20 TIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAXT. SEPTEMBER 10, 1922 FOR REXT. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION! ' ' Parties Attending Convention can fird accommodations by day or week at 166 St. Clair St., cor. Washing tun st. Edwy. 5b3U. .HOTEL- ROW Li AN D. 165 ROOMS. 207-211 FOURTH STREET. Rates $4 per week and $l-$l.oQ per day; fireproof; close to shopping dis trict; e'.ectric cars pass dor; special rntes for the winter. ANGELA HOTEL $25 Washington st. A clean, respectable place to live: free phones in each room, automatic ele vator large, comfortable lobby, restau rant In connection: near Washington park, Multnomah club and- hospitals. reasor.aoie rate, aay. wcn. ..m...... HOTEL CLIFFORD. ppivpi pat. part SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH; QUIET, DIGMUKiJ Au nc-ri;cu. $1.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. WEAVER HOTEL. 70S WASHINGTON STREET. Attractive, spotless rooms, with pri vate baths, phone. Reasonable rates, Broadway 55 il. at vvAvnrw hr.t 10th. at Aider; rooms convenient for parties attending convention; clean, nomeiihe some housekeeping apts with -kitichen-eites. a x-C( iv I A HOTEL. 14 14th st at Washington; rates $3 per week and up. $1 day; fireproof, i.ro t tractive. ar?otle?s rooms, close to amusempni? and shopping center. iinTtM . ETTTRRLAN'D8. 12B 13th ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates- $1 a day; a week, $3 and up; private bath, fireproof and clean. rlos- to business cemer. 8-ROOM partlv furnished; 364 Fourth et. One iargo store with living room m back, good for dressmaking, etc, per month. 1 or 2-room apt. Phone Sellwood 1743 or call 647 Milwaukie st. HOTEL EARLE. 33 10th st., cor. Market. Main 6381. New management. Residential and transient. Excellent home cooking. Steam hrat water in ail rooms. FURNISHED, ciit'oriui sleeping room, hat and cold water, with or without board, in Irvine-ton district; good car service East 273.V SU2 K. 15th st. N. A LARGE, airy, well furnished corner room in west side apt. house, close in, Meam heat, ail conveniences. Broad way 2266. . HOTEL BRISTOL, lu 12th St.. cor Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates, $3 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea sonable rates by wp": or month. " HOTEL 13 Y RON. " UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. TRANSIENT AND RESIDENTIAL.' REASONABLE RATES. WHY NOT have an apt. while in town? Three mo.ier.i furn. rooms. $12.50 per wee! San Marco. K. 8th and Couch. E. lft&O. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th st., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by d a y. week or month at reasonable rates. UNFURNISHED front room near Ladd srhoot. A K v3. urr-goman, TWO H. K. rooms, gas range. fuel and lirht. 51.-1. Atwater ztA. furnished Rooms in Private Family. TW'o well furnished connecting front rooms, 3 beds, for 3 or 4 gentlemen of refinement, in modern home, located on Lucre tU st., just off Washington. Main b'SM. IRVINGTON Room, reasonable; nice lo cation, among tho trees, on Broadway car line. Would give meals. Phone 'East t'632. " 2 LARGE furnished room. private bat ft between; twin beds. ti6S Everett St.. 'near 21st. ; THREE light airy housekeeping rooms, : , lovely neighborhood; S. S. car. 00 E. 43d st. Tabor r?oP. Adults. IN SMALL family, walking distance; close to 2 carlines. & Schuyler. East ,. 3445. t A LARGE furnished room in modern home, for one or two. 823 Fairview. A 'writer 4373. FL RNISHED rooms in private family ; walking distance ; suitable for man or working girls. 304 E. tith St. FURNISHED front rooms, furnace heat, phone, hot water; walking distance. S. S. car. Phone E. BH0 or 14- E. 12th CLEAN, airy room, near Jefferson high; breakfast if desired. - Wulnut ttOoO. 1121 lTnion avenue North FROT room, running water, suitable two, renneu nome, eiuse m, ihuim only, afternoons. Atwater 3735. FURNISHED room, all modern conven iences; furnace heat, large garage; $12 per month. 4S47 t-d st. BEAUTIFUL furnished room; no other roomers; residential district; woman; walking distance.' Atwater 3294. . NICELY furnished rooms with kitchen ette, fireplace, furnace heat, near Couch school. Broadway 5026. IRVINGTON Two lovely rooms, near 2 carlines; meals if desired. Tel. East V.W2. ONE large room joining bath room; fur nace heat and use of electric Iron. Phone Atwater 0954. 427 Clay st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, close in; price reasonable; breakfast if desired. Call at 3 26 E. 32d St., city. - TWO well furnished sleeping rooms, walking distance, furnace heat, near - Couch school. Broadway 5920. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, desirable location, close in. 558 E. Alder st. Phone East 0764. I LEASANT rooms for clean, respectable working women, $15 per month. Home . privileges. Sell wood 07G5. WELL - FURNISHED sleeping room, steam heat, clo.e in, 307 11th et., apt. E. Atwater 0481. ATTRACTIVE, modern room in refined home for 1 or 2 people employed, near ' Multnomah club. Main 6552. NICE sleeping room for rent in private family, close in. 2G East 12th st. East 812 DESIRABLE, comfortable room, cen- trally located; $12 mo. 415 W. Broad- LARGE furnished front room in high- class apt. house to business woman. , Apt. 31, 295 14th st. . CLEAN, single room in modern house, 1 or 2 people; reference required. Main 8930. WILL rent room and garage in my new home to fine lady or gentleman. 641 Ertst 55th St. N. CLEAN front room, suitable for 2, bath, phone, furnace heat, no other roomers, breakfast if desired. Tabor 9006. SLEEPING room for 1 or 2 ladies; Wednesday. 449 W. Park. Atwater SUITE of 3 rooms, partly furnlsbed; reasonable rent Ta"bor 6179. iSLEliEW.NO room and garage, bath and phone. 75 E. lUh N. East 6085. LARGE, pheasant room in quiet modern home: ctose in. Phone East 0183. 257 12TII ST. Single, double rooms; hot. cold water; men only. ROOMS, women employed. 302 Park at., corner Columbia; women only. hOO-Vl and- surage on west aide. Call Main 4732. PLEASANT front room In private iam- lly. 83S E. Caruthers st. ' DESIRABLE sleeping room, heat, hot water and phone. 241 North 21st St. VEKif attractive rm. for congenial busi- rreis man; close to Mult. club. At. S2H5. BEAUTIFUL front room. Knob hill dis trict; vilking distance. Bdwy. 4425. FURNISHED or not, large or single, kitchen if desired. 351 tlth. , NICELY furnished rooms, good location. 424 Jefferson. LAituE. furnished, 11th st. modern room. 203 FliO.XT parlor dressing room and sleep insr porch: gents, west side. Bdwy. 4329. CLt:AN, pleasant room, suitable for 2, " walking distance. 60 E. 10th st. ROOM for gentleman, 729 Gllsan, west sioe: references. Atwater 3613. PLEASANT room for young men, suit ahle 2, walking distance. 160 N. 21st. CONVENIENT room, private family, west side, garage, laundry. Atwater 4761. 25s UTH ST. Comfortabia room with all conveniences. FINE large view room, alcove. 1 or 2 beds, cheap. 655 Everett. Bdwy. 3501. KEWLY furnished rooms for men, walk Ing; distance. 53 E. 7th at Oak. MODERN" room for working woman, client location. East. 6359. ROOMS for gentleman, Nob Hill; onees. Main SB!. EASY walking distance across R. bridge. 3H8H Pacific st 1 SLEEPING room; walking distance; all conveniences. 40S S. Broadway. NICELY furn. room, suitable for 1 or 2. 422H Jefferson St. Main 6746. Foil KENT Room; C. S. preferred; 113 a month. Call East 8Sf2. 1K 1NGTON E:egantly fur. double rm., .vilabie f or. 1 cr 2 men. East 473. llliAUTIFl'L front room for 1 or 2 gen tlrmen. 414 Salmon. SICKLY furnished front room, suitable for two. 370 E. 7th N. - iiLLEi'lNG room with kitchen privilege lor woman, cheap, 'Walnut 3S64. FOR RENT, Furnished Rooms in Private Family. MY APARTMENTS, including living - rooms, bedroom, sleeping porch, din ing room and kitchen, will be for rent about Oct. 7; rent is reasonable; want clean, respectable people; none others need answer. Phone Tabor 8134 after 1 P. M. Sunday. TWO NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for & married couple, 2 gentlemen or 2 ladles, in exclusive private home ; privileges of H. K. or with board. 761 Clinton st., near 23d. Sellwopd 0185. 3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, second floor; attractive sleeping room first floor; suitable for business couple; near 2 carlines; also garages. Tabor 9506. SUNNY outside furn. room for young lady employed; next t bath. 2 win dows and closet, west side. 15 min. walk to business-center; private fara ily; T16 per mo. Bdwy. 307, WILL furnish room with ol without sleroine norch. snlendid view pleasant surroundings; 12 to 13 minutes' walk i rrom bus. center; & gentlemen; reier ences. Atwater 203ft. ATTRACTIVE apt. with sleeping porch, also 1 nice clean sleeping room ; kitchen privileges. 770 Johnson st., Jog, fnone Tabor 4bUj. WEST SIDE Nice, clean room, big clothes closet ; electric lights; adjoin- mg Datnroom; very close in; nomeiiKe piace. 22S 10th st. Phone Main 5758. CLEAN, pleasant, airy room, suitable for 2, either sex, walking distance across Broadway bridge ; reasonable rent. 192 McMillen st. LARGE, well furn. cor. room, in refined home; heat bath, phone; walking dis tance; gentleman. 358 .Larrabee. East 4!06. A NICE, neat room,, with or without board, walking distance to business center; reasonable. Call Atwater -ida? or 704 Everett st. VERY pretty, bright, sunny room, every convenience, exec ptional surroundings, refined family. Very suitaale for gen tleman. $12. Mornings. E. 6510. WELL furnished room tor lady employed who appreciates cleanliness and good surroundings ; walking distance ; refer ences. Atwater 20. LOVELY front -room, handsomely fur nished, in a swell private home, suit able for 2 young men. 71 Trinity place. FOR KEN T to ladies, 2 rooms, &mall home, modern conveniences; breakfast ifde-Ired ; I block from car line. aoQ Lngrview ave. 3 " FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in modern home; fine location; complete kitchen; rootns'm white enamel: adults only. 196 K. 30th st. Tabor 5501. A NICE large room with fireplace for 1 or 2 ; a cosy piace for the winter; .free bath -and phone. .253 N. 21l st. Main 4078. CLEAN, comfortable room for employed person; parlor, piano and laundry priv ileges; reasonable. -East 13th, near Broadway. East 76R9. , LIGHT, comfortable room for' employed married couple or 2 ladies; near 2 car lines; breakfast if desired. Call Tabor 4223. PLEASANT room, plenty of heat, walk ing distance, block from 3 car lines; $3.50 per week ; references required. Call after 6 P. M., 2(il E. 3d N. ONE LARGE front ro,m with fine win dows; every convenience, home privi leges; Irvington district; walking dis tance of 3 schools. East 1376. CLOSE IN, very desirable front room; every comfort of home, including breakfast, at a reavnable price. ti Clay st. Main 2228. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate, separate beds. Parlor, piano, with home conveniences. $3 a week. ft 1 N. JKih. Broadway 2721. TWO ROOMS for gentlemen, delightful southern exposure, spiendid heat, best location west side; reasonable rent. Broadway Gill. BE A L'TIFL'LLY furn. room with sleep ing porch, suitable for 1 or 2: near 33d and Sandy blvd. With or without parage. Tabor 0978 GENTLEMAN oniy. nicely furn. room, use of garage. Nob Hill. References. Main T512. SLEEPING PORCH, glassed in, outside entrance, walking distance, $10 per month. 433 Montgomery. Main Sf70. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, home privileges. 1084 E. 15th st. N. Alberta car. . SLEEPING rom suitable for 2 men. 4 E. 2 tith st., near car barn. Call Sunday. . S3. "58. LA RGB furnished room, suitable for 2, si earn heat, all conveniences. 5SG N irthrup. Phone "Bdwy. G747. GENTLEMAN Pleasant front room, nr place, priv. family. Nob Hill. Main VERY lar-; fireplace. 21st Ft.. e rm., 3 closets, pri. bath, in beautiful home. 84 N. or. Everett. iu f ON Two nicely furn. rms. In best residential district; with or with otit garage. Ea?t i984 IF YOU are looking for a clean, cheerful room, home privileges, good car serv ice. call Tabor 0(f24. 96 Hawthorne. CKAJailliU rooms, use of piano, also garage, near car barns. 933 East Burn side. Rooms With Board. OA M PBKLL HO T E L. 23d AND HO YT' STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, 52.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. 223 EAST 20TH. EAST 7384. Portland's exclusive east side resi dential hotel; all modern conveniences; a home for discriminating people : make reservations for the winter now large corner front room, suitable for coupie or more; available September i CHESi'ERBURY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH KT RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day, week or month. iTjcma g-trx v eg to transients. NORTON 1A HOTEL. Portland' rinwn- town higli-ciass family hotel: rnnm en suite or single, with or without boa-d, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180. GO TO the North Bank hotel, 611 North 21st, for good eats. . Steam heat in every room, and shower bath free; Meals. 25c; rooms 25c and 60c Board and room $1 a day. Special rates by PARK VIEW HOTElZ "West Park and Montgomery. Jttesiaentiai hotel. roor -riv, without bath at reasonable rates; con- -him tuimurupie. T LOVEJOIT ST. MAIN 8619." Kesiaential Hotel; a real home for cuyio cuiyioyea ; eooa fiome-cooked HOTEL HEREFORD. 1 13o Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3303. jtceiiem (lining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. McDou- ioi ineny or tne Kamftpo hotel. LARGE front room with fireplace, newly furnished, for two gentlemen; other io; reasoname. .oo Park st w alking distance. vv ILL give room and board to refined woman employed, for $15 per month one who would be willing to perform HOLLYWOOD HOTEL. RESIDENTIAL. -.?ewly furn'shed; excellent meals. 633 Kearney at. Broadway 1509. ROOMS. Double, Single. Meala. 7T9 Marshall. Main 437 A REAL home with home-made bread and pastry; close in. 194. N. 19th st. Bdwy. 4314. "WILL take- 2 children to room and board, mother's care. Prefer school age. 1084 E. 15th N. kooii and board for business girl: mod. cl LuuveuicnceB, waiving distance: X per week East 9730. 12 E 7th st. LARGE room, suitable for 2 ladles, twin beds or a double bed. with 2 meals. Kom With Hoard in Private Fa m ily. JVANTED Child to take care of, not under 2V Call Monday. 544 Commer cial Court CHILDREN cared for in my home, school age or under, near school; 12 years' experience. Walnut 7307. Isv- taKe 2 or 3 old peopie in her hoine; all home conveniences; full par. tic ' ars East 4222. TO BOARD, girls 6 to 9 years, 1 block from school. 1428 Macadam St. Take Fu'tnr car. PLEASANT room, breakfast and dinner. Williams ave. and St. Johns cars; near ' Jefferson high. Walnut 5484. CHOICE private boarding begins Sept. 10; near club; reserve now. Main 2219. ROOM and board in private boarding house. East 1207. 692 E. Ash. GOOD board, room, home privileges, pi ano, furnace heat. East ROOM AND BOARD. 574 Ladd ave.. near E. 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145. ROOM and board for children for J20 month. 5C1 Going st. Walnut 0628. NICELY 27S1. ' furn. room wita 74 Northrup. meals. At. GOOD room, bed and home cooking, fur nace. phone. East 8445. ROOM and board for one or two. Park st. GOOD board, room. $6.50 wk. ; garage $5. Walnut 5136, 1197 Cleveland ave. ROOM wjtn board for 2 girls, steaui-Jieated-apt, Broadway 37o0. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY IS OF FERED A MAN OF REFINEMENT IN HIGH-CLASS PRIVATE HOME , NEAR LAURELHURST - PARK. HEATED COMFORTABLE? SUITE. WITH. SLEEPING PORCH ; EXCEL LENT BOARD; LAUNDRY, MEND ING; GARAGE, PHONE: EVERY PRIVILEGE OF OWN HOME AT MODERATE RATE: HIGHEST REF ERENCES DESIRED. HOME AD DRESS 963 EAST COUCH. I HAVE 2 nice large airy rooms at $27 a month,' suitable for two gentlemen or married couple; bath on same floor; home privileges; excellent board; close to Benson Polytechnic high school. Phone East Q'JlH. I. J. and Broadway cars. MIDDLE-AGED lady, alone, will care for one or two children in her own home while mother works; the mother may cook her own meals' and call for children at night. 662 Syracuse, Uni versity park. - WIDOW with comfortable home, near good school, would like care of 2 or 3 children, ages 6- to 1; mother's care and attention. 907 E. 11th St. N., be tween Skidmore and Mason.. . A VERY attractive home In Irvington, near 2 car lines; suitable for teachers or business people who appreciate a real home with privileges; the best food served. E. 6724. 2 OR 3 PERSONS may have room and board; wonderful view, dressing room with hot and cold water, fireplace, sleeping porch, splendid home cooking; references. Main 0511. - ROOM and board for 2 employed girls with family of young people, walking distance. laundry privileges; refer ences required; $30 each. 367 19th, near Mill. Call evenings and Sundays. NICEL1' furnished steam-neated room, singie or double ; excellent meals; ail conveniences ; laundry privileges ; close in on west side; moderate rates. Bdwy PRIVATE boarding house for young men employed, home privileges, living, room, piano, good home cooking, close in, walking distance. 285 14th St., cor. Jefferson. ROOM and hoard with home privileges m modern home tor 2 ladies or coupie employed; reasonable rates, close F.jst side. East 8180. LARGE, pleasant front room for 1 o peopie, and good meals, in private home close in: 3 carlines; a real home reasonable. n.at .wJi. WILL give mother's care to littie gin, school age, 2 blocks from school; no other children. Will give best of ref erences. labor NICE, large room suitable for 1 or 2 ladies; large closet, good heat, all mod ern conveniences; no other roomers, Tabor 733 . FINE HOME FOR FATHER AND SON SCHOOL AGE, LARGE FRONT RM. PRIV. FAMILY. ROSE CITY. TA BOR St7. WILL care for children between the ages of 3 and 10 for the winter: Chris tian home. Mrs. Cora Rice, Yamhill, . Or. CHILDREN to board by private family- Boys between 8 and 14 preferred; near gooa scnooi. Address jwrs. raia iw. ley, Prindle, Wash.; references given. BOARD AND ROOM ; ail home privi lcfls : pinninvrl mf-n n referred : SPP' cial rates for two in a room. Broad way 2333. ROOM and board in real home at Sea side. W ill give special care to agea peopie or in poor health. Mrs. A. Jd, Jobson. box SfHi, Seaside. Or, ROSE CITY CORNER FRONT ROOM, ALL COMFORTS OF OWN HOME; x BOARD OPTIONAL; PRIV. FAMILY; 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN. TABOR 8i76. WOULD like to room and board little Cirl from three to eight years of age. Near good school. Price reasonable. Tabor (. BOARD and room in private family; suit able tor young man or lady; price rea sonable. 24 E. 11th St., cor. Ash. East G393. . WEST SIDE, walking distance; large, sunny room, 2 closets, cheap, for 2 employed people ; no other boarders. Atwater 6018 until 5 P. M. NICE room in nrivate home for two gentlemen, who wish homelike atmos phere; walking distance; references, breakfast. East 0226. CLOSE IN, very desirable . front room, every comfort of 'home, including breakfast, at a reasonable price. 4t9 Clay st. Main 2228. LOVELY furnished room with board, ex cellent meals ; just a real home for two-' employed ladies or cents. Phone East 5518. - BOARD, and room, $8 per week. Also 1 h. k. room, walking distance. 389 Grand ave. 3., near lnnian & Poulsen mills. East 0920. ATTRACTIVE room, good mea.s; walk ing distance, wefct side. If you want homelike place all Bdwy. 804S. 501 Davis et. LAURELHURST Double and single rm. with board in lovely home; prefer gen tleman or couple employed; garage. Tabor 097G. - - 2 ROOMS, I singie" 1 'double Tor man and wife or boys; good heat, hot wa ter and shower; first-class table board. 681 Giisan. NICELY furnished room in modern iiome with board if desired for one or two people. 275 E. 46th street. Tabor 2311. PLAIN room and board for elderly man; two meals a day: must be very rea sonable. AH 877, Orcgonian. DESIRABLE light front room in modern bungalow; 2 meals if desired. Call Tabor 8424. IRVINGTON Large, comfortable room for 1 or 2 women. Best hoine cook ing. Reasonable. East 6645. WILL care for 2 small children in my home, $15 each a month. Wal. 5485 772 Williams ave., near Beech.' CHEE RFUL home for 2 girla employed, twin beds, $50 per month. Broadway ROOM and 2 meals for 2 gentlemen or couple employed. 350 East 8th st. N. East 8172. ROOM and board for young lady em ployed in widow's home; home privi leges. East 5397. SCHOOL children to board across the street from public school; mother's care. Mrs. Kinser. Empire zio. MODERN furnished room with board suitable for man and wife or two gen . tlemen. Tabor 2335. NICE room and table board for two men. 30 per month. 121 East 11th sL, or Kast 252. HOUSE Furnished in oriental rugs and mahogany furniture; will board couple tor 40 each, flo r. 21st St. HOME board and care for elderly invalid ladies; experiensed in care of same. J 91 1. Oregon lan. NICE front room and home cooking, private family, for 1 gentleman; refer ences. 205 N. 21st St. BOARD and room, gentlemen; walking distance; $o week; home surroundings. 264 Stout St., near Multnomah club. CLEAN room, cheerful home, with home privileges for two girl's employed; two in same room, x.lo. Air N4, (Jregonlan. ATTRACTIVE rooms with 2 beds in love ly home; garage if desired. Tabor 8709. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD: SUITABLE FOR TWO; IN KCJAl.. HUAlfi. TABOR 474M, NICE room In private family of adults. rial1. t.:tn st, Atwater iiu. TAKE girl school age board. 1755 Morris st. to room and Mrs. Howard. GOOD home and mother's care to small children. Sellwood :i!M0. BOARD and room like home. at 4S3 N. 23d. just ROOM and board. Tabor 1252. reasonable. 2 meals. WOULD like to care for girl In C. 3. home.' Atwater 2557 Fnrniished Apartments. ONE 2-ROOM fur. H. K. apt.; clean, wa ter, light and heat, modern. 421 6th St. Atwater 2605. 2-ROOM furnished front apt., 6 min utes' walk to Yamhill market, $24 a month. 300 5th st. Atwater 4248. 3 ROOMS, nicely furnished, newly paint ed; light, phone, steam heat, very rea sonable. 250 N. 19th. Broadway 4666. ONE 3-RM. basement apt., one 3-rm. apt. with sleeping p, Florence apt., 838 11th st. ROSELYN anartment. 110 North 21t, 2-rm. modern furn. apt. ROSELYN APARTMENT 110 N. 21st. 2-rm. modern furn. apt. 4-ROOM fur. apt., walking distance. At- water -wi. . - 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. EAST 3158. FURNISHED 3-room apt.; close in. Call Main 6103. FOR RENT 3-room apt., furnished. 751 uantennein. THE CHELTENHAM. 225 N. 19th, 2 and 4-room apts. bawy. 3r.)3. . 3-ROOM apt., furnished, $24. Laurei- hurst district. Tabor 7J26. evenings. S-ROOM furnished apt. for rent. 3d at.. $20 a month. WEST SIDE, nicely furnished apt., $3i. 412 10th st. 3-room THE KING DAVIS APTS. 3-room fur, apt. Bdwy. 6058. 3-ROOM furnished apt., private bath. 3S3 Williams ave., near Broadway. UNFURNISHED 4-room apartment. $35. L:irutner.i Apts.. ziz caruthers street. $20 2 FURNISHED housekeeping., 354 ivy st. 1 2-ROOM apartment with, liht. wa.ter I - FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS HIGH CLASS. For tourist and permanent guest, the handsomest furnished apartments In the city; 1 to 5 rooms and sleeping porches; very artistic, light, airy and exceptionally clean; few in ivory, wil low. Chinese rugs and pongee hang ings, floor lamp, etc Those wishing a home in every respect, with refined surroundings and Al service and maid service if required. Single rooms and suites for refined gentlemen. Refer ences required. 166 St. Clair, cor. 22d and Washington. Bdwy. 5830. JUST COMPLETED. WESCOTT COURT APTS.. 450 Weidler, block S. Broadway. Each apartment consists of large liv ing, dining and bedrooms, balcony, shower bath; all outside rooms; ma hogany furniture, Ivory finish, electric ranges, hardwood floors, etc. I believe these apts. to be the most complete in city; only few left; see them. KINGSBURY -APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house neat 23d and Washington: 3-room furnished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly decorated 3-room apt., with a real bedroom. Call Main 3883. . WHEELDON ANNEX. Has been thoroughly renovataed anl redecorated and under new manage ment; 2. 3 and 4-rm. apts. to .perma nent or transient by day, week or month; close to business center. Cor- ner 10th and Salmon. Main 6641. ELEGANTLY furn. outside front apt., 1 room and sleeping p., kitchen; furn. In blue and willow ; school teacher or librarian may have this beautiful apt. for $50. If congenial person will share bathroom-1 only with lady occupying bedroom. 166 St. Clair, cor. Wash. Bdwy. 3830 ELBRIDGE APTS. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 and 3-rm. apts., with private bath, dressing room, modern brick bldg., au tomatic elevator and ail other con veniences for your comfort. 274 N. 21st nt., cor. Overton. CHETOPA APTS. ONE 3-ROOM AND BATH AND ONE 2-ROOM AND BATH APT. NOW AVAILABLE ; BEST LOCATION IN THE CITY; NO COAL SHORTAGE POSSIBLE AS WE CHhJ OIL FOR FUEL; PLENTY OF HEAT AND HOT WATER AT ALL TIMES. CALL BOWY. 4936. THE CROMWELL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; French doors and balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater 519. $18 NOB HILL $18. One large living room, with large clothes closet and kitchenette, artistic ally furnished, light and heat included and where your apt. is. your home. Main 3816. NOW AVAILABLE Desirable 2-room aptsl in modern brick bldg. ; large rooms, roomy kitchen, built-in or open beds, linen furnished ; nothing better xor me price, to $44). J-inco.n apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. B-RC1 completely furnished, strictly modern white enamel apartment, all outside rooms. lots of light and air; large front porch, close in; W. S. lo cation; adults oniy. 341 Montgomery street, corner Broadway. GUILD APTS. 394 Guild, near 23d and Thurman, 3 large rooms, private bath hall, heat and hot water; very attractive. Also 4-room unfurnished. M ain 3705. THE DEZENDORF APTS., 208 16th, near Taylor; Atwater 0128; 5-room completely furnished apt., all outside rooms; no objections to chll-dr'-n ; transients and tourists. WASHINGTON HIGH APARTMENTS. 3 large outside rooms; furnished; private bath, hot water heat: walking distance. 575 E. Starkj corner 14th. East 8636. FOR RENT Nice and clean 3-room fur nished, apartment; private bath, $20 a month ; free phone and water. 1299 Kelly st. Take Fulton car to, Flower street. BERYL APARTMENTS. , Very attractive, modern 2-rm., newly furnished, and decorated ; ail outside; plenty of closets. 695 Love joy, near 21st. THE DRICKSTON, 448 UTH ST. One 2-rm. fur. apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and painted; one 3-room basement ; free phone and light. SPECIAL RATES FOR YOUNG WOMEN Dormitory room and board, $5 per week; age limit 17-25. Main 3429. JEANNE D'ARO. 5-ROOM apt., with sleeping porch, large jiving room, everytmng complete, fine location, nice yard. 631 Hoyt, near 20tfa. Broadway 4046. ALTAMONT APTS., 3u4 COLLEGE, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH STS. Nicely furnished, newly tinted 3 and 4-room ap's. Main CT75. HULL Ave. Apts., at Jennings Lodge, Or., on u. j. car line; 3 rooms and bath, new and modern. Phone 15SJ, W. I. Bluistone. DAVENPORT. APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apts. with private bath;, also single housekeeping room. Main 5435. 8-ROOM furnished apartment, light. heat, hot and cold water furnished; no small children. Call Tabor 4224. 1002 Vi Hawthorne ave.. apt. A. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MTH. E. 1090. CLAR1NE APTS. Nice 1-2-3-room outside apts., clpse in, near good schools. 117 18th N. Phone Bdwy. 2471. LAMBROOK APTS-, 7TH AND EAST YAMHILL STS. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apta. Call East 4062. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room apts., all outside rooms; .walking distance. West Park and Columbia. 4-ROOM beautifully furnisned with bath, modern in every way, close in, walking distance. 24 E. 8th. st. North. Bdwy. 11104 or East 1304. THE LILLIAN. Three-room furnished apt, west side, close in. Atwater 1378. 381 0th st. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts.; walking dis tance; opp. auditorium. Atwater 5566. 3-ROOM furnished apartment; ideal for nurses; reasonable rent. Alvarado Apts., at Everett and Lucretia sts. I AND 2-ROOM newly furnished apt., week or month; also sleeping rooms. Main 2141. SUNN YCR EST $26.50; 3 outside rooms: bath; newly furn.; redec, laund. rm., steam heat, gas, elec. 186 Sherman st. CARLOIS APARTMENTS 2-room modern furnished apartment, reasonable. 14th and Market. BROWN APARTMENT. Furnished 2-room apt., 14th Yamhill. FURNISHED 2-rm. apt., s'.eam heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. 658 Gllsan. Bdwy. 3935. ALICE COURT, East 8th and Burnside Walklnff distance: 3-rm nni o fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 356o! THE DIEL, 790 E. ANKENY. Attractively furnished 4-room steam heated apartment. East 4046. KING ALBERT APTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0859. TUDOR APTS., 3 and 4-room apts., close in, steam heat; also 1 room. Main 8105. . THE NICKELS 3 or 4-room apt., private bath, steam heat,, phone. 856 E. 6th st Nortlt Walnut 4971. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. all outside apts. E. 1426. ALTONIA APTS, 19th and Marshall 2, a ana -rm. apts., large, light, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. THE BENSON, 205 N. 20th st. Nicely furnished g-room apartment; Nob Hill section; HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. flrs private balconies. $35 up. Mar. 1160. BARKER APARTMENTS. : Furnished and unfurnished, corner 21st and Irving. 2 AND 3-RJI. fur. apartments in high class apt, 'house, with first-class serv- ice. 15th and Belmont. East 6613. MORTON APARTMENTS. ' 3-rm. apt 697 Washington street Bdwy. 109S. BANNER APTS. Nicely furnished apts. yjni in tj3t-iiign i. oi. ..lay. SUBLEASE two-room, completely fur- nished. T'uaor Arms. Bdwy. 3197. SMALL apartment, hot and cold irater. phone, heat. 414 4th. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur, apt.. $21.50. L'ompiete. concrete bldg. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, mode line apts, 220 N. 17th st. Bd ern. Ar- line apts, 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. bUSHMARK Wash, st, cor. 17th, clean! modern x ana a-room outsiae apts. IDAHO APTS.. 389 6th st; neatly furn. 3 and 4-room apts.. to tau a month. MODERN 2-room apts., private phone in each. S33.au ana 3ti. Bawv. 4964. 3-ROOM furnished apt, Harrison court. 394 5th st. Main pub. 3-ROOM furnished apt, 1 sleeping room. 214 I3th st. turnisiied 2-room apt, SoS Hoyt 1 FOR RENT. Furnlished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL 3-rm. apartment, furnished in mulberry shades, white enamel, spot lessly clean; very reasonable; easy walking distance. Also beautiful rooms, furnished for ngnt housekeeping, gas plates, noc ana cold water, 1 block R. C. car and Grand ave. 415 E. Couch. . ; ARTISTICALLY anoointed 3-room apt. all outside rooms, with unobstructed . view of lawns: Radio fire grates In living and dinine rooms; Nob Hill dis trict; 5 minutes to business centers; an exclusive apt. for permanent tenant ; "D&M" cars to 66 N. ItHh st. (opposite 'irmity church), Sunday from 11 to 2. CHEAP RENT. Cosy, clean, airy 2-room apts.i pri vate bath, laundrv trays. as. stove water heater, new linoleum. Specially arranged for working couples. Close in and walking distance. East side. Call between 2:00 and 6:00 P. M. Sun day. Corner E. fith. Mill. HALSET APTS., 300 WILLIAMS AVE. Three rooms, first, floor; newlx kab somined : nrivate bath, white enamel. steam heat, blue Axminster carpet and furniture to match; price $45; others at $30 and $35. AT THE COLUMBIAN. Nicely furnished 4-room apt., $50 month, suitable for two to four ' per sons; you can't beat the Columbian for nice apts. anu low rates. 11TH AND COLUMBIA $7r LARGE 6-ROOM APT. $75. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. All outside rooms, all on one floor; close in and fine residence district ; heat and water furnished. Bdwy. Q2S0. CINCINNATI COURT. One five-room flat, nicely furnished, steam heat, private entrance. One 2 rm. apt. with sleeping porch. 401 10th st. M a i n 24. SO. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. Four large outside rooms, furnished; ground floor, heat and water. Adults. Broadway 6280. YOUNG lady employed wanted fco share front room with another in furnished apt. Applv between 9 and 12 A. M. Moudav. 272 Park st. FURNISHED 2-room modern apt. flight, heat, water and telephone furnished ; near Reed college, on car line; adults only. SSll 41st ?t. S. E.- Auto. 631-31. WANT a iady to share my moderately priced apt.; separate bedrooms; near Washington High. 553 East Yamhill st. East 7084. - FOR RENT Attractive hom-edike 3-room apartment; furniture new; Immediate possession. Phone East -8988 or East ft 1 49. . 2-ROOM fur. or uniur. front apts.; heat, light, gas and water Included, $35 per mo. 367 16th st., between Montgomery and Mill sts. ; adults. GORDON COURT APT., 530 Montgom ery. The most attractive bachelor apartment in the city ;available on the , 15th. ' BERKELEY APARTMENT, 39 TR1NIT !' PLACE. Nicely furn. 3-rm. apt., walking dlst tance. Bdwy. 5151. ' 3-ROOM furnished apartment with pri vate bath, ail outside rooms, light. water and phone free. -$27aQ. 88, E. Ash. 1 LARGE room and closet, kitchenette, sleeoinc corch. bath, wash trays, tela phone, light and heat; all for $30. I'none tjasr. , SLEEPING PORCH with front ant., li.trht H. K-. close in west side; good address. 629 Everett, Broadway 4205. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Pretty 2-room . front apartment, 629 Everett. Bdwy. 4205. . $25, $22 TO $32 A MONTH for two-room modern, steam heated, furnished apart ments. Warren ton Apts. 402 H ad s DESIRABLE furnished apartment, thrc. rooms; adults, ooo lamniii. iviai 4415. . COZY, convenient apts.. four vacant; $ up; pick yours early. 696 Irving, near 21st. Atwater 2022. . 3 OR 5-ROOM anartment. with bath on carline, first floor; rent reasonable. Sellwood 0902. LEONCE APTS.. 186 22D ST. 3-room apt., private bath; $45 winter rate. Atwater -i-.ju. LIGHT, clean 2-room apartment; c-lose in, west side, quiet ptace. 20 17th st. Main 7628. -ROOM. plean and well-furnished apts. reference wanted. 70 E. . 8th. none East 1712. - 3-ROUM ant., nartlv furnished. nea Jefferson high school; modern ana clean. 1051 KerbysL NICE, clean. 4-room. modern apts.. $50 walking distance; also some smau ones in annex as low as $15. East 1150. 3-ROOM nicely furnished apt., $40; in eludes heht. eas ana rurnace neat walktne distance. 207 Union ave. N. BOWMAN apts., 4-room modern, outside apt. Janitor service; steam neat adults; references. East 1300. NEWLY furnished 3-room apts.. clean and airy, halting distance; rent rea sonable. East 0551. 507 Vancouver. MOOltE APTS., 415 E. 10th, newly fur. nished 2-room, hatn, apt., .new buiia- Ing; $;ia. East lam, a.ROOM ant- Drivate bath, adults, $25 garage $5. 72JV4 Milwaukle St. Phone Sellwood 1719. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, private hath, nhone and heat, sleeping porch, walking distance: adults. Main 1066. 4-ROOM fur. ants., steam heat, free phone. 1 block from 2 car lines. 843 Nelson, 27th St., 1 blk. of Sandy blvd. 4-ROOM tance. f urnjs'ned 4:J.5 5th si apt., walking dis- $40 3-ROOM apt., well furnished. E. 9th N. 412 TJnfnTnished Apartments. CECELIA APARTMENTS. 22D AND G LI SAN. - Lam 8-rnnm apartments. 2 disap pearlng beds; 2 large closets, all out side; lots of large windows, view of mountain. Unfurnished. Lots of heat -in winter. Price $55. Atwater 1804 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BOWMAN APTS. Have very desirable 5-room apart ment; rent $12d: no cniiaren. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. Bin?. 6007. HOYT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. . 800 East Hovt St. 3, 4, 5-room unfurnished apartments in new building, facing large gardens; electric ranges and every modern con venience. WASHINGTON HIGH APARTMENTS. Four large outuide roonis, unfur- nlnhpri r nrivate bath, hot water heat walking distance. 575 E. Stark, cor ner 14th. East 8036, TJNTTFURNISHED 3-room apartment, all outside rooms; heat, phone and water included in rent; in Irvington district: good car service, rent reasonable. East 2735. 392 E. 15th N. THE MERLIN. Choice large apt., 3 rooms, 2 dress ing rooms and bath; all modern, built in conveniences; all outside rooms. Broadway and Grant. Atwater 0420. GORDON COURT APT.. 530 Montgom ery. 4. 5 and 6-room unfurnished apts. The most attractive family apartment in the city; flowers and lawn; strictly modern. LOWER FLAT, 5 rooms, furnished unfurnished, electric lights. $25; gas and basement. 315 Williams ave children taken. 5 LIGHT, attractive rooms with sleeping porch, on Kenton carline; 20 minutes to town; Lombard street, near Albina ave. walnut 64 or Broadway 3uiu. THE WHEELDON ANNEX ballroom, suitable for studio or apt.; electric stove, dressing room, 'private bath. outside entrance.- Main 6041. WICKERSHAM APARTMENTS 6-room modern, unfurnished; excellent service, located at 18th and Flanders, west side. Phone Broadway 2201. S-ROOM apt., bath, large yard, 1 block to 3 car lines, fine view; $18, includ ing lights and water. 1093 Water st. NICE 3-room unfurnished apt.; heat if desired. 860 Colonial ave. Overlook dis trict. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th andMontgomery. Main 0359. UNFURNISHED apt., two rooms and bath, $25. Call afternoon. 288 Har rison t. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir able unfur. apts. available at reason able rentals. Phone Bdwy. 6860. UNFURNISHED 2-room apt. block of library. Owner. 215 11th st, cor. Sal mon. MODERN 5-room steam-heated corner front apt, sleeping porch, free phone Atwater 0360. IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modem front corner apt.. 1 blk. off Wash. St.. adults. Bdwy. 2761. -ROSE FRIEND, Bdwy. and Jefferson. Choice o-room apartment can be se cured; good service. Atwater 1410. MORDAUNT 5S0 Everett. Large mod ern 4-rm. homelike; inspection invited. 600 FLANDERS. 6-room apt., porches, $65 month. unfurnished THE ORMONDE 1 and 5-room unfur. apts. .656 Klanaers. dwy. 333. 3-ROOM, toilet ard bath, west side. At- water 4761. i THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 9-roorn apartments. Broadway 3360. ALTER APTS. 6-'rm. si. porch, tile bath - and shower, 21st-Overton. Bdwy. 1080. NICE, light. 4-room and bath front apt Broadway 4936. ONE 4 AND 5-ROOM unfurnished apt. The W'.lmar. 742 Everett St. Main B164. MORDAUNT 5S6 Everett.' Large mod- ftra 4,-irm. bfiweUke; inspection invited. F)R RENT. gfnfornished Apartments. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath, hardwood floors, white enamel; free elec. washer and mangle. East 3 782. Furnished or rnfnrninhed Apartments. UNUSUALLY nice 4-room apartment, enameled kitchen and bath, recently kalsoxnined pearl gray, 20-minute walk to business center, vacant ear.y October at surprisingly low rental to Suitable tenant, who will purchase gray enamel gas range, linoleum and few other articles at low cost. Present tenants leaving city. East ISIS. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. A Vn AnJir-tment fiats. west side, wall bed, range, linoleum. Bleep ins? porc-h. Call mornings. Main 2tS S. UPSHUR APTS Under new manage ment; 2, 3, 4-room apts., all new furni ture: reasonable rent. Majn M97. - HIGHLAND COURT. AT WATER 3181. Furnished or unfurnished apartments. 2 ROOMS, bath facing West Park St.; reasonable ; adults. 386 Hall st. Hat. EVERETT and 17th, west side, save carfare, 5 min. bus. center. 5 and G rooms, clean, modern. large yard, basement. furnace, laundry trays. Wakefie-ld-Fries & Co. . 5-ROOM flat, tliepiace, gas ranee in stalled, linoleum on floor. 391 16th St.. eecond building south of Montgomery; rent $40. STRONG & CO.. 60ft Cham, of Com ELEGANT modern Nob Hill bungalow style. 5 rms. and reception , hall : ivory finish, newly decorated; gas stove, linoleum; adults. 190 21st st. ' Bdwy. 2483; . -ROOM fiat, sleeping porch, fireplat yfls 1 r,cr unii ra n co in at al led : line Vie 303 16th st.. south of Montgomery. $50. STRONG & CO., 606 Cham, or com. BEAUTIFUL Willamette Heights 5-room lower flat, with lare sleeping pore . hardwood floors, fireplace, ouni-in co venicncea and garage. JU4S vaugnn. 407 EAST COUCH ST., 5-room mode flat. $30.60 Per month ; waiiung a tance. Donald Woodward, 104 2d t. Broadway 7436. WEST SIDE Three large, light, clean i rooms, walking distance, partly fur . mshed if desired; adults. t-oiura hia st. . 4-ROOM modern flat. 772 Osage ave., block south 23d and Washington sts. west side, adults. Broadway 7833 or Main 8f88. MOUKRM ut.nPT fi-room flat. 173 Bel mont St.. earaee. nice yard, rent 4U. Tabor 2197 or key, Monday, hardware store. -j.Jd and Belmont streets. FOR RENT Comfortable flat, 6 rooms, bath, furnace, screened porch, one m to car. good location;' reasonable. Phone Atwater 4451. . TfOIiT.A r A v addition, modern 5 or b room flat; sleeping porch, unoieum. rurnace, close in. -:o- V2 -il cor. Multnomah. 4-ROOM flat, 2 bedrooms, fine orde nhnnft. wiifp: nice view. waiKinc a:: tance.; new. linoleum, $30. 380 16th street, south of Montgomery 64V, EAST 10TH ST.. 5-room. modern flat. walking distance. $28.10 pe month. Donald Woodward. 104 2d st Broadway 7430. rkactiFUL 5-room flat. hardwoo fioora. strictly modern, perfect condl lion; sdultj oily: $53 Inquire 74 29f- N. Phont Ea?t 5070. HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS. 3-room unfurnished apartment, tw disappearlng beds. 251 lJtn st. NICK (i-ror,m flat, west side. 16th an Everett sts ; rent $10. The Lawrence Co. Main 6915. S-Rnoi modern fiat. 328M? E. Ross Bdwy. car. Apply METZGEK-PAR KRR COMPANY. FOR RENT r-A modern 5-room fur nished or- unfurnished flat 1318 Cor bet! st. Garage If desired 5-KOOM rooms, bridge. modern lower fli $30; adults: near 2S5 Benton st. East t. outside Broadwa 2579. BBAX-D NEW 4-ROOM FLATS. MOD ERN: 4900D LOCATION"; WALKING DISTANCE. 415 BENTON T S2C MODERN 5-room flat, east en Broadway bridge, walking distance. 2yll Chrrry st. East 1415. i-'-l :.u 3-ROOM upper flat. 621 Over ton, west side; walking distance; water. ran tor hath free East 1'.MI4 600 EAST MADISON ST.. 5-room modern flat, $-10; call at premises. Donal Woodward, Broadway 7-136. 104 2d s' 4-ROOM FLAT bath, light, water and gas. Call Tabor 3398 or see at o East 47th st. 5 ROOMS, large porch, upper flat, fur nace, fireplace. 01 Everett, near West Side. 21st. $22.50 4-ROOM modern upper flat, gas range, uuicn HiiLueii. .nju. viv. 831 Garfield ave. SEVEN-ROOM upper flat, 5th and Har rison, gas. electr;city, nrep:ace. ner man Moener, 4 Jti iiuinoermna inns- F-rnom modern upper fiat for rnt garage, furnace and linoleum inciuuea Rent $45. 790 E. Belmont. DESIRABLE upper 6 rooms, ready for occupant: references, -u. i. ai mon. 4-ROOM ED fiat for rent; all modern. In i. uri hi. furnace: znort location. Skidmore st, near Haight. Wal. 2641, 6-ROOM modern flat in EaBt Portland, $45. East 23l)L MODERN, walking distance; rent the 15th. 481H K. coucn. aast bm-j. $4U 4-ROOM flat. Adults. East 3305 can zuu cargo. SEPT. 15 Hi-room lower flat, sleeping norch. wost sine: artu:ts. in. mm. 4-ROOM lower flat. 1024 East Main St., ner H-ltn St.: Karaite. j.aoor juo... 6 ROO- S. $:15; one 4-room, $30; J.ovejoy and 21st st. Broaaway oau.. MODERN 5-room flats. East 12th, bet E:yt Couch ana East fcturnsme; aumia. $35 CHOICE 7-room flat Graham St. and Williams ave. East 8015 DESIRABLE 5-room modern flat; adults only. 300 Graham ave. 3-ROOM flat with bath and basement, $15 month. lost uoroeu m FOUR-ROOM flat for rent. Apply fla 3. 255 Cherry st. E-asx o.. 6-ROOM modern flat, close in. 190 17th st. Inquire i intn et. UNFURNISHED 5-room modern flat, 4124 Jackson St. r-none iseii. $22.50 LOWER 5-room flat, 649 2d st DriCK Diag. iviHjn iv.m. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat, modern. 393 Fremont st. UNFURNISHED lower flat, adults only. 1.116 E. Clay et. Ta-Dor trj.w. 7 ROOMS close in. linoleum, gas range. water heater, adults. Atwater ihj 6-ROOM flat. 733 Hoyt st, near 2Jd. Inquire 130 Sixth st Main ojj. 130 GOOD 6-room flat, can sublet part. c. nunioi'ic. ), ,r,L ........ MODERN 6 rooms, best location. quire 175 16th, cor. Yamnui. $30 RENT R-rocm flat, with garage near i.aureinurst pirn, va.. , . . j . 6-ROOM FLAT. 547 POWELL STREET 6-ROOM flat. 435 11th. Furnished Flats. wttt strip Furn. uoner flat 2 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace. anu Kearney st Key 711. t.in piTRfctswED flat. 3 rooms and bath; Radiantlire neater, auu.ia. a i a mont st. -Tabor 9361. FURNISHED 4 rooms and sleeping porch, Irvington. io r. um ai. near Tinamwit trvtvgton. well furnished 5-room flat. piano, fireplace ana naruwuuu nuwi hi HancocK st. IRVINGTON, residential. 4-room apt, heat, light gas, garage, iu; o-rooni, $60. East guio. 6-ROOM lower flat, furniture and rugs good. Must be seen to os appreciated garage. 84 E. 16th st ' MODERN 4-room lower flat; pleasant, :.T ,Qo. travm Wnlnnt 11794 &3l uarneid ave. 5-ROOM lower residence fiat, completely furnished, with piano; no cniiaren. Phone Walnut 7032 after 6:30 P. M. 4-ROOM furnished flat, with big sleep ing porch, all modern. 404 iint at No children. ROOM furnished flat, walking dis tance, rent reasonable. 93 East 8th st. North. Phone East 9990. .ROOM modern furnished flat 1209 E. Main. Tabor o-'iu. FURNISHED 5-room upper flat; new. clean. 820 Tinamooit. wai. fuaa. FURNISHED 4-room flat or 3 good housekeeping rooms. Phone E. 7969. -ROOM furnished flat - 366 San Rafael. Phor- Walnut 1499. room furnished flat and garage, 627 E. 62d N. : $3500. Call Tabor 4016. NICELY furnished 4-room flat, upstairs, 2152 K. Yamnui st, per mo. FURNISHED upper flat, 4 rooms, adults. 161 Monroe st. walnut au-ao. ATTRACTIVE 4-room furnished flat. walking distance; 3o. inone k. mum. -ROOM, modern flat; South Portland. East 4854. ROOMS, $40. Call II A. M. to 5 P. M. 940 Mallory ave. ROOM -flat, water, gas, electric light: furnishings. $10: close In. East 89. j DESIRABLE furnished flat with bath. 915H E. Salmon st. . LARGE light corner rooms, flat, dren no objection. 402 Park st. 4 ROOMS, modern furnished flat Broadway drive. - 588 MODERN 6 rooms, clean, porches, reas. ; close la. iHZ Salmon, opp. Mult. club. FOR RENT. F u m 1 w h el Fl a t a. EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED. 47.50 Real home. Ivory fin ish. 1085 Haw. av. near 36th. IRVINGTON 2 aduits to share lovdy 5 room upper flat, nicely furnished, all new furniture, light and airy rooms and near 2 car lines. ' Heat, light, gas, phone and water included ; ?a0. Ref erences. 371 E. 16th st. N. Phone Enst 1SS2. ' STRICTLY modern 5-room. good loca tion, close in; furnace, fireplace, par lor grand piano: rent for 6 months from 15th; adults, references. East 8140. NEAR Laurelhurst. mod. flat. hwd. floors, clean, nicely furn., fumed oak. . Axminster. niue drapes. 4 rms.. $&: 5 rms. $50; might consider selling furniture. Mornings, E. 3210. THE FAUSTINA. A modern house of flats, west side, close in. newly finished, cheerful four rooms and bath; a pieawant home;ref erences. 464 Hall St.. near 3,'Uh. UP-TO-DATE furn. 4-room flat, ivory woodwork ; good location ; $40. Includ ing water, garbage, phone; adults. Key at 200 Fargo, cor. Wi.iiams av.e. E. - 3305. 5-ROOM furnished lower f .at, modern, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, large Dutch kitchen. 71 Ka-t Main, between 23d a-J 24th; Hawthorne car LOWER, clean, neatly furnished 4-room flat with bath; good yard and base ment; modern; rent reasonable. SUO East Sixth st. N. Union ave. cars. 3-ROOM lower and 3-room upper lur nished flats at S20 and K26 Vi Vaughn st, between 24th and 2uth; $2. ana $21. Atwater .1719. WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS. Lower floor private home, 4 rooms. living, dining, bedroom, kltt-hen, pan try, furnace, trays. r-ell.. 1311. TO SUBLET well furnished 4-room flat to refined couple or 2 business women; twin beds and piano: vacant the 15th; reference. N t4t!, Qrefjonien. b'uK KENT One 5-room turnl.-li.-d f'.at, $15.60; one 4-room furnished flat, $2560: also garaK-e. Call at 677 K. 'Stark st, cor. K. 29th. NICELY furnished flat, walking dis tance, one biock to car line. Phone, care of garbage, adults only. 542 Bel mont ft. cor. l-;at 12th. 5-ROlM lower fiat, furniture and tuks good; must be st-en to be appreciated; parage. 84 ft 1'Uh st. aft-r 8 -SO A. M. $37 5 ROOMS, $30; 3 rooms, modern, exceptionally clean, desirable; whole floor to Itself : a d u t s only. 572 Mill st. ROSE CITY PARK Second floor of fire duplex, nicelv furnished. 303 . E. 48th N. Tabor 1161. $35. ATTRACTIVE L.V fur. 3 rms., pri vate bath, permanent, adults: ref. ; walking distance. East 4011. 4-ROOM flat, private L-atli. $35: 3-room house, $25; also 2-room suite, all new ly furnished. 422 Second st. FURNITURE fur sale and V-rooni apt. for rent; hardwood floors, steam heat. 25 Montgomery St. Atwater 5O09. FURNISHED 4-room flat and sleeping porch, gas. Iifjht and water, phone and (rarbnq-e Included. $05. Tabnr 7119. 5 NICELY furnished rooms, entire lower .floor; newly papered; furnace or stoe heat: walking dlst. 493 Montgomery. SIX-ROOM l.at, comfortably furnished. piano; walking distance; $42.50. At water S'-HS. NEWLY furnished 4-room flat, best con dition. $40. 706 Vancouver ave. Wal nut llio'l. ' ELEGANT downstairs flat. hardwood $55. Wal- floors, mahogany furniture: nut 0437. Ilousekeeping Rooms. NICELY' furnished 2-room apartment: rent reasonable: also Sleeping room. S3 a week: right downtown. Call Broad way 80S3 after 10 A. M. FURNISHED- 2 rooms and kitchenette. light, phone and water, laundry priv ileges; cheerful and clean, $25. 628 Williams ave. NICELY fur. 2 and 3-room suites, also single, $3 and up. hot and cold water, free bath licht and phone. 05 13tll sT. N. 4-ROOM furnished flat with bath: also 2 3-room flats without bath: suitable for family with children; cheap; close In. 344 Benton. LARGE front room, street floor, $1H; lart;e front room and kitchenette, J-'U. 300 Fourth st. Two rooms, $20. 300 Fourth st. Very cioye In. TWO LARGE nicely furnished house keeping rooms, one single J-i. K. room, fireplaces, runnlrii? water. furnace h e at; walking distance. 715 Evere't. WINTER QUARTERS. Mechanic or workingman; light H. K. room, west side, close In; no carfare; genii nrkl-es". fl-'fl Everett. Bdwy. 42l'5. DENVER APTS, 208 Wash, cor. of lt; stone building, large Clean n. c.. rms, sin'es and doubles. $3 and up. LARGE front II. K. -room, suitable for 2 or 3: every convenience; $22.j. 6-9 Everett. Broadway 4l'iV TWO NICE front housekeeping apts. sleeping porch; employed peop.e only. 21 Larrabee. ' THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, including hot water, elec. lights, laund ry room. TWO-ROOM H. K. suite, $5.50 week. 315 Market, cor. 0th. Phone ana private entrance. FURNISHED and unfurnished house- housekeeping Tooms ; reasoname. Me phenson Court, 16th. & Mill. Main 5110. 64 N. 16TH. NOLI HILL district, large room, fireplace, kitchenette, water, elec. llprhts, linen free: 1st floor: adults. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th, near Wash. Best 11. K.. rooms ror tne money; run ning water, steam heat, eto. NICELY turnished 11. K. rooms, suit aide fcr 3 or 4 working people; walking distance. 168 N. 1-Sth st. H. K. ROOM, reasonable rent; good lo cation; adults only, iu Harrison, cor. Broad way. TH REE neat unfurnished housekeeping rooms; private entrance ana n&tn. obs East 11th St. Sellwood 0991. 1 AND 2-ROOM H. K. suites; well fur- nishea: close in; rent very reasonaoie. Bdwy. 61 Sill NICELY furnished H. K. room, suitable for employed laay or gentleman, -at Larrabee. 11-ROOM H. K, close In. west side; cheap If sold this week. X. 2, ore- gonian. in oR NEAT room for either house keeping or sleeping: close in. 331 Wasco. Williams ave. car. T.Ai(i2t?. 9-rnnra narlor suite, private en trance, completely turnisneu. weea. You will like It. Sou 14m sr. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, suitable for family; cneap rent e-n ciaa st. East 1136. BEAUTIFUL large single H. K. room. suitable for student or coupie wonting girls. West side. Main oa'.'S. SMALL and 1 large h. k. room; walk ing distance; light and phone. East 2796. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleeping. rent reasonable. 101 ft isr, i-au up stairs at studio. 2 AND 3 clean, well furn. JT. K. rms. Reasonable. 423 Pacific st, near Den tal college. Hast 8494. NICELY fur. 2-rm. H. K. apt, first floor. private lavatory, oursiue euirauce, out Clay st. Atwater 3602. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1. 2. 8-roorn apts.; some to sua uacneior. 194 Lownsnaie LARGE fur. H. K. room, furnace heat and clean; $4.50 per week. 421 6th st. Atwater 2605. , 2 AND 3-RM. H. K. apts.; light, large rooms, neat, sum. wuuuij. hub i.iu, Main 1520. . BIG, light room and kitchenette, new bath, fireplace, wiener miu ivory lur niture. $30 571 Gllsan, near 17th. MODERN housekeeping rooms for rent; 1 blOCK irOIll tflUHIlUllinu luo, wanting distance. Atwater 4173. 260 NartiHa. STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c water. .t to m ..no .... in 14 K ROOMS by owner; reasonable p rice anu urimo. . NICE, Clean Single oraouoie ii. a. rooms. . y none anu nam. - B . -ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot, cold water. m .-n- -qui. .q.-j. -..-. ONE 2 or 3-rm. tl. iv- rm. ti. ana o. ynl.r, lUruuna .urn... ... ... FUR. H. K. room, private bath. 551 Koaney. cor. ahuii. LARGE cheap H. K. rooms, .downtown. ICELY furnished 1 and 2 room H. K. apts, $-.70 weea up. im -.. lorri- son. Montgomery Apartment TTP downtown H. K. rooms. 253 Washington, corner 3d. Ni.I.E or suites for housekeeping; fur nished or unfurnished. 163 First st WO WARM front rooms, also room and kitchenette. Bon r landers ST. ROOMS, $5 per week; waiKing distance. 573 Third street. LIGHT h. k. rooms, first floor; walk- ng distance. 91 E. l-tn. near wtarK. EAT basement H. K. room, 1 man, $: week. 530 Davis LARGE, light corner housekeeping rooms, also single rooms. 40- Park. FURNISHED H. K. rooms at 200 14th street. . 2 AND 3 H. K. rooms, close In; cheap rent. 2S6 Clay street FAMILY apts, elec, bath, hot water, $3 to $5. 514 Pettygrnve. 5-ROOM furnished flat, East 3103. Call ii- rMm. 4 Yam-ill, FOR KENT. llutifct-ktt'ptnK KoixiiM. Null HILL H K. SPECIAL 3 parlor uit, toothT or s'nBly, Just tslefu!lv decorated: 4 Urg cheer ful rooms and pantry, t nriy and c.-iii-plte!y furnished; running water, fire place, gas rang; 2 -ntrnres; loviy yard; evpfy con vninre ; very reason shi- vnt ni0 Irvtn Ft , COMPLETELY furnished uiie-. iarn. light rooms, every convenience, hot WHtr and froo bath at ail hour-: phone, linen, gas run'-; ci-n uitr for desirable people, enter of city, no carfare. $4 to : week. 2SVfc Third mt. nr J"ff Tmn. - HOUSKK Kiil'ING Hi Four nice liiiiu rooms w nil Mh, Radiant fires for heat. vry fine neighborhood, close In; MS a month. Call 37 Marguerite aenur-, corner L. Hrirrion. JUST UK UN KUUMl-H KIJ. Large, completely furnisher! front suite with sl-epinit porch; $50 wk.; nanny to bath. ih"ti". 'le. ,,, 682 EAST UTH, OVERLOOK I Nil RIVER. S., II won. I .1 1 . Hrm.klvn car. ROtiMiinJ kitchen, lunilslii'l or untar nished; very clean: re-ifonable; ideal, quiet location 7' 8 park '., ner City park; very cloae Councii Lrewt car. Ma Iri 4 2 7H. NICK, cean l "and 2-lO'm n. k. apt., hot and cold water. Iiaht. phone. laun dry privileges: walking iilnCM. to $16 per month. 4u6 Vancouver a. Ka.t 3021, 3 LARGE cheery front apts, runnin water; one with klti-lieuette, other witn large alcove. $6 mil $7 per wek. Children welcome. 001 Harrison, abova 14th. Auto. r.lh-lS. 2 AND 3-ftM ui!e, $12 to $14. iplnn.e h. h. rooms, $5 In $10 per month; bachelors or couples: lobhy; pec si ' ra'ea to ex-service bovs. The Vaughn Apts, N. 19th and Vaughn ts FRONT h. k. room, rosily fuml.hrd (In cluding sewltiK machine); IsrK" closet, free phon- plenty hot wai-r, i-any walking distance; low rent 4U2 Mar- kft. UOl'SKKEKI'iSfl RiioMS. Nice large sinxie 11. K. rooms In choirs location, suitable two people; large lawn; walking distance. 195 21st et. S. LAKGK 2-ruoni apt, $40; l Urrnt room and kitchenette ; all mod. rn and new.y decorated; walking distance. 4J9 Mar ki :. Main 5U21. THOROUGHLY cl. in and e! l-f iirnl.he.1 2-room H. K. suite, elec, li.at. phone, gas included in rent Tillamook, nerlr Wll 1 in Til s ave. . HcUriHKKEl'l.U roou.s. . I urn lulled or unfurnished, all outside roon.i, newly tinted and renoval'-d: lots of sir and licht 12' P,"-.'r,,l nr Al-'er LARGE, well I'urli.mi. d. aieani-lieated room, also kitchen prtvliem,-. nne tor 1 or 2 aduits: reforeuc- e exchange.!. I'h-.ne Automntl c 514 -6". "f"'r P fciMALL 2-room furnished houio Keeping apartment; suitable for hu.lie.or; fr- pliol e. Hunts, water, $5 we k. 350 1- ,iiirt-er t h Ht. II. K. Huo.MH for rent; light, airy ami clean: reasonable- ra'es; light, water and fuel furnished; 389 3d at. l'bona Main 33(0. 1 i on's. -Ui-c ping Rooms- in frlfit t e I'll mil y. PL H.N LSI! L!) 11. K. room with running water, lurnace boat, bith, phone, gas, elecirlo lichts, lauiuiry privi. enes, walking distance, concenlal surround ings; references required; rent $18 per month. Har 2l4:t. NEAR JI-fM, Lli.SON HIGH. 6-room modern hunfialow, newly ceo orated; hardwood floors; full lot; plenty of fruit; on paved street. 20 West Church ft. 1 block to car. Airent 513 Wilcox bldp. Phone Hd-.vy. 1 (148 EAST STARK STKKKT. Two housekeeping rooms, lergf room and kitchen, lias sink, bath, light, water tree: walltlnit distance; ture bloc ks north of S u ri nvsluo in rl i n t $20 KUIt, laigo sleeping porch slid liv ing room; kitchen, nice loerttion. lawn; .Ikhts lree; also large fur. h--nent rooms cheap. 604 L. 0th ft. redwood 11(19. LAUt:l front upstairs room, ao-ove and sleeping porch overlooking city; walk ing distance; partly furnlhhed; uitai for sleeotng apt. or light huUM-keep-Ing; no ;i lri-n Or d,c. Mam H-.1L NICL cle,il. fuiniHhed houm-kiieping room with perch, also pl.eplng rooin wl'h porch ; close In, rood car sorvp-. 223 Che rty st. K.ait n.'l '9, LOVELY room, stenm heat, houiekeep 'Ing privilege, all convenience, walking diitai.ee, indies only. Call Sunday or eveninrss. .Main 4 1115. 40 1 j J -1 h st. NICi: laicht front houa ke plug apt, well furnished, $18 p r morilli f'-l'l Inlay st, corner Rusioll. Mlrslsslppl nve car. 2 LARGE rooms with sleeping porcn. pantry, gas range and private toll-t; separate entrance. Aiso one H. K. rm. Mil West I'.irk ,l'i:L.' furnished 2-room front npmrl nient; spoliei-sly clean; homey, private entrance; rlusa In. et shlo. 4i4 Cln y. . A tw a I r 4 19 4. Ij lii-LUri" I Kl I.I.Y furnished H K. room and kitchenette, running "' Immaculate; you can't beat It. 1aiu SQ4Q. ' $2 I Kit WEEK, pleatant tioiil room, with elderly iady alone, kitchen privi lege, to one employed. s.t5 N.lron, 1 block fOllth Sandy, b-t. L 2'''h .""l -lln, cTTeERFUL, cony, well furulali.-.l It. K. room. Also single room. 414 Market st, cor, of 11th. BEAUT l f I. L IrvitiKlon furnlihed home for lease. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, ga race. rent $11111. Ea.t 4776 HOUSEKEEPING room for a la ty em ployed, modern home and walking als- P tiince. Fast 37.-i3. 2 ItoUSEKEEriNG rooms, electric iiitht, phone; good home, good car erle. 2,"4 N. 24th, cor. Northrup. At. Ih.'H. StNTsTTED single, extra Imi h. k. room, rent reasonable. et side. 819 22d st. . FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, (we modern H. K. rooms, reasunab.e rent f,9.-i flth st, W. - ONE ROOM and kitchenette. dclrnMe location: one block to car: furnace heat. East 7531 TWO large h. k. rooms In modern home Well furnished: gas range pantry. heat, light, phone Sellwood 1"' 1 LA KGB room wllh kitchenette and 1 single room housekeeping, rent reason able. 514 Everett. Hdwy. 7I..16. a ri, SPLENDID II. IV- room lot dents. near medical college. Main FOIK housekeeping rooms family; partly furnished. in private 860 Ladd nve. N. 0 LIGHT h k. rm", new management, everything fur, Ino. elec, h-at. gas. w n t e r. etc. 564 T'nlnn ave North LARGE pretty sleeping porch with coxy rooms, well furnished new; re fined coupje; -tG(l ! Au'.-J?!1.''1: EXCEPTIONALLY private 2-rm. h. k. sot ' heat, elec, gas, bath, phone, central; reasonable. 415 W. Hrnsd way. LAUGH housekeeping room. 604 Holly st, Ladd addition. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeplug rooms. Call Broadway 575. H j ROOMS, walking dl'tsnce 275 WlWms ave. K 5797. M .!!'!: MICE clean 2-room apt; heat Atwater 34.16, or tStf IV earner ej. la ' private TWO housekeeping rooms family 105 F, 11th ft 2 H. K. ROOMS suitable 402 liekum ave. for business Walnut 28. people RENT Housekeeping room. 0o FOR 6th st. 105 20TH. CORN bit rianders, single ix. K . room, $-8 for 1 Person. CLEAN, well furnished H. K. apt, mod ern home; $16. 614 4th st 2 MODERN II. K. rooms, furnished, nrivate DhoiM and entrance. T. 674.1. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 2.-i. East 9573 LOWER front room rea distance. 372 14th st. sunable, walking THREE room! partially furnished. C5 Upshur. PRIVATE house, furnished light house- keeping room. yia mn n.. , 2 L. H- K- RMS, 1 block irom iiruau- wav bridge. innne r. 0--1. LARGE fur. housekeeping room, -'9o I 49th. south of Hawthorne. ' j "or elv 2 OK 3 H K. rooms, private home, near ca r 13 East Co orh. Kat 098 TWO LARGE, modern front h. k. rooms. 249 13th st , 1 1 011 sen. S-ROOM house, 71 E. Hlta N, near Davis. Inquire 130 Sixth t. Main 627 8. , FOR RENT Houseboat $22 month; partly furnished; foot Nevada street ChH Hinder Co, 2"4 Ry. Kch. 14.. LOVELY unfurnished 4-room apt, prlite bath, lieat, hot wster; no ob .1 ectlon nne c-b'ld. Main 3705 LADD ADD. 8. room modern house. c.oe t o car. 602 F.IHo't ave FOR RENT -room house. 657 Kearney i-trret. Hdwv. 5017. 7. ROOM house, furnlehed. $Vd. 51:11 ri. :oth Rlrhmond car No small rblldrs WANTED An unfurnished l-ouso, xrn 15 to 25 rooms. Atwater 5162. a:.4 CLAY Furnished ho lisekeeplng rooms with kltrhetielie. ("all tosy. BLOCK from car nc-Med. desirable private bath; fur IliaT Cleveland ave. THREE furnlshe hath. $! mnr-' 11. K. rooms. SO' jrrnr,. 6-H iOM modern hoiine, good location. I'linr." Prondway t42. MMl'KKN K-rnm huunr-. 1(m K.n( 64 i h fTvK-KOOM hoiiK. i:rn dul: k! X or X ground. 10.4 I'ow u