1 Section One 1Q4 Pages Nine Sections V VOX. XLI XO. 40 Entered a.t Portland (Oregon PoatoffW its Scord-c!-n Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1922 s PRICE FIVE CENTS INEW DRIVE AIMED I AT REPUBLICANS BRITISH COtlTROL ALLIflffllB Erenkeui Is Evacuated By Turk Forcas U-BOAT TO ATTEMPT FORGES LINED UP 1922 TO BE RECORD BUILDING YEAR HERE PERMITS FOR NINE MOXTHS AGGREGATE $18,544,330. ICEBERG IS STRUCK; STEAMER IS BEACHED II H I FA (HUT1! seven persons hurt H. n. LLn UUMiJ ,N traffic SMASHES 'TO REACH NORTH POLE JOB WITH FAIR IXVENTOK OF SPIXXIXG COM- XONE OF CREW OF KETCHI KAX IS IXJCRED. THREE DRIVERS ARRESTED FOLLOWING CRASHES. PASS LAUNCHES PROJECT. FOR NOVEMBER Kema! Is Reported to Be Ready to Meet Allies in Peace Parley. UPRISING DANGER IS LESS Large Force of English In fantry Is Landed in Constantinople. Constantinople:, sept. 30. (By the Associated Press.) Th Ketmalists have evacuated Eren Keul. and the British now control the whole coast of the narrows from ghanalt to Kara Bournou. The latter point possf-sses an excellent key, enablinc warships to anchor in deep water. The mission of M. Franklin Bouillon to Smyrna, where he went to confer with Kemal Pasha, has been successful, according to an nouncement by the iFrench officials here. lie is coming to Constan tinople tomorrow by the cruiser Melz, probably to consult with Gen eral Harington. Censorship la Established. The British have established a wartime censorship. Hereafter the .-nention of names of regiments. ! heir strength and destinations will be prohibited. Mustapha Kemal Pasha's note in reply to the second request from General Harington for the with drawal of the Keinalist troops from . he Chenak zone, in which the Turk ish nationalist leader said his forces would be withdrawn "slightly" if the British were prepared to with draw their. forces also, read as fol lows: '1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram dated September 27, Atrocities Are Alleged. Tou can easily appreciate the ex tent to which we have been moved by the atrocities and acts of vio lence which continue in Thrace. "On the. other hand, with regard to the sending away of the Greek fleet from Constantinople, which will influence the military situa tion, we desire proof that it will not be allowed to return. "We would also like to hope that you will give up the measures of extraordinary coercion adopted by the forces of occupation towards the inhabitants of Constantinople as well as the prohibition upon shipping to all ports In Anatolia. "So far as the proposed acts of destruction in Constantinople, as well as In Chanak. are concerned. It is illegal to destroy property, while the arms and ammunition also belong to us. "Notwithstanding the unilateral decision taken without our consent as a new measure, in order to rvoid misunderstandings we have given orders to the officer com manding our troops at Chanak for our troops to remain in the local ities wherein they now are and to avoid giving rise to incidents. 'Should you be prepared to with draw your forces from the Asiatic coast, in the same way as the French and the Italians, we are prepared to give forth with orders to our forces which are on the coast of the straits to withdraw slightly and to content themselves with re-establishing the civil ad ministration and the police. "Although I 'am returning to An. f ora In order to get in touch with ( Concluded on Page 4. Column 2.) ' J pr ' jT I 1 " IHE. HAY FEVER. VICTIM VAYS : FM-t ' (O)HE. WAY UOOKVWG At r (OFF AC IN ,ON ftGlN ' t WA SONIE. STrVtE, FcUX H. CeVrAMGrN "5TfMVTS BAY Bfc AV-- TUXVZ. 0. soli B-OCOL GONE." ACIN C0N5TAfH"rme Vl lYH A VC.VJ5H QUO NOCa F-Cr gE- " " U ' I German Shipyards Assert Ability to Build Craft Suitable for Polar Trip. BERLIN. Sept. 30. (By the Asso elated Press.) "To the north pole in a U boat." This is the slogan be hind a project launched by Dr. An schuetz-Kaempf, inventor of the spinning compass, which is being in creasingly used in the world's ship pings after distinguishing itself on German submarines during the war. The German shipyards have re plied favorably to an inquiry by Dr. Anschuetz-Kaempf as to whether they could build a suitable U-boat for a polar expldition. He specified a submarine of 500 tons, manned by eight men with a cruising radius of 10,00 rrtiles, capable of remaining submerged 15 hours at a time. Her capacity would be sufficient to hold provisions and equipments for two years. The promoter -of the project be lieves such a submarine could reach the pole more quickly than any other style of craft. BREACH SUIT IS DENIED Bride Knows Nothing of Action Against Dr. Earl Connell. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, Sept. 30. Three days a bride, the wife of Dr. Karl Con nell of Omaha. Neo., spent part of today in her room at the Drake notel, assuring interested question ers that there wasr entirely no foun dation to the $50,000 breach of promise suit fHed, according to a dispatch, by another woman against her husband 24 hours after he was married. The complainant, who alleges that Dr. Connell broke a promise to marry her when he married his present bride, was Violet Johnstone of New York, according to the dispatch. . It's entirely without foundation, of course," said Mrs. Connell. "I donf know the girl I never met her all that is way back in his life, anyway. His attorneys will take care of it for him. No. my husband isn't here. He's out." SPEED "COP" INJURED J. E. Lillard or Albany Is Victim of Crash With Vehicle. SALEM. Or., Sept. 30. (Special.) J. E. Llllard, traffic officer for the city of Albany, was brought to a Salem hospital today suffering from serious injuries of the head and bruises of the body. Mr. Lillard was on his way to Portland by motorcycle and had reach a point near Woodburn when his machine crashed into gasoline motor car on the lines of the Southern Pacific. When picked up Mr. Lillard was unconscious and it was first feared that he had suffered from. a frac ture of the skull. Physicians said that Mr. Lillard would be com pelled to remain in the hospital for several days. EDITOR IS SENTENCED Day in Jail and .$1 Fine Ordered for Criticising Court Opilnon. DES MOINES, la., Sept. 30. Aus tin Haines, editor of the Des Moines News, today was sentenced to one day in jail and fined 81 by District Court Judge Hume for criticising an opinion handed down by the judge several months ago in connection with the recent attempted repeal of street car franchise ordinances. Haines" attorneys announced that an appeal would be taken to the su preme court, despite the editor's insistence that he was ready to be gin his jail sentence at once. ASSEMBLY SESSION ENDS Six Xon-Permanent Members of League Council Elected. GENEVA, Sept. 30. (By the Asso ciated Press.)The third assembly of the League of Nations adjourned sine die at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The six non-permanent members of the council of the league were elected today by the assembly. They are Brazil. Spain, Uruguay. Bel gium, Sweden and China. Forty- live states voted. It was the first time such an election had been decided on the first ballot. The assembly also adopted the new scheme for apportionment of the expenses of the league. Campaign irvy$tates On .Krnest. ELEGTION OUTCOME PUZZLE Character of Next Congress Up to People. LABOR NOW IS EMPLOYED Condition Counted Favorable to Republicans; Farmers, on Other Hand, Unhappy. BT MARK SULLIVAN. (Copyrtght. 1922. by New York Evening i'ost. Inc. Fubtisbed by Arranemem. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 30. (Special.) With the one exception of Rhode Island, all the party pri maries and party conventions have been held; all the candidates for the senate- in the 33 states, in which there will be senatorial elections have been named, and all the nom inations for congress in all the states have been completed. We are, therefore, fully launched on the campaign, and it is possible to make a preliminary survey of the conditions and personalities in volved, the issues which will figure in the contest and the status of public feeling, partly local and partly general, which, more' - than anything else, will determine the election. First of all, the state of business. For the moment, with some ex ceptions to be mentioned later, this favorable to the republicans. Labor is generally employed, and at rising wages. Some months ago. when the republican party managers first surveyed the situation and dug into conditions, they said among themselves that by election day thers would not be an unemployed man in the country who was willing to work. A little later on, when the two strikes threatened to affect fuel and transportation in such a way aa to throw industry out of joint on a large scale, these same re publican managers had some fear lest this hope might not be fulfilled. Now, however, the strikes are out of the way and labor is as fully em ployed as it wants to be. In fact, large employers are finding it nec essary to raise wages in order to keep their men. Just- last week, in deed, some of us in Washington ob served one of those fugitive but' pregnant' incidents indexes of in dustrial conditions which we had not formerly noticed since the war; namely, the agent of a northern cor poration passing through Washing ton on his way to Alabama to try to steal away some negro labor and take it north. So far as. labor is concerned, its condition is such as to make al together unlikely that kind of un employment and discontent which would cause it to vote against the party in power. But it is chiefly of labor alone that this Is so. The em ployer of labor has a different story to tell. His mines and factories and railroads are for the most part busy, but they are busy at rising wages. Employers and heads of big 'cor porations are not confident that they are making money and arep prehenslve about the final net re sults of their current operations. The dislocation caused by the inter ruption of fuel and transportation will show its effects on the books of corporations for many months to some. The employers and corpora tion heads are, in fact, rather acutely discontented with the ad ministration. This discontent has expressed itself in campaign "contributions, or, rather, in the lack of them, and In the site of the party funds for the management f the campaign. When the republican managers were so liciting contributions they had fre quent experiences of pointed re fusal. At one time a solicitor of (Concluded on Pa.Ko 2. Column 1. ) EVENTS Increase Is 40 Per Cent Over 1921; Bank Clearings and Postal Receipts Gain. , Building activity In Portland this year will break all records in the city's history.. This was apparent yesterday when the city building in spector's office announced that the aggregate of permits issued for the first nine months had reached the sum of S18.544.330. The previous record was in 1910 when permits totaled 120,886,202 for 12 months. Records for the first nine months of 1822 ending- yesterday showed a gain of more than' 40 per cent over th same period of last year. Permits In September totaled 1890 with an aggregate value of 11,530, 195. Of this number 283 permits were for the erection of residences, aggregating 81,002,655. Permits in September of last year numbered 1571 with a valuation of 81,789.195. The poorer showing for September of 1922 is attributed largely to a shortage of cement which held up many building jobs. The, commercial and financial ac tivities of Portland showed strength in September, though the country generally suffered due to the rail road and coal strikes. Bank clearings for September totaled $142,652,947.52 compared with 8141,181,490.38 for the same month last year, a gain of 81.471,457.14. Postal receipts showed a gain of 20.8 per cent during the last month over September of 1921. ART TO BE EXHIBITED Water Colors and - Photographic Work Make l"p Fine Display. An exhibition of water color painting and photographic art work will be held this week at the studio home of C. Ford Richardson, Art cliff, situated on tile Milwaukle highway. Just before crossing the bridge into the town of Milwaukle. The water colors are the work of J. Marion Crook, fellow of the Royal salon of London. England, who has exhibited in Portland and notably at the Portland Chamber of Commerce. The exhibition is open t the pub lic between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. and 7 P. M. to 9 P. M., and continuing all week. ' ABERDEEN WOMEN FILE Two in Race for Seats In Aber deen, Wash., Council. ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept. 30. Two women filed for seats in the city council this morning, marking the second local invasion of munici pal politics by women. Mrs. Rose Messer seeks the second ward seat, and Mrs. Charles Buck that of the fourth. Another woman is expected to file Monday. The primary will be No vember 6. PROVIDENCE IN DESPAIR Little Rhode's Capital Declared Drunker Than Ever. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Sept. 30. Drunkenness in Providence has in creased 85 per cent since 1919, when prohibition first became effective. Official figures, of the police com mission of this city make this showing. STEEL RAILS ORDERED Pennsylvania System Contracts for 170,000 Tons Xext Year. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 30. The Pennsylvania railroad system today announced it had contracted for 170,000 tons of steel rails for deliv ery next year. The 1922 contract amounted to 160,000 tons. SHOWERS ARE FOREGAST Unsettled Weather Predicted for Oregon and Washington. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 30. Weather outlook for the week be ginning Monday for Pacific states is: Generally fair In California, un settled and occasional showers in Washington and Oregon, normal temperature. OF THE WEEK AS SEEN BY CARTOONIST iim io5.o Cargo Is to Be Lightered In Ef fort to Float and Re pair Steamer. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. SO. The Alaska Steamship company's steam er Ketchikan struck an iceberg In Icy strait, Alaska, at 2 o'clock this morning and was beached. None of the crew or SO was in jured, according to wireless advices received here. Icy strait is between Cape Spencer and Juneau in Southeastern Alaska. The Ketchikan was beached in Pints, cove, near Point Adolphus. the radio messages stated. The vessel was southward bound to Seattle from Port AJthrop, on Prince William sound, with a cargo of 3000 tons of salmon, herring and ore. There were no passengers aboard. Barges ' are being sent from Ju neau and Petersburg, Alaska, to lighter the cargo of the steamship Ketchikan. Dispatches from Juneau stated that the Ketchikan would be able to proceed to Seattle on her own power after being lightered and re ceiving temporary repairs. The Ketchikan, formerly known as the Eureka, is a steel steamer of 2373 gross tons, built in Loraine, Ohio, in 1899. The vessel Is 237.S feet lontf, 42 feet beam and 23.4 feet depth. Icy strait, near Point Adolphus, was the scene of a similar accident several years ago when the Alaska Steamship company's freighter Yuc atan struck a drifting iceberg and was beached to avoid sinking. MAYORALTY IS BEGGING Xobody Wants to Accept Office in Gresham; Sleeting Called. f Nobody wants to be mayor of Gresham, yet Gresham wants and needs a mayor. There is no doubt that a mayor is a necessary fixture, so a citizens' mass meeting has been called for October 11 in Metz Kefs hall to consider the dilemma and to choose somebody to fill the post. The present mayor, K. A. Miller. has declard that due to press of business he will not accept for an other term. Other business men have made known thoir disinclina tion to take the office. Three positions on the council seem likewise to be about to go begging. CALIFORNIA HEN WONDER World's Egg-Laying ' Record Is Broken by White Leghorn. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., Sept. 30. The world's egg-laying record was broken here today, according to of ficials of the California Farm Bu reau federation, when "Columbia Belle," a White Leghorn hen belong ing to Alexander Stewart of Santa Cruz laid her 324th egg on the last day of a farm bureau contest that has been in progress for a year The former record was 315 eggs in a year, made in 1921, by a pure White Leghorn from the Hollywood poultry farm of Hollywood. Wash. SHOPMEN WILL RETURN Fort Smith & Western Signs Agreement With Strikers. MUSKOGEE, Okla., Sept. 30. The Fort Smith & Western railroad has signed an agreement with its strik ing shopmen and they will return to work at 6 o'clock Monday morn ing, according to United States Marshal Henry Cooper. He said today he would withdraw all his guards on the road at that hour. KLAMATH LANDS OPENED Secretary Fall Signs Order for 10,000-Acre Project. THE OREGON IAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, D. C, Sept. 30. An order opening to settlement on Octo ber 27 10,000 acres of tule lands under the Klamath irrigation proj ect in Klamath county, Oregon, was formally signed by Secretary of the Interior Fall today. Secretary Resigns to At- ' tend to Business. STATE SHOW SUCCESSFUL Exhibit Will Have Profit in Spite of Rains. SHRINERS VISIT SALEM Portland Temple With Patrol and Band Attends Display; Pats on Drills for Visitors. ; SALEM, Or., Sept. 30. (Special.) A. H. Lea. for the past seven years secretary of the Oregon state fair board, submitted his resignation to the fair board at a meeting held here tonight. Mr. Lea urged that his resignation be made effective at 12 o'clock tonight, but out of cour tesy for the board he agreed to re main here for ten days in order to dispose of all details in connection with the fair that closed late today When Mr. Lea first assumed the secretaryship of the Oregon state fair it was a miniature institution and was not recognized by the American Fair association. Today It Is considered one of the great fair institutions in the United States and probably excels any show of its kind west of Illinois. Every Fair Shows Profit. Every fair conducted under the direction of Mr. Lea has returned a profit to the state, and approxi mately 8500.000 has been spent in improvements during his adminis tration. These improvements In cluded the erection of the horse show stadium, machinery building, poultry building, band stand and construction of all the present hard surface Btreets and sidewalks. The race track also has been Improved materially under Mr. Lea's direc tion, while numerous other minor improvements are Included in his achievements. The growth of exhibits at the fair during the past seven years has been remarkable, fair officials saM, while the education features have progressed by leaps and bounds. In the language of one of Oregon's foremost agricultural and livestock promoters. Mr. Lea has built an In stitution that will ever stand as a monument to his untiring efforts. Bulieu Kress Attention. Mr. Lea said tonight that it was necessary for him-to resign in or der that he may give his personal and business affairs proper atten tion. He had intended to sever his connection with the fair a few months ago, out because of his familiarity with the institution he was urged by the board to remain in office until the close of this year's event. It was said here tonight that Mrs. Ella Wilson, for a number of years assistant secretary of the fair board, will be retained . In her present position. When it became known tonight that Mr. Lea had resigned he was besieged by many livestock and agricultural men and urged to re consider his decision. This he re fused to do, although he promised his many friends that' he would ever be found ready nd willing to assist in maintaining the high standard attained by the Oregon state fair. Following tonight's meeting of the board It was announced that another meeting will be held two weeks hence. Whether Mr. Lea's resignation will be accepted will be determined 5 1 that time. Fair In Successful. Despite that It rained three days during the past week the Oregon state fair fo'r the year 1922 was a financial success. This was an nounced here tonight by A. H. Lea, secretary of 'the fair board, when (Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.) PERRY. Series of Automobile Accidents Keeps Police and Physicians Busy Handling Situation. Seven persons were Injured and three drivers arrested, as ths re sult of a series of automobile ac cidents yesterday, which kept ths police and physicians busy during the afternoon. A horse and wagon contested the right of way with an automobile; another car, travel ing 40 miles an hour, attempted to beat a second machine at ""a crossing; a drunken driver, pursued by a policeman, crashed with a car at a busy Intersection. While no fatalities will result from the mishaps, two persons, both elderly, may be crippled for some time as a result of the accidents. Four persons were Injured ss a result of the haste of J. J. Moore, an undertaker, who lives st 436 East Forty-seventh street North Moore, whose car was said to have been traveling at a rate of 40 miles an hour, was proceeding south '.n East Forty-seventh street. Paul Jones of Gladstone, with five pas sengers In his machine, was going west in East Halsey street. Seeing that a collision was In evitable, both drivers attempted to turn off at right angles. The rear of the cars, skidding, met with a terrific Impact. Mrs. Jennie Trant. 76. suffered a broken arm; Mrs. Carrie Tate, her daughter, was Injured in the chest; Eva and Paul Jones, t and 12, re spectively, were badly cut and bruised. The four, passengers In Jones' car, were taken to the home of a relative,, Mrs. John Pearson. 578 East Sumner street. Verl Moore. 13. son of the driver of the other car. was cut badly by flying glass. Motorcycle Officer Mobley.' who investigated the accident, held that Moore had the right of way at the Intersection, -but that his speed was excessive. Accordingly he charged the two drivers with reckless driv ing. Both were released on the promise to appear in court tomor row. Bradford Smith, an elderly man who resides at 5241 East Fifty-second -street, was injured badly when his one-horse wagon was struck by an automobile at East Forty-second and Holgate streets shortly before noon. Smith was turning from Forty-second into Holgate street when an automobile registered to Mrs. J. W. Smith of .Tlgard struck the wagon and threw the driver to the pavement. Smith, suffering from a broken hip, was sent to the Portland sanitarium. The driver of the car failed to report the accident by 6 P. M.. and Traffic Officer Mobley, who Investigated the case, was instructed to swear out a war rant for the woman's arrest in case she failed to appear at police head quarters by noon today. A. Dickson, 28 years old. a sales man, went to Jail on a charge of driving an automobile while Intoxi cated after his car had rammed s Lniachine driven by H. W. Wise. 1600 Heron street, at Broadway and Wil liams avenue. In the afternoon. Po lice Sergeant Clements, driving over the Broadway bridge, observed Dick son's erratic drivlngand gave chase. Before he could catch up with his man Dickson had driven his auto nto the other car. Neither machine was badly damaged. J. P. Irvine, 859 Halsey street. was run down and slightly Injured at Fourth and Alder streets at about 4 o'clock by a car driven by Dan Erlckson, 704 Lovejoy street. Irvine was taken to the police emer gency hospital by Erickson and after treatment sent to his home. The driver was exonerated by the police. , ENGINEER AVERTS LOSS Whistle Awakens Citizens and Heavy Damage Is Prevented. DAVENPORT. Ia., Sept 30. The warning whistle of a Rock Island engine, drawing a fast freight train through Wilton, la., at 3 o'clock this morning, awakened the citizens and prevented a big fire loss. The blaze was checked at the Swift Produce company's stores and barn with a loss of 85000. The en gineer saw the blaze, blew the whistle and aroused the peopls. Independent Rash Now Breaking Out. BODY POLITIC IS AFFLICTED Old Practices Ditched, Old Precedents Ignored. PLANS CAREFULLY LAID Purpose Evidently Is lo Sap Foundations of Party; Whole Stale Sernm Affected. Among the many queer quirts which the campaign la Oregon Is de veloping this year is the popping up of Independent candidates like a rash on the body politic. It Is a most unusual occurrence for Inde pendents to get Into the general lection, for the primaries normally iron out differences and. If sore spots remain, thry dn not develop Into independent candidacies. As a rule a republican nomination In this state, especially for a posi tion In the legislature or a strictly county office, is tantamount to f lec tion. The man. or woman, who is triumphant in the republican prl marirs Is considered as good as elected, and few there are who have the temerity to blossom out in op position as an independent asainst a republican nominee. This year, however, the staid and familiar practices of politics are be ing tossed to the vagrant winds and precedents are bring disregarded. A persistent and Insidluous under ground movement Is In progress which Is designed to rap the founda tions of the republican paVty organ ization. Politics Is certainly mak ing strange bedfellows In thts cam paign. Plan arefullr I.sld. Without exception, the Independ ents are being set up against repub lican nominees, whether the office be state or county. Slate Super lntendent of Public Instruction Churchill had no opposition In the primaries, but a group of men in Portland, assembled as 100 voters, has nominated an Independent against him. State Labor Commis sioner Oram, who won the repub lican nomination in May over oppo sition, Is now confronted by an Inde pendent, nominated .by the same group of 10i that pitted nn inde pendent against Mr. Churchill. And the same group also nominated an Independent for public service com missioner against T. K. Campbell, republican nominee. This' group styled itself the Oregon Educational league. Those who watch the ebb and (low of politics are of the opinion that this recent Independent movement is a carefully worn! out plan that the various mcetingM cf 100 voters In Portland and other places are all part of an extensive pro gramme. Observers claim to not a connection between there various in dependents, and what makes the appearance of independent at the eleventh hour the more noViccable -Is that In past campaigns ruch can didates were as scarce as whit blackbirds. Their very number ban aroused the suspicion tnat these In dependents didn't "Just happen. " inker onferenees Held, The republican platform confer ence was not the only conference held In Portland recently. Delegates from secret society lodges, which are actively engaged In politics, alto have been dropping Into town to talk things over. Roy W. Rltner. president of the state senate, who was unopposed for renomlnatlon in the republican pri maries and who also received ths democratic nomination .In L'matllht county, has an Independent against him. The same people who see backing the Independent were epon- (.'onrlurtfl