TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX PORTLAND, AUGUST 13, 1922 21 ' FOR KfVT. VulR HOMB la AT Mfl.TNMAU If o wi.i com to me; we will find It. It doa'l take miwh mony . On your part, it ukrt drire for nd ittt inwn to have a hom. n mr part th'r i an nnlimitnl variety of proportions to ub:nit to yo. You ned oiy a sxr.a.J amount of mony; com in and see me. I t us talk this ovtr. Far r-ni to yuurvlf "n Riesiand 4u4 P's't bMr . !-T Prk t WEST SIDE. Largo, finely sftuatd house IT rooms In bt district of Portland Hishts KxtnlTO grounds, ftna view. 5kJi-a.M hjch-c.ase bearding" house or rnuiiinit. Oaaco furnace Five-year t- en Apply 64 Cham bar of ornmrc bldf. KfR RKXT Hons and furniture for aie: 7 rooms. 2 sleeping rooms; dou ble sras; everrthtna moOrrn; walk in d fttoct. Call at 3 E. btark. cor ner lsth street. DKIVE out to 100 Mai:ogf aa If voo wa&i wmcthing iood.w 4-roora tuR:o. everything P B m5 r-" u bt of mate-rial and work man -ahp. speaks for itself, finest location; rannot b duplicated for the price. t wn-r on prm:s .AK-JK, modern. 7 -room nous. ofl momi. on 10sl00-f t. choice rond .ovf-H with matured fruit treoa. which I witl se.l to yoa for a amal payment down and balance like rent- for par tirulin i-e owrtfr. 404 Piatt bldr. II WK trict.y moJorn .-room houa eth (&rii la Laurelharat ; will rent iti pnvtire of buye. or make appointment. Nr car. a. ROHRKR. RENTAL RKALTOR. 2vS Panama Building. SCDURBAN. S-room bungalow, modern conven ience, fruit and borrles; l-li pr ..nnrK r.miAi Hill, on Oregon Eiec Trie car: in. 2 slocks west of school. i"at til. , Mi-Vf mAdarn houaa In Irvington, on beetutiful comer. 1 biocks fr;" NaiKly; will laaao to good tenant at per month. STEWART a JOHNWN. SI 5 NorthwMtfm Hank Bldg. ,KW modern bunga.ow and acre garage; 2 mii.es from city limits, on pav-m-nt ; f ma roofiia. cement basement. full n timhtnr. flreD.ace. Dutch kitchen, itv water, iu, ' pnons. i0. Phons Tabor 31ii. FI VK a. room bungalow with largo grounds, lots of flowers and fruit; Jual uae p!aco for man with large family w;i iaj for i5 per month. , StrBWART at JOHNSOV. StS Northwestern Hank Hldg. Kl.MiANTLY decorated home, exclusive rtvr-iront district; every convenience; Urge dan- fio.r, grounds, ftno view. lM--ch; only piace obtainable here: might furnish. Phono occupant. Main NICE s-room bungaiow. hardwood floors and Ti'fanV decorated wal s. hot-water hat. 3 lavatories, fine eictrle fixtures, "ago and toaasioa hept- lt; rent :o pr mnth Hhn Tabor 70T3. -Kt".l hou. good diat- o. Port. and. neav . y rnovatd. near chl and car. i p!uJ tnant wanted. 2V i. U. R'HRHK. RENTAL REALTOR. I? Pnm Ruiiding. K'.f )! s.pg. porco. upper. Oppo lfu.;0' iFian club. Furnace and firep: -. S-e me f-r sppotntment li. C. ROMRKR, RENTAL REALTOR. Panama Ru'lmr :; iv m on; ii.KR. in s a B rig. jurnitheil Hog n. att rat tiv -r. nouse, nar hospital: r-pntoie ppi; privi of aubleting, furnUhed mo. ago. tNE i-r-Miit furn.hd hungaUw in Reo etiv. ui.-lrr the hill. 1 rom in- furniKhd bunsaiow $U Thews are baut f -Jt h'-m-. Th-r 45 N H Hi L,L f urnii Hel nouse. 7 rooms, jrnai-r. ftrvp:re. library, piano, ga r Wi I ,faf to rapn!bi f-ml.y. t imi or w i hou. Main S-'.Vt C T T A : t '. Verv o 1 a i ft . 3 room s bah. eras an ! walr; n-ar Eaat om h and tl -mo. t"r moTit h. Weeitdaa call 31 1 Moniwk build'ng. i r rottag for cvu.i- near highway aiatin and rtvr. gaa. ligbla and rstr. rtt-mv lo permanent tenant. Ph--n "ak irov- li R 3 Ri Kil furnmhed cotlag. modern. 3 blocks to car; mals nxt door if de :rtt: .adnlts only. Phono 14 -J, Oak BE A I TIFl'L itifnlTn cment h-ome, r-rrui 3 bedrooms, gam r. f .as c-.miula, near Kd coiirge Wiil leaa-; S ltd i 4V.. cr 411 R m t tot f age. Itgtil and clean, com fort bly furnished; ptano; walking dijrtar'e; eaat side. Main 3.t.Vt ri'R KENT Furnished or unf urnlfh-'d 7 -room houpo in lrvlngtoa. East Pftoo. la 51 Monday. ttwi houee. furniahed. 1 bitck from Frank II n high, d urlng school mopthi to .rtiea i'h rf -rr.ce Tabor 777. PT R N i S 1 1 fci 5-iootn bu n gainv t y pe modern house with furnace. near Pen: nu! park. Walnut 2.V4. CoMI'LETELY furn.ched houae on et it'e. rioe in. with ill modern I m prove -rtipt At snter M3. 7- HvjuM houe. p.anu. aiet-l rtc lights, Ka,. bath, t'ieal place for chiidren. AJ. E s h r m n a - R o i r U - tarnished houjM. arranged fr two families: 13 min. from I'-l and Alder 7.4 E Sth st, S Sell. 34W i l KMSHflU 7 -room cottage, hot and rold water, bat h. piano, garage. JJ1 K Ah. err. a' h. 1 block from car. LA RG E rom. completely furnished, l-iano. reference; 470. 734 E. Burn i'!e. 5fio .4.7 mornings, Ll"-l K river front home, large re- reviion rooi. fina grounls; every eon-vtT)ii-. Owner. Mftln P"Vl. W I i.L rmi my 3-room f urniahed houf e to r lean roup. with good reference. U "a n 1; t s I l ? 4 4 Sllchii an ave. 3-RkM cosy cottage, evruent baMemen;; h.ock from Albert car; garden. w a' l';- Adults. A T". KAl'TlVli tWroom furnished bouse to aduita. leas. I'iA; pAtaejuon September or I a t er. A 9 w a f T 3:1 3. Fl'RMSHKli mod. clean, --ronr hungs- fn . w 1: h ' eplng pore a. Inquire 401 F':"-t M'ig lA fY woutd fhar bom ith mar- n-1 coupe; reference ox changed. A 7 Ortir iarf. l.At'V ainn t.hf to rent ftrat floor of hme to adult who would appreciate a r'rn. r.te Se'.wood n.fH. 3-R(xt furnished bouse for rent; IS blocks f-om l. J. car; $23. Ca.l after noons Going at YV RN !s H fcl house, modern, 7 rooms. rent $0 per month Fhone East 1 24 W -'k d ays East I7Q a-RoM in-der Q furntaJned bungalow id park. 2 biocka to car. $60. P A RTY wt'.i share modern 7 -room R. C bungalow. 1 b ock to car. ffat rate, or f-i of er-era-s. AH v'-S. Qregontar it 'M.K.N -roora houae . best loca; .on on wet side; references, B 743, Ore s, -r ! a n 7-RKM corner houae. rear a hool. c.oa in. almos; cemp',eey furnished; a ?',JMLr1 : . 1 " orenrontan i- K 1 furnished hou for rent. 343 Kn:t t an.! 4 Apply 3Aonday between k K RENT Complete. y furnished fT r-o m bouse w it h Bleeping porch and gar e ;-a"s. 1 a 1 W a in at 4 t 24 F ii RENT, i-rooro modern furnisi-ed house, no children. 133 a month. Z&4 4V rt jure S K A'ltl I"ie R .0 I houa. furnisned. 1 b.ock from Frank. In h ih. during school months. ;." par' ies w '.'h reference. Taher 7 7 7 XkVINGTON Practically new 7 -roo hnue. harn woo-t floors, vary we' I fur- n!r)ed: ar'enrtld location. Atit. 315-1 FOR !;FNT Modern I-ro.-tm houa fur Rished or nnfur.. In Parkroao district, r oe car l'n Tabor 34 .Si'.KLY furn.hed 4 rooma. 3 bedrooms, co-TLp e: except linen and dishes. Auto. iUU'THuKNE ave. r.ean. ml-ra, con f.v'e r f irnishe.) 7 -room hotie, thf -e Ketir.-r. a t'i ! only gWI Tabor 47' . j lTV. 5'. N" 4 r. (.iti furntht-d hame. a-k-jyeyj y;.je 72 Corbet? at. ii K K T i-rMm furaih--'l aest arte Pftr, Atwi:r 0.47. ; u ' M h.ue Ke-tj a'-e-t 4 r tH' ms $;-;. high achool. 7i " "! h ie A be -1 a a - furnished, near Al- ut 231. n.od-rn. Ant 422-44; to Pow II Vai ! ey Prt.y f urtasheU, 2Vl 1 Ft RXIS.H : race, f ro. -a bungalow ltii ga mopth. Sei:. 0137. H K y. NT N;ce home, t urnuw4. at 134 i "n i r. a ave I LEAN h.a T' i-roi: bungalow. furnlnJV'd; no Tah..r 111 W H Nardil. -H KENT Fu-ntahed Cottage, reasvU- 'e Trrr tH l houa annya"le. $-13. No chil-H-f-rertcea 04 Kt Main I'KKN tu houae. f urniahed. with made to-tl-M garge Aut J-Ko4it furniiid cot:ac, rea ano. 'arce rar l. l'.tH W;i: j. lu a.. :ams ai e. fc-KOOM ei furnUhed home at 33 Clin aM f urn.: hed no oblectioas 1 Haa thorn. Na-K.Hif m.'.l'n hue aith garage. " e t T b- r v 77 af:er IP Sunia v . .H R KM H use rooms li:3 FURNISHED Uar f.'r. modera horn, walking iffnr East V it RMSHKD 4iv Ivy aU nuodera 4-rwotu cot tag. yr nr.xT. fttu SUVhN.RuoM ho newly decorated. I in-iy lurn:bnl reception hall, parlor, lintna room, bresafast rKirt and kitchen tlowiu(Mir; all hardwood f.unrs: thr-o brdroomt. bath and Stsad-ia aieepms; pan-h upstairs ; a Lao Krae. winter w ood von w i t n houeo, rent, -.". In Irvinstoo district, tlireo blocks from Wroadway car. Call taut :.25 WEST MI'K, ON LT $3A PKR MO. Furnished houa. 6 rooma. on the till: aide overlooking the city; wtU les for 1 year to responsib.e people for one-ha.f the uual rent asked fox such Peaces. I ha a moat won Jrrf ui view, but la a Iltte hard to reach. If you like hillsides this will appeal to you. Call Man Say. 017 Abinaton btdg. WHT rooma. lltu fctst Pine at.. 175. i rooma 573 jK.xth St., $23. 5 rooma. 344 N. Itnh at.. $13. rooma, ' 1 Mountain blvd.. $".. rooms. 7.0 Eat Salmon at.. $.0. 5 Mftmj, 24 E. 14th at. N.. $20 WETZGER-PARKKH COMPANY. KKALTUHS, ?W Oak St Bdwy, m:.X 1 HAVE two furnished molern buoica lo for rent of 'S rooma each ; one haa large rooms with lurga attic, also 1 1 replace. The othr haa small roo mi with f irep lace. Hot h a re clan, have nice yards, good nelghbor hovl; adults only. Call at H4 East 44ii t., 2 Morkj north of Hawthorne. K'KTLANU U EIGHTH 7 rooms, all finished In white enamel ; hardwood floors, glairs-enclosed sun parlor, fire place, piano. Victrola. vacuum cleaner and overstuffed furniture, velour dra peries: won1rful view of city and mountains. . Main BOtt.V WE CAN RENT your hems and sell yoor furniture quick. Call A. J. Orie- tnao. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. REALTOnS, 01-4 Board of Trdo Bldg- ' Broadway 67H4 0-RiOM bungalow and aleplng porch. 171. Including water and garbage; completely furniihd ; strictly modern, wt-at slop Mount Tabor; East A6th st. ; il -aso. Call 114 Board of Trade. Broadway 7452 CLEAN, close tn. furnished house: three Iwrtroomi and bath above. S rooms and hail below. Rent reasonable to right party. Owner will be on the premises unday. August IS. SOW K. Htark st.. between Mh and lth Phone E. WL. SMALL huae, mainly f urniahed. sme wood ; elentr.g porch, large chicken house. 40 ft. square ; $ 12 per month : A months In advance or year. Lake Crovp. AV 4i. Oregonlan. ROOMS, compieiely furnlahed. bunica lw, in Hawthorn district: heated by gas: 1 bio.-K from car; will rent for tnree month from Srptmber tJ. 1 n ni!re ?tj Ai:kr b'dg. Autr V-'7-P, FiK RENT Furnished, either floor du ple house; in Rose City Park; heat, light, gas and water; separate en trances, modern and well furnished; garage. Phone Tfcbr 11HU Fl KMMlKl) house, tl rooma. house ar ranged for 2 families; well furnished. Couifurtable and clean. IS minute from 2d and Aider. 734 K. 8th St. S. Heitwtod S4;2 &-hH)M modern bungalow, fln view, 4 wea;a lake, clou to eleo. sta,, $4.: no children. Mc Karl and store, Luke i irovf, Sunday. McFanand. Realtor, Fa r l in gr bldg. LK AS K ONE Y EA It OR LONG ER. HANDSOMELY APPOINTED M-ROM ,M IKRN HiIK. EXCLUSIVE IIS THK'T; P. KFLRE.NCES. AS ORKOON'f AN. Fl'RNISHED a-room house. Willamette Height aieM'v location, rent :0. Call Broadway 4.04 during hours s to i except Sunday. FtK RENT liandeoma S-room houae. perfectly new. mM-rn In every par tlcu ar. MI East 13lh t. N" W iil lea? to ri e l r a h ' e party; refren-ea required. y HiKlIS furniKhd for 1 or 2 fnuliei; garage, nice Iocs t ion. near chol and gKd car line. Leae for 1 year or nnre. Broal way 1 M 2. 4-Rt M ll-d mont home, piano, garage. near Jefferson high s hool; to rent for the arhool year. Call at 311 Killings n'th a ve. (iU'f poye)atnn at once. Mvl'tlHN rt-rcom buuca.ow, piano, sleep ing porch and garage. $4U per mo. Near Franklin high school. A.104 42d ave. and 3 I'd at BeoaJway 11A1. -H M. modern bungaU'w. S3 tiiU WJ ave. Iloaaea for Rent Furniture for Sale. H A VT5 client wiahlng to Teae -room Irvington corner home for one, year ai'h pnwilege of an -other and sell entire furntahlnga st very low figure. For full par ticular call MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 32u7. MUST ae.. by Monday, my beautifully furnished tt-room apartment; new ma hogany and walnut furniture; beat Ai m meter rugav Hobart M. Cable piano, f o.r lamp, etc : 2 rooma rented pay expen of apartment; apt. can be leaned : rent reasonable. Apt. 22. 2u3 12i a at. C!l Main SJlrt COMK TO A SPECIALIST. We havo many good buys In furni ture, with or without renting the house, jn almost any location. let u hep you. Call Mr. Orleman. Bdwy. K7V4. S01 Bd of Tra-!e bldg. LEAVING city, have Al furniture for sale cheap; can tranefer lease on mod ern 8 -room houe arranged In sleeping apt. or 11. K.: Nob Hill district. leal iTh owner. Main 17S PARTY leaving city will s-tl for $koo. very nice furntturo of seven-room flat and transfer lease. Flat nicely ar ranged for rerentlng rooma. Rent $30. Strong Co.. H4 Cham, of Com. FURNITURE of 4-rojm apartment for sale and apartment ?r rent, reason- ihln. Cal 3!sin 232V -KiAM flat for rent; furniture for rale cheap for rash. -7 Everett St. fiat A. Phone Bdwy. S4d BEAUTIFUL ok furniture for, tt-room h um. for ..quick sale $223. and house for rent witn garden. 244 Blandena. W!IMarts ave. rar BEAUTIFUL tower corner flsl for rent to party buying all or part of furni ture. 2 blocks off Washington; very rea snable. :i3 Davis. VERY desirable corner flat. 4 apart ments. A wtfo ran earn home and in come. Farnlturo for aale; part cash. 402 Park. MoDE R V roo m bungalow for rent, furniture lor sale. JO J Halsey at., near Broadway br'dgs iv lug acr.flce fur Income $33. n 1 1 ure of a 7- -room houa Ii- R M HOUSE. RENT $3S, WEST SIDE. Fl'HN. KtR SALE. $475 t,'M CASH. BDWY. J373 ToDAT. M flat, steam bat and water furnished, furniture for aale at bargain. Rroadws 4M. FUKN1TURE of a bour, divided Into 7 apt., it roms. all for $7."o Me Mr. Kerby, 74 K Ss'tnon. ngent. 4-K' kM modern houe. close to and fur rt'tjre for a e at 1123. Atwaier 2"3. F1VE-RmM houae for rent and furni ture for sale. Walnut a.17S. Re art. TWIN RCKTKS beach cottage, lights, wa ter, near d pot. ocean and S'ore. Open dales Aug. to Oct. Keaaonabte rvnt. Phone Aul. ft4!-31. TENT on p.atform at Columbia Beach, remainder season, lights, water free. S2tf. Inquire at tiumbla Beach camp ing ground store, Paynes tenthoe. S-ROOM cottage, frm Aug. 1ft; new tat. BOBe complete: furnished, for par ticu.ars write C. X. Wmgard. Canaon Peach. Oregon. GODFREY'S GROVE. Seastde, 1. 2 and a -rot m rottagee, first cWas; everything furnished ; rates from $1 to $23 por we ek- Near M E. chore ti. RuCKA WAY Furnished cottages, lent and sleeping room "State Cot tags one -ha f b.ock north of depot- JE. J. SUMM E R RESORTS. Gearhart cottage f'r rent, furnished, $73 to October 1. Broadway 443". or K ramer. Gearhart AT ti E A R H ART Completely furnished I cottage ; a. 1 moi ra conveniences, ror rent after September 3; cheap. Phone Atwater H'hM.-llllD coitagta of all kinds and suae fur rent by week, month or aea . , S Sr. ylr. IS 3-1 are., gsaideOr FURNISHED beach oottage for rent, e'srt.ng Auguat 2o. by week or month. Call ?.!! ood 11'M. FURNOHED 3-room cottage for rent at Seaid balance of season. Phono East ma. FOR TENTS, cottares. h. k.. -beach camps, a-t ommou.itior.. writ or phone Oetc Ridge house. Nhl-m, Or. MAN H ATT AN BEACH New cot t as a right by ocean : a.e one-room apart- m-nt. Call Tabor 223 N F. A H K AH N IE A-room cottage. fully f urn i.hed. lovely v t " w Tabor ,-7. SE si; I t urr.tshed cottage f.r Tabor 2W1 rant. r k ; y or mont ni y . bEASU'E. deairab.e furmaned cottages near ocean, reasonable Taher tail. FOR RENT Nys beach cottage. Walnut a t a. CANNON BEACH cottage, $10 a week. 22-4. V a! nut rfc eiDE 4-room cottage, good location. frrm T.tn A'jgu-t. Broadway 2i:o. FoK, SEPT EM BER 3- room furnished Ataater 47l. trace at fe,i.e. Fl KNiSHED cottaee at Ba ocean. Phone Walnut 34v SEASIDE The Austin, roomav h. k. r ma.. 1 k. fen's. Fine location. LONG i EACH. WASH.. Box IriA. furn. cottage; electricity; Aug. 2L Tab. 7423. rO RENT. SEASIDE. Kor rent for month of Kep te ruber, ocean front cottage beautifully and completely fur nished; furnace and garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. Eaat 3-u7. FOR KENT Just completed, a 6 -roo m bungalow with all modern conven iences, bath, shower, fireplace and sun porch, with ocean view, well furnished, will rent reasonable, from Sept. until - next June. Phone Sunday A. M.. Wal nut 34S7. Owner on premises. Ill 3d a vfitue. Sea Mi de. AT THE OCEAN FOR TOUR VACATION. FINE BEACH BEAUTIFUL GROVB. Cam a, crabs and freh water fish Ing. electric lighted "Tent City big furnished housekeeping tents, very moderate charges. For reservations call 24.1 Stark et. Phone Bdwy. Tb-'O. 3-ROOM furnished cotage. on Columbia highway. 3o miles out; suitable for '2 adults; as ideal place for rest and quiet, yet not lonely; can be, seen by appointment; reia. required- Tabor s7 M FOR RENT Bar View. Or., large cot tage and tent, everything furnished ; t 1 a commodate 6 or more ; $18 to September L Tabor 1197, or W Bl- mont. Mn Morton. - TWO cottages, one modern, four beds, n-ar station: one. two beds, fireplace, electricity; both good. George L. Put nttin. Seavlew. Waih. FOR RENT A cotlae at Saltair. Tabor IVJ7. Ktores and ftnmom Placoa. AiLASE BUILDINGS. Corner buildings, store and 26 rooms, west aide. $100 per month. 6-year lease, privilege of buying or extension of lease. C. W. Millerehtp. l.l -th st. Main 5275. TO LEAS FX 40xM. rent $1MJ; tiW. rent $200; soxU. corner, rent $3o0; L-ehape cfr ner. choice location. Central weat side. Hnft Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 1 302. DESIRABLE space for lease at reason able ra:e for manufacturer or manu facturer's agent; close In. 200 feet of trackage. Call at 330-330 E. Morrison or phone F.ast 831. $-5 STORES, newly painted. 22xi. 6:2 and o4 Thurmsn ; fine location for grocery, meat market, furniture, hard ware, paint, carpenter, plumbing or hoe shop. Broadway 7053. 2 ELEGANTLY lighted room., 24x42; 2 stores, one on Stark st., 17x42. one on 13th st.. 14xJ4. Rent very reasonable; lease. If deaired. New Carlson Mug.. 1 ;it h and Stark. Phone Bdwy. B.'Al. STORK for rent. lru ft.; Urge display window; for any good bufiness. Wash. bet. Grand and 6tli. Inquire U4 Orand. corner of Wanhlngton. SMALL store on Morrison at., near lt. suitable for shoe repair. Jeweler, con fectionery or tailor. Rent reasonable ; lease. Call Main 2124. STORE for rent on Alder at., between 2d and 3d. Excellent location. Inquire Gllrkmsn's. 24.1 Alder st. STORE with fui! basement ana elevator. good location. Wakefield. Fries at lo., 4! n at Broadway lR RENT Store room, fxe3. corner G Man and Park. Inquire Park lioisi. VtiR LKS1RA BLC aoace in fireproof a re houae phone Broadway 3713. $23 STORE. Ifx40. E. First and Holl dsy. Key next door. STORE V or busin'i aide. $20 ; good for shop Phone Tabor tH4. SToRK tower Wa-hlngton st., reason ablcrent. Phone TabiTr 1114. SToRE for rent. 132? 1 Hawthorne two. cor. 4Hth M. $13. '0 month. ST R E v. 1th f i xtures and 6 -room flat. Whttwcwl Court Walrut Offlcew. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and h-at-d offlceo, single or en suite, central office build ing in financial section of city; low rents See Oonald G. Woodward, agent. 1 04 Second st.. corner Stark. 1 SEVERAL desirabie offices and suites for rent. Consolidated Securities build ing. 84 S.xth streeet. opposlto Wells- Fargo bldg. Bdwy. 4320. FURNISHED private office $13. also dandy suite offices. light 3 sides, rea sonable rent. Stuck Ex. bldg.. 3d and Yamh!l. 1 TO 3 ROOMS, nicely furnished with uo- to -Hate furnlshiDK- Call 4 Fail ing bids-, from fl to 12 A. 31.. 1 eek duvs. Phone Bdwy OFFICE epsoe with dlapiay window In excellent ground floor buptneh loca tion with desk, typewriter, etc Bdwy. 3044: FRONT office: modern conveniences: r.a:iwc btiiiantv vwiiuiui. room 312. FOR RENT Oeak room with conven lencea In modern office downtown. In- qtnre HI! Spa tiling bldg. DESK room with telepnone and steno graphic service. Phone Broadway 3713. WOULD like to ah a re office with chiro prartor. Addrt-s AF T4, Oregonlan. OFFICES for rent. Filvduer bidg.. lUth aiul S "n shine on ts. OKFlt'ES for rent, McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark ats $; MoNTH ileak n-om. free phone. 227 S Washington, room o. OFFICE SI AC E w:th U: Ke show win dow and use of phone. 32i E. Morrison. DESK SPACE with telephone service. 331 A rt)!nns Bldg. Broadway 4.ii5. TWO well f urniahed olf ice ; central lu cat?on. Ttwin e s IT I '7 Spalding hldg. To I-e-ae. Tt LEASE f"r term of yeis to family of adults, lo-room houae with double it rage tn HoMaday addition: furniture for aa'e. Owner. A B io. Oregnnian. fc-KUOM houAe to leafe for year or mre. reasonable rate.- I'hone East 333 Wil lamette Heights. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SMALL building on bt at corner on Haw thorne ave. for sa le ; aui table for plumbing shop, coffee houae or con fectionery. We are moving the first. Get busv! Call Tabor 1077. $14mi FOR a fine little grocery: eieam-he.-tted brick building: furniture and living rooms: or will Invoice: a snap. F. L. --LANCHARD. Realtor. 4hl- SweilanH Bldg Broadway rtftr.0. WOOD-WOR KING plant, want capabio man with 10OO to Join good company In operating end. Staple com mod; t len, lots of business, permanent connection, good salary. Bd w , 220. A PARTNER WANTED. , A nicely located auto business; equal interest with a good mechanic; draw $17 month; a small Investment re ciulred. Room 41 Dckum btdc. LEAVING Portland Sept. 1; must sell well -established business. Delivery truck, equipment, etc.. worth more than prlre asked. Terms. Low rent. 'wr-er. HO 73. Oregonfan A GARAGE STEi lAL. Fins location, good lease, net profits $3oO month; trial given to satisfy buyer. Room 401 Dekum bldg. W A NTED Someone with from $20 to ."ik to finance a patent of merit. See bv appointment. Address B. P. J., r.l N lrh st. K'A'NTtAVN. weil established. good 1-wyUi-g battery arm electric buelnes; snap. If you have money. Call reel- dene. Tabor 2 7 4 . RESTAURANT in coast mill town for rent, very reasonable. For particulars call Mrs Rector, G18 Henry bldg. R'lwv 4M FOR SALE Tranefer and storage cheap. $2000. part cash : In good location ; must sell within 10 days. Call at 12S North Broadway. AN EASTERN architect opening branch off tee in Port land desires active, we! 1 ronnected partner; splendid prospect. App'y V "H. Qreirnnlan. PARTY with $.mi0 to invest in manu facturing and distributing corporation; big returna on Investment. W 801, 1 rrnnlan. W" A N'T to meet ambitious young man who wiil Invest small capital with my experience in moving picture theater. M fi7. Oregon in a. CiROCERV atore with MMng rooma. trade for house or rood car and negotiable paper. See Spiker. with Sturm-Keefer Co . N E cor Mb and SaJmon. GKoCERY SNAP. It's a money maker; owner wants cah offer Mondav. W POI'i TW A DTVO CO.. T-14 Rv. Ex. BUSY atore on Yamhill st.. selling dairy products: start early for the rushing winter business. Main &4S9. Sunday. FOK. SALE Downtown cash-and-carry grocery and soft drink, fixtures and stock $10UO. Will Invoice. 420 Mor rison. WANTED Parry with $itXH lo $10,0m; no risk: handle your own money; can make you 13 per cent In 8 months. At' rtfl. Oregon l,t n. ADVERTISING man who can make In vestment $1000 in company and take active interest . M Bhm, Or'gonl&n. BUTCHERS. ATTENTION. flood meat market location, rent $23. See J. W. McOrea. 5 1st st. BAKERY In country town; chance for good business; only one in town. AE Orecont.in. WANTED Ladv. itamt office work; aom Investment; permanent. AG otiO. Ore gon ian. PARTNER wanted; make big money. 33 Buchanan bidg Open Sundav. DOWNTOWN location for shoe shine; 3 -year lease. 1A21 N. W. Bank bldg. BI SIXFSH OI'PORTI VTTIKS. GREAT KORT7IERN7 BROKERAGE CO. Suite 347 Pittoek Block, Washington at Tenth. Phone 'Broauiway 2ttol. - OREGON'S LEADING BROKERS. 12 Successful Years in This Buaiuess. Our long record of satisfactory sales made proves the value of our aervico and the merit of our propositions to both buyers and sellers. We are sole and exclusive agents for the following bona fide investments: GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here ts absolutely the best oppor tunity In Portland to buy equai half Interest in a first-class auto repair shop, finest location, center of auto mobile district, west side, shop com pletely equipped in every way. full lino of tools, electric drill, welding out fit, etc. In fact, the best equipped shop In the city. Have mors work than can handle. If you have some mechanical ability this is your chance to associate yourself with a first-class mechanic and learn the business: also clear better than $175 every month for yourself from the start. Only $330 required. Don't fall to see this before you buy. Well worth double the In vest meat. Department D. CIGAR AND NEWS STAND SNAP. Choice location In lobby of large well-known downtown hotel ; fine staple stock; elegant fixtures; the best look ing stand in Portland. Any lady or man can easily make never le. than $10 a month here. Full price only SHoO. Owner wiil stay 10 days with purchaser to teach business if desired. A - real opportunity that is seldom of fered. Beat cigar stand buy in city. Department E. G A 3 AND OIL STATION. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. t An investment of $2300 cash will se cure one of the best located and steadiest-paying service stations In Port land ; handles full line of fast -selling, and popular oils, tires, accessories and supplies; bldg. and 10-year lease with complete equipment Included in sale. Will easily clear not less than $4O0 per month An exceptional oppor tunity that is hard to find. Dept. A. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Here Is an opportunity for a man with executive ability to secure an equal interest in long established, well known manufacturing and sales organ ization distributing their products in every state in the union, with Port land as their headquarters. Has about g.'.O.ooo In assets, and. as business Is Increasing rapidly, need the services of a reliable man with additional cap ital to handle the volume and meet the demand. Investment required, $10,000, fully secured with tangible assets. A bona fids and unusual op portunity with a guaranteed salary from the start and a big future. For full details see my executive agents. Department D. HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERY. Best possible location on main street of thriving city in eastern Oregon, es tablished years; most modern and complete equipment, large soda foun tain, ice cream and caudy factory, at tractive store and front witli latest Ivpe electric sign; low rent with long lease. Monthly sales will average bet ter than $33t0. Positively clears over $1130 every month.. Pries fls.Ooo; con sider part exchange for realty. SUBURBAN GARAGE FORD AGENCY. Here Is an Ideal opportunity to se cure a good -paying garage and repair shop with exclusive Ford agency ; es tablished 8 years; stock and equip ment alone will Invoice close to price asked ; $i.M0; clears better than $r0 net monthly. A bona fide and glit edge investment for any business man. Department E. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. High-class, downtown corner loca tion, right In center of apt. house dis trict; established by present owner over four years; complete staple biock attractive fixtures; positively clears $2.o to $HOO per month; full price $l-'iio or invoice. You cannot duplicate this buy for $2O00. Dept. C. BESTAURANT BUYERS. ATTENTION Here is a genuine bargain in a long established und popular restaurant tdear locution. In center of buy down town district. A clean, attractive place Complete. modern fixtures; 4-year lease at reasonable rent; no trouble to clear :tOO net wr month: orlce 2l'.0, only $1230 cash required. Nothing like this ever offered in Portland at the price. Department B. GARAGE OPPORTUNITY. " An investment of $4000 cash will se cure a .Ox 1 M-foot iot with mod'Ti white nreased brick garage bid?. Cost 12.0OO; located on main street of live town In Iduho; will consider ex change for timber land near Aortiana, Department C. CONFECTIONERY CIGAR BUSINESS Ideal t-orner location opposite Ih rge bank : long lease, low rent, complete stock; attractive fixtures, modern soda, fountain; enn easiiy clear better than g.iuo uer month : S22M cssn nannies. Will consider part exchange for equity In real estate. Department r. DAIRY BUSINESS. 1 in thriving- town near Port land; complete equipment; 11 acres of Vand. with all improvements. J- neaa of cattle; also complete household fur niture; business established years by present owner: positively clears not less than $200 per month. Price $400. tt-rma. Department u. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. Busy location on best business street in Portlad : established ft years: com plete modern equipment; positively clears better than $200 net per montn; price $..0. only $.V cah down ; ex cellent opportunity for man and wife. Department A. BARGAIN FOR MAN AND WIFE Corner confectionery and grocery. oproa:e large public school with five coxy furnished living rooms and bath In connection: rent for store and rooms only $"; with lease; positively clears better than $200 net monthly now and business increases 30 per cent when school opens- Only $1030 required to handle. ucpanmcm 1;. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Suite 347 Plttock Blk.. Wash, at Tenth. ptt TV iiilnrtd a-area-a In apt. district best location in city; lease runs till 1924; reasonable rent; lots of storage; B tun in rirt r naint shoo In city : $3500 will handle. For sale by owner, who Is leaving city, can inn si. BANKRUPT SALE. reeamerv machinery, complete out fit; must be aold for cash. Splendid location. Blda received at ft27 Rail way Exchange bldg. Gus. E. Erlckson, trustee: 311 ST sell well established cleaning and pressing shop, located on busy down town street ; wen eu.ult'-o.. im-iuuius Hoffman press; pood living quarters. Reasonable price for quick sale. P 876, Oregon Inn. WOODYARD for sale; owner unable to run it ; wood Is hard to get, but we have 20O cords. 7-mile haul, on good r.ai nrlce la rleht. 1 OU had betT see me today. Foster Cooiey. 6528 Foster mad. NEWSPAPER- Well equipped and only paper in county seat of beet county in Oregon, with fine buildings all for $:umhi. Building alone Is wortn it. Don't write unless you have the money. Address AV 1.o. Qregonian. WANTED Man to take over light mfg. proposition; big money-maker, new In Ihla state ; experience unnecessary ; $sin will handle, can t-lear $73 to $100 weekly; full value given. S 874, Ore gonian. - WILL sell half interest In established millinery and dressmaking shop; ajooa opportunity for hemstitching machine. Too much business for ore person. Ref erepres exchanged. V MH. Qregonian. FINE opening f-r man going to Cali fornia, exclusive line. considerable trade over state established. Can be handled as main or side line. 528 Corbet t hM g. FOR SALE Confectionery and light gro cery with five furnished living rooma doing good business, opposite large school: $1000 will handle. Owner, Em ptre 0332. 401 S. Jersey st. IP YOU want to sell your grocery, con fectionery or restaurant, for quick re sults call Morris, with O. O. Sletten, Realtor. 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg.. B4w, R4QQ. List your properties with us. GOOD dairy for sale. 17 cows. 4-room house, new milkhouse and other build ings, 3 acres land and 30 acres pasture, easy to rent ; very good milk route; just outsrfde city limits. Main 7002. WANTED A man with $20,000 to go 50 i0 with me tn a good going concern; profits $1000 per month. F 787. Ore gon ia n. HOOD RIVER The Immediate need of Hood River is an up-to-date apartment house. For particulars of opportunity write Box 142. Hood River. ELECTRIC bakery, live town. $S00 per month net profit; all equipment, first class. $2.00 will handle; a rare chance. o3 TU!e Trust b'.dg. Bdwy. 3258. CONFECTIONERY, soda fountain, light groceries, on car line; good lease. Sell cheap if taken at one. H 875, Ore gon i ZL $a,Mi CONFECTIONERY, lunches and II gni grocenea. jiin ivuiuo , rent er mo. ; $20 per day business. 1414 Main st., Oregon City. ONE of the beat paying vulcanising shops in the city. Opportunity of a Ufa time. 433 btark. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . $b30 OR INVOICE. grocery; $230 for fixtures, living rooms;-good lease. 312OO Grocery; $300 for fixtures; stock at Invoice; a dandy place, doing , $35 to $40 day, living rooms; good lease ; rent $23. $163fJ Grocery, nice clean place, doing $30 to $50 day, cash-and-carry; modern brick building, living rooms. $1800 Grocery and confectionery, last month average $50 day;. 4 mod ern living rooms; garage. $2300 Or Invoice, grocery; good for $73 day, b modern living rooms; garage. Z. EAKINS. 313 Couch Bldg.. 10ft 4th St. A REAL GARAGE AT A BARGAIN. Present owner owns building and will give good lease. You can step Into a going profitable business show ing $400 net monthly. Fully equipped with complete repair shop. Jathe. bat tery charging plant, tire and tube re pair outfit and large stock of parts. This Is a ' bargain and can be had for $2.'00 cash and terms on balance. See Mr. Hicks, with PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5943. DRUGGISTS, ATTENTION! On account of extreme sickness one of the best drug stores In the city is on the market at invoice of stock and fixtures at very low price. This is and has been for years a highly suc cessful store and a big money-maker, but must be sold quickly. $oOOO cash required. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. GARAGE SPECIAL. Concrete building. 80 car capacity, selling gas. oils and accessories, fully equipped repair shop, full of work, in connection, very cheap rent witn lease, showing a profit of over $300 per month, a vry good buy; price. $1500. see Mccauicy, 211 rty. ux. oiag. BARGAIN. Will sell my confectionery and Ice cream parlor at 10O1 Main st.. van couver. Wash., all high-grade fixturei and comnleie line of candles and clears. Tables to seat 48 people. Aver ages $30 per day. If you are looking for this line of business it win pay you to investigate. Must sell on ac count of sickness. Terms. 1001. Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 940. GARAGE A REAL BARGAIN. A salesroom and" accessory depart ment, with Studebaker agency, for ex clusive sales in prosperous county located on main highway, not fa from Portland. Volume of business will average not le than $7000 per month. About SmHHl will ha.ndle tbl proposition, terms on about half this amount. AV :4. Oregonian. CLEANING. PRESSING AND CLOTHES REPAIR. This place Is making money and can be increased. W ell ocated. eouippea with press machine, irons, rack, table and everything necessary. This can be handled for $20s cash. See Mr, Hick. with PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. rd43. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of 'conception blank: end model or sketch and description of 4n- vention for our free opinion of its pat entable nature; highest reference; prompt attention. reasonable terms Victor J. Evans & Co.. Hobard bldg. San Francisco. Cal. Main offices 642 91 h st.. W ashington, D. C. A MILLION-DOLLAR COMPANY wants high-clans county and state dls trlbutors to handle a fast-eelline auto motive product Indorsed and used by t nouaands or motorists. io competi tlon. Powerful newspaper advertising over distributor' name furnished to men who can qualify. rile THE TURBULATOR CORP. 2633 Michigan Ave.. Dept. 71). Chicago. GROCERY. SOFT DRINKS AND CIGARS. Close-in location near Baker theater. handling groceries. Ice' cream, root beer from barrel. This place has been established for yen. fa and is a money maker. Price $140 cash. See Mr. Hicks, with PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEW3. 714 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 514S. FOR SALE.. Well equipped woodworking plant In cluding cox factory, favorably located wit., best railroad facilities: operated with electric power and ready for Im mediate operation; must be sold at once. A bargain. For price and terms tee W..rd-Lewi Dumber company, 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 7322. WTLL SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. STORE BLDG.. 24x0 WITH A 24x24 L: ALSO SMALL BLDG. 18x24. LOT 30x 115, 3 LI VI NO ROO M S. A LL I N 400 D CONDITION: $700 STOCK OF NOTIONS ; WILL SELL FOR LESS THAN INVOICE C. E. CHENEY. COR NELIUS. OR. CAN USE bunches of $100 to S300O to purchase material for manufacture of a n absolutely revolutionary product. ; should return' 25 per cent per annum minimum. Fullest investigation court ed. Call or a rile Lynch & Co.. 304 .Exchange Bldg., Portland. . FOR SALE Garage in small country town close to Portland; good farming district; no competition; fine opening for anyone wishing to invest from $1300 to $3000 in a good garage busi n f-ss. A V 171, Qregonian. RESPONSIBLE corporation wants gen eral sales managers to open branch office, manage salesmen; $50O to $5000 ncceasary; expenses to Baltimore al lowed If you qualify. Addresa Man ager. 603 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. DANDY suburban grocery with living rooms: doing better than $40 per day: no delivery; neat, clean stock; price of fixtures $373; Invoice stock. MULTNOMAH INVESTMENT CO., 314 Stock Exchange Bldg. MUST sell established Oregon and Wash, distributors rights on essential auto replacement parts lines. Trade list, advertising, etc. Bargain to quick buyer. Small capital required. Phone Atwater 272 for appointment. A MAN WITH VISION and a few thou sand dollars capital can equitably "share in a business obviously meritori ous and -highly remunerative. Act at once. Harold Fellows, Box 154, Ma nette. Wash.. GEN ER AL merchandise stoca of about $11.000, fixtures $20OQ. in good farming valley ; 1 1 sawmills tributary ; a very profitable business. Wilson Mer. Co., Glendale. Or. BAKERY SNAP Called east and will sacrifice well-equipped bakery and confectionery; three-year lease and low rent. In southern. Oregon. AV 129, Qregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest in estab lished real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregoa b:dip. Phone Broadwav 1002. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. I have to leave city and want to .el) my fixtures of a small first-class market: fine location and a good lease. G K."7. Oregonian. 40 ACRES. money-maker. Irrigated; price $10,000; Income $200-$1000 per sere; grapes, asparagus, berries, spuds, alfalfa. Rt. 1, box 137, Kennewlck, Wash. GOING CHEAP. Grocery department, public market, Vancouver; low rent, good business J. D. Jones. Cth and Washington sts., Vancouver, Wash. A BARGAIN IN STORE. Party leaving city, downtown store, long-time lease, suitable for any busi ness; very little cash required; easy terms. Cal! Main 8!0. LUNCH counter and confectionery, best location In town, doing $200 per month net. A good place for man and wife. Renney, Central Market, Vancouver, Wash. IF YOU are looking for small business. butter, cheese, eggs and bakery, see owner, sth and Main sts.. Vancouver, asn. WANTED A man and wife with $2500 to buy an Interest in one of the best paying businesses in the state of Wash. Address box w ans waiia. w ash. FOR SALE Al workingmans hotel; 43 bedrooms, lunch room, etc.; $2300: $173 rent; lease if wanted. Holland hotel. Klamath Falls. Ore. WILL sacrifice 2-chsir, well-established barber shop In brick building, with liv- inc room ; depot location; $300; rent 2iM jer rerson. PARTNER to manage confectionery, $550 for hair interest, 273 cash, bal ance terms. Owner has other busi ness. 9143 Foster rd. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation, can or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison sts. FOR SALE Nice, small confectionery store, living rooms, rent $18; price $475 cash. 6Q3P 7 2d st. 8. E. Tremont st. CONFECTIONERY and lunch; has foun tain; living rooms tn rear. $1100; terms or trade. 0143 Foster road. FOR SALE Good paying hemstitching. button ana neeaie snap, east side, AR 857 Qregonian. MAN with $20,000 to buy controlling stock in going business. BC 840. Ore gon ian. PRICED to sell. Cash grocery and-scon-fectionery; good living rooms; long lease ; low rent. Owner. Sell. 304 5. MAN WITH $1000 for legitimate business. $10 per day sure. H. S. Hard man, 2i7 Hotel Rita. SMALL cafeteria, short hours, closed Sunday, clears $200 month; cheap. In iuire 20fl Stark st. FOR SALE: O. K. barber shop. For par ticulars write J. W. Caven. White Sal mon. W ash. FOR $1250 you can buy a business doing $7000 a year. K 875. Oregonian, I BrSFNESS OPPORTUNITIES. SURETY INVESTMENT COMPANY. 310-11 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. SURETY Exceptional partnership in auto paint shop; $600 buys an equal half interest in one of the busiest auto painting and enameling shops in Portland; have a steady line of work from many of the best busi ness concerns of the city, shop always full of work. I want a willing worker who need not be a first-class mechanic If willing to work and learn. We can easily clear $200 mon th each. Do not fail to investigate this. SURETY Cigars, soft drinks, light lunch and confectionery, weat side on Portland's main street, doing big business in cigars, soft drinks, ice cream and light lunches; valuable fix tures, soda fountain, large mahogany back bar, front bar, cigar cases, confectionery cases; jarge staple stock; fix lures and stock worth double . the price asked. Sacrificing for $1850. SURETY Grocery store opportunity large, beautiful storeroom, two stockrooms, good base 4 ment. located on corner; first- class fixtures; a steady going business, doing $100 day; full profit; no cut prices, fresh staple stock; will sell at in voice about $3500. If you are looking for a real business do not tail to Investigate' this. SURETY Transfer and storage busi ness. This is absolutely one of the best business opportu nities offered for sale in Port land. Well established; a large list of regular business firms served daily. A 3-story fireproof storage building, filled with storage; located in the central business district, with five trucks, from 1 to SVs tons. In first-class condi tion. Earnings $600 a month net above all . operating ex penses. Will make some terms. Do not fail to inves tigate this. SURETY Excellent west side corner location; right in the business section, doing big business in soft drinks, - ice cream, cigars, tobaccos, etc.; dandy fixtures, large staple stock; u-yea lease ; a great sacrifice for 3io0 cash. Other interests - cause for selling. SURETY Restaurant bargain. Abso lutely the best paying restau rant lor me amount investe in Portland ; thoroughly equipped; doing a splendid business,, averaging S50 da; earth business; large gas range, gas plate, ice boxes, steam table; more than value irr sight for money invested: ren only $25; living room, outside entrance ; west side location sacrificing for $900; sickness only cause for selling. Buyers! If you do net see what you want in our ads. call st our office and look over our large list of exclusive Jistings. No obligation. SURETY INVESTMENT OmiPANT. 310-11 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. MANUFACTURING. We - have an opening in an , established manufacturing con cern for a man with general business experience to assist in the managing of this concern. Our products are in great de mand and handled by all lead ing stores in the northwest. Will pay substantial salary and your share of the profits. Party must be able to make an invest ment of $500O, which is fully secured and will be used to' enlarge this establishment. A splendid opening. For further -information see McCauley, 211 Ry. Ex. bldg. CIGAR STANDS. CIGAR STANDS. $S50 Cor. location on busy street, good magazine and. candy trade; sock aiiu iialujkb worm more man pric asKen ; low rent ana lease. $:75 Cor. location, fine fixtures and sftock : man and wife can do well in thia jIace; has one living room; some oanrain. $2X00 Office bldg. lobby stand. 5 yr. Iea3, low rental, big stock, good nxtures. lou haven't seen this place, as it Is the first time on the market, WIU clear $250 a month for you and live wire can ao better. r or cigar stands come and see us. We are at your service UNIVERSAL SALES CO. 435 Railway Exchange Bldg. ALTO REPAIR PA RTNER WANTED, i nis is unquestionably the best o-p portunity in Portland to buy an equal half interest in a busy, well equipped auto repair shop; fine location in fire proof building; owner has more work than he can possibly handle alone and wants rename man as partner: not necessary to he flrat-class mechanic if nonest ana willlna to work and learn Shop is full to doors with Jobs; does all wora sor leaaing finance concern aervire trucKs, etc. Partners can easiiy clear from $175 to J20O month each; this Is a genuine bargain at $500 for equal half interest. CaM 620 i namoer or .om. bldg.. 4th and Stark PARTNER WANTED. AUTO PAINTING i-iere is your opportunity to buy in with a first-class automobile painter in the busiest and best-known shop in Portland; no better location; have largest firms in city as customers previous experience not necessary if you are nonest ana reliable man, as I will teach you the business; have shop full of work and large, steady volume coming in; you can easily clear better than $180 per month for yourself; equal half interest, only $300 cash re quired; a good, steady Income from a small investment. Be sure and look this up before you buy. Apply 347 ruturK niK-. wasnington at 10th. GROCERY STORE SACRIFICE. Rheumatism compels me to go to dryer climate, so will sell my grocery wl oro tor a urr, wn icn is more tn an covered by stock and fixtures: 5 living rooms, rent jd per montn ; dally busi ness so to $100; location next to apartment house. If you know the grocery business you will see this is worm mucn more man 1 am asking. Call 620 Chamber of Com, bldg.. 4th RESTAURANT SNAPS. $300 Equipment could not be Douen; ior tms price. Rent $30. $3,0 In auto district; fine place $375 A real buy; lady must sell on account sicttness; aoing fine and busi neas is growing; must be seen to be appreciated. UNIVERSAL SALES CO., mo.r fvaiiYV-ttjr .ogonange. INVENTOR of an article of unusual merit wisnns to meet promoter of un - questionable Integrity to form a . pany and sell Its securities to manu- facture the article and place it on the market. This article is in the metal stamping line, can be manu factured for 15c and will find a ready m ""c uitnaj-. f or run particu lars write W. H. W. Hamilton. Baker, AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Hero ia an opening for en teady .nd reliable man to secure an equal Interest in old-fashioned busi ness downtown; experience not essen tial if you are capable of meeting- the public: you can easily clear better man , every monin lor yourself price only 3R0; no better buy in Port land. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce Ditig., tin anti WTarK. GROCERY A good buy from the owner in the best industrial district of i-orciana; clean stocK. good fixtures, cash register, computing scale; good location. 25 rent. If Bold this week $400 for invoice-. No agents, no trade, no commission. Call mpire 0798. FOR SALE Tire shop handling solid and pneumatic tires, gas. oil and a..- sorles In Willamette valley town of -.uv: iiocic ana machinery invoice J10.000; large territory and makes money every year; owner also wishes to sell his bungalow home, value $4000 part terms on both If desired. AV H3, ' Qregonian. A WHOLESALE BUSINESS. A buslnem man with J10.000 can secure active interest in a growing and profitable wholesale business. Can draw good salary teides profits; ref erences exchanged. Room 401 Dekum building. FOR RENT Oarage with equipment for sale on Columbia highway, service station, accessories, oil and restrooms, repair shop and storage, exclusive Dort agency; long lease, low rent; best ga rage location in town. AV 282, Ore gonian. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, tobacco, light lunches and soft drinks, old and well established place, paying nice profit every day. If you are looking for a profitable business with small Invest ment investigate this. Write S 828, Qregonian. BT OWNER Grocery store, new build ing, good lease and business; location fine. Sell account illness. Modern; 4 living rooms. By appointment only. t!650 cash. AN 88, Qregonian. SCENARIO student wants a partner, thorough knowledge of English neces sary; other qualification desirable, AV 266, Qregonian. BCSYVESS OPPORTCNTriE9. S1150 TAKES well-establiBhed cleaning and repairing establishment in business district; clearing close to $300 month. Too much work for present owner. This will stand closest investigation. $1200 Buys well-located corner gro - eery with 2 livinar rooms newly papered and decorated. Bargain for quick sale. $2623 Buys dandy up-to-date gro cery ; owing to another proposition coming up, party will take thia; 3 at tractive living rooms, garage, residen tial district; no store near it. This is special buy. See us at once. $3000 Buys exclusive ladies' wear ing apparel shop; best downtown location; good lease; nets between $300 and $400 per month. $14.000 One of the largest transfer and storage businesses; lots of haul ing contracts; established over eight years. Would sell outright or would consider good partner. Has 6 good T trucks in A-l shape. S. BORLAND CO., REALTOR. 300-2 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. AUTO REPAIR PARTNER WANTED. As this is the busy season, here is positively the best opportunity to buy an equal half interest in an estab lished, well-known busy shop, no better location, completely equipped. If you -re mechanically inclined and a willing worker this is your chance to learn the business, also clear better than $165 every month for yourself from the start; only $250 required to secure equal half interest; absolutely the best repair shop opening in Portland. See this before you invest In any other place. Meet owner. 347 Pittock blk., Washington at 10th. FORSYTH & LYONS. 308 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main S668. $030 Bakery, lisht lunch; snap. $1000 Cigars, drinks, news, ice cream; busy corner. $1000 Manufacturing; business, $la,000 company. 3100 Exclusive territory; our device enables you to change tires in one minute: no tools necessary. Our salesmen making from $200 to $300 per month. 7 other fastest selling articles on the market. Let us show you. Chicken Ra nches Stores Factories. PARTNER WANTED, AUTO REPAIR. A first-class mechanic wants steady and reliable partner wiio will take real interest in his work; have a well located downtown shop with good trade which has increased to point where owner cannot handle alone do only high.-grade, guaranteed work, experience not required If honest and willing to work and learn; can easily clear JlliO month for yourself from the start: best buy in the city for the money; price only J250. Call 620 Chamber of Com, bldg., 4th and Stark. AT BEAVERTON, HILLSBORO, FOR EST GROVE, NEWBERG. McMINN VILLE and SHERIDAN we offer an excellent opportunity to intelligent man or woman who in accustomed to dealing with the- public to build up a local agency providing a permanent income. Personal assistance and .' tratniner rtvnn. advertising and lead furnished. A car and very small amount of oanital for runnlne ex penses are essential. Ages 25 to 50. KAHirience in or near town selectea re' quired. Give full account of yourself in first netter. AE S44, uregoman FOR SALE NEWSPAPER JOB SHOP An excellent buy if you have the cash. Prosperous news paper and Job office in good western Douglas county town. Good new equipment including model A intertype. $6000 buys the outfit. Health poor. Apply C. C. Fairchllds. Reedsport. Or. CONFECTIONERY. isoo to 800 per month seating 50 to 75 people, building 30x 100, three-year lease, only $37.50 month; fine, fountain equipment, cigars, tobaccos, confections, fruits and periodicals. Good payroll valley town; only $0500, which will barely cover stock and fixtures. This is a good business: we have rood reason for sell lng: can give bank references as to business. Address A v aari, vjre50ma.11 BEAT THIS. ' ' fl rooms, good furniture, small store, 3 garages, in the heart of the city; rent $35 per month: price $700, $500 will handle, so hurry. See McCauley. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3826. CONFECTIONERY. LOCATION MAIN STREET NKWRERG. The receipts ot this business have averaged over $40 weekly for the past six months, splenaiuiy equipped, in cluding candy-making equipment. Will uell a half interest to an active party for $3000. MERRICK & CO., REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. B!42. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUteK. Here is tne Dest Duy in ui , 11 rooms, 8 Bleeping rooms; fine lo cation near college, filled to capacity, two in a room: all the boarders you fan handle: reasonable rent; will sac riflce, as large business , out of town He-man d niv attention: terms to re liable oartv. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. FOR SA r.R Restaurant and confection ery In a good live town or buu, au miles from Portland, doing $50 per dav, all cash business, will be better from now on. as P. R.. L. & P. Co. are working from 700 to 800 men and will work more as the work progresses. Everything is first-class throughout Best of reasons for selling. - AV 22, Qregonian. - ' i GARAGE One of the best, ideal loca Won. This place is clearing Detter man $500 a month: business well estab lished, with a good neighborhood trade. Owner will sell for less than InvoU-.e and eive good lease on bidg. Very best qf reasons for selling. Price $2300. This is a clean-cut proposition "and worthy of rigid investigation. No agents. E B7, uregoman. REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY For sale -cash grocery and meat Dusiness. doing $10,000 to $12,000 per month: choice location in one of the best, towns In eastern Oregon; lease for 10 years. This is one of the best equipped stores of its kind in eastern Oregon. Rare opportunity. COX INVESTMENT COMPANY, Pendleton, Oregon. MILLINERY STORE. Well established and doing an ex cellent business; fine location in one of the fastest growing cities in the state; rent very low; owner going east and will sacrifice for $2700. Address AV 272, Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED. Hotel woman, thoroughly experi enced, has modern brick 60-room hotel (unfurnished) Desires a silent partner who will invest about - $3000 on 50-50 basis. Good proposition and good money-maker. Will furnish references as to honesty, good character and ability. N 732. Oregonlan. ELECTRIC BAKERY. Well located, strictly modern equip ment, doing a good business, good rea son for selling: price way below in voice, can be handled with $1000 cash. See McCauley. Zll rty. r-x. piag. FOR SALE A first-class cash and carry meat market aoing .w a niuum. business all cash; rent reasonable. 'lease; located In tne same Dunaing with one of tne largest casn ana carry stores in the city; $1000 will handle. For appointment, AF 836, Qregonian. CORNER GROCERY. AVERAGING ABOUT $500 WEEKLY. Clean and comfortable living rooms In rear. Desirable location, reasonable rent and clean stock. Price $2250. MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942 havk snlendid aot. house proposition in college town, will maae zo -room ants- steam heated, with 4 stores; splendid bldg., electric elevator; big demand for apts. ; cant look after same: want income ror what have youV AL R5S. Oregonlan. BUTCHER'S notice, will rent my first- class cash ana carry meat, maraet. doing good business; all cash; low rent, lease; located under one roof with lively cash grocery doing big business; must be a meat cutter. AG 858, Qregonian. GROCERY STORES. ALL KINDS. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. Look over our list before buying. MERRICK & CO., REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6042. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. ONLY $2000. Well equipped and in choice loca tlon: 3-year lease at $85 per month; average about $60 per day. MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6042. WHAT have you in a mall store or business In aestraoie location. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 6869. FOR SALE if taken before Aug. 27. con fectionery store ana luncn counter, fully equipped, situated on lower Co- lumnla nignway, uiatsKanie. pox js.i i"OR SALE Well-located locksmith and general repair shop. or particulars write G 829, Oregonlan, FOR SALE An electric one-machine shingle mill. For particulars, write owner. AV lt)4, Oregonlan GROCERY STORK ,for sale. eal 1 at 615 in st business oppoKTrNinr.s. FIRST-CLASS AUTO PAINTING. An equal half Interest is ofiered lo a steady and reliable man in one of the buslenst auto paint shops in Port land. Full to the doors with work And steady volume coming in from some of city's largest concerns; expe . rienca not necessary if you .are willing worker, as owner is expert painter and will teach you the business; you can easily clear 17r month in this shop and only $.'J0 required o han dle. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce tiMr., 4th ani Stark, ' MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. $3000 will put you in possuasion of an electrically equipped plant netting more than $30O per month with plenty of orders ahead: manufacturing boxes; in good town, located on river in Wash ington; rent only $35 per month. 1 - eluding 1500 feet boom rht- Investi gate this at once. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 40"-S Pnnnma Bide, 3d and Alder, MEAT MARKET at a bargain; the old est shop in a prosperous locality -3 miles south of Portland; the best cattle country In Oregon. Ice plant complete, slaughter house, modern shop fixtures and Ford light delivery, ' doing nice retail and wholesale busi ness; price for quiet sale $2750 dis agreement of partners cause of sale. Canby Meat Market, F. L. Mathews Co., Canby. Or. MOVING PICTURE HOUSES. $1)500, part cash, for a good country town house making good money. $12,000 for city suburban house; might take some trade. Two houses in a large country town can be had at right price if taken at once. Other houses from $2000 to $125,000. Weston & Co., 1208 N. W. Bank bldg. $400 TO $500 MONTHLY NET PROFIT. Very prominent west side confection ery, cigars and lunch; you can try this business a week and convince yourself that it's a real money-maker. The value is right; $3000 will handle. SIMMS. 010 'HENRY BLDG. . GROCERY Invoice about $600 for stock and $200 for fixtures; doing $40 busi ness per day: no credit or delivery: first-class residential district: 5 living rooms and bath, low rent, long leaee; must' still today; have other business. Open- 10 to 12 Sunday. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, 415 Railway Exchange bldg. DELICATESSEN, BAKERY GOODS. FOUNTAIN AND LIGHT GROCERIES. Tn very ; high-class restricted resi dence district: fine clean store, doing a nice business; large living room; $1000 cash will handle. SIMMS. 10 HENRY BLDG. GROCERY STORE. Four living -rooms downstairs, apart ment upstairs; stock room and garage; three miles outside city limits on rail road line; all city conveniences: will sell one-fourth acre, stock, building and furniture for $4500; $1000 will handle; owner. Write A J 864, Ore gonian. ' A SNAPPY MEAT MARKET. Located In a thickly settled resi dence district: east side, with no com petition; averaging $40 daily; new con crete building; $30 rent; 3-year lease. Price $1600. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. . WANTED A reliable and steady man to take half interest in a cheese aud butter factory in country town, fine location; must have 1 or 2-ton truck and $1200 cash; no experience neces sary If wiaiing to learn and work See H. W. Garland. 260 Taylor St.. near Third. A PARTNER WANTED for a well-located sawmill with plenty timber for several years' cilting; on trackage; " capacity 25M day; making large profits. $7000 handles equal in terest and you buy in with a good mill man. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. COUNTRY STORE? We have three or four very nice country stores which may be handled for part cash. Some of these include the property and some just the busi ness. Let us explain in detail. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. SAND AND GRAVEL BUSINESS. B acreB or a 4-year lease, Al mate rial and a growing concern in the heart of the building center, with Portland on the eve of the biggest building boom in its history. Investi gate this. Automatic 320-05. GROCERY 2 LIVING ROOMS. A nice clean grocery and confectlon . ery doing about $40 dally. This can he handled by one person. Price of $1850 Includes furniture; rent $25. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDO. GROCERY AT INVOICE. One of the best corner locations in the city: doing over $100 per day: stock and fixtures will run over $.1000; good reason for selling. This Is a snap and will stand close Investigation. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 401 Swetland hldg. GROCERY TO EXCHANGE. A good west side store, inventory value $1800; good for $75 to $100 daily cash business; will exchange for equity in good home worth up to $3500. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. A HOME AND BUSINESS. The only florist in Lincoln Co.: 1 acres Just outside the city limits of Newport. Or. ; good 5-room house, greenhouse 36x70; small fult and ber ries; fine water. Price right. Owner, box 204. Newport, Or. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Business established IS years: owner wants partner to collect and take charge of office; clearing $700 per month; one-half interest $4250. Terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6 Panama Bide.. 3d and Alder. $235 CASH SALES DAILY. This is one of Portland's most suc cessful stores; last month's business $7500 all cash: lotig lease, low rent: about $ROO0 cash required. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDO. SMALL confectionery, beautiful fixtures. clean stock rf;u Soft drink and tobacco stand ... .$1250 Small confectionery; can add light lunches $ Son Spot-cash grocery $1250 1421 N. W. Bank Bldg AUTO PA TNT SHOP. Partner wanted by 'first-class auto painter; experience not necessary; painter will teach business and guar antee $175 to $200 per month. $300 will handle. H. F. Ktm-ble Co., 822 Gasco bldg. COMBINED CONFECTIONERY, barber shop and pool room, building includ ed. In small town near Portland. Do ing good business year around; living rooms; some stock: $3000, part cash. 1421 N. W. Bank Bldg. BUSY GARAGE. Owner would consider partner if a mechanic, pay good wages and equal share profits, not much money re quired. Call room 811 Railway Ex change. STAGE LINE. Well established stage line for sale; 11-passenger Cadillac, in A-l condition; $1000 will handle. Call at 544 Flan ders, corner N. 16th st. Phone Bdwy. 17HS. $100 WEEKLY CLEAR PROFIT in one Ti r , T f T AXTTVQ 1H?CP 1". A CT5,rPtP - - RIAS doing $100 dally; short hours, good lease; $3500 will handle. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. WOMAN with small amount of money to invest in a last growing manufac turing concern to take charge of fac tory help; no experience necessary; good salary. Cal! Bdwy. 3126 for ap pointment. Monday or Tuesday. $1000 MEAT MARKET. Doing better than $1000 monthly now. Can get 5-year lease at $22.50. A .fine location with no other market within ten blocks; $1000. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. CLEANING and pressing shop. . Irons, sewing machine and all equipment in good shape. Rent $18, including 4 rooms for living quarters. Fine place for man and wife. $150 cash. PACIFIO NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 504S. OTHER interest compels sale of first class cafeteria, in excellent downtown location; lease extending ,-over 1325 fair; reasonable rent; part cash and terms to suit or will trade for real es tate. Inquire room 202 Aliftky bldg. YAMHILL MARKET GROCERY. Located in best block on the -street, good big space, lease only $100 month rent, stock at invoice, fixtures cheap, no bonus: about $4000. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. CIGAR soft drinks and confec. ; 2 pool tables, 4 card tables. All clean stock. Best corner location in St. Helens. Big payroll. Price $2500. W. A. Wood, St. Helens, t r. 4 S-R. APTS., rent $150 with lease, brick building, on corner, close in. steam heat; very good furniture; full house. Act quick, at $8000 and $4000 nandles. Bdwy. 67TT. FOR SALE One-chair barber shop wlRi living room: old-established business: no opposition; rent $12.50 month; all for $400. 521 North 24th and Nicolal sts. 23d-st. car. ' nr.AIj. ESTATE OFFICE. $100 for half interest In an old established business: centrally located: two rooms with first-class furniture and lame list. B S75. Qregonian. BEAUTY parlor doing a nice business; owner will Btay two weeks and teach the business: price less than Invoice, S500 1421 N. W. Bunk bldg. BUILDING for sale cheap. Including range Icebox, etc. Can be used for a garage. Inquire at 529 E. Davis. Phone East 4b id. LEASE 5 vrs., $100 .rent; 30 2-r. apts., steam heat; $3000 and $1000 handles. Bdwy. 8003, 6161 Henry bldg.