The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 06, 1922, SECTION SIX, Page 4, Image 82

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Offenders May Be Sued for
Destructive Acts.
l'orrt 6rvlce Places Hundred
' or Signs Along Highways
to Aid Cmper.
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I'EXDLETOX, Auc. t During th
o!i few yrs th forst service
has attempted to thoroughly post
the national foreats with road, trail
and other signs for the convenience
of campers, tourists and other for
est users, aa well as for the use
of forest officers themselves. Hun
dreds of such signs hsTS been
painted and posted by the officers of
the Umatilla national forest. oer
400 of them tiering been posted last
year. This worfc Is far irora oeina:
completed as yet but It Is hoped
that within a few years every road
or trail intersection and topograph
ical feature of Interest will be
SDite of the fact tnac aucn
signa are a public benefit a large
number of these signs have already
been defaced or destroyed either
thouht!es5ly or maliciously by peo
pie traveling In and using the na
tional forest. Writing upon, mu
tilating or destroying road and trail
signs which are the property of the
forest service are prohibited by gov
ernment regulations and offenders
ran be aued in the federal courts
for property trespass.
Arrrsts May Be Made.
Forest officers are empowered to
arrest without warrant anyone de
tected In the act of committing any
form of trespass. Including mutila
tion of signs. Evidence can also be
submitted to the assistant to the
solicitor for his setlon In prosecuting
such cases. The mutilation and de
struction of forest service signs can
In tie war be ronsidered aa unin
tentional and such cass of property
trespass would come under the bead
of clminal trespass
The practice of writing names, sd
dresses, dates and In other ways de
facing the signs has become so uni
versa! that specific setlon la no
necesssry to stop such practice. All
forest officers are being Instructed
to report cases of mutilation of signs
and to arrest the offenders where-
ever possible,
As the practice of defacing signs
by writing upon them is. no doubt
due largely to carelessness or
thoughtlessness forest officers are
reluctant to take drastic action st
the present and are In the majority
of cases merely requiring that names
be erased from the signs or that
new signs be furnished to replace
those defaced. It Is appsrent. how.
Iver. that offenders will have to be
treated with greater severity In the
hiture If there la not a let-up In
3te present practice.
Many m mm Rrewrd.
Registration books and blanka
Ire placed at a number of points
throughout the forest so that visi
tors In the forest can record their
names and addresses If they so de
sire ana tnere is
Motorists in Willys-Knight Tour
ing Car Visit All Four Cor-
of Oregon.
If anyone thinks that Oregon Is
not a aizeabte state so far as square
miles and long roads are concerned
et him hitch up his automobile and
make a motor trip to thai four cor
ners. This Is the advice of M. O.
Wilklns. publisher of the Automo
bile Record and former secretary of
the Automobile Dealers' association
of Portland, who returned last week
after a trip of 2100 miles in his
WCiys-Knlght touring car. Mr
Wtlklns was accompanied by his
wife and the trip was a combln
lion business and pleasure Jaunt.
Mr. end Mrs. Wilklns left Port
land early In Jnly and drove to
Hood River and thence to Cloud Cap
Inn on the side of Mount Hood
Here they stsyed two days, this
being the only hotel of any kind
which they stopped on their entire
trip of nearly a month, stopping for
the rest of the trip at automobile
camp grounds along the way. From
Cloud Cap they returned to Hood
River and drove to Pendleton and
La Orande.
After a brief stay at the latter
city they drove to Wallowa lake.
where they made a short stop, then
returned to La Grande and drove to
Baker and thence to Vale via Iron
sides and Brogan. This Istter proved
hard trip, as roads were rough.
Mr. Wilklns said. From ,Vsle their
route led to Burns, via Crane, this
being a hard one-day trip over the
desert. The best route from Vale
to Burns Is the direct road, Mr.
Wilklns said, but they went by the
longer route In order to pass
through Crane.
The next portion of the Journey I
was from Burns to Gap ranch, vl
Alkali and Abert lakes, and thence
to Lakevlew. and from the latter
point they drove to Jflamath Falls.
From here they made the run to
Crater' lake, coming away from the
lake by the Medford route and stop
ping at Medford and Ashland. From
the latter point they doubled back
Above Broadside view of handsome aew Colombia light alz touring ear.
Below Front view of sane ear, showing brand-new lines, with square
radiator design.
Among the most interesting arrivals on Portland's auto row in
many a day were the new model ilght-six Columbias. which were placed
on display last week by the Law son Auto company, 354 .East Broadway,
r-nlnmbia distributors for this territory. Two body types, the five-
passenger touring car and the sedsn. were received in the first shipment
of the new cars from tne factory ana were Known imi wee, oui omor
styles are expected soon, the cars being on the way, it is etatea.
Members of the staff of the Uwion Auto company are enthusiastic over
the new Columbia, which is priced to sell at less than $1000 factory. The
r Is an assembled car with standard units, tne parts manors peing
behind the enterprise to a large extent, It is stated. The following well-
known units are among those used: continental motor. Tiraiten sxjee.
rmr,i. transmission AuLo-lite 'gnition. Disteel wheels. Borg & Beck
clutch. Gemnier steering gear, Stromberg carburetor, Spicer universal
to Grants Pass, from which point
no excuse for ae-i j they drove to the Oregon caves In
a visit and
mountains to
Crescent City, CaL From here they
facing property In order to leavs a I Josephine county for
record of a visit Inside the nations? then motored over the
rest. I rr.,n t r-itv (n l ri
A large number of names of per- came north over the Roosevelt high
ns who have defaced forest signs war through Brookings. Gold Bead
are on record. The most recent case
which has come to the attention of
forest officers was thst of a sign
wnica was oetacea within two or
three daya after It had been poated-
The ranger Immediately aent a list
f the names and addresses to the
forest supervisor at Pendleton.
Tnese. were as follows: Ellis McCoy
Stanfleld. Or.; J. B. McCov. Stan-
field. Or.; C K. Lawrence. Pendleton.
W TX' Will w . . .
John Schmidt. Stanfteld. Or.; Cler
Action baa been taken In thes
cea to prevent a repetition of the
i Kins in giving an a
Crading Contract Let for North I dusty, this country is certainly un-
and Port Orford to Marshfleld and
thence east to Roseburg, from
which point they returned home
over the Pacific highway.
The entire trip consumed ZS days
and covered Si 00 miles. Mr. Wilklns
declared humorously that he had
"hard luck" with his Willys-Knight
car on the trip. He encountered no
difficulty whatever until he reached
Oregon City on his way home, he
id. when he broke a fan belt. This
was absolutely the only mechanical
trouble of any kind on the entire
run. he declared.
"Four things impressed me par
ticularly on the trip." aald Mr. Wil
klns In giving an account of the
"The first Is
beautiful body
ndlng country
comprise one of the finest recrea
tion and sporting sections in the en
tire west, and Portland people
should make greater use of It. The
second section to impress nve was
the desert country around Alkali
and Abert lakes. While hot and
fork-Caihinan Road Out
of Eugene.
FUG EN E. Or.. Aug. t. (Special)
Work on the !-rnlle section of
usual and interesting.
"A third portion of the Journey to
Impress me psrtioularly was the
drive from Grants Pass over the
Oregon mountain to Crescent City.
The road in northern California
through the redwood forest was
ever seen. The fourth paramount
impression Is that received from the
trip from Crescent City north to
Marshfleld. This Is certainly a
acenlo and rugged portion of Ore
gon's coast and one well worth vis
iting for the motorist who can find
the time and is willing to put up
with some of the rough road."
the Eugene-Florence highway that I0" of the most beautiful I have
tea between Blachiy and Ralnrock
Is expected to start early next year.
. The survey made by the federal
highway engineers has been com-
. pleted. according to Lmmcll Sharp.
connir commissioner, who has Just
returned from that part of the
county. He said that the right of
way win d cleared this winter. The
eounty and government have agreed
to co-operate on this section of the
highway, the estimated cost of
which la 1300.S00.
Bids for clesrtng probably will be
advertised some time this month, ac
cording to county officials. The
engineers seem to favor the plan
of advertising to let the contract
both for clearing and construction
in sections, so that smaller con
tractors may have aa opportun'ty
to bid on the work. A survey has
been made on both sides of Triangle
lake and Commissioner Sharp says
fee believes that the weat side route.
wnica is now used, win be the one
A contract has been awarded by
the Lac county court for the Cush-nan-North
Fork road which amounts
ta S000 feet of grsdlng. to the John.
son-McCormack concern on a bid of I
Jill i). The Canary-road grading
project of 3006 feet was awarded, to
tne uoaaara-Myera company on
their bid of Jo;i. Work on these
projects will start immediately, ac
cording to the announcement of
county road officials.
Bids will soon be advertised also
for the proposed new stretch of
4009 feet of mat near the Cash-
man station. This project Is being
financed through the co-operation of
the Southern Pacific railway Una
and Lane connty. As soon as the
grading Is completed on these three
road projects the graveling work
will start under the direction of
the forestry department, according
to tne report or the road officials.
Hood River Valley Roads In Good
Shape; Cloud Cap Climb Not
So Bad, Says E. H. Holt.
Although there are a number of
minor difficulties attending the drive
from Portland to Hood River and
thence to Cloud Cap Inn, situated
at an elevation of 6000 feet on the
.north aide of Mount Hood and witn
In easy walking distance of i-not
glacier, there Is no reason to an
ticipate trouble and the run can be
made w'thout undue dlliicuity.
Such Is the statement of E. H.
Holt, general manager of the North
west Auto company, who, with a
party of friends, made the ion to
Cloud Cap laat week-end in a Dort
touring car.
We left Portland at I o'clock Sat
nrdav afternoon In the Dort. carry
ing five passengers, and reached
Cloud Cap Inn at 7:40 o'clock that
evening." said Holt. "This was done
without over laboring the car on
grades and with the exercise of ex
treme care n driving over several
miles of rough road. As a matter
of fact almost 10 miles of the trip
is made in second or low gear.
This may not be considered neces
sary by many drivers, but it saves
the car and makes the trip more
"The roads through tne tower
Hood River valley are In excellent
condition and continue to Odell, a
distance of some 13 miles. Work
has Just recently been done on the
road from the highway to Odell,
fire gravel having Just been spread
over most of It- Through the town
of Odell one gets a short stretch of
"At the beginning or Bootn niu
the new Mount Hood loop road
crosses the present grsde and swings
round the hill to do away with the
heavy pull now necessary. W here
the new road crosses the present
one there is a three or four foot fill
which Is very rough for the distance
of the crossing, some 200 feet. From
here on the road is fair for several
miles, and this Includes that por
tion over Booth hill, the only ob-
jectionable feature, of which Is the
steep grade.
"About two miles before one
reaches Mount Hood office one
strikes the new grade again, which
is dusty and rough. The old detour
up to the left and through the woods
was just recently done away with
Insofar as passengers cars are con
cerned due to the completion cf a
culvert. Heavy trucks, however, are
still instructed to use the detour.
At Mount Hood postoffice a turn to
the right leaves the loop road be
hind and puts one on a splendid
gravel road for six or seven miles.
This takes one through Parkdale
and on toward Mount Hood lodge.
In the vicinity of which the loop
road is again crossed several times.
Shortly one arrives at the lodge.
"The road from the lodge to the
inn Is nothing to brag about, but.
In fairness to all concerned, one
must admit that it Is an exception
ally good road under the clrcum
stances. To begin with It is a pri
vate road and must be maintained
with private funds. In the second
place it is a mountain road on
which snow lies over half the year.
In the third place IV makes an ele-.
vatlon of over 3200 feet In approxi
mately five miles. Although It is
six miles to the inn, the climbing
does not begin until a mile or so
beyond the lodge. -
"Mount Hood lodge Is at aa ele
vation of 3800 feet; Cloud Cap Inn
is at an elevation of 6000 feet. Thus
it can be seen that a stuff climb is
necessary. However, by using sec
ond and low gears and letting them
grind away the trip can be made
without hardship either to car or
Unusual Display Planned for
California State Fair.'
typical section of the Redwood high
way, depicting the scenic tour along
the coast counties north of Ebn
Francisco bay to Eureka and Cres
cent City, will be one of the fea
tures of the display of county ex
hibits which are being planned for
the coming California state fair. The
counties of Marin, Lake, Mendocino,
Sonoma, Napa, Humboldt and Del
Norte have made arrangements with
Secretary Charles Paine for a Joint
space and are at work preparing an
exhibit Intended to lure motorists
to a section of the state that only
recently has been opened to com
fortable travel by automobile.
The exhibit will consist of a for
est of redwood trees, through which
will wind the new state highway.
France has 60 manufacturers of
motor vohlcles. with a production
capacity of 63.000 cars per annum.
eighty thousand men are employer!
in the Industry.
Actor Stages Motor Hippodrome).
New Associated staff completed fa capita! elry and asaalelpal f ire-
fighting ante akta a load ef fa-el.
SALEM, Or.. Aug. S. (Special.) One of the most modern and attractive
automobile service stations in the Willamette valley recently was com
pleted in Jia.em. by the Associated Oil company, of which R. O. Snelllng
is the local agent. The station is located at the corner of High and
Fred Stone, noted comedian. In-1 Chemeketa streets, opposite the city hail, and within a stone's throw of
trodaced a society circus novelty I the civic center. The drives snd floors are of red cement construction.
recently, by mounting the acts en 1 while the station itself Is of fireproof materials. As many as four auto-
eight motor trucka, each truck tak. I mobiles may be served at one time, according to Mr. SneUing. Beautiful
Ing Its turn before the grandstands. I lawns surround the station, while In the background is a garden of
The affair was a benefit given atlihrubbery and potted plants. Although the Associated Oil company has
Mineoia. n. ror tae Occupational I only one service station in Salem at the present time, other stations will
Therapy society, Ike established as the business warrants. Jar. Sra.iVrt said.
Carl's Garage
Carl Olsen, Prop.
Day and Night Service
I wish to armour ce to my
friends and others who
desire the best service
that I have opened a new,
well-equipped garage at
Fourth and Flanders
entrance on both streets.
For eight years I was
in charge of the Service
Department of C. L. Boss
Automobile Co. Two
years ago I assumed posi
tion as salesman. Now
ready to serve you and
will appreciate j our patronage.
"We'll bet a fifty-mile ride in the new Chandler
Six against a couple of hours of your time."
Adjectives and
Sweeping body lines
tiraceful contour
Super stronar
Kxtreme flexibility
Betnty and comfort
Stnrdlness k
Iisxarloni beauty
Thrill of ample sower
Chandler Salesmen
Oregon Motors, Inc.
We have collected nearly all the catalogson automobile row.
The adjectives ARE impressive- yet everything has been said
of a 5c cigar that could possibly be said of a 25c one if you
enjoy adjectives, use the list on the left.
Yes, sir, we'll let the car tell its own story, we'll get out the old
muzzle before we start no sales talk not a word.
Now, this new Chandler WILL demonstrate and RIDES,
believe us. But we're off of that brand of language. You'll
get the whole story through the foot throttle and the speedom
eter you can measure the 60-inch underslung springs
yourself. Take this ride; look upward and downward on the price list,
$300 either way then see if you can find any automobile
comparable with the new Chandle Six. We KNOW this ride
will make you believe in the new Chandler just as we do.
A substantial price reduction, effective at once. '
Broadway 1752.
Chandler and Cleveland Distributors
521 Washington, at Burnside
Standard Non-Skid Tires
30x3i Premier CI. Fabric ........... . .$10.65
30x3 Fisk Non-Skid CI. Fabric (oversize) . . . . . 12.85
30x3 Red Top Extra Ply CI. Fabric (oversize) . . 15.85
30x3 Non-Skid CI. Cord (six-ply oversize) 15.85
31x4 S. S. Non-Skid Cord . ............ 26.45
32x4 S. S. Non-Skid Cord. . . . . ... .... . . 29.15
32x4 S. S. Non-Skid Cord . 37.70
34x4 S. S. Non-Skid Cord. . ...... . . . . .39.50
33x5 S. S. Non-Skid Cord . . . . . . . . . , ... 46.95
35x5 S. S. Non-Skid Cord . ... . . ... . . . . 49.30
(Other Sizes Proportionate)
These Prices Include Excise Tax and
Are Effective July 31st ,
Built to Sustain a Reputation
Sold to Meet Competition
.Buy. Now From