THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 10, . 192S 10 V HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWENTY FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS TWENTY - FIVE DOLLARS PER "WEEK TO START ANJ) YOUR FARE REFUNDED IF YOU REMAIN UNTIL JANUARY 1ST. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS IN CALIFORNIA'S MOST MODERN EANITARY FACTORY. APPLY HARRY HOEFLER CANDY CO.. 481 Jessie St.. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. 5VANTED Thoroughly experienced busi ness woman capable of handling cler ical end of- small wholesale house, in cluding keeping book, ty pe writing, stenography preferable but not essen tial, and various detailed statistical work. No inexperienced girls need supply. References required. State sal ary desired ana details of experience. AM S99, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS AND - PACKERS WANTED: GOOD PAY. APPLY LANG & CO. CANDY FACTORY, 9 N. 1ST ST., NEAR BURN SIDE. WANTED Thoroughly . experienced woman for ready-to-wear dept. in growing dept. store; an excellent op nortunitv with srood future: applicant state age. experience, references and alary expected. EVERETT DEPT. STORE. EVERETT. WASH. Phone or -write O. A. Rumbaugh, Multnomah hotel. JLSSISTANT bookkeeper-typist wanted by wholesale notion house; in applying tat age, previous experience ana sai ary expected; give telephone number references required; accuracy and dili cence absolutely essential. Expert no needed, but cannot consider beginners. AF S9o, Oregonian. LADY REPRESENTATIVE. Lady with ability and acquaintance with people to introduce salesman for exceedingly good income investment ; good commission and very substantial firm and business. Call at 324 Board of Trade, -cfTy. .WANTED Nursery governess for three f ooys under lO years; gooo wages; ex perience and references required, jurs. Corning Kenby, Medford, Or. Ladies wan ted. snare time work, ad dressing, mailing music circulars. No experience necessary. Send at one for information, application blank. Amer ican Music Pub. Co., 1658 Broadway, New York city. iTTJT.XTIOM TFIArHERS. If you are not going into the school room this winter we are in a position to offer you interesting remunerative work. Openings In Wash., Oregon and California. EF 906, Oregonian ic KLDRRLY counle. ladv and Invalid need a pleasant and neat middle-aged woman for helper; light housekeeping; no washing; small house. Apply man " day at Public Employment Bureau, Artisans bldy. WANTED Schoolgirl to assUt with care of baby and few household duties, who will appreciate a nice home, but does not want to be one of family. Call Automatic 614-07. REFIX'KD Portland Helsrht home in exchange for services of healtlhy. trustworthy school girl, one attending night echool preferred ; ret e rences. Main 1465, WANTED Girl, experienced in meeting the public to handle service and com plaint aepanmeni; appiy ai uuue. Enkes City Dye Works, E. 3d and Ash st. .WANTED Housekeper, middle-aged or elderly; one who wants home more than wages;' by widower, two children, aged 6 and 12. A. E. Scott, Kendall station, or Rout S, Box 263, Lents sta. WANTED Lady to assist seating guests in high-class restaurant; must be ex perienced; good wages, steady position. Iocal references required. AR 888, Oreeronian. - GIRL or woman to care for small home and two children. Full charge of 'Jme. Wages $25 a month. Call after noon. The Caramel Shop. 680 Alberta st. Alberta car. OPERATORS. BILK DRESSES .AND BLOUSE3. MUST BE EXPERIENCED. MENZIN & FULOP, INC., 4TH AND COUCH STS.. PORTLAND. WANT 4 young ladies for house to house soliciting In city; salary and commis sion; $20 to $30 per week easily made. Call today, room 200, Oregonian bldg. WOMAN to care for baby 16 months and keep house for employed couple; work light; must be experienced with children. Automatic 314-47. AT ONCE Five ladies to travel, demon strate and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per week, railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 101 BB. Omaha, Neb. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing tor newsDaners. magazines: exp. un necessary, details free. Press Syndi cate. 139. St. Louis. Mo. WIDE-A WAKE, active woman of ma ture years for interesting work, which is permanent and pays wen; not otlice. J 3, uregonian. STENOGRAPHER Oneiwith experience m law office Dref erred state experi ence and salary expected. A J 900, Oresronian. STENOGRAPHER as assistant in a law office; permanent position; $60 to start. State fully qualifications. Y 851. ore gonian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home, Mayfalr and Alexander sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car. TEN EXPERIENCED lady solicitors for profitable work; no article to sell; Apply Monday or Tuesday, between 10 and 11 A. M 707 Spalding bldg. MAKE $25 to $35 weekly, all or part time; no house-to-house canvassing; chancw for advancement. Ask for Mrs. Kei Knap, caples hotel. EXPERIENCED fore lady for garment factory; steady position and good sal ary; state experience; replies contiden tiai. At 3i.. uregonian. -.WANTED Cook for small hiEh-class re sort. Best type of home cooking re quirea : state wages ana experience. a v uregonian, GIRL, experienced on spooling machine also girl experienced on finishing ma chine. Apply Northwest Knitting Mills. 2Sth and East Ash st. icURSE MAID to care for 2 small boys; references. Main 5550. 243 Cornell road, head Marshall. YOUNG girl wanting good home and wages for light services call at 1617 Curtis ave., or phone Walnut 5102. WANTED Refined school girl, good home in Jeffereon high school district. Walnut 5431. GIRL or woman to keep house for -lady in Business ana two scnooi cnuaren, 9M E. Taylor. Tabor 8537. REFINED energetic woman for outdoor selling; splendid opportunity. BO 596, Oregonian. GIRL wanted to work for room and board or companion to eiderly laay employed. r'.ione laoor y3t. WANT a high school girl to help nights and mornings for room and hoard; n)ce home. Tabor 0732. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework, good home. Apply 624 E. 24th street N. Phone East 2254. JlARKER LADY to taKe charge marking room, per weeK. wire or pnone. XL Laundry, Baker, Or. WANTED Elderly woman to care for baby 6 mornings a week. Auto. 516-43. 778 Irving st. MIDDLE-AGED woman to live with us. Ligh t work with small wages; family of 3. Art. 636-02. WANTED Stenographer, beginner, to look after office ; small salary. 519 Railway Exchange bldg.. Monday. 2 YOUNG ladies for special work, $3 per day. Apply Prt8 Wilcox bldg. before 10;3O a. M. Monday. WANTED Girl for factory work. Ap ply early Monday morning. 945 Sandy blvd. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework and care of two children. Phone Sellwood 1590. GIRL or worr an for light housework and care of children, small wages. 1608 Halsey st. MY" car COMPETENT woman wants 8 hours -or!c J;iy around noon hour. Phone 6.10-51. COMPETENT girl for general . house work and cooking; references. 6U1 Flankers street. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girls In distress. 955 East Olisan. "MV" car. East 0316. A NEAT young lady wjth grocery expe rience to work in store on the market; references. AM SS6. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wanted, factory work ; apply 8 A. M. Western Oregon Hard ware Co. 31?t and Sandy blvd. WANTED Dressmaker's apprentice. Call Ea?t 8754. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK PHONE MI LW AUK IE 45. WOMAN wanted for general housework, wan8 and good home. Sellwood 3607. FIRST-CLASS chocolate dippers wanted. Donovan's, East 7th and Couch eta. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CANVASSERS who have made good In any line wanted to Qualify as local subscription representatives for the Literary Digest. whole or part time. This well-known and nationally ad vertised periodical has heretofore se cured its 2.000,000 readers by direct publicity ; '23 per cent commission paid on new and renewal orders until you demonstrate your, ability.- After that, salary and commission. Apply Bureau S, the Literary Digest, 351 4th ave.. New York. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of an experienced saleswoman for laces and trimmings. Best of references required. Apply superintendent's, office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M- THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KINO STORE requires the services of an experienced saleswoman for toilet goods dept. Must be competent. Apply superintendent's office 9:13 to 10:30 A. il. WOMEN wanted for peeling peara. Ap ply 7:30 Monday morning ready for work. Starr Fruit Product Co.. 821 E. Yamhill. WANTED Experienced and competent saleswoman for "ready-to-wear" store in eastern Oregon. One who could han dle alterations would have advantage, but selling Is main thing. Permanent place for rigbt person. State experience and salary wanted. BP 900. Oregonian. WANTED A housekeeper for widow with 3 small children, on a rancn; modern house, wages $45 per month ; would not object to a child above 7 years. Call Sunday, between 10 and 12. Portland Ladies' Agency. 286 Washington. 401 Macleay bldg. ' LADIES Splendid proposition to women in Portland and throughout Oregon who are interested in making money for themselves or for their aid soci eties, clubs, etc. Call or writ B. A Freeman. 627 Corbett bldg. LADIES 4lo commission daily easy spare time. Every housewife will buy ironing ooara covers. experience un necessary; sample free. Rail en Mfg. Co., Dept. 274, Baltimore bldg., Chi cago. LADIES $10 to $50' commission weekly selling sanitary specialty used by wo men; whole or part time; dignified work; no experience. Free particulars. American Rubber Products Co.. 60S 5th ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. HEM STITCHER. BUTTONHOLE OPERATOR on silk waists and dresses. MENZIN & FULOP, INC., 4th and Couch Sts. .- WANTED Girl to work in grocery store. One who understands dressing and arranging windows and keeping store up. Give phone number. K 905, Oregonian $2.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to aistriDUte iree circulars ior Economy Non - Alcoholic Flavoring. Permanent position. F. E. Barr Co.. Chicago. A HOUSEKEEPER to do cooking and general house work for 3 men in eastern Oregon town. Must be a good cook and neat housekeeper, give phone number and address. Q 862, Oregonian. WANTED A neat, experienced waitress for club work, none but experiencea need apply. Cail between 12 and 1, Mo n day. 325 Failing bldg. COOK. out. J65: boarding house. $55, r. and b. ; waitress, $4U, r. ana b. Port land Ladles' Agency, 286 Washington st., Macleay bldg. 401. WANTED Capable woman for general nouseworK; go home nignts; saiary, $40; private hospital. AP 734, Ore gonian. STRONG, willing woman as practical nurse for invalid, no washing, small family; all modern conveniences. Ap ply afternoons. 812 Johnson st. EXPERIENCED mattress tick sewer. steady work. United Manufacturing Co., East 25th and Holladay ave. R. C. car. WANT GIRL to assist with housework. Prefer girl of some experience. Wages according to experience. Call Mrs. Baring, Tabor 2290. COMPETENT TYPIST and stenog. Call Sunday morning. , 648 Hood st. Wanted Domestics; WANT competent cook; no upstairs or laundry worn. .References, can sen wood 2599. GIRL wanted for light housework and to take care of baby. 435 oth at. Main 5572. GIRL to assist with housework and help with children; no washing; one or the family. 83ft Court ave. Walnut 0860. EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Tel. Bdwy. ZU02 between v ana n A. M. GIRL to assist with general housework and care or Daoy. A.ppiy rs. .ttosen berg. 797 Northrup. AT ONCE Working housekeeper, three adults, o rooms, can mornings, juain 2778. EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Mrs. F. H. Page, 014 Jacuson, fort land Heights. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Wages $35. Ref. required. Main 1905. WANT girl for housework, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. every day except Sundays, $20 per month. Main 83.5. WOMAN for light second work and to assist in care cf small child. Call At water 0335. WANTED Girl for cooking and down stairs work. No laundry; wages $35. East 9131. RELIABLE irl to assist with light housework, 3 in family, $25 a month. Tahor 83S2. WANTED Girl for light housework taking care of child; no cooking. 408 Park. Atwater 1004. GIRL wanted for general housework. References. Apply 327 E. 9th st. N. East 0637. WANTED Girl for general housework in Irvington; 2 adults; electrical con veniences. East 6997. COMPETENT maid for general house work and cooking, family of 3; wages $55; city ref. required. Atwater 0341. WANTED Elderly woman for care of children while mother works; room, board and wages. Main 3092. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, family on two; wages $45. Phone Tabor 0090. WANTED Competent woman for gen eral housework . on farm. AK 870, O re gonian. GIRL for cooking and general housework. z in iamny. jan Alain iuux. Detween 8 and 12 A M. WANTED Woman to cook for man, out of city. Address Harry Goodhue, Port . land. Or.. Gn. Del. GIRL for light housework; 3 adults; no breakfast or lunch; lovely home for the right girl. Call Monday. East 1059. WANTED Competent woman to assist with light housework; goed home, good wages. References. Tabor 7231. GOOD home for girl in exchange for light services. 866 Williams ave. Wal nut 5215. GIRL appreciative good home, tight f housework, one in family.- 711 Thomp son tt. WOMAN for housework where there are three in family; good wages; refer ences required. Main 759. Mrs. Wiley. COMPETENT middle-aged housekeeper: nice home, good wages: references. Call Walnut 5472 after 9 A. M. GIRL wanted for light housework. Fifth st. Atwater 1120. GIRL to assist with general housework. Tabor 1478 or call at 1169 East Couoh: COMPETENT maid for general house- worK ; goon wa ges. At w iter jsi7. GIRL for general housework. 2l-2. GIRL for light housework. 2 in family. 447 E. 12th st. N. COMPETENT girl for general work. Main 24o(. A GIRL for genera' housework. 0920; references. GIRL to assist with care of children. 775 j onnson. GIRL for peneiai housework. Gllsan. Tabor 9330. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home; ffood wages. Main 8077. WANTED Woman for general houae work; small house. Empire 0091. GIRL for cooking and general housework. RELIABLE girl to assist with 2 chil dren and housework. Atwater 1210. $50 FOR general housework. Main 5550. 243 Cornell roaa. Marshall st. GIRL or. woman tor housework in small family. Tabor 8939. GIRL for general housework; good wages 4G0 K. 1 1 tn JN. YOUNG woman for general housework; family or 3 vvainut 3137. GOOD girl for general housework; no cooning. nxn jacKson st. COMPETENT housekeeper, small family. good home, call Main 7199." WOMAN for general housework in modern home. Phone Auto. WANTED A good plain cook for gen eral nousewortt. Atwater at cm. GIRL for general housework. 773 Love- joy. EXPERIENCED waitress. hotel, 11th and Stark sts. HEIP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. BUSINESS woman with 2 daughters in high school, wants a middle-aged, mottferly woman to get meals and care for home. C S. preferred. Give age, experience, qualifications and wage expected. Opportunity for one who would like a good borne. Y 916, Oregorrtan. WANTED A thoroughly experienced girl for general housework; only a good cook will be considered; no wash ing; family consists of three adults and one child. Location, 23d and Irv ing sts., west side. Phone Main 2573 any time excepting Sunday between 8 and 10 P. M. FIRST-CLASS experienced woman for general housework In farm home near Portland; family and a few hired men; permanent place to a competent worker; wages $60; mention references. AC 886, Oregonian. A NORWEGIAN or Swedish girl or woman wanted to assist with light housework in small family. Good home and wages; no cooking or washing; steady work. 277 Hazelfern Place. Tabor 5703. WANTED Girl or young woman to care for children and do housework in plain home, fa-miiy of 4:must be neat housekeeper. Wage $40 per month. E. 7H77. WANTED Woman for general house work, family of 8; modern conven iences; references required; salary $40 to start. Phone between 10 and 12. East 2660. - . ELDERLY lady to keep house in Astoria; two girls, 6 and 10, go to school; parents both work; moderate wages; no washing; good homo to right party. AV 454, oregonian EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must be good cook; no laundry; 4 adults; references; good wages. Call Main 3729 Sunday A. M. or Mon day A. M WILL give room, board and small wages to a refined lady mterestea in o., in exchange for care of two children and light housewor; motner empioyeu, Tabor 7iOtf WANT experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work, no launderying; best of wages. Empire Vf-ci, ioa wiusm ette blvd. - rAPAHI.R woman for General house work and assist with children. No washing, $25 a month. Good home. Phone Monday. Tabor 0338.4 GIRL wanted for general housework, with fxmliv of three: liberal pay. Mrs. Emely Olmstead, 635 Tillamook st. East norm. - MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework , in apartment on west side; to take full charge; wages $30; references. AF 87B. uregonian. REFINED Christian homo in exchange for services of healthy, trustworthy school girl; references; some wages. East 2733. 811 aisey st. BUSINESS college girl to assist with housework; wages, or girl ior general housework : walking distance. Main 3809. WOMAN for general housework; prefer one to go home nights. v;au at ivas Senate St., near 35th st. and" Sandy blvd. Rose City Park caf, off at aoth. flTRl,. for e-ene.ral housework, small fam ilyf good wages to ngnt party. ai water 8496. Mrs. C. C, Low. -266 N. 26th. - GIRL or young woman to help with housework and children; will consiaer school girl over 17 years; near Jeffer son hlirh school. Walnut 4268. WANT woman to assist witth general housework, homeiiKe place, no laun dry. Call at 300 Cook ave. or phone East 9485. EXPERIENCED maid for cooking and downstairs work; wages $60: Call Mrs. Bpencer Blddle, Bdwy. 4702. Refer ences required. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework; to go home nights. Phone Tabor 8772. WOMAN for cooking and laundry; pri vate family; references; $50.- Phone East 4373. GIRL for, cooking and downstairs work, family W 4; second maid kept. Main 0247. 393 Vista ave. RELIABLE school girl wanted to assist in small family; board, room sand $10 month. jfTabor 9382. WANTED A Sirl for general house work, 3 in family; modern equipment. Walnut 0201. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. APPLY PRINCESS .THEATER, 6TH AND BURN SIDE. BDWY. 4058. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED CRANBERRY PICKERS. Enjoy your vacation . pay ing expenses picking cran berries. Fine beach nearby. For particulars address HENRY S. GANE, Long Beach, Wash. 60 MORE HOP PICKERS WANTED. For fine hops on yards near New berg, Or. Approximately 2 weeks' work. Usual accommodations. 606 Worcester bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7084 or East 2540. MAN or woman wanted, $40 commission weekly full time, $1 commission an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer: experience unneces sary. International Mills, Norristown. f&. WANTED Stenographer, out-of-town po sition, open Sept. 15th, lady or young man with some bookkeeping experi ence, prefer wholesale lumber expe rience. State age and experience, giv- lng references. AV 1, Oregonian. HOPPICKERS wanted; good camping conditions; tents or shacks furnished ; yard at station on Oregon Electric. Inquire 214 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. WANTED Man and wife to care for about 2 acres of strawberries and about 3 acres of logan berries, cut wood and work around; bouse and wood free. Box 41, R. R. 2, Carlton, Or. SALES PEOPLE One of the best self ers ever in Portland, demonstrate to the housewife and your sale is made. Call and let us show you. Room 317 Fliedner bldg.. Portland, Or. HOP PICKERS wanted Convenient camp ground, tents and wood furnished, clean straw for bedding. Apply 711 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6530. S-ROOM modern apt. house, all rented; income $105, rent only $35; nice lawn; must sell on account of domestic trou ble. Price only $700. Phone vEast 6387. 50 MORE hop pickers wanted, usual ac commodationsL Apply Bishop Bros., 403 Flanders st. Phone1 East 1324. WANTED Experienced Japanese couple for general housework. Phone Main 2971. Residence 641 Market st. drive. TEACHERS tor western positions; free registration. Westmore Agency, Spo kane, Wash. WANTED Solicitors for household ar ticle used all the time. Call Auto 329-84. MAN and wife to work in small apt house for rooms and some salary. AF ttSO. Oregonian. 2 BASEMENT rooms, heat and gas, for fer hours work; elderly couple. 454 11th st. HOP PICKERS WANTED AT ONCE. rt. 31. UATVVUUD A CO., 165 4th St, WANTED 5 cucumber pickers, 45c 100 lbs. Call Bdwy. 5243. M'AVTFT) WTTT INVESTMENT . CAPABLE SECRETARY for active con nection with manufacturing Industry of unusual world-wide possibilities; ex perience in salesmanship, advertising and correspondence very desirable ex ceptional ground-floor opportunity for man of ability nd integrity to place his services together with investment. $2500. In reply, give age and refer ences and state fully your qualifica tions. Replies will be treated strictly confidential. BJ 930. Oregonian. A GROUP of business men who have just purchased a large acreage in prunes desire services of competent farmer-horticulturist to live on prop- . erty. Married man of agricultural ex perience required. This is permanent position with wonderful possibility. Substantial investment necessary. S $67. Oregonian. $50 INVESTMENT. You can make from $15 to $25 dally; somethirg that can be sold to all grocers; the repeat orders make the money. AE 9C0; Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman to take an in terest in company producing scenery and stage equipment for theaters, schools, lodges, etc For interview ad-dres-s Y 917, Oregonian. TRUCK driver wanted, who can invest $250 in fuel business; investment is fully secured; a, chance to more than double your present wages. AR 891, Oregonian. A FINE opportunity to get into the lum ber business; want a partner with brains and some cash; have the mill and timber near Portland, D 962, Ore gonian. GOOD established business opportunity, $1000 to $1500, with or without serv ice; can show good returns on lnvest ment. E 902. Oregonian. WANTED Lady for office work; investment required. BD 969, gonian. some Ore- 1'A RTNER in established, woodsaw busi ness; pl-nty'work; make from $tt to $13 a day. 505 Swetland bldg srrrATioNS wanted mate. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work for room, board and spending money. Call Walnut 1878. Nortonia SITUATION as janitor, experienced, ref I ereucea. Main &74I. - SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE. EMPLOYERS!! One ct the things the Portland Y. M. C. A. does Is to sort men over for par ticular jobs, or positions. If you should need a man for any position we will be glad to sort over a large number of men, without expense or obligation to you, and make available two or three men, with their credentials, from whom you may make selection. Call Main 8700 and ask, for advisory and employ ment denartment. EFFICIENT EXECUTIVE with 17 years' experience covering lum ber, insurance, appraisals, selling, office management, cost accounting, is open for anything in any line. The highest of recommendations as to character and ability. I may be just the man you want. Remuneration secondary consid eration. Phone Bdwy. 6616 mornings. V 932. Oregonian. - , RECENT arrival Portland, graduate agri cultural college, thorough knowledge livestock industry, well versed in busi- Tifl a.-a 32. married, wants perma nent position where ability and effort will win advancement; references best; reasonable salary to start. AB . 962, Oregonian, I "HAVE no personal ambitions, there fore my knowledge, and aptitude for expression, is available for you in the preparation of editorials or essays, speeches or versification provided only that the cause you advocate must be constrictive. G 7. uregonian. OUT-OF-TOWN real estate man. 14 years' successful experience in farm lands, town sites and farm loans, de sires connection with established firm on salary and commission basis. Ref erences furnished. Address AV 424, Oregonian. PRINTER-OPERATOR-MACHINIST, ca pable and steady, all-around man, good operator and can care for machine ; tasty job and ad man and fast make- , up; can taKe entire '"""'vA' best of references; state wages. A 973, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by first-class retail dry goods man; good salesman, stock keeper and can manage basement dept.; understands buying and not Agraid of work;best of references furnished. AV 441. oregonian WANTED Situation by machinist-operator and all-round union printer; state salary and working conditions inI.lrs,t letter. Address E. J. ettner, uot Alder st.. South Tacoma, Wash. HWTNCJ r.iNfi w. socialize in reshin sr line and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed, esti- - mates frfe. East l'Jjn. YOUNG man, attending high school, wishes position evenings. Sat. or Sun days; experienced in stationary, con fectionery and grocery work. . AO 884, Oregonian. GARDENER wants a few more cus tomers at 50c per hour; willing to do other work, waxing floors, cleaning windows, woodwork, etc References excellent. Ernest F. Miller, Bdwy. 0895. BY A RELIABIiE tetotaler, a position as caretaker of - property; carpenter, painter, all classes of repairs; have own tools. 124 Knott V. Joseph BY MAppIED MAN AS WATCHMAN OR CARETAKER. W nr,R.c. xvc- SPONSIBLE MAN IS REQUIRED. AF 883 OREGONIAN. BY EXPERIENCED TIMEKEEPER IN LUMBER OR CONSTRUf l lU wiwr , .RELIABLE. INDUSTRIOUS. AF 88o. OREGONIAN. POSITION wanted as night clerk in small hotel or rooming house, oy mia-dle-aged man; can live on premises. C 917, O"eironian. SALESMAN. Do you need a good live one? Salary or commission. Give particulars. AH 879.. OREOU IAIN. WANTED Position as chauffeur for pri vate family; age zu; auto raecnauiu, Benson Polytechnic graduate. Call YOUNG man of neat appearance, wishes to make business trip to ios Angeies, Cal. for concern or individual. Ad- d re?s AG S01, Oregonian. AN HONEST. intelligent. industrious nalpRmnn desires a DOSltton witn a futi re. What have you to offer? AG 894, Oregonian. vott(t MAN wishinsrXo learn the auto mobile busmeses wants a position in a garage 3315. or automobile agency. East M. AND RANGEL Fainting, tinting, pa- Tiprlnff' icaiKomininar. bv cay or con tract ;' prices right 387 North 21st st. Phone Bdwy. 164o. EMPLOYERS Married man. 31, ener Ketic and adaptable, with aii-rouna ot flee and warehouse experience, wants position; $90. P 02U, uregonian. BAKER, all-around, wishes bakery or restaurant job. Mr, Waugh, Atwater 3433. ' PAINTING, KALSOMINING. First-class material, workmanship. East 0118. PRACTICAL machinist, with experience, wanted to taKe run cnarge or snop on percentage. Address ir. U. dox no, CARETAKER position on duck lakes; experiencea ana rename, j. ljanaram, 124 Knott st. No phone., WANT to cut 100 cords or ifTore pole oak, ax work; place to oacn. Stover, 41 N. 3d, Portland. W. WANTED Position as chauffeur for pri vate family; do own repairing. ast 6039. - FOR YOUR after vacation, house-clean ing and planting call Jr. C a. Mitchell. Main Dies. AUTO -machinist with experience all lines and makes; references; can swing lore man a J ooo, vi u man. POSITION wanted ; 15 years' experience in insurance, both fire and life; also real estate. Phone stady, vvainut phi GOOD reliable boy wants work in the electrical line; graduate of Benson poly, school. AP 893. Oregonian. STEADY man to drive truck, stage, work in garage or chauffeur for private fam i I y. BP 950, Oregonian. - YOUNG man, 22, wishes steady work of any kind in city. Address C. A, Nor mand, Gen. Del., Portland. YOUNG man with touring car wants work with car; will go anywhere. Call Miller. Walnut 4645. - CHEF. - 15 years' experience hotel, club. restaurant; good on dinner, pastry and meat cutting. B 933, Oregonian. YOUNG man, aged 25, good education, would like to work evenings and Sun, days. BC 949. Oregonian. RELIABLE men desire position in ware house or stock room : have some ex- perlence in packing. M 885, Oregonian. PRINTER, floor, or as proofreader, would like to hear of opening. AF 882, Ore gonian FAMILY gardening, caring for property, strictly reliable single man; local ref erences. H 927. Oregonian. GENERAL contractors. Drictt, tlie, con crete, heavy construction. Tabor 8793. Ennfre 0145.- JAPANESE boys want work in town. Employment Dept., Japanese Church, 86 N. 10th st EXPERIENCED landscape gardener; new lawns a specialty; old lawns made over. Phone Tabor 7613. MAN, 30, wife, want position, ranch, ex perienced managerr-" reference: state wages. J. M. Estps. Orland. Cal. R. 1. CAPABLE married farmer with tractor experience wants work on farm. Wil nut 0566 or X 954. Oregonian. PAINTING papering, kalsomlning; ma terial, workmanship guaranteed; sat " isfaction or no pay. Tabor 2328. AUTO MECHANIC would like position driving private car; will furnish good references. L 901, Oregonian. CARPENTERS, prompt attention to re pairing, cabinet making. 63 N. Park. Phone 533-81. resVTabor 3457. WHO wants a first-class painter and paperhanger; union man? B 932, Ore gonian. TEAMING. Plowing, excavating, etc. LAWNS made and seeded ; general gar dening by expert. Phone Main 0521. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants work all nr part time. Phone Bdwy. 0396. POINTING and decorating, day or con tract. East 1282. YOUNG man wants work after school and S.mry. Phone Tabor 4126. MARRIED man in need of work badly, odd jobs. Walnut 7015. " EXCAVATING, nut 6400. Chas. Cheese man. Wal- MARRIED Japanese wants any kind of work in the city. O 927, Oregonian. ' WANTED Odd jobs; can do anything Phone Main 2558. Mr. North. GOOD all-around man wants light clean work of any kind. N 919, Oregonian. FOR EXCAVATING AND CALL TABOR 1587. GRADING VIOLINIST wants movie or dance work. M 890, Oregonian. STEAM engineer wants job as engineer or fireman in city. H 944. Oregonian. PAINTING and kalsomining; good work guaiand. Atwater 1455 or 5882. JAPANESE wants position as porter in any place. Jim, 51 North 12th st. MAN aAND WIFE want to care for small apartment house. Broadway 2475. CARPENTER A-l BUILDER OF HOMES, JOBBING. TABOR 3323 YOUNG Japanese boy wishes a position as a schoolboy. Aut. 549-96. H1GH.SCHOOL boy, IS, wants work after school. Main 2674. HOUSES painted, $50-$95: rooms tinted, $l-$5; papering, 35c roll. Walnut. 6084. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work reasonable., Sellwood 1399. CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXERS. L rum h.t c rr a T v r atdi 't. r n y.J .v ij n nun oioi. I PLUMBING and repairing, best work, 1 reasonaoie, aaoor otz. luast sstfo r - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. I AM a man 25 year of age, unmarried, and at the present time employed. During the last 3 years I have had experience as a salesman on the road, covering Oregon and part of Washing ton, and some experience in production. In the late war I held a commission In the army and served overseas. I have handled men successfully, both In business and In the army. . I am a graduate of an eastern acad emy and have studied business admin istration, and I am still studying. It is my desire to make a permanent connection at this time with a firm whioh can offer a good future to a man possessing the ability to master the problems set before hlra. I am not afraid of hard work and I am willing to sacrifice my present income to make this change. I have been a resident of Portland for 13 years and can furnish the best of references. J 965. Oregonian. 1 YOUNu man, 26, neat appearing, trust- worthy and enersetio. with knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting, de sires permanent office position ; some experience; soon to be a stenographer; salary no object if opportunity is of fered me to gain more experience and work for your interests. Address E 895, Oregonian. IF A reputable concern Is looking for a iuny competent office manager, credit manager or accountant I can prove to their satisfaction my ability to eco nomically handle one of these posi tions; fully experienced; references ex changed. AH 891, Oregonian. MACHINIST-OPERATOR All-around printer desires position; newspaper ad. machine preferred; nothing under $42 considered ; good speed, clean proofs; 30 years old; married; best of refer ences. Edward C. Viereck, 532 Jack- son st., Albany, Or. MARRIED man, aged 32, executive ability, 10 years' experience dealing with collections, credits and account ing, wishes connection with firm, pre fer working interest in business rather than large salary; clean habits, good character. AR 971, Oregonian. LUMBERMEN. Position wanted as shipper, rail or cargo, mill or yard foreman; can fur nish best of references. AV 453, Orego nian. YOUNG man with family desires work of any kind but prefers working in a wholesale dept. with chances to work up. Address 3037 62 d st. and .40th ave. E. . YOUNG man with touring car needs work immediately; will place car at your disposal; married, has small fam ily; all around office man. Miller, Walnut 4645. . A RETAIL lumber and hardware man with 8 years experience as manager is open for & position; also experienced In credits and collection. What have you to offer? BC 881, Oregonian. AN ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman and bookkeeper would like to get a job with a contractor, builder, at mod erate salary, for a permanent job. . F 927, Oregonian. GET YOUR PAINTING, SIGNS AND - KALSOMINING DONE BEFORE RAINY SEASON. BEST WORK AND MATERIAL. 25 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE. TABOR 0266; A HIGH-GRADE 6-cyl. 7-pass. car, me chanically perfect, new rubber, to trade for small bungalow or equity might consider lots if location Is good. 5C Sit. uregonian. FAMILY of three want place as care takers for man's estate or summer home; dependable; furnish ref. Write AV 434, uregonian. CARPENTER Work of a 11 kinds done, new or repair. We make a specialty at remodeling. We are prompt and re- liable. Tabor 83(4. ATTORNEY experienced in mortgage loans and general commercial lines de sires to form association with financial institution. AP 884, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by elderly man as watchman or cretaijer, can use car- penter's and tinners too is. j vat Oregonian. YOUXii man wishes to learn good busi neas or trade; some salary expected; am not afraid of work. J tfod, ure gonian. 1 BOY. 18. attending Benson Polytech., would like work morning and aft. or eve. in return lor ooara ana roam 01 for email wages. Call East 1756. BY all-around candy maer; must be steady work ; 20 years' experience. Wm. K. -Stephens, 810 0, E. St., la coma, Wash. . MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as janitor in private house or institu tion. I can give references. AO 882, Oregonian. POSITION by man and wife in Apt. Can furnish best of reference. Ad dress 655 Wash., or phone 3340. SECOND baker wants work in bakery where there would be a chance to fin ish learning trade; would work for $2.50 day. AK 952, Oregonian. MILKER wants steady job, can handle most all lines of dairy work; will go anywh ere for right Job. AM 816, Oregonian. - BOOKKEEPER, cashier and credit man, experienced in wholesale, 33, married ; best of .references. Tabor 6369 or write AE 880. Oregonain. PAINTER. Married, desires steady employment, 12 years experience, $4.50 day; refer ences. Auto. 614-43. Have equipment. CARRIED farmer, experienced, capable of being working foreman or take charge. sr. s., 10 1 o t-amoen -iace. Auto. 320-62. ' FORMER Portlander, expert driving and handling touring cars, trucks, etc., wants employment. AP 883, Orego nian. POSITION by young man of 20, active and Quick to learn, living at home. can give , references. - Box 494. Beaver ton. Or. WANT work, middle-aged man,, best city ref., salesman or chauffeur; good at figures. Owns own home. V 908, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter will build your home satisfactorily; also repairing, in side finishing a specialty; day or con tract. Call Main 7526. PAJ.NTINGPAP'ERING KALSOMINING. Prices lowest; material and work manship guaranteed; estimates free. East 7625. ' MARRIED MAN, chauffeur, wishes po sition with private family, best of ref erence; can do his own repair work. AN 893, Oregonian. MARRIED MAN, trucit driver, wants position with some concern; willing to work. Auto. 320-70. LET ME do you first-class Job paint ing and papering; reasonaoie price. Jenkins, Tabor 9354. BY EXPERT driver of PackardS'or 804, Oregonian. KALSOMINING, PAINTING. FIRST- CLASS WORK; 25 YEARS' PERI ENCE. 6'-!fi-40. - EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants situation in or out city. Walnut 5680. References. X 970. Oregonian, JAPANESE wants any kind of work experienced gardener; general house work. AB 883, Oregonian. . ATTTO mechanic wants stead v job : can work on various makes. AU aoo, ore gonian. WANTED By elder.y man (steady), a position as watenman or caretaker; references. AH 878, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gamekeeper wishes po sition on ducK ciud. Jrioaeon, Auto. H26-70. Victoria hotel. NEEDY overseas veteran, good refer ences, must have permanent- worK. Bdwy. 5448. GARDENER, single, wants situation; handy around a place; good reierences. Can board self. AB 963, Oregonian. HARDWOOD floors iaid over old ones. Call us up ror estimates, x&bor ivoo or Tabor 4718. BAKER, pastry cook, wants position ; French pastry a specialty. A. Merk, 291V Morrison st. MARRIED man needs work, kalsomlning, floors waxed and polished; furniture polished ; reasonable. Main 1515. PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging. per hour. ooo vanaerpiu st. ' COOK, experienced all-around man; open for position. Laplace, 120 North 18 th. KA LSCM IN I N G, painiin plaster ro-patrin-g: reasonable. --Main 28H5. CARPENTER or cement, new, repairing, remodeling; reliable service. Tabor 6179. PHARMACIST, relief or steady. Bdwy. 7773. Phgne PAINTING, tinting, papering ; estimates turn. A. C. Kinder & Co.. Atwater 1828. ROOMS tinted, $3 ; first-class work; painting, papering. awy$ dam. 30 YEARS as cook, wants steady work. Thomas. 211 1st. Atwater 3999. SEWER connections, plumbing repairing. rain drain,and East 8044. FAMILY garden work, house cleaning. caretaker. Call Mr. Bacon. Main 4632. ENGINEER wants employment, steam or gas; marine preferred. Main 4857. Bookkeepers. , Stenographers, Office. WILL do your bookkeeping, auditing, stenographic work, typing and mimeo graphing evenings. Rates reasonable. M 923. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS prothetio man wants po sition with dentist with large practice; can deliver the goods; post-graduate In Wadsworth method. East 2601. WILL KEEP small set books half day or less; A-l accountant. F 931, Ore gonlan. TO OPEN YOUR BOOKS. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING. C. W. TYLE. PHONE 610-24. YOUNG married man needs work as bookkeeper, billing clerk or stockroom. East 3017. Mr. Don at. STTFATIOXS WANTED MALE. buokkefpfnt. Stenographers. Office. MAN with civil engineering training, cost accounting and general construc tion experience, wants to locate per manently in town; I am working aft ernoon shift in a sawmill and expect to stay there until I find something that offers a future. AF 908, Ore gonian. CAPABLE, experienced, best of refer ences, bond if desired, bookkeeper. cashier, paymaster, accountant, audi tor, office manager, wants a job. Call or address 4H4 East Aniceny st. BY EXPERT accountant temporary job; system Installed. BJ 975, Oregonian. COMMERCIAL salesman, good selling record ; local and eastern references ; acquainted with hardware and elec trical trade uregon, wasn., ev., laaao. J 11,4, uregonian. srrrATioxs wanted female. ABSTRACTER, employed till Sept. 15, desires position; 5 years' exp.; capable of assuming responsibilities; courteous, tactful, stenographic ability; present employer gives satisfactory Box 111, Stevenson, Wash. HOUSEKEEPER for quiet elderly people or any position in a home where the services of a neat, refined woman who would take & personal interest would be appreciated. Main 2300, or address Station C. box 23. city. SQUARE DEAL employment and Port land ladies' agency are doing business in the same office. Portland Labor Co., 11 N. 2d st., is not connected with the office since Sept. 1. Bdwy. 7602. REFINED EDUCATED YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS COM PANION: WILL ASSIST WITH LIGHT HOUSEWORK. V 936, ORE GONIAN. BUSINESS student desires nice home where she can do light work and care for baby for room and board ; pmall wages: Catholic preferred. Address P. O. Box No 3, Oak Point. Wash; REFINED. EDUCATED YOUNG LADY DESIRES OFFICE POSITION WHERE BRAINS. APPEARANCE AND PER SONALITY COUNT MORE THAN STENOGRAPHY. B 950, OREGONIAN. CHILDREN'S CARE. Graduate nurse's exceptional home for children ; weak and tardily devel oped ones special care. Phone Auto matic 310-36. HOUSEKEEPER In widowers' home, where there are several small children who need a mother's love knd care. E "962. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED widow wishes small apartment house or rooming house to run for apartment and some wages. AH 884. Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse, past middle age, po sition as nurse and companion toxin valid: terms to suit; city references. AL 87. Oregonian. JEFFERSON H. S. girl would like to work for board and room and some wages, in refined family. East 9395. Sunday or evenings. EASTERN woman, middle-aged, wishes housekeeping for elderly person; have no incumbrance; good home, small wage preferred. AV 436, Oregonian. WANTED Housework and care of old people, or laundry, dishwashing or chamber work. Address R866. Ore gonian. LADY with experience and good refer ences wants management of an apart ment house. Write Mrs). Crouse. Box 593. Route 3. Portland. Or. WANTED By practical nurse, nursing by day; am a good reader, can play piano and a good cook. AR 890, Ore go n ian. - YOUNG woman must have work; am ex perienced maid, will do anything. Tel ephone Alain oai , room 3 f, or post office box 8Q9. Portland. LESSONS in grammar grade studies, backward pupils specialty. Atwater 0081. WOMAN, experienced, will manage apart ment house ror use ot apartment sun able for throe. 563 Webster st. YOUR winter hat made to order or re modeled for $3. The Bonnet Nook, 76th and Glifan. COUPLE wants situation, man cook, wife second work; references; city, country AL 88H. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady will give mother's care to cnuaren or agea in tneir nome, J2r AU !MW. Oregonian. LADY companion or taking care of chil dren ; no housework ; speaks jp rencn. 1H82 E. Washington. Tabor 1808. WILL care for children by day or hour, good hand ewer and mending. Sell wood 3301. RELIABLE iady "wants to care for apt by hou r or day for family employed ; references. Bdwy. i!yo. SWEDISH girl, unab.e to speak English desires position as second girl. Call 2025 East Taylor or phone Tabor 9209, REFINED, practical American lady, care of person going to lorida, ror ex pnses. AK 878. Oregonian. GERMAN girl wants position In private housewprk or institution. J 23, Ore gonianr FOR THE CARE of convalescents and of children evenings, nurse. Atwater 034. EXPERIENCED girl wants downstairs work and cooking; wages $60. X 94: Oregonian. WANTED Position in hotel by middle aged, reliable lady, chambermaid, ex- perlenred. ainut fttfw. CHRISTIAN woman wants to care for several children In her own home. Automatic 522-41. GIRL, 15, light work, small wages, near R. C. school, can Sunday, 73i East 76th North. POSITION as chambermaid by experi enced woman. Call Broadway 2825. Apt. 3., WANTED Apt. house to run for salary or apt. Best of reterences. jfhone Atwater 0875. apt. 7. RELIABLE lady wants few hours' ployment cany, reading, writing companionship. X 943. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED pianist. accompanist. wishes engagements H 917, Oregonian. immediately WOULD like housekeeping in gentleman. home where there Is a motherless girl Call 227 Porter st. COMMERCIAL high school girl will work for small pay after school and Saturday. Call Tabor J 52ft. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants washing, ironing, repair worK. Arwater 6059. . RELIABLE, steady woman wishes book keeping worn. A.11 or part day. wal nut 3864. EXPERIENCED cashier desires position or would like light office work. Tabor 8114. WANTED Charge of apt. or rooming hntiBA nr nha tph nr fnr warei. I.Pkvfl a nswer BP 885. Oregonian. GRADUATE piano horn e. $1 an hour. teacher at Main 4506. RELIABLE woman wants Ilpht work 5 hours a day. Sellwood 2980 GOOD woman wishes day work, sewing, cooking. Main 0254. COLORED woman wants bundle wash ingg to take home. Auto. 520-04. WOMAN wants work by the hour, car fare. Walnut 5867. WILL care for children 'during parent's absence. References. . Walnut 1611. WILL cut graFS and weeds on vacant lots and do odd jobs. East 1562. WANTED Logger with small donkey to log short cedar logs. 109 Citizens Bank SALESLADY, millinery expert, desires position. AH 88". Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Mon., Tues., Thurs. Se'lwoort 1932. LADY wants charge of small apartment house. N 920. Oregonian. MRS. H. J. HILL wants day work Wednesday. Thursday. Broadway 7S3n. DAY WORK for Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Atwater 3S19. EXP. woman wants day's work. 5703. GIRL wants position o take care of children. Tabor 3192. EXPERT hair dyeing in your home or mine. Tabor 3332. YOUNG woman wants work by the day or hour. Hroaaway j:fb. room . LACE curtains hand laundered. 12 years' experience. tuim. LADY would like work in grocery store, 3 years' experience. B BIS, Oregonian LADY, middle age, would like to be corn pan 1 o ntosbcklaCallat227 Port e r. NORWEGIAN lady wants day work. Atwa ter frTs. WANTED Laundry fb take home, by experienced Iftunnress. Atwater 3"3S. EXPERIENCED teacher want, tutoring, children or adults. East o3H. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work. Call East 508C. PIANO teacher, lady, experienced, whei pupils. East tfdla, evenings. LADY WANTS DAY WORK; . REFER ENCE. WALNUT 2134. MONOTYPE keyboard operator seeks po sition. B.l 946 Oregonian. WANTED V'ork with some real estate firm; have car. AG EDO. Oregonian. WOMAN wishes short hours houseworkr Walnut 7109. WANTED Day work, good cook and laundress. Walnut 2400. CARE for children by hour or day; ref erences. Auto. 631-16. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work. East. 8766. WOMAN wishes day work. Aut. 626-3G. WOMAN wants day work. Main B82L SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. AMBITIOUS advertising woman of wide experience desires connection with re sponsible firm, whole or part tl. Versatile copy writer, booklets, sales promotion letters, newspaper ropy pub licity. Education and experience nec essary to successful advertising. Pleasu lng personality. AG 8-jQ. Oregonian. POSITION IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE , Two years' experience in routine snd specialized laboratory methods. Prefer laboratory work, but would consider other work. D 880, Oregonian. CAPABLE young woman wants position as stenographer or bookkeeper or any kind of clerical work; graduate of busi ness collesre. several months experi ence: must have work. Call Atwater 09S8. . Bookkeepers. Monographer w. Office. EXPERIENCED. rMil buolneM wjmtn A-l stenographer, last 5 years with large concern, familiar with ornce De tails and bookkeeping; position-any - line, any capacity. E, 90. Oregonian BOOK KEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, thor oughly capable: 13 years' experience; take run charge; reference. r. j. box 113. city. STENOGRAPHERS bookkeepers, office help of all description; quick service. Call Bdwy. 6U53. Williams Personnel Service. 504 Spalding bldg. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher would like a few hours' wpra each day. Owns typewriter. D 971, Oregonian. VERY GOOD typist and switchboard op erator desires permanent position; sev eral years' experience ; wish plenty of work; $S0. E 932, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER with execu tive ability desires position; can type, file, handle correspondence and details. Atwater 0236. EFFICIENT bookkeeper-stenographer de sires permanent position in lumber of automobile office; experienced both lines, p 955. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, good at figures, desires permanent position: moderate salary ; references. Tabor 842S. . BOOKKEEPER -AUDITOR Can opn and close books, audit accounts, take shorthand; experienced in all kinds of office work. AM 892, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer with exec utive ability desires position; moderate ea I a ry. A K 92. Oregonian. YOUNG girl taking evening business course wishes liffht office work, alf or whole day. E. 9755. YOUNG :ady desires permanent position; can type and take . bqj dictation. Tabor 1835. YOUNG lady with 3 years' experience in stenography and bookkeeping. 6' sires position. Phone Tabor 1731. STENOGRAPHER with one year's ex perience desires position; will start at $00 per month. Sellwood 3175. POSITION in real estate or insurance office, saleslady or in office; expe rienced. ' J 926, Oreeonlan EXPERIENCED stenographer position, part time. East 101. XPERIENCED bookkeeper, good ref erenres. Phone East 0S77. EXPERIENCED general ofiice girl de sires permanent position. janor FAST typist wants work; can take dic tation; fome experience. Atwater EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist; be.t reterences. Hellwood 3721. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes of- fice position. Call Main 2514. DRESSMAKING, first-class work, hem stitching, etc., while you wait; work guaranteed. Bdwy. 2338. Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. . ENGAGEMENTS by day. years of ex perience in suits, gowns, aresses, re modeling, designing; references. East 750B. FALL dressmaking, reasonable; silk or wool dresses, $6; best work, altera tions, etc. 314 Columbia. Atwater 0107 " YOUR home. Mild suits made new; fine work of every kind, remodeling. Ta bor 0302. t-nnday. DRESSMAKING I guarantee all my work. Call Main 3113. Mrs. Laura C. Owen. COMPETENT dressmaker will sew this month at $2.50 per day. Can make nice dresses out of tults. E. 1757. ARTISTIC dressmaking, moderate prices; will cut, fit and supervise work for you. Tabor 4272. EXPERIENCED gowns, one-piece drtss es, skirts, wraps; evening appointments for employed women. Tel. Walnut 1 33. LEARN to make dress or ult in your home in five lesions; lessons $2. Phone mornings. Main 3190. SEWING, reasonable, your home or mine; would go out of city. Tabor 7520 Sunday or mornings and evenings. DRESSMAKING and Alterations a spe cialty. $3.00 day. Rates by the week. East 1311. DRESSMAKING, reasonable prices, by the garment: satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Main B70L HEMSTITCHING, anv color. c Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash. Bd Rm. 40S y. 3742 EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $3.50 a day Ta bor 6205 Sunday or evenings. DRESSMAKING DONE AT MY HOME MRS. GOOD WALNUT 2146 DRESSMAKING. HOUSE DRESSES, ETC.. REASONABLE. WAL. 6023. DRESSMAKING, reasonable. 122- 12th -t.. corner Washington. Broadway 697 FXI'ERl ENCED dressmaker wauls sew ing by day. Sell. EVpr.niENTED dressmaker by day: ref erences; alterations; reasonable. K. 7005. DRESSMAKING done v-ry reasonable ut my home. Phone Auto. DRESSMAKING AT YOUR HOME EAST 6H45. DRESSMAKING, REASONABLE. GUAR IE"AS ANTEED. EAST 2560. FIRST-CLASS dresmakr. remodeling. alterations. S3 per day. y ainut ihmmi. Nursem. IDLE REST SANATORIUM Rest cure. invalid and convalescence home, where you get the best of home cooking, Kina treatment, good care. Where the air is pure and dry. Most wonderful cli mate in the world for tuberculosis, asthma or rheumatism. Rates to suit everybody. For information write sup erintendent. Idle Rest Sanatorium, 1124 North Euclid ave.. Tucson. Ariz NATUROPATH physloJan and wife who are practical nurses, continuing biuuhu here next six months, would be glad to nurse and treat Invalids and do house work; dietetics specially studied. AJ 81f, Oregonian. COMPETENT graduate nurse with years of experience in office and outsuie work wishes position as assistant to physician or physicians. AP 8'J4, Ore gonian ' NURSE having 4 years' experience In German hospital now reaoy tor case; speaks a little English. AV 420, Ore gon tan. NURSE will care ior invalid and do li?ht housework ; reasonable: het ret erences. Ca 11 1 220 Dv:sion st. ATTRACTIVE. healthy. Elderly. roi;te A, private Good box 22ft, borne tab.e for Invalid. Gresham. Or. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, long experience, open lor case east. uor 3328. PHONE Atwater 0349 for trained 1 practical .nurses ; terms reasonable. CARE of invalid, some housework; good .aces. ranor dzz. MATERNITY home, fine place, best care to patients. Reasonable, it,. SWEDISH massage in your own home; ladies only. MlfcS Poulsen. Walnut H.'M 3. NURSE, EXPERIENCED, WANTS HOME CASES. WALNUT 2315. EXPERIENCED practical nurse will do licht housework. Phone Sellwood isai. EXPERIENCED nurae. short permanent or invalids Included. Tabor 0767. Housekeepers. REFINED iady with daughter. 13, wiahes position in good comfortable home where there are no small children; a - widower's home preferred. Mrs. Julia Rice, Tacoma, Wash. Gen. Del. City or country home. EiASTERN Jady, middle age. wants houKekeeolna- In widower's home, city or country ; capable, neat, clean and good manager; home more man wages. H 943. Oregonian. COMPETENT widow wishes a position as housekeeper by Oct. L, where she can have her two small children with her; more for home than wages; would go to the country. AV 4.5. Oregonian. REFINED, middle-aged woman with daughter 14, desires position in well-to-do widower's home; am experienced housekeeper; good cook; references. AN 901, Orenronian. WANTED Position as housekeeper by middle-aged woman wit h girl of ltt; flno cook and will give the beat of care of the home. AG eHl, Oregonian. BUSINESS woman, employed part of time, will take care of respectable gentleman's home for home during winter. E 903. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or apartment house; not over 40; unin cumbered; will go out of city; beat ref. AJ KS3. Oregon an. HOUSEKEEPING or other work wanted by middle-aged ady; good home; mod erate wages. E H36. Oregonian. REFINED woman would like position as housekeeper; no objection to children AN 992. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING by refined youn widow with little boy 9 years old. N 8f4 Oregonian WIDOW would like position aa house-1 keeper. 144 N. 14th sc. Bdwy. 1407. I PITrATIONS WAXTFn FKM . I F, Domestic. RELIABLE woman wants housework In the city; plain people. L 8:t3, Ortffo- ntan. CATER ESS, Marie Munch will t: luncheon, tea and dinner enggrmnis. 8SH Lovfjoy. Mam 7ft77. HouclewJiliig. VE-RI REST WINDOW CLEANER. Housecleanlng, floor w sxlnr. w ood work and vacuum cleaning, ft cheerfully given; best rrrrnfes li-iwr. 4152: 7 to 8:30 A. M . 3 to 8 P, M. WANTED TO BENT. Hon". MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, vp-to-dste lists of desfrsMe furnished and unfurnished house, apartments and flats, w.ti definite In formation pertaining to eacb; :- p.n rooms Newcomers to Portland will fiod ih bureau of great va'ue in hoping ihem get proper. y and quickly located. Eighth Flolr. HOUSES WANTED. Have you a nest, comfortable, com pletely furnished, modern 4-room bun galow or lower floor of duplex hou that you will rent at a modi-rat rat to a man and hH mother who will p p reel ate and properly care for same Want cheorful, home-Ike p's' I" clean neighbor hood on east ii : ref erences furnished. Phone n"t cinvn -Jnt, so ploitne, write dertption to X 91M. Ororonlan. W i; HAVE many cutis for lious sfi.l flats end can rent yours; let un handle your property and collet vnur rnts. C. A. WAfSNKK CO.. 230 ytsrk M. WANTED Unfurnished or puri.y iur ntahed modern bungalow; no sarie needed; lease by the year; state price. AK 876. Oregonfsn. WANT to lease 4 or 5-room bungalow; 2 bedrooms furnished or unf uruUti'd ; will pay rent quarterly In advance. AR 87, Oreironian A CAREFUL, reliable funny ant to lease a 5 or 6-room bungalow lih ii furnace and garage; Irs-inton distr.ct preferred. AP It 3 7, Oro;oni;ifi COUPLE desire to lease, 7 or 8-room un furnished modern home in best rei dentlal district. East HO in tnnrntnn YOUNG coup.e want bungalow uUmit Oct. IS; new house preferred; will lae; give details. BC 96, L'regnntan. WANTED To lease a modru 6 or 7 room bungalow or hou with gar to responsible party, (all Tattor 44J.!. WANTED HoutK or flat. cl" to school. 4 rooms and bathroom, rent reason able. Phone Tabor 314i WA NTED From 2 to 5-room hiise to rent where I could keep chickens ; In Hellwood district Af Nvl. Or-gonian. MODERN unfurnished bouse; adults. Tiibor 9310 A rooms WANTED IMMEDIATELY o OR 6 HM. FURNISHED COTTAGE. EAST HUM). WANTED- An unfurnished house. from 15 to 25 rooms. Atwater M12. BY SEPT. 173 or 4-rtmn furnish'! or partly furnished cottar". Tuhr 7?Nti, Apartment. WANTED 2 or 3 desirable room, fur nished or unfurnished, private home or apartment, for couple gone during day ; conver.len t to North pacific Den tal col I pare A.T SllO. rernr'srv WANTED Hy 2 reiin-"! young women, employed. 2 or 3 -room furnished ant all modern conveniences. Including heat, reaonnblf. by fccpt. 15 or Oct. I. AN 900. Orep.oninn. WANTED Hv adults on i't 1... a 3 of 4-room furnished apt. Call Walnut 3HH s fter 10 Hun dav U N FURNISHED apt.. 1 1 1 u 1 b . 1 1 . o . I e r n ; state price, location and ;.. J 9iS, Oregonian. ELI JE HLY couple with 3-4 unfurntMied modern rooms by Sept. 15 ir 'ct. , with or wrt hout mrn Tn tr -' 1 Hoomv With imnrd. KEKI NED hUNlneas man desire room with breakfast In modern home bavin garae : widow's homo preferrel. trive. full particulars. References excha ns;el A K ' .".Ore-o n!an WANTED Home with Rood care Joe 2-year-old girl where mot her can also obtain room and beard If poralbie. H7 9"J. (ir'-jniau. ELDERLY woman w;int a gout p.a to board; no object bin to Kins out on outskirts of town. M 916. oreau r.lnn WANTED A fiood home in piit family for school b..y. JO. prefers by no other child ren. t'ull A t w n 'r SI71 Stind.iv mornln;?. nftcr it r-trnlne. REFINED rouplu ticeh Pi room ant board; walking distance; tnu J be n' Ai clean and reasonable. kii iJ. t.urgo- ti i d n SISTERS want botnl and room, side; must be reasonable. A J Oregon in n. H mi MOTHER with lo-monih-old baby wishes home In private lamily. X Ml, Ore (Ionian. LADY City and t oin fort .1 ble roni In Ito AilreK. slatlni; location A H N'-'M. "r' goni.'n Park. price, ROOM with Hif-iiK' h I wo young men, 1 1 jnru 1 .on and west side ptefrre s! t rfltr ?f f'.'H ( -egf' man. YOUN i buslne- nm n fl -slrs 1 00m mJ board In private famUv . cose in pre. ferred : references W ' 5 Vn H, WANTED EluVrly coupb l.i a f.-r 2 children school age. Clone in. AK Or-ifoniitn. LADY with 3 -months -old warns board a nd room 'n'J.T"" Auto 3 M. BOARD and room, private family. Madison St. Call Mnln f.37M . Housekeeping Room WANTED Met iiif-d couple want house keeping rooms in ntco hMne, preieraniy with p ano AN Oregonian. W A N T UP I lousek re pi n g rooms. Sell wood district ; adults. s';lwo"'1 L H US E K E I" I' I N G roema lor 2 adults In Kenton. Walnut ftMit. fin1 new I'lHce.. WAN TKI Dti-K room or funnelled u fice: :sco, Hnry or other goo,! bids;. AR treaontau. h'lAMjll and window spac In store. r-Ti. tral location desired. A J Ore gonian. FO KJLN KiiriiUheid Koort NICE sleeping room toiltnbln for one or two gen'lmun. Mtum tuin ani phone. Reasons bb 2.'o N. 19th st. lMwy 4294 Batcbelor apt. LARGE, well furnished, Hn rooms with bath; close to ifuckinan ana nific ton hirh schools. i9i East 0k, cor ner j.vh st. . . FKEB RENT tu v. e -ka, clo-e Hi. 1 WllUan.s iv-.. turniaiie.i room r apartments. $2.".o up. Electric light, gas: plfi'.e f'ir ers HOTEL CON KA DIN E. 22 North H'th st , 2 blocks north ot niuneinn st., tire proof; pleasant rootus and suites at very rmsoniible rates bv day ot week- HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under n w man agement. 6..2 Mi Washington st. Modern private baths, free plum en. re 1 "iiabl rates. t-'l.f.O week up. R.j wy. tD-.i 1. SINiiLE or double iDonre- n.l-i a t friced; special weekly rte; c t.t.-r-f HlxilieH UiaLrict. Enipiesa hotel. Oh nd Stark. VERY attractive front room m private family, well furnished. Hunt ami cleat, steam heat, bath and phone, fall At- water 4-"91. . MATHIKS.-EN HOTEL. Rooms Sue day up, f3 week up; clrat, ligh t, hot and cold water, steiitu heat, e levator service. 204 'olumhla. HOTEL OCKLKY, Morrison at. at 1 (it n -$1 a day; weekly $3 and up; le phone and baths; liifht and 1 try. MAHLYN HUTEL. Corner 17th and Couch ; large, wet). ftirnNhed. niod'Tn roni ; r-: nnn b e. 2 NICE. furnished nut Hide plr rooms in a first-tltss apt. h-'Ue. r.-nt reasons hie ; gentlemen otiiy. M -1 1 ri TM'i NICELY furnlahed warm b.t serpen t room, next to bath and phone. 71 (t Washington st. NICE turnirthed outside aleeping toon s In a f Irst-c lftfa apt. house ; rent ren . sonub'e : ent lemen or Mnln 7 ". 1 H. TH i; ST. PA UL. f ourth and AMer A RESPECTABLE DOWNTuWN IKTEU II up Rat hyweek or mont h. $4 WEEK for nice sieeplnK room, J.tlnlntf bath. In modern f a mheate-t a pat t ment hou. 42l4j Th'M st; 50c DAY. $2.0 week up; Wife, ab-'l'ite" ly clean rin-; bathi f '?e ; wt er a I wa hot. Mote' 'adMa . 3d rn-ar .l-:i-n LARRAUEE HOTEL Lr. ino.lefnT uteam-heated ; -' 00 w-i( up; 2 h.k. from steel brlde. 227 K Larrab t FURNISHED ROOMS In exclusive Nmi Hill residence; at'-am ht.ji.l S.jtl-l. ROOMS for rent. Walnut 14SS 1171 Minn'-uota ave. NKWLY furnished, la re; or hi n Reasonable; convenient r,f - FURNISHED ri.oii.f-. '.:il' Kliy eer. Fremont sr., adult nn'y; ?'fl. &A RGE. P:irk. clean .t-epii! louins. 4...'t West KUKMSHFD room t-r ie 2722. 4 Hilv st Ul.. m Ea-t 54 N. HiTH. NOD HIM, Fm clean room, sleeping or Ugh t H. K. a.ljilt. N ICE LY furnished 1 cw.m, privy's family. 307 West Park Atwfr 021 ONE ltg h. k. room with cloet, furnished, $10. Atwatar 27b& Itsht