The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1922, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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    "Furniture With Richness Unexcelled Quality
You've a Right to Expect
two mnuws SHOT
July 15 for the murder of his cousin,
Mrs.' Olive Swim .Trenholme, and
her husband. Harvey Trenholme, a
returned soldier of Bale Verte. He
then pleaded insanity, and won a
reprieve until September IS.
On that date a hangman could" not
be found and the execution was put
off.. Yesterday a hangman, ficti
tiously named "M. A. Doyle." sprung
the trap. When the body had been
cut down," It was discovered that
life was not extinct. The noose, it
was believed, had not been properly
Offieiais forced to carry out the
order of execution, again took the
body to the scaffold and a second
hangman known only as "Bill from
Montreal,"1 sprang the trap, an hour
after the first attempt.
Fl 520,000'HOLDUP
had In the twit
window tod ay particular
attention tu '"" ,n'"
weak dfeplar Miti-
One plera or a aenaefil.
a la ted at Bale or rular
n r I e as held for future
World May Be Plunged Into
..War; Reasons Secret.
Police Shotgun Squad Routs
1 Robbers in Motorcar.
rllhoul additional
On Jiiife m Sisigfe
1 v
Sensational Battle Fought in Busy
Street of San Francisco Near
Business Center of City.
bers of the police shotgun sauad
badly wounded two men- today in
frustrating an attempt to holdup an
automobile conveying $20,000 to the
Dairy Delivery company in the Mis
sion district, to pay its employes.
Two other robbers are thought to
have been shot.
Two policemen were riding in the
pay car when the outlaws's car at
tempted to crowd it to the curb. "he
policemen fired and two of the men
fell. Two others leaped from the
car. The policemen followed, firing
repeatedly. Both .men staggered,
but escaped in an alley.
One Man May Die.
The men who fell said their names
were Marton McGowan and Edward
Stewart, who was shot through the
chest and may die. It is said he
also 1b known as Collins. McGowan
was shot through both arms.
Police are searching for a man
with, a wounded head, who was seen
to leave a streetcar distant from
the place of the attempted holdup.
Another automobile was being
held up when' the pay car ap
proached and the bandits transferred
their attempt to It.
Two Other Ontlatra Escape.
Tie police eaid that two other
MS, who had been aoting as look
outs, commandeered a nearby auto
mobile alter the shooting and drove
away a breakneck epeedu Police in
automobile armed with shotguns
are searching for them.
The pay car picked up the police
men, in the neighborhood a moment
before the shooting. ' The policemen
had been tracking the six suspects
on a "tip" that they were going to
attempt to rob a store..
The shooting was at Eighth and
Howard streets two blocks from
one of the busiest sections of Mar
ket street. The holdup was attempt
ed despite passing street cars and
automobiles and) the presence of
dozens of pedestrians.
Forces of Sun Yat Sen Reported!
Fighting Way to Foochow.
AMOY, China, Oct. 7. (By the As
sociated Press.) Fighting is re
ported near Foochow, capital of the
province of Fukien. Sun Tat Sen,
deposed president of the South
China republic at Canton, is said to
be Back of a movement aimed ap
parently at the capture of Foochow
and the ousting of 14 How Chi, the
provincial tuchun.
General Hsu Tsung Chi, who com
manded Sun Yat-Sen's defeated
Kiangsi army, has established head
quarters at Yenping, northwest of
Foochow, having marched overland
from south Kiangsi province- by way
of Tingchow.
General Wang Yeun Chang's head
quarters' at Klennlngfu, north of
Temping, Is rebelling, egainse XA
How Chi and combining forces with
General Hsu Jn threatening eFoo
chow. Many persons, anticipating trou
ble, are leaving Foochow. Financial
conditions throughout Fukien prov
ince are critical.
Injunction Proceedings Designed
to Keep Names Off Ballot.
HELENA. Mont., Oct. 7. Whether
or not names of socialist condidates
for Montana state and congressional
offices will appear on the general
election ballot In November depends
on aotion to be taken by the su
preme court next Tuesday
Secretary of State Stewart today
had been served with copies of a
temporary Injunction, Issued by the
court on application of R. M. Mills
of Helena, forbidding the candidates
In question the ballot. Mr. Stewart
immediately stopped the printing
of ballot certification forms, pend
ing action on the injunction.
Right of the socialists to places
on the ballot was questioned be
' cause the state convention was not
held until after the primary. It was
held by socialist leaders that lack
of party organization in Montana
the last few years gave the group
status of a new party.
Portland Attorney Has Important
Role in War Frand Cases.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 7. Ralph
E. -Moody of Portland, Or., will have
a conspicuous part from now on in
the preparation of war fraud cases,
it has been indicated by the de
partment of justice.
As a special assistant to the attorney-general,
Mr. Moody had
much to do with assembling the
evidence and drafting the papers in
the case filed this week against
the Dayton Aeroplane company.
Legalized Sale Would Mean Bill
of $3,000,000,000 Each
Year, Says Preacher.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Oct. 7. "If
the use of beer and light wines
should again he permitted in this
country, we would have a national
drink bill of 15,000,000, 000 a year;
the saloon would be with us once
more; whisky also would come back,
and we would have a new evil in
the widespread drinking by women."
These statements were made here
tonight by the Rev. Deets Pickett,
research secretary of the board of
temperance, prohibition and public
morals of the Methodist Episcopal
church, In an address to the dele
gates assembled for the Genesee
conference of the church.
Supporting his allegations Xc
Ptckett eaid In part: ,
"When the nation closed the
saloons our drink bill ,was nearly
J2,600,000,000. The present drink
bill in Great Britain, with about
40,000,000 people. Is 478.000,000, or
approximately $2,250,000,000, which
we understand, js practically double
what it was before the war. With
increased prices and greater con
sumption, due to after-war tenden
cies, there is no doubt that our
liquor bill would be $5,000,000,000
annually, not including the inci
dental losses to the people caused
by the renewed traffic. According
to Charles Ienon of the American
Federation of Labor, the working
men of the United States con-,
tributed 70 per cent of the drink
bill In pre-prohibition days. What
would It mean to lower the standard
of living of our people, particularly
of our working classes, to the tune
of $5,000,000,000 at one time?
"The American saloon was a beer
saloon, not a whisky saloon. All of
its institutional evils, including its
brothel accompaniment, its gambl
ing hells and side-entrances for
women introduced by the brewery
owned saloon, would thrive just as
well if not a drop of whisky were
sold. You cannot open 200,000
saloons In this country and keen
them from selling whisky. The
saloon never obeyed any law passed
for its regulation except the law
compelling it to pay a tax, and the
evasions of that were notorious.
"We " would have a new evil in
widespread drinking by women." Dr.
Picket declared. "The American
woman was kept out of the Ameri
can saloon. The American man
considered her too good for the de
bauching influence of beer. Very
few "respectable" women drank at
all In America in the old days. But
the old standards of conduct for
women are passing away under the
Influence of the new feminism, and
we have not yet had time for the
establishment of new standards. In
this transition time, the influence
of the ealoon and the trade, urged
by an economic motive and pushed
by every method of trade proritotion.
would be perilous to American
South Pasadena Woman Launches
Unique Social Movement.
A grandmothers' club Is being
formed by Mrs. J. P. Brush, who is
not a grandmother, but who believes
there should be more diversion for
elderly women. She says it is the
first club of the kind to be organ-iwfi-anvwhere.
Ages of members are expected to
range from 73 to 88, from present
indications, but no grandmother
will be barred because of youth.
Members whose eyes are not too
dim, will sew, making garments for
Christmas gifts for grandmothers
less fortunate.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
I ' A Question
m ' . ".V '.u-JWMPt
British Said to Tell People Issue
of Conflict or Peace None
of Their Business.
Imposition of severe censorship on
the conferences dealing with the jiear
east prevents jthe actual truth becom
ing known, and Mr. Bird points out that
the developments show how easily the
world might afin be drawn into an
other war underexlstin; conditions.
(Copyright, 1922, by The Oregonian.)
PARIS. Oct. 7. CSpeclal cable.)
Rejuvenation against censorship.
That formula expresses better than
any other Europe's crisis this week.
Thanks particularly to the British
government's attitude the world has
been told that the issue of peace or
war in the orient is none of its
While elderly military statesmen
confer and quarrel, perhaps pledge
millions of young men's lives, news
paper correspondents are excluded
not alone from attending the con
ference but are ordered to send no
news that is not approved by the
The experiences of th elderly sur
geon. Serge Varonoff, in attendance
ai the annual surgical conference
here, affords an interesting side
light on this general attitude. The
congress, presided over by a septua
genarian and mainly attended by
men who themselves obviously,
would be benefited by monkey
glands, had clapped a censorship on
its colleagues' whose new methods
grow hair on bald heads, turn white
beards brown and change senile
dotards into devotees of tango pal
aces. Protest Is Issued.
American correspondents in Eu
rope assembled In Paris have jointly,
with the British, French, German,
Swiss, Dutch and Belgian colleagues,
issued a protest against this cen
sorship following the discovery of
an uslv break among the near east
conferees just at the time that the
official communiques were assert
ing that "everything was proceed
ing satisfactorily." The censorship
even prevented learning the reason
for the split, which demonstrates
how easily the world may again be
drawn into war without the slight
est knowledge of the causes exactly
as the superannuated surgeons,
themselves afraid of youth, may
prevent knowledge of rejuvenating
methods and condemn mankind to
premature senility.
Atmospaere Is Warlike
In the present circumstances, with
little information reaching the out
side world except through military
and chiefly British sources, the only
safe plan is to believe nothing and
fear everything. The ridiculous, be
whiskered atrocity stories, re-furnished
from" the previous crisis, are
being made to do duty as news in
the hope of creating a warlike
atmosphere. Until the press of the
world J a admitted to full cognisance
of what is taking place at these
conferences and uncensored trans
mission of the actual news is al
lowed, the public should take the
near east dispatches as "Important
if true."
SL ft B. green taracr ror ein,
Holman trutl Co., coal and wool
Broadway 6363: &60-31 AdT.
Peacock Rock Springs coal. Dia
mond Coal Co.. Bflwy 8037 Adv.
Additional Stores Are Reported
Given to General Chang.
(Chlcajro Tribuns Foreign News Service.
PEKIX, Oct. 7. It Is asserted here
that additional shipments of muni
tions have been reaching' Geo era 1
Chang1 Tso Lin, the Manchurian war
lord, from Vladivostok since the
Japanese cabinet ordered an investi
gation of charges that stores of
Czeoho-Slovak arqia, being- guarded
bv the Japanese, were stolen and
sold to the Chinese military leaderJ
life Found to Be Xot Extinct One
Hour After First Attempt.
WOODSTOCK. N. B., Oct. 7.
Twice reprieved from hanging, the
second time because no hangman
could be found. Benny, Swim, who
was convicted of killing two per
sons, was twice hanged yesterday
when a second hangman was called
after the first attempt had been
Swim was sentenced tobe hanged
northwester v
"Why is it that one of ths keenest
business men of the city to whom I
had explained our work and our
policy of giving; personal instruc
tion, and whom I had shown
through our school, turned and said
to me:
"Why. Walker, I wouldn't call
this a business college training:
voung people as you are and placing;
them In good positions as you do
I would call it
Day School Night School Hum-
Study Courses.
We put Business Into You;
Then, You Into Business.
Served 5 to 8 P. M.
Fried Spring Chicken and
the tempting menu for to
day's dinner will prove
' especially attractive
to those who relish
good food,
Also a la carte menu.
269-271 TfoRRISON ST.
A Pleasant Place to Dine
Free With Every Order
A Beautiful Bouquet of Dahlias
Our dyeing is a. success where
others fail. Our service is the best.
Just call Tabor 2596, we will do the
Pantorium Dye Works
34th and Belmont Stel
of all kinds, made to your order.
Complete sets in stock.
Large supply of parts.
364 Alder St.
- Mais SOU.
Don't miss the
JOY Series!
Commences tomorrow; youll
enjoy them. The artist has
"done himself proud."
ing Coal
EAST 8984
As the architect works in brick and stone to pro
duce homes and buildings which will be monuments
to posterity Edwards3 Designers have produced
Furniture which will endure and reflect the best in
contemporary life.
3-Rqom Economy Outfit
Less Than $200 for Three Rooms Full of Furniture
Before You Invest, Investigate Edwards Furniture
? See the Front Windows Today
- Living Room
Both rockers are of solid oak.
Library table is identical in
Illustration and has top of
quarter-Rawed oak. The arm
chair has been replaced with one
of wicker, with cretonne cushion
seat and back.
Dining Room
Six very sturdy chairs with
saddle-shaped seats. b r ac ed
against the back posts. Tabl-5
has 4o-lnch top that will open
to six feet. All are finished jn
hand-rubbed golden wax to
match living; room set.
$67 .
This is the beauty. Lustered
old ivory enamel. It Is in the
window today see It. Bed,
chiffonier, vanity table, chair and
rocker.. You can have regular
dresser in place of vanity table,
if desired.
0 0 MM'veeveeeeeeew' a a
Second to None Is Edwards Variety
of Charming and Distinctive
Tapestry, Mohair and
Velour Overstuffed
Whether One or More Pieces Be Seleeted. Tfrms to
Please Your Individual Requirement Will Be Arranged.
'89 to '275
There's nothlnc auite so luxurious as Overstuffed and. when it comes to appear
Inoe for living room setting;. Overstuffed again tops the list. From a voluminous
f Jmmer busin! ss there are many single pieces left from two and three-p.ece eultes.
Chairs and Rockers
These are at sharply cut prices.
Living Room Dining Room Bedroom
For your apartment or
bungalow with combination
living room and fining room
and possibly oniy one beJ
room. As the illustration
shows, there's a tapestry
overstuffed , bed davenport,
tapestry overstuffed rocker,
library extension table, two
windsor-back straight chairs
, and two windsor-back arm
chairs. .
T1VI1 Ml
I V- --..-iT" --'? k.4 FA
A House Full of Heat
In the Coldest Weather of This
You Are Assured if You
Install a
r Ki5a
The original patented pipeless furnace, built of
Stroke! iron with that never failing Thermo-faeal
inner lining.
No Charge for
Terms to Please Your Personal
Need No Interest
There are no doubt, several Homer Furnace in
your neighborhood. Call Broadway 6371 and Mr. West
will gladly arrange tor you-io
Homer Furnaces.
talk with users of
AOoodPSaceTo Trad S'it .,
I lffjVfiSi lfi 3 - -j
yr-"',yMt-"J.'w- T!ir'r2'i'W'- mrTTw i rw J2J1L- ,
' . . - - - v t- ' ' : ' it i- . 1 ' '
II ob9 Vatea
(ifves HeFre
With Every
jZh''' i
-And They're All Linen Fringed
ine Wiltons !
Tnat arrived tome that should have been here a month
from becoming too big. twenty-Jive rur. wiirt, would oil.
177.00 to flii.vv pricea ior quick iru"i ,
T" ke the at""
raixe ae.l at irnm
J69 $87
'932 J99
See Them in the Front Window Today
And. naturally, for the private home
furnisher, too.
Carpets by the Yard
i plain and figured Wilton Vel
nd AtmlnKlrri about 0) yards
reaucea, iq ciubu
In seven
out, at .
20 to 35 Off
Bring at least approximate measurements
of your room so needed yardage can be
HI paneraa af
Inlaid Linoleums
Frier aaeetut a 1 C
at b . 1 a U
Ma ware ratteraa
Inlaid Linoleums
TBI. W eek at f 1 OC
per ,. a i J-
Hrltut at apr-rlmaia
measurements for linoleum, leo
Announcing !
The arrival of a churmlns- new suite mad
right here In Portland, and everyone who buM
a piece of It will he n!jin boot Oreaon pay
rolla and ever one knows, the tnnr payrulla
there are. the more prosperity evtryona
Ivory, Walnut
and Silver -tone
Which Will You Have?
For vour ronilieralon b. e.,in(.li ettln
in in the front window tola", i' 1 "'"i
to tllustraUon. but no one will r, rt the lima
spent looking it over, t'lw the ..rm I.. I.t
fit your d-eire.
Bnw-foot Heel a.W
atValsat-faal Br4 aaaJW
I-ara-e alaa rr ,4
Medium alsa Ureaaer
laalde-tray alfferrUe
kirfnler wlia Bilrrer Mei
klffoaler wllaaat rnlrrar 2.m
Prlareaa V a ally .
Rears ta aaalea lojm
Dreaalag Table
llaht laa4 .....ll."
Utralaat C aalr
Slipper Backer HI
Dost Omit
GettinK Votea
Tos Can
VOTES er Yaa
The Popularity of These Two Separate and Dis
tinct Ranges Built Together Upon One Base Has
Surpassed All Expectations
It Takes Vp Only 83-lnea Spaee Mwerda
Will Set It Up Complete With Hal
Water Cella and Uaa Caaaeete.
$20 Cash, $3 Week
No Interest
two-Hd wooS and
Four-burner gas top;
coal cooking top or
Four-lid wood and coal top and two
burner gas top.
Separate wood and coal oven and separate
gas baking oven.
Separate broiling oven with boiling burner
in the bottom.
-Beautiful polished top and plain nickel -trimmings.
White enameled splashers and white
enamel door paneia.
Gas fire-lighter,
eliminating the need ef
A Jy.J
i"' f
rrr r;
I jtfezlj
f i:0jfimima0 naiaVlaaa) "