13 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 13, 1922 MOHAIR Ml 1 Ml llu nut S ENGLISH NEWS Improved Demand for Mo hair Reported. MUCH TRADING RECORDED Condition !--1 a rf-1 bjr Kxp-rrt to B th llralthlont Since July, Itll. Intnuri activity la th mohair mli: nd a Impfo, ds-mand tor mohair ar atuantfiiic (ntam In. EHn mo tor market. crtlln la dlci r- It-M from 8. B. Hotlln,, of Bradford. Erilan-t. mohair nprrx and Britl.b cor-rn-nondrnt of th. Ancora Journal, w ara triad to r port a marked 1m- Bvaramaat la I ha mohair trada at Brad ford aad district, coadllloaa tada, s-tna; EHllhlfr than at tar tlma aiae Jts't. 114.- aald Mr. UalllBca la him cam maalcallaa. - -a. at chapter ha opaaad aad tha initial aatliaa la ecrtalalr rood. Mo hair has followod lar.iy la tha waka of other kwnMMi aad lt racovcrr from CO. d,prloa of tha war year baa taken tlma. Trora 20OO to I3.0O0 ac ' Tar kay mohair has-, aaoa aold la Brad ford darlac the first ale months of tha arrant year, while sal's ef Capa mo hair ara a Leo ceaetderabie. and raa late eeveraJ thoaaaads of balea. Stocks ara todar ta reasonable compass aad laraeljr la tha heads at actual coeramers. This la a, strvee factor aad ahoald be pteaatnc to Aacora (oat breeders both la "Sooth Africa, aad tha Catted Slates. It Is estimated that from ts CO par ceat of the eplnnlni machinery ef Bradford aad districts ran Bins oa mo hair before tha war ara bow employed oa that article. Whoa It la remembered fna mohair splaalBC dwladled at one time dsrlBc tha war ta as low aa 10 per ceat of tha machinery available it will be aaea that eoaeamplloa of mohair today W vastly different. "Aaother Important factor pleaelnc to s-rowera, la the bic weights of thick two-fold yaraa which ara feeing pro duced. Thla means a much. larcer coo -rampttoa f raw mohair than whea small eemnta ara be Ins prod ace d. Today tha plash, trada la tba chief outlet for this class) ef article. Bradford traveler just returned from Germany said that tha railway c ar rises there, la pre-war times tha beat wphelatered ta tha world, still preeeat a dilapidated aad worn-out appearance. As aooa mm tha railway companies caa af ford It they will wlthoat doabt start to renew the!r carrtase llnlnss which would mean a bis demand for plaahea. Peats la movlBs-picture houses as well as car tatns have all provided a b'.c outlet for mohair while there is also a fairly sat iBsfactory call for mohair 11 n in so for men'a salts. "VtMaaers ia Bradford hare their whole out pot sold rlsht ap to the end of the year aad soma svea to aezt March. This certainly Is a moat satisfactory stats of affairs." peach rsnnlns on to part of the local hous-wive A number of cars of fncy ,,'. ma Klorrtee are now enrotit, h r.t will he on the market the first of the meek. I'rlces on peaches are low with a lenUrncy rioenir1, and aa i ronse-i uence a heavy consumption Is an In ! !!. Tsktnia raches a- will ba on the market In the near future. me locals a.o are avallsHJe at rensonabie prices. hnvts of ran Is Irae. A shortase of cantslonpee durtnc tn firet of the week Is anlirtpal--! In th loenl market, owlna to the fact lht r(n have curtailed shipments from the Taklma district. ('a.lfornia rantaloupea are practh-slly a l.ntn of the past for the season. The melons arrivtna from that urate are now too ripe for firet-r.aes quality. Thero are plenty of watermelons, honrvaew. casabss and Ice cream me. 'ma oa tha market, and trading- is fooa. WHEAT HAS AXOTHEK DCIX DAT tssral Mar keflecti Listless reataree f Eaatrra Markets. Another doll day la wheat with prices aachanred oa the local boards resulted from yesterday's session ef the Mer chants Xxchaatre. Ia thla respect the local market reflected the Usuries fea tures at wheat markets In eastern cen ters. I .ark of Interest In wheat was further esused by reports from Liverpool lht the market there closed Id lower. The Chtcaeo wlrs to the Gray Rosea baiun Oram company of Portland fol lows: -Continued pressure of American Cana d.ao crops from bow oa Important fac tor. Euro pean powers sot worsen, out constructive proframma to Increase buy Ins; power aod our owa covemment loaaiBt millions sralnst wheat all over country Dvarisn isctora. Kuylns; OS breaks won't hold market until specula tive demand Increases, which legislation haa destroyed. Broomhall's report Issued yesterday bad tha following ta say about tha sa nation ia various countries: I'm ted Kingdom The wheat market has been depressed owing to the con tinued liberal offerings of Maaltobas aad Plata wheats, while the demand Is slaw ea account ef ascertain political aod financial conditions la Europe. Fair sjuantlUes af American winters ara also betas pat forward. The situation la corn ts easy aad tha trada not active and nly a limited business has been done. Argentine The weakness m wheat Is a reflection of tha weakness In the United Kingdom aad America. There was a fairly good bras: nees in cash wheat yes terday aad tha balk ef it was short cov eting oa old salsa. Trade in corn esti mated at 300.000 bushels Tha weather report Issued yesterday aid: Weather forecast Aside from possible hewers over the west and lake region tha weather throughout tfi'.m forecast dis trict during tha two days win be gen erally fair. Hlslng temperature indicated ever tha eastern half of tha belt and high temperature now prevailing over tha northern plain atates will continue for a day or so. from California cams tha news yes terday that tha barley prod action there wrewld be larger thaa indicated by early condition reports. A total crop of 1S.--50.000 haahela la aow Indicated. Grain receipts la cars were reported by tha Merchants Exchange yesterday as follows: Wheat Bar. Fir. Ota Hi r Oman a. oatar.. Tear age Feuos to date... Year age Tacoma. Friday.. Tear aso ........ neaoa to data.... ait Tear ago Heattla. Friday Tear are reason ta data. Tear age ..... Hank Clearing. Pint clearings of the northwestern Cities today were as follows: Ciearines. Balances -Portland IVTus 3 f .J.oii Wattle Ortt.O'lJI 1. RIO Mi:! Efokane 1 MM.Hvi ool.oTi Tacoma Transactions. t2.7ft.0OO. Clearings of Portland. Seattle and Ta coma for the past week an.l correspond ing wea in former yesre were Butter IWIIne Kxpeeted. A decline In The price of butter Is pectet early this week. It became an- parent yesterday aoior.g various crse ery interests that Ui would be Impossible to maintain in- present price. A bi fsctor In the development of th.s attitude hss been the Importation several csr.oails of mi-aet butter, with promise of more unless there should be a drop In price here. rOsVTTLAXD MARKET rOTATIOXS '.rein. Floor. Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchaase. soon avsatan. Bid Wheat Aus. Sept. Hard white $ l.tie 1 u -if. while 1 tm 1.01 Whrte club l cia os Hard winter 1 v 1H Northern sprint 1 o 1.0 fted Walia 1.0 l.ti oats No. J white feed ......... t OO M 00 .-o 2 gray , HAM (3.00 slar.ey Brewing 29 fe OO standard feed 2J.J0 27.40 Corn No. 2 E. T. shipment 23.73 33.73 fwt R Family patents, 7.0 per bbl ; whole wheat. Is Oj; graham. 140: baser hard wheat, 17.40; bakers" hlje stem patents. IT Ju. valley bakers', I J HO; straight. I." 30. MltLrmie-Prices f. o. b. mill: Slnl ran. ton lots. 3l: middlings. Hi: rolled barley. 3-5u3: rolled oats. . scratch feed. Its per ion. CciRN White. (37: cracked. 119 per ton. HAT BuTlns " price f. a. h Portland: Alfalfa, tixtfls.30 per ton; meat. Il; oata and vetch, 17: elovr lis; valiey timothy, 18, eastera Oregon timothy Bntter and Country Prodnew. Bl'TTER Cubes, extra. IB04OO lo.i prints, parchment wrat red. box lots. 40c; cartons. 47s. Butterfau 4047c: deliv ered stations: buying price, A grade, 44a. fc)K;: Buying price; Current receipts, t021c dos. ; henneries, i'i:4c dox. ; Jobbing prices: Case count. 22 ft 24ci candied ranch, 23c; selects. l"c Associa tion selling prices. Selects 2yc; browns, 2lc: firsts, 27r; pullets, 23c. C'HEt8li Tillamook triplets, price ta Jobbers, f. o. b. Tllikmook, 2Sc; Toung Americas. 27c; longhorna. 27c pound. PULLTRT Hens, ls22e lb.: seringa. 20c; ducks. 13wc; geese, nomiaal; tur tsyt. aominal. ViCALr Fancy. 14814HC per pound. PUKK fancy. 17o per pound. Fralta aud Tesetablea. "Local Jobbing quotations: IKLITj urangea. Valencia. I 80 10.30 per box; iemoca, I7OS.30: grape fruit, Id73 box: bananas. SVitys-as lb.; csntaloupes, (3 03.30 crate: peaches, txeoOll.XJ per box; apricots. (1400 2.23 per crate; plums, II. 23191.30 per box; watermelons, Isvit per pound; rasabaa, I Vc lb.; pears. (3.2S t3. SO; blackberrlea, (2V2.23 per crate; grapes. (i.30v( per box; new apples, 7"ect1.30 box. POTATOES CXew, :8 2 4c per lb.; sweet potatoes, eastern, (1.7a per crate. O.N IONS Oregon yellow, (i.00 per sack. Wel a Wa.la 1 frOv2 per eack. VEOtTAUL,to tabbaga 2sS0 per pound; lettuce, (1.00 crate; garlic, I'M per pound: green peppers. le per pound; tomatoes. 73tf.c per crate; cucumbers, ouvouo per box; green peaa. tylJo pound: beana 7tfnc per pound: green com. 30c doxen; egsplant. lOkt 12 We pound; aumtner so,un, bo per pound. ritaple Grocerlea. JLocal Jobbing quotations: 51'iMH (sacs basis) Cane, granulat. ad. 7.oo pound; beet. T.Guo per pound. NUTS Wainuta 13(o per pouad; Braail nuts, 17tvtvc; almonds, iWmfp 2c; peanuts, lutjllc per pound. RlCs iflue itose. o pound; Japan style. e.ltt.23c per pound. ivFllt Koast-eu. suit, ia arums. 20et4Uci per pound. bALl (.nululsled. balea S2.aosss.ao; halt ground, tons. ous. (17; luce (la. URlbU tHLlla Uates, l4o pound; tigs. (l.UOO 2.73 per box: appica 13a per pound; pvacnee. lac; prunes, ittylac JdsvA.a small, suits, oc; piua, ac; bayou, Swc; red, N; lima, tie per pound. Provisions. "Local Jabbing quotations: HAMS All sixes, Ubtyilc per pound: skinned. bc; picnic lac; cottage roil, 33c per pound. BACON r ancy. situc; Choice. -J a (4c. siandarda. 14t2.c laku run iisitts, iisa per pound; compound, tierces. 14c liKI baa. A xtscan, msiM; plates. lac WHEAT DOWH AT CH 1CASD XKW LOW FIGCRKS FOB KKA . SO.V RECORDED. Whrat Rallies Just Before Clone; General Sentiment In Coarse Grain- Is. Cearlh. . 41 14 l .. i . ii t . . a ,1373 (7 14 M 24.-1 3327 41 2V4 7 173 . 11 .- 2 I ... .IS 4 2... , !1 4 1"7 13 29 , S 21 133 12 3 , 13 .. 4 12 13 . . ft . . . , Ms t 27 47 2n; , (-0 10 214 23 173 I'ori lanl. J" 12. .I32.3U7. 3T0 l21.. 2 7.-4 047 V.. 3.7in.lM ll.. 7 3 1 ?0 IT S.'.t 4" 1.1 432;0 J 2. IIJ.S.l-l K - S3 3.'4 3S 1 3 131 l.H9"7 .24.200 Seattie. Tacoma (.411.t.-."l HS.MIl.ft.l ltl. ttl7. lf.l.. II4.. mil.. IK11.. 1911.. 27 h74..1S2 (u 441.43d 44 2-7 441 i.3-t2.jL"l 2i, 94 1 8-13 S:I5 12 0T1 134 liJ.MIli 12 l-'.2i3 I 1.2T7 I41 10.ai,2u 3.07-1 Mtd . I3.a .P7.sd 3.il 1.3 1i. Old 2-i'S.im 1 ST1.2U 2 237.1)1 I 2. rtlMi.7."t1 .Tha 70 1 3. 70.4 Hide, lisps, te, HIDES Salted hides, nnder 43 pounds 6wc; salted hides, over 43 pounds, fvbc; greeB hides under (3 pounds 7 ro; green hides, 43 pounds, 0b7c; salted bulls. 7c; green bulls, (esse; aaited or green calf, under 13 pounds. Ut13c; salted or green kip. 1 to ID pounds, luc: hair supped hidea and sains, ball pries; i.int ary Oldss, 110 12c; flint dry call, under seven pounds, lit 12c: dry salted hides, hove: culls and damaged, half price. Ureen or salted horse hides. (21 each; colt skins, sue Oil eech; dry horse, 73cft(l-23 each. PSLTs Lry sheep pells, long wool, l(tf20c; dry sheep pelts, short wool. 10 luc; dry xbeep pelts, pieces, ilfslOu; dry sbeep shearlings, no value; aaited pelts, .on wool each, 13U2; aaited pelts, short wool each, 73ctr(l; aalt spring lan.bs pelt each "3ctll; salted sheer ling, each lOtlialc; sailed goats, long hair, each, Hw2; aaited goats, short hair, each (0ctll; dry goats, long hair, per lb. 10jl-:c; dry goats, short hair, each, 23 430c; goat shearlings, sach 100 2 cents. TALLOW No. 1. 8t?3ttc: No. 2. 4 4 O (c per pound; grease, 3 S U 4c per pound. CA9CARA HARK. New peel, so per pound: old peel, 7o per. pound. OhsVOoN tiKAHS Urape root, ao per pound. Hol'3 19-1 crop, nominal. 129 l(o per pound; contracts, :3c. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 2CCSe per pound; valley wool, fine and haif-bioad. (Oa33o: thres-elghtha blood. SO0Z2c; quarter-blood. 2&2Tc: low quarter and braid. IO if lJc: matted, 164 lac MOHAIH Long siapls, Suo32c deliv ered i'ortland; snort, stsp.e, l3i2:c; burry. 2UZ2iec per pound. GRAIN BAUa-t'sr Iota 10.C, Coast. Oils. LINSEED OIL Rsw. In barrels. (1.10; (-gallon can. (1 21; bo. led la barrels, $1 12; 3-ralion cans, (1.27. TURPENTINE In drums. (1.S0; five gallon cans, (1. H3. , WUITa) LLAU 100-pound kegs, 120 per pouud. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron barrels, litic; cases, 37c. CHICAGO. Aus;. 1J. New low figures for the season wara made in all grains today. September wheat and corn were inclined 10 be a little tight and both wl'lined their premiums over recember. with September I104H. to II. IMS anj December II03H to 1 1 03 H : corn ad vsnced lk- for September end de cilned "h to IwC on late months; oats acre S to Sc lower, and provisions were 3 si-c off. Wheat rallied a little from tha low point Just before the close, but resting spots were lower. September shorts evi dently are beginning to recognise the poe.itrttlt les of a prolonged rail strike. ana there was covering In the nearby delivery of both wheat and corn, these deliveries being relstlveiy strong com pared with the remainder of the list. fieillnc cr S. number wheat st s prem ium over the L'ecember was attributed Ia cash interests. In the main the strentflh wss reesrded ss reflecting the Increased scarcity of cars snd motl power, especially the latter, reports from wheat be.t nippers showing no Improve ment and none expected ror some time. Further embargo notices hsve been ! ud bv western roads, especially those affected by a spreadlnr of tha striks to the bis rour brotherhoods. Export demand for wheat continued slow, but traders heard that there more business under way thaa haa been reported from tlay to day. General sentiment In coarse strains was neansn. aitnoucn there was a disposi tion to seep away from the short sld on the breaks. The decline today was cue more to lack of support than to any agrresslve selling. Provisions were essier rfn svmnathv with grains and on scattered selling, the trade being light. The Chicago grain letter received yes terday by the Overbeek at Cooke com pany of Portland follows: vi heat A lack of support rather thaB any argressive aeillng was responsible for a break In a new tow on the crop today. Market showed a relatively easy undertone from atari and with scattered liquidation tha decline was easily at tained. It Is not ss much a matter of news but lack of speculative buying that makes markets susceptible to hedging pressure. There Is undoubtedly more ex port business doing from dsy to dsy thsn is reported, but this buylnr ia not suf ficient to sbsorb the persistent selling. Sentiment is less 'favorable to the bear side on account of the recent shsrn de cline but it must be sdmlled there Is Bothing except the possible tightening In September due to roll strike to bring about any material advance. Corn Lower, bat September showed more strength thsn the distent deliveries due to rsll strike. Shortsge of motive power the main factor In curtailment of shipment from the country. Crop reports on the whole are favorable aad while rain is needed In some sections, temper atures have not been high. Under nor mal conditions one would be Inclined to look for a natural rally from the present leveL Prices have dropped over ft cents from high point of week. Oats Dull snd lower. Bulk of trnd- Ing hss been of a local character. De cember sold at lowest figures since IPOS, today and the market showed little rally ing power. Rye Trade not large and with wheat weak, a decline wss easily attained. Leading futures rsnged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept $1.04 (1.1)3 (1.0.1"a (104l lec l.l-ft--s l.UA May 1.IW llu CORN. Sept .VS-H .IH..4 I c R21 .5S Hay .id rs OATS. Sept .11 H .31V. 1 c 8.1 S .33S May 3-. 17 LARD. Sept. 10 77 10 77 10 a.1 Oct 10 3 10.8.1 10.72 SHORT KIBS. Sept Oct Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 red. (I H1. J) 1 08. Corn No. 2 mixed, yellow. 'i, rt fld'.c. Oata No 2 white. 81 . S4c: No. white, II 12 c. Rye No. 2. 74c. Timothy seed 14.2.193. Clover seed (12tl. Pork Nominal. Ilarley Ml t S7c. I.ard lO.ftoc. Klbs 19.75 W 10 73 10S 1.08 .33 H . .13 .1H 10.7S 10.77 02 . 40 (LOU; no. 2 hard, 60V4OHc; No. ! IMS 108 hi ll's .35 S .31 .10 H tl OJS ; mo. t hard Minnesota and Sooth Dakota. 1 1.03 S 01 (m ; to arrive, (I.U3Ps; fancy No. 1 amber durum, ( 1.05 0 1.08 Ve : to arrive. Hs'vce tl.oo" i No. 1 amber durum, t tpSS'vc; to ar--Ive. .V.c; No. 1 durum. 80S4-c; to arrive, as tec; fancy No. 2 amber durum. (1 03 fa 1.0 i ; No. 2 sum her du rum. 3Vs0SVtc; No. 2 durum. 67V.W 90o. Corn No. 2 yellow. 87e37c; to ar rive. 34c: No. 3 yellow corn, 333Sc; to arrive. 33 fee. Oats No. 2 white. 2T29c: No. S white. 2SH627HC: to arrive. 28tc. Barley choice, 4!?Slc; medium good, 43t4hc; lower. 4144o. Rye No. . TO-ac; to arrive. 684c. Flax (2.44 W 02.48 Vs ; to arrive, f 2.10 fe. Wheat futur-4 September, (1.08; December, (l.oalj. Cash Craia Markets. Furnished by Jordan-Wentworth Co., Portland. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 12. Wheat--No. 1 dark northern. 1 iiOS tr I -S : No. 2 dsrk northern. (MS: No. 1 northern, (l.le 91.21H : No. 2 northern, (1.12 i-lH. Corn No. 3 yellow, 37 fj 37 Vie. Oats No. 3 white., 27. 28c. J CHICAGO. Aug. 12. Wriest No. S red. 1.0; No. 1 herd, (108H 01.09; No. X hsrd. tt.OHH 1 l9. Corn No. 2 mixed, 00 hi 60 H c ; No. t yellow, 2t4(2Mc; No. 2 white, 604 lc. Oats No. S white, 811CJ4"c; No. S white, 82Uc. Kansas City Grain Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Aug. 12. Wheat One to three cents lower; No. 2 dark, (1 (Ml: No. 2 red. (101.01. corn unchanged to AC lower; ro. 2 hlte. SS3.VJV1C; No. 2 yellow, 87c. Ha -Unchsnged. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Aug. 12. Wheat Hard white, soft white, western white, hard red winter, soft red winter, northern spring. (1.0: western red, (107; big bend blueslem. (1. la. (4f7; flm. double layer, box, 11.250 1.30 ; peaches, crate, 00c 0(1; currants, nominal; plums, 75c0(1.25; grrapes, crate, (1.7302.25; apricots, pound, (07c; Persian melons, crate, (L7302; new green apples, lug. (1111.25. Vegetables Beans, pound, 207e: car rota, sack, 75c0(l.OO; celery, (304.00; cucumbers. lug. 63085c; eggplant, pound, 804c; lettuce, crate, (101.25; onions, green, (1.2501.60; Stockton red. ewt.. (1.2501.40; yellow, cel. (1.400 1.65; parsnips, sack, (2.5003; peaa, nominal; bell peppers, lug. 75C0S1.25; new potatoes, pound, lH02c; sweet, 405c: rhubsrb. box. (101.25; summer snuash. lug. 60 0 75c: spinach, pound, 104c: tomatoes. Jug. 75c ft 1.33; turnips, sack. 76c0(l; green corn, dozen, 8015c; beets, sack. (101.25. INSPECTION 'CARD IS VALUABLE Fanners Able) to Borrow aa State and Federal Certificates. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Aur. 12. Arrange mente have virtually been completed to iseue a combined exate and federal cer tificate of inspection on shipments of agricultural products, according to Charles R. Robinson, state supervisor of horticulture. He ssid: "This service should be of immense value to the fruit and vegetable growers and shippers of ths northwest, as it should enable them to sell their products f. o. b. shipping point with certiflcstes attached to the bill of lading and then receive their money when the car rolls. These certificates are also the best proof available In- settling railroad dam age claims and some railroads have gone so far as to do away with their own In spectors where this service is available. Tha ase Of these certificates slso enshles the buyer at distant markets to pnrrchaae iruii. at nnt dtstances and know what he Ls getting without having seen the fruit. 1 STOCKS KEEP STRENGTH STRIKES FAIL- TO HALT WARD MOVEMENT. VP- COTTON MARKET IXrCTCATINa Short and Ixng Interests Seem Evenly Divided. to De WEEK'S RECEIPTS ME IIP LIVKSTOCK ARRIVALS ARE 141 CARLOADS. Tb following art direct quotations on Dui fir and rprent mpproxlmai-siy pr-avaliloff f. . b. mill price in car lota, aad ara baaad aa ordvra fnat hava been Tranaactlnra mZlmtmLmmmmmmmmmm INTELLIGENT PRODUCE MARKETING Ton "srtll ret higher returns for your produce if you will use our aaar methods befora shipping; aay product to market. Writs Is a Owes, as WH1 ae Plens-ed ta Tell Taw Flow BUSY & CO.. 169 FRONT STREET lORTIA-5U OB. Bcgotiatsd. Fleering High. 1x4 No. 2 Vfl S4.0 !4 No. S VG 4S mi H4 No. 2 II, SO.. ik II No. 2 A B. SJ.. 4U.OU Stepping No- 2 11 MM Finish No. 2 and better- !x li-inoh Svtw taring ajd ssa ... W.OO t'eillnfi .x4 No. 2 ft E S no 1x4 No. SAB Iil 1x4 No. 3 SJ.OO tr-p siding H No. 3 et U 40 0" lxd No. ."" M Boards snd St. Na 1 l.-n-!-ich a 1 t... 1.1 Irl'J-lr.ch ll.oo Dimension No. ISA K 1x4 1-14 1 Plsnks and imti t.mben 4x4 12-1 8 4 S . iO 4U0-1- 1J-16 a 8. -'I th) Lath r-r a.M Low. 147.00 311. Oil Srt. t eU.OO Pre- vatilng Price. Its 00 38. 00 M.00 S.vno 31vi 34 1x1 31.00 l.OO HIM 3100 34.00 S4.SU 1.1.MI IS Ml 1COO 14.50 lt.Sd 1750 211S ..... 5 73 f hlcmge Patata Market. CHl"-AUo. Aug 1; Potatoes, weak. partlculsr:y Eariy Ohlos: receipts cars; total t'nll.d Ptates shipments. 74 cars: New Jersey sacked t'oobien, $1.40 fsl.ao est; Minnesota sacked rlariy Ohlea. f 1.030 MS tst; Wisconsin sacked Eariy Chios. 11.5"; Nebraska sacked Early Ohlos. 1 01.19. THE PRICES OK t.RAINS DECLINK Wheat, torn, Oats aad Provisions tet Back IS ta 37 Cents. CHICAGO. Aug. 12. (By the Asso elated Press.) Burdensome receipts, sisckness of demand, both domestic and foreign, and bearish aspects of the gov ernment crop report hava led to decid edly lower prices this week for all grains. Compared with a week ago, wheat this morning was down 24.C to 4 He, corn off 3V a to ISc, and oats Xiao to 2t2c with provisions showing a set back of 13 to 37 cents. Notwithstanding transportation diffi culties, arrivals of wheat at primary cen ters were in excess of the movement a year aico and before as well as after ths government crop report, were accom panied by new low pries records for the season. Confidence on the part of the domestic buyers gave evidence of having been checked by disturbed Industrial con ditions with foreign purchasers apparent ly holding back because of uncertainties related more or less to tha interallied conference at London. The big yield of corn forecast In the government crop report mora than offset ss a bearish fsctor In all tha grain mar- sets tne counter influence of a some what diminished estimate regarding wheat. tiovemment figures ss to oats proved a'so a handicap on efforts to up hold grain values. Talk of a probable Increase or the movement of wheat to Chicago was current as the week drew to a close, with arrivals in tha north west from the new spring crop reported ss grsdually becoming liberal. Corn and oats shared ths descent of wnrat to new low prices for 1922. Need or rain In tha corn belt was given but little notice. Provisions were depressed with hogs and (rain. Chicago firaio-Pit Notes. (P.y Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.l CHlCgVGO, Aug. 13. Buying of Sep tember whest, corn and oats by local traders was In ths msin to cover "shorts." fesring a general tie-up of tha western railroads It helped wheat and corn snd rye. but was without effect on oats, due to the belief that ths large stocks here will suffics for any dsmand that may coma, despite the fact that ths price was tha lowest In years Commission houses and traders con tinue to tell thrtir customers snd friends that grain prlcea are groing lower, hence the buying power In tha market Is re duced to the lightest in years. Chlcsgo elevators loaded out n.407.OOO bushela grain for the week ended Fri day night. This Included 3.209.000 bush els wheat and S.SHJ.OOO bushels corn. Boats are under charter for 4.0O0.000 to 3.0O0.0OO bushels to load this week. The trsda has 11 that leading holders of wheat who have been favorable to the buying aide of Iste have been tie largeet sellers of ptember snd Decem ber for the past few days. Their selling today wss said by pit trsders to be heav ier than on any other day. All futures of oats declined to tha low est since 1913. August oats were 2, September 30S snd December 33 and May 4). Despite the car and motive power shortage of most western roads arrivals of grain st Chlcsgo snd primary markets last week were above the average for this period in tha last five yesrs. The barge canal elevator at New Tork. with a capacity of 2.OOO.00O bushels Is expected to open for busineas atondsy. Mi anew pal is Crala Market. Furnished by the eicCaull-Dlnamore company of Portland: MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 12. Old No. I dark northern. 1 1.1 1. .V) ; No. 1 dark northern. 1 2uS tl 1 2d ; to ar rive. $1.1S; No. 1 northern I1.1ISO 121": to arrive, tl 12S: old No. 2 dark northern. 31.33 S t 1 4 : No. 2 dark northern. 11 IKS 61 23: No. 2 northern, f 1.1QS 0 1 1" : old No. 3 dsrk northern. ll.2S tf l l'S : No. 2 dark northern. el. 12S 9 ll'S ; No. 2 northern. I1.O8S0 I1.13N: No- 1 dark hard Montana, fl nstl 23H; to arrive. Iioaso l.lftS: No. 1 hard Montana. $1.03f l.OeS; No. 1 dsrk hard Minnesota and South Dakota. 11.03 ff 1.01. ; to arrive. Cattle Advance In Price During; Week and Hogs Go Down; Sbeep Remain Steady. Tha usual Saturday Quietness prevailed at ths North Portland yards yesterday. Only two cat mads of livestock arrived during tha night, receipts consisting; of 17 csttle. 30 calves and 0 nogs. The receipts for the week consist of 2200 head of cattle, 23d calves, 15U1 hogs snd 84 bJ sheep, a total of 147 carloads. This was a substantial Increase over the oven loo carloads received the preceding week. - v The weak wss marked by a slight ad vance in cattle values. Choice steers, cows and heifers were up a Quarter, the top on strictly prime steers closing; at 18.23 and on choice cows at 3.7"i.- Hors dropped 79 cents during tns wees snd prime light were listed st 112 to 112.23 at tha close. Sheep and lamps remained steady and unchanged during the week. Prices Quoted yesterdsy at the Fort- land Union stockyards were as follows: Csttle - price. Choice steers 1 7.23 8.23 Medium to good steers..... B.so9i i.ou Common to good steers.... .50es 7.50 Choice cows and heifers.... 1.25 6.73 Medium to good cows, heifers 4.2S 5.00 Fair to med, cows, neiiers.. o.ou i.-io Common cows 3.0O--) g.rto Cenners A.S0a . Bulls ouo(t e. id Choice dairy calves 8 oiiri a. 00 Prime light cslves 7.50 8.50 Medium to light calves.... o.ouny ..o Heavy calves 4.O04J 0.40 Hogs riHm. llrht 12.00912 .23 Smooth heavy, 200 to 800 lbs. 10.50 11.50 Smooth heavy. 800 lbs. up.. 10.00 - 10.60 Rough heavy Fat pigs Feeder pigs Stags, subject to dockage I-iheeii East-of-mountaln lambs . Choice valley lambs Medium vslley lambs Common valley lambs Cull lambs 7.00 u.oo 11.50tiil2.Ol 11.50(il2.00 a.oop 9.00 fBy Chicago Tribune Leased Wire ) NEW TORK. Aug. 12. There wss comparatively little change in prices in todsy's short session In the cotton msr ket. The opening wss slightly higher on buying by Wall street snd wire houses, but tha south was still selling and sentiment continued mixed. The market quieted down after the ca.! and in the second hour there was a disposi tion to even up for over the week end. Short and long; Interests seemed to be evenly divided and the market fluctu ated with spurts of speculative trade. Near the close the market broke 25 to 85 points of selling which seemed to be practically all speculative. There wss no support from the trade. Spot was quiet, 35 points decline. 2t-05 for middling upland. Southern spot markets' were: tjalvea ton 21, 40 points decline: New Orleans 21.13, unchanged: Savannah 20.50. 25 points decline; Augusta 20.75. 3S points decline. Memphis 21.50, unchanged; Kouston 20.8O, 40 points decline; Little Rock 21.50, unchanged. NEW TORK. Aug. 12. Spot cotton, quiet. Middling 21.05. NEW TORK. Aug. 12. Cotton futures opened steady; October. 21.18; December, 21.20; January. 21.04; March. 21.09; May, 21.08. WHEAT YIELD REDUCED KTjICKITAT vaixey crops disappoint growers. Light yearlings Heavy yearlings Light wethers .. Heavy wethers . Kwea ........... 10.00 11 00 8.00 10. 00 8.0081 .0O a.ooa 8.00 5.00-5 oo 7.oo ft. on . (HI 7.00 Out" 7.00 a 00 -hi e.oo 2.00 61 U.OO Chl-; "Livestock Market. CHICAUO, Aug. 12. tU. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Cattle Re celpts, loOO head, compared with week week ago: Beef steers, 10c to 83c lower; better grades declining least; she stock uneven: steady to 60o lower; low grade beef cows, canners and cutters off most; best kosher cows about steady; bulls mostly 25c lower; veal calves largely 73c higher; Blockers and feeders steady to strong; weak top beef steers. 310.75: week's bulk prices, beef steers, 18.73(01 10.20: bulk she stock, 15.10t-i7.25; can ners and cutters, 4J.7S t3. 1 i; bologna bulls, 13.85 4. 15; veal calves, tia25e 10.7S; Blockers and feeders, 5.o59 6.85 Hogs Receipts, 6000 head. Generally steady; closing dull; top, (10.25; bulk, 180 to 220-pound weight, 110910.15: 225 to 2341-pound butchers. 9. 25 a a. 60: 200 to 800-pound butchers mostly 10; bulk of packing sows. 17.25tr8; desirable pigs, !0.7510; hold over moderate; heavy, 8.2if K.50; medium, 19.10 10.10; light, . 75 If 10.25; light light, 19.003110.25; packing sows, smooth, 17.3568.25; pack ing sows, rough, 17 07.50; killing pigs, 19.25010.13. Sheep Receipts, 2000 head. Market stsady; compared with week ago: Fat lambs mostly 25c to 40c lower; natives declining moat; strictly choice fat lambs comparatively scarce; bulk of western In feeder f!eh; week's extreme top on western, 112.85; natives. 112.60; week's bulk orlces. western lambs. 112012.40; native. 111. 0ik 12.25; feeder Iambs and fat sheep, steady; bulk of feeders, 112 23 12.40; fat ewes, 13.60ff7; 82-pound fed western yearlings. Ill; good' feeding yearlings, ID. 25 -3 9.50. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Aug. 12. (U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Economical Hogs Re ceipts. 6000 head. Market fairly active, mostly 10c higher than yesterday's aver age: hulk mixed and packing grades, 17.8098.60: bulk butcher hogs, 18.60 .83; extreme top for sorted lights, 19.00. Cattle Receipts, S50 head. Compared with week ago: Choice grades beef steers steady, others mostly 25940o lower; bet ter grades she stock fully stesdy; spots stronger: others fully 26c lower; buns mostly 25o lower; veals generally stesdy; Blockers and feeders strong to 25o higher. Sheep None. Msrket compared with week ago: Lambs, 507Be lower; sheep and yearlings, steady to 25c lower; feed- era, stsady. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Aug. 12. (U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Cat tle Receipts, 1200- head, for week, better grades beef steers week to 16o lower; top, 110.45; others mostly 25 6 50c lower; better grades she stock steady to 23c lower: bulk others 60o lower; better grades she stock steady to 23c lower; bulk others lower; canners and bulls average fully 25c lower; calves steady to 50c lower. Hogs Receipts, 1300 head: active to packers: steady to strong with yester day's time: packer top, 10. 35: shippers took one load of lights at 10.40: 180 to 210 pound. I0.254-.9.35; 210 to 240 pounds. 1989 15: 230 to 300 pounds. IS. 33 41.90: top. 19.40; bulk of sales, 18.35 0 9.23: packing sows mostly 17.25. Sheep Receipts. 1500 head. For week: Sheep. 15 4 25c lower; lambs, 50 75c low- ; tola natives, 812.BO. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Aug. 12. Cattle and hogs steady, no receipts, prices unchanged. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current an Vegetables. Fresh Fruits. Etc., at Bay City. S-AN FRANCISCO. Aug. 12. (State Division of Markets.) Fryers, 32033c; broilers. 28032c; roosters, young, 38 0 42c; eld. 14018c; hens. 14032o; ducks, 18020c; turkeys, live. 8208ilc; dressed. 18040c: hares, pound. 18 0 lie; squabs, doien. 13 01.60; jackrabbits. doxen. 12 0 2 SO Fruits uartiett peers, box. 31 01; ap ples. IVi to 4-tier. 11.5002.60: canta- oupes. stsnnara crate, 31.2501.50; oranges, slenclas, iHefll; lemons, 34 08.&O: nectarines, crate, 31. 2502. 25; grapefruit, 15.3007: strswberrtes. draw er, 60083c: raspberries, drawer, 6O075e; bladrbrr!es. drawer. 23030c: logan berries, drawer. 40S0e; avocadoea, dog.. General Heavy . Harvest Forecast Early In Season Not Apparent and Grades Are Liotrer. OOLDENDALE. Wash.. Aug. 12. (Special.) The grain harvest in the wheat belt of the Klickitat valley Is sbout half over. The crop is not up to estimates made before harvest and is the most uneven Crop that has been grown here since wheat wss first seeded in the Klickitat valley, sbout 40 years ago. Some growers report unusually heavy yields, while in many fields, where SO and 40 bushels to the acre was expected before the grain was cut. the yield has been from 15 to 20 bushels, and Aome wheat on lighter soil has run ss low as three and four sacks to the acre. Wheat growers report much fallen straw this year that could not be picked up with harvesting machinery.- which has tended materially to reduce the yield. Winter snd spring climatic con ditions for grain were excellent, and it is now thought the early hot weather, accompanied by burning east winds dur ing the latter part of May, cut down the yield, although the growing grain did not show the effects of the extreme hot weather at the time. Absence of rainfall since last April also aided ma terially in reducing the yield. The wheat is of good quality and there is very little shriveled grain, but white wheat Is not standing up to test wheat requirements for No. 1, most of it tssting 38 and 50. against a 00-pound test requirement for No. 1 wheat. Red wheat Is meeting the required test of 58 pounds for No. 1. The grain was ex tremely dry this year and harvesting operations have been carried on very rapidly. Some wheat was contracted .lust be fore harvest started at 11 a bushel, but very little frrain has been offered for sale by the farmers since harvest opera tions begani as they do not seem inclined to sell for the prtce offered on the pres ent market. No. 1 white wheat was quoted at 95 cents for sacked grain at Goldendale today and No. 1 Red Walla or Western Red st 91 cents a bushel, quotations for grain delivered In bulk being 4 cents a bushel less. Much grsin was hauled direct to shipping stations from threshing outfits this year, both sacked and in bulk. Headers also were operated In conjunction with steam threshers, doing away with the former method of stacking the grain. Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Aug-. 12. Turpentine Firm. 11. 0431. 04 V4 gallon: rales. 044 barrels; receipts. 310 barrels: shipments. J2 barrels: stock, 9270 barrels. Rosin Firm. Sales. 142:1 barrels; re ceipts. 041 barrels; shipments, 5.")5 bar rels; stock, 00, 754 barrels. Quote: B, 14.58'4.70; D, 14.70-84.73; E, 14.8031 4.85; F. f!. H. 14.85a4.D0; I, K. 14.03'3'B; M, 15.05; N, WO, 13.8505.00; "WW. 18.65. Further Price Cuts-In Auto In dustry Reflect Quieting. Down of Demand. NEW TORK, Aug. 12. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The strong technical posi tion of the stock market was strikingly Illustrated thla week when prices con tinued to move to higher ground in the face of increasingly serious strike de velopments. Trading was restricted, how ever, Investors apparently being disposed to await the settlement of the Aa! and rail atrikes before indulging in extensive market operations, but attempts of short interests to bring out liquidation were met with sturdy resistance. The government's report of bumper crop conditions Imparted strength . to shares of most grain carriers, most of which advanced to new high records for the year, with sympathetic gains In such stocks as International Harvester, Ad vance Kumely preferred, Sears Koebuck and Montgomery Ward, which will bene fit by the increased earnings of north western farmers. The Increase of 140.630 tons in the on filled July contracts of the United States Steel corporation was Interpreted as being aue to .decreased production resulting from the coal shortage rather than to an inorease in" new orders. Weekly iron and steel reviews continue to give pessimistic reports 01 conditions in that industry, which Is suffering from its inability to get sunicient coal. Km I her price cuts in the automobile Industry reflect the seasonal quieting down of demand and production. The action of the senate in increasing tne tarixi on Lubtn sugar caused a de cided weakening In the prices of those stocks, but they rallied later on reports 01 tne i.ne statistical condition of that Industry. Leather and shoe stocks also improved cn Senator Lodge's announce ment that hides and leathers would be on the free list in the new tariff bill. Fluctuations in the call money rate be tween 3V and 5 per cent were ascribed to the seasonal demand for funds in the agricultural district, but the supply was plentiful at all times. Foreign exchanges were unsettled at the beginning of the week due to unfavorable news emanating from the meeting of allied premiers in London, but they strengthened later on the prospects of an agreement being, reached on the reparations. Business n foreign exchange, however, was virtually at a standstill because of cable conges tion, local banks experiencing long delays in the European cables. 14.00 f 4.0.1; 15.30 05.25; Chicago Oil Market. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wlre.) CHICAGO. Aug. 12. Gasoline, tank wagons. 21.c; service ststions, 23c; ma chine. 27.9c. Oils: Summer, 11.4c; win ter, 1 1.0c. Carbon: Perfection, Iron bar rels. 10 He. Linseed oil: Raw, 1 to 4 barrels delivery, 11.02; boiled, 11.04. Tur pentine, 11. &8. Denatured alcohol, 40c. Cottonseed Oil Market. Cottonseed oil futures at New Tork furnished by Jordan-Wentworth & Co.. Portland: August, 19.70010; Septem ber, 19.75?'9.77: October. IS.90W8.91: November, !7.90f7.92: December. 17.85 7 88; January, 17.8507.87: March, 17.90 07.92. Total sales, 10,200. Cottonseed Oil Market. (By Chlcatfo Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Aug. 12 Cotton seed oil closed: August, 19.TO01O: September. 10.7209.77; October, 18.0008.92; Novem ber. 17.9107.04; December. 17.8607.88; January, i".85r7.87 ; February, 17.840 7.85; March, 17.00 -g 7.0.1. Dulutu Max Market. DUI.UTH, Aug. 12. Flaxseed: Septem ber. 12.31, bid; October, 12.24V4 asked; November, $2.22 asked; December, 12.19V asked. Sngar Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 12. California-Hawaii raw sugar, 6.36c. $100,000 Contract 1(. THE DALLKS, Or., Aug:. 12. (Special.)-rHed-res & Huls, a local contracting firm, has been awarded the contract for building the new tie treating plant here at a figure totalling more than 1100,000, It was announced last night by J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the O.-W. R. & N. company. This la in addition to the tie treating equipment already at Wyeth, which will be moved here. The ji-reater plant ia being constructed, Mr. O'Brien said, with the idea that in time ties for the. entire Union Pa cific system may be treated here. The Grant-Smith company has the grading contracts, and is now en gaged in leveling several miles of property owned by the railroad com pany, upon which the tia treating plant will b-a built. New York Bonds, Furnished by Jordan, Wentworth of Portland: -Railroad bonds Atch gen 4s ACL 4s do 7s B u gold 4s do con 4s cv Canada Southern 5s Canadian Nor titts do 7s Cent Pac 1st 4s Ches & Ohio cv 4Hs do gen 4Mb do cv 5s C B Q 111 div 4a...... C & West Ind 4s C G & -W 4s C M & St P 4s do cv 4hia do deb 4s do gn 4s A do cv 5s do gr 4Vts A Chgo N W gen 4s do 6V4s do 7s C R I a P rtl 4i Colo Sou ref ex 4Hs.... do 4s : Del & Hudson cv 5s do 7s D & R G cv 4s "do ref os Erie P L 4s Erie con 4s A do B do D Erie Pa CO 4s. : ft:d Trunk eq BUs Gl Nor Itii do 7s Gt Trunk 6s do 7s Ill Cent jt 5s do ref 4s K C Sou ref 5s Keo & Des M 1st 5s , L S A M S 4s , L N 7s .- . do unl 4s C E I ."is M, St P & S S M 8V4s. .. M P gen 4a M K A T 4s : . do ref 5s ,. do ref 5s . NYC deb 4s o con 4s dot ref imp 41 ....... do cv deb 6s do coll is N Y, N H & H cv 6s . . . . No Tex & Mex 6s V P P L 4g , . . N P 6s N P. G N joint 6Ui O S 1. ref 4s -. Penna tlii Penna gen 4&8 ao 4ViS do gen 5s . .-. do 7a do R R 6s Heading gen 4s S AL 4s do 5s do As A Sou Ry con 5s .......... S P cv 4s do ref 4s do sf term 4s do conv 5s , St. L S F P L 4s A do gen 5s do PL61B do gen 6s do adj 0s do Inc 6s St L & S W 1st 6s do con 4s do l3t 4s Tex Pao 1st 5s Un Pac 1st 4s do cv 4s do ref 4a ............. do 6s Un Tank 7s Wabash 1st 5s do 2d 5s West Pac 5s Allied Packers 6s .'. Am Agr Ch 7lis Am Sm 1st 5s Am Tob 7s . . . Anaconda 6s A do 7s B Armour cv 7s do Ireaver Board 8 Beth Steel 7s do eq 7s.... do ref 5e Cerro de Pasco 8s. ...... . Chile conv 6s A. ......... . do conv 7s O. Graph 8s Copper Exp 8s do Colo F I gen 6s Colo Ind 6s Cuban Am Sug Ss Cuban Cane cv 7s Distillers Sec cv us ..... Diam Match 7V4 Dupont 7V-S Fmpire Gas Fuel 6s Fiek 8s Gen Elec deb 5s do 6s Goodrich 7s (Goodyear 8s Heinz 7s . Hershey THi lil Eteel deb 4 Ind Steel 6s Int Agr 5s Int Marine CT 6s Kelly Spgfield 8a Kennecott 7s Lack Steel 6s do 1st 5s , Llbby McN L 7s Lig & Meyers 5s do 7a Lorillard 5e do 7s Midvale 5s Morris Co 7Vis. ..,... . Proe & Gamble 7s..: Republic I & at 6s Sears Koa 7s do 7s Steel c Tube 7s Swift & Co. 7s do United Drug 8s U S Rubber 1st ref 5s.... do 7hia TJ S Steel sf 5s Va Chem 5s do iHs West Eiec 5s do 7a West U T col Tr 5s Western Union 6Vis .... Wilson 1st 0s , do cv 0s Westinghouse 7s , Public Utilities Am Lt 4 Trans 61 Am Tel coll 4s do coll us . do 6s Bell Tel of Pa 11 B R T us Cal Gas unl 5s Cities Service 7s B ... City Service 7s C do 7s D Int Met 4V4S Int R T ref 5s , Lsclede Gss 7s .......... Mont Power 6s A........ Northwest Tel Ts ....... Pacific Tel 6s . . 1905 . . 1052 . . 1030 , . 148 . . 133 . . 1062 , . l4tf . . 1040 . . 1940 1030 . . 1UD2 . l'Jitf . 1049 . . 19 )2 . 1959 .' 1025 . 1032 . 1034 . lS'JO . 2014 . 2014 . 19S" . 103tS . l3d . 1934 . 1035 . 1920 . 1935 . 1930 . 1030 .. 19.-.5 . 1UUH . 1 8.-1:1 . 195.'! . lO.l.l . 1951 . 19.1(1 . lO.'.t . 19.:fi . 193'! . 1940 . 1 !:; . 1D.-I.V . IOuO . 19J.I . 1931 . 1930 . 194U ." 1946 . 107.-. . 109O . 1023 . 1926 . 1934 . 199S . 2013 . 1935 . 1930 . 304S . 1035 . 1997 . 2047 . 1936 . 1920 . 1936 . 1965 . 1960 . 196S . 1930 4 1036 . 1097 . 10.10 . 1949 . 1945 . 3 994 . 1929 . 19-.5 . 1950 . 1934 . 1050 . 1931 . 1050 . 1931 . 103.1 . 1960 . 1952 . 1932 . 19S9 , 2000 . 1947 . 1927 . 2008 . 192S . 1930 . 1939 . 193!) . 10411 , 1930 , 1041 . 1047 , 1923 . 1029 . 1920 , 1930 , 1030 . 1933 . 1023 . 1935 . 19 . 1931 . 1B32 , 1023 . 1025 , 1924 . 1925 , 1943 , 1934 1931 1930 , 1927 1935 1931 , 1924 1041 1052 1940 1925 1941 1930 1980 1940 , 1032 1932 1941 1981 1930 1923 lil 50 1931 1951 1944 1051 1944 1936 ID 3D 1923 1940 1022 1923 19.11 1925 1931 1941 1947 1930 1903 1923 1932 1922 1 92.1 1938 1936 1941 1928 1981 1025 1929 1946 1 925 194.1 194.1 1937 19BB lilfiil 1 9 10.1 1066 1930 1943 1941 1987 2 91 W 107?, 80 fcOVi 09 M 111 113 BOH 80 89 07 01 li -.76 60 hi HS 73 66 78 77 66 hi 88 111 107 91 93 98 1 1 1 77 47 68 T4 52 62 1 90 lll S0 111 'i 1 08 312-. 90 011 01 02 93 ins o:i.i 83 18 67 83 100 07 01 85 88 118 105 82 72 89 108 103 93 110 93 100 102 110 110 85 60 78 64 T 93 00 85 1021 73 90 S7 104 82 74 82 7S 79 96 94 05 89 194 103 100 00 86 82 i 104 96 102j 101 j 104 105 91 78 106 104 124 92 105 35 102 .104 01 78 107 89 45 108 197 101 106 102 107 103 114 105 103 91 101 80 06 108 105 100 90 100 100 116 90 116 88 105 101 95 1l0 101 302 102 103 110 00 108 104 100 10.1 300 106 90 112 100 96 108 106 93 09 115 108 60 96 126 95 01 12 69 101 98 107 I ITS . Seize the moment of Opportunity! The further we get away from the war the more difficult it becomes to acquire bonds of unquestionable security of basic industries to yield 7 . We have ready for immediate deliv ery at 100, bonds of a new issue similar to others that are now selling on the market at prices around 104 to 105. Write today for detailed information re garding: Holly Sugar Corporation long-term first mortgage 7s. You will be under no ' obligation. Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. LuusissiNt Bus., PorrruAMD Firm lYjv 'etoni " sfl! v I "w'r Pacific Gas 6s Souwest Tel 7s Oil Bonds Anglo Am 7s Atlantic ref 6s Galena S Oil 7s Gulf Oil 7s Humble Ts Pan Am 7s Mex Pet cv 8s Sinclair 7s S O Cal 7s S O New Tork 7s Texas Co 7s . . . Tidewater Oil 6a ... Vacuum Oil 7s Foreign government bonds Argentine 2d is. do GI r.s Be! slum 8s Bergen 8s Berne 8s Christiana 8s Copenhagen 5a Iianlsn consol fts French Cities 6s Italy 6s A U S Mex 4s do ext us Zurich 8s .' Curb bonds Allied Packers 6a Am Tel & Tel 6s do Anaconda Copper 6s... do 7s Anglo-Am Oil 7s Armour & Co 7s Beth Steel 7s Consol Textile 7s Copper Ex Assn 8s do Sears Roe 7a, 3-year. . . Stand Oil N Y 6s.... Vacuum Oil 7s i. . 1942 91 . 1925 103 . 1925 103A4 . 1981 103 . 1030 1 05 . 1933 104 . 1023 100 . 1930 101 , 1936 105 . 392.1 103 . 1931 100 , 1031 100 . 1923 101 . 1931 303 . 1936 108 .1923 100 . 3 945 84 . 1040 104 . 194.1 3 09 . 394.1 110 . 3945 109 . 3944 91 . 1948 100 . 1034 82 , 192.1 06 . 1954 57 . 1045 74 . 1945 113 ' 81 . 1922 100 . 1924 101 101 . ' 304 103 104 . 1935 104 i 04 , 1924 102 . 302.1 104 . 1023 101 . 1933 100 108 . .140 ..125 . .320 . -25 3 73 5 85 8.1 13 92 05 5.1 87 04 10 50 30 88 ' Aaked. 210 175 190 210 190 350 175 100 175 16.1 13,1 340 40 5 90 o? 95 90 15 96 07 60 88 97 15 55 35 02 47 9S 5 35 107 . .300 . ; 25 4.1 20 11 125 140 & Casualty.. 105 . 7 510 35 12 . 9.1 .100 . 4.1 .140 .350 . 1 . 40 .120 . . 76 . .10 . 47 . 79 . 05 . 95 . 8 . 10 . 45 . 85 .110 . 8 . 3 . 50 . 3 . 15 . 80 .. 11 .. 47 . . 92 .. 3 . . 06 . . 98 . . 77 ..103 . .100 . . 75 50 90 60 80 85 85 85 85 65 . 75 . 50 . 68 .110 . 12 . 80 . 20 . 90, . 90 . 9 . 75 85 85 48 . . 05 . . 85 . . 67 ..160 ..168 2 11 140 ISO 115 8V4 600 16 13 42 82 83 ioo" ' 100 's.i' ' o.i 5 112 ' 304 105 8.1 105 110 65 150 400 5 Pacific Northwest Stocks snd Bonds. Furnished by Jordan-Wentworth & Co. of Portland. Bank stocks Bid Bank of California. N. A 202 Citizens State Bank 1.10 Canadian Bk of Commerce .. 180 First National Bank 100 Hibernia Com. & Sav. Bank. 17.1 Ladd & Tllton Bank. 300 Livestock State Bank .150 Lum.bermene Trust Co 90 Multnomah State Bank 1.10 Northwestern Natl Bank. Peninsula National Bank. U. S. National Bank Public utilities Boise Gas. Lt & Coke, pfd Calif & Oregon Power, com do pfd Federal Telegraph ". Idaho Power, pfd Northwstn Elec. 6 pfd... do common ............. do 7 pfd Pac Power & Light, 7 pfd Pacific Tel & Tel, .com do pfd Port Gas & Coke, 7 pfd.. P R L & P. com do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ' do Prior Pref pfd Puset Sound Pwr fc Lt. com. 43 do pfd 93 Tacoma Gas & Fuel, com... 2 do pfd 25 Washington Wster Power.. 30 Insurance stocKe Flremens fund ....... Home Fire & Marine. Montana Fire Montana Life New World Life Northern Life Occidental Life Oregon Surety Pacific States Fl Pacific Mutual Vulcan Fire Western States Life Lumber and pUlp stocks Arctic Construction 37 Central Coal fc Coke, com.. 70 do pfd 79 Crown Wlllam P & P. com. .400 do pfd A 95 do pfd B 00 Hawley P Sc P, (ex-div) 210 Multnomah Lbr Box, com. 6.1 do pfd 10 88 Oregon Pac Timber. 2d pfd. 2 Oregon Pulp AS, Paper, com. 102 do pfd 08 Peninsula Lumber, pfd 95 Tum-A-Lum Lumber, com.. 7,1 do 8 pfd , do 10 pfd Washington Pulp sc Paper. Weed Lumber Weyerhaeuser Timber Yaquina Bay Lumber, com. do pfd Miscellaneous stocks Aero Alarm, com....; do pfd Alaska Packers Alaska Steamship Alaska Pet & Coal Albers Bros., com do pfd American Chain, com do pfd American Nitrogen, com... do pfd Amer Type Founders, com do pfd Centennial Mills Coast Tire, com do pfd Connor Co Syrup Dennos Food Denny-Ren ton Clay A Coal. Dollar Steamship Durant Motors Calif Fairbanks Morse com do pfd ,'", Federal Svstem Bakeries Fidelity Security Corp Fishpr Flouring Mills pfd... Fleischmann Co.. pfd.... General Petroleum com... do pfd Goodyear T & R pfd Calif. Graton & Knight Mfg com. do pfd Gt N W Livestock units . Hartman Co J L pfd do redeemable pfd Holt Mfg 1st pfd King's Food Products units. T.lllv r'hns H nfd Luc'kel, King & Cake Sosp..ll0 Oregon Portland Cement com 40 do pro Oregon Worsted Mills... Pacific Alaska Navigation Pacific Car & Fdy Pacific Coast Biscuit . Pacific Coast Co com do 1st pfd do 2d pfd '. Pacific Portland Cement. Palm Olive Co 7 pfd.. parafflno Co's com do pfd Portland Feeder Co Portland Vegetable " Oil i . Refrigerator Car Equipment 20 Reid Bros com 00 do pfd on Samson Tire Rubber 2 Santa Cruz Portland cement 87 Sound Rubber com tw" Second NW Finance units... 25 Sperry Flour Mills com... do pfd Superior Portland Cement.. Todd Shinbuildirig ........ Union Oil California do Associates .... Utah-Idaho Sugar Bdy-Yamhill bldg 7s 1923.100 101 do 7s 1926 101 102 California-Oregon power 6s. . 97 300 Federal Telegraph 7s 1923-27 65 95 Gen Petroleum 1st mtg 7s.. 102 103 H T &. T S 1st mtg 5s 1036.. 92 93 Idaho Power 1st 5s 00 93 N W Elec 1st mtg 6s 1038.. 98 100 Ore-Cal 1st 5s 1927 87 89 Ore R ;R & Nav 4s 1946 89 00 Or-Wash R R & N 1st 4s 1961 6,1 70 Ore Elect 1st mtg 5s 1036.... 50 60 Owl Drug Co 6 notes 95 97 Pac Power & Light 6s 1930. . 00 01 do 8s 1930 104 105 Pac T & T 5a 1937 07 98 do 5s 1052 95 98 do 5s 1942 93 94 Port of Astoria 6s 1925 05 98 Port Gas A Coke 5s 1940.. 00 91 do 7s 1940 102 105 do 5s 1951 90 92 PRL & P gold 8 notes 1926.100 103 do 1st ref 5s 1942 . 87 90 do 7 Ha 1946 102 105 do (C&S) 4s 1930 83 8,1 do gen elec 5s 1936 87 80 S Pac 1st ref mtg 4s 1955.. 80 90 do 20-yr conv 6s 1984 84 87 Sperry F M, 1st mtg 6s 1034.102 108 Santa Cruz Port. Cement 6s. 96 100 Union Oil Calif 6s 101 102 Wash-Idaho W L &. P 6s 1941 85 43 Will Val Sou 1937 87 90 QUOTATIONS OX DAIRY I'RODUCE Current Market Ruling on Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 12.--Dairy produce exchange closed. NEW YORK, Aug. 12. Butter, firm. Eggs, firm. Cheese, steady. CHICAGO, Aug. 12. Butter, un changed. Eggs, unchanged. Receipts, 7859 cases. SEATTLE, unchanged. Aug. 12. Butter and eggs Dried Fruits at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 12. Bvaporated apples scarce. quiet. Prunes quiet. Peaches WE WILL SELL: 40 J. T... Hartman Redeemable ltd. 20 North weiitern eomnion. 10 Pentfiftala National Hank. 100 Portland Vegetable Oil. 40 P. K., I,, ft P. Prior Preference. 25 Portland tin & Coke 7 Pfd. AH of the Above Storkn for (Sale at ' flood jVirieounts. WE WILL BUY: 10 Klnsr's Food UnitH. 10 Multnomah Lumber St Box Pfd. 15 Oregon Surety & fa-malty. 25 Oreicon WorHted Mill. 50 Pacific Mtntes Fire Insurance. IMOOO Oregon Klectrta 1h Mtg:. Aa. fSOOO Portland J louring Mills 8s, 1933. Local, Hated and unlisted securities bought, sold and quoted. Prlva te wires to all security markets. 322 Jordan-Wentworth & (o. Hgwreiw a, ftp-QPgSm-t TOCKSAHD BONDS- 201-3 Railway Excb. Bldg. Bdwy. 4725. w.ah nrlclr T. AV S W P nfd 15 Western Auto Parts com.... 8 do pfd 4 Western Auto Supply 10 Western Bond & Mtg com... 95 West States Finance units. . . 45 Western Wall Board com... 50 do Dfd T5 Zellerbach Paper com 75 do pfd vi Bonds A! Her. Bros TUl 1942 PO'A Asso Oil 1st mtg 5s 1922.... 10014 do 1st rei es i3" 50 140 82 .15 55 82 100 105 12 20 50 05 125 44 hi 65 5 80 40 12t4 52 Vi 07 M 100 102 82 105 105 80 55 97 70 00 95 00 :. 85 00 120 50 80 00 75 75 180 16 40 25 95 974 15 80 100 95 35 95 90 5 92 V4 100 40 R2hi 100 90 73 105 107 5 25 10 H 8 15 100 05 75 85 85 100 101 100-4 100 OVERBECK & COOKE GO. Broken. Stocks, Honda, Cotton, Grain, Etc. tl6-17 BOARD OF TKADK BLDO. Walla Walla, Wtuh. Portland, Or. Pendleton, Or. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Correspondents of Iocmn Bryan, Chicago and INew York. MEMBERS New York iStock Exchange, Chlcaeo Stock Exchange. Boston stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. Sew York Cotton Exchange. New O Meant Cotton Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Winnipeg Grain Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Association. SUCCESS In the Stock Market FORTUNES Made From Small InTentments Write for Free Booklet. The Mont Simple Explanation of Profitable (Stock Trading. We guarantee you that our money in nafe and that you get square deal. Kennedy & co. Kst. 1881. 74 Broadway, New York Members Consolidated Stock Exchange. IDLE MONEY HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY For safe interest, good profit, in expanding business honestly managed. Ample assets, staple product; unlimited market whole Pacific coast. Prefer short time loans. Would con sider participation. Principals only. AO 843, OREGONIAN. GERMAN BONDS AND MONEY Bought and Sold TRAJSS ATI.ANTTC ESTATES eft CREDIT COMPANY, 210 Ezckute BldsTi 2d and Stark.