0 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND," OCTOBER 1, 1922 12 BKAL ESTATE. ypr hale -Acrpage. HOME ACRIiS AT AUCTION. ON THE PREMISES, Thursday, October 5, 1 P. M. ; prop erty adjoins city of Newberg on the west, on Pacific highway; consists of 39 . tracts ranging in size from to 3 acres; 3 modern 3, 4 and 5-room bun galows, city water electric lights; Newbergr'a Industries compare with the beet in the state; excellent education facilities, churches almost every de nomination. Sale starts promptlv at 1 P. M. Owner on the grounds at all times up to and Including the sale. TERMS: Ten pr cent cash; purchaser to ar range balance with clerk; abstract Burnished with each purchase. Your opportunity to secure noma or hflna site close to a live home city. N. P. NELSON, Newberg, R. A. WILSON, McMinnville, AUCTIONEERS. PHILIP GRAFP, Owner. 8. L. PARRETT, Clerk. GOOD HOME GOOD ACREAGE. Located immediately opposite Dosch station; served by both Hillsboro and Capital paved highways; about 12 minutes' ride from courthouse; city phone, lights, water and gas; nearly all ready for cultivation; fine soil, good spring, running water, small lake, native tres, bearing fruit, at tractive and nearly new modern 4 room house with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, basement, large front porch and splen did view. This property has big fu ture and many possibilities; consists of 12 acres; might divide or consider Portland residence; priced to sell : terms reasonable. I think, you will want it when you see it. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SEE CALM AN, The new residential district situated lust outside city boundary, only 8 blocks from Beaumont car 4 blocks to sohool, with practically all city con veniences. A new graded, graveled 00 foot street runs like a white ribbon through the center. Each tract has an area of more than 5 city lots, 100-ft. frontage and is supplied with Bull Run water. You owe it to yourself to see this beautiful tract before making final selection. A small cash payment, then $10 to $15 per month. See it today. Kast 42d st. just north of Fremont St. You will see our signs. R. H. CONFKEY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. CHOICES SIX ACRES. Fine soil, all In cultivation, good road and near good close in station, in good west side district; two - choice building sites and city conveniences avail able; priced right; terms rea sonable. Fine -proposition with good future. Might consider Portland residence. y SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg CITY HOME IN COUNTRY ! Two splendid acres with large va riety of Lerriej; just 6 blks. to Beaver ton station on paved street; attractive modern 5-room bungalow with full plumbing, fireplace, Dutch , kitchen, elec, teas and city water; THIS IS A BIG VALUE FOR $4200! ONLY $500 down and you can have possession I E!4 THIS ONE TODAY I Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. S12 Abimgton Bldg. Bdwy. 717L Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. A REAL BARGAIN $21190. Ten acres, good land, near Beaver ton. 2 miles from paved highway on good road ; 4-room house, good barn ; about ti acres in cultivation, balance In timber; owner Uvea in another state and must sell; terms. Evorett Phllpoe, Sales-manager, NEILAN & PARK-HILL, 210 Lumbermen Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. Sunday, call Tabor S263. for sale $:;doo. li,i-acr tract, all in cultivation and fruit; fair 4-room house; 2 chicken houses, one of them new and 94 ft. long; family orchard: all kinds of ber ries; 3 or 4 blocks from school; very V'St of soil; on two good roads, one in fiont and one in the rear; 1 good Jersey cow included in the price; gas, Ett II Run water, electrfc lights; $700 cash, balance small monthly payments. HENRY V. GODDAHD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7S31. m GOING TO RETIRE? If or here ia the place you want; 2 acres, close to Portland on east side; 4-room house, barn and chicken house; abundance of berrieu, etc. ; excellent soiK city water, good car service; your time will be well spent if you look this ove'r; price only 1500; terms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUTRE. 212 Abington Bldir. Bdwy. 717L T h ird St., bet. Wash, an d St a-rk. IF YOLT are living In crowded city quar ters why not see Caiman; there you will have room for the kiddies, room for a yard and flowers. Situated Just outside of city, 6 blocks south of Beau mont carline on 42d st. just south of Fremont. Big -acre tracts, $10 to $35 per month. R. H. CONPRET, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 i : o ard o f Tr a d eJR I dg. RII'E for subdivision, 100 acres, 20 mllea from city. Vi mile from electric car line station and 1 miles from Alt. Hood loop, now under construction, and on " macadam Ized road ; some im provements, running water, good soil, easily cleared, lies fine; this land is worth J 150 per acre; my price is $S0 per acre for quick sale. 402 East Mor- rimn st. KaM 747 (J. 10 ACHES $000 DOWN. Most all iu cult., good soil, on good roails; a miles from Oregon City ; 5 ruom house, barn and outhouses, fruit, good well, fine berry land; all build li.gs need some repairing; just reduced the price $lt00. You can --afford to look at this. Price $2200. easy terms. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main Hts.. Oregon City. Or. ' O-NE ACRE. With a new 2-room plastered bunga low, furnished, with new gas range, davenport, dining room table, chairs, library table, new sleeping tent; thicken house, young fruit trees, ber ries, etc ; gas, electricity; city water; price $1175. terms; gravel road. Phone Auto. 044-53 evenings or Sunday. No agents. 10 ACRES BEAVERTON DISTRICT. Fine sofl, all in cultivation; woven wire fencing, 5-room house, barn, other buildings, young orchard, some ber ries; 1 mll-e from e-Lectric station, 10 miles from Portland; fine neighbor hood; price $3200. LEUDDEM ANN COMPANY, 31 4 Chamber of Commerce. THE PAVED BASE LIN E I Close In; one acre of ground, worth $ 1500, owner will sacrifice for $850; only $100 down, balance easy terms; a chance to secure a choice acre very cheap. Se F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U MoGUTRiJ, 212 Abinrton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171, Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. 20 ACRES, partly cleared, balance easy clearing; the best eoil ; springs and running water: mile Columbia river, store, school. P. O., boat Landing; sev eral boats calling daily at this place; price $'150. or will sell 10 acres for $350; small payment down and long terms. l.'l.l1 1st st,, room 1, Nelson. ONE ACRE $a7.( ' Covered with growth of native trees facing on Villa ave.. just west of Rock wood road, only $33 cash hurry, not many left. R. H. CONPRET, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. SPECULATE E VALUE. Five acres. mile Ryan station, $l.mt; ail tillable, good soil; house of 2 rooms and sleeping porch; spring on pluce; hurry if you want this; $400 vash, balance ensy. See Hurd. with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 v n;t in. o i i om SEVERAL fine tracts, all in cultiva tion, from V to 1 acre, on paved road; right on Stanley station, 9c fare, citv conveniences; 10 pr cent cash, balance easy." See N. I. Farnworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. , Realtors. J8 dwy- 4 "31. 410 Hrrtlr Bid g . $1500 FINE acre, Parkros- and Rood 3-room house, chicken yard and chick ens, electric lights and gas. partly fur nished, fine location : garage; small payment down, easy payments. Phone Bdwy. 2887 or Tabor 3055 Sundays and evenings. NEW HOUSE $2750 4 rooms, kitchenette, bath and toilet, woodshed, garage: can have city water and gas; 1.2S acres, good soil; 2 blocks from station; H2o down. L E V HUEM A N N COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. $50 KEH ACHE 2(1 acrs, partly cleared, some tinibf r ; a dandy chicken ranch, etc.; $20O cash. Also 10 acres, culti vated, $1000. A bargain ; easy terms Bdwy. 7072. Mc Far laud, 20$ Failing hldjr. . ABOUT 9-10 ACRE, COUNCIL CREST. $110lf .xu 1,1 EN'S. Nearly level, city water and sewer, 0 blks. car. all or part. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-0-7 Lewis Bl d g. FOR SALE Nice 3-acre tract on nigh way near Hubbard; small buildings, good soil: only $1500. Crittenden & Courand, Hubbard, Or. im ACRES on CiacK. river: 3 a. clear; tt-rm. house, flrepiHce; auto road; fine lm-ation: $1500. 4 OS Ha: K Atw. 3403 . A BARGAIN; No. 750 Wasco. St.; six roouisv Xuii lot; term Phone E. 2432. REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. At FARGO. OR.. Close to Station on O. E. R. TL.--25 miles from Portland. Good level land, ia cultivation. $100 to $150 per acre; 5-10-20-acre tracts. Lo ganberries in full bearing1 at $200 per acre. Phono Woedlawn 539. or see GEORGE F, CLARK, Far-. Or. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bide. Main 4354-4350. One acre, new o-roorn bungalow, hdwd floors and strictly modern on hard-surfaced road; only 1 block to carline for only $3800, $1200 cash, balance easy. 1 One acre In bearing fruit with a new chicken house for about 1000 hens; 1 block to carline, $1800, $500 cash, balance easy. One acre, new 5-room modern bun galow completely furnished, nice ga rage and chicken house 100 feet long, over 500 hens; wood, feed and tools. .Completely equipped. A going con cern. Price $4o00, some terms. G. C. TTLRICH CO., INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4355. FINE FOUR ACRES. Very best soil, all In cultiva tion, good house and barn with some modern conveniences, in cluding electric lights; nice bearing orchard, berries, etc.; about 30 minutes out by auto or electric line; good road; fine neighborhood; price $0.00; rea sonable terms. Consider good Portland residence. This prop erty hats much merit and Will please you. Priced ' right. SAMUEL DOAK, 1203 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Brand new colonial home of 6 rooms with sleeping porch. 4 acres of ground. Hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, full basement, large double garage. Part beautifully wooded, bal ance in cultivation. Just off Pacific highway, close to river with fine view of same and surrounding mountains. Gas and electric lights. Owner mov ing away and will sell for $12,000. To see is to buy. John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce, A BIG Vi - ACRE. A half-acre Is about half the size of a city block Imagine such a tract of land where you can build a cozy little home all your own, with a lawn, garden and flowers. Buy this Mi-acre NOW in Caiman 42d st. just north of Fremont near Beaumont cariine. Only $15 per month. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SIX ACRES. A REAL BARGAIN. Three-room . house, barn, chicken house and brooder house; on the high way and only 30 minutes from town; 4 acres in high state of cultivation; good family orchaLd and acre in loganberries; excellent soil. Price only $4000. terms. MERRICK & CO.. Realtors. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. C42. Open Evenings and Sundays. 10 ACRES. $475. 2 miles off Col ton road on Molalta and Co Hon road; good soil, lies fine; logged off, some not hard to clear; 25 homes within mile of place, all settled up; fine for chickens, good fish ing and hunting right at your door; close to school, on mail and cream route. Phone. Want cash. This ia a good place to put your mony. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7fh and M alni 5 1 a., Ore gon City, Or. TWO ACRES ANU 5-RuOAl HOUSE. Eight miles out on good road; mile from Oregon Electric station, good barn and chicken house; lumber on ground for garage. All in cultivation. 1 acre In loganberries, 1 acre garden, Jersey cow. chickens, orchard. A snap at $3500, $500 down, $25 per month. JOHN M. KROG CO., 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. MULTNOMAH. Dandy 6-room bungalow facing on Terwiliiger blvd. ; extra large lot and only 15 minutes' ride from business district. All city conveniences. Price $3500. enly $350 cash and $30 per month on balance. MltRKICK & CO., REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 0V42. Open Evenings and Sundays. FRUIT. BERRliiS, C H I CK EN S. Close in on east side, 5 acres, paved highway, 2 houses, HI rn, chicken houses, live stream, electric lights, tools and equipment; '$4500, $1500 cash, balance easy. See E. G. Camp bell, with v H. W. OSBORNE CO., 432 Cha m b-r of Commerce Bldg. BIG TRACTS $000. Just east of Buckley ave. on Powell Valley road, covered with beautiful growth of fir trees; ideal for country home site. R. H. CONFtEY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 2 ACRES, $300 DOWN. All In' cult., good soil, lies level; new 4-riQom bungalow, good wood house, young fruit, well water; located at Mt. Pleasant, 2 miles off Main st., Orefna City. Neat little home. Price $20U0. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. Tf h a nd Main Sts., Oregon City. Or. RIVER-FRONT ACREAGE. Over acre right on the Willam ette. One of the most attractive spots on the river. Reached by the hard surfaced Oregon City road. Has some wonderful native trees as well as fruit trews in bearing. Price only $1200. Easy terms. John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce. MUST BE SOLD OCTOBER 5. 11 acres, all in cult., .8 acres- of It black river bottom land. Two houses, barn, garage, fruit, fcerries, asparagus, etc., cow, chickens, horse implements; 1 mile from highway, town and high school, $2200; cash. JOHN A. METSSNER, 821 Gasco Bldg. $10u WILL HANDLE. 1 ACRE Evergreen station, Oregon City car, good 5-room plastered house, full basement, city gas, young fruit trees and berries. Fine view of moun tains and city. Price only $2300. Pay ments $15 a' month and interest. Owner, 318 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES $2500. 12 "miles out, -mile off pavement, goid road, new 4-room house, new barn, new 20x40 cedar lumber chicken house, woodshed, brooder house: mile to electric line; good reason for selling; easv terms. J HX A. M ETSS NER. 8 21 Ga sco Bldg. R1VERDALE ACREAGE. ' Do you know that you can buy an acre in this wonderful tract for only $1500, having 200 feet frontage on the Pacific highway? All modern conven iences, ready to connect; will sell this to responsible people on terms to suit, J. "rhy- agent. Abington bldg. MUST BE SOLD OCT. 11 acres, all in cult., 8 acres of It black river bottom land. Two houses, barn, garage, fruit, berries, asparagus, etc.. cow. chickens, horse implements. 1 mile from highway, town and high school, $2200, -Is cash. JOHN A, M E ISSNER. 8 2 Gasco BMg . TERMS $500 DOWN. Eight acres and new 3-room house, barn and chicken house; close to car and school. Price $2500. MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS, 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. C42. . Open Evenings and Sundays. FARM AND CORDWOOD. 170 acres, 7 H milea east Oregon City, 10 cleared, cruised, over 3,000.000 feet. Good farm land, no rock, stream, springs. $6500. Good terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 303-6-7 Lewis Bldg. HALF ACRE SNAP. $675 Terms to suit, close-in on Pow ell valley road, no city taxes, but all city conveniences, part cleared, pretty grove. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bidg. lldwv. 626; X0 ACRES 1 flLE TUALATIN. Best well-drained soil, 4"4 acres bearing berries, 2 small houses, timber, $200 per acre. Do you know a bargain? J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Hi d .0 ACRES, part clear, running water, shack, macadam road close, good soil. Yamhill county: $250O, $500 down and some trade. 226 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Seachrest. A REAL SACRIFICE, en acres. 7 in cultivation; frood 4-room bungalow, barn and chicken house; 2 milts from Hillsboro; $28O0; terms. D. M. Madd en. Hi I 'sbo ro. O r FOR SCBDIV. 53 acres. 6 miles from Portland: will trade for apt, house or f'.at. Oswego. Or., Route 1, box 123. lfo0. 8, 5 ACRES well improved, close in, with bides,; 3 yrs. Wilbur F. Jo-uno, Inc., Henry t)idg. Bdwy. 437. 1 OR 3 ACHES. West side, water, gas. electricity, te1 ephone. cheap, owner Main 8380 SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 0-D ST S. E 616-45. ACRE near Oswgo lake, sale or ex change; afternoons, 610 EUera bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. GARDEN HOME FIVE-ACRE SNAP. ONLY" $2750 $1000 CASH. Fronts on fine gravel road; gas. elec tricity and Bull Run water in front; faces south; only 10 minutes' walk from Garden Home station; adjoining acreage $800 to $100O per acre; a real sacrifice. See McCormick at Garden Home, or phone Alain 9318. $4tMJ0 FULL PRICE. SMALL PAYMENT tOWN. 3 acres, 5-room house, barn, chicken house, running water, orchard, plenty of garden, city water, gas; less than y mile from Beaverton highway on good rock road; 1 mile from Beaverton. SCOTT & BERRY, J 103S Belmont Ave. . FOR SALE; One acre, Failing st.. Park rose; half cleared, balance grove; no use for same, so will sell for $300 less than any acre on the street; electricity, water and gaa connected; small house. Inquire owner, next door. Vance, Fail ing st., Parkrose, Route 4, Portland. Tabor 7055. HALF ACRES $750. $8 down, $3 month ; ; cre $1300. $10 month. City school, water, electricity, grave.ed roads- Alberta or Beaumont cars. ROGER W. CART. UPSTAIRS. 142 H 2d st.. cor. Alder. CHOICE BERRY LANDS. $75 CASH EASY TERMS. , 10 acres, some cleared, good road, close to St. Helena; good market; $750. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 258 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. 1-ACRlE CHICKElN RANCH close to electric station; large, new, modern chicken house, fruit, 4-room comfortable bouse, $4000; $100 down. ROGiER W. CA'RY, Upstairs, 142 2d St., Cor Alder. T hi ACRES for aile, reasonable will finance a house; will give reasonable terms. Aut. J22-10. k Fruit Lands for SSale or Rent. FRUIT LAND, PRUNES. WALNUT. CHERRY. ' LOGAN OR RASPBERRY. 80 a., 40 a. in cultivation, rolling red shot lan-d; has eome fruit out; the house i& small and of no value but livable; nice new barn, 33x44- Now this man wants to change climate and wants to sell. Price $4500; $3000 cash will handle this. If you are. Interested you had better come and see JWL I. Southard, Lebanon, Oregon. ' FOR. SALE 40 acres finest prune land, 1 acre full bearing and 5 acres young prune trees; spring and creek, water piped to 3-room furnished house; barn full of hay, garden and tools, horse, wagon, harness, 4 cows, sow, 6 pigs, 100 chickens; $2500, terms. F. A. Gore, Cottage Grove. Or '? FOR SALE 15 acres fruit farm, on road 1 mile south from Columbia highway; fine 7-room house with outbuildings; about 250 assorted fruit trees; acre loganberries; compelled to leave. Will sell at a sacrifice. For full particu lars, address. P. O. Box 607. Rainier, Oregon. " 40 A. COMMERCIAL orchard, southern Idaho; consider small suburban grocery, rooming house or residence aa part payment; snap If taken at once. Tabor 0078. SACRIFICE by owner, 120 acres. $45 per acre; fine house; terms or trade. Wht. Salmon dist. Davis. 1117 Missouri ave. Mom-Ntetuts, Relinquishments. RELINQUISHMENT 'for sale, 80 acres, close to R. R. depot, school and high way; 18 acres cleared, good improve ments; price $350. Mrs. Sutton, Hugo, Orpsron. DANDY relinquishments, well improved. on r. close to urants t-ass; mw each if taken q.uicK 222 Lumbermene building. 'For Sale Farms. SOMETHING EXTRA GOOD, 17 ACRES, HIGHLY IMPROVED, NEAR REEDVILLB. Has nearly new 6-room house, good bar vi, garage, storage house with ce ment floor, woodshed, chicken house, good family orchard, winter garden, roots and feed for stock; about 1 acre of timber -for home wood; house nicely ' furnished, 2 good cows, team, about 80 yearling hens, farm implements and tools all go for. $0000. half . cash.. STEWART & JOHNSON, 31 5 Northwestern Bank Building. MR. RANCHER, JUST LOOK AT THIS: 160 acres in Washington county, west of Portland ; 20 to 25 acres in high state of cultivation ; family orchard ; good 4-room house, barn and out houses; good springs; well fenced, close to school only 4 miles from good town; only $30 an acre. I have many other farms from $50 to $100 an acre, Im proved ; some with stock and plements, J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor. 214-215 Panama Bldg. STAR INSPECTED. 49 acres, Clackamas county, about 15 ml. from center of Portland; 35 a, in high state of cultivation;' modern 6 room bungalow, good barns and out buildings; on main highway, near elec tric carline; one of the prettiest places we inspected; $05K: terms. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., REALTORS, 513 Wilcox Bldg. JUST THE PLACE FOR A SANITARIUM OR ROAD HOUSE. Beautiful 18-room modern house, hot water, complete bath, 2 fireplaces, 11 eleeping rooms, large porches; 8 acres of land all in cultivation, barn, poultry house, berries, fine water, about 16 miles from Portland, near paved high way. Price is $6000, X0dQ cash, STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Building. i05 PiEiR ACRE SO -acre farm ' Bargain, 30 mi. to Portland, near elec. carline and on good auto road; 30 acres in cult.; good soil. 4 a, prunes, 2 a. fine orchard, fine water, 3 a timber, baJ. good pasture; good 5-room house, nice barn, a.l fenced. Price $K peT acre; terms, $MH cash ; take soldier loan. Other snaps. H. W. Garland, 260 Taylor St., near 3d. WHY NOT own your land at a price as far below actual value as your present holdings are above that pont? Our Bolivia, South America, colonly land at $1 an acre, with surrounding condi tions favorable, offers this opportunity now. Don't wait until the prices ad vance. Bolivia Colonization associa tion, 600 Chamber of Commerce bidg., Portland. Or. YOU HAVE MADE $5000 the Instant you make a deposit on this 141 acres. About 100 cultivated, soil dark loam; good modern hotfse; concrete basement, hot and cold water, bath, pantry, 2 large barns and chick en house, stocked and equipped, grain and hay. Plums, fruit berries. AH fenced, $82 per acre ; 1 hours from Portland. Sell. Rti2. 817 Clinton St. TILLAMOOK DAIRY FARM. For sale 25 acres Al river - bottom, near town ; mod. barn, fine 8-room bungalow, nicely finished, up-to-date plumbing, city water, electric lights In both house and barn. Near cheese factory,--which paid 62c for July but ter fat. $4000 will handle. For further particulars address owner, AV 113. Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 20 acres, 22 miles from Portland. 8 miles from Oregon City, good road, near electric line; 7-room house, large barn, new chicken house; l.acre in young orchard, prunes and English walnuts; 8 acres in cultivation, rest In fir timber; $1250 cash will handle, easy terms. Call 511 Mississippi ave., Portland. , 9S-ACRE improved ranch in beautiful Joe creek valley, near Grants Pass; 6 acres strawberries, 40 plowed, 25 rich bottom, good buildings. equipment, household and stock. $5000; you can take $4000 worth cordwood off place; two miles from town. This is a real snap.. 222 Lumbermens bldg. FARM FOR SALE. 170 acres near Grants Pa-s; Ideal for grapes or grain and stock; 85 have been cleared, 8 cultivated; house, barn and eheda In -Xair condition. Price $3500 or will trade toward Portland property. Phone owner, Bdwy. 5564. CHICKEN RANCH OR DAIRY IS acre close to Portland, Bice house, large barn and silo, 2 large chicken houses, brooder hous, famiiy orchard, creek. Ready for business. Snap at $5700. terms. Enquire L. A. Mathi-sen Co., 2'U Allskv Bldg. I OWN one of the best 40 seres in Mo sier district, part in full bearing or chard, in excellent condition, which, because of illness, I cannot handle or harvest the crop, so you may have this property for $300O. L. C. Miller, est Glisan Atwau-r 01T7. 9 ACRES. 5 and 3-room house, fruit, rock road, miles from courthouse, $4000. 40 acres near highway. $1000. .T. C. KURATLL 804 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE Good farm, 640 acres, good iocaticn, $25 per acre, take trade up to $10,000, balance easy terms. What have you? Owner, 417 Glena ave. Ta bor 0186. FARM for sale, bargain; 23 acres; good 5-room house, outbuildings: good soil. 214 W. 17th St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone S47J. - FINE wheat ranch, 920 acres. 700 acres tillable, 350 acres In summer fallow; might take small farm as part pay ment. Box 21, Condon. Or. 160 ACRES. 39 miles southeast. 60 cleared, balance timber, river, spr'ngs, good road, lots of outrange, $30o0, terms. B 077. Oregonian. 90-ACRE farm for sale; $8500. stocked and equipped; $2500 down. bal. 6 per cent: good terms. 201 McKay bldg. GEARH ART Two choice lots, facing golf links, singly or together; bargain. Window fl, n First National bank. 3 ACRES, level, clear, fenced. 4-room house, bam; Will am In one mile, good road,; term, J. R, Sharpe, 83 3d at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 42 ACRES. 34 miles out. Clacka mas county; mile to school, good "road; 20 acres cultivated; 2 acres bearing orchard: 5-room house, good barn, garage, large chicken house, personal prop erty: team; 4 cows. 2 hogs. 50 chickens, 2 wagons, plow, har row, cultivator, tools, crops, etc Also ood household furniture. Price for everything $2750, terms. Inspected by Hunter. 40 acres, 4 miles from good town. Cowlitz county, Washing- w ton; 80 miles from Portland: practically all in pasture. 45 acres could be farmed ; black loam soil; spring and creek; s house 16x32. barn 86x32, chicken house; personal prop erty: 3 milch cows, 2 yearling Heifers, good mare, wagon, plow, disc, "harrow, harness, drag saw, cream separator; 6 rolls wire. 8 tons hay. Price for everything $1500. clear. Over 15 acres. 14 miles from center of Portland ; macadam road, near Oregon City; 4 acres cultivated, balance heavy tim ber, level land, no waste; woven wire fences; young orchard; strawberries, loganberries, blackberries, etc.. new house, 12x20, barn 20x30. chicken house; about 500 cords of wood on place. Price $2200; terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. PAY FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS. YOU GET THE LAND FREE and it is class A soil in the seed po tato district of Clarke Co.. Wash.. 35 minutes from Vancouver on good roads. 50 cres, 45 In cultivation. 6 acres "wooded pasture; 6 acres in seed pota toes; 2 registered Holstein cows. 1 good grade cow all fresh in Oct. ; 1 registered Holstein bull. Segius Mata dor stock; 20 geese, 100 hens, team that cost $400 in spring; bearing or chard, berries, grapes; new poultry house 20x50 on concrete walls; bam, granary, hog house, and all for $6000; easy terms. It cost that to clear the land. MacINNES. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board o Trade Bldg. A REAL farm adjoining the City of Condon, Oregon, on the John Day highway. 780 acres, all in cultivation except 40 acres of pasture. Two sets of buildings, one fine dwell ing' house of 11 rooms, modern con veniences, large stone store house, 2 barns and granary, wells and spring. 320 acres summer fallow, machinery and implements, all for $60,000. with cash payment of $9500, balance 7 pef cent Interest. Purchaser can assume federal loan. OWner would consider some trade if right. HURLBURT & LUCAS, Cqndon. O re son GOOD dairy farm, near Yamhill, Or., 173 acres in all, 7 miles from town, 1 mile . from school and store: 80 acres in cul tivation, balance in pasture; modern house. 8 roms; barn 36x48, hfg house 20x30; tool and machinery shed, chick en house 14x28; brooder house and in cubator house; water piped from spring to buildings; electric lights to buildings; 12 acres of young orchard, prunes and apple?; 2 acres in family orchard. Price $75 an acre, $6000 or $7000 cash, balance liberal terms; ho agents. Inquire at Hart cigar store, Fifth and Pine sts. Ask for Francis ' Greenhoot. ' $7000 50 ACRE&:$7000. -35 In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; all kinds fruit and berries; 6 room house, good bam, good team, wagons and harness, implements; 8 tons hay, 1 ton oats, 2 acres corn, acres potatoes; all kinds garden; 3 cows, 1 call, 1 heifer 9 months old, 4 good hogs, 20 chickens; on a good rock road. 18 miles from Portland ; will give terms or sell stock and im plements and rent farm, or exchange for citv property. STEWART & MORRIS, 202 McKay Bldg. 41 ACRES $1100. Good road, close neighbors, all free soil, no rock, adapted to prunes, nuts, berries, potatoes, garden stuff or any agricultural crop. Close to booming town; highway and R. R. Plenty of work if desired. We take you out by auto, 2 hours' ride. 20 cash, balance your own terms, within reason. Larger or smaller tracts if desired. Absolutely the best buyt offered in logged-off land. John A. MelFsner, 821 Gasco bldg.. I HAVE eierht 40-acre tracts of fine land'for sale under the proposed Horse Heaven irrigation pr.oje;t. which is be ing financed by Portland men. It is ex pected work will commence in near future. Better get In on the ground floor; will sll these tracts at $"0 an acre-, one-half cash, balance In fire an nual payments at 6 per cent. A liberal discount if all cash. Will arrange to meet you any time and show you the proposition. C. Rowland, Sunny side, Wash. . A MONEY A1AKER. 30 acres: excellent soil; all In culti vation; 8 acres prunes; 2 acres apples; as&orted orchard and berries: good 6 ronm house with bath, etc. ; barn, chicken house, pressure water and creek ; 2 cows, team, chickens ; all necessary tools and implements: 1 mile from Newberg. Price $12,500. Easy terms. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy 1375. 185 ACRES of the best land In the best part of the Willamette valley, on a rock road, 1 miles from a good town and paved highway, and all in culti " vation; running water through farn; mountain water piped to house of 8 rooms and woodshed ; electric lights; large new barn; large family orchard; 6 horses, 6 cows, all kinds farm imple ments, including tractor; price rea sonable, terms liberal. Troutdale. Or. Route 2, box 22 2 ACRES ON OREGON CITY CAR LTNE. All in cult., fine soil, lies level, on good graveled road. 3 block from car line and station. A real bargain. This Is the cheapest plao on the car line. Price $1350. half cash, bal. at 6 per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, Tth. and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. 35 ACRES $5010. Would you buy gold dollars at 50o apiece? Then buy this farm. All cleared; -mile from West Scio. Come and see photo of buildings. They cost more than $5000. You are getting the land for nothing. All good soil, second bottom, . suited to any agricultural crops. John A. Melssner. R21 Gasco bldg. LIQUIDATION SALE. Fine rich soil, running creeks and springs, close schools, etc.; 920 acres being balance of large subdivision, sur veyed in 40-acre tracts and going at $10 per sere. Get 40 or 80 acres and make a farm four yourself at this low price $1.20 to Portland. C. Cole. 426 Lunioermens bldg. (Office open even ings and Sundays until sold out.) BARGAIN. 40 acres. 4 miles from Waahougal on good road,-' R. F. D.. school acro?s road, creek and springs, 6 acres in bearing young prune trees, lots of timber; mu.t be sold as owner is unable to attend it, away below value at $2350; $900 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent: no Incumbrance. B. C. Fox, Washougal. Wash. $80 PER ACRE. 60 acres fine land, 18 miles south west of Portland, 15 acres in cultiva tion; 6-room house; fine spring, near ly all can be cultivated. Terms on part. See N. I. Farnswortn INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry BMg. ON ACCOUNT of sickness I am forced to sell 10 acres for $750; 5 mile from Clatslcanie, on good road: smsii buildings; 6 acres in cultivation. 20 apple trees, acre strawberries, run ning water. You can see me Sunday and Monday at Martin hotel, 2d and -Davis sts. A. Stone. RAISE FISH FOR MARKET. 80 acres. 3 miles north of Bull Run. S creeks, natural pond sites. 20 acres cleared, 5-room house, good barn and orchard. 40 acres timber, $3000;. easy terms or will trade. B. W. Thome, Bank' of Oresham. Oreshawi. Or. FOUR ACRES at Boring. Or.; all cleared, fenced; Hes good on rock road, close to railroad ; excellent 6-room house, young orchard, berries : price $1 00 ; $500 down; this is ideal place. Write Geo. Beers. Sandy. Phone 67. FOR SALE My place of 39 acres IU miles south of Cottage Grove, Or., on gravel road, good improvements and good land; can all be farmed.. H. L. Rogers. Forest Grove, O SALE or exchange 800-acre grain farm, fenced, stocked and equipped, feed, seed, $25,000. 470 acres under cultiva tion, granaries for 7000 bushels. A. T. Pierce. Route 2. Excel. Alberta. Can. WHEAT FARM of 900 acres; 700 under plow, partly equipped, or will rent and sell personal property; pr!ce $30 per acre. Address Box 75, Clackamas, Oregon. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre; - easy terms; best soil; farms, ail sizes. McFariand, realtor. 208 Failing bldg. FAMOUS Columbia river bottom land, from 60 to $150 per acre: cash or terms. D. B. Weir, 384 Hawthorne ave., Portland. Or. 30-ACRE farm in town of Canby at $00 pe- acre; easy terms. Geo. H. Brown, New Eja, Or. REAL ESTATE. For SaleFarms. 22 ACRF.S Ono miU frnm mnd eitV. one-half mile to paved state highway;' 4-room house, barn, chicken and hog-1 house: buiidinrs all new: two weiij; $3K; $1500 will handle. 4o-acre hill farm ; 4-room house, good big barn, chicken and hoghouse. spring water piped to buildings; fruits and berries of a!l kinds; about 30 acres in cultivation; hilly but extra fine soil; $30OO; $1500 cah. 70 acres; 45 acres in cultivation with 10 acres of 2-year-old prunes, balance pasture and oak; new buildings, with water pi ped from s prl ng ; stock and farm implements; $950; liberal terms. 96 acres river bottom land ; 91 acres in cultivation; 6-room plastered house; city water; $13,000; $250 cash. 132 acres, one-half mile from city and paved highway; about 130 acres in cultivation with 22 acres 4-year-old prunes; 5-room house (plastered), city water and electric lights, 2 barns, ga rage; stock and farm implements; a fine dairy and fruit farm; $18,00u; lib eral terms. ' 173-acre dairy farm: 75 acres In cultivation, 6 acres prunes, 0 acree ap ples; good buildings of all kinds. 2 running creeks, 2 springs; power and light plant; $14,000; terms. 140-acre hill farm; about 40 acres in cultivation, running stream, house, barn and granary; $3500; $500 cash. 210-acre dairy farm; 140 acres In cultivation, new house, 2 bams, 2 silos, garage, machine ghed, 22 head regis tered Holstein cattle, 5 horses; farm implements of all kinds; 15 acres corn, about 1000 bushels grain, 75 tons of . hay; if you want a real dairy farm, don't fall to see this. 522-acre stock farm: 160 acres in cultivation; 7-room house, barn, etc.; 8 springs. 1 cteek. city water; stock and equipment; $35,000. For small or large Yamhill county farms, call or write ALBERT S- NELSON. Yamhill, Oi FARM AT CITY'S DOOR. PRICE CUT IN HALF. 80 ACRES "HALF JN CULTIVATION. 100 rods from paved road, SO min utes' drive from center of Portland; 6-room house and good barns, good family orchard; this farm belongs to a Portland business man who thought it worth $25,000, but his health has failed and he now authorize us to sell at once for $11,000. We "believe this to be absolutely th best bargain that has ever been offered in a high-class property close to Port land; it must be sold at once. Everett Philpoe. Saleomanager, NEILAN & PARKHfLL, 219 Lumbermene Bldg. Bdwy. 2832. Sunday call Ta-oor uj. 90 ACRES, lies good, about 25 In culti vation and 25 or 30 more very little work to be ready to plow; estimated 5OO0 ricks wood on So acres; worth $2.50 a rick; 3H-mlIe haul on gravel road; all good deep soil; no rock, gravel or wet land; fine for dairy, hogs, potatoes, fruit and poultry; 5-room house, barn, etc.; good orchard, small fruit; well and running water; plenty free outrange for cattle; close to neigh bors, school, R. D. and telephone in house; only 3 miles to good town on 3 R. R.; 12 dally passenger trains, 2 hours to Portland and S to Tacoma. Warranty deed and abstract ; price $4800: $2800 cash, balance terms; will include 10 head cows and heifers, team, hay, etc.. If wanted. Owner, box 97, Castle Rnck. Wash. 37 ACRES. 30 miles from Portland, 1 4 miles from highway at Hubbard, 2 miles from Woodbum on good gravel road y mile from marketroad; more than ' w. good onion land, SH acres toganberries, V acre strawberries, . acre cow beets, 10 acres for hay and grain. 4 acres woods, large trees: 4 acres beaverdam with creek, balance pasture; good 5-room house built in nice grove of trees; large barn also In grove of trees; 20 tons cf hay. 200 bushels of wheat and oats mixed: 2 horses, 2 cows. 100 hens; 2 wells and separator and all farm Implements; price $12,000, cash or terms; might consider, some trade for Portland prop erty. Call Sell wood 0891, not Sunday, or room 1. Sellwood Bank bldg.. city. HAY, GRAIN AND STOCK RANCH. 365 acres, 280 acres meadow in cultivation, all irrigated, gravity system, deed to state water rights, ample free range ' adjoining, including 75 head of cattle, horses and complete farming equip ment; large creek runs through place, Vz mile to school, depot, P. O., gen store, good bldgs., with spring water, piped to house and bams; on main highway, good market and shipping facilities: easy terms ; price $48,500. Owner, 609 Paulsen bldg., Spokane, Wrash. ' 100 ACRES AT CANBY. - All fine soil, almost level; 30 In cult.. 40 more easy to clear; all open gray soil, real clover land; on good road, fine fruit; 5-room house, painted white, good little barn with sheds, wood house, hen houses, fine well and windmill, spring In pasture; mail and oream route, phone: 5 miles from Canby. This place is $4000 cheaper than any place around it. Price for a few days. $S00, $3100 down, bal. 5 years: E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. BY OWNER, 20 acres at Newberg, 8 acres black caps. 2 acres apples, 10 acres 1 and 6-year-old prunes, 2 acres 1 -year-old rwars, 1 acre strawberries. 40 bearing walnut trees and large fam ily orchard. Good plastered house with bath, hot and cold water; tool shed, wood ' shed, garage, chicken house, barn and othfr outbuildings. Income this year, $1500. Will sacrifice for $!000. Terms to suit. Consider Port land home up to $5000. AL 992. Ore gonian. 40-ACRE FARM- COUNTRY HOME. Ideal Tualatin valley location, 33 miles from Portland; 28 acres cult., 12 acres In strawberries; some fruit; one 7-room typical farm home with mod ern conveniences; - also one 5-room house; deep well and. water system; usual outbuildings and double garage; 40 rods to school. This high-grade property Is to be sold at a bargain and on attractive terms. A. GORDON ROSS, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry bldg. OWNER IS SICK. HE HAS TO GO TO CALIFORNIA. He wants me to sell his fine lG2-acre farm at a sacrifice: all in cultivation; tiled, fenced, etc.; good Improvements; on paved highway; best farm in Wil lamette valley; 11 miles west of Salem. RICH REIMANN, Dallas, Or. 80 ACRES. $2700. This Is a good place for some man that wants to run stock; 15 acres in cult., lots more not hard to clear; trout stream on place. 4-room plas tered house, ham, all outhouse, fruit, fine water. Place 24 miles from Col ton store and high school. Want half cash, bal. at 6. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7lh and Main Sts.. Oregon City. Or. I HAVE 160-acre farm, tower Columbia, 1 mile from county seat, $3000 Improve ments, including stock, equipment and goo d h ouae ; e very t h i n-g hj re to wo r k with; located on good roads; am forced to sell; my price is away down; $30O0 cash and assume federal loan of $3000. If you can handle this go no farther. See me at 245 Hunt at- or phone Wal nut 4887.- 20 ACRES $4200. Ideal country home. Level dark loam soil. 7 acres in cultivation, fam ily orchard, grapes, berries, asparagus. Modern 6-room bungalow, plastered fireplace, large new barn. 2 large chicken houses and chickens. 220-ca-pacity Incubator, 2 Jersey cows, separ ator, shop and garage. Terms. John A. Metssner. ft21 Gasco bldg. FOR SALE on contract for deed. 40 acres of bottom land, 18 acres of beaverdam land, fine ssh "timber. 19 seres in cultivation, small new. cheap buildings; will sell all or halt for $175 per acre; good road close to school; 3 mils from Aurora. 25 miles from Port land. This Is garden land or dairy. Ad dress owner, M, J. Olson, Woodburn, Oregon. FOR SALE or trade, 780-acre stock ranch on John Day highway, 75 acres jirrigated alfalfa, 135 a. creek- bottom farm land, balance pasture and some timber, 9-room house, 2 large barns, good fences, creeks and springs, 7 en closures. ' Address Ford , Hendricks, Fossil, Oregon. FOR SALE 35 acres of rich river bot tom land with 2 sets of buildings; young orchard and all kinds of ber ries. Sell 20 acres with one set of buildings or all together. Fully equipped. Would take some trade. Write owner, Frank Wlgie, Junction City, or. FOR SALE 4440-acre mixed stock ranch near highway and town, 45 acres aiiaiia, o acres iarm jtana on creek, balance pasture, good improvements. Price $12.50 per acre. Address Ford Hendricks. Fossil. Oregon. WANT PRACTICAL FARMER TO DE VELOPS CHOICE' IRRIGATED TRACT NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER AND HIGHWAY; SELL OR LEASE. GEORGE C. HOWARD, 1115 N. W. BANK. FOR SALE By owner, 120-acre place In Yamhill county, well improved, can irrigate about 50 acres. A bargain. Mast ts eold at once. Address Hood River Glacier. Hood River. Oregon. 5 ACRES, ievel, on good road, near highway and station ; house, barn. 3 henhouses. A snap at $2450, $300 cash, balance $20 a mo., 6. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. SNAP 0 a., on highway, part cult., or chard, creek, timer; $1350, terms. Duboi. bo4 raiding bids. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Farms. CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. , 80 Ac res $ 10, 000. 35 acres under cultivation; 7-room plastered house with fireplace; barn 30x40, other out buildings; 7 cows, it-am. 2 brood sows, 19 small pigs. 2 shoals, 2 heifers, 24 chickens, binder, drill, mower, rake, disc, plow a, harrow, separator, corn cutter, cultivator, 2 wagons, platiorju scales and ail small tools. Lo cated one miie from stores, church and school in well settled community; 11 miles from Van couver. Finest of clay loam soil with no rock or gravel. $6O0O cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. 80 Acres $2800. Eight acres cleared, balance partly slashed, some timber; creek runs through place; new house and barn Louden type); half miie from good school. $1700 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. 40 Acres $6000. 28 acres in cultivation; house, .barn, large tamily orchard, well, creek and spring; team, wagon, harness, binder, mower, rake, disc, 2 plows, cultivator, separa tor, harrow, potato digger, some household goods, hay and .pota toes. Loc ated -V miles from Ridgefield. $35O0 cash will handle. See Albert Miller with PERCIVAL & WATTS, 108 West Sfxth St., Vancouver, Wash. WIDOW MUST SACRIFICE. "E. G. Campbell. Portland, Or. Dear Sir: Am done with farming forever, am sending my children away to school. Have cut the prtae of my 91-acre farm to $15,B0O, $5500 mtg., 7 years; will take $5000 in trade, balance cash or part cash. Everything goes, 20 tons hay.. 4 Al Jersey cows, 2 horses, pigs, chickens and al! the toots. Most of the land is ready for fail seeding. Immediate possession. You know the place, so please hurry." This place was formerly priced at $22.0. without crop or equipment; 91 acres, 25 acres prunes, 10 years old, -in fine condition; 3 acres loganber ries. 1 acre family orchard, 23 acres pasture, suitable for prunes or walnuts, bal. grain and hay; 7-room house, barn and other outbuildings; Yamhill county, hard rock road, near highway. H. W. OSBORNE CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce BMg. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. ' Can offer 70 acres, close to Salem, In the red belt: a fruit farm under perfect cultivation, consisting of 30 acres of prunes, 30 acres loganberries; some other varieties of fruits; pasture: fine 8-room dwelling; cement base ment ; furnace; hot and cold water; bath, etc.; ground also contains a first -class dryer, fine 2-tory barn; chicken house: double garage and other outbuildings; also complete farming equipment; a won-derful money maker; can give imme diate possession. Can be purchased now at a bargain price. Must be seen to be appreciated. For full information see E. H. Hosnpr, 608 McK.iv bldg. 30 ACRES AT DAYTON 1 All in cultivation; best land and lo cation In Oregon: ail fenced with hog tight wire; 6-raom new bungalow, fuil plumbing, electric lights, fireplace, all built-ins; on main highway, only 80 mllee from Portland. Everything goes, horses, cows, hogs, chickens, machin ery. Implements; $10,000. $2000 will handle. Let us show you this. See TP. C. Marshall, wifh FRANK L. McGUTRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St. n net, wanh. an MStark LOOK THid J.2 ACRES OVER B UFO RE YOU BUY. located near Sherwood, 10 miles out, all under cultivation, fl acres in full bearing loganberries, young or chard in full bearing, berries and grapes; nice 5-room plastered bun galow with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, basement, fine large barn, good team, pow, 70 hens, implements and tools go with place fur $0000. half cash. Improvements alone are worth $5000. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Building. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE VALLEY! lOO-acra farm. 45 in cultivation ; 13 acres of this in Al hops; plenty of fruit; timber and pasture; a crek run ning all the year ; good plastered 8 room house, hop pickers accommoda tions, barn, hophoutw and outbuildings; 25 miles from Portland, M miie from station on Or. Electric line; $16,000, terms. Don't fail to see this if you want a good farm! See F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUTRE. 212 Abington Bide. - Bdwy. 7!7L Third St. bet. Wash, an! Stark. A REAL FARM SACRIFICE. 812 acres, only 30, miles from Port land; 300 acres river bottom land. 350 acres cultivated and abut 200 acre finest grass land you ever saw. balance upland and timber; no better place anywhere for stock or dairying; good 9-room plastered house, fair barn, new silo, finejiktream through barnyard and pasturergravlty water system ; price $25,000; easy terms to right party. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. IVAXTEn REAL ESTATE. WE NEED Immediately listings of homes in Alberta. Irvington. Laurel hurs Rose City Park and Hawthorne Ave. districts for customers who want our recommendation on properties before purchasing. Satisfactory service and quick results guaranteed. Ltet with and buy from J. A. Wick man Co.. " realtors. 801-4 Board of Trad Bldg. Bdwv. B794. WANT 4 or 5-room. modern bungalow, on west slope of Mt. Tabor, not over $4500; will give 10 acres on top of Mt. Scott; beautiful new property; price $2500. balance cash. See Gibson. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. REALTORS. 2R Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. WB HAVE clients waiting for homes In Hawthorne list. A home listed with us. If priced right, is as good as sold. Come in and eee us in our new brick office, cor. 3th and Haw thorne, Hawthorne Realty Co., Taoor 7403. . WANT BUNGALOW. Have $1000 cash and 10 lots In Portland, value $1500, which I want to trade in on good 5 or 6-room bunga low, rwar good car Tine; price not to exceed $3000. Call Main 2451 Monday. WANTED 5 or fl-room modern bunga low in Laurelhurst, Rose City or Irv ington preferred, not too far from st. car or school. Will pay $500 down, not over $5500. Give full description, number and street. AP 9T8.Orpgo n i an. CHICKEN ranch, complete equipment and Fpace for two hundred laying -hens; 15 acres a-U cultivated; house, barn. W a-n t modern home to $G0O0 in good district. Walnut 2107. - ALAMEDA PARK. Have several cash buyers for lots at the right price in this addition. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6--'ii. WILL trade lot near business district and $100 diamond and $1500 worth of Motion Picture Films for residence lot. Address postoffice box 40. WANT modern bungalow or house, have automobile and $1000 cash as part payment, good district, from owner. P. O. Box 3375. WANTED A small house, east sid-e ; wllL trade a Chevrolet car, 1921. In flrsT-clas' condition, and some cash. Phone Empire 0910. 6-BOOM house In restricted district, have $2000 cash; owners only ned re ply; also have lot and smaller house to trade. AM 925. Oregonian. ACRE OR ACRE. PAY CASH. M ust be ba r ga i n and c ' ose in. 030 Chamber of Commerce Bldg FOR TRADE New two-tone Day-Elder track for residence property. Irvin's Garage. Albany, Or. FROM owner, 1 to 3 acres, with small housp; Oregon City line preferred. lq y. y.in. m WANTED At once from owner, 5 or fl room modern bungalow, In good dis trict; not over $45oo. Bdwy. 2958. HAVE CLIENT FOR LOT IN WALNUT PARK DISTRICT, IF BARGAIN, MAIN 37S7 TEN ACRES, 7-room house, Capitol hill district, for Irvington home, give or tnke. Enst 7477 . ROSE. City Park him not over $5500. Have $500 to $Ho0 cafh. G30 Ch&m ber of Commerce Bldg. 1917 HAYXES touring car as first pay ment on modern- house or bungalow. Broadway 4SoO. SMALL HOUSE OR SHACK. Pay cash up to $500. 830 Chamber Commerce bldg. HAVE ciient for new bungalow, around $44 KM), that $5O0 bandies. Thomson. 020 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 480. CASH Not over $50M for 5-room bung alow below hill in Rose City Park. A. Allen. 905 B. Morrison, HAVE 1920 Co-ie Aero 8 and some cash as first payment on west side suburban home. TaO'ir - I EXPERIENCED butider nd engineer will furnish plans and estimate and CASH for lot. good district. Must be bargain. X !!' OrJgnton: CASH and good clear city lots for con tract on bungalow. East 6329. TTAVTrn REAL t-STATK. N E WCO.V, K KS CRwtt 1 i NG Into our Wautuul city .iut homes! You have them! W11 SELL THKM! Personal attention; immediate action? We inspect, appraise and photograph ali property within 24 hours. K SPEND THOUSAND OF DOLLARS advertising and are in tmh w: th the majority of HOME SEEKERS! N.nety energetic eaiemrn ttl autos! No charge except the standard com mission of $ per cent lu the event of a satisfactory sale! We protect tb Hi te rests of out-of-town owners! WE WRITE lire Insurance. Je FRAN K L. McG U 1 Tt E Abington B.dg. Bdwv 717L Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. BOLD! SOLD!! SOLD!!! Bnrri wait! n sr. w want properly priced homes; any district; ay iri s. Our selling system nfvrr .' tv n-itH th imver until YOU get the money. Busings Is good! Ca!I us NOW for ACTION. PARKER REALTY CO. OS Artisans Bldg. B dw'y at Oak. Phon Broadway 4231. LIST your borue with us for Immedi ate sale. We will rail, appraise and photo your property inmed.tiy. No charge except a 5 P cent commission In the event of tifrtry We have buvers waiting. Experienced salesmen with aut- to show jour property. J. A. Wtckman Cq,. real tors. HOI -4 Board of Trade Bldg. unwy. iv "WANTED X TO 5 ACRES. From 1 to 5 acres, well Improved, modern conveniences, to exchange for choice city residences. See Mr. Root, WltST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors, 504 Morrison St. Main 512 WANTED ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. We have a party with the cash who wants a good home up t $25.'0, If vou have a good home and ant to s"li. we havo the buyer and we will guarantee that we will produce tho buvr-r If your home Is what ho want (M VRPOKAN-JON US REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST I'll O NK BDWY. OPOft. WANTED. , I am looking for a home In Walnut Park or Piedmont, can be a few years old. must be up to the minute with built-ins. hardwood floors, furnace, flceplace. etc. Will pay $1500 down; not over $5500. Owner only- BD ifl&. Oregonian. - RWE CITY OWNERS. We have 15 or 20 actual buyers for good bungalows priced at $54M0 or un der. Most have $50o cash. Sotsie $1000. Phone ns your listings. MERRICK & CO., Realtors. 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 0842. Open E vent n g g ana naays. WANT 6-room modern home in Rse City on raving with garage. Have $1000 cash. bal. monthly. Not over $5000 to $5500. No agents. Give all particulars including location, price, terms, phone, etc., or no attention paid. N 871. Oregonttin, wan small apartment HOI'HK Have new, modern bungalow In Hn City Park, price $ohi. clear. Will also put In $5UOO ash and aswrne rea-onf-bIe amount on good liitle apartment houie. Lueddernann Com- P any. n- inamnr m iirinnrnT. WANT troin owner 5 or C-roora bunga low or 2-itory house; gunnyfcide. Hiv thorne, Rose City, or any good close In location. Want good buy and not over $3000 to $4tu0. State price, terms ami location. No agents. Y tU. Ore gonian. WANT new 5-room bungalow oi paved street, around $400 to $450O. Must be in good district. Have $500 cah and bonus. Give full description. Too busy to bother unless 1 know what I am go;ns to look at. Owners onJJ . AR 81)3. Oregonian. CASH FOR LOTS. If your lot Is a bargain we will buy It and pyy you spot cash. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors. 2V4 Morrison St " Mn'n y'i?. HAVE cash buyr for three deeiranle lots within short distance from Aunly, be tween 3sth and 5th. Remmbr this is cah money and your price must be in accordance. KITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Foard of Trade Bldg. WANTED. Wanted In Irvington, 5-room modern home, new or nearly new. Garage. Must be the rwst that $5500 wili buy. with $1000 down and large monthly payments. Owners only. AC 180, On-ffontan. WE WILL HI' Y VOIR HOUSE. If your price ami location is right we will buy your property with our own funds. For quick results see ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors. e:i4 Morrison St. Main 5012. REMEMBER We can get you the highest price the present market warrant tor your va cant property in any section of the citv. Come in and wo will talk it over. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REA LT RS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Htlg. WANT TODAY 3 to 5-rnom homes in ary part of city that $2O0 csh will handle. Sub stantial monthly payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 63?. N W. Bank Bldg Main 37S7. W A N T ED West side S or 1 0 - room house, no objection to old houfe and fractional lot. Close in below the bill. Price $0uU0 or less. E. J. GKISER, 417 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 5252. WANT A BIG FARM. Have small farm and Portland In dustrial property to trade. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank BMg, WANT 15 to 20 acres close to Portland; have 2 acres improved at Metsger ma., also some cash, will txnume; state price, terms, location ; no Inflated prices. Owner. R 982 Oregonian. WILL pay cash up to $7.V0 for home, or will trade country home 9 ml!e out on Pacific highway in1 give or take difference. Give location and price. 0 wn e rs only. H O 2 Ore g o n I a n. CLIENTS waiting for 4 and 5 room bungalows, $3000 to $4000. Bdwy. 7307. City Hnmfi Dept., Rttter. Lowe Co., 201-2-S-5-7 Board of Tra d e Bid g. I WANT from owner, modern 5-room bungalow with garage., good plot, paved street. In Richmond section; price and terms must be very attrac- tive. SEALS. 831 Ry. Exch. bldg. HAVE buyer for 7 rooms and sleeping porch or 8 rooms near Jefferson high school If priced right. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank BMg. M a in 37S7. WILI TRADE good residence property to the value oi t-oi ror my equity in new Hawthorne bungalow. Call Ta bor 22 S3. t-TON TRUCK, never used, a first payment on modern house or bunga low ; might pay some cash. Bdwy. 4800. WHAT have you In well located bunga low, f.VfO to $700 cash will handle? Act now; (iur client is responmoie See A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermerin bldg HOME in Roe City or Laurelhur-t up to 000. Have 2 ln v&iue $2O00 and some cash. 030 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I HAVE BUYER for 4-R. modern bung, in good district. Must be bargain. R. n. Petrusich. 80S Henry building, Bdwy 500: Res. Aut. 815-27. pu room house or bungalow In Rose City Pnrk, Alameda or Laurelhurst; about $ S t fi 0. Wi; bur P. Mnnnt n g.f bo x4 1 1 y . LIGHT touring car in fnir condition ; trade on small home in good loca tion: must be priced riirht. J. C. CO R BIN CO., Realtors, Lewis b Idg. WANTED, 5-room modern bungalow with garage. $50 up. $1mi down. G'.ve location and phone. Ieal with owner only. j Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 0-rcotn bungalow. $3500 to $5000; give description price and terms; SunnysMe or Hawthorne dlst. Owners onljr Write N to '70. g5n- Tiffcf B EST 5 or 6-room ho4kpe that rnn b boufcht In Laurelhurst up to $WMWi. Give full particulars. IpewttoTi, pries and best term. BP ...."".n. ARTS., hotels, farms, residences to trade. 630 Chamber of Commerce. Farms Wanted. WANTED FARM Good bis; ranch. Prefer Willamette valley. Party has $1MO0 in Portland property. Will want to trade in and he will assume up to $20,000. Has soma cash. See Mr. ITodson, WAKEFIELD FRIES CO. WANT VALLEY FARM. About 10 seres wih good build Ings, no hills; priced $100 to $150 per acre. Have $10,000 to $12.00ii cash We have a buyer wait lag. Call at STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Realtors. M3 Wlico Bldg. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACfcB. Have several people wanting to rent m a , I frffl eli.u t ft Port- f tftnd oreferred. Some people will buy tbe place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales thi way. Will buv equipment if priced r ght. JOHN FEHtiUdON, Gerlinger B.dg Largest Farm Dealers on Pacific Coast, W ATKO-i: U- rT TK. Ftarm Want -a. da ik Warm vntkd. Big d.irv farm wniuci to exchsng for Inrumc trprty: i!v fuil p&r- A ' Ts . t r-l-'?l (Ui "nintH to R-nt Fartn l AM' l i'iu farm. cm1 iocatl'm, ml k route, cah day fwiioa. . to f0 acres. L A. Arnmn.ni, Kiagaiseiu. WHh. I'.eriera! tie. v .-Ty. . WANTED to rent, small acreage mt tn fr out. with goo a ouuatngs. Oreonin. , SAWMILL ANT) TIMBKR. Here Is an absolute sacriftre: largs well-equipped sawmill, located iu southern Oregon; hs a oapttcttjr if twenty to tvnty-riv M. per Amy, and ha contract on 040 arres fins pm and fir ttmbr. This mill Is fully equipped, 2 donkey engines. S Rlme nlns, 16 dry kiln trucks on track, planers and saws of every description. Have a rvady market for all timber at top prices. This mill Is ownd by four people, snd st the present time there is a dirrement "whtvh causes this ssle. Equipment and rad h cust over $20,(MH. The owners will sacrifice for Immertlai sale W1 con soler good farm or income property. Price of mill iml equipment t $J V0O. small payment down. If y" are Interested, cii to our office and we wilt gladly give you a complete description of this property hen at once. H W. OSBORNE CO. 432 Ch. of Com. bid. 20 M MILL, good donkey and !! loir glng equipment. Two mil from K. R on hard surface. Eight null ton feet timber, ail close to mUl LVinbwr haul contracted $1 per M. thousand dollars for mill, donkey and equipment. Two dol.ars Pr ; first million tct, bslnnce cost per M Mill running and showing good profit, good reasons rr selling. Locate on R P. $3.vm cash, ba Janes to be rrngd satUfwrlory. ""4 -22rt st. N Walnut l.'w,"i BlVl S A OtfKU'KI Oood 20.000 mill, log ging equipment and lots of timber for ale. Owner changing into another busmen, will take $10,000 worth of PorCrwi 1 or Astoria eiear property s first payment, balance py " ,cu doing good business now. M Ors gonian. .. . .. HAVE "SEVERAL VERY U"1,'? SMALL MILL LOCATIONS IN Ol.b OKOWTH T1MBKK NEAR 2 RAIL- WAYa RAWMW... BOILERS ANO E SCI IN EH. It. B. HENRY, 13 1 5WKLLE HT "AT 1 23 hoa CAPACITY doubi circular saw mill 40 miles S. K. of Portland. Plenty of old-growth tirner available, mill pond, six miles to two ratiraads. hx-4 planer, ready to go. leath of partner necessitates selling. P. O. Boa ll.s, Portland. FOR SALE or lease. 20-M. capacity .til .... 1 1, from Portland OH W. V, H Rv. tiang edger. live rolls arid atab convevor. Pond nobis 10 M. T to 8 M. fet of available timber. Y nj-2. Oregonian. .. ioi im x t.te hv ow ner. nlil tnd retail lumber yard in inrivma ern Oregon town; Invoice stock ; gool terms on mill and grounds; resson for selling ill h'-alth. AV 1 4. Oregon! a n T1 i H EH. Cord wood, piling and ties, closs to Portland and R. R. , several r small amount of caah will handle. -.0 'hambr of ComrrJree, HearbrewU WILL s"ll 2'.0oo uptu-iiy ftuwmi.J n n logging outfit and umber or will In party who can furnlnh sddltion:! equipment. Plenty f timber nvnllabl for manv v-a- W 02". 'Jr.gonMrr , WANT EP, l. HKIKK with wuiw equip ment t. b tra't "f timber by con tract. Willing U help finance. All HJt'Z. fJregoiilari. 1 B0 ACRES. 3,O O.OO0 ft. good "pi rs tim ber in aou'hwestern Oregon; t mles from Pacific highway and Southern Pacific JUy. A B H-iO, Oregonian. 4.000,000 Jr'EKT FIR timber. SkamaMa county, tulle from Columbia river and R. P.; make me offer. W. E. finuth, 7 y ml , 'b'ia.njh. W ANT Ei3xo-T)u v tlmWr iii"6rVgoo nl Washington, direct from owners; give price and dest rip' Ion ; stand In vs'Jg.itlo n. M I'V t . Orison Inn. FOR HALE :tH c'nts u.d -growth fir sturm-age. 3 miles to R P., 14 mile to Portend H. C Forbes, rou ts 8, bo 111, B"vrrton. Or OWNER. scis innil. 4 inli.lon n. ci grc n 1 1 m bm , $5 pr acre. A M PtOt, FOR .SALE 3.U00.OO0 fct t.Jiiber In sec. 21, 7-8 Wilet: make offer; must sell. A ,T W hit h ke r.i Iran dl ton . t r. FUR SALE 100 iiiTf. heavily t Lm- b.-red, in forest reserve, reasonable, C, W Mead. E Madison, city. TWO donkeys n! s iw mill for s is or trade. What have youT C. T. bin lib. FOR SALE 0 !?r' virgin timber. n--r AM or la. In Wash., 8100 000 feet ; fr.om. terms, by owner. K Ti. Oregon '".n c'e d a n y oi.v. iCr ilincPwantk i. O. V. OAMIiLE. Couch Bldg. FOU RKNT-HRMH, F OH S A L E OR RENT 40 acres. S3 under cultivation; lo-room house, plas tered ; Urgn barn, suitable lor dairy ing: one acre ech of irawbrrles and raspberries; telephone, elect rlct t y cart be Installed; one mil to frulnl nchool and to high school, on ;4 graveled road; will sell personal prop erty; will sell 10, 20 or 40, UL-1 dnlrvtrqr or berries; fine total Ion. Fred R ad f o rJ. R ou t n J. 1 tori n ftOr. 75 Af'RES. f rtiie land, ten miles south of Portland, adjoining Panflu high way, w'th Southern Pacific spur on property, siltht acres prune orchard night years old. liuUncw suitable for p-n-ral farm purpose, creek running t h rough farm hou and ba rn. P -Konttble rent. 1'. O. Boa U2s or Main IMPROVED FARM FOR RENT. WALK OR "TRA UK. -.jriH acres. Linn Co., rwar AUmny: good bldg., fern-os and road: 11 acres exct-ilent pasture with running water, balance cultivation; imineliat pHUMtettslon; rent 3.0 pr ar. Add re W. !vpr!2 l FlrlvTbor r. 1 T fl MILES from Battle Oround Mi-acre farm; 22 acres cleared; partly equipped, ordinary buildings; water In house, family orchard, goats, school 1 miie, hay in barn ; renter to furnish team and balance of equipment ; rent rea sonable; references. Owntr, 4io$ $4ih ave. P h o n 17 00. 100 ACRES In cultivation, 70 timber mud pANture, stock and equipment for saia; good lease, cheap ca rent ; 7-rKm . house. 2 barns, goad water, it cows. -1 mules, 'i horses, bogs, chickens. 40 goats, mile to school, guod roads. Terms. Phone East 7!3. Write 34 Sun Rafael st.. Port la nd. Or. CASH OR SHARES. 33 ACRES. 8 TO ft YEAHfl; ATJO OTHER ACREAGE WITH FHL1T AND GARDEN LAND YEAR TO YEAR. FOR INFORMATION I'HoNR OWN Kit, OAK ; it O V B 1 W, OK MAIL Ml L WACKIE. OR.. ItOCTE t, BOX 'for 'leash OR BALK. Pairy snd stork ranch, r.OO scr, fully equipped, $.MHK) worth of personal property; vtll trade personnl property. Phono Sunday, 11 to 2. Tabor 3220. Write Bon 7H4. K-lao. Wash. 25 ACRES adjoining Beaverton. 7 mlb-s m from Portland; house, barn. w11, apply orchard, grape. Joganbem, etc; bard -surface road ; for rent, canh r on shares to right party. Refcr. nc required. N BM, Oregonian. tlO ACRES. 40 acres bottom land, fi acre prune orchard. Oood bldgs., hurd sur faced road, 12 mils from Vancouver. $JW0 yar. AMen. 2131 Yamhill st.. porCamt. Phone Main 1 70. mi weekday. 40 A rRES ; Zi a;rt',f 111 ' U-1 vt l;uti. good bl figs, good w hi er, 1 1 mile eait of Vancouver, Wash. ; stock and equip ment f -jr wni bv owner, C. M. F. orrhar". Vh, I'.f 1. 52 A-. 2 miWm frnn Portland limits, fl room houw, orHiard, large barn, 2 ever-running spring. Wid give good lease. 0 ner, Oswego, Kit., K-l. Box 12. $l.vi y EAR. houMe, barn. 12 n-r Portland; fine for garden, berru-s and chb-k.cB.ka; It or r.- ear tie. Know b auto. Hdwy. 7072. Mi. Far land, 2' Faring bldg. . 1 HA K 2 t.Liuin, on ff l."0 a. ari-l uu of 30 s,. on the Jgtiwav. near Yam bill, about 3i i in n-rhard F. L. RLANCHAKD. 4l fiwefiand liidg. RENT this I'ann, ma ku nnnr; lr a r d stt? k ran--h , Ll n ti I '., 227 ' r. $.;.-.o star: frsa put range. Dt!t 142 . 2d. Co Ai K Eft Lr rnt. stok a nd crsq fr sale; 25 miie south of Portland, An twer, Mrs. Hiry Hoes. Aurora. Or. R..X 4. i 23 ACRES. 10 mite out. !l in cultiva tion, new S-room portrtbh Lous-', wi er, gas and mWri ri ity ; S ur Was; t,h Ww intit r.,-.T FOR RENT near Portland, 2" er. mostly in fruit and berries; rh rert $2.'KI a year. Personal property for ki Apply Myr' ie wf M.'rvUy I' VV EN 'I Y acre 1I mi- t r land, reason. bl t-r?i a to reliable pr ty. Phone E-ef CLSE tn. good farm for r?nt. t., , f or ; e: 2 ' I M b .1 'U . FARM for rent or in Ymh ' county. Tlr.:':ll Y.!',,',i.'r' "r' " 43-ATKE farm fnrreiu or le by owner Automatic M7-f2 3 ACR EH for rent, orchard, hou-, cli y water, xa. Ail Crtttouiaii.