side
car; adults. 565 E. Morrison. Auto
ATTRACTIVE, nicely furnished 4-room
flat, strictly modern, newly decorated.
Al condition, aduits, reasonable. 542
E Ankeny, corner of 12th. Key at 54'.
4-ROOM flat, furnis-hed except bedding
and dishes, $26. light and water in
cluded. 70 W est cum ner. St. Johns
jra r. At water 69. "
4-ROOM flat, furnished except bedding
and dishes. $20. Light and water in
cluded. 70 West Sumner St.. St. Johns
car. Atwater tto79.
CLEAN, convenient flat for 3 or 4 people
employed. Private bath, stove h t.
walking distance. 1 block to S.S. car.
Eawt 552i. 071 Belmont.
VVI LL share modern furnished 5 -room
flat with one or two adults, employed:
t ast side, close in. Phonu Sunday and
evenings. East 0174K
07Vs E. COUCH ST. Fine flat in brick
building: walking distance. $30. Donald
Woodward, agent, lo4 2d st. Bdwy.
MODERN lurn. Hat. 4 or 0 room, piano.
187 10th st.. near Yamhill. Reasonable
to desirable tenants.
PakTL y" turn) sued Cat. 4 rooms and
bath. $30. Open Sunday 2 to 5. 140
E. 30th, ne ar Belmont.
FOR RENT Furnished flat, large, J ght
rooms; walking distance; adult.. At
water 3451.
FURNISH ED FLAT. . rooma, modern.
east side, walking distance, $05. Je
Ball is. Waketield, Frnn & Co.. .t 4:h
6-RooM modern Iurnished fiat with ga
rage if desired. Walking distance.
420 l Rodney av. East h." t 2.
FCRMSHKD 5-room fiat, f irepla
everything modern and up to date. 713
Kearney. .'Main i.iid,
FITRXISHKO 3-room flat, reasonable
children taken. 550 W Williams av
Apt. 3. 10-4 Sunday.
4-ROOM furnished upper flat, nice and
cis an, walking distance. 327 t. 17th
st., west side.
MODERN, well furn. 4-room flat, close
in; cheap to right party. 2S5 Benton
Ft. East S"!
$35 WELL-FURNISHED 3-room flat,
private bath, desirably located, per
manent, adults, references. t,an v.'ii
CLEAN, well-furnished 3 ard 4 rooms.
sleeswng porcn. garage. J r ir at.
NMPR' V fur. 3-rm lower flat. furn. heat
2 beds; use of phone: electric, gas. 333
Fi'kXiSHED 3-room flat for light house
keeping. 755 Belmont St., corner Eaat
4 l.AHCH ntatlv furnished room's; rea
sonajle rent; gas, -electricity; private
bath. Phone Main 0M9.
4-KOuM mod. Hat,
Walnut 0671.
H'Jd Fremont.
3-ROOM furn. Hat,
nut 6183.
027 Thurman. Wal-
i.ROOil furn. flat. 2H8 Fargo. East
1719. For key call 04 Wms.; adults.
4-ROOM, nicely furnished flat. 010 Com
mercial st. Call 10 to 5. Atwater 2M12.
IRVINGTON Attractively furn. flats.
H e a t,li g ht. gas. 711 Thompson st.
NICELY furnished 3-room flat. 10 East
18th st.
4 ROOMS, partly furnished, $13; no chil
dren. 1422 E. Everett.
4-ROOM furnished flat, $16; gas heal.
21 Morris. Take Miss car.
FINE lower 6-room furnished flat, close
In. $75. Main .V.tOO. 330 13th St.
NICELY furn. lower flat, choice loca
tion. Tabor 8H7ft.
3-ROOM modern furnished flat; adults
only, garage if wanted. Walnut I'.aft.
$30 FLAT, 423 Knott st.
glehart, Bdwy. 5022.
key 430. En-
NICELY furu. 3 or 4-room flat. 1013
Gantenbein. cor. Alberta, near Jef. H.
FURNISHED 5-room lower flat, cloae in.
East HM:
$25 4 RMS., modern, gamce. to steady,
clean tenants. v airut
;.R()Uj1, well furnihed, steam- heated
" flat. Walnut park. Phone Walnut 3173.
7-ROOM furnished f ftit. modern. 501
Everett St., cor. 17th. Bdwy. Q12.
A LARGE, light corner 4-room apart
mtnt. 2 bedrooms. 402 Park.
3 ROOMS. vilKing distance, $25. 01
12th; near Mark.
THREE-ROOM fiat, private bath, heat
and phone. Walnut 22-t,
4 ROOMS and bath, lower flat, com
pletely furnished. 037 E. 7th etN.
3-KOOM flat, Irvington district. 05
Tillamook st. ,
Housekeeping Room-.
IN SUITE or single; clean, desirable
h-o-usekeplng rooms; rent reasonable.
5S Alder. ,
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
clean and newly papered. $20. Atwater
0070. 204 14th.
TWO H. K. rooms with private entrance;
a sink with running water. $5 a week.
East 7650. A
FINE. large. comfortable kitchenette
apartment. $4.."0 a week. $16 a month.
lOs 13th and Morrison.
4 FURN. downstair h. k. rooms,
venient, comfortable and light.
E. 34th st.
2 UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms, modern
except heat. Call 882 Williams ave.
Walnut 30i0.
VERY clean, desirable H. K. room for
couple or 2 young ladies employed,
reasonable. 107 N. 17th. Bdwy. kim7.
NEW LY furnished housekeeping room,
with kitchenette and bed, sitting-room
in steam-heated flat. 403 12th st.
TWO NICELY' furnished H. K. rooms,
suitable for two: five minutes from
town. 320 Main street.
-ROOM furnished II. K.. 5 minute'
walk to Yamhill market. $23 a month.
3'Mt .itn st. Atwa;er
Hi 1 MINNESOTA AVE. 2-room iur
fnr light H. K., gas, electricity free.
Wood 1 aw n 3488.
NICELY furnished 2-rnorn housekeep
ing apartment; reaeonable rent. 275
Nort h 21st St.
ONE and two rooms, furnished for H. K.,
use of phone and bath, running water.
208 Montgomery st.
AND 3-room H. K., cloe to schools,
churches and library. 01 E. 12th, neai
TWO ROOMS, aleo three: accommodate
four; wall bed, h. w. floors. Walnut
THREE furnished h.
month. 6M Hoyt.
rooms, $25
ONE sleeping, one H. K. room, c'.use in,
clean. 38 Salmon st.
LARGE rooms with kitchen. $3 and J 3. AO
per week, walking distance. 573 3d st.
SUNNYCREST Steam-heated h. k. rms.,
priv. bath, optional. ISO Sherman.
2 AND 3-ROOM h. k. uites. gas range,
new furniture. 322 14th st.
NICELY furnished large front room for
1 ! gh t h. k. 5"7 Clay st. Atw. 3i"'.
1, 2 HOI'SEKEEPING rooms, $2.5 up
200 ' First. Taylor apts.
DENVER APTS 208 Wash. t. H. K.
rms., single and double. $2.75 up.
TWO-ROOM suite, telephone, batn, hot.
cold water, o
67 N. 2tth. Bd--
4 1 23.
SINGLE or double h.
hot and co'.d water.
k. room, heat,
S3 N. 21st ft.
bTEAM-HBATEI) h, k. rooms, h. and C
water, 3 to $7 w eek. J 47 13th st.
'-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart
ment, $ week'y. 35Q 14Th at.
elec. bath
well furnished. 2
544 Pet tyg rove.
room auite.
EXTRA good 2-room auite. running
water, sink. 031 Thurman.
N ICELY furn. 2 -room H.
2:30 X. lth rt.
K. apL, at
FURNISHED housekeeping rooma
FURNISHED 2-room suite,
tance. $20. Main 6105.
talking dls-
FUUR furnished h k rooms, $20 month.
Room 2. 253-. Wash.
2-ROOM front apt.. 3-$ V 12th U Thon
Main !;.
ROOM-. H. newly furnished, clca,
t2 and $22 month. 422 2d.
ill 1 1TH FRNT H. K.. room. $2 mo.;
2-R, suite. $6.50 wk. On tr?l floor.
3-ROOM apt.. $25,
business center.
4 minutes' walk
3t6 Fourth st.
SINGLE h. k. room for rent, bachelor;
everything furnished. 306 12th st.
ONE LHiHT H. K. and two sleeping rma.
with furnace heat. 147 North 21st wt.
STOVE hated s!p. rm.. $10; h. k. rm.. t
both $20; furn. 00 E. 2th N. E. 67 2 -s
2 GOOD furnished H. K, rooms. Privats
entranc. 315 22d U 1M '
II iiUmV editing R-tfn.
Com f y
F Lliiii r. Noll HILL.
hertul frnt rimm. hi-'nnr;
run; f !or iam p. f irp .
h -p rate drowning room rnl mt-
i bene tie : i-nm m i : piov f.i .
rvrvthiii furm-hod. 3X Hoyt
: ret.
N K W 1 . Y furninl d I:, k. r. 1 Kipping
i"om. walking d.Mn, 1 h'.m k from
l.T car, 2 !- Mn uth of Muimom-1
t-iuh. 2'i't NartUla, cor. Maul-on. Al-
v ;i n r 41 7 ...
i AND 3-i:ooU suit, a, $12 to !n
h. k ron.. to $! pr mnih;
bacbelors ir couples: tubby: M "'
rates to m-lftvlr- boy Ttm Vaughn
p:s , N I'tfh and VitiiKhn Bt"
la "i;T;E" itTVi MKi n a IEW
2-room tiite. hout-k'-ptng. runn'ng
water, uutful rwm. f .n f T -oup
with one mi.d, 0 Pftan At-
w.iifr 25'Ni.
1 AND 2 -ROOM ieam-nrat. 0 fc. k. apts..
c'-an and well turni-hed. modern,
large cloM-ts. good bd. tra pbons.
reanonal ie. 142 Shaver l. cur. Aibma.
Phone Walnut 7o7. -
2 EHYnlre. ctran furn"'hi d hu.k-p-ing
rt'omM newly paperrd and pmmed,
electric liRht-, km ranRe- not and co.d
w ater, bat h and phutta. laundry priv l
lips. 312 Cherr.
J -LARGE. c.ean. unn h-.-t h p. ;.
room; beauinul vie; near ar. 15
nunutrs to 3d and Morrison ; $2i per
month. ;1-JJ-- .
WORKING girl w i.he to ehre h-r
l o-rom apt. with g'rl eiiit!v-d ;
walking dtetHnce. wt aid. Atw-slwr
2204. 3 12th
RWOM and kit. hen.-iie, wry cln. ui-..
uiet loffitiun. near city park. 7i l-K
ave., cio Council Cret car. lain
427. .
4 NORTH H.Tii. mar Wtmh . .ant- H.
K. room, ftrpt floor, kitchenette. wtr.
fireplace; walking distance ; no chll-
lr-n. .
TWO luv ri w arm front f lrt
floor; alho room and kitchrn-ite, l-'5-ether
room-, $10 to $13 monthly. w53
P lander- ft.
Null HILL. rle. put and H hi h'.u--keeplng
room for rent. ever thing lur
nifhed. t urnsee heal '& Irving, b-
tKCT 21m and 22d sts. N
NEAT and clean, front II. K. rmm with
kitchenette, water, lights, bath, phone
and heat free, easy walking distance.
340 College et. n iitT
LARGE, clean. iozy room-: iom" k it -i-heiiet
tea ; hot or cold w-iter. thOdren
welcome : low rat -. 5ol Harrison.
a hove 14ih. Aut . 51 1S
ENTRA large front 11. K. room; also
steeping rom. turnlsh
nery renaiDnbiC. Bdwy. 42"i,
Everett m t
ONE light. fre!Ji;.v (Hicltiiined and p-tlnt-
it room wit h kitchenet ie, on 2d f .r.
$25. s preferred. Bdwy. 14 or
O'lO Hoyt.
NICELY furnished, i.ean single houw
keeping room; also 2 and 3-rm. house
k eep ing spar's. 4 2 4 lM t. '
LARGE front room s-nd uchen?tte.
light. phon and heat; $25 pr nvinth,
l oa E. l nth. E. wys t.
TWO clean H. K. room in the basement
with heat, light an1 gas furn. for $14
Rdwy los4 or OOP Ho t.
TWO H. K. room- with private entrance,
a cink with running water, $5 a week.
Kn.Mt 705O.
NICE. c.ian huke.p:ng room fr
ba hlor. 110 per month. 103 HJth st.
Vhone Main A'.KV
fal'NNY 2-room ulte,
laundry; for 2 or 3
' tmn. 3tti ii'th st.
b-ai. s.nk. i.l.ine.
adults; Bond loca
Mmn 15JH.
TWO furnished housekeeping r.i.nn.
cb an anil newly paired, $25. Atwater
HOT:. 204 14th i
401 EAST "jaUKKISON, corner Fast "h.
furnished 1 and 2-room 11. kL. apts .
IRE REAVER 12ih and Marshal ror
r'sbed h. k. rooms. IIS up. includlrf
hot water, elec. ''ifhts. launtlrv r-cm
VLKY desirabie, r.ew!y fur. 1 and 2 h. k.
rot m-; neat, lisht, bath, pi. one, c oa
In. 513 Yamhili nt.. cor, 10: n.
TWO .arge. H. K. rooms and lac
ing ear-t and south. l ht and phone.
515 Yieta ave. Aut. ino-2t.
1 Fl RN fSHJS I sleeping nm and 1 uti.
f urnifhed 2-rooui apartment. 200 1
1 1 road wa y.
OR 3 housekeeping rottti -Urn n :
partly or unfuriiih-rt ; tiet car irv
l.-e in city. Inquire .V )S Ha a t h o r n
Xli'KL Yf i j r 1 1. II. K. r m
H. K. RtJOMS, tlii and "up.
J7.UI ..!nt,
204 12th Ml.
3 CLEAN, Tort able bnsem-nt rimm,
electric light, m-, sink. r'oet
snd phone; wen aide; walking distance.
, 1 .Montgomery i.
WELL furnished 2-room .ipt. with kitch
enette; first floor, wa king d,
light, heat, gas, telephone. $j-. lul
East 17th sL
L- R;E well furnished h-t-d r-ni.
with or without kitchen privlUa-.
pnnne and cv-rythmg Iurnished. ladies
only. 14 Col i'ege
LIVINi; room and shewing room, kltih-n
privilege, comfortable hoina n-r J' f-
fi rm.n high: working peopia preferred.
lis: nve.
TWO-Rito.L neatly lurtushe.i house
keeping suite with sink, pantry and
clothes closet, furnace heat. MS Yam
hili. LAROB. siry. atsm-be
k itch-net t e, mnk, 1
niont h. 4 45 Columbia
-I h. k
fioor. $30
TWO unfurn Ik bed house k vlng
with k ;t:hnet". w a i king t
r.Af-t 3".4. 1VI E.it14h.
F 1 R It ES'T N-w ly tinted and pspere.1.
furnish e housekeeping rooms, west
side 200 Chapman "f-
1 SIS';LK H. K. loom. $.. a .-k. 1
single basement, H. K. room. $2 75 wk.
1SM 1'h st.. ht Yamhill snd Tlof.
$27. SOLOWER f lo..r. furnished . lar se.
runny rooms, close in. d.a wesottr,
corner E. 1 ft st.
LIOHT houseke'piiis rooms, kitchen
ette; phone, bath, light a, fuel; $40.
Auto. ;t l .-".
TWO housekeeping and 1 peeping room,
clean: a ' k ing 1iaiance; all conven
iences. 1 20 North 1 M h st.
1-P.fMMKD furnished cottg
2 block!
fro-m St. John car. 13,
Vlllard ave.,
5 HKAl TIF1 LLY furnished rvm and
kitchenette, out or the oro inary. yu
C'nrt'ctt. Main fO 10. Worrferf ul.
2 HOl'.SLKKIJ'INO roon.s
2 ai.eotn
roH.niK. 1!2 L. St.;
-a'.I Monduy.
EJt'I I'I'KK. mo.lern furni-hd H K.
rooms, man una -1 1 - or i wn sinaie,
each $2 week!v. V.xmt 41.'.0.
CLKAS' h. k. room.-, runntn water,
first floor, near I'm h sni Washing
ton. 03 l-fla. lUlwv. 2i-5.
furnished rooms.
et el'le. Walking
Monday. At. lo:;H.
Fl.KA.sAS'T rontn for liRht hoti-kr'p
ing : reaaonatie, waKiiig distance, .,j ,
llih wt. '
LAKCE. well furnhcil room, block
from carline, no cmuiren, uaa ot pnon,
$3. Kmplre 1172
LA RC, K 2-room front suite, well furn..
light", phone, sinK, gas range, cioss in.
44! VontgotnTy.
CLEAN, f urn. h. k. room a. first floor.
nice him, near car, mrritd coupis,
Aut. tK'I-32.
CLEAN, well furnlfhwd rooms, every
thing Included In rent. 0h5 MarshaU
or Ildw-y. 31 a.
LA R(i B basement h. k. room. privt
entrance, running wmt, iignra. m
p loy ed peo p epr ferretf. 5 1 2 Clay.
H. K. APTS. 3 rooms unrurnlsh
Ing distance to B. 1. shopa
bl East
TWO large H. K.. rooms, everything
f u rnlwb eg nut gas. i m io rn i
H. K. ROOMS; walking dl-tsnc. 273
Williams ave. f.aj-t ra. i cc.
LAR E, w arm room, born priv ilega.
walking aiManm, m-rw. ai. -..
TlOl P KK.E KPING rooms. ti.4 Gilean. At
wcter 01.'7.
CLEAN) w arm. H. K . room, one , ngls
room. Ever y thing furn. Atw. 1 5i2.
FURNISHEI housekeeping snitw
Walking d)?tn a 34 E. l.'ith
1 Ko'.iM, Kit' hen pr.v.. bnih. 112;
)ng distance. 360 Pjicjf r n!.
540 E.
Ad-J'T on'
11. K. rooms
UoiiM an'l k i: bei.e; if. corn pi.
Coup p emp Q' en pr"i'Tr'i L",li
K k7.M. with kiti-heo prlvil'gc. 4'-th and
Hand y, Howe City. A If 6 . ore g r . n 1 an .
FRONT 3-rom apt., f urn wee he;tt ; ao
sua h. k. room. 3 3 1 W . f a r k .
2 VERY nic h.
Kat 4- 2
k. rooms, heat snd
FT! K. K M sir bis
up. 16 E 6th. Ci-T
and ilouOl
tjmelde an
6 M.
I. K. room with kit
water. lTo l.ith s;.
SMALL housekeeping room, 'i
a r i i ! . r n t . f 1 ' a m on'ri. 644
A id-r
2 AND 3 LAHLii modem
2 40 13 h y.
ltijoM and hoard . gent.eman preferred.
Wan ut 417
4 AND $-"..-0 Ecel. nt h. k.
couple cr 2 PiH. t't fcrr-ett
THHKK hoiin'k" pinK rooiTia. fiiimeh-.!.
$2.V Th4r til 7--'. 10" KuM AMer t.
LA PJi E single h k. room, hot water.
heat, eleciric JirbC 2 4 1 2 h at.
J F U R N If H E I H K rooms for
M a t h So arc-i's.
, OR lurnitiecj hk. rutin
able. East 122
rnt reajftn
$-t Koom. k.t'bcn. uee o' a hom tor a
re 1 r co u ! ' 1 e. l a I n O . 4
LA R'j E furnished huuaekf-pirg roum,
lij p r mon?h. Tshor i;u
J MCE rl'-an rooina. furruhd h. k.
close in. Albina ave. Hainut ibbX
FOR nrT. .
IitttiMfr-pm n.nm tn -r el4 emit.
2 t oss Kt I I N'i i.u. p.'-s ri-.H.e
wilh a! cold ' !. ltMt
!- p-- l ' b- r pr 11. t ' t'-f
rou't.f emi;4 vr t-r t ari-4
-iria -0 I'hwne '
-71 K. 3ih at .
LAROKaini andd"U-- lu''- ""
kep.r. r nn fvr p ,
pr t- nlrin. 1
Waincin, n ?: ! Ue
ton, pnr raerat. . f!""" '
qu.r-1 1 J t
"".NOB II ILL; WAl.klV'i i fT A N K
l.iv. rmiiii w in un pi' H, m.
a-r-ned i.r Lm h k. '
Oav en . t . f t i I -
nipi.-'n!. I-Tio ' I : iim
eT;i .7' si m-" rn M i '.
Il n i, ar Whiinian and Tth t K
(rllv lurm.hrtl it rd .
no .itu-c t i..n to rhl.lf""V .
. hewl an.1 tretrr. rJ ' .
1 fcl.lT luVn.-U-d o.ift. . ' l
keiin rwm. nar in . I' w t 1 ,r"
in saa. ) trie t hl. rl
c.r.l ate. du.l. K-Wl 1--L
45 H.-'-.-y - -
2 SICKLY furn. .. ut I eod
II K. ; a.a 1 alexia i rwm
l-sbi. fti. b-lh and th-i.
,.t-V TT
l.AKGf:. .
b a t. bt ' I
(idutt ant
v art f root -
not and c.-i
. phore:
. ; r nt 5
:k'.i.a .Ci' 2l,
M o: it s h k t
r- o m wit n bo r d
distance, ba.f t'U 1
l:(ini tara. '
V . 1 7
if neIf el ; '
tt I an& 'I 1
ran Rafael.
LA H'ilC. c. mn furnth-l r in and h
Dulc i kthrii, nwn :ht. and
elertilc w-h-r :0. ilwth .!
tr.-t Tb.r 7I..'
KltoNT iit .f hit
. K. in-.,
ete. trlcliv. trt'b
ltd -ay 2;ia, 4mG S
and jnth
Maiatia.t. fct. IfU
lira frnt )1 K t..iti.
kitrhtiel ta. mely TurTkh'1.
cati'-fi. mtilied pooi-.r (fetfr
Mni;tsm'rv t I'lXilie "Main
,4 l.
ONE I U.A' hueweepir
an1 beating iluvi, -ee
Kmrnt h St. Dear
V. ml
t r
MCELY f.i-nishd s-iiie wf i - f....m
and kl( henne. water. Hhi. h-'.
phone one h o k to Htjnnwtd csr. 19
Ko! Va nt hi T i-
1RV l.t
.N home, 2 tr n
cheap: free heat. Lght. watr: t -
coupe for cr ot f-rnscs.
or lor Ml .
57 12TH fcT Ap-rtf-rrl, kit. ! neM
s, light, heet furnished. s.hiog tfia
k ' H H IvNT
Vrr deatrable - -rom onfurwin
modern house, good rd. b'
and alley, near nr. n p a- ir
4-5 month
T-'t 8t. ti, K Aut. lS-fta.
Take Mt. .ott car. t" T-"t et.
I0 T hENT.
e thiN. $.' down. $j pr mfith;
c carfare. Mount Hcoil rmr to T
monl station, wn.k pouth niila -
7-d st. to Millers mail bos . ,
nn.l w h te bise on l ' ,
btitvicfc; i-t itiCMtRj.
lTft SKts KKl KH t-T'-lir
1'UHTI.ANW TltCMr " 'r tWK'HJ.
SI XT1I AM M' 't'V'-H' 'Vy 1
i-K'H'M h"ua n f'- '"''-'""n fu" ' "
ment baaeinent. fucnace. taun-lry
K.fK -,--in back trt'K h.
trU-lly. nli f lawn. I t.-c a f
hard surfaced tr-i" lot
ave. A, 'il ls Key ntiT rt or.
I-vala nl
14" .
NKW 4-Hi.HM irtdern bunal. " '
Oistrpt, n.y 4 btiM'ks I- car, a
at l-A mo,
Zy 73 ht. i K A' IV
lake Mi !scr,t car n Tfm..M
h u u
It'i ra
basement, etc.. I bloha rrm m. '
csr. t i -mm t school. mofttb. . I
44th a.- A. V.
io t, xtHtnn co..
FH U ES T Kurmh'l t uniiM..Mi
ntodiTti horn. 1 rmima, aoi -aa'-r n--.
a irstge Can -n at ant dme
Ta.'H sndv blvd . r.rnr Ka-t 47h et
Hce rkiitn Jordan, $-1-4 I ham. of
b -t
M t
UB. ,tM"
bi'M ka
on A.efa ar; !'
' .0 toer TTtoftl h, IrvctU
at reel . $
ltwxt in an at . rnr
Hunday or B. N. af'r
- it
i Ol. close in. -.rn-r
d floors. i?.nd-rn In f si
suitable f.r runtini hnje-. w" Jon term ! r-i tiat .
P-r inutith. K. lrMd". cr. I
lt;h st K $.w .-
Nice 6-room h"s with (
room (-.
, , e r i y f i .
several fia ranlr
TAk"H 11
tic, cement baaeniii.
fir-i a'. b!
tr t on pr "
itlU $?th t-
pr rrtoni-
es to Ad to 4 r. M
1 Mil I I.V ttturt' m t I''M
b.t. aar age. hardw m r .
t -fii i
tion ran- In kic h-n . v "
re"! hsif bi h ffn luretM-
park At arIT , ,
FTilhK and garage. 1 K . r-ar
Hornsld. larga ard. frutl lr. Mi
lai'or district, hMiii 1 and l-sr
or tt.qijif.. lOttJ-:. H
fTviTh'Mi" t-r ters f a '. ! 4l.
Hustling watef. I ght ol P f""
chl. kens 1 . Rusit st. N. rfir
K a s t1 ";h
iMI H-Uffii h'-us. 5 K. i ' .
between 1'lvlslr.n artl ( llnt-n ,
Ko h R'rhmnni rrine. ail
II s-ai!. I a '"' l M " . S a
vTf:lTkU !"- "t"n modern. Mabl
fr board n howae. ' rr rant
ronma Walkf dts'anc. lMt
Morrison car J0 N 2 1 at St . m
CnH KN'UMKI up'r Lai with
1MKI K "A ashing n. waar $-'-.
( all Vn'1sv. H . i. Htaub. 101
mnnl TsiKf i2
ROM-! l IT V -- 'hrerful f" m t.ur.fti-
furnae, flrer'ace. hardwood li"r.
$1.. ieae, a.. n-d s tan
1 37 It. lrnmediatsposeas).
il bh -riotn hos in Irv!.to,
hardwo-d ff-ors, futna. ftrapiat J
r-piri pArrhrii, rrit $"t. ea Wsk
fl.lrt, FrJea Co., mjih H, ,
FORTLAN I H r.lGHT.H 1" room nta f-t
house, furnace; rent $' Wl l g
leae. WakerieM.KrJe
FT-K SALE or rent Mnd-rti im'-irn h
4-room rou-e, larga Iu' h kitchen,
4 RixiMH. tower finr.
rM-n ii
Council "r---t ; haf h.
bam-. fu
ns-e modern rnnv'tii'f1
Main .17
4-ROOM lor fat, aiov and hno.-u-l
rnr sale 1'hona Wain 2tM ev-ni-g a
and S'lfiday
itdern otiniir Ifmi, ir. a aj
1M acres, lieavertwn. )lr.
H iK RN" . - ro-.m buns iw. . "t
t.r heat. E IHth and Tar. or Man
k4 to
$H'i7l huntri'ow. tance, heal"".
1 urnishe-t. $35. M1 C b Lnf'-rma
turn 1112 K Clav. ft-ar '"h
4-Ki7iM hdUM with 2 lol-. ie. 'f.c . t
an'l im, rent $1 month. alt 27
Fifth st
0 K h 'MM. t arn and s r I--. $
rnorno, lncl""d p-rch, IRrtf
512 K HT.I ViK n M 1
Ki i M lu- lor
HamJy on ; at .
1m y H'tn-la v Kti r
for. I. bf k ' r
owner at hjni a'l
F ' It KENT , r.
tut h at. H. hi. Call
h it at
,ni 1"W a
at !- V.
4-1 J
Uoo'liawn h'd an-1 'i
bl- prty v nut "'n 3
ar, L rwpansi.
to-r"M". $
dec. .rated 11 2
i - 21 V-
.-ltM M buna l'w
ni a. a'l -r;y
ntnlj;i .
en hniiM, fru.t and
flowers. Ot n-r.
jr Wesf T'ark rt
LSVt KNiHEL house,
t-tors, g;trage. Owner
i-ant No cm n"i ' i 1
Ti" r" KH S urTluinihe-l 4 i
Mart of hnu. fu I ban
n "M h Cm I f "J 1 t s.1
toe.e.l t
with o"-u
lol'KKS 0-r"'tn h ,u
t ri 1 -
b'-rhood, distal
T'h, n ar
-'"T l.rV.-. c-i,ll :
4'tll K f'nn h r M
It." -O Tanr 1
HuC fr
lna car
lk7sb- n
e v. '- K r
tn r.'-i-. IV
LKAI Tlh 1 I-
K'M iVI upfurn !h'd h'
nrt Ws)nt'j'""i
KuiVmh s' d b?h 41
ieci r .( $( f
2 1 t ,
I nutr fi Itstiwai
H. lit h M hi. pari
K-h tolng
$ RMS.
i in h .
h st
rpt t'IMmf w
r f-r-.,. V; ;
MMid td.-r. ssa.
Ini't're -'i
- ' lirt
IH v n- i
X T 10 IUVMH -4lvW UomI'II