20 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 27, 1922 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Wublnfton n. -A clean, respectable place to live; free phones in each room, automatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant in connection; near Washington park, Multnomah club and hospitals; reasonable ra te. day, week or month. THE WHITEHALL 263 Sixth St. Rooms, single and en suite, modem, at moderate prices; largo sun parlor and every convenience, Portland's downtown hotel. HOTEL CLIFFORD, PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TK; CiUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER VK. AND UP. CONVENIENT, ALL NHJHT GARAGE. LRTHUH HOTEL. 170 11th st., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates nrmbd Room in Private Family. iluDERX home, wtst side, walking dis tance, has Qice, clean rooms, ail con veniences, well furnished, lira John ston, Atwater 1938. 474 Market St., cor. 14th st. , LOVELY large corner room, oriental rugs and birdseye maple furniture, in new bungalow near Beaumont and R. C. car lines; abundance hot water, laundry privileges. Auto. 317-45. n.E large front room, furnished very attractive: modern new house with piano; good location; 10 minutes' ride; Hawthorne car. 304 E. 22d, near Haw thorne. Phone East 6630. A LARGE room on second floor includ ing sleeping porch; all home privileges, free bath and phone; suitable for two or three, either sex. 203 N. 21st. Main 407S. MCE FRONT ROOM IN A MODERN HOME. RIGHT DOWN TOWN, ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, REASONA BLE. SEPARATE BEDS. 22S 10TH ST.. OR CALL MAIN 5758. 2 PLEASANT sleeping rooms, young gentleman or working girl; everything homelike; one with hardwood floors; kitchen privilege if desired; walking distance. 657 Flanders. Bdwy. 27S2. MRS. PL'TMAN'S bungalow. 1809 E. 10th, corner of Ochoco overlooking Waverly golf links and Willamette river. Pleasant room witn Dreattiasi tf desired. 1 LARGE, clean, furnished room in nice home of exclusive quiet neighborhood for 2 ladies; light housekeeping and laundry privileges. Call mornings. 801 Clackamas st. . NICELY furnished sleeping room, suita ble for two young men or ladies; walk ing distance; light, heat, phone. 120 E. 15th. Phone East 7714. . COUPLE living in bungalow have com fortable room; Franklin high dist., fine for teachers; home privileges. TAbor 3527. iLEASANT room, suitable for two, fur nace heat, with home privileges, with or without board, close in, near 3 car lines. Sellwood 2840. LARGE, well furnished corner room; re fined home; bath, hea, phone; walk ing distance; gentlemen. 858 Larrabee. East 4!06. MCELY fur. rms.. private home, busi ness men. quiet, homelike atmosphere; breakfast; walking distance; refer ences; garage. 442 Holladay. E. 9226. " LAURELHURST. Lovely, large sitting room, sleeping porch, next to bath, with or without gara ge. Tabor 0978. ONE wen-furnished room with sleeping porch overlooking the city, close In. pleasant surroundings, will rent to one or two gentlemen; ref. Atwater 2039. ONE OR TWO furnished rooms, with breakfast if preferred. In high-class home, on west side. Ladies or gen tlemen; references required. Main 0186. ROSE CITY Large front room, 3 win dows, board optional; all comforts of own hone; private fam'ly 1 blk. to car. i'abor 8976. LARGE room, suitable for two: break fast and dinner if desired; home privi leges. Phone Tabor 4370. 1136 E. Yamhill St. ATTRACTIVE room in pleasant modern home for lady employed or girl going to school ; half block from car line. Walnut 4024. KiCELY furnished room next to bath and phone in steam-heated apt.; five minutes' walk from business center. Main 3622. . LARGE sleeping porch with 2 attractive, newly furnished dressing rooms to ac commodate 4 gentlemen; excellent meals. East 6724. DESIRABLE outside room in Imperial Arms apartment; ivory furniture, easy walking distance; references required. Phone Atwater 2461. DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman; best location, west side, easy walking dis tance: reasonable rent. wany. bin NICELY furnished room in private res; dence; gentlemen preferred. 709 I Couch. East 1397. LARGE front room suitable two; run- ning water, ladies only, i private home, close in; fternoons Atwater 3735. 61NGLE room, dependable heat and hot water: breakfast if desired; best east side location. Aut. 315-58. LA KG E. pieasa ni room with ad. loin in b;:th. on 3d floor, private family; rea son th)e rent. Broadway Vihi. El.t G AN T L l furnished sleeping rooms. pi ices range from $0 to $30; desirable loca t io n: walking distance. 554 Everett. VERY attractive newly furnished front room for 2 business people; excellent board. 442 E. 17th st. N. NICK clean room with bath and use of phone; students preferred. 626 East Couch or East 3085. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two. 422 Jefferson. Main NICELY furnished room in modern home; gentlemen preferred. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1746. MLKL.Y furnished room, private family, hot. cold water, gentleman preferred. 03 N. 22d st. Main 1746. UNUSUALLY attractive room for man who likes good furniture and quietude. Atwater 17S0. NEWLY furnished rooms; twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges; rate $3 50 up. 61 N. I8th st. Bdwy. 2721. LAI RELHURST-j-Nicely furnished front room in lovely home; every conven ience ; block from car. Tabor 2437. 1TRMSHED room for rent reasonable, convenient to 2 cars, 528 Rodney Ave. cor. of -Russell St. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a 'lovely private home, suitable for 2 young men. 71 Trinity Place. INICELY furnished room in modern home, centrally located; gentlemen preferred. East 9596. ONE large, beautifully furnished room, facing park way, suitable for two. 330 Park st. Main 1920. THREE furnished rooms, including mod ern kitchen. Adults. Call Monday. Tabor 0H.t9. FURNISHED room in private family, for one or two gentlemen, pleasant su rrou nd i n gs. Atwater 4761. ATTRACTIVE modern room, all con veniences, small refined family; near Multnomah club. Main 6552. NEATLY furnished bedroom, also sleep ing porch; reasonable; near couch school. Broadway 5026. 1 SMALL room, 1 exceptionally large -.ith dressing room, 3 closets, fireplace, private bath. 84 N. 21st. cor. Everett. SLEEPING ROOMS, suitable for 1 or 2. in private home : furnace heat, walk ing distance. 427 Williams ave. NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen: private Catholic family. Atwater 4761. FUR- ROOMS in Nob Hill residence; walk-in-: distance: hot water heat.- 115 N. 223. Main 5398. VERY desirable rocra with twin beds, home conveniences, for 2 gentlemen; also single room. East 0259. IRVINGTON Large, airy bedroom for business woman, 2 carlines, all conven iences. References exchanged. E. 7953 15 SLEEPING room, private entrance; adjoining bath 412 E. 9th N 2 FURNISHED rooms for light house k?eping. 234 Adams. East 0225. HEIGHTS Large room, balcony, car line; $15; emp. lady. Atwater 2937. $16 ROOM for gentlemen. 720 Glisan st.. west side: references. Atwater 3613. CLEAN furnished rooms ciose in. Phone Broadway 2038 evenings. . BRIGHT, pleasant rooms for young men. 160 N. 2lst st. FURNISHED room for employed girl, reasonable. 461 E. Couch st. SLEEPING room to rent, reasonable. 345 Weidier. Phone, East 8030 Sun. 2CICELY furnished room in modern home. 335 3 0th st. Main 2828. 2.WLY furnished room; good car serv ice. 1121 Union ave. N. Walnut 6500. ROOMS, womoa employed. 362 Park tt.. corner Columbia; women only. THIRD-FLOOR room. light-, airy and clean, very reasonable. 562 Glisan. LOVELY room in lovely lrvington home for lady employed. $15. East S461. 3 EXTRA choice, well-ventilated, $20 to $25. 655 Everett. Bdwy. 3501. MODERN newly furnished room, reas onable. East 0348. 683 East Stark. ATTRACTIVE front room for business woman. 434 10th. Main 8206. 257 12TH ST. Single and double rooms, hot and cold water: men only. WANTED Employed man roomer; good Place to steady party. Main 3570. VERY pleasant front room. Nob Hill lo cation. 742 Irving Main 2425. CLEAN front room, modern home. 382 Ross st.. 2 blocks Broadway bridge. LOVELY room in lovely lrvington home - tor lady employed. $16. Last bl6L . FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. CLEAN, warm room reasonable. Also nicely- furnished Bitting1 room with large inclosed sleeping porch. Gentle men. Automatic water heater. 66 Lucretla at., near 23d and Wash. At. 3689. . ROOM and breakfast In good private home, close in. Garage if desired. East 2481. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23d AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotel on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. 223 EAST 20TH. EAST 7884. Portland's exclusive east side resi dential hotel; all modern conveniences, & home for discriminating people; make reservation for the winter now; large corner front room, suitable for couple or more; available September 1. HOTEL HEREFORD. 735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main 3303. Portland's high-class residential ho tel, being completely redecorated; at tractive rates; special Sunday chicken dinners; all the comforts of home; now offered by Mrs. - McDougall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel. CHESTERBUHY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT.! AMERICAN PLAN. ' Rate by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portlands down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men ajad women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180. ROOMS suitable for one or two gentle men or man and wife, with or with out board; all conveniences, east side, walking distance, lrvington car passes door. 416 Multnomah street. East 9123. THE MARION. Attractively furnished rooms and ex cellent meais with every home con venience, very moderate rates. 565 Glisan street. Broadway 0914. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. HOLLYWOOD HOTEL. RESIDENTIAL. Newly furnished: excellent meals. 633 Kearney st. Broadway 1J09. TABLE BOARD, 244 North 24th St., blk. from Good Samaritan Hospital. At water 0416. YOU'LL LIKE OUR MEALS. ' ROOMS. Double. Single, Meals. 779 Marshall. Main 4879. PRIVATE boarding house, close in, rea sonable; home-made bread and pastry. 194 N. 19th. Broadway 4314. WANTED to board four children; must furnish best references. AM 961, Ore gonlan. RoOM and board for business girls; mod ern conveniences; walking distance; $4 per week. East 9730. 12 E 7th st. ROOM and board East 3862. reasonable. Clean bds Koomw With Board In Private Family. ROOM in modern home, walking dis tance and close to carline, Hawthorne district, board, if desired reasonable. East 3753. ROSE CITY Large front room, 3 win dows; board optional; aU comforts of own home; private family, 1 blk. to car. Tabor 8076. ROOM AND BOARD. Two large, comfortable rooms, each suitable for 2 persons, with Or without board. 752 Lovejoy t. WANTED A high-school student to live with private tamily. walking distance from Washington and Benson schools; family privileges. Phone East 734;. ROOM and good home cooking, in clean, modern home; lrvington, walking dis tance, or Broadway, Woodlawn and Alberta cars; garage. East 589 1. PRIVATE home for two school girls motherly care and training; near school, library and churches. Sell. 2203. WELL furnished room, private home, de sirable district, -between Jefferson high and Woodlawn school, 2 meals if de sired. Va. 6464. NICE, ldrge room, with board for 2 g-niemen, rates reasonable, walking distance, .east side, near sunnyside car. r74 E. Taylor. East 9044. CLEAN, comfortable room for 2 gentle men. Home- privileges and home cook ing. 157 W. Winchell. Kenton dist. Walnut 1678. WOULD LIKE little girls, school age to room and board, $20 a month. 140 E. 34th, corner Morrison, 2 blocks school. ' Wl LL give good room and board to little gtrl from 3 to 8 years or age nar good schooL Price reasonable. Tabor 26ti. ROOM AND BOARD for school or working girl; 1 small room with board or h. k. privileges. To 2 Lovejos' st. - Good room and board in modern home, . with privilege, for either two gentle men or two ladies, or couple. Call Ta bor 3232. 321 E. 54th. vv ILL board one or two children over 8 years old ; mother's care ; only $ 1 5 a month; near school, on ranch, write box IN. f hehails. Wash. WILL board and care for children,- $18 per month ; best of references. Mary Hawker, Milwaukie, Or. Phone Oak Grove 145 W. ROOM and board for 2 or 3 gentlemen; also garage; all home comforts. East 3023. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two refined gentlemen. Piano and Victrola. 792 Marshall st. Main 5637. ONE LARGE room, suitable for two. close to two schools, home privileges. Tabor 4035. LIGHT, clean basement room, with or without board, reasonable; walking distance, west side. Main 8952. WILL board and room child around five years of age. by day or week. Com panlon for my boy. Call Atwater 24-t9. WANTED A girl employed to room and board, no car fare, two in family ; reasonable. Phone Bdwy. 3016. A LOVELY room with one or two beds in an attractive home: will serve two meals only. Tabor 8709. IRVINGTON Beautiful double room; also single rm. ; best home cooking; refined surroundings; garage. E. 6645. LARGE 2-room suite, suitable for 4 per sons ; good board, home cooking; also single rooms. 455 West Park. PLEASANT room for 1 or 2. all home privileges, modern. 35o E. 30th, near Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 3328. CHILDREN in my good home, fine, care ful care; close to grammar and nign school; 12 years' ex.; refs. Walnut 7307. BOARD and room for father and child or 2 men that will room together. 4t3 N. 23d st. A LOVJSLY room with 1 or 2 beds in an attractive home; will serve 2 meals; men onJy. Tabor 8709. EXCEPTIONAL home for children from 3 to 10 years; near good school; $35 per month. 310-36. LADY and grown daughters will care for children or elderly people. Tabor 5709. LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. private home. Main 074. 305 14th street. LADY alone wishes - to board working man. or will consider small children. East 8182. ROOM AND BOARD for young lady at tending school; - private family. 238 Imperial ave. PERSONS desiring an exclusive and re fined home for children call Tabor 878 for particulars. NICE room and board in modern home for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 443 East 10th st. North. East 5805. WANTED Children to board in private family, suburban home. Price reason able. Empire 0556. CONGENIAL gentleman to room and board, $7.50 week. Piano. Main 0698. NICE warm room reasonable. excellent board for 2. 191 11th st. Main 9121. ItARGB room, suitable for two. Atwater 4410. 770 Irving st. ROOM, board, private home, two genntle rnen. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. ROOM with board, steam heated apt., bath adjoining. Broadway 3780. ROOM and board in private boarding house. 602 E. Ash. Phone East 1207. FURNISHED room and board, sleeping porch. 407 Clay st. Main 3834. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board, in modern home. Walnut 4796. WANTED Child to board, elegant home. Walnut 7246. NICE front room along with good home cooked meals. 205 N. 21st street. GOOD board, reasonable, fine home, near Jefferson nigh scnooi. walnut 66iq, ROOM and board for two in Rose City Park home. Phone Tabor 7536. ROOM and board in suburban home; girl 11 to 13; mother's care. Tabor 3302. ROOM AND BOARD, 574 Ladd ave., near E 12ih and Hawthorne. East 5145. ROOM and two totals for gentlemen or couple. 330 E. 9th st. N. E. 8172. A PLEASANT room for two; congenial family. 60 Ella st. Auto. 510-Q6. LADY teacher or lady employed; no other boarders. Sept. 1. Tabor 2374. WILL care for mother's care. infant in my Walnut 1515. home. LARGE well-furnUhed room with board. 701 Irvioff st. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. 3-ROOM apartment in my lovely home that I will fcx up either for house keeping or rent to 3 or 4 and board them very reasonable ; restricted dis trict ; within 1 block of, 5 carlines; fine meals; a real home. Phone East 5518. $18, CLEAN, well furnished in nice home, five minutes' walk from down town or Multnomah club: board If de sired, young man preferred. Atwater 2623. BEAUTIFULLY furnished steam-heated rooms for 1 or 2 young ladies; best of board ; home privileges ; rates $32.50 to $42.50 per month; close in on west Bide. Bdwy, 2438. IRVINGTON Nice large rooms with 2 closets, suitable for 2 ladies; good home cooking; no other boarders; good home for congenial ladles. E. 5S78. 635 Hancock. LARGE, pleasant sitting-room with sleeping porch ; also smaller room ; good home cooking ; home privileges ; close in. 295 W. Park, cor. Columbia. SINGLE or double room for married cou ple or boys; good hot water and show era, first-class table board; walking distance. 681 Glisan street. GOOD board and room for men em ployed, reasonable, home privileges; piano and living room. 285 14th st. ' Main 2533. LARGE front room with private family, suitable for two, no other boarders, home privileges. 430 E. 8th street N. Phone E. 3885. ROOM and board for teachers or stu dents- in walking distance of Franklin high, Woodstock school and Reed, col lege. ' Telephone Auto. 631-01. HIGH-CLASS board and room. Call Monday. East 8608. Furniished Apartments. Nice attractive modern apart ments; 2, 3 and 4 rooms; under new management ; modern in every respect. Call Main 3705. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3 and 4-room apartments; all outside rooms; very clean and light; no objection to chil dren. Also hotel service given to bachelors. 189 North 23d st. $37.50 UNIQUE APT. $37.50. Artistically fur., overstuffed furniture clubhouse davenport, fireplace, etc; tenant of permanency desired. , Main 3816. THE EVERETT 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella sta.; very desirable 3-roora furnished corner apt. with balcony; modern walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. THE DEZENDORF APTS.. 208 16th, near Taylor; Atwater 0128; 6-room completely furnished apt., all outside rooms; no objection to chil dren; transients and tourists. SAN MARCO. K. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK, OR MT. E, 190. LA DELLE APTS.. 730 K Ankenv St. Desirable 3 and 4-room apts.. newly renovated, sleeping, porch, private oain; good car service. East 4046. LAM BROOK APTS. 7TH AND EAST YAMHILL STS. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. THE LANDARE 288 TENTH STREET. Fur. 2-room apt., also 3-room and sleeping porch. apt WILL rent to responsible party, 5-room iurnisnea apt. ana good garage, private home. Call after 6 P. M. 1070 . 13th in., rnone walnut 3363. , WANTED to share well furnished apart ment with lady employed. West side. Keierences exchanged. AR 972 Ore gonian. BUENA VISTA 434 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strictly modern fur- nisned and 1 unfurnished apt., all out side apts. Main 1052. NICELY furnished apartment, living room, dining room, kitchenette and sleeping porch. 721 East Ash. East BJ(B. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath, hardwood floors, white enamel ; free eiec. wasner and mangle. East 3782. THE DRICKSTON. 448 11TH ST. One 2-rm. fur. apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and painted ; one 8-room basement; free phone and light. Firs 2-rm. front apt., spotlessly clean and homey, close in. Also 3-rm. base ment apt. with reduction on rent for light service. 474 Clay. Atw. 4194. ONLY 417 Nice, clean, furnished 2-room apt., adults only;' fine street lawn and flowers. J furnish light, water and phone. 749 Belmont near 23d. SS car. SUNNYCREST, $35 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, kitch.. newly furn., re decorated; steam heat, gas, elec. 1S6 Sherman. PARK APARTMENTS. Light, clean 4-room corner apt; new rugs, fireplace, oak floors: accommo date 4 adults. Atwater 2381. TWO 2-room apartments and three 1 room apts; close in and clean. 343 10th st. Atwater 3359.. ALICE COURT, East 8th and Burnside Walking distance; 3-rm. apt., 2 beds, fireplace, priv. tel., bath. E. 3566. THE IDAHO APTS.. 389 6th st. ; furnished 3 and 4-room apts; $25 a month. neatly $20 to JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 8-ROOM APTS 3-ROOM apartment, clean, light, airy well furnished, modern conveniences adults only. Phone East 0858. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah ; 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment I reason-ble. 14th and Market. LAURELHURST APARTMENTS. 3-room apartment and bath, 142 E. 89th St. Tabor 2614. MARTHA APTS. 2-room furnished apts. by week or month. Main 2141. BERKELEY APTS., 39 TRINITY PL. a and 3-room furnished apts., ' 4-room basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. SOUTHAMPTON APTS 414 TENTH ST. 3 and 4-room furnished apts. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts. Walking dis tance, opp. auditorium. Atwater 5566. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at BeU mont; 2 or 3-room apts., finished in white enamel. East 4548. MOORS APTS. Newly furnished two- room-oam apartment, new bulldine $35. 415 E. 10th. East 1507. 8 LARGE absolutely clean rooms with private- bath; close in; no children East 8469. 29 East 18th st. N. ARDMAY, 305 12th st. ; large. light front -roora apartment, beautifully fur nished. Atwater 0S9S. SHEFFIELD Apts. 272 Broadway. Main ouo. i (j-room, also 1 4-room corner apt., nicely furnished. Private bath. 2-ROOM turn., right down town. new. clean and desirable. Hotel Oxford, 11th and Washington. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs private balconies, $35 up. Mar. 1160. THE CHELTENHAM, 225 N. 4-room apts. Bdwy. 365. FOR RENT 3-room furnished aDart- ment. . East 13th and Morrison. LAKKER APARTMENTS.- Furnished and unfurnished, coiner 21st and Irving. LARGE 2-room apt., pantry, gas, range. uwi, Junius, pnonu, wen lurnished; adults. Sellwood 1063. THE NiCHOLS 2-room apt., also 3-rm. apt., private baths, steam heat, phone 856 E. 6th N. Walnut 4971. LEONCE APTS., 186 22D ST. C-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2250. AND 3-RM. fur. apartments in high class apt. house, with first-class serv lce. 15th and Belmont, East 6613. THE LEONARD" 3-roora apt., fur nished, clean, all outside rooms. East THE LILLIAN. 3-room furnished apt., west side, close in. Atwater 1378. 381 6th st. NEATLY up-to-date 4-room furnished apt., near Reed college, on car line rent $35. Aut. 630-29. NICELY fur. mod. apt., also sleeping rms., heat, phone free; clean, reason able. 745 Hoyt st. Atwater 2541. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth. fur apt. $21.50. Complete, concrete meg. WESTMINSTER, 2C2 SIXTH. . NICELY FURN COR. APTS. MAIN B582 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. BANNER apartments, nicely furnished 2 roms. Reasonable rent. 489 Clay st. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Call 110314 Hawthorne ave. apt. E. Tabor 7334. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, ferson. DE LAIR apartments and rooms. Phone East 6192. MLNCY APTS. 2 and 3-room apts., close in. 300 Clay st. Main 8663. 4-ROOM apt., nicely fur. lrvington Apts.. 21st lrvington. Main 9230. ROSE CITY 3-room apartment with ga rage: adults only. Tabor 3071. NICE, clean apts. in White veranda ga rage. 228 E. 20th St.. East 7267. huSELYN APTS.. 110 N. 21st St., 2-room modern apartment. ATTRACTIVE white enamel H. K. room; oookiag gas lurnit&ed, 42$ iLUl at FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL 3-roora apt., furnished in mulberry shade wicker furniture, white enameled, spotlessly clean, very reason- ( able, easy walking distance. Also Beautiful rooms furnished for light housekeeping; gas plate hot and cold water, 1 block from R. C. car and Grand avenue. 415 E. Couch st THESE ARE LOVELY APTS. , BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED AND VERY HOMELIKE, 4 ROOMS. COR NER, $05; 4 ROOMS, $47.50; ALSO 3 ROOMS, $45. YOU'LL LIKE THESE. FIRST-CLASS JANITOR SERVICES. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND CO LUMBIA. ' 3 LARGE west side rooms beautifully furn. ; large private bath, large cpurt, all clean and well lighted; electricity, heat, water and phone. Tenants fur nish own linen and silver. Employed couple preferred. J40. 800 Union ave. N., near Beach. 3-ROOM APT., $43. Best residence district, modern brick building, hardwood floors, private bath, walking distance, heat, hot water, janitor service, completely furnished. The Meredith. 22d and Washington. TWO nice rooms, front apartment, new ly furnished, heat, light, bath and telephone included inrrent; half block off Washington, five minutes' walk to heart of city. 701 Davis st., Nob Hill district. . WEST SIDE REASONABLE. For rent, very reasonable to husband and wife who work, bedroom connected with bath; comfortable and clean ; will share kitchen. Apply 401 10th st., apt. A. THE ALAMO APTS. Furnished 3-room front apartments, newly done in white enamel;- steam heat, private baths, disappearing beds, $43; 3-room back apartment, suitable i for 3. 2 beds. $40. 404 Market. UPPER APT. of 6 or 7 rooms, most ex clusive location, completely furnished. Will lease for 1 or. more years to de sirable people. MRS. nAKKY rKKJK fAlyitun.. East 3207. TO SUB-LET The most attractive. homev 3-room apartment, furnished; piano, steam heat, close in. Phone East 898S Sunday or Main 6356 week days. $5 UNDOUBTEDLY the most attract ive, cleanest large room and kitchen ette to be found; suitable for teachers near Holman school ; beautiful sur roundings. Main 8940. BEAUTIFUL 4-room furnisned apart ment at the New Gordon Court; must be seen to be appreciated ; $100; also lovely 2-room bachelor apartment. 530 Montgomery. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room well furnished apart ments, all outside rooms, absolutely clean; best of location, walking dis tance, west Park ana uoiumpia. NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnished 2 and 3-room immaculate apartment in high-class apartment house; period iurmture. vvnton rugs, nnen. snver, etc. Elmwood Apts.. 415 10th. M. 6600. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. Modern brick hldg., 3 large outside rooms, furnished, private oatn, n. w. heat, walking distance. 575 . Stark, corner 14th. East 8636. - TO SUB-LET for at least 4 months. handsome and completely furnished 4-room apartment, suitable lor two adults; good west side location; $100 a month. Call Broadway 794: NOW READY Beautiful 1 and 2-room housekeeping apartments, $30 and $35; ivory, wicker and chintz - furniture; easy walking distance. 571 Glisan; near 17th. FOUR rooms, kitchenette and bath in private home, heat, hot water, elec tric washing machine furnished; $65 per month. Would be nice for four school teachers. 181 East 16th st. HALSEY APTS., 300 Williams ave; 3 rooms, newly furnished suitable for 4 people ; two beds; private bath. $40 ; also other 3-room apt., vacant Sept 1. $35. ALTAMONT APTS., 304 COLLEGE. BETWEEN 6TH AND 6TH STS. Nicely furnisled newly tinted 3 and 4-room apts. Main 6375. GARDNER. 562 E. Ash. corner 13th Very desirable large three rooms, ab solutely clean; nice balcony; near Washington high school ; references A REFINED business woman to share very desirable 2-room apartment, nice ly furnished, central location. AN 937, Oregonian. . LARGE furnished 2-room front apart ment; kitchenette .and bath; ground floor: light, phone and heat. 554 East Madison, corner of 13th. FOUR-ROOM modern unfurnished apt., nrv f.hiUirPTi. S40. Waverly Court, E. 26th and Clinton sts. 2752. ' - Phone Sellwood SUNNYSIDE APTS., Belmont at E. 3th st. One of nicest apartment nou .in city; steam heat. Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor cars. Tabor 3000. VALHEIM APTS. Beautifully furnished 3-room apt.; electric range; hardwood floors. East 7549. NEWLY furnished apartment in Irving- ton. Furniture for sale at bargain. Rent $100. Call before 1 P. Mr East 19. m 4-ROOM furnished apt. private bath and sleeping porch, phone and neat. Aauits, walking distance, $55 per month. East 1966. THE BENSON, 20TH AND KEARNEY". One 3-room iront apartment, niceiy furnished. Nob Hill section. Phone Broadway 4448. IRVINGTON, close-in, 5-room furnished flat apartment. 054 Tillamook, corner 13th st. ' CLASSIC APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern apart ments. 662 Glisan. 3-ROOM furnished apt., private bath. li ghts, water and phone free; $27.50. ss e. Ash st. 3-ROOM apartment with range, sink and running water, electric light and phone. $20 per 'mdnth. Main 5283. HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS 2 or 3-rocm apts., steam heat, electric lights, gas range. Atwater 1792. 3-ROOM apartment near Jefferson high school; clean and convenient: 1 block from car: also garages. 1051 Kerby. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-rm. apt. 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 1008. THE MARTHA One and 2-room fur nished apt., by week or month. Open sleeping rooms. Main 2141. 2 ROQMS, furnished front apt., 5 min utes walk- to Yamhill market, $24. 300 5th. Atwater 4248. FOR RENT Apartments and rooms. Large, light and airy. Rent reason able. 167 1st st. Call at studio. FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, elec tricity, gas. 1840 Glisan st. Phone Tabor 6220. NICE, large, 3-room-basement apartment, clean and cool, nicely furnished, $30 a month, 357 Twelfth st. ONE large room and kitchenette, gas range, sink and .running water, electric lights and phone, $15. Main 5283. COZY, newly furnished 2-room apart ment, convenient, clean, close. 344 Benton st. TWO AND THREE-ROOM fufrilslW steam-heated modern apartments. $2S to $40 month. 402 V. Third street. $75 CHEERY 3-room apt-, garage, phone, light, piano, heat, clean. 429 Larrarree st. A LARGE 2-room apartment, 1st floor, running water, laundry ; everything fur nished. 331 Montgomery. COMPLETE apartment, 2 rooms and sleeping porch in high-class residence; adiTUs onlv. 1034 Williams ave. ONE 2-ROOM apartment, iarge closet, outside rooms, light, water and heat. Pricf 20. goay. W-idle-. East 8331. MODERN, two extra large rooms, fur nished apt., with garage, or without- 315 22d st. N. . 4 ROOMS, heated, by two adults, walk ing distance; steel bridge district preferred. W 926, Oregonian. LIGHT, clean 2-room apartment. Close In. west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 7628 WANTED To share apt. with congenial young lady. Call after 6:30 P. M. E. 7060. . $35 FOR 3-ROOM steam-heated fur nished apartment. 2 beds,' private en trance. 402 Thrid street. ONE 4-ROOM and once 5-room fur nished apt. King Hill apts. Bdwy. 5126. HANTHORN APTS. Front 3-room furn. apt.; 2 dlsap pearing beds. 251 12th. CLEAN, furnished modern apt., 3 rms. and private bath ; lrvington district. 514 Hancock st. East 2202. 4-ROOM, furnished apartment in private home, two bedrooms,- clean. 395 5th, cor. Harrison. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat; lur nished and unfurnished. 561 Glisan. 2-RM. FUR. or partly fur. apt., adults. Main 6354. 7-ROOM modern house, Hawthorne dis trict. 315 E. 40th street. MULTNOMAH APARTMENTS. 3 rms. furn. 227 Market. Main 6452. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment, close In. $28. 432 Jefferson st. SMALL 2-room apt., newly decorated, $22.50; adults. 562 Glisan. 3-ROOM apt., single room or housekeep ing. 2S6 Clay. 3-ROOM apt., with private bath. Thurman. near 20th. toilet and Atw. 4761. ONE 4-ROOM and one 5-room furnished apt. King Hill apts. Btiwy. 5120. MODERN 5-room apt., ground floor, pri vate eutraace. Furni-bed, East 2376. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments, STELWYN APARTMENTS. . THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Fines, most completely fur nished apts. in city, in select res idence district. Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home atmosphere. References required Lovely sunshiny outside apart . ments; 2, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hang ings, brasses, comfy wicker furni ture, floor lamps, etc.; piano; maid service if desired ; excep t tionally clean. Also single rooms by day, week, month. THE STELWYN, 166 St. Clair St., Cor. of Wash ington and Twenty-second. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house near 23d and Washington will accommodate tourists during summer; 3-room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly deco rated 3-room apt., with a real bedroom ana new rurniture; also a-rm uniui. apt., newly papered and decorated. jau A-iain 383 . i JUST COMPLETED. WESCOTT COURT APTS., 450 Weidier, block S. Broadway. Each apartment consists of large liv ing, dining and bedrooms, , balcony, shower bath; all outside rooms: ma hogany furniture, ivory finish, electric ranges, hardwood floors, etc. i Dejieve these apts. to be the most complete in city; only few left; see them. WHEELDON ANNEX. . Has been thoroughly renovated and redecorated and under new manage ment; 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts. to perma nent or transient by day. week or month; close to business center. - Cor ner 10th and Salmon. Main 6641. 2 ROOMS furnished, light housekeeping, suitable for man employed, $12 per month; 2-room suite, . housekeeping, clean, $20 per month. Take 16th or N. & S. Portland cars to 20th and Thurman, 1 block north. G43 Upshur. Bdwy. 1871. NOW AVAILABLE Desirable 2-room apts. in modern brick bldg. ; large rooms, roomy kitchen, built-in or open beds, linen furnished: nothing better for the price, $25 to $40. Lincoln apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. THE CROMWELL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NCW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. AU outside 2 and 3-room furnished apts., French doors and balconies, pr manent and transient. Atwater 5198. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two - room, furnished; phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele , vator, hardwood floors; walking dis tance. Main 9466. $18. Finest residential district, one large living room, large clothes closet, nice ly furnished where your apartment is your home. Main 3816. ALTONIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, un furnished or furnished Bdwy. 1412. VERY attractive front room, extra larpre and sunny; gas range, running water anoieatner davenport. i35 verett Unfurnished Apartments, REASONABLE RENT. Several NEW 2-ROOMED APART MENTS, with bath room, breakfast nook, laundry tray, gas range, new.. linoleum, all clean and ready for occu pancy; move in now, rent beginning sept. 1; block on Orand ave., close to several car lines. Apply between 2 and 6 P. M. at northwest corner of E. 6th ana Mill, or call Tabor 1781. . . HOTT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. 796 EAST HOYT ST. New building now ready for occu pancy; a. 4, o-room unfurnished apart ments; all outside rooms overlooking oeautiiui gardens ; large rooms : e !e trie ranges: hardwood floors: til- baths; every modern convenience and unexcelled service. Phone East 7o27. HO YT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. 706 EAST HOYT ST. New building now ready for occ.i pancy, 3. 4. 5-room unfurnished apart' ments; all outside rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; large rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floors, tile baths, every modern convenience and unex- ceuea service. Phone ast 7027. IRVINGTON APARTMENTS. BUILT BY BOWMAN. Hieh-class 6-room lower Nn. '4 aot hardwood floors, tiled bath, steam heat. janitor service; reference. 377 E. 25th jn. can East 7620 until 11 A. M. or in qufre Atwater 5847. THE MERLIN. Choice, large apts., 3 rooms. 2 dress ing rooms and bath, with all modern built-in conveniences. All outside rooms. Phone Atwater 0426. ABERDEEN. 611 HAWTHORNE AVE. iNew apt. house, just completed, 4 roora apt., hardwood floors, 2 sets French doors, ivory finish, electric ranges and washer. Phone East 6950. WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room and 2 room modern, unfurnished ; excellent services, located 18 th and Flanaers, west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. THE ALTER 6-rm. bungalow aot.. sin porch, tile bath with shower, hajrdwoud . floors, china closet, fireplace, steam neat. $ io. J. i si , uverton. Bdwy. l ARBOR COURT. 14TH and COLUMBIA Beautiful 3-room apartment, finished in ivory and tapestry ; adults, reason able. BOWMAN APTS. lrvington, 16th and Hancock; high class, 4 rooms, modern, steam-heated apartments. East 1369. FIVE-ROOM apartment, Portland Ht: fireplace, steam heat, janitor service ; rent $125. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 C. of C. bldg. Broadway 6007. CLEAN 3-room and bath, all outside rooms, hot water, phone, $30, or owner will board. 90 East 19th st. East 0089. BOWMAN APTSr lrvington. 36th and Hancock; high class 4 rooms, modern steam-heated apartment. East l.i69. GRACE APTS.. 24TH AND NORTHRUP. Five outside rms., redecorated, front and rear sleeping porches, steam heat janitor service. Atwater 0554i FRONT 3-room apartment, clean and comfortable; heat, phone and light reasonable rate. 166 E. 16th. East 8054. GARDNER, 562 E. Ash and 13th Larg .5 rooms; Just like a bungalow; hot water neat, -rirepiace, absolutely clean; near Washington high school; ref. IRVINGTON. close in, 3-room thorough modern apartment. 554 Tillamook, cor, 3 3 th. IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. --room modern front corner apt. 1 blk. off Wash; at. ; adults. Bdwy. 2761. MODERN 5-rooms, steam heated, cor., front apt., with sleeping porch, free phone. Phone Atwater. 1611. 2-ROOM apartment, large yard, no ob jection to children. East S367. 90 East 8th street S. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 , and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 1 1th and Montgomery. Main 0359. MORTON APARTMENTS. 4-room un furnished apt. 697 Washington st. troanway iinj TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir able unfur. apts. available at reason ablw rentals. Phone Bdwy. 68 60 . IDEAL six-room apartment. Rose City Park, light, airy rooms. See owner. 203 3d. - MARLBOROUGH. 5 rooms, unfur., very large and light rooms, newly decorated. Main 7516. ROSE FRIEND, Bdwy. and JeffersonT Choice 5-room apartment can be se cured Sept. 1. Atwater 1410. MOR DAUNT 586 Everett. Large mod ern 4-rm, homelike; Inspection invited. 660 FLANDERS, 6-room unfurnished apt., porches, $65 month. THE ORMONDE I and 5-room unfur. apts. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 8873. 4-ROOM apt., front porch, Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main 9239. LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon st. Main 8678; 2-room apt., water, light, phone. 4 ROOMS, Portland Heights. Tel. wa ter 0597. or partly furnished. ONE 4 AND 5-ROOM unfur. apt. The WUmar. 74 Everett st. Main 5164. ROSE CITY PARK 4 light rooms, mod ern, garage, adults. $36. Tabor 5940. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broadway 3360. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, . $17; adults. Main 63o4. Furnished or TJnrurmsned Apartments. IONIAN COURT APTS., 18TH AND COUCH STS. Newly and completely furnished 4 room modern apt, everything to make the house complete. The apt. Is for rent and the furnishings for sale; you can save 50 per cent if you are think ing of furnishing your own home. See this to appreciate It. BERYL apartments, Lovejoy, near 2lst st., 1 furnished 2-room, all new pa pered walls, also 1 very large 3-room, large dressing room and closets; white woodwork, papered walls, close in lo cation. Phone Main 6254 JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH ST. 8 AND 4-ROOM APTS. 1, 2, 3-ROOM H. K. apartments, fur nished, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00. Unfurnshed cheaper. Cor. Glisan and 15th N. Broadway 416G. FOR RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. THE REXFORD. 2-room apartment, steam heat, tiewly finished. This is a nice one. Main 0553. HIGHLAND COURT. ATWATER 3181. Furnished or unfurnished apartments. Flats. LOVELY" 5-room flat, furnace and fire pla, stationary wash tubs in kitchen, gas heater and gas range included ; 60S Madison st., near Multnomah club, $4Q; Metzger-Parker Co. UPPER 4-room flat; inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bath; gas range and water heater, furnace ; close to cars ; rent $32.50; possession Sept. 15; some furni ture and fuel for sale. 3126 Wygant. DESIRABLE 3 or 4-room flat in Pied mont home, private bath, large closets, basement space, laundry trays, near Jefferson high school, 2 .carlines. 1198 Kerby. - , . 4-ROOM flat, 2 bedrooms, fine order phone, water; nice view; walking dis tance; $30. Call on Sept. 2, 389 16th st. South of Montgomery. 7-ROOM flat, arranged for renting single rooms or suite. 303 16th at., second building south of Montgomery : ren: $50. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com 5-ROOM FLAT, good condition, fine view. 301 16th. St.. secoVid house south of Montgomery. Vacant Sept. 1. Rent $40. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com LIGHT, absolutely clean, modern flat, 4 rooms and bath, screened porch adults only; rent $37.50. corner 24th and East Glisan. MODERN 5-room flat, 328 East Ross St., 2 -locks south Broadway car, $J0 key at 328 Ross St., or Metzger Parker" Co. HOLLADAY addition, modern 5 or 6 room flat; sleeping porch, linoleum, furnace, close in. 6Z4fe . zo. st. cor. Multnomah. 6-ROOM uioer. sleeoinur Dorch. fireplace gas rameo and other conveniences. 267 E. 25th st., bet. Hawthorne and Madi- son. East 1819. 4-ROOM modern flat; 772 Osage ave., block south 23d and Washington sts west side; adults. Broadway 7S33 or Main 8983. . STRICTLY modern 5-room: Nob Hill bungalow, style: white enamel, beam ceiling. Gas range. Attic. Adults. Broadway 2483. IRVINGTON 721 Multnomah st. ; very nice upper or lower 5-room apt. ; oak floor; fireplace; Rector gas heat. Call East 3225. 601 E. ALDER ST. Modern 5-room flat; this is walking distance; $35.60. Wood ward, JU4 2d st. Broaaway i4jo. FOR RENT Unfurnished 5-room flat, Vz block off Sandy blvd. Inquire be- fore 32 noon. 80o Oregon st. FIVE rms.. furnace, coil. laundry trays water beater, linoleum, close in. izz E- Main. 4-ROOM flat; private bath; electric ltgnt; gas; rent so per montn. Corbett st. 4-ROOM upper flat, nice, light, airy rooms, all conveniences, $22. oO. w al . nut 5625. 831 Garfteld. MODERN 4 and 5-room flats with sleep ing porches, walking distance, aauits. East 440 ROSS St 3-ROOM upper flat, floors covered, gas range connected; new and moaern. zvx 17th, near Jefferson, west side. WEST SIDE. 3 liicht. pleasant rooms. walking distance, partly furnished if desired; adults. 505 Columbia st. SEPT. 1ST. 4-room modern, furnace. 20 ft. cement garage. 1024 E. Main. $32. House open. Tabor HMa. 3-ROOM, modern upper fiat, with sleep ing porch ; $25 ; adults only. 4w N. 2-5-th st. Atwater 3719. IRVINGTON FLAT 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, modern every particular. w. -Li. .b'age, ju sneriock bldg. IRVINGTON Choice 4-room flat; heat, water, gas range; $70. smaller flat. 711 Thompson st. light, Also CHOICE 7-room flat, $35; Graham st.. near wimams. i?;ast tui. 598 Mi SALMON- 8 modern rooms. $50 per mo., clean, desirable. Bdwy. 6252. 6-ROOM modern flat in East Portland $45. E. 2301. LARGE, light rooms, unfurnished 84 5 'A Belmont. East 2218. , $22.50 MODERN 5-room lower b rick building. 649 -Second st. flat, FOR RENT 6-rm. modern flat. North 10th St.. $35: adults. Bdwy. 3670. 5-RM. modern lower flat; garage if de sired. tut ueimont.. ONE 3-room flat. 163 East 9th, corner Belmont. Phone East 70S7. CLEAN, modern 4-rm. flat $20. 211 McMillen, near Broadway bridge. STRICTLY modern, clean flat. 2535. SUNNYSIDE -Modern 5-room upper flat, $35 per mo. 1078 Belmont. A MODERN 3-room flat, unfurnished. 131S Corbett st. ATTRACTIVE cor. newly tinted, date, rent. 1st, 4S1 East Couch. -ROOM FLAT. SELLWOOD 3516. Furnifthed Flats. THE FAUSTINA. A modern house of flats, west side, close in, newly finished, cheerful four rooms and bath : a pleasant hom$; references. 464 Hall St., near 13th. IRVINGTON. Well furnished 5-room flat, piano, fireplace, hardwood floors. 627 Han cock. WELL furnished flat, 1 blook to Sunny- side car. walking distance Phone, care of garbage and water ; adults only. 542 Belmont, corner of East 12th. NO B HILL Modern 5-room upper fur nished flat, two bedrooms, fireplace, $60. 711 Kearney st. and 22d. Main 1563. FURNISHED 5-room lower flat, piano and tireplace, $u0 per month, Sept. 1 ; walking distance; adults only. 491 E. Ankeny. FOUR roomsv private bath, sleeping porch, piano, light, water, phone free. Adults. 781& Overlook blvd. Walnut 0405. . COMPLETELY furnished O-room modern flat near East Broadway. 40i Benton. - Call Sunday until noon, ' week-day after 6. MODERN 5-room new furnished lower flat; heat, light, water and phone. W. 21st st. 4-ROOM. nicely furn. 614 Vj Commercial Phone Atwater t. Cpen 10 to i 2812. ATTRACTIVELY furn. 6-rm. fiat, fire place and piano; Nob Hill. Atwater 3462. ' ELEGANT lower flat, hardwood floors, mahogany furniture, .";. can weeK days after 6 P. M. Walnut "437. NICELY furnished upper 4-rm. flat with all modern conveniences, reasona oie. Apply 1300 Denver ave. Wal. 3796. AN EXCELLENT 4-room flat, rent rea sonable; furniture lor sale cneap. 4io E. Couch near 7th. NEWLY furnished. 4-rms. and sleeping porch. 360 Park st., cor. Mill. call Main 8216. ' . FURNISHED . lower flat 5 rooms, piano, radiant fire, goi rurnace. Aauits. 601 E. Morrison st. NEATLY furnished 3-room flat; private bath and entrance; one diock irom Broadwav bridge; adults. 164 Cherry st. 659 PETTYGROVE. 4 rooms. bath freshly paperea ana paintexi. tan oe seen' after Monday. Very desirable. 4-ROOM apt., modern and nicely fur nished, walking distance, rent . Bdwy. 1904. -- . - FTVE-R. mod. fur. flat with pianr. reasonable rent, aaa jook ave. jviain. 2835. Apt. 26 3 HO OAfS and private bath. $25; 2 rooms and private bath, $. asc t tut mornings.' ' 5-RM.- nicely fiir., clean flat, $30, near Alblna raiiroaa snops; no oojection to children. 18 Revere. Wal. 0588. FURNISHED 4-room flat; fireplace, fur nace, sleeping por , w it i .i n dis tance. 385 Victoria st. East 6612. MODERN, 5 rooms, cool porches, furni ture for sale, reas. ou oaimon, opp. Multnomah club . 5-ROOM modern fiat; all newly tinted; adults; $33. in. qwy. zmu. ROOM flat with bath, front and back porch. 298 Tillamook st. East 7535. OUR ROOMS ready In September. Sellwood 3313. FOR RENT Nic 3-room furnished flat. 448 Overton. FOR RENT Nice 3-room furnished flat. 550 Overton. . FOR RENT 5-room fur, flat. ?H N. 22d st. Broadway 4570. H K., 5 RMS. or less, cheap. .Atwater 1457 after 9 A. M. FURNISHED 4-room upper flat; 161 Monroe st. Walnut 3045. FINE modern 6-rm. well furn. flat, west side; walking distance. Main 8311. 5 'ROOMS, mostly furn. 852 E. Burn side st. Broadway 6907. 1 LARGE, light cor. rm. apt. with kitch enette, $25. 402 Park. Atwater 1540. 5-ROOM lower flat for rent. Price right. ' East 3862. FURNISHED 3-room flat to adults; chill in arms only. Phone Tabor 6018. 5 ROOMS furnished. A & B wood and gas range. Atwater 2499. NICELY furnished 4-room flat. with bath. Rent reasonable. E. 3970. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms in modern home at 82 East 10th st. East 0168. FIVE-ROOM furnished flat. Call 565 E. Davis at. rent $4'5. NICELY furnished 3-room flat; only $25 per month. East 0349. FURNISHED 3-room upper flat, $21. 826 Vaughn st. Atwater 3719. FIVE-ROOM furnished tlat. ave., 2 to 5 o'clock. 310 Glenn FOR RENT. Furnh.Ii?6 Flat. LARGE 5-room flat, furnished or un furnished, near Wash, high and the new Buckman schools. Will not ob ject to 1 child. Mt. Tabor or Sunny side cars to E. 14th. 84 E. 16th st. Call Sellwood 2390 or can see flat after 10 A. M. Sunday or earlier by appointment. PLEASANT 5-room furnished flat In Sunnyside; good neighborhood, close in and two carlines; 1st floor; electricity, gas, water heater; $32.50. East 5260. 1058 East Taylor, near 35th. CLEAN, nicely fur. 4-room, lower part ! or private residence ; moaern. rurnace and fireplace; walking distance; west side, near 2 high schools. Atwater 3022. 9 ROOMS and sleeping porch, all fur nished, to reliable party, nochildren ; can re-rent part of rooms; would sell or rent at a bargain; west side, close In. Phone Atwater 0828. $35 DELIGHTFUL, modern, light, clean home; adults only. 345 y Weidier. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished suites, large, light rooms, every convenience, hot water and free baths at all hours; phone, linen, gas. ranges; clean suites for desirable people, center of city, no carfare. $4 to $5 week. 288 Third near Jefferson. NICE HOMELIKE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. $4 WEEK. PHONE, BATH. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ETC.. LOVELY HOME; YARD, FLO W E RS; VIE W, VERY NICE. 660 BELMONT ST. CORNER 18TH. NEATLY furnished two-rom suite, $3 50, also one with sleeping porch. $4.50 week; lovely, homelike place, with all 5S2 EAST SIXTH SOUTH OVERLOOKING THE RIVER. EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE. 2 rms., parlor floor, h. k. suite, large. ning water; every convenience, $32.50 also smaller apt., $22.50. U90 Irving HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light and clean, new bedding, gas and lights and hot water heat all furnished. .Good location. 460 Halladay ave. Phone fc-ast T550. HOUSEKEEPING room and kitchenette furnished or unfurnished ; reasonable ; ideal location: scrupulously clean: near city park; on Council Crest car line. ToS Park ave. Main 4278. LARGE, nicely-furnished room with kit chenette, ou first floor; also single room, all modern, conveniences tor light housekeeping. 361 10th st., near Lincoln high school. SINGLE or 2-room suiies, mahogany and ivory furniture. Hot and cold wa ter. Range. Steam heat. . Ivory woodwork. Piano lamp. Beautiful corner house, garage. 433 Market. 2 AND i-RM. suites, $12 to $15; single h. k. rooms. S5 to S10 per month bachelors or couples; lobby. Special rates to ex-service boys. The Vaughn Apts., Jv. 19th and Vaughn sts. NICE clean sleeping rooms, $2.25 and $2.50 per week ; housekeeping rooms, kitchen and living rooms, $4 per week. 773 Savler st. THE ALTO-VIST A APTS., cor. 16th and Petty grove Electric lights, bath and thoroughly clean; all rooms newly papered and tinted. CLEAN, nicely furnished front apt., waiKing distance. bbAUiiFUi. xAiiu. A PLACE YOU'LL LIKE. Reason able. Phone Main 5848. FRONT APT- first floor, 2 large well furnished rooms and kitchenette; A-l location. No carfare. Light, heat and phone tree. b.vx UJisan. Bdwy.. ,S'.M SUNNYCREST $25; three outside rooms. bath ; newly furnished, redecorated ; steam heat, gas, electricity. 186 Sher man st. STEAM-HEATED, hot and cold water, newly furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, laundry rooms; $12 month up. Sunny crest, 186 Sherman. LARGE front ' rm. with kitchenette. richly furnished : 2 refined working girls or couple preferred. 511 Mont-. gomery st. Mam 5002. CHANGED HANDS 665 1st st. House keeping and sleeping rooms; hot water, steam heat, elec. light, reasonable. Children welcome. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, fine location. walking distance, newly tinted and painted. C. S. preferred. 609 Everett street. THREE large rooms, first floor, walk ing distance to Dental C. Polytechnic, Washington H. and Buckman schools. Call Monday East 2135. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall -Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15. up, Including hot water, elec. lights, laundry room. 1 & 2-RM. housekeeping suites. hot water all hrs. 246 Montgomery. Main 3187. -ROOM and 2-foom housekeeping apart ments, $4.25 and $3.50. Main 3877. 447 5th st. DENVER APTS.. 203 Wash., cor of 1st; sione DUiiaing, large clean H. K.. rms.. singles and doubles. $3 and up. TWO comfortable outside rooms tor light n. is... rent reasonaDie. 060 Ullsan, cor. of 17th. LARGE rooms, furnished for house keeping. 585 Commercial st., near Emanuel hospital. SMALL, newly papered room for bache lor or worKing woman, $a.o0 per week. 327 3d st.. opposite auditorium. SINGLE H. K. rooms, gas. Iig"ht, heat. furnished, reasonable. 423 Pacific St., near Dental college. ONE ROOM and kitchenette; also single room; neat, gas ana iignts lurnished. 63 Ella st. THE MARTHA One and 2-room fur nished apt., by week or month. Open sleeping rooms. Main 2141. TWO all-clean nicely furnished h. k. rooms, oatn, pnone. walking distance, reasonable. 264 Jefferson, corner 3d st. LARGE front room, housekeeping; well furnished; telephone, bath. 67 N. 20th. Bdwy. 4123. AND 3-ROOM h. k. apts., sink, phone, laundry; suitable for 2 or 3 adults.. 306 12th st. TWO clean H. K. rooms; water, electric lights and gas. 553 Hood st., cor. Lin coln. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms ; hot and cold water in room; close in. 495 Davis, corner of 14th st. FOR RENT 2 large housekeeping rms. Call after Sunday, 73 West Killings worth. ROOM and kitchen, $2.50 per week ; 2 rooms, private entrance. ?.ou; waLking iistance. i i 3d street. 170 CHAPMAN St.. near 18th and Mor rison ; one room and kitchenette; $18.20, also J -room apt., t.'ft, Atwater 1S28. SNAPPY 2-rm. furnished suite, h. and c. water, place for car, reasonable. 302 Tillamook, near Williams ave. NICE clean h. k. roomw. single and double, $2.50 week up. Buckeye apts. 364 H ast Morrison. VERY clean, desirable h. k. rooms. See to appreciate. 107 17th st. N. Bdwy. 8037. LARGE front room and kitchenette, $20; 3 rms., $25. 306 4th st. 2 rms., $20. 300H 4th st., very close in. LARGE single housekeeping room, $4.50 week. 20 Grand avenue North. LARGE room with kitchenette, single H. K. room, $10. 264 12th st. Main 2902. NICELY furnished H. K. rms., 412 st. Close in. " . $3 UP. down-town H. K. Wash in r ton. corner 3d. rooms 253 STEAM-HSATE-'i h. k. rooms, h. and c. water. $3 to $7 week. , 147 13th st. TWO nice rooms very reasonable; also -single rooms. 655 Flanders st. NICE, clean room with kitchenette, $4.50 per week. 312 Clay st. 2 LIGHT h. Main 8510. k. rooms; rent reasonable. 1-ROOM apt. reasonable ; also sleeping room. 693 E. Madison. East 8911. TWO FRONT rooms, newly papered. 495 Montgomery. Atwater 3Q28. SINGLE H. K. room, light and clean; laundry room. 414 Mill st. 2 LARGE, light kitchenette. 402 outside rooms with Park. Atwater 1540. FRONT room and kitchenette for neat man; everything turn. 3utt lth st. ONE SUITE H. K. rooms, 2 sleeping rooms. Main w-JoJ. 2 OR 3 LOVELY housekeeping grooms, bath. $16 a month. 586 Pettygrove et. NICE clean, light room lor housekeeping in cnnil location. io 3-w 1 Jt h st. HOUSEKEEPING room for two, private entrance. $28 month. 47 Market. TWO housekeeping rooms, private en trance. i w . earK st. 3 H. K. RMS. ; 2 beds; $20 per mo.; 1 h. k, rm., 58 per mo. 7'a Hawthorne. Housekeeping Rooms .in Private Family. FURNISHED h. k. suite; adults; clean; walking distance. 34 ast 13th North. 2 .OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. 1045 E. Washington st.. corner 35th. SUNNYSIDE 30th st ; 3 clean outside rms., prl. ent., pleasant home. E. 8146. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in prl vate family. 755 Hoyt. THE MAPLE, 80 N. 17th, near Wash.; best h. k. rooms for the money. TWO FURNISHED H. K. rooms, up stairs. 1Q month. 674 E. Salmon. PLEASANT room with kitcheentte, Nob Hill district. Atwater 3521. CLEAN single outside h. k. rooms, elec tric lights. Bath. 400 Second St. 354 CLAY, furnished housekeeping rms. Call today. No children. 2 LARGE newly cleaned rooms on lowe floor, with bnth. at 331 Clackamas TWO furnished h. k. rooms ; private phone, call Monday. Tabor 6743. NICE clean H. K. apt., very reasonable. 614 4th sL FOR RENT. f Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. WEST SIDE, walking distance, very best large, attractive H. K. room, 1 block from Multnomah club. Murphy bed, ex cellent furniture, ivory woodwork, new ly papered, running water, every con venience. 575 Main st. THREE large rooms, accommodation 3 or 4 people and 2-room suites; also one large room and kitchenette; mod ern, near school and carline. . 736 Hoyt. 664 E. 6TH, 2d floor; 3 large, fully fur. H. K. rooms, $20; electric lights free; beautffui location, walking dist.; or nice 2-room front suite, $16. Phonu Sellwood 1100. TWO very nicely furnished h. k. room, hot and cold water, bath, phone in cluded; big gas range in the kitchen; laundry and big yard; walking X tance. 312 Cherry st. $5 UNDOUBTEDLY the most attract ive, cleanest large room and kitchen ette to be found; suitable for teachern; near Holman school ; beautiful ui -roundings. Main 8940. LARGE front h, k. suite, private bath, also large single h. k. room, running water, children taken, near Couch school, 615 Davis St. THREE rooms, newly furnished, house- keeping apt, clean and airy; walking distance, rent reasonable. Phone East 0551. 567 Vancouver, near Knott. NICELY furn. h. k. rooms, large porch and kitchenette, 2 working girls or couple preferred; very reasonable. 690 Love joy. LIGHT housekeeping room, neatly fur nished, gas, light and heat furnished, suitable for two girls or couple em ployed. $20. 206 24th st. N. LARGE, clean, attractive room with kitchenette all complete, for nice cou- piw , win a ppi eiMum , iu sift-inng i m.. modern, reasonable. 71 N. 2Jd tit. 2 CLEAN corner h. k. rooms, bath, fur nace heat, electric, large gas range, large garage, close in, private family. Sell. 1420. NEAT steam-heated singie eleeping or h. k. rooms, $3 up. 445 Columbia; another $2.50 per week. 206 13th st. 2 CONNECTING rooms for housekeeping, first floor; 1 single room, water in room. 314 6th st. TWO nice housekeeping rooms. ever thing furnished. 535 East Burnside. East 3883. h! K". APT., $30 mo. up"! private en trance; elec. and gas stoves; elec, phone, heat; central. 415 Broadway. TWO LARGE H. K. rooms, clean, con venient and close in. 2S1 17th st.. cor. Jefferson. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mod ern, $20. 6324 82d st. S. E. Phona Auto. 610-57. COZY 2-rm. h. k. apt., $4 per wk., in cluding phone, gas, light, 449 E. Yamhill. FOUR unfurnished If. K. rooms, light and water, $20 per month. 140 E. 34th and Morrison - NICELY furnished housekeeping room with fireplace. kitchenette, furnace heat, walking distance. Bdwy. 526. 3 FURNISHED lisht housekeeping rms., suitable for 4 young men. 427 Colum bla. Main 0589. ONE LARGE furn. front h. k. room; phone, bath, electricity. 651 E. Mor rinon. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, lower floor, electric lights. Adults, fio E. Burnside. ' IRVINGTON. 2-room apt., largt'. cchii. well furnished, modern home. $30. East 8874. HO UE KEEPING rooms, very desirable; built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; one block from car. Auto. 635-50. t TWO or 3-room furnished housekeeping apt., heat, phone and light furnished; reasonable, 321. 13th St. THREE nicely furnished rooms, modern H. K.. $25. 2028 47th S. E., Mount Scott car to Division st. 3 ROOMS, well furnished, clean, with bath, pantry and phone. Walnut 5485. 772 Williams, near Beech. LARGE room, kitchenette, 3. nice sleep ing rooms, good furnace heat, electric privileges. 427 Clay. NEWLY furnished front H. K. room heat, light, bath, phone; close In. 4.: Hull. Main 4057. TWO nicely furnished housekeping rooms in heart of town; nice yard; outside entrance. 320 Main st. TWO pleasant light housekeeping room: gas, heat and light furnished. 442 E. 10th st, N. CLEAN, furnished sleeping rooms, walk ing distance, hame privileges. Atwater 2003. LARGE furnished light, clean rooms, private bath, phone; fine location. 675 E. Malru - , 5 ROOMS, heat, light; bath: $75. East 8481. adults; private H. K. ROOM, $10 mo. ; free electric lights, phone, oatn. iin TWO furnished H. K. rooms, $15 a month. i-eU wood 122: NICE clean 2-room apt. Atwater 3456, or Kearney hi MODERN 3-room apt., walking distance. adults. Call Atwater t-it t oorvi si mi Kleenine porch, modern ' except garage: rental $55 monthly; lo cated near Sandy. A. G. Teepe Co., 4"th and Sandy. . LOWER part of house, fine location, one block from car. 646 E. Alder St., East 1U51. WILLAMETTE Heights, modern 8-room home. $65; one room reserved, $-0. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumnermens bldg. IRVINGTON 8-room modern hum; 4 bedrooms, garage ; will lease. Tabor 8018. HOUSE for rent, wh place for machine; rent $25 per month. Apply 313 u?h ington st. . LOWER floor of two-story house, clean, convenient, light rooms, basement, ga rage. 950 E. Salmon. Tabor 0178. 7-ROOM part iv lurnished modern house . rent reasonable. Main 5424. Inquire 474 .Tef frgrn. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, 621 Tolmail ave., cor. Milwaukie ft. At the house in A. M. to 4 P. M. Sundiiv. 5-ROOM house newly renovated, run basement. 344 N. 19th St.; $ts. Metz- ger-Parker Co. 6-R( OM modern gHi aje. large lawn, fruit trees, etc.; $50, lease to right parties. Tabor 1540. 5-ROOM bungalow with garage near 3 2d and Clinton, $35 per month. Main MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND CP; KIKE PROOF. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TR A N'SFEK CO. BDWY. 24t' 5-ROOM modern bungalow, newly Ital sonilned; barn. $25 mo. 261 E. 59th and Hnssslo. - MOVING Pianos. furnituie: lon-d -tance hauling a specialty. O. & W T ruck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Bdwy 5131. FURNITURE and piano moving at rea sonable rates. Estimates given. B. A C. Trr.nsfer. Main 5750. WILL lease brand-new bungalow, mod ern to the minute. Walnut 12K4. $45 per month. 6-ROOM house, block from carline. East 5042. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mc- 74 EAST STARK ST. "O-room house. $40. with garage, $4; perfectly clean. IRVINGTON 8 rms., modern home, duu- blo garage; will lease, lapor win. 5-ROOM cottage for rent. 8(U Willis blvd. References. Full ba semen t. 5-ROOM modern house for rent. E. 8th st. 5-ROOM house, 466 E. Flanders, between 8th and 9th. Call East QS36. 6 ROOMS, west side, 428 13th; modern conveniences. Atwater 3561. CLOSE IN, west side 8-ronni corner house ; $50. 395 11th. 7-ROOM house ou E. 32d St., near rar line. Call Auto, a-.t-i.i. NEW 8-ROOM house. $55; suitable for 2 families, wo r;. waanmsiun. 6-ROOM house, $30 pe Knott street. East 72 MODERN "6-room houe, 103 Knott st. Take Wliitamw-ave. car. $50 10-ROOM hous, Tillamook near 15th. Main 47S9. 329 Salmon. 4-ROOM house, connected to a gir store; garage; no cnnuren. iam 7-ROOM modern house for rent. $3. 483 N. 21st.. cor. York. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, A-l tlon. 801 Kelly st.. corner Olhhs. DESIRABLE district, eight room.-, mwi ern; roomers will pay. 334 Hnlsey 6-ROOM house for rent. $40 per mon:h. 681 Rodney ave. FOR RENT Baldwin st.. l-room cottage, Kenton car. 8U Ea;-t FOUR-ROOM cottage $2l. three-r $ 1 5. Interstate ave. Walnut 3796. 5-ROOM house, 572 Ot h st., near Grant. $22.50. Metzger-Parker Co. 4-ROOM house. South Portland, fruit and chicken yard, references. Atwater 3613. HOUSE to rent, of six rooms, or for sa Main 5943. 6-ROOM bungalow. 239 E. 5 2d st.. tur nished or unfurnished, Tabor ,VMH 4-ROOM cottage tor rent at J 179 Albin-t ave. i 5-ROOM cottage with garage for rent. $30 a month. 501 Market st. HOUSE, partly lurnished at 1707 Duna st. Apply at premises today. 4-ROOM HOUSE Gas, not modern ; no small boys. Inquire 660 Kerby Ft. $35 MODERN , 6-room houe, t,wn:t!y clean; adults only. 293 Crosby. $25.60 5-room modern bungalow. 1 If Front st. Main 7&9. )