10 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 27, 1922 HELP WANTED FEMALE. IMPORTANT OFFICE POSITION. Requirements: Age 25 to 40 years; education not less than high school ; perfect health, as well hh to typify it; a dignified, lady-like personality, good character, common atinse, poise, am bition, perseverance, courag, speech and how to use it effectively; give c:ty reference, experience with public AO 92. Oregon ian. THE OLDS. WORTMAN KINO STORE requires the services of a thoroughly competent saleswoman for women's suits. Apply superintendent's office 9:15 to 10:3U A. M. WANTED. Several weil-educated and refined ladies, wither married or single, for permanent position which pays above the average; the working surroundings are pieas.tnt and agreeable. Experi ence is unnecessary. Caii at 10 A. M. or 7:80 1. M., Monday, room 3. Sax Mdt: . 413 '-j Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. "WANTED Nurse to locate in small city near Portland fur general nursing and assist physician in office work and givM anesthetics. Will pay small fixed salary lor office work. State age. with t her particulars to insure a. reply, with address and phone. Care A V 350. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE company wants first class bookkeeper and stenographer; must be competent, capable of meet ing the public and reliable; please give . references and salary desired. All re plies treated confidentially. AH 947, Oregonian. . STENOGRAPHERS. Of 'aJl kinds, register wtlh us for positions of a'l descriptions. We have the best grade of positions and the highest salarv positions. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 5Q4 SpauMlng Bldg. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light house work ajid companion to mother, by professional woman. Moderate wages, permanent position to one appreciat ing good home. Call Tabor 3305 be tween 10 and 12 Sunday. GIRL wanted to assist and learn multi graph operating; small wage while learning with good chances for ad vancement. State age. education and whether living at home. AP 906, Ore gonian. iwOMAN -5 to 40, high school or college graduate, possessing initiative and cact, for educational work, position perma nent. Liberal compensation; merit re warded; not office work. Must be free to leave city. AM 959. Oregonian. SALESLADY for furs, one having ex perience given preference. Write stat ing experience, salary expected. All communications strictly confidential. AC iHi3. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TO CARE FOR TWO CHILDREN AND SMALL APT. MAN AND WIFE IN BUSINESS. CALL BROADWAY 5135 MONDAY 24IDDLE-AGED woman to keep house for elderly man in country; good home and good pay. Office open until noon today. Portland Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d st. GIRL or .woman to help with housework end cooking- on a. dairy. No washing. Tabor 6175, Route A, Box 28U, Gres ham. lO CHOCOLATE DIPPERS WANTED MUST BE EXPERIENCED. APPLY LAIS & CO.. CANDY FACTORY. NO. 9 NORTH 1ST. NEAR BURNSIDE STENOGRAPHER in Portland office, sood letter writer. Must have refer ences showing two years' lumber expe rience. Salary $135. M 873. oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework : family of 5: good home ; good wages. Call Sunday until 3 o'clock. E. 7724. INTELLIGENT, energetic woman over 30. work nleasant and interesting. Ad vancement certain if deserved Not office. AG 9,20. Oregonian. HIGH school glri to work forenoons for room and board ana sio per montn. Phone Tabor 87,95. Address 207 E. 52d, North. GIRL or woman to assist in housework and care of babv. Small house, two adults. Phone Sunday, Main 2988, or Monday. Main I2s. LADIES or gentlemen, all or part time, to organizing work along educational lines; not books ; salary, qualifications and pnone. t. u-u, uregonian. WOMAN for general housework, prefer one to go home mgnts. 8 senate St., off 35th St., near Sandy blvd, Rose City Park car. WANTED A rapid hand ironer. piece work oasis, steaay worK ana cnance to make good wages. Yale Laundry Co., 500 East Morrison. NURSE GIRL; care of two children and upstairs work; comfortable living quar ters. Good place for nice girl. At water 0S39. WE CAN use a few more women prepar- ing pears; must have health card. Ap ply tomorrow morning. Starr Fruit Products Co., East 2d and Yamhill. WANTED Experienced operator on men a necttwfar. Apply Adrian tecK wear Co., 603 Worcester bldg.. between 8 and 10 A. M. GIRLS wanted to finish men's neck wear. - Experienced and apprentices. Apply Adrian Neckwear Co.. 603 Wor cester bldg-. bet w een 8 and IP A. M. COMPETENT, trustworthy woman for working housekeeper; good plain cook; 3 in family. Call mornings. Sell. 3ir5. WANTED A firBt-class power machine operator lor oucjcram rrames; must he experienced. Apply 169i 10th st. GIRL to assist with housework. $25 month. Call 628 E. 13th st. N. ; Irving- ton car to Stanton st. LADY bookkeeper and secretary who can invest a small amount in going concern. AO 037, Oregonian. EXPERIENCE! waitress wanted. 67 N. fith st. WANTED -Girl for general housework. $J- per month. Auto 020-42. W an ted Domest i cs . WANTED Country girl or eiderly lady i or house worK, small tamiiy, good home. 702 Mississippi ave. Wal. 4U2. EXPERIENCED cook and second maid. Apply Mrs. F. H. Page, 611 Jackson, Portland Heights. WANTED Experienced maid for cook ing and housework; no washing or ironing. Main 0610. BE FINED, dependable girl as mother's neiper. uooa witn cnuaren. Moaern home. Nice room. Main 0172. HE LIABLE girl to assist with light housework, 3 in family, $25 a month. Tabor 32. WANTED Experienced woman to assist with Hgii't housework; good home, good wags: references required. Tabor 7231. MAID for general housework in small family, good home. 8ii Irving Bt. Main 3829. WOMAN for general housework, suburb an nome; $o per montn; no washing. Main 0303. GIRL tor light housework, two in fam ily; gooa nome, weeK. ? .East 12th st. North. GIRL to do general housework, small family, gas furnace. 744 E. 22d N., corner Fremont. W. 7005. WANT girl for general housework, must be good cook. Apply at 484 Multno mah st., cor, of 9th. WANTED competent girl for secona work in small family. Main 0032. 760 Northrup St. WANTED Girl for second work In small family. Apply 619 Hillcrest drive. Phone Main 2S00. WOMAN for general housework, family of 3. 180 Laurelhurst ave. Phone Tabor 8772. COOK, no children, on farm near Port land, 4 adults, good home; steady posi ticn. AG 912, Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework and to assist with care of children. Call Main 5547. W ANTED Competent cook ; no upstairs or laundry work; references. Call Seii wood 2510. WANTED Willing young girl to assist with housework, care of one child. 610 Marshall. . IRL to iiscist with general housework; must be fond of children; $40; ref erences. Phone Atwater 0'V'0. EXPERIENCED girl to do cooking and general housework. 4 adults. No washing. 70: Flanders. M a i n 070$. GIRL wanted for ligilt housework and have care of two children. 591 5th st. Atwater 1120. -WANTED Girl for general housework; wages. $30 mo. ; references required. East 8R2. GIRI- for general housework. Main 5S10. 474 Montgomery drive. GIRL wanted for light housework. 6th st. Main 5572. WANTED fxptrienced second maid. Good wa ees. 7S.i Fianders St. JttXPEKI EXCE-D girl for cooking and B-gr.eraI housework. Hoi Kearney st. WANTED Housekeeper; man and three nice children. Box 4S6 Gladstone. Or. WANTED High school glr! over 16; Sundays free. Call East 6646. GIRL for general housework : no wash ing: 5 In family. East 76S. COMPETENT maid for general house work. Phone 10 to 12. E. 0S47. EVPPHrF.Vl'fi'.n -irl f.-- -one ml hmt.i. work. East 4907. GIRL wanted to help with housework. 310 Jackson st. WANTED Woman for general house work. Call Tabor 7448. GIRD or woman for light housework; go home nights. Phone Tabor 8Q01. GIRL for general housework : must be fon of children. Bdwy. 4738. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooking. 323 Jackson su HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. WANTED Unincumbered. dependable woman, 3."V to do, for general house work in family of 4 adults on large farm, southern Oregon; permanent and liberal salary to right party. Give ad dress and phon-i nurfiber for inter view. E 131. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman, general house work, to take to Pendleton. Must be good cook and good laundress, Scan dinavian help preferred, three in fam ily, good pay for the right person. Morning s. East 6512. . EXPERIENCED woman, cooking and general housework, 2 in family, to go to Pendleton with family September and October, then return here with family lor permanent work. Phone mornings, Atwater It t GIRL orM-oman to assist with general housework in a modern home, elec trical appliances. Must like children. Good home for right person. Ref erences; wages 30. Box K. Rainier, Or. EX PERIENCED cook wanted at once; Just opening a restaurant In country town; wages $50 a month, to start. , Write, phone or come to Lester's res taurant, Vernon ia. Or. WANTED An ' experienced cook for work in Portland after the last of the month; best wages; references re quired. Write and state qualifications, care P. O. Box 577, Gearhart, Oregon. "WANTED Business college girl; one who understands cooking, to work for room, board and wages, or capable girl for general housework. Main 3800. 710 West Main st. ; walking distance. WANTED Woman to do light house work; 11 miles from Portland; no objection to 1 child; small wages. Call Sunday. 2 to 3 P. ' M. East 6405, apartment 6. " ' DEi'EN DA BLE white or colored girl for housework In plain country home ; amall famllv nr 1 - VI. F. small family; $5 per week. Johnson. K. 2. Tangent, or. WOMAN to come in daily for general housework and to assist in care of child; 3 adulbs; $30 per month. WaL 5706. GIRL' for general housework and help with 2 children; good home to right party. Call alter & P. ju. sunaay. Tabor 5848. WANTED A Swedish or Norwegian maid for general housework in family of two; good wages paid. Atwater 2142. . GIRL attending night school or occupied co.uple hours dally, capable of plain cooking, to assist in good home. 811 Irving st. Main 3829. WANTED Family cooks, second girls, housemaids, waitresses. Portland La dies' Agency and Square Deal com bined. MacLeay bldg, room 401. WANTED Competent Protestant maM for general housework and cooking; 2 adults. No furnace, uooa wages. ity reference required. Phone Main 6872. ROOM and board and small wages to girl or middle-aged lady in exchange for assisting in housework and care of babv. Tabor 1435. . COMPETENT maid for general house work and cooking; good wages; city reference. Main 7057. 741 Irving st. gXP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE 4o0 HOP PICKERS WANTED. For Horst ranch at Independence, OT. Experience unnecessary. Also 800 day jobs for men and women. Radio concepts in camp daily. City residents see our represenfatlve at Coffee & Sheehy store, 223 Morrison st., Portland, today. Out-of-town peo ple write to "-Horst Ranch," Indepen dence, Or. Special train, fares to and from Independence. We pay 50c per box; largest hep yard in Oregon. Fine heavy cluster hops, with very little foliage; 2 beau tiful, clean camp grounds, with camp marshal in charge; each, with store, butcher shop, pure water and commu nity stoves, always kept hot. Free tent or room to families; frex? wood, water and straw for bedding; handball court and horseshoe throwing grounds and SO ?d bass and croppie fishing on ranch. We haul pickers from train to ranch free, and after harvest bring them back to trains free. HOP PICKERS, ATTENTION. Want 500 more good hop pickers; pay $1 per 100 pounds of green hops; have 10 different yards: some on banks of Willamette river, so you can select the yard you wish to pick in. Fine shady camp grounds, pure well water, usual accommodations, such as wood, shacks, straw, etc Fresh groceries, vegetables, meats, etc., brought in daily. Free transportation to and from yarda to nearest R- R. station; families preferred; select a good yard. Come and enjoy a profitable and pleas ant outing. For further particulars write, phone or call on HENRY L. BENTS, A uro ra. O r. HOP PICKERS WANTED For over hundred acres extra fine hops on Wil lamette river, near New berg; come and register, prepared to secure trans portation; fare $1; making arrange ments may have boat which would land you with baggage at camp ground ; usual -accommodations; will pay $1 per hundred pounds, ruling price. 606 Worcester bldg., '3d and Oak. Phone Broadway 70S4. WANTED Colored man and wife for general housework, cooking, etc.. in family of two, fine home, permanent position to competent people. Woman must be skilled cook, man for general work In house and garden. Good salary to right parties. Apply to Carl G. Washburne, Hotel Portland, Monday or Tuesday, August 2b or 29, between 1 and 4 P. M. HOP PICKERS WANTED At Riverside farm near ewierg, especially good ac commodations with store on farm, pure water piped through camp grounds, free transportation from New berg to farm and return; good yield assures profitable picking. Register now 836 Sherlock bldg., or phone Broadway 5K42. A. J. Ray & Son. BY SEPT. 1 300 hop pickers wanted on Willamette river near Salem; bathing, boating and excellent camp grounds with good conveniences. The oldest yard on the river. Shacks, wood, tables and straw furnished. Apply Public Employment Bureau, 170 4th st. Main 2766. 100 HOP PICKERS wanted at Chalem mountain rancn, 4 miles this side New berg, near Spring Brook, 75 acres good hops, commence September 6. Shacks, straw, wood, spring water furnished; store on premises: baker, butcher will call daily; good parking ground. Call Palace Hotel. 12th and Washington sts. WANTED To hear from parties winhing to engage worK in apple narvest, 40,000 box crop, good bunk and boarding house, need pickers, sorters, packers and men in warehouse; ranch located In Grande Ronde valley, near Imbier. Write G. H. Swain, mgr.. Imbler, Or. WANTED In every town in Oregon and Washington where gas is used, men or women to demonstrate and sell an article, once demonstrated means a sale. For full particulars call a or write Mr. Dustan. room 317 Fllednr bid.. Portland. Or. HOP PICKERS for 175 acres of excel lent hops; splendid camp grounds; especially attractive for families. Nearer to Portland than most yards. Pay $1 per 100 lbs.; register at once. 617 Board of Trade bldg.. Fourth and p.iK sts. Telephone Broadway 7536. 200 HOP PICKERS wanted, 100-acre neia ; gooa. clean snacks, new straw, good water, free wood. Start to pick Sept. 5. Will be at room 213 Labor Temple, Fourth and Jefferson Satur- (lay and .Monday. ELDERLY couple without children to give services in exchange for an apt., small business, close In, west side, only plain working people need apply; man must be handy and have job out side. B 926. Oregonian. COLORED COUPLE OR TWO WOMEN FOR COOK AND HELPER IN SMALL SUBURBAN CLUB. $50 MONTH, HOUSE AND BOARD. PHONE AUT. tU-H6. MAN or woman wanted, $40 weekly full time, $1 an hour spare time, sell4n guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Expe rience unnecessary. International Mills. Norristown. Pa. MaN AND WIFE to do janitor work and manage apt. house, unfurnished apt. and wages ; man can have other em ployment; references. R 811, Orego nian." WANTED A thoroughly capable oper ator, marinello preferred, to run a ehop out of town for several months owing to owner's illness. Phone 624-19 for appointment Sunday. 200 HOPPICKERS wanted; usual accom modations. Apply Bishop Bross, 418 F!anders St., corner 10th. or phone E. 1324, day or night. HOP PICKERS WANTED. 60-acre yard; tents and wood fur nished. Geo. L. Rose, Independence, Oregon. WANTED Experienced presser. either man or woman; permanent if satis factory. St. Helens Cleaning Parlors. St. Helens Hotel bldg.. Chehalls. Wash. HOP PICKERS wanted, tents and wood furnished. Apply after Suday. 711 Chamber of Commerce. TEACHERS for western positions; free registration. West tore Agency. Spo kane Wash. HOP PICKERS wanted, call at St. Charles hotel Monday afternoon and Tu esd a y. L. D. Broo k e. HOP PICKERS wanted, good hops. Ap ply 227 Hall st. Phone 520-11. JAPANESE man and wife, cooking and houHework. Sell. 4015. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; plenty work; make from $6 to $13 a day. 605 Swat land bldg. HELP WANTED WITH nWESTMENT. WANTED OFFICE MAN. If you are congenial and able to handle the public you can secure an equal half Interest in a substantial local business that Is a money maker; clean, inter esting work with a future; owner is unable to handle it alone and wants partner to take care of the office end of this business. -No better proposition in the city for the investment; $500 full price. Call 211 Ay. Ex. bldg. MANUFACTURING. An opportunity for man with book keeping or mechanical ability to make investment with services from $300 to $-000. This Is a growing factory, unin cumbered, with many orders ahead, need ability much more than money. We invite investigation. H. F. Kimble Co., 822 Gasco bldg. $2500 for half interest in manufacturing line; looa proaucis; seuing airuti iu wholesalers: party who would be lined up with you has best of references and very congenial. S. BORLAND CO,REALTOR, 300-2 Henry bldg. 4th and Oak sts. CAN USE Additional helo in manufactu Inar commDanv as active partner 1 capacity of salesmen, office executives, warehouse help, assistant cnemist, er State amount you can invest, refe: ences and phone number for interview, BF 783. Oregonian I WANT a man who is not afraid, of work with at least $1500 cash and willing to buy a motor truck on time payments. Such a man may earn irora S30 to 50 a dav. A wonderiui oppor tunity to make big money. Write box D 915. Oregonian. w-V vkhi km'kd rif Ah washer to buv in terest in established lunch room; safe investment, steady worK; cnance n make $25 or $30 per week; price $400 man or woman. Don't answer unless you mean business. Apply AG 906, Oregonian. $50 WELL secured and returnable on demand will put you in a good-paying business where vou can make from $40 a week up to several hundred. Call at 329 E. Morrison and let us tell you about it. - WANTED Experienced lumberman with few thousand dollars to lane manage ment of lumber and box business, a exceptional opportunity for the right man. Address I 1121. uregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman to buy half in terest in established tailoring business. 410 E. Bumside st. WANT younr man who can invest $700, fully secured. Chance to make some money. BD S71, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. mnK. with te.n vears' experience i not el, restaurant and lunch Toom; good baker and. meat cutter, no well, watt 73d st. S. E. Auto. 640-&5. COLORED man, alone or with wife, exp. chauffeur, gardener and general house work, wife cook; references. AB 968, Oregonian, or 592 Powell st. OREGON ex-service married man mas have work: experienced Dodge driver, or Ford, and handy as helper on trucu experienced. Room 216 Harrison hotel ARCHITECTURAL draftsman and su perintendent or long experience open lor engagement in city or country. AM m3, oregonian. PAINTING, decorating, day or contract root worK ana material, ic up, ana guaranteed. Ask for LOWE, call East 1282, 382 E. First st. N. WANTED By middle-aged man and wife, care or rooming or apartmen house or work in hotel, city or coun try. AN 935, oregonion. YOUNG man, aged 18, wishes position with reliable firm, wnere ne can aa vance according to his ability. O 929, Oreffonlan. MILLWRIGHT desires position operating or installing machinery, reasonable wage. F. W. Jordan, 225 11th St., Portland. Phone. Main 9164. YOUNG married man, experienced gen eral otffce work, excellent stenog rapher, desires position; chance for ad vancement. AK 964. Oregonian. GOOD meat man. capable taking full management of shop, buying, cutting ana selling. Killing not inciuaea, rer erences if desired. N 914, Oregonian. CARPENTERS Repairing, cabinet work and resmngung. nelson & Nieison, o, N. Park. Phone Aut. 533-81. Resi dence, Tabor 3457. BY TIMEKEEPER AND COMMISSARY MAN, CAPABLE. COMPETENT. IN TIMBER OR CONSTRUCTION CAMP. AH 949. OREGONIAN. PAINTING PAPERING KALSOMINING Prices lowest; material and work manship guaranteed; estimates free, East 7625. STRONG, healthy boy will do any kind of work to support himself while at tending high school. AP 936, Ore- gonian. RESHINGLING by responsible party ; prices right; written guarantee with every job. Call Mitchell. Main 7730. EXPERIENCED salesman &nd collector, - three years on road wholesale groceries ami proauce; best 01 references. Ad dress box 1-0S3. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, 3 years experience, wishes connection with wholesale grocery or produce. Ad orers cox m-fj. PAINTING, KALSOMINING. First-class material and workman ship. East 01 1 8 JAPANESE wants housework or hotel porter or spare time for laundry work. 11 i-irtn st. TaKedu. BRIGHT, husky lad, 3d year high, wants wor alter sen 001 ana iiat, iNo house work. Main 940. MAN and wife cooks wish large camp straight salary, or will take over cook house, c 94a. Oregonian. TEAMS and dump wagons for hire plowing and excavating. East 0210. 240 East 8th st. YOUNG man wishes position driving ori vate car or delivery; experienced; ref- erences. ti. iarc, labor 74y. EXPERIENCED grocery man wants do sltion, best references. Address 1039 r.. neimont, apt. o, city. PAINTING, tinting, best materials used, very reasonable prices; Information and prices giaouy given. Atwater 2600. PLASTERER and cement worker wants work, day or contract. Phone East 4210. lUl.NU mail, l a years old. wants nota tion with chance to learn plumbing or electricity, tnaz nuia. XOtiNG man handy around autos; can drive any make, wants position. Phone Atwater U7Ut. apt. iw. ROLLER MILLER wants position: would rent mill outsiae city. AO uos. Ore gonian. AL ELDERLY man wants light work ior gooa nome; references, ijc 1167, Oregonian. GROCERYMAN. experienced, will clerk or take full charge of store. Will go any wnere. noora JUl jenerson ri otel. "IF you want your houe remodeled call East oiyj; first-class carpenter; I can save you money. Ask for Mr. B. YOUNG married man wishes nosltion. quick to learn, registered chauffeur. Auto. U2S-Q3, Apt. 4. MARRIED man to work on fruit ranch, work for wife and one or two more, Cafl at 146 E. 46th st. GARDENER wishes steady work, willing to ao otner worK; rererences nrst class. Ernesfr F. Miller. Broadway 0S95. COUNTRY boy, willing to do anything ior Doara ana room wniie attending Benson. R. 1, box 123, Clackamas. Qr. WANTED Position by experienced tele phone man ; also in market to buy small exchange. Av 345. Oregonian. WANTED Position on farm by man and wife, experienced; one child school age. AV 346, Oregonian. BOY going to Benson Tech would like work after school and Saturday. B 92S. Oregonian. WANTED Position as janitor, or apt. house on commission ; oil burner pre f erred; references. Phone Auto. 610-81. CARPEXTEtR wrk of all kinds, new or remodeling; prompt and reliable serv ice. Tabor 8374. PLUMBER wants- small jobs; repair ex pert. low estimator. Bdwy. 2-5,83. Box wants to learn trade. Aut. 642-14. 7115 83d st. MAN and wife wish one side camp. 915. Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED.; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. East 6196. KALSOMINING, painting, plastering, re pairing; reasonable. Main 2S65. , HIGH school student wants work after school hours. Tabor 3953. MARRIED man in need of work, j o bs. Walnut 70 1 5. odd ROOFS' repaired, waterproofed, tarred or colors. Auto. 316-39. WILL cut grass and weeds on vacant lots. Call Auto. 638-14. .XCAVATING. General teaming. Atwater 1809. MAN AND WIFE will care for apt. aouse in exchange for apt. Bdwy. 2475. FOR EXCAVATING basements. lot clearing and plowing call East 7701. MAN AND WIFE desire position caring for apartment house. Atwater 0267. WANTED- Hauling of any kind for two ton truck. Atwater 29S3. HOUSE painted, $50-$95; rooms tinted, $l-$5: papering, 35c roll. Walnut 6084. CARPENTER wants work. Walnut 486S. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. THERE are In Portland several disabled ex-srvice men very efficient in their different lines who are badly in need of work. By giving employment to them you will not only secure a hard and conscientious worker but will be rel'eving a situation which is very ser'ous with them. They are not seek ing charity but are looking for some thing where by earnest endeavor they can create a permanent position. 1 Married man, wife and baby to sup port, desires private chauffeur posi tion; can keep up repairs and will ing to make trips, day or night, any where. 2 Desires a position of lens grinding or photography and finishing school Pbout September 3. 3 Neat appearing young man desires a position as private chauffeur; well acquainted with cit,y; good references. 4 Married, have wife and baby to support; grocery clerk, clerical and .an handle any kind rf automobile; need work at once, 5 Desire a position, not too heavy, where advancement Is possible; am willing and energetic and can bardie a clerical job; not a. $1000-a-week man. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS WORLD WAR, PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 1 REPLACEMENT OFFICE, 310 Buchanan Bldic Bdwy.1 3980. EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN wants a place as outside man with lumber con cern to assist manager in keeping close to necessary details ; 20 years' experience in mill, yard, shipping, of- - fice and sales; capable of carrying a good load; have job now, but want one with a future. AV 342, Oregonian. SALESMAN, married, 28 years old, with four years' experience selling high grade automobile wholesale and retail for factory, desires locate permanently in Portland. Excellent references to show have made good and can pro duce. S 952, Oregonian. SINGLE, middle-aged man, 30 years ex perience in grocery and general mer chandise, would like job , as clerk or manager, country preierrea ; go any where. John Andersen, 167 Stout St., Portland. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes posi tion driving any kind car or truck; am young man with 8 years experience and prefer something permanent. Mam 3780, room iOti, mornings ior inter view. ALL-AROUND mechanic of long expe rience, steam and as engineer, plumb ing and tinning, some electric and car penter work; will take anything where a handy man is needed- only. Write Waltenberg, 529 Kearney St.. Portland. YOUNG MAN attending Benson tech wants any kind of work after school can drive and care for automobile. Address W. C. Meehan, route No. 1, Beaverton, Or. ENERGETIC, intelligent, adaptable man. 31, married, wants position, experi enced m general office work, stocK room and packing room, excellent rrfs., mod, salary. BJ 914, Oregonian. POSITION wanted as cashier of small country bank or office of assistant cashier in larger bank, Willamette val ley preferred, references and will take stock. BF 907. Oregonian. ' FARMER, expert all lines orchard, stock and poultry, can handle and repair an engines and machinery; take cnarge lr aesirea ; board extra men it anyi AC 960, Oregonian. MIDDLE AGED man, active, reliable, alone, wants job as handy man on ranch or sawmill where steam, water power or electricity is used. AN 905, Oregon 1 a n. BAKER First-class on bread, cakes. pies, pastry ; 2 years in last place wants steady work in country town. What can you offer? BJ 940, Orego nian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshln gung and roor repairing, it win pay you to get our' figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; esti mates free. East 1923. STRONG country boy, 10, wants work for board and room while attending Ben son; have wheel; win try anything; rer erences given. Verner Ball, Barlow, Or, CIVIL ENGINEER, experienced in sur veying and construction work; can furnish references; 25 years old; mar rled. BJ 9C8. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants position on larm; one with 20 or more cows to be milked by myself; prefer one of about 100 acres. P li. oregonian. YOUNG ambitious Swiss man with tech nical education and experience wishes suitable occupation. Does not speak -E-ngnsn. axvio, uregonian. AUTO MECHANIC, must be steady. 9 years' experience, a years in charge: now employed. Call Walnut 7243, after O Jr. M. YOUNG man wishes position in city. Has had experience in driving truck; wages may be determined later. AP 942, Oregonian. BOY, 17, WISHES to get in machine snop or garage to woric up; Ford me chanic; take small wages to start. 405 W. Park st. POSITION wanted as teller in city bank or in bank in town or 1000 population or over; references. BD 918, Orego nian. SITUATION wanted, first-class automo bile mechanic. 20 years experience, all around man. to rent shop or percent aga basis. A. D. Summers. 331 W. Park. ELDERLY man, educated, experienced as crerk and various outdoor Jobs, seeks employment. Henry Granville, 267 Oak St., Portland. BAKERIES. Young man, 24 years old. would like a chance to work and iearn the trade. A J 955. Oregonian. MARRIED man, 33, desires work on ranch; experienced and familiar with farm, machinery; good character. AV 408. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED 'cook or counterman wants work in or out of Portland. Y 868. Oregonian. PRINTER-PRESSMAN wants a position at once, on some weekly or dally, close to Portland. Y 870, Oregonian. HIGH school boy wants to work for board and room and some wages. Call East 0861. WANTED By economical fireman, pri vate iurnaces to lire in ioo txiii ais- trict. Phone Bdwy. 4490. EXPERIENCED gardener is seekine contracts for building new lawns. Let's ngure on your worK. jm a in it ::. REGISTERED pharmacist, graduate, ex periencea. wisnes permanent city posi tion. Call E. 3673. CHEF, A-l, hotel, cafe and club, wishes position. Best reference. B 652, Ore gonian. NEAT - appearing local ex-service man must have any kind of perma nent worK. .fcjroaaway b44S. YOUNG man 19, wants position, 3 years' experience on battery and auto repair ing;. Walnut 1025. ' TRUCK driver wants job. heavy duty experiencea; reierences. write jbf 038, uregonian. PAINTER of 23 years' experience works cay or contract, has own tools. Ben Salisbury. Tabor 9483. PLASTERING. Patch work a specialty; promptly gone, a ii worK guarameea. mast oniti. PAPERH ANGING. PAINTING. Let me do you a f irst-class job, rea eonable price. Jenkins, Tabor 9354. GENERAL contractors, dtick, tile, con crete. b,eavy construction, xabor 8793, Empire 0145. x CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF CE MENT WORK BY MIXER. TABOR 6SS8. WANTED Grading. gardening, first class landscape gardener. Broadway 4ZU1. COLLECTOR, married. 5 years with one rirm, would like position. AR 943, Oregonian. POULTRY MAN, experienced. sinele. AJ 933. wants work; can take charge. Oregonian. PAINTING, papering, kalsomining; ma terial, wornmansnip guaranteed; E&t Isfaction or no pay. East 9212. MIDDLE-AGED man wants job on small ranch, truit. poultry, general or pri vate place. H 855. Oregonian. COLORED man with wife will work as janitor ior apartment house. Walnut 4825. JAPANESE WANTS PLACE in good pri vate iamny as ecnooi ooy. as. Tente, 34 North Third St., Portland. " APANESE school boy wants Job. Call jjqwy. 104S. MIDDLE-AGED man position janitor or any msiae worK. Main o:o. room 29. PIPE and gas fittings, stoves and fur- naces repaired. East 5013, SHINGLING, reshingling. Save money by getting our estimates. Main 7910. MARRIED MAN to work on farm. 146 E. 4Kth st. LAWNS made and seeded, general gar- aening oy expert, rnone Main 5521. FAMILY gardening, housecleaning. care- taKer. rnone air, riacon. Main 4H32. WILL cut grass and weeds mi lots. East 1 ftti-r. EXPERIENCED Japanese couple wants janitor worK. nz uavis street. CARPENTER Al BUILDER OF HOMES. JOBBING. TABOR 3323.. ENTLEMAN with 5-paaenger wants position. W alnut 4702. AINTING, tinting, papering, estimates Turn. Klnaer & Peterson. Atwater 1828 CEMENT WORK; HAVE MIXERS. PHONE TAKOR 6781. MARRIED man wants work of any kind; steady, ajjw. uregonian. FOR EXCAVATING or grading call Ta bor 1061. 'SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN, 40 years old, who has had long experience as an executive, will ac cept position at moderate salary where there is chance for steady promotion; thoroughly experienced in accounting, - credits, office and sales management, and comoe tent to assume responsibil ity and direct an organization; . best or reierences. East laid or u Oregonian. DESIRE to continue study of merchan dise. have served 20 years as salesman. buyer and manager in general and ex clusive lines: will connect with "live wire" company If REAL RESULTS will assure good future. AP 944, Ore gnoian. MIDDLE-AGED married man wants Janitor, watchman or clerical work; city reference ; can give bond. Num ber of years' experience in railroad ana express service. wiu taite anything-. Address W. B. H.. 40o Jeffer son st. Telephone Main 3733. HUSKY old man, handy with tools, wants job as caretaker or night watchman; not a loafer's job, but one where he can earn a good living. Mam idoA 7 to 9 A. M., 6 to 10 P. M. and all day Sunday. Call for Dad. MAN with wide experience in logging and saw milling, wishes permanent position witn reliable company, capable of taking complete charge 01 an opera, tion. Can furnish best of references. AO 960. Oregonian. YOUNG LUMBERMAN Billing clerk, order clerk, traffic man, famaliar with all lumber office routine. Several years' wholesale and mill experience. References. P 913, Oregonian. - BENSON ana engineering student. 20, wishes employment Saturdays and evenings the coming year; experienced mechanic and driver: living with par ents; furnish references. Call Auto. 316-02. WELL educated elderly gentleman, active and in good health, desires the care of invalid or convalescent patient; would travel as companion. Call be fore 10 A. M.. East 4610. SALESMEN having own car calling on retail grocery and hardware trade, wishes side line possessing merit; will handle on commission. Phone East 3246. . VETERAN 24 years old wants position as - caretaker apt. house, ist ciass pamier, kalsominer. erood carpenter and elec trician. Local references. BC 95S, Oregonian. pFi i tk n tin vra xt)erlence. mar ried, wants situation on ads or job work; city and country experience. J. Matthews, 305 Pine St., Hood River. H. S. BOY 16 wants after-school work; experienced In grocery and confection ery work; ia exchange for groceries. Tabor 5 1 oy. STEAM engineer wants job; fully ex perienced in nananng any size piant; steady, reliable, sober; married and an ex-service man. Tel. Walnut 2407. KALSOMINING, painting, reasonable, work and material guaranteed. East 6180. HIGH SCHOOL boy, passed 15 years, wants place to work and attend school. Lincoln district preferred. AR 915, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL boy of 18 attending night school desires work with chance to Advance. After Sept. 1. AN 911. Oregonian. GARDENER, single, wants situation, handy, around a place; good refer ences, can board self. AJ J02, Ore gonian. RELIABLE man with 5-passenger auto wants situation; what have you? East 8595. F 919, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenograpners, tfice. EMPLOYERS, ATTENTION! Accountant, well educated, several years' practical experience,, age 29, married and owns own home. Reliable, efficient -and en thusiastic and at present employed. Open for position at reasonable salary to begin. Address L 874, Oregonian. GENERAL OFFICE MAN, thorough ac countant, desires position where initia tive and exceptional ability are re quired ; 16 years' experience in re sponsible positions. Nominal salary till merit is proven.' Local references. A.T 927, Oregonian. , ACCOUNTANT with 17 years' experience in banking and auditing; and who speaks and writes all Scandinavian languages, German as well, wishes po sition with bank, lumber or steamship office. Al references. Reply AV 338, Orearonlan. YOUNG man wants position as ac countant, just graduated from San Francisco Institute of Accountancy; good references. BF 965, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced lumber in voice clerk, stenographer and order clerk, wishes position with wholesale or mill company. P 912, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, timekeeper, ten years experience, governmental, institutional, , commercial, at liberty Sept. 1st. D 851, Orecontan. ACCOUNTANT will handle small sets of books part time, or will help you with your books; reasonable charge. East 9507. TO OPEN YOUR BOOKS. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING. C."W. TYLE. PHONE 610-24. YOUNG married man desires position In lumber office; o years experience; best of references. Tabor 8001. TIMEKEEPER, capable and experienced. wants job in city; local reierences. J 851, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LADY, quick and handy with the needle, would like to do hand sewing. am 973, Oregonian. LADY wants position in grocery store, u years experience; reierences. J3awy. 4295. YOUNG lady wishes position as comp tometer oper., or switchboard oper. Good references. Phone Tabor 6915. HIGH SCHOOL girl would like room and board in exchange tor ugnt service. Cornelius hotel, room 514. HIGH school graduate, 19, wishes posi tion in wnoiesaie or retau nouee; re tail experience. Auto. 641-33. EXPERIENCED girl wanted to work in a bakery. Call at 1004 iawtnorne ave. after 2 P. M. LADY wishes to care for 2 or 3 children from 2 to o years of age; given moth erly care. Sell. 1851. LIGHT housework, part of day, by capable, refined woman. N 937, Ore- (tonian, AN EXPERIENCED woman will do light housekeeping or nursing. Cu.ll Walnut 18O0. TYPING to do at home; work strictly confidential. 981 Borthwick st. Wal nut 6202. MIDDLE-AGED woman, care for chil dren afternoon . and evening. Tabor 4665. EXPERIENCED cook wishes dinner work, hotel, cafeteria; . Main 6588. room 5. WOMAN wants cooking for ranch. camp, dairy; go anywhere. Call 320 2d st., cor. Clay. TOTING ladv wishes position In photos rapher's studio or architect's office. 930 Kerbv st. Walnut 6202. MRS. It. J. HILL would lifte day work for Tuesday and Wednesday. 7836. , Bdwy. EXPERIENCED hand laundress wishes to take work home or go out. called for or delivered. Atwater 60o9. I CAN exterminate moles in your lawns or gardens; new system, no traps. F 944. Oregonian. COLORED WOMAN wants day work. Call East S76! YOUNG lady wishes housework ; 35c an hour rind carfare, henwooo ztma. SHIRTS made to order and repaired. Phone Atwater 6050. 402 4th st. LADY with good references wishes day work. Walnut 4300. GIRL would like outdoor work of any kind. C 851, Oregonian. . PIANO teacher, lady, experienced, wishes pupils. Reasonable. East Orflo, A GOOD colored woman wants work by month. East 4360. GRADUATE piano teacher at your home, $1 an hour. Main 4506. - GOOD woman wants day work, sewing. Main 0254. GRADUATE piano teacher with experi ence; loaaons at your home. Tabor 6542. COLORED woman wants bundle wash in g sttajelmme:Cal PRACTICAL housekeeping for adulte, men or women. Tabor 81 44. YOUNG lady wishes AP 943. Oregonian. clerical position. GIRL wants any kind of work morn- ings. AH oil, oregonian. WANTED Laundry work. Will take anything. 7115 S3d st. Tel. Aut. 642-14. GIRL of 20 wants to work for a home and small wages. Ar 40, Oregonian. WOMAN, fine in meats v and pastry, s cook. Main 7913. wishes position 1 WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. MAIN 5021. WOMAN, exp., wants to manage apt. house for own apt. Aii , uregonian. LAUNDRY work, cleaning; references. Atwater 3028. LADY wants -charge of home or high- class rooming house. Tabor 3328. GOOD laundress wants day work any kind. Tabor S18. YOUNG colored woman wishes day work. Sell. 2871. WANTED Work by day or hour. Mabel Peterson. East 3051. FIRST-CLASS all-round worker,. hour; rererences. rnone oii-i. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes laun dry to ta&e 0.0 me. Atwater 4ua&. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT HOTE BOOK KEEPER AFTER SEPT. 20; COMMERCIAL AND RESIDEN TIAL EXPERIENCE; FAMIL IAR WITH STOREROOM AC COUNTS, BF 96S, OREGONIAN. YOUNG married man, 25. wants job driving truck in city, something per manent, 5 years experience with cars. Phone Tabor 3286 Sunday between 2 and 5 P. M. AP 910, Oregonian. POSITION as day clerk in respectable, good class hotel by woman with 6 years experience; would consider su perintending a dinmg-room; work all or part time. BJ 851, Oregonian. AMBITIOUS young girl willing to start at the bottom and work up in general office work. , Eager to learn the busi ness. Just out of high school. Phone Sellwood 0534. K I WILL be a companion and magnetic healer a few hours a day to any lady or family that need one and find me congenial for J100 a week. AJ 904, Ore gonian. WANTED, by a high school girl of 1 years, a place to work fdr board and room, in a family where there are chil dren. Address R. F. D. Box 66. West- port. Or, LADY desires housework, can manage if work not heavy; neat, economical, in terested in good home, assist with chil dren, seldom out evenings; $50"; ref erences. L 928, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman would like position In hotel or apt. house as elevator operator or answering phone . in ex change for room, small wages. P 835, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires position -as housekeeper or cook for crew of men. Call from 10-2 Sunday. 164 Union ave., room 16. WILL accept position as companion or governess to right party on short trip or at home; can give satisfactory and complete references. V 904, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL would like room and board in exchange for light serv ice, near Lincoln high preferable. Call Eula Wade, at Main 5388. . WASHINGTON high girl wishes to work for room, board ana carrare in goou family. Write Mrs. J. Petersen, Linn ton. Or. Route 2. LADY, refined and very capable, de sires position as companion to invalid, or will take charge- of widower's home. AF 914. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in gen eral office work or will do just typ ing or billing. Atwater 4419 or AF 926, Oregonian FRENCH couple, middle-age, wants sit uation, man cook, wife second work; references; city or country. AC 056, Oregonian RELIABLE woman wishes position as clerk in store, large or small; can fur nish good references; state salary; long experience. B 869, Oregonian. WOMAN of exceptional ability desires fosition, capable ana wining 10 tajte arge responsibilities. Phone Auto. 812-17. MARRIED lady wants apt. house to man age; husband give spare time tor apt. and small wages. Call apt. 4, Auto; 525-03. WOULD care for invalid during day or assist convalescent motner ; capaDie of caring for infant; would do morning household duties, W 937, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wants position as housekeeper in apartment or rooming house for apartment and some wages. Main 2845. GRADE principal of high school instruc tor open ror engagement; saiary rea sonable; references. AG 922, Orego nian. - . REFINED French woman desires posi tion as plain nurse or to tae care or children or as housekeeper email fam ily. V 930. Orejgonlan. SWITCHBOARD operator desires posi tion; 7 yearsexperince. j vav. ore gonian. YOUNG married woman with baby girl wishes housekeeping for motner or couple employed. F 045. Oregonian. .EXPERIENCED cook wishes position in private family, or housekeeper. Marshall 1098. . WOMAN, experienced, wishes position as chambermaid. ssargent noiei, uranu and Hawthorne, room 804. FOR THE care of convalescents, chil- dren evenings. Call Atwater u4. Bookkeepers, Stenographer, Utlice. POSITION wanted, temporary or perma nent, bv voune laav who nas naa sev eral years' experience in bank work. Familiar with Burroughs posting ma chine; knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. .AN Via, uregonian. ENERGETIC, ambitious young woman th fivfl vp.ars' experience DooaKceu Ine- nd ereneral office work wishes to get In touch with business firm who would appreciate good, hard, con scientious work. Hi VlU, uregonian POSITION desired by young lady with 6 years' experience aouoie entry ouo keeping, timekeeping and payrolls and office details ; use typewriter; cduld do all tne worK wnere umr vu needed. Autcn latlc 517-52. GRADUATE of bookkeeping and type writing dept. or isennKe-waiaer .Busi ness college wishes position with some reliable firm; medium salary consid ered at start. Walnut 2331. 1125 Rod- ney ave. LADY bookkeeper with 7 years' packing house experience, would like position as bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper. Can do stenographic work. 508 East Oak street. East 5253. CAPABLE business woman, experienced in bookkeeping, general office work and management, wishes position with reliable firm; references. N 912, Ore gonian. I CAN furnish highest references as to my ability as a secretary, office man ager, or for general office work; have had much experience in meeting the public. Tabor 9125. AVAILABLE Sept. 1, A-l stenographer, experienced commercial, technical, ex ports and lumber, can handle set books. Wants worth while position; highest references. BC 961, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady stenogra pher, wishes permanent position; capable and efficient in general of fice work; good reierences. Walnut 28 S 7. OFFICE HELP OFFICE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS WILLIAMS TEKSONNEL SERVICE. BDWY 6053. 504 SPALDING BLDG. IF INTERESTED in getting a good book keeper and general office girl with six years' ' experience, address Postoffice Box 1117, city. POSITION by experienced bookkeeper and stenographer, capable of meeting public; 15 years' experience. V 918, uregonian FIRST-CLASS stenographer and office woman, insurance and commercial ex perience, desires position; temporary or permanent. Tabor 2258. EXPERIENCED stenographer, knowl edge of bookkeeping, desires perma nent position. Auto. 526-04. YOUNG lady typist wishes office work such as copy work, answering phone, etc. Tabor 6562. OUNG lady wishes office position; can do clerical work, comptometer and Monroe operating. Phone Main 3310. TYPING done reasonably in spare time. Work strictly confidential. AV 340, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with 2 years' expe rience wishes position, legal or other wise; moderate salary. East 3147. Al BOOKKEEPER and typist. 12 years expertence. Dependable, a c c u r ate, rapid, neat. BD 975. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer uesires permanent position; moderate salary; references. Tabor 8428. BOOKKEEPER, 4 years experience, government, banking and commercial. K 851. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, lum ber experience, other lines, wants work in or out of city. Main 0941. HIGH-CLASS stenographic work done J reasonably at home; will call for and deliver. Phone Taoor zojd. EXPERIENCED cashier and general of fice work of ten years' experience. References given. M 912, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED LEGAL STENOGRA PHER WISHES POSITION. SELL WOOD 3936, STENOGRAPHER wishes position; have Had some expentsnvtj u iiur. A t-vater 3239. ELDERLY lady would like care of chil dren. Broadway 2609. BY EXPERIENCED, capable stenog rapher; wages reasonaDie. aui. o-' EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes em ployment. Koom p. Alain WANTED Typing anil stenographic work at home, uaa -.tain am. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes po sition as oftice girl, tan sen. -J43. LAW stenographer, quick, accurate, half ays , 545. Monday. Atwater yaxu. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, remodeling. alterations, designing, J day, w ai nut 0965. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day, ref erences, alterations, reasonable. East 7665. EXPERIENCED dressmaking by day. References. Alterations reasonable. East 7065. EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like engagements remoaenng. wai. auss. HEMSTITCHING; any color, 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg. 327 Wasft. JBdwy. ZT-W. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew- ing by day, sen. za4 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 day. Tabor o-oo unaay or evenings. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaking by day. neat and classy; not a newcomer to the city but desiring a few more custom ers. All work guaranteed; -$tt per day." Daisy Chamberlin. Tabor 8511. DRESSMAKER One who knows her business nd in whom you may hv perfect confidence, wishes sewing by the day in families. Can give best of references. East 3753. ENGAGEMENT by day, experienced in suits, gowns, dresses, remodeling, de signing; work guaranteed; reasonable. Ea st 7500. SEAMSTRESS would like to have day work mending and sewing, $2.50 a day ; fine hand aewer. Sellwood 3301. Nurses. SITUATION by experienced nurse, cap able of taking full charge or an infant or young children. AK 963, Orego nian. EXP. BABY nurse, wants babies to care for days and evenings or by hour in her own home. Best of care to. ken. Phone -lain 5008. ; INTELLIGENT, EFFICIENT. PRAC TICAL NURSE; READY FOR CASE. ATWATER 2618. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants engagements, excellent references. Ta bor 3328. ATTRACTIVE, for invalid. Gresham, Or., healthy, - private Elderly. Good route A, box 226 home table. WANTED By a Swedish masseuse of long practice, patients to treat in their own home. Phone Empire 1257. GRADUATE dietitian desires position la private family, care of child or diabetic patient preferred. AJ 907, Oregonian. PRIVATE maternity home, fine plate, best care to patients, reasonable, E. 0868. . NURSE withes private cases, reasonable ratei Phone East 3 047. PRACTICAL nurse ready for case; ladles only. Main 8322. WILL care for invalid, convalescent or old person in my home. Walnut 3770. PRACTICAL nurse wishes confinement cases. Call East 0276. INTELLIGENT, efficient for case. Atwater 2618. nurse, ready PHONE Atwater 0349 for trained and "si practical nurses: terms reapnnhle. to use Keepers. WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes house keeping; neat, clean, very agreeable, trustworthy. Can give best of refer ences. Good cook. Widower or work ing man preferred. More for home than big wges. No triflers. New Per klns Hotel, room IS'i. MIDDLE-AGED, kind, motherly lady with boy of 7 warns housekeeping in gentleman's home, - close to city or county school; object, good home more than wages. Full particulars first let ter. AV 329, Oregonian. A LADY of refinement and ability wishes position as housekeeper where she can keep 12-year-old girl, more for home than wages, best of references fur nished, no triflers need answer. Tabor 6360, or write S 903, oregonian REFINED woman. 35 years, with daugh ter 14, wishes position as housekeeper in widower's home or apartment house; no objection to one or two children. Sargent hotel. Grand and Hawthorne, room 4U4. EDUCATED, refined woman of middle age wishes position as housekeeper for widower or employed couple. AK 936, Oregonian. ' A NEAT, refined lady, 45, will keep house for elderly gentleman. Reason able, best of references. Give phone number. AE 963, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes housekeeping fo respectable bachelor. Aaareso setti Williams. - Vancouver, Wash., care Gen. Del. P.apahi.R voune widow with child vam nM desires roition as house keeper for widower. Phone Aut. 637-41 .ahy wunts hoirs ekeeoing any dis tance; experienced; city, ranch. L 930, Oregonian. WOMAN with 2-year-old child wants po sition as housekeeper or work on ranch. BJ 934. Oregonian. Housekeeping position wanted by middle-aged widow ; city or country no children. ao uregonian. w rittx re n liable woman wishes posi tion. good plain cook, neat, orderly, References. AH 908. Oregonian BY LADY oast middle age. excluslv cook and housekeeper, for two or more gentlemen. M 920, Oregonian NEAT, capable woman with one child desirea position as nouseiteeper. 003, Oregonian. ELDERLY widow wishes position as housekeeper ror gentleman or cuupi em p I oyed. beiiwooa ai woman with small boy will accept po sition as cook in or near city. Inquire 385 Yamhill st.( apt. 11. HOUSEKEEPER, city or country, or address 149 First, room 12. Domestics. HIGH school girl wishes place within walking distance of either Jefferson or Franklin high schools to assist with housework and some wages, inone ia bor 3655. COLORED man and wife with best city reference, will worK ior private ram lly; woman A-l cook. B 854. Qregronlan, EXPERIENCED maid wants position general housework; good wages. AN O06. Oregonian. GIRL wants housework, speaks only German. 727 East 7th st. North. Honsecleaiiliig. VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. Housecleaning. floor waxing, wood work and vacuum cleaning. Estimates cheerfully given; best references. Bdwy. 4152; 7 to 8:3U A. M., 0 to o ?. Al, WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED Modern furnished house, ex cept linens, silver and bidding, nothing less than 4 rooms, basement ana iur nu.ee, by family of 3 who will give best of care; wanted indefinite period and not over $32.50 per month, vicinity of 50th and 69th or Mt. Tabor car line preferred; by September 1 sure if not avaiiame oeiore. run imormauun. Address AO 863, Oregonian. WANT reasonably good house, must have 3 sleeping rooms, walking aistance, Union avenue .North and Dekuin ave., will nay J35 to $50 per month on one- year lease if satisfactory. B. M. Olson, irrocer, 1420 Union ave. ainut 64.;;., A FAMILY of 3 adults, desirable tenants. wants neatly furnished o-room house or bungalow, modern conveniences, Sept. 1st or before; must be sanitary and reasonable; west side preferred. Walnut 5878. COUPLE, professional people, want to rent modern furnished house with ga rage; four or five rooms on Heights or near river; poseufMon at once. Please give price - and description. i yiu. uregonian. VERY refined married couple wishes to occupy private home of party intend ing to winter elsewhere. Only those in exclusive residence section need apply. AN HH2, oregonian. WANTED To lease by September 7, 4, 5 or 0-room, modern, well furnished house with garage; must be first-class and in good district. Responsible busi ness man. uau Auto. H14-IH. WANTED '! V'E-KOOM FURN ISHED HOUSE NEAR SCHOOL; IN AN SWERING GIVE FULL PARTICU- LARS. AK 911. OREGONIAN. ' WE HAVE many calls tor nouses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle -your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED 5-room furnished house; must, have large front room, by the year. Mrs. C. Behin, 556 Reynolds st. Tel. Sell. 2203. SEVEN or 8-room furnished house, in good location for sub-renting, bedrooms or for light housekeeping. Phone Wal nut 1901. TO LEASE by small family of adults, well furnished house in good -location. Best of ref. Call Edison Hotel, room 407, bet. 10 and 4. WANTED to rent, by adults, modern 6- room house or bungalow, 3 bedrooms. Sunnyside or Hawthorne district. K 913. Oregonian. WANTED To rent by responsible adults. 5 or 6-room furnished house, with ga rage. Call Main 2206 after 12 P. M. Sunday. WANTED By private party, the lease of 10 rooms or more, unfurnished, west side preferred. Main 8603. Excellent references. WANT to rent 4 or 5-room unfurnished house; rent not over $30; will lease. Phone Main 1200 Sunday, 10 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. WANTED 3 or 4-roomed house, fur nished or partly furnished, in Alberta district, close to carline. Walnut 5992. BY RELIABLE party, permanently lo cated In buslne.s, 5 or 6-room, unfur nished house with paraire. Walnut 0353. WANTED 7-room furnished house on Broadway or Mississippi carline. East 3834. ABOUT Oct. 1, a 4 or 5-room house or flat for adult couple. Can use some furniture. AR 975, Oregonian. WANTED to rent for one year, 5-room furnished bungalow with garage. Wal nut 2709. ' STRICTLY modern 5 or 6-room house, in good nelprh bor hood, beginning Nov. 1. Main 7057. MODERN house, 10 rooms or more, close in. Main 3011. ' WANTED Small house or rooms, lower floor; around. Atwater 3427. 6-ROOM house, raoerm. near car line. Y 0S8, Oregonla m. UNFURNISHED hous vicinity; adults only. fn Red college WANTED TO KENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S x Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of deilrablo. furnished and unfurnished house., apartments and flats, with definite In formation pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping ihem get properly and Quickly located. Eighth Flolr. Apartments. WANTED Young gentleman (office man) wants apurtment with plenty of sunshine and air; no objection to chil dren or young folks; please state if man or woman manager, rent, street car, gas, telephone number. BD 972, Oreeonfan. YOUNG woman with daughter in high school wishes 8-rooni, unfurnished apartment ; one room must be lai g white ivory finish; Hawthorne district or Sunnyside preferred. Phone Walnut 2742. , COUPLE want to rent 8-roora furnished apartment or small bungalow. B.-nt references; no children. AM 913. Or-;-gonian. MARRIED couple desire 3-rooni tur nished apartment, house or suite in private home. Phone Mr. Jaeger, Main 26MV COUPLE with one child wish apt. in exchange for care apt. house. Wal nut 0745.' . WANTED Small apartment in or near Ladd's addition. Call Sunday. Tabir 9398. GENTLEMAN wants room with mall family in first-class apartment; perma ner.t. BD 926. Oregonian. t WANTED Two or three clean furnished rooms by 29th. Close l. K 00O. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG MAN, enthusiastic physical cul turist, wants board and room near Linn ton, Linn ton bus or St. Johns. Very plain mel. but ideal food com binations accord ing tn Bemarr Mac f adden and Alfred McCan. K 917, Oregonian. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD TN PRIVATE FAMILY FOR MAN AND WIFE AND TWO HOYS; REFER ENCES EXCHANGED. AN 913. ORE GONIAN. COUNTRY high school boy. 10. excellent habits, willing to work, wishes a pisca to live and work for room and board after school hours. Phone East 1998 or call 121 Grand ave. LADY wishes modern home in sinal'.. re fined family, where assistance in sew ing and light work 1 desired as part payment for room and board. H 862, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE woman employed would like room and board In. private rami.y on east side; would be willing to stay with children evenings or Sundays. AE 9 45, Oregon 1 a WANTED Board and room for couple and ll-ycar-old boy: private family preferred; state complete details. P. O. box 1100 . WOMAN unincumbered in a position to board and room father and two chil dren of school age. Care of M 910, Or egonian. . WANTED A hme for an elderly lady; East Portland or country considered. AM 865. Oregonian. FURNISHED alcove or bedroom and one vacant or storage room, heat, hot wa ter. phone. F 921. Oregonlnn. t WANTED Man with 2 little giris wants a place to board where we can have a real home. Write BJ 942. Oregonian. WANTED Place in refinnd hum, near school, for child of 11 where there aro No other children. O 931. Oregonian. WELL-EDUCATED French officer want board with nice people in exchange for le-sons. AL 804. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board in private family for lady and boy age nine. East 5433. ROOM nnd hoard in private family in good district; references. BJ 967. Ore- YOUNG lady wants room and dinner In private family; walking distance pre ferred. AF 975. Oregonian. BY COCPLE with little girl. possible. BJ 9H6. Or-gnniai garage if FIiitK. WANTED, TO RENT By four ad tilt a, 3 or 4-room furnished flat or apart ment, elope in. Plume Walnut 3668. 10 A. M. to 7 P. M . Sunday. m WANTED Furnished or unfurnished 5 room flat, clone In; went side; would buy furniture; reasonable. Main sr. 14. Housekeeping Knomn. 3 OR 4 FURNISHED rooms; must he reasonable ; permanent tenants; we' side preferred; give location and price when answering. AH Ulo, Ore gonian. . . WANTED Unfurnished rooms fur light housekeeping in private home on or near Willamette Heights. M 921. Ore gonian 6 OR 10 single housekeeping i-oornn friu owner; price about $400. AP 909, Ore gonian JltlhinPNM PlftCCH WANTED Space, about 2500 snuare- ft. for a machine shop. Must be north of Broadway, west aid e. Hdwy. 4 1 43. WANTED Space upHt airs. downtown building; not les3 thaa 50x100. B 9251. Oregoniwn. FOR RENT. Furnished R'xmifl. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to s-e ie .Ibt ot moderate priced rooms Tor young me. in all parts of the city. Including rooini at the V. M. C. A. with phone in ea- h . room, shower baths and c!ul faclMi te-. WEAVER HOTEL. 7uS WASHINGTON STREET. Attractive, spotless rooms, with pri vate baths, phone Reasonable rates. Broadway 5571. . ANSON I A Hi)'lU . 124 14th st.. at Washington; rates per week and up. $1 day ; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements- and shipping center. FOR CONGENIAL young folks, attrac tive double, and single room a. rr-e phone, breakfast or kitchen privltep-'-n; also sleeping tent and 2 h. k. rooms ; reaHona bit. 742 Love-joy. Main 2710. H OTEL N ETH EK EA N DS. 126 13th ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up, private bath. $8; fireproof and clean; close to business center. . HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th st.. cor. M.ir. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone: reasonable rate. $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam hea'. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at rea sonable rates bv week or month WHV NOT have an apt. while in town? Thre modern furn. rooms, $12.50 per wlk. San Marco. E. sth and Couch, K. 19.m NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, con venient for teachers or students at Couch school; laundry privileges. 621 N ortlirup. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new mar- agement, Hj2 Vfe Washington st. aiof ern, private baths, free phones. -eao- able rates; $3. 50 week up. Bflwy. HSltr. LOVELY sleeping rooms, just newly fur nished. half DlocK oir vv aamngmn, walking distance; reasonable rent. 71 Davis st. MATHIESSKN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up, $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. HOTEL (.'ON KADI X E. 22 North Hull 2 blocks north of Washington m.. ur- -proof; pleasant rooms and unites it very reasonable ratea hy day or wk. LARGE, attractive front corner room. west sine apartment nouse, cio.-e . steam heat, plenty hot water. el'ct-- elevator. 584 Klander ft. apt. 2-Y THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and A Ider. A RESPECT AiJJ.K. DUwjn iuw. m'--TEL ; $1 up. Rateg hy week or month. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st.. at luth-- $1 a day; weekly $ and tip; free pnone and hath?: light and airy WELL-FURNISHED H. K. apartmcrts. moderate price. 2 an 'J - rooms. ( H oyt street. Phone Bdwy, 1)S4. EMPREtiS HOTEL. 6th and Stark Sin gle or double rooms at moderate prices. Special rates to permanent gnes ts DAYTON hotel. 1st and Taylor. Ktiietly modern, $2 week ana up. at. out side rooms. Oc DAY. $2.50 week up; lutge. nojolute- ly clean rms. ; oa tns iree ; water a i wa hot. HotPl Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. MUSIC studio to share with vocalist or pianist in Bush & Lane u aie. rnone Tab or 7140 mornings. MARLYN HOTEL. Corner 17th and Couch; larg ve'l f ii r nished modern rooms ; re a son h M FURNISHED room, gentlemen piefmied, 48 North L'th st. NICE and clean, rewly furnished; $4 per week. 54 N. 23d St. Main 2141. NEWLY furnished rooms, wanting dts- tance. 3S5' Mill St.. near W. Park. NICE clean room near bath. $12 month. 003 E. Madison. East 803 1. ONE MODERN sleeping room; employed ge n 1 1 eman preferred. 361 nth st. THREE newly furnished rms.. wk. UP- Call Bdwy. 122.Y $2 per ROOM S for rent, furnished and unfur nished; downtown. Aut. LA RO E desirabie room, mod-em. 32 7 Sixth st. $8 MONTH Semi-basement sip. room; team-he a ted Apt.; bath. Bdwy, 19Ul t