The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1922, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Ward's Big Retail Store, the Home of Original Low Prices, Is Conveniently Located on Main Floor
-Bathrobe Blankets
Fine quality blankets in choice colors and
patterns. Of good heavy weight and each is
large enough for making one bath robe.
Girls' School Sweater
Good Outing Flannels
Children's School Hose
Women's Silk and Wool Hose
HeaTy School Hose
27c rr.
A hose of unusual quality at "7 l"
pries. Colors of black and hrtnrn. llcary
ribbed and reinforced heels and tor.
18C Yd.
50C Pr.
A sweater knit of part wool yarns. A
neat, attractive Tuxedo style sweater in
seal brown, buff and navy. A big value.
Standard quality outing flannels in both
light and dark colors and of the very best
patterns. 27 inches wide. Big savings.
An English ribbed hose of heaivy weight,
knit from mercerized yarns in colors of
brown and black. A good wearing hose.
Knit of wool and artificial yams in the
favorite tweed effect. Color combinations
of black and brown. Extra values.
savings shown in the low prices offered in
To get to this store, take a Depot-Morrison or North and
South Portland car and get off at 27th and Thurman streets.
Our store hours are from P:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. CsfatsrU on !
fourth floor it open to visitors each day from 11 A. M. to 2 P. 11.
n of fbif
IE(C(p)Qi(0)rjw Sate
Remarkably Big Values in
For bathroom and general uses.
Extra Heavy Turkish
Towels 69
Extra size towel, 26x54 inches,
full bleached and of very heavy
weight. Hemmed ends. A
big value.
Unbleached Turkish
Towels 39
A good heavy weight towel
well woven of double threads.
Hemmed ends and 46 inches
All-Linen Huck
Towels 35
Extra quality towels in a spe
cial offering. 36 inches long,
full bleached and with colored
Bath Set 95
Set is of one towel and two
wash cloths. Fancy weave of
blue and white or pink and
Fancy Turkish
Bath Towels 47
Good quality towel of a fancy
weave in different colors.
Space in border for monogram.
34 inches long.
Extra Special! Tea
Towels, Doz. $1.44
A big bargain n these .tea
towels. ' 36 inches long and of
striped cotton toweling. Very
The Duck Season Is Now On and
Here You Will Find Dependable
Guns at the Lowest Prices
These standard quality guns at Ward's low prices -are typical of
the big savings that await you at this store. Selecting your gun
here assures you of the best and at a low price. You save.
12-Gauge Single-Barrel
A three-piece, take-down model
shotgun with blue forged steel
barrel, safety rebounding lock .and
black walnut grip stock.
Lefever Double-Barrel
Every sportsman knows the value of this well
known gun. Here it is at a lower price than else
where. 12-gauge with 30-inch barrel.
Winchester Repeating
Shotgun, $42 .1 0
1897 Model, 12-Gauge
Take-down style in both 30 and 32-inch
barrels. This popular, pump action gun
shoots hard and fast and is a favorite with those who have used it.
Ward's low prices make a saving for you.
Winchester Hammerless
Shotgun, $48.20
A eun that is chosen for its hard hittine.
fast shooting qualities. It has a quick, easy
action that is so essential for duck hunting and is perhaps the
bigger favorite among duck hunters.
Oregon Blankets
at Ward's Low Prices
Gray Blanket
An all-wool blanket of gray
woven with colored stripe trims.
66x80 inches in size and fin
ished with stitched ends. A
blanket value that would be
higher priced than at Ward's.
Bigger values and savings are
here for the thrifty housewife
who will need heavier bedding
now that it is cooler nights.
Ail-Wool Silver
Gray Blankets
An all-wool blanket in a rich,
silver gray, size about 66x8
inches. Soft and fluffy, warm
and durable, a blanket at a low
price that will give good long
service. An extra value.
6 -Pound Brown
Wool Blanket
A beautiful blanket of semi
heather mixtures. Of all wool,
very soft finish and a blanket
that will give years of service.
Another big blanket value
found only at Ward's.
Ward's Super Shoe Values
Below are mentioned two typical shoe values. Picked at random,
they are fair examples of the big savings that are found at all
times at Ward's. Try these two and convince yourself of their worth.
Boys' Heavy
Hi-Top Shoe
Sizes 9'i frty OQ
to 13!2...... 3w..27
Sizes 1 to hVi,. $2.79
This is the shoe
that found so
much favor a
year ago among
mothers who
wanted a good,
sturdy shoe for
their boys. This year it is lower in price
and is selling just as well as then. It is
a shoe of heavy brown leather, has good
heavy soles -and is made in a good, com
fortable last.
Girls' School
Sizes Vfi QQ
t 2, at.. PW.Oi7
Sizes 2& to 5Vt $2.85
Every school girl will
like this shoe for its
style and good wearing
qualities. Is made of
black gunmetal leather,
has a medium weight
sole and a low walking
heel. An extra big shoe
value, low priced.
that possess individuality in style and quality,
and within the bounds of reasonable costs, fea
turing true clothing economy, made possible by
Ward's Lower Prices
New arrivals in Fall and Winter overcoats enable
us to' tell you a story of bigger values and bigger
savings, in selecting your new Fall coat. Well
tailored garments they are, of the best colors and
for quality of materials, they are uncomparable
at our lower prices. Here are three big values.
Big Values in These
Wool Overcoats
These are coats that men and young men will
readily acknowledge as the best values they have
seen. Wool fabrics of browns and greens in beau
tiful self checks and plaids, made-up in an attrac
tive style with a convertible collar, with an all
around ielt, and yoke-lined. Well tailored and
a good fitting coat, all that could be desired, and
at such' a low price that for service and style
there is no comparison with others for value.
Take Monday forenoon as a half -holiday and come
out and get yours. The savings will pay you.
Ail-Wool Double
Breasted Coats
An ulsterette style coat in a nice green
heather mixed fabric of all wool. Double
breasted style, yoke lined and with large
roomy pockets. A value that will be ap
preciated at first sight by men who appre
ciate good style and quality at a very
low price. . "
Full Lined Wool
A beautiful coat of brown and blue in
beautifully colored heather mixed fabrics.
Coat is full lined, has a convertible collar
and a half belt. Unusual value in regard
to tailoring and quality a coat that will
give more than one season's wear. Yousava.
Remarkable values in girls' school
dresses for mothers who want to
dress their girls well at a small
cost. Extra, value, low priced. '
Serge Dresses
Made of all-wool, navy serge in
an attractive style with plaited
skirt, long sleeves and sash belt.
Velour Dresses
A dress of check velour in black
and white combinations. A one
piece, belted style with pockets.
Extraordinary Values in
Fine table linen adds to the charm and comforts of bonis and I
help the thrifty housewife hava impU quantities f them. VSards
prices are always lowest to meet -such drairo. Extra specials.
Satin-Finish Table Cloths, Each $3 .45
Of good, heavy weight; woven from mercTizd cotton
yarns; size 214 yards and in the beat pattern!. A cloth
that will wear and launder welL Big value, low paired.
All-Linen Table Cloths, Each S 1.93
A good quality linen table cloth, 68 inches square and fin
ished with hemstitching. Full bleached and in many choics
patterns. A value to be appreciated.
Linen-Finish Round Cloths, Each.. $1.65
Of a bleached, linen-finish cotton. The pattern are very
acceptable and the cloth is finished with a scalloped, em
broidery edge. The size is 68 inches. E.g value.
All-Linen Table Damask, Yard $2.79
An extra heavy weight and in very choice patterns, full
bleached and 70 inches wide. Th quality 11 such as to
make an extra value at this low Ward price.
Of Great Importance to Women Is This
Important for the fact that they will find here the lateet, authentic styles in all the popular fabrics
and at prices that they will want to pay. The most beautiful garments of the best tailoring, ones
that will fit correctly and give the degree of individuality that is so desired by careful dressers.
Ail Wool
Sport Coats .
Fur Trimmed
Plush Coats
Made of silk plush, full lined
and with a wide shawl collar of
beaverette, cuffs of fur and with
wide fur trim at the bottom.
Wool Plaid
Sports Coats
A smart styled coat of neat
plaids in brown, green and gray.
High roll collar, box plaited,
slash pockets and belt. Big
Navy Silvertone
Velour Coats
A smart styled coat with long
fringed scarf in a belted style
Made of good quality material
and very well tailored. Special.
Fur Collared
Velour Coats
A coat of rich velour in brown,
black and navv. Made with larjre
beaverette collar and embroid
ery trimmed. A belted, loose
' J
An extra big value Is offered in then sport mode
coats of two-texture fabric in browns. A cost for
autoing or sports wesr mads with rag-Ian ,
a large convertible collar, roomy porki-u snd Iw.t.
The quality of the cioth, together with the tailor
ing and smart style, declares this at sn unumal
big value in r ail costs.
Grass Rockers
$3.75 .
A substantially built, attrac
tive rocker for the little ones.
Made just the same as the
grownup's, has wide arms and
finished in natural color.
Overstuffed Rockers
A comfortable, leather
upholstered chair.
Upholstered in a r t i
ficial brown Spanish
leather, has spring seat
and wide, comfortable
roll arms. Of sturdy
Overstuffed Rocker
With Tufted Back
A luxurious, comfort
able chair at a low
price. Made with a
deep cushioned, spring
seat, wide roll arms
and comfortable back.
Upholstered in brown
Spanish leather. A sub
stantial chair at a low
Buffet Bargains
Mastermade buffets have no equal for true
value at a low price. These two buffets are
two bargains for quick Monday sales.
Golden Oak Buffet $31.75
Golden Oak, Special 38.85
Flowered Tapestry
Davenport Set
This set, luxuriously com
fortable, upholstered in
food wearing tapestry, will
e appreciated for the wear
and comfort it will bring
to your home in the years
to come. Extra value, low
Davenport . 69.50
Rocker 34.65
Arm Chair 33.65
Queen Anne
China Closet
Finished in a dark wal
nut; has three adjustable
shelves and is with glass
doors and sides. Matches
the buffet below.
Colonial Design
Gateleg Table
A most practical table for use
where space is limited. Fin
ished in a dark mahogany, sub
stantially built and a big value
at this low price.
Queen Anne
Walnut Buffet
A beautiful. buffet in wal
nut, just as illustrated. Is
60 inches long, substantially made and very well finished.
The compartments are roomy and conveniently arranged,
and for extra value at a low price, this is an unusually big
saving. ,
Queen Anne Dining Table
Design matches the buffet above. Has 48-inch
- i- : i i -1 l j l i : ' l j
top, is 01 sturdy ouua aim a ueauw.i.uiiy ue
signed table. Extra value.
Queen Anne Dining Chairs
To match the above table.
Substantially built and have
Spanish leather seats.
Overstuffed Davenport Sets
A beautiful set upholstered in two-tone velour of very attractive patterns. The
cushions are all spring seated, the backs are soft and comfortable and the
design of the three pieces is most graceful. A big Ward value. Low priced.
PORT.... $95.75
Colonial Pedestal
Dining Table
A big table bargain in this
beautiful Colonial pedestal table
with 42-inch top, in Golden oak
finish and of sturdy build.
The Best
Rugs at
Ward's Low
Bigger Savings Offered in
tn choosing rugs at Ward's, you have a large assortment of'
different pstterns and sizes to select from, rugs that you
will appreciate for the beautiful Datterns and extreme low
prices. We quote a few prices on different styles and sizes..
9x12 feet...,
9x12 feet. . . ,
8x1012 ft
9x12 feet. . . ,
72x9 feet...
9x12 feet...
sy4xioy2 ft
9x12 feet
9x12 feet....
Velvet Rugs
8xl0'2 ft. 22.80
9x12 feet.... 37.90
9x12 feet 29.75
9x12 feet.... 25.25
Velvet Rugs
9x12 feet.... 36.25
8x1012 ft. 33.95
Axminster Rugs
9x12 feet.... 32.95
9x12 feet.... 34.75
8xl02 ft. 39.95
9x12 feet 38.50
o -i y 72
9x12 feet 11.95
84xl0'2 ft 42.95
9x12 feet 31.95
8'4xl0'2 ft 32.95
9x12 feet.... 38.95
Rag Rugs
Of neat patterns and colors, well woven and of good wear
ing qualities. A good rug ,for bed or bathroom floor.
9x12 feet fringed ends, for 13.75
30x54 inches, fringed ends, for 1.G5
Nrst attractive styled roaU for tl
littJs ones, the nirhi w:irhu for
cooler days' wsr snd in fabric, snd
color that identify them an -n.u
of individuality. And. then, mothers
will appreciate the low prion.
A (.mart styled
coat, as illuatrated,
is well tsilnred and
in colors of navy
snd brown.
, A heay wr jjrht
- coat of wool
ehinchil'a. Made In a douh'e
breasted style with belt and fir I
lined. Colors of gray ar.d navy.
Girls' Rubbers,
11 to 2.... 70,
Child's Rubbers,
i to 10y2... 59
Boys' Rubbers,
1 to 6.....85d
f t fl ST
1 Satisfaction Guaranteedor'Vtnrr Money Sack
27th and Vaughn Streets, Portland, Oregon
Adjustable Luggage Carrier
Montgomery Wjrd CO.
If you llv?
out or towxi
rm rnruc
Mail tiu Cettftn frday
tiV " M
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tmr Hir I-all 4 atl.
Cuilomri wha 1lv out of tnm r,
and rutiUC't viwl th( lt itnn pr
Koiitlly, fshAu Id ! for ur tw
fn 11 ca talf.g u vll t ni 1 v
of our low pric bt rmki' their
r1rtlnn rtM at born rij h-p
with ui tr mail.
oir rifw, bt.T, On.ttn J-i '
ca'aioru pow rdr frr tti.i.!fw
and ! yuura (or th aKktt,
Mm 1 1 fr4e fcblrfs
Vt ilk Ism 4M Mm-.
W nnni- a rw pwtt r4
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ni nnw ii tr -! In. n
A f"f . th t1 ti ' . r
la im9 ihm mt pr, tr
Very substantially made and
1 1 1 - U A I
DiacK enamel iirwsn. Are ad
justable up to 50 inches and
clamp to running: board and
strong clamps
A conTenient auto accessory, low priced.
Ta HnlT'.Onrlll' it ku in.
TXrmmf a.alt mr tmr t'r r .
M.ill.arr; r .lira Juki'.
( alala.
illUK ....