13 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 13, 1922 J r. 4 L ET ATF- t mr ;le tarn. SUBURBAN HOMES. 10 ACHKA $30 " Ko 7. Swn mi from Vancouver, a rood road, aw in cu.UvtUoo. r. i a-roora 6ur.4.ow, trn ;x other oufOai.OiBg; lie fruit tr la good coalition, let of berries. T..i is & rel lit tl p c. Km i-ge fpnnc wlta p niy of wrier for Innuflfl purposes and ta a. dandy bur. $10 cm a, b abc to suit at per cent. B ACRES, $S. One ml!a f-rn city limits of Vnevr. good deep soil, no rock or rrTt -rooro bungalow aa4 am . barn, ail la cotivit.'on except he f cr. ail k:nds of fruit, MrrtM end eapea This is a ana if w eer saw one. tOAO onder vala. $1wVk rms wui Nan 4. a. balance morg-ag, T per cau PEFCTVAX WATTS. 109 W. a st Vftteauvw. Waah TKX TIDE ha turned Bay your farm bom now. We har 8 acres co paved Faclfc high way. Crke County. WasMnf t, 20 tn!!ee from Portland courthouse; iU acaa In high state of cultivation. 15 acre pasture witn. rinniai g-od house; fa r br ; saw chicken aoum and other bu'idinss: good w:l withi pomp and windmlH; fenced and crosa-feied ; orchard mitd fruit; itiu!I fm;t; eiecirlc lights. 4 mile grade ocheo!. 4 H mt H R R . town and Columbia river. W'h the put" la good team. 3 or 40 sheep, 30 chickens and all farm tools ta operate; price $-'"0 per acre; total 1 1,"0, only $60 cash required. Thia la a real bargain and yo should ta vsetiga'e. ATKr'SOy A PORTER. TOS Mai a be. Vancouver. Wuh. lOO ACRtS RAROAtX. r fkubT or. Tou snisbt aay ail lovol: all tha flnaot kind of farm land; tha fray loam aoil : finest kind of clover and arain land: cannot boat It for any kind of farmln; thta plac la on rood traveled road. 30 acrea In cultivation; 40 acre or mora that la very eaey to rlaar. soma of It; two men could clear m n nr in a dara: cood Slrina; water &-room frame Boa : J aod hen- Knuaea. r 1 1 M.T. W ood h bed . ood 1 1 1 1 1 barn with aheda: all kln-U of fin" fruit: about acro la all; windmill at hnoi: fine ilr Thia Is a real honoat-to-otdeea pier of land at a nnr thai vou cannot itaruty oettevv only $i per acre for this Too know what t'anby ta; land aM around M soes Trntw IlJi to Il'JU r acre; ner your change to pick up a snap: want - S cash, balance & eara at ; on mail and crm route; p. ace 4S mile of Canby. Or.; soino hay and spuds ffo with the P.c. E- P. a-ilitl H-n. ?'h and ?tn n, Oregon Ctty FTNK PAtRT FARM. 12 arrfi, hl;h;)p Improved In every way. nelud:n cotr p'afa set of extra ootl buul inas. with modern cn entenc; about 2rt mllcb cows. M tare. num ber of bora. compiei.y equipped, fine orchard, bta vineyard. ..od crovinr rmro and l.-'-aie 1 cloeo in. h fh-rlaw farmin district ; can be bouxht around J-'MI per acre, with iona-Mme eaav mort aace and because1 of owner's aye and CkTCumatanca will fake etjlty of about loOO in aood clesn trade and prefer prop erty ta or near port'.and; sm thtng fod. can be bad rig hi. SAVIt'kl. 1MJAK. 12 Norihurratera Ink B:4c io acrks im:atku near street car uxe: 13 mii ks from l'URTI.AM New X-rom plastered bouse, new barn a ad poultry bouse ; kc4 welt of ater. 3 acres spuds, family garden and berriee. bay. 3 lne euwa. 1 horse, harness, tool. 1-i chickena, household furniture Included fcr fto. 1 1 oOO cash will bnd . STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Xorthw es'ern B a n Bidg. ACRKS, 11 scree eirared. bain:e pas ture, running stream ar.d well, first 'Iaso -rom house, rood barn, chick en house, crra;a : fine young orchard. hemes. art. pears, plume. perhes. srrapes. Iosth n herr;e. currants ; flue 1 tai.on; lies fsne. fre from ro-k; c'oje to r boot, on good road. FrK 4.;mi. $i."t4i, bafanc ey terms. This la a real bargain. Writ Ooorge Beera, A" KKs I-mki. I 4.1 mile out. 3 mttea from river. 1 bicnway and R. R. ; on good county ral. settled community. close to -hoot; beet of soil for clover, fruit, berries, potatoes, nuts or grain; no rok; sprinc water; per cent cash, balance long tune. You can't beat It fr prlre. fjuallty. or location. We take yoi tip by an to. John A. Melsa pt. H- Own bldr IF Ycit" are tired f Inflated land val ue, biah taxes, hirh rents or uncer tain crops, let us tU you about our Bolivia. vuth America, colony, where the oppos.te cond it ion prevail, with good markets becom!nc avalieble t hroorh rapid) r liroad development ; Si per acr make you the owner. Call or write Hoi t via Colonisation as onatmn. Chamber of Commerce bHt . Portland. Or 143 ACRES. Near Corvajw. or., im acres In cul tivation, baianco pasture; 0-room houae, barn. shop, garacv. o:her outhutidmas; well at houe and barn; water In pas ture; 1 m;ie to church and chcol; to-k. farm machinery and tools; 311. U4H ; "ma!! p mrnl down ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. na:a UMe . 3d and Atder HOoD R1U;R APPLE ORCHARD. 11 acres fin 1W-year-old tree, all fine varwr i-a. ba lance of place, IfO acre, cur-' '"'ood timber; modern i rnom bur if A tow. fireplace, hardwood ftoors. Prce $3.im.u. Will consider some trade. Would like modern bun g low to about f5ent. Roger W. Cary, 121N. W. Hsnk hide. I'M C-OING to Cal.. want to sell my fine bS-. farm rear Portland: about 63 a. cleared. A-1 soil, lies perfect; fam ily orchard, berrie. stock, chicken, seed. feed, cream separator, imple ments; house ba bath, hot and cold water, gravity aystem; f-Vo cash. fea. loan f4." Ciin stsnd Tabor wlul. U. 8out. 1512 E YamhIT? st OoCt Acres in sma 11 tinber. f !ood 4d aero. :andy timber. f0. i rood shingle niil, without powrer, . f4. IK you know I have some of the best buy out? Write me anything you have to- txadc 1 will mutch you. Writs OEO B T. R S. Sa n dy. Or. AN IDEAL country plce for a country gentleman. Incomparable view. a deep, wooded ravine where game bird abound. Three a ere a of yuung bear ing orchard, seven additional acre of fertile land only It mllea from Portland and S miiw off th highway. Phone Monday. Tsbor 2S47. 0 ACRES lend ml:a eat of Go.Uen dale. Wash. for a; or trad. 23 Main street. WANTFD RKAL KSTATE. W ANT the beet ree.de nc In I r Ing ton that 7u0 aiil buv about S2.Vs) caait. J. M WELLS. rt rJiim. of Com. h.dg Bdwy, 42"4. W AXTKI 4 or 5-room viug ith basement; 2 lota; will exchange nice Jot on 50 th. baianc caAh. A L, i0. Orego- IlAVS 131 lite v ens autovnooile : want buMdmg lot In Irvington or Alameda Park. Bdwv. 4rt. Mondav. WANT residence; gle choice 13 a.-res or less near Vancouver; good buddings; on!v Jihi f'wner. Box Ator;a. W ANTE D Reasoned le, lot til Irvington or other good residential district, from owner for cah. E o, Oregonian. a.NPKK4ENCEl bu.ider. ant taa fiood lot in ea,chanr bu ldmg. repairing; giv Wjt:on. price, V 57. Oregonian. WANTED In Laure.hursi. Aiauieila lsington. s-room houVe; ail csh brHn AO 7Q. Orvgonian. ANTEl l-t In Uurvihu!t or Aia meda. caah for bargain. Bl) dttd. Ore- LATE mUI neart y new car. trade for eqjity in Improved property. Owner. K.t 041-1 1 S -TO N truck, never ue.l. as Lret payment oa modera house; might pay .me ch Bdwv 4, W ANTED or 3-r om house, lo good lrea;ion; win giv car and eom caeh a f !rf r-a ment. Wain uf 3.w. E.ASTM HKLA.VU L-oT W ANTE I Mum be bargain. (Sir legal dccrip- t:ri o 71. oregonisn. APT. HOUSE: 3.Votaj casn; Income proiertv. $4i OOO, assume om, AJ 0O. Qre-grrin. l'j! A SAXuN x to trade ta en 4-rjatn Tnodern houae. tel. 3.V. WANT Id. an c rtt v . A II t -reg. e wtthin miles l.V'li'K lulomobl reit "-i ed d 1st net de f..r l-t In . Qrg-mian. W ANT lltedturu-prEeed re'trKborht'od. Phup- houee m V.o"n s;h LOT in R p i y nent C or Annr, Tahcr mut W on WANT modern r. ience In irvingt-Mj r other Approved 4UcL . Ess; I W A T K I R K A I, T ATK. PCRCHASKHS AM) OWNERS ATTEXTluN". When bu in or s-;irng your horn it ta your latereet tu know that "The Coo A. M Kenna Co ." etb;ined inc 1 wj, bm e one of the best-selected data of properties in the city for eie. Jur poiiey at to Dot only tbooo home that me can psitl e. y moumrad at ibo price quoted. Tou Wii: f rad rourttouj and gentlemanly salesmen at your -r -. no know th city and vain- tnaTfuarti.y. You quite naturawly want to cat the best for yowr anon. We aro her to it pou to tnat rod. If ou aro an owner and wamt tnteUiai and qi-b: aorvk. nf our property haa qtiailty and mtrit. um with tha Coo A. McKn Co., and you wUl aTTt at tba tmuiie X A- ifcKK.W A at Ol . Artlna B.d.. klroadwwy ao4 Oak Tot Browdwmy NEWCOVKR.1 CFOWDTNO TNTO OCR BEACTIKIX CITY -want bama You bava thm. 'll hKU THKM. PraonaJ attention. immfJui inion. W liiapMt. apprai and thoiofnpri all property wit.Mn 2 hour. WE 8PKNU THUlANDS OK lM!.UAd advrtiaira: and rf in tuh with the majority -of HOM1C KKKK KR8; po niprfiic talMtufn with autoa. No chrf axcpt tha otandarJ roan tniaston of 9 pr cent In the vnt of a aattafactory aale. W protect the intTta of out-of-town owaara. "W fcl "WRITE fr I nmu ra nr-e. Sm FRANK I- MciUIRB To Sll Your Home. Ahlnrton B-'J. 4rwdary Till. Third, be! we-i Vaah. ami sn.r k. . IRVIVC.TON HOMES WANTED, specialising In Irving ton proper, we r!way have buyer tor geod huiuea in hia diet net. There .m a pood dam and now for oolontais. also new bunaaloa. Why not list your with an old. re liable f-rm who have helped to de velop this dieirlct. tiiad to tak It o;er wita you Bdwr. 757 CITT H-jMES PEPT RITTER. LOWS St. CO.. KKA1.TOR. 201-2-a-ft.T Heard of Tra-t Bldy RvTsKji WANTKf. WE HAVE CASH HVTERS FOR VOIR HOME. If you have a house for aalo, let us help you sell It; we ave readv btivera for home ranging In price from to $li.OiM. Fnone Hdy. Ct"Hk CORCURAN-JoXKj RKA!TT CO.. "K lTK r. K f Wa CAN &ELL U'L'K iiLNOALOW. If you will accept a clear lot. some eejh and monthly terms. We will guarantee to sell jour bungalow qukk. 6T. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors, "04 Morru m St. Main .M'd-' A KKAL CASH BUYER. Old couple wants a good piece of In come orooerty and offer a firt pay ment about S1.VIMHI cah: will assume mail amount. Small apartments, fiats or cioso-in propert preferred O. H. HKOTHKIM REALTY CO., 404-4wf Couch It dg Bdwy. 77 WK HAVE BUYERS fr horn- in all aectlon and If vou really desire sell and will make your price right e can sell - your property at once; experienced men with auto to show your prenerty. J. A. WICK Al A X CO. REAI.TOR5T. art 1-4 B oh rd o f Trad e Hid gz THE OwNER of a large arra of valu able land within the vliy limit, com mandite; a splendid view, require a well-connected and pro reaal ve man to dispose of the property In accordance wim tho plana prepared. Liberal com mission will be paid fur all aalea, K id. Oreronisn WANT 5-KOOM B UNO ALOW. Prefer Hawthorne or Sunnvalde; boot f.XVOO. .".oo down ; give 11 de tat' a to term, add re, etc.. In first le'ter. A. H. Nehle. 7liS K, 30th. w INDUSTRY WA N TED. We can offer any industry wishing a location a site wit kout cash pay ment and may take stock to sppljr on purchase. W If. ROSS. II no N. w Ha n k BM g. WANTED FOR. si POT CASH. Real bargains in either businea or residence properties locateil on Im proved streets, close to car lino; princi pal apply only, no agents. Wtnt worth. IMwy. 14 after tt P. at., or An Jf1. Oregon: n. W E WOlT.I like to have several home in th Mount Tabor and Sunny! da dis trict, a w lave buvera wit ing. See H. S. McDuffee. with W. O. ID hi. 17 Lewis Bldg. Hdwv. Ifing. WANTED ReaJ eetate wanted to exchange for bote or apartment houe. KKVtHMAN lNVEcTTMENT CO . 210 Tewm btdg Bdwy. jlX4. WANT to buy for rash direct from own- gr. alx-room house with at least two iota; prefer St. John district, but will consider other good district; cIo.ha to school. A V 271. Ciregnlan. HAVE several cllfni looking for hnui from $'' up. We do not ask fr ex i luidve litlnKi Phone us. S. RORLAND CO.. REALTOR. Henry Bldg. Hdwv t -". HAVE BUYERS KoR FLATS. If prirel rtrhj they are sod. Sea our expert appraiser. Bdwv. ftftll. Realtor. -T O. BIRD. Sjd CHAM OF COM WANT 4-fIat bui.dlng on west aide, corner preferred; can make large cash pa men. HENRY W OODDARD. REALTOR, 23 Stark st. Bdwy 731. WA VT EI llUHes to build ; reasonable price and ftrst-clas work guaranteed Jacob A Bruckman. contractors. 312 Columbia M Tel. At. VHU. kl's Ttb betts st Tel :t'03 CASH VY'ElY Want 4 or 3-r-V-m modern sunuroan. wtrn H acre or lets. EADS A MATHER, 3"T Couch B!df. WANTED Going farm, stock. Imple ments, crop sufficient to operate same; must be bargain, price not to rsceed fMOOO; firat payment fl300; owner only. AO MS. Oregonian. FROM O W N E K ON LY u- roo m ho use. R C. P.. Lure!hurst or Alameda, nr. school. Ktrlctly modern, good condi tion Imp. pud Mat best price; 1 150 down. X S3?. Oregon nn. WANT for elicnuDutch Colonial. Irving ton district, to fltt.mtO. M"hb hus:n. Rum met: A Kummell. 24 Btsrk st. Bday 072ft. WANTED In unrestricted district, nice level lot. Ptreet Improvement in. close to car. Must b reasonable for cash. Owners ordy. K Oregonian HAVE cash buyer waiting for farm and acreage. If you want quick action, aee me. C. W. Mlllershlp. 4th at. Main 5?7V SELL YOUR PROPEIiTY by my successful system. It brings cash bey era. Investigate, p. O. Bos 1131. WANTED To buy immediately in Lau reihurat. best vHbie modem house. Price shout $50oo. Give location and descrim o-i. T n14. t regonian. WANTED A 5 or g-rooiu bungalow. lo cated In Rose City Park: must be a rood buy. old houae preferreeF have IT.WOtrt psy down. J ei7. Oregonlsn. HAVE ite buyer f r 3 or fl-rootn bunga low. Row City. Laureihurst or Irving ton: not over f3ia0. What have you? ft A. Cobb Son Bdwy. 3?ft. WANTED w more acres, stocked and equipped. Oregon r A'ash.. for 6-rooi modern house. ftOx20u ground and 3ooo cash. C H27. Oregonian. MI ST hae 6 or 7-room house with two lots. Alberta district preferred. What have you? G. A. Cobb V Son, Bdwy. s - SEVERAL client for bungalow to f4-W0 with f "o down, substantial monthly payment. Rufimell A Rummell, 1!74 Sfark at. B'lwy. 7'J0. 6MALL suburban home to $..(M0 as first payment on c lose-in Portland Income, poxioo and 3 houses, easily rebuilt Into flat I, OmnUn, WANT a suburban horn, east of S2d u preferred; H scr or more. Mr. Fisher, '.'J4 Henry bldg. Broadway 437 CORN ER lot in I rvtngton g t ve lcation and lowest cash price. BC S3 4. Orego ' n an WANT Modern bungalow. have cash and automobile for equity or as first payment. P. o Box 3375. WANTED Direct from owner, good lot In Beaumont, Alameda er Irvington. Tabor 3074 CAtOI for oor.ier lot. doe In. good dis trict, for building plot, under f30OO. I- V Sheridan. Tjbor 7133 HAVE fOOO cash, want houae with 4 s'eeplng rooms, near East 12th and He'mont A. S W. AE n55. Oregonian. WILL accept 2 lots in good location as payment on mosjara 4 -room bungalow, b.vance eagy ternli F 43. Oregonian. WE HAVE ca.h clients for lrington or Alameda lot If price la right. Main 3T!7. WA NT residence, lot, income propcrt, to exchnr.ee for acreage, orchards, firrnn y Cole. 4-fiLumb rmens bldg. WILL pav 1 45 hi cah tor sma-I modern home. Answer by letter. , giving? full p a r'.jculars. A O re gonian. TV' "lot valued at fio as first pay ment, en five or six-room bungaiow. wn n HAVE t-i.ent fwr IoOaoo lot. l.a 3757. M'XTFI RKAL ESTATE. S EWCOM K K S IKUWIMNU INTO OCR BEALTIKL'L CITY want home. You have them. We'll tiKL-L THKM. Personal attention. Immediate action. We Inspect, appraise and piutgraoh all property within 24 hours. Wt; fPKNO THOUSANDS OF IHLLAR.S advertising and are In touch with the majority of HOME SEEK ERS ; lt energetic aalesiueo with au to. No charge except th standard cunuiilsxinn of 3 per cent In the event of a satisfactory sale. We protect the lntere; of out-of-towa owners, WE WRITE fire Insurance. See FRANK 1. McCfl'IRE To Sell Your Hume. Abtngton Hldg . Bdwy. 7171. Thtrd. between Wash, and StarkJ WE CAN SELL TOUR FARM. We hsvo a number of real buyers waiting for smait improved ranches lo cated near Portland on good roads. If your property la priced ritcht wo guar antee a quick pale. Send for list ing bianka and watch results. ST. CH ART-fCS REALTY CO., Realtors. ?P4 Morrison t Main So?. COMJNIZATION LANDS WANTED. AV'uuld deal direct with owner for aolid tract of fertile well-watered land for settlement by selected American. iluM bo low priced and easy terms, present valuo plu eot of develop ment to be considerably under proa pert ive vaiue when improved. tliv full description, location, topography, soil, etc.. In reply. AV 2u, Ore so man. I WANT a tiveruom mouTn bunjrulow. a good kx-aiiou. value 34"H0 to $."oo. as firat payment: I have 10 seres eastern Wash, wheal land, value tl.VKi, and -'4o cash; can arrange satisfac tory tuonfhly payment on remainder: prefer daMng with ownera. Fred ReiU. Hot 2l7. rtty. WANT A P A R VM KC T HOUSE. Have Irvington hme. buuti fully furnlehed; orth 2S.io; clear ofUebt; will trade fur apartment house and pay difference up to $75.fW. I.l'DUEMA.VS CO.. 3.4 Chamber t Commerce Bldg. Broadway 697. WK WILffiUY TOUR HOUE. If your price and location Is right we will buy your property, with our o funds. For quick reaulta. m.rv ST. CMARI.ES P.EALTT CO.. Res'tors, "o Morrison St. Main .Vt.'. HoMMi. e RtSB CITT PARK. , If your home hasn't sold, try us. We hsVe so!d several of them past few weeks. W can sell your. Two of f icej David Harp. Manarer. R T. STREET'S. Sandy Bivd. Off'e. i;rn Santlr btvd. at ::!th. aut. SJ0 04. RESPONSIBLE family, with good refer niw, looking for home; mut have four bedrvKm.i; will leaee or if necea- eary purchase with small payment down, balance !n reasonable monthly Installments. Locations preferred; Ful ton Park, Eaet Morcland, SeJiwowl. I'ortt-ird He.gMs. AN ST 4. Oregon l:en. I WM,I, PAT CASH AND ASSUME For th beet bargain In a west side large house that cau be used for room ing house purposes Will go to $S3o if prw- and location suits. V 870, Oregonian. ' WANT EI -to vatue -A nice residence In Portland of $10,00 for timber land?. Timber Is on hard graveled county wtcon road, down hill to railroad. Splendid proposition for a small mill or f..r speculation. Carl T. Travia, r.-JP Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. WANT i-KUuU ill' N U A LO W . About T..-0O. 3500 down: give si de tails as to term, location, etc.. in first letter. A. H. Nehl. TIS E 3th. I HAVE rest live buyer for and B room home In restricted district. If you have on for sate call on me. 1 w ill give you personal service. C. M. DER R. REALTOR. 1215 N. W. Pnk Bids. Atwatr 2243. To BUY direct from owner on terms, modern, well-built f iwe-room home, good district. Rose City or north Irv ington preferred; reasonsble down pav ment and best references. Call 0 A- M. to 1. Min TOO. room H40 WE WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS AND ACREAGE. If you want to sell it costs nothing to let us know. Personal inspection and Inrl i vidua I attention. J. C. COR BI N CO . 305-0-7 Lewis Bldg. WE SELL. BUY AND TRADE ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE. STAR REAL ESTATE A- J XV. CO. BDWY. ittlH. 512-13 WILCOX BLDO. I NEED A HOME. I have Laureihurrt or Piedmont lots, clear except bon!ed Kens, first pay ment on a 7 or 8-room house la good dlM rir-t. T. KQ4. Qregonian. IF Yt"R home hasn't mid. Jrvlnirton. Alameia. Laureiiturat, Rose C!y park, TALK WITH H T. STREET. Wo are selling many of them. TWO OFFICES. FleAT BLDG. WANTED. Want good flat building. S4hH) to 112. OoO; if you have one bring it In now. W. C. BECKTELL. . ft 3 X. W. Bark h!dg WANT dlret t from owner, modern home, central east side district. I2lh to tfOih st. : I J -Mm) to tooo value. Ca.h for bargain. Clve price, location, etc. O Oregon! an. WANTED Re I map tor caeh. full lot; close in, or. double constructed ft-room moilern bungaiow. half cash. Rose I'lt v I'ark itrofeerMd ' r'v nrife He. oc r IpMon. kcatjon AE STO. (regonian. QUICK deal for good buy In 5 or - room bungalow, any good district; not too far out. See A. K. Hill, 4-fc0 Lum- bormena b:dg. HAVE $)500 as firnt payment on 4 or 3 room bungalow In good dlstrlat ; must be priced reasonable; mean business. Tsbor .VJ4. WANT HOMES. Have 3 client with f 1M to $300 cash that want m.-ill mod&rn bungalow. Phone B d w v . .VV 7 . LOT OWNERS! Let me aell your lot in Irvington, Alameda Park or Laurel hurst; have several buyer waiting. Vance T. Ferguson. Bdwy. 4-i. WANTED A corner lot luO ft. by 100 ft., good central locality for business; give lowest price for cash. Apply D 83. Oregonian. WANT a-RM. MODTRN BUNGALOWS. (Between Broadwav and Division, west of 4Vh: not over f40o0 sHood 3H41. HAVE stock In a fft'ng company, which I want to trae for a good residence or acreage. Th! stock wtll bear in vesticat'on. J Hi'7. Orrgonliin. WANTED at once from owner, 5 or 6 room modern bungalow under $4500; have $50O aa down payment. Bdwy: SP5. i -ROOM modern" house and garage, in good district, up to f750H; have three lots at actual value and flOOO cash as first payment. R S53. Oroeronlan. ADVERTISER with a sure Income of f70 wants best home obtainable on these terms. Address ' with all par ticulars H STL oregonian. BUYERS at our t wo oltiees wanting home and lots. Irvington. Ala meda. Laureihurst and Rose City Park; let us cwh yours. R. T Street. Realtor. HAVE t-'OO cash and can pay $-'0 to $5u mo. and interest for 3 to 6-room mod ern bungalow near car line : must cate within IP da's. W K-'tl. Oregonian. WANTED At once, from owner. 2 to 4 room shack, near car; price must be right and term easy. Brnaaway Jvri. 3-RoOM modern uburun home; small payment re-ponslh!e people. Ets khi t. Wanted to Bent Farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close tn Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. W make lots of sale thia way. Will buv equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Geriinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED By an experienced farmer, locked or partly stocked ranch, cash or shares, w ith option of buy Ing. At lea?t -0 acre plow, some timber and plenty of pasture and water. Care more for land than fine buildings. W ould accept Job running ranch. AV 22a, Ore go n i a n Parma Wanted. SMALL places wanted close to Portland or good vaJley town, with buildings and small amount, cf equipment; owner to accept soldier's loan and small'payment down; farm ranging from f4OO0 to f5300. with some equipment, giveu Immediate attention,. Jcho Ferguson, Qerllngar Bldg. FARMS AND ACREAGE WANTED. WE CAN SELL THEM. If you have a farm or acreage for aale. list it with us. as we have the cash buyers. If you will price your land worth the money we will produce the buyer. Send us full description of what you have for sale. CORCOR AN-JON E REALTY CO.. 175 Oak t. Phone Bdwy. W. FARM WANTED If you have a good farm near Portland or sale suitable for general farming, write me at once with description and lowest price. John Baker. Ieoueen. Arkansas. WANT FARM, stocked, equipped, prefer with) some prune, for Portland house and assume or cash; give complete description. N 864. Oretfonlan, WANTED KKAL ESTATE. r'amiH Wanted, HAN with eoltlier inan wUhes to buy mall farm, equipped nd stocked, owner to assume second mortgage. Could handle larger place, a brother also has loan. Ed Anderton, 41 S. bth st . Corvallia, Or. TPtBER I, AKM. VAU'ABLE TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Tha Loa Angeles Trut Savings bank of Los Angeles. CaL, offers for ai approximately S5.(HH) neres of tim ber land In the southwestern part of Tehama county. California, estimated to cut 30.tKo feot to the acre, and elo cent sugar and wbt p'r. and 40 per) cent nr. Fcr .niormation, au areas Truat xeprtment.y Los Angeles Trust A Savings Bank. Loa Angeles, Cal. IF TOU want to sell your timber holdings and ml it propositions anywhere in northwest, either large of umafl. write P. L. Han- nen. 13 H Washington at, Port- ' land. FINE tract of about fifty million feet of old growth yellow fir, fine grain running to neart or tree, average 3S inchea on stump, eight lu-foot logs, good ground, wlil average hiKh per cent surface clear, near railroad and three dollar lotf rate to Columbia river. Alore timber can be had ad joining. Price and terms. Curl T. Travis. .VJO Henry bids:.. Portland, Or. SAWMILL" for aale. OM capacity, locat ed in southern AJregon. pine, fir and cedar. oO-horse biicr. 0-15 Berlin planar, two engine, two .donkeys. 12 (M0.000 ft. timber. 30.00O.uO0 more available: SH-ton lumber truck: near Pacific highway and S. P. Write for particulars. Address Box 210, Ash land. Oregon. OPPORTU N I T I Prlee of lumher are adnraJiclng every day; prices on mills are drop prn g and timber Is p le n t y ; f I res are over; now 1 trme to get busy. See m for mills arrl timber. R. B. HENRY. 1M5 Wilbur st. Walnut Bliq. MILLS A TIMBER. WE HAVE THKf AND USTINQ MORE. WRITE OS IF YOU DESIRE TO BUY OR SSLU MILIS TfMBER. 1fi BROAD"AY BLlL PORTLAND. ORKCON. bi ACRES q.tHin.ooo feet Douglas fir. gKOOit; near railroad: a snap; over f0. OnuiHK) feet good mixed timber, hold ing proposition: price ." per thou sand; a ra snap. 80 ycres good red fir. over 2.tH0,0W at 60c per thousand. ti s.'rt. treiron;an. . 113fl ACRES timber. Lane Co., runs 30M fo acre yellow fir: acre; GREEN TIM HER ; ACCESSIBLE. STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. HALF SECTfON timber. Jm-kson county, r.. o.flft."rtO sugfir pine. 3,000.000 fir and mixed, S.OoO.f'OO Norway and other pine Towiuthip H J South, Range 3 east. $sooo. D. Sutherland. th e.. Seattle. YYnah. , SO ACRRS, with lo seres finely improved, st $100 per acre; SO acres, adjoining , ahoe, unimproved, at $-5 per A. Bis etu-nd of timber on all sidee. Eva Went worth. Lorane. T.ane county. Or. 0-M CAP. mill on S. P. 4o acres timber land, contract for several mii'lon more; about 4d million can he hud; $soo0; term on part : mi!! running:, making good morirv. AV 'TO. Cregr.nian. FOR KALE 5,0OO,0O ft. No. 1. mednmi sljre, old -growth yeHow fir ; 4H miles down hill haul ; good for Indefinite operation. J. W. Ex on, Eag'Io Creek, Or. ABOUT 8.000.000 ft. heavy old -growth fir and cedar, average fir about 4 ft., easy togging on R. R., ffi per M. Owner, N SdH. Orfgonlan. FI NE pine tract, easy logging, mill, eouipment etc., rcoasonable terms. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FOR SALE Sawmill, 10 M capacity, planer, timber, all complete and run ning; S mi. from R. R. S kid mo re Lbr. Co.. Hoff, Or. lMi.ono.000 FT. of timber In southern Oregon, one-third pine, for sale. Write W. D. Hodgson. Gooding. Idaho. 5.IHH) MILL Sell on easy terms or lease, or low price for cava. . AV 231. Oregonian. FOR S A LE Oak timber, do n. For particulars. A L .N53. Oregooian TWO TTC-VMS want .lob lodging by day or contract. a v ;;,-, oregonlmi. , FOR RENT FARMS. 45 ACRES RENT $50. t!3 under cultivation, balance pasture, good barn, fair house, other outbuildings. 4 cows, dandy team, harness, cream separator, about 15 acre in oats, very good ahape. pot a Lots p.nd other crops; rent includes use of all equip ment ; price for crop, stock and rent paid till April 1. f 11.000. Terms. 110 ACRES RENT $-50 PER YEAR. 30 under cultivation, some bot tom land, balance good pasture, large orchard, assorted f ruitH, fair house and barn, water piped to outbuildings, one and one-half acres In potatoes, some hay in the barn, team, wagon, harness, plow. harrow, mower. some small tools, rent paid till March 1. 10-3. Above property 1H miles from good Columbia river town and on main paved high way. Price $750 for all. Terms. LARGE EQUIPPED RANCH FOR LEASE. 500 acres. 00 acres of bottom land, balance upland, plenty of good pasture, rent $ 50 t. semi annually; fine buildings. This In cludes use of ail equipment necessary for large dairy ranch, along with milking machines and outfit. Tennant will sell 40 cows and lease for $2750; terms. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 407 Main St , Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT 200-acre farm, 4 miles Leb anon; gravel road; adapted to grain, dairy and stock; spring water; per sonal, hay. ensilage, stock, equipment, about $UuO; will lease 2 or 3 years at fit w ck-h rent. Also 8f0 acres. 3 miles Crabtree. 125 under cultivation; personal, f'ied, stock and equipment about 'J 500; 2-year lease at f35 per year. Write. OlBSoN & ALVIN, "THE LAND MEN." Lebanon, Or. FINE truck proposition, 30 acres. 1 S acres beaver dam. 1 2 acres good fruit land with red shot soil: fair buildinsrs; good water; good road; one mile electric line. Will lease to right party for term of years: reasonable 'rent. ATKINSON 4 PORTER, 705 Main St., Vancouver, -Wart. THREE-YEAR LEASE with option to buy, 40 acres, 30 acres cultivation ; 6-room house, barn, silo 10x34 : water system, all farm ma chinery lease $150 per year; 7 A-I cows, 2 heifer. I sow, 4 hogs, good team, 40-ton good hay, 3 acre apuds, etc., ail for flGoO; 3 mllea from good town. L, O GERBER. 715 Swetlar.d Bldg. . FOR LEASE. Will lease my 80-acre equipped dairy ranch 00 acres in cultivation. 23 mile of Portland, on good road, tock. crop and equipment for sale cheap. See mv agents. ROBINSON-SPOOER CO.. 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 07S5 GOOD stock farm, 550 acres, 200 acres In cultivation, rent $50O per year and you can sell wood off the place to pay the rest. Renter required to purchase ' the cattle, sheep and hogs now on the farm which are worth around $ 10O0. Can hold ranch indefinitely. Write 714 3d St.. McMinnville, Or. 53 A. 2H miles from Fulton car on Boones Ferry road; all in crop; fine for dairy or gardening; ready for sub. div. ; will rent or sell at big sac rifice; owner on place. Oswego, Or., R. 1. Box 1?3. FOR RENT One of finest dairy farms; over 30O acres in northwest fields In high sta te of cultivation; large modern bulldPngs; corn and roots can be ar ranged for. A 851. Oregonian. 660 ACRES, 600 river bottom, 250 acres cultivated, Portland 40 miles. Saiem 13. Desirable lease to responsible party. R si 7, Oregonian. WA NTED A-l farmer to rent or buy stocked and equipped farm; som cah required. Mrs. A. L. Chute, Jeffer- FOR RENT lo acre, stock for sale. 30 tons'hay In barn; 7 acres In potatoes; 25 miles from Portland. AE SlO. Ore Ifnnlan. FOR RENT 70 acres with good build ings, a nice home place. 30 miles out, excellent dairy ranch, implements and stock for sale. O 870. Oregonian. b0-ACRE equipped dairy farm for rent on shares, near Tlgard, stock for sale. F. Walsb, Bc&verlon, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 9 acres. Yamhill county, 50 miles from Portland, 5 miles from good town, 1 mile to school; 20 acres cultivated; 75 acres can be farmed when cleared; 60 acres good piling timber; 15 acres pasture ; large bearing orchard, 4tH prune trees, some fruit ; 7 roorn houae with water piped In; well ; 3-room house. chickeir houses, capacity 3000 chickens; other buildings; personal prop erty: team, 3 cow, heifer, 500 chickens, crops,- cream separator. Incubator, brooder and very com plete Una of machinery. Price for evervthing, f 7500, terms. Consider Portland house for same or larger amount in good dis trict; will assume. GOING CHICKEN RANCH. Nearly 9 acres, near Oregon -City; rocked road; wire fences; 7 acres cultivated, balance pas ture; spring and creek; bearing orchard; 6-room house witlv . water system and plumbing; barn, large chicken houses, brood-i er bouse, capacity 2000 chiok ens; personal property: 600 lay ing hens. 400 February pullets, 50 cockerels, 20 May pullets, Jersey cow, horse. machinery, brooder stoves, etc. Price f5300. 3.i00 cash. Consider Portland house, clear, to f500. This Is a troing concern with satisfied cus tomers for the entire output. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. S acres, between Portland and Tigard. -miI to electric sta tion; all cultivated: bearing or chard, some berries: 4-room house with electric lights; barn, chicken house, other buildings. Price J350O, $700 cash. Consider 13 to 40 acres, improved or un improved, nut over -5 miles from Portland. 10 acres, on North Bank high way, 4 blocks from station ; -mile to school ; 44 miles from Port lands -acre berries ; no waste land ; good well ; 4-room house, barn ; good chicken house and runways; close to hot springs; personal property, 'Z cows. 36 chickens. tools ; price $3000: clear. Consider Portland house or vacant acreage close to Port land. ' CLOSE IN. CONSIDER HOUSE. Over 5 acres at Tisrard. 9 miles from center of Portland; culti vated ; family orchard ; 1 3 acres berries; good garden; 4 room plastered house, burn, chicken - house. Price $3800. terms. Consjder Portland resi dence same value. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Uerlinger Bldg. Over 500 email places near Portland. WANTED. An apartment house or busi ness Income property in Port land or any other good city in exchange for 40 to 60 acres in the city limits and assume large balance. This acreage is in an ideal location and If platted would return three times the original cost. See Mr. Tice, with E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Lease Specialist. Suite 42H Morgan Bldff. Main 5060. GENERAL STORE FOR RESI- DKNCB. Stock of general merchandise, including bldg., with public hall overhead ; warehouse, other necessary bldga.. and an acre of ground ; located on R. R. and highway; postoffice in store. M ill exchanKe tor residence on E. S. in good location up to $5000; bat. casfe and terms. HOLLY REALTY CO. .436 Cham of Com. Bdwy. 6G53. OREGON FOR-CALIFORNIA PROP ERTY. B houses on the east side, value $23,000. West side flats, value $16,000, West side houses, value foooo. East side garage building. $12,000. Ea st side residence, $12,000. East sido bungalow, new. $7000. West side acreage and farms. For action on your California prop erty. list it with us. F. L BLANCHARD. Realtor., 401-2 Swetland Bldff. Broadway 59. LOOK! LOOK! Wanted A well-stocked, improved farm, or city property, for one of the finest hotel buildings and grounds in the city. lor sale or trade, furnished throughout. 5 stored, all 3 stories, tolid brick building. 52 rooms, rented ; large poo. room with fruit and cigar stand every t hing goes as it stands. Price sM.i.000: also i lots, close in. on car line. My health is the reason. Give full particulars in answer. Owner, Ho tel Newton, 22 d and Ballard, Teat tie. Wash. NINE ACRE S. C LO S E IN. .nil ticnirn, i-i "uiu i- i n y iui (lioiici. chicken house, all out buildings, good well, 441 assorted fruit trees, horses, cow. about 40 chickens, alt farm tools, including 1 incubator; value $4850, my equity $1500. balance on contract, easy payments; will consider some ex change on my equity. What have vnn ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-0 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. 213 ACRES, 4 miles to The Dalies. 12 acres orchard, cherries, peaches and apricots; itu acres of line summer fallow ready now to sow to wheat; fair house and barn, 12 head of horses: al? kinds of machinery. Price for all $12,000. Will exchange up to $8000 tor well improved place of from 5 15 acres, near electric line and good road, balance long time payment. Mc Xure A. Schmauch Co., 306 Railway rcnange "tog. 13 ACRES NEAR SALEM. Good plastered bouse, hot and cold water, 8 acres in prunes, 2 acres In apples; fine walnut and cherry trees. an Kinds berries: team, all machinery, including power sprayer. This year's crop should net $&0O or more. Price f i000; might take some trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Com merce. LOOK: ' WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring; me your propositions, large or small, lty or country; I will match them. E. A. Easley, 293 Montgomery st, corner Fifth. PARK TfSyR CAR ALL DAY. ANYONE wiuj.rhg a dry climate, we have a 3-room house, nearly new, 2 porches, about 1 2-3 acres berries, pas ture wheat,' good garden, just outside city of Boise. Idaho. We want some , thing in or near Portland. Write me. Mrs. H. F. Maynard. Woodstock, gen erwl delivery. MY - $2500 EQUITY in 80 A., irrigated sugar beet, airairar land ; 3 miles from Yoder. Wyo., on U. P. R. R., for equity In Oregon land or city property; total price of land and water right, $120 acre. Write R. S. Lease, Cor vallls. Or. HAVE 10 acres, highly improved, mod ern Buildings, city water and gas, well located, at Aloah station: will take modern 5-room house as part payment, your own time on the balance. T. P. KELLY. 06 HENRY BLDG. Broadway 5022. WE HAVE a number of good acreages " cinieo ui 1,117 iiwuico, oTiiurr it lo willing to assume. Bring in your list in and see us get results. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-0 Panama Bid)?.. 3d and Alder. FOR SALE OR TRADE. T lots, 2 houses. livery barn suitable for garage, fruit, city water, electric lights, located on highway. 23 miles south of Portland. Wtll sell or trade an v part. Box 66, Brownsville, Or. tiELL er trade 30 acres apple land. 3 miles east Mosier, ore., lor my $2000 equity will take $1000 cash and city lot or first-class automobile. Marshall 1104. Total value $3000. 14-ROOM rooming house, close in on Park st.; will trade for equity In a house or take light Car as part pay; terms on balance. T. P. KELLY. 306 HENRY BLDG. TO EXCHANGE one of the best seed and dairy farms In S. Idaho for small, well improved farm near Portland. JB. J. Ayers. Gooding, Idaho. $5000 EQUITY with crop wheat, in south Alberta for near Portland or Portland Income; good crop. I. M. F., Vancouver. Wash. Gen. Del. WILL TRADE my 1 GO-acre farm near Bend. Or., for 10 or IS acres close to Portland or will take city property. T. P. KELLY. 300 HENRY BLDG. TO TRADE 3-ton 1920 Atterbury truck, tn excellent condition, for house or equity in house to value of truck, which Is $1?00. Call Bdwy. 6559. EQUITY in Newberg house to exchange for good lots in Rose City Park or Laureihurst. J 870. Oregonian. lOOu-ACRE farm, well improved; close in, for city property or small place. What have you? AN S54. Oregonian. FARM or city lots aa part pay on 0 or 7 rom house. Woodlawn. Alberta or Piedmont AH 8."H. Oregonian. fctTOCK or wheat ranches for city, u whnt you hnve. AH S57. Oregonian. 1920 F. B. CHEVROLET roadster, ood condition for acre. Tel. 310-30. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CANADIAN FARMS. 800 acres all fine farm land, 450 un der plow. bal. sod and ready for the plow; splendid prairie outrange, ideal for general farming and stockraising. Price $40 per acre; exchange for farm or city property here. ' 480 ACRES. 400 under plow. Price $40 per acre, exchange for farm or city property here. 320 ACRES. All under plow, fine level land, Ideal for wheat, oats, flax, barley, rye, corn and stockraising; plenty of hay to be cut on prairie and stock run out year around and become fat. Price $40 per acre; exchange for farm or city prop erty here. 640 ACRES. 420 under plow, ail fine dandy farm land. Price $40 per acre, exchange for farm or city property here, 160 ACRES. ' All under plow. A splendid Quartet at $30 per acre; exchange for small farm acreage or city property here. Estimated 40 bushels of wheat crop now being harvested in locality of all above farms. NOTICE. If you have good property at right price I can get you an exchange in America's rich farming section. CLAUDE COLE. 426 Lumbermens Bid STOCKED AND EQUIPPED RANCH. b0 acres, about 20 miles from Port land, on good road; 00 acres in culti vation. ' about 40 acres beaverdam land, good house, barn and outbuild ings:, nrrce siz.uuu. iane llou property to $7oo0, balance 10 years. m , ...... .Knot- ift mile from Port land. 24 acres in cultivation: has fair buildings; price $5000. Take Portland property for fyll amount. 240 acres near Albany. Or.. 120 acres in cultivation, balance timber and .t.irn tonr-oA Qn,i rrOSS-f enCed I h fine orchard, good houae. barn and outbuildings and a show place of the valley; price $28,000. Take Portland property to $20,000, balance arrange to suit. C. E. DAGGETT. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 67ti'.. TWO SISTERS WISH TO RE - TIRE. If you want a small apart ment house of 30 rooms in splen did location and only have a lim ited amount of money to pur chase, but have a 0 or 7-room house in good location, see ns today. Our price is only $18,000. See Mr. Tice, with' -. E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR. Lease Specialist. Suite 428 Morgan Building. Main 5000. 20 ACRES stocked and equipped, all in ..n- - t arT-o in orchard and chicken varda snd buildings, balance under plow and in crop now; 5-room house, chicken house for 500 chickens, barn and other outbuildings; team ot noises, wagons, harness. 3 cows, 300 hens, and a u tnnio n nri Itii nfcment s ; also furni ture in house: only 1 mil from large town; only footio. ims is a w's -cash, balance easy terms, or take city home. Also have large list of other acreage places and farms both for sale and exchange. TALMA DOE REALTY CO. -619 Henry Bldg tr i nR Atv yd-ACRE FARM for the, furniture of an apartment house and will pay cash difference; 14 acres cleared, 7-room plastered house, fireplace, 1-8 basement. 0OO gallon tank, woodhouse, chicken house, brooder houae. barn; 1 acre bearing prunes, X acre assorted fruit nil kinds of berries. : mile to-school church and store; value of property $7500. mortgage $3oOO. A rc liOH INVESTMENT CO.. 405-G Panama Bids;.. 3d and Alder. 21. ACRES NEAR McMINNVILLE. HnrA in a. rdace with an income plastered bungalow, hot and cold water, bath, barn, garage, chicken and brooder house, other buildings, paintea 14 acres in prunes, this year's crop estimated at 40 tons; 5 acres apples; horses now. 100 chickens, all kinds machinery. Price $12,000; will - take small house. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, V13 Chamber of Commerce. COUNTRY GENERAL MERCHANDISE oil riCi. One of the best in the state: the owner has been there for 25 years and made enough to retire; he also has blacksmith shop and feed chop pers. Wlil sell together or separate; will give terms or exchange for larni 2 miles from Portland. 1 miles from electric line. Stewart & Morris. 202 McKay . bids:. 318 ACRES, 200 acres in .cult., balance oak timber, good roads, nouses,' -large barns, large hophouse. water piped to house and barns; good woven wire-fence; near school; will sacrifice for $05 per acre with $0000 cash, bal. to suit or will sell of farm with $4000 down payment; will take income property up to i,uvo. see wounascn with F. C. Robinson. 415 Cham, of Com. IDAHO IRRIGATED FARM. 40. choice, good water. $4900 equity; want mdsf. or income. SO. highly Improved, paid water, 112000 eouitv: want land on coast 40, improved, paid water. $0000 equitv; want coast income property. JACKSON AGENCY. Parma. Idaho. :100 CASH. 3 -room house, garage, corner lot, 60x 100. near 63d and E. GJisan. Tride for Ford car.- EADS & MATHER, ti07 Couch Bldg. 570 ACRES wheat ranch, 350 acres sum- mnr rai OW. Hilly biokbu u.iiu. ruuipuru, fair buildings, abundance of water. . near school and R. R. town. Consider smaller place in exenange. uwner. box 23, Condon. Or. FOR SALE of exchange, my $2300 equity in strictly mouern o-roora uunsaiow, on paved street and car line. Will take lot or used car as part or smaller place that my eq-uity will about c.ear. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland lot, Oakland lot ixi jw xeet, on sou, ave., between 24th and 25th sts.. High land Park. Terrace addition, value $1000. All Improvements in and paid. Atwater 2246. . BEAUTIFUL brick apartment on west side, income apout sio,uuu per year. price $140,000; will take good clear property to 3 viu ; give ue scriptlon. AH 737, Oregonian. WILL TRADE. We can match you on any trade 'having merit; houses, lots, farms. acreage. Bring in your proposition. Robinson-Fpooner Co.t 1 12 coucn pidg. WILL TRADE 100 acres timber and grazing land near Mltcnen. in wneeier county, value $1200. for Portland lots. Mrs. O. M. Washburn. 725 East 59th st. N. Phone Tabor 0447. 7-ROOM, double constructed plastered house, gas. electricity, oatn. etc.. nanay to school and car; will consider trade for smaller house. Owner, Walnut 4343. 1203 Gay st. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE TRADE ARTIST AT J. W. O' CON NELL CO., 213 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 861. TRADE for apartment house or sell 6- room house, garage, large lot. near grade school, high school, library and park, five minutes to car. Owner, Walnut 3014. - QUICK SALE or trade; 20 acres ail cultivated; gooa ouuuings; wen water; near highway and electric depot : $4500. Owner, John Calderwood, 313 East 48th st. Tabor B32U. WANT to trade my 40-acre improved farm, new buildings. 2 mites from Sandy station, running water, lies fine; want home in the city. T. P. KELLY. 300 HENRY BLDG. CONFECTIONERY and lunch , counter on Yamhill market, aoing line Dusiness; consider trade for house or good lots. C W. Millership, 165 4th st. Main P275. HAVE 6-acre suburban home, close to SCnOOl, caon jriuw tuv , kai:iih.uu i or city home. C. Cole. 426 Lumbermen's bldg HAVE sale contract 12700 and $2100 equity in $-uuu cnoice residence to trade for store and living rooms. Cau add some cash. Call Bdwy. 53SHK 1925 FAIR REALTY EXCHANGE, 202 McKay Uldg. we can sea or exenange anvthing any place. Stewart & Morris, 202 McKay bldg. CAR AND CASH for half or quarter acre around ;apitoi run or jauuno mah or cheap house in city. L 836, Oregonian. 10 ACRES, 6 mllea Vancouver, Wash., unimproved near pavement, rine lo cation. I. if. F., Vancouver, Wash. Gen. Del TO EXCHANGE Portland property with house Tor putcnersnop m country town. AF 851. Oregonian. EQUITY R. C P. acreage, Iu0x260; bal ance, aoou, bi 73 per ten t montniy, no interest. For auto, call Main 2086 WANT light auto for equity in 5-room cottage. J. a. xieuaie, ox j vjernnger bldg. ACRE at MetzgeT station, to trade on 5-room bungalow or rooming house. 709-10 Broadway bldg. NASH 1919 as first payment on 5-room house; new tires, paint ana license. Owners only. Tabor 1918. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. EQUITY in 5-room house for light car. 971 Hiast -n j n st. iNurin. WANT trade city lot for express truck or rooming nouse. w sii. uregoman. 144 A. Douglas Co., trade for property in or near peruana, .prowa, voiy, nasa. TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. EXCILANGBJ OF MERITV WEST SIDE, 10 mil- ont on O. E. ; acres all In cultivation. 50 bearing fruit trees. 1 acres loganberries; small house; $3S0O. WANT 8-room house with garage. WEST SIDE. 12 miles out. O. E. ; 3 acres, level; fruit trees, ber ries; dandy for poultry; new 4 room house, poultry house, dou ble garage; a bargain at $3000. Easy terms or trade. WANT Portland house. 4 or S rooms. WEST SIDE. 13 miles , ouL paved road and Red Elec. ; 14 acres, all in cult., fruit trees, ber ries ; fine 6-room houae. base ment, city water, gas; a fine country home; $5000. WANT small home In Port land. W"EST SIDE: 7rnil out on O. E. ; 1 acre, ail in cult., fruit trees, berries, garden.- 4-room house poultry house, garage; $3000. WANT bungalow. 4 or 5 rooms. ( IN CITY LIMITS: 2 acres, all in cult., fruit, berries, garden; fine 7-room house, barn, garage; $6500. This Is a good investment. Fine homes around it. 1 WANT good 5 or fl-room bungalow. IN CITY LLMITS; 1 acre, all in cult, fruit, berries, garden : 5 room house; gas, elec.i city water, modern plum.bing price $42oO. WANT 6 to 10 acres., close in, for pouKry. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT. . HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201, 2, 3. 5, 7 Board of Trade bldg. -- "Wihere Trades Are Made." ACREAGE CLEAR FOR. HOUSE. 7.SS acres dark loamvsoll all under cultivation near Hubbard. Or. Good 4-room house, bath and attic ; good barn, well, windmill, elevated tank, tank house, 2 chicken houses. , hog -house. This nronertv is clear of (-en cumbrance and is a wonderful bjr $2800. The owner will -exchange for clear city property of equal value. See Mr-. Root. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., Realtors. 204 Morrison st. " Main 592. MONEY-MAKING ALFALFA FARMS IX IDAHO; Several alfalfa ranches In best sec tions of Idaho to trade for western Oregon farms this is a sample: High ly productive 120 acres, near Gooding, nearly all cultivated, irrigated, volcanic loam soil; growing alfalfa and timothy crops; made $5000 last year; fine im provements; equipped and offered in trade at $18,000; will take city or farm land-, at right value. OH. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 404-400 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. NEWBERG FOR PORTLAND. Modern, well-built eight-room plas tered, dwelling, bath, two toilets, elec tric lights, full basement, about half acre ground, lots of berries, large gar den, chicken house. This is ideal place for retired people. Could be made to . bring good Income with small invest ment. Located near school. Pacific col lege and highway. Will sell for cash or terms, or trade for Portland prop erty and assume up to $3500. Owner. F 875, Oregonian. A REAL FARM AT A. REAL BARGAIN. 134 acrvs; Al soil. 75 acres In cult.. 10 standing timber, balance pasture, well watered, good buildings, water piped in; 30 miles from courthouse: good all year auto road ; for quick deal sell far below value, easy terms, or exchange for md.se., or other prop erty; if you want a good farm, investi gate this. TALLMADGE REALTY CO..' 019 Henry Bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN ACREAGE HOME: Trade. One of the finest su burban homes on our list ; four acres near city; brand new modern home; rich soil and ideal for berries, garden ing and poultry. Will, apply this on small- apartment house or flat build ing and assume. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 404-401. Couch Bldg. Bijv.y. 6787. I H A E a 1922 Dort tourlig car, driven only 2-00 miles, with lots of extras; can't be told from new; wiH exchange ior a gooa res. lot in irvington. Lau relhurst or Alameda Park; might pay some currere-nce it lot is nicely located and priced right. For particulars phone ainut uuoo, evenings arter sun day. . 1 OWN the buildings, real estate and aM furnishings ot'40 rooms, paying i; per cent on investment. Close m Always full. $10,000 cash will handle; will accept good residence and give long time on balance. This is not trading stock hut fine income Dronertv. Never on market before. AC 850, Ore gonian. COUNTRY general merchandise etore: one of the best in the etate: the owner has been there for 25 years and made enough to retire; he also has blaok smith shop and feed choppers; will sell together or separate; will give terms or exchange for farm; 24 miles from Port land. 1 miles from electric line, Stewart & Morris. 202 McKay hjdg. MAKES NEARLY 2400 A YEAR Choice piece of income property on Portland business crner; good leases; regular income; equity $14,000; will take good farm up to amount ot equity, may consider good home In fortianch- O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 404-406 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. 57 ACRES good land, 30 miles from Port land on graveled county road, 30 acres m cultivation. 4-room house, large barn and other outbuildings. Will exchange for city property or acreage. Price $100 per acre. cee Air. tamaworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. REALTORS. 410 Henry bd ADJOINING GOOD VALLEY TOWN. 27 acres, all in cultivation:- fair house; barn, chicken house; fine, large hog house; lights, city water, close to high school. Price $6500. Will take small house to $3000 or $4000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ONE ACRE in Hill&boro with 6-r. house. chicken house and other build Ins-s: plenty fruit, walnuts and berries: $2500 tattes an; would consider trade for good car up to $1000 value;, some terms on toal. Address P. O. Box lO. Hillsboro. Ore. WANT A RESIDENCE. I own a 40-acre farm, 23 miles west rrom, Portland, half in cultivation, fine orchard. fa.ir buildings, near school; excellent soil, rolling land, pries $5-500; incumbrance $2100; will trade and as sume. Y 804. Oregonian. $6500, WE'LL built house with seven large rooms; lot 200x200 and lots of bearing fruit; sightly grounds; to sub divide or run a ranch In town. If you want a cheap home with plenty of tooth, see this today a-t 4008 5Sth St., S. E. Wi 11 ta ke pa rt trade. HIGH-CLASS INCOME PROPERTY IN BUGENB. Will considen choice farm as part trade on a choice business block in State U. city. Any trms on balance. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 404-4O0 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. 46-ROOM hotel in the heart of town with lo.ooo population ; a-year lease; rent $100; big income If managed right. Prfc $5000, will cut for cash; will con sider trade. See mv agents. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 4SS0. LOTS WANTED. Must be good district; have cash and 80-acre farm clear of encumbrance, value $1800, to trade for same. W. ROSS. 624 Henry Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage, lot 100x150, barn. chicken house, garden, iruit, spring wa ter, for Portland irno. property. Will pay cash difference. H. E. Rosenerans, Troutdale, Or. WILL exchange 20 to 200 building lots. vicinity uaKiana, ior uregon or wasni lngton land. Write full particulars. W. J. White, 611 Federal bldg.,. Oak land, Cal. CITY LOTS FOR TRACE. 15 lots, 50ex9O, east side, near 60th st., clear except city lieno of $350 jer lot; price $400 above liens; will trade and as-sume. Y S62. Oregonian. MODERN, 9 -room house, 2-3 d near hos pital1; rental value $7a; cost value $7500; want 2-flat bldg., strictly mod ern tn choice district; might pay some difference, BJ S64, Oregonian. 10 ACRES excellent cranberries near II- waco, Wash., with crop, or will ex change for Portland property. O 834, Oregonian. 8-ROOM, modern house; full basement. rruiit, garage, waner. ugnt ana gas; lot 66x105. $3900, terms. 306 JS. Mor rison. Kast rG 75. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 6-room house, price souo, at iui a. n;. o7Ui et. N. WANTED Bungalow in Portland. Have 6V acres or orchard land near Moser and cash. Phone Auto. 612-79. . BEAUTIFUL six-room bungalow, one- third acre. Ryan, for suburban acre age. H 865, Oregonian. WILL rent cabinet phonograph for elec trical labor. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. 4-ROOM modern house, full cement base ment to exchange-for close-in east side ' acreage. Sell. 166H. LOT IN SPOKANE. WASH. $400, to' 'trade for lot in Portland or small busi ness at sane value. Phona East 916L TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE 4-room plastered. weU-tnillt bunga low, toilet, sink, cesspool, garage, gas, electricity, small fruits on rock road. 2 Mocks car line, MontaviUa district; $2200; to trade as first payment o-n 1 to 15 acres, land suit&bio for truck; garden. 40 acres walnut, prune and apple or. chard. lO years old; $12,000; wtll con eider smaOI acres on highway as part payment. This Is a goord buy. 2 V4 acres chicken ranch, 1 acre as sorted orchard, bearing: 8-room all modern frouse; 300 chickens. to trade on 6-room modern bungalow; balance easy. 60 acres, well stocked and equipped dairy, fruit and garden ranch: 6 mile east of city limlta; ,1u&t off Foster road: present income $300 per mo.: $12,500; - will consider close in acreage or Income pro-perty in exchange. 244 acres, grain and dairy farm. 240 acres under cultivation; good uttdlngs. -family orchard; H mile Pacific high way; $110 per acre; will consider east ern Oregon or Washington; irrigated, up to $16,000, bal. easy. 1200-sxre Montana wheat ranch on Yeliowstono trail, modern buildings and. equipment: $150,000: for valley farm up to $12.3,000. What have yo to of fer? - Lot 60x100 en B. 48. near Division, everything in, and cash as first pay ment on west side home up to $7HV0, balance $50 per mo. and interest What nave you to offer? We have many stocked and equipped farms to exchange for dwellings, acre age or income property. What have you ? SEE E. G. CAMPBELL, with H. W. OSBORNE CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. AGE COMPELS SACRIFICE. If your Portland property will match, this 100 acres you will grab this bar gain: 100 acres. 50 acres in cultivation, 9 acres of prunes junt coming into bearing; good family orchard. Enough, hardwood timber to pay for clearing ; ail tillable when cleared; 1 mile from the west side highway and elec tric station ; in one of the best parts of Yamhill county. Fair 8-room house, with electric lights and water piped from 4 fine spring; good barn and chicken house and some outbuildings; good woven wire fences; all stock, crop and machinery included. Owner will ac cept Portland improved property up to full value. This is a bargain at $10,000. See Mr. Root. '" ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors. 204 Morrison f. Main ft?VP2. TO CLOSE AiN ESTATE WILL SACRIFICE STOCK, DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. 25U acres of rich soil with an abso lute water right to irrigate 190 acres: abundant water at all times: 200 a-ares in cultivation, 80 in alfalfa, some grain: all tools and implements to farm place; unlimited out-range, 2-itory residence, 5 rooms, large barn, poultry house, garage, milk house, blacksmith shop, granary, ho-g houae and shade. ONLY $40 PER ACRE. - Water right alone worth more. Can sell on very easy terms or tll take home in or near Portland to JfUMK). MaclNNEtS, EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTBR, LOWE & CO, 201. 2. 3. 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. BCSIN'ES building and apts., pays 8 per cent "net ; take iflrger property and assume or take farm; you assume. 1400-acre stock ranch; alfalfa, cat tle, horses, machinery; take smaller ranch in exchange. 2S0 acres. Crane, Oregon, railroad and river on place; .good bidgs., stock equipment, fenced, large open range, irrigated alfalfa; worth $10,000; mort gage $;iOO0; trade equity. What have you? Vancouver farm for Income. Acreage city limits for income prop erty; a ss u me or pay ess h d iff er e n c a. so acres Bend irrigated for house. West side apt. site to trade. CHARLES RINGLER & CO.,, 204 Ry. Exc-h. Blr. MODERN BUNGALOW FOR , ACREAGE. Five-room modern bungalow. 50x100 lot, only 1 Mock from car; In very good condition, 6 nice bearing fruit trees: garage; price $3000; want 4 to 8 acres on west eide, within 20 miles of Port land; not over $35-00; investigate this as we believe it will be worth your while. See Stephens, w-ihh Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 37 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. Located 16 miles west of Portland, 25 acres in crop, 1 acre potatoes, bal ance open pasture; 6-room house; barn and other buildings; 5 cows. 2 heifers, team, chickens and alf farming im plements and tcols; price $9300. Will take house to $5000, $1000 cash and balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 338 Chamber of Commerce. WANT PRUNE RANCH OR ACREAGE. Have a good 160-acre ranch . near Harrisburg, Or.; nearly all haa been in cultivation; fair improvements; house, barn, granary, etc. Price $12. 000; clear. Owner will exchange for ' acreage near Portland or a good prune ; ranch and will" assume if good prop erty. F. L. BLANCH A R D, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 63Sft. WANT AN AUTO OR LOTS FOR KENTON NEW BUNGALOW. New 4-room bungalow. Just com pleted; cement basement, built-ins, bath, cabinet kitchen, two bedrooms, corner lot 50x100; price $3300; will take one or more lots or good car up to $1000 and $600 as first payment. J, W. GRUSSI. 31S Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. DOES YOUR PROPERTY SUIT YOU? IF NOT. LOOK THIS UP. AN APARTMENT FOR TRADE. I own n east side concrete apart ment, rfew and clean; 10 apartments; well located, hot water heat, good in come : price $35,000; incumbrance $21,000; some must be paid; what have you to exchange? Y 802, Ore- gonian. FARM WANTED FOR INCOME PROPERTY. Splendid business block with large Income, located In one of the most progressive small cities of Idaho, of fered for farm in Willamette Valley, or good wheat ranch, up to $35,000. Own er here and ready for action. O. H-. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., 404-4O6 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. 16 ACRES, with 4-room house, barn, 10 acres cleared, V mile from Tualatin, Or. Price $6000. Will take rooming house for first $2000 or less, time on part of balance, clear of all Incum brance. On account of poor health this place must go. If looking for bargain investigate. Box 15, Tualatin, W. S. Jones, owner. NOTICE. If your city or farm property Is for exchange, has merit and is priced r Ight, list with the Coe A. McKenna A Co.. established since 1889 and your every interest will be safeguarded'. . COB A. M-cKKNNlA & CO., Artisans Bldg., Broadway and Oak. Bdfwy. 7522. ACCEPT LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. New 5-room bungalow. Price $4650. balance $37.30 per month. See Mr. Jensen. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO. Realtors. 204 Morrison st. ' Main 5962. MODERN 'APARTMENT HOUSE. FUR- NISHED Trade. e apartments wnn, an income of over $200 a mo. Build ing, furniture and all, at exceptionally low price. Will take clear acreage or suburban home as part payment. See Mr. Newton. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., 404-406 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6737. HOME AND INCOME. Hawthorne District. 100x100. and B apartments, partly furnished. You -could have your own home and rent the balance of the bulldinsr for about $80 per month. Price $8500. Will take bungalow up- to $4000, balance terms. Auto 632-53. 30 ACRES, all cleared but 7: fenced and cross-fenced, nouse and Darn, aoout va fruit trees and some loganberries; prlco $6O0O: my equity $4250; will trade for rooming house and some cash or con sider out of town proposition. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE, 90 acres, near Salem, on Pacific nlsrhfw&y; 60 acres in bearing orchard, pru-nes and cherries, good buildings ; $40,OO4; want a grain farm up to $25,000. F. L. Wood, 341 State St., Salem. , WANT larger valley farm not over $30,000 value, within 60 miles Portland, near highway, equity in 117 acres, joins city limits Cornelius. 2 miles west Hillsboro, on highway, ail under cultivation; mod ern house, gas, city water, electric lights. W. C. Menold, Cornelius, Or. WANT California Improved acreage within 50 miles of San Francisco, any good location or suburban home, in exchange for Portland fine, close-in property. improved, good location. Give description In first letter. By owner. P. O. Box 4343. Portland. On 160-ACRE farm near Sherwood; 85 acres in cultivation, fine soil, orchard, fair buildings: price $21,4)00; incumbrance $8300. will trade; what have you? G S39, Oregonian. 50X100 LOT and second-hand lumber for a Ford. Inquire 1220 S. Amherst.