The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1922, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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City Issues Warrants for
Arrest of Operators.
Managers of Hayes Tailoring
Company and Solicitors to
Be Arrested.
Determined to rid Portland of so
called suit clubs, said to be bo dif
ferent from the old-time suit club
lottery, city officials yesterday pre
pared for the prosecution of - the
jnanag-ers and solicitors of the
Hayes Tailoripg; company. Warrants
for the arrest of Leslie Hayes and
' Ted Powell, said to be the managers,
and four solicitors, were issued by
Assistant City Attorney Imle-y, who
will thave charge of the case for the
city. : -
The solicitors who will be cited
to appear in the municipal court
are .Monroe Lesser, also known as
Monroe Leslie, Harry Simmons, John
Doe Drake and J. E. Heller. These
solicitors are charged with selling
a paper or instrument understood to
represent a chance in a lottery. The
managers of the company are
charged with offering this paper or
Instrument for sale.
Operations Are Investigated.
For several weeks Assistant City
Attorney Imley has been Investi
gating the operations of the suit
club in this city. In this investi
gation he has had the active co
operation of F. P. Tebbets. man
ager of the better business bureau
K. 8. Ervln. president of the Pa
cific Coast Merchant Tailors' asso
ciation, and D. E. Bowman, president
or the Oregon Stale Clothiers' asso
Mr. Imley stated yesterday that in
his investigation every person who
has been interviewed concerning
contract with the Hayes Tailoring
company has told the same story of
misrepresentation that will be
charged in the municipal court
egajnst the club operators.
Sales Stories Cited.
He says that the solicitors and in
several cases the managers have
told prospective customers that if
they would sign a contract to pay
$3 a week for 24 weeks they would
be selected for a suit after two or
three weeks' payment and as a result-,
would obtain a suit for J4,
$8 or $8. '
The customers, Mr. Imley con
tends, are told that the managers
select some person each week to re
ceive a suit without paying the re
mainder of the contract. But evi
dence that the city holds shows that
this proposition is done in order to
avoid the drawings which formerly
were used in the suit club "game."
It was also alleged by the city that
the promise is not carried out except
in a few instances, and that the en
tire scheme is one of fraud and de
ception. Mr. Ervin received word yester
day that the suit-club business op
erated in San Francisco on the same
basis as is the case here was ende-1
""through the arrest of the .manager,
who was sent to jail for 80 days.
-City Commissioner Bigelow, who
began the investigation that has j
resulted in the determination to
prosecute the officers and employes
. or tne Hayes Tailoring company,
said yesterday that he is conviuced
beyond any question that the suit
club business is unfair, if not dis-
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Mrs. A. Macrae Smith of BellinKhauiv'Wash., and Iter blae-ribbon Gem
ey, JLa France of Bralee.
Among those who will compete for high honors in the milkmaids' con
test, which will be a novel feature-at the Pacific International Livestock
Exposition next month, will be Mrs. A. Macrae Smith of Bellingham,
Wash., wife of a physician of that city. Dr. and Mrs. Smith own one of
the finest model dairy farms in the Puget sound country, and an out
standing herd of pure-bred Guernseys. Mrs. Smith is manager of the
farm and a livestock expert. She will bring a number of her blue-ribbon
Guernseys to Portland to compete for premiums in the dairy division,
and has declared herself out for the purple ribbon and "first money" in
the three-day relay milkmaids' contest, which will be the afternoon
feature of. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during stock show week,
November 4-11, inclusive. All women and girls will be eligible to the
competitive event, and 1B0 in priaes will be awarded.
$150,000 Stock to Be Carried in
Home Constructed on Corner
of Park and Flanders.
N. Stanfield and 3 8 Other
Plaintiffs In Case Against
Thirty-four Railroads.
WEISER, Idaho, Oct. 7. (Special.)
"A case of importance to the whole
northwest, involving thousands of
dollars in freight on which a refund
is asked and of still more Impor
tance for Its bearing on future ship
ments will be heard In Weiser be
ginning October 17, before Examiner
Cassiday of the interstate commerce
The case is brought before the
commission by the R. N. Stanfield
interests and associated companies
and other growers and shippers upon
a compilation of facts made by E. L.
Hoppel traffic manager for the
Ktanfield concerns, with Ed R. Coul
ter as attorney for these interests,
v The case is attracing the attention
of sheep men throughout the north
west and will bring men here from
at least f6ur states. Among them
will be Hugh Sproat. president of
tne Idaho Woolgrowers: T. J. Drum
hiiler, president of the Washington
growers from Walla Walla; Mac
Hoke of Pendleton, secretary of the
Oregon flockmasters, representatives
of the public utilities commissions
of Idaho, Oregon. Washington and
Utah. Secretaary Marshall of the na
tional association of woolgrowers,
representatives of the chambers of
commerce of Salt Lake City, Spo
kane, Portland, Yakima and prob
ably others.
The case has to do with the mini
mum weight established by the
western carriers and upon wliich
the plaintiff companies, co-partnerships
and Individuals will seek re
lief both for money paid during the
past two years and for the establish
ment of a new minimum.
The present minimum is 23.000
pounds for a 36-foot. 6-inch double
deck car and the plaintiffs claim
that in SO per cent of oases it is im
possible to load this weight in such
cars without serious loss en route
and that it Is impossible in many i
cases to car this weight at all. The
plaintiffs are asking for a minimum
of 18.000 pound3. On the present
freight rate, using Baker. Or., as a
figuring point, this would mean a
saving of over $60 on each car
shipped to Chicago. The saving in
the Weiser to Boise territory would
be 155. -
There are 34 defendant railroad
companies, large and small.
There are 37 plaintiffs and among
them some of the largest raisers and
shippers in the west
Shipment of Cotton Delayed.
CALEXICO, Cal.. Oct. 7. Shipping
of cotton from the Imperial valley
Is being delayed by the scarcity of
cars, and 'concern Is being mani
fested among growers. So far, only
two carloads have been moved to
market, while thousands of bales
await loading.
The supply department of the
Western Electric company of New
York1, the largest electrical Jobbers
in the world, last week moved its
Portland branch into the three-
story brick and concrete warehouse
recently completed on property at
the northwest corner of Park and
Flanders streets owned by E. D.
Van Dersal of this city.
The building, which covers a
50xl(M)-foot lot, was built especially
for the big electrical concern, pur
suant to a five-year lease nego
tiated by Chester A. Moores and the
F. E. Taylor company. The struc
ture, which was built under the di
rection of Strong & MacNaughton,
cost about f30,000. The property, is
located on railroad trackage and
fronts on the North Park blocks in
the center of the wholesale elec
trical district near the postoffice
and custom house.
S. G. Ward, Portland manager of
the supply department of the West
ern Electric company, said last
week that the new building would
house the offices for his depart-
ment and serve as a warehouse for
the storage of electrieal supplies
for electric light and telephone
companies, washing machines, dish
washers, ironing1-machines, vacuum
cleaners, house and building wiring,
motors and various types of radio
equipment, including broadcasting
outfits, head receivers and loud
speakers. The Oregoman s new
broadcasting outfit will be supplied
by this department of the company.
The Portland branch, which is but
one of the 54 branches maintained
by the Western Electrio company in
the united States, will. carry sup
plies ranging from $150,000 to
$250,000 in value. After tho first
year the. entire three floors of the
building will be occupied by the
electric company, but the owner is
planning , to lease the top floor 'to
other parties for the first 13 months.
Records Show Unusual Drouth.
LEGE, .Corvallis, Oct. 7. (Special.)
Unusual lack of rainfall in Cor-
vallis during the summer months is
shown in weather reports kept by
the soils department of the college.
The growing season of April to Sep
tember, inclusive, was short 3. S3
Inches precipitation, and the entire
month of July passed without rain.
September had .06 inch over its nor
mal allotment of 1.76 inches.
Ashland Keeps Hobos Moving.
ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.)
- Hobos to the number of 43 are
being handled daily by city and
railroad police, as many as 26 being
removed from one train. They are
lodged in the city jail over night
and dismissed after a small fine has
been levied. Orders are given to
hit the highway toward the south.
O" Merchandise of o Merit OnK
Sewing Machines
Select Any Style
Pay $1 a Week
o I 1 1
0 l" 0
For this sale, marked
near manufacturing: cost,
the machine with a life
of -wear 20 years' guar
antee; service free. Ball
bearing: automatic lift.
Fine oak case. Foot
Library Table
Library table electric.
Of choice mahogany,
American walnut or oak
finishes; in Queen Anne
and Windsor designs.
$20 Allowance on
Your Old Machine
Domestic Portable .Electric
Sale Price
"The Domestic 69"
noted for quietness, ab
sence of vibration, serv
ice and durability. Your
machine can be traded in
on the purchase price of
this machine.
Parts and Supplies for AAl Makes of
Sewing Machines '
Used Machines $5.00 and $8.00
Only a Few Left at This Price
Grand Lodge Session to Be
Held in Portland.
Ijodges to Have - Entertainment
Tomorrow Sight; State Offi
cials Will Be Guests.
About 3(H) delegates will ba ie
Portland from all sections of the
state to attend the ilxt annual ses
sion of the grand lodge, Knights of
Pythias, for the domain of Oregon,
which will be held in this o;ty Tues
day and Wednesday.
The annual session of the grand
temple Pythian sisters for the Juris
diction of Oregon will convene at
the same time with about ISO dele
gates in attendance.
Vlsttora to Be Gneata.
Preceding the sessions of the eon-
vention the Pythian lodges of Port
land will hold an entertainment to
morrow night at 8 o'clock at which
the grand lodge visitors will be
guests of honor. This entertainment
will be for Pythians and their fam
ilies and friends and will be held
the Pythian temple auditorium.
3SS Yamhill street, where the ses
sions of the convention will take ;
Place. A feature of this affair will
be the presentation in mono-drama
by Newton Beers of Banim's heroio
brotherhood play, "Damon and
Pythias." This play depicts the ad
ventures of Damon and Pythias as
the fraternal heroes now appearing
in Pythian knighthood.
On Tuesday night Abd-uhl-Atef
emple. Dramatic Order Knights of
Khorassan, will have eharge and
stage Its annual grand lodge cere
monial together with the Initiation
cf candidates. This will be preceded
by an banquet at the .municipal
Mayor to Give Welevme.
When Lief S. Finseth of Dallas,
grand chancellor, calls the grand
lodge to order Tuesday morning the
delegates will be welcomed to Port
land by Mayor Baker, who is a mem
ber of Ivanhoe lodge of this city.
Responses will be made by Ella G.
Wortman of Medford, grand ohief of
the Pythian sisters, and Mr. Finseth.
After this opening session the grand
lodaes will convene in executive ses
sion and launch into its work clos
ing the Pythian year and initiating
needed legislation.
It is customary for the grand vice
chancellor of the order to be ad
vanced to grand ehanoellor and this
session of the lodge is not expected
to deviate from that rule. Millard
P. Hardesty is the present grand
Headquarters of the grand lodge
will be maintained In rooms 238 and i
234' at the Imperial hotel during the
convention. The Pythian sisters will
have headquarters in rooms 231 and
232 at the same hotel.
The Knights of Pythias of Oregon
consists of some 77 lodges and the
grand lodge headquarters in Port
land. Besides the Oregon delegates
there will be a number of visiting
delegates and grand lodge officers
from the domain of Washington at
the Portland gathering.
Educators to Be Speakers.
ASTORIA. Or", Oct. T- (Special.)
The programme for the Clatsop
county teachers' institute to be held
at the Central scnool auditorium on
October 11, It and 13 has been corn,
pleted by County Superintendent
Byland. The programme In addi
tion to musical numbers will in
clude addresses by a number of the
leading educators including W. M.
Smith, assistant superintendent of
public instruction; Dan E. Clark,
extension division of the University
of Oregon; Edwin T. Reed, Oregon
Agricultural college: E. U Hopkins,
Paclfio university; Mrs. W. 8. Kin.
ney. state representative, and Dr.
Frederick Strieker, member of the
state board of health.
Cows Bring; Only Fair Friers.
CHEHAX.IS. Wash, Oct. 7. (Spe
cial.) John P. Winkler's closing out
sale of Ho lute In grade milch cows
yesterday at Adna brougtit fair
prices only, 3S animals making sn
average of nearly The hichest
priced cow trought 8113.60. Hlx 3
year-old heifers sold for 140 each,
six younger heifers 830 sach. and
seven calves $1150 icK. A aqrua
and a mare sold for 1107. SO. while
another team brought but $50.
Wife Declared Inconstant.
Clair Pomeroy alleges that hlf
wife was Inconstant, In a suit files'
in circuit court yesterday for a di
vorce from Beulah Pomeroy. The
couple were married at Vancouver
Wash.. In June of this year.
Valleys, Sea and lonlalns Krvn
on Way Declared to IU Won
derful; Car Tsrd Iart Tim.
From a scenlo stsndpotnt the
continent of Konk America baa
them all beat, in the opinion of Dr.
Hubert F. Leonard, whs has lt
returned to Portland frem ex
tended motor, train and etestnsr
tour In which he traveled from El
Paso, Tex, along the I'acl(k) ul
to the Queen Charlotte Island, bor
dering on southern Alaska.
The local physician motored freta
Portland to io Angeles and n
Pieao. taklna side tripe te Arisona
and Texas lie shipped his car from
Han Kranrlso to Aetorla by
steamer and thence drove home to
Portland. The northern portion of
the trip wss from Portland to
attle by train, thenes by steamer,
via Vancouver, R. C, north along
tbs east cesst of Vancouver telaod
to Queen Charlotte sound, crossing
Hecate straits to the Queen
Charlotte (roup of Ulamla,
"From the scenic standpoint. It Is
hardly possible to cooceive of sn).
thing mors beautiful than In val
leys, seas and mountains I bate
visited during the summer." he
The trip north Into Co
lumbia was mads by !r. Leonard
In company with Dr. It. B. North
rup and T. M. Geoahtgan. also cf
Portland, to Inspect prugrraa of de
velopment work on a le.fluo-are
anthracite coal and timber prop
erty In which they are
L- - " '
Seining Trial Postponed.
ASTORIA Or, Oct. T. (Kpertal
The trial of the master, owner at.d
two members of the crew of the
purseselnlng craft Falrplay. white
had been set for hearing before a
Jury In the superior court at Bouts
Bend en October 4. has been con
tinued until o'clock on neat Mon
day morning.
hfth Wwfo' 111 I
raMSi CD-- W
Nationally priced delivered to your home
Tremendous manufacturing
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Shadows move and sway across
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Is this your home? " Where there
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The Virtuolo is made with a most
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An automatic tracker bar keeps
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device puts every .song into your
key the action is so smooth a child
play it as easily as an adult-
And it has the deep tone for which
pianos madj,by Hallet &. Davis are
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Its appearance adds distinction to
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Easy payment plan
Mail in the coupon that is printed
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Exclusive Agents
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The Virtitolo may be obtained in
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Club Model Virtuolo $395
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Colonial Virtuolo in Conway Piano
Petite Virtuolo in Hallet &. Davis
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Established 1839
Easiest to play in every way
I Virtuolo practically on my own terms.
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