T31E SUNDAY OJIEGOXIAX. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1923 13 TO EXCHANGE EEAL ESTATK. A. DOZEN GOOD CHANCES TO TItADS. f No. 1 1 40 a cres. near Leba no n. price $14,000, want land Idaho. Mon tana, eastern Oregon or Washinerton. No. 2 :0o acres, 10 miles from En fene, good dairv proposition, price $12,000. Will consider property any where up to $8000. No. 3 27 lota In Portland, value $l2o each, want land in eastern Ore gon, Washington or Montana. No. 4 stock farm, Iouglas coun ty, price $S000, want small ranch, or city property up to $.000. No. 5 226-acre stocked and equipped , dairy, price $it per acre ; wants city property to $0000. . No. tt 80 acres near city. $12,000; residence $3000, trade both, for stock rancn. No. 7 $3000 worth of secured notes Tor rancn or city property eyuat vaie. No. 8 1-60 acres on paved road, value $16,000, wants garage in Willam- mi'tte v h 1 1 r- v . No. 9 -$5000, 120-acre ranch, wants atock of merchandise; wul pay cash No. 10 ISO acres, dairy and stock ranch, value $14,000, "wants ranch near Aurora, Or., tnis has line buildings ana is a dandy. No. 11 45 acres and 40 acres near together value $100 per acre, located near Eugene, wants property in Port land or near Sherwood. No. 12. 320 acres in Lake county s first payment on Portland house or equipped ranch value $3ii00. We can trade properties of merit anywhere. See Mr. Hyde at 324 Henry building or write KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO.. Eugene, or. WANT CITY PROFK-KTV. 4S9 acres in Coos county, near Norta Bend, fine dairy and stock proposition; good house with modern plumbing, new barn which coat $ti000, other buildings; 21 fine Jersey cows, other stock and full farm equipment. Price $23,000; will trade for city property and as sume. Antther client owns apartment nouse m gcod town, paying aDout ouu a year net, price $45,000. clear. Wiil give this as part pay towards apart ment bxuse in Portland and pay or as sume difference. LUEDDEMANX COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce P'dg. I AM THE OWNRR of best hotel in good WMlamette valley town ami will sell or trade at once, to move to Portland; besides hotel I have other income property on same corner and will trade all, with completely fur nished hote-1, going business, for Port land property, at $8500; less for cash; best of terms; must do business at once. Mrs. Leo, owner, at bail wood 40O4, tod a v or Monday. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO. 4th Floor Couch Bids. Bdwy. 0787. EXCHANGES. All sizes, anywhere, every where. See us. We can match you and do it quick if your proposi tion is fair and reasonable. Let's Co. PETERSON-YORK CO.. INC.. gy 4th sC Edwy. 8019. Ground Floor. SEATTLE NOW BUILDING LARGEST J.r-JVlCfci ULIU'I.NU IN WESTERN AMERICA. Seattle apts., close in; 29 apts.. most ly 2 and 3 rooms, furnished; annual in come over $10,000; price 147,500; terms; consider some trade. Also other Seattle-Portland exchanges, $10,000 up. R. L. ELLZEY, wth F. M. JORDAN & CO.. Ampriran Bank Tt;de, Seattle FOR SALE or exchange 40-acre farm, 21 miles from Portland, 3V miles from good small town ; half cleared ; good buildings; fine trout stream; four acres potatoes; ideal berry soil; $3800 or $ltJ00 cash; balance terms or will ex change for home in Portland near qual value. Phone Auto. 619-92 after evenings Address Farmer, 4811 45th ave, S. E. tt 4 0 - A C R E WHEAT RANCH. All in cultivation; 300 acres in sum mer fallow ; fair buildings ; fine well; on good rock road, close to school, 3Vfe miles from good town. Price $35 per acre; will trade for valley farm or city property. LUEDPEMANN COMPANY. 314 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, near county road. 3 acres cleared, fenced and cultivated. 30 bear ing fruit trees, some berries, good well and spring, 4-room shack, some fur niture, 2 chicken houses. 00 choice White Leghorn pullets; $1150 cash, or will exchange for 2 acres and small house near car line. Captain W. J. Saunders, Stelia. Wash. EXCHANGE. We. have incame property in Mc- .oiinnviiie to exchange for property In Portland or Los Angeles. Brick and stop nunmng; valuai ion S..2.(h10; ne Jncomo $415 per month. Will bear in vostig-ation JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox BIdg. Bdwy. 137-V WILL TRADE FOR OTHER PROPERTY .iuu equity m two n-rooin houses, Laurelhurst district, near car, --uu mcumnrance on eacn. $1200 40 acres. 4 miles from Kalnma, Wash., timber cruises rtOO.OOO feet; joins large timber tract. GEORGE E. ENGLEHART. Bdwy . B 2 2 . 305 Henry Bid. WANTED. A good 2 or 2 '-fe -ton truck and some cash for my equity in a fine 5-acre tract, 1 mile from city limits'; has at kinds of fruit and berries, a fair 6 ronm house, barn and chicken hous rail Tabor B004 Sunday, or McCTure & schmauch, 300 Railway Exch. bldg. IRRIGATED alfalfa farms and wheat ranches for sale or exchange, located nt KonnewifK ana Richland. Wash and in eastern Oregon, to trade fo valley farms or Portland property and assume. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. Bdwy Qfi75. i10 llonrv Bide EASTERN ORE. FOR WESTERN OR K 80 acres, irrigated; water rights paid up; ; acres under cult.: alfalta. mod ern bldgs.. stock, crop and equipment. clear, $16,000, for farm in valley or on coast. IT. W OSBORNE .CO.. 432 Cham, of Com. bldg. TORTLAND PROPERTY FOR TRADE. Choice piece of close-in Portland property, with good income; price $00.- w". win consider rarm or city prop erty to $40,000, balance mortgage LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. - "14 Chnmber of Cnmmrc SPLENDID MODERN HOTEL BLDG. in good town. N. E. Oregon; full price $8."0O; ready to operate: fine opportu nity: will -take property here ia ex change. See ovnwr, at office of O U. SKOTHKIM REALTY CO. 4th Floor Couch Bidg. Bdwy. fiTST WILL trade JO-room house in first-class condition; steam heat: 50x100 lot. close in on west side; value $12.000 ; want 17 to 20-room house, above 0th st., nn west fide; will consider property tin to $20.nno and pay difference. Call Tabor Ss;2, A. M. to tf P. Jr. WANT large valley farm, not over $:J0 -000 value, within 60 ml. Portland, near highway; equity in 117 a isjloins city limits of Cornelius, 2 nit. wo.n of Hills horo. on highway ; all under cultiva tion: mod. house, gas, citv wntr, elec lights. W. C. Menold, Cornelius. Or FA RM", near Portland, comprising 4 acres, all cleared except about 2 acres In ti m her ; good bu i 1 d i n rrs ; for t rn d e for city home: incumbrance $.1500. Farm is conservatively worth $12,000 Inquire 210 Exchange bldg., 2d' and Stark sts. 765-ACRE wheat ranch, about all culti vated; 500 acres in winter wheat; one mile to good city on main road; clear of incumbrance; will trade fr apart ment h oiiPS and assume; pri ce $ Tit an acre. Write Box 777. Enterprise. Or. FOR TR ADFJ or sale 5-room modern bungalow. Rose City, H block off car; will acrppt good light car pnd cah for $1000 equity; price 9.1250; no tri fie rs w a n tf d. Tabo r 3 1 3 . WANT PENIXST'LA PARK HOME. 5-room house up to $1500; will give In part -payment. $4O0O unincumbered -room house, near ;0th and Belmont. SEASIDE SUMMER HOME. m trade myv$40oo rq-iitv in tho prettiest plai- in Seaside for Portland rrop,ny. vt nat have you . UUwv, 4R20 Monday. DIAMOND AS FIRST PAYMENT. Brand new bungalow; fireplace, bookcases and Dutch kitchen: beauti ful lot : paved st. ; near car. Call fvmr, Main .ns.- WANTKD 5 or fl-acre chicken ranch, east of the city, as part pavment for modern 7-room hotis. All improve Walnut 2107. HAVE 191S w-yIlnderMitehjl in good vrunnlng condition, good tires and 11 crnse, to trade f.-r 3 or 4-room home Walnut SS-17. 0.17 E. 18th st. N. FOR EXCHANGE tor city hol.ie. J acres near Miiwaukie Rnd I.ake road; all In cultivation ; $ fOOO. Inquire 210 Es chunnre b.dg.. 2d nrd St;ri: sts WANT A HOUSE IN KKNTCN district and will put in rooming hou and good income aa firs-t payment. Bdwy 67S7. TRADE SIS acres Improved central Al berta. Canada, farm for residence or raracft. H 9i. Oregonian. THREE acres cranberry land for trade, cleared and drained: what have you in good district. AF 19. Oregonian. WILL trade lot 60x120 at North Fair Oaks. San Mateo Co., California, for lot or light car. 330 E. IStb st. S. WA XTED to trade Good 7-passenger Ptuts car for lots or house and lot. O li. Oregonian. CONTRACT on Rose C.ty bungalow as flrpt payment on small bungalow or Improved lot. L 6 'J a, Oregonioii. TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-ti Panama Hldg., Third and Alder. 7-ROOM HOUSE. , Hot and cold water, furnace, fire place, full basement, sidewalks, lots of fruit, 100x100 lot. Shi, blocks from car; valued 3450. My l05O equity to ex change tor smaller place or automobile and some cash. 84 ACRES. Near Metzger; no buildings: valued $25oo; to exchange for housa in Port land. 10 ACRES. All in cultivation; 5-room house, good well and pump, good barn, chick en house, familv orchard: ls miles from Woodburn. near highway; valued $3500. Will exchange my $2500 equity for house in Portland; prefer Mt Scott district. Might assume some. 11 ACRES. 4-room house. 3 acres in cultivation, halano clashed: eood. well: all fenced; valued $2000; to exchange for house in Portland. Prefer wt. .tonus. IS Atf'RES. 7 miles, from Vancouver, near Or chards: ti-room house, hot and cold wtor' 7U arrpi prunes: valued $5000, Mr eauitv. $1250. to exchange for Oman tnrA fillinc- station. Might con sider a home. Woud assume small amount; u.ui;e, $jji, per cent. 30 U. ACRES. 4 miles from Vancouver; 5-room house, e-ood barn. well, creek, all nec ensarv outbuildings. Will exchange my i3u0 equity for Portland property or business. 40 ACRES. 35 acres clear; 100 prune trees, some potatoes.' fruit. 2 wells, i-room nouse, eoori barn. near Orchards. Wash. $12,000. My $7250 equity to exchange for apartment house m .rortiana. Might assume some. 7ft U. ACRES. . About 28 acres in cultivation, bal ance niline timber: -room aouse plenty of water, barn. 2 cows, all farm implements; aoout rnuea irom rrt land; valued $3000. Will accept house in fat. Johns as part. ; 80 ACRES. 5 miles from Scappoose, on good graveled road; 10 acres cleared, bal ance logged off; some wood; creek on Dlafip: 4-room house, barn, many other outbuildings; valued $2SrtO; to trade for smalt house or lots and some cash. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-tt Panama Bldg., : Third and Alder NEW NEWBERG RESIDENCE.' Near Pacific, college and South. Pa' clfic elec. station; on Pacific paved highway in Newberg, Oregon. Large modern house, 8 rooms and 2 toilets and bath full cement basement; 16.500 square feet of ground; great variety and abundance of rrults aixi oerries. Rooms can be rented to college stu dents. You should make from $2000 to $10,000 a year selling day-old chicks. Location Just right; chicken house and brooder house, dry basement large enough to hatch 500 every day. Owner compiled to live in Portland. Will exchange for Portland residence, of equal value. Prlce$7500. , Will assume incumbrance. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., fiR3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ' NEAR MULTNOMAH. 17 acres cleared land; no build ings, but all city conveniences, good road, close to school and ltiOO feet to electric station; oniy 20 minutes ride from downtown;, this tract slopes to the north"; and is the finest kind of soli. Will take half trade, price. $1000 an acre; land of this kind in this locality sells up to J20O0 an acre. Broadway 2571. r PORTLAND HOME CO.; 633 Railway Exch. BIdg. 100 ACRES TRADE. This is all in cult.; dark loam soil, all fenced, on 2 good roads ; no stone ; lies level; (i-room house, good barn, all outhouses; fine soft water; 25 acres in alfalfa; all will grow it if seeded. This land makes from 25 to 50 bu. wheat to the acre; oats from 40 to 70 bu. to acre; place 2 miles of town and railroad; 6 miles of Fairfield, Idaho, county seat and railroad. This place is on Big Camas Prairie: a real money maker. Price $8000; will trade for land in Willamette valley or for city property. K. P. Elliott & bon. i th and Mam sts.. Oregon City, Or. WHAT HAVE YOU for 433 acres, excellent soil, about 240 acres in cultivation. Lot more easily cultivated ; 20,000 cords oak and fir ; well fenced and cross-fenced; good buildings; spring water; near good town in one of the best districts Willamette valley ; a beautiful farm and worth the money. Price $55,000 ; will consider any good property for all or part JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox Bldiy. Bdwy. 1375. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Spanish Colonial, 0 rooms, high-class residence, jut. Taoor aistnct, iarge liv ing room dining room, sun room, 4 bedrooms, billiard room, best hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, fine decorations. garage, large grounds covered with shrub, trees and iiowers. Prion $35,000; will take smaller resi dence in good district, or income prop erty as part payment. E. J, GEl&ER. 417 Chamber of Commerce Bldg-. FOR SALE OR TRADE Apt. -house and business property paying over 20 per cent gross rents on investment, $45,000, easy to handle. Splendid investment for anyone wishing to retire and still wanting an income. Clear of incum brance. Wiil sell on easy terms or exchange for good Portland property or any good coast city, and assume, or will take good stock of merchandise. J. P. Lich, Colfax, Wash. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Full basement, paved street, 100X 300 lot, near Columbia park, valued at $.3500, to exchange for improved acre age near car line. Prefer Oregon Elec tric or S. P. But wiil consider othei locations. Migiit assume a small amount. Tell us what you have. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-0 Panama Bldg. od and Alder. WANT TO TRADE my fine 80-acre farm, 3 miles south of Sherwood. 11 miles from Portland Red hill dist). Fuliy equipped; horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, tools ; walnuts, potatoes, grain, hay, etc. Want $17, O00; trade for clear property or cash, balance long time loan. Phone Sherwood 33-8 or write H. Graham, Newberg, Or., R. 2. FINE 10-room modern house, fully fur nished, with 3 separate aparimeina, h-im'intr in n Income of $70 Per mo., besides your own living rooms; 1 block from car, within walking distance, win tni.-t n. crond 5 or tl-room house ud to $3000 as part payment, or $2000 cash, balance easy terms. Phone Broadway 2itU7 or Tabor 3055 Sun davs and evenings VA 'T RESIDENCE. 62 acres, very fine land : assorted orchard: 25 acres in cu'.tivotion, bal ance timber and pasture; 2 sets build in gv; springs and trout stream ; ad joins small town; 40 miles from Port land. Price $8500. .!OHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox Bids'. Bdwy. 13(5. TRADE 2 nice lots ou county road, 65th ave. and 1st st. S. E., all Clear, 4 fruit trees, assessments all paid, ga. water and lights on street. Will trade for a fair cottage worth about $luC0 on any beach in Oregon. Will pav difference. Address C. H. Tracy, G2V3j0th a e. S. E. MYBEAUTIFUL IRV1NGTON HOME. Large living room, dining room; ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout; in cludes four bedrooms, finished attic, maid's room, full basement with Gasco furnace: will take two lots in Irving ton or Laurelhurst In trade, or smaller houFe. Phone East P032. LOOK1 WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match, them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery a., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. 150 FARMS AND ACREAGE. WHAT HAVE YOU? SEE t'S BE FORE BUYING OR EXCHANGING PHONE BDWY. 5tl. STAR REAL ESTATE TNV. CO., REALTORS. . 513 WILCOX BLDG. ;70-AA'RE larm, near Brownsville, Or.; 60 acres undor piow, balance fine pas ture ; 3.000.00 feet good tmiber. For quick sale will sell tor $40 an acre and take in a Portland home up to $4.M0. E. M. Kellogg. Beaver bldg., Oregon City, Or. TRADE Al clo? in Portland and Hood River property, ail clear, for Portland t part men ts or in ome business prop ertv, between $iM and ?6u,000. O wn cr AC lSi; Pregcnian. THREE acres and small house, fine lo cation, to trade for a good house close to car. not over .uuu. Phone Broad- way 2901 evenings. or Tabor 3655 Sundays and EXCHANGE One and three-quarter arrfs land Oregon City cariine, value $1HH. Will take good car up to $S00, Valance one yvar. Address Box 337, R. D. 1. M.Iwaukie, Or. WANT acreage near Portland, suitable for poultrv; cash or will exchange al faifa farm in eastern Oregon; give fu'I particulars first letter. Uox 213. North Powder. Or. HAVE 20 acres, all under cultivation, ood house and bam; near Beaverron; value $S5'H; also mortgage $1750; cash 5 1000. Want hotel or rooming house. Will assume some. AR Oreeoni.Ln. H.WK SiimHhing good in Newport in come property for sale or will trade for Port land residence. SUM ME-R VI L LIS RJSALTY CO.. 605 Couch Bnig. 5-ROOM bouse, lot 5Mx 100. close to car, s-chool and factories; terms; no com missions. Owwr, 108 S. SwensoQ t 6L Johaa. TO ESCHAXGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGES OF MERIT ONLY. RITTER.. LOWS & CO.. WANT PORTLAND RESIDENCES of 6 rooms in exchange for com-pl-ete farm home of 11 acres all in cultiva tion, well improved, near Newberg ; value $oOO0. WANT 5-ROOM BUNG A LOW to $5O0O in exchange for 1 acre mtw ban home close to Portland; well im proved ; near eiectric station; a charm ing home for $3000; will pay cash difference. WANT GRANTS PASS OR MED FORD to $5000' in exchange for 3. green houses under 8-OO0- feet of glass, ail set to flowering plants, with 5 acres of land. 0-rootn hoise. outbuildings: a rare chance for a practical man. I WANT GRANTS PASS i to $3000 in pxchanefl for 7 acres of very rich tile-drained sou in the ra in ouse Beaverton district; price- $500; grood improvements WANT SMALL HOUSE) In or near Portland in exchange for country store and filling station near Portland on good road; this is a going proposition and well worth the $6H)0 asked: without lncumbran-ees. WANT PORTLAND RESIDENCE to $6000 in exchange for an excep tional good alfaifa, dairy stock aad hog ranch; 256 acres; 210 in cultivation; absolute water right for 16 acres; poice, including dairy hrd of 12 Jer seys, only $45 per acre: you will make money on this place. . WANT STOCK RANCH to $60,000 with stock and equipment in exchange for a high-class mercantile frtore doing $200,000 business per year; real -property and stock and fixtures run about $00,000; this will stand, very close- investigation. MacINNES EACH AN O E JJBfT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bids. Where Trad es Are Made. GOOD EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES. highly improved suburdan -acre tract for house and lot. General merchandise, and filling: sta tion bldgs., house, all clear, for farm stocked and equipped. Grocery store for close in ranch equipped; a good business. Confectionery, fruit and soft drinks for modern bungalow; will assume. Lunch, up to the minute combined with confectionery, cigars; fruit cand otr- fnr lose in acreage. Two ant. bides valued at $140,000. also $20,000 cash and will assume wn a large apartment nouse prupei cj- Automooile lor lot. House and lot for rooming house. Modern bungalow for apt. house. Apt. house for restaurant. Cafeteria for house and lot. "We'll match von rf vou have a Te gltimate exchange to offer. See Mr. Nicholl, with J BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 COUCH BLDG. 100-ACRH FARM' FOR PORT LAND HOME. 4 m-ilfcs south of Oregon City: 60 adres cleared; 7-rm. house, new barn; .good fences; family orchard; on running stream; cat tle, horses, etc.; also farm tools; price $1500; will take modern bungalow ttp to $0500 as part pavment, balance 6. See Mr. Phillips, with J. L. Hartman Company, 8 Cham, of Com. bldg. ALL EQUIPPED. 40 acres near Castle Rock, Wash. ,A.ito r w D eood roads close to high and graded schools; good 6-room house, barn and other build ings. 2 mares, riding pony, 5 heifers, 5 milk . cows. 3 sows, 1 boar, a number of pigs, chickens, cream separator; long line or larm impiemenis, n n.m garden truck; crop goes with place; owner in poor health and must sell; THce onlv $3500. Will exchange for Dni-rlan nTnnortV K Tom H. WilSOn, with John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce. . whip 4 T wnfiS. CATTLE. ALFALFA, This eastern uregon hiocm. rauu make you rich in 5 years; 12h0 acres: 10O acres creek bottom, irrigated: 60 acres in aKalia; good house-: 2 large hams; other outbuildings; 80 Short horn cattle, 100 ewes, 50 registered Poland China hogs, 20 horses, 300 tons hay: all machinery needed to operate ranch; total price $50,000; will accept Portla-nd Income to $20,000; $5000 cash, balance easy terms. See Gibson; UETZGER-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors 209 Oak st. Bdwy. 5353. PH E R WOOD OWNER SICK. Only 15 miles from center of city, a fine 25-acre farm, excellent soil; high state c-f cultivation, close to highway on rock road, good buildangs, tools, machinery, stock, team, wagon and crops. A go 1 n g cone era where you can maVe more than a mere living. Price $8OO0. Will take small houe, or income property up to $S50O. Must be car. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. Broadway 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. WHERE IS THAT PROPERTY vou don't want or can't use? Maybe we can trade it for this fine farm of about 125 acres a fe-w miles from Portland. Half under plow; good bldgs.; spr. water; 1 mile from pave ment; fine district; worth $14,000; will take $S00O worth of other property, clear, for my equity; $4500 mortgage; lot, acreage, etc.. considered, or small town property. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 4th Floor. Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6787. CITY PROPERTY TO TRADE. Big corner on east side, improved with store building, apartments above; also three houses; brings in big in come. Price $25,000. Will consider some trade. Four fine modern flats, all furnished, rents over $1600 a year. Price $12,000. Consider house as part pay. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5ftfl7. ONE OF THE FINEST WHEAT RANCHES, with equipment, near town in E. Oregon; appraised at $45,0O0; aa-ed owner must move to Portland: willing to sacrifice; needs a home: or will take a farm here in exchange; would assume on property here; any reasonable oroposition considered. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 4th Floor Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6787. FOR EXCHANGE 560-acre wheat ranch; 400 cultivated; 350 summer fallow; 6 living- springs; 5 -room house: large barn: new granary: modern poultrv house: tile cellar; blacksmith shop; '6 hog houses; fully stocked and equipped; near Condon, Or.; trade for going valley farm and assume. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 010 Henry bldg. ' 25 ACRES, all in cult. ; 10 acres in lo ganberries, all choice soil, fair build ings, close to paved highway, on rock road: priced very low at $5000; would exchange for city residence or store building. Have many other choice acreage tracts and farms at bargain prices, for sale and exchange. Tal madera Realtv Co.. 61f Henry bldg. OPPORTUNITY. Will trade for equity in one of the nest business corners on Ln!on ave. this is good income property with room lor more Improvement; investi gate without delay. Quick deal, must he made. The owner, 559 Union ave. North. CALIFORNIA PROPERTY WANTED for farm property clos to rood val lv town: price J20.0OO: property lo cated near Modesto would especially appeal. U. S. MORTGAGE IXV. CO., fiOS Yon Mde. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Modern 5 roorn bunpralow; ono acrev 2 chicken houses, three blooks to car. 807 73d ave., $3600, for . or 6-room modern hoiipe in any good district. Will take equity as first payment: Owner, fiftT.H E. Morrison. CALIFORNIA BARGAIN. 10 acres in Beaumont, Cal., IB miles from Red lands; ail irrigated and in. bearins- fruit. splendid outbuildine-s: price $8100, mortgage $2000; trade for local home or close-in acreage. Yates, 245 Fourth st. ISO ACRES on the coast at Toledo. Lin coln county; faVr pet of buildings; few acres in cult.: 50 acres of older bottom land: want house or acreaee; Price 5500. Allen, 290 Jefferson fit. Phone Main SA23. WHEAT FARM 1n eastern Oregon. stocked said equipped; want valley farm beca.use change of olim-ate necessarv. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. fto Yeor. bMg. CLEAR HOUSE FOR TRADE. Six-room bungalow in Vancouver, Wash. : plumbing, electric lights, etc.. lot 100x100, cost $5000. but want to trade : will take a house in Portland and assume. AG 94. Oregonian. HAVE a fin farm ; will accept house and lot as first payment ; on electric R. R. close by; all stock and crops, farm machinery. flP4 acres, 3 In cul tivation; also several other fine farms. W 95. Oreennlnn. CALIFORNIA exchange, good Income properties, city and country, to trade for Portland, or desirable country properties. Submit your wants first letter. California Realty Co-, Hearst Bldg.. San Francisco. HAVE 5 acres, 4-mtle from city limits, in high state of cultivation. fully equipwd: will trade equity for good car. truck, or what have you ? Routs 1. Box S3! Gates road. Portland. I HAVE 15 lots, east side, 50x30. clear except bonded liens of f50 each, price $400; above bonded, will trade and assume. What have you? AN 9, Ore gonian IMPROVED farms, close, for Portland property. Dubois, SO ipaidin bldg. TO EXCHANGE BE AX ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 27-Acre Farm, Stocked and Equipped. This place la all in cultiva tion, fine shot loam soil; 6 acres f young prunes, 3 acres in as sorted family orchard in fine bearing condition. One of the finest sets of bu) I dings in the northwest, consisting of a good 7-room modern piastered bun galow with basement, bath and toilet and furnace; large Lowden type barn, garage, tenant bouse and all necessary outouildings. All the buildings are in the fin est condition, with pressure water system piped to buildings; lig ht is furnished by modern electric light plant. The per sonal property which goes with the place consists of 5 cows, 2 heifers, 1 calf, 2 horses, 2 hogs, 400 chickens, 30 turkeys, mower, rake, drill, disc harrow, gas engine, lime spreader, 3 plows, 3 cultirators, ensilage cutter. Ford truck, wagon, harness, feed grinder, all small tools, 25 tons of hay, 3 acres of potatoes corn and kale; all fall crops are in. This place is located oniy 6 miles from our office, i mile from school and Vs- mile from stores and suburban elec tric line. On first-class gravel road, mlie from paved high way. The pricajs $10,500; $000 cash, balance 6 per cent. The owner will consider apartment or rooming house in exchange. See ALBERT MILLER, with PERCIVAL & WATTS, REALTORS. 108 West Sixth St., Vancouver, vash. TIMBER FOR EXCHANGE. 320 acres In Douglas county, with about 9,000,000 feet timber. One mile to railroad, on a 5 grade. 50 sugar pine. Priced at $1.00 per tnouaana. Will trade for city or larm property. 320 acres in Douglas county, with over 10,000,000 feet timber. Practically on railroad. Priced at $10,000. Will trade for city or farm property. 420 acres with 3,250,000 feet. Priced at ouo. win traae. 1T50 acres southeast of Eugene. About 100 acres bottom lana improvea. A hout 1 5.000.000 feet ood timber. Buildings. Wiil trade for city or farm ; property. 1043 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. Broadway 2030. WE WANT FLATS OR APT. BLDG. or other income, in exchange for down town lOOxlOO corner bordering present new building area and offered j at about $20,000 less tnan former quo tations; will assume; one of Portland's strategic corners at special price; be come a central property owner. See Newton. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., 4th Floor. Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6787. EX. 160 A. ciass A-l Canada wheat land, resident acre lot St. .fain. iinn. all clear,:, unimproved; want going farm, stock, tools, crop to operate same: owners only. AO 987. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SINGLE and double unit Perfection milker. tanK. pump, engine complete Al shape, easily worth $350; trade for Ford trucK, touring or otner stye body or other make In good shape. Butler & McEntee, ijrownsmead, ur. 30-30 CARBINE, .38 S. & W. revolver. kodak, miscel aneous camp equipment. etc., for what have you? Tabor 551L Call after 10 A. M. FOR SALE Cheap, canvas covered box for Ford car; worth fw, win traae tor secono-hand bricks. Also rear ituicic. seat, f SeiL 1278. BRAND new Wade dragsaw to trade for Ford roadster or wnat nave you : Chris Sabzinao, Bt. 2, Box 85, Port land. EXCHANGE single harness for potatoes or apples; dressmaking ior lauy coat, 36, dark brown or blue. Phone Automatic tt-M-oi!. AIRTIGHT heater and pipe, hall tree. rockers, fas heater; want bookcase. dining table or library, apples, fruit jars. Tabor a:23. WILL trade my Oakland four for furni ture or anything l can use. can or write 576 Borthwjck. LOTS, property, car and all, trade for groceries, furnitures or acreage. y4 Gantenbein ave. WILL trade banjo ukeleie and case for child s ivory bed and springs. 'labor 25i)8. : TO TRADE Nearly new power hay- baler; can use good Ford. Newberg, ur., Koute 3, 3ox in. WANTED Tor exchange good work horse for good milk cow (Jersey or ouern- sey). C. Bridenbeck, Jennings Lodge. FOR SALE OR TRADE Almost new Baby Grand Knabe piano, also other high-grade furniture, call Mam 37u4. lOOii MORTGAGE. 7 per cent. Al eiirity ior car or lot. if . iiyua, ait Henry bldg. Bdwy. 077t. Fine Largo Trunk to Trade FOR SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. Newman, 128 First, near Alder. EXCHANGE 5-passenger Maxwell fori piano or good phonograph. lob 10th st. Main 2820. SACRIFICE 5-passenger Paige auto; take piano, good phonograph or itanan vio- im, part payment. Atwater uau. WILL exchange 3 to 5 hours a day in or rice work tor tirst-ciass dentistry. AC 01 6, Oregonian. TRADE A gis range for boy's bicycle. t;ast 4o2. IOLIN for good wood range or good rug; ukulele for rocker. 48 E. 8th N. SWAP 1920 Chandler 0. will trade for 5 rooms good furniture. East 43 1 f. S WAP turniture for caicimining fioor painting. 204 E. 52d N. TRADE piano for davenport and other turniture. Phone Lmpire iv-i. DENTAL work in exchange for tailor- ing. O 186. Oregonian. WILL TRADE Ford touring for piano or good furniture. Call Kenwood 3fr0. GOOD vacuum cleaner for good violin. Phone 62M-24. EXCHANGE wardrobe trunks, new, for rugs or carpets. P. O. box 2064 city. FOR SALE New Rex banjo; will trade for dishes. AO io7, Uregonian. 800-POUND saddle pony for furniture or what: .Main 3MB. LELIVEIIY body to exchange for iurni- tureor phonograph, labor 7b5j. TRADE wood and coal range and heater ior lurnuure. Tabor ihis. FOR , TRADE: Silver C. G. Conn cornet for typewriter. A flow, Oregonian. TOR SAT.B. Horwew, A'ehicles, LiTewtbck. FOR SALE Two milch goats, very rea sonable,.! and 2 years old, very heavy; milkers, inquire at i;:.;1 union ave.. room 2 or call East 5590 or evenings I labor Visvi. WANTED 10 head or milk cows; no cash, but good security; plenty of feed. w t3. uregonian. ; FOR SALE 3200-Ib. team. S2d St., Gres- ham car, xo ; ocKs south .Kendall sta. Mrs. H. A. Battin. REGISTERED St. Mawes yearling bull, with a very good pedigree. I must fll. $75. V. D. Foster. Aloha. Or. SADDLE HORSE 5 years old, weighs 1050; handsome and bred in the pur ple. B. S. Aidrich. Aut. 6S7-30. SIX HEAD of horses. 5 to 1350 to 1750 lbs. each. Northrun st. 7 years oid. Inquire 564 ONE 5-GAL. JERSEY First tent house east of 83d, north aide of Powell Vai- wv road. MILK goats for sa le or trade; also ies. Walnut 4ti53. brindle bull ptt puppies. interstate st. FARM IMPLEMENTS' New and second hand, special priees. P. E. Lsensnare, 3to-3oe tast Aiornson st. PINE PACING horse and good bike cart! cheap, or will take good furniture in exchange. J4tn st SOME good fresh cows for sale. Cham berlain eea i;o.. xaoor 4too. ioo4 K. Gllsan. TKA1I. lisvt). with harness, for 1U0: also arait team, avw. wnn narnesa and w a gon, g-ou. m. swt. - FOl'R fresh cows, all young and heavv milkers, $b0 ana up. oa st., near Divis ion. RTG DIUHAM cow. fresh with calf, sav ing 5H sal. per cay. Sell cheap for cash. grant, inot or .-wain. NICE Jersey cow, fresh with calf, giv ing 4Vt gal. per day. 24 Front, . foot of Main. l JERSEY-HOLSTELN Tabor 8232. famiiy cow. j $ FINE milk goats for sale or trade for any musical instrument. yj Rodney. WANTED Team to use this winter for I Us Doara. At vi. uregonian. VETEBLNARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 65M. DEAD animals taken quickly. Milwaukee 69-J. ONE work horse, cheap if taken soon. ! Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders sta 1 HIGH-GRADE Jersey 6-gaL cow: must I el $50, isat . Zitfk sw 2 .WL car, FOR SALE. Horti, Vehicle. Livestock. CROWN STABLES. For sale, exchange or hire any kind - of horse you want. If you are looking for a gocxl horse and a cheap one, we have them. We are going to close out 150 head of horses- that we- have been working all summer. We are ready to eeil ail of them and at the iowewt prices. Have 150 set of new and sec ond hand harness. Have lO head we are selling fox feedbili. . Your price is 1 our price. . If you are ready to buy come to the Crowa Stables. We will seLl at half price in order not to winter this tock. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter, Mgr., 2S5 Front st. 40 HEAD of horees taat are almost new, with a, season's work; will sei cheap; tome of the prices foIlow: 4 horses, wgt- 1450 lb., $25 each. 'Bay mare, gray horse, wgt. . 2S50. $10O. 18, wgt. 8100 lbs., $150. The above horses are working every day here la city and must be sold; new and second-hand harnHS at reduced price. Columbia stable, Front and Columbia sts, G. K. Howltt. HORSES. HORSES. Team of geidings, weight 2fA0. price $140. Team of geldings, welgnt zow, 4 and 5 years old, price $13.". One 5-vear-old gelding, weight 1300. price TS0. One 4-year-old gelding, weight 1250. price $55. Team, mare and horse, weight 2rt0u, 6 years old; will sell very cheap for cash. Thewe horses have been working all summer. 234 Front, foot of Main. . TEAM of geldings, weight 3700 lbs.. 7 ana 8 years oia, true ana genne; rrm loggers or any kind of heavy work; price $225. Also span of low set, chunky built, healthy, fat iiules, 6 and 7 yeara old, true workers .nd gentle rfor any one to handle, $12.v. one gray horse, weight 1400 lbs., $12U. Call at 8io Powell Valley road; tuke Wood stock car. . BROWN mare and gelding, well mated. sound, verv best or micnera. naruess like new, $105; chunky pair mares, 7 and 8, fat. gentle, suitable for orchard work, with harness, u--ed 2 months, $135: big bay mule, weight 1300 lbs., have no mate, wilfc sell very reasonable. Call Portland Lumber Co. barn, foot Harrison st. . BLUE HOGS. Actually BLUE in color. Large, growthy and prolific. Fancy show hog. All stock pedigaeed. Kegistered in purchaser's name. BLUE HOG BREEDING CO. W I L M I NO TON, M ASS. CHESTNUT mare and geiding. 7 and 8, weight 3300 lbs., true up .pull, in good condition, with almost .new breeching harness, 3 k farm waa?on complete, $340; entire outfit or wiU sell separate Call Portland Lumber Co. barn, foot Harrison st STOCKMEN A carload of good heifers and cows for sale ngnc n taen si once. Good breeding and T. B. tested and good milkers' and high testers, in goou snape. c tr. isou m, ju.jui"" xnc, Or. Phone 2A.oi. hhkap cood vouhk. sound team, weight 2S00, harness ana wagon; aisu fresh cow; have moved in from coun try; no place to keep them. 4226 41st ave., Woodstock car to 42d, ask lor Mrs. Beed. BAY AND daDDle gray .gelding, both years old, weight abours oow ids., exira good workers.; also young bay gelding, weight 1400 lbs., lost uuate. will sell one or all very reasonable. S1 Water street, corner Montgomery. FOR SALE Two milk goats, very rea sonable, one and two ytars oia. eiy heavy milkers. Call arid inquire at 1224 Union ave., room Zi, or can j, 5500 or evenings Tabor 0o07. SPAN Fercheron mares, weighing dUUfl pounds none better, o yew oia. nave nn further use for them. Will sell reasonable. 671T 43d ave. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Splendid, well matcnea team, dratt horses; weigni hdoul iouu ih nh Hmke for trufwt work lumber yard. West Oregon Lumber Co., Ltlnnton, Or. S REG. JIOLSTE1NS, 4 reg. brown Swiss anfl 1 .grade mown owiss an mc heavy producers and are guaranteed breeder. They are priced to sell. Box 41. Scanpoose, O irr a t c1 i. Kfiu. n ann reeristerea poar, O. I. C. and young pigs, aiso o neaa of cattle in fine condition. Cheap, 4 miles soufcX Sherwood on Ross ranch. or phone S her wood 33-S. 117S T & V TT irnnrt tram erel (1 mcs, ti an 8 vears oIO, we:gnt heavy breefhDie harness, like new. Call Portiam 1 Lumber Co. barn, foot .Harrison st. TEAM of blacky built bay mares; weight 2800 lbs. PriCS Jl o; one jrry norw. weight 1400 lbn. Price $2. Must go at once. 8 p owell Valley KoaH. MUST sell 3 teai as, weight vuu. and 2500. sintfle horse u, wagons and harness; reasonable. 530 Clay at., near 17th. REAL high-class si ddle horse, we.gnt Iftfin snumi vi TV sxu". auimuio for lady, price low. Portland Lumber Co. barn, foot Harrti'on st. COWS wanted, 6 to 12 head on monthly payments; have own icca, p.jwu se curity, near Portland. K vod, Ore gonian. i KVEK Y farm siiould aia a lew regis tered Sheep; We ha-pe pnropanirei iui L0 a head and up. Ho Iman Fuel Co., 04 Fifth it., Portland SPAN of bay mules com in: five. Weight about zuuu. u-entie anu w-uitvcio. They are beauties. For sale reason able. 229 Grand ave. S .. tfor. Main. W I LL excha n gs reglste red hort horn cattle and Shropshire sheep ior oats or cord wood. Hola.ant i ne Co, ft4 5th St., Portland. PAIR bay mares, 6 yeara, ;wqJ pounds. pair geldings, o years, zsu v, wilii -nes, cheap. Creston Feed & Fuel Co., 50th st. and Foweu vauey nn TEAM, weight about 2900 las., a rain fed and nerht at work, sen at . l"(e'11" Have no further uso for thtm. t 1087 Francis ave. Woodstock car to l6th. r 200-LB. TEAM of well mated V1"13. young, sound and gentle. S tveral hcrees cheap. Harness and Wt.SA M f all kinds. 2-10 E. 8th st. 3U0U-LB. TEAM of good, honest 'rk horses with harness for $12. -ur work is done; no further use for tri m. 240 E. th st. SPAN of young mules, weight about 2-tt lbs.; well broke and very gentle, cnea price for cash. 3t water st. we - side. FOR SALE- Five-gaited chestnut sorret saddle horse. David liarum. JJroaa-' way 6UQV. FOR SALE Two Al Guernsey family cows, fresh in tew days, cheap ior cash.. Call at 362 Peninsular ave. SOItKEL Arabian staiiion, 9 years, rida or drive, harness ana nusrey. cneap. .Must gell. J. A. Mott, Beaverton, Or. iiORfeES, wagons and grain eacKs ior sale. Apply American itanway ex press Co. stable, l.th and rsorthrup a GUERNSEY ow, fresh with calf, heavy milker, lest ( per cent buztenax. -i4 Front, foot of Main. WAGONS, lit'GGlES, HARNESS. 2n Fronts MAN Wl TH nice team, wants steady worK. l;-- Lapne Dins. HORSES for sai. 3awy. 3tt67 Pianoe, Organg and Musical Instruments. 35 PIANOS, $115 to $275 each; many of Americas oest maKes; terms ar ranged. 312 Worcester bldg. BUESCHER C melody saxophone for sale cheap ; perfect condiuon. itoor 4K41. . WANTED Good toned piano, will give excellent care ana reasonable rent. I 979. Oregonian 1 E FLAT alto Ceuscher) saxophone. like new. fnote evenings Between and 8 o'clock. P.ione Aut 6J3-t0. $2000 CHICKER1NG grand, plain man.. 2:; some oargaia. zlz vv orcesier bicg. $100 CASH buys $3tM oak cabinet pho- nograpn witn soma records. rnunt 11 ro a d w ay 55 40. $550 PIANO. Haddorff make, only $225; terms. sii vvorcef-ter oag. NEARLY new piano cheap for cash, or will rent for year, walnut H-s- ST,ODARD piano like nei Millar's Exchange. 13 N. fith a like new, $225. (HHi CASH, if sold today. Howard piano. excellent connition. aroaqwgy ..'in, CABINET graphopnone lor sale saiifice. Atv.-ater 12S. 170 Cha FOR SALiS Two ciarireta L. P.. B flat, $45: A. L. P.. $10. 4tiu East Burnside. $125 COLUMBIA grafonola for $45 cash; ygood condition. Main 7094, room 4"3. $500 PIANO for sale cheap, by private party. Terms. East 5250. XYLOPHONE, nice tone, $25. Millar's, ttth, between Ankeny andBurnaide. MUSICAL instruments, all kinoa. Mil laws. 13 N. 6th. near Burnside. FOR RENT Upright piano (Steger). At water 4400. Apt. 414. $375 BUYS a mahogany Weber piano. 735 Kearney. FOR RENT Good high-grade piano. Call Kast 2hq. VIOLIN for sale. Call at 1122 N ort n. cor, fjmeraon. $225 GIB. SON hrp guiiar. $135. MiUar's, fS- otn " near "urnglQe- HHlH - uK.A i J piano ior rent, $A month. Phone 314-02. dl"ST sell my Columbia graphonoa 32 records. Sel 39. BANJO, $12; mandolin. $7. Phone Tabor Al FARRAND piayer piano. same as new. Can Tabor U57. FINE old violin, Amati model, $35. E. 51st st. N. Tabor 84H. PXANO for fiaUe Xabor 1333 FOR SAI.B. 4.'ia". Ofgaitg aiul M atcatl I nstrminH. SEE THE PIANO BROKERS. S12 Worcester Bidr.. 3d and Oak Sts. It is a piano clearing house, selling hundreds of p:anos of Americas beet makes at a fraction of th-ir real vat ues. These goods are from estates. private homes, people who must h cash quick and many sourcea Schools, churches, colleges. dealers. music teachers and others who know where to get a b:g bargain buy here. Why not you? Why pay a lot more money Terms arranged to suit. Investigate. HOW MCCH DO YOU WEKiH? The first 3 people weighing 23 pounds ou the caes in frotit of our store will receive the new record o'Ciock In the Morning" free. Hyatt l ain mg Jiartimo l. o. 3MJ AMor. THIS IS NoT A BABY DULL but a genuine Jacob Doll p.tno, fine ehape, oniy $0); it wiil come to live with you for $25 down, balance lon time. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35v A Ider. DON'T PLAY WITH YOUR FINGE play music with your fet. See spieO' cs id to.nd 88-nole Melvilie Oiarki Fiayer Piano and 20 SS-note rolls all for J-273; $25 down at Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3-o Aider. KIMBALL upright, used but very little best cash offer takes it. but not itss than 1175 will be considred. Ask f Nevada people's piano at Ellers Used Instrument Dept. Call 2d floor Eilers Muytc b!d g. DAD NEVER WANDERS AWAY If von keen him interested at home. Buy him a Victmla or Brunswick or Edison or Columbia, and he will make the finest pal in the world; $- a month buys a fine one at iyatt's. ;f"0 Ald-r. GRAND piano only $40u. latest style. man., ana oencn ; ciu dj c nt-nimu a C"ay short time ago for several hun dred more; must haw cash. Call to- day on iy East 882. ' LOOK AT THIS PIANO B t Y I ! ! Genuine Smith A- Burnes, mahogany case blano. only 1225. I2. down month. Hyatt Talking Machina Co tf.0 A Ider. WHY RENT A PHONOGRAPH when for $5 a month you can buy any new Victor, Edison, Columbia or Bruns wick up to S125 at Hyatt Talking Ma- chine Co., 3-0 Aider. LOVELY piano for sale. This is a most wnnrlirfultv fanned instrument. Will have to be ween to be appreciated. Sacrifice for cash. Call at a 15 Glonn ave. . THIS IS NOT A niKI but a first-claMs Singer sewing ma chine, oniy $4t $10 down. I2.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., HM Alner. BOY STRIKES HIS FATHER n tut t.. muiia first navment on ne' $125 Vlctrola. H pays balance at $5 per month at Hyatt Talking Machine Jo., 6 Aior. puvn Ti'vivr, Stcfal rates now effect. Too many pianos uro unm neglected; have yours looked after now. Phone Bdwy. r23. Kilers Tuning Dpt., bet in the cJty. to vr.rp VI NO KILENT? T.t ti a K(hAniA dne. new Vlctrola, tTiiion RninRwipk or Columbia for your piano. Hyatt Talking Machin Co.. 3."0 Alr!-r. . wwrcv rnMPANT DROPS IN How do you entertain them? Nothing equals a Vicftola. Ediaon, Brunswick or Columbia phonograph ; $5 a month buys a dandy at Hyatt'. Aid . i p i ( m vvu'jl'H ON E. Prntotlnrial i-rtnccrt size. COSt t5S0 : sacrifice for cash or will trade for auto, diamond, plant i, furniture, etc, Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 14t0. T.001C AT THIS PIANO BTTT ! Genuine Smith A larnes mahogany case piano, only $225, $25 down, a month. Hyatt Taiktitff Machine Co., a.y Alder. t ADDING MACiilN WANTED. Will exchange fine Victor. Edi son, Columbia or Brun iwick for adding machine. Hyatt Taikiog Machine Co., 3r.O Aldr. A CHANCE TO MAKE $25. $100 Brunswick, like new, only $75. TeHfcs. Hyatt Talking; Machin Co., 350 Alder. . YOUR old machine taken In trade on a new latest model Brunswick phono graph ; easy terms on balance. Nat Ardrey", Sellwood 21 43. STEIN WAY piano, maV, case, in beauti ful conditloa: case iiKe new; only $.2.1. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 143 Sixth street. PIANO tuning and phonograph le pair ing, any make, al? wora guaranteed. Seiberiing-Lucas iufcstc Co., 125 4th st. Bdwv. 6.')7. 12 PIANOS, $115 tc $200. all uprights, including W. W. Kimball, J. & C. Fischer, Ivers & Ptnd and manyVther fine makes: terms. 312 Worcester pldg. PIANO MOVING No mars, no trouble; our experts insure watisfactton. Price $2. SO for first zone. Phone or call Filers Delivery Dept.- Bdwy. o.'23. STE1XWAY upright, naotiel I. imported walnut polished, premtnt price $12."A), condition like new; jr. 50 cash; un usual opportunity. P ffcM. Ortgonian. BUSH & LAN E piano, jut compare with a brand-new one uptown; our price only $3S5, terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. VERY fine mandolin for sale, only $30; virtually one-tniru us mLiinsic va iuf. W'ill give Ifssons with it. t.'all 51aio floor Filers bldg., 27 Hi Washington. UPRIGHT, walnut finish, piano and bench. A-l condition, practically new, for $ir0 cash. $H0 terms. 10ut Glenn ave. Walnut 1643. CONN cornet, gold-plated, finely en graved, good condition, cosct $140; sell for $45 cash. 206 E. Bros-dway. East 1826. WANTED Tenor saxophone, melophone and fish horn. Millar a, Ji . utn. Broadway 7424. $24) BRUNSWICK 8NIAP. Just like new, $1HS. ."; asv terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3.;0 Ald-r. PHONoOKAPH repairing. prin 20 e up, parts, supplies, oia vaaii:ngton, near lstli. . $7."0 MEN DELSSOHN' pluno, sweet ton. fL'.u. winar .bxenange, u tin, n"a r Burnside. $2.,'.0 RENTS phonograph with rCorda Empire Transter. 14j lltn at. croaa- way 0155. V(tTl SALE Full and complete Sf-t drums and traps; a bargain. Walnut WEI WILL sell for you any musical in dtrument. Millar's Exchange, 13 N. 6th st. Broadway i44. FCiR iiALK CHEAP 2 flutes. 1 bich low pitch; also cornet and violin. Broadway "1 M. Mr. Clay. NiEW 2.t5 ChippenrU !e model mahogany phonograph for $125, 60S Taggeri su l i a bor i J vVhSALE C meh 1V.R SALE C melody all vrr-rlted Se anr saxaphone; fine condition. ! 4 Oregonian. rsU) nianos no heap you cannot afi' to irnl. Millar's Exchange, la N. 6ih st. -Terms. FOR WALK 40 double phonograph rec ords, price $10. Address 403 N. l!4th Pt.. ort Iwnd. - Or. Sii.Mi Ma-HSHALL and Wendell highest erade piano; sacrifice for $235; soma terms. You will want this. Main 5i;33. i; x 'K d standard make piano In ex changa i Zr firHt-claaa carpenter work. Tabor SJITH "iv RARN'KS. mah. rnn: lik L tmV-'ndid buy. only $ri2.v term a. new, F. Joln!'n rmno ..o., vn st. I PAY CASiI tor oseu piano ana player rolls H rrf d 8. Gilbert. 10T West Park, neai" Vash. st. wrv. sF.i.f. m o,i exchange all klnda mu siral Instru.ttbt nta. Millar . 13 N. 6th $150 MODEL A alight iv used, ner- feet condition. 4H0, terms. Sou. Bros., inn lnth st. WE have s vera X real bargains ia good used pfnnos, rc asonabie terms. Sou-a Bros , lH'i inth t'ty A IA.'lY C ni-Moay aaxapaone and c;it;e. almost new. for ot y -rgon .nera Music Houe. 27 .'asbington st. ELECTRIC orcheatr. a ceils with batf and keyboard, cha-A l triers. io ashinffton Pt. 6fi BUYS a nice la t at Eilnlv iTi o del Vlctrola, 27 H Wah. f t. wort h 1 2n. GUITAR Martin, exce t onal value, flna instrument. East KIMBALL organ. g.od -nfl-Uon. real ba re-am. J'h..ne w'. 552. BA RG Al NS In music instruments. Hodgson. 23 Alder. WANTED Good used piai."3 ail cash. Call Tlroadwax 5(iT'. WANTED Good used piam r for all cash. Call Broadway 154S Mond;ty LINDE.MAN piano. Just like ft '. cheap. 812 Worcester bldg. $550 SMITH A BARNES pi no. plain man., 122, terms, bij worcn imk. FIN E old violin, rare uuant y, 'or al Made in 1725. H. S. Earl. 314 23d a: le. GOOD black walnut piano, for cash. Main 17hl. WANTED- Piano for keeping A vounj iren. Tabor iA TJ- couple. No child SCtU'LTZ CO. piiymr p:ano, aa . w. 7.1. Millar's. 13 N. Bth. Terma. ML ST sell my CbicKerinr; piano; war er" ful tone; will aacrifirc. PIANOS, wonderful banraina. M ilia Kxrhang". 13 N. 6th. near tlurnaie VICTKOLA. large a:ze. maff'.gany. 111 new; rug and couch. 8M Cth at. HAINES BROS, piano, nice walnut! $10 Miltar'a KxchanKe, 13 N. f)th at. $5.5tl KIMiULL piano, on.y $ino, ay erm. -i i - orresier ''ig. $475 HARRINGTON pino. fin conJ., tiTMt; terma. :i i z v ;)rr' ater b t nr. $oo J. k C. KJflCHFR piano, nloe mah.. FOR SAI.K. N'BiTtSLl) A.VliTsiIOPWuRN BARGAINS TO t LEAK H'K Hv'Oit TO PLACE OUR FALL bTOt'K. Kohler CbkM Msh. F.er for IW Smith, St Barnes Mah. $750 Player for KoUIer A Chat fi.0 P layer for. " Kotaler Cham l .nyer ti-r. .4il khir A Campbell $9-Ji Pr for $40 Kohler Campbell $"ui Player for , $37 Hainva Amplco rpnduclng. dark. man. case, like new, $lr5 p.y- er for T5( Kohler A Cha $i puyr f r. ..5 Hob-art M. Cabie Mah. $-o0 Player for $"5 Hobarl M. Cable WaL $K Player for $43 A new Paby Grand, brown mah., standard mute. nanit ltbti.d through courtesy to dealers, lib era! itrmi $Qi5 Kohlrt- 4t Chase $HV player for. . .$4.1 Mdrn c-Ley Org ah. ry ife aii, for church, hopwom, but guarantee! aamo as nw $275 Kindler A 1'oUinit. modern case de sign, mah., sold for $4l0 aud r- puaauwM-d f 172 Kohier At Campbell, oak c, slightly damaged mechnkiy. new $343 Three beautiful $-75 phongrrtph, ratps dauidged. nanif it hheid through courtesy to iiira, brown mah.. eacfi $-0 A new fumed oak Lurnham phono graph .i"" Another F. O. Burnham f"r UO Sonora. li. Mah., Kite; a $-&i ma chine A beautiful Schilling A Pn piant that will give you rvir vt a vxmvc nnm nrf nnt thai cult noW i0 -x Term rniNcKii' rppr. $6 Broadway. Phone Hdwr. 8175. Located at K"hlr A "hae Vhlenie Wurro.nii. $1U CASH. I... ti UR AloUE Wi'NTUI.Y buye a $4 1 5 piano. U1, far $IHj. and lt-l moiiH fur $l or a $C5 plir prano. used, for $J fcftd 1"-1 m' .irt for $403, $13 cash, $ and tlo month. y. during the wor.d'a Jciry rlr- an.- sa.e riiit aero in Port and at Sbwati Piano Co.. 101 10ih et. $..S0 Hahft A lavia uprlgnt. $ho Kmfnon upright l-'i $wofl httrinway upright .ii". i'Joti Thompron i'iaviT piano $-ii3 PHONOGRAPH CLE A KA NCR. m Sonora, $35. $.1 cfh, $Z mnuihlT. 1J1 rolumM.1, $7.. cib. month. S1H3 Brunswick, $. $' caxh. 4 month. $1'0 Itrunawirk. 13. $ canft. mn t n. $3oo Kduon, $-.', $0 cali. $ mxi'lL $.". Vlttrn.a. J7R. 10 rsh. $10 mtith. SCHWA.V PIANO CO.. 101 l'b at hMtk. SECURITY bT'GR CO. CLOSING Ol T $-75 Hard Co.. upright .$7-1 $:i7.1 Kmfrwn upright ....IH $401) Laffarque upright $1 '$ $7i0 Wllor Playr 103 Huh. at Washington Pt. TOX7R choice of m Hallrt A Pmvla. a Ktmbail or a Crown piano for $J.V Each will be sold Muni:ay. $10 your choice in yojr home, bai-nie easy paymenta. buiH A Ln 1'tano Co, buib A Lane b.dg-. Broadway at Alder. USED I'll' NoOIt APRS. $273 Vlrtroia, man., ab ..$!"' L'T.-. Vlrtroia. oak, caJ. Hn $175 Columbut, ok, cab ''J'1 $I'J5 Coiuinbia, rfl , cab .T5 $23 Victro.a, mah., ctj. nm w ) . , . 1 $JMJ I'ackttrd niih.. cab. $IMI $15 It runs wit k. oak. cub .Small table machines from $J5 to $75; terms. O. r'. Jchnson Plan Co., 14 Sixth street. r'OR SALE Pluno, Pa Hard baby Brand am moving into small apartment, nu.Mt fl. Lk client Inmrunirnt an I In perfect condition. Retail prU abmit $lfMM; will tnkff rt'-5 on term arrai.K ment or jitT dlncount fwr cah. C. I Iidwy. 0U1 between 1 and 4 P. M. Sunday. THE fil'ST. Why tak chantes when th belt costs no more? Br una w Irk Phonograph Sold on.Kany 1111 VL RS U W LNGciK O., S44 Alder Sc. Mam 7?44. Ask About Onr Free Trtil Ofr. ilASON & HAMLIN grand. jut 1 y..r old. goud as new and I..ka lute new; will sell at aa orifice ; Ihn piano co-t $212!. Do not reply unle uu ar real.y Interented. CII from M A. M. to noon and H to 8 s) P. M., Monday. Phonft A tffit'T ,, BEAUTIFUL Cotumb.a grafonna outf.i. Including !( dandy recouli i .'ou ""WtWms ). This la a womlerf .1! bur at $lii; $10 dnwn. ba!Mnr-a 11.7 prr week. Cost new over $'m). VEHN L. WEN Celt CO.. 244 Alder Pi. Uln 7244. 11 A V 13 YoT tVKK TRIEO 11 YATT S m offer you every p..Ki It e n'TVlf, courtesy and treatment cr.alatent with moti-rn mrchftn'h-lng. We carry fu.l stock cf records anl machine f-r Vlc trola, Edison, Columbia or immewlfk, Hyatt Tai1ing Mm hinf ' ,-iJ,:'!L:x 1'i"r. ANNUAL H6.VK"-c6M"lN-i 8AU" Planoa, $195, $2t.', $3TA. 10 to $ a month; player pianos. ;i0.i. $475. $4 and $10 m month: errand pianos, $7S, $75, $14 aud $lt a month. Llpiuan, Wolfe A Co. Washington inJ oin at "SPECIAL I'HoNoTllTXi'K LANCINii ATTACHMENT. Soo our loud-ployina; Teephonn;rarh. Can be hen rd Ji mil-', only $i-i. .- teniiM. Pits any phonfK:rb. iialt TalKinr Machine Co. a Mi Ahler PLAY Lit PI A NO, on n-tmint of the death of th owner will bt aoi fr the best otier, or wouhl connMi-r llKht automobile in etrhanKe. J'hune A i -water Jtoitd Monrtny or ,lrn!. t N KW KI istN I IS0 C( i N Sol -K. See the new Kdiunn Cnntoie, Jut re- calved, only $'--; terma thnt w:li ur prise you. Hyatt Talking Machine Co S.'.O Al.ler. BKAl'TIKI" L-TO N'K1 $tlo( "Rnynle" up rirht piano, almost n'-w. I alf prlcm, tenns; no atcenta. Owner. .'lt h ml. 8ou I.. Woodstock car. Automano t;:t-77. PHONOGRAPH KIvCilRI'S P( TPAII. We prepay prntuiie on all orders f..r records , Lilison, r tor, I (r un l-c or Columbia ; "nd fr car Hlngues. Hj at t Talking Mwh:ne Co.. 3'o AM-r. WOI'LD Ilka to trade for grand piano my $1000 equity in 3 acres, ftofh and Mason atK., or for lot at Seaside. P 97!t. frK nian I'(,T i'St PAID Fn PH OMM ; RA Pli H RVA R DS. Newman. 1 2H First. n-r A cIt. Hrnu'lWRV 7ll. Auto P27-4X. cri ptom KTKi:. :: ,"0 Corn d t ome trr, U.v r. n'r $2hi. easy (rmi. Hyatt Ta k.ng M- I c hine Co., 3 .'O A Ider. WILL pay ano Id g mahogtt condition, b ona rerrert. titate pni-e. A E U4, irc n in n. BT'ESCHEU bari:on op hope, silver, gmd bell and p'arl ttes; new, $15; terma. O. F. Johnaon Piano Co., Slx'h et. BT PRI VAT hi rrtv. Webber playtr pi ano; perfect condition; e dan hair rire ; with over f0 roiia of rnuila 4414 $775 MARSHALL & WEN'DKLL piav-r piano, hit-note, latw mod!; ben-h, caM net and music; on'v nni br- a-a In term . H1 1 War, . er 1 M g VlttlAS outfit, tnciude viulin. bow, rtif and everything reeded to atM rt If li, $1H and ISO, G. K. Johnson lino Co., Ill sixth pr. VH'TRO l,A Pr.P.TAHI.K fNAl'. $50 Portable Victrm, un(i 3 mirt'hl onlv f.H.T.v., l.n. IA a ni'-n'h Hyatt T4!k;t!g Vaehipe Co , 'Q A !! r. SPECIAL b:inj outiit. wl'h b tona a nd perfect 'a le ; ejece. nt for or rh'sl ra wrk. Ine.udew ritae. .15. G. J ihran Piano r0 -Q N'th t. W A XTLD Cue of pintio f r atoraaa T itm durlnit winter mnnihi; bat f care; aduita; fireproof bnig. K lua, f i reg o n i a n. CONN C me!o.i- aaiuphnne. dilyrr, ro 4 be:j, I?5; terma. i. K. JohraoD I'uno ro., 14i Hlxth atre.-v 1KSPONMI HI.E party wi I tnr pino f r Vn of pa me; no Jan, no children. AS on an UAKTiX - C"' a x ii h a-Aid bell won Plnnr terma ro.. 14 . nh pi. Lt'KSniKH Melf.rtv C aaxr.p!ione, pra". tlcaliy new, $luf. Ca.l room 6-i;, V. W A. WK i'.KPAlK mul' al irut:un,n:i gf klnrta ani ruarantee our wniit, JohriMn Piano Co., Hit 8n;h mt. SCHtilEKT aprlrht grand la dark oak cane, orlrlnal coat a(... ft,r $ lli Call Moniv. t3 K. Uth H.. Apt 3. FOR PAI-K 8teicer piano, bungalow up rirht rrand. "irrai-ian wtnul caaa, $4. fxh. M17 F:. 7"h N. it "i ! LM SCAL ot-pwrtun-ty to K-t a r-al piano tTuiu private famify. Ta bor 2132 PIANO SNAP X"ad p:anoa. l:Ka new. fo them. MllUn bichtnfa, 23 N. th at. near Hurr.it.de. KE VT a player p. ano. Tha who faifi l y can en.iay !L Haroifl a. GITleert. 1 f7 Went Pa rfc, jnt r. rrt h nf W h. WILL buy ner. ijleitttn ay, Mavm A Hamlin or Everett fraud. No daatcra AM 7t, OreronHn. PI A NO plavr with lota of mualu. Mil iar a. 13 N. ih a. ,t WANT to buy a t t e par ' y . No owed pian from pri- p.TAXO iiaifi ir InrTia:ila. Mr. L.iubrt iMbat Z-il, tibii .i'-i v'.'ii Thre is no ot jn r!. wtr" Jum l; Km "M.-'hr V hrr hIP' sr h mUJ!f ; $ m mt-t h ( Virtroii, K!tt.o, Tn.f ur C".um- t H vi " i A - . We . yur fr(ti wrdsnte!" vol. Hyatt T-lR ln C. S i fy'l.i .' K IS HI Alt A Rt hf 1 pm'fit of t record Ji9t r -d ti: iiNi.Ntl pi'l. Iitt I 1.A To 1 AlW A V UK. Al "I . . N i jsf'l A La .N k. or I r.t. pay . . h nr ' bijr i alt , $n.t PI n II- W, r . v t-rn. 1'Alt I V U H 0 ff III A Un ti.aHe. X N. tH. i ai .'4 t UfBIIUff T30 NEW fLATEIt TIANO $140. Come li favorite ri.pt rr w- lion p' otl t.n i h rf H- l n C ON. I.K r A VlA Klb i i A No, ""i may Jus how p"f f y it rn . i that p'kvn o m!r t'a-lia- 'iw thm 1 th.m Sl t -ij. rtl." r. am "ttn tli re tne i trfc . nmnMp whuh tnt. t Ma litirumttt. We 1 I a I'm )ou ii(H!r;' n )ur O.ti p:nn. l'nnvnirti tr ma. N tntr!t. v two nt tha tveau'tf Knto f uitffrm I't. "l tin hae ur rhutr t( nm or nnhnii b Rr-tnenil'-r t are ur mn-i i"i fur $".. imr prlf- m"4'i a v)4 ou of $. on y Helpful Credit. No Interest. wish rrwvTTrnr co l"S-liH Kirai at. VIPH'8 1I0USC Or rtARUAlMi: $15f 0v!2 a-l lm Wr- ! rut. lafe ai.ffont pf .t!rnii f9T 34) Re Av-r-turr-fi rtuv. rnpuri. tt n.nrv,. . tion. loon mfrlUf cuh l'na M R'l W bed davenport, up-, .;-r-.l in h.n-grain ieatnemtte . . 42 SO F $4 B-nwlna leather nvfriu'-.j r'" kr ... ti 25 R'C 'o I vrr jr drpra, pate rnlrrnr-a ......... 17$ Ra- 3 nK orr, larg-e p ate mirror 2 JMI Rr :J dwuhe-d-'k oil ITll-S 11 Helpful Credit. N Imereau MIf-'H Ftn VTTt'R R ( ()., east nir FunsmRB utorb. We tnvtte yo and Inap! our new at-xk o( oo'l. I2 Am!nfr rure frm. . . H 1 r l' I 2. ' . p-e? t V Turn m t "in . . . 4 ..' Ujt 4" r unil r.iiN.n f. tt rtatn-a : 4" j- iun ! aier IM rp,i r ( t up 4t-ib. iilk li"M mat. I .. t '. hniinmrii t-1 , tt t i 4-pier Ivory b-lrt"i auit.. M !'i lire tt XmmX lMf , JKH ln h . . . ilni7.e(1 )i,a. J.'-'Mir . t.t vnli t-ttiia. I .(u. t . Hi !!;! tinH P-itl 'ohk ru.. i ! "l-per-bot lm nii b'titeta.. .'-. Poiain: if-i'i't'f h ... a l" N T K- HiKT, We barxl - a full iin r tha fimmi Charier ioi (anaa a. ramM ( tlr. I h i xiTfft r m 4nX ml 4t7 Km? iiiT-le 'rf. ORDKR your heater ir. v e vef (hlrtf in lit heat in a; ha b"Lh ne and ue(t, at jr e b' tt mm aura to PI.t-.AfK, anj your own term m, K a h v tkrv vn ivTcnrT CKVUnXA r l ItVTU i'.K I u Mt'A.sr, JV'', 1m 1tftt , bef. V anthill TlVnf t'SKU A. li. eniiiMnaiion rat!t!..e "il r m. Jut r--J aa i , formerly aoid for $ hi ;. i, i t-l but a eliort Hm. jn y f S tit livi'fd to y-'ur buti Ksy tkhv- Ni t vrr n car UKVTKU UK NIT L It I ; u M r A N T 1', JL1" Pl..t-Va:iihHI Bn4 TaT'or, bL.CTi:lC"ahir in. hlu.rM t" In 1 rmi'i "ni'nj i-y r-an't hn y-a i ma e --trli- ritaf'ti fur u v f"7 KASV T Kit V S' iMi.iu-T OLVtinS 1 LP V ITCH L (Oil! AT, IN'-, L1 i',t',, .J"" Vml !'! a4 Tu'pf M A Hoi.. v fn.-h "dr .l "n.te b- -1 iaenport. Ilm..li.r-1 In (In t nf 11'MFV, In firat--,a .n d , t ih. .iht : u -J but nut injur -..r r VAXY TI.KVM M I n Ti'V.i - T (JKVimv, k ri iiL l UMl'ANT. IN' b't. a nhV ,i tt I oak m hij. 1 Krtri '. ka Wi!h Ihm h' . n a v k . T ! A !. arna mnA fiufr fha.r. Ilt. a. mm! and flo,r boa j a, l.:nt h-nrn. MCTa-ll my H t-n.m furniim, r ,'nZ aiming nf an ov rmi uf f il r r. i. r i, Mh dm ng r"'m m-i. " -n i, r r u mm r i , ivory r-el ium n. i r - J'"'i"r"''2l',f h' r ' ,l ; " 1,1 "' GKNTIM-; V. r 7,i t b-ina fid-. 1 II rr,'. m. 1 a hmp- -c tnte but r y, H' T,. 'a r.ia j-h'.n-crph ti"p;.. 11 f u r, -..ra U A P AltG A IV ar he;iT-r "d fafta. ATA K r h I l''k rtrfT. l-.if : 2 ' ti.i lr i mi 1 Man '"Trt T't ? ALirn TTiirrnr , 1 ele( I iron .), 1 I. In. n mt. Italia 7 jf kfii rfc. ti atand. Ml Hl-:i:L'H a a1 rh. I'an 'WTT at tr t v ' i h- -en at al'. t r. . , n a -A:m.a na n, m hr Ma n HIM b t - r , a- m- . gl 1 K .Sil.h- si- - .t- . Ie(. t7; fontWUf l' ho KB II J l!r,u f 'n ft 7f.'.r '3 NO ri'ief foil HAI K "f? TAfr. J '.a y t f nil Kfl' r ' f'l fgn'ttir I i l.iA liijA J K Uri'lf h lllff tlMi hli, I I.,. tr f .-nlt.irtt f.r : ; ( OAK I , f.- hAi.i; - fl"aT ar4 ulnar Ke w irtl'irt of ehit fvnttrjra. lL- r offr t.Ja n-jr to.,.,- 1 f -, mx r-i:. iia I'f. , K. 4: br.VKI A I , t--" ia f 4 , J V. 7 $3 . K ! i ' H KN . Vu't n M ra n thvr. K Li i t: i f'.. -'". juc iai a. lab. I...' r--t 3-' ti or J a - hi . iu H't w y ru-ii- 1 1., Alt aa t"tm IAitV'H )v ,r r.e.m nn, i:,- ; h ? n b A i i k Va i.v: m hand iVORV f,rrM.f af.l lt Oil V"H'!Y T'' Aim atr r Jt 1 . art4 mm ON K PIIM' Ttvo t ri-.i i a - r. i k A'1- -Ma I i f-f-d oak r s. i-. I( Klf l. we t . f.r i and nrt.i. i ;: a n. r -. ll'.f V led" I - C.l Mo i7 ; Jr'Lii-N.iLLi- lt a.. L-it Al.