wif$ Section One Pages 1 to 24 1Q4 Pages Nine Sections PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XL.I NO. 39 Entered it Portland f Oregon Poetof fie aa Seeonr1-cia.s Matter. PORTLAND,- OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTE3IBER 24, 1922 'S TITLES ARMY DIRIGIBLE C-2 SIX ARE KILLED GRAND ARMY RALLIES FIRE DOES $15,000 TO DEFEND LINCOLN, DAMAGE TO CHURCH POLITICAL FIGHT $1,500,000 BLAZE HITS ATLANTA, GA. FIRK I-V RETAIL. DISTRICT IS t'XDER COXTROIi. CROSSES CONTINENT WORLD ALLIES CODE ALL IBS ASK Peace Terms Sent to Nationalist Chief. N FALLING PLANE IS TO BE HUGE ARMY AIRSHIP FIRST RESOLUTION RAPPING CON FEDERATES PROBABLE. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN ED IFICE SWEPT. OF TYPE TO MAKE TRIP. HOT 01 WDH AT HDUHD-UP Huge Crowd Thrilled as Steers Throw Riders. V EMLT PARLEY IS ASKED British Reversal of Policy Viewed as French Dip lomatic Victory. DECISION IS BIG SURPRISE Freedom of Bosphorus; Dar danelles, Sea of Mar mora Demanded RESULTS OP AUIED CON FERENCE OJT TURKEY. Return of Turkey to Europe is assured by agreement to concede "all nationalist peace terms. Claims to eastern Thrace to Mantza river. including Adrianople, approved. Kemalists in return must agree not to enter present neutral zone along straits and must accept freedom of Dar danelles, Sea of Marmora and Bosphorus, preferably under league of nations. British reversal of policy regarded as great diplomatic victory for French. PARIS, Sept. 23. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The return of Tur key to Europe was assured tonight when Great Britain, France and Italy at the final session of the allied conference agreed unani mously to concede all the national ist peace terms. The turkish claims to eastern Thrace to the Maritza river and including the ancient Turkish capital of Adrianople were approved as peace terms that can be supported by France, Great Britain and Italy in a joint invita tion sent to Mustapha Kemal Pasha, the nationalist leader, to a peace conference to be held at Venice at the earliest possible date. The Kemalists must agree in re turn not to enter the present neu tral zone along the straits, nor make any crossing elsewhere, and must accept complete freedom of the Dardanelles, the Sea of Mar mora and the Bosphorus, prefer ably under the league of nations. Immediate Meeting Urged. The invitation which was cabled tonight by M. Poincare to Kemal Pasha personally urged an imme diate meeting of the allies and the Turkish and Greek generals at Mudania to formulate terms of a,n armistice pending the conference. It was regarded as virtually cer tain that Kemal would accept the conditions and a reply is expected from Smyrna in a day or two. In addition to other concessions, Turkey gets a promise of the sup port of the three allies for admis sion to the league of nations and also withdrawal of the allied troops from Constantinople as soon as peace becomes effective. . The allied decision came as a big (Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.) OtTh Hows To see .YvU'S. eov.. ... -T-V-T CANMlKfT RFA5r-eJ C LlCiSE, Transcontinental Voyage Begins In Virginia and Is Completed at Ross Field, California. ROSS FIELD, Arcadia, Cal.. Se.pt. 23. The army dirigible C-2 , com pleted its transcontinental flight today, arriving here at 6:58 P. M. The C-2 left Langley field. New port News, Va., September 14 and made the trip without serious mis hap. V , No attempt was made to establish any record for speed or endurance. The- last leg of the trip was made from Yuma, 250 miles distant. The C-2 left Nogales at 6:15 A. M. and completed the 220-mile trip to Yuma at 1:20 P. M., more than an hour behind her schedule. The delay was due to a forced landing at Ajo, Ariz., owing to motor trouble. The dir igible left Yuma at 2 P. M. Major H. A. Strauss was command ing officer while others board were Captain George A. McEntire, Lieu tenant O. -A. Anderson, Lieutenant Don L. Hutchins, Master-Sergeant William E. Fitch and . Staff Sear- geant A. D. Albrecht. The C-2 is 192 feet long, 54 feet wide, 57 feet high and" is inflated with hydrogen. It has a 'cruising speed of -45 miles an hour and cruising radius of 700 miles. MRS. HARDING X-RAYED Examination Shows That Im- prorement Is as Expected. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 22. An X-ray examination to determine accurately what progress had been made by Mrs. Harding 10 recover ing" from her recent illness was made by Brigadier-General C. E. Sawyer, White House physician, and a staff of naval officers. . No new comolication has- arisen. Dr. Sawyer said, adding that Mrs. Harding was recovering as rapidly as could be expected. She has re gained strength sufficient, to permit her to spend part of the time propped up in bed.- He said it would be weeks before she could leave her room.' ' - . " V STUDENTS BAN JEWELRY Spokane, High School Girls Sfit Fashions, for New Term. SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 23. Girl students at North Central ; high school here, who wear , heaxy jewelry, earrings or large- jeweled combs, will not be found the best dictator of scholastic, fashion, ac cording to a decision reached by the 1400 girl students of the school assembled in convocation. Other dress regulations at the school, which will remain the same as in former years, forbid the wear ing of expensive clothing, French heeled shoes, unclean clothing, silks and thin materials with -too scant camisoles and underwaists. WILHELM'S WEDDING SET November 5 Tentative Date fop Marriage of ex-Kaiser. 3ERLIN, Sept. 23. The wedding of ex-Kaiser Wilhelm and Princess Permine of Reus has been tenta tively fixed for November S, ac cording to an announcement in well informed quarters today. . " Lists have been opened in the shops at Potsdam for signatures of congratulation to the ex-emperor. VENIZEL0S PLOT SEEN - - - i, House-to-House Search Begun for Friends of ex-Premier. 1 ATHENS, Sept. 23. Announce ment was made of the discovery of a plot to return ex-Premier Veni zelos to power. Several persons were arrested and the authorities began .a . house-to-house search. - . . . ECLIPSE RAISES TIDES Pacific Ocean Rises 1 9 2 Feet at Panama Canal. PANAMA. Sept. 23. The tide on the Pacific side of the canal rose yesterday, to 19 feet. The phenomenon is believed to have been due to a solar eclipse. . X -i . - "Flying Circus" Fatality Witnessed by 25,000. FIVE ENLISTED MEN VICTIMS Big Bomber Crashes After War Maneuvers. LIGHTS PLAY ON SCENE Huge Craft Bursts Into Flame After Striking Ground in Mineola Exhibition. MINEOLA, Sept. 23. First Lieu tenant Raymond E. Davis, United States army air service, and five enlisted men were killed when a hUge M.-rtin bombing- plane crashed to earth at Mitchell field late to night. The enlisted -ten killed were: First :5ereant Thomas Benfield, Corporal David E. Stiven and Pri vates- Edward H. Kane, Henry Ray Nichols and Irving M. Whitney, all stationed at Mitchell field. Accident Cause Mystery. A report of the accident as given out several hours later by the ad jutant's office at the field said that the plane had been inspected short ly before leaving the field and that the cause of -the fatal accident probably never would be known." Soon after leaving the field," the report said, "the plane passed out of the rays of the huge search- ights which had been arranged and used in the night air maneuvers. The plane approached & steep angle and then suddenly went into a nose dive. . . 'There were no lights on the plane as it fell. The crash occurred some distance from the field." Autolst Pulls Out Body, Arnold P. Evers of Amityville, who was driving on the -main road to Garden City, stopped his car and crossed into the field where the plane was burning. He pulleoL the first of the bodies from the wreck, ; Major Weaver, commanding the field,' who ordered an immediate j Investigation of the accident, issued the following statement: This, accident is exactly like a number of other accidents in that the direct cause probably never will j be known. The plane had been i spected previous to the flight and was practically new." All of the men killed with the ex ception of Davis were attached to the Sixth Air. Park, stationed at Mitchel field. Benfield's home was n Chicago; Stiven's home was in New York; Nichols came from Car Hill, Texas, and Whitney from Ash- burnham, Mass. Kane's address was not given. . . Conflicting; Reports Circulated.' Although the plane fell in sight f 25,000 persons and a DeHaviland plane which was - flying near the bomber at the time of the accident landed in a field nearby within a few minutes, many conflicting re ports, which could not be confirmed, were at once in circulation. .'An order from Major Weaver stating that no information was to be given pending a preliminary ex amination by army officers retarded the work of gathering the facts. Only a charred body was found in the seat of the plane which Lieu tenant Davis had occupied. He was a veteran of the world war and was officially credited with one German plane. The bodies of Kane and Benfield were found clear of the wreck. . - The injured were terribly battered, but for a short time the surgeons thought they had a fighting chance of recovery. They died soon after reaching the field hospital. Wreck Is Scattered Far. The impact of the plane had been so violent that pieces of the wreck were scattered over an area of 300 feet. Preliminary investigation of the (Concluded on Page J:i, Column 3.) HIGH SPOTS IN THE V v 0NsSS(! Richmond Convention's Criticism oit Slain President Is Re sented by Union Men. DES MOINES, Sept. 23 (By the- Associated Press.) Echoes of the cannon which bellowed against the seceding states of'the south 60 years ago may be heard in resolutions to be . of fcred the representatives of the Grand Army of the Republic en campment at its business session next Thursday, condemning the ac tion taken by the Confederate Vet erans in their national gathering at Richmond last June. The name of Abraham Lincoln, the idol of the men who are as sembling here for their annual re union which begins tomorrow, was assailed by the southern veterans. Grand Army men declare in the resolution adopted by their . or ganizations which asserted that Lin coln . personally conceived and im pelled the war of the rebellion. The statement of the Confederate Vet erans may be answered, although officials of the Grand 'Army speak ing unofficially, say that the charge probably will be ignored. ' Closely linked with the action of the Confederate veterans is said to be the determination to resist ap (Concluded on Page 3, Column 3.) (Concluded en Page 3. Column .) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS -- The Weather. YE ST URDAY'S -Maximum temperature, 78 degrees; minimum, 50 degrees. TODAY'S Rain ; south westerly winds. Departments. Editorial. . Section 3, page 6. , Dramatic. Section 4, page 6. Moving picture news. Section 4, page 1. Real estate and building news. Section 4, page 10. Churches. Section 3, pae 2. Books. Section 5, page 3. Schools. Section 5, page 6. Automobiles.- Section 6. Music. Section 4, page 8. Radio. Section 4, page 11. Garden. Section 4, page 5. Women's Features. Society. Section 3, page 1. Women's activities. Section 3, page 10. Fashions. Section 5, pages 1 and 4. Miss Tingle's column. Section 5, page 4. Madame Rtchet's column. Section 6, page 1. - . Auction bridge. Section , page 7. . Special Features. - Paying the price for New' York's dawn dances. Magazine section, page 1. "Si Perkins" has gone for good. Magi - zine section, page 2. "The Outlaw" fiction features. Magazine section, page 3. News of world seen by camera. Maga zine section, page 4. Hill's cartoons. "A.mone Us Mortals." Magazine section, pags 5. - 1 Girl who led touch gang. Magazine sec tion, page 6. Interviewing the great. Magazine sec- . tion. page 7. Controlled by wife's ghost. Magazine section, page S. Gossip of world capitals. Section 3, page 8. Gompers urges conference in labor dis putes. Section 3, page 9. Pacific International of great benefit. Section 3. page 9. ''Pa'clfier" declared menace for babies. Section 3, page 11. Portland a paradise for the dahlia. Sec- ' tion 4, page 5. Musical stars to appear with symphony orchestra. Section 4. page 7. Real love stories. Section 6, page 4. Married life of Helen and Warren. Sec tion 5, page 6. Darling's cartoons on topics of the day. Section 5, page 7. j Home arrangement and construction. Sec tion 5, page 8. . Foreign. , Development of submarine cables in 50 years reads like romance. Section 1, page 14. Free Dardanelles is British policy, says Lloyd George. Section 1, page 3. Allies concede all Turk demands. Section 1, page -1. Mesopotamia revolt against Britain re ported. Section 1. page 1. Lloyd George held losing power. Section 1.. page 7. , National. Six big issues figure in southern political campaign. Section 1, page 9. Industrial court wanted,, for nation. Sec tion 1, page 7. Representative Johnson would reform present immigration law. Section 1, page 5. Candidates worry over soldier vote. Sec tion 1, page 6. Domestic. Rectors' widow denies jealously. Section 1, page 6. Court grants rail strike injunction. Sec tion 1, page 4. Professor Tlernan and wife reconciled. Section 1, page 4. Grand jury concludes its probe of Herrin, 111., mine massacre. Section 1, page 2. Six killed when bomber falls. Section 1, page 1. Grand Army rallies to defend Lincoln. Section 1, page 1. Ford predicts fall In coal prices and ad vises cautious buying. Section 1, page 2. Block in Atlanta swept by flames. Sec tion 1, page 1. ' NEWS PICTORIALLY They u' have. THE. BrVfHO ouri "TO rAEET ME T Blaze of Undetermined jOrigin Breaks Out in Building After . Choir Practice. Fire of undetermined origin last night caused damage of about $15, 000 to the Central Presbyterian church, East Thirteenth and East Oak streets. Fire, smoke and water swept the interior, but the exterior, with the exception of portions of the roof, was unharmed. The pastor declared he thought that the fire was set by an incendiary. The church was decorated for "miiv . Ha v" todav. The choir, had practiced, and at 9:20, when J. W. Belcher, choirmaster, ajid the or eanist left the building, they said there was : no sign of fire. The flames were discovered by Mrs. William Jones, 48 East Thirteenth street, who smelled smoke and called to neighbors. When the fire apparatus arrived thn Interior was a mass of flame that broke through the roof before water could be put on it. A call fnr more aorjaratus was sent in, and Chief Young took personal charg of the force. It was 45 minutes oe frTA the blaze was out. The church is - a large wooden Domestic. Army dirigible C-2 completes transcon tinental voyage at Ross field, Califor nia. Section 1, page 1. Governor Miller, if re-elected, formidable candidate for presidency. Section 1, page 10. Pacific Northwest. Oregon state fair opens tomorrow. See tion 1, pags 19. Seattle traction controversy now in fed eral circuit court of appeals. Section 1, page 12. Firs prevention campaign to be carried Into schools and theaters. Section l pags 8. November ballot rapped by judges. Sec tion 1, page 8. Oregon labor convention opens In Salem tomorrow. Section 1. page 8. World's titles won at Pendleton Round-up. bection 1, pags 1. Sports. World series plans are being developed. Section 2, page 6. Eight letterman in Benson gridiron) line up. Section 2, page 5. Phil Neer says future defenders of Davis cup will come from colleges. Section ' 2, page 8. Football season to. be record one. Section 2, Pags 4. Golfers will compete at Seattle for Pa- . ciflc northwest championship. Section 2, pags 4. . Wallace at work for Josephs bout. Sec tion , page 4. Argentine heavy will meet lowan. Sec tion page 3. California squad begins intensive prac tice. Section 2, page 3. University of Oregon squad Short of line men. Section 2, page 3. Five Aggie squads la daily training. Sec tion 2,' page 2. . Bush league "world series' to be re sumed today. Section 2, page 2. Cobb may lead all batters yet before sea son end-s. Section 2, page 2. Browns beaten 6-5 and drop down in American pennant race. Section 2 page 1. . Pacific Coast league results At Sacra , mento O-O, Portland 14-5; at Los An Stales. Vernon 3, Oakland 4 (12 In nings): a.t San Francisco 4-3, I,os An geles 3-4: at Salt Lake 4-2. Seat-"tlo- 7-13. Section -2. page 1. . Commercial and Marine. Coffee prices tend upward in all market'. Section 1, page 22. ' Sharp drop in wheat at Chicago. Section 1, page 22. Foreign bond list steadier. Section 1, page 23. Quaint craft ends 3300-mile voyage." Sec tion I, page 21. Bill passed by congress assures improve ments at Oregon ports. Section 1, page 21.. Week's events shake stocks and bonds. Section 1, page 23. Less warlike news from abroad sends grain prices down In Chicago. Section 1. page 22. Business outlook extremely bright. Sec tion 1, page 22. ; Grain shippers resent Seattle charge of car diversion. Seotlon 1, pags 20. Portland and Vicinity. Guard quarters to be inspected. Section 2, page 24. Willamette bridge estimated to cost 1,60CI,000. Section 1. page 20. "See Europe first and you'll appreciate America," says returned traveler. Sec tion 1, page 18. Dr. H. L. Bowman preaches for radio to night. Section 1, page 18. Episcopal general convention brought to cioaterwlth impressive ceremony. Sec tion 1, page 17. Bus lines not to cut under reduced rail fares. Section 1, page 16. Republican delegates begin to arrive for state convention next Tuesday. Sec tion 1, page 16. . H Big season ahead for public auditorium. section l, page 14. Big things done at Episcopal convention. Section 1, page 17. University extension center offers 83 courses. Section.- 1, page 13. Decks cleared for political battle. Sec tion 1, page 1. INTERPRETED BY CARTOONIST PERRY. Decks Clear for Action in Fall Campaign. OLCOTT IS TO BATTLE PIERCE Compulsory Education Bill Kept in Foreground. EFFORT IS ORGANIZED Democrats Have ' Defections to Governor and Republicans Defections to Klan Man. With a two-man race for gov ernor and the decks cleared for action, the fall campaign will be un der full steam in a few days and a very tropical and acrimonious con: test is assured. The lines will be even more sharply drawn in the No vember general election than was the case in the primaries and there is a persistent, studied and organ ized effort to make the so-called compulsory educational measure the predominant issue. 1 The line-up is Ben W. Olcott, re publican, and Walter M. Pierce, democrat. Having effaced himself by withdrawing as an Independent candidate, Charles Hall has simpli fied the situation. Incidentally Hall, who arrived in Portland from Marshfield yesterday, say "I am out of politics," and says he has nothing to add to his state ment of withdrawal. Each Party Has Desertions. There are defections from the democratic camp to Olcott and de sertions from the republican ranks to Pierce. How near these changes balance, if at all, can only be dis covered when the votes are counted November 7. Pierce supporters express great confidence since Hall quit the race, admitting than had Hall remained in every vote he received would have been a loss to Pierce and a gain for Olcott, for the Hall vote would not swing to the republican nominee in any circumstance. Pierce supporters, properly defined, include the Kti Klux Klan and the Federa tion of Patriotic societies. Amonj what would have been the normal Pierce supporters, the old-line demo crats, there is dissatislfaction with the course the democratic nominee is pursuing. Thousands Desert Democrats. Thousands of democrats have de serted Pierce for Olcott because of his statement for' the school bill Among the most personal and Inti mate political advisors of Pierce there is resentment at him for mak ing the statement, their contention being that it did not belong In the campaign proper but was a separate matter. The statement has, to some extent, disrupted tho democratic party. Few of the acknowledged democratic leaders but will privately admit their anger at the party can didate. On the other hand, the kluxers and the federation have , buried the hatchet and have gone over to Pierce in a body. Or at least their leaders have. Of course, a good percentage. probably one-third, of the members in the groups are democrats. Programme Is Forced. According 'to gossip, the klan has "put it over" the federation of pa triotic societies. The federation forced-its programme of candidates in the primaries and the klan had to accept, but in the latest turn of things, the klan has outgeneraled the federation. Hall was not the first choice of the klan in the primaries, but the federation had tha whip hand. When Hall lost hia recount con test against Olcott for the re publican nomination the klan of ficers began working for Pierce. The federation next brought out (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) f r LT Flames Break Out About Mid night and Sweep Through Block Before 2 A. M. ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 24. After doing damage generally estimated by the police and fire department officials at from $700,000 to l,S0O. 000, a fire that started in the heart of Atlanta's retail business district about midnight apparently had been brought under control shortly be fore 2 o'clock this morning. Fire which started here shortly be fore midnight cut a wide hole In the center of tha downtown business block surrounded by Whitehall. Ala bama and Broad streets and the Wcsrtern & Atlantic railroad yards. With the flames almost completely surrounded, liremeif had diffi culty in getting at it, and the blaze was jtimping high into the air, with a moderate wind blowing towards the northwest and heavy sparks flying toward other build ings in that direction. Thirty minutes after the fire was discovered it had practically wiped out a building occupied by the Kress 5 and 10-cent store and had spread to the Chllds hotel. which faces on Broad street. The McClure building, next door, was burning slowly, an automatic sprlnk ler system apparently holding the fire in check in this structure. Heavy sparks were flying, and an awning high up on the sixteen story Fourth National Bank build ing was seen to catch, burn and the embers drop. Lieutenant Robert Wagner of the Atlanta police force stated that what appeared to be an explosion started the fire in the second floor of the Kress store. From there the flames spread to the L. F. M. de partment store and to Klseman's clothing store, three doors to the north and racing on Whitehall street. The flames leaped over a small alley in the rear of the Kress Btore to the Chllds hotel, which was burn ing shortly before 1 o'clock. GIANT HOSPITAL PUZZLE Bed and Pajamas Have to Be Im provised for .Man. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 23. For the first time in its history, the city hospital today was unable to "dresa In" a patient in the customary way. Albert Kramer of Holland, who is feet 3 inches tall, arrived from Spring field, 111., accompanied by an im- m!...ttn.- Ih.ii.Ma, .. n I ....... t Tng to ascertain whether Kramer is physically fit to remain in the United States. Kramer said he was ill.. ' Physicians ordered him to bd. but there was no bed large enough for him, several had to be placed together. Not having pajamas lartce enough for him, the hospital at taches improvised a sleeping gar ment out of sheets. SOX HONEYMOON BEGUN Albany Man Brlne Itrldr, Si.-tcr of Gary, to Con si to I.lw. CHICAGO. Sept. 2.1. Mdward Sox. 7S years old. and his bride, formerly Mrs. KUa Kills, 73 years old, Kister of Klbert II. lary. steel king, left Uvanston today for an extended "honeymoon" on the Pacific coaiit. They will reclde at the home of .Mr. Sox in Aioany, or.. It was announced. RAINS MAY BE EXPECTED Unsettled Weather but Normal Temperatures Predicted. WASHINGTON, D. -C.. Sept. 23. The weather outlook for the week beginning Monday is: Pacific states Generally fair In California, unsettled occasional rains In Washington and Oregon: normal temperature. DAYLIGHT SAVING ENDS New York Shifts Clocks Today to Kastern Time Again. NEW YORK, Sept 23. Daylight saving observed in New York city since April 30, will end tomorrow. The official hour for shifting the clocks in 2 A. M. VMAf IMG THE OV-Ca STTttSW 7 l COWGIRLS' RELAY IS CLOSE Three Horses Finish To ., gether in Pony Race. ROPING EXHIBIT UNUSUAL 35,000 Park Stand-. Hour Before Show and Thotiand I orrcil ! Stand to Hrc KifnU. WORLD'S) CHAMPION' V HO HKRK CROWNKD AT THI-; HOI M-1 I'. Howard Trgland, bu.-klns. Darrell Cannon. riding Drumheller (trlng. relay. Hugo Strickland, uterr roping. Mike Hastings, steer bull dogging. Scoop Martin, riding Irwin's string, pony express. Lorrna Trlckry, riding: Ir win's strintr. roUy BY KltXKST I.. CHOCK ATT. PKXKLKTON. Or.. Sept. 23. (Spe clal.) NuresHity for additional seat. Ing capacity at the Hound-up made Imperative torlxy, when the Hound-up fans crowding Into ths grandstands and blcai-hTS tninled approx.mauly s.'i.ooi nearly one hour before the show. Thousand were forord to stand but rontlnU'd to pour In until the Hound -up grounds seethed with humanity. Off went the first event pnunpily on the minute. Bucking hullo, lurrs and Meers took the renter of ths stag. and afler tni-slnir off their riders demors lined the arena. Three horses finished together In the cowboys' pony rare. Gilbert Mlnthnrn again took th spsi-tai'iilsr Msgs each rare, whip ping his galloping string lni.j new pted. t'nnclrla' Relax thrill'". Only 4 seconds sepsrsted the (our entries In the cowgirls' relay rr tor the rhsuipl"tililp of 'he world, when the final rs.e w;is railed. A perfe.-t Mart, wss made by Preaident II. W. Collins. M-ihel SI rt.-k Innrf lost her second horse on the change and forfeited the race at her speediest uteed tore empty-saddled sroiiml ths track. t.oren.-i Tti'-key on '. H. It wins xtring. who bad the lm lime fnr the f I rot two days, again 'm fired the final day's event, by an eaa lead with lo.-ord time. Vern Mc Ginrls on Harry Wslter'a Miln. second for the first two d. took second today. I'nna Card, ri.ilns; Paul Landrum's strtnir foijuh In time for the flint two Uyr. rams in to second place when Matol Slrl-k-land lost out. Ths rs.e w most thrilling and Miss Irwin, owner of "lie Trl.k with e winning string, were given an ovation trom in fans. McKlnliy Williams won tint full blooded Indian race today, with lea. xle Farrow second. Ilsstlaca Heat Hulldossrr. Steer bulldoKKlng for the cham pionship of the world was rapture I by Mike Hastings, a former tltU holder, with the total time for bull dogging two steers of ."9 3-i sec onds. Slim Caskey took second money with 40 1-6 second time for two steers, and Pinkey lllat. by getting his second steer todav. placed third with a total time of 5; flat. Hugo Strickland, one of ths fore most cowboys In the United State and last year's Hound-up champion buckaroo, took the world's chum pionnhlp today In steer roping when he mado tlmo of 20 seconds flat. The wlnr Ing time for th. two rter (Concluded mi I'ac f. t ' mini .'1. ) CAN SfAl-E j " WITHOUT HrVUlNff VSrAUL week' its irx. '( J'A-J