r aint This Picture With Brush-Dipped In aWater MAGIC COLORS Will Appears I 111 mMM : . , 1 ' 3 THE DANNY DEES "See what I found," said naughty Sue, "A pencil that writes red and blue. I'll draw some pictures on the wall, . .. And nurse won't guess 'twas I at all "She'll think it was the boys, not I, . And punish them for being sly. But I sha'n't tell, for they are bad, And when they're punished I am glad. "I'll draw an Indian big and red, And lots of blue sky overhead, Then in this corner put a hill,. With deer about for him to kill. ; i III FY - tea i f x j f Y ;' ! i ! BufDanny Dee had come at last, He'd heard her plans and hurried fast; And when she'd finished, Danny Dee Wrote her own name for all to see. So naughty Sue straightway was led Without her supper up to bed. And now, I'm told, she's always good, And tries to do just as she should. The Danny Dees are always kind To children who intend to mind ; But if you're naughty, then take care, . For Danny Dees are everywhere. Ladd F. Morse, (Copyright, 1922. World Color Printing Company, St Louis, Mo.) "PAINT THE GREY PlCTOR&S WITH A WATLR AND W-4TCH THE. MA&IC COUDS APPEAR!