THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1922 10 BE.U ESTATE. For Sale Hoasefi. EUBUBBAV HOMB. 50(. AT EDGK OP CITY AXD 2 BLKS. TO MMY BLVD. AXD CAR. Onft acre tract, well improved, some 35 or 40 young and bear . ing fruit trees, different kinds of berry vines. 2 long rows f grapes vines that are loaded at the present time wita - ripe grapes, ' extra large garden space, chicken houses and pen and cow shed, good 4-Ym. house, bung-alow type, good basement, water, electricity and gas in the house, also water in the yard; this place is not only a nice home, but is bo improved one can realize an income from it right on the start; call at our Parkrose- branch office; take Rose City-Parkrose cat to end of line.. Tabor -904. J. L. hartman compant, M Chamber of Commerce bidg. Broadway eti34. KENT SAVERS. A good 3-room house with lot IOOtc ICO, double constructed, newly painted, g-as, some furniture including chairs, iining table, oed. - springs and mat tress, bedding, couch,- dishes, oil stove and gas plate; 7 blks. from Alberta tar. Total price $iMM, .$100 cash, $15 jper month. Exceptionally neat little S-room cottage with sleeping porch, city wa ter, gas and else, lights, close to school. Price $i50, $4l0 csh. 3-room cottage, lot 45x105. macad amized street, 1 block 'Woodstock, car, 31 assorted fruit trees, some berries. Price- 41000. $-50 cat, u. $20 monthly. These are just a few of tha hun dreds of small homes that we hav on our list for working men. Call at the office and see photographs. See Kertson with FRED W. GERMAN OCX, Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce B ldg. 4850 HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW $4350. Here Is your bargain in practically new five-room bun galow in perfect condition; re ception room, large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, bath and two very large, airy bodrooms; more than usual number of built-in features; fireplace, cement base ment and laundry trays; easy terms. J. L. KARXOPP CO., Bdwy. 6755. 1 Ky. Exch. bid. WESTOVER TERRACE. 24. 700. One of the finest view residences on tYestover. S-room Hutch colonial style, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, hot water heat, large liv ing room, sunroom, Isrge dining hall, breakfast room, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, fine bathrooms; thi3 home is very complete, plenty of clothes and linen closets; very fine, spacious grounds and shrubbery, large garage, etc.; you will have to see this home to really appreciate its beauty; rea sonable terms arranged. Phone Bdwy. 75L'. BERVICK. RELIA BILIT Y. COE A. MpKBNNA & CO., ' Established l8t. 20fi Artisans Bidg., Bdwy. at Oak. ROSE CITY PARK. $500 Down or Bonus. $5400 This attractive 5-roora hun jralow, located on a corner lot facing at this price and terms is a fcplendtd buy. Large cement porch, nice-sized living room, one of the most convenient -Dutch kitchens, with loads of cupboard space, breakfast nook, oak floors, fireplace with dampers, lighting fixtures to suit, mirror doors in both bedrooms: practically a fun basement. furnace, all improvements in and paid for. Monthly payments as you wish. Glad to show you. C'AMPBKLL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct). Automatic 3 16-4-A FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7 large, light rooms, reception hall, vpry large living room with fireplace, big reception hall, dining room and white enameled kitchen with all kinds of built -in a on first floor; 3 big bed rooms and 1 small one; large hall opening to all bedrooms, and bath on second floor: brand new earasre. 100 1M; all kinds of fruit; richest kind of garden ground ; 3 short blocks from street car. 6 blocks from nraoosed ex position site (Mock's bottom ; 12 min utes by auto to Uroadway and wah. t. You cannot put the improvements on much less the two lots and street find sewer assessments for the price. $4500. $1000 cash. baL easy. Tel. Wal nut fS034. .IRVINOTON HOMES. BUNGALOW DK LUXE. IRVLVOTON. S. W. COR. 1STK AND KLICKITAT. New Not built to- sell. Open, today. It to t. owner transferred from city; lamre room; bath on each floor; you know we know a good home when we see one. Just look through thia tolay. R. T. STREET. C OO O TTOM ES R KAI.TOR. e UMS. KENTON SACRIFICE "i RAIS. !KI0. ?700 DOWN. This Is the greHtest value in Kenton ntl must be sold at on-e at this sacri fice pri-'e. All improvements in and TK'.Id. All large rooms finished in old iory; living and dining rms.. 2 bed rm!?., Dutch kitchen, broak. nook, fire-p!:-. nil kinds of built-ina. buffet, hardwood 2 rms., full cement bastemt Mry. trys: 50x100 lot; worth $1200 -nsh. Half bik. from Kenton car. iQuiclc action required at this price. V-'iil gladly show this home anv time H. V OPFtORNK CO.. Realtors 4W1 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open eve-, and Sundays. Bdwy. 5 3 ST. ROSE CITY BELOW THE HILL. $5500 EASY TERMS. Nw fi-ronm bungalow; Tares rooms, hardwood floor. and all kinds of bui!t-tns : built bv a reliable builder; , real sub stantial home, Alvin-Johnson Co.. Realtors, 605 AIcKay bldg. Bdwy. 7201. B ROAD W AY FRONTAGE, BARGAIN. 75x100, on East Broadway, pear 2 Is-t st., improved with o-room house, furnace, fireplace, attic, full basement, high ground value and increasing. Think it over. Only $r500! R. T. feTREKT, Better Homes. STRICTLY modern 5 -room bungalow to bp cold at cost for Quick r tts ; a beautiful home, with all modern con venience.: shower bath, good bath fix tur in fcui'it-ins, six French doors, wiredr electric range. Pullman breakfasi nook, fireplace, Imdde ivory . enamel f in isJi . cement basfmepi. ade walk; fer $400: terms. 1K14 Division Phone Aut. 621-S0. Call uruiay before 30 or between 1 and 2. Monday any time. X e W f 300 0 N E W . bedrooms, fine bath, living room with fireplace, hardwood floors. Dutch k'tchen. cement basement, with laun dry irays. hall gas furnace, beautiful paper; located one block from Ala meda. Jood district. W. M. I'MBDKXSTOCK CO. Bdwy. 1B5S. .10 Oregon B!dg. NEAR LA V R Gl.HC KST PARK. " J-toAO. $1230 cash. 50 monthly on baiance: 6 rooms and large s'eeping porch, built-ins. fireplace, full cement basement. laundry trays. cment ga rage, douMp-eonstrucred and close in. JOHXPON-IH'PSO CO fi.i3 N W. Dank Bldg. Main "77. 1353 DIVISION St. New bungalow with aU conveniences, breakfast nook.- lots of luilt-ine. hardwood floors, panered, street assessment s, taxes paid, all kinds of fruit and nnts. Just come and " see. Owner on place. V;i5G- l.EA VIXG city. Sell at cost new modern four-room houpe. Fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, garage, lin- . provements a'l in and paid. 1 block to ear, 10 minutes from town, Waver 1y Heights. Owiifr, SUwood sLwi down! J 2550 -4-roem modern house, fine hath, cement basement, close to car. good district : If avirg city; must sell thu wpek. Phone Bdwy. 2Wi or Ta "bor S'5S Sundays and evenings. 1 5 00 P( W N $500. The best buy in Portland. $500 cash wKl handle, will consider the soldier loan: 2 bedrooms, living and dining room, breakfast r.o-vk. fireplace, garage, full ba sefnci:t. Walnut 14'. D1AMOM) AS FIRST PAYMENT. Brand new MipmIow; fireolace, bookcases and Dutch kitchen; beauti ful tot; pawd st. ; near car. Call nwner. Main jKtO NEW 4-ROOM bungalow, with bath: has water, light, gas and se'wer; 1 b!-ik to rraved street, 4 blocks to car. Walnut 475. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. 15500 IRVINGTON S5500. Can you beat this? New. hardwood floors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, fire place, basement, furnace, everything; etnau down payment. ALBERTA. It is such a pretty home, new. fire place, hardwood floors, Dutch, kitchen, furnace, ail conveniences. My price is rignt. ALAMEDA PARK. Here i the home yea have looked for; 5 rooms, new, fireplace, hardwood floors, basement, furnace. It's up to the minute ; f 1000 cash will handle, balance like rent. . -ROSE CITY. That wonderful home of fi rooms, new, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, all built-ije, attic, basement, furnace. What more do you want? IRVINGTON. It's yours, in the heart of Portland's best homes, new, just finished; 5 ' rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch, kitchen, basement, furnace, everything you want. Let me show you. , J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Bldg. f Broadway 5931. Tabor 5319. tsooa. CORNER LOT 105x125 FT. WLLSHIRE ADDITION. New 5-rm. house, living and dining room combination with, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace, large size breakfast room between kitchen and din ing room, with buifct-in features, hardwood floors in living and dining room and breakfast room, good siee bedrooms with built in features in closet and mir ror door; cement basement and furnace; a wonderful horn at a low price. Call Rose City Park branch office, 45th and Bandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANT, & Chamber of Commerce blAg. Broadway 6034. IRVINGTON, $25,000. Without a doubt this home ts the finest that money can build, 10-room English colonial, 100xM0 corner; won derful shrubbery and lawn; hardwood floors throughout, finished In old ivory, fine fireplace, hot water heat, full cement basement, chauffeur's room in basement, 2 fine bathrooms, beautiful large sunroom, den, breakfast nook,' sewing room, fine large bedrooms, all bullt-ins, plenty linen and clothes closets, large attic; this home is just wonderful; if you want something a little better than is usual be sure and make appointment to see this elegant property. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Established 188. 208 Artisans Bidg., Bdwy. at Oak. $tt500. ' 8-room house, large living, dining and den in combination; reception hall with stair landing, kitchen; four bedrooms on second floor, roomy fin ished attic; fuil basement with, con crete floor, furnace; this ie a very desirable borne and a bargain, own ers out of city and will not rent; must sell and . bpon any reasonable terms. HARVEY WELLS & CO., Call Mr. Rlnehart. 602 Gasco bldg. Main 4564. IRVINGITON BETTER HOMES. Some features, 2 baths on second 2 fireplaces; 75x14)0, beautiful yard of t rees and f io-we rs ; center en trance, large living room across one end, French doo-rs to large glass sun room. 4 bedrooms oa second, or 3 and sleep ing por-ch room, one is oversize; oak. floors throughout; maid'e room in attic; location the very cream of Irvington's best; to sell quick, $11. SOU, terms. Shown, by apr ointment oniy, and worth it. R. T. STREET. BETTER HOMES. $500 CASH. A dandy 6-room Rose City bunga low, brand new, modern In every way, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, breakfast nook, old ivory finisn; 50x100 street-level lot; garage, cement runway; the most com plete home in this beautiful district; total price $5500. Bdwy. 7521!. Ex ceptionally easy terms. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 188. 20S Artisans Bldg.. Bdwy. at Oak. ROSE CITY PARK. $5600. This colonial bungalow, located on 46th st., just off Sandy, is absolutely flawless as to construction. Has a big living room, very pretty fireplace with bookcases, a buffet built entirely across the dining room, expensive lighting fixtures, tapestry paper, oak floors, cement basement, pipe furnace, ready to move Into. Terms. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct). Auto. 315-44. ROSE CITY PARK 8-room bun galow with 100x100; a regular park. A wonderfully built home and modern to the last detail. The price is low very low for such a, quality house. A. G. Teepe Co., 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3 433. Open Sunday. MUST BE SOLD. Owner forced to leave this beautiful 4-room home on account of change of business. This block built up with boautiful homes. Hardwood fioors in living room ; fireplace, 2 bedrooms, spiendid kitchen, cement basement, brst furnace,, so. id cement run way. Price $4450. $500 down to re sponsible party. SEE THIS TODAY. W. M- UMBDENSTOCK & CO. Bdwy. l58. 10 Oregon Bidg. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW NEW. Three block from the new Alameda echool nnd 5 blocks from Broadway var; built for a home and has all of the latest built-in features; beautiful oak floors, plate glafs windows, fire-' place, full cement basement, trays and Fox furnace; oversize lot, east front and splendid garage. Price $6000, best of terms, E. M. BROWN, 1122 T. W. Bank Bids. Main 2422. WOODLAWN DISTRICT. $3200. B-room modern bungalow, 1 block to Union-ave. carlme, close to school, in good neighborhood; a well-built home, full cement basement, large Vine rooms, garage, etc.; terms to suit, reliable par ties. Phone Bdwy. 7522. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 18S0. 208 Artisans Bldg., Bdwy. at Oak. jqjKWI IRVINGTON-HOLLADAY. 304 E. 16th N., near Clack amas; empty, unlocked today; ivory finished Dutch colonial ; non-resident owner says "sell." R, T. STREET, GOOD HOMES REALTOR. $15M MT. SCOTT $15C0. 4-rm. modern bungalow with Bleep ing porch, on gravel street. ii4th st. S. E.. 2 blks. from cur; 1. and d. rms.. bedrm. Dutch kitchen. All kinds of built-itis. Parage; 50x100 lot. $50' down. bal. $25 per mo. and 7 per cent interest. H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors, 4H2 Cham, nf Com. Bidg. Open eves, and Sundays.- Bdwy. 53S7. ROSE CITY. J7900; 7-room. 3-story bungalow near Alameda drive; all beautifully and fully equipped rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, basement and garage ; easy terms. HARVEY WELLS A CO., Call Mr. Kinehart. 602 Oasco bids. Main 45ff4. NEAR PENINSULA PARK and Jefferson high school; owner leaving city; will sell modern 6-room bungalow on very easy terms; price reduced to $4000. Call at branch of fice, corner Aibina avenue and Lom bard st or phone Walnut 1609. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. IRVlNuTON BARGAIN. Location adjacent to new park and Grant high school; 6 rooms, paneled waiis, beam ceiling in dining room; fireplace, bookcases, 2 roomy bedrooms and sleeping porch; full basement, laundry trays, 2 lots, plenty fruit and berries; price $5500; $2uu0 cash. East S22S. NEW 5-room bungalow, full basement. attic, furnace, electric fixtures, shades, garage, cement runways; beautiful lot, 75x3 00, landscaped; street improve ments paid : handy to car; terms; would consider lot. Owner, SeUwood tw3S. WESTMORELAND SACRIFICE. Brand new, strictly modern 5-room bungalow; firepiace. bookcases and Dutch kitchen; full lot: paved street; near car; only J-HHX) and your own t erms. O wr. or. M a : n 633 8. NEW OV ERLOGK NEW. Real nobby 5-room complete bunga low. $4300; wiii accept $5o0 down from responsible party ; a real opportunity. ACT AT ONCE. W. M- UMBDENSTOCK CO. Bdwy- HViS. 210 Oregon Bldg. $25rt 7-ROOM HOCSE. Good condition, close to ear and school, small payment down and easy tciiiis; buy from owner and save com mission. Walnut Pi' 13. 10-ROOM attractive modera bungalow; 6 bedrooms: also Troom house and garage on ?0xl0O lot: near an electric; a ! for $4000; half cash. Phone Seii. 8437. KA1 ESTATE. For Sale Houses. S T R E E T-a ROSE CITY BUYS. S RMS. AND SELF. PORCH, ON A BEAUTIFUL lOUxlOO LOT. Owner leavinc citv and will sacrifice to get immediate action, and if you can use a oouoie lot. we guarantee this to be clear of competition. Living room across entire front with oak floors, fireplace, built-ina of every de scription, full cement basement with. i, t. ana a gooa n eating plant, wase an appointment to see this, as it is below the mil. $ RMS. AND ATTIO. NEW-NEAR SANDY. Located below the hill: real classy with all of the latest up-to-the-minute features, hardwood fioora throughout. up the entire front of the house withj a real useaoie rirepiace. ana a realty cheerful kitchen with lots of handy built-ina and large breakfast nook two-third cement basement and & Boyiiton hot air furnace; garage, nara- surface paid. Price only $utou, on very easy terms. REDUCED FROM $7200 TO $6300 FOR QUICK SALE. New. 5 rms. and attic, in Rose City. close to cars and school, immediate possession: the best of hardwood floors, pressed brick fireplace, French floors, expensive tapestry paper, entire house finished in -bite and ivory, sunny breakfast room, pretty kitchen with lots of handy built-ins. complete bath with, best plumbing that money can buy; garage, east front, bard sur face paid. Located below the ball. Th rarest buy in xu C park. $5O0 DOWN AND MOVE RIGHT IN. New, located below the lilll, close to Sandy blvd., oak floors, fireplace, many handy built-in features, complete kitchen with, breakfrast nook: garage. To see Is to buy. Cannot be beat a-t $4&50. David Harp, Manager. R. T. STREETS S&ndv Blvd. Office, 1150 Sand by Blvd. at Sith. Aut. 320-04, Office open. Today. HATE YOUR HUSBAND SHOW YOU THIS NEW LAUREL HURST HOME TODAY. A super-attractive 6-room bun galowbuilt along the latest lines by one of Portland's beet builders. Located near the park. Truly the last word- fn bungalow construction. Nothing could be added to enhance its appearance or its usefulness. The quality of material and workmanship speak for themselves. It will be a pleasure to show you. A. G. Teepe Co. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE. 39th and Gli san. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 95b6. YOU "WANT MONEY. Let us show you how to make some; good 6-rm. house, large chicken houses and 100xl50-ft. lot; only 2 blocks from car; you can make enough raising chick ens to make the monthly pay ments; price $4500. $500 down. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway t034. NEW COLONIAL RESIDENCE. Beautiful modern 8-room home. In cludes large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, in closed back porch, lavatory ad toilet; Rudy furnace, laundry, 3 fine bed rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath, large. iiinmieu HLLiu, uuuaoie playroom or Du llard room, hardwood floors through out ; first-class superior construction; garage; high-class districtOSo Wasco, 2 blocks Xrvington car; will accept 1 or 2 well located lots or good small house as part payment. Owner, Rob ert B. Beat, East 1S75. IRVINGTON. COLONIAL CORNER. Two baths, hot water heat, oak floors and ivory finish throughout; 2 fireplaces, double garage; $9800; class, beauty, high value; sacrifice. Don't fail to see this at once. R. T. STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR ROSE-CITY PARK. New 5-room bungalow with large at tic, full cemeii t basemen t, f urna ce, firep-laee, breakfast nook, garage; fin ished in1 ivory, tapestry paper, beat oak floors, all built-ins; on attractive cor ner; trees; will be ready for occupancy Oct. 15; a bungalow "what isC' Come talk It over with the owner. 711 E. 50th St. N. Phone Tabor 3534. BARGAINS. $4300; new S-room bungalow, block car line; modern. $3700; 6-room house, 60x111 lot- block car line. $3000; 5-room bungalow; 50x100; on car line. $260O; 7-room house; exceptional HARVEY WELLS & CO., Call Mr. Kinehart. 602 Gasco bldg. Main 4564. HERE'S A DANDY. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. 6-room,. story and half modern bun galow, 3 lovely bedrooms, with spa cious closets, full cement basement, fine furnace, entire house beautifully decorated and at the price $3700 is .-a wonderful buy; $700 cah will handle, balance like rent. Phone Bdwy. 7522 COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 203 Artisans Bldg., Briwv at Oak. jTS.-iO IRVINGTON, practically new bungalow, near 21st and Siskiyou; 6 rooms first floor, old Ivory finish end oak fioora throughout, costly tile bath. By appointment on I v. R. T. -STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR BEAUTIFUL HOME ON ABSOLUTELY THE B15ST SITE OS WESTOVER TERRACES for sale because it is too large for 2 people; spacious hall, living room and dining room, sunporch, breakfast pch., beautiful ballroom, 4 bedrooms, two sleeping porches. 3 baths. 3 fireplaces, hardwood floors, maid's suite, ideal heat. Might consider small house in exchange. Telephone owner for ap pointment. Main 6872. NEAR IRVING TON CAT? ' $5000, $100O cash, $t0 monthly In cluding Interest; modern, 6 rooms. Bleeping porch and sunroom; has built ins, fisfplaee, hardwood floors, inlaid linoleum and electric range in kitchen, enamel finish, cement basement, fur nace; paved street; 5"xl00 lot. JOH.VPOX-DODSON CO 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main R77 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. JUST FINISHED. $4350. Has hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement and laundrv travs: lot 50x100: $500 cash and very eas terms on balance. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Ptark Bldg. Main 2422. EX-SERVICE MUX. We have some real desirable modern bungalows ready for immediate occu pancy; very reasonable terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and Un-to-date ideas. We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK ft CO. Bdwy. 1658. 210 Qregon Bldg. $400 DOWN MT. SCOTT $400 DOWN. $2,Vt for this. 4 rrrs. and lovelv big sleeping porch. I. and d. rms., bedrm., Dutch kitchen, double garage; 5)xlo0 lot; 3 blks. to car, 3 biks. to good grade school." H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors. 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open eves.' and Sundays. Bdwy. 53S7. $5500 m-STORYbunga low .n at tractive part of Irvlngton; being sold direct bv order of court; this is an exceptionally wcMl-built place and well kept up and It is a good buy; you will appreciate it if you see it. Phor CORD SENG STAKE Res., Tabor 13P2. Office, Bdwy. 6701. BUILT FOR A HOME. Brand new 5 rooms and nook, ce ment porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, numerous built-ins, tile bath, furnace, frarage. .shades, electric f;xtitres : large ot. improved street. 35-1 E. 52d st. Hawthorne car. ATTRACTIVE moderen bungalow. 3 rooms ial bath, full cement basement, furnactBruit trees; lot 40x120: bik. to car; jf bargain. Owner, 5721 Wood stock ave. $SSm0 NEW IRVINGTON colonial. J J 00 0 cash to handle. For inspection. Easi ru4t. 7-ROOM house, 3 lots, $2850. $500 down. Walnut 690. NEW modern bungalow, iow price, terms. 730 E. tiUth .North. , BEAL ESTATE. For saiei Houses. $5550 IMPROVEMENTS PAID. JUST 1 BLOCK OFF SANDY BLVD. On paved street, corner, 75 r 100 ft.. 7-rm. house and sleep ing porch, reception hall, large living and diniiig room, built in features, den with firepiace, also large fireplace in living room, nice wide stairway, $ bed - rooms upstairs, 1 extra large bedroom with double clothes closet, sleeping porch on first floor with built-in bed, cement basement and furnace ; this is a used house and with a little expanse, can be made a beauti ful home; an ideal location, close to Rose City school and stores; may be had on terms. Call Rosa City branch office, 45 th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 6 Chamber of Commerce bid. Broadway &034. AN OPPORTUNITY to secure fine home for little money; 5-room - bungalow, furnace, fireplace, full basement, concrete walks and curbs, sewer; lot 50x100, lo cated 33d and Columbia sts., Vancouver, Wash., 30 miles from business district of Portland ; pavement all the way; owner has sick boy and must go to California: will sacrifice for $3250; $1350 cash. - balance monthly payments; must be seen to be appreciated. ATKINSON PORTER. 705 Main St., -Vancouver, Wash. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. 796 E. FLANDERS ST. YOUR OWN TERMS. $4850, new. Very pretty B-room bun galow with long living room across the front, pretty dining room, best hardwood floors. Colonial fireplace, Dutch kitchen, nook, two airy bed. rooms, beautifully finished in white enamej and tapestry paper; expensive electric- fixtures; best of construction, redar elding, 2x10 joists, 3 coats of paint, etc. All street imps, in -and paid. Close to Sandy bivd. Open Sunday for your Inspection. R. SOMERVJLLE, MAIN 3761. 1010 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $.-,000 S ACRIFIC E $ 5000. Beautiful 6-room bungalow on 7th st., Irving ton. has hardwood floors. . fireplace, furnace, many buiiVins. large basement, with cement floors and laundry trays; lot 50x100, with fine parage. This is a dandy little borne and is priced below its actual value. Price $5000, terms. J. F. HILL, 636 Williams Ave. East 0263. IRVINGTON. $1000. In the newest part of Irvington, where all the fine homes are being built, we have a new 5-room bunga low with hardwood floors, full cement basement, breakfast nook, all built ins. laundry trays; garage; located on East 17th st. N.; this is a real simp, total price $5250, very easy terms. Phone Bdwy.. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established ISSfl. 208 Artisans Bldg., Bdwy. at Oak. , IRVINGTON COLONIAL. Nothing in Portland to com pare with this beautiful home, reasonably priced; immediate possession ; not advertised ; shown by appointment. Phone us today, East 0S4M, to show you this and other modern colonials1; $6000 to $12,000; also many beautiful bun-gaiows. R. T. STREET, Better Homes. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $4600. This artistic 5-room bungalow, lo cated one block from Glisan and all ready to move into;- lovely big living room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, large closets In each bedroom, oak floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, full basement, garage, lighting fixtures, shades and a wonderful view of sur rounding districts. Easy terms or sol dier's bonus, or will take a late Ford. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct). Automatic 315-44. SOUTH MT. TABOR. , 200x180. 6-room plastered 1 '4-story bungalow. newly painted inside and out: has large iruit cellar, new garage ana iaige chicken house; lots of fruit and ber ries, on good road. This place has a good future and Is across the street from one of the finest schools in Port lend, on the Hawthorne carline. Will sell for ffiOOO. Will discount for large payment down. Deal with owner. Call .it store at BSth and Powell Valley road. Aut. 621-01. BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COLONIAL. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. One of the most admired of the fine honifg on the east side. It has every modern convenience. It was built by the owner or his own home, less than a. year old. Designed by one of Port land's best architects. Beautiful cor ner lot, fine location. Ts, it has a billiard room. Small down payment wiil handle it. Priced right. Shown by appointment only. R. SOMERVILLE, Main 37fil. IRVINGTON VERY LARGE BUNGALOW. Unlocked today, 3 to 6; 500 E. 15th N.; big bungalow, like new; ba'-hn and bedrooms each floor; owner left state; wants quick action. R. T. STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR. $2145 KENTON $2145. 6-rm. bungalow. I'i bik. south of Lombard. Liv. and d. rm., Dutch kit., 1 bedrm. downstairs. 2 up., bath and toilet; 50x100 lot; beautiful lawn, shade trees, lots of fruit and berries; garage and chicken house. $445 down, bal. T-lft per mo. at 6 per cent. Will take Ford t-ouririg car as part pay. H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors, 42 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open eves, and Sundays. Bdwy. 53 ST. LOOK! WEST SIDE VACANT EIGHT LARGE ROOMS CHEAP. Exceptionally fine home; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all modern built-ins, beautiful lighting fixtures, sleeping porch, attic, garage; Love joy St., best location: splendid home, good income; wonderful terms. Now, hurry. Broadway 6011 Monday. T. O. BIRD, 52fi Chamber of Commerce. $2S00 EASY TERMS. Leaving city; -must sell at once; modern bungalow with 2 bedrooms; ,100x100 lot: 15bearing fruit trees: ce ment basement; hard-surface St.; must sell. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 6869. DUTCH COLONIAL. $6500 A rare bargain. 2 fireplaces. sun room, 3 bedroom and den, . beautiful corner, below the hill in Rose City Park. Must sell at once. Your chance to own a benutiful Dutch Colonial. R. SOMERVILLE, Main 3761. 350 CASH. $14755 rooms and bath, cellar, cor ner lot flOxlV, in Errol Heights, near car. The owner has left town and must seii. This is surely a bargain. Austin Underdahl, 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7390. Evenings Aut. 632-56. NEW ALBERTA NEW. Seldom an opportunity like this. Owner leaving city, must sacrifice this 5-room modern bungalow, gas, fur nace;; low price of $4200. $600 down. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO., Bdwy. rS. 210 Oregon Bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow ; fine condition, with basement and modern improvements; 2 1 o ts ; f r ui t, bear ies and ga rage ; 1 block from car: Price $2500; easy terms; will lake cheap car. Autov 631-57. G. Salmon. Lents. SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Leaving city, will sell my 5-room modern bungalow in Waverly Heights: a bsreain. Apply 1123 Woodward ave., or crCi "S11. 22"-5 Monday. OWNER leaving city, offers modern 5 room bungalow for sale: 75x100; ail imps, in; near school snd car. Easy terms. Bdwy. 4610. SUNNYSIDE house, sale or lease; 5 rms., attic' and basement, elec., gas. bath, well furnished. Call Sunday at 1273 Ea st Taylor. 7-ROOM house at S0O E. 12th st. N., free of all incumbrances; lot 100x100, 3 blocks from Irvir.gton car. EXCEPTIONALLY fine large bungalow. It has to be seen to be appreciated; $7.vt. 42 Rex ave. Sell. 3752. $3500 NEW B-room house, 1035 E. 2fUh st.. Alberta car, terms- Owner, 3 986, Oregonian. MONOGRAMS and Initials by expert, very reasonable. Call East 6777 MODERN house, furnished. $1000 down, balance $."V-iO. Tabor 16S6. COMFORTABLE 4-room tent house, gas and water. Call Ma: a 8016. REAL ESTATE. O. C ULRICH CO.. INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldff. Main 4354-4353. IN THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. 8 large rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern; hdwd. floors, buiK-ins. This is one of the best homes in Irvington and owing to sickness must sell at once; the price has been reduced way under value. We would be f leased to show this bouse. Price 75uu; terms. 6 rooms on the first floor; up stairs floored and studded for S large rooms; fuil basement, fire place, all built-ins, double ga rage, lot lOoxlOo ; 2 blocks to best car in city at the unheard of price of $3700; terms. A beautiful 8-room home In Rose City; large cement base ment 40x40; bdwd. .floors; nice ftreplsce; sleeping porch, beau tiful vines ana shrubbery. This is way below value, only $55o0, terms. A beautiful corner bungalow in Rose City, below the hill. This must be seen to be appre ciated as it cannot be described here. New bungalow In1 Laurelhurst; a beautifuL place; strictly mod ern; tile bath and sink: 2 blocks from carline; price $tU50; good terms. $5675. ROSSMERE ADDITION. 8 BLKS. 20 ROSE CITY PARK CAR. New $-rm. house, Sarge size , living room with nice wrap closet, dining room with French, doors, built-in bookcases and fireplace ; also buffet, hardwood floors la all the rooms and hall, kitchen and breakfast nook, large attic, cement basement with furnace; splendid garage. Call Rose City Park office. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 826-10. J. Li HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of- Commerce bidg. Broadway 6034. COMMERCIAL STREET. $2850. 5-room modern cottage on Commer cial st., near Fremont st., all rooms are large, good plumbing, electric and gas; splendid basement, etr. This it a splendid little home and the price la right. J. F. HILL, .66 Williams Ave. East 0263. IRVINGTON HOME. 759 Weidler St. SACRIFICE AT $t900. 4 bedrooms with oak floods throughout and ml. porch, tvc fireplaces, garage. excellently built, for owner's home. By ap pointment only. See my agent, R. T. STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR. 806 East Broadway. East 0804. NEW LAURELHURST NEW. Worth more than w$ asking; this 4-room bungalow la perfect in every detail; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, combined living and dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, ce ment basement, gas furnace, garage ; on paved street, surrounded by beau tiful homes. Price $5250, $750 down, $40 a month. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK ft CO., Bdwy. 1859. 210 Oregon Bldg. MT. SCOTT 82200 MT. SCOTT. This 6-rm. house on corner. 100x100, with all kinds of good fruit; S blks. from car, is be trg offered for $223 . down. bal. like rent, Liv. and din. rm., 2 bedrms. and kit., bath and toilet on first floor and nice big sleeping rm. upstairs. H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors. 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. O Pn eveg-. and' Sunda ys, Bdwy. S 387. N EW WESTM ORE LA N D C LAS SY. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, all modern bullt ins, fireplace, lovely Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, finished In ivory, fuM cement basement, large attic, cement porch ; east front, 18th st, best loca tion: this beautiful home Is excep tionally well built; come, see for your self; ou will buy; any reasonable terms. East 7973. . ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $3990 Practically new 5-room bunga low, in fine location, below the hill, all streft Improvements In and pa id ; fireplace, hard wood fioors, very handy Dutch kitch- en, 2 nice bedrooms; very easy terms: best buy in the district. R. SOMERVILLE. Main 3761. 1O10 Northwestern Bank BldJ BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, breakfast room, fireplace, all built-ins. give you snap on this; full price $30K. Take seller's con tract or lot as part payment. Some cash; bal. rent money. Owner at pre mises 11 to 5. HS4 E. 16th N.. Al berta car. S A BIN'S BLUE RIBBON. New 5-room bungalow on Missouri ave., only $4350, with good term a See this today. W. W. SABIN, Reiltor, 1032 Union Ave. N. Walnut 05S9. NEW LAURELHURST CLOLNIAL. Seven rooms, very modern, with double st plumbing and double ga rage; built for onwt-r's own home, but conditions arise necessitating sale and at the low figure of $720. Mr. Bargain Hunter, vou had better come early. Tabor 21 R9. $4750 WILL sacrifice my 11-room du plex flat building, 6 rooms down, & up, for $1000 down; move Into one flat and let the other pay off the bal ance. This is a golden opportunity for someone. flOKEY ft WESCH, Bdwy. 6706. 327 Cham, of Com. Bldg. HERE'S A BUY. 'B-room bungalow, furnlehed. Includ ing piano, furnace, fireplace. laundry trays, 2 bedrooms, good furniture; fine view; fruit, shrubbery. This is a snap. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 213 Co r b ett B 1 dg; Main 6 S69. NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. Five large rooms with all modern conveniences, open today from 2 until B week days by appointment. 12M Rodney ave., between Aineworth and Holman st. Owner A. C. Malmquist, 815 Knott st. East 0022. GOOD Laurelhurst buys $0500, on Asb street; $7500, on Couch; $S500, on Burnside; $10,000 on Pine; all near the park and bargains at the price; trms arranged on all. H. P. Allen, 1139 Belmont. Phone Tabor 9407; res idence Tabor 0276. TO CLOSE ESTATE AVE ST SIDE. Walking distance, save car fare; two 5-room houses, $3500. half down, lot 50x100. need some repair; a rood buy for someone. Inquire owner, 621 6th at. Auto 520-S1. Call Monday. $200 CASH, balance $25 monthly. $3250. New 4-room bungs low. fuil basement, wash trays, firepiace, hardwood floors, improvement s paid. O. O. SLETTEN. Realtor, 415 Ry. Exch. Bdwy. 3400. Main 3R52. ROSE CITY For eale by owner, 6-room bunealow; 4 rooms, breakfast n-ook and bath on first floor, 2 large rooms on second floor, mostly finished ; sell as it Is for ?4QOO. 3u r:. 04th et. v. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN $6500 : owner paid $75O0, left town, must sell; new, modern finish, attrac tive design, near car. Neuhausen A Co.. Main M7. East 0394. FOR SALE BY OWNER, large S-room house In good location, east s!de, PRICE $7OO0. PSONS TABOR S0S4, will also sell furniture cheap if wanted with house. $4200 HAWTHORNE EASY Clnse to Hawthorne ave. and 43d. Se this before you buy: It's worth the rponv Ttitih if dsjr-d. Tabor 21 HO. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern fl room bungalow in Rose City Park; fuil lot; garajare; furnace, fireplace; hardwood floors; old ivorv throughout; $4&0 Phone Tabor OllS. BY OWNER, a good 7-room hotis and gp.rage, newly painted, lot 50x125: a few feet from Union ave. No. 892 Eu gne; get ky at 3S3 Eugene st, or phone Main 7S17. J4T50 'WEST SIDE house, near 23d and Quimby streets; square built house. 6 ,:large rooms and alcove: will make very easy terms to right party. Call Main 2139 .. 5 ROOMS. Vt ACRE. Rl-ght in town; modem; hardwood floors, etc. 54 E. 7th St.; $42oO. Owner. Broadway 13. GOOD two-room cottage, corner lot, 6cx 125; g-ood location for etore; hard surface road : fruits, lots of berries. WL'Q4 S.tth ave. S. E. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL. Artistic finish, unique desiirn; owner must sacrifica; make offfr. Neuhausen A Co., Main SOTS. East n.TR LACRFLHCRST. 7 ROOMS, $6950. Nothlns left out. Owner. Tabor 7852. BKAL ESTATE. 1 or IIouk. ONLY $2200. Nice Tittle 4-room home, irood plumb ing, sewer connected, floored attic, 0Ox liX) lot, fine tree, flowers, berries. 2 1 blocks to car. $5o0 cash, balance easy. BRAND NEW 4 ROOMS. f.VK) puts you in dandy little 4-room bur. ga low. 50x100 lot, sidewalk, sewer paid, hardwood floors, tinted walls, ment basement, breakfast nook, win dow shades, screens. Balance $2300 at $2o amonth. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3200. Paved street, corner lot, fireplace, cement basement. Terms arranged. 1116 E. 224 st. W car to Harold. 8 blocks east. ONLY $5rtO. Immediate possession, brand new 6 rooms end bath, fine plumbing, hard wood floors, cement basement, lin oleum, window shades, paving paid. Balance $3200 at $-5 monthly. SW car to Ellis ave.. 2 blocks east to 71L Key at opposite comer. SIDNEY O. LATHROP, 414 Abington Bldg. $250 DOWN ROSS CITT PARK. 5-rra. bungalow, combination living and dining room; hard wood floors throughout. fire place, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large attic, cement base ment with furnace and laundry trays, acxlPO corner lot ; both streets paed and paid: atraigut monthly payments of $45 per mo. (Someone is going to get a hom today on rent terms. Rose Ctty Park branch office, 4Tta and Sandy blvd. Auto. 826-10. J, L. HARTMAN COMPANT, 4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 034. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Very attractive 1H -story bun- falow type home. & nice rooms i 1st floor, two big rooms and doable sleeping porch 2d floor; hardwood floors throughout; double plumbing, genuine mahog any trim, garage, 60x100 lot, fine location; not a brand-new huiiM but a good one ; price $73o0. couldn't be duplicated for 1 10.000; inapectien by appoint ment. CROSSLEY ft ABBOTT. 283 Stark st. Bdwy. 1189. SfAXDY BLVD. BIG BUSINESS BLOCK. BARGAIN. Reduced from $55rt. your opportun ity to pick up a HOME WITH AS INCOME at a little more than the price of the lot. Property consists of THREE large utores. OARAGE, mod ern FOUR-KOOM apt., with two bed rooms, complete bath, cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, large i'.virg room with massive fireplace. GO I N G TO SELL AT $4950, With ONLY. $1400 cash down. DAVID HARP. Manager. R, T. STREET'S Sandy U vrt. Offlee. 1150 Sendv blvd. at -T.Mh. Aut. X20-O4. LAt'RKLH I'RST. $10O0 CASH. We cannot Imagine anythlnr finer than this 5-room modern bungalow with hardwood floors, ivory finish, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, large attic, breakfast nook, ail built ins, laundry traya; garage; 50xl0o street-level lot, etc.; the total price Is bal- ance $50 monthly. Including Int ereat. 1 COE A. McKENNA ft CO., Kthl!hed lftW. 20 Artisans Bldg., Bdwy. at Oak BUT E. Broadway and East 17th N. 100x100 and large old home, $7500, very valuable corner for , apartnent houae or business. Thta corner will sell at an enor mous price some day; live thre meantime or rent it and make the profit. R. T. STREET. OOO D HOMES R EALTOR. VANCOUVER AVE. NEAR FARGO. $2650 3-room modern cottage; good plumbing, electricity and gas. base ment; lot BOx 1 00. All Imp. in and paid. Price $50, $750 Cah. J. F.i HILL, 696 Williams Ave. East 02 OS. NEW BUNGALOW 5 OR 10 ACRES. $.V0 down; here Is something ex ceptionally attractive; only 40 minutes out ; fine soil ; wonderful view ; n-ar Oregon City (west side): bungalow nnd garage; really worth $40O0; price with 5 acres. $450O. 10 acres $6250; hard wood floors,, cement 1'iise ment. Dutch kitchen. Atwat-r 0746. IRVINGTON BARGAIN OWNER LEAVING CITY. Will sell his attractive fl-rnom bun galow, completely furnished or unfur nished; all Inrtfo, beautiful rooms; hdwd. floors, tiled drain boards In won derful Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tiled floor in bathroom, 2 la rare corner bedrooms, garage and furnac: terms. R. SOMERVILLE. Main 3761. 101O Northwestern Ba nk Bl d g. IRVINGTON HOME REDUCED $6500 WAS $7VH. Fine large home in splendid condi tion; furnace, nice large bedroom; must sell immediately. All improve ments in and paid for; garage; imme diate powsssion. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 213 Corb-tt Bldg. Main flMJO. IP. ftftTW VII RK.SV. PARK. $250. ' 2.5 5-rm. bungalow, partly furnished. I. and d. rm., 2 bedrms.. IHitch kit., bath end toilet; with parage. 700 down, bal. like rent. H. W. 'OSBORNE CO., Realtors, 432 Cham, of Com. Bldr. Qpn eves, snd Snndnys. Bdwy. B37. $10n0 EASY TERMS. S-room house with sleeping porch, on BOx UK) lot, some fruit treeii. Located on Sacramento st., just off 24 at. No. 2102 E. Sacramento St. $50 to $100 cash, balance on easy monthly tnnii, will handle this plac. 1043-5 br of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 2'i.tO. SARINS BLUE FTBBON. Good 6-room house on tn f... near Wygant st. Priced at only $30J0 with very easy terms. W. W. SABIN. Realtor. 1032 Union Ave. N. Walnut 059. IRVINGTON CORNER ON THOMPSON ST. Choicest bungalow f n Irvlngton. first floor 6 rooms and bath, selected hardwood floors, enameled woodwork throughout, plate gla windows. 2 rooms upy-talrs, large basement, iur nace, garage, new and complete in every respect. Auto. 31! 4-9. r ' ROSEPC ITYPA R K DI ST R I CT. By owner. 5-room bungalow. Isrge Jiving room, fireplace, furice. built-in effects, Dutch kifhen. Tir treea; a nice home. $330. $10O0 cash, balance like rent at 5 '4 Pr rnt It's a enap. Am leaving city. Tabor 212.1. 15a Milton sf-peL BARGAIN By owner. $2KOO; discount for cash; 5-room hiuse in exrollnt condition; large bathroom, electricity and gas; lot 50100; six b-armg fruit trees and berries; close to school and car. Some terms. Walnut 20O1. 1441 East th st. in. j4:ir,0 IRVINGTON PARK. $4500. New B-room modern bungalow; fire place cement basement, bultt-ina: on fine corner lot. with lawn: an ideal home; $750 down. Holcomb Really Co.. Bdwy. 7301. A MONUMENT to your judgment, new and attractive 5-room bunralow; price $1H75. nothing down to purchaser with capital to filsh house. Call 1561 Kerby street. " . MODERN ft-room residence on paved st., half hjock from street car and 15 min. from downtown. Price $400; substan tial down payment required. Owner, Automatic 610-24. 8-ROOM house. 50x100 lot. 100 ft. off Broadway, near Drioge. 1 rm ts num nss property; a ennp at $63('0. term. Putter A Lacey, 252 E. Broadway. E. St 21 3. $5OO0, NEW, S LARCiE room, alt-ap-iiK porch, full baaament. furnaca; paved s treat and sewr; fine locat ion rtar Sandy; tome cash and bonua. Tabor 50U7. FINE Jrvf asrton residence for a: la by owner; 7 lara;e rooms, wid Ivory fln'ah. hardwood floors throughout ; mooVrri 1n every detail; price $0-r.u. B03 East 2th N. B-W car to Pruzf. LA I'RELH I'RST, 7-room bungnlow, 1 blocks from Iaurelhurst park. crl'-tly modern; must be seen to be ppre clatad. Gwnr, Tabor 7"45. MODERN 5-room house, bathroom. bac nv nt, 50x100 lot, will sail cheap if taken at once. By owner. &527 72d st. S. E. DO YOTT want an 8-room housa? Hava vou 10f0? Tha itratBt bargain In Portland. Grifftn. labor 7131 after 5 P. M.. No af-nt-. E A ST MOR K LAN D. $100O. 10-room house : lot 100x1 fW; fmtt trees and shrubbery. Phone E-lL 14.S. REAL TATE. lor rale ltou. NEW FUNG A LOW. MonrnN in k kky hestkcT. Cement bamn t. furnace, flrrpiar. large attic, ouk floors, imoU-um. fcuh ei and bath ; brektit room : shadt-a, light fixiurts: tu.l lot lnciud:nit rKc; very d sirble location, 27 K. Taylor at 21m. liLST K PKF.N TO BE API T.KClATFD. $r,3oo, suitabi terms caa ba ar ranged. See owner acrone the a'reet or F. W Ti'R'il 1 K. lsj Shcrloca But. THIS BEATS nriLDIM. $5500 Civ J rviiig ton -A imt!a S-rm. bungaiowr k:i.I ;ric. n lug today; firm time advert i-d '.c i wondrf utlv tiVird for convf nini to hoi, etoree ni car jin; living r:n.. Ivory fmian. tapestry ppr. oak floor. f1r.-pi., tok. . c- mervt ta pemn t, Rr haM A Boy a ton furnace, la 1 it it-a k fAt nook. Imiriwliair p., o;on; no trouble to nhow; n-r Uv ea in hJMP : terms or b.j df ount for ch R. T. STtil'.KT. C, i Hnrtit Fra'fnr. PORTLAND WEIGHTS SNAP. Fire ft-room ren;.ince on Clifton 10 fe-t frwm crHn. N"li a lt t renovating. A chame ta -t a riiic in the fin-at re-d-i-ce district in I ''it land at a bargain. LUOOKE. Mam 4-42. PIEDMONT PTSTRtOT. DANDY BUNGALOW. ' B-Toem mdra butiga'ow en Jarrett st near I Moo ave. itrd-ravd at .. large lot. grge. etc. Th a Im a ap-ea-did litua home. Piles $..ou0, lerma. J. T. HILL, 696 Williams Ava. Et WM. $050 EA.-'T Irvlngton ne r-rnr bun-a-aiow' tiw Imtlr.g tods'; fft Uma adverse. 1, .wnr buPf for own u. a I ing t c.t. Wueiur furnac. full t:ner.t. rd -rage, flrp a--. 0 k f loor, ivm arid enamel fltii-h t . rug . bMir end bath on f!rr, 2 nir brir' up-talrw; term, or pri.- f.r $ iouo -ah. 1 Tiinte-it tie P" - aion; thin l v.ur chance to bin- and bfat buiMIt:. p TV STRKET Ifod Hn " ftp'.,, TP YOi are i-kli. Tor a r--. b.-in see thU on- . ronma and all lt. 1 b-MTToom down ant 2 up. t f"-'a plumbing hardwood fioora, lsno.eum. Ivory woodwork. tBrtrir p ipf r. Tht has a fi-'nl' lot :n tf-autl'ul rhTuh brv and lan. Trnp-ov .-nn.-n; In and paid. c,a- and furv". 2 b.o-wa to HawUioi 11" car. Tti pries la wartime, at $:.50, aom- trn.a H-f this tooar aa U w..l be d, 4. r.S'n Strec. rose dTr itrVrittcr NEWLVVVEUS ATTENTION! Rw'l your chnc; mut be acid nsiw-k; owner gninft away ; co v lit t bsmsa lw; 4 nM room: hourt fuil of T!r,e furniture: overaturfd and nut: vry prettv; diffh, cookin ut-n.i: rvf-rr-tinn complete fr houkepi n ; fur niture coat :0 few nt-outii att-: make ra"TiHM terma H-r Rnj a. "I'd and Smdv blvd, Twr.r 'T LAl-RELitl KST, -room mjnjralow, larr Iiv1r. dlnln room. dan. kilch-n and b-dr-m who all nak fioora rc-ft 1 nf kit-hn. lin oleum; 4 nire h-irooma nnd awlMj rom 2d fl r. K'iuh old Ivorv a'.l enamel. 2 loil'ta. firaplar nJ furnace. Full baam-nl 82 '" tri ye. small J-anK" Laundry con-anien "-a. Finished fruit rn'n and More room. fiaraKP, i n' r. T.ibnr 4Y.tS New 5-rm. buna ow and itarara; hardwood 1 loora. tHp-Ftry paper, fir--place iKiffei. won.Tfui kit. hn. t breakraat nok : r-d attlr; taa than 2 blocks to Hawthorn mr: ao . -h will handle, price $ 1251. P- thle at once. JOHN FAI.TifPWOOT). 1jn vv t h - ttio v. -.-"1 V :!f""H C. " IV Will aacrlfica my aqultv In 7-room boriralfw. from owner; extra Ur liv inir room, muck and aun room, fur ,,. ..,.) ftr. olnr-a. fine bath. -abiitM kitchfn. rtrilatic breakftat room a- of French doora. li throucl'""1. noutt t fa Jt l,i'ro and iiarond f earn. balara "V. Tn '"r 7v 1.' V ( j l ' I 1 T K IImVK. 71 5 IH 'O.MS AND HI, . - ft M V1 . V rjPAiE I'NIHIU IT. W)Mr.nri 1. Vi:-"V OK CITV. OAK KI,'HH TAP KyTR V PAVER: COMPLETE IN EVERY I ' KT X II. : J UST KI M S I ! FI F X E P T I A L BUY AT i:.ak; TK R MS. ( W N EIl . T A $rVT4(0CASn- N EW" 5 It' ' 'M S Jut completed. 4 rooms d n, 'r bedroom and aew.n- r-m up: hdwd. firw- in ornblna 'ion livlnn and d.'.ln room! Dutob kitu-n; cmant mnt; sew-r; laundry tray; iarxe da rare- 4 blocks to car. 1 Ear: 3M K ! 11 n c i-iiii s. 1 I.K fiA 1 i ' I A 1 N Modern 7-room hou- In (rood ralah borhood: sle-pln? porch: 2 rirap:-. ftood furna.: hardwood fioora: fu I (Tment ha.t-ment, with la-mUrv trsvn, etc xf, thla Pundav. :W(.i Hm:'k at ' Lsdd's addn , or phone Mam lH.lo. No ntr"HT "IKVINGTOV STOKY AND HALF At tha vry low prle of $'.500: var easy trnia: come and e It Hundnv; fn 2 o'clock to & P. M : rw;v,.. fireplace, furra.-a. frnar Knmt at N and Hairv. Phone Talnr 0.. vfk day-- .Main 00J . BEAl'TIFl'L nfw buastnlow, 2 b.-dro..n, breakfast n'wik. bard ood floors, f lr place. araae, rmnt ilriva , l.alf biock tr rnr; all im provem n t a In: b. anap; $;iH'; eay itiik, lr. Tanbv. Pd wy, 42L Even In it and Hunday Enat 421tf. , - " HAAVT UORNi; I U- T 1 1 1 T . s-room bunvalow with -ti built 'n features: in A-l condition, fin- fur nsca : one hlo"k to mr; a plraa.ira to show vou; $IfJ cah. $4ZT,. Haw-Tl-orna R'ea It v Co.. bru k of f tea. cor. aitih and Hawthorn, 7wW T.rJt Hi V'Vi'iTf'S " HALE HUH K MOVK, 7J.-( you iiprflsi" a wli bntlr. comfortable home, rn plumh m, fire ar1 with fruit? Cnld not dup "cata tor prhe aad. Nexhaiiarn A Co. Main EI.TiVAR addition fM, ti-w 4 r.rn Iuren-!ow: camnt ba-eroant ; ii.rdwo.d floor-: aidewaik. curb and a-arr. tirr Wood lawn a n-i .W nBn aho.a : nr carllnp-; a"T terms. Call Mr. Dealer. "Wa'nutsi,22. ' R V I N i TO "N -A 1 .A M CI'A - I-arsa '.unw low, extra line llrlh, all lara r .m. oak floors, (taraae, n-ar A lambda " Madalaln achoola; In iuda ay( t-p fuel. tur'a:n. ic Nautoauaaa aV Co. Ma n n'H. fliVINOTON FAMILY IK'W K m ka maa at., ft lovalv ro'iiri. brrhl ar.d charfui'; Ivory f;nlh. atf-i'la pii-r. In fact a po-a ou would rnloy livir.f In PEE TH". Nauhauaao A Co.. FTcaltor. N. W. Par.k tdds. iRvrvTv rurcn ctni a l .vwy Res' horn. Hnr-lwood f t h roi r h- out trie r-rn loviv room. ' f:r--places. rrane. McOonall. Eaat Mil ' POSE CITT PAP.K. TThv not bii your home dlrart frm fna ownr and aava tha PfiinmililJ Th a houaa la raadv for f i'-uoir : come out and a tM'a: will flniah 0 ault. 44 K. Mfh at- N. FINE 6-K. H.iK, CItNKU IT. Thin fine h'."., rl- to rar; and aid"W.- k- In ar:d rii'V f nf camant aaraK- E Sth at ; l-l""'. fMn r h. A uV '2-1 T Foil PA LK CPv own') Lofia full ca-mant haf -int. a'"d la n a "d rhlrVfn huaa. fn" (''-, .3 ay t.atw.a 10:.1(l A. M and P. M. at 414 C"K ava , n"r I'nln a v !R V I.N '.T' N. For a modern homa wnr. 41" F. l.'Otn at. N.. r riar. .'.oe'.imi. bul 1 for a homa. 2 f'.fpia'"-. l.r?K.d finor. p-ira ga: A-1 '"'"'Vm. SWELL 4-room buoK-l" -n 41 a! . n-.r Hawthorne. naw!v tn'-d. Int-ri-.r in whfta Ivorv; r.lM flo" on frrr. CrCl befare 3 P. M. any cay. S-0 Ifi 4td -1 v. KT V 1 It ELAN'' T''fAV 142 Kat at., betwafS Knapp a RfT a v. NEW m'-rt-n r.-r-'. LJnira -.w jn rtw tbo'rn d'atrlct: til rnv(o- icrt If prl4 r:ht. WTlr- Tahor 5' ?1 CENTER i IE IHVTN(JT"N- Jiiat "rthinir 5-room l.'i-ra'ow, oot. '' Eltth N Auto, a.n 'i jnO--5R ' M rottrr. h.-i rd -a-r fcm at., 1 bik. ar-houl. plenty h-iirn fruit, pIumMnr flwr. 'O 'I T-h avajs. K ROHF CITT I' ARK V trn S-rom b in. ITh low. a'aepin pofh. ruric, pa vd mT-r-i. f'wnfr. T-i I -- '."'.15 WI I'L TRA lE $7-o a.. i;t v R. b. ri-w.d rond , for r'v ato-re, or w u l av- - r..; ? Va n aXaVKI'A PA R K pfN-.IALi .w. u"o Ii'b a tia:idy, pm' fa- lra. n'r Ji.r'--)ay mv. N I'-a 1 1 t K fr- v ' SIT KTM' K E I. A N' I TtA V 1429 Eaat tu, betvica Knapp and Rax a vs. KF.L rTATK. lor lf 11 wuwa. LOVB MIT. faar llttts l-rom fcana wi'h tra.liaaa n4 lDdo taaa. 1- jom. rnrn-r let; J blo-aa frtia rar, C minut-a ft-m toan, ! ty la a n. tra m an 4 tiol- ; law vr-old fruit tr-aa. lory ai sntci. tapaatr living room, Paul ina ai a in k:-han; a.a.-tru . Saa, wan'r. aarasa, ait-iin rat. it. l.noirutn a4 cva baafar s !tn iia. $-"0, en ln . $1T 0 il caaa. VN aL sJ-. Hf STRaf. Tu $ cil A.iK. BaautSfui tlit-a lu a.f p'aca. tfloaa In. a-.. hoao-. "". a'r W'l (liint far i rt4 banaa r tom p: upi ty. J. r BILL, CM) Williams Are. PORTLAND ITF.TMtTH ACRiri"K l ina luta'tnnil J r"n "" hou. la j i.t. J aorbi rr. hatJ aw f .t' - at , 4 ' d uii. ivory ..-l. "rt. hiMN4 f -.i.ra far ! a- a j;..0. Jwuua liHtJv'fcai. Hum KA"T IHVI.N.; rN HV N'iAl t'W. $j10O -T rma , flrat fcar. tn-itrti0 " -ft IHlm r-o-n. aa .Hra. t- S firapi., un room o.'f I ihr ru ar u4r. a4 m Pm li ram. mttl fc""t Hh raal (urnat, lfTi vpry aaar lai.a, Im ! a poaoaa-ton . Can ai 1 li tn rr In fruit an4 l.evars at a trf mora. !lt4 lomf, fiat t ; '' a ft.lirMaad ! ttt a mlr. awra. fi T M fi K K T. 1 1 o f it-ra I ' ' .. tlvwy WOTr"fTT. TVX Two a rem en-iii an Mtaa'aa'.prl a., nr I nmni mi as. r"' . par mo. 1 ik Vary lerma. 3 T HILL. T U Wlll.ams Ate. tal r:. j.akt tern ht s- nht. li " t i l T P A It K. km. Mfti.r Ift'l K t 'N I M i'"7KI, I 1 4M 4 I I i'-UO Naw A r tinii" with 1'a tiralrt nook, n v tt ltiHt t'.t. in a na and t i v'h fcuiu in fi-a. a, harrt I ft p'la 1 artta' a. 1 ha h-t f r-iuitihiwc an4 aaMiful a' triu f.iMirr lh. at an. - t-.r hra fr..r 2 t. a Oaify ar fhna ao-l,'".Al,'"-;iW - Mv h- 4Ul'u! &-r'"i Nni -ew hna at 4M K h a- N I 4 i ot!c-, rtno'ini ir, f ra f .f v. ahrubb-r, iruit an. f atv, t-a Iirta 11 '"1" d. u.t. room ; atapli por-h . fa rrtv" t bmattl. WllD tiint trait rW . ' ---, f)r( a. f-tnta'- at-- , r a ,-. : M-l'l La H-a- MutjOa l t Nwrtn oa Imu at ltm 1 - l. K tl A I ha " ' U".a ' fd.ii on a h-m .ta In r-'r A d atrt ftaar to rar. ttu v i.-a-ti irrr-a, A.K darkly a t ""'I'tn fn 3 nrr rti"K'i t btai ai4 tar. an r $HiO. (-rm. And t"r --ry b. tp a I day Hunda . C4.ta to, ft. 7-M SC. P. K fhm.a 1.1 Jt V- VrK'"H jr I- Trnsntf Mi U,( H t I'll I i -a i a .nTTCv" t !.! f-'. mm I 4 ' -I a I f . m Irapa-a. "-' .ii:i - !rt bU1,liri,o, i .' 1 1 t t ' nooa, f a' f ir'5- f d )t ah,!-. .,.) irrf .a, I n-rffi. 1 ) nt k of lr!i-sn ' a 17: dial I l. I 1 I t- A 1 T Y fC 7S .n r. a '" :. k'" nrv; - 1 a '! 1 1 1 I-.n. m . lu, t "1 1 . i 1 hr.'tj- "out f i I " 1 r.'. t . i JiirrtiiT.a .4 n-i.l . I a km f. ..m - rninuir-' l k 'o wm "'lit" ta. nr f i'l aci-i i l r at if. V. 8. u l I'. LN'.I ' N la ar: room. Ik n l-aih bra nl ! a( a r'wi baran i'- liii I in.": ill- ia r.M m. t , .,r a . 10k . I ut- h h it iin . 31 rimn , tut: Bfi , Cila 10a. i.w ai.d ! -l I" l.a l ' ,. - 1 , 1 . M r tl in ,. n T. I N K.- I Hi; h H If MIS'i 4-ruoni h.,u.- n I t I'r a- : --y fn-r arnl t ' r : a iau k In and p.d t.'U hun.U. Ta-r o4 '. Wim ay i . 1 I 1 v ir vim r r a. Tt- .1 1 7 i c--n or ' - 11 " la 1 "IT T.i. in n.- r I-mmimai. - 1 K I'lna a'U, ,' liU"' )'. muat lTa Jitf--dbit- y f-r l"a ar- Or. ir.n trm. ' rlft. t homa al lV" lot. or ar ;t m t.n'a li.o.trto ("''' A wona-r il homa of T fnii " i t'.dv, M ?tt-: Auto S;o.o4 H SAi.K LV tW ,N P. il 1 -X.: T,dd . di f aa f --ions -f h a. lUiif in I'ii'iwi . til twra -HI' U nN'I b my , f . a f" ar.d t''r,ro Ht - ft lo' . r I rwa ln r'r1' al In -t p- 1 a . r h f-llt ' h v j o r . i'"i i: .-- 7 1 rr V'l.i 1 '- N l ' ' ! ' t A B '1 I UV (-"l"- a-.M fff.-l- or a.i .p 1o ' -rt rd I .Ht . f !i mm 1 irl !. trnt : aiv r."Fna a " mr i- f ri-i'iii", lr. John V "ara A " . H at'ora IN'iT- -AT r.ii K lTt N ,Tut fiti'a'd. 7 at. ..m h-.ii n f-rrrr .l'itl lnar-" a"4 r, Ff mnv (hat a a r-al mf f"' rr. 1 , 1 .in 1 - 1 - ! wt k l ''d T'td. rar at 1 -rw' 1 Wi,(k1i!k aa. Aijiomai-i riT.-ll i IL V I? '';T "N" r-'ior -I L.inia ..a. r-.m-har.daoma t 1 a - p U a a. a w In do W a. a f 'ra ! rm t"i hr a . fa room, a M t r''- tt.a -1 h ; ! raca tr-Ta J " '-Vjv''1 . T7 I" ' K " ro 11 m.l-m t-'.'i; faat; f'" s"l la"1 ' i h f'M anl" rnt- 14'": ia"tt n.ia K' a r a n-r. I ' A 1 r . phf v'n r.'-' K',T. Vh ad'HM. O- .s ff - 4 r biinri.ow. roanra lot -f t n,-nf ; artda nar n .4' i p. a"" 'ar mr Ir - a" ' 411 y,.,n' f , W ' " ' -t " ' VT'II'K.HN - t4 f-.r if5lr '1 - room awl Uh ard a . fr,t a4 wm n,,t- two w-ti, i04, w! " rr onnnh' Tor par','.ara. w a'.n'.t I n V I NO T V r " n . v9 v ' V?d at N; t Lara r'-orna, rmti t rata s-"-!tr v. p' wrt L r kt o4a JlKA l"TI rt L "W,.ino f-. h'- ' aa a A I T-'.'I'" r-vn'n h'ii't-1'.a; b p.'imN.rn 1 (.(.! rr Uim rotjat it ' n 1 a ft' r " l I N-'-, v - 3 rootn ho-!- Ii.w. !.'- 1-tnmhinf. aia-iri- I'fi't a ' K '- n -ar A lfivar. 4 feifca a XV R ia- a r H t . K R I'KT f itr i. T t f.irr, 1"-' !' J'l'V o" a o- a-a ' frih North; I k n rr r; r.' l homa 'or royp'- ( II lav Tit. HAVE an nrrfl'r.n l arra-( t-' In law ra( hur' hai w u-t t. m t..v l-f ho- tiflar! 'r V 'f. V a r ' "J . r " 1 1 bv. ama i a- , rnKi ' 1 -ir. llfMi caa llt'at i-.r.o cm)i, Il't n. 4;l a H E . . . K KVTV For aa' f-trrih r-o-r K'rtofi !Vt ft I-' b p it" v F'r ,1a r-nl. b'ioa"l"' a i h t-r n., - . 4 3 r - at H a - 'T f if , ...- -1 pr i!TI.AVT It' r. ; MT" f l i' i.m lo " .ar o1. is; f'"T'tT',Av', t 1 1 r 1 ( ' K-i at . l.-'ar-n KutP a- i'-r a ;C T" h. ia ;n m'"l a ' - - - -ri r -M n. N. ar I. t-V - r - Tih'-r .4 ir: V n a l.'.oo r- a r M ult noma h , aa ay f rn.m I t