TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 20, 1923 REAL F' STATE. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. "Watch the value of vacant lots In crease. Buy now and be on the ground fioor for xhe biggest increase in values in the history of Portland. Look at these snaps which, cannot be dupli cated: ALAMEDA PARK. $1250 50x100 on S. side . Bryce, 258 ft. E. E. 26. $1250 50x136 on N. side Laura ave-, 250 ft- E. Regents drive. SHOO 50x118 on W. tide of E. 22, 131 ft. N. Mason. 900 50x100 S. E. cor. Glenn ave. and Prescotr. t 850 50x100 on E. side E. 26, 100 ft. S. Prescott. $ 800 50x100 E. side of E. 32, 50 ft. S. Prescott, OVERLOOK. $1000 50x100 on w. side Patton ave., 150 ft. S. Skidmore. $1000 50x100 E. side Capital, 50 ft N. Shaver. $1000 50x100 s. E. cor. Mason Colo nial ave. S 85050x100 W. side Castle ave., 150 ( ft. S. Skidmore. IRVING-TON PARK. $ 600 50x100, S. side Alnsworth ave., 50 ft. E. E. 22d St. $ 550 100x100. W. side Glenn ave., 210 ft. S. Alnsworth ave. $1200 100x100, S. W. cor. E. 31st and Jarrett. 800 100x100, N. W. cor. E. 23d Lib erty. $ 750 50x100, E. side E. 30. 100 feet N. Jarrett. 750 75x100, S. side Ainsworth, 25 ft. S. E. Glenn. $ 350 50x100, W. Bide E. 33d, 260 ft. N. Ainsworth. $ 425 50x100, E. side 31st, 200 ft. S. Holman: sewer paid. $ 300 Three 50x100 lots, E. side E. 25ih; 100 ft. S. Jarrett; easy terms. $ 400 W. side E. 26th, 225 ft. south Killingsworth. 50x100. $550 w. side Glenn ave., 110 ft. S. Ainsworth, 50x100. $ B50 S. E. cor. E. 25th and Holman sts.. 100x100. $1000 N. W. cor. E. 29th and Killings- worth ave.; 100x100. $ 750 N. E. cor. E. 28th and Killings worth ave., lOdxlOO. . $ 650 S. E. cor. E. 2Sth and Holman. 50x100. ROSE CITT PARK. $1050 5iixl0. N. E. eor. E. 58th and Stantn. Terms. $ 850 50x100. W. side E. 45th, 300 ft. S. Siskivou. Terms. $ S00 50x11)0. E. side 48th, 100 feet S. Siskiyou. Terms. $ 725 50x100. W. side E. 58th, 150 ft. S. Klickitat. Terms. $ 550 50x100. E. side E. 67th, 200 ft. S. Stanton. Terms. $ 550 50x100, S. side Siskiyou, 350 ft. E. E. 68th; terms. LAURELHURST. $185058x160, S. side Oak, 222 ft. E. 41st; paved alley. $1500 50x59x111. facing Hassalo and Floral, 75 ft. E. Imperial. $1300 52x150. S. side Pine. 300 ft. W. 41st. Terms. $1300 50x100. s. side Ankeny, 100 ft. W. 33d. Terms. AT. BIN A. $1000 50x100. E. side Rodney, 50 feet S. Skidmore. Terms. $ 850 50x100, E. side Cleveland, 100 & Skidmore. Terms. MISHELLAXEOL'S. $ 700 50x100. S. W. cor. Holman and Villard. Terms. $ 550 50x100, W. side Wilbur, 250 ft S. Ainsworth. Terms. $ 600 100x100, N. E. .corner 62d ave. and E. 49th St. $3000 Beautiful home sites at River- WOOU Station, Oil niwaiun ri r i v e . $1300 94x76 on E. Schuyer, 300 ft. E. r. i-'in. Call Lot Department with FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Tour Lot. Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. 3d st. bet. Wash, and Stark. 2-ACRE TRACT. $1495. $15 DOWN $15 MONTH. PARKROSE. outside city lim its, north of Sandy blvd. and car line; low county tax. no street improvements to pay, no building restrictions; about third in trees, balance all cleared, good building site with view of Mt. Hood, rich silt land, ready for plowing, no rocks or gravel; your ' crop should more than make your payments; this choice tract and a few others left in our new and last unit of Park rose. See this today. Take ad vantage of our low price and terms. Branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park-Park-rose car. Go to end of line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. LIQUIDATION SALE. 100x100 (Approximately y Acre). $300. $10 Down, $6 Per Month. Carson Heights, 15 minutes from the heart of the city; Ful ton street car and Oregon Elec tric offer transportation to prop erty; Bull Run water, gas and electrical serjvice are available. Call at the office or phone today and ask about Carson Heights. See Charles Borders, Manager Lot Department, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet Wash, and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Do you want to buy a homesite on Portland Heights? It will be to your interest to see the ONLY AGENT DEALING EXCLUSIVELY in that, dis trict. Thirteen years in business on Port land Heights and never a dissatisfied customer. BROOKE. MAIN 4342. BERRY ACRES $650. This is your last chance to buy acre age in the Rose City Park district, just outside the city limits, where you'll have no city taxes or assessments to pay. Big tracts, some 100x190, $650 to $iOO, easy payments, nearly 4 years to pay. Graded and graveled streets- free. .Bull Run water, gas, lights - available. Berry acres is within walking distance of Rose City Park and school. Why buy a lot when you can get almost 4 lots for the same price and escape the city taxes and assessments? See us today, Sunday. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. Bdwy. 6550. Largest Acreage Subdivision Sellers in Portland. LOTS FOR SALE. We have 1-1 nice lots near the Mt. Tabor reservoir that we can sell at $350 each; small pay ment down. and bal. easy; some of these lots face the car line and others face on a good street These are cheap and priced to esell. OTTO At HARKSON REALTY CO. Phone Bdwy. 6389. Sunday Phone Tabor 4212. MAKE YOUR OFFER on this dandy corner on Prescott and 33d sts. Owner must sell at once, so you're pure to get a good buy; any reasonable offer submitted. Sunday K. G103. KITTER. LOWE CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DANDY LOT CLOSE TO SANDY BOULEVARD 50 FT. HARD SURFACE. $525, Easy Terms. SEE ROYAL, 1835 SANDY BLVD. Tabor 0155. LAURELHURST CORNER. 75 feet front on Davis. For short time can sell at $1350. Paved on both sides and paid. KITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. '-('1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2100. 100x100, cor., south and east face. i blk. to Bdwy. car and Siskiyou st r.ast 0419. corner BOxioi J.ROSE CITY PARK, pretty new 5-r. corner. ouxiui, near ' B-alrvw Terms 6.M F ,N o 50x100 level lot near l J 'f ""' , ' ' -d N' LAURELHURST nark. $1500. Also Sandy blvd. in Laurelhurt, $975. Tabor 21 .9. ROSE CITY VIEW LOT. East 47th between Broadway and Halsey. .S..0; all paid. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE -By owner, corner lot and new garage, on 64th and Fremont st.. 2 blocks to Rose City car. Tabor 1251, or inquire on lot. ALMEDA PARK. An attractive lot on 2flth st.. near Mason; east front;, cash or terms. Owner. Walnut 6316. 50x100 on 56th near Burnside,'. if sold at once will sea it for $ 350. Bdwy. 2015. HEAL ESTATE. F'or Sale Lots. EAST SIDE LOTS. $1100 S.' W. corner Glenn ave. and Prescott. 47x100. $110050 feet west of 41st, Royal - Court. 50xlu0. $1300 S. W. corner of 32d and Pacific. 63x100. $2500 N. W. corner 29th and Fremont, 115x100. $2500 S. W. corner 22d and Stanton. SOxlOO. $2500 N. E. corner Klickitat, 100x100. $1200 200 feet east of 39th, Lau relhurst, facing south, 50 xloO. $ 900 50 feet west 62d on Tay lor. 50x100. $1500 loo feet south of Salmon on 53d St., facing east, 70x100. $2250 S. E. corner 39th and Powell Valley road, 100X 2"8. $1000 50 feet west of 51st st.,' on Salmon, facing south, -50x100. $1000 100 feet south of Taylor on 51st, east facing. 50x 100. $ 800150 feet south of Sandy on 56th, facing west, 50x 100. $1400 N. W. corner of 54th and East Morrison, 50x100. $1200 50 feet west of 54th St., East Morrison. 50x100. $1200 100 feet west of 54th st. East Morrison. 50x100. $1200 100 feet north of East Morrison on 04th St., 50x 100. $1300 N. E. corner of 53d St., East Morrison. 50x100. $1100 100 feet north of East Morrison on 54th st, 50x 100. WEST SIDE APARTMENT . SITES. $11,000 N. W. corner 10th and College, 100x100. $6000 S. E. corner of 11th and Jackson sts., 90x100. $17,500 350 feet west of 23d on Washington, 100x215. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $850. X"ar school and car line, new dis trict; wide street with pavement in and paid; level with street Priced for quick sale at $850. RITTER, LOWE CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 100x100 ON CAR LINE. 30TH ST., NEAR ALBERTA Fine level lot 100x100 facing paved st and car line; few trees; all improve ments in; a beautiful building site In good district at price of only $1800. RITTER. LOWE &- CO., REALTORS, L'l--'-3-o-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST MT. TABOR. Located on East Washington, just 50 ft. west of E. 54th; a fine lot, well located.. Price reduced from $1100 to ior lew nays. RITTER. LOWE CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON, 1375 BEAUTIFUL EAST FRONT ON 21ST ST., with trees; be tween two new colonials; a dandy lo cation for your home. Today Tabor l ,i:t. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $12oO. TtkMS Attractive corner lot in Laureinurst. 1038 Belmont. LOT. 78x100. near Woodstock. 48th 63th ave. Inquire 1002 E. 16th S. lor Sale Houses. LAURELHURST BlARGALN". OPEN TODAY. $6800. New. extra well built new bungalow; 5 large' rooms; all hdwd. lioors; 1- reach doors between large ltvin-g and dining room; wonderful Dutch kitchen, long tile drain boards, i-a-rge -breakirast nook: tile floor i elaborate bathroom, built-in dresser, rucess iud. large attic: earaee an furnace. Located at 194 Heze-1 Fern. Lpen todav Tor vour inspection. H. KOMERVILLE,' Bdwy. 247S. IRVINGTON. SPECULATORS. BARGAIN HUNTERS. For estate, at $5250 for 50x100. or $67 AO for looxioo. u-room home, attic narawooa lioors, tirep:ace. furnace. garage, large rooms. Ortice open to day, easy to s-how you this buy itette be early than sorry. Exclusively fol sale by R. T. STREET BETTER HOMES Irvington Headquarters. 606 E. Bdwy. East 894. . ROSE CITY CAR. New 5-room modern bungalow, built oy" owner for homo. Must sell. Fine home. Absolutely double constructed, plate glass windows, solid oak door. pretty fireplace, oak floors. All the modern built-in features, wired for elec range. Full basement wash tray, large garage. See this bungalow be lore you tuy. x-";ir(o, terms. SEE ROYAL. 1S35 Sandy Blvd.. at 72d. Tabor 0155. 5-ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN bungalow, with room on 2d floor for 2 or 3 large rooms, which I will finish it wanted. Full cement basement, buffet kitchen, breakfast nook, large living room, fireplace, furnace, oak floors, beautiful fixtures, shades, lin- ote-um in kitchen and bath: to have garage: cor. lot. E. Taj tar and E. 22d sts. Full particulars, owner, 720 E. Taylor, mornings and evenings. No pnone information. IRVINGTON' DISTRICT. $4150 $500 CASH. Brand new 5-room bungalow with all me convenient Duut-ms, hdwd. rioors. fireplace, buffet, model Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 nice airv bedrooms- full cement basement; large attic; nice rir trees; Balance luce rent. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478 INVESTMENT. BARGAIN HUNTERS. 2 large S-rm. houses, each has base ment, furnace, fireplace, suitable for flats or rooming houses: on carline. 3 0 minute from 5th and Morrison: walking distance; both bringing ra good income. $3500 each. Some terms. Shown by appointment only. w. It lde. X17 Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 1906. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5000 for a fine new 5-room, with heavy hdwd. floors, fire-place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook: large mm!, iun con. -oasemlt. ioils Is bargain. Investigate. F. I. BLANDC.HARD. Realtor. 4Q1-2 Swetband BMg. Bdwy. 6S59. 10-ROOM house, furnished, suitable for light housekeeping, upstairs'- bring a month income; completely mod ern, fruit of all kinds; 100x100, on paved street; block from car. $4500. AG 77S. Oregonian. SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. 7-room, very desirable house. 67x100. on corner, near east end railroad bridge and Holliday park. For full particulars. F. W. TQARGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. ROSE 'CITY Park. 6-room modern bun- ga.ow. Iurnace, fireplace, beautiful fur. niture, garage, $6750: terms. Zimmer- man. 4;. Chamber of Commerce bids. WEST SIDE. 8-room house on small lot. Market street, near lftn; steady renter: $4000. Half cash. Owner. Walnut 6714. Nr.w i-KOUJi bungalow, full lot: one block to pavement, near to car, $3300; my equity $448, balance $25 per month. Walnut 12S8. A FIXE little bunt-alow in Montavilla; only $200 down, balance like rent; your opportunity to own and keep your rent Call East 14S7. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME Knott St.. corner; ouut tor nome, elegant finish throughout: SACRIFICE. Neuhnusen ft Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. 5-ROOM bungalow in Rose Cltv. mod ern, hardwood floors, beautiful home. $4.)00; $1000 cash. East 7389. 454 Belmont. $300 CASH, balance easy, buys five-room modern nouse : loo feet off W illiams ave.; only $2000. Sutter, 246 E. Bdwy. East 9213. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW: right UD to the minute in every detail; near Glencoe school. Get busy; only $400 cash to handle. Tabor 1977. JUST FINISHED. STRICTLY MODERN. S-KOUJ1 .BUNGALOW. CALL BDWY 7836. $3250. LIBERAL terms. By owner, my i -room modern nome near school and car. Auto. 640-16. 5427 92d st. S. E. FIVE-ROOM modern house, cement base ment, lurnace. truit trees; jc-heap for cash. 12O0 Maryland ave. bun- BbAlTIFLL bungalow. 6 rooms and breakfast nook, garage; J2000 handles Call Mrs. Reilor. Bdwy. 4S3S. 7-KOOM bungalow, finest built-lns, hwd. floors; a real buy, $600 cash; $4S50. Tfthor 7463. $500 CASH buys 4-room house; 75x100 lot: close to Alberta carline: price $1500. Sutter, 246 E. Bdwy. E. 9213. FOR SALE or rent, 5-room modem; furnace; close to school: also 8-room Duplex on East Main. Phone 643-08. -R'XKVI modern house. Eas-t Broadway, v.-iht furniture: terms. East ."29. 1KVINGTON bargain. $4600: 8 rooms; choicest location. East O015, SEAL -ESTATE. $2550. 6-room furnished house in ex - cetlent condition, fine lawn and garden, lota of fruit. 2 blocks to car. Tou can't beat this. $650 cash will handle. , $4400. Combination living room and dining room. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place, pipe furnace, garage, 2 blocks of Sandy. Absolutely new. $750 cash will handle. This is a snap. FORCED SALE. On account of death in the family, man is left alone, must sell his little bungalow; cost him $5850, will sell for $4850. This includes all furniture: bun galow has 5 rooms and Is two years old. $1000 will handle, balance $35 per month, including interest $5250. ROSE CITY PARK. A new 5-room bungalow; the finest buy in Rose City; has every modern feature and fin ished in old ivory, tapestry paper, has Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; corner lot with all assessments in and paid. Only $500 cash and $50 per mo. We have a choice lot lust north of Sandy, on 03d street. Will build to suit customer. $500 down and $50 per month. See us at once. We have a new bungalow in Laurelhurst. near the park, all assessments in and paid. This bungalow is complete in every detail; only $5500. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626, Branch Office 50th and Sandy, Open Sundays. Tabor 8485. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $7900. Beautiful Irvington home, 16th st; 8 nice rooms; best home environment: great living room; dining room; hardwood floors: fireplace; gas furnace; very large front bedroom;, full width of house; 3d floor plastered; 2 more rooms may be installed; fine basement; garage; shade . trees, shrubbery, etc.; 66 2-3x100 ft. lot. It's a home for "people who care." Price is $7900; never offered before for less than $9000. Absolutely the best value we have handled in Irving ton in a long time. Inspection . by appointment. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 283 Stark st. Bdwy 1188. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3850. JUST THINK OF BEING ABLE TO BUY A HOME AS COMPLETE AS THIS ATTRAC TIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, BOOKCASES. BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN, FURNACE AND GARAGE, AT TIC. LOCATED NEAR CAR, FOR SO LITTLE MONEY. TERMS, TOO. INVESTIGATE. A. G. TEEPE CO., ROSE CITY OF., 40TH &. SANDY. TABOR 9586. LAURELHURSA OF.. 39TH AND GLISAN, TABOR 3433. OPEN SUNDAY. ANY REASONABLE OFFER. LAURELHURST 6-ROOM HOME. Must be sold on account of serious Illness in family. You don't get many chances like this. Will be sold to the first prospective buyers. Living room across entire front with very attractive fireplace. hardwood floors. French doors, finished in white and ivory, hnnriv kitchen with lots Of built-lns, three dandy light bedrooms upstairs with lots of closet room, full cement basement with laundry and furnace, garage, very pretty lot with nice lawn and shrubbery. Get busy! Cash talks. DAVID HARP. Manager. R. T. STREET'S Sancfy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 39th. Auto. 320-04. ' THIS IS A $2000 SACRIFICE. For a quick sale exactly $2000 has been cut off the price of this new. beautiful 8-r. home on a lot and a half corner in a choice section of Laurel hurst: this house, built by owner, is 100 per cent in construction as well as a perfect specimen of English cottage type. If you are, in the market for a real home ask to see this one and compare it with others offered. At 50 E. 43d N. Tabor 5656. IRVINGTON. $7000 Fine home on 16th, near Brazee; 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement and furnace: newly painted outside, fine condition inside. . McDONELL, EAST 0419. BY OWNER Must sell one of two houses, California bungalow. just completed; latest in. every detail; 5 rooms and bath full basement; lot of built-lns; fireplace; has narawooa floors; large garage; 200 feet to street car: close to Peninsula park. Also 8-room modern house with built-ins and garage, 24 blocks to street car. Good terms. Phone Walnut 3617. Lloyd Junkin, 111 E. Stafford st. $50 IN CASH PRIZES will be awarded to the persons writing the best letters setting forth the ad vantages and benefits of home owner- shiD. i- for first' prize, $15 for second $10 for third. Winning letters will be published in tne aiciruire system, jiaii letters to TanK l. Aicuire. America's Largest Home Seller. 212 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7T71. uADD ADDITION. Moving to California, selling at sacrifice: 8-room modern house, sleep ing porch, 1 toilets, nrepiace, turnace, nlaatered attic, full cement basement. garage, on paved alley; fruit and flowers: high lot. close to Hawthorne and 20th. W ill sen on terms. Elliott avenue. ROOM modern bungalow near Penin sula park. Living room across the front: oak floors: fireplace; built-in book cases: china closets; Dutch kitchen: breakfast nook; wood lift; cooler; laundry trays and full base ment. For sale by owner. Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell street. House at 1454 Missouri avenue. Terms. $150 DOWN; new, nifty 4-room bunga low: breakfast nook; two oearooms nice closets; . nice bath and electric fixtures: concrete basement: full lot; near Laurelhurst; price $2800; $35 per month. Including interest at nvc. ooa Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 3963. Atwater 0865. GREAT BARGAIN $2650. $250 cash 4-room modern bungalow, cement basement, lovely Dutch kitch en, enameled laundry tray, on paved boulevard, all paid, near school, stores. Call N, E. corner E. 74th and Stark sts. $6500 7 ROOMS. well-built. modern home, nice yard, good neighborhood. near grade and high schools. This property is fully worth, $6500 but I will make a uiscount lor cash. C. R. Jones, owner, 684 East Couch, near E. 20th st. Phone East 2710. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist In financing same; 22 yrs.' continuous and complete bldg. service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank. BUNGALOW WALKING DISTANCE. Near sandy blvd.; very best condi tion; hardwood floors; beantlful buffet; nice, large rooms; furnace; fireplace; large lot. This is a wonderful buy; must be sold. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM OF COM. MODERN eight - room Irvington home. four nrepiaces, tnira-noor room, open sleeping porch, glassed sleeping room, besides four bedrooms; Ivory wood work, hardwood floors; roomy garage; lot ard a half; shrubbery and trees. East 8507: $10.000. FOR SALE By owner, 4-room stucco bungaiow on uxsu lot, an modern con veniences, white enameled Dutch kitchen, stationary wash travs, elec tric lights and gas, for $2500; $500 down. Will consider less for cash. 6916 Woodstock ave. Auto. 620-15 3-ROOM house, large living room, all built-ins. umcn siicnen, lot DOxlOO; $1500, $500 down, $20 month; large range, heater, linoleum and few chick ens included: would consider Ford sj part down payment. 717 E. 81st N. ATTRACTIVE HOUSEBOAT for sale. One of the coziest houseboats on the river, with or without motor boat and large boathouse. At attrac tive price, cash or terms. No. 46 Wil lamette moorage. Phone Sellwood 2529. $4600 COUNCIL CREST $400 DOWN. 6-R bung., gar. E. 9461 or Bdwy. 6724. 6-ROOM new modern bungalow. Rose City, Park, $1500, Tabo? 821S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $5250 IRVINGTN SACRIFICE. Must be sold before Tuesday. Shown only by appointment from this office, as house is occupied, there fore will not give location and disturb the tenant; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full,. 2-story house, furnace, fireplace and garage; one blk. from Broadway car; not a new place, but an absolute sacriiice. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ROSE CITY PARK. . $5250. NOT NEW, BUT WONDER FULLY WELL BUILT AND HOMELIKE. LOTS OF NATU RAL SHRUBBERY AND TREES. MODERN IN EVERY WAY WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, FURNACE. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. GA RAGE. CLOSE IN. YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE VALUE. A. G. TEEPE CO.. ROSE CITY OF.. 40TH & SANDY. TABOR 9586. LAURELHURST" OF.. 39TH AND GLISAN, TABOR 3433. OPEN SUNDAY. IRVINGTON. See beautiful stucco home, at 593 E. 24th N.; 9 large rooms and sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, extra lavatory, 3 extra toilets, hardwood floors throughout. If looking for a bargain see this. McDONELL, EAST 0419. IRVINGTON MODERN COLONIAL. On beautiful 100x100 corner, first einrti hmitlfnl entrance with open sfairwav in solid mahogany, unusual living room, lovely breakfast room, tiled kitchen and library; second floor, large bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine tiled bath and extra plumbing, larare ballroom with massive fireplace. maid's room has bath; owner must have money. See this and make offer. East 0419. ST. JOHNS BARGAIN. $2850, $250 down, $20 and In terest a month, 1 block to school and park. Modern 4-room bun galow, well built, concrete base ment, cement floor, 50xl49-foot lot. 819 Smith ave. N., near St. Johns ave. Tabor 3323. A REAL home, fine neighborhood, corner lot, streets paved and paid ior; o mnmH crnnri size. solid construction, oak floors, fireplace, enameled kitchen and bath, attic large enough for two v romo full basement: 4000. $1500 cash and terms; furnished $4o; pianoia i.nn and 100 rolls music. $400. 1. r Hanke. 1174 E. Lincoln St.. office phone Bdwy. 7654. Slf ELEGANT Bombay bungalow on 100x100 landscaped corner; oest dis trict, east side, tiled bath and vesti bule, hot water heating plant, S3-foot livinc room with largest onen fireplace, Dutch kitchen; every beautiful mod ern convenience; 7 rooms representing $14,000 investment. Will sacrifice for $8900: hair cash. Phone Walnut 31o9. 150 DOWN; good 8-room house; recep tion hall; fireplace: .uutcn Kiicnen full basement: laundry trays; full lot paved street one block of car; near good school; close in; price $3800; easy terms; property clear. rnis is goou 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 3968. A BARGAIN WESTMORELAND. S-rnom modern bungalow with den: hardwood floors; two fireplaces: fur nace: very best construction; about 7 years old; corner lot; east front; near car; garage; only jooiw; iiouu casn. See It today. Bdwy. boii. T. O. BIRD 526 CHAM. OF COM FOR WALE Bargain. Equity in 5-room modern furnisned bungalow nome in restricted district. All improvement paid, two carlines. This is a fine prop osition and must be seer to be appre ciated. Owner, 'labor sweu OWNER has new, beautiful, 5-room col. bungalow, sun room, b. nook, com position floor in bath, pedestal 'stand 2 sets French doora, large attic with heat and Iignt; garage, js. face, cor. B. 26th and Skidmore. E. 32S0. 6-ROOM house 6 years old in perfect condition, on - corner, paved, streets paid, in restricted district. Hawthorne car, 04th st. $4oo; $ii:oo casn. DAD'S REAL ESTATE, 1390 Division S. Tabor 7236. GOOD buy. 5-room bungalow, ail built- ins, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fireplace, all newly renovated; 14 blocks Hawthorne car: improvements paid: terms. - Owner, 341 E. Both st. S. FINANCE SERVICE CO.. Construction Dept., John J. Lewis, manager. GEN ERAL BUILDING SERVICE, design and construction remodeling. 909-913 Wilcox bldg Phone Bdwy. 64o& CORVALLIS. OR. Bargain. Beautiful, strictly " modern home for sale, fur nished or unfurnished; abundance of fruit: good terms. Write owner, H. Frease, 560 Tyler St., Corvallls, Or. AUTO CASH OR TERMS Buys 3-room house and lot in Lents; property located at 6400 90th st S. E., valued at $750. Call Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. A BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON. Beautiful new 5-room bungalow, greatly underpriced and very easy terms for quick sale; only $5250. Broadway 1531. WEST SIDE 11-ROOM HOUSE, Garage, lot; excellent construction; good investment; must be sold to set tle estate. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM. OF COM. SNAP $2750 SNAP. . New bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, full basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, close In; easy terms. 709-10 Broadway bldg. Main 8894. TRADE TRADE. By our system we quickly get re sults. Bring your trades to us. EADS & MATHER, 307 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 8685. A REAL nifty new modern small bunga low, white ivory finish, all built-in features, by owner: leaving state; very easy terms. A real bargain, $2200. Phone Bdwy. 1288. 1306 E. 11th st. N. FOR. SALE 6-room bungalow on 53 Hawthorne; newly painted all over; come early; It's a snap. Inquire 5484 Wash. St., room 22, before 2 P. M. A SNAP Three rooms and house tent, cheap; also furniture; 2 lots 40x100; prospects of railroad buying; must sell. 781 Reedway ave. across track: $1000. PARKROSE Minister leaving must sell modern 5-room house. . acre. P. D. Holfman, Skidmore St-, Tabor 4623 weeKaays. LEAVING city, will sell at big sacrifice my (-room modern Irvington home. call at o2U Kast 12th st. North, phone East 7076. IF LOOKING FOR HOME BARGAIN. 2 .large lots; neat cottage; near scnoois; nearing rrult, berries; garage: $1100; $350. bal. 6. A. 623-17. MODERN BUNGALOW CLOSE IN. Fine home -walking distance; ideal location; 5 large rooms; large attic; garage; only $5250; terms. Bdwy. 7959. ATTRACTIVE modern bungalw. 3 rooms and Dam. iuu cement casement, fur nace, lot 40x120, H block to car, rea sonable. Owner. 5721 Woodstock ave. FOR SALE A bargain, 7-room house. tnoueiu, saat. au&cuj, , near Laurel hurst park; $700 cash, balance like rent P. O. Box 52, Oswego. Or. FOR sale by owner, new 3-room bun galow, a diocks irom street car, Kenton district E. B. Van Buren, 32 E. Lom bard st FOR SALE To save commission, corner aa ana c. wavia, new moaern o-room bungalow, furnace and garage, near car and school Owner. East 3997. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SNAP. $5400, $1000 casn, Daiance montniy; 5 rooms garage; modern finish; flowers. Main S07S. East 0394. IRVINGTON English colonial, original construction; o rooms, sleeping porch, garage; choice shrubbery. By -owner. East 7186. . 7-ROOM house, double plumbing, full cement nasemeni; street improvements paid; $4250. 493 Alnsworth ave., cor 9th. ' HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs. $10 to $15, or Bptsuauj UCB16HCU ai reasonaDie fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Attractive home. 6 large rooms, , reasonaDie. owner.. Particulars Empire 1314. ' $400 CASH Large 5-room furnished bungaiow, tnorougniy modern; garage $3450. 7720 58th ave. S. E. FOR SALE Reasonable., 5-room bun galow witn attic; tiawtnorne district, walking distance. Call East 2551. IRVINGTON bungalow; lot 75x120; 6 rooms, nooit, sun porcn, new, modern: terms. 3S8 E. 27th N. East 7034. CAR as first payment on 7-room house am lot. r-nce tieov. i'fl.oce Main iS78, Apt. 2. .- . 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sa le Houses, , BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES!! IRVINGTON PARK!! 28 minutes' ride to business district via Woodlawn cars; fine view of snow capped mountains and Columbia river vaney valley. I have lust rnmnUtp' nine 5 and 6- tf-oom modern hnnc.lnws with attics, fireplaces, etc. Some are unsold. Select yours now. Will build 100 more, no two alike, or will build to suit buyer. Prices range from $4000 to $5000, 64 i"' cent on all unpaid Balances. A small cash nnvment down and bal ance same as rent, on or before fif teen years to Dav nrincipal and in terest. -Office on the premises at E. 22d st. N. and Liberty st. Phone Walnut 6898. Downtown office, 211 Washington bldg., 4th and Washington sts. Phone JASON C. MOORE, Owner. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS WAS $6000, NOW $5400. IDEALLY LOCATED, BELOW THE HILL, NEAR SANDY, FACING EAST. . SPLENDIDLY CONSTRUCTED S I X-R O O M HOUSE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, FURNACE AND GARAGE. OUT OF . TOWN OWNER ASKS US TO SELL QUICKLY. SPLENDID INVEST MENT OPPORTUNITY. INVES TIGATE. KEY AT ROSE CITY OFFICE. A. G. TEEPE CO., ROSE CITY OF., 40TH & SANDY. TABOR 9586. LAURELHURST OF.. 39TH AND GLISAN, TABOR 3433. OPEN SUNDAY. CLOSE IN NEAR SANDY. 5 ROOMS AND LARGE ATTIC. An exeeDtionally well constructed house, with large rooms and plenty of windows; close to scnooi, cars ana stores; hardwood floors; attractive fireplace, bookcases, buffet and many other built-ins, complete Kltcnen; ce ment basement wtih laundry and fur nace; very attractive lawn; hard sur face paid. Bungalows like this are hard to find below the hill in Rose City at the price of $5500 and quick action on your part is necessary. DAVln HARP. Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFF. 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 39tn. A. azu-Vi BEAUTIFUL HOME SACRIFICED. $4850 $750 DOWN. Five spacious rooms and glassed-In sleeping porch, beautiful hardwood floors, artistic elec fixtures, break fast cook, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, garage. Yon really must see this charming home. We are going away and will sell elegant furnishings very reasonable; block Willamette blvd., two blocks north of Klllingsworth. 1226 Atlantic st. wai nut 0648. ROSE CITY . PARK 5-room bungalow, $5800; hardwood floors, white wood- ut-nrlf. fnll hnsement with gOOd fur nace, fireplace, large closets, inlaid linoleum in kitchen, gas range and hot water heater, unfinished attic, mil lot, garage, 3 blocks from car, near school. House about five years Old; suostan ' tlally built and extremaly comfortable. Free mid clear of all encumbrance: owner leaving - city, must sell this month. Furniture for sale If desired. See it today. Call Broadway 6701. Mr. Sengstake. fl ROOMS ONE FLOOR. On 109117. naved corner with dandy lawn and fruit trees, is a bungalow home -consisting' of six large rooms with fireplace, lots oi DUiii-ins, caoi net kitchen, full cement basement with laundry and furnace; garage; offered for the first time at the low price of $6100 wtih good terms. DAVID HARP, Manager, R. T. STREET'S SANDY. BLVD. OFF, 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 39thV A. 320-04. ROSE CITY PARK For sale by owner, beautiful home, 1 block irom sandy blvd.; 8 rooms on one floor, 2 fire places, breakfast room, hardwood floors, tile bath, 2 toilets and lava tories, full cement basement, instanta- neucs water heater, garage, with two rooms and bath above: 3 lots with holly hedges along the back, some fruit trees, a wild nook, iountain anu. laae; will sell with 3 or 3 lots; some terms. Tabor 1729. WORTH SEEING. One of choicest brandrnew 5-room bungalows. Hawthorne dist., improved street, cement porch, plate glass win dows, oak floors, fireplace, tile hath and sink, exceptional number built ins. furnace, -laundry trays, garage and drive, linoleum, shades, electric fix tures. Inspection invited. 351 E. 62d st. Hawthorne cai ROSE CITY PARK, $6500. -Eight large rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, garage, full basement. laundry tubs, hardwood floors, lots of built-ins; best possible location in 'Rose City Park. Half a block to the car and' below the hill. Call Tabor 7486. ROSE CITY PARK. 1 want -to sell my strictly modern 6 room house. If you want to buy a well-built home for immediate posses sion, call owner, Aut.. 313-61. A BEAUTY IN LAURELHURST. Five large, . splendidly arranged rooms and large attic; tile bath and work table; oak floors throughout: ga rage and cement drive; a genuine bar gain and only $1000 cash required. Broadway 1531. IN THE Hawthorne district, new 5- room bungalow, hardwood floors, basement, wash trays, garage, paved street paid. $4S50; $1500 cash, balance like rent. DAD'S REAL ESTATE. 1390 Division St. Tabor 7236. BARGAIN COLUMBIA PARK. Business property plus 8-room house, offering at bargain because needed re pairs and money. Will sell for double at 1925 fair time. $7000 now. Walnut 0035. FOR SALE OR TRADE 7-room house and four lots for Improved acreage with water and. some timber, on good road, within 20 miles of Portland. No agents or phone calls. 4303 43d ave. S. E. Woodstock car. $1750 4-ROOM HOUSE. 4-room house with bath, on improved street; large lot with plenty of fruit and flowers; close in, on -good terms, small payment down. Wooster Realty Co.. 817 Clinton. Sellwood 3192. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room bungalow, strictly mod ern, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, 2 blocks from Sandy; fine- location; $6000; $1500 cash, balance terms. Own er. Auto. 321-40. ' ' BEAUTIFUC new bungalow, all improve ments In, garage and driveway, ce ment porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, laundry trays, 100 feet from street car; sacrifice. $3S50; terms. Bdwy. 4231. Eve. and Sun., East. 4216. IRVINGTON COLONIAL ORIGINAL DESIGN. Built for home, finest finish. 2 fire places, large bedroom, 2 bathrooms, garage, choice location. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078. East 0394. NEW Just completed 7 rooms and bath, full basement, furnace, 290 Poplax St., Ladd addition, between 18th and 19th sts. See owner, 145 Grand ave., or 411 East Washington St. LAURELHURST. 8-room modern house, well located, close to car line, 3 blocks to park; double sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces. OWNER, PHONE TABOR 2689. A SACRIFICE. $2500 Modern 4-room house, com pletely furnished : Rose - City, close to car. Small payment down, easy pay ments. Phone Bdwy. 6932 or Tabor 3655. HAWTHORNE district 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, garage, fruit; lot 50x110-; paved street; good neighborhood; no agents. Tabor 1094, 409 East 58th st. A NICE HOME and a good investment; 5 rooms, bath and full basement; on Alberta St.; all street improvements in and paid. For only $2800 on very easy terms. Broadway 1531. JUS.T COMPLETED. Large 5-room bungalow, everything up to the minute; terms. Phone East 8092. Arthur Cann, owner and builder on premises all day. ROSE CITY If you want 5 rooms, strictly modern, garage, don't miss this. Easy terms. Owner, 659 E. 51st N. Tabor 6979. MODERN five-room bungalow, sleeping porcn, garage, pavea streets, tose City Park. Owner. Tabor 2035. IRVINGTON. Several fine modern homes, vacant lots. R. B. Rice. E. 2432. also FOR SALE by owner, bungalow, Beau mont; built for own home; very mod ern; terms. Tabor 5983. FOR SALE $1400 equity in 6-room mod ern furnished bungalow; will take light car" as part payment. 340 E. 51st S. THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. A modern 5-room bungalow for only $3100. on very easy terms; why pay rent? Broadway 1531. : SEVEN-ROOM house furnished and five acres, seven miles from Vancouver. Wilson Eckton. Sifton, Wash. 8-ROOM modern house on ridge east of Reed college; fine view; block from car. Phone Aut. 631-32. LEVEL cleared lot with 3-room shack, wnler and eas. near car: $3nO pah .Mortgage $250. East 929. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FRANK L. McGIJIRE says ' "PORTLAND IS GOING TO HOLD AN EXPOSITION in 1925! "Never was there a better time to invest in Portland Real Estate than TODAY! "REAL ESTATE VALUES ARE AD VANCING DAILY! , "It's practically IMPOSSIBLE to find a desirable vacant house for rent! "RENTS DOWN." ARE NOT COMING "BUY YOUR HOME BEFORE THE FALL RUSH! We have hundreds of remarkable bargains In homes for sal Regardless of what your requirements may be, THE HOME la ttLrtii ihai WILL MEET THEM IN ifULL ISAiia FACTION Over 2000 Photographs of Homes for sale. "I'll help you make your down pay ment it necessary. - . OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. Onen eveninra until 9:00. 90 salesmen with autos at your service. ! ! ! HEART 'OF WALNUT PARK ! ! ! $6-190 Convenient terms! MOST EX CLUSIVE SECTION OF BEAU TIFTIL PIEDMONT! Pictun yourself the sole possessor of this delightfully planned bungalow; 6 rooms on a splendid corner lot massive plate glass windows finely grained white maple floors 2 sets of plumbing; living room Js macLe unusually aistinctivi with a huge artistic fireplace marvelous white Dutch kitcher T with breakfast nook; HOT WATER HEATING PLAN THAT COST OWNER $1200 to install: 1 blk. to car, on Mai- - lory ave. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW Vfirv attractive 7-room bungalow, narawooa noors, ount-in uunot and white Dutch kitchen. 2 bed ' , rooms and bath on the first floor. 3 bedrooms up; full cement base, ment. hot water heating plant, e-arae-e: terms. Convenient tc municipal golf course and Reed college. JUST COMPLETED $4700 A new 5-room bungalow, on paved street, paid. Fireplace, narawooa floors, Dutch kitchen. ' sunny breakfast nook, cement basemen " with furnace and 2 airv bed rooms. See this. It is a dandy. r: one -to R ichmond car. $4650 WONDERFUL ROSE CITY bun galow, just 14 DIOCKS to car; rooms, furnace, and the cunning est bullt-ins. AN IDEAL HOME garage: 65th st. ! ! UNUSUAL ENGLISH COTTAGE $4490 IF YOIT ARE ONE WHO. APPRE CiATJiad XriE UP USUAL ana artistic in architecture and in tenor design, make it a point to see this perfect little nome, Planned bv a MASTER ARTISAN 8 rooms down and 2 daintily appointed bedrooms and bath up living room is distinctive with period fireplace and mantel French windows: no wood use. In finishing of living and dining rooms); completely equippec kitchen, etc.. MERITS YOUR IN , ST ANT APPROVAL! Grand ave nue. North. ADJOINING PIEDMONT $4100 Low, rambling - type 5-room bungalow-cottage, extreme in its simplicity; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace; beautiful enamel plumbing throughout buffet and Dutch kitchen; 1 block from car. - 3 blocks from scnooi, walking distance to Jefferson High school; on Grand ave. ATTENTION! HOMESEEKERS! VALUE SELDOM EQUALED! $4490 CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL! - A oeautirul new six- . room . modern bungalow complete . in every detail; plate glass win dows; oak floors; fireplace; beau tiful , built-in features; shinini Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook: furnace: garage: stree paved: EASY TERMS WILL HANDLE. 52d St. - COME EARLY FOR THIS! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT! EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS! $3490 $500 down!- ARTISTIC COOL .BUNGALOW in- peninsula on large 50x110 lot; has 5 modern airy r rooms; very cheerful and homey; floored attic; fine base ment; on -Curtiss ave. GONE TO DETROIT! SACRIFICE MY WIFE WILL SELL HOME $3150 AND VERY CONVENIENT IlSKMS will take itl Close to Jefferson High school; beautiful Peninsula park, one of Portland's favorite recreation spots, and a short walk to car barns, is my substantial, attractive 7-room modern home; 4 sunny -bedrooms very convenient kitchen; furnace THIS HOME IS IN FINE CON DITION; full lot on paved street, close to cars; SEE THIS NOW. $500 DOWN HAWTHORNE! $3675 $500 down. THIS IS AN UN- DUPLICATED bargain; five room, homey, substantial bunga low, that is ONE OF THE BIG GEST VALUES IN THIS DIS TRICT TODAY! Don't waste any time SEEING IT! Fireplace built-ins, 2 cheerful bedrooms and bath. 4 block to car. EV ERYTHING IS IN AND PAID. E. 4oth street. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE 100x100 LOT! $3150 A DANDY NEW HOME close to school; consists of 4 rooms and bath downstairs and Z airy sleep ing rooms up; DOUBLE CON STRUCTED THROUGHOUT; nice modern kitchen; full basement; ABUNDANT GARDEN SPACE; easy terms. 48th St. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $4200 6-room attractive bungalow-type home with garage; full cement basement; built-in conveniences, fireplace, paved St.. lions, includ- ed; 2 blocks to Rose City car; Jliy down, balance less than rent. Near E. 32d. AMONG THE FIRS $32o0 Let us show you this complete little nome; living room and dlnini room, combined; light, airy bed rooms; white Dutch kitchen, large enamel back porch, full ce ment basement; very easy terms. An ideal little home, close to Mt. scott car. REAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW! $500 CASH! REST LIKE RENT! ' $3050 BUY THIS LOVELY LITTLE BUNGALOW HOME and you'll be happy ever after! 5 rooms and all of the built-lns; fireplace; dandy lot with fruit, shrubbery, etc., 2 blks. to car on 58th ave., A SNAP1 REAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $3050 $500 cash and balance like refit! Your opportunity to own a pretty little home bungalow of 5 rooms; has fireplace; all of the built lns; fine lot with fruit trees; just 2 blks. to car on 58th ave. in Woodstock' district! BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT $2890 Here is an attractive little bunga low home on 100x100 lot, where you can raise all your fruit, vege tables and flowers; combination living and dining room, white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; glassed-in sun room, two airy bedrooms. white enamel plumbing; double garage; very easy payments; no mortgage or street liens to assume; 3 blocks to Mt. Scott car. ! ! WIDOW FACES FORECLOSURE ! ! $2890 .$400 down and terms less than rent will nanaie this close-in 6-room modern cottage; newly papered: all modern plumbing; electricity and gas; all street im provements are in and paid for. On E. ' Clay St., WALKING DIS TANCE TO TOWN. $250 DOWN. $20 PER MONTH ! ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME. $2600 Here is a home for you all fur- nlsnea. Typical California bunga low in good repair; distinctive lines; reception hall, living room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast roo-m. light, airy bedroom; white enamel piumoing, electric lights and gas garage. 59th ave., 3 blocks to Mt. Scott car. You'll have to hurry YOU'D NEVER EXPECT $2490 $500 DOWN! TO FIND SUCH UNUSUAL VALUE FOR SO Li l l-LJt; money as this cozy six room modern Alberta home; con veniently located to car and scnooi; nas a bedrooms and sleep ing porcn; fun basement; garage; shrubbery, etc.,.- on Emerson st. H 'UltNl-SrllD WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $2200 On sightly location on beautiful hills of South Portland, surround ed with - trees and shrubs. We are offering a very attractive 4-room modem furnished bunga low; sun room: combination liv ing and dining room; white Dutch kitchen; lignt, airy bedroom; white enamel plumbing fixtures; 1 blk. from car; $500 will handle, balance like rent. Jjist like a modern apartment. (THIS GROUP OF HOMES) $400 AND LESS DOWN! SEE THESE NOW! THEY WON'T LAST! $200 DOWN! :200 DOWN! $1250 COZY 3-r0om cottage in Wood stock district on a run, beautiful lot ; -50th ave. Terms per month are very easy. $250 DOWN I $250 DOWN! $2750 DANDY 6-room modern home in Mt- Scott district; only M blk. to car. YOU MUST GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY AT ONCE! 68th street. 6EE FRANK L. McGTJTRB To Buy Your Home. America's Largest Home Seller. There Is an opening on our sales force tor eaiesraan witi car, . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $250 DOWN! ROSE CITY! $1390 $250 down! CUTE LITTLE BUNGALOW of 2 rooms, ideal for a pair of newlyweds; Just as cozy as can be; living and dining room combined; bedroom; kitchen; va ' cant. E. 86th st. $250 DOWN t $250 DOWN! $2590 $250 down! A DANDY BUT in a - furnished artlstio 4-room modern bungaiow In Mt. Scott district; living room with fireplace; pretty dining room; French doors; nice Dutch kitchen with handy built ins; breakfast room; bedroom, white enamel bath; garage: COMPELLED TO SACRIFICE! DON'T NEGLECT THIS! 59th avenue. $200 DOWN! KENTON! $1490 $200 down. HOMEY 4-room Ken ton cottage that can be bought on a payment of $200 cash and very easy monthly terms. W . Winchell st. $350 DOWN! WEST SIDE SNAP! $1475 TO YOU who want to live on the WEST SIDE, and own an in . expensive little modern home, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! Sub stantial 4-room bungalow type home with all modern conveni ences; 2 cheery bedrooms; white enamel bath; electric lights and gas; garage; on paved street only 2 blks. to car and school; Flower $400eDOWN! MT. SCOTT! $2S90 $400 down! LET'S show you this pretty cozy little 4-room bunga low, built along very practical lines; combination living and 'din ing rooms; Dutch kitchen: 2 light, airy bedrooms; lots of flowers and shrubs: close to school; A REAL SNAP for only $400 down and only $25 per month Including Interest! WHERE CAN YOU RENT FOR THAT ? AND WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE IN THE END? SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. America' I.areftst Home Seller. There is an opening on our sales force for a salesman with car. R. M GATEWOOD & CO. EASTMORELAND 6 rooms, large ottlr. triotlv mnrtftrn house, hardwood floors, nice built-ins, pavd st. 75x100 feet. At rteed college ana goit iiuna. $9000, good terms. Four-room California bungalow, new ready to move in: fireplace, screened-in porch, $3250, $400 down, $25 month. Five-room modern bungalow, like new; 60 feet car, off Glisan. $4000, $1000 down, bal. to suit. n-ronm modern new bungalow, attic nice built-ins, fireplace; garage; paved st. On carline, $4iou; goou easy terms. Th rot. rnnma with hath: new buoEa- low; 1-8 acre at Sellwood, $2300, $250 down, $25 month. rva.rnnTil mnHpm TieW bungalow With finished large attic. $4300, $.'00 cash, soldier's bonus and 2d mortgage. Six-room modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, paved st. All Improvements in. 72d st. .M. v. car. ,-)ou. terms. R M. GATEWOOD & CO., I6514 Fourth St. LAURELHURST. DUTCH COLONIAL WAS $12,500. NOW $10,500. PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. NOTHING LIKE IT IN LAURELHURST FOR THE MONEY. LARGE CORNER LOT. BUILT BY PRESENT OWNER FOR HIS OWN HOME. WONDERFULLY WELL BUILT. IDEAL ARRANGEMENT. IT WOULD BE CHEAP AT $12,500. LET US SHOW YOU. A. G. TEEPE CO.. ROSE CITY OF., 40TH & SANDY. TABOR 0586. LAURELHURST OF., 39TH AND GLISAN, TABOR 8433. OPEN SUNDAY. I AM THE OWNER of a 6-room house, located at 395 East ootn St. IN., near Hancock st. : on account of death and sickness I am forced to sacrifice at once: this house was built for a home, is double constructed, unusual design, full-size basement 36x38. hardwood floors throughout, good attic room, large enough for 2 rooms; everything up to the minute; not a cheap thing wa used In this house: built on an improved lot. with shade trees, fruit and shrubbery: also nas a nice lawn; this place is new and no one ever lived In it; close to school and within walk ing distance to high school: also fine district: anyone looking for a nice home, you may come and see me from 10:30 to 4:30 Sunday at house; don't be late, for someone will take this place at my unusual sacrifice price. Casn or terms. ROSE CITY PARK. Very attractive 5-room bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage, 50x100 lot, paved street, very desirable neighborhood, block to car, $5250. It's a "dandy" home. HERE'S ANOTHER. Waverley Heights. 30th. and Tibbetts; paved street, fine view, 40x100 lot, fireplace, furnace, for $4000. easy terms. Hard to find as nice a place as this for that money. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT. 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. . LAURELHURST $9500 This was built for a home by owner, new modern house. 6 rooms down. 4 up, 3 of them unfinished: all large, In ivory and white, oak floors, elaborate buffet and fireplace, expensive lighting fixtures, tiled bathroom and drain boards, pedestal basin and recess tub. hot water heat; cement porch across entire front, back porch same width: cement basement, with fruit room; lot 60x141; Imperial ave. (35th St.). block south of Sandy. Owner on premises 1 to 6:30 week days. Walnut 3578. NEW LAURELHURST NEW. POSITIVE BARGAIN. $5750 NEAR THE PARK $5750. You will have to hurry if you want this mighty good buy. It's a real home with oak floors throughout; living room across front, fireplace, breakfast nook, tile drainboard, tile bath, base tub, cement basement, P'ox furnace, garage and many other features too numerous to mention. Don't delay. SEE IT TODAY. R. L. McGREW, REALTOR. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S92. SNAP Cheaper than rent, modern 5- room bungalow for sale by owner; iojo E. 26th St. N., 4 block from Alberta car. White enamel Dutch kitchen, bath, electric, gas. cement basement, garage; -3 4-year-old fruit trrees. ber ries; only $3100, $1000 down, $20 per month, including interest. Call after 7 P. M. $3250 NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, up-to-date, on paved street, all improvements paid, 1 block to car, close to school. Take good lot as small down payment, balance $20 per month and interest. See today from branch office, I5th and Shaver. Aut. 328-48. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Blue. Main 3787. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3200. Five rooms, attic. basement with laundry trays, fireplace, built-lns, 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen. Rooms tinted and enameled finished. Nearly new, $500 down. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor, 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222. IRVINGTON HOME $7500. Large lot with 20-foot alley, 6-room residence with 30-foot living room, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout. den and breakfast nook, large sleeping porch, garage. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. A SUNNYSIDE snap, not only a bargain. . - $4500 with 1-3 down, bal. at 6 per cent; very good moiiern 7-room ' house in Best location on Belmont st. Port land's best and shortest car line. Bears -' closest investigation. Come and see It. , H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont st. Week phone Taoor O'Jio. ; DRIVE out to 1080 Mallory ave., if you want something good; new 5-room bungalow, everything up to the min ute, best of material and workman ship, speaks for itself, finest location; cannot be duplicated for the price. Owner on premises. A REAL BARGAIN. Cosy little home, well furnished, lot 42x170, cherry trees, raspberries and ' ever-bearing strawberries; only three blocks from end of Richmond car line: must be seen to he appreciated. 3020 East 41st St., near 41st ana Tl-nnets. CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH $5500. Six rooms, full basement, with trays. - furnace, fireplace, garage, full lot with beautiful lawn and trees, alley; best car service. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. . ROSE CITY BELOW THE HILL. Five-room, new bungalow, fireplace, furnace, etc Only $500 down. Ask us about it. FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor, 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222. BELMv-NT-ST. snap! $3250 with $1750 cash. 6-room house in -best part on Belmont st.: needs repair; will be a fine home; never has such a bargain been offered before. See this. Call a-t 1027 Belmont. Week phone Tabor 0219. COLONIAL Heights, 292. E. 21st St., sac rifice 5-room moaern bungalow, over looking city; fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, built-lns, old Ivory finish, lot 50x100; garage; easy terms. Save - commission. GROVE LAND PARK. 5 rooms, large attic, hardwood firs., fireplace. Gasco furnace, gt rage, new, modern home, desirable location. -413 E 55th 'st. Tabor 4731. $2860 7 rooms, & Iota, 60x100. .Walnut ouwh . - . . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROPE CITY PARK. NKV BUNGALOW i'.500. Positively one of the best-built houses in Rose City. We Just couldn't over-describe the beauty and splendid features of this unusual home. You will find a cement basement under the whole house. Unusually heavy construction; the interior ar rangement Is perfection itself. Oak floors throughout. tiled bath, recessed, tub. roughed for shower, massive bu.'fet. 2 large plate glass windows, tiled fire place. If you appreciate real honest construction, coupled with good looks and convenience, then you've found your home. It is one of the finest bungalow homes we have ever had for sale. Hurry! A. G. TEEPE CO.. Rose City Of., 4oth and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Of.. 39th and GHsan. Tabor 34.13. Open Sunday. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS HARD. West side home. Willamette Heights, on car line, grand view over city, landscaped grounds, 3 lots, beautiful trees and shrub bery, 9 rooms, equipped for two families, hot-water heat, hard wood floors, etc To settle estate, will sacrifice a $7500, easy terms, or will consider taking small house. Opportunities like this are rare. CROSSLEY &. ABBOTT, 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. SEE THIS HOME TODAY. 1214 East 30th St. N. To be completed in S weeks. You m lect paint, colors, wall tints, paper, light fixtures and window shades. K rooms, attic, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, buffet, bookcases, linen closet, coat room. breakfast nook, cooler, woodlift, ironing board, full cement basement, white enamel plumbing. 60x 100 lot with ajley, native trees; ga rage, paved strVet: close to car and school. Only $4400. terms. Consider good lot for part. Price without fur nace or garage. $4100. You pay no commission. Owner and builder, East 6799. . HEART OF LAURELHURST. New 8-room bungalow, has largs living, dining and sun room, divided with French doors; spacious kitchen with all" modern built-lns, vitrollts. drftlnboards. breakfast nook, 2 large, airy bedrooms with tile bath between, pedestal washstand. base tub and shower, 2 large bedrooms upstairs, oak floors throughout, cement basement with pipe furnace, double garage. This lovely home Is the last word In com fort and convenience. Price $9000; terms. R. L. McGREW. REALTOR. 10S9 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S92. IRVINGTON bungalow. $6500. Yoll haven't seen this perfect home; like new. absol. modern and latest style; large liv. room. 20 feet; bevel plat mirror door, ivory finish, beautifully papered rooms: 15-foot dining room, Boynton furnace, garage, two bed . on first, couple can be finished on second floor. Shown by appointment and worth It. Office open today. R. T. Street, Better Homes, Irvington head quarters, 606 East Broadway. E. 894. $250 WILL HANDLE NEAT HOME FOR TWO. 1 block from carline on 100x100 lot; 3. rooms, Dutch kitchen, plastered houe, nicely arranged; large woodshed, chick en house and runs, some garden. Pries $1400, $250 down, $15 monthly and per cent Interest JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bark Bldg. Main 377. . CALL. TABOR 2908. 6 rooms, ground floor; large attla and basement, wide porch with large pillars, living room with fireplace and den, paneled dining room with built in buffet, light and airy bedroom: built-in kitchen with screened-in back porch. Choice shrubbery, selected roses. $4750; easy terms. Call Tabor 2908. RICHMOND DISTRICT $3950. By owner, nearly new modern 4-rm. cosy bungalow: all rooms light and airy; built-in features, hardwood fir. in living room: newly decorated; hot-water heat, big 5'V-foot corner lot on paved street. Terms. Call Sellwood, SS.'O . $1)000 OWNER $9000. Must have $5000 cash. Ten-room house In heart of city.- west side. At condition, rented for $80 month, bath up and downstairs, new furnace, hot and cold water in two bedrooms, front and back stairs, lawn, stone fence. Main 9470. A REAL HOME. Just what you have been looking for 6 rooms and breakfast room, hardwood floors, fireplace and fur nace, modern In every way, large lot. Clinton district. See owner, phone Wal nut 1166. ' ' , ATTRACTIVE HOME. EAST 27TH. 6-room semi-bungalow, in good con- -dition, full basement with trays, fur nace, fireplace; lawn, trees anrl gar den- good surroundings; price ?ono. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, B Bra ;m. ...0.. $4:1.50 FINE well-built 7-room house. lot 100X1OU, wun plenty o-aiins nun. Good neighborhood, one block from pavement, cement curb and walk are In. Built 7 years ago, when material was cheap, thus present low price. Terms. By owner. 4908 5Sth st. S. E. ROSE CITY By owner, new attractive bungalow, garage, turnace, run ce ment basement, modern every way. If looking for a permanent home of sub stantial construction call at 625 K. 44th st. N.. near Brazee, Sunday 2 5 P. M. , FOR QUICK SALE, a new house 12x24. lot 50x100, water, gas, llg-ht. garage 10x22, cesspool already dug; 2 blocks from school; 3 blocks from Rose Cttv car. Price $700, $400 down. Bal. $19 month including interest. Call 667 B. 76th st. N. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-ROOM HOUSE, 50x50 LOT. Corner K4th and E. Market sts.. one block south of Hawthorne car. full ce ment basement, laundry trays and fur nace. Price $4000; easy terms. Owner. 1020 East Market st. Phone Tabor 73X. IF IT'S AN INVESTMENT ON WEST SIDE See TH O. BIRD. We specialize 1 bargains. Our people really want to soil. Bdwy. mil, 626 CHAM. OF COM., REALTOR. A SNAP IN SELLWOOD. Seven rooms with sleeping porch, completely modern, full basement, all Improvements In and paid; lots 60 by J 00. near school; only $4000. Owner, 652 Plierrett ave. Phone Sellwood 1021. $725 EOI'ITY for sale for $400 by owner on $3500 contract on modern bungalow, with paneled dining room. Ivory enam eled kitchen, plpelcss furnace, all con veniences; 50x100 lot Walnut 0974. 369 W. Baldwin. FOR SALE Wllshire home, stoy and a half, five rooms on first floor: space for 2 large rooms on second floor, hardwood floors, unusually fine built lns; lot 105x125, many trees, furnace, etc. Auto. 817-52. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS HOME. 6 rooms and sun porch, beautifnl view of city, Gasoo furnace, fireplace, level lot, garage; $8900. Owner, Main 7S4. LOVELY bungalow, ideal spot for health, dwelling or business place; 45 minutes from Broadway; Columbia highway, on Sandy river. Phone own er. Empire 1553. "A HOME. $t."0 DOWN, $12 MONTH. Price $500; U acre, 2 shacks, city water, gas, eleclririty: Woodstock dis trict. Owner. 23Vi Yamhill st, room 17. Phone Main 1576, business hours. KENTON HOME 6-room furniahed, modern corner, near Columbia Tire company's new plant, $3650; tei ma. . 1674 Minnesota ave., Mississippi-Kenton car. . BUY your love nest, charming 5-room bungalow with every convenience, materials and construction above criticism. Phone E. 1357. WILL consider good auto as first pay ment on strictly modern 5-room bun galow, balance like rent. Mr. Lawson, 354 East Broadway. $3250 A FOUR-ROOM bungalow cot tage and garage close to car ana school, on paved st Full lot. Terma 961 E. 7th St. Walnut 4006. IRVINGTON Do you want a little larg er and better home and trade In on same your home or lots? We have It. Phone R. T. Street, East 894 LAURELHURST 194 Hazelfern. by own er. Attractive roomy bungalow, com pleted to pTease the most fastidious. For appointment Tabor 0408 DON'T OVERLOOK $200 CASH. Or whatever you have to trade the Is acceptable as first payment on nice 3-ro o m home: 50x100 lot. Bdwy. 8222. ATTRACTIVE 3-room modern home, one block from Alberta carline; cash and terms. 1012 E. 0th st. N. FOR SALE or rent, 5-room cottage. Se-e Louis Simpson, 71st and McCoy eta. S. E. Mt. Scott car. BY OWNER. 4-room -bungalow, 60x100 rot, $2000. Your terms are mine. Wal nnt 1714. BY OWNER Five-room bungalow, near Piedmont car barn, $3250. Name your own terms. Walnut 1714. FOR SALE Good 6-room house, first class condition, terms. 661 Savier, be--tween 20th and 21st. BY OWNER. Laurelhurst home, baxgaia ior cash. 120 Eaat' JEriaAdera at.