13 flTE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN. rOItTLAITT- SEPTEMBER 17, 1923 - V TO EXCHANGE REAt ESTATB. A FEW GOOD TRADES. WB HAVE DOZENS OP OTHERS. $2300 3-roora bungalow, with modern plurabinsr; DoxlOO lot. covered with fruit; want 1 or 2 acres on Oregon City carlirie. $3000 3-room cottage; 07x150 lot; near Kenton; clear of Incumbrance; want to apply as first payment on residence closer In up to $4500. $4000 B-room oottage. real close in: a good business location; want 1 acre, improved, of equal value on Oregon City carllne. 4000 5-room modern bungalow on west side; want some cheap building lots. $4350 6-room modern bungalow In Hawthorne district This Is good property; want 3 or 4 room residence up to $3000. $500 5-room modern bungalow with of an acre of ground. 3 blks. outside cltv limits: want place close in; will assume. 5-room bungalow, modern and on paved street In Sellwood district; want 1 or 2 acres: look this up. If you want to trade, see us. Bee Stephens with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 135.000 BUSINESS corner, stores and apartments; rents $340 month; take part trade. Flats and houses for apartment build ing: wiil assume to i 5.000. 70 acres. 82d St.. suitable for platting. Joins 1925 fair site; trade for In come property. nn $19,000 water plant, valley town; 30(J month income; trade for Port land and vicinity acreage. Vancouver. Wash., farm Improved lor income property and assume. 280 acres, central Oregon, improved irrigated; good buildings; take $4000 property for equity. 35 acres. Sherwood, improved, take Portland or Seaside Property. 41 acres, Newberg, improved, $8500. take $3000 In exchange vicinity Portland or Oregon City. 214 acres. Vancouver; new house. $3500; take home In Portland part pay. 204 Railway Exchange Blag. . .... ..',n,-, nrttllTT A St PJ Three miles from good town and paved highway to Portland. Land rolling, good drainage; spring creek on back of place; 20 acres cleared, bal ance second growth. Six-room house, large barn, two chicken houses, cow shed, woodshed, cream house, wind mill, tank; water piped Into house and buildings; would cost $6300 to replace improvements; best prune land in Clarke county. If set to prunes, this place should bring $25,000 in five years. Am physically unable to handle. My price $43500. Will take residence in Portland to $3500, or will take all in trade if not too heavily incum bered. OWNER, Route 6, Box 87C. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 828L. RICH RIVER BOTTOM. 150 acres rich river bottom soil in cultivation. 240 acres of timber. 7-room house. 2 large barns and other buildings. Family orchard, 80 miles south of Portland, paved highway to within 5 miles of place, smooth rocked road balance of way, 5 miles to good town. Ideal dairy and stock farm on the Santiam river. Will trade equity for house, vacant lots or acreage in or near Portland. W. Q. IDE, 800 Lewis Bldg. 160 ACRES, near Airlie, Polk county, Oregon; 2 houses, 2 barns, granary spring piped to houses; 100 acres under cultivation, sandy loam; $05 per acre Will exchange merchandise, stock, resi dence, good timber, apt. house or busi ness building. Alvln Johnson Co. Realtors, 605 McKay bldg., Bdwy. 7201. HERE IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY. To get a dandy east side corner frame apartment; fully furnished and nicely located; everything in first-class condition: a house or two will give you possession; apartment nets over $2000 annually; you will like this. Price $25,000, no mortgage. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., ' (105 Yeon Bids. BRICK BUILDING. CLEAR. 110-ft. frontage, 2-story brick build ing; ten 5-room apts., with 3 stores below; on carllne, east side. One good clear farm in exchange for part or full value. Price $30,000. For particu lars see FISHER REALTY CO., 515 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 4028. Idaho 200-acre ranch, improved, in the Lewiston district; will trade for city or valley property or for going business. Owner in Portland. Quick action. , , 1045 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 2030. 10 ACRES on Mt. Scott line, about Vi mile above cemetery; price $2500, trade in on 4 or 5-room bungalow, Sunnyside or Mt. Tabor district; might take good building lot. See Gibson, METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors 2fi3 flak Street. Broadway 5355. DANDY suburban home at Oak Grove; only 4 blocks from station; 3 acres, with 4-room cottage, garage, chicken house, etc.; bearing grapes and other small fruits. Price $0500. Want city Income property. INTERSTATE LAND CO. . 248 Stark St. Broadway 7829. IMPROVED 40, government water, vine yard, variety fruit, machinery, dairy, cows, etc.; well, windmill, hot and cold water in house, mail route; 4 miles 'Homedale. Idaho. Changing to be near high school. Consider acre age near Portland part payment. Write owner AN 020. Oregonian. LOOK AT IT AND BELIEVE. 1572 DIVISION ST. Special exchange, my modern 8-room house, wired for electric range; very choice 100x230: fruits, shrubbery. I need alfalfa, hog and dairy ranch or red clover, valley hog ransh. Owner, 415 Oregon bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7264. miEAR HOUSE FOR TRADE. 6-room bungalow in Vancouver, Wash.; plumbing, electric lifyhts. etc, lot UXaxlOO; property cost $0000, but want to .trade; will takle a house in Portland and assume. AO 904, Ore gonian. STORE BUILDING IN LIVE TOWN. Containing confectionery and pool hall, olear of incumbrance and will put in some cash for city or suburban property. Price $3500. FISHER REALTY CO.. 815 Chamber of .Com. Bdwy. 4026. WALNUT BARGAIN. 3 tracts, either older orchard or young trees or acreage not planted. $1500, $10,000, $25,000 cash or income property; big crops, never failure here. Chapman. Main 6634. 1029 N. W, Bank DIGS INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. Want business blk., apartment house or other Income up to $100,000 or more. Offer clear title producing walnut, prunes and cherry orchard, up to $70, 000 and will assume. W. G. IDE. sup Lewis iog. tidtx'C TNI VHTIP TRAI1ES If you can't sell what you have for casn you can eiunsugo ib iul vaud thing you can move. TTT:r,m nnnn A UTi. 501-2 COUCH BLDG. BEAUTIFUL OLD EJaJ. TYPE. 5 rms., west slope Mt. Tabor. 1605 East Taylor, near 60th. What have you as a first payment up to $2000? Ka mfwoa imlmTtrAvAti. In Portland cltv limits. Linnton district; value $14,000, unincumbered, and cash to $20,000 for valley farm. Owner, AM 952, Oregonian. NIFTY six-room house and acre of round, near electric station; berries. grapes, fruit trees, chicken houses, no incumbrances; exchange for home close in, clear or incumbrance, owners only. AK 093. Oregonian. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? If your mortpage has been foreclosed don't .lose your property. Write me and I will give you a good trad for your equity. Y Sis, oregonian 100-ACRE farm, finest in valley, will &CCt;pi. HUUBO H11U iVA CAE. A 1 1 a I. J can arrange long time payment, close in, electric ramoau va plaice, xaj-i uoi, Oreeronian. WILL trade 240 acres of land on Mill creek in Polk county for good auto in A-l condition or for smaller car, play er piano or phonograph or $1100 cash. A V 34. oregonian. ROSE CITY HOME. Will take auto or lot and $800 as first navment: 8 rooms. lurnace. nre. place, sleeping porch, etc.; price $3750. Tabor 8078 or Main 8012. WANT INCOME PROPERTY" I have $40,000 worth of clear prop erty; wlH put cash with It for Port land income and assume. What have you? L iH5, Oregonian, 24 A.-FARM at Newberg, Or. ; 00-A. farm, stocked, equipped; good build ings; $8500, $3000 cash. 201 Mckay Bid?. EXCHANGE 10 acres, 5 cultivated, at Cottage Grove, for what have you? Fellows & Hanan, 17094 10th at, At water 3347. I OWN se-ven lots in Pielmont. some business lots, clear except Hens, will trade. What have you? AB 960, Ore gonian. ' ACREAGE 75 acres at Creswell. Or.. 60 under plow; good set of buildings: will consider Portland property. Fellows & Hunan. I703j 10th st. Atwater 3317 FOR A first-class Ford coups will give a S250 lot in Jonesmore and also a $125 phonograph, if desired. AC 910, Oregonian. TRADE House and grocery combined for bungalow ; will uauuit MaJa 0091. TO EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE. ABC EXCHANGES. A. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY OS" ANY KIND TO EXCHANGE DO NOT FAIL TO EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY. B. 7 acres, no buildings, in cultiva tion, near west side highway and elec tric station, clear of incumbrance. Ex change for Portland residence and as sume. Price $3000. C. 8 acres on Base Line road; miles from city limits; good buildings, tine for chickens. Mortgaged $2000. Ex change1 equity for Portland residence. What have you? D. 14 acres, few yards off Capitol high way, all clear, good buildings, stocked and equipped. . Owner - will accept Portland bungalow up to $3000. give food terms on the balance. Price 7500. Beach property consisting of 2-story building, partly furnished, to exchange for Portland rooming house, acreage or residence. Will assume. Price $3000. F. S2-room hotel, located in one of the best Willamette, valley towns. Brick building, good lease to exchange for tlosa to Portland acreage, suitable for chickens. Will assume a reasonable amount if property suits. West side Income flats, mortgaged for $6500, 3 years, 6 per cent; equity to exchange for Portland residence, acreage, or farm. Flats paying 10 per cent. What haveyou ? 100 acres in the best part of Yam hill county, partly stocked and equipped. Exchange for Portland resi dence or Income property. This is a bargain at $10,000 62 acres, 2T miles from Portland. Clackamas county. Highly Improved with fine buildings. A bargain at $8500. Will accept Portland property up to full value. We have several choice residence lots to exchange as first payment on bun galows up to $4500. Will assum and pay cash difference 6000-acre eastern Oregon going stock ranch, fully stocked and equipped, to exchange for Income property. Stock and equipment will invoice better than $25,000. Price for everything complete $80,000. Accept property up to ull value, k THESE ARE JUST A" FEW OF OUR LARGE EXCHANGE LISTS IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO TRADE DO NOT FAIL TO SEE US FIRST. ST, CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors. 204 Morrison St. Main 9 82. OREGON CALIFORNIA. A Rare Chance. New home with 4H4 acres, on main highway, surrounded by walnut groves, orchards, wine and poultry yards; elec. sta. on land; close to U. of Cal. ; center of Oakland and San Francisco; $52,600; mtg. $25,000 at 654. Will subdivide easy $2000 per acre. Take $10,000 cash and clear Oregon, city or country prop erty. J lso have two large Cal. ranohes and a 70-acre orchard and Oakland-income to trade for Oregon. E. WIESNBR. 404 15th St., Oakland, Cal. Phone Oakland 328. 1400-ACRE VALLEY FARM. " $55 an acre will take this di versified farm consisting of 75. - acres of commercial orchard. 400 -acres of land in cultivation. 320 acres of first growth limber, handy .to mill; the balance is timber and grazing land much of which can be cultivated when cleared; the above price includes all equipment, etc., there is a $20,000 mortgage, will consider some good property! in exchange. Broadway 2571. 1 PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bids. 040-ACRE stock ranch in eastern Oregon; good improvements; KO acres la cultiva tion; last year's crorj 3 tons hay per acre, dry farming; this year about the same; can cultivate 325 acres more; balance good pasture; water piped to the buildings; the highway from Can ada to old Mexico Is going by the plaoe? Trade for small improved place, close to electrio line. Box 443, Roberts, Or. A REAL FARM AT A REAL BARGAIN. 134 acres, A-l soil, 75 in cult.. 10 in standing timber, balance good pasture, more easily cleared, well watered, liv ing oreek and springs, good buildings, water piped In; 80 miles out, good all year auto road; for quick deal, sell far below value, easy terms, or exchange for city, or small acreage; if you want a good farm, investigate this, must be sold. Have lots of others, all sisses. both for sale and exchange.. TALLMADGH REALTY CO., 819 Henry Bldg. " WANT A FARM UP TO $50,000. Will accept a good farm, preferably equipped and worth $50,000 as part payment on Portland business property of exceptional merit. Income $700 a month; madern briok building; attrac tive leases. Income from property will pay balance of purchase price. 6. M. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 4th Floor, Couch Bldg Bdwy. 6787. aAVE a very fine 8-room modern house and acre, Park Rose, to. exchange for a smaller place closer In; property clear; full bearing orchard, good chicken house; 1 block from paved road; everything up to date; will take 4 or 5-room bungalow in trade up to $3000 or $4000. See this a snap. Phone Broadway 6932. or Tabor 365o Sundays and evenings. 3 ACRES. 4 blocks from city carllne; improve ments worth 7000; price $7000; 4 tons prunes, lots of apples, modern poultry houses for 1500 hens; 125 fancy white Leghorn hens go with place. Will ex change for residence that will rent, well. Owner must change climate. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ABOUT 8 acres, all Improved, furnished house, good outbuildings, family or chard, water piped to house, plenty of work in woods, close by; value $3000; would consider grocery store, pool hall, town property, auto or any paying , business. Might sell furniture, wood, etc., and rent to responsible people. av i, oregonian. WILL sell or trade for home with small acreage In Portland, a splendid 13 Vt tract, W mil north of Stephenson, Wash. Three acres In orchard, dif ferent kinds of berries; 5-room house, large barn and chicken house.; a fine team of horses and wagon and farm ing Implements. Call Walnut 4971. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country; I will match them. E. A. Eaaley. 295 Montgomery at., corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. VALUE $2000. 100 ACRES DEEDED LAND. 85 miles southwest Pendleton: has about 1.000,000 feet milling timber, 100 acres fenced, small house, no incum brance. Trade for house, Vancouver or Portland. Room 325 Worcester bldg. Bdwy. 7416, WANTS BIG APARTMENT HOUSE. Client has fine income property In good town; price $45,000, clear. Will trade for apartment house in Portland to $90,000 and giva cash and mortgage for difference. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. 50 ACRES Good 7-room house, barn, outbuildings, team, 8 cows, pigs, 100 chickens, 35 tons hay, farm imple ments; $12,000, mortgage of $4000; 15 miles from Portland; consider mod ern house. Owner, Route 5, Box 217. Vancouver. Wash. FINE 100-acre farm, sandy loam soil, good bldgs and fences; in Willamette valley, near R. R. ; 100 acres to be in crop this fall: will exchange for good timber but not trash; only $100 per acre. A V at, oregonian $3400 EQUITY in $9000 Irvington 7-room house, hot-water heat, as first pay ment on bungalow to $6500 In R. C, Laurel hurst or Irvington. AN 883, Ore- MT-TT T. TO i 1 iP We can match you on any trade hav ing merit; houses, lots, farms, acreage. Bring in your proposition. Robinaon- Spoonar Co.. 712 Couch bldg. FOR SALE Cheap; good 4 room plas tered house, Vi acre of ground: part cash, balance $15 per mo., or will take good light car as first payment Phone Auto. 612-29. COUNTRY HOTEL. 31 rooms, live town, stags depot, to trada for acreage near Portland. PACIFIC FINANCE CO.. 820 Pittock Blocks HAVE two very choice lots at Seaside, value $500 each; will trade for automo bile of equal value In Al condition; Buick preferred. John C. Tyler, box 30. Feaside, Oregon. WANTED To exchange 8-room house for smaller house overlooking river. 770 East 40th St. IRRIGATED land, business building, clear, trade for house, hotel, theater or otb-r bug'rpgs. Box 37. Trrign. Or. LOTS to trade for cows, registered pre ferred. 220 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Seachreat, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. COUNTRY STORE FOR RANCH, General merchandise business 1J small railway town surrounded by rich dairying, fruit, agricultural and lum bering district. 414 acres nicely Improved with store building 60x60, with 7 living rooms, hot and cold water, electric lights, and a large public hall above; barn 24X 81, two stories, tower house with own water system; garage and 2 living rooms in tower house; small house; frost-proof potato house for ioo sacks; mill for chopping and grinding feed. . Stock and fixtures will invoica be tween $0500 and $7000; sales for Aug. $2783, besides income from grinding feed; postofflce, express and freight bFrice'for everything $18,500; In cumbrance on real property $9000 pay able $500 per year at 6 per cent inter est. A straightforward business proposition that will stand a strict investigation. Want small equipped ranch to equity; Eugene or Ashland preferred. Must be first olass, as this proposl - tion is priced right. MACINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT., RITT3R. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. Where Trades Are Made. 2320-ACRE STOCK RANCH. This is an Weal stock rancji, creek runs through, place, .also big all-year spring; 200 acres of ' bottom land where blue grass v grows very luxuriant. 600 acres of wheat, balance grass land. If you are looking for a stock ranch let us tell you about this one, $30 an acre; take part cash and part trade. Broadway 257I. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. BIG INCOME WHEAT RANCH. Over 3000 acres in wheat district. 2800 in cultivation, good buildings, fine well and lots of water; leased to ex cellent farmers. Insuring good income, and less trouble to handle than city income property; price $100,000. Owner will take valley farm, walnut or prune orchard or other property to $7a,OOU, balance mortgage. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. 314 Chamber of Commerce. 85 acres, 25 In cult.. 5 acres in bear ing prune trees. 2 acres of mixed fruit, best of soil, good buildings, water piped in from a fine spring, stocked and equipped; only 17 miles out paved road, close to school and only $10,500, take good residence fo- large part, bal ance' easy. Large list of others, both far sale and exchange. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. 32 ACRES. : Near Hubbard and near paved high way. Price $130 acre; nearly all in high state of cultivation: expensive im provements, lots of fruit, chocolate loam soil. Good drainage, lies just right. Will exchange for Portland property. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8T8J. ACHES. All level and highly improved; new 4-room house with fine basement, chicken house, good garden, city water, electric lights; near Paved street and electric line; near Vancouver; will consider house and lot in Portland.; price $3500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-B Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. 137 acres land, close to Lyle. Wash., extra well improved, owner wants to trade this for good Portland city prop erty, this land is clear and valued at S5OO0, will tnrde this clear and put in $2500 in ' cash and trade for home worth around $8000. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006. A CAHUA1.H ui,w. 97 acres, about 14 acres cleared. 7 acres orchard; fair buildings; all fenced; about 4000 cords wood, which should more than pay for place; 15 miles from Portland. 1 mile to high school; price $5500; will take house in Portland to $3000. . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 UnaiUDer Ul tiinmctLc SS0O0 FOR 40-ACRE farm. 2 miles from Canby; 30 acres under cultivation: 10 good well fed cows; 2 horses; bunch chickens; 3 pigs; lots of feed: 5-room house; barn; good chicken house; will take Portland residence up to $5000 in exchange. S. BORLAND CO., REALTOR. 300-2 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. FINEST ALFALFA FARM E. OREGON. About 445 acres, on city limits' every foot irrigated, rich soils and showing wonderful Income on price of $90,000, or $100,000 with personal prop erty.' Will trade for city Income, pay cash or assume. r vr svnTRfTM T? F.A T.TT CO.. 4th 'Floor, Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. CHOICE 101 acres. Alberta farm; 140 cui- . .. j . .... a. I.haI hlalf lnATTI ! uraieu, uu wa.c, ..,. - small lumbar buildings; good water; 1 miles town, 154 miles proposed railway, H mile P. O. Price $3000. incumbrance $1000; trade for small farm, acreage, house or equipment'and rent farm near fortmnn. pujc ah. tnuiucc, j. FINE modern 6-room house, Vancouver, wash., close to car anu pavou once, close In; cement basement, everything in and paid; will take a good house and lot in Portland or a vacant lot on a paved street, Or acreage in trade; Phone Broadway 632, or Tsubor 36ao Sundays and evenings. I HAVE 5 1-8 acres, improved house, barn. 4 chicken houses, family or chard, city water, electric light; locat ed at Cornelius, close to school, paved highway, S. P. electrie and Oregon Electric; oak -erove around house; will take house in, Portland. Give terms. See owner, J. Nelson. 183H 1st st. " rav-,TT . XT .- L3 W A VTC11 If you have a house you want to trade for land, or land you wish to ex change for a home, call and see us as we have a big list of exchanges; we will get you a good deal. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO.. 275 OAK ST. PHONE BDWY. 6006 80 ACRES irrigated land, unimproved, clear of all incumbrances, I hi miles from good thriving town In eastern Washington, to trade for Portland property. Wrill assume. PACIFIC FINANCE CO., 0U riLlOCH I- " " APARTMENT BLD. 10 apartments, always well occu pied, valued at $22,000. Will exchange for good farm within B0 mllea of Port land., JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. IRRIGATED alfalfa and wheat farms for sale or exchange, located at . Kftn newlck and Richland. Wash., and in eastern Oregon to trade for valley farms or Portland property. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. 619 Henry Bldg, BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR TRADE. Choice piece of close-in Portland property, with good income; prlca $60. 000; will consider farm or city prop erty to $40,000, balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 314 Chamber of Commerce. AUTOMOBILE FOR LOT EQUITY. 50x100 in Irvington district; re stricted and all new homes. Come out to branch office. 15th and Shaver, today. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. GOOD, modern 5-room house, sleeping rtorch. eood basement, good district. no incumbrance, to trade for larger house close In; will take good lot as part pavrnent. Phone Bdwy. 6932. or Tanor Hift Sundays ar.n evenings. EASTERN OREGON ALFALFA RANCH. 280 acres, mostly under irrigation; fair buildings; fine location; $2,000; want property here: will assume. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 4th Floor. Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. I HAVE 40 acres choice bottom land which I will sell on very easy terms to right party or will consider trade on Portland residence. M. J. Olson, box 135. Wnodburn. or. WILL trade 4 acres and 9 lots in good fruit country near Eugene as part pay ment on good paying small apartment house. J ana, uregonian 1 1-3 ACRE home In N. Parkrose; good for my equity or trade some for clear lot. Bdwy. 2057. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 90 acres in Yakima valley. Wash.; want income or farm property. J. E. Baker. Bentoa v. lty. v asii. WANT farm, have 11-room furnished apartment house, close in. west side. $10,000. Owner. Phone Main 1576. 9 A. At. to o r' . .i HAVE 4-passenger Apperson car, good condition; also some good furniture, to apply as first payment on B or 6-room house. Sell. 0710. . SEASIDE HOME Will trade my beautiful SfaelAe home for Portland property of equal value. Bdwy. 4620. I HAVJ2 a 1022 Dort tourin'g car. 98 ner cent ew, lots of extras, will exchange for good lot In restricted district Phon Walnut 0O63. HAVE 2H fine acres, Portland heights, to trade for a good residence prop erty. Phone Broadway 6932, or Tabor Hn:n nuiniajn mum it v ci i ai 6 WILL trade 160 acres Oregon wheat land, $2500. for city property. 502 Pit . i. v., air n... .a ano PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A GORDON ROSS. Bdwy. B173 624 Henry Bldg. LAND Close in. to trade for city prop erty. Owner, East 0745. PORTLAND HTS.' home for store bldg. Give or take difference. Main 8156. 144 A. Douglas Co., trade for property la ftr Portland. Cfirowa. Xr.WU. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, 10 acres, Lewis county, Wash ington ;-4 miles from good town with high school and free trana-, portation; 5 acres cultivated, balance pasture; all can be farmed when cleared; good loam soil; bearing family orchard; attractive 4-room bungalow, 82x24, large chicken house, ca pacity 1000 ehickena; good barn. . brooder house 20x50, 800 chick ens, cow, horse, wagon, buggy, disc, plow, harrow, etc Price $2500. $1500 down. Consider im proved acreage close to Portland, or city property. B-room bungalow on corner lot in Kenton district; cement base ment; best of- plumbing; one block to car; paved street; price $3000; incumbrance $800. Will turn in $2200 equity on 10 acres or more within 1 mile of United railway line, near North Plains, Groveland or Valla Vista. Will go to $4000 If place has equip ment. . 40 acres, 20 miles southwest of Portland; V4-mile to school; 83 acres cultivated, balance pas 'ture; good spring; bearing fam ily orchard; good 6-room house, larg barn, garage, chicken house, hog house, machine shed. This-ranch is well stocked and equipped including binder, cream separator and some crops. Price $0500, terms. Consider Portland house for part," Sellwood district preferred. Ranch inspected by Nelson. We have stocked and equipped ' Willamette valley farms for irri gated ranches with stock and equipment of about same value; also Irrigated ranches, stocked and equipped, for Willamette valley farms with equipment of equal value. In submitting prop erty be sure to give price offered for sale, and amount of incum brance. WANT SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. -acre, on east side, macadam street; lots of fruit; good garden; city conveniences; 4-room cottage, other buildings. Price $3000; clear. Consider small equipped farm, favorably located, in vicinity of Albany, Corvallis or Eugene and pay small cash difference. Ranch must ba clear. ' JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. . Over 500 small places near , Portland. HANDSOME COUNTRY HOME -FOR CITY PROPERTY. Decidedly one of the prettiest farm homes between Portland and MoMinn ville; pavement al-l the way and in edge of good town with high sc'hool ; 78 acres, 70 cleared; best soil, living stream, handsome 8-room plastered house, full basement, fireplace, city water, bath, electric lights, fine barn, silo, etc. Full set implements, horses, 8 cows, etc. Price $20,000. Take some good city property on this. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6tn St. Phone Broadway 43S1. 80 ACRES, ALFALFA RANCH. Located near Weiser, Idaho; all un der Irrigation; 7-room house, good barn; outbuildings; on macadam road; house wired, for lights; 6 head of horses: ail farm machinery: 2 cows-, price $12,000, $4000 mortgage which can be converted into a federal loan. Will exchange equity for Portland property. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. what -Have you for 489 acres excellent soil? About 250 acres in cultivation; lot more easily cultivated; 20,000 cords oak and fir: well fenced and cross-fenced; good buildings; spring water; near good town in one of the best districts in Willamette valley. A beautiful farm and worth the money. Price $55,000. Will consider any good property for all or part. JOHN M. KROG CO.. ' 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375, TRADE (0-ACRE FARM. Close to Portland, mile from high way. 50 acres under cultivation, 7 cows, pigs, team, 100 chickens, plenty im plements, good house and outbuildings; sickness compels change of climate; will trade for city property, store bus iness or anything good. Price $1700; you don't need any cash; land joining this place soM for $300 per acre. Call 827 Morgan bldg. DANDY FARM TO TRADE. 49 acres, 1 mile from Gaston, Forest Grove highway; 38 acres cultivated, balance pasture, 2 acres bearing prunes, family orchard; fair set buildings; water piped to house; 4 springs. Price $0000; will take house. LUEDDEMANN; COMPANY. 314 Chamber of Commerce. GOING to California; for sale or ex change, all or part of 320 acres level land; suburban to Vancouver, city wa ter, near eleotrio car lines; can clear loan and afisume mortgage on Pacific eoast improved country or ctty prop erty. Owner, J. D. Westenhaver, 2048 Stephens St., Vancouver, British Co lumbia, WILL trade equity in 480 acres timber land, contains 12,000,000 to 14,000.000 feet good saw timber: about 10,000.000 feet adjoininjf may ba acquired This la (rood red fir some cedar; 85 miles from Portland. Will consider 6 or 6 room bungalow, well located. In Port land. AE 9&5, Oregonian. VINEYARD. At Granta Pass. Income this year estimated at $4000. Price $10,000. Owner here and wants Portland resi dence in exchange. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. FINE modern 5-room house, Rose City, close to car, paved st., cement base mert, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-lns, sleeping porch and double garage. Will accept 8 "or 4 acres with small house in trade. Phone Bdwy. 0932 or Tabor 3655. Sundays and evenings. IRVINGTON HOME FOR ACREAGE. Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors; price $7500; will trada for up-to-date suburban home. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. 814 Chamber of Commerce. DAMASCUS FARM. Forty acres, all cultivated but two acres, fins land, price only $6000. no mortgage; want good Portland house to full amount or will assume reason able mortgage. V. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO.. BOS Yeon Bldg. 8-ROOM, all-modern house. 2 acres, 1 acre asst. bearing fruit, 300 chickens, garden patch, highway, close In. S8000. Will trade for home in Rose City or and good district. What havo you? See E. . G. Campbell, with H. W. OSBORNE CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Portland good close in property, improved, fine location and street. I will consider suburban acre age, improved, any good location cen tral or southern California. Give de scription and price. By owner, P. O. box 4343, Portland. Or. ST. JOHNS DISTRICT. Small house, lot 100x100. 3 blocks to car, 6 blocks to school. Price $900. Want acreage near Scappoose or St. Helens. What have you? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. MY EQUITY In 4-r. bungalow and ga rage, lot 250x120 to alley, water, gas and elec. on Red Elec., Pac. highway, very close in. A dandy place, goes for $1000, Take car-and cash, or what have you? -Balance very easy. Call 616 Henry bldg. CLOSE to Portland. 6714 acres, 82 in cultivation, some more cleared: large or chard; 7-room house, large barn, stock, implements, crops; mile to school; cream route; take city prop, or acre age. E. Knlckrehm, Oregon City. R. 4. EXCHANGE SEATTLE for PORTLAND property, 6-room bungalow in beautiful district, near university, Roosevelt high and grade school; electric range if desired, large lot, garage, fine for children. Walnut 4827. FINE m( dern 6-room house, close in on paved St.; all assessments paid; cement basement, and furnace. Will accept small house and acreage as part pay ment. Phone Bdwy. 6932 or Tabor 3655. Sundays and evenings. 40 ACRES in Clarke county, near Battle Grot nd. Wash.; about 10 acres cleared; all level: unfinished house; $2000: $750 cash. Would take good piano, lot or auto on balance. W. H. Gertz, 1202 Pelawarp ave.. after Sunday. COUNTRY general merchandise store, one of the best in the state, doing good business, will take in small farm in the valley to $8000 or $10,000, balance to suit. Stewart A Morris, 202 McKay builMlns. MICHIGAN farm for- saile or exchange; 100 acres, larg house, barn, concrete walls; value $3000 clear; will exchange for clear Improved coast property. Owner, J. D. Westenhaver, 2048 Ste phena gt.. Vancouver. British Columbia. WILL trade two city houses, close In, for 100 acres of cleared land on or near R. R. sta. Give location in first letter. H. A. Maddock, 612. Merchants Trust bldg. DANDY, fine 6-room house on Craig road to exchange for a small house or acreage. . Phone Bdwy. 6982 or Tabor 3655. Sundays and evenings. WILL take lot, aato or small business as part payment for $2000 equity in 7 rorm modern ' house, rood district. H .167, Oregonian. j WHAT have you to trade for close voreace? XB 963. Oregoniea. in. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO-405-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. 10 ACRES. All In cultivation, near Woodburn. Less than 4 -mile from highway. A good well and pump, barn, onicken house, berries, other truit. Price $35oO. Will accept house in Portland to $3000. Mount Scott district preferred. 15 ACRES. Orchards, Wash. All under cultiva tion; 0-room house, hot ana cola water bath; wood house; 7 y -acre lull bear ing prunes, balance garden. Price $5U00. Will exchange my 1250 equity for small store in Portland; $3750 due 7 years, 40 ACRES. What have you to trada for this unimproved 40 acres near Crawford, Wasu.? About 20 miles from Van couver; two good creeks on place. Would make fine prune land. Value about $50 per acre. 50 ACRES. Near Hillsboro. Or.. 25 acres highly cultivated, balance pasture; 7-room house, with fireplace; 20 tons of hay; 2 good wells, family orchard; 3 horses, 5 head of cattle; 1V acres potatoes. On good road. $10,000. Will exchange my $59o0 equity tor something in east ern Oregon, or what have you? 120 ACRES. Near Goldendale, Wash., 60 acres under cultivation; has been in alfalfa, balance pasture; good 5-room house on good road. Will exchange my $2700 equity for Portland property. Total price $3500. Can get a $1500 federal loan on this place. Investi gate this as it is good. 160 ACRES. Six miles west of Lugene, Or., all fenced and cross-fenced, good well and creek on place. Valued at $70 per acre. Will acoept house In Portland up to $5000 in good location, balance long time. 820 ACRES. Wheat and stock ranch near Baker City; 100 acres under cultivation, bal ance bunch grass pasture; & springs on place; 4 miles from Pacific highway; 2-room house, close to sawmill. An ideal stock ranch; clear title; will ex change for acreage near Portland, or houses and lots. What have you? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-B Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. LAHGiii hume on 2u0xlu0, ielmont sL, for apartment site. 8-room home, edge of Laurelhurst, for amallex house. 5-room Woodstock cottage for auto and cash. Fool hall for auto or city property. 10 acres with modern bungalow, close in, for income city property. Will as sume. 3 acres, 8-room bungalow at Reed ville, for city residence or income prop erty. 1 acre, 6-room bungalow, on Powell Valley road, for city home. 25 acres at Broadacres for store. . 87-acre dairy ranch, near Woodland. Wash., for city property. See Air. Phillips, with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FRUIT AND WALNUT RANCH. 70 acres, nearly all In cultivation: 55 acres in orchard Just coming into bearing, of which 30 acres is lnterset with walnuts; fruit consists of prunes, pears, cherries and apples all in fine, healthy condition; good buildings, stocked and equipped; located on rock road, near good town in Oregon. Price $30,000. Want Portland property full amount. 105 acres near Yamhill. Or., 60 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; fair buildings, family orchard: $12,000. Want house In Portland or income property. 120 acres all in cultivation, on rock road, 1 miles from west side high way; good buildings, stock and equipment- Price $15,000. Take Portland property to $10,000, balance mort gage. C. E. DAGGETT. 212 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 6769. I WANT A GOOD FARM AROUND 0 ACRES. Wi'll put In my farm of 33 acres and cash. Have six children and desire a larger place; must have good la.nd, fair buildings and prefer equipped place Washington county, Scappoose, Clarke county or any good farmln -section not over 40 miles from Port land will do. I have 33 acres. 30 cleared, lies fine, np better land any where; 6-room -bungalow, large red barn, silo, garage, hog houses, chicken houses, etc It is fully stocked and equipped, 23 miles out from Portland on good road, 1 mile from paved high way. Price, $10,000; clear of incum brance. Will pay difference in cash. Please do not submit anything unless it is a first-class, going farm. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Phone Broadway 4381. FOR TRADE. Two bungalows in city and 40 acres of land, 2 miles from Vancouver; 30 acres In cultivation and in potatoes. Wants to trade for income property or business in Portland. PETERSON-YORK CO.. INC., Ground Floor, 89 4th Street. , Bdwy. 8019. THIS ONE can't be beat in the state; 50 acres. 35 acres In cultiatlon, balance timber and pasture, all can be culti vated, 2 good wells, 2 acres corn, Vt acres potatoes, 8 tons hay, 1 ton oats, trrnA t.am hornMg 2 wnennn. fill kinds implements. 3 fine cows. 1 heifer, 4 shoats, 25 chickens, all kinds fruit and berrieg, fine garden, . 7-room house, good barn on rock road. 18 miles from Portland; price $8000, easy terms; might consider city property. Stewart & Morris. 202 McKay bldg. WANT CITY PROPERTY 'n any good Pacific coast city to trade for a high-class brick building recently completed in leading Idaho town: all rented and making $700 a month: had to move west and will make a trada What have you In your home town? May consider farm. See my agent O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 4th Floor. Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. ' EXTRA-FINE VALLEY FARM. ,. In Linn county, fine buildings, lots of equipment; price $35,000, unencum bered. If you have some city property or good suburban homes or small farm with good buildings, ws can do bus iness. U. & MORTGAGE A INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg; 640-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. All In cultivation; 800 acres in sum mer fallow; fair buildings, fine well: on fine rock road, close to school: SH miles from good town. Price $35 pox acre; will trade for valley farm. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY; 314 Chamber of Commerce. 122 ACRES Of highly improved land, near Leb anon, Or. Value $115 per acre, to exchange for Portland business prop erty, rooming house or general mer chandise stock. What have you? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6 Panama Bldg. 8d and Alder. $0500 tiOOD 7-room house, in splendid condition; lot 200x200, with plenty bearing fruit; lawn and flowers; good "soil; 1 block to hard surface; near high and grade'schools. car line and stores; Just right for subdivision or city ranch. Some cash, some trade. 4908 68th St., or phone otitic, F3nst 9fi2. LOT FOR HOUSE. B-room house on Shaver st., 1 block to Irvington car. Will take lot as part payment. See today from branch office, 15th and Shaver. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 63S N. W. Bank Bldg Main 8787. FINE modern 5-room house. Rose City, close to car, paved St., oement base ment, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, all bullt-Ins. Will take acre or good lot in exchange. Phone Bdwy. . 6932 or Tabor 3655. Sundays and eve nlners. , 4-ROOM plastered house, cellar, cement foundation, garage, hard-surfaced St., small fruits. $2250; for 10 to 15 acres suitable for truck garden or berries; on good road. See B. G. Campbell, with H. W. OSBORNE CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce Bigg. WANT large valiley farm, not over $30, 000 value, within 60 ml. Portland, near highway; equity In 117 a.. Joins ctty limits of Cornelius, 2 ml. weat of Hills boro, on highway; all under cultiva tion; mod. house, gas, city water, eleo. lights. - W. C, Menxld. Comal lug. Or. DO VOII WANT A GROCERY? If so. you can get it if you have a good residence: grocery Is In fine location and doing business; stock and fixtures rim about $6000. U. 8. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg. . NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Swell 4-room flat, disappearing bed, linoleum, gas range; 71 East 28th St.. near S-tark. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teen Bldg. WILL trade city home for Improved farm; give location and description In first letter. H. A. Maddock. B12 Mer chants Trust bldg. TWO quarter sections otf land in Edmon ton. Alberta district, to exchange for Portland or Vancouver property or acreage. Phone Bdwy. 5255. 40-ACRE farm, value $5500. In southern California, for good modern 5-room bungalow In the city. Mrs. Cora Zeller, 107 N. zisx. rnone Aiwier woo. WHAT have you to trade for lot 50x100 at 74th anc? HalseyT Bdwy 1322. At- water 2!9 80 ACRES of land near Pasco, Wash., to - trade for a house In Portland. C S80, OteaanHiy . TO EXCHANGE REAL KSTATK j FARMS! FARMS! iA.li.Ua! I 70 acres, oo aikea ianu, . a-.. and Ciark river, 6 miles from Astori.1. 24 milk cows, making machine, o hea of younger stock, good 10-room house, large barn. Price Ja.0uO, feaeral loan of t0oo. NEAR DAMASCUS. 44 acres uiue-lyiag land. 6-room bun galow, nice Hd bii-a, famny orchard, tiOO hens, cow, team and lami equip ment, 14 miles out; price li.ooo. ted erai loan of $Mv0; will take house and lot on either p.aca in fortiamt or Astoria up to $7500. some cash. 24 ACJrtEd. NEAR LiN.NTON. 21 cleared, buiidings, ,ln spuds, I team, 1 oow. 2 pig. 100 chick ens, hay in barn, TO bushels wheat, oats; 2 wagons, buggy, ii.se. harrow, plows, potato digger, i nines west of Linnton; price $iuO0; take house ana lot in t. Johns district up to 3uoO. some cash, baiance 0 per cent interest, CHiCK-tiNS BERRliiS. 10 acres. 2 cleared, baiauce brush; 1 acre in strawberries, small house, chicken house, 3ttx24 broouer . hou-e 30x14; 40U pullets. 1 cow. price '0; mortgage $000. will take house and lot la Portland up to $-0u0. NEAR ALOHA. 24 acres, nifty 3-room plastered cottage, barn, chicken house. 200 hena good cow, berries. ! mtie to highway and a P. Electric, 14 miles out; pr.ee $2i50; take house and lot up to $2,oU. REAL DAIRY. 140 acres, llu cleared, splendid soli, mouern buildings, equipped; including tractor, electric lighted, 40.miiK cows. 20 head of other cattle, 120O hens, orchard, located 2 miles from town m Lewis county. Wain.; price $J5.ooo, federal loan of $uoo0. Will taae ho tel or grocery stoc; must have about $10,000 cash. H.HIPT HARALA. 801 Mississippi Avtfuua, McKEaSNA-S EXCHAaNUE Dlt.PT. 60 -. all tugo. state cult-; r. plas tered house, barn and outbuildings; equipped and stocked, seed and teed; 6 miles Newberg. A splendid rsncli. Price $17,500. Trade equity of $lJ.uo California, or timber; not assume. 10 a., just outside city limits, Mt Scott district; level, good sail, free of encumbrance ; price 3000, trade for equity in good residence or lots; west side Mt. Tabor. Income for going ranch, 2-story frame building; lot 75x100. rental In come $05 per month; wants going ranch of not less than 40 acres. B-r. house, lot 100x100; price $3500, equity $2100; trade lor small acreage and livable house; close to Portland or Vancouver. . ,, ... 4 a. on Base Line road, all cult.: 3 r. building; rents $35; price $4400. Also well located lots, $200. clear; any or all for farm, vicinity Molalla river to Hubbard. Will assume it the value Is there. . 7-r house, more than half acre very rich ground, soil ail under Irrigation; fine Utile dairy barn. Just the thing for an old couple to keep a couple or cows and truck garden. $0000. cleai. Wants small dairy, not too far out. COE A. MclvENNA & CO., (Established. 1889.) Artisans Bldg- Bdwy. 7522. 2 FOUR room flats; Income $70 pei month; price $5500; $2000 will handle, would consider trade. Corner 4xl00 near Alberta car; will trade for one or two acres. 1920 Nash S-paiisenger auto for a city lot. , 1919 Chalmers car for city lot. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., - Bdwy. 6034. WHAT have you to trade for 280-acre Imp. farm, Douglas county. Wash.; lf.ii-a.crA imn. faj-m. Deschutes county. Or.: 40-acre timber. Tillamook -nimtv. Or 40-acre lmD. farm, Orant county. Wash.; 20-acre, Umatilla county. Or.: 16-acre, near Scappoose, Or.; large lot in Astoria, two goats; -rnlrn And bonds, a few small mort gages, 1920 Maxwell, 1014 Bulck? 309 COUCH Diqg. mr. Aimary, pu"1. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4304-4335. Income property, store and flat, showing 10 on $18,000; our price $12.00o; will consider one to three acres Improved as part payment and .some cash; also some terms. CLIENT WANTS UNION AVENUE. . Will exchange a splendid four-flat building located close in on the east aiWa. Iaan.a C 1 AAA i.- ArA.-f. VtAnt COT- B1UC, .A.A.W...V V A..-- .. , .. her lot on Union avenue, north of Broadway. See Gibson, METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. FOR EXCHANGE Well-located east side income property, clear; price $8000; want around 20 acres or more and must be partly cleared and cultivated with fair buildings, within 25. miles of Portland, on hard surfaced road and near R. R. station; will assume reason able amount if property suits. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. Suite 619 Henry Bldg. WANT CALIFORNIA PROPERTY. As close to Modesto as possible; doc tor is moving to Modesto and will trade his 49 acres practioally adjoining Ore gon City; place now used as dairy but has added value from subdivision standpoint; price $20,000. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 605 Yeon Bldg 100-ROOM modern brick apartment house, 60 sleeping rooms, balance in apartments; have an equity of $10,500 In furnishings and lease, will take trade up to $9500 In good dwelling house, business property or Improved acreage near Portland. CITY HALL REALTY CO., 267 5th St. Main 6420. 1U0-ACRE ranch at Oregon City; acre ranch at Oregon city; 30-acre ranch at Sandy; 86-acr ranch at St. Helens; 15-acre ranch at Gresham. Will trade any of them for a house or rooming house. The Kelly Land Co., 205 Henry bldg., Phone Bdwy. 5446. FOR SALE or exchange, 45 a.. 21 in cultivation, buildings fair, runni-ng water on place; everything gees for $0000. Terms or will exchange for Improved acreage; am too old to work place. Phone Bdwy. 2204 after 12 Sunday and ask for Mr. Jackson. FOR EXCHANGE Five acres, all level, all cultivated, half mile electric sta tion, store and school: would take house in Portland or auto In part; house, barn and chicken house on the land. C. M. Crittenden, owner. Hub. bard. Or. 24 ACRES on Clackamas river, dandy orchard; large house, barn, stone cel lar, 2 good wells, fine spring, high way: will trade for good house and large lot In good location; or small down payment. , 41B Chamber of Com- merce Blag. 5 MILLION ft. timber. Douglas, Or.; trade for Portland residence. A 938, Oregonian. 100x100 CORNER, East 15th and Stark; exchange for modern home up to $10, 000. BF 919, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MIHCELLANEOrB. 5-PASSENGKR auto, sacrifice; would take phonograph or piano part pay ment, balance terms. 1Q 10th st. Main 2K20. 115 OLDSMOBILJB 6-cyllnder. 5-pasan-ger: big. roomy car: runs fine: will trade for furniture, lot, piano or what? LIVING room and dining room furniture for sale, also wicker lamp; party reav ing city. Call Atwatar 2111. No deal ers. TO EXCHANGE Any kind of mason work and painting or tinting, for a cow, automobile or what? P. O. Box 2526, Portland. . TRADE for anything. Live wires con nect. R. H. Klmsey. 809 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 7869. WILL trade 1 or 2 perfect half-carat diamonds for what have you? AP 930, Oregonian GAS STOVE and electrio light fixture; want chlfflonler and 1i bed or what have you 7 East Huz 22-FOOT motor boat, perfect condition, for sale or trade Broadway 615L apt. b SACRIFICE Good Holsteln-Jersey cow, $45. Call Walnut 2!H1. If no an swer call Walnut 0272 EQUITY In 8-room bungalow for good improved lot; what have you? Tabor 3289. WILL trade clear Warrenton, Astoria, lot for house painting; sure Increase in value BJ 959. Oregonian. TRADE new electrical engineering vol umes: want trunk, camera or what have you? Tabor 6135. I HAVE a first-class Maxwell auto I'll trade for high-class Vlctrola or other machine, sellwooa zoo-. WILL exchange beaded robe for eve ning gown, for Japanese mink fur in good condition. Walnut 1715. SELL at bargain or trade for furniture, Diaoo or furnace, Studebaker 8. Al rl- -tttt-,.,.., 1341 on m o,h m Snapo. ,v,muA . -i HALL borchert adjustable drees form Jor good refrlrerator or roller singer. Kast ei TO TRADE small stock of drugs for soda fountain. E. W. Hedaon. Newberg, Qr. AUTO for sals or trade. Inquire 2ul W. Park at. CAR FOR SALE or trade you? BF 922, Oregonian. What have TRADE a-blnet . phonograph, like new. for car, bug or rurnuure. -raoor oiaa. TRADE good 80x8 V4 tire or. spotlight for truitjars. Tabor 8188, LIGHT Paige car, consider plana er dle mond in exrhsnge. Atwsler Qr.20. WILL sell or trade lot; will trad for BugmonUay Pfeeae East ItltV TO ErnANGF M I W C KL 1. A S KO r B Kl.WS l-OUli 1'KOUUCTi Sl"Ck l;"" ana Bieeicrori tory. ui A'r "VI.I both drawing 7 on preierred. 1.1 trade for automobile, piano or house hold furniture to value of $200. AJ 934 Or-'troiila n. . FOR SALE cheap or will trade for light car or what? 1 carload exilum No. 1 com. rough; also 1 30-Inch msenu tooth saw and 1 18-luch solid tooth. P. O. Box 44. s:iverton. Or; $1I0U EwtlTY 2 acres. fiOth and Ma'on sts,; will trade ror grmua piano r tomobile, or for what have you? AB 9 1. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGIi Painting. ppr hang ing, kalsomlnlng. for light car. rorj preferred, or will take automatic shot gun. Snyder, Aul. 622-3L FOR JilR Horarti, Vehicles, tllfalock. ' PUBLIC NOT1CK. AUCTION SALE. Office of the motor transportation officer, the Armory, i-ortland. Or., bep tember 8. 1922. There will be sold at pubila auction at the Armory (en trance at llth and Davis street.), Portland, Or., beginning at 8 P. M., September 15, 1U22, the following pub lic animals: 6 DRAFT MULES. Payments must be made by cash or ceriliied check on date of fale. Suc cessful bidders will be required to re move animais from the Armory within two hours after sale. Succ. hatful bid ders will be required to furnmh tbeir 'own halters to remove animals. L. A. Milner, Captain, lnrantry Motor Trans portation Olilcer. Bdwy. 22-14. 40 HEAD of horses, the mocit of them working here la the city; will sell at a very reasonable price, as they are about through with the aemwni worit: tney run in weight from to IsoO lbs. Also all kinds of new and second hand harness at reduced prices. Co lumbia Stables. Front and Columbia. U. K. Howltt. CROWN STAiLEii. Just received carload of horses; all young and well-broken, which we will. sell at very low prices: also nave new hand-msxie harness and evral sc-ond-hami harness; have wagons of ail kinds; everything guaranteed as lep resented. pAkillip Suetver. Manager. 25 Front st. FOR SALE Two grade mixed lloltaleln and Jersey dairy cows. 6 snd tf years -old, In tba very best condition; one just fresh with calf, and one fresh 2 months; will milk 55 to 65 quarts per day. One 8-year-old gelding horse and buggy, harness, complete. Small dairy outfit. Sell separate or In block. lit) J Holiaday ave.. cor. 2nth. CONSTABLE S SALE. At Bauman's Dairy, corner Cleveland ave. and Powell st., Gresham, en Thursday Sepu 21, at 2 P. M., regis tered llolstein bull. 1 year old, from Hollywood Maid ! Kol H. 11., No. 8H3443, sired by King St-gls .Model Pon tlac Order H. B., No. 810018. C. E. Fields, owner. M. M Squire. ConsieM. 8 YOUNG mules weighing from 1000 to 1100 lbs., all broken 10 work and ride: also gen tle riding horse. Will make apt-rial price if taken in one lot. Hont-ymao Hardware Co., Park and Gllsan. UUwy. 1 122. $75 WILL buy team of blorky built fat mules, weigh about 2400 ins.; guaran teed good workers and gentle; alo one beautiful pack mule, weighs about looo lbs., verp cheap. Tak car to 2lh St., and Powell Valley road, 8 blocks e-nt to unpaintM burn. 20 HEAD horses and mares, weight 11U0 to liOO lbs., some welj-matcbeu teams; will sell very reasonable; also new harness and wagons, cheep. KEVSTONE STABLES. 3S1 Water St.. cor. Montgomery. TWO MARKS, well broke, matched. 2-'i(,0 lbs.. 1 young gelding, portly broke, 1300; sr-U cheep or trade fir good light car and pay some difference; what nave you? E. y. stone, i-ste, cnd;i Or.. R. 3. JUST received carload good young mules, weighing from 1100 to 1400 lbs. all gentle and very bt-st of workers; must be sold at once. tall st 8iJ Powell Valley road, cor. tl 20th sL Take Wmxlitock car. FOlt SALE Team, harness and wagon. u eight 2900 pounda 7 and 8 y-ai s old. Will sell separate. No scrub team. Price $300 fur team and har . nesa See at Lents stable on Foster roart Funday. HAVE several very fine Jerseys and Holateln cows. some fresh. other: freshen soon. These are real dairy cows. Can be seen at my farm 2 mlls south of rteeuvlile. T. E. Bledsoe, Ueaverton, Or. TEAM, mare and horse, weight about 24, .0 lbs., good, true workers; aiso nearly new wagon and harness: no r-a sonable offer rofused. Inquire Watson's outfit, kki water st.. went aldr. Rli.i;iSTl!.RED pure-brej Jt-rcey bull calf, 5 months old; blood of bst Gold Medal stock In the world; $100. Pedi gree on application. Arthur Langguth B06 Concord bldg. LEAVING town, have a Jersey row for sale; $40 will take her. 73d and Utopia ave., 8 blocks south of Tremont station on Mt. Scott , carllne J. L. M 3 y?r. EVERY farm should have a few regis tered shAep; we have Shropshire for $10 a head and up. ilolman Fuel Co.. 94 Kirtn st.. portiana. 1 FRESH Jersey cow. 5-gul'on millrer. also 1 milk goat; first tent hoii'te un north side of Powell Vallr. saat of S2d. TO EXCHANGE Any kind of mason work and painting or tinting, for cow, automobile er what? P. O. Box 2526. Portland. SPAN of young mulea, weight 25o'l lbs well broke and vry gentle: will cheap for cash. 381 Water St.. corner Wo n t gomAry. HANDSOME mare, weigh about 1100 iha. : also 1 span of rood work mu!-. very reasonable. Call at barn, E. 2:nh and Forcll Valley roafl. BEAUTIFUL pony, gentle, for child rltl or drives: 5 gaits under saiidle; sad dle, bridle, martlnieaW-s, outfit cost $200, take $00, Talxir 2123. WANTED 10 HEAD MILCH COWrt, Cannot Pay cash, bnt will give good security; plenty of feed. AF 950. Ore gonian WILL exchange reatlsterd Shorthorn oattle and Shropshire aheep for No. 1 oats or cord wood. Holmaa Fuel Co.. 4 5th at.. Portland. WORK horses of all kinds will be sold very cheap: harness ana wagons If wantr-d. 240 EaFt Hth. TWO first-class cows, one large Hol stein, one Guernsey-Jersey cow. 14S0 Macadam SI. Atwater 814S. FOR BALK 2 cows, helfir and calf, or trade for auto. See Reeves, Central grocery. ONK MILCH goat for sale and 1 kid; very cheap. 1745 F.. 21 at st. S. Call before 9 or aftr 2 Sunday. FARM IM I'l.EM fc.N'TS New and and riand, special prices. F. E. Eieaabara tnil-366 KaM Morrison st. PART SHETLAND pony, harness, sad dle, bridle, cheap If taken at once. Automatic 612-7S BLACK mare, weight about 1050 lbs., works single or double: price $25. 881 Water St., corner Montgomery. W DAIRY COWS and heifers, one or all. Farm near Cedar Mills. W. Kerron, Portland, Route 2. OR SALE Milk goat, part Toggenherg $28. Gresham car to Jenns station. Rice. FOR BALIS Good freah family cow. Ap ply Fred Frits. Foster road. 2 miles en.it of Lenta. Tahor M12 9. TWO FRKSH cows, one Jersey. 1 pur ham, heavy milkers, t. b. tested. 240 K. 8th st BAY MARK, wagon and harness cheap. On dock. Front an1 Main. VKTKHINAR1AN PR HOWKS. TABOR 8586. BARGAIN; $15; good pony, ride or drive. 240 Rait 8th. DliAD animals taken quickly. Mil waiiKge u.'-j. THE 5-GA1TLD saddle horse David liar, uin. Broadway 6tm7. ONB-HORSB farm wagon with double hn. front nn.i ..mio a-ii A M bay mares. 23U0 )ls., with good harness; 12Q. E. 8107. YOUNG Jerney cow for sale. Call before noon. 1307 South S'-na-ca st. MUST sell fine black home; well broken; weight. ICil"; prii-e ao-' , o.. i . FOR SALE One 2-year-old milch cow. Call Auto. 632-83. FRKSH Jersey ro-w. rood milker. 58 B. 2Sth St. South. K Berven TWO fresh oowa, Jersey and Durham: heavy milkers; 1 b. tested. 240 E him. FINfal Jerae-'y :amlly cow, Just rraaeh; good milker and high teft. Empire OWa. fop Bl'GG 1 BS and light rltra of all klnda On ilock. Front antt Main FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; 5 gallons of rich milk. 4227 7Mh at S E. FRESH. .COW FOR BALE. SlCLLWOOp lft.12 fOW with calf week old 1500 ffi. llth N.. Woodlawn. YOUNO 8200-IB. team; none better; will take car. Auto. 638-18 ' 8-IN. WINONA wagon, c.-'mplete, like new On dork Front anc. Main ana HORSES for ale. Bdwy, grtfiT I'litniaa. Organs end MneiraJ Inetranaenta. FOR 8ALB Perfscl y new piano. Tl50; telephone fowy fir-n. HIGH grade, atandard-make piao sVSsxSa. Saltaa lalt) aUaVSg ttUSaW. riauu. Organ. ut.U .Iu-1..aI lmurwrnei.t. liu Va.-Ii." .i."t'i '7 ! & ' (Ht.r Buys a $4.5 piano, usa-tt. I'" ana lu.l niodol fot ..'!, vt $'i; ' piano, urd. lur J 'i. and le.a for '4i, tli irh. .i anil 1 at.l. during the wor.d lr"l -iit a ar. Infa rt r,gM ba-r In a-etl-ianl t tiihwun Piano Co.. 1'" lOlh l ' J... ci.li buys u.l ui.rirflit t $Hi call bb uwal 41.1 uoi,i.l l-si-e 15 cAi-ii buy u.i " win 1111 pwia CSton buys Ud syrisol S so $aya c.-i buy uJ M-0 nr fa at S?curity Mortato Co.. !u:u et etsra $211, $.15. .o tiaya ltr.l...ri bav, in e'UiMts B or 10 ued rajc-aird. - . $.1. II or more mourn. . at He ''" 1 aim Co.. tu Tiiili t. at - ClA'Kl.NU HI T S.V1.B Hi' riANUi. CAM! tall. 1. I A . r. a a a.-av in ..-. Hui AT CU.l A woii.mrlul a i i-tuwr i 'f ctiipxl oraan, m-w. at a ra-ial i,ra.l'i. I .ii l.olil- r ursiati. nS .. !. bet of uoAUiliou. $--. .. ... ,,,- If' VOu Alii. i iMil-IMl FOlt HI, At. BAatiAIN THIS Id XuLK ul l ult- btlliLitI.INrt-t.fCA8 MIMIC CO.. 1... a-..iirlli M nil i: a..o h...,t,l lha lii-w t.tii I mond I'liaa- l-lioitoatraiiii i " . ' - the "iliuuoKiah wan a soul. u cn buy one ou our budget a"o, aim never uils t ha) in.-u.-y Htl.il lllLNul 1'I.VN') CO., 12'. h ai.it Vi i!.ii.tou lilMl UKilTs Ml,1 l..il.iul .laiil .!iii aa hen !i aunt aation ... l.a !.,..-. -) iiia-nt vunaa. Yuu will buy in you sec It. as ton Is r In r a. ill..t ioii.iii:. ti. $ lu your iiuinai, I' i.i .-ti ju i.axi: I'l A n a ' rush fl Lars ! ..c Pro ..! i.y M A or r It pritiea ale l aard on U le.i l lhaat w are out of thai biiih rent dieltu i A cull will cenvluaie ) of aaie aa wa otrar. Hi.i.1) FRENCH PIANO CO, l-tn Rnu u i.t.!i .t'-n , A.VM AL l!u.alE-l-U.l!:.-W BA Lfc. fianoa, $le. t --'. 4ii, $5 n s fnoniii. P.aer piano. !... la and $10 s month. nd nlauoa. ', .:, $14 and $1? a Wolle A Co.. Wsehi tnunih. l.itian. iron anal e.h FIIL.NCH ia uNS pia.ir lana. '" o,.,.lol never. In eac-a-ilenl condiUoB. wiui booth and library of an -' ' .. its.a'.l) f a,.Tia II l " ' liah md w lianiiiMnn 1'IANO WAMi.ll. Will exchange nw iuutaon dlam iO4 AniheroU and 60 'me r:ord for a piano. Hyatt Talklug sa. h.ne Cax, a.iU Airier. . jT C. KlSCHkH piano, guvd camaT.tla-n. One of the guoal oiaa makes. Uluf 81U2 KURD -RKNOll PIANO CO, 12th and Wahltnton NKVv"$ltl5 iiANDL "I'lloNOilllAPlI (mahogany fluisiK Pla s i records. wonderlul tone. Moat ba ' to be ppreclaied. Will sail for $ l-lnir.e M:n 8'H7. Sli.t.Lll lonual SM-tiolo Mo.viliS t rk pluyer piano, mahogany rse; !" only $275, reasonable ti-rtna. liaAt T ;i 1 k I n g Machlfi a 'o.. 8.'. 0 A id r ITbrTrr-org-iis. $l t sclioola, etc I v-T one In goo-1 atiatea. RfcfclK r RliM ll riA.-u '-'-' 12th and Waehlnilon IT LOE.-N T pay tn ba " elieap. properly rupalrad plnno If etcond hand. Harold 8. i. Inert, 101 West Para. B'-ar W hnl on StoRV 4 CLARK, lata model. reflnlaheit. beautiful mall-many. .is. KLKII FKKNCII I'lAMl CO., IJTh and W aalni alnn SA1.1..SMA.N with car who "an lnaaa. $.ioo lu merchandise ami flnanos nim a.lf Kxa-hialvs territory la rlsnt man All B 14. Oregon l " GKANLi. only $'. '' moalel. a"'' bench, sold by bhermsn lay f' aevaaral bumlred taMafe; terms. 1 . V ori-fu'er b'tlg 55T"WILL buy a good prsrtli-e plan" I'art terms If dialled. P-e this l once ULLII KBKM-'H I'UMJ CO., 12th and VV nail I nation b PIANO TUNING and phonograph repair ing any make, nil work guaran(-4 SlJllllltl.lMl-LLCAa MIMIC I'll, 125 K.xirlh at. J,l,:!.;'".', $,.- HORN dlao husilli. "" ahal.-, with cabinet, only -!. $10 down, fl m a month, liyatt Talking sisthins l , a:.n A liter. WHIT 10 for our campila llat uf pianu KI-.KP FRKNT11 PIANO CO.. 12th anil WaHhlnati PEHNINI PLATKR PIANO Coat new $10(10. will take $:.00. K.l-I T4.V. 1'iiASE piano. thoroughly overhau.- I. good tone and a.-tmn A anap. $.00. HtKH IKKM'H I'lASn CO.. 12th and VahM tliin. $110 LRrNSVVlCK. Ilk new, $121. ! down. $5 a month. Myall Talking Machine fo.. 8:. AI4r. 40 PIAnTiS. l0 in l-'W e. Amnrlcn's beat niak-aa. t - h , many of ma Iinakar- r Co, S12 vinro '' . with used nna vv il v lll'Y a new PUuii .-na than half the iifka at Aililsra r.arhans' IS N. tun ' Wh la i-.lt HAIV a.UAVii I'll V,T TUB JiUAI.I. M.K HAROLD . (iitjiKit r io: " K-r ! ti k VVM" liBCKKK saiuaraTgranil plane, ma tii.gany. good oondlllon, sacrlllce. AE hliil, ii-aniiriian. fjoli'l) as naw i"-0 t'nlunil.la giafo.eis with about iril worth of r..i(1a, all fr 3Q Tnhor Will? J. "!"'''' 1 VaTVNTlCD To alore gooiTpUno for u. Ii.-a-t cara. and attention; adults. inki, o-eaoni in $0 iTTi) H..I1AIIT M CAlll K planaa, ).isi like new. ami banco,, mahisaor; saur- a.-in IM at W a'nTKD Sasapbttnea. tenor. C melody and II flat Miliars K. luanga. U W. (Oh art. , , , iTiitj-Blll NSWlcK. like new. only : i. .a,..,,. ll a month: Hvatt Talking Msclllns O" 8.'-"Ab,'l rLTO ..x-phon. and r for eau-. haul only ben uaed I monUie AllUfc 8J5 -.. C Vv Han burn ?5 NEW Colli in I'ta grafo! piano, or emil'l pay cash. uia for uaaal call BreaaV 1VriTjI.lN Amstl "model . fine ton ...ai- lis KL 51st St. N. i. vary Tabes a"1 A ' 1 , IIIT'MI - " 1 rHOUAKT M. CAI11X Hel. " !... tsrma 1 1 van. $11 w oar- eeeter bills. afLTXo' for sale Fine ln.trum.nt. ofl condition, price reason. bis. AR SI. (irea-onlan. VvFlllTv. sell end sr !... all kln-to mual-al Inatrumenta Millars as- pTa"nTs'I0 pluvrr-piano. Just Pas nw. and 45 r'.lla. cheap for oulck amis, phone Main 4 a4. RaTiY i;kanI" piano, eirelisnl eaaadl tinn; Vl'l sell V w'-"'",, " "wv r 11 mt.J . - Wr WELL for leas. ue1 planoa and m-a-ili-nl Inatruments. Miliars EaabaDge. J -1 N" . " 'h . . 1 WANtl-Ia'a I'M of ';'' .!!! same Heat of care Bdwy. -. es- rept PutUlB V. ,, tuuo WAI.NIT plav.r par", like r.a wonderful ton., for o,olck sale eniy l--7ri 4i' I r.lon ave N 6H-NOTE Wet .T2 ., . ' a. ii n .! AVB n V wj V, VI-14. V fT !' K ' - - rae; coat II li. take $ai0 caatt, a- I ne-rl monev 2J?-J? -.22-1 '-- WILL eaihanar phonograph for square -r 11 .l.ln. 1 .... plnno. Ilaa i . 3..0 Aid e r. pTaNO Hohart M Cahle. snd l-l-n. overatuffed parlor set, all rn ' riah Call f . rl "2 for a -":.. MUVKII from Worreatar bids Kxrhanare Planoa anil musical la- slrnmen'a 18 N 8h t .ivun ron!'"1 l(.-ei-nahle rates. kkkii rnrs n piano co.. 12th and Waehlr.ar'on W I l.L exi-hanita f'"e new phnm.arrai ra for No 4 or Hood heater llyaut Tnlklnr M-i"hln Cn . 8'Q Aider cm t .iv-n tii'v a! tot n re-ma 31? Wereeefer Mi' I WANTEIi Bnraraln In iiae' puna for all ra'ah. CM 'r"M way 15,l,"ri o'er iT'iO VK'Tlti n.A and 40 ae errlona. Tua new. 175 3? Wore, e'er h '' I HAV'. praellrnliv new tii.'n pans snrrlf!re'orn-. J""!"4 WANT nil 2d hand phonmrra ph ; T3 p,y 7 raah R " Oregon an IK-,i K'tifTTt'it ca vi-ii;:i.i. piano. fine. . 1 7 teems 11 1 1 H wrr.alal hula. MATfoOANTHFl TnO KKNCariaV Tsbaaf lll'.ia. $-.'ll0 HI,'T I'iOO Ieelt fin moe'h 1'? fo-e y" Cows. Ci'RIi'iHT pUn. Martlr. fine tons. $1-0, ..... t. VIL'elnoa 717 R S HCiWAIlI' !-r HI V orcearer 'una , ei"i - K'lMHAI.l. n'ano fin roniiition. $;-; larni ii i ... : - , CSEl pianos at Millar's Uiehange, U N. 'h at La It i E aalss Vlr4ri'e for ae-le. u,at any; Ilka new a Sth an WANTED- Parond -hand p'ana. pay c aa.'i; no flea ' er ra" '"2 VTjFw HOI. TON' tromiiotia, Itea- c . a miarial. cheap ' H felon ave ffta IVfl!-' POM i pliino a,,.., ,,T- r"eht 1 1 n terms ill? IVnmaii- 1 ' r, WAN T r. racial a r 1 1 n guitar: must b k- C ftninrlwaT 7 II' I nil rcnrrealer hi illiiXl PI A f K K pla no fire a oree j f:o. terms 17 h. IANOS almoat brand new. Ie thai hnlf Millar's F-hvn ..' !'' ? " UnO ADAM M-IIAliPF piano, rnu . i UUM $, tavuAS. 1X3 Vi orccaltaf b.at, I