0 TIIT3 SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, rORTLAXD, AUGUST 6, 1922 - FOR FKXT. Kumiwhed RoomL HoTEI, KAKLH. (To'ti rriy Hotel Panruth ) rnRXEK SIXTH AND DAVIfll Now undr n"ir manaseroent : T5 morris, tra heated, with hot and cold wstr in il roomn Brick bid., la" rnnvnlnt frroand floor lobby. Rt 14 : per wk and up. Tour horn Im here. Hush E. Smith, pro prietor a ad mu4tr. Fhone Broad HOTtL CtifPoRD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL rST MOftHISwN ST.. AT K A 9T TH; WIT. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; tl 24 PER DAY. $4 PER WK- AND VP. lUVVlitNT AI.l. M.iHT CAKAilfi. ANoEU HOTEU ii WMhlncloi st A c.ta, respectsb.e piace to live; free p penes In each room, automatic , vaior. iaxse. comfortable lobby, reataa rac t In ooo section; near Wuhtm ta r-ark. Mu.tnonaa c!ab and hospitals; reco a r day. we or month. l'R:SHE roonn la rxclutive Nob H;H ri if, n; N 521. M -t! n msh. lumtird tUMiirm iw Private Family. LARGE front room fur one or two. im maculate, y ctaa : bath, phono. heat : 2 bio ks to car. 20 minutes' walk to bustn district M E lth at.. cor ner I'Jtli and WeshinRion. M orrlfon-at. Mr. bsi service In city, ML Tabor and Sunnysid ran, gt off At 19th. w ik nrt h. Call in person. jwy LA Ki l-l. we.. -furnished corner room in rftred horn, bath. heat, phone; walking d: tance. gntmen ; r-fTfocw 3 ." h Irra near Bdwy. brMg. KhfiPf f-,t.''t: . WORKING fir's only, is'e;t d. strict. c! in. wim s.rie, room tsrfs enouerj ior : or 3 atria, $li and $-. Fro use of kitchen, hvuig room. piano, phone, ate. M : n I 5K K.;m tfi Den w.-t bur.'; d -r aervu-; beautifully furmhfa; nr-a-od f Wr : with privilege of ettin mn brctkfK; Jt) per niunth. Phon A t it-r iir At TlU'i. front room in new .o.co t.. bunga.ow. m i modern convenient-, iu f k to ear. jut the home for a bum. gtri; reasonable, i4i 34th t. I'hn . l wood 4.".7. t Fl P NiSti r.l houakeep'.ng rooma. m. running water, free phone and light. rtw;y renovated. A'.m one room with k (rhiirt;f. aink. hot and c-id wt-r. pr;va'e e n ra nc" 4T5 1'iay. MijoST wj. TWuTh'KLV furnished r'ma. 1 doub.e. 1 mc, bth. het. phono : w a ikng J it j.n. e ; no oiher roomem; gentm-n preferred. 3T Last Eighth at. N. Kaat l-.'t.V fu KENT Larae. !int upatalra bed room: would like 2 teachers from Jef ferson cr Wood lawn ; break fai and dmnr; terms reasonable. Aina worth ir., corner t 'level and. PLEASANT rwm, modern. esciuaiv home. wtl heated, Kos i'lty. break fasts and dinnra if deaired, TO min ii! " ri i. good scrvtce, Aut. 315-5S.. liKAl'Tir't'L front rom for two giria o. man and wife; housekeeping or prlv of kltcnen; reasonable. 109 2Jd N-.r'h " JIuI'KRX Iarc a.eeping rooms, private famiiy. ho:ne comfort: rent reasonable. wiking d.siance. gentleman preferred. 417 Coinrn(; st. A LARiE furc.shtl room in a high-ca-j apt., su; tao. e frr 1 or S business girt or a nure. 42i W. Park. Apt. VERY d-irbi-. wii-furiiih-d front cor. rurn tn s-uail private family. Plenty i-r h-tt wir, hoiitt pn Vii-'K'K : gent It. Atwa(r JVM WELL turn, rovtn. e-tur s.e ping or H. K. wa'km d.itjnce. Phone. Lght. lit-at. bath. After Sunday call E. "3.1. H! K. 17f h CON " EN I A young man w ishes room -mate, twin bed, par ior. piano, a re; home; ra:s up. 61 N. lth. Bdwy. LA hi i pir uni front r .un for 2 g-n-Cemn; phone. elct r.- light-, ciose to bachroom; easy watk:ng distance. 81 N 17th st. Ft -It RENT T o f urn.Alifrt sleeping rooms. C:o to two car lines. 1 rai-h per month, home conveniences. Inquire at IM K s! N. WA N'TEl Young I'rotvstant g.rl to share room an 1 bath In private family on Pomnd Heignts; reasonable. A i- IK V I NUTUN 2 elegantly f urninhd con necting ruoms. 1-leal fur 2 men or man wanting mom and office com b: nH K at 4T:I Nli'KLV funiinh'-d lUrooin. aiio one cotinH-tlng be.irwom an. I ieptng porcii, mo-Iern. exclusive. Irving ton home. P hne tl-t t It'I-'frLY urn;h"rl front rmi for 1 o" 1 g .:it lemf n . modern conveniences; f In 1 . U o n- 34 ! I'djada y av e. La a t 5 . FoR RENT 1 fumi.hd room in pri vate faru.ly. Caii too E. Alder. East F K i . T l4r.'-m iur one rent t Wjr.th. Phone t Everett m n, 2it. Bdwy. $4 RKAi'Tl FU LL Y furn nht-d. biue and white. K-toma. one or two. Wonderful new rr-h' . t'to Co rb-tt Mi i n ' u KLEUANTLY lurrtsh") room In a love.y prii home. uu.tb: fur two young men 71 Tr:n:tv I' are. LAK'itu orner rtiii ;:i ivra kunga'ow. iivar Itoe CUv car i.ne. for bu nra g r . fi " rn Jr-v .j " S - Aa'o. 317-45. IK"" .T"U X aleeptr.g room, suitable for 2 g-nt-men or la!ie. ntwm hi. Phone Hdwy 24!. v4 V-ch. Ftat 1. room for gent.e 4i'T Montgomery. nim. per week. A t w a 1 1- r o t 1 5. i li ' I-: L V fur. room f or rent for ady. w.th or without kttchen privileges. CaU T tvor ! '.'i 1 K. i am: her i 400 1 ARK. ior Harrison, front, window. f;-a floor, facing parka ate fjmjSy; lo minute" waiit. bay Pri- 2 K OMS furnished. Everything naw. Private bath. het. light, phone. 453 Halt Main 47. ATTKACTIVE l-room apt. right dowq town . gs, electru ity furn.a.ied. 27 Hmv!iT. Main 41 Nl"E r "i.m if de-;reJ. ave N. i;ol cr service. hr-akf4t Walnut fe-ou. 1121 Union bTE AM-H P.ATED. fumlhe, roonu mod ern convfoi"Dca, reasonable. 5o4 Cnufh. apt 3 FRONT Rti.M for 1 or 2 young gentle men, sear Muit. club. Call mor mag a Atwater 43i2. NKi.LV furnthe4 rom with prv;iege. very reasonable rent, private family. 4l2 Benton at. DESI R. HLE rom. tw.n bed, for two gent.emi-n, breakfast if desired. 1-ast CLEAN. iulet 3'"- Ross at-bri-lre. front room, reanenable. T wo btoc k s B road way LaKucI front rotrr.. bath, heat, phone, a so sniaii attt;d room. Atwater U2W. 3T4 ftrk. E.C LL SI E rma. 7tuel luinlaed. h. C. wa:cr, close to bu-lnefta center. 321 I-:.i. correr Clay Ma n 43t. CoMFoHTaBLK furnhd 'rooms for gent enii n ; close in. 25 Ea-i First afreet North. Phone East 223 H F KoN'T room overlook I ng park, for man accustomed to nice th.ng. quiet, mod ern place Atwater 1 T Ml. Park st. LA Kvj c lwr furn. rm. with -1 ress ng rm. priv bath. f;rep,ace. Suilao'e 2 or 3 Su r T.tt. $4 N 21t. cor. Ever-rt. K 'EPT loN A l.LY n.o room, widow's r.m:e. rentraL $12, $14 month. 412 W. P-na lwy. ROoM S. wmeT etap.oy ed. st corner Co.umhia; wom 30 S Park n only. 1 KNlMiKl ROOM."- Close in; gentle men preferrrd 161 14th artl Morrison. NT rm In ice h).n for gent nr. 23d and Wash. N: E ;'urn.ai?d tm iu prtaie sami, Everet. RooM. f Tl wate. southein family. E 53d s: N. $ Ko "MS w .ttx go,rd Krt,e, C.oae to Vu"ira rent-r. 3-1 U-'th at., cor. Clay. HEIGHTS Front rem. bi uir. i: Atw4tr 2?i: cony, car.iine. 2- 12Tit f Sing e ruom, hot and co.U wa :-r walk :ng Tance : mn onty. pK.-iR.BLE room for one or two in t,-n-.n or h':-ineMi worr.n. East 0259 IKi INGToN X rr. --- h rn- f :y turn .:td frvni rm., Kt 74 LA KG sunny front room.. ML Scott d Ls-tr:-r T'-ar imoi 1 or !3h 2 men. home pnvi- lee- 3-". Fo it K KNT Kurn:hJ rooms in private famnv. ttod I ration. East 276 DKSI RA BLE rooma BreaafasL 320 nr Clay st. I ! h CO ATTRACTIVE front room t-.-r w man err-;;' i" - "d 44 1-ith St. Ma:n S-"fH 2 KHuN I ?irt-c.ai. piano, home privi". l-e Ph-ne A:r 4.t2L bM V LL rom t'f n w and s.eepmg porcii Main rl!h 732 f.l.l, farn;.he4 wn..-w lri ' f-ont Ea.it r.-r ri m. for tag 11!T 2"7. ILKN H Kit K hiM? 3 vi, MILL ST M'K large r-rri for tVTFi 4! I fi!m'-n ona or two gen - Ft KN;sh-1I si. -eying rooms t Phene Main f-213 4'5 Market XF.SI PVVBLE. r PMAU. attractive nniRi. H2 "O c toae n JLm T ' ; T! 4 ' 1 w 9 i: $1 RooM for cent:m en. 7 2T OiiMS t . -jit ard: refe-nr Atwlr 3ill 2- K m apt . with puno. oae room with K:? ref-ef'e KH ( uh. V T VIKS -k-e-. f 1 We. E FULM-HED r--n nnd ij4. AuL J.'w-Tj. garage, pr;vat FOR RENT. I-'nmilietl Roomt In I'rniilf I: amity. FKoM room. c.ca and wfil furnished, In mod rn home: liuht and airy, for one or two ootlmrn, weal aide: only 3 minutfi wa.k to busines scoter. C at 228 Tenth atret, or , phone Main fcT.m after ft 1. M. ouody or any time Monday. Rooma With Board. CAM E'BElI. HOTEL ISd AND HuYT STREETS. CAMPBKLL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHl.NUTOX ST. Two of tha bet known residential hntla on the Pacific coaat. American plan, wirh or without bath. $2 lt a day up; rat by day or month. Mu.i irvd to transients. HOTEL HEREFORD. TSS HOTT. N E AH 23D. MAIN 3305. One of Portland Mjrh-clasa rl- dentlal bote la. completely renovated and redecorated, attractive ratea with ail tfaa comfort a of home, now offered by Mra McDougaii. formerly of CM KT ERBL'hT HOTEL 201 north mth st residential transient. american plan. Rate by day. week or month. Meals served to t ra n stent B. NoRTuMA HOTEL Poruands down fown high-class family hotel; rooms en au.te or ire, wit h or without board, for families and bcainea men and women. Ali the comforts of a horr.e. H-atonable ratea. Bdwy 11. PA KK VIEW HOTEL West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel,, rooma with and without bath at reaaonabie rates: con- venS-Tit and comfortable. 71J MARSHALL ST. MAIN bb03. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL Newiy luxu .shed, exce.icnt meals; ja:e wiek or month. HuLLTW.i)D HOTEL RESIDENTIAL Newly furniahed: excellent meats. .1 3 Kearney at. Hroad way IM9. RooM and buard (or modern convenience uar; $5 per week. E Tth t. business girl; all ; walking dia Auto. iilw-74. 12 WISCONSIN HOTEL C 4 3 HoOD ST. viOOD KHjMS AND BOARD. Jo SO AND 7. PER WEEK. IAHtE runur rmm. Multable for 3 men or bus;nea girls, with r witnout pn vate ba:h: exeH-nt board. Hdwy. S4ei. Til E RBINE. RESIDENTIAL HoTEL. MsrhaM t. Phone Main UVU. LLtll T front rm.. t a tn Oeds. water. W. . w a. king dist. 1 -rin, co.tage. unfur- n:shed. Hdwy. 4ft:tJ RuuMS I'oubif Mini,., not. cold water, private bath 7T Marshall. Main 4S78 K4Nmii With Itrd In Private Kami It- A CLEAN, nicely furnished room with , god meala in well-kept home, for lady or gentleman ; living room, piano, phone, hot watar. etc. : walking dis tance, or Broadway and Union ave. car? ; rf 'rencen t; deatred. East 5 it 7. HAVE very pieaaant room with board In private lami.y or two adults, ror gen tleman ; no other roomers. Walk ing dm: a ace. Price reasonable. Call Main IH! NICELT furnished rooms with excellent board and" every - home convenience, congenial atmbsshere ; easy w aiking d nit nee; very moderate ratea. 305 l:l--B sL Broadway .'43H. WANTED -Chiiurrn to board; wjii give them ntothi-rs care; goid school an-1 i h u rc h near; reasonable. Address 1:Z1 Hoth ave. S. E.. or phone Auto. fi 1 s -1 woJ'LD board father and son. gentie-tit'-rt. In congenial modern home, ex cellent home cooking and home com forts. $30 per month each. Walnut v2. LARUE front room, suitable for two. preferably ladle; in suiail private f am -iiv. choice reaidt-nce location, home privileges, abundance of fruit. Tabor i.i7. SMALL ROOMS AND 1 LARUE ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2. BOARD IF D E S I R ED. 617 MARSHALL ST. BDWY. l.55 ' PK ETT Y modern home, 2 litVge-. rooms, with seep. ng porch and private batn. ftr 2 or more people, close to car and clo in. Tabor M.'l. WIDOWED mother want 1 or 2 small children to board bv the day. week or ionth. Mrs, R.. 141 F st.. Vancouver. Wa-h. CO M PORTA LLE home, mother's care and train. ng for 4 motherlest girls. 6 to 12 years, for coming srehooi year. ri-M. C"3 1 LARUE room with twin beds, suitable for 2. flr-i-c ass table board: goo J hot w ater and shower bath; walking .dia- Room And board tn Irvlngton home, rea sonable to young lady employed: will ing to s'ay with baby occasionally at right. Ert!t hn.vi. IRVINGTON. 1 b ock from car. elegant. large room for J people; excellent board; price $115 per month. East Q.129. ROM and 2 mewls for 1 or 2 gcntlmen In private family. 350 W. th at N.. lust off Bdwy. Kast MTJ. HoM t; for young men m plo ed. good choking, home privileges, close In; rate $; 50 pr week. 2i 14th at. cor. Jf ferson. NEWLY furnished, not a boarding houe. a home for particular people. I 'ark. ft minute to business dis trict. TWO NICELY furnished rooms with board ; suitable for two gentlemen of couple; no objection to a child. a)ell o,j IT TO DK 1 it A BLE room with sleeping porch, exreilent board, for 1 or 2 gentlemen with home privilfges: worth your iims to investigate. Phone East 2461. Go D room wu h board In private fam ily; good home cooking; wa.klng dta tatce. 167 Eaat Third St. N. East 33i4 m CiilLL'RKN to cre for, any age: nice home, big yard, near school, 2 blocks from car lir.e; beat references. Mrs. A. Clark. 7 K. MM Kt. S. . and board for 2 rerined gentle in private home, piano and vic Mun SH37 712 5larshall :. men. trola. ROOM and first-class table board In pri vate home. 6it2 Fast 20th and Ash. East Kl7. lAXKINO for a good Protestant wom an to care for little girl 7 years old. cloee to school. H 827. Oregontan. ROOM and board for two, home privi leges, walking distance: C. S. pre ferred Automatic 526-16 NICK. Urge room with good board, no ot her boarders; 2 biocks to Broadway and Irvington cam. Eat 57M. Ko M and board for young lady, horns privileges, use of piano, ciose-in. Bdwy. 141. LARGE front room, suitable for 2, near Irvington and Broadway cars; home prlvilt geg, meals If desired. East !'.! 2. PLEASANT rooms in eaat side home, close in: with or without board. Phone IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Clean, sunny rooma. good table board, home privilege, piano, garage. E 2411. ROOM and board in private home for 2 gentlemen. 450 E Ma at N. Phone GOOD room with board In private home; best home cooking; $ per week. 294 E. S4th st. Tabor 472. NICE large airy front room, suitable for 2. veranda and !n, with board, rea sonable. Ma.n 761. WANTED Children to board In private home : very beat of care, prices right. A suburban home. Empire 0556. K'E home, b-sl care to girt school ar. near R. 8. school, no ot her chil-dr-n. reasonable. 12S E. 34th st. ' TOt'NO man to room and board, small con genial family of young peopie; $7 V week. Matn 6t8. BOARD and room for working man who wnt to share room with another. 780 Kerby st. 2 OR 3 MEN to room and board in pri vate home. 558 Union av. X. East UIO LARGE room suitable for 2 gentlemen, wr th Ward. $35 a month ; close in. S'l.S I4tn sr. fnone Main 2t74. 3 CHILDREN. 2 to 5. to board in coun try home. $4 week each. Particulars rail East 314.) GO D board, room. $8 week ; modern con venlenees; real home privileges; ciose In. 320 Montgomery st. Matn 5370. &XCLUMVE home among lovely trees, ait privilege reasonable, cioa In. REFINED living alon has 3 rooma for six nice g:r.s. $.12.50 each. 44 J West Park Phone Atwater 2Hi:i. I WILL Uard you for one duilar a day. Ca'l st 36 Sacramento st., near en ion ave n. BAKJJ and rtKim for 2 gentlemen, pri vate family, iarge. newly furnished room. ri(e )n. 6- E!!a st Referencea. RooM w Ub garage, southern Taoor 0171. l E 5d fam liy, t. N. mail CHILD to room aud board: breakfast mo: her if dea:red room and KM!. 44. Iront room i h board ; hoim Auto. 51S-6 17'i N J board in my home. Cat! Fl KST-CLA: m!rr c board and room, l Ma: pr: ate, I 030.V nverient hm Kv m M anl Wari ; Park s:reet. no wther roomers. 406 FOR SMALL boy. good ho b T.Vn 5 wee it A K am-ltn ruing. Oregonisn. ATTUACT1VE. tn Tiers. Ne: airy room, modern. Mult club. Main ft5 m'1 r n huiiif, walking ird Km: S73 W A N TED To bo i t-J nnd roo::i . iilid In rcLaed bom a. 793 Beimont. Eaat 6175, L'.HC. K privi.ee CHILDREN tu rOB RENT. Hootm WUh lUmrn In Frlrate family. LARUE, cheerful room, suitable fur 1 or 2 refined ladies who want home In Nob Hi: I district; well-cooked meals, reasonable prices; C. & preferred. Main saw. LA HUE airy room, home privileges. Hawthorne. Tabor MUO. Ml Famished Apart men ta. KINGSBVRT APARTMENTS. 196 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house near 23d and Washington will accommodate tourists during summer: 3 -room fur ntahed apt.. 2 disappearing; beds and outside balcony: also a newiy decorated 3-room apt. with a real bedroom and new f urniutre : and .-room ground fioor apt., desirable for employed, peo ple. Call Mala 3hOJ Lovely s-room modern apt., month; one on gholnd floor. ALSO A 4-ROOM APT. .".fa BE A l TI FULL V FURNISHED. te2V I P P E D FOR TWO TO FIVE PERSONS EACH. NEWLY DEOORATED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. YOU LL AV K 3u PER CENT BY LIVING HERE. THE COIA'MBIAN.' TITTf 'AND LOU MBIA PTS MO.ST ATTRACTIVE AND REASON ABLE. 3-rra. modern spt.. elegantly furn ished la mahogany and wicker, elec tric cooker, vacuum cleaner and large airy rooma. on first floor, near en trance; a pec) a 1 rate If taken imme diately; near theaters and shopping district. 11th st. WEST SIDE, walking distance, 1 block from Multnomah club, new, ivory wood- ork, new. excel Ion t furniture, some pieces added to auit tenant; complete, splendid, convenient, properly equipped kitchen: 'J rooms; price $32. "Hi. 673 Main at . LARUE TWO-ROOM PARLOR SUITE WITH AUTOMOBILE OARAGE. i MONTH . IN N EW HOUSE. N EWLY FURNISHED. NONV READY. .V7 E ASH ST, NEAR I3TH. A V A 1 LA RLE August 10. lovely tf-room apartment. 2 beds, private hath, veran da, free phone, light, water, laundry ra niiiew ana par King space, fo a month Broads 1-71. IDAHO APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room apartments, nicely furnUhod. moderate price. 3K9 6th M.. wert wide. iioOM. iigiit, airy and new-tJy fur nished apartment with garage: adult-" only $ to a month. Bdwy. Call Monday morning. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. Modern brick bldg.. y large outside rmi, fur.; private bath; walking diat. fiT.I E. Stark, corner 14th. East H:t. S-KOOM furnished apt. with private bath; all outside rooms; lights, water and telephone free, $30. &2 East Ash sr reel. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. Fur. 3-room front semi-basement tpt. : two beds: arrangement Ideal. WELLINGTON. COURT. 2 rooma, modern, beautifully fur nished, only 3 blocks from W as h I n g - ton st.; rent $35. Bdwy. 1245. CLEAN and light 1 and 2-room house keeping apartment: phone and laundry pn vilegea. walking distance; $9 and I'K a month. 4nl Vancouver ave. 3-R OM apartment, well furnished. In clude a lovely baby grand pianov Adults only. Benson apta, 20th and Kearney. Bdwy. 444H. 2-iiOOM resident apt.. 1st floor, sepa rate entrance. Near Washington high and Buckman schools. Adults. East 2 1 70. S r K RLINf APTS. -3-room apartments. ail front, furnished. 123 per. month unfurnished $18 per month. Tabor .ll'.'.i. WELLINGTON COURT. 4 -room modern, new oak furniture, f! rut-class condition In downtown loca tion; rent $45. Bdwy. 1245. LARUE, front, bay-window, alcove room, Montgomery st., in bachelor apart ment: references exchanged. AC 49, Oregnnlan. THE KERKIGAX. A nice, modern, 4-room furnished apartment, also a 2-room. 52 E. 6th and Davis. STEAM-HEATED 2-room furnished apartments, newly renovated, in mod-" ern apartment building. $25 to $32 month. 4'i2S Third st GODFREY COURT 3-room modern apt., adult. 3 blocks east. 3 blocks north Broadway brit!ge. 5O0 Vancouver ave. LAUP. ELHUKST APARTMENTS. 3-rbom apartment and bath. 142 E. 3f?h st. Eaet 1614. THE B J ELLA ND APTS I have one S and one 2-room furnished apL for rent. 545 IjQveJoy. Bdwy. 4Mj. LUXOR APTS.. under new management, fumUhed 2 and 3-room apts., modern. Phone Main M.Y CoSY 2-room apartment, furnished, ah modern conveniences. Elmore Hotel, corner W. Park and Morrison. AR DM AY TERRACE. 805 12th Large, light, front 2-room apartment beautifully furnished. At ater 0V. CARLOTTA COURT. AND EVERETT. AUTO. 813-26. Two-rHm front apartment. NEW, nicely furnished 2-room apart ment, sinks, hot and cold water, adults. 6 E. Taylor. East 1553. 2-ROOM apt., well furnished large clos ets, kitchenette; heat, light, gas, phone furnished Sell. 106S. NEW LY furnished two rooms and bath, new butldtng, rent $35. 413 E, loth. Phone KrX 1507 THE LAN DOR E. ZS 10TH ST. FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. FIVE large, nicely furnished rooms, ac- o?f Savier. BRIGHT, clean sunlight apta; verandah, la w n, all con vent e-nces. fine location, close tnJ Fast 7267. THE NICKOLS It-room apt., also 4-r. apt. wit h 2 bedrooms, private bat ha, p h one. ?-.'tf E. 6th N. Walnut 4971. SEE these 2-rm. apta, $22 and $24. and you will look no further. Lights, bath, phone, garag 566 Market st. SEVAKU APTS., 2-room apta.; steam heat. 271 S. Broadway, 1 and light, hot water and Si NNYCKEST Large llv. rm., kit., beu rm., prlv. bath, newly furn., redec, gas. elec. steam heat. .'S 50. ISO Sherman. WANTED Pleasant couple to shar W. S. modern flat with business couple. $,'!. Bdwy. 4219. FURNISHED modern 3-room apta ; light, water and phone free, with use of piano. $26: adults oniy. East 69sQ. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 Twelfth sL One 3-room corner apt., with private bat Ik SERENE COURT APTS.. cor. E. 1st and Multnomah: 2 and 3-room furnished apts . all outside apts. E. 1426. ALICE COURT 2 and 3-room. privata bath, firepiace. 2 beds, $4O-$50. Free phone. E. Sth and Burnside. E. 3366. TWO or three-room furnished apartment. CaU Tabor 4224. 1092 Hawthorne ave.. apartment A. 3 ROOMS, private hath, rent $22.50, in cluding phone, water, garbage removed. Ea?t 7737. mornings. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment, reasonable. 14th and Market. JULIANA APTS. 43 TRINITY PLACE. FUR- 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. ALTON I A APTS.. 19th and Marehall 2, S and 4-rm. apta. large, light, airy, oa furnlshed r furnished. Bdwy. 1412. " " THE LILLfAN. " 8-rocm apts., west side, close in. Automatic 1378. 8M Sixth st. $30 APT. Completely modern. 412 E. 9th N. furnished; TWO rooms, kitchen, bath, walking dii tance. reasonable. 414 4th st. WESTMINSTER. 262 SIXTH. NICELY IFURN. COR. APTS. MAIN 5582 2-ROOM basement apartment, Irving a pa rt m enta. 21st and Irvin g. Main 923 9. 2 ROOMS. $25 per mo. way. cor. 24th. 769 E. Broad- MADlSoN PARIv apart men;. 2, 3 and 4- room np(5. 2i2 Pr rk t. MoRTON APTS.. 3-rootn apt. 097 Wash ington. Bdwy. HtftM. 3 KOOMS, modern, ground floor, west side, walking distance. 454 11th st. 2 AND 3-RM. apta, light, modern. Ar line apta. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. J81J. 2 3-ROOM furnished .ptn. st. Pnone Walnut HlVi. 625 Thurman ABSOLUTELY clean -2-room h. k. apt., 22 ."0 per month. Broadway 1871. CA M HRIAN apts.. 2 and 3-room fur. apta Hw. floors. 433 Columbia. Atw. S639. TWO rooms, closet and kitchenette, $19. Walnut 11". .ICELY furnished 2 or 3-room apt. second floor. 11S1 East 17th N. 4-RoOM furnished apartment, clean. 671 K Irving East 075s. THE LEONARD 3-rm. apta.. furnished; clean and dejtirable. ;. East Main. THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th; 2. 3, 4-rm. and basement apts. Bdwy. 3658. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Mod- m 125 S X. 16th St. 3-RO M furnished bath, ground floor. kpartment. private 105 E. 4 Ith st. BANNER 2 rooms. ipartments. nicely furnished Reasonable rent. 489 Clay at. 4-RoOM APT., ma hog furniture, piano, garare. 41H Iarraheest ; $75 ft. ROOM unfurnished apartment r(th '1st. sleeping porr-h Buck Apta. 107 ji. ; UNIoN AVE. and Kiliingsworth. fur apt. $21.60. Complete, concrete bldg. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. ,STELWT.V APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished apta, in city, in select res idence , district, S minutes' walk from ituainesa-theater center by 23d-t. T.C C car (easy walking diatancflh. Right up Washington st. to 2Jd and around the cor ner MM SL Olair st-. Auto tourists and permanent tenants wiU enjoy our refined home at- . rosphere. References required. Lovely sunshiny front outside apt.. Bleep! ns; porch. Chinese rugs, silk hangings, brasses, com fy wicker furniture, floor lamps, etc. ; piano. Al service. Excep tionally clean. Also single rooms, by day, weVk. month. THE STELWYNf. JT5T COMPLKTED. VEW WESCOTT COURT APTS.; 8TH AND WEIDLER: BLK- SOUTH BROADWAY. Most complete apartments In city, large living rooms, balcony, dining room, bedroom, tile bath and kitchen; shower baths, electric ranges, hard wood floors. AH outbids rooms, includ ing baLh. AdulLs. . WHEELDON ANNEX. Has been thoroughly renovated and redecorated and under new manage ment; 2, 3 and 4-rni. apts. to-perma rent or transient by day. week or month. Close to business center. Cor ner l'tth and Salmon. Main 6641. FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT :M. Artistically furnished apt. including 9 oeautliuui table lamps,! large v ic trola. davenport. handsome library able, etc: this apt. on large living room- with ama'l kitchen, tub and shower bath Included. Main 3M6. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meter A Fran k's store ; good su rrou nd in gs ; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. ouls.de and French doors and balcony; permanent and transient. DEN I SON APARTMENTS. IH27 BELMONT. 2 and ;i-room apartments, private hath wind phone. Also 1 sleeping room. Mt. Tabor and Sunnyaide car line. Call Tahor U546. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washes all outside rooms, irfudein brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood Cioors. walking dis tance. Main 9466. 193 ST. CLAIR. 1 blk. ofi Wash., 2-room apt. with small kitchen, attractively furnished, overstuffed davenport and chairs, pleas ant outlook. Garage II desired. $37.50. Main 3816. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella streets. Very desirable 3-room fur nished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnished and 3-room immaculate apartment in high-das apartment house; period furniture, Wilton rugs, linen, silver, etc. Elmwood apts.. 415 10th. M. 6000. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 rooms, strictly modern, newly kal somined; all new golden oak furniture, $33. Bdwy. 1245. " THE ALAMO ArTS. : Lovely 3-room apt., furnished, all outside rooms, steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed, $40. 4U4 Mar ket st. ETNA APARTMENTS. Three rooms, dressing room and bath. Hardwood firs., white enamel; free elec. washer and mangle. Eaat 3782. i-ROOM furnished apt., clt-an and neat; hot and cold water, steam heat; everv . thing furnished; $27.50. Tabor 4480. 1566 E Oltsan. PARK APARTMENTS. Light cool 4-room apartment, hard wood floors, fireplace, new carpefV wewt side: reasonable. Atwater 2381 SAN MARCO. E. 8TH A COUCH 3-RM MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. DR1CKSTON APT.. 448 UTH. S rooms. 2 disappearing beds, newly tinted and painted; also one 2-rm. apt. LAM BROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. BUENA VISTA 134 HARRISON ST. 2 and 3-room, strictly modern fur- nisnea ana I unfurnished apL; all out side apts. Main 10-52. 3-ROOM furnished or unfurnished, all outaiao rooms, tn high-class apart ment house with first-class service. i-tn una" nimont. East 6613. t L RN I SHED or unfurnlsned 3-room apanment in nigh-cJass apartment wun nrat-cia9 service; ail cut side apts. Ea.t 6613. THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room apt., light, phone, laundry facilities, $23. 7312. heat. Main ALTAMONT APTS.. 304 COLLEGR. 3 rooms, private bath, nicely furn., newly tinted, $47.50. Also 4 rooms, private bath. $52.50. Main 6375. BERKELEY ArTS, 3U TRINITY PLACE. 2 3-rm fur. apts.; walking distance. i.-inrni apt. buwv. nisi LEONCE APTS., 16 N. 22D ST. 3-room furnished apt, with private bath. Marshall 2250. I'tust. APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts., finished in wince enamel. jaat .48. --- S-ROOM furnished in.rfm.ni. Harrison Coui-t, 394 Fifth. Phone Main A'E car Lire; 3-room apartment, wood heat, private bath, toilet and sink Main 2H74. 2S 4th. THE REXFORD. 2-room apartment, steam heat. Matn 0553. This is nice one. WESTONIA APARTMENTS. flt,6 Gilaan sL. 2-spom front apart- ment. THE Orderleigh. S2 Grand ave.; large, well-arranged modern apartments, ren- "'tru. g"o mrniture, very reasonable. MEREDITH Choice 3-room front, walk ing distance; reasonable. 22d and ashington. Broadway 6184 iMELCLlFFfi COURT 2-room furn apt, . 11th and Alder ts. Call E. 1468. WINDSOR APTS., vacant today, 2-room furnished apt., very nice. 14th and E Yam hit I . East 2 i 7. w BELKNAP APT.. 1X7 17TH ST. One 2-room apt.. $21. One sleeping room. $3 5o per week. TWO O apartments, clean and new tinting art furnished, nice location, rent for :2.. and 3i.i7.50. 1051 Kerby at. l KAianLU 4-room, corner apartment ren.t- Au"u,t 15; adults only. Phone COLLEGE Choice 3-room front, walk- h uiiu,c. urr Auuiioriuin, reason bie. 3d and College. Atwater has ft. 2 AND S-ROOM apt., nicely fumlehed; moaern, private rath; electricity. 662 HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL. . 3 rms.. kitchenette, bath. h. w. firs private balconies. $.5 up. Mar. 1160. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS, ana s rooms, elevator, tile bath. m. hi mi .noiuBjomery. .Main U3.9. HANTHORN APTST" -3-room furnished apt. ; 2 disappear ing beds: close in. 251 12th st. juLBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st; 2 and 3- room apt.; reasonable, tl a wy. 4730. nfiirni-hrd Apartmrntw. 4 ROOMS, reception hall, gas stove, pri vate bath and entrances, hot water and neat. 001 ru. xamniu. ' Kast 1710. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat. 10 min utes warn to business center. 561 Gilaan st. MELCLIFFE COURT. E. 11th and Alder sts., one apt, for rent. Can E. 1468. 8-rm. 4-ROOM modern flat 772 Osage ave., near 23d and Waanington streets, west side; adults. Main 8988. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS 2 .and 3 room s.. elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 0359. , THE REXFORD. 2-room apartment, steam heat. Main 0553. This is a nice pn e. "HREE sunny rooms apt., modern, on 8 car lines. Brick building; heat and water furnished. Sellwood 3620. TRINITY PLACE APTs A few desir able fur. and unfur. apts. available at reasons niejrent ais. rnone H dwy, 68 6 0. BEST 3-room apartment in new building never occupied. East 20th and Belmont n. Steamt heat. East 0762. v THE ORMONDE 4 and 5-room unfur. a pis. q.m r iiuigcra. nawy. a H 1 3. 3-ROOM untur. flar, west aide, walking distance. Main 2778. THREE rooms and bath, light, water, phone Included. $20. Wal. 5541. SIX-RM. apartment, adults only. East 7th St., near Oak. 53d 3 FINE rooma and near Williams ave. bath. 308 Stanton. &-R OM modern apartment $35. Main 4566. CaU 4-RoOM unfurnished apartment. The Wilmwr. 742 Everett st. Main 5164. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room - apartments. Broadway S360. ALTER apts.. 6 rms.. s.p. porch, tile bath and shower. 21t-Overton. Bdwy. 1980. $00 FLANDERS, g-r. refin. apt, porches. $65, From Aug. 1 iiaV FOR RET. Unfurnished A part meats. HOYT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. 79 EAST HOYT FT. New building now ready for occu pancy, 8, 4, 5-roora unfurnished apart ments; all outside rooms overlooking beautiful gardens; large rooms, electric ranges, hardwood floods, tile baths. very modern convenience and unex craedaervlce. Phone East 7527. IRVINUTON. Beautiful 6-rpona lower No. 4 apart ment ; hardwood floors, tiled bath, steam heat, janitor service; no chil dren; references: rent J100. 377 East 25th N. H. Hoffman, 367 Morrison sU Atwater 5847. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, modern, front apartment; ln first-class condition ; on main floor; only 3 blocks from Washington; $45. Bdwy. 1RVLXGTON APARTMENTS. Three, large rooms, apartment flat, the last word In modern comfort and convenience, fireplace, hardwood floors. 2 disap. bedK. built-ins. cloae-in; lease only: 0O. W4 Tillamook. W EL LESLEY COURT, 10th and Bel mnt; will have very attractive 8 room unfurnished corner basement apt., all outside rooms, private en trance. East mil3. DOUGLAS COURT Under new manage ment. Superior 3 and 4-room apart ments, facing park; modern equip ment; walking distance. 45 " West Park st. Main 2616 or Atwater 0423. 4-JHOOM modern unfurnished apartment; no children, $40; Uso 1-room a-nd kitchenette. $12.50. Waverley court. East 26th and Clinton sts. Sell wood MODERN, unfurnished, 5-room, front corner, steam-heated apartment with s!eeping porch; free phone. Atwater - 0310. MODERN o and 4 -room apartments, ivory woodwork, breakfast .nook, ga rage. lol East 3od, corner Washing ton. BOWMAN APTS. Irvington. 16th and Hancock: high class 4 rooms, modern steam-heated apartment. East 1.1it. GRACE APTS.. 24TH AND NORTH RUP. 5 outside rms., redecorated, front and rear sleeping porches, steam heat, jan. service. Atwater 0554. ARBOR COURT, 14TH and COLUMBIA. Beautiful 3-room apartment finished In ivory and tapestry; adults; Yeason ahie. HANTHORN APTS. Newiy tinted, front 3-room unfur nished apt,, bedroom and 1 disappear ing bed. 251 12'h st. CALIFORNIA mission style, new, un furnished 5-room apartment, terraced lawn, flowers: a real home. Gordon Court apts. 530 Montgomery sL WICKERSH AM APTS. 6-room and 2 room modern, unfurnished; excellent services, located 18th and Flandera, west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. IF YOU want a brand new 6-room apL, modern in every wav, call today be tween 3 and 5 P. M. Cor. loth and We idler or East 9340. HASELET APTS. 3 large outside rooms, front, unfurnished, modern, private bath. phfne; adults only; $46. 36S 13th st. T THE MARLBOROUGH. ' ' A 5-room apt., very nice large and light rooms, newly decorated through out. Main 7516. ; IMPERIAL ARMS APTS. 14th and Classts. Some choice 3 and 4-room apartments available the 1st. Hardwood floors and elec. ranges. COMPLETE furnishing of our two-room apt. ior sale; everything strictly mod ern. Call Bdwy. 3947. Tudor Arms, apt 405. EXTRA nice 4-room apt., partly fur nished, newly enameled; gas fireplace and furnace heat. Nob Hill; adulta: $4Q. 624 Northrup. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Nice 3-room unfurnished apt., vacant August 10. Call Main 3SM3. ROSE-FRIEND, Bdwy. and Jefferson Elegant - 4-room apartment can be se cured ; good service. Atwater 1410. lukk.nsu apts., 427 Salmon st. .Mam . unfurnished 2-room apt. 'r, t i gut anu p none. 4-ROOM apt., white enamel bedroom and disappearing bed; heat and lights. 4-ROOM apt., white enamel bedroom ana disappearing bed; heat and lights. 724 E. Burnside. East 4675. LARGE 6-room apartment; everything modern. Phone East 0379 or call 624 i mamooK sc. GARDNER, 13tsFand E. Ash Attractive o rooms, narawooa floors, fireplace. hot water heat: references. EaBt 2S71. MO RD AUNT 586 Everett, large four room; modern; like home; Inspection 4-ROOM apt. In new brick building, heart oi nose uny rarK, inquire 270 Wash ington st. IONIAN COURT. 1TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt.. 1 dik ott wash. St.: adults. Bdwy. 2761. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments, KING HILL APTS.. i i iving street. Four, five or six-room apts., fur nished or unfurnished; 1 apt. suitable ior d or 4 nurses, one teachers. Broad .way 5126. BELMONT APARTMENTS. Nice modern five-room apartments ior rent xurmsnect or unfurnished ; large, light and airy with fireplace: rates very moderate. Apply Belmont npis.. c. -n ana rJeimont sts. BEAUTIFUL 3-room unfurnished front apartment, separate bedroom. west side, ail or part of furniture for sale at sacrifice. Call Atwater 2307 kfter 10 A. M. THE DEZENDORF APTS 208 16th. near Taylor, Atwater 0128. 6 rooms furn. or unfurn. All outside rooms; no objection to children, tran sients and tourists. . JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST. 8 AND 4-ROOM APTS. . THE VICTORIAN 4-room furn. apts.. bath, close in. very reasonable 428 Columbia st.. nr. 11th. Atwater 2277. HIGHLAND COURT, ATWATER 31L Furnished or unfurnished apartments -ROOM upper apartment, gas, elec tricity. newly tinted. 963 Williams ave. 6-ROOM upper flat, fireplace, furnace. moaern. rent 14-'. oo. ox Everett near a i st. van .ast .'Wi. SEVEN-ROOM upper flat. Sth and Har rison, gas, electricity, fireplace. Her man Moeller. 426 Lumbermens bldg. 5-ROOM upper flat, fireplace, furnace. modern; rent $42.50. 701 Everett near 21st. Call East 2067. 6-ROOM unfurnished flat, in Hawthorn-3 a 1st net, pet month. Call Tabor 8 1 2. FOR. RENT Modern upper flat at 150 N. 24th sL, near Hoyt; adults, family. Rent $60. Phone Bdwy. 1158. 4-ROOM unfurnished fiat, bath, electric light, close in. $30. Tabor 8650. 914 E. Morrison. WEST SIDE 6-room flat, close in, good condition. 591 Washington. 18th. 2 NICE EAST ROOMS, WATER FUR NISHED. $18. 71 EAST 22D. $25 LOWER 4 rooms, newly tinted and painted; adults. 628 E. Main. FOR RENT Steam Heated flat in Irv ington. Phone Fast 4622. ftUb1 SALMON ST. 8 loveiy rooms, $50; desirable and clean. Broadjvay 6 2 5 2. NEW, modern, heat, light, water furn blk. 2 carllnes. $35. 319 E. 49th st. S. CORNER modern, walking distance ; coll furnace; cheap. E. 8819. MODERN 6-room upper flat. East Port land. $45. E. 2301. 5-ROOM lower flat, close In, distance. Bdwy. 0098. walking 122 E. MAIN, clean, modern. 4-room flat; large attic, furnace. FURNISHED upper fiat, 4 rooms: adults. 161 Monroe street. Walnut 3045. 5-ROOM unfurnished flat. rent $16. 1295 Corbett st. or call Bdwy. 59 1L 4-ROOM Flat 3. flat. Apply 255 Cherry sL, East 6399. $1? 3-ROOM flat. 307 E, llth sL; dults. East 5212, PLEASANT comer, walking distance, reasonable, riwht party. 481 E. Couch $35 5 rooms, fine, district, elegant finish water and garbage. East 7277. J A 5-ROOM flat. Inquire 92 W. Lombard si. jtventon car. SIX-ROOM flat for rent. 747 Powell sL $25 month. 4-ROOM flat, newly renovated. 401 10th street. Alain 24S0. Jfc-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE 814 EU- O & IN tl. HT. 3-RM. FLAT, Rose City Park, rent $25. van x a oor ivio. CHOICE 7-rm, flat, $35. East 8015. Graham sL, imams ave. 5-ROOM unfurnished upper flat. side. Main 3795. $22.50 MODERN 5-room flat, brick bldg. It-tIF VMltJ. V C3l SHUT. , MODERN 5-room flat, 666 E. Madison. rnone ilsbi .iiv. 5-ROOM FIAT Rent $35; furniture for saie. "o; west siae. tsroaaway 5911. 5-ROOM flat on car line, $23. 644 Wii:- Rma ave. owner, ,sm .Monroe st 5-ROOM modern fiat for rent. $22.50. 81 First xL CLEAN 5-room upper flat, wai-king dis tance. $18. 692 East Morrison. FIVE beautiful large rooms: lower fiat snd garage. 556 Ladd ave. 4 ROOMS within wal-Wng distance. UoxshAU at, Bdwy. 4179 ' FOR RENT. Flats. 3:40 H. Ross st., 5 rooms.... ..$30 328 H E. Ross St., 5 rooms $30 6iMi Madison st., 5 rooms ...$40 608 Madison St., 5 rooms $4Q 574 Rodney ave., 5 rooms $35 MKTZGKR-PARKBR COMPANY. ' Realtors. 289 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. UNFURNISHED 5LATS. Everett, bet. 16th and 17th; lower tl rooms, bath and basement; economical furnace, modern, newly papered, clean; large yard; o min. from business cen ter; $60. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. ''NTH A X I SMST ST" A R fcT KTS " . r . Attractive 4-room rial, built-in bur fet, disappearing bed, gas range, gas water heater, linoleum, . furnace, rent $35. r ? GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. PLEASANT 7-roora upper flat. yard. southern - Pacific carshop district, , Brooklyn. . - Desirable neighborhood. suitable to sublet, or boarders, uroad day 5157. BEAUTIFUL strictly modern flat, hard wood floors, perfect condition. Adults oniy so. ii. aOiO. inquire ii tz. 29th "N. UPPER flat, 4 rooms, 3 unfurnished and kitchen furnished; Jath and garage. 1 201 Kerby at., 2d block north of KilHngsworth. EXTRA well kept modern 4-room fiat, sleeping porch, den and gas range-, linoleum, water, garbage collector, $o0. ona sionroe st. THREE 4-room unfurnished flats. 109 E. 30th. near Aider; heat, water and gas range: Inquire 603 Title & Trust bldg. Bdwy. 8258. " FIVE rooms and sleeping porch, lower flat, full lot, large porch, fine neigh borhood, in Hawthorne. 3S3 E. 41st st., $35w East 5670. FIVE-ROOM upper with sleeping porch, fireplace, gasj range and other con veniences. 26"r East 25th St., between Hawthorne & Madison. East 1810. ATTRACTIVE, 6-room, modern, all con veniences, near JWashington high, per fectly clean ; adults; references. $42. 572 East Salmon. LARGE 5-room fiat, SbSft Hawthorne av. Immediate possession. $30. Main 0815 701 Corbett bidg. 3-ROOM modern upper flat, r flat, with sleep- th st. $2. CaU At- mg porcn. -uo in. 2o water any. 4-ROOM flat, sleeping porch, sun porch. hardwood floors, fireplace and gas range. Hiast 3utn and Hawthorne. MODERN 5-room flat. Atwater 2533. 4-ROOM FLAT, $30. E. 15TH X. Furnished Flats. WELL furnished flat in sightly location on west side: 7 rooms and large sleep ing porch ; arranged for renting of single rooms or suites. Will lease to desirable tenant at $90 per month. STRONG & CJ?., 606 Cham, of Com, 4 ROOMS, up-to-date flat, ivory wood work good location, 6o ana 4U. in cluding water, garbage and phone-. adults. East 1719. Call 664 Williams j ave. PI'RA'IWHffn 10U.-BP flat .liwln .nni dining room, large Dutch kitchen, i large bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors. 766 E. Alain st., be tween 23d. and 24th. Hawthorne car. NKWLY furnished flat, walking distance; gas range 'and electricity; ail outside rooms; $32.50, including phone, water, ., garbage removed; adults only. Call East 7701. 5-ROOM: f ii rn iih nd rln t . a 1 1 eon van inic gas range, electricty, all good, furni - ture. beautiful view, outside rooms. sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace or gas heat. 393 16th st. WELL furnished upper flat. 1 block to Sunnyside car, walking distance, phone, water, .care of garbage: adults only. 542 Belmont, cor, of E. 12th. m 4 ROOMS with kitchenette and bath, ctose in, private home, partly fur nished. Reasonable rate to right par ty. 309 Russell st. BUSI NESS woman will rent part of iurnistiea flat to respectable counie. Call, Sunday, 703 Hoyt at.; weekdays. too v asmngton st. 4-ROOM flat nicely furnished with bath $28 a month. No children. Between two car lines. 55 E. 27th st. fi. B132. : VERY attractive 3-room furnished fiat, a.auits, neautnui modern home, light, . water, telephone. 1113 E. 15th st. N. Phone Walnut 323S. FURNISHED flat. No. 3-35 Haaalo s rent $37. 50; can be seen today, between lO and 3 o'clock; ky-upstairB. Week aaysphone Main 0O12. w a in x ri couple to occupy 5-room liar, witn lady employed. My home, clean, modern, close in. 405 Benton. East 3525 or Main 709. FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, tiled bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, fine location. 38 Glenn ave. Call afternoon. 4-ROOM flat, walking distance, $27.50 including water and removal garbage. 446 Rodney, corner of Tillamook st. DESIRABLE, newly furnished 4-room I riat with bath, l block from Bdwy. bridge; reference. 344 Benton. 5-ROOM flat. East 16th and Washington. Phone Sell wood 2390 after 9 A. M. Sunday. NEWLY finished in ivory, 4-room flats. , $85. $40 and $45. Adults. East 3305. 290 Fargo st. CLEAN, light 4-room flat with small sleeping porch. Close In; close to car. Inquire 660, Belmont, East 8264. FLAT 3-room furnished upper flat. lights, water. 1070 E. 26th st. N. Wal- nut 3P3B. luwkk fla.t. new. turn shed. S45- un furnished, $3o. Sellwood district. Phona seiiwood Q626 Monday. 5 ROOMS, private bath, rent $32.50, in cluding pnone, water, garbage removed. hast o.ii, mornings. 7-ROOM expensively furnished, close in; a real oargain, leaving city. . Main 6444. 3-ROOM flat aecond floor, stove heat. private bath, gas and electricity. 1; E. 20th 8., cor. Belmont. FURNISHED lower 4-room flat, clean, desirable location. tan luast aios. WEST SIDE, 5-room, 2 porches, light. cool, clean, good view. sell. 137U. 1ICELY furnished 4-room flat, $25 mo. 270 Hamilton ave. FURNISHED 4-room lower flat. $25.60 with water. 411 Williams ave. ROOMS, porch, light, water, phone. $25. 740 Minnesota, ave. walnut oj.i4. NICELY furnished 3-room flat, light. phone and bath. loo E. isth. MODERN 3-room lurniuhed flat, close In, $30. 552 Mill st. FURNISHED 3-room flat with bath. 1 915 H East Salmon; $20. 4-ROOM fur. flat, yard, west side, rea sonable. Broadway 3045. . FURNISHED flat of 2 and 4 rooms suite. $X0 and ji2 mo. Atwater 14a. DESIRABLE furnished 3-room flat, 915 East Salmon St.. $20. 5 ROOMS in White Temple districL At water 249H. COMFORTABLE 4-room furnished flaL piano. ?3o. Atwater 325. COMFORTABLY furnished four-room flat; piano. 135. Atwater 3295. A PLEASANT 5-room furnished lower) flat. 627 E. Salmon.' To adults. NEWLY furn. 3-rm. modern flat, close in. Walnut 3'i6. - 4-ROOM. upper flat. Phone Tabor 1297. 74 Couch. VERY desirable 3-room apt., sleeping porch. 402 Park. firepiace. FTJRNISHED flat for rent, close in. Belmont. Tabor 7B5. Housekeeping Rooms. SUNN YC REST $15, large h. k. rm. ; 2 rms.,. $19.oO; newly fur., renov., steam ht. gas, elec. laun. rm. 3 80 Sherman. $24.50 SUNNYCREST Newly furn.t ren ov., kitch.,, ain., nv. rms., steam heat, gas, elec. laundry rm., 186 Sherman. 53 18TH N. Steam-heated H. K. apts. til soon be gone; better get yours now; $3.50 up; hot and cold water. 14 MODERN furnished housekeeping j rooms, 2 BATHS. WEST SIDE, near 11 orary. in o agents. Main zoa. THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th. near Wash. Clean h. k. rooms with hot and cold water, etc. . THREE furnished house keening rooms. $25; gas, light, heat.. 115 E. Blandena. corner Mississippi. LARGE room and kitchenette, $20; rooms; $5; 3 rooms and pantryK $30. Very close In. 3Q6 4th st. NEWLi furnished 1 anoT 2-room house keeping apts, with lobby. Main 214L 54 N. 23d sL LARGE housekeeping room. Nob Hill, light ana cJean, running water, gas, elec. Main 3610. 115 23d St. N. NICE light 2-room H. K. apt., hot and cold water, every convenience and clean. 507 Clay sty Atwater aiiuz. BUMMER prices, downtown fur. h. rooms. 253 Wash., cor. 3d. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. modern. 3a js lvxn. LARGE room and kitchenette, also single room s. tt.ia r lanaers sl I WO NICELY furnished h. k. rooms near STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c water, $3 to st weeK. 147 13th" st. NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 475 Main st., near 13th. 1 AND 2 NICE clean H. K. rooms. 14th st. 331 2 ROOMS $5 week, I room and kitchen $2 50; walking distance. 573 Third st LOVELY large h. k. room; also sleeping room. 693 E. Madison. East 8911. H. K. SUITE, nicely furn. 2-room apt., cheap. 688 Overton, at glgt. Main 2399. TWO front rooms, ely papered; 495 Montgomery. Atwater 3U2. HOUSfiivJiEPlQ room at 2U illh Mt, FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE NEWLY FL'RNlSHEiS PARLOR SUITE. $7' WEEK: ALSO ONE FOR Itl.SO TWO BED OUTFITS IF NECESSAJiY, ONE WITH AUTOMO BILE GARAQE. JUST FURNISHED - AND NOW READY. NEW HOUSE. , YOU'LL LlKE TO LIVE HERE. CALL BUiNDAi ALL DAY. 537 E. ASH. NEAR 13TH. COMPLETELY f-urnished suites. large . light rooma, every convenience, hot k water and free baths at all hours phone, linen, gas ranges; clean -suites ior desirable people, center or city, t.o carfare. $4 to So week. 288 U Third ' Sr.. near Toff nronn i- 1 " : " - $32.50 CLEA.V, 3 connected rooms with all the conveniences of an apartment. These rooms are seldom for rent. You will surely be satisfied. Not suitable ror children. 850 Williams ave. Wal not 7105. IDEAL NOB HILL SUITE for 2 at 600 Irving st. ' Living room, large kitchen, pantry and porch on fam floor. Well furnished with every onvenience supplied for $32.50. HERE Is a lovely old mansion newly lurmshed and refitted in 1, 2 and 3-rm. suites. Wonderful view and porches. ?me and inspect. 940 Corbett. Main FREE fuel, gas. electric lieht. bath. steam heat and use of laundry, with 2 -rooms, h. k., $5; walking distance. No children.- H. H. Ragan, 510 Flanders corner i:tn. SINGLE housekee-Dine rooms. ." to 10 per month; 2 and 3-room suites. $12 to $1.; lobby. Special rates ex-service hoys. The Vaughn Apts.. N., lith and Vaughn sts. EXCEPTIONALLY clean, airy, cool and auiae housekeeping room, furnished; ideal location: 768 Park ave, close to Council Crest car. Phone Main 427S. IRVINGTON 2-rm. h. k.. with hot and cold water, furnace heat, everything nice and clean, 1 block to Irvington school- E. 1441. 441 E. 13th st. N. CLEAN, airy sleeDine rooms for work ing people, twin beds, running water. Privileges, right down town. $15. 2o7 Broadway. Main 4261 1 AND 2-ROOM ants., nice nnd rlnon. close in, west side. 390 Jefferson at., above W. Park. SEE these 2-rm. apts., $22 and $24, and you will look no further; lights, bath, pnoiie, garage. 566 Market st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall f ur- nisnea n. tc. rooms, $15 up, including hot water, elec. lights, laundry room. 1 FRONT 2-room apt., west side, walk- 's u'istance; win taK-e chud-ren from m.-oooi age. Main 41WR. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for mother and daughter; will supervise daughter. VV ainut 4426. 1 AND 2 ROOMS for housekeeping; hath and light furnished. 63 Ella sc. near vvasn. - H. K. apt., furn., elect., gas range, hot and cold water, clean, $5.25 and $6.23 per week. 447 Fifth bL NICELY furnished 2-room h. k. apart- "'"di, water m room; $4 week up. 461 E. inurriBon. .Montgomery apartment. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $6 mo. Light, gas and water. 777 Jefferson st. At water 1039. H. K. ROOMS, 4 and, $5 week; gas. lights, phone, fuel. 326 Park st. Main 7388. , CLOSE-IN furnished h. k. room and kitchenette, $12 a month. 16 E. 6th, cor. Burnside. i JNA( 1' large . front apartment; beautUul yard; a place you'll like: walking His- tance; reasonable. Phone Main 5898. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. $4 per week. 661 Washington 1 AND 2-ROOM suites; $17. East 8331. prices $15 and 8 H. K. ROOMS. 2 beds, $20 a mo.; 1 h. k. room. $3 a week. 372 Hawthorne. Housekeeping Boomn in Private Family. xo .it.r( i i wo housekeeping rooms. oeautnui oearoom and pleasant kitch en adjoining. $25 a month, near car lines. 299 AInsworth ave., corner of Cleveland. Nice for teachers in Jeffer son or Woodlawn. ONE LARGE, cozy, front furnished H. K. room and kitchenette. Electricity, phone,, heat, oath, garbage hauled. Adults only. $20. 292 Tillamook; sL, near Williams. East 6376. 3 UPSTAIRS rooms, hot and cold water. iisulo, leicpnone, Dam, rruic, partly furnished. 11th and Columbia blvd., opposite Oregon Humane society. Wal nut 17153- 4-ROOM flat on first floor; newly fur- m:siea, private entrance, pnone, elec tric lights, gas range, sink and wash trays. $40. 227 21st st. Atwater 1562. 3 H. K. ROOMS, furn.. 1 blk.. from good car service, fine neighborhood, bath room, light, water and wash tubs. 260 E. 35eh st.. or Tabor 1648. ONE 2-room turnished apt. and furn. h. k. rooms, all front rooma: clean and reasonable rent. 193 17th, st. Atwater 134. THREE clean, furnished h. k. rooms in modem, attractive home, white en amel, fine neighborhood ; adults only, 196 E. 30th st. Tabor 5501. -ROOM suite, 1-arge, clean, cosy, good cooking; house 1 block from oar, no children. $4.75 per week. You will like inese rooms. jan Kmpire 11 1 2. COZY room, private bath, every con venience, west side: reasonable to of fire man. Main 4761. 2 OR 3 H. K. and sleeping rooms, mod ern, walking distance. 207 Union ave. North. $4 A WEEK. large, furn. H. K. room; phone, bath, electricity. 651 JEast Mor rison. NICELY furnisTied,. very clean h. k. room, everything included Jn rent. Bdwy. 3138 or 585 Marshall. 2-ROOMS furnished for H. K. Light, phone, private bath, garage. 711 E. Ankeny. 2 OR 3 furnished h. k.- rooms, walking distance free electric lights and phone. 13 East Tth st. ' ROOM with sleeping porch, with or with out ugnt noasejceeping. zxx in. Zoa sl Atwater 3521. ' THREE RMS. completely furnished, nice location, l blk. from Alberta car. Adults. 1089 E. 13th st. N. Wal. 304L CLEAN, nevfly papered, 2-room front housekeeping apt. No objections to one child, $20 month. 500 Jefferson st., near 14th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 260 Nartflla, 2 blocks from Multnomah club, west side. Atwater 4173. NICE large room with use of kitchen if desired;; very reasonable. 452 E. .Mars ex sr.. THREE large furnished h. k. rooms with private bath, new and clean. Close In. East 8469. 29 E. 18th N. FRONT room for light housekeeping in tne nospitai district; private family. Broadway 3628. - TWO extra large H. K. rooms, newly tinted, very convenient, walking dis tance. 37-5 14th st. , 4 CONNECTING furnished housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable, walking dis tance. 89 East Sth st. N. ' LARGE 2-room front suite, well fui 111a lieu, jgtia jaiisc, inn uuu wuiu v? aier, elec. and phone. 449 Montgomery. WLL-FURi ISHED housekeeping apt. and wen-iurnisried sleeping room. 430 Mill st. IRVINGTON $40; fine 3-r. corner apt. very light, white enamel, new rugs, m. e:ec. water, phone, heat. E. 8259. lierhts. water. Dhone. orlvata entrance. ' Adults. Main 4709. TWO well furn. h. k. rooms, bath priv ileges, water, Jight. Adults only. 1081 I K. 15th st North. TWO nicely furnished fho'usekeeping rooms with fireplace, close in. E. 2922. 105 20TH, COR, FLANDERS Two large. 1 1 gn t roo ms. r 1 rst r 1 oor, atu 1 ts. H. K. ROOMS; light, phone, near Jeffer- son high. 1113 Minnesota ave. MA car. TWO nicely furnished h. k. rooms, eas. bath, $16 month. 692 Front. TWO furnished h. k. rooms, private bath. 633 E. 19th st. N.. cor. Davis. THREE unfurnished front rooms for housekeeping. 1029 E. 25th st. N. NICE, light, clean basement room, also n. jv. i win ami ftiiuneneti.' At." IDUZ. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, private phone, bath, light, clean. Tabor 6743. TWO neatly furnished H. K. rooms, 1 wicker. Keas. 613 Montgomery. . NICELY furnished 2-room apt. 588 lHREE lurmshed housekeeping rooms modern, east side. Walnut 1572. ! $20 UP DAINTY front h. k. suite, elec. phone, central. 41; W. Broadway. MODERN, well-furnished 10-room house. in ana oivision. uau Tabor 8977. ONE large room with kitchenette; one single n. k. room, call Bdwy. 7636. I FOUR PL K. ROOMS, widower's home; au m ia , warning Qiacance. JMalJl 8901. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. mont. East 6175. DESIRABLE semi-basement apt., light. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooma at 223 W. Park. o-ROOM modern cottage. Walking dls- tance, ;o, tsast 4897. WILL lease Laurelhurst home. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. E. 2056. $70. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, Sunnyside, near car. reasonable. Atwater a9 AIOXTH, 6-foom modern house on car, partly furnished. Walnut 2469. FOR REXT 5-room furnished houie with garage space. Call Walnut 4124. 7-ROOM houee, 719 Belmont. S37.50. F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock bldg. FOR. RENT 5-room cottage, modern. IT II, In III. -. FOR RENT. Houses. 6 ROOMS, hardwood floors, tile bath, 2 large bedrooms, hoC wa ter heat, garage, fine lawn. This is a part of the fine residence, 601 Schuyler st., Irvington. Rent $100. Call between 3 and 6 . P. M. Sunday or Monday. NEW 6-room house to lease for one yer. Rent $60. located at 357 E. S4ch st. Alvln Johnson, 0o5 McKay bldg. Bdwy. ' 7201. . MODERN. 849 Multnomah st., 7 rooms... $' 672 Sixth St., 5 rooms 25 344 North Nineteenth st., 5 rooms. $18 750 East Salmon St., 5 rooms. . . . .$ii5 METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors, 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 6355. IRVINGTON -Dutch colonial duplex will be-finished Aug. 15. Living room, din ing room and white enamel kitchen downstairs; 2 bedrooms, sewing room and tile bath -upstairs; hardwood throughout ; furnace, fireplace, garage, rent $75. Phone Walnut 1946. EXCEPTIONALLY choice Portland Hta. apartment, thoroughly modern, 'elec "ric stove, Gasco furnact-. garage, complete radio receiving- outfit . in stalled ; fine view. Must be seen to be appreciated : $125. Main 5839. S-ROOM HOUSE on half acre improved lot. CaU at No. 8924 57th ave. S. E. Owner on prem ises. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6 Panama bldg. :id and Alder. WILL GIVE LEASE. Eigftt-room bungalow, ail modern conveniences, fireplace, hardwood firs. Large rooms. J 065 Broadway. See agt. at 513 Wilcox bldg. or call Bdwy. 5618. WILL rent my modern 7 -room house near Columbia park lor . per monm; large tract of ground, with fully de veloped orchard. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg.. 1L'7 Park. LA URELHURST STRICTLY modern 7-room home, with Garage. Best section. Near Car. Shown bv appointment only. $85.00. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BL'lLIU.Mi, 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace and hard wood floors, breakfast noon anu iur nace; also some furniture for sale with or without rented house. Apply 761 E. ;66th et. North, from 10 to 1 today. 4-ROOM cottage with sleeping porch, on Willamette river, modern conveniences, good neighborhood, splendid car serv ice; 25 minutes from town. C. G. Ir win. Main 4239. . ROSE CITY. Modern 5-room bungalow on pa,ved street, 1 block from car. Rent $50 par month. See Mr. Schmidt. Bdwy, 4751. 410 Henry bldg. WESTOVER. Three-room houuse on Westover; heat, light and water furnished : rent $30 per month. Call 323-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . . S-ROOM house, 4 large bedrooms aud sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, a , toilets. Lot 60x150. Rent $55 per mopth, 341 Eugene st. Owner, East 4277. SPACIOUS 8-room. Laurelhurst home for lease; hardwood floors throughout, J fireplaces1, hut-water heat, shower bath, garage. A lovely place. Broad way 5173. MODEN 5-Room Bungalow. Good Dlst. Near School and Car Line, $45.00. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BUILDING 8-10-ROOM modern house, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable rent, good loca tion, convenient to Catholic school. AP 850, Oregonian. v FOR RENT Pleasant, modern 5-room house with garage; 100 ft. from paved street, in good location, $20 per month. 6115 39th, ave. SECURE YOUR HOMES NOW, BEFORE! THE FALL RUSH COMMENCES. G. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BUILDING. 7-ROOM bungalow, modern, fireplace and furnace, newly refinished; garage; will lea set 180 E, 75th sL N. or East " 6024 week days 8 to 5. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th street. m GARAGE and house for rent, located three miles east of the city limits on ' tile Foster road. Write or cail John Forsgren, Portland, Route 1. FOR LEASE! Brand new strictly mod ern 5-reom house In fine residential district. $65 month. Vor Information give phone No. AV 855. OreKonian. 6-ROOM modern home, 863 Patton ave.. Overlook Add.; w'Ul lease to respon sible party. C. D. Young & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. . FOR RENT Irvington, 664 Halsey; mod ern 6 rooms, newly decorated tixrougn- out ; new, hardwood floors; open bun day. Phone Tabor 3561 Monday. LARGE, modern 8-xoom home, hardwood floors, fireplace. tuilt-in features; nice surroundings; $75 per month. 439 E. 42d st. N. Main 8466. MODERN 6-room residence, sleeping porch, garage, adults, $50 per month. t 690 East 59th st. North. Mrs. Shaver, 90 East 8th st. South. 5-ROOM bungalow, to party who buys dining room set and brass bed; will lease 1 year to responsible people. 799 Lombard st. 7-R. HOUSE. $20; will install electrio lights. 264 Porter, nr. 4th. west aide. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7452. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 7 rooms, paved street, garage, furnace, fireplace, buHt-lns, $00. Sellwood 2421. 7-ROOM modern house, furnace, garage, garden, 1 door north Hawthorn ave. 209 E. 32d st.; $50. East 5235. COTTAGE at Jennings Lodge, on river; paved roads and street car. Phone Oak Grove 136-R. 6-ROOM bungalow in Westmoreland for, rent. $35. Call after 9:30 A. M. 1444 E. -18th st S. Adults only. - 5 ROOMS, large lot, abundance of fruit, $25. Walnut 4S50 or after Monday Ta bor 3305. ! $20.60 CLEAN, modern 5-room cottage, close In. See owner at his home, 371 Larch st.. Ladd add. MODERN. 9 rooms, furnace. 5613 41et st. S. E. Walking distance to Reed college. Atwater 3511. ; $38.60 NEAR Franklin high, Huplex house, five rooms, furnace, gas range. Tabor 3970. 380 East 54th st. TO LEASE for 1 year, exclusive 7-room modern bungalow in Alamediiw park, $85. Walnut 3682. - NICE 5-room house. 1339 Est Sth st X. Short distance north of AInsworth ave. Adults only. -- 7-ROOM houae, full basement, all mod ern. 588 Raleigh, near 19th st. Broad way 7439. NEWLY refinished 5-room home, bath, gas, -electric. "148 East 13th near East Morrison, close in. $30. 4-ROOM house, partly furnished, with garage, for $25. No children. 756 East 9th st. North. FOU RENT Modern 10-room house, fur nished or unfurnished; close to carline: in Park Ropc district. Call Tabor 3624,, FURNITURE and piano moving at rea sonable rates. Estimates given. B. & C. Transfer, Main 5750. FOR RENT 6-room hoirae on paved SL and carline, $30 month. 2135 E. 86th, Glisan st. Phone Tabor 9148. $75 MODERN 8-room house; nice yard; Hawthorne districL 807. East. Madison street. new 5-room house; outbuild ings, big lots. Inquire 2040 East Mill streets 6-ROOMS, modern, clean, close in; - adults only. East 1390. 385 Grand avenue S. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WEST PENINSULA PARK, $30. SELLWOOD 8796. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best, at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIRE PROOF, 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO.. BDWY: 2445. MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 4U ad st. Hdwy, 5121. MODERN 8-room house; best location on west side; references. B 763, Ore gonian NEW 8-ROOM house, 2 baths, oak floor, $65. 695 Washington. . TO RENT your home see Frank I Mc Gulre. Ablngton bldg. MODERX 4-roaci cottage, close In. SelN wood 3429. 6-ROOM modern house, $35 per month. 33Q Union ave. N., near Broadway. IRVINGTON 7-room house. Phone Broadway 3840. Mr. Schmeer. WEST SIDE 6 rooms, walking distance. Phone Bdwy. 3840. Mr. Schmeer. 5- ROOM house. $22.50 per month. 530 Flanders st. 8-ROOM Irvington home for lease or sale. East 65T4. 6- ROOM house, very clean, close. in. CaU East 3103. 5-ROOM house, good order, new linoleum, S32.50. 642 E. Salmon. 17th St. MODERN 8-room house, near Woodstock school. Main 0737. FOR RENT Excellent 6-room house; paved street. Bdwy. 30!5. WALKING distance, eight rooms, e side, deairable district. 334 Ha-lsey. 5 ROOMS and bath. 25. Call Sellwood 1707. ROOMS and bath. $33. 128 X labor 21&7. !Stb. N,