The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1922, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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$1.40 Value
Fine Quality Nainsook
Ribbed School Hose
King; Air Rifles
The boy will like one of these.
A well-made and finished air
gun that shoots BB shot. A
big value. Each
, Women's
High-Heel Rubbers
Neat, narrow-toed styles with.
For Ford Owners
Radius Rod Cushions
Hot Water Bottle
No. 2 size. Complete with
attachments for use as foun-
tain syringe or hot water bot- M
tie. Monday, . L
$1.60 Value
Bed Spreads
fV-vrV At a A Kas! nmi A V
Standard quality nainsook,
Heavy English ribbed Lose
of mercerized cotton. In black
and brown. A hose for extra
wear. Two pairs
A former $5.10 value. A
cushion, for the radius rod3
that makes riding easier and
safer. Monday, each
full bleached and of very fine
quality with the best finish.
Monday, 10 yards
hemmed, square corners. 1
t rencn neeis. rsiacK omy. a j i
big value for this Monday ' H
Neat pattern. Extra j
Four pairs for.
... Jm
value for this sale,
$1.30 Value
Window Shades
Water color opaque col
ors of dark green and
buff and six feet long. A
quality shade very low
priced for Monday. 2 for
$3.60 Value '
Made of good quality
cloth and in colors of
gray and white. Medium
length. Extra special, f
Monday, 3 pairs mJb
$3.65 Value Glass v
Mixing; Bowl Set
Extra EDecial. 5 bowls. 7
Big; Special
Dress Ginghams
Standard qualities, best
colors and patterns. A
size. Crystal glass. Price $
good while quantities
last. Set
Ward value at a very
low price lor Monday,
Seven yards
Solid pack No. 2Y2 fancy
Eastern Pumpkin, 7 cans for
Extra quality No. 2Y2 whole
Tomatoes, 7 cans for
No. 1 tall cans fancy Red
Alaska Salmon, 5 cans for. .
Regular size package Grape
Nuts, 6 packages for
Fancy quality Rolled Oats,
20 pounds for.
8-ounce fancy Graham
Crackers, 11 packages for. .
Ward's Triangle Club Toma
to Soup, 12 cans for
$1.29 Values
Wool Taffetas
36 inches wide, colors of
plum and gray. Fine qual- $p
ity. Fine school clothes N
material. Monday, yard. .
$1.40 Value
Unbledlhed Muslin
Standard quality, L L
muslin. A known quality
sold the Wardway, very
low priced. Monday, seven
$1.59 Value
Middy Dresses
Made of middy twill cloth,
well made and neatly
trimmed in blue. A good
school dress. Monday spe
cial, each
$1.25 Handy
Bolt Assortment
1 fit) holts of carriage and
machine style. Sizes A $
to , 5 inches long. Handy
and practical. The box. . .
$1.29 Value
Infants' Sweaters
A neat little style for the
baby. White trimmed with M
pinlc ana Diue contrasts.
Well knit and made, Ea.
Values to $1.98
Corsets and Girdles '
Big assortment of broken
sizes in corsets and elas-
tic girdles. Many styles
in pink and white mate
rials.. Each
$L36 Value
Table Damask
A Tipst. flnrsil naH-prn in a
linen finish damask. Good $
quality and weight. A big
special for Monday, 2 yds.
$1.39 Value
Girls' Union Suits
Of fine quality, white cot-
ton ribbed. Has long e-f
sleeves ana legs, a Dig
underwear value. Monday,
$1.18 Value
Bleached Muslin
45 inchest wide, of good
quality and weight. A
standard grade, and priced
lower at this store. 2'i
$1.58 Value
Lawn Camisoles
Attractiwlv stvled. well
ttiaHp und Tipntlv trimmed d
imed t'
witn emDrowery edgings,
lace and ribbon. Monday, w
2 for kuk
... . . . . -R
An efficient little
toaster that gives
the most satisfying
results. Are nickel
plated, and strongly
made, a big $1 value.
AY Portland's B
$1.20 Value
Fancy Dimities
Good quality dimity fe.
neat patterned designs of
choice colors. A fine waist
or lingerie material. 4
Extra Special!
Women's Wool Hose
Knit from all wool worst
ed yarns. Heavy weight
and in colors of black and
heather. Monday, the pair
$1.19 Value
Cheviot Shirting;
Big assortment of the best 3
colors and patterns of this
rename snirting material.
Monday, six yards
$1.35 Value
Expansion Bit
A high-grade bit adjust
able from inch to 1
inches. Add to your tool
equipment at this low
price. Each .-.
$1.69 Value
Girl's School Dress
Dresses of plaids and cot
ton serges m sizes 7 to 14 ffs
years. Well- made, neat TN
styles. Big bargain at,
$1.79 Value
Women's Union Suits
Fine cotton ribbed gar
ments with bodice tops,
loose knee and lace
trimmed. -Exceptional
value, 3 for
$1.20 Value
36-Inch Silkolene
Neat, light colors and of
the best patterns. This
fine comforter or drapery
material for Monday, 5
Rubber Mats for
Ford Cars
For both touring and road
sters. A '.mat of such tfj
quality as to give good, v
long service. Monday,
$1.20 Value
Dotted Swiss
Plain white with colored
dots. Of very fine quality,
a neat material for win
dow drapes. Monday, 4
$1.38 Value
Made of good quality out
ing flannels of neat pat
terns and colors. A warm,
comfortable garment. Two
$1.49 Value
Georgette Crepe
Good quality of this fa
vorite silk material in
many colors. A big value
in this big sale, Monday,
$2.35 Value
Gray enamel set of water
pail, wash basin and dip- tj
per. A big value in house- Q
hold utensils. The set.... ui
$1.52 Flouncing Value
Good quality Swiss flouncings. Neat
patterns of embroidery on a finely woven
material. 16 inches wide with embroidery
work 6 inches deep. 4 yards
$1.26 Value Pillow Cases
Good quality, bleached pillow cases,
45x36 inches in size. Finished with a
wide hem. A saving opportunity in
quality housefurnishings. Three for. . . .
Women's $4.19
One-Strap Pumps
A neat styled shoe in a
dark brown. Made with
a baby Louis heel and
a medium weight sole.
Extra value at an ex
treme low price. Monday the pair
Women's Outing
Flannel Gowns
Made of good quality out
ing flannels- of good colors
and patterns. Neat styles
and well made. Monday,
Watch Value
Every man or boy ' can
have a good reliable
watch at this low price.
Is an accurate time
keeper, stem set and.
wind, nickel-plated.
' Showing the Latest Arrivals in
More new coats have been received this week, and as usual they
are most attractive in style and are very Jow priced. Compare
these prices.
Fur - Collared
Velour COATS
As illustrated, right. Trimmed
with large beaverette fur collar
and embroidery. Full Venetian
lined in brown, navy and black.
Silvertone Velour
$ 15.75
As illustrated, left. A beauti
ful coat in navy blue, trimmed
with throw scarf and embroid
ery stitching.
Overcoats in the Latest
Styles for Fall arid
Winter Wear
Men and boys will find the biggest over
coat values at this store. Well tailored and
finished throughout, made of fabrics that
are serviceable, of neat patterns and good
colors. These few prices quoted here are
on garments that are exceptional values
at these low prices. The Wardway pays.
Big Value Men's
All-Wool Overcoats
An attractive style for menand young men.
Made in a double-breasted "style in a belted
model. Is full lined and has convertible
collar. In colors of brown and green mix
tures. An exceptional value and very low
priced. Sizes range from 35 up to 40.
A most attractive overcoat for the man
who dresses conservatively. Is a full-lined
coat with a velvet collar and- of a color of
dark oxford that is nearly black. A coat
of quality, well made and one that will
give several seasons' wear. A big ,value.
To get to this
store take a D-M
orN-Scar to 27th
and Thurman
J -
Big Monday Special
A sturdy wagon of all-steel
construction. Wood floor in
body. A big value for the
children's enjoyment. Mon
day special, each
Big Special!
Women's Pursed
Big assortment of leather i
and fabric purses in many i
attractive shapes and
sizes. Big values and sold
at only
Step Plates
A plain, neat step plate
that will add to the at
tractiveness bf f
your car and save
wear on the run- fl
ning board tiu
Imm iiiM Ommt Warn
' Satisfaction Guaranteeaor bur Money Sack J
'27th and Vaughn Sts., Portland, Oregon
iggest oargain
the Boys
Extra Value!
Automatic Pencils
Silver-plated automatic
pencils that are always
ready, always sharp. Well
made and finished. 'Each
Tire Pump.
A quick acting, high
pressure, singla-cylinder
oumD at a verv fl
low price. 18 inches $
long. Monday, each
ui'-- at!
Ward's Quality Rugs
at Special Low Prices
We are showing new arrivals in standard quality rugs of the choic
est patterns and colors. Sizes and colors that will be found desir
able for any room in the house. Each rug mentioned here is of
different pattern and size and priced lower than elsewhere.
Tapestry Rugs
Size 9x12 feet..S19.50
a: oimi
Size 9x12 feet.. 22.95
Size 7'2x9 feet $15.90
Size 9x12 feet.. $21.95
Size 9x12 feet. .$25.95
Size 8!4xlO2..$23.00
Size 9x12 feet.. $25.75
Seamless Velvet Rugs
Size 84xl02
Size 9x12 feet
Size 8x10'
. $22.80
. $37.90
. $33.95
$ 45
In this assortment
are overcoats of
dark heather mix
tures, in heavy, all
wool materials. Made
in double-breasted
style with belt and
full lined.
$2.10 Value Skirt Marker
Substantially made and is adjustable up
to 14 inches. Has adjustable pinning
plate. A big bargain lor the home dress
maker. Monday, each
$1.50 Clothes Line Value
"A solid wire clothes line of galvanized
wire that will not rust The clothes line
of a lifetime use. In coils of 100" feet
each. Monday, 2 coils for
Food Chopper
While the quantities last
we will sell this substantial
ly made chopper at this low
price. Is heavily tinned,
has three food choppers
and a nut grinder. A big
value in kitchen utensils at a low price.
Big Box
Fine Stationery
A box of 24 sheets and
envelopes of high - grade
paper in a neat attractive
box. Fine for gifts. The
Spark Plugs
A C plugs, our regular
72c value. Made with a
special ribbed
porcelain with -saw-tooth
edge !,
that helps in V?
burning off car- I1
bon. 2 for aU
Size 9x12 feet.. $32.95
Size 9x12 feet.. $34.75
Size SYiXlOYz. .$39.95
Size 9x12 feet.. $38.50
Size 8!4xl0'2..$33.95
Size 9x12 feet.. $44.95
Size 8,txl0'2..$42.95
Size 9x12 feet..$
Size 9x12 feet . . $29.75
Size 9x12 feet . . $25.25
Size 9x12 feet . . $36.25
M1B3 Jr
A gray herringbone material with a plaid
back made up in a dressy coat that is full
of wearing duality and style. Iouble
breasted style with convertible collar and
full belt; a real winter overcoat. Sizes to 42.
Heavy Weight
Overcoats .
A dark gray overcoat of heavy Melton cloth.
An attractive, double-breasted style with
yoke lining. A well tailored garment of
excellent wearing qualities at a low price.
Boys' Overcoats
Here is an overcoat
value incomparable.
Dark brown color,
of a good heavy
weight; a belted,
double-b reasted
style. Sizes 12 to 15
Store hours 8:30
A. M. to 5 P. M.
Cafeteria on the
fourth floor.
l-quart size Royal Double
Boiler for
6-cup size Royal Muffin
Tins, 2 for
4-quart size Royal Convex
Kettle for
3-quart size Royal Covered
Sauce Pan for
Royal Round-style Roaster
$1.20 Percale Value
Big assortment of the best affl
colors and patterns. Good rl
heavy quality and stand- n
ard grade. Monday, seven t
Extra Values in
Bungalow Aprons
New, attractive styles in
good wash materials. Neat
colors and patterns. Am- Y
pie quantities to choose
from. Each a
$1.25. Value
Wire Stretcher
Stretches either barbed or
woven wire fences. Self
locking amd is complete
with 15 feet rope. Each
$1.25 Value "
Huck Towels '
Extra quality huck towels
of finely woven fabric.
Full bleached and trimmed
with colored borders. Five
Comforter Size
Cotton Batts
Made of good grade cot
ton, clean and well pre
pared. A big saving for
making bed comforters.
$2.05 Value
Lineman's Pliers
Klein pattern, 8 inches
long and made of forged
steel. Well made and fin
ished and a big value at
$1.98 Value
Silk and Wool Poplin
40 inches wide and in a
good assortment of colors
to choose from. Good
quality and low priced.
The yard
$1.18 Value
Bleached Sheeting
Of good quality, best fin
ish and is 72 inches wide.
A big household value sold
at a low price. Two yards
Lunch Cloths
Size 45x45 inches. Excel
lent aualitv in neat pat
terns of blue. Hemstitched.
A big Monday trpecial
Plain WTiite
Scrim Curtains
Full size curtains of fine
quality scrim. Hemmed
and edging trimmed. A
big housefurnishing value,
3 pairs
Glass Toweling
$1.29 Value
Very fine quality, of firm
weave with red cross-bars.
Fine toweling for tea and
dish towels. 7 yards
$1.25 Value
Steel Hammer
Made of crucible steel and
is fitted with a hickory-
handle. Your dollar does double
duty here in this bargain
C 2D
3 Glass Lights
Set of three for renr Ford
curtains. Each glass in
metal sash ready to at
tach. Big value. Monday
per set
$1.45 Value
Kimono Flannels
Printed flannelettes of the
best patterns and colors.
Standard quality at a low
price. Monday, 5 yardn. . .
$1.26 Value
Outing Flannels
Ample quantities of both
light and dark colors in
good patterns. . Good
weights in standard quali
ties. 6 yards
$1.29 Value
Muskrat Traps
spring trap that
catches and holds them
Non - break spring. De.
pendable and low priced
Seven for
$1.58 Value
Mercerized Voiles
Fine quality, house and JJ1
street dress material, til
Choice patterns and col- y
ors. A bargain for Mon- (
day, 3 yards ah
Bloomer Dresses
A nrat little dress in
chambray and ginghams
of pink and blue colors.
Well made and trimmed.
S1.15 Value
Eden Cloth
Yards and yards of this
favorite kimono and gown
material. Neat patterns
and colors. Dig special,
6 yard
1 " Montgomery Ward (?.
If you H-v
out of" town
I VJLK X 1.1.13 l i
Mail iht Coupon to-day
fur Our 'w t'mil ialv.
Customer. who liv out of town
and cannot viHtt thin hg utorn
"Pomona 1 ly. should tnd for our new
fall catalog and avail thm!-l vr of
our low prices- by making thlr
selections right In their own home
and ahopplnic with us by mail.
Our blT, new, Golden JuhMee
catalog- in now rady for mailing
and Is yours for the ankintf.
Mall Order fthipprsl
WlthlM 4H Honrs.
We nnotinre a perfrtd erv-
ir for you. At tr a year's work
and atudy. ortHinatlnr nnl in
nw avHlcma. and tnip.oytnir (iiri,
w have prf"ti , new syttf tTi
that mnkfi certain a very cjuick
and satisfactory servlcs to you.
Prar finally vry rdr that cornea
to Montgomery, Ward tk. 'n., thm
ason will bs actually shipped nn-1
on its way to you within hour
after it reaches us.
Lower price, better merchandise
and now a better nervic). True it
U, indeed, that "Mnntornrv, Ward
t Co , the oitjeat mall order houae,
is today th moat prugreani ve."
Mull Tki CoHpos Today
I Mont
To MOTOWKRr W4ltl A in.
Ieu 31. A A.. Portlam, Orrgom.
PI it me mall me my f rr copy f
aromery Ward'i io1de Jahtlr