THE SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND,, AUGUST 20, 1922 19 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. Kc.FI.NED woman between 3H) and 45 ears or age for general housework ; one who would Appreciate a pleasant room And good home; must love chil dren and be good cook. All modern conveniences; no washing; wages tot), A 927. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY EX PERI KN'CED. CAPA BLE AND RELIABLE GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GENERAL HOUSE WORK. PERMANENT POSITION. TWO IN FAMILY. $50 PER MONTH. MUST HAVE CITY REFERENCES. PHONE MAIN 7625. WANTED A girl who desires to attend high school to help with homework in family of fwo in exchange fgr room with private bath nd board and small allowance. Must furnish references. Answer. AF 853. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for general house work; prefer one to go borne nights. 1073 Senate st. off 35th, near Sandy blvd. Rose City car or phone Tabor 679. LOGGING camp waitresses, $60. room and board. One woman second cook for logging camp, $85, room and board. Open all day Sunday. Carter's Employ ment Agency, 245 Ankeny. "WANTED -Woman for general house work on ranch in central Oregon; must be good cook: large family; no wash ing; wages $45. Write Mrs. Henry MoCall, Redmond. Or. WANTED Competent housekeeper for modern home, family of one; business woman. Don't come without Portland references. S0O Union ave. N., near Beach. "WANTED Young school girl to help with housework and care for small boy; Portland Heights home; refer er.ces desired. Main 146.1. SCHOOL girl to assist with housework for room and board, small compensa tion. 701 E. IBth, cor. McLaughlin. Call Sunday before 2 or after 6. WOMAN to, cook for five men on dairy ranch, adjoining Portland; all modvrn conveniences; no objection to one child. G 958, Oregonian. SCHOOL girl to work for board and room and small wages. Washington high or Kearns school girl preferred. Call Tabor 0112. . WANTED Middle-aged woman or high sL-hooT girl to assist housework and care of 2 children, board, room and wml! wagps. A V 555. Oregon inn. EXPERIENCED girl for general "house work and cooking to ko to Hood River; small family, best wages. Alain 21)75. HMO Everett st. HOUSEKEEPER lor elderly man. light housekeeping. Give age and wages ex pected, phone number and address. P 16 1, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY reliable woman or Kirl for general housework, 5-room apart ment, small family, wages $20; no school girls. Main 3020. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework ; 4 adults; prefer one ' who will go home nights and Sundays; $30. Tabor 1616. WANTED Woman over 50 for general house ork in country, 3 adults ; good home, room and board, $25 per mo. V 934. Oregonian. HEALTHY, RELIABLE MAID. THREE ADULTS; no cooking, for home in Salem. $20. board and room. 1323 N. rhurrh. Salem, Or. RELIABLE and experienced girl for gen eral housework: 3 adults; bungalow; easy place ; sieep home nights : refer ences required. Phone Tabor 1302. WANTED Trustworthy and capable woman for cooking and light house work; 2 children school age. and baby 18 months. Call Tabor 6095. WANTED liirl for general housework, small family, gas furnace. 74 E. 22d N., corner of Fremont. Take Broadwaj car. Walnut 7'0.". WANTED About S-pt. 1, housekeeper, middle aged, for family of three adults; ;ood home; small wages ; state salary expected. B.I 91 0. Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework ; small house, three adults, no washing; treated as one of family, S5 month Woodlawn 60S9. GOOD WAGES FOR COMPETENT NURSE MAID. 429 VISTA AVE., CORNER CARTER LANE. TEL. MAIN 2412. ; WANTED Neat reliable girl to assist with housework and care of 2 chil dren. Good home for right person; Tood pay. Walnut 4673. GOOD WAGES FOR COMPETENT SEC OND GIRL. 429 VISTA AVE., COR NER CARTER LANE. TEL. MAIN 2412. WANTED Girl for general housework ; suburban home on Oregon City cariine; 30 minutes from Portland. Call Sell. 1906 between 11 and 2, WANTED Scandinavian girl for gen eral housework; $30 to $60 a month; rpfprencf-s required. Walnut 036S. COMPETENT young girl to assist With light housework; 3 in family; $25 a month. Tabor 9382. tiouu home for high school gir! to heip care for 2 children. Bdwy. 7148. 60S Northrup st GIRL or lady to take care- of children and keep house for widow lady. 430 East Suidht; Alberta car. WANTEB A competent Norwegian maid for general housework in family of two. Atwater 2142. ' WANTED Good girl for cooking and downstairs work ; no laundry ; best of wages. Empire tft21. GIRL or woman wanted for light house work; good home to right party. Wal nut 0471. WANTED Neat woman for general housework ; must be good cook ; elec trical equipment. Atwater 3277. MAID wanted to assist in general house work; must be neat and have good references: 750 Clackamas. East 1J60. WANTED A nice young girl or woman to assist with children and housework. Tabor 4120. GI RL to help wit h general housework ; 5 adults, no children. Reference pre ferred. 4945 73th st. S. E. WANTED, girl for general housework in small family; must like children. Phone Sellwood 1728. WANTED Girl to assist with work. East 3164. YOUNG girl to assist with general house- work. Walnut 1 726. WANTED Girl to assist with house- work. Call Monday. Main 7457. NEAT girl for general housework. Bdwy. 4,. itSt Flanders, west side. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooking. 328 Jackson st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMALB HOP PICKERS WANTED. For over hundred acres extra fine hops on Willamette river, near New berg ; come and register, prepared to secure transportation; fare $1; making arrangements may have boat which would land you with baggage at camp ground ; usual accommodations; will . pay $1 per hundred pounds, ruling price. 606 Worcester Bldg., Third and Oak. Phone Broadway 7084. HOP PICKERS wanted. Will be at the St. Charles hotel the 20th and 21st of August, to register pickers; 60 acres good hops ; tents, straw, wood, water furnished. Come prepared to buy your transportation to Dayton, which is $2 round trip; the price of picking is $1 per hundred and 20c per hundred bo nus if you stay till the job is 'finished. Merlin Herding, Dayton. Oregon. SALESMEN and women to sell guaran teed silk hosiery for men and women in Portland and out in the state. A wonderful line to sell, eight colors and white and four qualities. This is real money-maker. Call or write our district office. All Silk Hosiery Mllis district office, 615 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland. Or. HOP pickers wanted for Riverside farm, near Newberg; 130 acres of hops, good crop; excellent picking and accom modations; store on farm; good water piped through camp grounds; families preferred; register now. 336 Sherlock bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6842. A. J. Ray & Son. HOP PICKERS WANTED. g For T. A. Livesley & Co. yards. Come prepared to buy railroad ticket. We furnish tent free to family, also tables, stools, straw for bed and wood. Regis ter at room 602 McKay bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5971. WANTED Experienced teacher of ex pression ; individual Instruction; must be able to coach experienced person In monologue plays, etc. Please do not apply unless thoroughly capable ana expenencea. An '.tp. oregonian. HOP pickers wanted for Bell hopyard, Salem, Or. About 20 days, finest pick ing. Register at 31 East 13th st. Come prepared to buy your tickets to Lives ley (Oregon Electric). All usual accom modations furnished. WANTED 50O hop pickers near Salem; splendid accommodation ; good water; must furnish own blankets and cook ing utensils. Apply Public Emp. Bu reau, 170 4th St. Main 2766. 200 HOP PICKERS wanted, wood, straw, water, tents and usual accommodations furnished. Apply Bishop Bros.. 4i8 Flanders st., or phone, day or night, East 1324 to peffister. &u HOP PICKERS wanted, good accom modations, water piped to houses, good hops. At Horseshoe lake near St Paul. s Or. Apply 615 Lumbermens bldg. HOP PICKERS WANTED.- For my yard at Hopmere; goodvhops; shacks free. Will be at St. Charles hot"! Aug. 21 and 22- Homer Gou'ev. TEACHERS tor western positions; free registration. Wstmore Agency. Spo kane Wash. - BEAN PICKERS. TAKE NOTICE No picking of beans until the 25th. HOP PICKERS wanted. 237 Hall at. s'. Auto, 69-U - HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE MITOMA HOP RANCH. We will be at room 415 Common wealth building, corner of 6th and Burnside, on August 18 and Id, to register and make arrangements for transportation to the Mitoma hop yard. Independence, Or. ; 117 acres of the finest bops in the valley. Good camp ing grounds, tents, tables, benches. Anil riHl nrunt nn the vrniinria. We I .have arranged for a special train. Come prepared to buy tickets. Fare round trip $3.25, one way 2.42. If you wish to drive down a cash deposit will be required as evidence of good faith at the time of registration, which will be returned to you.- Picking will begin about August 28. Families only. Office open 9 A. AL to 6 P. M. NOTICE TO HOP PICKERS ! If you wish to register to pick hops or for day work in our yards, or at the kilns, for us this season, pleas write at once Na to the number of ferred). Price, cents per box and t the prevailing price for day work at the time of picking. We furnish you tents, stoves, wood, tables, benches and straw for bedding. We have an ideal, sanitary camping ground. Will notify you later as to date of picking and a card will be sent notifying your registration. , SPECIAL NOTICE to all pickers: It is imperative that all hops must be picked clean, and it is expected that this rule will be strictly adhered to. Apply to WJGAN. RICHARDSON & CO.. Wigrich Ranch. Independence, Or. HOP PICKERS WANTED. For Lyniff and Hammack yard. 9 miles north of Salem, o the Wil lamette river; excellent' camp ground with good conveniences; we' furnish you with new apartments, sawed wood. e;ood water, straw, tables and stools; store on place. Picking will start about Hept ember 1. Register August 18, lit. 21 and 22 at 602 McKay bldg., S. E. corner 3d and Stark sta. Phone Bdwy, 5071. HOP PICKERS wanted at J. W. Seavey's hopyard. Forest Grove, Or.: 1 3t acres of hops; good, clean camp sheds, water piped on grounds straw and camp sioves furnihed free; good grocery store, good dance hail near camp: cab ins are built to accommodate- three or more persons. a make up your parties accordingly; it will be necessary to buy your transportation tickets and make camp arra ngements at our Portland office, 222 Pittock bldg.. 10th and Washington sts.; if you wish to drive, cash deposit will be required, which will be refunded after you have picked two days; picking will begin about September 1. Phone Broad ay 1090. Aek for Mr. Oglesby. HOP PICKERS. ATTENTION. Want 5u0 more hop pickers, pay $1 per 100 pounds of green hops; have 10 yards, some on banks of the beautiful Willamette river. B'ine. shady cam p grounds, pure well water, usual ac commodations, such as wood, straw, .(hacks, etc.. etc. Freh groceries, veg etables, meat, etc.. brought in daily. Free transportation to and from yards to nearest R. R. station ; families pre ferred. Come and enjoy . a profitable and pleasant outing. For further par ticulars write, phone or see Henry L. Bents, Aurora, Orejron. Will be at the St. tharles hotel Monday and Tues day, prepared to register you. iOP PICKERS WANTED FAMILIES PREFERRED. For afine yard 9 miles north of Salem, on the Willamette river; ex cellent camp ground with good con venience.; we furnish you with new apartments, sawed wood, good water, straw, tables and stools. Store on place; picking will start about September 1. Register August IS. 19, 21 and 22 at 602 McKay bldg.. S. E. corner 3d and Stark sts. Telephone Bdwy. 3071. STENOGRAPHER to do story manu scripts on 50-50 basis. P 37, Orego nian. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Man with $1000 to invest in a good going manufacturing concern, selling direct to jobbers; inside or out side man. Wanted Man with $10,000 to invest in manufacturing proposition ; office man and manager. S. BORLAND CO.. REALTOR. 1 3O0-3 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. SIMPLEX AUTO WHEEL SALES COM PANY for OREGON. CALIFORNIA and TEXAS decides to locate here. Pro pose to FORD1ZE their plant and offer jobs and sales contracts to investors in the basic organization. Large profits a.ssured. 504 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark.. EXPERIENCED nurse or good, compet ent, refined business woman wanted as assistant'superlntendent for sanitarium. Must invest some capital. BD 857, Oregonian. RELIABLE man to handle berry vege- laoie ana cnicKen rancn on shares; ranch close to city: good road, at elec- tric station. AB S65. Oregonian. $1000 AND YOUR services will net you $600 per month. Call and investigate, .Monday, room 6, 125M- Sixth st. PARTNER in established woodsaw busi ness; plenty work; make from $6 to $12 day. 505 Swetland bldg WOMAN wanted as partner in tailor shop. East 5762. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man having office experience, but desirous of securing a more active .-. line of work, wants position Sept. l. desires iuterview now. AG 921, Ore gonian. , WANTED 1000 cords wood or more to cut; have all tools to do the work. Ad dress J. O, Lee, Oregon City, Route 6. box 113A. BOY, age 14. wants place to work for board and go to school. Call Elmer May, Broadway 4789. Call between 1 and 4 P. M. CARPENTER, first-class finisher, wishes work; can also read any blue print and frame any kind of building. Walnut 574. i COMPETENT, reliable man wants jan itor work of any - kind; first-cluss, good, clean work guaranteed. Call walnut od6. YOUNG married man, good . character, wishes position. Very quick to learn. tan urtve car. Auto. 52-03. apt. 4. BOY. 18. finished jtraramar nchool. sun port of mother, must have work. East tats. HIGH SCHOOL BOY. STRONG AND CAPABLE. WANTS TO WORK FOR rtOAJKU. Al A I IN HW31. TRUCK driver with ten years experience in city, wants steady job: married man with reference. Tabor 7734. HOTEL clerk, experienced, efficient, mid- aie-a?ea ; reierences; would leave city, AC 928. Oreeonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, position as janitor or any worit. ert 'iraxel. Main 5320, room 29. YOUNG MAN attending school wishes work eventngs and Saturday. Phone Tabor 4713. AUTO mechanic, 10 yejars married, go any place. Automatic 3H2-23. Adams. 434 Broad way. Portland. will W. PLASTERING contractor wants work cement and repair work specialty. E. 4216. YOUNG man, business training, wishes to learn the news or stationery busi ness. AO 921. Oregonian. PANTRY CALCIMINING. First-class work and material. 0118. East, PAINTING, tinting, papering; satisfac tion. Phone Automatic 622-86. A MAN 40 wants to work about 4 hours a day. 112 N. 4th at. ' PAINTING, tinting, papering,; estimates furn. Kinder & Peterson, Atwater 1 828. PLUMBER wants small jobs; repair ex- pert; low estimates. awy. 03. ALL-AROUND janitor and furnace man, first-class. Atwater 3702. PLUMBING and repairing, best work, reasonable. Tabor S724. East 9833 PLASTERING by contract; ist-class East 2011. work guaranteed. CEMENT WORK; HAVE PHONE TABOR 6781. MIXERS. EXPERT milker wants po&itien; take charge of 20-25 cows. V 915, Oregonian. MARRIED man in need of work; steady Walnut 7015. WANTED Any kind work, 10 A. M. 4 P. M. Have car. K 941, Oregonian. PAINTING AND TINTING. Walnut 6613. ROOFS REPAIRED AND PAINTED. Walnut 66t3. MAN with 4-ton truck wants Job. What have yon? Tabor 7734. ALL ROUND BAKER WANTS POSI TION. Y 070, OREGONIAN. YOUR collections attended to; references f wanted. A 805, Oregonian. EXP. COOK, all round man, wants posi tion. Laplace. 12" N. 18th' st. , TWO GOOD teams will do hauling or ex cavating. Walnut 0883. MALE nurse, very capable. Phone East 6716, room 10. T. J. Lloyd. PLUM BEK First-class man, small jobs E. 4852. large or WANT work by day or hour." Call Wal nut 2134. Reference. COMBINATION restaurant cook; clean end good experience., Atwater 2493. EXCAVATING. .General teaming. Atwater 18084 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. THERE are in Portland several disabled - ex-service men very efficient tn their different lines who are badly in need of work. By giving employment to them you will not only secure a hard and conscientious worker but will be relieving & situation which is very serious with them. They are not seek ing charity but are looking for some thing where by earnest endeavor they can create a permanent position. 1 Married man, wife and baby to sup port, desires private chauffeur posi tion; can keep up repairs and will ing to make trips, day or night, any where. 2 Desires a fosition of lens grinding or photography and finishing school Pbout September 25. 8 Neat appearing young man desires a position as private chauffeur; well acquainted with city; good references. 4 Married, have wife and baby to ', support; grocery clerk, clerical and ; can handle any kind ot automobile; need work at once. - fi Deaire a 'position, not too heavy, where advancement is possible; am, willing and energetic and caif hardie a clerical Job; not a $1000-a-week man. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS WORLD WAR. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. L REPLACEMENT OFFICE. 310 Buchanan Blag. V Bdwy. 3980. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER would like a set of books to keep dur ing spare time. I can show you EVERY MONTH whether you are making of LOSING MONE . I take off your mind that old worry about THE INCOME TAX REPORT. Will open up new corporation ac counts or close out DEAD ONES. The cost will be small. Much small er than keeping an inexperienced per son oa your payroll all day long. 9 946, OREGONIAN, MARRIED man who has had 15 years' experience in country bajiking. insur ance and real e.tate, would like to get in touch with parties who can use his services and experience. Will respond in person and furnish best of refer ences. AP 9 GO, Oregonian. PERMANENT position as janitor in apt. house wanted by man and wife, ca pable of taking full charge; man can do first-class kalsomining, painting and repair work and handle steam plant; wife is bookkeeper and general office worker; References. AB 948, Oregonian. LUMBERMEN NOTICE. Live-wire, man wants position as manufacturing superintendent; ship ping and yard, rail and cargo. What have you? "Can guarantee results. AV 22.1. Oregonian. MAN and wife want apt. house to man age (experienced). Man first-class mechanic, can do carpentry, painting". and plumbing repairs. Understands oil burner. Correspondence strictly confidential. A J K4, Oregonian. HOTEL MAN who has had 20 years' ex perience would like to get in tuch with parties who can use his services. Will respond in person and furnish best of references. With last posi- tion 5 years. Al 93i. oregonian. POSITION by A-l men's wear man with window trimming experience; years' of experience in the better stores; eoast town preferred; change of climate de sired; best of references. AV 316, Ore gonian. MAN and wife, experienced apartment house janitor, capable of taking full charge; have own yools; can do repair work, plumbing, kalsomining and painting; first-class house wanted; best of references. O 855, Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshin gling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed ; esti- - mates free.. East 1928r BAKER from Chicago,, first class on liffcad, rolla, cakes, pies, cookies and coiiee cake, wants steady work expe P 936. rience 20 years; go anywhere. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY TIMEKEEP ER AND COMMISSARY MAN, CA PABLE. COMPETENT; LUMBER OR CONSTRUCTION CAMP. K 853 Ore gonian. WHO NEEDS ME ? Groceryman, aged 34. local experi ence, can meet the public; not afraid of work, desires steady position. V 875. Oregonian. MARRIED man, 28, educated, 4 months experience, wants wotk in. store with chance for advancerftent ; any kind, anywhere. Call Mar. 3013 or write E. L. Puyear, 370 First st. EXPERT driver wishes to drive and care lor large truck or car. Willing to work or n nours. v. lioge, uuisboro, Oregon. -f ELDERLY couple would like employ ment on small ranch or country home. Best of references. 7120 54th ave. S. E. WANTED 100 or more, cords pole oak wood to cut, with place to batch. W. H. Stover, 41 North Third St., Port land. PAINTING, TINTING AND WOOD FIN ISHING. I DO YOUR WORK RIGHT. MAIN 3383. W'ANTED A job in city ooing anything by young married man. 25, 6 feet 3 and built in proportion; handy at most anything. A-C 8. Oregonian. JANITOR WANTS POSITION. OIL BURNER PREF. OVER THREE YEARS' EXPERIENCE. REF. AFTER a P. M. PHONE AUTO. 610-81. A-l FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic, cap able of foremanship; reliable; refer ences; must be steady; prefer out ot town. X 921, Oregonian. I AM experieucedUTian in farming and cattle;- want job managing farm. J. Van Delnyster, Route 6, Box 150A, Vancouver. - PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. Let .me do you a first-class job rea sonable price. J. H. Jenkins. Tabor 9334. BOY 35- wishes place as chore boy for his board "and room while attending Benson. Fine references. Address Post masten -Bridal Veil. Or. FIRST-CLASS carpenters and builders reasonaoie - ror residence construction, alterations ana repairing; best recom mendation. Main 7526. . ' . . RESHINGLING. By responsible party; prices right; written guarantee with every Job. Call jMucneii, J1& in i i ju. YOUNG married man. best of references, wants work: have a Dodee r whioh X would be willing to use as a ales- man. A f stis, oregonian. CARPENTER, repairing, reshingling, cab inet, mill work. Nelson & Neilson. Aut. S33-S1. Atwater 0224. Tabor 3457 KaLSOMINING, painting; reasonable; . work -mi material guaranteed. East EXPERIENCED landscape gardener, new lawns a specialty, old lawns made over. Phone Tabor 7613 MAN and wife, experienced, want charge of apartment house. AL 850, Orego- nian. s - CA HP ENTER work of any kind ; spe cialise in alterations and repairs. Sell. RE.SHINGLING Shingling, prices rea sonable work guaranteed, estimates free. Auto. 325-16. BY ELDERLY, active man. watchman or elevator or furnace man. P 9.2, Oregonian. EXP. GARDENER, single, wants steady place, handy with tools; will batch; gooq ipcai rcr. K tuc, oregonian. BANKER, 12 years experience, desires position of trust; best references. H 858, Oregonian. GENERAL contractors, Drick. tile, con crete, heavy construction. Tabor 8793 Empire 0145. CIRCULAR sawyer and filer: can deliver the good; good reference. E. C. -filler 181 12th gt - Phone Main 7343. GENTLEMAN. with 5-passenger car, .nywhere. Walnut wants position. Go 4702. WANTED-1 By experienced trtick man. fiaiiMis w" trace ior one-ton truck in or arouno. roruana. wooaiawn 5954. CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF CE- v wrtxv n i l JvK. TABOR 68S. BOY, 17, willing to work for small waees. to learn trade or any other work. Auto. 642-14. FCR EXCAVATING OR GRADING." CALL TABOR 1587. CARPENTER Al BUILDER OF jubhiau. TABOR 3323. WANTED-CesspooI digging and sewer coTynectiny. auio. o-t-m. ANY kind of work short hour after 6 A-l CARPENTER-Builds and remodels. neap by contract. Walnut 012(1. HOUSE painted. $50-su5; rooms tinted. $1-3; papenng. d5o roll. Walnut 60S4. PAPERHANGING, painting send tinting; papfiuin, ov mil. Jtar. xtva. YOUNG man with car desires position. Best references. Phone East 8593. WILL cut grass and weeds. Call Auto. 638-14 evenings. CARPENTER- New or repair work; es iimaes cheerluily ivea E. 9,7a, SITUATION'S WANTEDMALE. STATIONARY engineer; 15 years' expe rience steam electric and oil engines, installation and operation; 5 years plant foreman; Al references; married; will go out of town; can install any of above plants; all inquiries answered. Write "Engineer," 601 E. Mjiin, Port land. Or, Phone East 5071. f - CLEAN young man, working way through Benson Tech, wants room and board with refined family in return for work after school and Saturday. Can drive and care for automobile and am handy at any work around home. Address W. C. Mtehan, Camp 2, Weed, Cal. . FpSITION on large stock or grain ranch by young married man; 7 years ex perience; capable of handling all sorts of machinery; good with horses r wants Permanent place with chance- for ad vancement; Oregon or- Washington; reierences. At 774, Oregonian. WILL START . AT 1K PKR WERK: HAVE 6 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN iE,K.iVllj, OcJIjjLiING, collecting; HIGH SCHOOL AND BUSINESS EDU CATION; CAN USE TYPEWRITER AND AM GOOD AT FIGURES. AO 9Q7, OREGONIAN. YOUNG man, 27"; single, university grad., desires position with lumber company, where there is chance to learn office and sales work; spent 2 years in woods, yards, mills, kilns, sheds, etc; location Immaterial; now employed. Address Box 188, Aberdeen, Wash. MAN AND wife want work on farm or ranch, to do general farm work: with experience: wife to do cooking, but no washing; one grown-up boy to be with us during winter months. For particu lars Inquire at 968 East Alder. Port land. Or. MAN, up-to-date, orchard, stock, poultry, farm, irrigation, machinery, open for job September. If desired, can handle big ranch to country home. Two in family, workers, good references. AV 307, Orego nian. COUNTRY high school boy. 1; excellent habits, willing to work, wishes a place to live and work for room and board after school hours. Phone East 1908 or call 121 M Grand ave. HIGH-CLASS printer desires position in country shop; capable of taking entire charge of plant, or would lease good proposition ; come at once. AV 311. Oregonian. FULLY . certified accountant requires opening- In any commercial or manu facturing office; salary no object where chances for -advancement are good. G 8S, Oregonian. , YOUNG married man, age 33, w.ith fam ily, must have work at once. Ten years' practical engineering experience. Can furnish best of references. Call Tabor 7013. MAN WHO has had eastern grain expe rience wishes employment ; experience covers all departments except export ing; can make investment. AG 870, Oregonian. - : HOTEL OR APT. A good furniture repair man would like snace in base ment to work, would of fur nace or do light janitor work or pay casn rent, nu .u, oregonian. CHAUFFEUR Cadillac, Pierce or any car, city and state license, know all mgnways. wm drive stage or pri- vate. an oregonian. YOUNG man wishes to learn, the lumber business; have business education can use typewriter; . go . anywhere C SB8. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED clerk with 6 years' busi ness experience in electrical and hard ware line, wishes position; knows radio. D 861, Oregonian. WANTED Work by middle-aged man as janitor or any kind of work in or out or town, i-tione East 4837. Ref erence. 1 WILL give large housekeeping room and one meal a day to elderly couple for light services. Phone Auto. 628-23 after 3 o'cloc It t od ay. LOCrti ex-service man desires perma nent employment or any kind; prefer ably position as salesman. No straight commission, uroaaway o44. YOUNG man, experienced clerk, business training, can use typewriter; will start at $1S per week ; will take anything. I 807. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work in exchange for room and bdavrd in private family, near Benson school. Write F. J. Golliessud, 1926 60th st. S. E city. .. ELDERLY MAN, good education, trust worthy, experience varied, seeks em ployment. Write or interview Gran ville. 267 Oak st., Portland. YOUNG ex-serviee man wants steady em ployment in city, fair pay and good worker. Address F. G. Sta,rritt, 692 Tenino ave. WANTED A place where boy of 13 can earn his way by work before and after school; country preferred. B 664, Oregonian. EXPERT accountant, . thoroughly reli able, would like work writing up, ad justing, or balancing books. G 867, Oregonian. A. THOROUGH experienced merchandise man woma iiKe a cnance to snow nis ability in some good store. AH 914. Oregonian. WANTED Kalsomining, house cleaning, grading yards, kind work. Main 9058. Room 5. LET ME give you figures on making your lawn. Main 7759. PAINTING and tinting by day or job; reasonable. Call ' Main 7560. Book Keepers. gtenoKrapners. Office. VERY URGENT.. Employment wanted by mar ried man, bookkeeper and sten- ographer, bank and lumber of fice experience, but prefer office of architect or contractor; am hard worker and want perma nent position, with possible fu ture investment: am I. C. S. stu-. dent. Phone 461-R Vancouver. Address Ad. 3100 J St., Van couver, Wash. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and office man would consider posi tion of cashier or office manager; qualified to take complete charge of office, correspondence, collections and credits ; would prefer position where some financial interest might be ac quired if relations wrere mutually satis factory. X 870, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced, competent and reliable bookkeeper, stenographer and all-around office man, 32 years of age, desires permanent position with reliable concern. Best references. C 942. Oregonian. TRAFFIC man, accountant, young man, 15 years' experience railroad- and steamship traffic, rates and claims with some knowledge, of accounting desires position moderate salary and prospects advancement. , P 963. Ore gonian. ; LUMBER billing clerk, order clerk, typ ist, familiar with traffic, freight claims, etc., wishes position with pro gressive wholesaler or manufacturer. Several years' -wholesale and mill ex perience. References. L 858, Orego- . nian. W ANTED Office position by middle aged man; experienced In double en try bookkeeping and accountancV; also experienced In grain business. , Address L. W. Fudge. W'aitsburg. Wash. TIMEKEEPER and paymaster, capable and experienced man wants job in cicy September 1. Can handle all details of contractor's office work ; good refer-enct-y. A J 058. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper wants to han dle small sets of books after 6 P. M. Address L. E. Eachus. 573 Haig st., or inquire of elevator operator at 327 Washington st. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with local refrnces, wishes position; garage pre feiTW where I can help on automobiles, as I understand that line of work. East 6325. YOUNG lady wishes general office work or will assist in good home where treated as one of family. AV 321 Oregon fan. BRIGHT young man 22, college gradu ate, desires position as bookkeeper or general office man. Have referenees. P 939. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER' de sires position, whole or part time: ex perienced; references. D 937, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER, with A-l reference, now emptoyea oy large concern, aesireg to make a change. What hav you? H 775. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, mill, wholesale, order. invoice expert, wants position. J 942, Oregonian. v - - COMPETENT bookkeeper, 12 years ex perience banking or wholesale lines preferred. AV 247. Oregonian. - TO OPEN YOUR BOOKS. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING. C. W. TYLE, PHONE 610-24. . BY EXPERT accountant, temporary work. Will install system. B 865, OregonIn. - - AUDITS made, systems instalIeL-books kept, income tax. Main 0066. Sales men. ATTENTION, sales managers. Young salesman of good appearance with real ability, driving our car, wishes to make connection with reliable- concern; none other considered. Would appreciate po sition where- ability and real endeavor will meet with proper financial returns. Portland or nearby territory preferred. M 858. Orec-onian. EXPERIENCED salesman with car would like permanent connection- in - city or surrounding territory. AF 870, Oregonian.. SALESMAN driving to Chicago wants to employ his time profitably at selling or other work. AJ 863, Oregonlaa SALESMAN wants part-time work; can productt. 1 655V Or e gonial SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. MIDDLE-AGED lady with two- school . bovs desires position as house keeper for two or three adults or for widower with, not more than two enn dren; I have furniture for five rooms; trif lers please do not answer, as I am interested only in making an hon '" est and -honorable living for my chil r .dreti and myself; employers must be refined, respectable people. K 9L, Oregonian. MATURE woman, university graduate, now employed, desires position of trust Charge of correspondence, management of small office, edit house organ, ad vertising. Five years business experi-. ence in Portland. Not stenographer, but typist. H 933, Oregonian HIGH SCHOOL GtRL of good character wants position in good home of small family; will assist in housework for small wages; best of references; Irv ington district preferred. Phone East 3572. . EDUCATED, refined business woman , wishes position with opportunity for advancement; able to meet the public and thoroughly familiar with general business detail: splendid, references. AR 920. Qregonlan. WOULD like to take position as millinery manager and buyer or assistant to same. Am thoroughly experienced in both east and west. References ex changed. Call Walnut 4150. SENSIBLE young lady desires position answering phone, or will consider any kind light work if steady; at present employed only part time, C 67, Ore gonian. WOMAN, -experienced in cooking and many kinds of work, would go to country; have two girls, ages 6 years and 2 years. Phone Walnut 3764. Call 8S4 Skidmore st., Portland. Or. wom ax' of middle awe. having son 10 years old, desires place as housekeeper apartment house or for widower with cnuaren, or m no me ui w pie. K 862. Oregonian COOKING and light housework.; neat, -.-tnH tmin mnid. American, 40 have no phone calls, do not go out nights; no objection to country or bud urban home. AP 806, Oregonian. WILL do housework part time or care for little girl wnue moxuer i nloyed. for myself and little girl's room and board and small wages. 524 -3ft. . Aut. COMPETENT married woman, whose husband has other work, wishes to manage apartment house; first-class references. Atwater 1252. FRENCH couple, middle age, want sit uation; man cook, wife second work; references; city, country. N 945, Ore gonian. HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes position in private home; room and board; state wages given. Address Mrs. C. Simmon sen, route 4, box 29A. Gresham, Or. WIDOW, with girl 12 years old, posUion as housekeeper or taking oare of an apartment house. C 914, Ore gonian. WIDOW lady wishes position as hotel housekeeper, or will take charge of apt house; experienced. Atwater 4099, apartment 1 POSITION washing dishes or help in boarding house for husband and my self board and room. 263 5th St.. apt. 6. opposite city halt WANTED By mature woman, position in doctor's office; have had consider able experience and can give best of references. AB 874. Oregonian. BEGINNER wants general off ice worK filing, typing, etc.; can also do com mercial drawing. 930 eKrby st. Wal nut 6202. NEAT, capable, refined woman desires position; good plain cook and house keeper; city or country'; references. F 8o9, Oregonian YOUNG lady artist, experienced hand stamper, wishes position with art con cern; start reasonaDie. ad quo. gonian. REFINED young woman wishes position .as housekeeper in a motneriess nome gonian. WFDOW, with girl 6. wishes apt. house to run: best of reierences. rnone al water 0875, apt. 7. WOULD 'ike position filing, mailing, and am experienced pnone opetawi. A 857, Oregonian ' , 15-YEAR-OLD girl wants -place to etay in town and go to mgn school Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants days work or bundle wasrung. uau an wee.. Tabor 0056. GOOD cook Vants housekeeping for a widower with or witnout cnnuieu. Phone Auto. K32-Q1. COMPETENT laundress wishes worK, Mon., Tues., weo... t nurs., r r. , erences. Walnut 1611. EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady wants washing, ironing, sewing, repair wur.. Atwater imw. YOUNG lady, experienced; wishes house work for, adult ramny on west aiuj. references, AJ 972. Oregonian. A RELIABLE woman wants chamber work or worK oy tne u.a.y. . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, good cook wants res taurant or careteria worn an or pa.ii of day. N 944. Oregonian. SCHOOL girl, 14, wants good home, to a.ssist with houseworK or cniiureu. Phone Walnut 3764. POSITION as companion or sewing, in or out of city; no housework. AH 869. Orepronian. ; - COMPETENT laundress wishes work Wed., Thursday. Fri. ; references. Wal nut 1611 ELDERLY lady will care for children by the hour in your home, day or eve ning. Phone Main 2902. POSITION, practical nurse or house keeper. Maggie Mitchell, Route 1, Box 36. McMinnvllle. Or. WANTED A home with elderly woman as companion after work hours; refer ences. C 870, Oregonian. - RELIABLE woman wishes position as housekeeper for one or more men or as chambermaid. A J 869. Oregonian. HOUSEWORK wanted, competent : Sun days off. Phone Monday, Auto. 613-40. $45 month. HIGH school girl wants to work for hoard, room, smau wages. -ox Clackamas, Oregon. WASHINGTON high school girl wants - work in exchange ior room anu uukiu. Call Sellwood 122-'. YOUNG married woman wants apt. or -rooming house to run; oest city reier enres. Phone Bdwy. 2825, room 5. EXPERIENCED woman wishes position . as chambermaid. u-ast uji. nuum 304. MRS. H J. HILL, DAY WORK TUES- DAY ANU BDWY. 7836. WEDNESDAY". SJALjIj A RELIABLE woman to work in bakery, grocery or confectionery and news stand. 115 East Blandena. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator and typit desires position. Empire 0317. WANTED Sewing, care of children, by dav or hour; your home or notei. airs Carter. Main 7398. . w a mtrfi hv a ood. reliable woman children to care for by the day. Call East 4477. NEAT colored woma,n wants assist in housework or chamoer worK; reier - ence. East 4270, EXPERIENCED woman wants position as pastry, dinner cooking or pantry work. O 96S, Oregonian LADY wishes few hours' work from 2:30 P. M., care of home, experienced in washing (fine woolens). East 0291. MA''T of first-class ant rooming house by exp. woman. Best ref. Phone Taoor anv. WILL take care of small child. Walnut 6711 after 6 P. M. Call YOUNG lady wishes housework, 35 cents an hour and carfare. Sell. 2065. COLORED woman wishes a few hours washing, 35c hour. inone ozo-zs. COLORED woman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning, ast woaj. YOUNG lady wishes position as typist, or will do clerking. Call Atwater 3382. SALESLADY with car wis hew position with reliable firm. Call Atwater 3382. WANTED Washing, ironing, cleaning. Broadway 146o, WOMAN wants work k by fi01 cleaning. our; 25 cents; washing. Ironing, ast 252a. GOOD cook, fine In pastry, wishes day work or 8-hour shift. Phone Main 7913. ELECTRIC dishes, kitchen helper, want ed by a widow. Broadway 1964. GRADUATE piano teacher with experi ence: lessons at your home. Tabor 6542. SITUATION wanted. Al pastry cook; de sirable place. B. 8001. WANTED Any kind of laundry work. Auto. 642-14. WILL keep your baby by the hour or day . reasonable. 249 H Halaey st. East 2807. EXPERIENCED cashier and wrapper de slres position. Tabor 8114. EXPERIENCED woman to run rooming house. 115 East Blandena. WOMAN, wants, day work for Monday, Tuesday; experienced. Walnut 5838. LADY wishes day work; first-class ref erences. Phone Walnut 4300. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. LADY wants day work or py the hour. Call Sunday afternoon. Auto. 635-41. EXPERIENCED young lady desires po sition as clerk. Call Sellwood 3943. WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 5621. - WOMAN wants work by day or hour, 35c per hour. Ant. 642-66. - COLORED woman wants small, bundles jto take. home. Tabor 5610, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. POSITION as cook or housekeeper want ed. 740 E. Ash st. EXP. WOMAN wishes day work, Jlon., Tues.. Wed. Sellwood 1932. SWEEPING, cleaning by day; no wash- ing. call sun., Mon., Tues., jaam ou . PRACTICAL housekeeping for adults, men or women. Tabor 8744. EXPERIENCED woman cook, small restaurant or cafeteria. Atwater 3421. WANTED Restaurant work, fry or -pastry. East 5940. Apt. 57. COMPETENT stenographer wants posi- tion. Walnut 0126. Bookkeepers, iytenograpticre. Office. ENERGETIC young lady with bookkeeping experience desires posi tion in doctor's office ; has had considerable experience in handling medical accounts; also thoroughly experienced in other lines of general office work and in meeting the public. Call Broadway 4976. WIDE-AWAKE, energetic girl desires position as secretary or stenographer and bookkeeper ; five years varied ex perience; capable of assuming respon- , sjbility. References. Call Miss Peterson, Broadway 4610. OFFICE HELP OFFICE HELP STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, BDWY. 6953, 504 SPALDING BLDG. CAPABLE stenographer and general of fice woman; can handle correspondence 'and credits and help on books, or take complete charge of small office; mod- . erate salary. H 971, Oregonian. BY YOUNG woman, reception office po sition for dentist, physician, etd. ; ac customed meeting public, but not of fice; neat appearance; ambition ; ; $36 month. BC 953, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office lady with initia tive desires position of responsibility; assistant bookkeeper, stenographer or general office work. AB 972. Ore gonian. WANTED, by reliable woman, general office work, -receiving patrons, taking orders, etc.; best of references. Tabor 8744. YOUNG lady thoroughly experienced in 1 bookkeeping and general office worn, with some stenographic experience wishes temporary work. Tabor 724. AN EXPERIENCED, capable woman who writes, figures, hears and talks I , well wishes work in an office or store. AH 8i5, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with banking experience desires position as assistant oook- keeper. Call Tabor 4300 Monday. Miss Clarke. References. EARNEST, reliable woman with on month's local experience, wishes book keeping position. Steady, exact worker, j jyjuaeraiB wages. w ainut apoi. YOUNG lady wishes general office work or will assist in good home where treated as one of family. AV 321, Oregonian. IF INTERESTED in getting a good - housekeeper and general office girl with six years . experience, address J PoRtoffice Box 1117. city. OFFICE position by young woman where penmanship and common sense are ap preciated; also experienced swltcnooara operator. 1 54.-, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and A-l typist, 12 years experience; dependable, ac curate, rapid and neat. G 952, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED legal stenographer wishes position, permanent or tempo- rary. walnut iUI.L THOROUGHLY capable stenographer de . sires responsible position with local firm. R 003. Oregonian. EXP. STENO. and bkkpr. desires half day work; references. D 941, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER wants position: four years' secretarial experience ; will call by appointment. Phone Atwater 3214. STENOGRAPHER, wants permanent Oregonian. A-l experienced, position. AC 930, STENOGRAPHER wants position, real estate and insurance preferred ; three years' experience. Phone Main 5882. CAN take charsre of. office; bookkeeper- stenographer, u years. O 955, Ore gonian. YOUNG woman desires half day office . work. Best of references. bi vi t, Oregonian. LADY bookkeeper, ' experienced in all kinds office work, wants position at once; reierences. iseii. tmbrf. YOUNG lady desires permanent position as stenographer; no bookkeeping; some temporary worK. Taaor s EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and. typist; oest references. Sell, d 2i . . . - STENOGRAPHIC work by experienced stenographer. Rm. 237. Nortonia hotel TYPING to do at home, work strictly confidential. 9S1 Borthwick: street. RELIABLE stenographer desires perma nent position. Tabor 19i3. BY COMPETENT, experienced stenogra- pher. Aut. 622-21. LIGHT office or clearical work; $10 week. Walnut 1294. EXPERIENCED steographer desires tem porary work. Broadway 1411. Dressmaker. MY REBUILDING of gowns the talk of Portland because i make cneations out of gowns that seem hopeless. Maxi mum of satisfaction, minimum of cost. Tabor 0302. STORE space for first-class dressmaker only, . equipped ana estaDiisnea; give phone .for appointment. AC 970, Ore- gonlan. DRESSMAKING reasonable; silk dresses. $5: alterations, etc.: work sniaranteed. Phone Atwater 0107. 314 . Columbia st.. cor. 6th. . 301 PANAMA BLDG., Third and Alder. Bdwy. 2338. first-class dressmaking silks, $7 up; hemstitching 8c, while you wait. Work guaranteed. ENGAGEMENTS by day. experienced; suits, gowns,- remodeling, designing; reasonable work guaranteed. East 7GU6. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanted to share room. N. A. Piummer, 201 Flied ner bldg. ACROSS 10th street from public library. Rose Dressmaking Parlor. 186 10th st. Malu 2161. HEMSTITCHING, any color, ttc. Rm. 403 Ralefrh bldg. 327 Wash. Bdwy. 3742. WANTED Dressmaking and sewing. 340 L.H rra bee. ast g ;U'J. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 6c. Rm. 403 Raleigh bldg. 327 Wash. Bdwy. 3741 DRESSMAKING reasonable. 122 12th st., corner Washington. Bdwy. 6970. DT BSSMAK1NG, your home or mine; guaranteea. reasonable. J&ast 2oQP. PLAIN SEWING AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. J WALNUT 3515. WANTED Plain or fancy sewing by day or week. Call Mrs. Taylor, Bdwy. 4787. VERY reasonable. Phone Mondays and evenings. Sell. 3653 HEMSTITCHING, 5c and 7c. Riley & Clinton. 411 Raleigh bldg. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 a day. Call Tabor 6205 evenings. DRESSMAKING, tailoring, designing, summer sewing. Atwater 3685. JJurse. GRADUATE nurse offers 2 rooms, kitch en, turnisnea apt., also single . K. rooms, preier nurses or students will ing to share, rates reasonable. East 46,-jQ. REFINED young lady alone, would like position ; practical nurse, companion or housekeeper, nest references BF 909. Oregonian WANTED By registered nurse, posi tion m doctors orrice. win work for small salary. Phone East 60 1 9. PRACTICAL, experienced nurse wants position. Excellent references. Tabor 3328. 1 NURSE wishes more cases, all Or part time; reasonable terms, best references. a Boa, oregonian. ATTRACTIVE, healthy. private home for invajifl. miaeny. Gresham, Or., route A. Good ' table. box 226. NURSE will care for patient in her own home; desiraoie location; pnysician's references. l abor 33. WANTED Nursing by day or week; hos- pitai experience, rnone . os. NURSE, Dr., e 1 ec tr otheraov : gives treatments. sen. -voit. NURSE takes maternity cases , in, her home; best' 01 care. 0868. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes confine ment cases, senwooa S4i. PHONE Atwater 0349 for trained and practical nurses. Terms reasonable. SWEDISH massage In your own home. iaaies oniy. Ansa ouisen. Tabor 0106. Housekeepers. PRACTICAL nurse will take position as nouseKeeper in or out. city; references. A 941,' Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by a widow with 2 children; home considered more I than wages. W 971, Oregonian. WANTED by Sept. 1, position as house keeper by woman with one child. Call jionaay. aul ok-w. REFINED British young lady wishes position as housekeeper to Christian gentleman. D 904. Oregonian. COMPETENT and reliable lady wants position as housekeeper for apt. house for good apt. O 925. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wants position, city or country; no triflers. 149i First St., room 12. TOMAN with one child wishes position as' housekeeper. Call East 7141. apt. 28. LADY experienced In apartment house wants position B S60, Ore 0 nian, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. I MIDDLE-AGED, kind, motherly lad with boy or 7 wants nouseiceeping 1 srentleman's home, close to city o county school; object, good home more man wages, r-'uii particulars iirst iui ter. A v 320. oregonian. REFINED American woman, good house keeper, good cook, with 13-year-ol daughter, wishes position as house k ppnr in vlrtnw'i or bachelor's home no objection to 1 or 'J children. Aj 81)0, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady with 2 children, 7 and 8 years, wants position as house If (! ftr In rf In.rl hnmn. or will rill rooming house; references exchanged Address Marie Grossman, general ae livery, yalem, Or. WIDOW with two Kirls. 4 and 9. want position with elderly couple who are iona or children; good, plain cook ant housekeeper. Prefer small farm. Mar tha Asbury, Elbe. Wash. COMPETENT elderlv lady, good coo and house keener, with city reference, would like position with adults. BC 807. Oregonian. REFINED lady of middle ago would like position as housekeeper ; excel lent cook and manager; references ex cnangeck A I 33. oregonian. . Minnr.R-Ar.Rn ldv wmild like Dosltlo as housekeeper or companion ; good home desired more than wages. BC 8G3, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wants to keep house for widower with one child or tor sma:i . family; small wages and good home. AC 926, Oregonian. MOTHER to keep house tor reliable wid ower where can keep two children o: school age. town; trif lers don't answer. AE 869. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in or nea citv, where boy can go to school, must be at least school term duration. Main 074i. room su, WANTED Position as housekeeper for 2 or 3 men. B 808. Oregonian. LADY wants housekeeping, city or farm. A 942, Oregonian. Domestics. RELIABLE woman wants light house wn-k in citv: for winter or permanent plain people, no children. H 930, Ore gonian GIRL wants housework, nian. R 860, Orego WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirablo furnished and unturnisnea nouses, n rm rtnisnti And flats, with definite In formation pertairiing to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of grea1 value in helping them get properly and quicaiy locate-. Eighth Flolr. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT. if von have a furnished or unfur nished house to rent, call Broadway 6006, as we have parties wanting homes. - CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak Rt RESPONSIBLE business man wants to rent well furnished house, 5 to 7 rooms, iraraee. in desirable district; want an attractive home place; will give excel in mrft: a adults: references; avail able by Sept. 10, or not before Nov. or Dec. 1. East 6270. FURNISHED 5 or 6-room modern house by careful and responsinie peopie. nave one ll-months-old baby; like to rent for 4 or 6 months with privilege of keeping for balance ot year n quired. A J 956. Oregonain. w a YTSTi Tn louse. I vear or more. district close to Union ave. n. ana lo kum ave.; may buy if price and loca tion suit; must have 3 bedrooms by Sent. 1. B. M. Olson, grocer, x Union ave. N. Walnut 6435. WANT to rent furnished 5 or 6-room house, man, wife and lz-year-om gin, from Sept 1 to June 1: near school; Hawthorne district preferred; will pay 3 months' rent m advance. al. wu, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5-room modern nouse or flat in good district before Septem ber -1. Must have iurnace. 'wmb i . not more than $40 per montn. io cnu dren. Call Tabor 1646. . WANT TO LEASE HOME. Portland "Hp i rh t. Arlington. West over or Kings addition; will pay $75 to $150; must be good. Air. jemuns. Bdwy. 6007, . WANTED To rent, 5-room modern cot tage or apartment by bepi. o; a auui. prefer Irvington district. Phone Bdwy. 3279 between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. week days. WANT to rent 4 or 5-room house or inn ar fif- will lease if rerU is reason Mhle. Phone Main 1200 Sunday, 10 A. M. to. 2 P. M. HAVR several calls for 5 or 6-room houses. Let us rent yours. Redman, Holcomb Realty Co. Bdwy. 7396 WANTED Modern unfurnished 5 or 6- room house or bungaiow, witn k-uk-. must be clean and not over $4. per month. Bdwy. 6785 or East 0989. IN DESIRABLE locality, 5 or 6-room modern house, "turnisnea preirrcu, re liable people, good references. Walnut 7341. 3 OR 4-ROOM modern furnished house. fireplace desired; Dest oi caie sivcn . will furnish references if desired. P 858, Oregonian. WANTED By Sept. 1, strictly modern unfurnished nouse, o or 1 mums, . u not over $75, reliable couple. Nob Hill district preferred. Call Atwater 070.1. WE HAVE many calls ror houses and flats and can rent yours; iei us unun your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED 5-room bungalow and ga rage; reasonable rent ana uesnuuie id eation; responsible party. R. H. Lesher, Broadway 4034. LEASE for one year from Sept. 1 or Oct. 1, modern Dungaiow wu by responsible couple with little girl 2 yearJ. AIn n.ia, jregpinem. COUPLE wants to rent small untur- niehed fiat or apt. ftept. , kuu id eation, reasonable rent. AJ 91a. Ore gonian. WANTED To rent, by Sept. 1. furnished 5-room house or oungaiow ; must do fairly close in and in good neighbor- hooti. .VI 0 . oreoma.ri. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow tn restricted district uy lamuy 01 iwu aduits; best of references. Phone Bdwy. 665 1 . WANTED To rent before Sept. 1 a small house or flat on M. a. or i. j. canine; must be reasonable. Call Walnut 6473 A. M. , WANTED To rent, 5-room house and a piaCi e to keep chicken. Phono East 181. WANT 5 or 6-room furnished bungalow. adults and small baby; not over so. Walnut 0146. . . WANTED 5 or 6-room house, modern. reasonable, by Sept. 1. J 664, Orego nian. . WANTED A partly furnished house flat or apt., near Btn ana nawtnorne ave. Phone Tabor 54H Sunday A. M. WANTED Small furnished house on or before -Sept. 1; rent not- over Bdwy. 2726. WANTED To rent 5 ob 6-room modern bungalow; rto children; perfectly re- sponslble party. East 8741. LADY and adult son want three rooms or small house In Kenton district. 150 W. Winohell St. - - JAPANESE business man wants to rent four or five-room furnished house; no children. Broadway ftHft. WANTED To lease, by Sept. 1. modern bungalow near Sandy blvd., by respon sible couple. Call Walnut 5233. WANTED To lease for one year 6-room , furnished bungalow with garage, lele- phone -Walnut ZtQ9. 4 OR 5 ROOM house or lower flat within walking distance to-s. P. snops. rnone Sell. 3266. MOTHER and son, employed, desire 3 or 4 -room flat or apt., 2U to 93. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished 5-room houe and garage; adults; reierences. tan Main 2206. WANTED To rent 6-room house. Tabor 6352. HOUSE with eeven or eight rooms. Phone Atwater 3sl WANTED 5-room bungalow by October 1, east side. Empire ias. RENTALS AND LEASES W. H. Red- man. Holcomb Hearty to. now v. 7atf. UNFURNISHED small modern house or flat; reasonapie. Ar pu. oregonian. BY SEPT. 1, 3 or 4-room unfurnished house or Iiat. is ores oregonian. Apartments. WANTED By fully responsible parties, 3 or 4-room apartment furnished with or without silverware, bedding, linens. dishes. Must be modern and select lo cation. Answer fully. P. O. Box 161, Gresham, Or. WANTED Well-furnished, steam-heated apartment or flat not later than Sep tember 1, by adult family of three; desirable and permanent tenants; can use place with garage. State rent and full particulars to BP 959, Oregonian. WANTED About September 1, two-room flat or apartment; must be reasonable and absolutely clean. AE 071, Ore gonian. 5-ROOM apartment or flat, west side, give location and price, K 923, Ore- WANTED TP RENT. Rooms. , 2 YOUNG business men of Portland. on with daughter of 8. well trained, do sire a residence sleeping quarter for the gentlemen and a good home for the child now attending school, in one of the select residence districts of thin city; can furnish th most desirable of references and wilting to compen sate well if the location is satisfac tory. V 912. OrejronMn. WANTED on west sid- not over mile from Broadway and Washington sts., one large or two small furnished rooms with bath convenience for profes sional middle-aged smirte gentleman; private family preferred ; references; give terms. AC 8rt4. Oregon inn. WANTED Room not more than one block from 1 lit h and Thompson ; give price, etc. A K 863. Oregonian. WANT furnished room in private fam ily. O 967, Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. MOTHER and 2 daughters, all employed, desire room and board In nice homo with home privi leges. Bdwy, 4976. BY RELIABLE business man of good, habits, place to board and room in private family on west side, within walking distance of downtown; two meals a day and plain cooking pre ferred; can furnish best of references; state pric. Address K 942. Oregonian. WANTED Sept. 1. room and board in private family by two ynun lauin, west side preferred; references ex changed. Answer promptly. AV 805, Oreeonian. - , GENTLEMAN employed desires room and board In private .family oy me month; a place where I can feel at home ; references given ; give price and location. A J 855, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes room and board in non-Catholic home of refinement; walking distance preferred. P. O. Box 1085. . WANTED A home in Christian family where girl 14 can help with M. wor for room and board and attend school. I'hone E. o53. Mrs. Wood. ENGLISH girl would like com iort able board and room with congenial imhi 1 1 y. Terms must be moderate. M 931, oregonian. WANTED Room and board by businea couple, west side; C. S. family pre ferred. Res.. E. B2; bus.. Bdwy. 528H. YOUNG lady, employed, de.-ires room and board. KOiO City prererrea. t 0,5. Oregonian BOARD and car for 3-year-old girl; also room for mother; wun young couple preferred. AN 964, Oregonian. WANTED Good home for baby girl 8 years old. Y 922. Oregon I an. Housekeeping Ko mm. WANT 2 or 3 furn. h. k. rooms, west side, walking distance, near Laan school; must have beds or 1 bed and . sanitary couch, not over $30 per month, to permanent tenants. AO 971, Ore gon ian. WANTED To rent, in or ner tunny- side district, one or two unrurnisfiea housekeeping rooms. Ask for Mrs. , Smith. Rivervlew dairy. EMPLOYED lady wishes room and kit chenette west side waiKing oistano. Prefer piano. Under $20. AK 962. Oregonian. H. K. APARTMENT by employed wom an with daughter 7, near Irvingtoo sc hool. BF QQ3, Oregonian. t Vhttn. RELIABLE young couple desire mod ern, unfurnished or partly mrnisnea 4 or 6-room flat or bungalow; hus band professional man; permanent; will pay reasonable rent; references. Broad w a y 4054. i WANTED 4 or 5 furnished rooms. South Portland. Phone Sunday morn ing between 1012. Main OiMil. ISiiHines Places. WELL-LOCATED meat market; will AF 924, Orc- buy later if satisfied, gonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Ronnis. JEFFERSON HOTEL. 225 Jefferson St., Corner First. t White brick, fireproof building with automatic elevator and ground-floor lobby, one of the cleanest hotels in Portland: spring locks in every room, steam heat, hot and cold water; saves $12 to $15 a month and gives you serv ice besides. Think of this. Phone Mnin 3780. Under white maim gement. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington st. A clean, respectable place to inre; iro phones In each room, ajjtomatic ele vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau rant in connection; near Washington park. ;Tultnomah club and hospitals; reasonable rate, day, week or month. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to ee free ist or moderate priced rooms ior young .-nun in all parts of the city. Including rooms at the Y. M. C. A. with phons in ach room, shower baths and club facilities. THE WHITEHALL. 203 Sixth St. Rooms, single and en bulte. modern, at moderate prices; large sun parlor and every convenience. Portland a downtown hotel. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST tITg; QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND R 10 FINE I ; $11.25 PER DAY, $6 PER VK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT OA RAO E- HUTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and up, private bath, $8; fireproof and- ciean; clooe to business center. ANSUNIA HOTEL. M 124 14th-st. at Washington: rates $5 per week and up. $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and jhnpnl j-g center. FOR CONGENIAL young folks, attract ive double and single room, tree puon breakfast or kitchen privileges; aiso sleeping tent and 2 h. k. rooms: rea sonable. 742 Lovejoy. Main 2760 WEAVER HOTEL. 70K WASHINGTON Attractive, spotless room with priv ate bath, phone. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 5571. j HOTEL BRISTOL, 10 12th st car. Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates. $5 and up; hot and co'.d water, steam heat. W ANT ED Conxv n in 1 business nan f'r room mate in bachelor apartment; good location; references exchanged. WO oregonm n. WASHINGTON H OT E L. 12TH AND WASHINGTON ST. Attractive rooms and suites at rea son able rates by week or mo;.' r TO BUSINESS WOMAN, attrHCfiva Ur roo.m in new bunwalow, near Rose Citr cariine; laundry and kitchen privileges $ 2 0 per month. Phone Aut onmtb' 317-45. LARGE front corner room, well fur nished, ut earn heated, hot and cold water. high-clan apartment hoiibe, close In, went tilde. Broadway 2266. WHY NOT have an apt while in town ? Three modern furn. rooms, $12 50 per week. San Marco, E. ht h and Co u r h. K. 1990. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 632 V Washington st. Mod ern, private baths, free phones, reason able rate; $3..0 wck up. Bdwy. 6H31. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St., 2 biorks north of Washington st.. fire proof: Dteasant rooms and suites at very r ease nable rateg h y da y or week. NEW ROYAL HOTEL, 10814 4th St.. bet. Washington and Stark. Rooms $3 per week and up. Under white manage ment. Transient trade solicited. MATHI ESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up. $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Cnlumbtn. UNDER new management tnorougbiy renovated, nice clean rooms; $3 and up. 4S21 Washington st. WEST SIDE Some real nice newly fur nished rooms; nice district, walking distance; $12 and $15. 624 Northrup. $4 A WEEK for steam -heated slueplng room In modern apartment house ad joining bath. 402 3d st. 3 PARTLY furnished 1 r unfurnished 375 Cable mt. rooms, $14 per montn. Sell. 4063. DELIGHTFUL outside room joining bath ; west sine, waiKing aimance.. ; reasonable. 400 Park st. Atwater 3322. NEWLY papered and painted light houiekeeping ana sleeping, iw dits week up. 300 2d st. FOR RENT Deferable room In modern home lor gentleman, .i per wets, ouw Union ave.. nar frieecn. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st., at 10th $1 a day; weeKiy $r ana up; ireo pnone and baths; light and airy. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder; A RESPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HO T E L; $1 up. Rates by wee k or month. 60o DAT, $2.50 week up; larRe, absolute ly clean rms. ; baths free; water always) hot. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th st., near Morrison Clean and modern room' by day, week or montn at reasonapie rates. GRANT HOTEL, 13th and Washington, rooms by day, week or month; home llke and quiet 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 310 10th st. LIGHT outside room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; clos in. Atwater 0131. . ONE lovely front bedroom on first floor. 493 Yamhill st. THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th. near Wash, R m s. $3 week up; attic rm. $7 mont h. CLEAN third-floor sleeping rsjom, very reasonable. 002 Gll&an.