14 THE SUNDAY ' ' OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, SEPTEMBER 17, 1923 FOR SALE. iajio. Organs and Musical Instruments. USX PHONOGRAPHSL $?75 Cabinet Vlctrola. mah. caae. .I1T5 275 Cabinet Vlctrola. oak case.. 175 250 Cabinet Packard, mah. cas. 100 150 Cabinet Packard, mah. case.. 100 11' 5 Cabinet Columbia, wal. case.. 75 125 Cabinet Victrola. mah. case. . 65 115 Cabinet Edison, mah. case.. 60 Other small table machines, $13. $30 and $50: term. G. P. JOHNSON PIAXO CO.. 149 6th mt. &EGGXD-HASD phonographs at big re ductions, including' Edison Diamond Disc, Vlctrola, Brunswick, pathe, Mandel. Columbia and others. Prices sure low and terms reasonable. REED FRENCH PIANO CO.. lath and Washington. &ANDT $250 Vlctrola and 17 records, some Red Seal, now offered at un heard of reduction, $115 to sell Im mediately; owners leaving for Mis souri. See re-sale department, Eilers Music bldg., 3d floor, or phone Broad way 5528. GENUINE Ha. let & Davis piano, beauti ful case, splendid tone and action; a , value you will appreciate at $280; $10 will place In your home, balance easy payments. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. Bush & Lane Bldg. Broadway at Alder. WELLINGTON piano, latest model, just like new; perfect condition, $297. Beautiful bench with music compart ment included. REED FRENCH PIANO CO., 12th and Washington. m PLAYER-PIANO; oak finish; looks like new; private party; leaving city; $360, including cabinet and 50 rolls: terms to responsible party. Main 6750., 369 11th. SS-NOTE late style Universal player piano, in beautiful plain case, splendid tone and action ; $315 ; $25 places in your home, balance easy payments. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. Bush & Lane Bldg. Broadway at Alder. CHICKERING player piano just like new. any offer better than half its present day price takes it In our re sale dept. Call Zd floor nuiers musi bldg. ELKS' BONDS WANTED. We will allow you par on your Elk bonds on new Vlctrola, lirunswicK, Grafonola or Edison. Hyatt Talkin Machine Co.. 350 Alder. HHilTT TPTII. Rrunswiek console DhonO' graph, walnut case, just like new, 6 months old; price $310, will sell $210 on easy contract; 30 new records thrown in. Tabor 7101. PIANO tuninsr : special rates in effect tnn man v nlsnns are beine neglected have yours looked after now. Phone Broadway 5523. Eilers tuning dept. best in the city. VERY fine guitar for sale. $23; less than one-third its intrinsic value; will give lessons with it. Call main floor Eilers bldg.. 287 Washington st PIANO tnninr and nhonoeraph repair ing, any make, all work guaranteed. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. ti576. . ftTTTDEMTS' violin nutfit. includes vlo lln. bow. case, extra strings, rosin and hfn rrat: 118 and $35. G. F- JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 3th st. COLUMBIA e-rafonola. lust like new owner says slaughter for any half de cent price. Pee it, hear it. at resale dept., Eilers, 2876 Washington st. SUNNY, steam-heated room, bath, phone, private entrance; near Campbell hotel; sanitary couch furnished; reference, Main 4869 JiEWETT PIANO; a splendid buy; mah case: onlv $215: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st. BEAUTIFUL Mason & Hamlin grand piano, almost new; an opportunity. East 7315. KRANICH & BACH oiano for sale wouid rent to desirable party. Walnut 1428. HOST expensive style Knabe upright piano; excellent shape; saartfice price, terms. 166 10th st. Main 2S20. BUE-SCHER baritone saxophone, silver, e-old bell: (rood condition; $150: terms. G. F- JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. $65 CABINET phonograph with small collection records; in good condition; wsil take P H. uregonian. CONN alto saxophone, silver, gold bell and keys: $12-5; a bargain; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st. $150 XYLOPHONE, like new, for sale cneap, terms, eouiet sros., j.00 luin, near Morrison. MARTIN & NIEL, new. silver, gold bell; real snap: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th st. BRUNSWICK phonograph, used but Al order, for sale half price. Call resale dept. Eilers, 287 Washington st. NEW mahogany, Vegas & Martin gui tars. $30 to $200. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st. $600 ESTEY piano, just new, $300; terms. 312 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. FINE Chickenng piano for sale, oak case. bargain: terms if desired. raoor 3odt. $G50 PACKARD, equal to new, only $26u. term s. 1 z w ore ester Diag. I WANT to buy used piano from pri vate party no dealers. East 5259. $550 HARRINGTON piano, $200; $25 down, $10 month. 312 Worcester bldg. $5O0 HOWARD piano, plain case; $150; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Bargain in a standard pho nograph, period design. E. 4852. $450 BUYS a Weber mahogany 735 Kearney. FOR SALE Good violin outfit, very rea sonable. Auto. 635-84. Furniture for Sale. IT'S A FACT. $25 DOWN. Furnishes your home complete. Se lect the furnishings you like best. Overstuffed furniture for your, living room, walnut furniture in the dining room ; walnut, mahogany or ivory bedroom furniture; velour draperies, inlaid linoleum, etc. Pay $25 down then make your own terms on the balance. Call East 2148 for an appointment. C. F. FALLON, Interior Decorator. 500 YARDS. High grade lustrous drapery velours at a sacrifice, $3.60 quality, per yard $2.00 $5.50 quality, per yard $3.50 In rose, blue or mulberry. Call Cast 2148 for an appointment. C. F. FALLON, Interior Decorator. FURNITURE of 3 -room apartment, $75; sanitary couch, $5 ; heavy Circassian walnut dresser, $37.50; brass bed and pHngs. $21.50 ; 6 massive oak dining chaira, genuine leather seats, $15; A B gaa range and water heater, over stuffed chairs and other furniture, all practically new. Call mornings. Main 8471. FOR QUICK SALE. The furnishings of a six-room house; Includes linen, dishes and everything ; good location, west side, close in; rent of house $30 per month; Income $47 per month besides rooms occupied by owner. Price $550 cash. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St.. Bdwy. 7831. BRAND NEW WILLIAM AND MARY DINING ROOM SUITE. $175. Make Your Own Terms. Right pieces in genuine walnut with a wonderful finish. Can be seen today. Call East 2148 for an appointment. ALL THE lovely furniture of my fine home for sale. A sacrifice. Over stuffed living room set, walnut dining set, walnut bed room pieces, Wilton rugs, piano, vlctrola, floor lamps, dav enport, table and gas stove. Tabor 4676. PRIVATE FURNITURE SALE. Private party, having just sold Ir vlngton home, wishes to make quick sale of some nearly new. high-class furniture. Call Sunday 706 E. 19th. N. East 8938. A SPLENDID $125 Vlctrola. just like new. and $18 worth of fine records t will discount $52 if sold at once; all cash not necessary. See resale dept. Eilprs. 287 Washington St. BIRDSEYB maple bedstead and dresser, oak dining table and china closet, 2 box couches, oak bedstead and wash stand, springs. 801 Cleveland. Walnut 1576. MUST vacate at once; 6 rooms of furni ture, carpets, stoves, beds, etc., to be sold at sacrifice; will sell all or part. Call 135 North 18th. No dealers need apply. DINING ROOM set, solid oak; large table and buffet; chairs, real black leather seats; rug, other furniture. Call before 2 P. M.. 1169 Moore st. north Klllingsworth ave. TWO ivory reed upholstered chairs, spring seats, library table, $15 each; drapes, small chair, $3. Broadway 4434. FURNITURE for sale, walnut and Queen Anne dining table and chairs, reason able. Phone Auto. 327-69; also Radiant fire. Call East 786. water heater for 4-room airtight heater, gas plate, hall tree, square din ing table, etc. Tabor Ml'. 31 Mar guerite. FURNITURE for sale of 3-room apt ; also apt. for rent; steam heat and hardwood floors. Atwater 5609. HIGH-GRADE furniture complete for 5-room house ; will sacrifice. Tabor 4768. 233 E. Sftth st. ' ON ACCOUNT BUILDING BEING TORN DOWN OCT. 1st, WE WILL SELL OUR FURNITURE. 314 BL'RNSIDE. LEAVING CITY, must sell my 9 rooms of furniture, almost new, very reas on a bletparybuy!ngalLaiain3 01 I. MOHAWK steel range ; good condition ; $25. 860 E. 42d. near Shaver. SOLID oak 54-inch dining room et, ehwup. Tabor 02O3, FOB SALE. Furniture for Sa I e. COME AND SEE US FOR REAL BARGAINS. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Extra special bluebird din ner set, 42 pieces $ 7.75 Duplex Alcazar combina tion range, coal, wood or gas, in splendid condition; special price $95.00 Kitchen Cabinet, solid oak, plenty drawer space; special price $24; other cabinets as low as .....$ 8.50 Practically as good as new Vulcan gas range; white enameled, lined; 4 burners, side oven and broiler; has only been used a few months. Delivered and con nected at $42,50 You know what they ask for new one like It? Genuine mahogany wing Rocker cane seat and back; the kind that sells for $45; our special $22.50 Ivory bedroom Rocker; $7 Value; special at $ 4.50 Oak Davenport Settee. 3 seat cushions and 3 cushions for the back; genuine leather nnd in perfect condition at ' a bargain price . $32.50 How about your heater. ? We have heaters for wood or coal; prices from. .. .$3.50 up Mahogany spinet 'desk, slightly used; special price $,22.50 Brown mahogany William and Mary dining room set ; genuine leather seat chairs to match $53.50 Solid oak serving table, can be used for buffet. .. .$14.00 4-plece walnut bedroom suite, bow-foot bed, large vanity chiffonier and dress er; extra special for set. ..$124.00 Overstuffed wing rocker, craft i eat her, for only $16.50 Ivory dresser, latest mod el, French plate mirror. .. .$16.50 Tapestry overstuffed dav enport, spring cushions, cov- , ered over all with tapestry spring edge, for only .$74.00 COME AND SEE US FOR REAL BARGAINS AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. Ladles writing desk, ivory and solid oak $ 9.50 Reliable gas range, 4 burn ers, side oven, enameled doors; used $29.00 (Delivered and connected. Sat isfaction guaranteed.) 60c on $1, solid mahogany $9 dressing table chairs, with cane seats, for only..$ 4.50 (Rockers to match.) New stair carpet, to close out, per yard $ 1.38 27x54 rugs, special price.. $ 2.23 9x12 Manor Brussels rug hew $19.75 6-foot ' round extension table , 5 9,50 Unfinished gateleg- table, spool lefi $ 4.75 Coal or wood range on sanitary base, Blightly dam aged. Bargain price $16.00 (We have about 75 used ranges to pick from.) Solid oak library table $ 9.50 Steel bed springs as low as. J 4.75 Six solid oak saddle seat chairs for only, each $ 2.95 Genuine leather slip-seat dining chairs --...$ 3.95 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-169 First Street. 75 Feet South of Morrison. GADSBYS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE. The Old Original Store First and Washington Streets Note the Address. The Largest Exclusive Furniture Exchange in the Northwest. Exchange your old furniture for the latest and most up to date. We sell slightly-used furniture at greatly reduced values. We pay spot cash for your old furniture. If you want to sell, call Bdwy. 6903: ask for Mr. Davis. GADSBYS' First and Washington, Note the Address. We Extend Liberal Credit on Slightly-Used or New Furniture. USB YOUR CREDIT. OWL FTTRNrrURTJ CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Chairs $ 1.00 Iron beds 1.75 Rockers 2 50 Bed springs 1.50 Extension, table 7,50 Mattress 2.50 Solid oak dining chairs with leather seats 8.95 Dresser 9.00 Coal or wood range 17.50 9x12 grass rug 6.50 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First St. 75 Feet South of Morrison. MONDAY AND TUESDAY SPECIALS ONLY. Reg. $10 unfinished gate leg tables $ 5.85 Reg. $18 wicker upholstered rockers 10.00 Reg. $20 9x12 Brussels rugs 18.65 Reg. $17.50 mahogany up holstered rockers 10.25 Reg. $30 genuine Simmons brass beds 17.25 Reg. $18 oak finish dresser 11.80 Reg. $40 mahogany or wal nut ladies' desks 22.50 COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR, 349-351 OAK ST., BET. BROADWAY AND PARK. REAL SNAPPY VALUES IN NEW ODD DRESSERS. Genuine walnut dresser, 20 x24-in. French plate mir ror, $47.50 value for $31.50 Solid oak dresser with 20 x24-in. French plate mir ror. 3o value ror 23.7(5 Ivory dressers with good size piate nrurrore, duced to , Fir dressers at 17.75 9.85 And Lots of Others. Terms to Suit. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1ST ST. HOUSEHOLD furniture, gas range and plate, white bed and dresser, oak bed and dresser, ktchen cabinet. Tabor 2786. RADIAN TFIRE for sale cheap, excel lent condition. Call Monday, Sellwood 2231. 2 BEDS, range, table, heater, sideboard. 731 Brooklyn. Sell. 2470. LARGE $7.50. oak rocker. Tabor 0198. lea th ere t te seat. CHILD'S bed. mattress like new. Phone East 1622. Monday. FOR SALE Fu 111 -aired bed, complete, $15. Call Wal. 1776. OVERSTUFFED davenport, 2 chairs. $64, 604 Rhone w . FOR SALE. .Furniture for Sale. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT LEVIN'S. NO INTEREST. NO RED TAPE. BLANKETS, SPECIAL, $2.65. Just received factory shrpme-n of blankets, size 64x76. for full-sized beds. These are double and we now have them In several colors. While t'hey last only $2.65 each. . NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. $6 EACH. We have a few two-burner oii stoveer. you all knnw tha New Perfection, These stoven have been rebuilt and tested and absolutely guaranteed. Just a few at $6 each. Three-burner at $9 each. Many other makes in the used at $5 up. 2-BURNER OVENS. REG. $5.50, NOW $3.50. Brand new 2-burmer ovens, suitable for gas, oil or gasoline stoves; very durably constructed. Theee are going at $3.50 each. GAS PLATES, $2.95. Why waste your time looking' for a second-hand gas plate? We buy ours direct from the factory and you save the middleman s profit. A dandy two burner with air adjustment, only $2.95 GENUINE LEATHER CHAIRS. S3. 95. A rare treat. Brand new, genutrae leather slip -seat dining chair, In solid oak. ful box seat and. nicely nnisnea, at only $3.95 each. You must see them to appreciate the value. ICE BOXES AT ONE-HALF PRICE. We still have five good used ice boxes that we don't want to carry over u-ntll next season- Our boxes are all rebuilt and absolutely as good as new. We are closing this up at about one half regular value, ranging from $5 up. 100 MATTRESSES AT $5.95. Are you looking- for a real bargain? Liwten! Starting Monday, 8 A. M., until Saturday, 6 P. M., we are going to sell 100- brand new 40-Ib. pure cot ton mattresses. In a dandy grade of ticking, at the ridiculously low price of $5.95. These are first-class mattresses, so don't hesitate. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TABLES $3.25. This week special round or square dTop-leaf E. B. tables, only $3.25. FLOOR COVERING ONLY 45c SQUARE YARD. Get your floor measurements and we will do the rest. Several beautiiful pat terns of floor covering at a very spe cial figure, only 45c square yard. FOR THE KITCHEN. Cups and saucers, pair. . Cups only, each Dinner plates, each Vegetable dishes, each. . 14-qt. d'ish pan, each 12-qt. bucket, each No. 3 tub, each . $0.15 10 12 30 85 30 .... 1.15 Thousands of other bargains for the Kitchen in our bargain basement. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 FRONT STREET. Portland, Oregon. We Deliver. Main 9072. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE. WM. GADSBY & SONS, First and Washington Sts. "A Better Place to Trade.' Lenox Wood Heater, slightly used .$12.50 Monarch Range, with water back, in good condition 64.50 Ideal Wood and Coal Range, .nickel leg base 44.50 Garland Gas Range, double high ovens 24,50 Good Quality Axmlnster rug, 8.3x10.6; value $39.50 19.50 Quartered Oak Buffet, with good bevel mirror 24.50 Round-top Quartered Oak Di-n- ing Table ........ High-back Overstuffed Tapestry Rocker 18.50 Large Overstuffed Leather Dav enport, loose cushions S3. 75 Slightly-used Kitchen Cabinet, value $35 24.50 Slightly-used Mahogany Dresser, value $42.50 27.50 Massive Brass Bed, satin finish, value $45 29.50 Child's Iron Crib, white enamel finish 8.50 All-steel Bed Springs, full size, good as new 6.50 Walnut Chiffonier, slightly used 19.75 Your Credit Is Good. WM. GADSBY & SONS. First and Washington Sts. FREE FR EE FREE . 42-pdece dinner set given free of charge with each "Perfect Comfort" steel range sold. THIS OFFER GOOD FOR THREE DAYS ONLY, The "Perfect Comfort" is a high-grade steel range on sanitary base, with 18-Inch oven, 6-hole pol ished top and white splasher and doors. Price including water coil, only $79.50 Your oil stov taken as first payment, balance easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1ST ST. OWNER SAYS TO SELL. Six dark oak chairs, $11; oak dining table; 4 chairs. $20; dark oak chif fonier, $15 ; quarter oak china case with plate mirror back, $20; quarter oak, beveled plate hall mirror. $12. Commercial Transfer Co., 247 Davfs St. LIVING room furniture, drapes, rugs. music caoinet, DiacK eoony combina tion bookcase and writing desk, wal nut dining room table and sideboard. Singer sewing machine, dishes, kitch en stove, gas stove. Main 3222. HIGH-GRADE furniture consisting of overstuffed davenport, w 11 ton rugs, 2 bedroom sets, tea wagon, dining room, set, etc. Will sacrifice if taken to day. Call 193 N. 22d St., near Kear ney. . DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co.. 245 Pine St. $50 PUTS this beautiful overstuffed dav enport, manogany Horary table and. floor lamp in your home. Call 360 Park st., evenings. AK DINING table, 4 chairs. 1 bed stead, springs ana mattress, l dresser, 1 library table. Apply at 5227 88th st. S. E. SGI. ID mahogany, beautifully carved. 4 poster bed, dresser $200, bookcase $100, cost twice this; oriental rugs. Atwa ter 5934. STEEL range, hot water coils, wood or coal, $15; also coal heating stove, $14; both In good condition. Call Monday, Walnut 5675. 1 UPHOLSTERED sofa, 1 oherry self rocker, 1 blrdseye maple bureau, 1 brass bed mattress and box springe. Broadway 8432. 113 N. 20th st. SACRIFICE, inlaid linoleum, imported: dishes, sanitary cot, blankets, curtains, utensils, sweeper, phonograph. 978 Williams avenue. FOR SALE Duplet range in fine con dition. Includes gas water heater. Also miscellaneous pieces of furniture. 567 Hoyt st. Bdwy.- 1277. BROWN leather rocker, oak library ta ble. 2 rockers, oak with leather seats and back, 2 rugs 2x5 ft., 3 pictures. Wal. 3399. GOOD furniture for sale, reasonable. 414 Harrifion st FOR S ALE D in 1 n g roo m se t. Cypress st. East 5043. FOR SALE A Howard heating stove, perfect condition. Main 8606. FOR SALE Oak library table and lounge. 899 Tillamook. FURNITURE 5 -room flat for sale; no dealers; can rent flat. 28S East 24 N. FOR S A 1.15. Furniture for Sale. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. ' 20,000 square feet of medium and hign grade FURNITURE. CARPETS, etc, at prices un heard of before. A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. . I TERMS WITHIN REASON. NO INTEREST. Also selling the Meier & Frank -warehouse stock, slightly dam aged, at a big discount. ' 349-351 OAK STREET, BET. BROADWAY AND PARK, Across from Telephone Co. Reg. $115 9x12 high-grade Wilton rugs, large assort ment of patterns $79.50 Reg. $75 9x12 wool Wilton rug with fringe 46.00 Reg. $57.50 9x12 Wilton rug with fringe 37-50 Reg. $45 9x12 wool velvet rug with fringe 31.25 Reg. $40 9x12 Axminster, slightly imperfect 24.25 Reg. $30 9x12 seamless vel vet rug 19.75 Reg. $28.50 9x12 seamless Brussels rug 18.75 Reg. $25 6x9 wool velvet rug 16.50 Reg. $10 6x9 rag rug 5-25 And others in all sizes too nu merous to mention. Reg. $2.50 wool velvet stair carpet, yard $ 1.65 Reg. $1.15 linoleum, spe cial, yard 78 Reg. 85c pro-linoleum, yd. .42 Reg. $100 tapestry over stuffed davenport, loose cushions, well construct ed 53.50 Reg. $125 velour davenport. 72.50 Reg. $165 velour davenport, Webb constructed, spring edge, loose cushions 90.00 Reg. $200 silk-finished tap estry davenport, a won derful value for only .117.60 Complete line of overstuffed chairs and rockers to match. Reg. $45 genuine leather overstuffed rockers $24.25 Reg. $65 bed davenport, upholstered in high grade craftsman leather. 42.50 Reg. $22.50 ivory dresser, plate mirror 15.00 Reg. $32.50 Ivory dresser, plate mirror 19.75 Reg. $45 oak dresser, large plate mirror 26.50 Reg. $220 6-pieco ivory or walnut period bedroom suite, complete 146.50 Reg. $90'4-piece ivory bed room suite 49.00 Reg. $15 2-In. post steel beds 8.75 Reg. $22 double-deck coitt springs 12.95 Reg. $12 40-Ib. mattress... 6.95 Reg. $30 pure silk floss mattress stitched edge.. 17.25 Reg. $15 -size coil bed springs 5.00 Reg. $10 link spring 6.40 Reg. $45 gold mahogany gate-leg table with draw er 19.75 Reg. $50 period dining ta ble, walnut or mahogany, special 26.25 Chairs to match 5.25 Reg. $70 54-inch William and Mary extension table at only 37.50 Reg. $40 quarter - sawed oak dining table, very massive pedestal 23.00 Buffets and china closets at only 50c on the dollar. Reg. $55 mahogany or oak davenport tables, special. $25.00 Reg. $30 oak library tables 18.75 " Mahogany piano lamps.... 9.00 Silk lamp shades half price, and a thousand other bargains too numerous to mention. COHN BROS & DIRECTOR, 351 OAK ST. BET. BROADWAY AND PARK, 1 FURNITURE BARGAINS AT FELDSTEIN'S. Bed, Spring and Mattress, com plete, only $16.95. The bed is a 2-in. continuous post ; steel fabric spring and good felted Mattress. This outfit will sell regularly for $25.00. Our price for few days only $16.95 36x36 round or square Breakfast Tables $3.25 See our window display on floor coverings. Cestalnteed Pro-Linoleum. . -45c sq. yd, Genuine Pabcolin 69c sq. yd. Inlaid Linoleum $1.29 sq. yd. Stair Carpet 69e vd. When downtown make our store your headquarters. You are always welcome to come in and browse around, Our prices are always the lowest. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 First St. N. E. corner Yamhill. A REAL GOOD VALUE. Slightly used wax oak dining suite consisting of 54-inch plank rim table, with very massive pedestal; 54-inch buffet with large French plate mirror; 5 . dining chairs and one host chair with genuine leat her slipseats. Would cost new today about $200, priced only $119 with a year to pay. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1ST ST. WAX OAK DINING SUITE. Including 42-inch- ronnd quarter-sawed oak table, five genuine leather slip seat chairs and a hand some quartered oak buffet with French plate mirror. This fin suite is special ized at only $60.00 A Year to Pay, MTSH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1ST ST. MUST sell my hfgh-grade furniture Im mediately, $500 blue mohair over stuffed davenport and chair, best make, will sacrifice; beautiful walnut dining room set. mahogany tea wagon, fine walnut bedroom set without bed ruga end table, standing lamps, etc.; perfect condition. Atwater 3795. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND VACUUM CLEANER, 2 CANVAS COVERS, SIZES 18x28 AND 14x21, AND NEW AND SECOND-HAND HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. BDWY. 0166; 63 NORTH 3D. PACIFIC HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. FOR SALE National refrigerator; will hold lOO pounds of ice; good for bak ery or grocery store: first-das con dition ; reasonable. Auto 625-01. IVORY bedroom set, consisting of bed spring's, mattress, dresser, chair; also over-stuffed chair. Call Tues. 984 Haw thorne ave.. apt. 207. BEAUTIFUL overstuffed tapestry dav enport, can't tell it had been .used. Will sell at a sacrifice. Phone East 6621. ' 6 ROOMS, good furniture, $450; walk Ing distance. 150 North 16th sc.. Broad' way 4794. $200 GAS RANGE at $65 if taken at once. Good as new. Olsen-Roe Co., Broadway 0627. - ONE WILTON rug, sanitary couch, al most new. cheap. 215 N. 20th. apt 46, no phone. e ROOMS furniture, ail good as new; terms, if desired. 691 GUsan st. FINE double mahogany bed with spring, oak buffet and several pieces black walnut. 453 i:;th st. BUFFET for sale, solid mahogany with mirror; William and Mary style top, 24x60 inches, $50. Tabor 9200. DAVENPORT made by J. G. Mack, over stuffed, loose cushions, original denim covering. Tabor 1010 FOR SALE Practically new. Estate gas LET ME make you beautifully over stuffed davenports and chairs In my spare time. S47 E. Stark. East 6598. SOME furniture for sale, including a beautiful dining table; A-B gas range, etc. Walnut 1267 BED DAVENPORT, leather, golden oak, $40. Walnut 6472. WALNUT settee, upholstered in velour; good condition. East 3748. 11x15 WILTON rug, good condition, 919 E. Everett st. East 7036. $40, GAS RANGE, high oven, good shape; $20. 1704 E. 8th et. S., near Harney. DOUBLE wooden bed and spring; also extra coll spring. East 5892. OAK EXTENSION table, good condition, $12. tan ijou Bcnuyier st. BEAUTIFUL furniture; will sell sep- 8x21 NEW WILTON carpet, heavy nap, for sale cheap. 49 Union ave. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. EXCHANGE FLOOR BARGAINS. MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE. Settee, rocker arm chair, regular arm chair and straight chair; 4 pieces upholstered seats and backs with fine velour, a value unusual at $39.50 TABLE AND SIX CHAIRS. Golden finished square top extension table and 6 good chairs, a little old in style but in good shape; real buy for $21.00 BEDROOM SET. Blrdseye maple bed, chif fonier, dressing table and chair (this set Is new), a discontinued pattern; was $188.00; to close out now at $106-75 FULL SIZE IRON BEDS. About a dozen in all, take your pick while they last at, each $3.75 42-PIECE DINNER SET. Bluebird patterns, not a piece missing, set com plete like new for $7.75 MORRIS CHAIRS. Three of them in quite fair condition; take your pick at, each $7.50 LIBRARY TABLES. Two in quarter-sawed oak and 1 mahogany colonial; take your choice at $25.00 GENUINE LEATHER ROCKERS. Two very beautiful over stuffed genuine leather rockers; if new, you pay $45.00; now they're each. $29.50 RANGES AND HEATERS. A number of wood and coal and gas ranges, also heaters; every one In as perfect a con dition as it's possible to make used ones. PRICES THAT WILL MEET YOUR APPROVAL. EDWARDS FURNITURE. FIFTH AND OAK. A Good Place to Trade. Easy Terms No Interest. REAL GOOD VALUES IN USED GAS RANGES. $90 side oven Vulcan gas range, right up to date and good as new, In stalled for only $42.50 $50 up-to-date Vulcan range 27.50 Another Vulcan range (4- burner) '21.50 3-burner Superior range... 21.50 Several others, some as low as 14.75 Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-190 1ST ST. FOUR-PIECE IVORY BEDROOM SUITE. Consisting of full-size bed, dresser with French plate mir ror, chlfforette and triple mir ror dressing table, all perfectly matched. This suite is of hardwood construction and a really good buy at $67.75 Easy Terms. No Interest. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1ST ST. , FREE FREE FREE. We offer absolutely free of charge 1.5 10-inch records with any cabinet Victrola or Grafo nola sold during this week. Take advantage of this offer. You'll be just $18.75 ahead. Easy terms no Interest. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1ST ST. NEED THE CASH. Will sell lovely silktapestry over stuffed livine room suite, brand new. used 1 month: cost $275. for $200 cash; also Queen Anne walnut dining table and 6 blue leather upnoisterea cnairs to match. Phone East 8814 Sunday between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M., or Alon day and after. 4-BURNER Vulcan gas range, with broiler and oven. Tabor 404b. Office Furnltnre. WE HAVE a number of exceptional buys in uneri roll and iiat-tOD aesKS. cnairs and filing cabinets, refinished, almost equal to new. see our special iout drawer letter file, $25, a new file at less than second-hand prices. IRWIN-HODSON. 891 Stark Street, at 10th Street. DOCTOR'S office equipment, very cheap, oak white enameled operating table, cabinet, bookcases, enameled iron stand, jars, sterilizer, telephone desk and chairs, box couch. 801 Cleve land. Walnut 1576. FOR SALE Stenographer's desk, 1 Medart locker, 1 library table, a llne-a-tfme, 1 swivel chair, 3 chairs, 1 arm chair, 1 long carriage Underwood type writer. 712 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIBER-REED furniture for office. studio, reception room or nome ; ever lasting wear, attractive prices. IRWIN-HODSON. 391 Stark Street, at 10th. Street. THREE flat-top desks, $16.50 each; also new desk at used price; A taoies, xa chairs, 1 letter file and 1 cap size file, 2 safes, 1 bookkeeper's, at $15. Buah- org & Co.. 1 Park st. FINE oak flat-top desk, hat rack, large and small table, 12-drawer xmng cao inet; all goes for $65; will sell sepa rately. 318 Chamber of Commerce. MAHOGANY directors' table ; oak roll- top desk, swivel chair, straight chairs, table and counter. Call 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6007. AM leaving city, must sell my roll-top office desk, come ana see it, men miake me an offer. East 9333. NEW and used burglar-proof manganess bank safes, immediate oenvery. jessa R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg. MAHOGANY T. W. desk . .$30 ..$45 Mahogany flat top desk BUS HONG & CO.. 91 Park. ALMOST new. 3-cushion, mission-style aofa. Phone 534-62 ALL GRADES of used oak and mahog any desks. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park st. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; $50. com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth st. Broadway 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBU'LT. 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manu facturers' price; TERMS $5 monthly if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months, $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. Bdwy. 7481. REMINGTON typewriter $10, latest type, used very little; a bargain at $65, $15 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chlne Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Remington typewriter, No. 10; excellent condition; cash or terms; if sold immediately will offer big bar gain. Phone Ryan, Bdwy. 0856. ROTAL TYPEWRITER. Royal typewriter, splendid condition, only $45, $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. L. C. SMITH & BROS. Typewriter Co., 808 Spalding bldg. Phone Bdwy. 607S. Sell typewriters thoroughly rebuilt In own factory; also rentala, guppliea. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER. Woodstock typewriter. Just like new, only $50, $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE; Cheap, 1 Noiselless type writer, only 6 weeks old; owner forced to sell at once. Phone Mr. Watklna. East 4402. REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS, all makes, CASH, PAYMENTS. 124 4th" St. DOANE'S. ONE SMITH-PREMIER typewriter and one check protectograph. S. C. Stet tler Manufacturing Co.. 300 Oregon st. BURROUGHS calculator and some u.ed - adding machines. 309 Lumbermen! building ' $3 RENTS Underwood, Remington type writer. Empire Transfer, 145-11. Bdwy. 0155. , $5 UNDERWOOD typewriter, splendid condition; $60, $15 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. REBUILTS. 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. O. Co.. 231 Stark st. Bdwy 7507. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies. Type wrlter Insp Co.. 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. Wlbl, sell Busniiy untsu auLuuara visioi. 1 typewriter for $25, Call East 7T16. J FOR SALE. Poultry. CHEAP Hen house, capacity 75 to 100 hens; 54 feet; sanitary roost bari, 2 large galvanized mash troughs, about 110 feet of 6-foot galvanized wire fence on cedar posts and 2x4s. Call at 6-30 44th st. S. E., corner Wd ave. Wood stock car. FOK SALE 250 white Leghorn pullets 4 months old, Tancred strain ; 80 year ling breeding hens, Tancred strain; 4 incubators, 130o capacity. Address F. W. Newman. Oregon City, Or. 3 miles east Oregon City on Abernathy road. AUCTION SALE. Don't fail to read the land sale In the acreage columns in this paper. J. C. Kuratll, auctioneer, 804 Spalding building. BABY CHICKS Heavy-iaying straia; mature early; guarantee full count, safe arrival Uhin 72 hours of Los Angeles. Pioneer Hatchery, 320 ti. Spring st., Los Angeles. m FOR SALE 6 White Rock hens, II Barred Rock hens, 1 rooster. Call mornings. Sellwood 1 161. 35 LEGHORN pullets, 4 months old. 75o eacn. tjau unaay nexore a or arter in wee ic oui hi. out ft st. jn. DOE. Ais-ht. rjhhit-i M hnnfam h -n and v chiickens, 3 months old. $3. E. 13th N.. Alberta car. MODERN No. 40 chicken house tor sale cheap. Walnut 1267. MALLARD duck decoys. 10330 5oth ave. s. iL.t near i04th st. WHITE leghorn pullets at 37th st. and btith ave. or Eari st. 12 R. I. RED hens, $12. Call Sunday, is4o t remont st. MALLARD ducks for sale. East 0371. JogM, Rabbits, Birds and Pet Mfk. DOG OWNERS' text book free; expert advice on proper care, training, feed ing, .free with s months' trial sub scription to America's popular dog and hunting magazine. Send 25c. Sportsman's Digest, 217 Butler bldg.. umcinnati. BYRON T. LIVINGSTON In charge of me baorador ivenneles, can taKe a few more dogs to break. All train ing guaranteed. Field or force break ing to retrieve thoroughly done. Lab rador Kennels, 82d st., south of Ken dall Sta. Mail, 95 East 62d North. JUST a few left, females from genuine imported St. Anareasoerg roller stocx, closing out, 75c each. Call East 6b74 or uoi Multnomah st. ROSE CITY CATTERY. REGISTERED STUDS AT SERVICE. KITTENS FOR SALE. BOARDERS TAKEN BY DAY OR WEEK. 209 13TH ST. MAIN 7095. a t kti ; n. COCKER SPANIEL "RED DUKE" IV A. K. C. 822624. This young dog In a. nrnvon sir of dark red DUDS. Wah-kee-na Cocker Kennels. 1693 E. 8th st. Sellwood 2005. Portland, Or. POLICE DOGS Puppit-a from $75 up. i.nr?pif b'Atin or thu nreea on ine coast. Grown stock. Beneva Police Dog Kennels, 360 Piedmont Drive, Al- tadena. Cal. lfi-MOXTHS-OLD ned. Boston bull ter rier; brlndle and wnite, Deaumuujr marked; splendid dog for service, watch or automobile. 1111 E. Sherman. Call Tabor 2012 after today. AT ST IT 11. Anawan Steve. English white Bull Terrier, registered A. K. C. Service guaranteed. Write Arthur Long, 60th ave. and 72d st. S. E., Portland. TWO SETTERS and two pointers for sale, just the right age to stan wora inr: real shooting doi? stock. Labra dor Kenneis. " w M HOWES, veterinarian, dog and cat hospital; lady aitenaant, oui washed and dry cleaned; blankets made to order. Phone Tabor T.T.RWKI.VX setter dud. 44 months old, hoamifnll v marked. Drlce S50. or will trade tor a Kun of equal value. Phone Walnut 5158. unr'KWKI.TK BOSTON KENNELS. STUD. 14V4- lb. seal brlndle sire. Stud cards on request. 015 Court ave. Walnut 4464. BEAUTIFUL, female Boston bull, very affectionate, ready to breed, one litter of pups pays for her twice. 134 Flower street. PHI T.TB! Qhanharil mm. t mm Stock Of natural heelers, f ine came or wsnu dogs. Males 10. W. G. Wellard, R. 2. Independence, Or. ll.l. l,'l'ns of fnncv uiareons for sale. cheap tumblers, 50c each, 1 pair of aolden "Leabrlsrht bantams, $2.50; 0 bantam hens. 50c each. 184 East 84th. DOGS BOARDED at the new Labrador Kennels. Bring your shooting dogs here and have them conditioned for the shooting season. nnsTfiv terrier DuDDies. extra fine, 8 weeks old; must be seen to be ap- , predated. Tabor 8185. 09 East 68th st. N., corner Flanders. MALE Chesapeake pup for sale; re trieving now. Labrador Kennels. H'2a st. South. Kendall Sta. Mall address. 95 East end nortn. FOX TERRIER pups, from registered stock, well mrked; prices reasonable; also wire-haired fox terriers. Charles Thomas, Troutdale. Or. & trh'W Avtri, well -bred Airedale pup pies, A. K. C. registered, will be koIA at low price if taken at once. Wire or write oeorge is.incaia. A"iorm. wi. at KTTrn. full-blooded Kentucky blood hound, also lor saie, .-'7. wuhuiti iit i strong, never tires, won't give up. 18 I months old. r-none Aimmr $150 BUYS POLICE DOG. Jet black male. 2 years old; fond of children. Speedway Kennels, 5 miles west on Canyon road. FOR SALE Large live owl with large yellow eyes; good store window attrac- tlon or pet. Address Pines Poultry Farm. Route 2. The Dalles. Or. BOSTON terriers, pedigree by Walnut Duke seal wltn wnue maratngs, a months old, $40. 115 East 45th St. Tabor 5478. FOR SALE r-Pure-bred English collie. good watch dog. 30. Address waiaer. R. 4. Box 364. Portland. SIX FINE chairs, solid oak, leather .eats; one beautltul mis rug, reasou- able. Main 2669, FOR SALE Black cocker spaniel pups, I eligible to reglBter. Sellwood 2003. 13 E. 8th St. ST. ANDREASBERG roller and Harts mountain pedigreed stock. $5 each.. Woodiawn 561. AIREDALE, black and tan, 6 months. cheap. Route 8, Box no. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Beautifully marked Boston terrier puppy, sired by walnut jjuks. Tabor 7276. WELL-MARKED bird dog, setter, well traln-ed. 2 years oia: sou. n. u. van Blarlcom, 314 Fh-st St.. Newoerg. Or. 2 RABBITS, r0c; 6 young Flemish, 35c; bargain. 6847 58tn ave., Mt. ocott ca.r to Tremont. pnY HOUND for aale. broke on coon and bobcat, fine cold trailer ana tree dog. Essex. 519 13th N.. Seattle, wasn. THAnririlHRRKn Alaskan Spitz. six months o fl. cneap. loa eom si. o. c. THOROUGHBRED male fox terrier. 10 months olrt; reasonapie. caai u.tno. SERVICE of thoroughbred orange Per sian male, $2. u. seuwooa wis. JAPANESE spaniel pupny. thoroughbred. Tabor 7927. 341 Ej. finn si. n. FRENCH bull puppies for sale. 813 Linn ave., Sellwood. PERSIAN kittens for sale. Phone Tabor 5237. POINTER and setter pups; mother reg is teredog FOR SALE Part Airedale and collia dog: 7 months old, can jsast w. A FEW more healthy Boston puppies. Empire 1411. PERSIAN kittens. 3 months old, extra I fine, $5 eacn. -rapor quo. PRETTY Persian kittens at your own price. Atwater 3QH3. TRAINED Dolnter for saie. nice trlever. registered. Labrador K.ennels. AIREDALE pups for sale. Call Bdwy. 4182. 224 fr Washington. ONE FULL blood fox terrier puppy, two months old. Tabor 1861 arter 1 o ciock. FEMALE canaries for sale cheap. bor 1329. lOR SALE 1-month-old toy fox terrier Tabor 8664. ST. ANDREASBURG banded singera, brass cige. $20. 711 Kearny. Main l.63. THOROUGH-BRED Irish terrier puppJes I for sale. 76 Katt Terry St., ft-enton car. FINE Llewellyn puppies, 4 montli. old. E. W. Wampler, Sherwood. Or. ROLLER canar" pure rtrain. fine trainer: also young singers. E. 4529. AIREDALE pups for sale. Phone Sell wood 2934; t YOUNG pit bull, kind, watchful.. Fine for auto. Atwater ax. FOR SALE One bull pup; a dandy, for $10. Tabor YOUNG canary singers; reasonable. East 6949 ALASKAN Husky puppy. Call 'raoor 8245 Sunday, between 10 and 11. TOPAZ, pedigre. orange Persian male cat. .tl wainui oivo. WANTED A good home for a pet collie. 1140 East o2q jn.. walnut aiio. FEMALE Collie or Airedale pu-pplee at your own price. zti aast 8tn. AIREDALE PUPS FOR SALE. SELLWOOD 0367. CALL, FEMALE pointer, S years old, wIl trained. Price $40. East 0739. AIREDAL3 puppies. Tabor 2474. - 6ILVBR PBRSIAN ltdttn. Xbr 474. FOR SALIC Pog. Kubbltn, fiirds and Pet Mx k. OPPORTUNITY to obtain locally u'lM ity and exhibition, pure-bred, pedi greed, registered collies; fine as can be produced anywhere, being past and present-day Imported aud American bred championship stock; the sort you are Justified keeping and proud to awn; white, tri-colored, blue, sable; some have whit markings; raonttblv priced; government and other authen tic credentials. Automatic 614-95, or Lock Box 2526. Portland. Kegw and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whits oak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14th St., near PeUgrove. Phone Auto, 519-19. Roats, launches and Marine Fquipmrmt. BEST HOUSEBOAT on WMllamette river; 6 rooms on f.ne float. A bargain for $2000 cash; term or trade. $2J00; will take well located city lot or good used Ford or both, as part payment. 436 CHAM. OF COM.. Tabor SotiS. Bdwy. 6658 aiuutniN xurnisned houaeboat. 4 rooms and bath. Radiantfire. ras. water, elec. light, canoe, phone, comfortable winter ' and summer, suitable for business or professional man; must be seen to be appreciated; reasonable. No. 6 Oregon Yacht club. Call evenings or Sunday MUT sell houseboat of & room on Al foundation, gas range, shades, re frigerator. rowboat, etc. ; hus city water, eras, electricity and Dhon tual value $1500; will sell for $1h0 cash. Phone Sellwood 0776 evenings or Sunday. HOUSEBOAT WANTED. Want furnished 4 or 5 -room house boat. Will give mortgages and cash in payment for same ; can also put In some city property. AM e8t. Ore- gonian. NOW IS the time to buy - ur houseboat; 4 rooms and bath completely furnlfhfti every convenience. $1640, terms; $1450 cash. no. -3 ore. iacnt ciud. aeii. 3955. BEriT constructed and arranged house boat on river, furnished : modern in every detail; excellent buy at low price with terms. No. -23, Oregon 1 acht club. DANDY boat, just the thing for towing or otherwise; 60.4 fet long, ia.4 reel wide. 6,9 feet deep; 50 H. P. standard engine; 35 tons. Will u-M at your own price and terms. 505 S wet land bldg. MODERN 4-room furnished houreboat; win tatce late moaei r ora an pari pay ment. Bargain Houe. 22 Oregon Yacht Club. Sell. 2033. FOR SALE Converted suo-cnaser, could be used for passenger hoat or yacht. Babare Brothers. Tacoma, Wasb. 18-FOOT 1110 or launch, 4 -cycle Benson engine; real bargain. po. 37 Willam ette moorage. HOUSEBOAT No. 30, 4 -room aud bath. all furnished, or unr urn lined; lioigate moorage; very reason a bl. 20 FT. MOTOR BO AT. 32 h. P.. cushions and tools: will sacrifice for $150 cash. Call Empire 0732 9 A. M.. or 6 P. M HOUSEBOATS BUILT TO OKDEK; EASY TKRAIS; GOOD MOORAO K AS SURED. J. XiUNNETT. SELL. 2527. 22-FOOT motor boat, perfect condition. lor sale or trade. Broadway oiai, apt. 5. Coal and Mood. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir blocks and slabs; runs partly dry, for furnace or heater. ORE GON FUEL CO.. W AUNl'T 4102. FOR SALE Old srrowth fir stumoage. About l&o cords; level land, 10 nines from Portland, half-mile from ro-k road, 2k miles from station. Chaa. M. Scott. R. 1, Box 26, Hiilsboro, Or. 14.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch block and slab mixed, partly dry, fine for furnace n heater. NATIONAL. tltlL CO., Kaat 2041 Blu LOAO of boxwood, $4; block and slab, partly dry, f.o0 a load. Call Wal. 5H04. NICE 16-ln. slab. $3.50 and 4 load: box, ; l-m. tmcK. . anywnere; o. x cord, $7.7-5. Sellwood 170U HAVY country slab, $0.50 per cord; yo. I oin growtn.cir. J, iapor va-z. UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8984. i ulav k planer wooa. ary. Dig load, to. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed; two loada. $1); ope load, $5. Walnut 130O. IF YOU want dry cordwood immediately, jmone At. 1'51'. Wai. HHL'a. ALL KINDS of wood. Call S. R. Howell, 6 Y, Vancouver. Wash. OET OUR prices on A-l dry fir and country slab. Auto. aL'L'-ia. HEAVY BLOCK AND SLAB mixed. 18 in.. $.B0 a cord. A twat er Z8.VV Radio Kqnlplnfnt. MUST SELL. Will sacrifice my 3-months-old radio receiving set. In mahogany cabinet, complete with phones, tubes, batteries, etc. This set I the latest type, regen erative, with 2-step amplifier, and has range of 1000 miles. Cost $175. Make offer. Sellwood 137S 7H0 K. 40th st. CRYSTAL receiving set. J000 ohm phones, 19.50. Rectigon battery charger, $12. Aerial switch, 12. Small Goodell Pratt lathe with extra parts, $12. Tabor 3S5. RADIO MAIINAVOX. New $45 magnavox; terms, $lft down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co , 50 Alder. w RADIO telephone transmitting appar atus, complete parts. 10-watt set. Kast vouz. or aaaress ttaaio. in ra.i jiorr CRYSTAL radio sets $8. Large 2-sl. " amplifying radio complete wlth mat navox and batteries. f - 1370 Al bina ave. I RADIO Latest model Kllbourne A Clark 2000 .ohm. double head, phones. $4 per set. 520 Abington bltlg RADIO An opportunity for live agents, special low-priced radio seta call 520 Abington bKlg RADIO steel galv. 4-post towers, $ltt. Call Ma n 134M. FOR SALE Radio magnavox, $35. Tl W. Russell, in Kenton. HIGH-GRADE crystal radio set for sal. cheap. S3rt 43d ave. FOK SALE, $45 magnavox, never used, $35 Call AtwatT 3272. FOR SALE Complete standard radio r. ceivlng set at a sacrifice. East 4Q7.. N urserr Stock. Bu lbs and Flowers. BULB price, are going up. Our adver tising an lection st ii ooiainnot. i of th regular price. Send $1.25 and 5 addresses of flower lovers and you will receive, parcel post prepaid, a beautl ful collection of bultft tulips, hya clnths, narcissus and crocus; total 80 bulbs at a valuu or $6.0(1. together with full Instructions. This offer only good during September. American-Holland Bulb Co., Belllngham. Wash. RELIABLE NURSERY STOCK. CI. M. SPRAGUE 154 N. 18th St. Broadway 1313 Fruit and Vegetables. APPLES, pears, prunes, grapes, chickens and ducks; sierra vista, l miia east or Montavliia. on Base Line. Bring your own boxes. ITALIAN prunes tor sale. 1225 Slmpaon St.. near E. 42d st. wal. 4234. PEARS, prunes and quinces for sal.. 630-4 5. 35 TREES, sw-t Italian prunes by lot or lb. Tabor 5501. Machinery. MOTORS. GENERATORS. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR RECEIVERS. OAS ENGINES. PUMPS. CONCRETE! MIXERS. Installations and motor repair. K. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO. 75 Front St., Cor. Oak. Automatic 525-49. MACHINE Rl. W. navs every facility for moving, hoisting and erecting machln.rr anJ boilers, any six. or weight. OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY. 13th and CMsan . Broadway 1281. $1000. A 10x12 Washington narrow drum yarding donkey engine. In good shape. Write H 968, Oregon ln. 2-STAGE radio with magnavox and bat teries, will sell cneap, or trade; can be seen In operation at U. S. Electric Co.. 28 N. 9th St.. near Burnslde. FOR SALE No. 3 Russell mill. .Mi H. P. engine. 52-ln. saws, ivntgnt dogs, slab conveyor, cut-off saw, shafting, belting, pulleys. 204 W. 15th. Vancouver. Wash. FOR hALE One Blgnall power pipe threading macnine ror i-incn 10 2 inch pipe; one power hack saw. Call 25 Stark st. Phone Bdwy. 7363 FOR SALE 1 Metis & Merrill box fac tory hog, jo. -c empire i.o,i. or write Western Spar Co.. Uu2 Spalding bldg. WATER system and electric motor. H. F. Stevenson. Powell valley, near Gates road. Aut. 646-47. SMALL motor and turning lathe, bar gain. After B o clock evenings, 507 E. Sherman. 3-HORSEPOWER Beaver gas engine; good a. mw; a,vr.ta. Machinery. M. BARDS SONS. INC. 240-4 Front Rt. Portland. Or. Mam utie.i. GUARANTEED MONEY SAVERS. 10,000 TONS: AN-CI.ICS, rl.ATS, SHAPES, RTfcKl. BA Kd. UET OUR I'llKLS. ROOFING. 70 Tons. New. g:vanlxd, corrugated; 1, t, !- foot lenstos. SAVE Mu.NEV UUT NOW. TRANSMISSION Pulleys, boxes, hangers, matting. g-ar, pinion.. SEE BARDE KEKoRB BUYINQ. BELTING. Rubber and leather. OUR sTUCK Ji CuMi LETE. LOrjOETIS- EQUIPMENT. WIRE Fii'E, ary a.te, any quantity. Skookum blocks, "th, biock that makes logging ea,v " Axes, petvlei, Sleilre,. wertf", Falling, bulking atuj lrsg HAW BAUDE'S PRICES AKb Iwi.HT. BARDES m.J RAHOAIN3. puiirs. 0 nxs;,,; riaK pmp.. .w 1" 6x5xrt Oartiner piimr. nes 106x7x6 Illske pumps, new... )oxHxl2 Buffalo pumps, ne. .$1 ID . Ill . 1S . 210 Ill Ml In. American circu.tlng doubl suction centrifugal pump, J" 10 4,x2x4 Dow duplex pumna. new 71 2 8x2x3 Wcrthtnrtnn pumps .... 4, 5 3.1x3 Worihington pumps.. ' 1 3x2x3 ilirdnrr pump 4 3 3xJx3 Nnow pomp, 4 2 3x2x3 Fslrhnk -Morse pump,. 4i 4 Single-acting feed pump., Inch suction M 2-4 In. centr.fugal pumps lnl. ", 2 5 In. eentrifiiKHl pumps (new), llo 3 3x5 Typhoon b-lt-dnven pumps ,i 15 Double action rf-ck pum p . . . . 27 5'l 10 Doubla action oeca pumps. , . . 1 7 Sil 10 PER CENT risTOrvr ON PUR CHASE OF TWO OR MORS. 100-ft Presto tanks f H0 SuO-ft rresto tanks S-1 Guaranteed by Presto-Lit. Co. BARDE'S BAFOAIVS 8AVB TOTJ MONEY. STEAM ENGINES Upright and horizontal Special prices tht mean a big saving. MISCELLANEOUS. Gaselln. .ngln.a, Bnllsrs (vertlcsl snd horl.onral) Ste.l tanks, sir recetvars, luu t. 1300 galloiua Motors. 10-hp. to B.lfl-hp. Compressors Call aises MACHINE TOOLS Lathes Shaper. Planer Key Beaters Bolt Threaders Milling machine. Boring mills Orlnders (electric snd belt drive) Punches Punch, and shears vertical and bar xontal) Air hol.tav Ingersoll and Pake. Locomotive cranes, etc WRITE-. WIRB OR PHONO TOUR ORDERS. M. BARDE SON'S. INC.. HOUSE OF A MILLION BAROAINS. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY 02". Ratlway Exchange. Portland, Or. GENERAL CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT: 1 B-yard Ragley scraper. 1 3u,-yard Hsgley scrspor. 1 2-yard Sauerman s,-rapcr. 1 pet 14x36 sand rolls. 1 law crusher, 14x24. 20 24-Inch rauge Swed. car. 1 9x10 2-1riim LKIiterwood holst- inr erirlne 1 7x10 Washington hoisting i- glTie. 1 No. 10 Ft. Wsvne Jaw crusher. 1 Model 31 Marlon caterpillar steam shovel. 1 18 B liiicyrua caterpillar steam .hovel. 1 85 Bucvnis standard gang. steam uliovel, 2 PVixlO Smlih Watron don keys. 200-lb. boilers. HIGH PRESSURE BOILERS. - 8 grtvlfl 125-lh. preeur. hollers, with Diuch oven fittings 1 130 H. P. marine type borler. 1 no H. P. economic tip. firebox. JOO Ihe. prenetire. All sire vertical boiler., I'm low pressure holler, of afl lae, 1 72-1neh block carrier., 1 3-saw headrlr. ,',6-ln. eraws. 1 Px.'iti-fl saw steam lift lgr, 1 s-lnch Berlin reeaw. 1 16x20 SteUnn Roe. planer, Te4 8 months. 1 American portsM. 8-hlock ear rlage, blocks 4 Inches, rioitl. saw busk with 48-Inch and Si Inch saws, log haul, earning gear, conveyor chain, elati chnln, cuf-off sa.s. belting, puileys. shafting; will cut 15. 000; nearly new. 1 complete A o n h I band mill. 125 0iO capaelty. Allle-Chal-rrn're machinery throng tiout . t 74xl0-trich horlxontal fniins, I 8-aw 4x32-tn. American .lger. t 12x12 horlxontal. 1 12-18 geared twln-feeo1 er.x-ln. 1 pair twin engmea, 16x18. Coeieret. m txera, steam stvel., wb.elharrows. etc. water wheels, all size, and heada. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY Broadway 6632, COMPANY, 17-li-l-2 OASCO BLDO. PORTLAND, OREOOX. VAI? $02 L xclnslv. agent, for Nero Engines. Pum ps. Compressors and Hoists. AAamJ Adjus'abl. Leaning Whs.1 Graderr. Ransom. Conerst. Mix era, Pavsr and Chutlng. Shelton Barrel Typ. Conert. Mlx.ra Little Giant Road Cranes and Slaaco Orab Buckets. Bpesrs-Walls Plaoera. Loaders and Road Just Received Another Carload USED MOTORS. Entirely rebuilt In our .hops. Special price, while they last. ALL SIZES IN STOCK. R. R POPPLETOV. 223 Stark St. Il.lwy. T7IL Complet. motor repair shop. FOR SALE Complete n-ehiiig sui pre 1 abating outfit. 388 F.auuera st.