10 TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 3, 1923 REAL ESTATE. For fcule Houses. EASTMORELAND. NEW CL&VJSK BUWGALQW. 5 well arranged roorai with full floored Attic, concrete oorch : very et tractive living and dining room, oak floor, fireplace, tapestry wails, a very complete lcitchen, tor. nook, screened porch, two dandy bed rooms and bath, full concrete basement- Only $0500- Use your bonus. ls.ejr at oince. jrnone ior Appointment. LOOK THIS OVER. MB. BARGAIN HUNTER. 7-room. 2-story house in the vqry Dest or condition ana .aeeuiv ioati tair b ionic frnm Wllll&ms &v 10 xnin ute uy car to heart of city; living r., dining r. and k. first floor; a dandy te(3room. sewing r. and bath second floor; full basement, furnace and trays. Price 4200. Nam your own terms la reason. EAST MOREL AND BUNGALOW. 5-roorn bun pal ow, new and modern, located about 6 -blocks of Reed college, 50x100 lot. Imp. paid. A real buy .at 47u0. , ROSE. CITY. ft-mnm hnnc-alnw. laxre llvinr room. oak floors, firepla.ce. attractive dining r., complete built-in aitcnen, oea rooms, full concrete basement, furnace, trays, double garage, nice lawn. East 45th St., 1ft oiocks to oanay. r T TVTCRW Realtor. 1215 N. W. Bank BIdg. Atwater 2245. $5975 EAST TERMSv, ROSE CITY 6 ROOMS. On a lot 75x100. with the finest shrubbery that money can buy; east front. Forch entire lengtn oi nouse. Large living room with colonial fire place, OaK X.OOrs, leaueu Kinaa wun.- pnscs dinlnr room 16x16. beautiful buffet, cabinet kitchen, nifty 10x10 breakfast room; stairway can be closed from lower floor; 3 large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Each bedroom has large closet with built-in drawers. Also drawer in linen closet. Full ce ment basement with fruit room, laun dry trays and A No. 1 heating plant; cement drive to garage ; hard-surface paid. Can be bought on terms Office open today. DAVID HARP, MANAGER. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto, 320-04. $5300. New 5-room bungalow, all hardwood floors, the rooms are exceptionally well arranged; an elegant well-lighted kitchen, with all kinds of built-in features, extra large breakfast nook, full cement basement with furnace. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. w J. L. HARTi! AN COMPANY. ROSE CI TV PARK. SUNDAY SPECIAL. A 5-room colonial bungalow of artistic design, extra large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, beautiful fixtures and tapestry paper, furnace, large attic, 1 blocks south of Sandy, under the hill; $5600, with terms; just been completed; never shown before. CAMPBELL RICHARD CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd.. on Viaduct. Auto. 315-44. IRVINGTON HOME. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, double garage, 4 or 5 bed rooms on second, 2 in attic; large grounds of choice shrubbery. In best location. Owner leaving: priced to sell. By appointment only. - See my agent. R. T. STREET. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER Just look at these; near 30th et. in Sunny side ; brand-new 4-room bungalow ; bath, toilet, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, nice lot, and only $3250. Just east of Laurelhurst, 5-room cot tage : nice lot ; hard -surf ace street, sewer and sidewalks; close to car, store and Bchool; only $11)50. I have many other good buys for the homeaeeker. J. B. HOLBROOK, REALTOR, 214-215 Panama BIdg. ' IRVINGTON Wonderful corner, facing south and east; ivory and mahogany finish home for sale at a sacrifice be low $10,000. with 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage, 4 or 5 bedrooms on sec ond, attic finished, hot water heat, by appointment only, and worth it; its worth bothering yourself to get this while it can be had. First time adver tised. See my agent, R. T. STREET. $7000. LAUREUHURST. Just east of park; dandy 6-room bungalow in excellent condition. A real home in the location you have always wanted at a low price. Terms. Bdwy. 7567. Main 6170. CITY HOMES DEPT.. HITTER. LOWE Aii CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade , BIdg. SUNN YS IDE SNAP. Eight-room modern home near Laurelhurst park. Close in, per fect condition. Cut to $4000 for quick sale. Easy terms. Phone owner. Tabor C089. $4850 TERMS. New, extra well built 5-room bun galow at 796 E. Flanders, between 24th and 2ttth; long living room; nice dining room. hdwd. floors, massive fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 nice bedrooms, close in and handy to R. C. cars. This is a bar gain. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2473. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER Just a pretty. home on the highway; 6 acres of rich soil, fine orchard of cherries, pears and loganberries; nice 5-room bungalow, fine spring water piped to the door; all in cultivation; fine elec tric and bus service; $5750. I have many other beautiful suburban homes, from $2500 to $7500 each. J. B. Hol brook. Realtor. 214-215 Panama bldg. $72501 RV1.NGTON MODERN BUNGALOW. Five large rooms, built for a home; white enamel, hardwood floors, plenty room in attic, fine furnace and fire place, garage; well located; terms if desired. See Mr, Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bld-g. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $4150 $500 CASH. Think of this for a new 5-room bun galow with hdwd. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 nice, airy bedrooms, large attic, full cement basement; extra well finished. See this bargain at once. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. FOR SALE by owner, west side home, easy walking distance; close to two car lines; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, laundry, bath, full basement and garage ; paved streets ; Improvements all in and paid for; leav ing for California, will sell cheap; terms. Phone Main 1241. ONLY $2500 IX ROSE CITY JOIST, Modern seven-room 1H -story bun galow, double constructed, 2 good porches, reception hall, buffets, Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom on first floor, bath, parlor, full basement, 9 fruit trees, garden ; assessmen ts paid ; terms. Tabor 4803, ALAMEDA PARK. Seldom an opportunity like this. Wonderful home of 9 rooms. One of most desirable view sites In Ala meda. L&rae grounds and everything modern. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. IRVINGTON home with 8 fine large rooms, sleeping p-orch, hardwood floors, furnace, two fireplaces, ga rage, etc Elegant lot 75x100 with ornamental shrubs, plenty of roses, some fruit. $8750 and terms. - By owner. 650 Schuyler st. $5000.00. No. 270 E. 28th, near Hawthorne ave.; two-story residence containing 8 rooms. 3 fireplaces, attic, full base ment. F. V. Andrews fe Co., 6th floor Piatt bldg. Tel. At. 6025. WORTH LOOKING INTO. This brand new up-to-the-minute 5 room bungalow, all latest features, in cluding tile bath, furnace, garage. 351 E. 52d st., Hawthorne car. Phone SeHwood 3863. STRICTLY modern, new 6-room bunga low, on Willamette blvd., near Co lumbia university; wired for electric range; garage and beautiful new lawn; leaving city. Owner. Empire 2038. LEST LOCATION IN LAURELHURST. For Sale New, modem, 6-room bun galow at 1003 E. Davis; all harlvcod floors, gas furnace, garage; bargain. Tabor 6054. LAURELHURST NEW." ' Eight rooms, a real buy for $7000. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. FOR SALE My equity in 5-room modern cottage, close to school. 3430 69th st. P. K. . FOR SALE 4-room house,' $1100; $275 cash, $20 a month; take Mt. Scott car to Tremont station. 6410 70th at. S. E. $5."'il $50 CA.SH and i here. Auto. 610-10. -Large 1 -room 5520 C5th St. house S. E. $1000 $200 CASH 1 5520 65th st. S. E. rooms and bath. Auto. 619-19. 3-ROOM house, 50x1 oo lot ou 75th. Sandy. Tbor -6323. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $4150 ADJOINS IRVINGTON. A new and up-to-the-minute bun galow with hardwood floors, fire place, all built-lns, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook. cement basement, wash trays, floored attic and every thing. Finished in Ivory and tapestry paper. The best buy in the city. $500 cash will handle. (You can use the soldiers' bonus.) $5300 ROSE CITY BEAUTY. A new 5-room bungalow with 'hard wood floors throughout, furnace, fire place, all built-lns. cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, floored attic, cement basement and laundry trays, finished in ivory ana tapestry patter. A won derful little home that can b houirht right. Terms. City improvements are .1 WUU JfttlU. , $5250 ALAMEDA PARK 1K2AO. A 6-room bungalow, floored attic full cement basement, wash trays, all Duut-ln conveniences, oak floors, cab inet kitchen, verv larare llvim? rnnm French doors, furnace, fireola.ce. Tn A-l condition.) 60x100 lot. Beautiful iawn, roses ana shrubbery. City Im provements paid. Terms reasonable. L-inoieum, window drapes and gas ueaier inciuaea ,in a Dove price, $5500 ROSE CITY BUY. Below the hill we haa new 5-room Du iKajow wun oak floors. Every im armab ft huitt-.n fDm ir.. fireplace, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, laundry trays, floored attic Finished in ivory and puper. ouxiuu lot. uarage. City improvements paid. Terms easy. If VOU am nn IhA Tnarlrt home In Laurelhurst, Irvington, Rose w iy Alameda Park see our listH RTTMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St.. Bdwy. 6729. 80th and Sandy. Auto. 820-60. LAURELHURST HOME?. BARGAIN. MAKE A'N OFFER on this Laurelhurst home; 6 large rooms, and nursery; living room 14x20, nice large dining -room with attractive built-in buffet ; hardwood floors, very pretty fireplace, many other built-fns; complete cabinet kitch en, full cement basement with laundry and first-class heating plant; full cement drive to ga rage; nice lawn and shrubbery, hard surface paid; in the best part of this district; money talks. Office open today. DAVID HARP, Manager,. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. ' 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Automatic 320-04. $3S50. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 2 BLOCKS TO R. C. CAR. New 4-room bungalow, large-size living room, fireplace, built-in book cases, hardwood floors, 2 good-sized bedrooms with clothes closets, nice neat bath, kitchen with built-in fea tures and large breakfast nook, ce ment basement with furnace. ?araee. s This is an ' excellent house and will be completed in a short time. We will show it now. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 1 $7850. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Let us show you this extremely at tractive and complete 5-room bunga low; located In best part of the newer irvington. Less than l year old; built for a home; 28 ft. living room, break fast room, tile bath and many other features. An inspection costs you noth ing. Broadway 7567. Main 6170. CITY HOME DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg; $350 DOWN. 2 BLKS. FROM BROADWAY CAR. $35 MO. INCLUDING INTEREST. $3750. 6-room house. 3 rooms upstairs, full cement basement, garage under the house; a good cheap home and on very easy terms. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE, 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. KENTON BUNGALOW VACANT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, all modern built-lns, fireplace, beamed ceilings, paneled walls, stippled floors, 5-pc. plumbing, good garage; paved street and sewers paid. 1 blk. to car. restricted district and only $4000. Take light car at cash value and cash for my $1200 equity, bal. $20 per mo. and Interest. Phone me and I will meet vou on premises. Geo. F. Crow, owner, 801 Mississippi ave. Walnut 1201. $2500. New 3 -room bungalow, good-size living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, hardwood floors In living room. This is a splendid little home, well arranged, rooms good size, also a garage. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45th and Sandy blvd. -Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. OWNER forced to sell, so this is your opportunity to secure a beautiful home in exclusive Alameda at a sacrifice. 8 large rooms beautifully finished and papered. .Hard wood noors tnrougn- out. This home has been built l years and occupied only 6 months, so you are practically securing a new house. Shown only by appointment. Phone after Sunday, between 9 and 12. Main 8829. EASTMORELAND. $7500. One of the distinctive homes in this most desirable residence district. Six room colonial and garage. Beautiful corner. All oak floors and many other nice tnings you must see to xuuy ap predate the offering. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Bdwy. K754. 246 Stark Bt. $3600 NEW BUNGALOW. Just finished. Has two bedrooms, fine bath, living1 room with flreiila.ee. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement with laundry trays, Hall gas furnace, beautiful paper. $500 down, iuocatea witnin one block from Alameda. Good district. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ALAMEDA PARK. $6400. new artistic bungalow, best of construction, , beautiful location, plate glflss windows, hdwd. floors. 2 nice bedrooms, pretty breakfast room, full cement Basement, lurnace, large attic ; enter garage right from the house. Terms. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. MISSISSIPPI-AVE. CAR. NEVrsER LIVED IN. 4-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, bookcases, floored attic, hard-surfaced corner, for $3550; $500 cash, bal. like rent. Can you beat it? Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. Walnut 1201. IRVINGTON HOME. Five large bedrooms with built-lns, two tile baths, very large sun room, large living room, dining room and breakfast room. Hardwood through out. Corner in the best part of Irv ington. Central hall, double garare. Call for appointment. Tabor 6319. Bdwy. 5931. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $5250 $1250 DOWN. New, attractive 5-room bungalow, large, nice rooms, hdwd. floors, fire place, large, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook ; tile drain boards 2 nice airy bedrooms; floored attic; fine bathroom; furnace. A bargain. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have some real desirable modern bungalows ready for Immediate occu pancy; very easy terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD ? See our plans and up-to-date Ideas We can help you finance.' W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. FOR SALE RIGHT By owner, in good location, cor.. 5-rm. bungalow with attic and sleeping porch, absolutely modern and In best- condition, furnished, ce ment basement, . fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins and garage; street Im provements in and pald. 1 block to car; terms. Tabor 8918. ALAMEDA NEW. Beautiful new home In best dis trict; 4 bedrooms, sun room, large closets, hardwood floors, Gasco fur nace, garage, nice lawn and shrub bery. Easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. Lincoln St., near Sixth. $3500 CASH. Seven large rooms. basement, large garage, lot 40x60; worth $5000. sacri fice $3500, all cash. No agents, no trades. McCormic, Main 9318 for In spection ' LAURELHURST. A beautiful 6-room modern house, with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage ; lot 50x100 ; vacant, roady to move in. A real bar gain at $6250. Terms $1500 cash. E. J. GEISER. 417 Cham, of Com. NEW, MODERN, 4-room baungalow with three lots; good location. Price $3000; small payment down, balance like rent. Walnut 7033 or Walnut 6670, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST UNUSUAL VALUE. COLONIAL TYPE HOME. A very pleasing arrangement Is embodied in this lovely home, large living room with fireplace, . vsry pretty dining room, com plete kitchen with breakfast room, 2 large bedrooms with . wardrobes, bath, upstairs, 2 more lovely bedrooms with large clos ets and plumbing roughed In for another bathroom, besides large store room and attic; best grade oak floors throughout lower floor; we could write a column ad on this house and still not tell you of all attractive features so ' come out and see for yourself; $S750 Is the price and about $2500 cash will give you the keys. Oh, yes, garage. . Office open today. DAVID HARP, Manager R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE. " 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. Aut. 320-04. BIG NEWS. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. $3150. For few days only, to close estate, 8-room residence; with little repair will make a duplex, flat or good home. Location near 39th and E- Morrison sts. on a 50x100 lot with lawn, flow ers, shrubbery and bearing fruit trees. Paved st. and sewer. 1 blk. 2 car lines. close to schools, stores and churches. Investors and homeseekers see this. Fix it up and make $1000. It's a give away for $3150. Nothing less than $1000 will be considered. Bdwy. 75G7. Main 6170. CITY HOMES DEPT., HITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS. -201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. ' $50 IN CASH PRIZES will be awarded to the persona writing the best letters settlrig forth the advantages and bene fits to be derived from home ownership; $25 first prize, $15 second prize and $10 third prize. For further Information call at office or write for "THE Mc GUIRE SYSTEM." In which win ning letters will be published. A copy free on request. Mail let ters to FRANK L. McGUIRE. America's Largest Home Seller. Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. -717L 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $3600. NEAR ROSE CITY CAR. New 3-room bungalow, large, well arranged rooms, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bedroom and bath, hardwood floors in living room, fire place and Dutch kitchen, cement base ment and laundry trays. This place may be bought on very inviting terms. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45th and Sandy blvd Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. i IRVINGTON COLONIAL DE LUXE. Nothing in Portland to com pare with this beautiful home, reasonably price, immediate pos session. Phone us today. East 0894 to show you this and other modern colonials; $0000 to $12, 000. Also many beautiful bun galows. R. T. STREET. Better Homes. X IRVINGTON ' DISTRICT. 16500 $1500 CASH. 7-room new bungalow. First floor has 5 rooms, hardwood floor, 2d floor has 2 bedrooms and sewing room, "ce ment basement, furnace, garage. Lots of built-ins. close to car and school. Alvin Johnson, realtor, 605 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 72"1. Res. JUast zwoi. LADD ADDITION residence nicely lo cated. Has large entrance hall, living room, dining room downstairs, with three bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs. Hardwood floors downstairs except in kitchen. This is owner's own home and not hereto fore offered for sale. Price depends upon Initial cash payment which must not be less than $3500.- Address owner, K 882, Oregonlan. .BY OWNER. Attractive bunealow on corner street, improvements In and paid, also has sleeping porch and attic, in A -J. condi tion and strictly modern; garage; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, stationary tubs and Dutch kitchen, must be seen to be ap preciated, 1 block to car and in walk ing distance of both grade and high schools; terms. Tabor 8918. $3150. New 4-room bungalow, 2 large bed rooms, living room, breakfast nook, built-in fixtures In kitchen, half ce ment basement, laundry trays, gas equipped. Call at our Rose City Park branch office, 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, J 5 500. BY OWNER. TERMS. Well located strictly modern 5-room bungalow on corner, also has attic and sleeping porch, garage, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, stationery tubs and Dutch kitchen. In very best condition: street improvements in and paid, in walking distance to grade and high schools. 1 block to car. Tabor 8918. $3150 $350 DOWN. New, artistic Calif, type bungalow, large living room, fireplace, large, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 nice bedrooms, connecting bath, ce ment basement, laundry trays, French casement windows Bal. like rent. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. $3000. This splendid 6-room bungalow must be sold. Hardwood floors, white enamel woodwork, and everything In good repair. This is on 69th St., 2 1 blocks from car line. Easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldr. Bdwy. 1658. ROSE CITY BEAUTY! $4000. Very artistic bungalow, one block from Sandy. Practically new and a bargain; large living room, fire place, hdwd. floors, 2 nice bedrooms, wonderful Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; garage. Can arrange terms! R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. OVERLOOK SACRIFICE 6 rooms, mod ern, with full cement basement, bath, bearing fruit, berries. Corner lot 50x 100. Worth easily $4500. Sacrifice $3750, $1750 cash. Close to Mississippi car. Skldmore st. Phone McCormic, . Main 0818 for inspection. MONTANA-AVE. HOME. 5 rooms and bath below, 2 rooms above; full lot, abundance of fruit, paved st. and sewers paid. Price $3000, small down payment or consider light car. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Missis 1 ppl ave. W alnut 1201. WALNUT PARK. 6-room bungalow, corner, furnished. Large living room, dining room, break fast nook, two large bedrooms, hard wood floors, fireplace, garage, fur nace. Will give terms. Only $6700. Tabor 5319. Bdwy. 5931. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-rcom bungalow, double constructed, built for a home, garage, chicken house and run, berry bushes, 300 strawberry plants, fruit trees, flowers, shrubbery and garden, lot 100x145 ft.; must be see n to be ap precia t e a. A u to. 6 36-2 3. TAKE LIGHT CAR AND CASH as down payment on 5-room Minnesota ave. bungalow; hard -surf ace and sew ers paid. Price only $3000. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Allssie sippl ave. Walnut 1201. BEST BUY IN CITY". 5-room modern bungalow, garage, 50x100 lot, near Peninsula park; only $300 down. See this today. Call Sun day 10 to 12, Monday 8 to 10:30. Macpherson. Broadway 6785. $2250 $350 DOWN. See this dandy 6-room bungalow at 971 E. 36th st.; strictly modern with a cement basement and garage. We can arrange terms to suit you. Bdwy. 2478. SEE THIS TODAY. 5-room bungalow. block from car and only $1850; stop paying rent; own your home. Call Sunday 10 to 12.- Monday 8 to 10:30. Macpherson, Broadway 67S5. ALAMEDA PARK NEW. This little gem; on the corner, 8 rooms, best of workmanship, hard wood floors, all built-ins. Price $5900. $1000 down. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ROSE CITY. PARK 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, gas furnace, very pretty cement porch, fine location, a real buy. $3600, terms. Tabor 5319. Bdwy. 5931. FOR SALE by owner at very low price -room nouse ana parage; jot ovxlltx. 3lPt and Woodward ave. Call East 08M7. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, 2 porches, 2 Closets, garage, cement waiKS. AH in perfect condition. Auto. 623-28. 6567 94th st. S. K. Close to 65th ave. EASY terms, small new cottage, large lot, zw mua. out. owner, BUl Ocuoco jfiresajua csra REAL ESTATE. - For Sale Houses. FRAKK L. McGUIRE SAYS: "Buy your home NOW I Settle down before winter comes. "Never before have we had such a remarkable listing of Homes lor &aie, "RpMrdipRB nt what your require ments may be, we have the Home that will satisfy them! "Real Estate values- are advancing dally. "It's practically Impossible to find a desirable vacant house for rent! "Invest in Portland real estate. It's safe and will bring big returns before the "1925 EXPOSITION ! LET THE "McGUIRE SYSTEM' ulva vnin hnillnir nrOhlemS. 2000 nhotoeranhs of homes for sal. America's Largest Home Seilerl OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. Open evenings until 9. TELEPHONE BRWY. 7171. . tfO Salesmen with autos. 12 times a year YOU BUY -A. HOUSE then you hand it back to be SOLD AGAIN 1 PEER OF ROSE CITY! tA4QO Terms Exquisite English cottage type of bungalow, consisting oi o ruomsi id- piete wit n nnest oi uiua-inuuci u turM- hnrdwnnfi floors French doors; everv lmainable convenience that mnArn mind could devise for com fprt;- tile bath, fireplace, furnace; nwr vacant : 2 blks. to car. one paved street: can arrange terms. E. 64th st. RTUATTTIFTIL LAURELHURST. - $5600 Former price $6000; make up your mind to see this charming new bungalow if you want to live in Laurelhuret. 1 It's a real Konniv .i rooms with hard wood floors throughout; woodwork in soft French gray enamei; tap eitrv Tifor. French doors, fire tlace. buffet. white Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recess bath And shower: furnace. It's hard to find a complete bungalow at . this price in this district i jan arrange terms. B.Ash st. ' MT. TABOR BUNGALOW! i.viOA rrat, BEAUTY, is this bunga low of 5 rooms; close to the fragrant firs of beautiful Mt. Ts hnr near the Dark: has a delightful view of city and snow-capped mountains; big pillars and pergola; fireplace; exnuisite In old ivory and tap ftstrv : hardwood floors and built-ins. breakfast alcove off Dutch kitchen; furnace, garage. E. 67th st,. on carline; terms. WESTMORELAND BEAUTY! $5250 And very easy terms! Conven ient to Reed college and Mu nicipal golf links; a carefully nlanned. substantially-construct ed 7-room ultra-modern bunga low; living room with fireplace across trie iront. neautuui duui ins. dandy white Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms down and 3 up; full cement basement . with splendid American radiator hot water neaung piant; garage. . 19th st. NEW! HEIGHTS BUNGALOW! $5190 The value will surprise you, for this is actually one of the most moderately priced thoroughly modern bungalows An Portland Heights. Just the location you're wanting! Just complet ed; 5 rooms; immaculate cheery living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, spotless white Dutch , kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, recess bath, furnace, garage; on Fern ave. - Call . today for an appointment to see it. $4990 A fine 6-room bungalow on E. 52d street. In Hawthorne dis . trict; unusually artistic appeal ing lines, with massive pillars and cleverly sloping roof; den, living room with fireplace, hand some built-in buffet, hardwood floors, white enamel Dutch kitchen. nice white enamel bath; paved street and other improvements all In and paid; near car. DON'T BUY ANY FURNITURE! $4750 Here's an attractive Heart of Hawthorne bungalow, prac tically new and beautifully fur nished! Owner must sell every thing. This is your opportunity to step right in 5 rooms in a very popular design; fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, built-in buffet and bookcases, white Dutch kitchen, 2 sunny bedrooms and bath. E. 44th st. Can arrange reasonable terms. , $4490 $500 down! On 50x200 lot. with abundance of fruit, berries, grapes, etc.; dandy 7-room mod ern home close to Franklin high school; fireplace, furnace, built-ins, sleeping porch. A wonderful bargain in a home like, cheery place; make . your family happy. 53d st. $4390 Where could you find a nicer bungalow than this at this price? Right in Hawthorne, too! Close to school; has 5 sunny rooms, practically new ; fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, hardwood floors, old ivory and tapestry interior fin ish, 2 bedrooms, bath, conven ient Dutch kitchen, laundry trays; street Is paved and paid. E. 45th 'st. A WAVERLY SPECIAL! $4190 $500 down! Right on Richmond carline is this beautiful 7-room modern bungalow; 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, Dutch 4titchen; furnace, ga rage, full, attractive lot. This is a decided snap! See for your self. Clinton street. -MT. SCOTT PRIZE! - $4190 $600 down takes this perfect gem of a colonial bungalow in , Mt. Scott district: on hard-sur faced street (paid), full lot, y blk. to car; large living room across the front, fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet, ivory. tapestry; hardwood floors, French doors, recess bath, breakfast nook, white Dutch kitchen, full cement basement: right on . cosy bungalow row. E 71st st. $3S90 $500 down! Adjoining West moreland. This beautiful new colonial bungalow will interest you! Ideally located on 60x107 lot facing on carline and paved street; latest in modern fea tures; combination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 bed- rooms and bath. , French doors. Milwaukle ave. The monthly terms are easy. ONLY $40 down-! Bungalow and 8 lots! $3490 $40 down ! and easy monthly payments: gives you immediate possession of this pretty new bungalow; combination living and dinine room, central hall. dandy white Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, white enamel bath, 8 lots with fine strawberry plants, garden, etc. Look at this today! Just bring $40 aown ana you can nave it. Buf falo st. $3490 Large 8-room bungalow In Mt. Scott; very artistic and prac tical; all sorts of built-in con veniences; den; 4 light, airy bedrooms; 2 lavatories; 80x100, with 12 fruit trees, berries. chicken house. A real home for children;. 1 blk. to car and close to school. S5th St.; easy , terms. EAST MT. TABOR! - $2990 Beautiful bungalow with- every thing in it! On easy terms! You'll have to come early if you want it! One of the biggest bargains in our office! Rustic brown California rambling bun galow; hardwood floors, -very pretty living room with fire place dining room with built in bullet ; ideal white Dutch kitchen, 2 dandy bedrooms and white enamel bath; full lot; ga rage. On E. Alder st. Don't fall to see this charming little home! f $200 DOWN! $2990 $200 down! for this pretty 4 room Alberta bungalow;' com binatlon living and dining room, Dutch kitchen: 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel bath, electricity, gas; full lot with pretty trees and flowers. E. 17th st. ; $200 down and rest less than rent. HEART OF SELLWOOD! $2090 Here Is a genuine sacrifice in a substantial, modern 7-room house in Kenwood district; newly painted and renovated; all modern conveniences: built ins; dandy large 60x100 lot with all improvements In and paid : fruit; garage; close to Sellwood carbarns and park. Miller ave. Can arrange terms. $2490 $500 down! Comfortable 6-room modern Alberta home, with all conveniences; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch: 2 blocks to car, on macadamized street. Emer son st. $500 down and rest like rent! $1750 $250 down. West side of the river: good, Comfortable 6-room modern h6me. On carline. Cor bett street. Monthly terms less than renting! See ' ' FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Realtor. " America's Lareest Home Seller. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. NOTE. We have an opening on our salesforce tot a iive Saieainaa wIUl cu. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FRANK L. McGUIRE SAYS: "Buy your home NOW I Settle down before winter comes. "Never before have we Tiad such a remarkable listing of Homes foT Sale. "Regardless of what your require ments may be. we have the home that will satisfy them! "Real Estate Values are advancing daily. "It's practically Impossible to find a desirable vacant he use for rent! "Invest in Portland Real Estate. It's safe and will bring big returns before the "1925 EXPOSITION!" LET THE "McGUIRE SYSTEM" solve your housing problems. . 2000 photographs of Homes for Sale! America's Largest Home Seller. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. . . Open evenings until 9. Telephone Broadway 7171. 4 90 Salesmen with autos. 13 times a year YOU BUY A HOUSE then you hand it back to be SOLD AGAIN! JUST FOR TWO I $1590 See this charming, cheery bun galow built for a happy TWO! Light, bright and airy and just as spotlessly clean: 3 rooms with built-ins; arranged just like an apartment, only here you have a lovely yard with plenty of shrubbery and fruit: . on pavement, close to car. Our appraiser says "this is actually one of the best buys I've run serosa in a long time." Foster road. $1490 $200 down and $20 per month! r buys this comfortable 4-room Kenton cottage; very rieat and attractive full-jot. "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like a HOME OF YOUR OWN!" West Winchel! st. t See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Realtor. America's Largest Home Seller. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. NOTE. We have an opening on our salesforce for a live Salesman- with car. OWNER LEAVING CITY, HAS CUT PRICE on this attractive Laurelhurst bungalow home, consisting of 6 large rooms on one floor ; Al construction, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, handy built-in features, complete cab inet kitchen; cement basement and good heating plant; garage; hard surface paid. In'the best part of this district. Come out and inspect, this. The price Is $(500, with good terms to re sponsible party. Office open today. DAVID HARP, Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. Automatic 320-04 PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. jjo You want to buy a home on Portland Heights? It will be to your interest to see the only agent deaiinjr Thirteen vears in hnoin. td. land Heights and never a dissatisfied .BROOKE, MAIN 4342. NEAR BROADWAY AND $4750 5 rooms and storage, 33-foot level lot, good basement, furnace, fire place and built-ins. This is a good home for an old .couple or girls work ing over town. Can be bought on very easy terms. If you want this one you had better call East 0S94 and see it today, for the price is only $4750, and you know that your chance to own a home in this district at that small price is rare. R. T. STREET, BETTER HOMES. Irvington Headquarters. 606 E. Bdwy. East 0894. $5250. ALAMEDA PARK SHORT i DISTANCE TO BROADWAY CAR. 5-room bungalow, all built-in fea tures, hardwood floors, fireplace, spmndld bath room with nhnwAr ts double garage; a splendid home with soou surroundings; it may be bandied on easy terms. Call a r onr rosr CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE, 45th ana sanay Diva. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Magnificent view, ten minutes walk to the heart of city. House could not be built for price asked. If you are able-bodied and willing to climb a few Dieps investigate mis at once. The nrst man who sees It will buy It. A at oouu. uwner would consider taking smaller house or lot as part uiub. X- ui &uii pii ucuiiirs see m r. Rowan. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO. Realtors. 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. $3700 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS. is ew, attractive. modern 5-room Dungaiow, aouDie const., cement porch, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, fire place, all built-ins; Al plumbing; two fine bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, wash trays, nice 50x100 lot, assts. paid; . must be sold quickly. Will consider light car or good lot as part of pay- iiibul. x aoor DOi. IRVINGTON BIINflAI,OW. Most attractive andr cheerful new 6-room bungalow finished in ivory miJCBiiy, utijs. hoots, an tne ae slrable bullt-lns, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, garage, a delightful home, INTERSTATE! LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. $4800 Five rooms. hardwood floors, built-lns, Ivory finish, fireplace. Radi ant fire, drapes, linoleum, gas range, kitchen heater, full cement basement, laundry trays, lawn, shrubbery, gar den, flowers. All city Improvements paid. Sunday at 9 A. M.. week days forenoon and evenings. By owner, 412 E. 39th st. Terms. ROSE CITY PAItK. JUST COMPLETED, FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, FRENCH DOORS, STRICTLY MODERN; FULL LOT WITH GARAGE; PRICE AND TERMS ARE RIGHT. 480 E. B2D ST. N., ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF SANDY. OPEN 2 TO 5. WALNUT 4841. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. Just a lovely 6-room colonial bun galow, nearly new, most cheerful home finished In ivory and tapestry paper, oak polished floors, 62x100 lot, garage, $5750. Only $1500 cash down. INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. IRVINGTON PARK. New 5-room bungalow, thoroughly modern, old ivory finish, Dutch kitch en with breakfast nook; fireplace, basement, pipeless furnace with coiL $5000, terms. Owner, Bdwy. 4205. $2000 4-ROOM modern bungalow, full cement basement, garage, laundry trays, cement sidewalks, gravel sts. ; 60 ft. to pavement, 4 blks. to car, 20 minute ride; in good district. Owner, Sellwood 1601. - SEE THIS TODAY. 5-room bungalow, block from car and only $1850; stop paying rent; own your home. Call Sunday, 10 to 12, Monday 8 to 10:30. Macpherson, Broadway 6785. $1925 ROSE CITY PARK DIST. 4-room bungalow, plumbing, elec, gas, Dutch kitchen, large floored attic, garage, lawn and fruit. Terms. Ta bor 4S03. ROSE CITY HOME. Will taice auto and some cash as first payment on 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace and sleeping porch. Price $3700. Phone Tahor 0873 or Main 9012. FOR SALE. Beautiful 6-room colonial home, sun ?arlor, breakfast room, hardwood firs., arge grounds, garage. Owner, WslI nut ibhy. Willamette boulevard. FOR SALE By owner, small 2-room house, good district; make an offer. Broadway car. 914 E. 30th st. N., near Prescott. SNAP 7-rm. modern home, including furniture; lot 100x100; $1000 cash, bal. like rent. Mr. Smith, with I. -E. Spen cer & Co., 517 Cham, of Com, bldg. VERY nice new 4-room bungalow, sev eral cherry trees; good location. Price $2800; small payment down, balance monthly. Walnut 7033 or Walnut 0R70. HOME for sale, Alberta district; will sell my home cheap. Take car as part ' payment, $700 will handle the deal. Call 1140 Pprague St.. corner 30th. ' CHEAPEST HOME IN PIEDMONT. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, full size corner, al! city Improvements In and paid. 37.-0. Bdwy. 7352. 6-ROOM modern house, place for m chine, all street improvements in and paid for. 343 vashington st BY OWNER, nearly new 6-room house, $3800. 1000 down, 314 E. 63d K., Hfcisey at, . . . . . REAL K STATE. For Sale Houses. EAST BROADWAY. CLOSE IN. Good as new, 5-room bungalow with attic large enough for 2 rooms. 60x00- loot lot. south front. ini nouse u Toraeticallv in Irvinerton and ten mln utees to heart of city. Front porch has massive brick pillars, large living and dining rooms with French doors, oak floors, tiled fireplace, leaded glass bookcases and a buffet you will ad mire. 1 large bedroom 12x13 with 6 windows, closets with windows, bath with best of fixtures and built-in dressing table with large mirror, per fect cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, basement 16x36. easy stairway; fruit closet, laundry trays, good ce ment drive to Kara are. lawn with large trees, all Improvements in and pald price oniy sooo, wun terms, wince open todav. DAVID HARP, Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at Btfth. Auto. 820-04. BELOW THE HILL. PAVED CORNER, $5850 with about $900 cash will give you the keys to this pretty Rose City bungalow con sisting of 6 large rooms and at tic; hardwood floors, fireplace, handy built-ins, nice kitchen. 2 large corner bedrooms with ample closet space ; full cement basement with laundry and fur nace ; garage ; all improvements paid. Come out and talk with us about this. Office open to day. DAVID HARP, Manager. , R. T. STREET'S v Sandy Blvd. Office. -1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Automatic 820-04. NEW LAURELHURST. 6 ROOMS AND ATTIC One of those - cozy little bun galows that deceive you until you step inside and see the large living room and how every Inch of space Is utilized ; best grade oak floors, fireplace, built-ins, complete Dutch kitchen ; full cement basement with laundry and furnace; garage; hard sur face paid. Can be bought for $6250 on terms. Of fioe open to day. DAVID HARP, Manager, H. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1160 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Automatic 320-04. LAURELHURST. NHAR GLISAN. 6 ROOMS AND ATTIC. Brand new, ready to move Into ; hardwood floors through out, attractive built-ins, pretty fireplace, complete kitchen with breakfast room; good cement basement with laundry and fur nace; garage; hard surface all paid. Price only $5750, and $800 will give you the keys. Office open today. DAVID HARP, Manarex. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1160 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Automatic 320-04. LAURELHURST ENGLISH COLONIAL. NEW, 6 ROOMS AND SUNROOM. The best part of Laurelhurst. east front, center entrance with French doors to living and dining room; se lect oak floors throughout, living rm. 14x28, with 0x10 sun porch adjoining; lots of handy built-ins, complete kitch en, vitrollte drain boards, breakfast room with built-in china closet: three large bedrooms upstairs with dressing rooms adjoining, tiled bath with best plumbing money can buy; two-thirds cement basement with laundry and Al heating plant: garage with full cement drive. Price $8900, terms. Office open today. DAVID HARP, Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandv Blvd. Off!. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. Auto. 820-04. ROSE CITY, 6 RMS. AND LARGE ATTIC. $5450 $950 CASH. Unbelievable value; they are getting $6500 for this type of bungalow today; was built 7 yrs. ago and built right; hardwood floors, massive fireplace, all kinds of built - ins, nice large rooms with lots of windows, complete kitchen, cement base ment with laundry and furnace; very pretty lawn and flowers; hard surface paid. DAVID HARP, MANAGER, R. T. Street's Sandy Blvd. Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. A. 320-04. Office Open Today. WORTH PRICE ASKED. 7 ROOMS ON 100x100 PAVED CORNER. Close to school and car: built like battleship; finished In eastern oak. rooms of unusually large proportions with ample closet space; fireplace, lots oi nanay Duut-ins, complete kitchen extra toilet, full cement basement with laundry and hot water heating plant ; nice lawn with choice shrubs ana rruit trees; double concrete ga rage. Buy this home for the kids and let tnem grow up. Price only $6450, with, very reasonable terms. Office open toaay. DAVID HARP, Manager, R. T. STREET'S Sandv Rlvri. Cfm 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39ti. Auto. 820-04. LAUREL HURST $5750. Almost New Terms. 6 rms. and larg-e attic; owner has been transferred to east and must sell Immediately, hardwood floors, lots of built-lns, complete cabinet kitchen with Pullman breakfast nook; cement base ment with laundry and furnace; hard surface paid; Immediate possession. Office open today. DAVID HARP. Manager, R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1160 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. Automatic 320-04. HOME AND INCOME. $5350 $1767 CASH. , Besides 4-room apartment, with two bedrooms, large living room with fire place, cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, white enamel bath, present in come $50 per month from 2 stores, other store occupied by present owner. Entire property will bring In $100 per month. Ground space 68x90. Situated in R. C. on Sandy blvd. For a home with Income It can't be beat. Office open today. DAVID HARP. Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Auto. 320-04 $4250. LES3 THAN. ONE BLOCK TO . SANDY BLVD. 4-room bungalow, nice large and well-arranged rooms, in splendid first class condition, full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace; terms are very easy. Call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. Extra well-built, classy B-room bun galow, modern in every respeot. Hardwood floors, furnace, full base ment, all built-in features. Lot 65x100 to an alley. All kinds of fruit and shrubbery. This Is a bargain at $5500. Reasonable payment, - good terms on the balance ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors. 204 Morrison St. Main 6962. STATE BANK VICTIM MUST SACRIFICE HOME. Westmoreland, attractive five-room bungalow with 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, furnace strictly modern, corner ioi, garage; i dik, car, east front: only $5000, $1500 cash, bal. like rent. Hurry Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, B26 Cham, of Commerce. BEST BUY at Multnomah. Large mod ern 7-room house, right on the boule vard. Concrete basement, with good furnace. Very ' choice location. Only $4600. on easy terms. For- particulars see Ben Rlesland, 404 Piatt bldg., or Mrs. Grant in charge of the Multno mah office. GRAHAM AVE., NEAR UNION. 8-ROOM HOUSE. $3000; less for cash; splendid Invest ment; $1000 cash, bal. like rent; set tling estate, must be sold. Bdwy. 6011 T. O. BIRD, S28 Cham, of Commerce. 50x100 COP.NER lot with 4-room house for sale by owner, cash or terms. Wal nut J383. REA L ESTATE. For Sale Houhcm, IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Beautiful A-rnom bunvaloW. hard' wood floors, furnace, firepiace, built-in bookcases and buffet. SiCeping porch and breakfast cook. Priced at $50O0. Some terms. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA S4500 buva nrettv California bunga low in this exclusive district; has five rooms and sun room, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all modern built-ins. 13500 NEW nnxOALOW $3500. This place, just completed, on sits overlooking entire city, is an apart ment bungalow with combination liv ing ana aining room, jjwtcn Kiunm, bedroom and sleeping porch. Ciaragt. $i00 cash, balance terms. HERE'S ONE FOR YOU. $2650 buva nrettv modern bunsalow. 'two blocks from Mount Tabor car. Has combination living and dining room with hardwood floor, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, bookcases, garage, etc. Easy terms. PORTLAND REALTY CO.. 627 Ch&m-ber of Commerce. Bdwy. 2956. BO DIFFERENT. $420). APARTMENT BUNGALOW. New 4-room built-in revolving bed with dresslnr room, l-larre-size com binatlon bedroom and sun room, large size living room with hardwood floor, fireplace, dining room, kitchen with built-in features; also laundry tray In kitchen; cement basement and gas furnace. This beautiful little noun Is located on a view lot. and may be had on easy terms. Call at our branch office, 45th. and Sandy blvd. Auto. S26-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Thoroughly welt built modern house; s rooms ana line attic; magnuicent, unobstructed city vitw ; lot 60x200, facing on 2 hard-surfaced streets; con crete garage. BROOKE, MAIN 4343. BY OWNER. Aim owner of a 6-room double-conr tructed burvg-alow, located 395 E. 60th t. N.. near Hancock. Roe City Pnrk. Account of death am forced to sell at once. House built for home, nevei occupied ; unusual and attractive design. t uiLl baseonen t, hardfwood floors, good attic; everything up to the minute. Garage, shade trees, fruit, flowers, nice lawn, paved street, close to schooil. Open Sunday and Monday, 12 to 4UWX Cash or terms. Tabor 0059. ST. JOHNS BAIRGAJN. $2750, $260 down, $20 and In terest a mon-tti, 1 block to sohool and park. Modem 4-roora. bun galow, well built, concrete base ment, cement floor, SOx 140-foot lot. 810 Smith ave. N., near St. Johma ave. Tabor 3323. COUNCIL CREST. 4-room modern bungalow. Fox fur nace, swell fireplace, full cement base ment, blocks to car line, newly painted, nearly 75x100 lot, lawn and flowers; very large living room, dining room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath room, cement wah trays In basement, a bargain at $4500, with terms easy. Frank L. McGulre. Ablngton bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. This lovely 7-room bungalow Is lo cated V block from park, cheerful large , rooms in ivory and tapestry paper, oak floors, modern, with garage, and exceptional buy at $6600. INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 7829. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6-room balneal ow, fireplace, fumaoe, buJK-lne, cement basement, wash traym, p.ved street, fruit treses, berries, good dis trict, $4500; terms, $3O0 cash, be.lajics mon-thay. Walnut &H35. 3-ROOM SHACK, $10 MONTH. 42d and Holman; . acre or less; also 2-room shack ; small down pay ment. Outside city. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Res., Walnut 1959. $3000, $050 CASH, ieavlng city; must sacrifice 5-room cottage. East 34th St., 2 blocks from car, 3 blocks to park. $500 discount for ail cash. 1038 Bel mont. OWNER. 100x100, 8-room house, cement base ment, electricity, gas, wash trays, ga rage, fruit. $3150. Terms, Walnut 02:10, IRVINGTON COLO.NIA0 Beautiful Dutch colonial type, on E. 2$th N. ; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, built ins., etc.; a real buy at $8500. Bdwy. 420. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 6-room modern house, fireplace, fur nace, laundry tray, hardwood floors. By pwner at sacrifice. This Is a -real buy. Phone Main 4570. IRVI.VGTON COLONIAL. -84oora strictly colonial for sata, cor. lot, sun room. 4 bedrooms, hd. floors, strictly up to date. A real buy. Bdwy. 4630. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New fi-rooin bungalow with break fast room, attic and bath; hardwood floors; full basement, furnace, cement porch. 54 Jessup et.. cor. Concord. WILL SELL ''equity in cozy 3-room mod ern house for $825 cash. 1012 E. tKh st. N. MODERN 6-room house with garage; one mock irom wa car. 630 Tag gart st., near 16th. 3no BELOW market, buy from owner, save commission. Rose City Park. 41st St. And Stanton. $800. All Improve. ments In and paid. BJ B3-, orenonlan 7-ROCNM modern house, Alameda dl- trlct, po-ved street, terma Knjwt ft.1 Suburban Home. 2-ACRE MODERN HOME At Garden Home, on Oregon Klectrlo: 48 trains dally, 9c commutation fare; 6 rooms with bath, gaa, electricity and Bull Run water; good buildings, bearing fruit. Close to station. Only $5000; $to00 cash. &ee McCormlo at Garden Horn, or phone Main 31H. ACRlfi AND BUNGALOW. ONLY 11650. Nifty 4-room bungalow, close to sta tion, 8. P. electric, large homeslte, fine sou. ugnts. water, rock road, a bar gain at $1650. Small down payment, balance terms like rent. Call Allen, BOO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. PRETTY ACRE BUNGALOW. Modern 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, bath, Dutch kitchen, dou ble garage, chicken house, fruit trees, berrlest etc. Right at station. A sac rifice at $3250. Terms to suit. 5-7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AT VIEWPOINT Station, on the Oregon Electric Inside city limits, 7-room house, bath, gas, electricity, city wa ter, furnace, laundry trays, full base ment, attic, large porch, wonderful view; lots of fruit, garden, etc Own er leaving city. Price $4000. Main 8245. RAISE CHICKENS. Almost 6 acres, with new 4-room bungalow, located close to Pacific highway, only 40 minutes from cen terpf Portland; price only $2100; $100 gives poeseRflion. Ask for Allen, 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Btark sts., for particulars. $5600 DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Paved street, chicken farm, 2 acres. 2S minutes out by auto; home has elec tricity, water In house and hydrant in yard; garage, lots of fruit, bent of 0oil; adjoining 8 acres available, if wanted. George E. Englehart, Bdwy. n22. Res., Atwater 1630. I OWN a small new 2-room house on 100x105 near Multnomah, on the Ore gon Electric All modern utilities in , the street. Will sell for $1150, on terms of $100 down and $15 per month. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 iarK St. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New 6-room modern bungalow on Oregon Electric; to one acre under cultivation, excellent location, close to school and station. Call Johnson, Main 62A5, BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACT. New 8-room bungalow ready for plaster; will sell on terms to someone that can finish; Going st., near 52d ; let me show you today; $IS50. Roger W. Cary. Residence. Walnut 1050. FOR SALE A real farm home, right In town; 1 acre, close to college and school; modern house; fruit and ber ries; chickens If wanted. Would take some trade. Auto. (130-45. COZY HOME, with den, breakfaat room, Dutch kitchen, f.p., bath, garage, laundry trays, 1 acre: $3250, easy terms. McClure, BOO Concord bldg. BUILD city home on river with beach, west side, country freedom and pleas ures; 20 minutes by Red electric to city hall. Jenks. Rockspur station. RED CARLINE. At station, 8 acres or less: city ear fare, water, gas, electricity, telephone. owner, mmo o.". $3150 OSWEGO Lake, acre, artistic 10 5-room bungalow, modern, desirable, i Terms. Mr. Alberts, Lake Grove, or I cats Woedard, Cif, 4 Co, RFAL FA.'ATF. $lbU AT MAl'UWutiU soss te Multnomah, one-third sere snl a cosy 4-room cottsgs; olty water, elec, eas. rity carfar, family orchard, full b arin ; only 6 minutes' w.:k to Oron Elec. stntlon. on maradam road ; cash 1 100, $20 mont My. Owner leaving city. KKAL VALUE. - $4200 MAPLE WOOD STATTON HALF ACRE Walking dtwtanca ts Multnomah, very artistic. Juat completed and vacant; 6 rooms 1H-Btnry bungalow, ftrapl&re, two-INCH waxed fir flooring, built-lna. trakfnt nook, FRENCH doors, full asm ant basement, full pi unit trig, sWotte tank, gaa !.. BULL HI ff water, city carfare; on grewl road near two aieo. Unas, t P. and Ore. Klectrki; cash $500, $25 month. $650020 ACRES NEAR R EEDVILI.il. EXCHANGE OR PKLL A faw miles west of R RAVKHTx N. FIVE-room bungalow plas tered, French doors, flrepiaee, water system, large red bam. chicken house, garage; orchard, full bearing ; berries. Included in the above price ts a team of work horses. 2 cows and a calf. E-xchange for Portland 4 or fl roorn houwe. modern or semi modem. $1500 to $40M: cash $1000, balancs easy terms. $1300 MULTNOMAH STATION $1R0 Partly furnished 2-room cottage, plastered, city water, gas. a-e-r, fruit and berries; close to station and school; cash $400, balance $20 monthly. M. E. DeJOICE CO., 80T Henry Bldg. Broadway 163L Over 1O0 select suburban bonias ts choose from, office open bun day 10 to 12 M. $350 GIVES POSSESSION I Pee this new, modern bungalow on acre of good soil; blks. from Capitol Hill station. NVar new brick school and store; combination living and din ing room, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitcheo and concrete basement. This is a cosy little bungalow with tapeatry papr, French windows etc. Phone, gaa. sieo trlcity and Bull Hun water; buy this and escape the landlord, as rents era advancing; $050, $.150 down, term a. See F. . Martirall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway T1TL Third st. bet. Wash, and Stark. PRICE $6000. $400 YE Aft, 4.86 ACRES. Modern 8-room house: all eon vsnlences; garage, outbuildings. 3 Ml acres cultivation; near school and electric car line. PACIFIC FINANCE CO.. 30 Plttock Block. l N1CHJ LITTLB HO.MB KOR SALH CONTAINING FOUR ROOMS, BMA.LL. BATH KOOM. KNTMjhKU BACK PORCH, R0-KT. BRICK K D WKM. fiAS FOR LIUHTINU AND COoKINO. NEARLY TWO ACRES PAM1L.V OR CHARD, LOTS OK BRKKIM ANI1 CRAPES, PAVED HIU1IWAV FROM PORTLAND, ABOUT 13 Mil. EH. PRU'hi 122(10. PART CASH, BALANfl! EASY INSTALLMENTS. J FIELD. BOX 1112. RoUTK 4, UK AVKRTON. WHY PAY HEM! When you can ,o iutn m n.w two room hou.u nrtr Oak Orov., cloaa to oar and achonl and few hun1rd fa.t irom hard-aiifapa road, for $.'0 down and $15 per month. Prlo, only S00. We will (IndlT (how you tbla pla. Bee V. C. Miirahitll. with FRANK L. McOIJIRB. S12 A bin ton Uldit. Uroadway 71T1. Third et. bet. Wnah. and Wtark. BERRIES. FRUIT AND CHICKENS. Well located oloe to ear and achoolj 4 acrea. fenced and In good condition; raupberrtea will pay you better than wage.; atory and halt houa, baaem.nl and bath; city water, Hunt,: food out buildings: ail far Uie price of the land. $i'.(MM): you unit have $2(XU cua, Branch office 1.1th and fhavr. JOHNSON-nODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bid. .Main ST'T. . a HOUSES PRICE OF I. 5-room modern bungalow with elo trio IlKhta. ( and own water y tem; lao 3-room modern cottage; two extra larire lot; all for l,-(ioti. terma. VTIU aell furniture If wanted; 8 blka to Oalc drove on Ore. City tarltne. He F. C Marahnll, with FRANK L. ilcOUIRE. 213 Ahlngton Bid. Hroadway T1T1, Third at. bet. Waeh. and r-'tnrk TWO OREENHOUSBH, 4 living- room. 8 corda wood. 10 tona briquete. x acre fotatoca. good, garage, good retail rade; hou.-e planted ts 2ihk miima. and atock for our heavy apring trade. Will trad building, atock. tool, an I leaae on ground for from one to 20 acrea Improved on or near H. not over 20 mllea from Portland. Will take or give difference. Pbone Bin- plre 0510 aftr M on i.y. ATTRACTIVE HOME For aale by owner; Multnomah atatlon. house recently completed, full cement baiemetit, cement fruit shelf and laun dry, large living room, dre.ing room with Murphy bed, dining alrove. kitch en, bath, bedroom, larite cloeel, large windows, .hades, Unoieum. combination range, Bull Run water, city schools. 1 acre land, near nation; ,1000 ti.ti, balance eaey term.. Kragell. Main ft'.H'7. RUNNING STREAM. 75xlTS, close to station on Oresham line; close to Portland; 4-roorn cot tage with cement busemont, attic, Dutch kitchen, electricity and gas. Only 230. 1300 dawn. ilea P. C Marshall, with FRANK I McClTTRH. 212 Ablngton llldtf. litoadway T1T1. Third at. beu Wash, mil Hlerk. MODERN HUNdAI.OW. B rooms with one-Oilrd arre. beau tiful shrubbery and lnwn; city water, gas and electricity; close to car and school; has hardwood floors, furnar. fireplace, floored attic. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room and all built-in fea tures; price $4750; reasonable terms. MERRICK CO.. REALTORS. 04 Panama Bid g. IJ d wy. (I !4 X ABOUT ts acre, between Lents and Gil bert. 7-room bouse, newly painted; close to two carllnes; fruit. Buil Run water, ohloken house and yard, garage. Taxes only $12, Just look at thl. and you will buy It. Only $m:.i; linoo ca.ti. II H I U1H . mr .tu I ' 1 iiT'iiiiii .ini I " cent Interest. John Brown, Gresham. Pho ne 2.M1 1 . A BEAUTIFUL suburban home for sale or trade for house In city; b rooms and bath. acres of ground, all under cultivation. Just eight miles fr-.oi courthouse southeast, paved road. Will sell as whole or divide to suit. Owner n. V. Worthlngton. rhoue Auto. 646-70. Address Lenta. Rt. . Box 2f.'. LOT looxiao. outside city ilmlis. on 74th ave.. Just off 2d St.; new garage, barn, woven wire fencing, standing timber, wood, lumler: $425, terms, no Interest; might trade for Kord. Ask for Trchoe, at Dammeter ranch, 1 mil south K.n dall Station. 62d St. U. J. Phone Mil waukle KlM. NEAR BEAVERTON. New 4-room house and $ 4 rock rond. right to the door and only 32 minutes walk from the station. City water and gas. Price only $1200. Liberal terms, MERRICK A CO, REALTORS. S04 Panama BldlT H.twy. K1I41. HOME AND 3 ACRES. Modern 6-room house and $ acrea berries, fruit and garden; a nice grova of trees In rear: 30 minutes drlvs from heart of city. 4 blks. frnm paved road. l.VKK); $1500 cash. Call owner. Tabor 73t!4. "AT TCALATIJ." 0 acres, fin level land; 6 a eyes In cultivation, 4 acres pasture, very - to clear: good new well water; $-room hou.e, garage, on good road; IftOtXi, $K.'i0 cash, 20 month: It's a snap. R M GATEWOOD A CO, lain. 4-th St. LOVELY LAKE VIEW. B-R MODERN bungalow. U fruit, berries, garden, a fine noma. See photos at office or Lake Grove. Os wego lake, runilira $700, $4noo. Bdwy. 7072. McFarland, 20 H Falling bi.lg. BY OWNER. 4 fine acres. 20 minutes drive from center or city, on i-acirio highway and elrctrlo line; or will sill 6 acres. Including modern bungalow, garage, chicken bouse, fruit trees and water avstem Phone Main 64 12. MULTNOMAH Cozy, modern bungalow for $26f.0, A pleasant house to live In, with beautiful lot: low taxes and no assessments. Peeing ts believing. R J. Chapman, block south station. Main 7623. $l(t()0 HUYS co-y little bungalow nesr Multnomah and close to school; lot 60x200 with fruit trees and chicken houses. S. BORLAND CO.. Realtor. aoo-2 Henry lldg. IMwy. 156 DOSi H STATION. 6-room bungalow, city convenience, fruit H acre; 17. minutes out on the Southern Pacific? furnished or unfur nlshed. Main 7816 TO BUY or sell acreage east of fd at-. see us. we get re.uirs. R. H. tviVFREY. RK ALTOR, RITTBIt. LOW CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trsde Bldg. 12 ACRES. 20 minutes from your office paved road. Bull Run water, gas and electricity, house, barn, fruit tree.; $."",00 down, balance 10 years. 602 Plt tock block. Broadway 2o'2. BEAUTIFUL acres. 6-r. house, barn, 2 hen houses, well, orchard: near high- way and elec. ; .j.jOO. terms. Bdwy. 112. McJj'WeUid. 0 imiiiUM fedsT.