8 v THE SUNDAY OREGON IAX. - FORTXAND. OCTOBER 1, 1922 ' . I 1 REAL ESTATE. .T,E. 1 KMtCT,,J - VLLZ!I ' 1 ESTABLISHED 1883. HIGB-ILISS AlCTIOM On Tuesday Next AT THK BAKER AUCTION HOlMi have received ttre very costly end hifrh- grade furnishings, cut ITlaRS, Dnc-a-orai:. owina Tii?elow Axminster rugs. etc.. as fol lows: Solid mahogany and cane ltv-inK-room suite, colonial mahogany library table, pedestals, mahogany rockers, hand-carved Chinese chair and tabourette. brass candelabra. o.noranv parlor cabinet, paintings and pictures, hand-painted vases and Tjric - a. - brae, electric table lajnp, Turkish leather rockers, Swiss music tox with bells, hall mirror, over stuffed davenport, chair and stool, Krass rocker and chairs; rugs as follows Bigelow Axminster in fol lowing sizes. UxlO.6. 11.3x10 3. 9x5 50.6x11.3. also Wiltons in 9x13 and 4.6x7 sizes. The above rugs are or. ?be best. Two full-size brass beds, one ivory finish Simmons bed, all complete with best springs and mat tresses; several high-grade dressers and chiffoniers in Circassian wal nut, quarter-sawed oak and IvorY; iJiRfiE CKSl'WB TAPESTRY I'AKL. high-class fumed oak din-lr.g-room suite, viz., table, chairs, buffet and china closet, several pieces of cut glass, fancy china cups and saucers and chocolate set. oak hall tree, gas range and other effects. In addition to the above we have to offer you the part fur nishings from anotrnr private home, all first-class. AlICTIOSEBR'S NOTE. We desire to call your especial at tention to this sale and invite you to call tomorrow and give the goods your most critical attention, we are unable to do them Justice in this iv. Come, you will not be disap pointed If you want high-class fur niture. AUCTION OS TUESDAY WiXT AT 10 A. M. On Thursday Next We shall have another lot of good furniture to offer you. Drop In Wednesday afternoon and look them over. KALE THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. SI. NOTE If you contemplate Belling, come in at one of our auctions and see how we conduct a sale; also note the class of buyers we have. We buy for cash or will sell for you on commission. Phone Main 3332. W. C. BAKER W. H. DEAJi, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, Yamhill and West Park Streets, (fVTHIAN BUILDINtt). WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Three Rearalar Sales This Week, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A. 91 At ach of these sales you will ti-nd lngs, including bedroom, lTinJ room ana mums " """;; also stoves, ranges, rugs, carpets, etc. Come and buy at your own price. PRIVATE SALE DEFT . - - .. . r I I, 1C PRI V ATE HALE at all times and solicit your inspection of our five rioors 01 splendid used goods; also eome new pieces at remarkably lo prlJ DON'T BUY UWTIl, YOU SEE OUR SlUtn. THURSDAY, UCTOBER 5 AT 10 A. M. We will sell a stock of DRY GOODS, Including boots and shoes, hof'" neckwear, wash goods, children s clothing, threads, trimmings, rib- fVonm- a .. aVk RU Pi l,"d POMTIVFliY " " "V , ofir6 room s "Em E CO N D STREET, AT 10 A. M. SHARP, and continuing uniu an Be chance to supply your wanta at a nominal cool. J. O. WILSON, Auctioneer. When You Wish to Sell Your House hold bOOOH, i none uin WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 1(19-171 Seeond St- Near Yamhill. MORTGAGE LOANS Business properties Residence loans low rates. Installment repay ments it desired. Loans promptly closed. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 216-210 Northwestern Bank Building; REAL F.STATE. WILL BUILD AND LEASE nt: on two-story nru.niNG OM KHTH STREET, NEAR KI.ANW.US. - Ml 1O0 - FOOT LOT. For batlery concern, auto top and paint shop, machine and repair shop, auto supplies, wholesale tire busi ness. Thta Location Is Adaptable for Vari ous Linen of HutiueftMi Rn Monable Rent. Inalrir Property Iealer. Twelfth Floor, Yeon Buildlnar. FOR RENT 100x100 FIREPROOF BUILDING F03 GARAGE, FACTORY CR SHOP Equipped With ' Large, Traveling Crane EAST SIDE PHOK BROADWAY 17. FGR SALE OR BENT UNDER LONG LEASE BEAUTIFUL NINE -BOOM HOME Ideallv located on close-in corner, I,add's Addition. Nice garden, grounds, garage, etc.; hardwood floors; sunroom; library; hot-water heat, and modern in every detail. Phone OW.EK, BDWl". 0015. SPECIAL DRY GOODS AUCTION ' I ' 1 i . . . ... ... NEW BUILDING 74-room new combination apartment ho tel, concrete and heavy mill construction. Divided 46 sleep ing rooms, ten with private bath and 14 modern 2 room apartments with electric -ranges. Ground-floor tiled lobby arid office, freight elevator, linen closets, public baths and toilets on each floor, steam heat, oil- burner, laundry. Place full will show net of over $700.00 per month. $7500.00 up on first year's rental. See cut in to-' day's Real Estate news, exclusively by Mr. Shea with E. M. Ellis Lease Specialist. Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5060 DUNTHORPE Country Advantages WITH City Conveniences, THAT MEANS Our Fine Riverdale School and Restrictions Stay in Hands of Owners Perpetually. Only 20 Minutes Prom Morrison St. Gas, Bull Run Water and 1 Electricity. SEE! MR. VAN NICE, Ladd Estate Co. S4 STARK STREET. Close-in Quarter Block Ivocatad on eouthat corner of East Ninth and Washington streets. Four old 7-room houses, with monthly income $110. $3000 CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT T32 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Apartment House or Business Sites We have purchased a con tract on four lots on East Stark and 28th. This prop - erty is exceptionally adapted for apartments or business as it is on the- main artery running east and west, also north and south, and is very near the 2Sth street car barns. See us for price, terms, etc. Open Sunday". J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 033 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. FOR SALE A REAL HOME Situated tn the best residential section on the west side. Cor ner lot. Contains ten rooms, including four bedrooms and dressing room, also two rooms on third floor. Hot-water heat, two fireplaces, two bathrooms, cedar room and modern in every particular. Immediate posses sion. Inspection by appointment- F. Y. ANDREWS & CO. SISTH FLOOR PI.ATT BLIHi. Atw. 002.. l!nH UII I R3tBR, modern house, HUD lilUL 9 rooms. 4 bedrooms and maid's room; 2 baths, 3 fireplaces, furnace large porches. 876 North rup. Seen by appointment. No phone information. Address M. THOMAS. 714 llftum Buildlnar. 10-ACREHOMETi1 CHOICE LAND, at lectric depot, 15 mit from Portland. SSSO, I!5 cash. $10 per month and Interest. OH.VKK, Broadway 4375. ... cp1 lfl $6500 13NET ON ENTIRE PURCHASE PRICE NOT EQUITY West side brick apart ments. One of the latest constructed and most modern In Portland. This property can be purchased at original -, cost, which, according to conservative estimate. Is $50,000 below reproduc tion today. Rental are below those received on similar apartments. Present operating ex- ' penses could be reduced if purchaser would as sume management. Price $179,500. Terms $50,000 cash. Remainder payments. Complete financial statement on application. We consider this with out question one of the -most excellent apart-ment- house propositions, in Portland, and invite your careful investiga tion as to its merits. Inside Property Dealers, Twelfth Floor, Yeoa Building. "BUILT TO ENDURE." Save Money BUILD The TTTSinASr, Way Build a House and Own it at FIRST COST Build It Risht. Own It Rirht, It's an Asset Then. Employ REDIMADE in the Building. Our Purchasing Power, Factory Facilities and Our Tried-Out Methods Combined CUT COSTS FOR YOU. Build Your Home the REDIMADE Way and "spend the difference" for furnishings. f7orare10xls' delivered and araCS erected In Portland (with stain applied, of course). $50 Rrdlmade Bldjr. Co.. Portland, 315 E. 11th, Corner Market. Phone BAst 5114. 5Rooms-$1575 The best of materials, the serv ice of expert architects; draftsmen and millmen can be secured when you build your home at less cost than the average home, inferior in con struction aird design. The Fenner method of building saves you money better quality at less cost. Cutting at the factory eliminates waste, lessens labor cost and insures perfect construction. Investigate. Fenner can give you the exact amount your home will cost befpre you build. DOWTfTOWlV OFFICE 327-8 ARTISANS BLDG. Telephone Broadway 1163 FEISNER MFG. CO. WASHINGTON STREET Between Twenty-third Street and Park Entrance' 50x100 PRICB $5000 v Wakefield, Fries & Co. Realtors. 85 Fourth Street. $4500 SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW HAWTHORMS DISTRICT. Close to public and high schools and carlines. Will leave linoleum and fas range In house; 1000 cash, balance terms Mala 4564, Call Mr. Rlnekart, HARVEY WELLS & CO. H02 Gaaro Bids. IRVINGTON First time advertised. Beautiful Eng ltsh colonial on ISth, near Knott rrounds 75x100: home most unusua throughout. Immediate possession McDOHELL, EAST, 0419 6O0 . Fourtecatk 3.. n 11 R 1 if I BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW - $11,000 , Finished in pearl array; tile bath, three large bedrooms, hot-water heating system; latest and modern in every wav. Must be seen, to be appreciated. 242 FLORAL AVENUE, LAIBELHURST. UXXOCKED TODAY. BUNGALOW DE LUXE IRVINGTON 8. W. COR. 1STH AND -KLICKITAT. JfEW NOT BUILT TO SELL. Open today, 3 to 6. Owner transferred from city. Large rooms. Bath on each floor. You know, we know a good home when- we see one. Just look through this today R. T. STREET MANY GOOD HOMES. FOR SALE, FINEST HOME IN ALAMEDA PARK P. E. BOWMAN CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Building. Bdwjr. 0O7. FACTORY SITES - 200 x 100 or less on trackage. Twenty-seventh street and St. Helens road. Will make price right. BUSINESS SITES Will sell TWO BLOCKS or less, if desired, on H o y t, Oregon. Eaet Twentieth and Twenty-first streets. Price low. JOHNSDN-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bids-. Main 3787. $8000 CORNER LOT UNION AVENUE 06x90 PRESENT INCOME $115 MONTH. $12,000. WEST SIDE APARTMENT SITE 100x200 PRESENT INCOME $150 MONTH. $32,000. WEST SIDE APARTMENT SITE 400x100 PRESENT INCOME J200 MONTH. W. S- POINPEXTEB. 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WAREHOUSE SITES. NEAR BUSINESS CENTER CONTAINS 27,900 SQUARE FEET, PLENTY TRACKAGE ROOM. PRICE ONLY $27,000. FINE CORNER LOT NORTH PORTLAND 50x100 PRESENT INCOME $100 MONTH, ON TRACK. PRICE ONLY $13,000. -W. 6. PO IN DEXTER, 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. For Sale-Flat and Apartment Troperty. iwVTVOTOV FLAT ONLY $7500. unmripil fp, there- is not an ttt at thi nrice in Irvlngton. Five large rooms in each flat, double basement, each with steam heating plant and laun-dry trays, wash basins fn each bedroom, double garage. Here Is income val ue, as well ea a good tUy' MR. LEMONS. Bdwy. 0007. PRICE CUT $230 MORE. APARTMENT SITE. Must be eold at once to raise imme diate cash; 50x100 corner on 21st a.nI Northrup ots.; ideal location for 2 and 3-room apts.; our price for quick aal BITTER LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. nTTNr.AI,nW APTS. Claasy 4-room bungalow apt, with extra sleeping facilities, combination sleeping porch, breakfast room, elec tric and gas heat; can be seen by appolptment Monday, 1385 E. 20th st Westmoreland. Call Broadway 0260, Monday. ci.iTS FLATS FLATS. 2 6-room flats, close tn on west side, modern, elegantly furnished ; building and furnishings, only $5250. These can be rented for $100 a month. Best buy in Portland. HILTON-DANIEL CO.. Bdwv. 7K0. 270 Stark St. aoibTVRVT HOUSE SITES. SELECTS. BIG INCOME LOCATIONS 4900 100x100, N. VW. cor. 14th and Hancock. --it $7500 looxioo, S. E. Corner 17th .nd Broadway. R. T. STREET. Realtor. EAST SIDE FLATS. 4 and 5-room flats, front, 50x100. on prominent street; present income $100 per month; can be increased; terms; orfce JSQ00. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St Bdwy. 7831. WEST SIDE FLAT. $f000. 4 apts of 4 rooms each and S rooms nn upper floor, 4 furnaces, etc. Lot P0xlfK. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3--7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 MUST HAVE CASH. WILL SACRIFICE west aide apartment site, corner 21st at. North. Will take $4250 for quick sale. OWNER. MAIN 4210. I AM in the market for a m&H income nr.vno.rt v : nreier omca or ctmcrcw bldg; must be bargain: would like to turn in small amount oi property; nai anfe cash. AM flai. Oregon ian. 90-ROOM modern brick apartment house building and grouna. cenxnai we, emr, location; will accept mortgages and some cash as first payment. I. O. Holmen 416 Chamber ct Commerce hid. Bdwy. 678fi. 2 DUPLEX HOUSES $3650. Nar Montgomery Ward's, good in come, some terms. Bdwy. 6011, Mon day. T. O- BIRD. 526 Cham, oft Corn. NEW DOUBLES f'.at on west ;iTe boule vard; income Pr ninnin. tract of ground. Will bHI for $sOt)0; terms. BEN RIESLND. 404 Piatt bldg. WEST SIDE APTS.. good lease, oak fur niture, fine location, walking distance, in perfect- condition, near C. 8. and Trlfr!v churches. Everett street. DANDY apt. house site; will lease ground 25 to 50 vars' close in on west side. BORLAND & CORDY. SOO. Henry Bldsr.. 4th and Oak Sts. IF YOU are looking for a bargain in apartment houses call Main 7Si3. D. W. Gardner. WEST SIDE four-family flat building bv owner. Call 701 Everett near 21st, flat D. OWN a home and have desirable duplex fiat owner. Easi. 64 05. an income; a for saie 7 This THESE BT7Y3 ARE TMBERED AMONG THE CHOICEST INVESTMENT 1'ROPLRTY BAR GAINS IN THE C1TV. ; WEST PIDB DUPLEX. $13,500 Duplex of & rooms each, with in 10 minutes walK 01 reiau district; hardwood floors an-1 all modern convenience: 50s 100 lot; within 50 feet of car line; good income; easy term. EAST SIDE SNAP. $10,500 New family houM in Lad-i's Addition.' conaietinsf of 5 rooms tacb, with separata base ments; lurnace, hardwood floors, built-in buffets end writing desks, breakfast nooks, plate fflafs window, separate garages; all Improvements are in and paid for; owner must have t-tooo cash immediately; Income Is laO per month; easy terms on balance. FLAT BRGAIN EAST SIDE. J8, 000 Quarter block, within two block from Union ave. ; dandy two-flat building- and 5-room house adjoining; this Is a real buy and must be see n to he appreciated; owner sick and must leave; refused $lu.0M less than a year e go ; f i rat time on market : $J500 cash will handle; easy terms on the balance. S NOTE. For the above or other business property opportunities in every section of the cltv, see J. L.. Richardson, man ager Business Property Department, wit hi FRANK X. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. 3i St.. Between Washington and Stark. $150,000 DOWNTOWN loop business cor ner, good income, f 85.0OO Downtown business corner. S 23,000 Aider St.. close in. 42.000 West side apt. bldg. $ 60,000 West side apt., furnished; $20,000 cash, some trade. $150,000 Stores and apt. bldg., part cash, part trade. . $ 35,000 First St.. business bloc. 18,000 Bldg., west side, trackage, suitable machinery or mfg. lO.OfW West sida flats. $ 18,000 Cor. 6th and College. 12.& CHAS. RINCSIJSR. 2"4 Ry .Exch. HOME AND INCOME. DUPLEX HOUSE WEST SIDE. Price $8500. $2300 cash. Rent $0 per mo., or 11, besides giving owner a fine home. Hardwood floor every room; 2 fireplaces, 2 fine sets of plumbing: lots of oak built-in work. Fine location at Park fit., between E hat tuck school and Lincoln high.. J. G. Ralney, 517-13 Abington bldg. Bdwy. UZBfl. STOKES AND ROOMS. 100x100. 3-atory brick building. 74 rooms. with private bath, running hot and coid water in each room, steam heat Possession can be had on hort notice. Income $700 per month, which can be Increased by making minor changes. We have very low price for quick sale. Full details at our office, RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOUR-FAMILY FLAT $10,000. WALKING DISTANCE. 4 rooms, sleeping porch and bath In each apartment; hardwood floors. Dutch kitchens, separate basements and furnaces; located in a district of development and increasing property values, making It a substantial and good investment: lot 50x100: $500 cash, balance in 3 and 5 years. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank bids. Main 2422. ONE of the most desirable, best located and up-to-date apartment properties in the city; furnishings are far above the average; in excellent condition; fui-1 of first-class tenants: income about $1600; handled with $40,000. THOMSON. 620 Henry Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE "FOR LEASE." I have one of the classiest apartment houses in this city and will lease for a term of five years. This house is located close In. and there was never a vacancy. There are Ul apartments, and all Is required is three months rent in. advance. Here Is an oppor tunity of your life and is a great money maker. AF ftSl. Oregonlan. STOKE BLf;. AND AJr'TS. $15,000. Williams ave. and Clackamas st frontage on all Bides, which assures plenty or light and air. This is a mod ern building, steam heated. 2 store rooms on first floor and 10 rooms on 2d floor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale" Beach Property. HAVE Newport income property for sale or trade for Portland residence. Summervill Realty Co., 605 Couch bldg. GEARHART cottage for sale at Ocean ave.. 4 beach rooms, dining "room, sit ting and sun parlor, Dutch kitchen, parade. AV 65. Oregonlan. NBAH-KAH-ME mountain, near high way, facing ocean, choice lot for sale. Phone Broadway 7150 For fialei Lots. ALAMEDA CORNER. 12.V). Dandy lot, located at 27th and Fre mont; all improvements in . and paid; three feet above grade. Sunday phone. Auto. C12-33. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-0-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . BUILDERS, HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY. Our construction and workmanship, together with liberal financial assist ance, will please you ; soldier bonus accepted. REIMERS & JOLIVETTE. Sell. 2004. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. Two beautiful idts 100x180, facing Laurelhurst Park, between two $23.O0 residence. Let us show you this $5000 bargain. Sunday phone E. 6103. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR we have several 50x100 lots on 71st st.. one block south of the Hawthorne car. Priced at $400 each. Easy terms. Sunday phone. Auto. 312-83. LITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE: 1, 2 or 3 good building lots. $350 eacn ; win enter contract witn builder to arrange to pay for the lots after the house has been built and Bold. Inquire 3748 41st st. S. E. phone Sell wood r.OiSR CLOSE-IN LOTS. E. Ifth and Pine sts. No reasonable offer refused. Owner says, sell. Fine location for a home. See today. 1NION SAFE DEP03IT ft TRUST CO., 284 Oak St. Bdwy. 0043. $200 ABOVE BONDED $200. I own a large corner lot In Laurel burst, clear except bonded ; $200 for equity. Sunday, Tabor 0450; week days, Broadway 0770. 100x100 LOTS $575. $8 down, $H month; no assessments to assume ; Alberta car. ROGER W CARY. UPSTAIRS. 142H 2d st., corner Alder. ONE 50x100 LOT Imps, in and paid, 1 . block to car; $000. Another with fine garage and cement runway on same, at a sacrifice. Call Hawthorne Realty Co. Tabor 743 , l havk u. hisr bargain in two lots 50x100, well located, if taken right away. See O. F. Anderson, 320 Henry building. Phone Broadway 04.4. FOR SALE Level lot in restricted dis trict three blocks from Peninsula park; will accept late model light car in trade. Walnut 4811. . QUARTER-BLOCK, corner of E. 15th and Stark, close to two school. Fine for apartment or business; $5300. East BUI LD ON THIS ONE. I fine lot. close in, all improvement! In and paid. Very finest location; walking distance, $1000. Aut. 23-17. wfijiF. CITY DISTRICT. Choice level corner or inaide lots, 52d and Broadway: only $1000. includ ing paving. Owner. Tabor 8749. FOR SALE Two lots, each size 50x11.; Katherine addition; will be sold at a bargain. Write J- D. Weinsteln. Wen- atchee. Wash. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE $1100 buys this west facing lot, 2'tih near Siskiyou. Neuhaucen & Co.. Main 87S. I HAVE a nice earft sju-e lot, close in, can make you a favorable offer; no mnnfy require. Va.n 'SAt.f, LEVEL west side view lot, on grade; all improvements; close- to car; $1500. AK tS3, Oregonian. IRVlNiiTOX SNAP 50x100 corner, alt clear. $1500. Klickitat t. hausen Co.. Main Xfi7. level, Neu- t::rtn R LOCKS ROSE CITY CAR. Fine 50x100, assessments paid.' Tabor fi.-.50. . r"oh. SALE Four iois. 31st and Lon $525 each, or $2000 for all; street not improved. Owner. Atwater 131 IRVINGTON BARGAIN East facing lot. 14th between Siskiyou and KliKitat, tl-50 Xeuhansen A Co.. Main 8078. BEACTIFVL wooded lots near Peninsula Park. $.V.0; terms: $1" down and $10 per month. Walnut 41101. 275 ROPE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Nice oQxtoo. assess, paid. Tahor 4t3. $12,000 AT 7 PER CENT In sums to sui. fcl ViS, urpgmimii. &0xl0 LOT, nice view; one block to car, near Jefrcreon High- Walnut 403. IRVINGTON'S BEST LOT BUYS. As agents for the Hughes estate we have for sale most of the desirable building sites left in beautiful Irv ington, Portland's model home section; read this list carefully. If yon expect to make your home in Irvingten. drive out today, make your inspection, then see us. $1250 East 13th, fac E., 100 ft. S. of Bra nee. $1800 East 15th. fao. W.. 150 ft. N. of Bra zee. (1400 East 20th. fac E . 100 ft. N. or btanton. $1500 East 21st. fac E., 100 ft. N oi siwtiyou. $1600 Southwest cor. Fremont. 1600 East 10th, fac, E. 20th and E-. 200 ft. N. or Siskiyou. $1600 East 22d, fae. W , 125 ft. 8. of Klickitat. $1600 East 16th, fac, W., 100 ft. B. of Thompson. 11600 East 20th. fac. E., 200 ft. N. of. Stanton. $1600 East 22d. fac W., 275 ft, N. of Siskiyou. -$1600 East 22d, fac. W., 150 ft. N. of Stanton. $1600 50xl&5. E. 28th. fat W., 225 et S nf Thnmnson $1700 East 23d, fac. E., 50 ft. N. of Stanton. $1700 East 22d. fC. W., 100 ft. S. of Siskiyou. $1700 East 14th. fac. W., 50 ft. N. of Braiee. $177JS s. e. cor. E. 17th and KUckl- $1800 s. W. cor. E. 21t anfl Fre mont. $1900 N. W. cor. E. 17th and KUckl tat $2000 R. 24th, fac E., 200 ft. S. of J3 razee. $2000 S. W. cor. E. 2-Vh and Braaee. $2250 S. W. cor. E. lth and Stanton. $2500 N. E. cor. E. 10th and Braee. $2500 7.xl00, E. 22d, fa. E., 75 It. N of Rraie. $2500 Weidler st., fac. N, 125 ft. E. of 21stt with carafe. $2750 E. lftth, fac. W., 75 ft. 8. Of Brazee. $3500 75x100. N. W. cor. E. 22d and $4250 100x100, N. E. cor. E. 22d and Stanton. 13500 looxioo. N E. cor. E. 24th and '1 nompson . $3500 N. w. cor. 23d and Siaklyoti; lOOxlOft. . $3500 300x100. S. W. cor. E. 24th and fif kiyou. $3700 100x100. N. E. cor. E. 20th and Hancock. $5000 100x100. S. E. cor. E. 21st and " Knott. $5000 100x100, N. E. cor. E- 15th and 'l nompson. Also drive around block bounded by Stanton. Siskiyou, East 15th and East ltitn. in is DiocK being developed ana special price will be given upon ap plication. For your convenience you may call Sundays or evenings. Tabor 4130; week days, Jiroaaway 7ottT. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY CAR. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. $3 DOWN $0 PER MO. We have several lots north of Sandy blvd., between 62d and 72d sts.; sidewalks, curbs and water in and paid; look at these low prices; Interest only 6 per cent: $37 50x100 ft. $4.0 75x100 ft. $425 50x100 ft., cor. $425 55x100 ft., cor. $190 25x100 ft. Rose City Park branch office open every day, 45th and Sandy blvd. J. L. HART-MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., WESTMORELAND. , FULLY IMPROVED LOTS FOR ' - $50 CASH. Balance easy at 6 per cent In terest. We give second mort gage privilege to home builders. Everything Is here to make home life enjoyable. Select your lot now. Call Mr. Patterson. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark. St. 66x100 FT. ALAMEDA DRIVE. One block from car; wonder ful view; every foot of this lot Is a good building site; go look at it; south side of Alameda drive, facing the intersection of 40th sL J. Tj. HARTMAN COMPANY. 9 Chamber of Commerce bldg.; Bdwy. 6034. HOME SEEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD? It is less expensive. We are interested in how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buy- ing or building. " ROBNETT McCLTJRE, BUILDERS. 802 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6574. BUSINESS LOCATION, IDEAL FOR A ITTflMORTLE STORAGE. Light manufacturing. on paved F-nnter road, runnina tnroucn to vp- macadamized. 115 ft. frontage. with two frame buildings. All goes for J30OO. terms. Let us snow you. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. QUARTER BLOCK. N. E COR. 35TH AND HAWTHORNE. WILL SELL Clfc.Af f UK tj ASH. Good location lor apt. house or good business block ; office open to day. DAVID HARP. MGR.. Tr-.T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 30th. Aut. 320-04. N-EAK MT. TABOR PARK. A large lot with 78 ft. frontage on Belmont st ana a --'o rt. utwi, lo cated on Mt. Tabor carline near 58th St.. for $2100 Don't pais up thl hnrffaln. Sundav nhone. Auto. 31 RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, Ol -2-3-5-7 Board of Traclo mng. A REAL BARGAIN. A 50x100 corner In vicinity of Pied mont car barns; sewers and sidewalk: in and paid ; price $700 ; terms ; in MiriA lota tn this block sold st $sno up. See Dwyer, with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 73 n a m. or -.qm. REMEMBKR W tnn ret you the highest price th present market warrants for your va 4-ant prop-riy in ny m-vi.iwm lit' city, come in ana we win n ov RITTER. LOWE & CO HKALTOHB, 201-2-3-5-7 Board ofrade BMg. NICELY LOCATED tots near pavin, erhool. car. etc.; $3.0 to $450; lom fruit ; $35 cash, $ 10 monthly. Al 62x100 Jot. terms. JAHK SO N'-KELLY CO... 06 Boar of Trade bide. Bdwy 30. ALT. IMPROVEMENTS IN. 40-vlOO. loraled on East 31t at., ne Wygant; $750 caf-h. Sunday phone. Auto. :t 12-33. BITTER, LOWE 4: CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 B o ard of Trnd ft Bldg. LAURELHURST DISTRICT $780. Level lot On the south side of rtavis st.. 50 ft. west of 47th St.: imp. in and paid; this is a rod buy HENDERSON-BAN KVM C 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4 THE OWNER of a naif bioca with 200 feet on Hawthorne ave.. bet. 18th and lllth, wanta to make quick sstfe of this hish-class apartment or business prop erty at a great sacrifice; terms. Fhons East 3779. LARGE LOT. SMALL PRICE. 77xluy on county macadamized rosd and only a block to car; 14U0 cash taks it. rlunday phone, Anto. :tl-a:t. FITTER. LOWE C"' . REALTORS, ?Q1-2-:t-S-7 Board ofrada lldtf. BlrIl.IiIN'j lots in various sections of Portland and Its suburbs at exceed ingly low figures, on terms, or for cash at special prices; might build for responsible party. Owner, 404 Piatt bl.ig. HAVE cash huyer for three desirahle Jots within short distance from Sendy, be tween 3th snd 5'rth. Heniemlter this is c-.sh money and your price must be KITTER. LOV E ft CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trad,. 3!dg. FOR SALE 1. -1 or 3 good bui.ding .ots. t:i."0 each: will enter contract with builder to arrange to pay for the lets "after the house has been bulit and sold. Inquire 3746 4lat su S. . Phone Seilwood 3U"'H. LAL'RELHURST corner bargain: streets caved: assessments paid; N. W. corner 44th and Couch: ll.MKj; terms. R. S Hubley, 1577 Osceola ave., St. Paul. Minn WILL discount equity in Easifhoreiand 1st on soil course. Alain 411i OI'EX KlA'PA V. JOH.Xtfl'N-KiDou.N CO. 633 N. W. Bnk ir.cg. Main S7. SUNNYrilDtS. 'iT5 CASH. .'.AtUmi imnpavmiriii in arvd paid; blocks to car. north front, on East Taylor, near 4.ih. EAST UHH1LL .N.AtC S-l. Only $!50. $ito vaii, 10 monthly; this includes garage, mri.tm ' . ewaiks, curbs and sewer, -nm. to oar. J5 CASH, $H WMtii'- Paving i:riw;n, euros and sewer i In and included in prte or fi,o; Port land blvd and Campb'-H street. 5 U'i. iu Beautlfuliv wooded. 125x10ft corner. ! II improvement in and paid, 1 btk. to car in heart of Km . on ATT&MK'N AlAtVt- vrrr-n. 3 lota on East 24ih N . 'r Pres- cott; all improvements in; nr. scnooi and car. Someone is oin lo get tnesa at a bargain. V EST fiLe.. . 4 inOslOO corner. Wihamette HelghU. $2750; ail Improvement Pid. n-.O ftrrr,. rr.,.-mrli 'n Street. SidO- waiks,' curbs and sewers included to P- . All ImDrov.ment, naid; wondpa. urround.d by caod homes; 2 Mk. to cr. Thl 1 the be.t buy In thi, MC- tlon. 100x100 CORNER, rreroont and Margu.rlto. on 1d t.. ld.waSk., cu and ewre- l paid. riear hlltt-c;M notne.. Kl'r. till ocmi'"'. Comer. Jl'JOO; all improv.m.nts in and paid: Broadway and r.:d. .vixTOO. facing- west on 4!th betw..n KUckHat and Fremont. 1400; all Improvemenu paid. EASTMOREI.AND. Corner, 9S feet front. T feot In roar, H'O feet deep; all Improvement, paid; $130" .-,7SM CASH. Eaet Sth N.. near Tortland bird , aldewalka. curbs and fewer In and p.iid; good ftre.t. 2 blocks to Car; real va.ue. $10 DOWV. 11(1 mnrtfh'v: tl e .! ke. COfM and H.r oald: near Alberta rar and school, on East l:2d N. frlc 0u0. Oregon St.. 7u:h and Tint: sowar, sidewalks and curbs pM f4:.t). 1RVINIITON niSTRIi-T. SOxlo.-i. $R7.'.; csh. ln monthly; all Improvements In and paid: on car. blks to school, near new homes. SOxlM. r,a S"; half block to csr. 1 blocks to school: fine garden soil; sidewalks and cur!- In aaa paid. 58ixlrt0 S. of Fremont on fc.. loth; al! Improvements paid. S1200 fi2xl 50 on Fremont near Knet all Improvements paid. Ili.iO. 1.0u cash, 10 monthly. tnn Corner, lr.th and Fremont. $1400; all Improvements paid. 42xn. 11150; on car, near scnooli easy terms. Corner 17th and Beech, 1200 cash, all Improvements paid. Corner Ml'txtoo. all Improvements psld: lino cash, 110 monthly; on lstu north of Fretnonr, Corner, tono. lion caeh. $10 monthly: on paved street and car: sewer, side walks and curbs all paid. MURRAY-MEAD TSHxIOO. t.tor, s?r,n c-t.h lis monthly: all Improvements In snd paid; water piped on lot: 18xH garage, concrete floor. 1 cherry and 1 peach tree. shrubs, grapes, berries. aTaragus. etc.; surrounded by good homes, not far from car and school: Caruthers st,, near K. 2Mh: will consider -d mort gage If responsible psrty. LOTS JV A I.I. PARTS Or" CITT. jouxsox-noDsox co . sal ?f. W. Bank Ft'dg. Main 3T.7, SPECIAL BALE: BRANCTT OFFICE OPEM EVERT DAY. LOTS 3 DOWN, $2 PER WEEK. Wllshlre addition; Joins AH meda park and O.mstcad park: beautiful and large lots with fir trees, or If desired, ther. ar. many lots a'l cleared; they are as large as 80x11.1 ft. Directions to reach: Tiks Brosdway car to Itryce avenue, go east 4 blocks, or motor out Fremont st. to 3.td and go north 2 blocks. Branch office, phona Auto. 328-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bld.. Bdwy. 6034. LADD'S ADDITION. Something very special. 6 Lots on Division St. $1000 EACH 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. This Is sura to be bustne-a property in a short time No restrictions. Only 1100 cash re quired Get busy If you want one. Remember. Ladd Addition Is only shout 20 minutes' walk to city hail. See Mr. Delahunty. LADD KSTATE CO.. 2t Sts-k. Bdwy. 5754. Eve., East 3402. $15 DOWN. $13 MONTH. CELERY AND ONION LAND. Parkrose; beautiful building site, some shade tres; balance all cleared ready for plowing; rich silt land, no rocks or gravel, low county tax; outside city lim its, north of Sandy blvd. Branch office open every day; take Rose City Park Parkrose car. go to end of carline. Tabor 2004. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Bdwy. 0034. T.a CTtFT.HTTRST BeenMful Laurelh urt lot near the park - street Improvements In and paid prloo only $1190. Everett Philpoe, Saleismanager, NEILAN & PARKHILU 219 Lnnibrmn BMg Bdwy. 2832. Sunday, call Tabor 8203, WEST SIDE. 100x150 CORNER. 14(100 On 24h st. north. 100 ft. on csr line: these lots should sell for 113.0OO under a fair market: owner mui s-mi at once: will take $4000 and deliver clear title. RITTKR. LOWE CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. lift C-M HO MONTHLY Price 14r,o. a splendid .vixllS cor ner lo Alberta district. This lot bai several fine native trees: Investigate this See Iwver, sllli r rea w. i.er man Co.. Realtors. 7H2 Cham, of Com T MTTST HAVE CASH. wil l. SACRIFICE west aide apartment site, corner 21st et ortn. Will take $4250 for qtilclt sale. OWNER. M AIN 4210. i.rT vVAl.KTNrj DISTANCE. flftOO: all Improvement In and paid near Sandy. biva.. in St.; less man ItWiS price. Hurry take your choice Bast 7WTK. T O. PIRD. 520 CHAM OF COM. KI'MBBR LOTS near .v each : $23 dow Will accept sellers' 411d an-d Division, i. HO per month, contracts, bonds. second mortgage. .1. H. MeMAHON, 2.V7 E. 3d St., ir. Division BEAUTIFCLLY wooded lots near Jef ferson high and Penlneula park: $.100. I.'O casli. 110 monthly. JOHNSON-KEI.T.T CO.. 0 Board of Trade-hldr. Bdwy 300. I750O. Quarter block on Oe.nd ae.. near Hawthorne sve.. by owner, ne agents Phonerg"-43. Tabor 32. $11M) LA I KKl.n . Kit i lot on near ance $23 month and Interest. gilt after 6. : ' WILL GIVE YOU f-redil on the lots. use your motiev rer nunnms-. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., n Board of Trade hblg. Bdwy 3C0 IRVINGTON. 50x1(111. 2'lth near Knott, east facing, will take 21 mortgage for part. .T. .1. Cahalin. 6,15 Chamber of mmerre. LOT 50x100. 2 blocks of Mt. Tabor car, on 87th st.. 1250. Owner, 313 E. 80th st. North A I AM L"D PARK, corner VT! 55x loo. Exl-ep-tlonal price; only Haul. Wai 14 tit 2S. gjVR carfare. J(4.5 on Lekum St.. $1000; payable io per month. per ,-ent. i.noigan. r..e t... ... ON Stafford street, near 1'nlon ave, '.Wxlsi: easy terms. B. J. Yates, K llt'h st. N., Portland. CH'iICE lnt WalnJt ParK; barnaln. Termex Owner. Atwaler 5r0. Tabor S77. . . ClK'ICE improved east facing lrvlngton lot ."lxlst; reasonable. Otner. i4 1'rlon ave. N LAHKELHIK-ST SNAP H3oO; 50x100 Laurelhurst avenue, near Gilsan. Wei nut 5325. PRICE $15. west of Fi -,o 50xl4. Davis St.. 0 ft oral ave., Laurelhurst. Taboi 14H5 HAVE $115 equity in beautiful Penln aula district lot. 10S3 E. Webster. HFINDEHSON-TIANKUB CO. I2S HENRY l'LKU. BDWT. T. IRVINOTON DISTRICT. HOMEDALK. A.LAMKDA, PARK. BKI.OW THK 11 ILL We h.ve 1M cholc. "'"1,f, 'i Homedale and '"'-da Park b-lw th. hill fronting on E. lth. E. .. E. 21st. B. 2M. E 23d, L- -4lb-hII-ment et and nidgawor avs. J" two additions ar. restricted years. Many of th. lots av. bearing frutl trees. Prices rang, from ' un. on e.iv t.rms with second oiori s.ae privilege. Lots fronting on rr ntout st. h.v. all sare.t Imvruv.m.nta In and paid. ROSE CITT PARK D"""1. f. $ tMK 71st St.. east front, XX . north of sailing. 42J K. wth St.. west front, BOO n. north of Frsmont, $ 00 E. 7th St.. aat front. 1V ft. north of Alamada drlvsi awwar t 673 E"ll7th St.. sast front, Joo ft. south of Siskiyou: "war paid. 1 TOO E 3d St., east front, ISO ft. south of Alam.da drlva; ssasr TOO E 3d St., aast front. 9 ft. south of Alan-iada drlva; aawar $ 750 k" 58th St.. east front. 109 ft. south of tiiskiyou: s.war paid; 3 Ilr trees on this lot f TS0 E. 40th St., l front, SO ft. north of Htanton: all Imp. paid. $ T73 K. !),h t . east front. 50 ft. north of Thompson; all Imp, tn and paid. 1 diuv E. 30th St. sast front, I ft. north of Stanton; Imp. rslo $ $no K ft7th st . west front, 20 ft. nr.rth of Slanton; Imp paid. 830 K Roth t.. wiet front, 130 ft. north of Sandy, f so E. mith at-. wat front, joo ft. north of Sandy. $1200 S. E. corner 33th and fisklyoo: paved and paid on both staa. $1230 s E corner 31 and Stanton. paved and paid on both sides Af-aMEDA PARK. $ 850 E ilih at., west front. 100 ft. south of Prescott. $ 900 s. E. corner Olenn av. M I'rewott; paved and paid on both sireeta. . $ Boo k i'tith st.. east front. 30 it. s-uth of Prescott. ..... f 050 ruenn avs.. east front, 30 ft. north of Mason. $1000 E. 24lh St., west front, 100 ft. south of Regent drive. LAfRELHI'RST. $1000 Hasclfern place, west front. 3Vi ft. north of Olisan. $1050 llatelfcrn place, south front. between 30th snd 41t. $1050 Laurelhurst ave, soulh front, 4th lot west of 44th. $1100 Hoyt st. north front. 21T ft. N. w. of G!lsn. $1100 E 33d st . west front, betw.an Sandv blvd. and Hotl. $1173 E. 43d St. east front, lOO rt. north of Burr.tde. J12O0 S K. corner 3ad and Irving. $1200 Floral ave.. west front, 150 ft. north of Gllsan. $1200 Sandy blvd . north front, ISO rt. e,i of Imperial avs. $1273 Floral ave, south front, 33eJ ft. east of Peerless p'.sce $1400 Gil. an st. north front, 130 rt. wet of 41st. $1375 Ankeny st . north front, 150 ft. east of 8-'d; overlooking park. $1573 N. F. comer Imperial av. and Multnomah St.; overlse $1750 S. E. corner Roysl court and East Sftih st. $2000 S E. corner Royal court and U'.laan st. $000 v K. comer T.sddlngtoB eoiu-t and 41st at.; oversna. H AWTTIORNE MT. TABOR. TSU E. Kotti st . west froflt, 232 ft. south of Stark. $ $50 K. 3th st., west front. 45 tt. nor'h of Hawthorn. ave.; bearing fruit. $1000 E. 3Sth St. west front. 7 ft. north of Hawthorne av.; bear ing fruit. $1000 N. E. corner E. 3'h snd Haw thorne; besrlng fruit: paved And paid on both streets $1000 K. .".nth s . east front. 000 ft. south of Hawthorne ave.; $2m $1000 E27th St. east front, 234 ft. north of Harrison st. PENINSULA DISTRICT. $ 400 Colfax St.. south front. 200 ft. west of Concord: sewers paid. $ lots with several fir trees. Take your choice at $400 sacs. BEE Va FOR LOT" AND BUILDINO LOANS HENDERSON-BANK US CO., F. Fl A I.TOIta. 228 HENRY BLl'12. BDWT. 4TB4. lsewaoo. IMS $0 DOWN. 10 MONTH. Psrkrose; this tract Is level, shsde trees, no rocks, rich silt land, no building restrictions; the monthly payment of III in cludes Interest at fl per cnl : you can build a little place here and raise garden, berries and chickens: s.e this choice tract today: Parkrose brsnrh of fice open every dsy. Take Rose City l'ark Parkrose car to end of carline. Tabor 2004. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Bdwy. 0ii34. GREAT CI.KAN-fP BALK. BEAt'TIFI'L TERRACB PA.Uk LOTS. onMcallv located, high, slthtly lots, ".mxlifl ech; cement sideaa'.ks, graded streets, city water, rich soil, no gravel, oonvenl'-nt to cars, school nd Ml. Tabor park. In a district of nice home.. Owner In California wires Instructions to sacrifice at 3:rf per lot. Including atreet Hens. TOCR OWN TERMS 21 mortgage prlx-llege to bulMrs. Un usual opportunity. Our stitos are at your service. Let us drive you out todav. Ask for N, E Crow. Mgr. Lot Department for FRANK L. McOCtRE. AMngton TV'lg, I'rosdwsy T1T1. 2 ACRES ON STREAM $20 DOWN, $20 rCR MONTH. Straight contract, no mort gage; ground sll cleared except a few trees along creek: run ning wnter sll the year around; this is a mlK-hty good huy and only 8 blocks to station: Just short dletsnce out on Estacsda line. See ilr. Phillips, J. T.. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Ildwy. o:i4. BI7ILD FOH PROFIT. JCearlv ts ft. frontage on CeeeTev St. extension In'sr Wl'lameiie blvd I, to be hard siirfsced at county's ex. pene. No sseessments to pay. 1'noh. rtructed view sites for ten or dosen homes allowing each ample grounds With heaUtttut shsde tree. . This Magnifleont Tract of 4' ACRES Is located only 3 hio'-ks from car. Walking distance of Jefferson High school snd !ea then 15 minutes from corner of Ttrosdway and Wash ngton. Can be hoiisbt on terms nt the es tremoly low price of fOuOO whA w 50 per cent below vsltie H. F. WOttl, oyvi Teon B'dg. Atwstsr oaq. SEE PIEDMONT BEFORE BUT I NO. I bav sold irtv .V) tots to "Will T Taylor who expects lo buli-d houses oo them. ' Me. Taylor Vooe-s bulging thorough. 1- having designed and built eho'M Sooo bouses In To'edo, fthlo, prior to coming to Port. snd. He wss office manarer foe a pfoml. nent realtor In Ibis cltv for 3 years, so knows Portland thorougHIt, and cbo.e piedmont because of Its many advantages. Let me arrange for him to hull.l your home In ri'!mr.nt, j. n HAJ'iirT for jFr. kstatb. SS 1 ANKKVT. B r W Y . SMl-.. TWO BIO LOTS with a smsll shsck snd barn: must be. sold on account of sickness: there, fore the price hits been re.iuced ! lloflO: .lust think of It- ground 113 10O, with sidewalks, eurr. atid sewer 1n snd lK-ated just 3 h'ks. north of tlM.sn St.: d'n't pass this up. Hundsy phone E, 11103. RITTF.R. LOWE CO.. F A I.TO 0 S. 201 -2 3 .1 7 Itf.iM or Trsoe hl WA.NTillJ Man who '111 pr.-'t'ice A excellent oniwirt ti ti It V to :r.c gncl monev sel'lng so KST A ItM s H r.O ''na of advert!. Sng stans snd nnveHi. F CLT'SIV'E tcr-'t-.-v. I.lbe-il comtnt. slon. KXPISNSES AOVAN'-KIl. !. age. heiaht, We'lit, three t t" 'o' . re'erenccs. ITIIAi'A SKIN WORK. ! bsca N Y. P"nrcir't'T $?-,tl JtiiHfi. Al'ARTMF.NT SITE. Must be js'ld af otic to rule irmi-e. dlate cash: 50x100 corner on 21st ad Northrup e ; t.'e location 2 d S rwitn apts.; our price for qui-k as:. I42-.0 RITTER. LOWE CO.. REALTnns. 201-3 $. 3-7 lioaid of Trade liidt.