The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 17, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 72

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Mass Meeting Will be Held Tonight at Municipal Auditorium at Which Prominent Members of Laity and Clergy Will Discuss Problems of Church Feature to Be One of Most Interesting of Convention
ANTICIPATED as pne of the
most interesting functions
scheduled in connection with
the triennial convention of the
Episcopal church is the hearing
which will be given the foreign
born Americans of the church at the
municipal auditorium tonight. Thei
irthrinir will h a mass meetine.
- -t:v. ,c:inn n-ui toko n!9PA
" - w.v-uoo.w.. '
among prominent members of the
laity and clergy on the problems
of the church in its work with the
foreign-born and their children.
This is one of the particular mat
ters to which the church directs its
attention and a special administra
tive department of the church or
ganization has been set aside to
carry on the activity in this field.
Right Rev. John G. Murray will
preside at the assembly anu Rev.
Thomas B. Burgess, head of the de
Dartment for the care of the for-
eign born, will talK on tne policies
and accomplishments of the dlyi -
sion. Otner speaKers wno win ae
liver short addresses are George Za
briskie, D. C. L., chancellor of the
diocese of Xew York, who will
talk on the national responsibility
of the church; Rev. Homer A. Flint,
Ph. P., administrative secretary of
the diocese of Pittsburg, who will
talk on the "Foreign-Born in Indus
trial Dioceses"; Right Rev. Edward
L. Parsons, D. P.," bishop coadjutor
of California, who will talk on the
"Domestic Missions to Orientals";
Rev. George C. Stewart, rector of
St. Luke, Evanston, 111.,- who will
discuss "Normal Parish Work." The
benediction will be given by the
Most Rev. Gerassimos Messara,
archbishop of Beirut, Syria, offi
cial representative of the patriarch
of Antioch.
The Portland Union Bible classes
opened with enthusiasm last week.
In spite of the fact that several
other religious gatherings are meet
ing in the city, the audiences were
almost as large as the best of last
season. The leaders are taking this
as a token that the interest in this
Bible work is growing in Portland.
The classes are all interdenomina
tional and free from hobbies.
An interesting feature of the Con
gregational Women's Missionary
convention, which is to be held Sep
tember 25, 26 and 27 at the First
Congregational church, will be the
commissioning of Miss Alice Gwinn,
who goes almost immediately after
the convention to do missionary
work in Japan. Miss Gwinn is a
Washington woman. She is a grad
uate of the Cheney Normal school
and of the University of Washing
ton. She has most thoroughly pre
pared herself for a variety of mis
sionary activities. She spent two
years in study at the Kennedy
School of Missions of Hartford,
Conn. She was given the degree
of master of pedagogy. When she
goes to Japan she will spend one
half of her time in the school of
languages at Tokio and the other
half in teaching English at the
Doshisha university. The Doshisha
university is the only Christian uni
versity in Japan.
The local church women are put
ting the finishing touches to their
preparations for the entertainment
of the groups of women that will
come from Washington, Idaho, Cal
ifornia, Utah and New Mexico. Mrs.
Gustaav Brigger is the chairman of
the housing committee. Mrs. George
Rossman is the chairman of the
transportation committee, Mrs. E. N.
Howe is chairman of the highway
picnic committee. Miss Angeline
Grimsby of the luncheon committee
and Miss Marthine Grimsby of the
publicity committee.
The Oregon conference of Con
gregational churches will hold a
three-day meeting at the First Con
gregational church of Corvallis, Oc
tober 10, 11 and 12. Delegates from
all the churches of the state will
be in attendance at the conference.
Dr. F. M. Bishop of Forest Grove
is moderator. The Rev. Robert Al
lingham is chairman of the com
mittee on programme. He will
serve as ad-interim superintendent.
Part of the session will be devoted
to welcoming the Rev. c. H. Har
rison, the newly-elected superinten
dent of the state conference. Dr.
Harrison has been the capable sec
retary of the church building so
ciety of the Congregational church.
After the welcome he will deliver
an address in which he will set
forth his plans for th state. One
afternoon will be laymen's after
noon. On this afternoon a half-dozen
of the leading Congregational
. laymen of the state will Indicate
what they think the churches ought
to do. Another meeting will be de
voted to the discussion of "The Min
istry of the Church to University
Students. Professor Tuttle of Pa
cific university will begin the dis
cussion. The concluding address
will be made by Dr. W. T. McEl
veen of the First church. He has
been asked to speak on "The Duty
of- the Church in the Present Social
and Industrial Crisis."
The Senior Baptist Young Peo
ples" union of the Third Baptist
church held its annual election
Tuesday evening, which resulted as
follows: i President, Alice Haas;
vice-president, Lauren Sykes; secretary,-
Thelma Alexander; treasurer,
Earl Green; organist. Laura Wal
dron; press reporter, Jaannette Har
torti" ,
A social hour followed the busi
ness. Last Monday at the close of the
Methodist Episcopal convention at
Salem assignments of the Metho
dist pastors for the coming year
were made public and it was an
nounced that the First Methodist
church of Portland would be the
meeting place of the conference
next year. Bishop Shepard made it
plain that he was making his as
signments where he thought the
men- could do work most beneficial
and in keeping with church stand
ards. Several changes were made in the
personnel, which has been serving
in Portland Methodist churches dur
ing the last year. Rev. Charles
MaeCaughey will remain as pastor
of the Centenary Wilbur church here
and will be assisted by Rev. H. P.
Greene, until recently of Lewiston,
Idaho. Rev F. A. Ginn. pastor, of
the Montavilla church in Portland,
has been transferred to Clatskanie
and. will be succeeded at Montavilla
by Rev. R. E. Myers of Woodburn.
Rev. C. E. Gibson, pastor at New
berg, has been assigned to Central
church, Portland, while Rev. J. H.
Irvine f Woodland. Wash., will as
sume the pastorship of Clinton Kelly
onurcn. Kev. JK. R. McLean of Cen
tral church goes to Sunnyside,
Rev. B E. Parker will remain as
pa4oi-of the First church. Portland,
and w'l! have as his assistant Rev.
E. T. Randall, recently of Willam
ette university and Kimball School
of Theology. Rev. T. H. Downs of
Sutherlin has been assigned to Lents
church, while Rev J. E. Purdy of
Bend will assume the pastorship of
thn Sell wood church.
Rev. E. S. Mace, pastor of Clinton
Kelly church, has been transferred
to Woodlawn church. Other trans
fers in the Portland district include
Rev. F. R. Jackson from Hood River
to Rainier, Rev. A. P. Bates from
Wilsonville to Warrenton and Ham
mond and Bev.-J. D. Woodfln from
Myrtle Point to Westport and
The district superintendents re
main the same as last year, with
W; W. Youngson in charge of the
Portland district.
ALBANY, Or., Sept. 16. (Special.)
The 45th Pacific const mis-
i sion meeting of the Mennonite
: church
will b held at the Albany
church October 7. when visitors will
bo here from many coast points.
Opening exercises will be in
charge of N. A. Lind while the open- !
ing sermon will be given by Allen
Good. In the afternoon the open"
ing service will be-conducted by J.
D. Mlshlr with Allen Good con
ducting the children's exercises. An
offering will be taken for the Port
land mission. How to prepare to be
a missionary will be (he topic dis
cussed by M. H. Hostetler, J. M.
Schlegel and J. E. Whltaker. O. S.
Kilmer and Chris Snyder will take
up "The Development of the MIs-
i ,, q-i-i. th. r-Vmrh" nnH
i A p Xrover and A. D. Miller will
present "The Power of Unity in
Mission Work."
Following a recess William Bond
and C. R. Gerig will speak on "The
Lost World and the Uplifted Christ1
The closing sermon will be by E. Z.
A basket lunch will be held at
A most magnificent church serv
ice took place last Sunday in the
Greek church, with His Grace Arch
bishop Panteleimon Athanacladig
of Jerusalem officiating, assisted by
Rt. Rev. Karahles, Archidiacon Da
vid and Rev. Mr. Penris.
Archbishop Gerasinros of Antioch,
Aftimio of Syria, and Bishop Panlie
I of Serbia, with their deacons, were
""Before the end of the service the
officiating Archbishop Panteleimon
spoke to the crowd on the subject
Keeping the Faith." "The causef
of present human unrest," said the
bishop, "is the lack of real . under
standing of Christian principles.
Wars among nations and strikes
between labor and capital will never
cease as long as we fail to ac
cept Christ's ideas, which are love,
equality, faith and service for hu
manity. You are now living In a
country where Christ's teachings
are practiced more than in any
other country on the face of the
earth, in a country where liberty,
equality, justice and humanity are
In Trinity Episcopal church Bish
op Chauncy Brewster of Connecti
cut will preach this morning at 11,
and Bishop Charles D. Williams of
Michigan will preach in the evening
at -8. The Sunday school has re
sumed its sessions. Children are
urged to be present. Promptly at
9:45 A. M. Bishop Tucker of Japan
will speak to the children about
his work.
The Right Rev. Ethelb'ert Talbot,
D. D., L. L. D., will preach in the
Church of the Good Shepherd, cor
ner of Graham and Vancouver ave
ues. at the 11 o'clock, service. As
sisting in the service will be the
rector, the Rev. John Dawson, and
his brother, the Rev. Isaac Dawson
of Oakland, Cal., both of whom were
ordained by him over 30 years ago..
All old Idahoans of the early '90s
are most cordially invited to be"
The Right Rev. - E. V. Shayler,
D. D., will preach at the 7:30 night
service. Bishop Shayler was for
many years on the coast and under
stands the west thoroughly. A dor
dial l&vltation is extended to all.
The society for spreading the
knowledge of true prayer, as or
ganized by F. L. Rawson, meets In
room 405. Fliedner building. Tenth
and Washington streets, tomorrow
at 8 P. M. Tuesday at 2:30 P. M.
there will be healing.
At the Gospel mission, 614 4 Will
iams avenue, at 3 P. M., J. C. Brick
ley will speak on "Jesus, the Light
of the World."' No collections.
Visiting Rector to Preach
at White Temple.
Dr. Tomklns of Philadelphia Will
Occupy Pulpit.
AT THE White Temple (First
Baptist church) Rev. Floyd
W. Tomkins, rector of Holy Trinity
church, Philadelphia, the econd
largest Episcopal church In the east,
will be the preacher of the morning
In the evening a praise service
will be led by William Mansell
Wilder and the male quartet, using
the new hymn book. The central
theme of this service will be the
question "Do You Remember?" Spe
cial features, a duet, "Full Well I
Know"; a new song for the congre
gation, "Jesus for the World"; the
male . quartet, "Dear Spirit, Lead
Ale," and the church quartet, "My
God, Is Any Hour So Sweet?" Dr.
Thomas J. Villers speaks on the
topic, "I Have This Against You."
At the Third Baptist church, Knott
street and Vancouver avenue, Rev.
W. Arnold Bennett, pastor, will
preach at 11 A. M. on "God's Care
for HisPeople," and at 7:30 P. M.
on -K-ingiy a avor to a Deaa uog."
a - ,
The Baptist Sunday school super
intendents' and workers' union will
meet with the Vancouver Baptist
church Tuesday night, September
19. Dinner will be served at 6:30
by the Vancouver church, and the
programme will begin at 7:30. Sev
eral teachers will speak on the
themes. "Why I Am a Teacher,"
"What I Teach" and "How I Teach."
Dr. W. B. Hinson, pastor of the
East Side Baptivt church. 1 East
Twentieth and Salmon streets, will
preach this morning at 11 o'clock
from the subject "A Bankrupt in
At 3 o'clock this afternoon the
young people of this church will
hold a special service at the county
hospital. Mr. Pendetgiass and Mr.
Shepherd will speak and the music
will be furnished by Messrs. Berg
and Schunke.
This evening at 7:15 Dr. Hinson
will preach from the theme "The
Revelation of Jesus . Christ."
At 6:30 the young people will meet
ln the lower hall for the regular
Baptist Young People's union serv
ice, which will be led by Edwin
Osgood of group No. 4. The subject
wlil be "Need My Education Impair
My Faith?" Mrs. WHliam I. Turner,
contralto. and Louis Schunke,
tenor, will be heard in a duet, "The
Peace of God." Miss Lucille Llod,
The midweek service, which Is
held on Wednesday evening at 7:45,'
will be conducted by Dr. Hinson,
who wiil preach from the topic "The
Psalms as My Diary."
On Thursday' the women's society
will meet for the regular all-day
sersion. when White- Cross, Indus
trial and relief workwIll be done
and in the afternoon at 2:30 Mrs. W.
E. Scotton will have charge of the
programme. Dr. H'nson will have
the closing half hour. of the day.
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Methodint mlnlstcra nho received Portland assignments at the close of the Methodist conference which closed at Salem last week. Left to rlsrfct.
Rev. J. B. Purdy of Bend, to be the pastor of the Sdlwood church; Rev. E. T. Randall, recently of Willamette university and the Klm.all
School of Theolosr, who will assist Rev. B. E. Parker at the Klrst Portland -church) Rev. H. T. Greene of I.ewlston, Idaho, to assist Rev.
Charles SlncCnnhey at the Centenary-Wilbur church) Rev. C. B. Harrison, graduate of Garrett Biblical institute, Kranston, III., assigned
to Kpvort(j church. - -
Dr. Bowman Will Discuss
City Life Problems.
First Presbyterian to Enroll Sun
day School ' Classes.
I t T THE First Presbyterian church,
JTl corner of Twelfth and Alder
streets, service this morning is at
10., n ciock.. Rev. Harold Leonard
Bowman, D. D., the- pastor, will
preach on "The Foreordinations uf
City Life." Miss Helen Levoff will
sing the offertory solo, -''Save Me, O
God" (Randegger), and the quartet
will sing, "Lntil the Day Breaks"
(Gounod). ' '
The theme of Dr. Bowman's ser
mon, in the evening is "The Higher
Kinship." 'The choir will sing "O
Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go"
(Ambrose) and "Love Not the
World" (Sullivan).
Today is enrollment Sunday in
the Sabbath school and the classes
will meet In their respective depart
ments with, their teachers. Next
Sunday will be rally Si.nday.
The San Grael Christian Endeavor
society meets at 6:30 P. M. in the
chapel. The "subject is "Getting au
Education." The leaders are Do
othy Gilfillan and Ray Alexander.
Dr. Bowman will lead the regukir
mid-week meeting Thursday night
at 7:45 o clock and will take for hU
subject the Epistle of J tide.
The woman's association will have
Its fiist tall meeting next Friday.
This will be an all-day meeting for
sewing. A lunch will be served at
12:30 and the regular monthly busi
ness meeting will take place at 1
P. M.
V a a .
Westminste Presbyterian church,
at Last Seventeenth and Schuyler
BLrteis. announces that Right Rev.
Charles David Williams, bishop of
Detroit, will preach at the 10:30
A. M. service on "Life, the Adven
ture of Faith." The bishop is one
of the most forceful preachers of
the country and his . utterances in
this city already have evoked much
thought and comment. Dr. Pence,
who held a pastorate -in Detroit for
many years, knows of the bishop's
great work in that diocese and -has
been -ery anxious to have him speak
from Westminster's pulpit. At the
evening service at 7:45 the pastor
wiil preach. Special music for the
10:-'t0 Ai.tiiPMi (with soprano solo),
"New Every .Morning Is the Love Our
Wakening and Uprising Prove," F. K.
Bullard ; offertory, andantino In F, A'.
Fretchaliinov; quartet, "How Great is
the Loving Klnoness of the Lord Our
God," John IS. West.
7:45 Hymn, anthem, "'Spirit of God,
Deacend Upon My Heart," T. A. Huma
son ; offertory, "Melodie." M. Moussorg
sky; contralto solo, "ISvening Prayer,"
Augusta O. Kenard.
Tomorrow at 1 p. M. the women
of the church have a rally day
luncheon in charge of Mrs. George
Reed and Mrs. Harry Gaylord. This
will be followed by the woman's
association meeting. Mrs. Charles
T. Chamberlain, the president, is
anxious to make this first meeting
interesting and the outlook for the
winter's work is encouraging.
The young people will begin their
evening service at 8:45, with the
president, -Alfred Goss, in charge.
The theme for consideration will be
"Lessons From God's Great Out of
a a
At Calvary Presbyterian church,
K vJtVsZa f ' .yf2&e 1 - L v
Among western bishops who are alumni of the Kplscopal Theological sehool, Cambridge, Mass., those shown
shove are attending the general convention here. Left to rlsrht, they arei Front row Bishop Herman
Pnge, diocese of Spokane Bishop Jallus W. Atvrood, Arisonai Bishop William Lawrence, Massachusetts!
Bishop Frank: Hale Touret, Idaho. Rear row Bishop Edward L. parsons, coadjutor, California Bishop
Lout C. Sandford, San Joaqoin Bishop W. Bertrand Stevens, coadjutor, Los Angeles.
Among important developments at the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church was t18
completion during the last week of plans to raise 81.000.000 by popular subscriptions for the Episcopal Theo
logical school, at Cambridge, Mass. Announcement was made Wednesday evening at a luncheon held In the
University club. t
Right Rev. William Lawrence, bishop of Massachusetts, announced the opening of the subscription cam
paign and also that he will give over much of the work of his diocese to his coadjutor-elect and push actively
the subscription drive personally. Speaking of th school he cited the fact .thati one out of every 35 gradu
ates Is now a bishop of the church. Graduates, he said, have founded four schools and-' many are professors,
headmasters and. teachers in secondary and collegiate institutions.
. : . , ,
j Eleventh and Clay streets. Rev.
ts. a. sutciine, pastor, services n
A. M., "Why Was Christ Crucified?"
At 3:30 P. M., "The Authority of
Paul's Gospel."
a a a
At the Central Presbyterian church
this evening two motion .pictures
will be presented. The first is the
story of "Abraham's Migration," and
the second, "As We Forgive," is the
story of Philemon. These films have
been loaned for the occasion by
Dean Charles N. Lathrop Of the de
partment of social service of the
Protestant Episcopal church, who
has them in the city on exhibition
at the auditorium to show the pos
sibilities of the motion picture for
the church. Dr. Nugent's morning
topic is "The Cost of a Fit of
Temper." The music at both serv
ices will be. by the large chorus,
under the direction of J. William
Belcher. The Sunday school meets
at 9:45 and the Christian Endeavor
at 6": 30.
The first fall meetings of the
Fldelis guild and Men's club will
be held Tuesday evening. Excellent
programmes are being arranged.
Rally day wll be observed next
Sunday.' In the meantime the va
rious activities are being resumed,
a ' a a
Rev. M. G. Everett, pastor of the
Fourth Presbyterian church, will be
the speaker at the Men's Resort
meeting today at 4 P. M. Mrs.
Everett will be soloist and there
will be the usual big sing song
choruses. All strangers are in
vited to these downtown- church
meetings, which are proving so
popular. Wednesday at 8 P. M.
there will be an illustrated song
service, one of the men painting the
slides and arranging the songs.
.At Piedmont Presbyterian church
the pastor. Rev. John Francis Mor
gan, preaches at 11 A. M. and 7:30
P. M. ; morning topic, "The Growing
Temple"; evening, "Not Found in
Heaven." Sunday school at 9:45.
Endeavor' meeting at 8:30. The
la4ies' auxiliary meets Wednesday
next at 2:30 P. M.
. a - a
The first fall meeting of Port
land Presbyterial will be held next
Tuesday at Montavilla church, cor
ner East Seventy-Seventh and Ever
ett' streets. Mrs. J. F. Stoneroad
of Mount Tabor church will conduct
the -morning prayer service. Miss
Julia Hatch, furloughed missionary
from Siam, will be the speaker at
the afternoon session.
a a a
A unique feature of the service
in Mount Tabor Presbyterian church
tonight will be the story of Abra
ham, told by Ernest Kirk, after
which the pastor will preach on
"Abraham's Message for Today."
Morning sermon, "How Little Can
I Do and Still Be a Christian?" is
the topic.
a a a
At Hope Presbyterian church, East
Seventy-eighth and Everett streets,
this morning the pastor will speak
on "Should All Children Be Re
quired to Attend the Public Schools?"
In the evening the delegates to the
Christian Endeavor summer confer
ence will give their report.
' -
The two Presbyterian churches in
the John Day valley, at Mount Ver
non and Dayville, have been sup
plied for two months by Clive M.
Saiz, tenth legion superintendent for
the Oregon Christian Endeavoror
union. He returned to his home in
this city recently and will resume
bis work at Albany college.
f s
Pastor Chooses Unusual
Theme for Talk.
Scrmonette Is "What Would We
Do Without Nonp"
tral Christian church of New York
city, will preach this morning at II
o'clock for the First Christian
church, in the auditorium of the
Lincoln high school, having for his
subject "What Jesus Taught Con
cerning God."
Dr. and Mrs. Philiputt. who have
been visiting friends in Portland
for the past two weeks, are just
starting on a world tour for the
purpose of inspecting the foreign
mission stations of the United Chris
tian Missionary society of St. Louis.
A man of unusual experience and
scholarly attainments and a gifted
speaker. Dr. Philiputt will bring to
the service of this morning a mes
sage that his many friends and ad
mirers will be eager to hear.
The Sunday night worship at 7:45
will open with a song service by
the chorus of the choir directed by
Mr. L. Carroll Day, the programme
including the anthem "Savior, Again
to Thy Dear Name" (Llewellyn),
also Uie tenor selection, "Hear My
Cry, O Lord'" (Wooler), by Eugene
Walters. The night -.sermon will be
delivered by the pastor, the Rev.
Harold H. Griffis, who will have
for his sermon topic "The Simplicity
of True Religion."
On Tuesday afternoon from I to 5
o'clock in the social hall of the
Y. W. C. A. the women of the church
sisterhood, of which Mrs. J. R. Thie
hoff is president, will hold their
quarterly meeting. formulating
plans for the work of the new year.
A special feature of the meeting
will be a farewell reception which
the women of the congregation will
give in honor of Mrs. A. C. McKeever,
who will be leaving Portland spon
to make her home In Humbolt, Kan.
At the Kern ,Park Christian
church, Forty-sixth avenue and Sixty-ninth
street, Bible school rally
will be at 9:45 A. M. This' Is Wom
en's day in the series of "get-to-
gether meetings. At 11 A. M. Rev.
Clara G. Esson will bring a mes-
-a .. r, ; Ua I a a
convention just
Lake, Ind. Following the Chris
tian Endeavor meetings at 6:45
P. M. Dr. J. F. Ghormley will speak,
taking for his theme "The 'Kind of
Church Needed Today." The chor
us, under the direction of Mrs. May
Vail Billingsley, will sing the an
thems "Hark, the Sweet Song," and
"Abide With Me."
a a a
., , ,, ., , . I
This morning at 11 o clock at the,
Advent Christian church on Second r
between Hall and Lin- !
n streets, the pastor will speak j , he , -the
topic "The Proximity of the aItorium. All adults,
Klaman'a T?otiiin H" V n a will ItP I . .. '
Nobleman's Return." There will be
an eyangelistic service at 7:30 P.'M.
The quarterly conference of the
Portland district will be held with
the Colton church beginning next
Friday night and holding over Sun
day. a a a
At the New Christian church
(Swedenborgian), In the assembly
room, Portland hotel. Rev. William
R. Reece will speak today at 11
o'clock on "The Three-Fold Mean-
4 .
1 ing of the First Commandmant," the
first in a series which will take up
the' -decalogue from the standpoint
of its inner or occult meaning.
The sermonette subject for the
boys and girls will be "What Would
Wednesday afternoon the Worn -
an's alliance held Its first meeting
of the year at the home of Mri.
William R. Reece on Palatine hill.
The alliance has outlined a pro
gramme of study for the year which
will be to take up the teachings
of Swedenborg with regard to life
in the spiritual world.
a a a
Rev. Ida M. Schorl, pastor of the
Independent Bible Spiritualistic so
ciety and church, 55 East Forty
seventh street North (take Monta
villa car), will have for a lecture
topio tonight at 8 o'clock "Our
Beloved Spirit Friends, Where Are
They?" Lecture will be concluded
by messages to all present.' Thurs
day night at 8 o'clock each week a
meeting Is held for messages from
your spirit friends. All sincere
seekers of truth are invited.
a a a
Rev. H. Edward Mills will speak
at the Realization league, 148 Thir
teenth street, at 11 A. M., on "Every
Man; All Men." - At 8 P. M. there
will be a review of Mrs. Brma Wells'
lessons and lectures.
4In Vineyard With Master,'
Rev. Brinkman's Topic.
"Putting God First," Subject of
Pastor's Evening Sermon.
THE subject of the rally Sunday
services to be delivered by the
pastor, the Rev. William Evan
Brinkman, at the St. James English
Lutheran church. West Park and
Jefferson streets, Sunday at 11
A. M., will be "In the Vineyard With
the Master." It Is requested that
every member of, the church bo
present at this first service of the
fall season, when all departments
of the church will resume the ac
customed activities of church work.
There will be special music by the
full vested choir.. The regular pro
ce..6ional and recessional service
will be sung.
"Putting God First" will be the
J subject of the pastor's evening ser-
at 7:4o. All worshipers
I n r O ma1, nr. Innmd n f II , H o nu .
j ices.
I The Sunday school will hold their
i rally day service in the large as
sembly hall at 9:50 A. M. A fine
programme will be given with the
regular service of the Sunday
school, including several special
addresses by Sunday sehool work
ers. All classes of the school are
! open to new pupils and members
who may enter the classes. Good
teacners win welcome new seho.
Th. t,iki i
meets each Sunday morning at 10:30
of the main
parents and
visitors to the church are most
cordially welcome to attend the
Bible class.
I The Young People's Luther league
will hold their regular devotional
I meeting Sunday evening at 6:45 in
j the assembly room. All persons
; interested in the studv of the Bible
will be made most welcome.
The young ladies' guild of the
church will hold their first regular
monthly business and social meet
ing of the fall at the home of Mrs.
G. L. Penteco-st. 634 Eat Fifty
n'nth .street North, Monday evening,
September 18, t 8 P. M. Miss Mary
Zimmerman will assist as hostess.
Ail memDers of the society are
urged to be present.
a a a
A special sermon will be delivered
at Trinity Lutheran church. Ivy and
Rodney streets. Sunday, September
17. at 7:30 P. M. on the blessings of
religious liberty. This service will
b3 held in English. The morning
service will be In German and will
be held at
The public
the regular hour. 10:15.
is invited.
Bishop of Liberia to Be
Church Speaker. ,
Episcopal Dignitary Will Tell of
Work In Africa.
THE bishop of Liberia. Africa, will
speak on his work at St. David's
this morning at 11 o'clock. At night
at 7:30 the Rt. Rev. Rennle Mclnnea,
bishop in Jerusalem, will speak on
the work of the Anglican church in
the holy land and the east. At 9:30
the children's service will be held
and active school work taken up.
The eucharist will be celebrated at
7, 7:30 and 11 A. M.
a a a
At the church of St. Michael and
All Angels, East Forty-third street
and Broadway, holy communion will
be celebrated at 8 o'clock. The spe
cial preacher at the 11 o'clock serv
ice will be the Right Rev. John C.
Ward, D. D.. bishop of Erie, Pa. At
3 o'clock the cornerstone of the
Bishop Scadding Memorial church
will be laid by the Right Rev. Dan
iel Sylvester Tuttle, D. D., presid
ing bishop of the Episcopal church.
Bishop Tuttle -will preach the er
mon. Other parts In the service
will be taken by Bishop Walter Tay
lor Summer, D. D., of Portland, and
the Rev. T. F. Bower, vloar of St.
a a a
Rev. Ernest Mllmore Stlres, D. D
a distinguished member of the house
of deputies In the general conven
tion, will preach this morning at
10:30 at the Church of Our Father
(Unitarian), Broadway and Yam
hill. Dr. Stires. for seven year
rector of Grace Church, Chicago, has
been rector of St. Thomas church,
New York City, since 1901 and lefthe Slble nd all authorized Chrl
on of the ranking preachers of the
nation's metropolis.
The church school will meet t U
The Portland chapter of the Uni
tarian Laymen's league has . In
structed its committee, consisting
of L. J. Wentworth, R. W. Mon
tague and R. G. Dieck. to continue
their Investigations of successful ex
perlmejits In the problems of em -
1 J i .. . -
Ing a recent report to the council of
the national league. The local
chapter was represented In New
London last week. by Dr. William F.
Fieblg, who Is e'xpect'ed to report
on the New London convention at
the October meeting.
a a a
Dean Lathrop, the secretary of
the department of social service of
the Episcopal rhurch, has been
showing a number of films In aa
exhibit of motion pictures at the
Auditorium. He has offered to put
these pictures at the service of all
the churches of the city for the
ministers and the people Interested
to see for themselves what can be
don w'th motion pictures In teach-
j lnjr the Bible and In other educa
tional subjects. Tne meeting will
be held at the First Methodist
Episcopal church at Twelfth and
Taylor streets. Wednesday night,
September 20, at 8 o'clock.
He plans to show the picture
called "The Heritage of Faith." It
Is the story of the missionary ef
forts of Wh'tman in planting the
Christian religion In Oregon amon
the Indians. He will also show a
film called "As We Forgive." which
Is a study of the Epistle to Phile
mon. This is one of the most strlk-
":"" """'"' "'" fcr.p-
j i li ra r aa p n i n o rim
the motion pic
ture. Another film pictures the ad
ventures of Abraham and his) father
when they lead the first expedition
that we know of to the "west."
An invitation is extended to all
who are Interested to see what the
moving picture can do In educa
tional lines In connection with the
Sunday school and Bible teaching-.
Sunday School Work to Be
St. John's Lutheran Church to
Conduct Saturday Classes.
HOLY COMMUNION will be cele
brated both morning- and night
at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
church. Peninsular avenue and Kll
patrlck street.
Preparatory services at 10:15 A. M.
and 7 P. M., respectively. The topic
for the morning sermon (German)
will be "The' Christian's Gratitude
for Being Appointed to Christ's
Service"; at night Rev. Mr. Lud
wig will speak on "God's Visitation
of Sin." The Sunday school, which
observed a most successful rally
day last Sunday, will meet at f :15. a
quarter hour earlier than usual. The
work of the Sunday school Is being
supplemented by classes conducted
on Saturday and in charge of the
pastor. Children 9 to 12 years of
age meet at 9:30 in the morning,
those 12 years and over at 1 o'clock.
A cordial invitation to all children
of the neighborhood is extended,
a a a
"Is Our Christianity Real or Only
Apparent?" will be the theme of the
pastor' morning sermon In Beth
lehem" Lutheran church.
Night services have again been
resumed, at which practical topics
are discussed.
The new confirmation class is now
being organized and all who expect
to join are requested to enroll at
The pastor's Bible class meets
every Sunday morning during Sun
day school hour.
"Norway's Religion in American
Practice" will be Rev. M. A. Chris
tensen's topic at Our Savior's Lu
theran church. The pastor main
tains that Christianity Is universal.
The principles taught in the old
home in Norway will result In ex
cellent citizenship when practiced
In America. Obedience to law, loy
alty toward the government and
constitution are principles diligently
taught and exercised in Norway. An
American citizen of Norse ancestry
will do well In calling to mind and
into practice those attributes In hi
adopted country.
a a a
The Oregon circuit of the Norwe
gian Lutheran church will convene
In Our Savior's Lutheran church,
Rev. M. A.. Chrlstensen'a charge,
October 3-6. Arrangements are be
ing made to entertain the pastor
and delegates, who will attend aa
representatives of the various con
Papers for discussion will be pre
sented by Rev. C. Losen of Astoria,
Rev. H. J. Thorpe of Portland and
J. Goplernd of Silverton.
a a a
The Sunday school of the Clay
street Evangelical church. Tenth
and Clay streets, begins at 9:30 In
charge of J. C. Luckel, assistant su
perintendent. At 10:46 the pastor.
Rev. Jacob Stocker, will continue
hjs series of sermons on "Christian
Conduct." with the text taken from
Ephesians. In the afternoon the
pastor will speak at the Altenheim
on Division street. In the Young
People's Alliance Professor Gegen
helmer of Naperville, III., will speak,
followed by the discourse of the
minister of the church on "The Child
and the Kingdom."
a a a
Rev. T. M. Minard, pastor of the
First Divine Science church, 118
East Clay street, near the corner
o.' East Twenty-fifth street (take
Hawthorne avenue cars), will speak
on "The Ijiw of Love." this morn-I
inar at 11 o'clock. Francis Rlehter. I
the organist, commences his organ
recltaj at 10:55. Every Thursday
night the mid-week meeting is held
in the church building at 8 o'clock.
The subject of the next Thursday
night lecture Is "Power," by Rev. Mr.
Minard. These services are open to
all who are interested In divine
"Matter" Is Subject of
All Christian Science Churches
Hold 11 A. M. Services.
ATTER" will be the subject
of the lesson sermon In
Christian Science churches today.
Sunday morning services are held
In all churches at 11 o'clock. This
service Is repeated at night by all
churches except the fifth and sev
enth. Sunday school for pupils up to the
age of 30 la held at 9:45 and 11 In
all churches except the third and
fifth, where the sessions convene at
9:30 and 11.
Wednesday night testimonial
meetings are held at 8 o'clock.
Free public reading rooms are
maintained at 1133 Northwestern
Bank building, S3 North Third
street, 133 North Sixth street and
148 Kllllngsworth avenue, where
tlan Science literature may be read
or purchased.
The churches are located fl
Klrwt ihurrh, Nlnrtrnh anil .rtt
trvi: Hrunil rhurrh, Kt Kfith trt
and HoliHlay tvffiur; Thlrl rhurrh,
Knt Twelfth and Kiiirunn aireta: Knurtii
rharch, Vancouver avthnu- in1 Em(rml
tri-l; Ktflh church. Jlly--r4
atrt 8. K. : Htth rhurch. Pythian butui-
. in. a Yamhill airri: ivvcnih hurch,
? illl Umllh Ml I . . I. n a
An Invitation to attend the church
services and visit the reading room
is extended to the public.
Evangelists Will Conduct
East Side Campaign.
Christian Church to He Onlrr ml
ItrllKloua Medians.
THE ROSS evangelistic
will arrive In Portland
ROtW evangelistic company
d the last
week In tills month and begin an
evangelistic rampalKn at the Kast
Side C"h rial lull church. Kast Twelfth
and Taylor streets, October 1. The
company consists of Rev. Kloyd
Ross, evangelist and song leader;
Mrs. Ross, director of. young peo
ple's work, and Miss Dorothy Rons,
pianist. The Rosses form the nu
cleus for an orchestra and will Inter
est other musicians of the city In
organizing a good sized orchestra to
assist with the music for the meet
ing. Rev. Mr. Ross and Mrs. Rose
are' birth graduates of Kuaene Bible
university, and have made a spec
tacular success as evangelists.
Doak F. Dunlap, who recently waa
appointed choir leader of the church.
Is organizing a large chorus choir
in preparation for the meeting. Har
old Moore,, a baritone singer of the
city, has been elected chairman of
the music committee and Invites all
young folk of the church and othor
singers who may be Interested to
become members of the choir.
C. E. Ferguson, well-known In
educational circles and prlm-lpsl of
the Terwllliger school, has been
elected chairman of the official
board In place of Jay W. Mulkey,
who recently resigned, and right
new members have been added to
he board.
September 22, th Christian En
deavorers of the rhurrh will give a
reception at the church to all hish
school, university and college young
folk in the city who rare to annul.
A good programme Is bring pre
pared. This morning Rev. Walter Scot t
Crockett, pastor, will preach at 11
o'clock on "Sarrlflrn of Helf." The
aermonette to the Juniors preceding
the sermon will be on the subject.
"Transformation of Character
Through Christ." At 8 o'clock the
sermon subject will be "Stability of
Three young folk, members of the
Rodney Avenue Christian church,
Rodney avenue and Knott street,
who are leaving the coming week
to attend Euicene Klble university,
at Eugene, will assist the pastor.
Rev. Joseph I. Hoyd, In conducting
the morning service today. They
are Russell Hendricks and Howard
Stansberry. who will study for the
ministry, and Miss Lollta Courier,
who will take the course In religious
education. These young folk are all
graduates of Jefferson high school
and have been prominent In local
churoh and Christian Endeavor
work. They also will take special
work at the University of Oregon.
At the morning worship Runsell
Hendricks will deliver the Invoca
tion. Miss Courier will lead the re
sponsive reading and Howard Stsns
bery will read the scripture li saon.
The topic of the morning dls
courseby the minister, who hs Just
returned with Mrs. Hoyd from a
summer vacation trip, will be "The
New Kvangillxm." Jn tne e-ventng
he will speak on "Unifying the
Another Busy .Year for
Methodists Started.
Various Churches Outline Pis
for .Neat Twrlrrweslk,
AT the First Methodist church at
the 11 o'clok hour of worship,
there will be an address by Robert
Hallowell Gardiner, a delegate from
Maine, attending the general con
vention of the Protestant Kplscopal
church, and secretary of the world
conference on faith and order. At
the night service. Dr. H. K. Parker,
the pastor, will preach on the theme.
"When It Is Neither Night Nor
Morning." A special Invitation is ex
tended to all who are In their
forties. Rev. Edwin T. Randall, as
sociate minister, will be Introduced
at this service.
Wednesday at 2 P. M, the Wo
man's asHociation will hold the first
meeting of the new conference year
In the church parlors. Plans will be
made for the year's work and all
women members and friends of the
church are Invited to be present.
Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in
the church auditorium Dean Lath
rop. secretary of the department of
social service of the Eplsrpoa!
church, will show a number of films
demonstrating the use of motion
pictures In imparting religious in
struction. The mid-week prayer service will
be held Thursdsy night at T:J0.
At the morning service the Cen
tenary Wilbur pulpit will be filled
by Dr. Thomas W. Lane, a former
pastor and a prominent figure In
northwest Methodism. The new as
sociate pastor. Rev. Hanry T.
Greene. and Mrs. Greene, who
has recently accepted the posi
tion of director of rrllnlous edu
cation in Centenary Wilbur, will
be present and will bs introduced to
the congregr.tlon. At night Dr.
Greene will speak on "The High
Cost of Living." The musical pro
gramme will be:
Prelude and fugue on the hymn
tune, Rockingham.
Quartet, "Fear Not Oh Israel."
Solo. "Judge Me Oh God." Burk,
M. M. E. Evans.
Anthem. "Unfold Ye Tortals."
Male quartet. "Take Thou My
Hand," Sullivan.
Community sing led by Dr. Earl
Quartet, "Jesus, Savior, Tllot Me."
Solo, "Singing All the Time," Gab
riel, Edith Collals Evans.
Anthem, "How I.on Wilt Thou
Forget Me." Pflueger.
- .
Bev. P. M. Hlgbee. pestor of the
Free Methodist church at St. Helens
for the psst three years, has ticn
transferred to the enrrh of thst
denomination at St. Johns, known as
the Portland Sncond church of Free
Methodists. He succeeds Rev. N.
Welter, who was transferred to The
Rev. Mr. Ml s. bee will occupy the
iCencludsd on laia 1.)