TIIE "SUNDAY OREGONUN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 6, 1922 21 rom rem. Ho T O L K A E M i d r a 4 - runt L u i . I , hardwood fiMra. srarase tntl c bu ken hu. Jars: (irdM and brrt- ; 13 mlnutwt a Ortega electro; to block from rr; $ 5 Msin 171T. M(K .I-a mlerd 4-room uypr ri fi"nr f.t. lrc ". iito, rtw-. fruit. 3iu. opta t 2M E. 43th st-. 1G ft. con a of Ii tbor.ta ve. Tabor 34 -c A modern bungalow, ateepiug rc.h, furctc. garag. fruit. berries, p ti at re, I ticM-K from car, ner htirh b !. V eaJW -d ive. H. K. CFl'il cic.a- a tub br4k fast room, lull base n.eni in4 wb 1 1 a. I i ,", Krs. w,.: Vit if.h t N ri i) le, adui. $.' A M.. Til .Ui :r. cut) i-tm. --tte; lurAtct, waste tray ar.d iars la-ping pvrch . big srd . fruu and r d 4-1! i Tr.i, 31 ' -KmM huyir, nr . nwoi. $Jau. h.'n and ad evening. 1133 si. . M nostra tag ih cuft. p-r imn : ti. .." Woodftov ivt a ! Main 7": . -- , 4iu-c4 n;. I 4th st $i NCVVI.T rtoovud. tiuxtwru -room h o ua, n e r car. Hicb uinJ dial net. .V a . n it'i.'KK. -rwom huue. waik..ng tnc. no email children. 3d st ne ar O k .1 is- bouae. suitable f" 2 f am.lt", 1 S-il. '-"-. niet.!rn, anunjsr.i fra-t . KkjJU hou. ranit- and sums f rrnlture. oeJ it. nation v j ave - R nM bo uae. all iiuitk-rn, VVmdj -U ri.!rr:-t. I to Ca:l Worrtay. tidwy. 4t' J Mvl'KirtN" 5-rm bur. ft a, . c.can. west at e r, n u ! re T J' i orielt s t. buuM and rae. corner Eaat I v h a nll no n .pyn K- at I -I I- AIiUt:RN a-room bui.g-i.. tt siid c an. fcU f:h st. M V nr.. , HimM dwr.hnC 52 J Tay.or at hfta It:h and ITtn, K-nt 1 IV i-!; KuK HKNT i r om hua and rair. ii r; f;ir n:ahd $Q 1.1:1 fcat Sta.-K at. huu. 6II& iJi h if . modern, sraras In conn-t t urn. I a mnrtth NtW" tt-rcom bouaa ftx rrt. 2a party at f: rt rto-r sout b 1 .TS ' am u&eU y ret. Loiue. Md iocaUon. not mod rn; no amall boys. ftfi' Kerbi I 1unM CuTTAOE 4i .iand ave. N. ; rent e-"5. Inquire B3tt Urand av. Ps. NICK Munt Tjbor houa ; a month. 17' K Yamhttt at $Ji i-KC'Ou ou, Satiuon. Ti entrancea Ht. electru tty. larnUhrd llouew. WAV til l.Y HE! G II Th. 5 -room modern bungalow, rement basement. laundry trays. fi rep. ace, tii:ea furnace: nice bultt-ina. cio! - to car and school; price $3!0o; 6o0 down. vl4 Ttuoetts itrcet. irKMHEL) modorn cement boine. fine rroun'.4 rarago, furnace, fireplace. Iimik iik corner, on car ; lease to re sponsible adults WfVKistock car. 4103 V3d ave. 8 K. cor 4 1st at. rt'KMiH&D five-rooru buusalosj with ntc yard and f 10 w era, just haiso- lnined. no chi.trn under 15. Rent 4. ait Sunday between 12 and - iu - Ilr'i W ILL snar my iioro In Irwington with a bust nea or professional cotiplo; ho us large, beaut;fuliy furnished: a piaco where you can feel at home. Phone K 9 IS riKlMONT, $40 per month for on year, modern a. room furnished house Secluding piano and garage, near Jef ferson b gh: on 3 c: inr Cal at 261 Ki::tng sworth s vs.. ne ar L'e 10 n, WAVKKLkllWK H KKiHTtf. a -room bungaiow. plane, practically ew, furoltur. new furnace, beautiful lew. no cniidren. references. Seilwootf l'o" e. I'sr h st. H. t-ROo bungalow in tkanystde, clean, ntcly furniahed. responsible adults, $40 month. a E. SSib. sc, acar slain. T a bor T K S evening. FI.iTnisHEU mod. bungalow, clean and convenient, any time p to tept. 1; child no objection. Rant. 44)1 Filed ner btdg. ft K H'M modern furnished bungalow, Cap'tot Oro Otoctrte car ilne; 3 blocks west of school House, 124. M. A St rah a feEAL'TIFCL new co.onlal on lower heights, completely furnished; three grate, gaa furnace, automatic water hgater. $IjQ. Atwater 3143. sAOUKR.N furnished bouse with caa fur nara or 4 -room furnished apt- west aide, rwsponaibie bualaesa man, fanUiy a iulta. Tebor li. e . 1 LI. iaaa to reaponaibl party for 1 year or mar. iaurihiarat horwi. 7 rooms and eloeplne; porch. Compft te!y . furnished. Including plenty T. yiSL 1-KuOM furniefced bunfca.ow. 2 block Hawthorns carifne, no garage, adults, KasI outh and Stephens sts, 16vs fete phens 3n. $414 OH ft-ROOM coUaae, .bath, elec trictty, gas stove and water heater. ta iLoaar tubs, Larg yard, ls 2oth ft. Fa! 52M FURNISHED ho us, i rooms, piano, gas range, fuumaee, lauundry trays, gao water beater aad fireplace. blwood - ROOM furnished house. In aood loca tion. oaar park, good shoo and best rsr service; garage. Will laso for one year or more. Hdwy. l.t2. ri hSlSH tD modern 3-room home in InlRftn Co leas for six months or a veer. unujt. fisa. if. Oregon- UAiLKAV'tt CAMP. tWIdW LAKH. Cottage for rent for la-J season, bee aretaker on ground ft K HW t araiabed. atrictiy modern, fur ". garg. piano, cioae la, rwfereacea Fnrne s-el. wood -271. WKt.L furnuthed 7-room houa. Uk n replace, enclosed sleeping porch, gar age. I rrmston d'Sl r!-t. East 41325. 3 FURNISHED flat, upper and lower; a iso atiiati 2 -room house. Call Won day ifi rvenport. A KV I N G T 6 N 1 1 ui E. practically ne sp:ndid location. Very well furn!hed. h-tart floors thronrhout. Aut. SI.." Foft K KN X Two-room house. partly furnished. $11 per Bionth. laquire 143 Kast e ' t St 7 7i BEAUTIFULLY furnished. 9-rooui nouae for rent. Call 1 to ft P. 31. 10 F K RENT otr let ly modern attract! v houw, g rooms snd bath comfortable furnisried Kt 3tfA. O'MPI.fcTELY furnished -rooiu ttage. piano Victrola ; no children. Apply afternoon. 3 13fh st. ft-RooW ntodera farnished loaer dupx houe. 4"'. E- lULh. or. Division. 30 5i'?i?i. 1oe in. WILL lesaM -tuoiii furniahed horn ad JoininK La u re! hurst, for term of on year- Eastl?7 -lU'OM modern hous. ail f iraiinr.!. clos-e In. e5t side. 1HO C.CI v.tst 2o40 or ftdwv. 7l.'. or No 1 1 E. loth st. N. FI RMsHKO .Vronm cottage for rent. No o&Jectloa to babies. UV Hawthorn sve. 1. A WT HOK NE ave , clean, modern, com pletely furniUrd, T-room house, three bedroom: a iy:t er-!y $P Taor 47. 4 ROOM i.todra fuinahed cottage. 311 K ttth St., bet. I'Uy and Market, $JH St tub Ka.-t 523V Clo m. "tR RENT i-nmra bunsalow, fireplace, furnace. grage: mahogany and Wicker furniture, rent fS5. Auto. liRAN'U-.NKW 7-room bungalow fur nished completely; mahony. Call at 1 rt -' ?.m R blvd.. nea r iin35t h: i-R'KJM Uou.e. furnished. 1 block from I-ran kiln high, dur.m scfaou: niorwh to artie with rfer nce. Tabor 7rt77. InSE CITY PARK, on 4Mb st., room. nl--Iy furnished, with gsra .161. rt per month. 'hone Tabor 1 7 R JMS. 2 sleeping port hes. weil fur ntehed. near park and shooL best car service. 1 bl"c from carilne. Se; 1714 LAKuE ro.imi compietf!)- fuminhd. p ano, references, $70 Tift E. Burn te Man 5437. rooming. 1 RM. well furnished, will con sider teje for year: references -x -charred. 4Kt Union ave N. East 7214. ARTISTIC bubga .0 f-at. garage, in perch. fireplace, furnace ; Vi.ro. fSI-7S S KljM modern h(-ue. reasonable, . ott car. 4-4 -W:h et. S E Ml. ft-ROOM ;.-r.. e.l furniahed ho us and Firs st. S ft- K jM cottage, sear Jffrsoa Ii. a.. 1Q3' V I i 1 .iimn ave Exat 4VZ Rt mi M "iumial.ed cotfag. gas and electr:Cy. 2 E. 15th L A SMALL rent. c: mo4ru furnished houi In. Te :e p twn Ea t for 74. A MONTH My furninheu laumout home for rnt. fab.r 4H& 4 ROOM cottage, c.o to car una, reason aft. a I At ant.c st. ft-LOOM house. Suuua!'e. $37 50. u0 c;i;.iren. references lf 4 East Mala. R OC' M house, nea 1 1 y t uraishsd ; good d.s'rict. Cj. Main PT2 ATTK ACTIVE 7-rm bungalow 1 r. pm.m n .e adu't e ! woo-1 o-C4. I'C'R REN T 4 -roo m house, new furni ture - modern. 7s Hood street. fclX LOOIS. partly furn sh4. garage. clea o cd ch ap 64?4 t'.th st. b . L 4-ROOM cotsg en river, 20 pmoC t2ft Morrgan btg. TH KEE-RCOM furnished girg Aut Cl-il houae. with 4J: 5-RCf'k h'-uac. 1 block f r. m Wood- crock car. 4-l.tT 4 Id ave. S E. rrRNI."?HEO hou- for real near Russell t. Ca :i Eat 0; 73 from 12 to 3 P. M. JfoDKRN btirg;w. ft rooms. Irving oa diocriot. Fhoao Jb4v7. T.a. fob nrxt Furatafaed tou "KMC L':ie cottag 1--4 heuihts tkhkack. 4 kioms, wovdkku l porch. r.l.ASSKIM ; KINK V1EWN OF 1IH TAIS AND CITY; 20 Vl N - TK-f WALK T' HEART 'P CITY Oft HAU 6THKKT CAR to 13TH - l..k.s. w tsT. it:E IT TO A k'- i'H Kf'fAT IT lcVT M I Si! CHEAP It K T ONE INSTANT K H 2 MONTHS iiNLV. RKFERENCE8. WEST FllE. ONLY $35 PER WO. Kurmi-d huuir, n roma. on th hiliaiit! overlook. n the iity; will ln fr I yr to r-poaibt provl fur uo-h a if ir. uaual r?ni ak-A fT aiw h placra. It baa a moat wunJcrful virw. but t a II i iiw bri io r?:b. If u itk hitij4 a tin wi it apa la you. i nU;. ;iT Abiti)fi.-n jMf. JLo KLrY Imh.! 'f riiu. t it an lrir a try and Itff ht roma. winlnwi (uil 9 rn-ii. a very l-airabt hum love ly yard ni f bwrra, ntc nfightHkr hoo). own -r leaving r:ty for a tun. Responsible pN rttrtt. $Ta per mom h. ( all H after Iff 3o A. M. -Surdy nl Mn-Uy. Tjari-after call K 1- FK H KNT i'rivAta huru. f-room fur nished bUiJiraiow with varat. all jno'l rn cunvtnwnrti except ba;htuo. tir den. fruit, chirkena Ixoatd off mK aid li. I', eieclrlr. 1 7 m!n. out. Doah 11 Uitnontah, He fare. Owner coins' ast on trip. Kent ON H UK lrvli4ttona let nidern home witn A '.iruuin, 2 bathrooms. alcp in pnhf. carafe, billiard room, atl r.nnptetciy furnished, tnctudtny piano, victrola. lnaiantaneoua hot water healer. s;a radiators, etc.; to Wt from S'ptembr 1,- References rHUtrd. A 4 J. tr--itor.tan TO LKA nicely furnished house. Huliveis requires owner to leav ciiy. He la d-irou of obtain tug- ten ant who wtil appraciata a food horn. If oasa atnrtly modern, fireplace, fur nace, double sare . walatnc distance N Reed culitJ and t"tf linxa. West- morel a i id a t d i t:(n. S-loo .1 0 1 S ft CLOciE-lN FCR-Xfsil eFhOCSB modwrn, 3 bedrooms and bath upatafrs. rooms snd hall lower floor; rant re a aonab to ris;bt party; owner will be oa premises Sunday, August A. Ot Ka.t Stark street. FCRNISHEO 4 -room house, fireplace, furnace, garage and thoroughly mod ern, to !e.i-ior 1 year. Call Sunday. 1.01 t. uiiaan at., near Oi'th st. IX R KMS, cor.p; tely f urn Is ;ed house in Irvine ton to lease for one or two years; hardwood fioor and best mod ern cone: ruction. Phne at residence. Fast 21 14 ax Broadway STUO. 40 Wilcox bMf. O-Rt wM btiTnejw and aiecplnc porch, 73, including water and garbase; completely furnlahd. stnrtly modern; wvst i.pe ilouru Tabor: J92 East 6th st ; win iea-e. t all Zl6 Board of Trade. Hroadwsy 7 4 .. J 8-ROua modern house to responsible party. 3 rooms upstairs, fitted for housekeeping- Way be rented out sep erate. Call Automatic i for ar pointment evrmr.ga or Sunday. 71U5 :.7th ave. S. E Vacant August 1. FURNISH KD 4-room house, not modern, Walnut 371. rlewHxrca. f'Olt RENT Cottages, tants. furnished, light housekeep:ng ; week or month ; sui(a stde lit. Hood 1 miles east of government camp: stage from auto terminal. Wuunt Hood Mlueral Springs, Rhododendron, Or. FOR RENT Fine home U Seaside from August 14, ocean vittw. strictly modern, select neighborhood, also wiil re nt for winter months. East 271 or 4.2 2d St-. Sea-td- 6KASIDE Newly constructed aix-room house with sun porch, bath, shower and all modern convenience, weil fur nhed, overlooknf ocean. li9 Third a v-. nea r Prom. O w ner on p remises. TWIN ROCKS. Hewitt cottage, four rooms completely furnished except linen. Bai. of season from Auk. A A. East 1211. GODFREY'S GROVE. Beaside. 1. 2 snd -room cottages, first cikah , every thins; fumushed; rates from 1 to $2& per week. Near W. E. church. I-ROOM cottage, from Aujc. IS; new tent- bouses Mmp;atcljr furn.shed. For par ticulars write C 1. W ingard, Cacon Reach. Ormn. TOCH CLtAiifciT oCEAX BEACH. 4c- tric lighted furnished housekeeping; tents in beautiful grove. Hit a tea. rat;s for isj-oq. Bd a y. TS'J. 'LhMallti tents. tent houaea. cot tage; rooms' with kitehentit, home uotei. good cooking Auto camp with wood anu water. Wain 7.H2. bEASlOE Furnished three -room bunga lows, new ani clean, electric lrnt, fuel and Isundry servic. F. Iresr, fta- side. Or. ROCK A WAY Fun. lulled cottage, tents and sleeping rooms. "State Cottage," one-half biocs north of depot. E. J. Johnson. FOR THE BRACK. Edison horniena machine and 50 brand new record. fo-V Terms. Hyatt iMiKinc Miinm 1 o, a .mi Aider. BAYimJEAN HOTEL Mrs. H. J. Martin. Mgr. Beaui.fui beach. Term $3 50 to - per nay. CANNON bKAi'il coui by month only, fur August and September, air H. A. t.o:e. a-cca r. o. top Co., Oregon l RNlsiitO 5 room cottage for rent Samde, balance of season. Phone E. FtK RENT at Sat Air TIUmook neacni cottage lor balance of aaaeon. Phone Kst ti..4 FUKNISHEO to.UK- of ai hinds and stse for rent by meek, ajionth or sea- . a V er, jia 3.i ave , Sea side. O r MANHATTAN B E AC H 2-room fur r isned cottage near oean. lake and mountain, ss a week. Walnut 2nfvT. EaI 1E- CutUde and apartment, fur malted- 2. 4 and room; rnt weekly or in.'Btni). iaror zi i 7-Ri ) it furnished house. Keaview i'sirably located, fronting ocean, cjnly $12 per wek. end season. Auto B2H bU. COTTAGES and tant for rent at Rook aagy Peach. John X.hnson. Box 22. CANNON BEACH N'awly equipped 18x .0 trriw. Witifr, fir. rat TWO cottagaa for rent at Canuon Beach. 1 none r.inuire US" SEASIDE Toe Austin, rooms, h. k. tents. Fine location. a. k. rtui, Nr.AliKANih 4-rtom cottage, fully luronr.tu, loveiy view, rauor S67 bEASlDE. dc near ocean. ira oie furn;hed cottasje. reaaoname. taoor iaji. FCU RH.VT-N'yt Brach cottage. Wainut 37'i. jlc v a v a r u&ai u rot tag e. g rooms. a 1 a ffr p ee. t nil fcast .4 JB. NEA-KAH-NIE mountain, cholco lot for 3 H K. KUDUS. 245 12th ave Seaside. aw v. (. bt-A iJi . (um:ne.y furn. 4-room cot- ige ,ast -'m.. f'done Monday. CAXXON- BEACH Newly equipped l&x 3' tents, a f f r. etc. Est 4s73. $25 3-Hoof cottatfe for season. Ocean CoTTAOE for rent. Saliatr. Tabor 1527. Haumt for Ren. Furniture for Sale A ft-ROOM fist and bath, well furnished. with everything that makes home comfortable, good venti'atiou and light no ujt a., wood to tub a furnace a moneh , or more ana sewing msrnine and every thing r'-a for only 3&iO cash. This is a nargaia. ju: Market at., bet. 14th ana i.iin. BEAUTIFUL 7 ROOMS of furniture, must sacrifice. Located on east side, 1 nion ave. car. close In, corner, rent $40 per month. Oood In come. Jmn (he place for man and wue. fnap. ftuw. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 40Vtf Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. BEAUTIFUL mahogany and walnut fur niture or a o-rooin apt. and apt. for rent. Two rooms rented, clearing the rent. au aiain 021. PARTY leaving; city will sell nice furni ture, nearly new. at bail cost price, and transfer lease of a sightly 7 -room flat which is arranged for renting room ir.giy or cnaiiiie. rrice of furniture sTRONf t CO.. Q4 Cham, of Com. ALL OR part of furniture of new 3-rm. ap.- ror saie. leainar oea-da venport. phonograph, ruga, library tab;, chairs. etc. rtesonao.e. apt. for rent near Lauieihtir-t park. t4hk E. Washington. Tabor 17?. ROOMS ft 235. Located cioae to court house; fair xurntiure; location cannot t beat: easy terms. Perers. 1,1 N. ftth at. PI ELMONT Modern 7-roorn houae Uh garage, near Jeffersea H. eL. furniture, rugs, are f :r-.-c;a5 ; wiil sacrifice. 113 Moore at. North Ktllirnrsworth ave. ft-iuM niuiltrn bungalow for rent: furniture for sale. 1U3 Hisey st., near ftros't a ay bril ge. FURNITURE of 6-room bou. $400. House for rent. $57 50, centrally lo cated W! W'awhington. wTLL ! ail or pa rt of furniture of -room bungalow-ty p flat, 2 blocks eCf hashing:.. a and lwh, M5 Davis FURNITURE of 4-r. f;t for sale; F for rent for $13. Gas. eiec. !s;hta on. Coi um bla st. Auto. o--2tK ft-ROOM house for rent, furulturo sjile. Walnut $171 H'M'SS for rent, furniture for O Imr st. Atwater 1140. ale. S3 f-ROOil houa for rent, furniture for sale: 4Hi good Ineom. Fast fto. JToDERN ft-room furnished house, fur sutur for saua. 33 b Eugaa st. FOB RENT. Hn.M for Kent ! urnll ure for SaJw -Fl'UMTt iiE. S rooms, A rt-iitwd, Kod In con.t. iiw rent. wwlltinf ditnce. mixht tak food furnitur and smaller houa yitrt payment. 875 Hth st, tfr and IttiOaeaa nm BAKERY LOCATION. KMJxlOO f;onr epAca and Urf baenient. fine ratal t store, u,Liippd vita 5 large, modern ovtm; to leas for term of yrars-i'usat-Ksion October 1, Ss Mr. Tite, alt E. M, ELMS. Realtor. Lease Specialist. Sulta 41-5 Mor-o blu. Main 6060. KOR K KNT WITH LEASE. Corner store with 24 rooms, west n'.de; r nt ) 1 OO per month ; will leas fv.r 5 years with option of buylnf or prlvltfe of estandtns; leas. tie Mill rhip z Stewart. 16i4 4Ha St. Wain B2i ." r" 'R I.KAS1S Corner store room. 2tix40 ft., lu new brick bids;., for a ilrui store; s-ood location ; reasonable rent; none only lirat-c-laaa druersist need apply. J. K iiennatU wwner. At water 0.1 Monday. FOR REST WITH LEASE Corner store with rooms, west side. Rt 1ik per mo. tt'iii lease for five efcrs with option of buying- or oriv Uge of extending lease, ee Miller hlp it Stewart. 4th st. Mai n J J 75. 2 KLhtiANTLT Hahted rooms. 24 12. 2 storvsX one on 8: ark st.. 17x43. one on 11 h at., 14x24. Rent very reasonable; lea.- if desired. New Carleoo b'.dg. 13th and Stark, mono Kdwy. LKMIRAHLE space for leae at reason abte rate for manufactureer or tnana facturer'g agent; close in. 200 ft of trackage. Call at 8 JO-33 o . Uorclsoa or phone East KOR REVT Store at 2 Hawthorne ave.. A5x4, II. N. Burpee. BROADWAY 60b. 2 EXCELLENTLY located at ere rooms for rent on Handy blvd; prosperous hard ware and plumbing shop in operation tn this location for several years. Call Tabor 401. bPLEN'OlU location for rent, prominent east side corner, very reasonable renL Oood for shoemaker, meat market, flower shop, etc oG5 Lnion ave. or call Atwater 334S. . STORES newly painted 2x60. 6,1 2 and GoH Thurman ; fine locations for srrocery, delicatessen, furniture, no tion, plumbing, paint, oaxpentsr or shoe shop Broadway 7'.A3. FOR R KNT Corner store tn Perfection building, 10th and P'ark sta Best lo cation la city. (substantial parties oniy. SMALL- store on Worrison St.. near 1st., suitable for shoe repair. Jeweler, con fectionery or tailor. Rent reasonable; leas. Ca'.I Wain 2124. NICE new stores for rent, brick oidg., ;Cth and HaA'thorns ave. Oood businesa location. Inquire opposite corner, or Tabor 5S73. STORE, west side, suitable for piumbing. tinerhOD or lisht manuf acturinsr. partly equipped, 20. Phono Aut. ftll-7 or Tabor 1114, FULLY equipped auto mecb, shop for rent, doing a big business, employing now ft men; will give good lease. P 840, Oregonlsn. AUTO top and upholstering shop with iuu equipment iur rent in gooa auto mohtle d. strict. H ftftO. Oregoman. AUTO paint shop in good location doing a good business for rent, o b4o, orego nlan. LOCATION for auto paint shop, in brick garage, cneap rent, geoa proposition. UO Lnion ave. N. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. On Grand avenue, near E. Alder sL A pp!y Citizens bank. STOREROOM, east aide, for rent cheap. Inquire 204 Morris street. Ffcooe Wal nut .lf8. Md iucation for a live bakery man. 0S-1 Monday. Call Beonett. , Atwater FOR KENT Store room. Hxt$, corner untag ana jrara. enquire rara .oceu 3Vi Glimn FOR DEslRABLE space in fireproof waxenouye pnont Mroaaway si 10. $25 STORE, land. K Flrsr and Uoila- day. Key next door. SToRr: ROOM 25x50, 2!3 lirrabee L walnut 13S1. STORE. WASHINGTON ST. TABOR 11 14. LARciS store. 2 SO Ash St., west aide, In- ouire 40 Third street. OfOce. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well lighted and heated offices, single or en suite, central office build ing in financial section of city ; low rents. See Oonald G. Woodward, agent. 1 04 Second st., corner Stark. OFFICE apace for rent Large, light. cool office In Oasco building ; two desks available; use of typewriter In cluded. Inquire 11 Gaacr bldg. or phone Main OFFICES FOR RENT Four rooms, son derful location.- heart of Roa City Park; suitable for physician and den tUt. Inquire 270 Washington. WOULD like to share uiflte with chiro practor or drugiesa physician. Address full particular AC M3. Oregonian. OFFICE spaee with window, including desk. typewriter, etc.. ou excellent ground floor location. Bdwy, 50H4. FURNISHED office for reT$23! fn quire 1 Dekura bldg., or phone Bdwy. 4 4 U A H A LF of 'well-lighted, nicely furnished office, reasonable. 32 Chamber of Co tn m ercw bldg FOR RENT-Desk room with ' conven lences in modern office downtown. In- q utr hl9 Spalding Building. FRONT office ; modern convcatence; Ra'lwsy Exchange building. Apply rasnn ix FOR RENT Partly furnished office, fine office connect ion, best service. Phone Main VV14. b9 w. bank bldg DESIRABLE offices for rent. Concord b.dg . 2d and Mark at. DESK room with telsDhone and steno graphic service. Phone Broadway 8715. PRIVATE offic. 1002 Spalding bldg. jar, rtearn. rpwy OFFICES for rent. McKay bldg., 84 and 1 irt sia OFFICES for rent, Flledner bldg., 10th ami v awn. sis. WELL-FURNISHED office, reasonable rent. Apply 14 Spalding bldg. FINE. light off i.e. including deak, $17.5 aiso qegK room, stock fexro. Bidg To Lemae. APARTMENT LEASES, ft 17.500. Apt. house,, located In th best apt house district in Portland, west slda. consisting of 10 two. IS three an five four-room apt. ; auto, elevator; rent only $;0. including heat, hot water ana telephone service; netting; approx. $70 month: leased until 924 and can get. 11 exie&aeo. ftftftOO. Corner apt. houae, consisting of 11 three, one two and three single rooms; steam heat, bultt-lns, dressing rooms and leaeed until 192u. This ig Indeed a real snap; Ziio will handle. 327.300. Brick apt., west aid, corner. 84 apte. 13 three rooms. 23 two rooms : hardwood floors; nets over $A00 per monia. email payment win nanaie. $20,000. Brick apt., west side, 25 apts , 1 four room, s tore rooms- nent is only aou per mourn, feia over month. A snap; suuuu csku win nandl. $20,000. Ieaaed until March. 192. brick apt. fcouse or weat side, consisting of 84 two-room apts. fsets over $rtOO per men'n. ruiit-ins; disappearing beds furniture in A-l condition. This DE FIES COMPETITION. Easy terms. HOTEL LEASES FOR SALE. One of Portland's best duwntown hot: Has more than 110 rooms, over 45 with private baths: elevator; large arti-tic lobby. Small payment will hsndle, $20,000. Brick hotel, downtown corner, CO rooms. Kent is reasonable. Nets ap proximately $900 per month. ft 10,000 win aanaie, (22 000 I'ihI until lft4 brick hotel, dawn town; tsrpe lobby, .i.v.tor. ,te. ; rent only 5U0 month; furnitur. In excI1.nt condition. Thi, In indeed ft real oppor tunity; 15,0oy will hMdle. (12.000. Brick hotel, corner, on ,mi ,!de; 44 room,; lowed over th, fair; ItiOOO will handle. NOTE We have the be,t Apartment and 1 1 ) r .1 h II V a In. et.y ,, i .vara . . rioi. i. loir tttcnardaon. with FRANK r M.OUIRE. Buineu Property Xeasas. Ablnston BId.. Hdwjr. T1T1. Id Br. Bet. Wash, and stark. b reivEssopro rttnitiks- BAKITRV and reotaurant for sale: vary food locaiioa; bi( bail :4th ,t ov.a. 2 X. BUTCHERS' ATTENTION Oood meat market location, rent 125. riee J. . Mct.rea. a i mi ,t RESTAURANT and tUlure, for to.it. In- quir. at vtvii. rnon. East 4STS. ST AT S BANK ACCOUNTS-. Will pay ea.n for eavlnx. or check accounta. C'4 Henry bu.idin,. OOLD MINE equipped, well located: or ir.af. L.n ou layior ,L ECSTaURAM 1b Yakima valley town. a?Ctt fWbK, AV tfs t0i4UsV INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. A -row ins; corporation whose f Products are Indorsed by the lead ug merchants here In Portland and the eastern markets, require more money to extend their business. You can acquire an interest in this business upon 4, fair and equit able baats. Our market Is world-wide. our profits are especially attractive and our demand exceeds our ability to produce. We have a reputation 'that will bear the searchlight of your inveeti- f at ion and we wish to deal face to ic with the Investor and save pro motion expense. We have an opportunity for one. or two men of unquestionable char acter to become actively eng-aged.-Your investigation will create en thusiasm snd confidence. Address Manufacturer, 702 Oregoa buHding. REAL BUYS. 1 1000 will handle grocery, confectlon- tionery ana aencaiesse n, tirei claaa district, stock wiil invoice as much as price asked; living room a 31600 or invoice srrocery and confec tions, good for $ 0 day; beautiful ft-room flat aoove. 32300 or lavoice grocery, good for $ day. 8 modern living rooms, bath, garage. 3220O or invoice grocery, doing f SO to 3100 day. highly recommended by wholesale houses. Exclusive listing's. W sa.ee t the places worth while. Z. E A KINS. 315 Couch BICg. 10 4th st. LAKUS manufacturinaT cosi-orai sires nan capable of taking charge half or all state of Oregon for the greatest novelty ever Invented. Muft have executtv ability and experience 1 handling men. This it a permanent proposition with unlimited possibilities, will require man with at least fiiiioO to form adequate sales organisation for handling exclusive terrttory rights. Proposition will bear closest investisra tion. Do not waste your time and- ours unless can meet a!l above require ments. ReHsnce Mfg. Co.. 601 North La Sit Tie. Chicago. AUTO REPAIR PARTNER WANTED, Here is your opportunity to secure an equal halt interest in busy, long aatablished auto repair shop run by A-l mechanic; has more work than he can handle alone; prefer steady part ner to hired help ; experience , not re quired If mechanically inclined and not afraid of work. Businesa will warrant ftlttS a month- for each partner. Price 32&0. A real buy. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Star. OARAOE A RE AX. BARGAIN. A salesroom and accessory depart ment, with Studebaker ajrency, for ex ausive saies in prosperous county, located on main highway, not far from Portland. Volume of businesa will average not less than f"mo per month. About ftfXMH) will handle this proposition, terms on about half this amount. AV tU. Orfa-onian. THE RESTAURANT BUY IN OREGON. An opportunity fcr sn experienced restaurant men to secure the bet lo cation and business in one of Oregon's best towns, at a sacrifice. Doing bet ter than $lo( per day. Price $7300. A K. X. K. can make a killing- here. Full particular. Replies confidential. R 84 i . Oregonian. MANUFACTURER'S representative want ed for an established genuine anti-corrosive paint proven impervious to heat, dampness, chemicals, etc.. exclusive rights given for a specified territory; only representatives that can show con nections and results among; engineers and architects will be considered. Stat territory. Burt Harris. 80 Church St., New York- PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank: send model or sketch and description of .in vention for our free opinion of its pat entable nature; highest reference; prompt attention. reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans 4k Co.. Hobard bldg.. Sun Francisco. Cal. Main offices 642 9th St.. Washington. D. C. FOR SALE. Well equipped woodworking plant In cluding box factory, favorably located wltu best railroad facilities: operated with electric power and ready for im mediate operation; mustVbe sold at once. A tgrgain. For price, and terms fee Wrd-Le win Lumber company. 733 Northwestern Bank bids. Main 7322. CONFECTIONERY, FOUNTAIN. LIGHT , LUNCH. WITH CANDY KITCHEN. THE ONLY LUNCH IN THIS LOCA TION. DOING GOOD BUSINESS. LOOK THIS PLACB OVER. THE PR 1?E "WILL SUIT YOU. APPLY THE i.AHA.M&b 8HU1', M ALBERTA ST. $15,000 CASH will buy controliins: inter est largest retail furniture business in fin brick building; on best business corner or laatext erow nar town i state, with big- payrolls, business estab Itshed over 1 years, covers entire county. f. u. wax H!3, ruy. rvc.-Nr-vj. in j bj corporation wants gen eral sales manaaerj to otten branch nf. fico. manage salesmen, $MK to $o000 necessary; expenses 10 Baltimore al lowed if you qualify. Address Mana ger. 0.1 N. Eutaw t.. Baltimore. Md iAi ALL hotel, located ia thrtvintr nor town of the state of Washington. Is" for aaiv. osaaaam ounaing ana two cot tajres substantially built and in rood condition; unfurnished. Price $;t.00 wnn guaranteed title. w rite Morri J'innion, isew Artie hotel. Seattle. i4 out) ONE of the largest transfer and storage businesses, lot of haullne- con tracts; established over 8 years, Would sell outright or would consider good partner, nas o gooa truck in Al shape. 30Q-2 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak 8ts. BEST opportunity for real sales lady with 4.hj to sotMHi to connect in partner- nip in an exceptionally good business must be willing to take rare of trade aim oooks; no agents; best reference. a on regis a k uregonian. PROFITABLE, well established business opportunity, fine for big returner; owner nas otner large interests requiring st- eniion; Dus-ness requires sortie knowl edge or ounaing. small capital. V 500, ureronian. GKNKRAL merchandise stoca of about $13,000, fixtures 20u0. in good farming valley; 11 sawmills tributary; a very proruaoie d us mesa. w iison 4t er, to., Olendale. Or. BAKERY SNAP Called east snd will sacrifice well -equipped bakery and confectionery; three-year lease and low rent, in soutnern Oregon. AV J23, oregonian. ClUAit err Ait ij -tiuny street, long lease. Bacrifice: lady or sentleman: no shon pers. Only 900. Consider light cr. 8tate phone number for Interview. O S4Q, oregonian. LUNCH counter on YamlU market, do ing fine business; long leae; trade for house or some good lots, MUIership sr istewsrt. inovs nn st WILL SELL ONE-HALF INTEREST OR ALL 1S WOU tiROWIXQ BUSINESS; WILL TAKE A BOUT $5000. P. O, BOX 820ft. PORTLAND. OR. MEAT stand in Yamhill market, fin location, clearing $1000 per mo. Ill health compels me to sell; long lease. Miuersnip sc wcwan, juo 4tn at GROWING concern with big future needs more capital. Opportunity for guod Investment, inquire L 845, Ore- gonian. ADVERT! skkh JSave money, get re sults; a6-)fiige rate book tells now. Mailed free. Standard Advertising Agency. Ht. iouis. Mo. WELL-ESTABLISHEO etaga line for sale; li-passenger Cadniac In Al con dition; $10OA will handle. Call at 544 rmntiera. corner iortn jwth atreet. TRANSFER and storage business for sale; established for IS years ; reason for scliing. leaving city. Call 382 Oak pi.. tr pnune nowy. nnip. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Real sacrifice. Must be sold this wee a on account or stckneas; 4 living rooms. Automatic n.in-ei. WILIj sacrifice established barber ahon ortca Diag. ; line piumoing; lartre room In back; depot location, 3t0. 2u3 Jefferson. Kent 3. FOR SALE Good paying east side re tail a airy route ana -ti choice cows. Place for rent. Call at 231 atorriaon st., rooms 10 and 11. REAL PROPOSITION It's better than EsKiroo Pie. oo2 Huchanan bldg. Hun rfky. I sell my rights to west. WANTED Good man to join m in small sheep ranch. , Hox c7, route 2, Sheridan. Or. WILL sell balf interest or all In good. growing cosiness, iaae snout $0000. P. wing DUB Box 3205. o. SALE OR TRADE, blacksmith shop. ana garage, witn uweinng, a seres ground, Chaa. H. Crofoot. Wsmic. Or. FOR SALE WeU-lt-ated locksmith and general repair mop, ror particulars write O 826. Oregonian. ONE of the best paying vulcanising shops in tne city, upponunuy oi a Ilfe tlme. 433 Stark. FOR SALE Big i reels motion picture State riptBU AUUfMI Ft u. xsox n, Rufus, Or. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation. .it or write ur. jjsao. Second and Morrison sta PARTNER wanted with 31000. I have th proposition, money sec urea. HI 9 Plitwrk birig. MILLINERY store in good payroil town near ronianu. jstair-naas to., itoyal GCOD location for watch repairer at Kenton, in or in rorcianu. rpM walnut USyT. CORNER grocery $S50; rent $20; 3 living roe m s. fth2 Williams ave. Vuictunlnc plant, air comn. and tank. 2- horsepower muter. Cor. Idth a&4 Alberta. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 810-11 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder Sts. SURETY Transfer and Storage Busi ness This is absolutely one of the best business oppor tunities offered for sale in Portland; old established, steady trade; 3-story brick fireproof building. filled with storage; 5 trucks from 1 to 34 tons each. All in good condition. Business is netting ftttoo month net profit. Books ouen for in spection. Will sftind strict est investigation. $1500 cash handles it. SURETY Photo Studio Elaborately equipped; excellent location, on main street ; no opposi tion: 2Vi-yer lease; old established trade; doing an excellent business; stock and fixtures will Invoice over 3200U. Sacrificing for 12o0 cash. SURETY CUara, Soft Drinks, Liglit Lunch and Confectionery West side location ou Port land's main street; doing his business In cigars, soft, a rinku. ice cream and liifht lunches; valuable fixtures, frodti fountain, lurge mahog any back bar, iront bar, cigar cases. confectionery cases; large staple stock ; fixtures and stock worth double the price asked; sac rificing for lo50. SURETY ?I gar Stand Special Excel lent west side corner loca tion; right in the businesa " section ; doing big business in soft drinks, ice cream, cigars, tobaccos, magazines, tc. Fine fixtures; large staple stock; 2-year lease. This is a great sacrifice for $!00 cash- Other interests cause for selling. SURETY Groceries. Light Lunch7 Confectionery and Cigars Next door to movie theater; doing big business in soft t.rlnki, lunches, cigars, etc. Large staple stock of gro ceries. More than value in filb'ht for every dollar invest ed. - Doing &o day cash business. 24 -year lease, rent oniy 335 month. This is a big money-maker. Don't fait to investigate. SURETY Garage and Auto Repair Partnership Opportunity to buy equal half interest In one of the beat and busiest garages and thoroughly equipped repair shops in the city, right in the heart of the west side business dis trict ; tow car. welding out fit, electric drill, taps,-dies and all hand tools; experi ence not necessary if me chanically inclined and will ing to work and learn. This shop is. clearing fetter than ;-40 month net profit. ftlK0 for equal naif interest. SURETY Grocery Store With 2 nice living rooms furnished; rent J.20 month ; doing busines: ' of S4i dav. all cash-and carry ; good clean stock of irrocerles witn run store fnniomnt: full tjrice $1500. This is well located. . Do not fail to investigate. Buyers! If you do not seo what you wnnt in our ids. call t our orrice an look over our large list of exclusive listing. No obligation. STTRKTY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-11 Panama Bid-. 3d and Aider Sts. $1500 TAKES half interest in restau rant lor men oniy ana uuuguuui wiufi doing around $00 and iU a aay now this is danuy Dusiness ana win t-n closest investigation. ft 1 .ion hnvR a fine corner grocery well located, with 2 living rooms, newly papered and decoratea; a pargaiu nrPpnt owner wishes to leave City. $2100 Good corner grocery in best location; reasonable rent; this is good buy. $2H25 buys dandy. up-to-da.te gro orv foe few riava onlv : o win IT to an other proposition coming up party will take this: 5 beautiful living rooms. garage, residential district: no stores near it; this is special buy. See us at once. S BORLAND CO., REALTOR. 300-2 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. ATTTO REPAIR PARTNER WANTED As this is tne Duoy seaaon. ner is s sDlendid opportunity to buy an equal half interest in sn esiaoiiftnea, wen known hou. no better location, com pleteiy equipped. If you are mechanic ally inclined and a willing worker thii ia vour chance to learn the business, aiso clear better than $15 every month for yourself from the start; only 3250 required to secure equal hair interest absolutely the best repair nhop open inr in Portland. (See this before you invest la any other place. Meet owner, 37 fittocK dir., wasnmgrion at juiii SHOE REPAIR STORE. Best buy in city, machinery consists bf Champion stitcher, finisher heel and sole slugger, leather cut ter, skive, patcher, 1 h. p. motor, all repair tools. 4ock on hand, price $1400 for everything; cash or terms; gooa oust ress, live suburb; 4 living rooms; rent g-u montn. Air S3. vregonian. WHEELDON ANNE3f. A large room 27x35, finished in beautiful tapestry, ivory woodwork kitchen with electric stove. bath, dressing room ; suitable for studio or oener business; price tis. Mam bi FI LLING station, jcrocery . house, barn chicken houses. 5 acres fine cultivated land, aood well, creek, fenced, cross fenced, on Pacific highway between .Seattle and Portland. Good steady in come. Ill health Season for 8elllnjr. Write Ford & Merrick Co.. Chehalis, wisn. MIGHTY FINE. Cafeteria, heart of city ; doing $125 day; X2UUO WMl handle. PACIFIC FINANCE) COMPANY. 320 Pittock Blk- GROCERY A eood buy from the owne in the best industrial district of Portland ; clean stock, good fixtures, cash register, computing scales, good location, rent $25. If sold this week. $24('0, or invoice. No agents. No trades. No commissions. Call Em piro 07PH. WATER POWER. Within 40 miles of Portland. C, estimated about 000 H. P. at .lowest siaite of water, 80 feet natural fail within lA mile; 3 miles from R. R. station. For price and particulars ad dress Box bt3. Bend. Oregon. A FINE building and financing business. large number Jobs under construction, many prospects; business now on very profitable basia but owner has other In terests requiring full time. A fine op portunity to step into going business with amau capital, am .hi, uregonian BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale, at Needy; equipped with tools and ma chinery ; good business loca tic ; must seil on account or age; five miles to raHroad. For further particulars, pleas call or write Chas. G. Hoffman, Aurora, or. PAINTERS, ATTENTION. Will sell my painting layout to the host offer. 2-ft. extension, 2 10-ft. lacks. 4 stenladders. planks a-Dlenty. 3 40-foot falls and hooks, etc.. s.11 kinds brushes; buckets, material, etc. Tabor &Ilo. FOR immediate sale, established tailor shop, modern equipment, favorable lease, reasonable rental, fine location. Write or make personal Investigation. Cash buyers only. Model Clothes Shop, f0ti Sprague ave., Spokane, Wash. MEAT MARKET and grocery for sale ny owner, striciiy casn ; aoing a line business. A great opportunity for 2 men who know their business; takes about $5000. AE S4B. Oregonian. r0 Groceries, candies, cigars. Ice cream, etc., light lunches; good living for man and wife;. 3 rooms. Bdwy. 7ii72. McFarland. 203 Failing bldg. BEST CONFECTIONERY In nearby town, best class trade, pay rolls, highway, nice equipment; cash payment, your terms in reason. Owner, AV 16S, Oregonian. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and ga rage, equippea witn macninery and tools with 4-room house ; price $2500, part oash, balance terms. Mrs. Mary Jacob. Brush Prairie. Wash. BIG money-making state agencies, can be had witnout capital. Dut a guarantee must be given for results. Call room 623 Chamber of Commerce bid-., be t w een 30 an d 13 A, M. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called Interest In establi shed real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. OREGON, Washington and Idaho terri tory now for sale, exclusive phono graph accessory. Hundreds of deal ers already established. If interested address AV 173. Oregonian. CARPET CLEANING BUSINESS. Well established and favorably known. Equipment alone worth price asked, $1000. Owner leaving city. Y 84S, Oregonian. FOR SALE The' best' up-to-date res taurant in Keed sport, doing a fine business. Write Edward Neas. Beeds- port. Oregon. Restaurant for sale; $250 win handle: Call 816 landers and ask for Mr. t-els. the barber. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OUT OF TOWN BARBERSHOP. POOL ROOM. CONFECTIONS. Located about 20 miles from Port land; i VSxlSO feet; building 60x40 feet; 5 dandy living rooms, hot and cold water, electricity, gag and bath. 2 tables, card tables; one barber chair with all . equipment tn connection; fountain, two ice cream tables, candy case and cigar cases. First time on the market. Can show good returns. Building. ground and all fixtures $3000; invoice stock, will run less than $o0o. Will give right party terms of $1200 down, balance $40 a month. JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. PARTNER WANTED, AUTO PAINTING. Hero in your opportunity to buy in with a first-class automobile painter in the busiest and best-known shop in Portland ; no better location : have largest firms in city a customers; previous experience not necessary if you are honest and reliable man, as I will teach you the business; have eh op full of work and large, steady volume coming in; you can easily clear never less tha $1S0 per month for yourself; equal half Interest, only 330O cash re quired; a good, steady income from a small Investment. If you want the best in the city, be sure and look this up before you buy. Apply 847 Pittock blk., Washington at 10th. COUNTRY STORE. Close to ferry building and sawmill; IS H. K. rooms above the store pays j the rent. This store takes In ftlOO per day. sells 150 gals, gasoline per nay, lots of oil and tires ; good grocery hIpi drift drinks, etc. : bit? touri trade; nets better than 20: Will in voice bet. $4000 and $3000; 33000 will h andle ; I on g lease. JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 WIJcox Bldg. Bdwy. 33 DOWNTOWN STORE. T mu.it diHooae of my downtow store handling cigars, candies, soft itrinka a roperies and bakery STOGQS have corner loca-tion in the heart of the downtown district and doing; an average businesa of 3H0 per day; beau tiful fixture large stock, long lease, rent only $100 month. Must sacrifice. Can be handled with $1500 cash, bal itnce eat?y payments. A bargain. See McCauIey. 211 Railway Ex. bldg. BOX AND WOODWORKING. Manufacturing business located In town of 1AC0: electrically equipped plant, with plenty order ahead, work inse from five to ten men. netting; bet tr than X30O ner month: value $6000. Will accent sood Portland property in exchange or sell cheap for cash. This ie a snap for someone. - ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. CIGAR STANDS. 3200 Office lobby, dolus $40 a day rent 330; 5-year lease; clears 3275 month. , $973 Washing-ton st. corner; one liv ing room; rent $50; doing; fine business. 89O0 Corner location, in wholesale district; clean stock; nice fixtures doing weW. UNIVERSAL -SALES CO. 435 Railway Exchange Bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND SODA FOUNTAIN. One of the cleanest little places, in town, doing $40 a-day. Income can be doubled by serving light lunches. Lo cation !s one of the best. Rent onl $80. Price $2100 with terma See M Fuller. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry bid OPPORTUNITY. Need partner who is capable of handling the office- end of fast grow InK local concern of merit that i showing a steady increase in business. Will pay a salary of Sloo a montn an an eaual share of the profits. If yo can qualify and can invest $500 see me at 211 Railway Kxcn. piqg. IP YOU have $2000 cash and want to make from $500 to $800 per month come and investigate this; $2000 will bu v half interest in a real business. Man must be honest, of good character and willing u work; middle-aged man referred : experience not essential must have references. Phone East 4573. 425 E. Morrison. Call Sunday FOR SALE Good live grocery and feed store. 10 miles from Portland, doing between $50,00 and $0000 business per montn. muci. aim jiAiui .Tiii m . ventory about $5000: no dead stock an business Is building UP: will stan thorough investigation. AL 844, Ore- gonian MARKET LOCATION. 32500 cash handles coffee, tea. spices butter, eggs, smoked meat, poultry and lunches; doing over jiuu per aay, ieaae to run rour years. G. C. TJLRICH CO.. INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4355. r LUNCH COUNTER. Just the Dlace you have been look ins for. Right downtown, well equipped and dointf a bie bueiness; easy to nan die by couple. Good equipment, cheap rent. Price $.00 with $3.5 cash, bai ance $25 month. See Macau ley. -i Railway Exchange .bldg. ' NEWSPAPER in new, prosperous town with bur future and big farming pop uiation ; many sawmills now ; large timber developments In near future. Paner is making money. Good job de partment. 25 milea from Portland, idea) location. Owner leaving state. AV 254. Oregonian. FRONT AND BACK BAR. Equipped with coil box and pump large mirrors, in Al condition ; worth $3500. Sacrifice foj $400. Terms. Heating stove 320. Lunch counter $1-5. Overhead electric fan. Call Monday only at 221 Burnside, NOTICE to finance corporation and oth era Wilkinson Bros., makers of Para gon auto disc wheels, are prepared to offer to Investors a proposition which we believe is second to hone. For fur ther particulars apply at plant. 254 Hawthorne ave. bast O07fl. GARAGE equipment for sale by owner on good highway near Portland; sell ing gas, oil and accessories; doing Food business; long lease on building wtih low rent. Selling on account of or ner business, pee tnis at once. Main PARTNER wanted In auto painting shop an equal halt interest is offered in business which is always profitable $250 required or $200 cash; experience not necessary if willing to work and learn; no agents. 479 Williams ave. FOR SALE Garage in small country town close to Portland; good farming district; no competition ; fine opening for anyone wishing to Invest from 3150U to aatiw in a good garage bus! nesg. A V 171. Oregonian. MAKE large profits placing our target practice machines In stores on per centage oasis. oniy small capitai re quired. Particulars free. Target Ma chine Company, 157 East 47th st.. New t ory. EASTERN OREGON'S foremost restau rant, under same management for 28 years. Ideal place for cafeteria, none tn city. . rtetiring account falling health; a $3000 restaurant $3500: $2000 cash. J. A. Arbuckle. La Grande. Or. Al INCORPORATED general merchan dlse store; buy the controlling interest for $5500; co-owners aesiraoio partners. Leaje and location all to be desired; no dealers or traders considered. BD K46. Oregnnaln. $1650 GROCERY, white enameled on inside, beautnui place qoing to 950 day cash and carry; living rooms. Listed exclusively with us. Z. Eakina. Bio coucn Diag. FOR SALE Combination pool hall, con fectionery anu barber shop, town of oOO; big; pay rou year around; only one in town. A. snap. for barber. AV Z4i. uregonain. - - $1800 Best buy in. Portland. Big, clean stock groceries, fooa fixtures, living room, fine east side trade. Bdwy. 7672. McFariana. iwa railing btdg, GOOD PAYING retail bakery for $2000 if taken tnis weeK. ieavins; the city. For full particulars call Aut. 620-15, Monday. WANTED To meet younfe man with some hotel experience; about SaOuo required; gaing business; no triflers. 1330 E. Taylor st. BUTTER, cheese and egg- store, doing a gooa Dusiness; wm sea ngnt price; a money-maKer tor you. At 04, ore goman DRY GOODS, men's furnishings, old es- tablished cash business; $10,000 stock; owner retiring. 3433 W. 64th, Seattle. Wash. CONFECTIONERY, marble fountain, ci gar case; -greatly reduced, other busi ness out of city. Owner. Main 8377. BAST SIDE electric bakery, close in. do ing; a good retail and wholesale busi ness. Terms. E. 8672. CASH and carry grocery; grood lease, low rent, fine living rooms. ay owner. Sell. S945. CONFECTIONERY store 11150 rjLKh terms or trade. 3143 Foster road. 4-CHAIR barber shop, reasonable, 434' North Sixth St. OLD established cleaning and pressing place for sale. Owner. 853 Yamhill. GOOD paying stage line; Auto. 615-fh easy terma FOR SALE-r-Cof fee house, cheap cash. 208 Madison t. STOCK of millinery for sale or exchange. AV 1 98, Oregonian. PRINTING outfit complete. $350 takes it. Tabor 4945. 600 E. 57th st N. 4-CJiAI.K barber shop for sale. 167 s 4th, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO., J Suite 347 Pittock AiiK.. Washington at Tenth. Phone Broadway 2651. - OREGON'S LEADING BROKERS. 12 Successful Years in This Business. Our long record of satisfactory sales made proves th value of our service and the merit of our propositions to both buyers and sellers. We are soie and exclusive agents for the following bona ftdo investments; GAS AND OIL STATION. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. An investment of $2500 cash will se cure one of the nest-located and steadiest-paying service stations in Portland; handles full line of fast sell ing and popular oils, tires, accessories and supplies. Bldg. and lG-year lease with complete equipment included in sale. Will easily clear not less than $400 net per month. Ap exceptional opportunity that ia bard to find. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Here is an opportunity for a man with executive ability to secure an equal interest in long established. we known manufacturing and sales organ ization distributing their products In every state in the union, with Port land as their headquarters. Has about $30,000 in assets, and, as business is increasing rapidly, need the services of a reliable man with additional cap ital to handle the volume and meet the demand. Investment required. $10,000, fully secured with tangible assets. A bona fide and unusual op- V poatunity with a guaranteed salary from the start ana a nig miurc. rui , full details see my exclusive agents. ; Dept. E. j A TITO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP Here is absolutely the best oppor tunity In Portland to buy equal half interest In a first-class auto repair shop, finest location, center of auto mnhiin dlstrlnt. west side, shop com nletely equipped in every way, full Una of tools, electric drill, etc. In fact, the best equipped shop in the city. If you have some mechanical ah tv this la vour cnance to asso ciate vourself with a first-class me chanic and learn the business; also clear better than $180 every month for vourself from the start, oniy huw re quired. Don't fail to see this before you buy. Well worth double the in vestment. era at st a NTV-BlfJ BARGAIN, $425 will buy complete cigar stand, good staple stock and all fixtures; husv location on best down-town bust ness street; any live man or woman will easily clear $150 month. A big bargain that will be quickly sold. Call eariy. uepi. t;. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE HTT8TNKSS. Located in live county seat town in Washington, about 0 hours from Port land, in center or rich farming coun try; established 28 years; handles com plete line of household furniture and light hardware; annual receipts $36,- nnnr will nositiveiv clear aiuuu a mo, $8000 cash will handle; a bona fide and long established business that is seldom 011 erect, uepc a. SUBURBAN GARAGE FORD AGENCY. Here la an ideal opportunity to se cure a good paying garage and repair shop with exclusive Ford agency; es tablished 8 years; stock and equip ment alone will invoice close to price asked, $0500; clears better than $500 net monthly. A bona iiae ana gut edge investment for any business man. Dept. D. Bargain for man and wife. opposite large public school with 5 cozy furnished living rooms and bath in connection: rent for store and rooms only $35; with lease; positively clears better than tm net mommy now anu business increases 50 per cent when school opens. Only $1650 required to handle. Dept. B. LUNCH COUNTER PARTNERSHIP, $500. Opportunity to secure equal half in terest In well located busy downtown lunch room and restaurant. Same owner for past 2 years and actually clearing $300 monthly now. As busi ness doubles in winter it is too much for one man to handle. Will consider either matt or woman if desirable. Dept. C. CIGAR AND NEWS STAND SNA P. Choice location in lobby of large, well-known downtown hotel; fine sta ple stock, elegant fixtures; the best looking stand In Portland. Any lady or man can easily maTse never less than $180 a month here. Full price only $1050. Owner will stay 10 days with purchaser to teach businesa if desired. A real opportunity that is seldom of fered. Best cigar stand buy in city. Dept. A. GARAGE AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Fine suburban location, long lease, low rent; fully equipped shop; gas station ; good stock of accessories, tires, parts and oils; will clear better than 3350 Der month: $1650 required. 1 Rargaln for man with mechanical ability. Dept. D. HARDWARE DEPT. STORE. We have listed exclusively one of the moat complete and best known hard ware stores in eastern Oregon; estab lished 25 years ; modern equipment, stock on hand will Invoice about $20, 000; annual receipts over $00,000; this month's receipts about $8,500; invest ment required. $16,000 cash ; a golden opportunity for; a business man. Dept. C. CONFECTIONERY CIGAR BUSINESS. Ideal nor ner location ormouite la re a bank; long lease. low rent, complete stock, attractive fixtures, modern soda fountain; can easily clear better thanl Will consider part exchange for equity in real estate. Dept. ri. MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY. Located in good residential district attractive, modern equipment, clean staple stock; established 8 years; doing better than foO daily; 3 1750 cash re quired, uept. tn, GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Fireproof bldg1., choice location in Portland's best district; fully equipped shop; lease 4 x years; rent only $50 ; no trouble to clear 3350 per month Price $2250; best buy in city. Dept. T LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT. Only $650 full price; excellent loca tion la heart of hotel and auto dis trict; long-established, steady-paying business. Will positively clear $250 per month right from start and busi ness will greatly Increase In winter season. Rent only $40 month. A real bargain. Dept. a. TIRE AGENCY: VULCANIZING. No better location on business thor oughfare in Portland; established six years ; completely equipped shop ; agency xor leading tires, large stock of new and used tires; no trouble to clear better than S400 ner month Price $4350; full value in sight. Dept. GARAGE OPPORTUNITY. An investment of $4000 cash will se cure a 50x100 ft. lot with modern white pressed brick garago bldg. Cost $12,000. Located on main street of live town in Idaho. Will consider ex change for timber land near Portland. Dept. D. HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERY. Best possible location on main street of thriving city in eastern Oregon, es tablished 6 years; most modern and complete equipment, large soda foun tain, ice cream and candy factory, at tractive store and front with latest type electric sign; low rent with long lease. . Monthly sales will average bet ter than $3300. Positively clears over $1150 every month. Price $14,000; con sider part exchange for realty. Dept. D. MERRY-GO-ROUND SACRIFICE. Here Is your opportunity to buy a merry-go-round at a big sacrifice, including- gas engine, organ and all nec essary equipment; present owner is not able to operate; whole price only $500 for quick action. A genuine bar gain. Will consider exxchange for lot or good automobile. Dept. B. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. suite 47 Pittock rilk., Wash, at Tenth. RESTAURANT at Rainier, Or., third door from Long-Bell ferry; average sales $40; cash or terms; other business reason. Box 382. Rainier. BEAUTY PARLOR. A sacrifice; established six years; downstairs location; leaving for Los Angeles. AF 850, Oregonian. SMALL steam laundry; good . location; selling on account or health. Box 503, Newport. Or. FOR SALE Cleaning and press, chop doing good husiness. Just the place for man and wife. Walnut 8917. HALP'-PRICE for my tailor shop. Have a reason to eeii it- low rent and good location. J 850. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, good east side dis trict, close to school, nice fixtures, rea sona ble, by owner. AL 816, Orego n i a n . GARAGE for rent, on Columbia high way: equipment ror rent or for sale. Terms reasonable. AV 187, Oregonian. SMALL lunchroom for sale; a sacrifice tor cash. imnfc w. aau. SMALL restaurant for sale, reasonable. See owner. 313 Davis. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shop. good location, low rent. 4ti iturnside. BARBERS, have you a shop for rent 7 Broadway iii-y. Darner. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTTKS. SERVICE STATION. Intersection of two highways in a city of 15,000 inhabitants, sells gas. oils. tlreB. tubes, etc.; taking in from $100 to $150 per day. Lot 90x6; rent $14.75 per month; four-year lease with op tion to buy fop $3100. Building! and equipment are of the best; the net in come will surprise you. Investigate this for yourself. On year rent paid. JOHN M. KROG CO. 412 Wilcox' Bid?. Bdwy. l.'iT" MEN AND WOMEN EVERYWHKU K MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING "FRIG AIR." the new iceleaa refrigerator which -i away with expense of Ice ; coats y $15, . does the work of $50 ice 1.. Every, home must have one. Inve-L-ment of $100 fully equips you n s a "stockholder-salesman" of the mniion dollar company manufacturing 'Fr: alr." Our unique sales plan makes selling easy, and money for everyone. Warnerlite Company, Pasadena. Calif. FORSYTH & LYONS. 6-room modern house, must be sot -J Monday, $2550, $150 cash. 3-room house, Lents district, lot 62x lOO. 3 blocks to car, $800; $150 fur possession. 100 other equally attractive ho in is to please your eye and purse. If priced right, will sell it or trado it. Recorded, listed and sold In 4H hours. 30S Stock Exchange. Main 8fi8. WANTED A young man of fair edu cation, good . references, Christian principle and character; an excep tional opportunity now awaits one who can be active in accordance to the degree of his success, who is not suspicious of opportunity nor afraid of magnitude; would prefer one who has some knowledge of mechanical or archltectual drafting; $500 or more and undivided services required. L. Warthon Kelley, P. O. box 11, city. RESTAURANT FORCED SALE. Partnership fight places inexperi enced man In charge of first-class res taurant. Has very fine fixtures and a good business, but owner will sacri fice for $1550 cash, balance easy terms. Price $2500. Rent $125. Simms. 610 Henry bldg. WILL SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. STORE BLDG.. 24x60 WITH A 24x24 L; ALSO SMALL BLDG, 18x24. LOT 50x115. 3 LIVING ROOMS. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION: $700 STOCK OF NOTIONS; WILL SELL FOR LESS THAN INVOICE C. E. CHENEY. COR NELIUS. OR. MOVING PICTURE HOUSES. $5000 for a perfectly good money making house. $500 cash and the balance easy terms on another good house. If you want to get Into a fine paying: proposition see us at 'once. Have other houses from $2000 to $125, 000. Weston & Co., 1206 N. W. Bank building. - ATTENTION, GROCER YMAN. , We offer on very easy terms a corner lot 90x143, in fast-growing com munity, just outside city limits, on main road, for $1500. -This wilF mako a nice location for grocery store. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN STORE with fine concrete building and 7 beautfiul living rooms. This store turned stock 10 times last year. Present owner 7 years; no close competition; never offered for sale be fore. Exclusive listing; $4000 cash will handle. Stmms, 610 Henry bldg. FORSYTH & LYONS'. Invest $3500 cash, double your mon ey every year. Investigate. Invest $25,000, clear $48,000 in six months. See the report from the log of ship. 300 others. If you are in earnest see us at 308 Stock Exchange Bldg. BEAUTIFUL CONFECTION ERY. Near Laurelhurst, doing $60 to $Tf dally average; long lease ; wonderful lojL-atlon, beautiful fixtures. This would be splendid location to add drugs or lunches; $3500 will han4'A Simms. 610 Henry bidg. A SPLENDID BUY. Fine corner grocery in a very ife sirahlo location clearing $150 per 1110. Good, clean stock: 3-year lease at $20. Two furnished living rooms; $1375 takes It, but hurry. OSCAR E. NELSON. 433 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6252. DRUG STORE for sale In center of rich country community near Portland; stock and fixtures will invoice about $3500; business paying good on small capital ; changes for enlargement : about $2000 wiU handle; owner. BP 847. Oregonian. SUBURBAN STORE. Doing $75 to $80 average business ; no competition at all; five comfort able living rooms; rent only $20; in voice price about $2S00. Simms, 010 Henry bldg. PARTNER needed with business man in general merchandise, close to city; best location to be found, you'll way so. You need $800 to $1000 against mv $3000 Block and fixtures. Only live, willing party considered. Writ for interview. O 830, Oregonian. PARTNER foe general store, absolutely best location to be found, you'll say so: connection with business man with $3000; stock and fixtures; you need $800 to SjOQO; it's close to city; live help my object. O 83tf, Oregonian. HERE TIZ Grocery and market doing $4500 to $5000 monthly; strictly cash. Invoice st 'j:k and fixtures abou t $4000 ; ren t $35. Simms, 610 Henry hldg. CASH grocery In growing suburban town near Portland; several living rooms, very cheap rent with lease ; deal with owner and save commission; very rea sonable price; for short time oniy, AV 253. Oreponlan. CLEANING and pressing outfit, one of best west side close-in locations; $40O, terms: good leawe, rent very reasonable. Investigate. "We snrve to please." -BARNEY JOHNSON & CO., Realtors. 66 Ella St. Broadway1 7H47. MY GROCERY for tale, the best corner In Sunnyside ; can show you a paying1 business ; stock and fixtures about $3500; will inventory. E. E. Hope, 1014 Belmont. Tabor 0218. PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP in suburb of Portland. Will, sell sep arately. Not nil cash required. Two men now employed regularly. A 820, Oregonian. DOWNTOWN CIGAR PTAND. OFFICE BUILDING. $850.00. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. MUST leave Portland on account of my health. I am offering at a bargain my suburban grocery doing a good business ; plenty of living room ; low rent. Call Walnut 2322. A CLEAN atoek of groceries, good loca tion, cash and carry, fixtures reason able -and start with 80c on the $1; will take a small car in trade. Y 842, Oregonian. FEED store, hay and grain, doing good business, good location, cheap rent, long lease, good stock, selling on ac count of other business. Call Auto, 613-41. $750 GROCERY and confections, post- orrice m connection pays ealary $450. sure thing, living room. Z. E A KINS, S15 Couch Bldg. 100 4th st. CASH-AND-CARRY grocery at big dis count. a Deauiiiui store ana a clean stock. One of the best locations. 6!11 1st st. WANT partner with light truck for wood saw; have an rest, including bunine; no cash required, but want quick ac tion. Main 3771. DEAL with owner. East side grocery. better than f .jO daily now, nominal priced fixtures, invoice stock. AR 80, Oregonian. PLUMBING shop at Inventory; good lo cation. Reason, nave two anops, can not get satisfactory help; $700 will handle. Box 433, New berg, Oregon. PARTNER with $5000 to help market patented article; money secured; large profits; exclusive control of paten l. Bdwy. 3652. Mr. Smith. Monday. IF YOU want a s;ood-paying; restaurant at a sacrifice price, investigate and see this for yourself. Sickness only rea son for gelling. Telephone Walnut 29 10 BUSINESS place for sale; lunch counter. cards and sott annus, cneap rent, phis lease. Everything complete in piacc. Located at 48 8 N. 2d 2d st. Bdwy. 2050. $1900 COMMERCIAL account In State bank for sale. What will you offer? A. M. Colvlllo, 51 Malcolm Apartments, Portland. , MOVING PICTURE SHOW. In town of 2000. with payroll: doing good business: seats 800. AV 106, Ore gonian. PARTNER wanted to go into retail dairy business In, Portland. Or. Must have some experience. AV 220. Oregonian. POOL HALL in small sawmill town; no 1 competition. See owner, 470 Wash bu Phone Tabor 2770. RESTAURANT and bakery In good farming town eastern Oregon. For 1 particulars addresa Box 315, Wasco. Or. SPLENDID little country newspaper; wiil take from $000 to $1000 as initial pay ment. AN 840, Orfgonlan. MEAT market for sale cheap with three -ears' lease. 595 E. Ankeny. RESTAURANT, suitable for man and, wife; reasonable. ISO Madison st.