The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 17, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 40

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I CAN PLACE a man of good ap
pearance and som business ex
perience In a responsible position
which pays well and has a pl?n
did future: must be over 25 and
be willing and conscientious
worker who is at all times ready
to give value for money received.
I am connected with a nation
ally known concern that has a.
position open in this city which
must be filled within two weeks.
Interviews by appointment only.
Phone Main 6G57, after 9:'d0
A. M., Monday. .
The 1623 Inf. O. N. G. band has
dace for several men oboe, piccolo.
flute, clarinet players; those playing
other instruments will be considered
Fine instruments furnished. Good pay
for all rehearsals ; fine band room
arreat chance for those who try. Be
dinners not wanted, but young' me:
with some experience and mean bus.
ness will be considered. Apply band
maRfpr. at A rmorv. 10th and Couci
sts.. Tuesday or Thursday, 7:30 P. M
requires the services of a first-class
furniture salesman. Best of references
reauired. AddIv superintendents or.
flee, :15 to lu:30 A. it.
IXSIDK salesman. Astoria hardware an
plumbing store, with some knowledge
or Kite n en Hardware, stoves, etc. am
plumbing, a!fo general knowledge book
keeping-, to wait on customers ana a
collecting; steady position. Reply, giv
ing age, references and saiary
pected. AM 804. Qregonian.
WANTEH A hinh-grade capable man
ager for Portland's best confectionery
t and restaurant business. One who i
' able to oversee and handle the en
tire business. References required as
to character and ability. A wonder
ful opportunity for the right man,
Apply J. E. Hawkins, care Pwetlanda.
l LARGK corporation requires the serV'
ice of a crew manaerer to handle
crew selling electric vacuum cleaners.
.Must nave nad experience, btate age,
where employed and where last em
ployed, salary or commission ex-
pected. F u.3."i, Qregonian.
WANTED Man to take orders and de
liver for country store; must have had
Home experience in grocery business
and be able to handle and keep up a
Chevrolet car. Apply in person only,
v. . tnay, .tairview, ur.
LOCAL manufacturing company wishes
men .able to finance themselves to
handle county and state rights for
article that is approved in United
States and Canada, Call Sunday, room
iu Montana hotel. 715 x. 6th t
.WANTED Set-up man for wood-work
lng machine, one capable of filing
eaws, making knives, and setting up
BiicKer, snaper, etc., omy expen-encea
xurniture man need apply. AU i4
.WANTED Young man for stenographic
and clerical work; good opportunity
for bright, energetic fellow. ee J. R.
i Mum ma, the National Cash Register
Jo., y Stark St., between 12 and
P. M. Monday.
.Want ED Chinese or Japanese number
one boy for general housework ; must
De good cook : steady work and good
wages; two in family. Address 483
couth Commercial st., Salem, Oregon
WE NEED a first-class cabinetmaker.
man with furniture-factory experience
preferred. Apply Sunday morning, 10
to 12, the West-Made Desk Co., Lewia
ana coring sts.
XJLNOTYPE machinist-operator wanted.
Must be competent and fairly speedy;
country; day work; new No. 14. Apply
at 307 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland.
or roue county uoserver. aiiaa. Or.
A. FINE opportunity for a good single
man with a good auto car to travel
and make good money; give phone
nuznoer ir interested. Answer au yes,
WANTED Experienced carting chlppers
for foundry, electric welders, locomo
tive train and electric hoist men for
open shop In city. Apply 520 Oregon
umg., otn ana uaK sts.
WANTED Three energetic men for city;
pleasant work, good pay and future,
commission and salary to those who
qualify. 10 to 12 Sundav, 9;30 to 12:a0
ovioncay. djs Morgan bldg.
By contract or the day at the Whit
ney Co.; big new mill at Garibaldi, Or.
Office open until noon today. Portland
i-apor Agency, 11 jx. '2d. st.
Man and wife on biir wht mnrh;
wo ranch hands, steady work year
around. Portland Labor Agency, 11
IN. JLO. St.
WANTED Man to work; one who wants
steady employment; must be able to
mint and nandie team. Phone HlUs
' boro, 2 R. 65, U. Braithwate, Route 2,
Box 142. Beaverton, Oregon.
f WANT a man to handle grocery stores,
restaurants, garages and other busi
ness chances. Must be a wide awake
nustier and nave small automobile.
BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bide-.
BARE opportunity, nothing like it ever
in the northwest, locally -supported and
v proiuaoie; permanent for a man who
is looking for advancement. BF 927,
1 WANT two young men who would
like to make $10 to $15 a day; draw
your money daily." See me Monday
noon at 71 East 68th st. N.
PLANER feeder, for fast feed matcher
in large planing mill; steady work;
wages .3.75 for 8 hours. Crosset West
ern Lumber Co., Wanna, Oregon
BOYS wanted, over 16 years old, for box
factory work at the Multnomah Box
Factory, foot xf Bancroft ave.. South
WANTED A good live wire with car
who knows the real estate- business;
have big listing in houses; big com
missions. Monday, call Main 2451.
A GOOD bushelman on men's and ladies
goods; must have speed and know the
business; give references. M 936, Ore
gon lan.
Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City.
Experienced solicitors to can on
automobile owners and dealera Profit
able work. Apply Monday between
10 and 11 A. M. 70T Spalding bldg.
To contract labor on 4 and 5-room
houses. Address, giving phone, p 974
ACCOUNTANT with credit experience
for branch wholesale house. Answer
fully, giving age and references. BJ
911, Qregonian.
v ANTED Competent, experienced, re"
liable butter man. Must be willing
worker. Write Frye & Co., Box 1911.
VANTED 8 good carpenters Monday
morning. Apply at 16th and Danton
APPLE pickers, packers and sorters, at
Hosier. Call Monday. Tabor 8352.
611 E. 60th st. N.
WANTED 2 sheet metal workers. J
L. Austin, Sheet Metal Works, 887 E.
WANTED Experienced steady man for
general ranch and orchard work. Ad-
oresa aayene anwer, JrarKdaie, Or.
WANTED Experienced truck driver.
Beaver Stage Mfg. Co., E. 33d and
PARTNER In established woodsaw busi
ness, small investment, net you $8 to
10 a day. 505 Shetland bldg.
EXPERIENCED inult Igraph operator
for wholesale house. State age and
references. AC 939, Qregonian.
BAKERY route and wagon for sale
cheap. Must sacrifice. Main 5954 after
0 A. M. Sunday.
WANTED Man experienced in pipe and
plumbing supplies. Portland Pipe
Shop. 269 Front St.
iilGH SCHOOL graduate for clerical and
gen-eral office work ; to learn estab
lished business. BP 936, Qregonian
MAN TO build furnace fire for part
rent of basement room. Phone At
water 1W43. 470 Columbia st.
EXPERIENCED express and baggage
man to hustle work. I furnish truck
good pay. 304 Pine st. Call Monday'
WANTED First-class watchmaker.
piy fctutterrieiq uros.
WANT manager for large Delicious
orchard. Morgan, phone Bdwy. 191L
SHOW card man that is a grocery Bales-, hi omrp. a; vzit uregonian
needs a lot.
a carpenter work if
v..aii nuw MCh.ay bldg.
MEN IN manufacturing dept. Vogan
Canrty Co., E. 11th and Flanders.
AN ALL AROUND baker wanted. CaU
at fiSPS -Mth ave. Take Mt. Scott car.
SH EJCTMETAL worker wanted. Roehm
namwure r-u., aaa .mssissippl ave
WANT live real estate man to handle
our lisring. 615 C. of C. bldg.
MAN TO do cleaning in restaurant eve
nines for meals. 528 Union ave. N.
HANDY man to build furnace fire for
room. Main S940. 940 Corbett.
WANT truck haul lumber; steady; give
phone. AR 955, Oregnian.
DENTAL work in exchange for tailor
ing. AC 952, Qregonian.
BARBER wanted. Phone Sunday, East
WANTED Elderly man to care for
horses. Call Main 9562.
FINISHER for furniture factory, who
can use spray-gun. 504 East Lincoln.
WANTED Common yard laborers
Spauldin&r Logging Co., Newborg
Fare Advanced.
4 sets fallers. $5.50 and $5.75: 4
.buckers, 15 ; 4 hook-on men. 95 ; 5
choker setters. 95; 3 chasers, 95; 2 sig
nal punks, 94; 2 sets fallers. 10c square
loot; 2d reft, man, 95.50; 5 railroad aa
borers, 94.
4 sets fallers, contract ; 6 short-log
buckera, 6 long-log buckers on con
tract; 8 tfhoker setters, 4 chasera, 4
hole diggers, 3 knotters, 2 signal punks,
2 top loaders, 2 second loaders, 1 fric
tion tender, 1 head rig man. This is
In white pine district. See us at office
regarding wages. Company furnishes
room and board.
Fare Advanced.
4 buckers, $3.40; 3 sets fallers, 95-83
and 90.12; 4 choker setters. $5; 3 rig
up men, 4 track men, $4. Ship today.
5 young men for box factory. See us
at office; regular wages.
NORTH To Grays Harbor. Wash.
Fare Advanced.
Mill and yard men, 93.25 and 93.50;
young men for box factory, 93.
VANCED. Free Fare Stay 60 Days.
10 laborers on new power line, $4.00.
Ship tonight.
10 young men for box factory work;
ship tonight. See us for wages.
3 sets fallers, 30c M. or 94.80 and $5;
5 buckers, 38c M or 9-4.80; 6 choker
setters, $4.80; 3 chasers, 94. SO; 6 mill
and yard men, 93.20.
5 piledriver men, $5.
4 mill wrieht construction. 95.60.
2 Lumber pilers for dry kiln, 40c M.
1 Camp dishwasher, $00, r. and bd.
1 Camp flunkey, 965, r. and bd.
1 Camp carpenter, 95.50.
3 Sets fallers, by sq.. foot. 10c
8 section men, $4.
r We Are Licensed and Bonded.
Positions in Hourly.
Those having a fair educa
tion and ambition to succeed
can secure work in
Central Office
Telephone Installation.
Western Electric Co., I no,.
Employment Office,
526 E. Morrison St.,
Portland, Or.
The work is permanent. In
teresting and should appeal
to the best types of electrical
and mechanical young men.
Opportunity to advance for
those who show ability.
A high - grade, experienced
used car man can connect with a
splendid money-making opportu
nity. State experience fully.
Application held in strict confi
dence. AO 944,- QREGONIAN.
24-80 years, good appearance and
address, high school education pre
ferred. Due to enlargement of mer
chandising plan ' we can place several
capable young men In our Portland
organization; $30-$ 75 weekly. Call 4
to 6 P. M. 19 Broadway. See Mr.
Single men for teaming and picking;
good camp accommodations; blankets
furnished; can also use a few families
with their own camping equipment ;
apple picking is now opening up; those
desiring, to register for this kind of
work phone Broadway 0729.
OLD LINE life Ins. company desires to
communicate with reliable, ambitious
men in Portland and throughout Ore
gon, who believe they can produce if
given assistance of supervisor and
bank connections. Call between 8:30
and 9 A. M., or write W. E. Hlbbard,
213 Tiiford bldg.
WANTED Thoroughly-experienced order
cnecKer ror outgoing orders; must be
familiar with crockery and glassware,
housefurnishlngs, silverware and kin
dred lines; no others need apply. State
age, experience and salary. AB 891,
WANTED Experienced clothing and
gents' rurnish'ing window trimmer and
card writer; excellent opportunity 'or
right party. Apply immediately to Mil
ler Clothing Co., cor. 3d and Alder sts.
Help of all kinds and classes, skilled
and unskilled, male or female, fur
nished free. Write, wire or phone
Prompt service. Two offices. Portland
Labor Agency. 11 N. 2d st.
EXPERIENCED or handy man on warm
air furnace heat, good pay, steady
work. Apply .Monday morning be
fore 8 A. M., Montag Stove Works,
Kenton. Walnut 2862.
NEED high-grade salesman, owning car.
in every county; world-known house
hold necessity: liberal contract: per
manent employment. H. J. Hesseldenz,
402 Washington St.. Portland.
York sales organization. One familiar
with office and stationery traae ore
f erred. Double-Value Sales Company,
yjf mrtn ave., pjew Yor k.
WANTED Big pay to men everywhere
distributing samples, oooKiets, etc.;
whole or spare time; no experience re
quired. S. Meyer, 211 Seventh St.,
Louisville, Ky.
SALESMEN, radio, to cover local terri
tory; good proposition; a firmly estab
lished radio specialty that has no
competition; commission basis. Address
Kadi o. suite TL'U, 111 Broadway, IV. x.
WANTED Subscription solicitors for old
established, high-class weekly; excep
tional opportunity, ask lor Air. tsmitn
Call from 9 to 10. 12 to 1, 5 to 6. 1036
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Wanted, someone to sell my patent
$500 commission to right party. Give
your phone No. AJ 966, Qregonian.
YOUNG man can secure steady employ
ment immediately and maKe. -o a
week or more easily; experience not
essential. 428 .Exchange bidg., 102
Second st.
in the Sacramento valley at Willows,
by Williams & Colusa, for rice harvest;
wages range from $3 to $7 a day and
good accommodations.
CONCRETE MAN To put in basements.
etc., in exchange for con. mixer com
plete, with or without 5 -pass. car.
Phone Atwater 0746. evenings.
MAN WITH 2 teams and wagon to con
tract naming lumber z nines on plank
road, $L75 per M ft. Apply Rose Lum
ber Co.. Strassel. Or.
WANTED Neat young man as book
keeper; must be good penman and
familiar with financial accounting.
AM 918, Qregonian.
TAILORS, you never can learn younger
draft patterns tor custom-made
clothes; prices within reach of every
one. K 904, Qregonian.
WANTED 2 American section foremen
for main line; 8 rough carpenters with
tools; so section laborers. 326 Hoyt st.
WANTED All around bushelman; excel
lent working conditions; your own boss.
Give phone.- J 880, Qregonian. .
tract, labor only, on a residence. 216
Panama bldg.
W A NT E D Man with gas saw to cut
cord wood, all winter s work. See Nick
restaurant, 300 Burnside.
WANTED Carpenter to figure labor on
4 and 5-room houses; give phone.
AN 892, Qregonian.
CHOICE permanent sales business in
home territory f-r people of character.
Mr. Warner. 220 FUedner bldg.
MAN WANTED to peddle hominy,
horseradish and honey. ' 368 Haw
thorne. WOOL PULLERS Ask for Mr. Johnson.
Portland Pulled Wool Co., Columbia
blvd. and Denver ave., Kenton.
CUTTER wanted on dresses. Menzln &
Ftiiop. Inc., 4th and Couch sts.
BOY OVER 16 with wheel to deliver.
Ainsworth market, 1256 Union ave. N.
COLLECTOR Must know city and ride
hirycle. AH 958. Qregonian.
SCHOOLBOY over 20 yrs. old to work
for room and board. Broadway 4314.
FLORIST for greenhouse work.
Tab or 190S.
CARPEN 1R, inside or outside man.
per day. 929 E. 28th st Monday.
AL'TO top maker to do job for type
writer. Walnut 4675.
MEN" PAID up to $10 per day: See Mr
Gulbert. at 1221) Glenn ave. N.
WANTED Kalsomlrfing. house cleaning
in exchange for dentistry Main 5030.
EXPERIENCED photo coupon solicitors.
-ioo wag-nington st., aionqay.
GOOD strong boy for store work, steady
job for honest boy. Call 235 Stark sl
I have just started 2 men on the
road to success. They're sorry they
didn't know us before. Will you be
the next to live up to your . family's
need or will you some day be depen
dent on them? Opportunity stares you
square in the face. You can grow with
the fastest growing concern in the
world if you are ambitious. Write
BD 889. Qregonian.
In Furniture, Rugs, etc.
Man engaged ' In New York seeks
change. Can create or develop mail
order or contract departments, estab
lish or supervise agents, or other meth
ods of business expansion. Substantial,
reliable, capable.
15 West 37th St., New York City.
CASHIER to fill responsible steady posi
tion in wholesale establishment. Must
be first-class bookkeeper with knowl
edge of account ins, able use Borrows
bookkeeping machine. References
must be furnished. Reply only If first
class in own hand writing stating age,
past experience, salary expected. AR
932, Qregonian.
SALESMAN to cover "Washington and
Oregon for manufacturers' representa
tives to sell to the stationery, drug,
office furniture, hardware and auto
trade at S per cent commission. Write
Pacific Coast Sales Co, 407 San Fer
nando bldg.. 4th and S. Main sts., Los
Angeles. Cal.
Radio News, Science and Invention are
the largest and most popular radio
magazines published. We want sub
scription solicitors in every community.
Big commissions. C. J. Wolfe, Ex-
Serlmenter Pub. Co., 53 Park Place,
etc York.
WANTED An old or middle-aged couple
to take care of 5 or 6 cows and look
after farm of 20 acres, with some ex
perience with thoroughbred cattle: live
on the farm by yourselves; more for
winter home than wages. A. M. Bach
elder. Warren, Oregon.
MANUFACTURERS of nationally adver
tised line of men's wearing apparel
desire applications from promising
young- men to represent them in Ore
gon. Unlimited possibilities offered
to energetic, hard worker. AV 36,
$225 PER MONTH averaged by many
salesmen; some make more; congenial
easy work for young or old; experience
unnecessary; cash weekly; business
splendid year around. Washington
Nursery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper for large auto
mobile house; must be neat, accurate
and devoted to their work. Address
Advertiser, P. O. box 134, city.
WANTED Experienced chauffeur by pri
vate family; must be ableto keep car
in. first-class condition and make him
self generally useful around the houee;
state age, experience and salary ex
pected. AF tiiB, uregoman.
HONEST boy, over 15, to learn Jewelry
engraving; prefer one who likes to
draw; must live at home; small wages
to start, but advancement assured; ref
erences required. AB ey!, uregonian.
WANTED-Sept. 30, apple pickers,
teamsters, warehouse men. 30c hour.
Lidders lc per box, packers 6c; board
$1. Write Herbert Williams, White
Salmon. Wash.
SKI LLD carpen ter and. builder, who
can take two or three shares of stock
in construction company, can get
good position, with chance for ad
vancemfmt. BC 9T5, Qregonian.
ROUTE man for established route; ap
plicant must prove he is a business
getter. Apply after B P. M. Monday
at l'jav alsey st.
WANTED Plate glass beveler.; one used
to an wneeis; steady job. write fget
Sound Art Glass Co., 514 Westlake ave.
North, Seattle, Wash.
WANT A-l lathpullen 9 hours, $5 per
aay ana commission on ino. zs ana
shorta Write A. J. Chartier, Wheeler,
MEN If dissatisfied with present job or
would like better one with chance or
advancement, write Research, Room
215, 6229 Delmar, St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED An experienced salesman for
retail furniture and rugs; state exp.
and reference in first letter. F 971,
WANT carpenter, nights, to do some
wont in exchange ror a scholarship in
a business college. Scholarship can
be transferred. 502 Dekum b 1 d g.
WANT good farm hand, wages $30 per
montn, room ana ooard. '1. . iedsoe,
Baverton, Or.
BOY, past school age, on farm near
.Portland; 2 cows to milk; wages $5.
J 913. Qregonian.
STEADY pin boys. Apply after 11 A. M.
Monday at Oregon alleys. 86 Broad
way. WINDOW TRIMMER and card writer.
Miller Clothing Company. 3d and Al
der sts.
BOY WANTED for light delivery, chanct
to learn the printing trade. Apply 823
Pacific st.
JANITOR for an apt. house, man able to
do painting and kalsomlning and gen
eral janitor work. Main 6011.
LOGGING camp timekeeper; must have
experience. Central Employment Co.,
13 N. 2d st. We are open Sunday.
WANTED Someone to haul wood, coun-
try mill. AU biio, Qregonian.
ONE SET of fallers and buckers, 91 per
M. Call 602 Couch bldg., Monday A. M.
COLLECTOR Must know city and ride
bicycle. AH 958, Qregonian.
WANTED A shingler to shingle a roof.
East 8572.
WANT all around restaurant cook. 1723
Denver Ave., Kenton.
MILKER, single man.
gon, 9 to 12, 1 to B.
CaU Hotel Ore
Mrs. Dunga n .
DO YOU realiy wish to work 7 If so.
see me. Hail, 433 Cham, of com, bldg
WANT a boy of twenty to work for
Hdwy. 4314.
WANTED Painter and '
408 Roselawn ave.
carpenter at
IleIo Wanted Salesmen.
WANTED Salesman for Oregon to han
dle a line of Bteam supplies used In
sawmills and logging camps. If you
need a strong line to go with the one
you now have, we have it; permanent
and excellent commission; give run de
tails, line and experience; will arrange
to interview. AV 26, Qregonian.
Al SALESMEN selling clothing, furnish
ings, dry goods, general stores; easy
selling, advertised side line, work
pants, blankets, auto robes, manufac
turer; light samples, exclusive terri
tory ; liberal commissions, big money
maker. Daniel Boone Woolen Mills,
1757 Diversey, Chicago, 111.
SALESMEN, neat appearing, new, high
class article, exclusive design ; sells
quickly on its merits; nothing to carry
or deliver, just take orders from users
and dealers for future delivery; hand
some income paid weekly; state terri
tory. GOGNITO, Box 289. Elizabeth,
N. J.
for the state of Oregon; permanent
future with big earning possibilities
for the right man. Men who come with
us now will have a real opportunity
to advance into better positions in the
very near future. Apply 1019-1020
Gasco bldg.
SALESMAN to handle our specialty print
ing line, including salesbooks, restau
rant pads, order books, etc., on com
mission basis. Only responsible man or
firm considered. Washington Sales
book Co., 1206-8 Stewart bL Seattle,
SALESMEN WANTED to sell Mills scales
and other coin machines; good work-
ers can make a highly profitable con
nection with world's largest mfrs. in
this field. Write Mills Novelty Co.,
Jackson blvd. and Green St., Chicago,
WANTED Salesman acquainted with
the real estate business to sell owner
ship participations in city business
property. Liberal commission. Ad
dress, giving experience and acquaint
ance in city. Y 852, Qregonian.
OLD established film wants a real man.
Advertised, line. work permanent.
Experience not really essential as we
teach you and co-operate with you.
Call 700, Journal bldg., 10 A. M. to
1 P. M. Sunday.
Columbia Six distributor has open
ing for higJi-rrade salesman. See sale
354 E. Broadway, Near Union..
AGGRESSIVE specialty salesmen wanted.
9UJUU montn class, to call on dry goods
trade, record references required. Com
puting Yard Measure Co., 30 N. Dear
born st., Chicago.
SOMETHING NEW. a necessity: all
business and professional men need It;
nci.Q fi.uu, wwt.a juu .J..4U; Dig re
peater; write for sample. Merchants'
Ass'n., Minneapolis. Minn,
WANTED Salesmen not afraid of hand
work .wno are interested in making
big money, call at No. 1. North Broad-
way and Ankeny.
Good steady position for Mve-wfr-e.
must have car. Call Monday between
7:30 and 8:30 A. M. 105 N. 2d st.
WANTED Experienced bread salesman
for bakery route in city. Apply Sun
day. 1 o'clock, 550 Umatilla.
BALANCE of $170,000 capital to be nut
over this year; want $1000 man to -sist
me. B.) 1)23, Qregonian;
WANTED Experienced paint salesman
for road work. 187 Second st., Monday.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
Opportunity KNOCKS. Own a
grocery store and make $300 to $400 a
month without capital invested. You
do not have to carry credits; bad
debts, and do not have to understand
merchandising to make a success.
Other men are doing it with us by
selling direct to the consumer; gro
ceries, oils, greases and paints on com
mission. No matter what you are do
ing now, thla is the opportunity of
your lifetime. All you need is a cfcr.
References as to your honesty. Integ
rity and ability to work. No letter
answered without it contains full in
formation concerning yourself, your
age, experience and qualifications. P.
O. Box 2128.
If you are a real salesman. .
If you have an automobile.
If you are willing to work.
If you can finance yourself.
If you want to get all you earn.
You are the man we want. We put
you in business for yourself. A full
line. Exclusive territory, and big
commissions on sales and also on re
peat and mail orders. If you can't
fill the above don't waste our time
and vours. If vou can. come rlgnt in.
the door is open. We want to talk to
415 E. Ash St., corner E. 6th.
We sold 3 entire -subdivisions during
60 days of July and August, uur raptm
fire salesmen are earning" from $250 to
9S00 monthly. We handle subdivisions
only. Lots and traots In subdivisicme
are much easier to sell than any other
kind of rea-1 estate. There s an open
ing on our sales force for you If you
are an earnest, conscientious worker.
See Mr. Comte, mornings only.
416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg.
Largest suburban lot and acreage
subdivision ReHers in Portland.
To the man who can qualify an
exceptionally good opportunity is of
fered to become associated with an
established office and take Immediate
charge of a new bond issue bearing
8 per cent interest; sinking fund is
provided to amortize bonds ; they are
the only funded debt and are being
Issued by one of Portland's substan
. tial industries, having been in busi
ness more - than 15 years, and is a
regular dividend payer; state age,
past experience and whether you have
a clientele; your reply held confi
dential. P. O. Box 542.
An established local company doing
a strictly high-class financial busi
ness and carrying a regular sales force
of 12 men, has positions open for 3
ambitious salesmen who . are willing
to work hard and intelligently for big
money. Our proposition is second to
none and our salesmen's record speaks
for itself. Let us show you what our
men have done and what you can do.
S 921, Qregonian.
SALESMAN wanted Cor the state of Cal
ifornia to represent an old established
manufacturer of a nationally known
line of toilet preparations Only those
experienced in this line will be con
sidered. Permanent ruture witn oig
earning possibilities for right party.
asis or compensation, salary, commis
sion And travflina- AxoenHPS
404 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Experienced coffee specialty
salesman. None but those having ex
perience need apply. compensation,
salary and commission. Unlimited
possibilities for one who can sell
goods. No consideration will be given
your reply unless you state fully
. your selling experience, age and pres
ent employment. Communication
strictly confidentiaL AF 902, Orego
On fastest selling, highest quality
line advertising specialties. Do you
know the possibilities in this line? If
not, investigate now. During the next
five years our salesmen will reap a har
vest. Get in now. All-year-round line.
Write today.
Pes Moines. Iowa.
Experienced salesman who has sold
fibre containers and corrugated, mate
rials wanted to represent large corpo
ration, A splendid position, offering
good opportunity- lot advancement
Write me about yourself. R. T. Van
Norden, 2011 Palace Hotel, San Fran
EXPERIENCED carton and folding box
salesman to cover San Francisco de
partment store, tailor and city trade
for large matnufacturer. Resident posi
tion, no traveling. Splendid opportu
nity -lor a real sro-Eetter. write com
plete details. A. V. McKay, 401 Flood
bldg., wan r rancisco.
YOU CAN make 91000 per month. A
grower's association, thoroughly estab
lished, can use several high-grade
men who have real ability. Permanent
connection; commission basla A rare
and profitable opportunity. No stock
selling. 801 Wilcox bldg. After Mon
day, 1 P. M.
We" want men of high character
who think in terms of $5000 per year
up. We teach you the business and
give you every possible co-operation ;
permanent, with plenty of room for
advancement. Call at 1108 Wilcox bids:
salesmen; exclusive territory; expenses
advanced ; liberal commissions ; ex
perience not essential; give age, height,
weight, business experience, 3 late
business references. Stanford-CroweU
Co., Ithaca, N. Y.
WANTED Experienced salesmen to han
die a high-grade local security in i
going concern; fcehind it we have men
of integrity and, ability. Do not apply
unless you can furnish A-l references.
Apply between 9 and 10 A. M., 421
wpatcimg bidg.
CONNECT with a real estate office
where-men are making money. If you
have personality, act on the square
and have ear, I can use you. O. H
Skotheim, 404-5-6 Couch bldg, Bdwy.
6787 for appointment,
SALESMAN- Special opening for one
man with sales experience; work in
business section; something new; pays
big; magazine or newspaper; men take
notice. 423 Exchange bldg., 2d and
Stark street.
MEN "WANTED Three or four live-wire
men; must be willing to work to make
big money; ehould make from $50 to
9100 per week. See Mr. Kratt, 221
Chamber of Commerce bldg., between
1 and 4 P. M.
WANTED A few more ladies and gen
- "eraen to canvass 1922's snappiest
line of household rubber specialties on
the market; attra ctlve line assures
quick sales. Apply Oregon Household
Specialty Co., 203 Goodnough bldg.
SALESMEN Write for list of lines and
full particulars. Earn $2500 to $10,
000 yearly. Big demand for men. In
experienced or experienced, city or
traveling. Nat'l. Salesmen's Tr. Assn.,
Dept. 274. Chicago.
INVESTIGATE our date prune invest
ment plan. Better than a bond or in
surance policy. Sells to everyone every
where. This new fruit marvel now on
, display 106 10th st. Drop in and let
tell you about it.
. We have an opening for a live sales
man, with cst. Unusual opportunity
for the right man. See Mr. Symmonds.
Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 7522.
INSURANCE solicitor. Must be man
of pleasing personality, good educa
tion and one who is ambitious and
has confidence in his own ability to
make good. AO 913, Oregonian.
SALE.SMAN 925-$50 commission dally
, ma-de by our men; advertising service;
dull business helps; commissions daily;
give references. L. Beggs, Secty.. 819
Adams Express bidg., Chicago.
I have an opening in several Oregon
districts for competent sa'tesman; must
furnish references. Call Clyde hotel,
between 11 and 1. Ask for Mr. Dahl.
LOS ANGELES manufacturer wants re
sponsible distributor for article In
great demand; experience not neces
sary; no competition; restricted terri
tory. Call 544 Vz Washington st.
WANTED Real live-wire salesman to
carry good paying side line for auto
trade on commission. M 935, Qrego
nian. WANTED Business chance, apartment
house and hotel salesmen with cars.
517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
WANTED Realty salesman with car.
one experienced in soliciting ror sub
urban acreag-e; with right man a good,
exclvslve contract. A 062, Qregonian.
WANTED 6 first-class stoek salesmen.
Good commissions, first-class invest
ment. Call East 5346, ask for Mr.
WORTMAN & KING requires
the services of a high-grade electric
vacuum cleaner salesman for city
work. Apply superintendent's office.
HAVE opemlng far energetic young sales
man; liberal commission, profitable fu
ture. Apply Monday 281 E. Morrison at.
3 BLUE ribbon hosiery salesmen. High
est commission paid. 517 Exchange
bldg. Second and Stark sts.
MEN to sell desirable goods, pays well.
Congenial work. Room 331. 407 Wash
ington s
KtAU ESTATE salesmen for suDdt
visions, best in the city; big money
maker; 500 McKay bldg.
WANTED 2 neat appearing salesmen
can make $30 to $50 per week. See
ilr. Scott, 402 Washington st.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SIMPSON INC., DEPT. 285. 831
WANTED Salesman to cover state of
Oregon, who works his territory close,
to represent" manufacturer making
Guarantee-Not-to-Rip line of school
and play shoes, few numbers of men's,
boys' and growing girls' shoes and ox
fords; greatest selling- line on the mar
ket. In first letter give following in
formation: Territory covered in detail,
amount of sates for. last 5 years, pres
ent connection. 3 character references.
E. J. RAMSEY CO., 967 Atlantic Ave.,
Brooklyn. N. Y.
women with sales ability to sell Light
ning Window Cleaner, part or full
time; cleans and dries windows and
show cases In one-third time of old
way; eliminates soap, slop and muss;
every home, store and building a cus
tomer; enormous demand, quick sales,
big commission. Our men are making
200 to 9400 a month. Write today.
International Specialties Co., 520 Pol
son bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
SALESMEN 920O to $500 monthly eas
ily earned demonstrating wonderful
two-pound desk adding machine; sells
for only $15,' equals work of costly
machines; speedy, accurate, fully guar
anteed. Big demand, stores, offices,
garages; enormous ""profits; experience
unnecessary, sells itself. Write quick
for trial offer. Lightning Calculator
Co., Desk 241, Grand Rapids, Mich.
SALESMEN High-class, book experi
ence, for best known garage electrical
equipment; earnings 9200 weekly pos
sible; good territory. Automotive Pub
lishing Co., Monon bldg., Chicago.
AGENT-S, 9300 month, steady pay, new
est style written guaranteed hosiery;
complete line including silks and wools:
display samples and write orders; your
pay in advance; we deliver and col
lect; experience unnecessary; try H out.
Jennings Mfg. Co., Trial R, 668, Day
ton. Ohio. . .
AGENTS to distribute $3 household
article free to 10.000 housewives intro
ducing our guaranteed goods; 92 hour,
9 16 day; part time satisfactory ; send
for free samples and full information.
Jennings Mfg. Co., District 223, Day
ton, Ohio.
AGENTS 9U0 a week to special men to
travel by auto and install new stove
converter in every home; wonderful
invention; cook and bake all year
without coal or wood; no gas or elec
tricity needed; we furnish the auto;
sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., Con
vertor 767. Dayton, Ohio.
MEN AND WOMEN Wonderful op
portunity to make money Felling Dyx
Guaranteed Silk Hosiery, first grade
quality onl" In all colors, plain or
with clox. Direct from mill to wearer.
Tyx Hosiery Co. Cincinnati. Ohio.
AMBITIOUS men wanted to refinish and
plate brass beds, chandeliers, autos,
accessories, headlights, by Improved
methods; capital or experience un
necessary; large daily profits. Write
for samples and particulars. Melv-lle-Metalcrafts.
28 W. 22d st.. New York.
MEN iN women to sell our products
to housewives. Our agents sell in
three out of four houses. No experi
ence necessary ; we teach you. We
guarantee a minimum return to right
parties. Home Chemical Products Co.,
652 Thurman.
"Stove Carburetor." Not an Oil Burner.
Gassifles kerosene; patented 1921;
guaranteed 10 years; fits your stove.
Circular free.
73S0 South Chicago Ave, Chicago.
AGENTS Big money taking orders over
coats, pants, blankets, direct woolen
mill to wearer; big values. Donahue
made $108 first week. Pinocci makes
$200 weekly. No capital required. Com
plete' outfit free. TAYLOR, WELLS,
2742 N. Paulina. Chicago.
EARN 920 commission daily selling au
thorized, inspiring story Henry Ford's
Experiences and Achievements since
boyhood. write for free sample. Cun
ningham Co., Publishers, 1529 Devon
AGENTS 975 to $100 weekly taking or
ders tor our nign-graae union maae.
specially priced raincoats, 93.95 direct
from factory. CONSUMERS MFG. CO..
720 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, Dept.
Selling Magic- Marvel washing com
pound, new soap flakes and bluing
paddle; biggest sellers, steady 300
profit business; free samples. Mitchell
Co., 1302 E. 61at, Chicago.
GOODYEAR MFG. CO., Goodyear bldg.,
JK-ansas jity, mo., ts matting an oner
to send a handsome raincoat free to
one person in each locality who will
recommend It to friends. Write today.
Dept. 12-C.
EARN $10 dally silvering mirrors, plat
ing and refinishing metal ware,- head
lights, chandeliers, bedsteads; outfits
furnished. Write for information.
Manton Decie Laboratories, 1133 Broad
way. New York.
AGENTS $75 to $100 per week easily
maae selling cresoo raincoats, snopping
bags and waterproof aprons: big new
selling outfit free. Write today. Im
proved Manufacturing Co., Dept. 306,
Ashlan d. Ohio.
AGENTS coining money, applying mono
grams on automoniies; you cnarge
91.50, profit $1.40; $15 daily easy; ex
perience unnecessary ; free samples.
Worcester Monogram Co.. Worcester,
AGENTS J4.50 commission an hour dis
playing Thomas Allweather coats; you
simply wear coat and book orders; no
delivering or collecting; coat free to
producers. Thomas Mfg. Co., Section
1332, Dayton, Ohio.
FINEST hosiery at lowest prices; agents
99 to $18 commission a aay easy; Dig
commissions advanced: we deliver and
collect. Special proposition for crew
MILLS, 209-A South La Salle. Chicago.
AGENTS Big profits, new patented nov
elty vestpocket hat and coat hanger;
nothing like It on the market; send for
sample. Handy Co. Manufacturers, 205
Lafayette St.. New York.
A 92 SELLER, costs you about 90c; gen
uine leather mil iota, witn names goia
inlaid; retailers charge $3 to 95- Big
catalog mailed frae. Halvorsen,, 108 W.
Lake st., Chicago.
EVERYBODY EATS; J.V) weekly Intro
ducing Mother Hubbard rooda direct to
consumer; $150 worth of goods free,
also free outfit. Adam Inthout, 536
Congreset, Chicago
UNIVERSAL necessity, big moneymaker.
Article not 'worked to death by
agents. Wrlto for our winning agents'
pro-position. Moulton Umbrella Co.,
Wilmington, Ohio.
DROP everything, sell "Amazing Story
Life of - Henry Ford." Biggest seller
ever published. Get free sample and
territory. HBRTEL CO.. 0 So. Clinton.
Chicago. '
A- BUSINESS of your own. Make spark
ling glass name plates. numbers,
checkerboards, medallions, signs. Big
Illustrated book mailed free. K.
Palmer, 240, Wooster, Ohio.
J300 MONTH taking orders for our spe
cial price smashing .3. us union made
raincoats direct from factory. EAST
ERN RAINCOAT CO., Mfrs.. 017
Roosevelt Road. Chicago. '
ately; snappiest, lowest priced, quality
line, made-to-measure suits and over
coats on earth. HOUSE OP CAMP
BEL L. 456 South State. Chicago.
MAKE 000 profit; free samples; largest
assortment of window sign letters;
easily applied; experience unnecessary.
'Acme Sign Letter Co., 2S04 Congress,
B0c AN HOUR to hustlers; new plan,
real money maker: get particulars
while your territory Is open. Albert
Mills, Gen. Mgr., 8102 American Bldg.,
Cincinnati, O.
AGENTS' crew men. novelty men, Gloo
Pen. & 50c mucilage fountain pen;
everybody buys on demonstration.
Write for big profit plan, Gloo Pen Co.,
V 56 Pine st.. New York.
Newest Invention prevents accidents;
costs agent $2. retails $5; state men
considered. Carl Brown, 51, Columbus,
SELL Old Master auto enamel; won
derful results; paint car today, drive
tomorrow; startled. enthused auto
world; exclusive territory. Akron Paint
Products Co.. Akron. O.
EASY MONEY; quick seller; changeable
sign for merchants' windows, costs
55c, retails $1 00, with 270 letters.
Changeable Sign Co., 580 E. 102d.
Cleveland. O.
EXPERIENCED life underwriters want
ed; liberal commission and renewals.
National Life Insurance Co. (54 years
of service). 502 Pittock block.
INCREASE your profits, selling soap,
perfumes, extracts, etc., as side line.
Lacassian Co.. Dept. 642, St. Louis. Mo.
SEASON now opening for radio busi
ness; good selling inducements for
live agents. Call 520 Ab-ington bldg.
SOLICITOR with car. for Awde's in
destructible hats. 455 Alder street.
tl.ALi'H. accident ana hospital insur
ance; big commission. 501 Corbett bids.
WANT 100 men and women quick to
make $75 to 9100 a week taking or
ders for Comer raincoats. . McCrary
averaged 9120 a week, made 96100 last
year. Barnes made 9523 In 30 days.
Pengo took 3 orders in an hour. 910
a day spare time. New fall and early
3923 styles; wonderful bargains direct
from factory to wearer; no delivering
or collecting; we leu you wnai to Bay,
where to eo. how to make biir money,
Sample coat free to hustlers. Write
quick for liberal offer. The Comer
Mfg. Co., Dept. G-1343. Dayton, Ohio.
AGENTS, send for sworn proof of $3 to
915 commission dally, introducing lat
est style guaranteed hosiery; 87 styles,
13 colors; neither experience nor cap
ital needed ; just show samples, take
orders. We deliver and collect: your
pay dally; all transporation charges
paid; tree radio outfit or automobile
besides; 24 hours service; six pairs
hose guaranteed 6 months, $1.50; out
fit furnished contains all colors, grades
Including silks and heathers. Mac-O-Chee
Mills Co., Fall 3000. Cincinnati.
AGENTS 960 to 9200 a week commis
sion; free samples gold and silver sign
letters for office windows, store fronts,
and glass signs of all kinds; anyone
can put them on. no experience neces
sary, big demand everywhere ; over
wu" protit. Fred Foley. Hingnamton,
N. Y., made 9485 first month. Albert
Gibbons, Kansas City, made 9212 in 10
days. Liberal offer to generaii agnts.
Write today for sample of our high
grade window letters. Metallic Letter
Co., 435 North Clark, Chicago.
BIG PROFIT selling Gartside's Iron Rust
Soap, the original iron rust, ink and
stain remover; marketed since 10O4,
fuiiy protected in U. S. patent otiice,
advertised throughout the country ;
sells like wildfire to homes and C
f ices; large tubes, enough to remove
600 spots, for 25c; send 10c for trial
tube. Gartside's Iron Rust Soap Co.,
677 Preston St., Philadelphia, Pa.
91o0,0iiO CONCERN wants agents to take
orders for Gabardine Gas Mask rain
coats; biggest selling coat in America;
wonderful value, big profit in advance;
two sales means big day's wages; only
sample of cloth necessary, furnished
free; we deliver and collect. Write for
exclusive territory and selling outfit.
Dept. 191, Lewis Raincoat Company,
MAKE $5000 every year, $2000 in spare
time; you share profits besides; show
and write orders for "Weather Mon
arch" Raincoats, also wind and Water
'proof Overcoats. We deliver and col
lect; commission in advance. Ask about
"Duol Coat" (No. 99!)). Free raincoat
for your use. ASSOCIATED RAIN
442-450 North Wells. Chicago.
1. New Just out In September.
2. Fast sellei all times.
3. Vest pocket sample has 'class."
4. Immediate commissions -old reliable
5. Don't risk passing the BEST.
Desk 20. Des Moines. Iowa.
AGENTS $15 commission daily; easy,
quick sales: free auto: biir weekly
bonus; $1.50 p remhi m free to e very
customer; simply show our beautiful
7-piece solid aluminum handle cutlery
set, appeals instantly; we deliver and
collect; pay daily. New Era Mfg. Co.,
W3 Madison St., Dept. 136VV. Chicago.
MANY making 93000 yearly, selling
Famous Clows-Knit Hosiery direct
from mill to wearer; all styles for men,
women, children ; get free book "How
to Start"; gives all details. George
(jiows Co., Dept. 1&8, Philadelphia, fa.
WANTED In country, on carline, healthy
intelligent nurse-housekeeper ror i
fined elderly lady sem-i-invalld, 3-roorn
no use, good nome. small salary. I n
lesn fond of a quiet life don't apply.
Address Route 1, Box 414, Mllwau-
kle. Or.
WANTED Families to pick apples at
Underwood, Wash. Fare 91. 30c an
hour with Sc bonus if stay to end
of season. Tents, beds, stoves and
mattresses furnished. Apply at 170
4th st. Public Employment Bureau.
LADIES, $10 commission dally easy,
npare time; every housewife will buy
ironing board cowers ; experience un
necessary; sample free. Rallen Mfg.
Co., Dept. 2S43, Baltimore Bldg.,
Chicago. i
WANTED A woman or girl for general
housework at The Dalles; ail modern
conveniences. Call at the office of
the Seward hotel Monday between 9
A. M. and 1 P. M.
WANTED Girl or woman, housework
and companion, 3 In family, small
town close to Portland, treated as one
of family ; lovely home, reasonable
wages. Ca 1 1 M onday. Sell wood 2Q01.
AUK YOU satisfied with your earning
capacity? We train you for our work
and guarantee you $1200 the first
year. Give education and previous
bualnesg experience. F 934. Qregonian.
WANTED First-class experienced op
erator on made-to-order shirts; one
capable of taking charge.
404 Union ave. N. East 53H.
WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper
for work in country, four in family,
woman employed. Write Firwoodeen
Farm, Boring. Or. Phone Sandy 17x4.
YOUNG woman to assist with general
housework; home-like place; no laun
dry. Call 300 Cook ave., or phone
East 9485.
WANTED Middle-aged widow for house
keeper for widower and 3 children.
Call between 10 and 1 at 379 Dekum
free employment bureau has good posi
tions for experienced workers with
YOUNG girl to care for year-old baby.
help with housework; good home to
right party; wages $25. Monday,
Auto. 519-14.
WANT woman baker ; must know how
to manufacture first-class home bak
ing. Apply Monday, 2 to 5 o'clock.
44 North 23d St.
WANTED for general houaework. strong
capable woman 7 hours, 3 days weekly.
25c an hour. No objection to colored
woman. AM 948. Qregonian.
COMBINATION camp workers and dish
washers; small camp, long job; office
open until noon today. Portland Labor
Agency. 11 N. 2d st.
WAITERS in restaurant, small town
near Portland; good pay and steady
job; office open until noon today.
Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d at.
girl to work for room and
Phone Atwater 2243. Mrs.
WANTED Experienced double - needle
power machine operator: unexperienced
need not apply. 1914 2d at.. 3d floor.
WANTED Experienced stenographer for
typing and billing. Call 648 Hood.
Sunday morning.
CAPABLE woman for general house
work; 3 adults, 1 child; good wages.
Tabor S45R.
GIRL under SO years for pressing, re
pairing; 5 hours day. Call before noon
Sunday. Multnomah hotel tailor shop.
WOMAN wanted to work In kitchen a.
helper: married preferred. 611 N. 21t
St. Broadway 2729.
WANTED Woman for nice plain cook
ing. Salary $50, board and room
AO 10. Qregonian.
AN ASSISTANT stenographer; small
wages to begin. Write or call 502 De
kum bldg.
A YOUNG woman wanted, housework In
a family of two or three. 686 Mlnne
sota avenue. t
REFINED, energetic woman over 30 who
desires a life work of dignity and help
fulness; not office. H 004, Qregonian.
WOMAN, to do housework for room
and board and some wages. Auto.
EXPERIENCED finisher on power ma
chine. Apply Northwest Knitting
Mills. 2Sfh and Kast Ash. Monday.
WANTED -A waitress, resident, refer
ence required. Apply St. Helen's Hall,
13th and Hall St.
LADY to do sewing in exchange for
piano lessons. Accredited teacher.
Eaat 1103. ,
EXPERIENCED saleslady for furs!
One having knowledge of fur pre
ferred. Hudson Bay rtir Co.
EXPERIE'NCEID lady prensar, one who
can operate a press machine. 564 E.
Oak st. Cascade Dye Works.
THOROUGHLY experienced waitress.
Tall Monday A. M. 101 6th st-
EXPERIENCED fur finishers. Daylight
factory. Hudson Bay Fur Co.
WA.NTED Woman to care for children
and housework. Bdwy. 3272.
COMPETENT bookkeeper with at least 3
years' experience. AB 843, Qregonian.
GIRL wanted Tor general housework;
must know how, to cook. Auto. 616-03.
EXPERIENCED photo coupon solicitors,
4R5 Washington St.. Monday.
WOMEN paid up to $10 per day. See Mr.
Gulbert. 1220 Glenn ave. N.
WANTED Experienced seamstress
dressmaker. Phone Bdwy. 3084.
WANTED Elderly lady without home
as companion. Tabor 0767.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for man with
children. J. eg-ry, rtamier. ur.
WANTED Girl to assist with house
work. East 06.-)0.
VV4.NTED Woman for cooking on ranch.
Address Jim Turner. Clem, Or.
Twenty-five dollars per week to start
and your fare refunded If you remain
until January 1st.
Pleasant surroundings In California's
most modern sanitary factory.
41 Jessie St.,
Ran Francisco. California.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and gen
eral office girl; permanent poult inn for
girl who is pleasant, neat, accurate,
good correspondent ; one capM of
growing into repon!Me position in
enterprise with tremendous future
ahead ; moderate salary to start but
assurance of early advnncement if
satisfactory. Reply In own hand writ
ing; state age, references and qualifi
cations. Replies confidential. AN kOS.
WANTED Lady with husband to man
age small housekeeping rooming
house; woman must not be working
elsewhere, as required at rooming
house to rent apartments when vacant
will give free apartment of two rooms
to right party; do not want party
with children; in letter state your
experience and give phone number.
BJ OKI. Qregonian.
I can use you in my orgaHiatlon If
you have ability, personality, a car
and the determination to be on the
sq imre. O. H. Skot-herm. mrr. O. H.
Skotheim Realty Co., 404-&-6 Couch
WANTED By a widow, a neat mld1Ie
aged Christian lady, fond of children,
who deaires a good home, to asstnt with
lfrht housework and carp of children
after school; am willing to pay ma
wages; local references required. Phone
Hell wood Kfiot.
LADIES 910 to 950 commission weekly
selling sanitary spennlty uea ny
women; whole or part time: dignified
work : no experience : fre partIulHr.
American Rubber Prmiuots Co., ftOH
5th avi'nue, Pittsburg. Pa.
LADIES wanted, spare time work, i
drcanlng, mailing murfc circulars. No
experience nt'Cesary. Senn" at onc To
Information, application blank. Amer
lran Music Pub. Co., 1G5& Broadway,
New York city.
WASTKD Housekeeper to takn cliarsr.
of widower', home for chool year:
country home, clone In; children In
rhnol; must be capable; reference, ex
rhannea. Addre,. Hoi 150. H. II. 1.
Forest Grove. Oregon.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper for auto
mobile houee. muet be neat, accurate
nd devoted to their work. Addre."
Employer. JP. O. Box C34. city.
WANTED ThorouKhly experienced ho
lorv and underwear woman; nm.t be
first cl3a and with Kod experience.
Addresa. giving- full particular, the
Mode. Ltd.. Department Store. Bolxe,
LAD IKS Splendid proposition, women In
Portland and throughout Oree-on. who
are Interested in maklna money fr
themselves or for their aid a.iclety.
clubs, etc. Call or write. B. A. Krea
man, fi-7 Corbett bMic.
HOrSEKEKPKR for family o 2 adults
and 3 children, school aite; modern,
electrically equipped home, lower Hood
River valley; permanent position. Ad
dress lra. 8. L. JJanka. route a. Hood
niver. T.
WANTEI1 .Subscripts. n .ollcltor. for old
established. hlKh-clae weekly; excep.
tinnal opportunity. Ask for Mr. Smith.
Call from 9 to 10. 12 to 1. S to 0. 1030
Chamber of Commerce bldir.
CL'TTKR and designer wanti d; must b.
experienced In lingerie ana ana unonr-
p wear. Answer, Klvin references and
ciiiallflcatlona. Boaa Mr Co.. l-reron-taine
l)l(lK. Seattle. "W.-ish.
EXHERIKNCKD maid for general housework-
must be neat and a Rood cook:
S in family, no children; reference, re
quired; waaea 4."i. Residence UB7 Klan-
der. st. I'none Jtowy. ,ooit.
A COMPETENT bookkeeper, with Insur
ance experience preierreo; mrivi oe
good penman and typitt and live with
parents; aalary 185. AL fca". tirego-
WANTED Young lady familiar with
bookkeeping. caahiTtng. etc. -must be
neat appearing and trustworthy; refa
AM WIN. Qregonian.
WANT some respectful girl or woman to
take care of a little housework, close
to Portland, for young mnn and broth
er 12 years. RD SSO. Oregonlun.
ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apple- to
the salvation Army neiuaw riom.
Mayfalr and Alexander ala. I'hona
Main PM cur.
WASHINGTON hlifh girl to .lay with
..rin.H ramnv ann ro to acnooi in ex-
chanae for room and board. Tabor
Oregon City Woolen Mill. Oregon City.
WANTED Woman with one or two chil
dren, school flge. to neip m ooaro.os
house; state wages wanted. Address
-t S . Hl)!lt. Oreg,
WOMAN In walking distance of 1.47
Cleveland ave.. ror nousewora " "
A. M. to 1 P. M-. 25 per mo. Call
mornings or evenlnrs.
AT ONCE Klve ladles to travel, demon
strate and .ell dealer.; n iu --
week, rallwav fare paid t.ooorica
Drug Co.. Dept. 101 BT). Omaha, Neb.
EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing
for newspapers, magazines; exp. un
necessary, details free. Press syndl
cate. 130, St. Louis. Mo.
DEMONSTRATOR w anted for toilet prep
aration., $25 straight salary and com
mission; permanent; state experience.
L M33. Oresnnlan
REFINED, ambitious women for outdoor
selling: aalary and commission. L 832,
WANTED AT ONCE woman ror s-mau
hotel and aselst cooking: good wagee,
room and board. Apply 4"S Hoyt at.
WANTED at once, millinery maker, ex
perienced only: no apprentices. Apply
l.ovvengart at v.o.. o ,.....-.
MIDDLE-AGED lady as gen. helper for
out-of-town restaurant. $30. r. and D.
to start. Trans. AV 23. Qregonian
WANTED Refined lady Interested In
C a. to take car. ui i ,.m'i..-..
do light housework. Tabor .000.
WANTED Good. reliable woman
cooking and general housework,
water 375B. 818 Lovetoy st
GIRLS and women in manutar' uririg
dept. Vogan Candy Co.. E. 11th and
GlIiL for confectionery and lunch room.
The Sugar Moon, Grand ave. and
HIGH school girl wanted to work for
room and board and small wagea. In
good home. Tubor 423.
NEAT, attractive young lady wun aening
experience and knowledge of typing.
East i.n i
wTdOWEK with three children want,
housekeeper; no elderly ladles. Auto.
WANTED Bright. intelligent young
woman to care for office and store.
AH 00LJrcgonlan1
w"VTKn Ladies' p.-esser for fancy
garments. Apply
Ray Cleaning
Dye Works.
rii Sandy blvd.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; no cooking; 3 In family. Call
mornings. Tabor ,231.
CAPABLE woman for general house
work. Tabor 8388, Sunday morning
or Monday.
WOMAN to help with kitchen work on
Swiss flairv ranch; good wages; close
In Walnut 0251
ready to help any girls In distress. DJi
East C.llsan. "MY" car. Eaat 0310.
MARKER LADY to take charge marking
room. $25 per week. Wire or phone.
XI, l.aundrv. Baker. Or.
GIRLS past 18 who want to learn prac
tical nursing In .mall Institution; an
swer at one AL 81'4. Qregonian
GIRLS wanted Factory work. Apply
H45 Sandy blvd., early Monday morn
WANTED Catholic girl for orflce work:
give reference, and salary wanted. AG
013. Qregonian.
WANTED A stenographer who I. fa
miliar with figures; salary to start,
$115. H 870. Qregonian '
WANTED Young girl for dressmaking.
705 Dekum ouuoioa
D Dua girl. Home Cafeteria,
211 let
WANT cook for small hospital; answer
at once. AL 892. Qregonian.
FIRST-CLASS chocolate dippers wanted.
Donovan's, East 7th and Couch its.
itKT.p wAvrrn rrt m.k.
LAniKS $5 to 915 com miss .on dally;
your pay, in advance introducing new
fail line guarantid hosiery: must war
or replaced free; no rapltaJ or r ' I -
nc required; juwt show, lata
orders, we deliver and collect ; aletant
ou'fit furnished, all colnrs and rrda
Including slika and h-ather. Wac-U-Cht-o
Mills Co., Kail 2;st. Cincinnati.
Ohio. .
CASHIER to fill raiMiiiitU ateair
pnal I ion In wholeaale Ptahl1ahmrit.
Muit be firat-ciaM m k k p r nU
knowtlge of accuuutina, able ue
Borrnwa hookkscpiu machine, Rf-
renca munt be furnish 1. Fpiy
only It fJrst-clasa In own hand writing,
stating age. r at pr lenca, Hluf
exr-rfd. MP 941. Or n Ian.
WANTLD I'run t f-' he rid an.
Or. ion a bushel, fitat itrUlrtg. o
a bunhel nrfonii picking Ten a, r'
inic utenalla and h.-!-"" furnished.
Will tklnn advance troa n da
dutit nt from wax, h weafca' wot.
4 Fre 110. Will return In true at
end of a'on. Apply 170 4th at-
f avery description. rejritf with m
and wa wi.l p'.ac you la a flrt-la
poet tlon.
.v4 spaui n r:oa
I WANT a hunt. in yung to
amt mt In and out of iha off oa in
aUlng bliainesa rhnnr'i anl ar art-m"-nt
houwa. Oiva ma prtloiiara
about your qualification" in let ter.
alo your phone, mn 1 can yt
for appointment. AM VOi. re'inlan.
-Woman fr gan-ral hoiiaa-
All electrical r.ifivenirtca.
Apply Rutttliy. !. i:. I'Jth at. N. cor
ner Hancock. Tak Hrol way car to
K.awt lVth at.
nut el inct lc.
COMPETENT girl tr woman for Gen
eral housework, 5 In fnm,l, ni-e room,
good wages, no furnace or
must t a good rook and hat tF
references. 1-' 111, Oregon'an
E. I'KKTKNrTTi JiiTt'iT- -u "tt'i'M an
WANTED Fun IIAIffAonK; ;....!
WANTKD awwll.h or r'rl
lor general housework. It In femur;
Hunduy and Thursday off. Cail At
water ln2o. mornings
NOHWK";iAN (tlrPfor light l,r.u.worlt
and care of P-vr. boy; not necessary
to speak English. Main I .). !'. N
st. i
WANT1-.D ;lrl for genera, housework
In famllv of four located on we.t
In vicinity of 23d and IrAln
wage.; no crashing Phone M itn
WANTED ;trl for general housework;
good place; farnTy of five ado!(a.
three away durlcg dsv. Addr... Mr..
P. s. Van V'eetb n t4 1 ,Jt ' s ni .1 sW i h,
TorNt;, amiable girl fr iimi work;
must be competent; 3 In faml.V; good
otlling; wage. $.'(0. Til r'land-'ra,
Mln 1S?
WANTED Jlrl to do I nr la
small fsmlly; must be good cook, sat
isfactory wages; washing sent nut. Ci!
at 7M lrvli.g st.
EXPERIENCED girl to do coking and
housework, no laundry, four adu'ts;
good wage.: liberal condmrn.; .ton 1
telephone. Cs H at 7'e.t K ; .t n ! e- st
WANT good reliable girl, willing to go
to California, to aae'M with baby and
llR-ht houaework. Keferanra, Alain
"SCHOOL" girl to work f r r'-om and
board and car fare; light work and
pleasant home; sunn) side district
rail for M rs Thomas. .i;. a 1 1 .1
EXT'ERI lrN j:D cook with reference..
No oth'-r work required. Meet
I'hona Mr.. Cameron Hiulrea Main
7:,.Hafterini A M-
II It"; 1 1 school glrT to assist with bouse
work. No wsshlnr. I'-r board and
room. 4 block, from Jefferson high
s. l-ool. W alnut 07l.
WANTED -- Compi tent girl for
housework pl:tsnnt room.
trouble; rlty rt fereuce.
Ki' ri'.ns
all mornings.
W A N I ED---:n 1
housework; li!-
a-si.t with general
home; experience not
neeessa ry.
Ciiil Mia. H.illey. Tabor
HEALTH women. h"Ue kee lr. f'r
country; three n-lulta In fnm'.Sy MMrt
(n!2 or c:ill bete. en 1 and a I. M.
Son.lny M I Co-hett l.ig
Yoi'.N'". wVm.m wanted to neelst witn
gcn'-ral htus-'work ; homelike place,
no l.tundrv. i till at 30 Cook at. or
p h o n e K oe t f4 ." .
WANTED- A hUll a. I.ool girl to assist
with home, going to school; arnall .al
ary. :i:uv
Ulltl. To A.-HIST WITH Hol'Ht:o:S
AND I. At NDIiV; NO'i.
MAI Vol "
I-N'J Klrl
email tllr In wa.Kll.g
nf 4.'th and Hawthorn. t
assist w!
h hou-ework. Tt.orjill.n
GIRI. to assist with general hou-.ework.
lloo.l home. Must be fund of children.
Main 4013.
WANT l'iuu,:w eP" r who i-4 k and
Hike full charges of home, good wa...
AHiM 3277 .
COM"? KTKN T person to laks care of chil
dren and do upstair, work; referent...
Hroiidwjiy 202:
Wo.MAN to "cook for family of four on
ranch; wage. $.I.V Cull Kun.lay morn
ing or Mondty Mi njtl.'t
nuti. For uknkrai. hoi m-w on e.
AND IU ItNS!t!K. ltl.W V. 4of.1.
UlfiL kok o."m"n.!. whi:io:
- I
E. 1'Klii KNi El ' general l.ou,.- orker rn
furiii io ar Portland; wagea . J .
i r - gon I n .
STlfot "ic'irl 'or IlKiU housework, room,
hoard uii'l spending mooey. 77U Kear
ney at , heiwe. n .'.Id an-l .'!'
and to
inn-tent a.rl for t
.1st with hou.ework;
en es required.
OH M.i.n 27.IO.
irBI-lAIlI E school g;ri wanted to oi
In small faml. ; hoard, room and $10
n 1 1 inth. Tabor I' 3s 2 .
til 111- to Willi houaework and -!
of child. Auto. 010-20, or o"lo.l , on
st. S. E .
lioiisework , mint o.
good plain cook; no furn-.e. no wash
ing ''i!'JLk?J;j Li!
I plain co. k. young t..r.
man or Norwerlnn preferred.
w:iges Main H11
Mfiii'l.K-AGKI' lady
Ivlng In It".. C l
illstrlit to a-s.
pale tr.ealj I'.'.c
WoMAN "or girl
with bahv a". pre
fer hour Taro.r
to aseiM Willi hoove-
Work and children: country gltl pi-
ferred. I"-'" Italeign.
E.l'KI:"lfcNCKi ":" for general house
work; tiiu-: be good cook and fond of
children Ea.TIJe't
Hol SKKI El'KIt or reliable g.rl for fam
llv four, light work, good home,
M-iln 4723. , ... ....
OIKL 1-oR GBNKKAl. IIOI .-I nim x.
40 OK 111 I.N H..-V" 1-oi.i.r.-. r.
MAIN 3oo.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and
general housework; In fam':v. refer
ences required Call Main M0.V
WANTED-Girl to help with nil
housework. Broadway 473S. 5-.,
ders .
tAr"i.K 1 1 ;.Ni "ED girl to do cooking jii.l
l.oua-wolk. family of f'- Wag-. 5u.
Apply Mo n day . L; "" L
WANTED -" ompeie-u cook, no up,,, r.
or laundry work: . i
Sellwood '-'.''
Gl'il. to noil In house
adults: apis, can flay
Atllo :i?5-l
aork for two
horn, n'ghts
cTiKAN. w:i log girl or joung worn,,,, for
mothers helper, good home a-i.l wag-..
WANTEle- Girl for genera! housework
In' the country, on. wlio llkew children.
Call S4 E 1st N.
EXPERIENCED girl tor general rou.r.
"work; H adults; no furnace. Phone
En-t .-TP
WANTED Girl to aaalst with houae
work and care of children in bunga
low. Tiber HI. I.
reoulreil ;
2 I !.".
-Coin P" trt cook, re r.
mall family. Phot'.
ET V' Kl' I l". Ni 'ED women f or general
housework. CRT reference. require!.
"til ,S2:itll . Main 2U.-.3.
GIRL-or woman to s--lst wltU general
housework. ErL 4r'-
WiiMA.N f',r housework for sill urban
home; city conven'eno .. Main noiv
iCm IDLE-"AGED wotran for eastilii llre-
! 1 J ''?LKn "'- "7 Hlhool girl to l' with house
work, w est sble
COMPETENT girl lo rare for chl d. .orr.e
hoii"work. 'iLi'Ji--!' 'ir- ' :
V A N T ilTi- Tin it rlr n.,l second girl t
work by day. fell. 1 355.
WA NTE l -A good c:. an rook. w..,,
fin. phone Jiujrinailt'lllMI.
VNt"ED- llrl for cooking arid down
stairs w ork. Wa nut 3iC,2
GIRL wanted to do rsn.ral housework;
o In faml Iv A t. 3 " I .
noil. irior.l housework. !)
n'aln to
k s. good wage 4C0i: 1 7 t h N
Gl Rl.
for l.gnt housework In
iumii mi:
oilll, Light housework, 2 ad
hnm.J.V 5lP'r ?"-k. Ka '
iTlltl. for geiieisl hnus-work.
"$30. iT.M
1070. 47 E 24th
GIRI- 'or c.
okllig and housework.
I-;. .' i st ei
N East 1 lixi.
GIRL t W-eSl.t Witn general o o use . or a ,
good home: good w at-es M'r 5 .1 7
R.F.U1 A1II.E girl for I
2 ad-il's. Tabor MW..1
r.. nil bo
Ol k
1I..7 I'oneo. k
gTkl to assist with houaeworli. (74
tlllott ave. Eaat 7850.