The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1922, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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"Pea&s Time Retreat" of
Entente Derided.
Ureed of ex-vKuiser AVhile Millions
In Germany Are Xear Star
vation Denounced.
Germany's Foremost Publicist.
(Copyright, 1922. by Ths Oregonian.)
BERLIN, Sept. 30. (Special Ca
ble.) Who will b Germany's Mus
tapha Kemal? For possibly some
convicted militarist now will try to
play the famous Turkish leader's
part in our political theaters. Even
steadier heads might be turned by
Kemal's example.
The Sevres treaty treated Turkey
like a condemned criminal for which
it was only a question Into, which
dungeon it would be thrown. Cur
zon, Poihcare and Sforza's Joint note
treats Turkey as a great power
whose valuable friendship must be
bought at any price. England,
France and Italy offer Turkey the
preservation of her own interests,
the Adrianople-Maritza frontier, the
evacuation of Constantinople and
even invite her to join the leagne of
nations, wherein the Turks will help
to supervise the straits of the Dar
danelles and shelter religious and
national minorities.
I must not yield to 'the temptation
to write a satire on this touching
offer, but merely note that even in
peace times retreats occur, which
communiques call "regrouping."
Reaction Was Inevitable.
England was obliged to make
these concessions to protect her pe
troleum hopes and on account of
Egypt and India. - But didn't the
signers realize how this extremely
deferential note, canceling the obli
gations of feevres, would react on
other conquered peoples, especially
Germany? We hear already: "The
Turks were not such patient lambs
as we were. Instead of letting the
wool be drawn over their eyes they
secretly reorganized thei army,
sought and found strong leaders far
from the capital and foreign control,
and to their chief they gave the
powers of a dictator. They defeated
their neighboring enei'nies and now
they are handled as gently by the
entente as a basket of eggs. Let's
do the same."
The fact that Germany is not, like
Islam, situated on rich soil, while
Russia is far from ha-ving France's
military power which, with strategy
and military plans, helped Turkey,
is not taken into account, nor is it
remembered that dynastic intrigues
would not succeed so readily in Ber
lin as in Athens. -
Gate Open for Ainliitimi.
The idea of creating a continental
Angora in Bavaria or Pomeranij or
Silesia or East Prussia is disturbing
some brains. The gate is wide open
for ambitious princes, generals, ad
mirals and adventurers who imagine
themselves Bonapartes, tor at the
moment the Hohtnzollern standard
is somewhat drooping. The news
of Wilhelm's woond marriage, the
private reasons for which are too
delicate to discuss, has frightened
and angered many monarchists. The
formula, "the poor lonely e"x-kaiser
longs for a sympathetic heart in his
exile." has not been so effective as
was hoped. Women especially have
revolted over his' nia'rrying a woman
30 years younser so soon after his
first wife died . and. then saying that
it is for love.
Wilhelm's great-grandfather,
Friedrich Wilhelm III, never was
forgiven far re-placing the saintly
Queen Louise with another. When
the victor at Jena was vanquished
at Waterloo he dictated his memoirs
in real, not pretended, exile in the
austere little house in St. Helena
and he left the proceeds to his faith
ful companion, Lascales.
Exile la Buxinrsalike.
wilhelm von Hohenzollern. who
called Napoleon a Corsican nirvem,
and himself the chosen of God; who
royai splendor in Doom
castle with a silver treasure worth
many millions of dollars, surrounded
by costly furniture, gold, bronze
and art treasures, never has money
for war victims or even old servants,
but has received for his memoirs of
the misfortunes of the German peo
ple at least half a billion paper
marks. This divine right ex-emperor,
who as head of the evan
gelical church repeatedly warned
against Mammon, is more business
like in these matters than Lloyd
from las memoirs.
Moreover, Wilhelm's book which
contains less novelty than could be
agreeable to the man who purchased
the rights before reading requires
p 'e" V "ad- and even German
pat i lots ' find it boresome. Even
those will scarcely believe that this
!X"n .I1' Wh ruled n,ore autocrat
ically than a czar, foresaw every
thing rightly, but was prevented
from carrying out hia noble designs
by chancellors who, since Blsma?ck
was dismissed, were all his obedient
Another Scandal Added.
The book only completes the pic
ture of a vain, untruthful cripple in
mind and in body who soon will get
lm answer ne deserves. With its
,7 ''"e snowing it can only
add one more scandal to the many,
mostly hushed, which have taken
Place in dethroned royal houses In
late years.
Millions will starve this winter.
wr.S. ,s M bad that British
, ,1 here fr atudy wn't eat
t. Child mortality has terribly in
creased through lack of milk and
inherited disease, horribly frequent
ince the war. Public charities are
so burdened that even tubercular
Patients cannot go to hospitals until
their condition actually menaces
of healing has gone. Such distress
engenders aaventure and therefore
the fatal question:
Kemahl?"Wi" be Germanr"s Mustapha
Oontinupd ymm Firt Tbep.)
the last of the receipts had been coN
1 acted and turned over to the cash
ier. The week's attendance was
fixed by officials at 75.000 persons
Jn the absence of accurate figures
which will not be available before
late tomorrow,-Mr. Lea estimated
that there will be a surplus of be
tween $5K0 and $10,000 when all
current bills and other outstanding
obligations are1 liquidated.
This showing:, fair officials-said,
was remarkable, when it i consid
ered that it rained Wednesday and
Thursday, whicb, are normally two
big days of the fair. Rain also fell
all day Tuesday, which further re
duced the attendance figures. J. E.
McClintock, veteran cashier for the
fair board, estimated that today's
crowd exceeded 12,000 persons. The
normal Saturday attendance at the
state -fair is 8000.
Shriners Attend Fair.
Today was designated as Shriners'
day, and. although the lodgemen did
not turn out in as large numbers as
had been anticipated, the fez was
much in evidence. The Portland del
egation of Shriners, accompanied by
its band and patrol, arrived in Salem
before noon and was greeted offi
cially by members of the local Shrine
club. Forming in line and headed
by the band, the Shriners marched
Into the grounds and later visited
the exhibit buildings and other at
tractions. Drills by the patrol of
the Portland temple of Shriners was
one of the feature atractiona at to
day's fair.
The morning programme was fea
tured by demonstrations by the
I Sherman county boys and girls
club's canning team, followed by
band concert and a parade of the
prize-winning livestock in the sta
dium. This parade of livestock was
repeated in the stadium tonight.
Racing Afternoon Event.
The big double racing card fea
tured the afternoon programme and
the errand stand was filled to ca-
pacity. Included among the Port-
landers in the grandstand at the
races were William Cuddy, veteran
member of The Oregonian staff, who
has not missed a state fair for 40
years; Phil Metschan, proprietor of
the Imperial hotel, who has at
tended every fair for 37 years, and
Mayor George L. Baker.
Another afternoon attraction was
the annual conference of the state
parent-teachers associations. Auto
polo in front of the grandstand
added considerable excitement to
the afternoon attractions.
Tonight's - attractions included a
radio concert by H. N. Stouden
myer's band, display of fireworks
and high carnival of concessionaries
along the midway. The night crowd
exceeded those of Saturdays at pre
vious fairs and high jinks prevailed.
With the exception of one or two
shows all the concessionaries re
ported a satisfactory business.
Little 13-year-old Margurite
Stark of Portland, winner of the
Oregon Farmers' silver loving cup.
came infor more honors at today's
fair. She was escorted about the
grounds by J. D. Farrell of the
Union Pacific railroad, and was the
recipient of many valuable gifts.
The little girl was brought to Salem
by Miss Avis Lobdell. at the head
of the bureau of women's activities
of the Union Pacific system. At the
request of Mr. Farrell, who acted as
host to Miss Stark here. Miss Lob
dell was designated as her official
chaperon. Miss Stark departed for
her home In Portland tonight aboard
Mr. Farrell's private car.
Oregon Fair Praised.
H. P. Vermilye, secretary of the
Washington state fair, and E. 1.
French, director of agriculture for
the state of Washington, after view
ing the exhibits here today, pro
nounced the Oregon state fair one
of the greatest institutions in the
United States. They spoke in high
terms of A. H. Lea, secretary, who,
they said, was one of the leading
fair managers in the entire country.
Because of rain earlier in the
week all of the exhibits, both live
stock and agricultural, remained in
pluce until. 12 o'clock tonight. This
was true of the concessions and
other at fraction s.
The surplus fund from this year's
fair will be expended in improve
ments. The exact nature of these
improvements, however, has not
been determined.
State traffic officers patrolled all
the roads leading into Salem dur
ing the fair, and nut a single acci
dent of consequence was reported.
To carry on this patrol 18 hours a
day it was necessary to have 12
men on the job. They worked under
the direction of T. A. Raf ferty, chief
inspector for the state motor vehicle
department. Only a few minor ar
rests were reported by the police.
One of the humorous features of
this fair was the parade here last
night of the camp ground contin
gent. The paraders were dressed
n all sorts of uniforms, and tin
cans and other noise-making devices
helped attract the crowds. The pa
raders visited the headquarters of
Albert Tozier, in charge of the camp
grounds for many years, and later
gathered in front of the administra
tion building. In addresses that fol
lowed the campers lauded Mr. Lea
and the members of the fair board.
There were more campers here this
year than ever before, and practical
ly all sections of the state were
represented. "
Exhibits Leave Today.
Most of the exhibits will leave
here tomorrow.
When the fair closed tonight it
had been demonstrated that mois
ture holds no horrors for Oregonians
and that a successful fair can be
held in the rain.
The entire divan, of 'A1 Kader tem
ple, shriners. was here today, it was
reported tonight. Included were Al
Tetu. potentate; Hal T. Hutchinson,
chief rabban; George McDonald,
captain of the guard: Phil Metschan,
oriental guide; Harvey Beckwith.
recorder; Rev. O. W. Taylor, high
priest; H. D, Chambers, chaplain,
and Joseph McAllister, assistant
chief rabban.
A check of the boys' and girls'
industrial clubs exhibits today
showed a total, of 303 livestock en
tries for this year, as against 182
entries at the fair a year ago.
Work to Talk to Mail Admen.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 30. Postmaster-General
Work has notified Jo
seph Meadon, president of the Direct
Mail Advertising association, that
he will come to Cincinnati tp make
one of the principal addresses at the
fifth annual convention of that or
ganization here October 25 to 27.
Fred T. Presley, general manager of
the Harvard university economic bu
reau, will be another speaker.
Supremacy Struggle Passes
Into Secret Realm.
Xear Kast Strife Is Attributed
Largely to I nternat ional
Commercial Rivalries.
(Copyright, 1922. by The Oregonian.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 30.
(Special.) International commercial
rivalries and the greed for gold
engendered thereunder are respon
sible for the Turkish crisis today.
Turkey, sentenced to death in
1919, secured a reprieve when the
international joint commission, cre
ated to govern Constantinople and
the neutralized territory dominating
the Straits of the Dardanelles, failed
to function as planned.
The triumph of Mustapha Kemal
Pasha's armies over the Greek
forces was directly due to the fail
ure of Great Britain. France, Italy
and the little entente to enforce
the provisions of the treaty of
Sevres. The struggle for trade
supremacy had passed into the
realm of that secret diplomacy
which chiefly was responsible for
the world war.
Turkish Situation Peculiar.
The United States has not been
involved in any of tFTe developments
ot the last two years in the near
east. If the senate had ratified
the treaty of Versailles it was the
original plan of its framers that
this nation would have been asked
to assume the mandate over Ar
menia. The treaty was not ratified
and responsibility thereunder in
stead went to the allied powers.
The situation in Turkey today is
peculiar in that it is due entirely
to outside considerations and in no
way to Turkish patriotism. It was
the Turks that were first to col
lapse of the central powers. Their
surrender was absolute and uncon
ditional. The allied forces occupied
Constantinople and still remain
there and the Dardanelles were
thrown open to shipping without
restrictions. The Turkish officials
who were responsible for violations
of the rules of warfare, including
the frightful massacres of the Ar
menian Christians, surrendered
themselves and with typical oriental
fatalism .prepared themselves' for
Commission Created.
A joint allied high commission
was created. It was given plenary
power to punish violators of the
rules of warfare and to rule over
Constantinople and the territory
which controlled the European and
Asiatic shores of the Dardanelles.
The Turkish government was ban
ished to Asia, although there was
to be no interference with the
Moslem religion, while the head of
the church and all of the church
officials were to be allowed to come
and go as they pleased in Con
stantinople. From the'outset of its career the
allied high commission was split
with jealousies. England was ac-,
cused, chiefly by Italy and France,
with having grabbed off the best
of everything, including the Bagdad
railway. Itaiy was alleged to have
secretly negotiated with the Turks
and to have encouraged them to re
pel the Greek invasion of Syria, on
which Italy looked with longing
eyes. France had claimed Syria
from the outset and was finally
awarded control, but it was her en
couragement of the Turks which re
sulted in the establishment of the
Turkish nationalist government at
Soviets Assist Turks.
Meanwhile the soviet government
at Moscow was giving every possible
assistance to the Turkish assembly
at Angora. It furnished money,
arms and provisions for the
strengthening of Kemal's armies,
and is also reported to have en
tered into an offensive and de
fensive treaty whereby, if needed.
soviet troops will proceed to the
asaioiaiice ui me iuikibii armies.
However, all this probably would
have been in vain if it had not
been that the massacre of March,
1919, united the Turks against the
Greeks. Italy was believed to be
planning the occupancy of Syria at
that time and the English suggested
diplomatically that there would be
no objection to Greece invading the
country.- The Greek troops landed
in "Smyrna under the very guns of
British warships and within a few
hours after their arrival they mas
sacred without reason several hun
dred Ottoman subjects.
The effect of this was electrify
ing. Turkish subjects, hitherto rent
with dissension, rallied to the colors
and within a very brief time Kemal
had plenty of men. With munitions
secured at the beginning from Rus
sia, these troops were soon in the
field. Then the French, in retalia
tion for British interference, gave
th Turkish forces every encourage-
j1 .
What a treasure j
trove of gifts! -&13
i m nr w m i
17? r
, IV
Fine jewelry and silverware are
symbols of caste, essentials in the
lives of persons of esthetic taste and
social distinction. They are a part
of one's life, lasting longer than life
itself, and, handed down through gen
erations, becoming' doubly dear
' through associations of loved ones.
For more than half a century this
house has enjoyed the patronage of
those whose purchases of jewelry and
silverware have been confined to the
finer selections, chosen either as last
ing gifts or as investments.
We cordially invite all who are
about to choose gifts for autumn
brides, for friends or relatives, to call
and see our new and complete stocks
of fall gift selections.
Although our merchandise is appre
ciated for its exceptional character
and individuality, it should be borne
in mind that our goods are priced cor
rectly. We specialize in remod
eling old diamond jew
elry in-the newest styles.
Designs furnished.
JEWELERS - Silver smiths -Optician
Washington St. at Paek. Pobtxakd.Osb-
ment and the recent tragedy of
Smyrna was the result.
Outcome Not Forecast.
What the outcome will be can
not yet be forecast. The Turkish
nationalist assembly at Angora,
following the victory at Smyrna,
extended the dictatorship of Kemal
Pasha and gave him blanket au
thority to continue the war.
The French government wants
the entire Turkish problem recon
sidered at a conference to be held
in Venice in November. This would
be satisfactory to the British and
Italian governments if Kemal would
agree to respect the neutrality of
the Dardanelles. But the French
argue that the real reason the
British are pressing this demand
is that the uninterrupted flow of
oil shall continue from Baku, where
British oil interests are again in
full control.
The UnitPd States maintains an
attitude of aloofness. It may or
may not be represented by an ob
server at the planned conference,
should one be held. There is no
promise even now that if the con
ference were held it would be any
more successful than its prede
cessors. The treaty of Sevres ban
ished the Turk from Europe and
apportioned his former lands. Its
provisions today remain, for the
most part, unexecuted. The London
conference of 1921 ended in talk,
as did the conference of Paris that
followed. J
The Oregonian publishes practi
cally all of the want ads printed in
the other three Portland papers, in
addition to thousands of exclusive
advertisements not printed in any
other local paper.
Peacock Rock Springs coal.- Dla
nond Coal Co.. Bdwy. 3037. Adv
Store Closed
All Day Monday
In Observance of
Jewish Holiday
C" of oJ Merit Only"
Served 5 to 8 P. M.
Roast Spring Chicken and
the tempting menu for to
day's dinner, will prove
especially attractive
to those who relish
good food.
Also a la carte menu.
A Pleasant Place to Dine
Oh Boy!
Monday Night Is
Bargain Night
t the
Dancing Pavilion
Broadway at Main
Come On! Let's Go!
Billy Webb's
Peerless Players
Playing the -Trt Thins
Special Price - 25c
Private Lessons, daily 75c
Classes Mon.. Wed. and Kri.
evertinprs, course $2.00
Professional instruction.
X . Plilli
I A I f V ?T1
WW l m
i x mm
u Xi
4 t . -
4 B..
J On the thoroughness of the eye examination de
pends the correctness of the formula by which your
glasses are ground.
J Our system of scientific sight-testing is the result
of painstaking research. It reduces the possibilities
of error to a minimum, assures clearer vision for '
you and perfect-fitting glasses to give you the com
fort sought.
C Therein lies our success.
Our Own Complete Lens Grinding Plant
on the Premises . -
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped,
Exclusive Optical Establislunent.
201 to 211 Corbett BIdg, Fifth and Morrison
Since 1908
CHAS. A. RUSCO, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.
"TJieStore That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash "
Hemstitching Skillfully and
Promptly Executed in Our Art
Goods Section.
Store Opens at 9A. M.
Agents for the Rutlrrfok Pat
terns and Publications AH New
Styles 'ow Shown.
Store Clones at 5:30 P. M.
Just That Which Will Please You Best in All That Is New in
We Have Achieved the Utmost of Your Desire in This Fall Collection
of Styles Favored by Women Who Seek Smartness.
Each garment possesses some feature lifting it above the ordinary, and combining
a striking originality in style motif, and with fabrics of the hour specially suited to
sports, street wear or dress occasions. These special offerings:
at $35J00
A special value right at
the beginning of the season.
Handsome Coats in Norm
andy and Bolivia in styles
in the novelty or conserva
tive sleeves, silk lined, and
with fur wolf or beaverette
collar. All sizes 16 up to
44 in brown, black, navy and
Suits for Every Fancy
At $29.75
At $4210
At $55 DO
In these three popular price
ranges you have selection from
the latest new styles in all popular
materials and colors. Suits that
embody the last word m makmg.
and finish, in such an extensive
showing of models that every taste
can be suited. Don't fail to see
at $29.75
An excellent selection of
styles for the miss, young
lady and matron, in sizes 14
to 44. Beautiful Dresses ini
black Canton Crepes and
navy Poiret Twills. All up-to-the-minute
models, excep
tionally well made and dev.
erly finished and trimmed.
Underpriced for this sale.
Tempting Values in New Fall Fabrics
In Our Fancy Goods Section
Exquisite Spanish Laces at to '4
Most every woman is in search of correct style Laces for the making and trimming of the
new season's garments. Time, trouble and expense will all be saved by a visit to our popular
Fancy Goods section, where you will find unmatchable offerings in the latest and best styles.
Especially do we call your- attention to our new lines of the extremely desirable Spanish Laces
in 36 to 48-inch widths, both Allovers and Flouncings in handsome patterns in two-tone effects
and in plain colors black, navy, tan, silver gray, nile, etc. all prices from 52.50 to i.h0 yard.
Metaline Cloths at 79c Metal Trimmings
A high-grade Metaline Cloth in 36-inch Metal Ribbons, Metal Gauze, Metal, Mar
width in all wanted colors such as silver, quisette, Metal Salambo Cloth, Trirotine,
gold, steel, antique pink, nile blue, wedge- Metal Brocades. Practically all metals for
wood blue, turquoise, jade, coral, tangerine, party dresses, hats and trimmings at re
orange and black. markably low prices.
New Styles in Lace Collarings, 50c to $4JiO Yard.
A big line of new Collar Laces, Round Neck Collaring in Imitation Venice, Net I-acr,
rows of Val Laces, colored Silk Embroidery, etc. Tuxedo Collarings in real Irish Filet, Toint
Venise and Imitation Duchess, Carrick Macross, etc., also a large variety of the Bertha Collar
ings in Georgette, Voile, fine Nets, etc.
Four Special Offerings in
That You'll Be Pleased to Hear About, Particularly Because
of Their Unusual Beauty and Worth
Canton Crepes at $2.95 Yd.
40-inch all-silk Canton Crepes in a full va
riety of colors; a fine even weave, firmly woven.
Dress Velvets at $5.00 Yd.
40-inch Chiffon Dress Velvets in all the cor
rect and wanted colors for street wear and eve
ning wear.
Wool Tricotine at $2.95 Yd.
54-inch all-wool Tricotine in a dcrp.
navy blue; a very durable fabric for fall and
All-Wool Velours $2.50 Yd.
54-inch width in W'm. F. Reed's Dress Mate
rials and Coating Velours in black and colors.
Fashionable Corsets' for Your New Fall Wardrobe
at $129 Pair
Choice frcm model 115 with 10-inch elastic insert a sport corset
of dainty stripe batiste with four wide sections of elastic from waist
line to skirt. Also model 685 in 12-inch, with o-inch elastic top at
bust model 724 in bandeau brocades, especially adapted for stout fig
ures, comes with wide front clasps and elastic insertions at bark. Also
several other fashionable models for the average figures. All in this
sale at one price. Sizes 21 to 28. None exchanged.
The New
For Fall Wear
$330 to $12 JO
Again Fashion has decreed
that the Scarf is a necessary
adjunct to one's fall wardrobe.
Here you will find all the new
and staple styles in Wool, Art
Silk and Silk and Wool Mix
tures in brushed, camelshair,
Angora and basket weave ef
fects. Two-tone, plain shades
and stripe novelties in all col
ors and combinations, at $3.50,
$3.95, $4.50 and up to $12.50.
Women's Imported
Kid Gloves
At $2.75 At $3j00 At $325
Best Styles in Reliable Qualities !
At Popular Prices
In style, fit and durability these fine imported Kid Gloves
will prove most satisfactory. Both one and two-button clasp
styles with Paris point or embroidered back and with P. K. seams.
All sizes and colors.
Shoes and 0::fords
At $2.95 At $435 At $4J5
Three specially priced offerings at a saving of from two to
three dollars a pair choice from fashionable fall styles in black
and brown kid or calfskin with military or Cuban heels. A most
exceptional opportunity for a splendid saving.
Winter Weight Wool-Mixed
Union Suits Special at $1.98
Sizes 36 to 46. A standard make in natural gray shown with long sleeves and in ankle
length. Regular winter weight in all sizes, 36 to 46.
Allen A. Cooper's
$1.95 Suit
Natural gray wool - mixed
Union Suits in spring-needle
knit and form fitting. Winter
weight and regulation style.
Slightly oil stained, but excep
tional value at this special
price. Sizes 34 to 44.
New Stock Outing
Flannels at 25c Yd.
S6-inch width in white and
fancy stripe styles.
Cretonnes at 59c Yd.
36-inch heavy weight Cre-
tonnes in light and dark colorings.
Madras at 39c Yd.
36-inch Curtain Madras in
white and ecn and in attract
ive new patterns.
Challies at 19c Yd.
36-inch Comfort Covering
Challies in an extensive show
ing of styles and colorings.