20 " TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 20, 1922 FOR KENT. X'nf urnihed Koms. 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. UNFLR NISHED. tt64 BOSTWICK, NEAR FARGO. Furnished Rooms In FfiTate Family. - LARGE, attractive room In pleasant, modern home, for lady or gentleman of refinement. Hot water heat, shower bath, desirable location. Phone Tabor 2071. ' NTOE front room. 2 windows, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; separate beds if desired; $10 a month for one. J2S for two; verv close in. 228 10th st Phone Main f.7... ,WELL HEATED single room, modem home, every convenience: family of 3 adults; breakfast if desired. Aut. 815-58. except between 10:30 A. M. and 1 P. M. FIXE LARGE FRONT ROOM. Furnished very attractive, modern new house, with piano; jtood location ; 10 minutes ride Hawthorne car. 304 K. 22d. near Hawthorne. East tiOSfi. T. JOHNS Large, well-furnished room, furnace heat; suitable for one or two teachers; near George. Williams and new high school. 1661 Willamette blvd. Kniplr 0208. ..LARGE, well furnished corner front room in refined home; heat, bath, phone, walking distance; gentlemen; refer fnrps. 35S Larrabee, nr. Bdwy. bridge. EXCEPTIONALLY nice large, light rms. in exclusive home. 3 clowta, fireplace, " private bath, suitable for 2 or 3; email. t room. M N. 21st, cor. Everett. NICELY furn. rms.. private home, busi ness men, quiet, homelike atmosphere; breakfast and ilinner; walking distance. References. 4 12 Hniladay. 0226. TWO niceiy . furnished sleeping rooms; gent lem'ii preferred; call Sunday or evenings. 305 1 1th, apt. B. Phone " Main 7520. " ATTRACTIVE front room, furnished, newly decorated, bath aajoining; home privileges ; gentleman ; walking dis- ' tance. At water 32t". LARGE nicely furnished room for two gentlemen; very reasonable.; no car fare. Arrows st. from Portland Turn Veretn bid. 256 13th St. FRONT room in beautiful home near Jefferson high school; lady preferred; k itchtii privileges if desired. 1034 Williams ave. LARGE front room suitable for two. lioard if desired. Irvington district. .War Irvington and Broadway cars. hast CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate, twin beds, parlor, piano, a rva home; rates $3 up. til N. ISth. Bdwy. 2721. CLEAN", cheerful room, home privileges. In the home of a nurse ; suitable for . P. two young ladies; 966 Hawthorne ave., good car service. Tabor 0024. -PRIVATE family, large front room suitable for two: also smaller rooma. near 23d and Washington; breakfast K desired. Main tMiOO. PLEASANT room in nice east side home, close in. near private garage; men only. Phone East !L 48. $2." LARGE well-furnished front room; ue of kitchen and other home privi- !tre.:. 11133 E. Wash. st. Tabor 0122. LARGE front room, close in, walking dls tame, rent reasonable;, meals if de s:red. Call East 5486. TWO NICE front rooms, $2 and $2.50 per week, at 162 North 10th St., cor ner Irving. NICELY furnished rooms all conven iences; rent reasonable; walking dis- tance; 741 Hoyt st. Main 60t4. FURNISHED room in modern bungalow business people preferred. 987 E. Main. ! evenings. Tabor 7751. FOR RENT Furnished room for en tleman; with or without garage. 357 Larch St., Ladd's Addition. W ELL furnished room, close in. steam heat. 307 11th St., apt. E. Atwater "41. CHEERFUL front room, suitable two running water; refined hom; 21st sear Washington. Afternoons, Atwater LA RGE corner room, employed persons only; .suitable lor two. iu iso-rtn Twenty-first street. ROOM and 2 meals for 2 gentlemen or . couple employed. 3o0 E. 9th st. jit off Bdwy. Phone East 8172. 200 14 TH. near Jefferson, choice room. modern conveniences; walking dis tance. FURNISHED rooma, with or without board, reasonable rate. 647 E. Broad way. East 6080 , Sb, ATTIC room for gentlemen; large, clean, furnished, $3 week. Atwater 1 562. NICE rooms, walking distance Jefferson high; reasonable. 1121 Union ave. N. Walnut 6500. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a lovely private home, suitable for 2 young men. 71 Trinity place. FUR- AND UN FUR. sleeping rooms In modern home with garage. Walnut 30S2. 1 LARGE steam-heated room and one single room, modern conveniences. 564 Couch. Apt. 3. bet. 17th and 18th. FRONT corner room in good apartment houe. Steam heat. Two in family. References. Broadway 3366. NICELY furnished room, private family, hot, cold water, gentleman preferred. 6b N. 22d st. Main 1746. WrfOLL FURNISHED room for gentle man; no other roomers. 329 13th st., near Clay. BcAUTlFUL front room, suitable for man and wife or two girls. 208 23d st. North. LAR(i E, pleasant room, facing park. Phone, bath. Neat one small room, gentleman only. Atwater 0299. ROOM for middle-aged single man in widow's home. 656 Beacon; 1 blk. to Sellwood car. l LARGE, airy room.' clean as a pin, suitable for one or two lad lee or gents. Call Main 4078. 253 N. 2lst. LAURELHURST Nicely furnished front room In loveiy home; every conven ience; block from car. Tabor 2437. CLEAN, comfortable room in homelike place, close in, $2.50 week. Bdwy. 2t4. 229 N. 16th st. RuOM in steam-heated apartment, bath room adjoining, walking distance ref erences DESIRABLE, clean rooms, modern home. N. 21st. Phone Main 5050. NICE lurmehed loom, in private family. 668 Everett. ROOMS, women employed. 3024 Park st.. corner Columbia: women only. LAND Y room in new R. C. Park bun DESIRABLE room for one or two gen tlemen, W. S. Nob Hill. Atwater 4761. " NEATLY furnished bedroom, also sleep- ing porch; reasonable. Broadway 5926. 257 12TH ST., single, double, hot, cold, room, walking distance; men only. HANDSOMELY furnished front room or woman. 434 10th. Main S296. - MuNTH Semi-basement sip. room; FRONT parlor bedroom, home privileges, walking distance. Call 387 12th st. NICELY' furnished sleeping room. 26 E. lth st. East 8J12. NICELY furnished Broadway 1411. west side. ONE front sleeping room first floor, suitable for two. 331 Montgomery. LARGE light room, first floor, 2 people. Close in. 448 Columbia, SINGLE room $2.50, double $3. Well furnished. Gentleman only. 371 6th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN . APARTMENT. PHONE MAIN 3203. INCLOSED sleeping porch, warm dress ing room, phone bath. 306 12th st. J NEATLY" fur. rm. in private family, convenient location. 517-61. NICELY furnished ronm for one or two employed people. 268 12th st. 449 WEST PARK, nice clean sleeping room; home privilege. Atwater 2003. ELL furnished .strictly modern; break fast if desired. 875 E. Flanders. CLEAN front room, modern home, 3 Ros-s gt.. '2 b'ocks Broadway bridge. DESIRABLE room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; west side. Nob H1U. Atwater 4761. FURNISH ED sleeping room for rent, $2.5t. 457 Montgomery, Atwater 01 15. 2CICELY fur. room in modern home for gt-ntleman. $12 per month. Tabor 8310. Rooms With Board. CHESTERBURY HOTEL 2il NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day. week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's down town high-ciass -family hotel; rooma en suite or single, with or without Zurd, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1189. PARK VIEW HOTEL West Park and Montgomery. Residential, hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; cot venient and comfortable. BOOM and board for business girl ; all modern conveniences: walking dis tance; $5 per week. Aut. 219-74. 12 E. 7 th st. ROOMS. Double. Single. Meals. 779 Marshall. Main 497. THE REINE. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 72 Marshall St. Phone Main 1644. LARGE room suitable for necting. Main 8H3. LOU BLE or single room wit h board in privateamiiy. Sellwood 2286. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23d AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hoteLs on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month Meals served to transients. HOTEL HEREFORD, 735 Hoyt. near 23d. Main 3305. Portlands hi?h-daas residential ho tel, being completely redecorated ; at tractive rates; special Sunday chicken dinners; all the comfort of home; now offered by Mrs. McDougall. formerly of the Ramapo hoteL 223 EAST 20TH, EAST 7384. Portland's exclusive east side resi dential hotel; all modern conveniences, a home for discriminating people; make reservations for the winter now; lare corner front room, suitable for couple or more; available Sept. 1. PRIVATE boardinx house in fine W. S. district, close in. Good home-made bread and pastrieo. 104 N. lWth st. Bdwv. 4314. iiJiolDKNTIAL HOTEL, 712 Marshall st. Main Sio3. Newly furnished, excel ot meals; rates week or month. Rooms With r,oarq in Private Family. IF YOU wish to feel at home in a u-iet. modern private home, pleasant sur roundings, best residence district, with good things to eat, congenial people, call at 402 E. Sth st. before 5 P. M. today and reserve place, or phone E. A REAL home; congenial, modern, with mother and son, home comforts, large 4-window room next to bath, suitable for 2 gentlemen, ( $30 per month each. Walnut is). HAVE good room and first-class- board for two men in room, hot water, fur nace heat. 1105 East Yamhill, corner 37th; one block from Sunnyside car line. Tabor 3S35. . PRIVATE home for girls grammar school age; each child will receive mother's care and training: near school, library and churches. Sellwood 2203. J . ROOM and board with home privileges in modern home, for two lad-ies or couple employed; good board and rea- sonabie rates: close in on east sid-e. Cai! EaPt SI SO. , NICE room with board in private Rose City home, for couple employed with child, mother's care ; or two compan ions; reasonable, Aut. 318-06. 346 E. 41t st. N. - NICE, large rm., suitable for 2 ladies, good board; no other roomers; 2 blks. to Bdwy. and Irvington cars. East 5878. Cor. 17th and Hancock. , - ENJOYABLE, refined home for gentle man, in private family, with real home cooking; all privileges extended; close in; good car service. Sell. 2490. LARGE, clean room with board for one - or two gentlemen; shower bath, home privileges; walking distance. East side. EaM 9044. . ENJOYABLE, refined home for gentle man in private family with real home cooking, all privileges extended, close in. good car service. Sell. 2450. BETWEEN Jefferson high and Wood lawn school, nicely furnished room and 2 meals if desired. Private family. References. Walnut 6464. TWO MEN to room, one or two meals; beat home cooking; home privileges; no other -boardera, Sunnyeid-e car serv ice. Tabor 784!. . - DOUBLE and single rooms with board in lovely home, excellent meals. Will also have 3 h. Jc rooma Sept. 1. Phone after Sunday. East ooio. ROOM and board, all home conveniences, best home cooking, sal arts and aeserts fruit for breakfast; just like home close In. E. 824S. IRVINGTON Beautiful double room. also xin-lA room, best home cooking, refined surroundings. Garage. East 6645. ROSE CITY Front room, 3 windows hreakfnt: nrivate home. 1 or 2 gen tiemen; 1 blk. to car. Tabor 6976, Monday. PLEASANT front room with board for 1 or 2 gentlemen; home privileges; ac cessible to St, Johns, Kenton and Port land. Walnut 6656. . XEWLT furnished rooms, board if de .fired; home comlorts ana surroun a- ings for refined gentlemen. AJ fiOJ, Oregonian. BOARD AND ROOM for one or two in nice quiet nome. ah nome privileges. Nice home for elderly couple, bell. 2065, HOME for young men employed; home nrivileRes: piano, close in; rates i.u Der week 285 14th st. Main 2533. Corner Jefferson LADY In Irvington home will rent room with breakfast to buisness woman or girl college student. Aifi 804, urego nian. t . a rc.k: -iP'4n room with board for on or two gentlemen; snower.oain; nome privileges; waiKing Gisiance. r-ai aiue. East 9044. WANT children to board and care ror; h-t -references. Aaaress jiiary naw er. Milwaukie, Or. Phone Oak Grove 145 w. HAVE one or two pleasant rooms I will rent with board, reasons Die; nave s modern home In a desirable location Phone Tabor 4216. TROUTDALE. Route 2, Box 38. Phone Gresham 15X5. vante.u, a or o rmiureu to take care of. ages from 2 to 5. Will give motherly care ana norne. CHILDREN in my good nome, fine, care ful care; close to grammar ana "Jkj' scnooi ; years uj refp. Walnut 7307. REFINED widow in desirable private home will noara ana give iuuiui a care to four school girls. Tabor 8950. BOARD and room in inouern nome ror voung man or may, x uiuun. i v. Tabor 5195. 326 E. 32d st. ROOM AND BOARD for two school or working gins in sieam-iictticu downtown district. AF 855. Oregoman. NICELY furn. rm. with board ; nome privileges; for gentleman or couic, nhiection to child. Sell. 2270 WANTED 2 children to board In home near Kichmona scnoot. jeot ui erences. Tabbr 5799. SEPT. 1. room and beard, private home, Laurelhurst; witn or wnuuui bs Tabor 0418. YOUNG man to room and board; small. congenial family oi young peopie, piano. Main 0698- NICE warm room, very reasonable, ex cellent board lor z, iai iQ at. 9121 RpOM and board for 1 or 2 girls em- pioyea, luiiiaua ucm, tance and on car line. East 4933. EXTRA large, clean airy room, new beds for 2 young men; nome pnviicB, o per week. Bdwy. 2333. DANDY room and board In new R. C. Park bungalow, oui oou .hi. Tabor 0171. ' ONE LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE r OK TWO; BOARD I r IKS1KJ2-U. wz. 3355. 617 MARSHALL. WILL ROOM ana board girl between 11 and 13 years or age; moiiier a care, $35 month. Tabor 8302. LARGE corner room. Fine view. Nob Hill ads-trlCt. we-U COOKa meaiw; ladies. C. S. preferred. Main 33SS3. WILL board high school or working girl for companionship, reasonable. Call East 2796, m ROOM and board for two young ladies employed or nigo scnooi; xjpcw aw thorne ave. Tabor 6517. NICELY furnished rooms with or with out board: all conveniences; wanting distance; .741 Hoyt st. Main 6094. CLEAN rooms with good board. 367 Weidler st. Alberta, Woodlawn or Broadway cars. GOOD home oifered girl between seven n d ten yea ra. R. 1, Box 16, Brush Prairie, Vash. WANTED Four or five men or boys to boam and room, near Jefferson high. 1240 Michigan ave. Walnut 2012. PLEASANT room for 1 or 2, home priv ileges, modern. 355 E. 30th, near Haw thorne. Tabor 3328. FIRST-CLASS board and room in strictly private, Congenial home, home privileges. Main 0305. ROOM and board, $35; modern, a real borne, west side, close in. 407 14th st. Atwater 1752. ROOM and board In private boarding hou.se. 692 E. Ash. Phone East 1207. HUME cooking, home privileges; prices right. Sellwood 1502. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, con genial family. No. 60 Ella st. 519-06. ROOM, board, private home, two gentle men. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. BOARD and room, private family, home privileges. 249 H Halsey st. East 2807. WILL give board and care to one school age. Walnut 0628. iri. FURNISHED room wtih board; sleep in g porch. 407 Clay. Main 3834. LARGE, clean, sunny room, good table hoard, piano, garage. East 2418. ROOM with board for one or two ladies; walking distance. Bdwy. 3780. LADY wants couple children to board nd room. Aut.' 613-91. GIRL wanted, light housekeeping, room and board: small salary. 593 6th. GOOD board and room, home-cooked meals. 712 Flanders. Phone Main 4281. WIDOW has board and room for work ingmen. reasonable. East 8182. ROOM AND BOARD, 5-74 Ladd ave., n-ear E '. 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145. WANTED Children to care for in my nwn h"mp, 7 E. 2d st. S. Furnished Apartment. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment with private bath, $30. 32 E. Ash. FOR RENT. Furnished' Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1 K Vista A vet. H:gh-claa apartment house near 23d and. Washington will accommodate tourists during summer; 3-room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony ; also a newly decor ated 3-room apt., with a real bed room and sew furniture. Call Main 38S3. 2-ROOM suite, clean, well furnished. $20 month; three nice rooms, private bath. Free phone, furnace heat, large veran da: i-3o month; children welcome; near school. Take 16th st. or N. & S. Port land cars to 20th and Thurman; one' block north to 643 Upshur. Broad way. 1S71. FURNISHED houseboat for sale; all con veniences, electric fixtures, bath, phone, dishes, gas stove, gas heater, $1450 cash. Owner going east, must sell immediately. No. 17 Oregon Yacht club. Phone Sellwood 2141 evenings or Sunday. THE CROMWELL. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. All outside 2. and 3-room furnished apts., French doors and balconies, per manent and transient. Atwater 5198. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric ' lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bld.. electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis- tance. Main 9466. ; . LADELLE APTS 790 E. ANKENY ST. Very desirable 4-room apt., newly renovated and retinted; sleeping porch. private bath and phone; completely furnished, light, clean and airy; good car service; parking space. East 404. TH K ALAMO A PARTMENTS. Furnished 3-room front apt., $45; back. $40; all with private baths, dis appearnlg beds, steam heat; back apt. 2 beds, suitable for 3; newly done in white enamel. 494 Market. ALTAMONT APTS.. 304 COLLEGE. BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH STS. 3 and 4-room apts., private bath, newly tinted, nicely furnished; also 2 room and private bath, basement apt. Main 6375. GRAY GABLES APTS., 289 10th St. Four minutes' walk from business district, "-room apt., modern, du. Phone Main 2805. TO SL B -LET for at lease 4 months, handsome and completely furnished 4-room apartment ; suitable for 2 adults; good west side location; S100 a month. Call Broadway 7942. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella streets. Very desirable 3-room fur nished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern ; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. THE -BONNIE BRAE. Furnished apts., 3 rooms, dressing room, bath, sleeping porch. 514 Han cock st., Irvington district. E. '2202. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath. Hardwood firs., white enamel; free eiec. washer and mangle. East 3782. LAMBROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. Bt'ENA VISTA 434 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strictly modern fur nished and 1 unfurnished apt.; all out side apts. Main 1052. 3-ROOM furnished or unfurnished, all ' outside rooms. In high-class apart ment house with first-class service, 15th and Belmont. East 6613. THE DRICKSTON. 448 11TH ST. One 2-rm. fur. "apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and painted ; one 3-room basement ; free phone and light. THIS will suit you, 2-room suite, porch, hot and cold water, laundry trays, phone, light, $7 per week. 166 E. 16th st. East 8954. SEiiENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah; 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. BASEMENT-APT., suitable for employed couple or bachelor, $15 per mo. 368 Muitnomah. East 8051. ALICE COURT. 2 -and 3 rooms, private bath, phone. $45 and $50; strictly modern. E. 3506. FURNISjHJSD 5-room apt., steam heat, hot and cold water; walking distance. 587 E. Main st. 8-ROOM apartment. , clean, light, airy, well furnished, modern conveniences; adults only. Phone East 0858. CARLOIS APARTMENTS." 2-room modern furnished apartment, reasonable. 14th and Market. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 TRINITY PL 2 and 3-room furnished apta.; 4-room basement apt. Bdwy. 5151. MARTHA APTS. 2-room furnished apts. by week month. Main 2141. . JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room apts. Walking dis tance, opp. auditorium. Atwater 5566. NEW LOVELY furnished 2-room apart ments: rent reasonable. 41a East 10th st. East 1507. . BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished, corner 21st and Irving. ALTON I A APTS.. 19th and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. THE STAN FIELD. Modern 2-room- apt., light, heat, phone, $23. Winter rate. Main 7392. FURNISHED 2-room apartment.' hot and cold water; fine location. 631 Hoyt, near 20th. SUN NY" CREST, $25; 3 outside rms., bath, newiy furn., redecorated, steam heat, gas, elec. 186 Sherman. YOUNG man to share apartment, walk ing distance, reasonable rent. Atwater 3621 after 6 P. M. NICELY fur. modern apartment; light. heat ana tree pnone; clean; reasonable rent. 745 Hoyt st. Atwater 2541. 3-ROOM furnished apt., steam heat, free phone. 27th near Sandy blvd.. l block from 2 carllnes; reasonable. 843 Nelson. THE NICKOLS 3-room apt., also 4-r. apt. with Z bedrooms, private baths, phone. 85G E. 6th N. Walnut 4971. BEAUTIFUL 3-room modern apt., two beds, car line in iront or door; Jdu. At. 4166. CLASSIC APARTMENTS. 21st 'and Glisan, 2 and 3-room apart ments, strictly modern. LAURELHURST APARTMENTS. 3-room apartment and bath. 142 E. 30th st. Tabor 2614. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile "bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. LADY will share her apartment with young woman empioyea ; aressing room, bath. W 874. Oregonlan. FURNISHED apartments of 3 rooms very modern; 2 unfurnished down stairs. Phone Walnut 7397. PENROSE APTS., Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts.. finished in white enamel. East 4548. 2-ROOM housekeeping apartments, fur nished, reasonable rent. . Mor-' rlson st. 2-ROOM large apt. with sleeping porch, all modern conveniences. ob4 Couch, Apt. 3, bet. 17th and 18th. IN WALNUT PARK. 2 or 3 rooms, bright and airy, new iurmture; jianay to o carlines. Walnut 4940. FURNISHED 1 and 2-room h. k. apart ments, hot and cola water, walking distance. 495 Davis, cor. 14th. NEAR LINCOLN HIGH. Apartments suitable 4 to 6 people, reasonable. 388 11th st. At. 4164. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. 3-room furnished apt-, with private bath. Marshall 2250. HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL 3 rms., kitchenette, bath. h. w. firs., private balconies, $35 up. Mar. 1160. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., also 3-room baeement apt. 697 Washington at. Bdwy. 109S. HAN THORN APTS. S-room furnished apt.; 2 disappear ing beds: close in. 251 12th st. 2 ROOMS, $25 per month, way, cor. 24th. 769 E. Broad- $202 ROOMS, including linen and bed ding. 3"4 Ivy st. 2 BASEMENT apartments, one and three rooms. 493 Yamhill. . MODERN 2-room furnished apt. 860 Mil waukie st. APARTMENT, 3 rooms, nice and clear, near 2 schools. 1050 Kerby st. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur apt. $21.50 Complete, concrete mag. . WESTMINSTER, 2C2 SIXTH. NICELY FURN COR. APTS. MAIN B582 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished Harrison Court. 394 Fifth. apartments. Main 5148. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 21st N. 2-room modern apt., reasonable. 662 FLANDERS, near 20th, nicely fur nished. 4-room apt.. $35. DESIRABLE furnished apartment, three rooms: adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. THE STILES, rooms with bath. East 4847. THE LEONARD 3-room furnished, apt., clean, desirable. 605 E. Main st. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. NEAT and clean 3-room apartments. 1347ft Corbett. Atwater 4217. JUST vacated, modern 3-rm. apt. and sleeping porch, at 721 East Aah st. FURNISHED apts,, 272ft Williams ave. Mrs. . A. Pike, FOR RENT. Famished Apartments. STELWTN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished apts. in city, in select res idence district. Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home atmosphere. ' References required. Lovely sunshiny outside apart ments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hang ings, brasses, comfy wicker furni ture, fioor lamps, etc.; piano; maid service If desired ; excep tionally clean. Also single rooms by day, week, month. THE STELWTN. 166 St. Clair St.. Cor. of Wash ington and Twenty-second. JUST COMPLETED. WESCOTT COURT APTS. 450 Weidler. blk. S. Broadway. Each apartment consists of large llv mg. dining and bed rooms, balcony, shower bath; all outside rooms; ma hogany furniture, ivory finish, electric ranges, hardwood floors, etc. I believe these apts. to be the most complete in rlty; only few left; see therm AT 229 1ITH ST.. BET. MAIN AND SALMON, you will find an apartment that is different. - - H beautiful rooms, bath and hall, electric cookers, and everything mod ern, completely furnished. Brick building. 5 minutes walk to Mier & Franks. WHEELDON ANNEX. Has been thoroughly" renovated and redecorated and under new manage ment; .2, 8 and 4-rm. apts. to perma nent or transient by day. week or month. Close to business center. Cor ner 10th and Salmon. Main 6641. THREE large outside rooms beautifully furnished, large private bath, all clean and well lighted ; electricity, heat, water and phone furnished; tenant fur nishes own silver and linen ; $40 per month. S00 Union ave. N.. near Beech. MODERN, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4-RM. APT.. $50. SUITABLE FOR 2 TO 5 PERSONS. ALSO ONE OF 3 ROOMS- FOR $40 MONTH. THESE ARE FINE. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th & COLUMBIA. 3-ROOM apartment, newly and artistic ally furnished, white enameled; sleep ing porch; cheaper than can be had on west side; easy walking distance; one . blk. R. C. car and Grand ave. 415 E. Couch. NICELY furnished apt. for responsible, congenial couple, all very modern, a garage if desired, w-ash trays in base ment and furnace; call all week; Sun day until 2 P. M. 521 E. 39th N.. cor. Brazee. NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnished Z and d-room immaculate apartment in high-class apartment hotise ; perioa furniture. Wilton rugs, linen, silver, etc. Elmwood Apts.. 415 10th. M. 66QQ. WELLINGTON COURT, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two rooms, strictly modern; newly kalsomined; all new golden oak furni ture; $35. Broadway 1245 WILL RENT for several months my 3 room apartment with bath, large light rooms, well furnished; west side walk ing distance ; $50. Atwater 3511 ; Broadway 2789. FOR RENT 3-room clean, well-f urnif hed apartment, 764 Michigan ave.. near Beach tjt., one block from Mississippi carline; large porch and fine yard; to man and wife? only ; $20. THE DEZENDORF APTS 208 16th. near Taylor. Atwater 0128. 6-room completely furnished apt. All outside rooms; no objection to chil dren, transients and tourists. $25 FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Artistically furnished, one large roojm and kitchenette apartment with pleas ant outlook, plenty of heat and light included in rent. Main 3816. $15 COZY APARTMENT $15. 1 room comfortably furnished. Neat, clean and quiet. Where your apart ment is your home. Main 3816. FOR RENT 3-room apt., furniture for sale. All new. A bargain. For appoint ment phone East 8988 Sunday after 11 A. M. BUNGALOW apt., furnished complete, 4 rooma and sleeping porch. Phone, heat, prlwite bath, adults, $60 .a month. East 1966. Walking distance. BEAUTIFUL bachelor apt., sitting room, bedroom, dressing room and bath; can be shown-Monday. Gordon Court Apart ments, 530 Montgomery. GARDNER, 562 E. Ash, corner 13th Very desirable large three rooms, ab solutely clean; nice balcony; near Washington high school ; references. NICE, light 2- or 3-room apt., every thing furnished; reasonable rates. Main 7061. . LUXOR APTS., under new management, furnished 2 and 3-room apts.. modern; also sl-eeplng room. Phone Main 815, THE KERRIGAN. Nice modern 4-room furnished apt. Also a 2-room. 52 E. 6th and Davis. THREE-ROOM apt. for rent, 1 block from Alberta car. Furnace heat. Wal. 3041. HAMMERKLEY COURT, 250 12th st. One 3-room corner apt., Private bath, walking distance. BENSON APARTMENTS, 205 N. 20th at Beautifully furnished 3-room front apartment. Broadway 4448. TWO small 2-room apartments, clean, light and airy, $22.50 each; adults. 502 Glisan. LIGHT, clean 2-room -apartment. Close in, west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 7628. NICELY furnished 3-room Private entrance, close in. son st. apartment. 432 Jeffer- THREB-ROOM furnished apt., clean; walking distance. 71 Grand avenue. North. East 2939. APARTMENTS, light housekeeping and sleeping rooms, walking distance, rea sonable rates. S3 17th Bt. N. THE ORDERLEIGH, 82 Grand ave. At tractive, well-arranged suites, renovat ed. private baths, very reasonable. A YOUNG business lady to join me in locating apt. ; C. S. preferred. Bdwy. 0275 Monday. VERY desirable 3-rm. apt., light, bath, phone. $30; garage. 560 Market st. - LARGE, clean modern apt. with bath and sleeping porch, oil Columbia. CAMBRIAN apts., 2 and 3-rm. fur. apts. Hw. floors. 433 Columbia. Atw. 3039. COSY 3-rm. furn. flat, fireplace; clean; near Broadway bridge. 344 Benton. $25 TO $35 for modern steam-heated furnished apartment. 402V& 3d st. FURNISHED 2-room apt. 640 E. Main st. Unfurnished Apartments. IONIAN COURT, 1TH ANO COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt.. 1 blk. off Wash. st. ; adults. Bdwv. 2761. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. 13 ROOMS, or 3 apts.. on car line, to sublet to responsible party. 985 Al , bina ave. ' ROSE FRIEND, Bdwy. and Jefferson. Choice 5-room apartment can be se cured Sept. 1. Atwater 1410. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir able fur. and unfur. apts. available at reasonable rentals. Phone Bdwy, .6860. MAY APARTMENTS. 14th and Taylor, will have a 3-room corner apt, vacant Sept. 1. Main 7210. 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, no children. $40. Waverly Court. East 20th and Clinton sts. HOSE FRIEND, Bdwy. and Jefferson. Choice 5-room apartment can be se cured Sept. 1. Atwater 1410. MARLBOROUGH. 5 rooms, unfur., very large and light rooms, newly decorated. Main 7516. NEW, modern two-room apt., oak floors, tiled - bath, sleeping porch. M Close in east side. Walnut 2714. DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new brick building. Rose City Park. See owner, 203 Third. 2-ROOM apartment; no objections to children. . 90) E. Sth' South. Call East 8367 MORTON APARTMENTS, 4-room un furnished apt. 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 1008. -ROOM Apt., Irvington, large, airy front rooms completely furnished. E. 8874. THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th. 2 4- rm. apts. ana psmt. apts. Bdwy. 3 658. 3-ROOM apt., private toilet and bath. Thurman. near 20th. Atwater 4761. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broadway 3360. MOR DAUNT 586 Everett. Large mod ern 4-rm, homelike; inspection invited. 660 FLANDERS. 6-room apt., porches, $65 month. unfurnished ONE 4 AND 5-ROOM unfur. apt. The Wllmar. 742 Everett st. . Main 5164. APARTMENT. 3 rooms, nice and clean, near 2 schools. 1051 Kerby st. THE ORMONDE 4 and 5-room1 unfur. apts. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. 3 LARGE rooms and bath, partly fur. ; clean; walking distance. 546 E. Alder. 5-ROOM modern apartment; 4566. TWO and three-room apartment at 234 E. 20th. very reasonable. East 2299. FOUR-ROOM front apt., good sleeping porch. Buck apta., 107 N. 21st. MODERN 3-room apartment, 554 Tillamook car. 13th sL FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. IRVINGTON APARTMENTS, v . BUILT BY BOWMAN. ' High-class 6-room lower No. 4 apt., hardwood floors, tiled bath, steam heat, janitor service; no children; reference: 100. 377 E. 25th N. Call East 7620 untti UfA. M. Inquire owner, 380 E. 24th' N. before 11 A. M. and after 6 P. M. HO YT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. v -796 EAST HOYT ST. ."-'ew building now ready for occu pancy, 3, 4, 5-room unfurnished apart ments; all outside rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; large rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floors, tile baths, every modern convenience and unetf celled service. Phone East 7527. - REASONABLE RENT. Choice of seven 2 and 3-room apts. (new) with bath room, breakfast nook, new linoleum, gas range and laundry tray; close in, walking distance ; near several car lines.- Rent $24 to $26. Ap ply N. W. cor. E. Cth and Mill sts.. bet. 2 and 6 P. M.. Saturday and Sunday. WELLINGTON COURT, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four rooms, modern, front apart ment; la. first-class condition; on main floor; only 3 blocks from Washington; $45. Broadway 1245. CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. Large 3-room apt., outside rooms, in eluding bath and kitchen, 2 disappear ing beds, very desirable, plenty of heat guaranteed in winter; $55. : At water IS04, FOR RENT--O'BRJEN'S APARTMENTS. One choice four-room apartment, un furnished, overlooking Waver ley golf links and v ii!amtte river. Apply 1800 E. 9th st. Sellwood. DOUGLAS COURT Under new manage ment. Superior 3 and 4-room apart ments, facing park;' modern equip ment; walking distance. 425 West Park st. Main 2616 or Atwater 0423. ABERDEEN, 61 1 HAWTHORNE AVE. New apt. house, just completed, four room apt., hardwood floors, 2 sets . French doors, ivory finish, electric ranges and washer. Phone Eat 6150. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment. 5 rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors and garage. See this before you rent else where. Price $100. 601 Schuyler, corner 15th. ARBOR COURT, 14TH and COLUMBIA. . Beautiful 3-room apartment, finished in ivory and tapestry; adults, reason able. VERY attractive 5-room apt. at new Gordon Court V apts. ; terraced lawn, flowers, sunny and bright; 2 bedrooms. 530 Montgomery. ' - LORENZO apts,, 427 Salmon st. Main 8678; unfurnished 2-room apt., water, light, phone, 1 blk. from Central 11 brary. GARDNER, 562 E. Ash and 13th gLarge 5 rooms; just like a bungalow; hot water heat, fireplace: absolutely clean; near Washington high scnooi; rer. THE ALTER 6-rm. bungalow apt., sip. porch, tile -bath with shower, hardwood floors, china dloset, fireplace, $75. 21st and Overton. Bdwy. 1980. WICKER SHAM APTS. 5-room and 2 room modern, unfurnished ; excellent services, . located 18th and Flanders, west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. GRACE APTS., 24TH AND NORTHRUP. Five outside rms., redecorated, front and rear sleeping porches, steam heat, janitor service. Atwater 0554. BOWMAN APTS. Irvington, 16th and Hancock; high class 4 rooms, modem steam-heated apartment. East 1309. APTS. on car line, near schools. Albina ave. 985 ONE, 4-ROOM and 1 2-room unfur nished apartment. 401 10th. Main 2480. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. BERYL APARTMENT. Lovejoy near 21st st.; 1 very large 3-room will be nicely papered and painted ; unfur nished or furnished new; also 1 fur nished 2-room, all new. Phone Main 6254. BELMONT APARTMENTS. Nice large 5-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; light and airy, with fireplace; rates very moderate. E. 29th and Belmont sts BEAUTIFUL 2-room front apt; well fur. Clean, light, airy. Also 3-rm. base ment apt- Will give reduction- on rent for -little light work. 474 Clay. . At water 4194. . " ONE-ROOM and kitchenette furnished or unfurnished, very clean, quiet, ideal location, near city park, on Council Crest carline. 76S Park ave. Main 4278. Reasonable. " LARGE 2 or 3-room apt.. Waverly resi dence; newly tinted ana iurmsnea modern conveniences. Porch, 5ard, garage. b loc k to car. Sell. 2735. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. ST. CLAIR APTS. 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, just remodeled, clean, good service; rates reasonable. Bdwy. 4452. THE VICTORIAN 4-room furn. apts.. bath, close in. very reasonable. 428 Columbia st., nr. 11th. Atwater 2277. 4 ROOMS and china pantry, kitchen with all built-ins, large balcony; west ide; adults. 624 Northrup THE REXFORD. 2-room apt., steam heat, newly fin ished. This is a nice one. Main 0553. FREE RENT (week), west side. Glisau 15th, furnished, unfurnished apts. N S, 16th cars. Bdwy. 4166. HIGHLAND COURT, ATWATER 3181 Furnished or unfurnished apartments. BANNER apartments, nicely furnished 2 rooms. Reasonable rent. 489 Clay. 3-ROOM furnished apts., call Sunday, 1Q92H Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4224. . Flats. 5-ROOM upper, sleeping porch, fireplace, gas range and other conveniences. 207 E. 25th st., bet. Hawthorne and Madi non. East 1819. 2 MODERN 4-room unfurnished flats, immediate possession. 109 30th, near lder; water heat, gas range free. Owner, East 3850, Bdwy. 3258. 6-ROOM flat, clean and modern; furnace, fireplace; adults only; 37.50 per, mo. Tabor 7726. ' VERY attractive 4-rooin first floor, 785 E. Glisan, $40. Rugs and fixtures for sale cheap. Tel. East 7112. MODERN 5-room lower flat, 308 Union ave. North. Phone . Tabor 5665 or Broadway 1150. FIVE rooms, upper, clean. Furniture for 288 East 2d St. N. sleeping porch, sale. No dealers. 3-ROOM flat for rent, Sandy Blvd. and . 52d st. $25 per month. : Call Tabor 4016. IRVINGTON flat, 5 rooms and eleeping porch; modern in every particular. W. L. Page. 107 Sherlock Bldg. ' HOLLADAY ADD., modern 5 or 6-room upper flat furnace, clean, fine dist. ; close in. 2W East 2d st. N. T.TGHT. clean, modern 4-room ; large at tic; furnace with coll; $35. 722ft East Main. s-r AIODERN uoner flat. 773 Belmont fine condition, $40 per mo. Call East 5390 or Bdwy. oi88. 4-ROOM upper, gas range, furnace, built in bed. $30. 1040 Albina ave.. near ' Jefferson high. MODERN upper flat, living rooms and 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms; rent $60. 150 N. 24th. Bdwy. 1153. MODERN 4-room flat with sleeping . porch, walking distance; 5396- 440 Robs st. adults. East 3-ROOM modern upper flat with sleep ing porch, $25: adults only. 400 N. 25th at. Call Atwater 3719. 6-ROOM modern upper flat, newly painted, at 696ft Hoyt; wallkng dis tance. Call East 3376. . 4-ROOM modern fiat, 772 Osage ave.. 1 block south, at 23d and Washington, west side. Mai a 8988 or Bdwy. 7833. 7 ROOMS, close in, gas range and water heater, cement basement. Adults. At water t 34TH AND Hawthorne, S. W. corner, flat in extra good conditions rent $20. See McGrew. 1088 Hawthorne. - UPPER , unfurnished 6 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; adults. Call 535 E. Stark. 5-ROOM upper flat, modern conven iences, 701 Everett st., near 21st., west side. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished flat, heat and hot water furnished. 394 Fargo. FIVE-ROOM flat, upstairs, strictly mod ern. Call Sellwood 1707. 5-ROOM flat with furnace at 146 E. 26th st. " IRVINGTON, modern 5-room flat. Rector heat. Rent $50. East 3225. 5-ROOM lower flat, $30. East 1868 424 Stanton. NEW, modern, 5-room lower flat, with garage, at 596 Ladd ave.; call owner, 572 Ladd ave. East 0887. TWO NICE unfurnished outside rooms, il8. 71 East 22d st. S. - ; 5 ROOMS, den, modern flat, walking distance, west side. Atwater 1289. MODERN 6-room flat, no objection to school children. 918 Minnesota Ave . FOR RENT 4-room flat. Apply 255 Cherry gt.. flat 3. East 6399. CORNER, modern, coils furnace, rent dated August 25. 481ft E. Couch. 6-ROOM flat. 5312. 328 Chapman st. Main UPPER flat, large, light rooms; rent $20.80. Phone Monday. Ea,st 4286. 598 SALMON 8 modern rooms. $50 per -mo. Bdwy. 6252.' MODERN 5-room flat, all newly tinted. $35; adults. 192 E. 13th. Bdwy. 211)0. 8-ROOM flat, $12; adults, ver ave. Bdwy. 21SU. 775 Vancou- FOR RENT. Flat. . 5-ROOM lower unf. fiat, walking dia - tance; combination range, linoleum, Gasco furnace. Radiant fireplace, wa ter and garbage; $35; garage if de sired; adults. Phone East 5426. FOR RENT Desirable 3-room upper or 4-room lower flat. Private bath, base- ment, lauttdry trays, furnace; near high school and 2 car lines. 1196 Kerby. 5-ROOM ,lower fiat, located at 28th and -Halsey; fin transportation; built-ins. Basement, furnace and laundry travs, 926.50 per month. Call Mr. Lang horne. Bdwy. 5731. $45 UNFURNISHED. 6 outside rooms, sleeping porch, all hardwood floors, furnace with coils, fireplace, radiant- fire, garage, yard, exclent car service, j tfUJ fargO St. HQwy. 7-ROOM. flat, arranged for renting single rooms or suite, 393 16th st, second building south of Montgomery ; rent $50. Strong & Co.. 600 Cham, of Com. MODERN 5-room flat, 60C Madison st., - near Multnomah club, fireplace and furnace. Metzger-Parker Co. Bdwy 5K55. TWO rooms furnished ; also four rooms unfurnished ; nice and clean, private bath. 1569 E. Stark st., or call Mr. Ayres, Main 7759. MODERN 5-room flat within walking distance, 328 East Ross St., 2 blocks south of Broadway oar. Metzger Parker Co. 4 ROOMS and bath, all built-in conve niences, hardwood floors, gas fireplace and electric stove. Adults. Call 535 E. Stark. IRVlNGTON Modern 5 rooms and sleep ing perch, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, garage, adults. 391 East 13th st. North. FOR RENT Lower flat at 3S3 E. 43d t., 5 rooms and sleeping porch, newly , tainted, $35 per month. East 8407. LARGE 2-room flat, first place, nice porch; adults. floor, t ire Sell. 1068. Furnished Flats. GOOD three-room flat, sleeping porch, bath, private basement ; furnished in ivory and mahogany. Furniture for sale, including cooking utensils, dishes, curtains, ; sewing machine, everything for $350 cash. Brunswick phonograph if wanted, and over $3-0 in records ior $Io0 extra; terms. Call Sunday 44o E. Couch near ith. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room flat and sleeping porch In private residence; east side; everything included for $60 a month. Phone Tabor 7119. 2RTH AND EAST STARK STS. Attractive 4-room flat. bu:It-in buf fet, disappearing bed. gas range, gas water neater, linoleum. urnace. ren $35. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg, THE FAUSTINA. A modern house of flats, west side, close in, newly finished, cheerful four rooms and bath ; a pleasant home references. 464 Hall st., near 13th. 5-ROOM furnished flat, near Albina rail road i hop, walking distance from shop ping center: no objection to children lots of room to play; $30. Call Wal nut 0588. MODERN 5-room furnished flat, lower, living, dining room, large kitchen. bedrooms, furnace heat ; stationary tubs. $;0 month. 227 N. 21st. IRVINGTON Heat, light, gas, water, garage ; select 4 rooms. $70; 3 rooms and sleeping porch, $52.50. 711 Thomp sen. 5-ROOM lower flat, newly furnished; free phone; garage; near school: $50; 1 blk. to Sunnnyside car line. I07t su Morrison st. T. 8471. MODERN 4-room furnished flat; clean and neat; adults only. Sellwood OoOO. 1193 Cora ave.. near E. 39th. SMALL tlat with sleeping porcii, by week or month ; close in, close to car. In- nnire 060 Belmont. East 204. ELEGANT lower flat, mahogany furni ture, hardwood Woor, $55. Walnut 0437. 3-RM. tower flat. h. and c. water, free phone, elec, garbage taken; equipped for 3 or 4 adults 306 12th at. FOUR rooms, bath, sleeping porch, piano, water, light, phone. Adults. 781 Overlook Blvd: Walnut 0495. 5-ROOM fl nicely furnished, wal kin; distance. Nob Hill 25th. Main 1563. dist. Vacant -a he 5-ROOM furnished flat. Mt. Tabor Sunnyside car. Sellwood 2399, or call at 84 E. 16th after 10 A. M. 2 ROOMS, close in on east- side, and electricity. Suitable for 1 adults, $15. Atwater 3873. , Gas or 2 MODERN lower tour rooms, furnished; stove heat. $30. 152 East 20th st., cor,, of Belmont. FURNISHED flat. 5 rooms and bath A. & B. combination range and best of furniture. Atwater 2499. MODERN nicely furnished 3-room upper flat and baseinent, $27. Adults. Ap ply 1300 Denver ave. St. Johns car. 4-ROOM furnished flat, bath, V block Williams ave. car; $30. 202 Page st. Phone 12 to 4:30 P. M. East 1318. MODERN 5-rms., porches, furniture, reasonable. 592 Salmon, opp. Mult, club LADY alone will share well-furnished 5-room flat, close in; very . reasonable. East 6850. 5-ROOM bungalow flat, modern, beauti ful furniture piano: no children; For particulars. S 923. Oregonian. COUPLE to occupy 5-room flat with lady employed; my home; clean. ' modern close in.- 405 Benton. E. 3525. ' ATTRACTIVELY furnished 6-rm. flat. 'fireplace, piano. Nob Hill. Atwater FIVE-ROOM furnished upper flat; rent $4'5. Call fW5 U E Davis. ; 6-ROOM fla,t, very attractive,- good loca tion. 635 E. Madison. Phone E. 5795. THREE-ROOM flat, modern, adults. 5C4 E. 22d st . So u t h . . 5-ROOM furnished upper flat, rent $15. Call 565 E. Davis. 4-ROOM nicely furnished upper flat. 561 Davenport St.. cor. Patton rd. . WILL release flat tof one week; very convenient home. AN 3o, oregonian. DANDY 4-room flat. pioe.ly . furnished. Cheap. Tabor 606o. Housekeeping Rooma. , CLEAN suite H. K. rooms, also one. sin gle. 180 17th at., cor. Yamhill. At water 3850. : - CLEAN, newly kalsomined 1 and 2 rm. pts.. $lo and $17; light, water, heat. 203 Va Weidler. East 8331. .- - 170- CHAPMAN, ft block from 18th and Morrison; 1 room and kitchenette, $o per week. Atwater 1828. 1 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. wa,ier in rms.. furnace heat; rent reasonable, bo North 21st street. CLEAN housekeeping room suitable for bachelor, reasonable rates,- $3.ou up. 224 ft Washington st. STEAM heated. H. C. water; newly furn. h. k. and sleeping rms., laun. rm., $12 mo. up. Sunny crest, 186 Sherman. LARGE, airy basement rooms, $3.50 per week : others; singie h. k. rooms. $2 up. 206 13th st. ' - ONE LAJtGE and one sjt lall h. k. room, cheap. 316 Graham ave. Phone Bast 92S1. . 3-ROOM suite, first floor, also one and two rooms, modern N'ob Hill, near hospital. 736 Hoyt. TWO very large modern H. K. rooms; 49 13th st. first floor, wirn garage. LARGE single housekeeping room, $4.50 week. 20ft Glenn ave. N. 2 AND 3-ROOM h. k. apUr. ; phone, sink, laundry. 306 12th st. - CLEAN front room suite on second floor, $22 a month. 117- N. 18th st. $3 UP. down-town H. K. rooms. Washington, corner 3d. 53 ft STEAM-HKATED h- k. rooms, h. and c. water. $a to $7 week. 147 13th st. 2 AND 3 furnished H. K. room?,' $12. $15. Tabor 0426. 3117 East Market. - 2 NICELY" furn. housekeeping rooms. 281 Larranee. FINE large 1 and 2-room apts.. light t 'at0ef.tand, Dath' walknS distance. and bath, $12 to $18. 121ft Russell. i 28b N. 20th gt. MARTHA APTS.. 1 and 2-room h. k., ' MARRIED couple will appreciate this newly furnished, lobby. Main 2141., J. k. apt.; nice for tochers, not far ., from Couch scnooi. 107 rJ. 17tn at. TWO nice rooms very reasonable also i : - . single rooma. US5 Flanders Bt. ' TWO unturnlshed rooms wa,ter l (rht K T. t, ; s tt and gas furnished. Call , weekdays 5 ROOMS first lloor. newly papered. 48j after 3 741W E Pine Montgomery. Atwater IK.. . ,,-thrEB beautifully furnished h. k. 2- CLEAN-h. k. rooms hqt and cold wa- rooms Xn private home, tour r.. 65. ter. hot -water heat. 35 N. 19th st. . E 348I. S1XQLB housekeeping room . corner of H. K. ROOMS, walking distanee. chil- 8th and Morrison. Bdwy. 619C. - - dre; 275 Williams ave. East 5797. OXE SINGLE housekeeping, room. , 631 Mrs. Wilcox. Hoyt. near 20th. , joj YOU'LL love this lKtle socy apt. THE MAPLE. 30 N. J7th. near Wash.. with its wonderful view. 040 Corbett clean H. K. rms; h. and c. . water, etc. st. Main E1.40. TWO rooms newly furnished.- $20 and BACHELORS A whole lioor to your- $25. 205 N. 23d. i ' selves at 040 Corbett. $3 to $5 week. CLEAN", comfortable light housekeeping TWO NICE h. k. room's, lights, phone. room, close in. 472 Yamhill at. bath. 535 East Burnside. East 3SS3, 3- ROOM furnished H. K. apt., freephone, SEMI-BASEMENT apt., desirable. Nob lights, water; $6 weekly. 350 14th st. Hill, close In. 532 Davis. Bdwy. 3443. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with 1 AND 2-ioom apartments in private running water. 331 Montgomery. , home. .t Everett st. NICE, clean room with - kitchenette, THREE furninhed h. k. rooms; gas, bath, $4.50 week. 312 Clay. 2 beds; $'-'0 month. BH8 Front. FURN , c'ean 2 or 3-room H. K. suite, LARGE room, closet, $5, some furniture. close In. 431 E. Ash, near 7th.' ; (171 Kearney. 940 Corbett St. Main 8940. : -2 CLEAN H. K. rooms, close in; light. gas, phone. s-'O.ao. pq c. .naeny. ONE LARGE H. K. for 2 adults, with piano. 331 14th St. . , ROOM and kitchenette, $4 per week. 327 3d st.. opp. Auditorium. MODERN Sijaver. . and 3-room fur. apts, 142 FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. NO RAISE in winter on rent: a very pleasant and desirable large front room with small kitchenette; hot and cold water, electricity, laundry privilege; free phone; comfortably furnished and In good condition ; suitable for em ploved couple ; no children ; reasonable rent, including winter heat. Delmonto, 167 Stout street. 1 block south of 20th and Wash. Second block. COMPLETELY furnished suites, large, light rooms, every convenience, hot water and free baths at all hours: phone, liuen, gaa ranges; clean suites for desirable people, center of city, no carfare $4 to $5 week. 288 Third it., near Jefferson. TWO CHOICE furnished front li. K. rooms with "kitchenette first floor. Fireplace, hot and cold water, good heat. Suitable for four adults. Chil dren taken. Best surroundings. Close In. Phone Bdwy. 3935. 658 Gllsan. LARGE, newly furnished housekeeping room, $3.75 week; new house, free phone, bath, electric lights, etc.; thia is a place you'll like to live in; will have one of two rooms In few days. 667 East Ash st., near 13th. SINGLE housekeepmg?rooms, $5 to $10 per month. 2 and 3-room suites, $12 to loony. special rates ex-Herviv-o boys. The Vaughn Apts., N. 19th and Vaughn sts. VERY COSY NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. $3.50 WK. LOVELY VIEW VERY HOMEY. 582 EAST 6TH SOUTH. Exceedingly low priced. Sell. 3816. DAINTY NOB HILL H. K. SUITE. For 1 or 2 persons only; two clean, cheerful rooms ; well furnished, with every convenience, for $22.50. 690 Ir vlng st. THREE unfurnished or partly furnished housekeeping rooms: west side, walk ing distance. 568 Market, near Chap man, apartment, P- NICE, clean, airy single H. K.- rooms, also sleeping room, beautiful yard, a place you'll like, walking distance. Price reasonable. Phone Main 5898. THREH clean. well-furnished rooms with bath nd pantry and phone. 772 Williams ave., near Beech, for two' or three. 2 LOVELY front room apts., with al cove, running water, laundry convent ences. children . welcome, reasonable. 501 Harrison above 14th. Auto. 518-13 LARGE, light, well-furnished housekeep ing rooms, $3.50 a week, evervthine: in cluded. Tel. Main 0371. 868 Thur man st. ' NICELY furnished - 2-room apartment $22.50, including light, heat, hot water and phone. 275 N. 21st st. Main 5309. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, electrio light, gas and phone. $16 month. Garage $5 month. 363 East 12th st. Phone East 5467. TWO f urnfshed housekeeping rooms facing Wash. st. ; telephone, lleht, laundry, bath and- water free. 489 ft Washington. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up, including hot water, elpc. lights, laundry room. HOUSEKEEPING suite, nicely furnished 2-room apartment. Main 2399. . 686 Overton. DENVER APTS.. 208 Wash., cor of 1st; stone building, large clean H. K. rms., singles and doubles. $3 and up. LARGE front room and kitchenette, $20. Three rooms and pantry, $30. 306 1st wt. Two-room suite. $20. 3nft 4th st. 3 LIGHT rooms, ground floor, near Ladd and Lincoln schools. 325 W. Broadway. CLEAN, tight basement apt., 2 rooms, $4 a week; C. S. preferred. Bdwy. 10S4. 066 Hoyt. -ROOM h. k. suite $5.50 week. 315 Market, cor. 6th. Phone and private entrance. HAVE 1 single and one 2-room house keeping ; also 2 sleeping rooms, fur nace heat. 147 N. 21st. Main 1 S21 . LIGHT outide H. K rooms, electric light, gas, $3-53.50 per week. Also other rooms. llQft N. 3d. upstairs. ROOM and kitchenete, $2.50 per week: 2 rooms, $5 ; walking distance. 573 3d st. SNAPPY 2-rm. suite, h. and r. place for car, reasonable. 302 .mook, near Wiliams ave. water, Tilla- CLE AN, newly kalsomined 1 and 2-rm. apts. $15 and $17; light, water, heat. 203 ft Weidler. East 8331. BEST LOCATION IN PORTLAND. Front H. K. room and kitchenette; $5 week. 187 12th at., near Yamhill. H. K. ROOMS, 2 beds, $20 a mo : large front H. K. room, $15 a mo. 37: Ha wtnorne. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. CLEAN furnished H. K. rooms, large closet, furnace heat, close in ; fde.i I place for winter. u01 Russell, ft block east of Union. Good car service. East 1740. 3-ROOM suite for housekeeping, private entrance ilrst rioor; electric iignts, telephone. between Brooklyn . and Woodstock car lines; cheap lent. 587 Eaut 2ith street. " LA KGJi cheery room, light housekeep ing, gas. electric lights, phone, bam. $;i per week. On paved st. half block from car. Call Empire 1172. NICE clean sleeping rooms. $2.25 and $2..i0 per week: housekeeping rooms, kitchen and living rooms, $4 per week. 773ft Savler st. ' NEAR Jefferson high, furnished hou keeping rooms, private bath, separate entrance ; gaa range. Call after Sun day. 1037 Cleveland ve. FIRST floor of my home, 3 large rooms. newly calsi mined, everything fur nished ; rent reasonable ; nice neigh borhod. 614 E. 6th st. Brooklyn car. FOUR'furnished H, K. rooms, electricity, gas and telephone ; on jSuilnyslue car line. Call Tabor 1197. 930 Belmont. Mrs.' Morton. ' ONE 2-ROOM furnished apt. and furn. h. k. rooms, all front rooms; clean and reasonable rent. 393 17th st. Atwater 1344. TWO CLEAN h. k. rooms. Phone, bath. walkine distance. u jeriersun, cor ner Third. . WELL-FURNISHED H. walking distance, lights, phone, bath. 101 K. 17th. K. rooma, heat, gaa, E. 8033. 2 LARGE furnished rodms and kitchen ette, light, water, phone and bath. 2(4 Carruthers st. Main 4709. NICELY furnished housekeeping room with fireplace, kitchenette, furnace heat, walking distance. Bdwy. 5926. TWO PLEASANT light H. K. rooms. Gas. heat and Ugnt zurnisneu. 44 E. 19th st. N. $4 ONE large furnished front H. K. room, pnone, ngnis ana pain, uji t&t Morrison. IRVINGTON $35. line 2-rm. corner apt.. very light, new rugs, elec, water, phone, heat. East 8259. . WILL give housekeeping privileges In nice home near Franklin nign anu Preston schools. Aut. 646-85. TWO rooms furnished completely K. ; walking distance; adults. 14th st. N. - THREE clean furnished H. K. rooms . close to grade and high school: adults only; in private family. Tabor 3773. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 234 Adams st. Phone East 9225. . TWO FINE large furnished rooms for housekeeping. All modern con veniences. 315 22d st. N. TWO CLEAN H." K, phone, furnished. East S91. rooms, light, gas, $22. ' 403 Ivy st. TWO housekeeping rooms, light and airy, $5 and $6 a week; yard for car. 415 4th gt. ONE HOUSE KEE 11 NG room, aiso two rooms, motlern home, all conveniences, hoard If desired. East 3753. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very desirable; built-ins. fireplace, Dutch kitchen; one block from car. Aut. 035-56. 3 ROOMS, nicely furnished, newly pa pered, adults, $20 month. 694 Front, corner Meade. NICELY furnished H. K. room and single room in private family. 473 Alder, cor. 14th. family. 755 Hoyt St. TWO large, well furnished h. walking distance. E. 4912. ONE furnished H. K. suite, $12 per month. 5S8 Pettygrove. Bdwy. 3423. ! 2 FURNISHED H. garage; adults. K. Rs. with sink and 253 Hancock. E. 104. CLOSE IN, CLEAN AND COSY. MOD 1 ERN H. K. APT. 430 MILL ST. 4 FOR RENT. HouHfkVrping Koonis in Private lamil y . ONE clean, large fur. h. k. room witu clothes press, heat in room, and mo for two. $4..0 per week. Also one 2 ronm fur. apt., modern, $25 per mo. 421 th st. Atwatrr 2005. m JUST the placo for ore or two youn ladies who want nice, respectable, homelike plae; ono large, newly fur nished housekeeping room. $S 75 week 567 EAST ASH. AT 13T H. THREE large, new and clean h. k. rooms with private bath . close In ; no cliil dren. East 849. 29 E. 1Mb st. N. Hou ELEGANT 10-KOOM IRVING T O ' BUNGALOW. E. 20TH & KNOTT ST. LARGE YARD. GARAGE AND EVERY JJODERN CONVENIENCE. FRED S. .WILLIAMS, 506 PANAMA BLDG. SPACIOUS 8-room Laurelhurst home for rent, 1008 E. Everett; hardwood floors, throughout, two fireplaces, hot water heat, tiled bath and shower, garage. Broadway 5173 i SAVE carfare, walking distance; fr rent, a modern big 6-room houae, gal lights, house will be wired by owner ; a full basement. 447 E. Sherman U Inquire at 408 Clinton mt. . WILL rent or lease, at $25 per month, my modern, 7-room house, on lui k tract of ground, with fruit trees, to responsible tenant, or will sell on easy terms. 404 Flatt bldg. ( EXCLUSIVE river front; every conven ience; nicely decorated ; large recep tion suite; beach. arr ; Rlverd j lo school: might furnish; $90. Occupuni, Main 0563. $30 MODERN 6-room house and garag'-. furnace, laundry trays, sleeping porch, 2 toilets. Inquire Sunday on prorn Ises. 689 Halsey st. 6 ROOMS, ivory finish. H. W. f loot's, French plate-glass buffet, 8 bedroom-, pipeless furnace, garage. E. 771u. 82 E. Taylor. WILL loase 6oom modern home, tm boys; garage and closed sleeping pch. E. 49th street. Rose City Park. Mrs. Shaver. 90 East Sth st. 7-ROOM house, good condition. 4 blk. to Woodland school and carline. $32 50 per month, with option to buy. J52k E. 10th Ft. N. Walnut 091B. $25.60 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 1 18 Front st., near Richardson ae., block to car ; fine view. Main 4789. J. D. Krnni-dy. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, attic, haruwoo.j floors, Ivory finish, nook, garage, paved street; adults. Aut. 634-79; half block to car. FOR LEASE Large, new, strictly up-to-date 5-room house with large, light attic; restricted district; $50 month. Phono Sellwood 1727. 9-ROOM house, modern; fine view; neat N. P. car shops, Vancouver. Wath. ; suitable for roomers or boarders. Phone East 8051. or call Vancouver H64-R. 8-ROOM modern bun pal ow, in Laurel hurst; finished throughout in vhit- enamol. Meizger-Parker Co., Bdwy. 5355. FOR RENT Modern fl-room cottage, nice grounds ; immed iate possession : rent $25 a month; cal Monday. 1283 E. 8th st. N. 8-ROOM. ft block to car; garatrc-; Ovei -look add.; will lease. Call P'7 Shavt-r st. or phone Walnut 0202 ur Sell. 1111. until Sunday noon. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, modern h room home, $65 or $50, with one room reserved. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber mens bid g. 5-ROOM house, modern, dec. 1 lghts., km, water; two blocks school and car Ilius. Owner, 824 East StaiK at 27ih. iin- mediate pos'-ssinn. DUPLEX 3 bedrooms. living room, din ing room and Dutch kltcht n, hardwood floors, fireplace. Furnace all ntw. Adults only. Call Walnut 6944. . 9-ROoM modern house, out Ardn road, hardwood floors. 2 1'i replaces, furnace, sleeping porch, electric range In kitch en. Metzger-Parker Co. Hdwy. 535.". FINE modern 7-room house, close in; sleeping porch : will lease to rirhi party, $50 a month. Phone Bdwy. 6132 or Tabor 3055. 6 ROOMS; bath. furnace; basement; large screened porch ; desirs ble loc -tion ; reasonable. Inquire upstairs, 1 79 Bancroft avenue. ALAMEDA large stucco home on 100. 100 corner, 9 rooms, partly f urntsliwl. Will Iense for year or longer, lo. East 0419. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th street. FL'RN I 'I L K and piano moving at rea sonable rates. Estimates given. B. ft C. Transfer. Main 6750. 5-ROOM house for rent unfur. 6817 6tli ave. S. E. $25 month. Call Auto. 612-31. WEST SI DE 0-room house, good con dition; walking distance to town. 591 Washington. WHEN moving, city or country, gft t.m bel at lowest prices, tireen Transit-r 'o. Main 1261. 2(1 ft Alder mt. MODERN huiiit-. '6 rooms, t EaM '9th st N-; rent $40; day. Phone Tabor osou. rner. 1 1 open Sun- 6 RooMS, bath. gus. ulectrit-ity, lo acr . fine chicken or dairy farm, lie avc-rtoii. Bdwy. 4219. . BUNGALOW; 5 garage, close dren. 1121 E rowins, fn; IF 45 modem, concrete least:; no chil- Market. 5-RAl. mod. cottage, large y id, fruit, fine view; rent $20; 881 Front t. Atwatr 8582. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND LP; FIRE PROOF, 15 DA YS STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. HDWY. 2445. MULTNOMAH Sta. bungalow; gas fui nace; gas rangu, garage, chultcn hou ft acre. Main 4.S17. OWNER wishes to lease strictly nwdtJi'ii home, six rooms, s If oping porch, g. -rngi-; ca 1 1 after 1 o'clock. Tabor 3":; 1. MOVING Piano. , tance hauling a Trutk Service Co., tuiuuure: long-d specialty. u. dt W. 4 2.i t. Bdwy. 5121. MODERN i)-noiii, 5613 41.-L mt . walking distant to Reed colli carline. At. S511. 18 E. BUHNSIDK, 7 rooms, 3 bedroomo, futaaio, firepluce, wu-.li truya, etc. good location. MODERN 8-room house, tIv taping porch, 2 blocks from Mt. Tabor car. 100 OMii st. Hroad way 2020. S-ROOM coUee, two lots, fruit ud bf- rit-a, gas. electricity ; block from car; $20. East 6325. 5 ROOMS, hot and cold water, iiglit and gas; $18 per month. Call at 1180 E. 3 2d N. NICE, clean 5-room bungalow, with ui- 9 It ti out furniture, kUciien ranxe fur sale. 704 H :tiglit nve, ne.tr Freim 1 1 . 5-ROO.M bungalow, gas, t-Urirk- i Ii.tth, garagu. Inquire 90 East Cou- h Phone East 70s I. HOUSE ot 6 rooms, rem lor jJ5. oh CIuv street, near lOlh. luqulie at 525 Ciav. SUNN YSI DE 7-room ho loot Belmont. Tabor preferred. I miuii h Auulli -ROOM house, $20; will inwtull lcir lights. 204ft Purler, in 318 Hoard of Trade b 4th. west sub . . Hdwy. 7 152. Full KENT 3-ruoni iiiuu.-Mi liuus haserm-nt, $15. M.iin 20 12. 3S0 K. bTH, corner Harrison; evuti room modern house. 5-HOO.M modern buugalow, K'araK.' i,nl fruit. 21)1 .'!Uh. cir. HHill. 3-ROOM East tli cottage, 1 close in, $2."i WALKING distance, desirable district. roulii!. eait .'134 M. 4-ROOM flat, furnished or unfuriiiie lir,5 Williams ave. $30 NE'WLY refinisheil niodt-rn ti-ruoiu home; adults only. 1; !3 Crosby. CLOSE-IN 5-ropm house, west side. At water 35.(1. FOR RENT 7-room house, walking dis tance. 441 H alsey. I'll o ne Wa lnut3lil0. J50 LARGE 10-room house. 001 Tilla mook. Alain 47H9 Monday. IRVINGTON 8-room modern home, dou ble garage. Phone Tabor 8018. MODERN :i-room house with garage. Aut. Ml-51. j-HOUM house. 87tli st. quire 230 First street. S. E., $20. I11- 7-KOOM house. 719 Belmont, $37.50. W. Torgler. 100 Sherlock bhlg. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mu Guire. Abington bldg. MODERN rt-room house, with or without garage. 604 Belmont. S-ROOM house, modern; furniture ,ale. tf79 E. Yamhill. MODERN 4-room cottage, close in. Sel;- wood 34 29. 0 ROOMS, partly furnished, walking dis tance, west side. $30. 3ll Hull. 4-ROOM house, gas; good lui a lion ; n. small boys. Inquire '"''0 Kerhy si. 5-KOOM cottage, 344 N. 19th Mety.ger-Parker Co. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 92 Ea.-t 11th. near Washington. HOUSE for rent. 1179 Albina 1 nut 5214. $15 -ROOM hpuse, electric lights. East 0353 GOOD tt-room house with furnai lawn and garden. Phone Walnn 5 OR 6 ROOMS, S. Portland or S. -iiwoud district; no children. Atwatt-r liS'JA. FOR RENT G-room modern bungaloit. Mil Kelly, cor. Glfrbs st. 3-ROOM cottage, reasonable, lor snl.il. family. iJmme fsfnwoon aim. , 7-ROOM unlurnished noun. ; also 7-! W'H 111 lit house, furniture rnr sa.e. FOR R E N T -7 - room house In Laurt! hurst. 1204 East Couch si n-et 5-ROOM duplex house, $.S5; op 1 Suu day. 380 E. 51th ct. Tabor SV.V.