THE SUNDAY - OREGONIAN,, PORTLAND, AUGUST 27. 1922 H E CONSTRUCTION WORK ON BUSINESS, APARTMENT HOUSE AND RESIDENCE STRUCTURES CONTINUES ACTIVE DEMAND FOR HOMES GOOD. TO ir.i pi A. R. Ritter to Devote All of Time to One Job. 4 mrx. - X ? i s- TWO OFFICES NOW HELD Harry IkM'kwilli Mentioned as PossiWe Successor Active Winter Predicted. mmji i. i il.. M.:: J. --lit . 10 EALTY BOARD H RESIGN FR DA r-f The resignation of A. R. Ritter as president of the Portland Realty board and the election of his sufr cessor will be the outstanding busi ness to be taken up Friday noon at the Multnomah hotel at the first weekly session f the board, follow ing the summer holiday. Mr. Ritter announced officially yesterday that he would resign the . presidency of the board at Friday's meeting, a move which he has been contemplating ever since hia elec tion to the presidency of the iortn west Real Estate association at th convention, held in July- at van couver, . B. C. This second position is one with jurisdiction over all the real estate boardi of the northwest ern states and the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, and Mr. Ritter said that he desired to devote more time to it than he could possibly give while also attending to the duties of president of the local board. Resignation Is Explained.' "I feel that by devoting my time to the work of the northwest asso ciation and to the interests of the real estate profession throughout the northwest, I can , probably do more for the local board than I rnnld even while remaining as its Dresident." he said. The holding of two offices such as those now held by Mr. Ritter is a new situation in northwest real estate politics and he aid that he desired to relinquish one of them for the additional reason that he wished to give some other realtor a chance at some of the official worn. As vet no candidate has come for ward for Mr. Ritter's unexpired term, although it is considered like Iv that Harry Beckwith, now first vice-president, will be the selection of the board. Mr. Beckwith was candidate for president at the last election and on the day of the elec tion-retired in favor of Mr. Ritter. Kincfe that time it is understood that he- would be a candidate ror me presidency at the election next year. Active Winter Presaged. The realty board will have an ac tive, winter, according to plans which have already been outlined. The organization will make efforts to secure some modifications of the present lien law at the coming legislative session in January. At the present time material men's liens take precedence over' even a first mortgage. The board opposes such a situation, which is declared to tend to make it more difficult to get money on real estate. "Under the present laws practi cally anyone can go into the build ing game whether they are respon sible or not," said Paul A. Cowgill. secretary of the board, in comment ing upon the situation. "The ma terial men will sell them material ' knowing that they can plaster a lien upon the property and secure their money. Sane Zoning System Objective. "The changing of the law would mean that only the better class of contractors could operate, which ' would mean the raising of the etan dards of building in the city and state." Dean Vincent has been made chairman of a committee in charge of this work. The board is also pledged to get ting some sort of a "safe and sane zoning system, for the city of -Portland. This work has been referred to a committee headed by Fred W. German and efforts to obtain some action through the city council are planned this winter. Plans wiir also be started this winter for the next home beauti . ful ehow to be given in the public auditorium the first week in April. A committee will also begin this winter planning for the entertain' raent of the next convention of the Northwest Real Estate association to. be held here. HULL TO BE DEDICATED APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION WILIi OPEX NEW HOME. Fine Property Recently Bought Is Especially Adapted to tT&es of Organization. This morning at 10:30 .o'clock dedicatory services will be held in the new Apostolic Faith mission at Sixth and Burnside streets. Serv ices also will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon and 7:30 this evening. For 14 years the mission has held . its meetings at Front and Burnside streets, and more recently at a new camp-meeting building on the east side. The new building, of brick, has been built entirely by donated labor, according to Robert Crawford, as sistant overseer, and the building would have cost $50,000 with paid laor. The original property, bought from the 'A. Meier estate and the-Western Bond & Mortgage, com pany, cost $150,000. The building occupies a space 100 by 100 feet and has a parking space attached 100 by 60 feet. It is thor oughly., equipped with all the con veniences of a modern church, with steam heat, indirect lighting, lunch- room and many other features. On the ground floor 10, storerooms will t leased. ? A publishing and printing estab- . llshment is already in operation, where the -mission paper, "The Apostolic Faith," Is sent into 74 for eign countries and where other pa pers and tracts are . distributed. These are translated into many dif ferent languages and have a circu lation of 45.000. A chapel with a seating capacity of '200 is also on the ground floor. The. auditorium, on the second, has a seating capacity of 1150. a. Dr. Xoyes to Build. A new residence costing $12,500 is to he erected immediately in the Westover district for Dr. Allen P. Noyes. The building' will be of Eng lish design and will have two stories.- There will . be five rooms downstairs and two bedrooms and a bath upstairs. The first floor will be of concrete slab. ; 1 Beautiful residence at 490 East I lor 12,uou. 2 nr two-story structure erected at Sixth and Bnrnslde streets by the Apostolic faith.. 3 Design for Pythian home at Vancouver, Wash., to cost ultimately OOv. The large building in the center, the administration building, to be erected Immediately at cost'-of $175,000. Design is by Knighton A Howell. 4 Biew apartment house now being erected at southeast corner of Vista and Laurel by the Peters Construction company at cost of $40,000. 5 Beautiful Spanish type 'apartment house erected at southwest corner of East Eighth and Weldler streets for W. A, Carpenter at cost of $85,000. 6 House costing, 912.5O0 to be erected in Westover by Dr. Allen P. Noyes. fHOME.PLANS PREPARING COST OF PYTHIAN BUILDING TO BE $175,000. Other Structures to Be Completed Later at a Total Cost of $500,000. Plans are now being prepared for the erection of the first unit of tne Oregon-Washington Pythian home to be located on a tract of 15 acres about 2 miles north of Vancouver, Wash., on the Pacific highway. The tract was purchased some time ago and the administration building is to be erected immediately at a cost of about $176,000, it was announced yesterday. Other buildings will b completed later at a total cost of about $600,000. . Along the south line of the tract is a ground area about 200 feet wide by the full depth of property that is lined on each side with large fir trees with' an inner line of fruit trees. ' This developed condition of surroundings presents an ideal loca tion for the distribution of email family cottages wherein the home life and surroundings' for children can be maintained without, the feel ing ' of institutional restraint. At the head of this court can be located either a school building, hospital building or cottage as future de velopment will determine. The tract is well wooded and will permit of an artistic landscape development. This, with the erection of the resi dential type of cottages, will elim inate the atmosphere of an institu tional settlement. Present energies will he devoted to the erection of the administra tion requirements, all of which will be housed in one building and will be of sufficient capacity to take care of the future growth. The front portion of this building will conta'n offices, reception room. officers' living quarters and rooms for occupants. Sunrooms are located at each end of the building. The second story will be reached by an incline. Connecting wijh this part of the building will be a general clubroom and library with distrib uting entrances to cottages at right and left sides of the building. Above this will be the assembly hall, hav ing a seating capacity of 226. A stage and a picture machine booth will be provided. Adjoining the clubroom will be two dining rooms, one for adults nd one for children. The seating capacity will be 80 for each soom. Over the dining rooms will be placed eight rooms for employes. Adjoin ing the dining rooms will be placed the kitchen. This will be arranged for convenient connection with the cook's pantry, refrigeration rooms, kitchen storage and dining alcove for kitchen employes. Present capacity for guests will be about 30. However, the adminis trative equipment as now provided will take care of about 225 guests. LODGE HALL PLAXS READY North Bend Oddfellows to Have $75,000 Building. Plans have been prepared by Tour tellotte & Hummel of this city,for a three-story lodge building costing 'OREGON--WASH IN GTO N PYTH IAN jijj VANCCU Vlr - - WASHINGTON lt'G'OI t HCWll'. -ULCHIV-T! - - - 0 C L " Seventeenth street North, on a 70x100-foot $75,000, to be erected at North Bend Or., by the Arago lodge of Oddfel lows of that city. The building will be on the corner of Sherman and Virginia avenues in that city across the street from the new hotel. The exterior will be of concrete with cast stone trimminga The first story of the structure will be divided into five stores. On the second story will be offices, a banquet room and lodge room, the latter extending up through the second and third stories with ellipti cal ceiling. The third story will contain club rooms and offices. The old building on the same site will be wrecked immediately so that active construction work can be started in the near future. LODGE TEMPLE IS RISING Basement and Foundation for Oddfellows Completed. The basement and foundation of the new Oddfellows temple, to be erected at the southwest corner of Tenth and Salmon streets, have been completed and it is expected to start oa the steel work about September 1. Ernst Kroner, architect for the structure, announced that the work is going forward in good shape; with every indication that the build ing will be completed shortly after the first of the year. The building will be a steel frame fireproof structure with four stor ies and two messanines, making it practically equal to a 6-story build ing. It will cost in the neighbor hood of $250,000. ' The design js of the gothic style of architecture and the exterior ill be trimmed in terra cotta. A large lodge auditorium will be a feature of the structure. The decision to" build the new structure came after the old lodge temple, on lower Alder street, was damaged by fire. GILL BUILDING PROGRESSES Structure Expected to Be Ready .for Occupancy In November. Work is going forward rapidly on the construction of the building for the J. K. Gill company, at the south east corner of Fifth and Stark streets, and already the concrete for the basement and first story of the structure has been poured. ; It is hoped to have the building completed and ready for occupancy about the middle of November. As soon as the Uill company has moved irom tne ouiiaing wnicn it now occupies, that structure will be made the site of a new modern building. $12,000 HOME COM PLETE D Spanish Type of Bungalow In ' Laurelhurst District. Among the artistic houses recent ly completed in the Laurelhurst dis trict is a Spanish type bungalow erected for Mrs. Charlotte Dann by her husband. John J. Dann, at the northeast corner of Miramir .tnd Flanders streets. The structure, with the site, represents an Invest ment of $12,000. The building has a stucco finish and contains 6 rooms and a sleeping porch. The bungalow was erected on property purchased from the Lau relhurst company through Ritter, Lowe & Co. ;W 0 M E - Mj t- - jli J f lot, sold by George Areii to 1. 13 PL FINE RESIDENCES TO GO UP ON EAST SIDE. Estimated Expenditures , .--Neces' sary for Construction of Residences $8 0S0 00. . Proposed new residence struc tures in the (suburban residential tracts of the east sidS which will be constructed this fall include. 13 fine homes for which plans were an nounced during the week. The mew residences will range in cost from $4000 to $12,600 and will add sub stantially to the building figures for the summer months, the estimated expenditure necessary for their con struction being over $80,000. . The finest home, announced to be started at once, is for Clara F. New ton and will be built at 333 East Twenty-ninth etreet. North, be tween Weldler and Halsey streets. A. L DuPuy is the architect' and th new structure will be 34x37 feet of two stories. Construction work will start immediately by Camp & Du Puy. The approximate cost will be $12,600. ' Twoi other structures costing over $8000 will also be started immedi ately, one for J. L,. Morrow to be constructed in trvlngton at 665 East Seventeenth street. North, the other for A. Rucker at 1521 Madison street between East Fifty-sixth and East . Fifty-seventh streets. MI V. Sutherland planned the Morrow home and Olaf Sunde the Rucker home. Both will cost approximately $8500 each. A new $7000 residence for Mary F: Kennard, to be built at 450 East Twenty-eighth street. North, has been planned by Charles B. Martin, architect. The structure will be of two stories, 41x27 feet. H. H. Hams has plans for a $6500 residence built, for D. M. Clay at 565 Myrtle street, the structure to be 36x30 feefl and of two stories. A $6000 struc ture will also be erected at 812 East Harrison street in "Murraymead for Fred Farrar. It will be 32x46 feet and of two stories, A. C. Malmquist preparing the plans. Several $5000 residences will . be started at once among the latest announcements. The five new ones included this week are: Ida M, Kel logg at 380 East Thirty-eighth street," North, R. S. McFarland at 446 East Thirty-seventh street." North, Walter' Johannsen at 1236 East FlandeTS street, George E. Sharkey at 690 Multnomah street and Frank Muletta at 1762 Bast Morrison street. , . A $4000 structure for C. S. Johnson at 803 East Twenty-eighth street and a $4000 addition to a residence at 784 East Thirteenth street. North, for Fred Schwan will also be started immediately. . ELBRIDGE APARTM ENT SOLD Sheriff Orr of Polk County Buys Building as Investment. John W. Orr, sheriff of Polk coun ty, Dallas,- Or., has purchased the Elbridge apartments, located on the corner of Twenty-first and Overton streets, frony W. B. Stewart for a consideration understood to be ap proximately $59,000.. Mr. Orr was r"'ii 1 ji. :l rM t- -Jt K -4tv - IDsaT in 1 Ti" TV4 ST Powell, a recent arrival from Louisiana, represented in ' the transaction through the agency of Rich .Rei mann of Dallas, while "negotiations for Mr. Stewart were carried on by B. Ji Sperry of the F. E. Taylor Co. The Elbridge apartments, cover ing the corner lot, 50x100 feet at Overton and: Twenty-first streets, is a three-story and basement bric building, containing 32 three 'and four-room apartments, and Is leased for a term of years on a basis to net Mr. Orr ' approximately 10 per cent on he purchase price. Mr.fprr pur chased the property for an invest ment. BANK PLANS- ARE PREPARED New Structure at Oswego to Cost .Jn Neighborhood or $8000. Plans are being prepared by Carl L. Linde for a new one-story . bank building to be erected at Oswego for the Oswego State bank, a re cently organized institution incor porated for $15,000. The bank building 'will be of re inforced concrete, 28 by 40 feet in dimensions and will cost , in the neighborhood of $S500 with the' fix tures. Construction w'ork will - be started in a few days, according to present plans, and it is expected to S'llcomlhuse Freight Poid toYbur Railroad Station wesw Aim - V 7Room House PRIjE INCLUDES an nign qual ity lumber, millwork, windows, doors, flooring, siding, roofing, interior woodwork, glass, nails, paints, varnishes and hardware. Lumber eut-to-fit. Save waste on material and labor. Complete plans and instructions. . -million Dollar Corporation . Guaranty "We will ship these houses any where on quick notice. Send today for Catalog No. 2243 and complete Information. THE ALADDIN CO. Portland, Or.. f - 'i iii fill "jiMCTi HT "iiiiiiMiMfflwin'nr tt " ... ftHiX 111 Ir'! -..&m JUL. ALttN NOYE, through the agency of Keuhauxen & have the structure ready for open ing about November 1. - . The officers of the new bank are: John Bickner, president; Emil Folda. vice-president; Charles " J. Sadilek, cashier, and John Bickner, W. B. Cook and Charles J. Sadilek, direc tors. When You Build Build Right WITH . , Real Burned Clay Brick Only genuine brick can be expected -to give you real .brick service and character. SPECIFY1 STANDARD F CONVENIENT 3F EFFICIENT If You Heat Your House You Can Do It Better With Gas If you do heat it with gas, you can do ; . it better and for less money by using the , HESS GAS FURNACE Either Ziped or "Pipeless" ' Come'in, and let us show you how the HESS SYSTEM keeps the gas bills within reason. This is the way our customers tell it: "It costs less jhan wood or coal." Helen B. Edwards. "It did not cost any more than wood or coal." R. D. White. J. "It does not cost as much as heating with wood or coal." B. L. Hageman, Milwaukie. Better come in and see for yourself. Hess Furnace Manufacturing Co. - 304 Oak Street Broadway 5261 Your Home Is Your Castle NOT only should it repre- ' sent the last word in comfort, coziness and con tentment but it , should be staunchly defended against the Wnemies of this happiness which are cold, dampness and the ills that follow in - their wake. With a Sunbeam Furnace in your basement you are se curely fortified against the winter elements. Regardless of the weather or the size of your home you will always havelenty of heat at slower cost and with less running up and down stairs trying to coax warmth out of an unrespon sive furnace. We'd like to make you our friend for life by installing a Sunbeam Fur nace in your home at once. HONEYMAN HARDWARE COMPANY PARK AT GLISAN bne Block' Wet of Sw Pomofflce. Sfar Broadway Bridge ARTISANS SELL STOCK $31,000 DISPOSED OF IN LESS THAN 20 DAY'S. Plans Are iu Progress for New Buildin at Third and Columbia Streets. A stock-selling record, which, it Is said, has never before been achieved by any fraternal organi zation In the city, was accomplished last week, when the United Artisans sold $31,000 worth ot stock out of a total issue of $35,000 in less than 20 days to defray the expense of erecting1 the new Al Azar building on Third and Columbia streets. "This is one of the biggest records in selling stock for the purpose of raising money to build a new lodge building, said 11. s. Muason, su preme master of the organization. "The first of the month we were wondering how we were going to raise the desired quota for our new building." The degree Is having plans made for a three-story bujlding to be erected on Third and Columbia HOUSE PLANS FREE BRICK & TILE CO. BRICK ECONOMICAL The SUNBEAM Save Fuel Gives Uniform Heat No Worry Burns Any Fuel Is Economical and Means Money Saved SUNBEAMJ streets. The structure will be i' 100 feet In dimensions, with a lir. auditorium with a seating caaii .. hof 1800 people. The stagn will h 40x50 feet.' One of the features will In1 banquet hall, which will he t lie sin.' size as the stage. This has - u so arranged that on special on sions where there will be lu. . . gatherings the banquet hall i:.'. be used' as a stage. When the new building is con. pleted it will -cost in the neighbor hood of $50,000. The contract for the construction will not be let until all the stock has been subscribed. Perfect plumbing's WHAT WE DO US DO SOME WORK FOR YOU J pLUMBINGr TF YOU knew the perfect nature of the plumbing: work we have done for others in this community we feel quite certain that you would have employed us long ere this. But you needn't put it off any longer. Send for us and get acquainted with the perfect plumbing we do. ALASKA PLUJIBING & HEATING CO. 363 East Morrison St East 2954. Inlaid Linoleum and Cork Tiling for Residences, Apart ment Houses, Office Buildings, Halls, Lodge Rooms, Churches, The aters, Stores. "Wherever there's a floor, there's the place to lay linoleum." WE FURNISH MATER IALS AND INSTALL AT A VERY MODEST OUT LAY. Cork Floor Products Co. Broadway at Taylor St. FURNACE We have the Rlchardson-Boyn-ton Furnaces both the pipeless and the regular kind. We ar experts on heating and ventilate ng. We will frlve you the benefit of our forty years' experience in th!sline. It will save you future trouble and expense-by Installing the right furnace in the right way. J.C.BayerFurnace Company 204 MARKET tT. i