THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 6. 1922 13 MIT FIRMS JOIN IN BUYERS' WEEK Manufacturers and Jobbers Invite Retailers Here. HUNDREDS MAY COME Jare-bs Mat Cap Work Msnufactur. era of haia and cape. Jacohsen-Munro Co. Plumbing, heat tRs; end supplies. Jmiiti Knitilni M ilia Bsthlns; suits, swestere. toques, rarfa, aaiery. eta Jenktce. T. IV. at Co. Wholeaale trvcers. e Kerr. Gifford at Co. Cereals, flour, fei. K..n-Ftber Maitresa Co. Mattresses and overstuffed furniture. Kline. The M. U Co. Wholesale plumbinr and hestlat. engineer and water norki supplies. Knight I'ackinc Co. Pickles, vinegar, condiment. sauer kraut, mlnca meat, apple butler, cateup. Krauas liroe. Boot a. a hoe a and felt s"oo4. ' Ltnr aV Co. Groceries, rlaars. tobacco. j tea, coffee, apiece, satraeta. peanut but ier. candy, brooms. woenenware. leaner. Jones eV Co. Wholeaala confoc- Importance of Kveot to Portland ferclarrd Prored by Lit of Participants. The lniporta.DC of Buyers week to the manufacturer, and Jobbers of Portland was attested ty the num ber of firms parlicipatine; In the in vitation to hundreds of retailers to attenl the event. liuvera' week is stared by these firms banded together In 'an asso ciation, under the auspices or tne Chamber of Commerce. The par ticipating firms are as follows: " Acme Flavorln Co. Manufacturers of R. a M. flavors. Adrian NecSweer Co. Men a neckwear. Suspenders. A.batross Metat rurniture Co. Physi cians' and hospital furnllur. steel lock era. metal waste saaaeta Alien eV lawia w holesale trocars. Ames. Harris. Neville Co. rtunep and eettoa base, aewlac twine, tcollon and '"t!ns, K. C. Co. Manufacturers of saws lor every purpose. Baby s Boudoir 3umpd wearables for babies and tola. Bali. w. J. Waist Co. Ladles waists, ladies' s:lk underwear, middy blouses. bailee etc W nabl Automotive eouip ment aad bicycles. Beaver Cloak A Suit Hf. Co.. The Ladies' roJr t wear, costs, suits and sporttna apparel. BaU A Co. r'rulla. produce, nuts, pea- Barrmaan, Thee. Shoe Tst:. Co. Men s areas, work and Icssmc shoes, boys' dresa aad heavy eaoes. ladles' outinl boots, barruiaan water-proof shos oil. Borsmaaa ieteot doubls calk, lock for calked shoe. BiaJts-McKsil Company Paper base, twin, buildms papers, stauoaary aad motions. Blumauar-Frark Drur Co. Druss. ehemicaia. drussiats' sundries, soda fountain supplies, e is ere. Furo.e mod. aad toilet preparations. X r D. preps rations. TnsBS'S line, notions. Bliunauer A Hoch etoti beverscea. soda fouataiB suppUes. flsssware. Bud we:ser. Bovo, La Ju and fbes loan berry. Brenamaa-Sommers Co.. Inc., Tne Window snadss. snsde clotb. Breymaa Leather Co., The Leather, show Modules, snoe store supplies. Brides A Bewca kfi. Co. Cost sad wood stoves, sas water hssters. air heat ers, humidifiers. Brownsville Woolen Mills Mens and keys cioibinr- Carmaa Mt. Co. rurniture, mat v tresses and sprinss. Cairo Kola Co. Manufacturer Bark Root tonic, fountain syrups, so It bever- ea-ea. Clark. Jobs. Saddlery Co. Wholesale SRaaafacturera of harness aad aadd.ery. Carle, Woodward Drue; Co. L rasa, chemion-a. patent mediciaes and drus- asts' sundriea. Cioaaett A Devers Coffee, tea. spices, flavoring extracts snd bakins powders. Coast Commercial Co. Crockery, stoves, woodenwsre. slumlnum. baaketa. fancy china, ref riseratora lamps Coeax Culvert A f.ume Co. Irritation Supplies, tanks, culverts Co:umbia Mills. Ioc, The Shads cloth, ehsde roilens. window shades. Lace cur taina. eartaia seta slam cloth, cheese CiOth. flats Conner A Co. eTyrupet molasses, honey. Crescoet Psper Co. Wrsppins pspersv psper bsrs, twlaea, buildine? papers snd stationery. Cr.bbea A Sextos Co. Universal stoves and foraeces. Crontn. P. J- Ck. The Xute accesso ries, tires and tnoea Doerebecher Mfs. Co. Bedroom furnl-tu-e. rwleht Edwards Co. Dependable cof fees, teas, aencest. evtrscts snd baktns; T"w!r. Country Club and Superba Coffee. Kastera N'ovelty Mfs. Co. Ladles serkwear and plesttnca, fTouacinva. ruf fltrcs, bsnlnsa Kloeaeer-Haynemann Co. Msnufsctur ers overalls sod pants, shirts and p'.ay su'ta m tnd!ott Paper Co. Prlnt'nc paperst Kselish. J. C. Co. Lighting fixtures, e'ectric waehlng machlnea and electric vsoum cVanera. e'aiHng.MrCalruan Co. Hardware, toola household gooda. cutlery, ttrea. auto ae eeeories. flawing tackie. sporting gortde. Falrbanka. Morse A Co. Scales kero sene aad oil engineax ateam sad power puTnpe. motors, etc Fitbtaa-Barker Shoe Co. Wholesale Vota and ehoes. Fieiarhner. Mayer A Co. P sj g oods. no tions Isdies' and men's furnlahlnca goods, hosiery, ladles' ready-to-wear. Freelasd Kurniture Co. Manufactur ers of library snd dining room tables and furniture. Fuller. W. p. A Co. Paints, oils, (lass, sah sad doors Oili. the J. K. Co. Books, stationery, office furniture, hoiidav gooda. O'.obe liat A Cap Mfg. Co. Manufac turer of cloth hats snd caps (ioodman Bros. Shoe Co. Wholesale ehee JoMkers Ooodrear Rubber Co. Bolting, packing fctae. rubber boots snd shoes, rubber snd ell doming, automobile tires snd tubes. Great Northern Casket Co. Undertak er1 auppliea. raaketa. besrses, funeral equipment. tel vsults. Harmon. F. CC A Co. Wholesale home f urilahtng. Ha!y Bros Wholesale furniture. Ilexter A Co. Stoves. cooking uten ail, refrigerators, crockery, hardware apelaltlesx waehirg machines. Meywood-Walcef!ld Co. Chsirst reed and rsttsn furniture, cocoa mats and matting, chlldrea'a carriages snd go esrte. Illrsch-Weis Mfg. Co. Tents, canvss anode. wa?e-pr.xf ciotVlnr. overalia. khaki and workingmen's clothing, blank ets bedd'.ng. etc.. men's furnishing goods. Honeymsn Hardware Co, General and bulidera hardware, sporting gooda cut lery, tools, house furnishings, rstlroad and loggers' supplies. Iron and steer Huntington Rubber Mlils VulrsnlxJng snsterlsis mechsntcal rubber gooda Independent Cracker Co. Biscuits, crackers snd eska. Irwlo-Hodvn Co. The Office. sts- tonerv. desks, steel filing equipment. i j . 1 V hSW-V'v'V '' I - f ;; V .1 1 1; i )-aa ' ,f .. . . . . t J O. V. Mlelke. president of C hsna ber of Cobb merer. i loners, fountsln fruits, syrups. Pa bat blue ribbon beverage. Lawrence. The Ceo. Co. Manufactur ers of harness, saddlery, puttee leggings men's belts. Jobbers of horse goods, sute accessories, tires, tubes, shoe findings leatfier. aboee. bags, esses, trunks. Levy. Jules A Bro.. Inc. Laces, em broideries, veilings, white goods, trim mings. neckwear, handkerchiefs, sear- gettea Lewis, Harry XV Japanese and pongee alike. Lipechuets A Ksta Toys, dolls, books stationery, novelties, etc. Long, A. o "Everything for fire pro tection." municipal. Industrial, home. Lutke Mfg Co. Show cases, store fix tures, bank fixtures. Maret-.ail-Welis Hardware Co Oeneral hardwsre. plumbing, electric, toys, auto acceasorles. saddlery. Maaon. Ehrman A Co Groceries, dried fruits, bakers' supplies, cigars, to ha sen. confectionery, roofing, oil cloth, linoleum. May Hardware Co. Wboieasle hsrd wsre. stoves snd tlnwsre. Menxin A Fulop mouses. house dresses, bungslow sprons. Metropolitan Hat A Cap Mfg. Co. Manufacturers of cloth hsts snd cspa Miller, Calhoun. Johnson Co. Notions, hosiery, knit goods.- ysrns. ladles' snd men's furnishings Monroe A Crises I Dairy, rreamerv and cheese factory machinery and sup piles. Montas Stove Works Manufacturers of stoves, ranges, pip furnaces, plpeless furnsce. porcelsln rsnges. Mt. Hood Sosp Co White Wonder family soap, easy dsy sosn. Van Hnitsr's bleaching soap. Multnomah Trunk A Bag Co. Trunk, suitcases traveling bags, telescopes, golf bsgs. luggages to order. Mutual creamery Co. Butters, eggs, cheese. Ice cresm. Xeustadter Bros. Overalls, overcoats. J macsinaws. wool pants, leather vesta, underwesr. hosiery, sweaters, suspenders, bsndkerrhlefa National Broom Co. Brooms of every description. Northwest Auto Co. Automobile tires snd tube, accessories (except to dealers under contrsct). Noon Bsg Co. Bscs, burlsp . and twines. Northern Flour Mills Co. Flour, poul try feeds, dairy feeda snd ceresla Northwestern Hdwe. A Steel Co. AO tomotlve supplies, bsr steel, heavy hard were. Woodstock, paints snd vnrnlshes. Oregon Cssket Co. Caskets and funer al auppliea. Oregon City Woolen Mllla Overcoats maekinaws. flannel shirta. pants, lumber. men's shirts, bsthrobes, blsnkets, motor robes lndisn blsnkets Oregon tillers Music House Pianos. musical mercbandlae, phonographs ani records sheet music Oregon News Co., The Books station ery. school supplies sundriea, post cards engraved greeting cards Oregon Worsted Co. Hand knlttln yams Pacific Cosat Biscuit Co. Biscuits crackers, cookies, candles. Psciflo Coast Syrup Co. Syrups, mo Issses, honey, preserves Jsms, Jellies mince mest. v Peerless-Paclflo Co., The Plumbing supplies. Iron pipe, mill supplies mechan leal rubber goods belting and nose. Pendleton Woolen Mills Blsnkets In dlsn robes suto robes bath robes wool sblrts. socks, suitings Portland Chemlcst Co. Undertakers" uppllea and embalmers' supplies Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. Uphol etered furniture. Portland Seed Co. Garden, grass snd field seeds, bee supplies poultry sup plies, spraying materisls, fertilisers Port er-crarpe 111 Macaroni Co. Macs roni. spaghetti, vermicelli. Doodles Rasmusaen A Co. Palnta, varnishea, glass eaab, doors windows lubricating oils Ross Henry A Sons Chocolates, high- grade candy speclsltlea Savinar Co., Inc., The Dressed poultry, mesta, dairy products, potatoes, prunes etc. Heller. M. A Co. Crockery, glasswsre. tin. granite, woodenwsre. stoves, silver ware, cutlery, clocks electricsl goods toys snd hondsy goods Simmons Co.. The Steel beds, braes beds, coll and link springs, couches cots. bunks snd folding chslrs Sprouse Reus Co.. Inc. Whjolessle 5- lo-lc and variety atore gooda, toys dolls games books novelties snd stsples etubbs Electric Co. Everything elec -trice!, electrio washers ironers ranges. wlreieaa msterlsl. Swirt A Co. Hams bacon, lard, fresh meats, ssuasge. butter, oleomargartns eggs, cheese, fertiliser. Thsnhsuser Hst Co. Hsts and caps of all kinds. Tru Bin Biscuit Co. Manufacturers of crackers and candy. United Statea Rubber Co. Rubber footwear, clothing, rubber druggist sun dries, tires belling, nose, pscklngs. Universal Body Corp. Truck snd de livery bodies, store fixtures and show Vinton Company. The Crockery, china. aluminum, enamelware, complete house furnishings Vsivoline Oil Co. Lubricating oils and gresse. Versa Csndy Co. Manufacturers of "Mellow as Moonlight" chocolates Voean s cherries snd confections. Wsdhsms A Co. W holeaale grocers and coffee roaslera. Wadhama A Kerr Bros Coffees pickles. Jellies Jams ayrup, peanut but ter and groceriea. Walworth Co. of Oregon Plumbing and heating aupplles Waterproof Garment Co. Ladies' out ing suits in khskl snd wool. Webster Chair Co. Chslrs. rockers and breakfast sets Weinsteln Bros. Ladies' coats, suits dresses skirts, furs. Weinsteln, N. A S. Men's clothing and r'ir-n'sMnr. Lang:, Jones & Co. WHOLKNALK ne ' r r-.crioN kry. rot ntain MrfLIKS AND MPKCIALTIKJt Sxcluaive Distributors Heefler'a Centennial Chocolates, tMsds la. Astoria, ore. Joaaedea'a Appreciated Chocolates. (Made In Milwaukee. Wis Magaae Fruit Prod Dels Cm. Conrrntrsted brups and Crushed Fruits Root Beer Barrels etc Pa bet Blue Rlbbos Beverags 4S-51 Fifth North. FOR SALE SHOW CASKS e ADDINli MACHINES MEAT SLICKRS SlLVtRWARK STOCK KETTLES tOKFEB' l'KJi NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS TYPEWRITERS SAKE " CROCKERY -FLOOR SCALES SIKAM TABLES TABLES WALL CASES ELECTRIC COFFEE .MILL ART ;lass Z ROOT HKKH BARRELS ADDRKSKIKIHAPH MACHINES Tt HEW H ITERS CHECK FROTECTORS Hochfeld Bros. S FIRST ST. PHONE RUWY. wISt. VISITING BUYERS! Make Use of Oar Service! Our Portland - branch and entire northern sales organization are ready to render all possible serv ice to buyers regardless of whether they are buy ing goods in our line or not. We want you to feel that our 71 years of manufacturing experience and stock carried in Portland are at your disposal. ELOESSER-HEYNEMANN CO. 29 Fifth Street Nort h Phone Broadway 2526 YOU KNOW OUR FAMOUS BRANDS GAHTBU5TEM "soMrmiMo Uei'OM TocaowaeouT J asabi OVERALLS i. PANTS UNION MADE SHIRTS 10th Annual "Buyers' Week' We extend a cordial welcome to all visitors is bur sincere desire to serve you in any way that would add to your comfort, convenience - and pleasure while in the city KUTE KUTS Weat Midi Desk Co. Offise furniturs deska. tables, tescbera desks Western Wind Psper Co. Bread wrappers snd wszed psper. Weyenberg Shoe Mil t'o. &noes. Zsn Bros.. Inc. Msnufacturers . of brooms. Jobbers of wooden snd willow ware, wrapping psper, paper bags, twine, stationery, grocers' sundries. Zellerbsch Psper Co. wrapping papers twines, paper bags, paper boxes building papers, printers' pipers. Kcail Estate Deals Closed. KELSO. Wash., Aug;. 4. (Spe cial.) Among: realty transfers of this week were the following;: Fred Mead, residence, Columbia street, to Lloyd Huntington, who has sold his acreage west of Kelso to the Long Bell Lajmber company; Otto Juergs, residence. Pine street, to A. G. Hunt ington, who is closing: a deal with the Long-Bell company for his farm west of town, and Otis Shepardson, residence, Allen street, to Dr. E. C. Hackett. Wholesale Dry Goods; Notions, Hosiery, U nderwear, M ens Fur nishing Goods, Knit Goods, Women's and Children's Ready" to -Wear Apparel. Manufacturers of MT. HOOD Shirts, Pants and Overalls. UNIVERSITY Brand . Mackinaw Coats.. COLUMBI-ANN Frocks and Aprons. JENNY AND JOE Play Suits. Read The Oregonian classified ada -aJlees!rWwaavl. ft-wuJw'eTJe'aeBJ aw - ewstVsV wTssw?e"SBw"Tew"Bfc. awr'WkeTfr"flsa sJNewsssgsasssw rT) I U J O ) ) -iini mvr Laal -Tir n I I ss lin n.,a ,n"f atausasse ELECTRIC C O Jobbers Electrical and . Radio Supplies Sixth at Oak St. Broadway 1696. Ames-Harrfe-Neville Co. - Bags, Burlap and Twine Fifteenth and Hoyt Streets, Portland, Or, Adrian Neckwear Co. NECKWEAR 03-eWKI Worcester Rallallnsj PUKTLAM1, ORrJt.O SPECIAL We will give special prices to all visiting buyers during Buyers , Week on Orchard Supplies and on other Northwest Products we manufacture. Northwest Fence & Wire. Works 52-54 Union Avenue Comer East Oak Thanhauser Whole sale Hat Co. 41 4th St. OPPOSITK MlLT-iOHtHHOTKL 6100 U Knitting Mills East 20th and Sandy Bird "AT HOME"- to all visiting buyers during Buyers Week, Welcome! MtMl-'ArTl'HI C:o. 1214 .Msradsm. I'ortlaad. Toys-Dolls -Books Dver 1000 Items to retail for 5, IO. IS. U.1 S3 (! llss'l lls Ikls Line BPROt'SK-REITX CO, l.C. Cast Thlra) asd Belwesl Sts. rkeae t-tst 5163 Neustadter Bros. Largest Manufacturers and Jobbers of Men's Furnishings on Pacific ' . . Coast. Ww- s) Makers of the famous Northwest Cor. Fifth and Ankeny St?. Bosa of the Road Overalls and Mechanics Clothes, Xeustadter Overalls and Maekinaws, Standard Overshirts and Dress Shirts. -rrrssfr ts - - a . xv tw hi! , se, MASON, EHRMAN & CO. - Distributors of "The Natibn's Finest Cigars " t i Ira. j r K-"s' w- - , esiiu a ior jc Welcome Visiting Buyers ' Corner Fifth Street at Everett Visiting Merchants Attention -Jili- Be sure to see our complete new fall line of tailored, semi-tailored, beaded and novelty blouses now on display at our factory, corner Fourth and Couch Sts., also at the Benson hotel. Menzin & Fulop , JAPANESE GOODS? Come and See Our Display An extra discount of 5 given for all purchases made during Buyers' Week. R. K0HARA & CO. 411 Washington St. Between Tenth and Eleventh Sts. JOHN CLARK SADDLERY CO. WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles . Jobbers of Saddlery "Everything for the Horse" Broadway 6316 SI fsswspapsss. t J TrV X "T I T "TT" ? n I" i " "f VELCOME VISITING BUYERS sll'Tl'AL t RKtHtRV CO. Wfcslesale Dalrw I'revalwets Ma lei (lerrr B"er Ire (ream Perl Is ad. r. r i Drugs Chemicals m Acids Pharmaceuticals Chemical Apparatus Glas sware Extend Wholesale Druggists a Cordial Invitation to Buyers to Inspect Our Wonderful Display of New and Different Holiday and Staple Merchandise DRUG COo At Lowest Possible Prices, Including Bill Folds Casseroles Cigar Cases Cigarette Cases Collar Bags Cribbage Boards Checker Boards Dolls Diaries Desk Sets Clocks Fancy Candles Purses Games Stationery Infant. Sets Hand Bags Military Bnfsh Sets Music Rolls Manicure Sets Perfume Atomizers Pyralin Ivory Picture Frames' Cut Glass Shaving Stands Smoking Sets Toys Traveling Sets Toilet Sets . , Vacuum Bottle Sets Vanity Bags Vases Xmas Tree Ornaments 4 Xmas Cards Xmas Tinsel Tags and Seals "LIQUID" Soda-Fountain and Soda Fountain Supplies Builder of Store Fixtures and Show Cases Druggists Sundries Notions Stationery . Cigars Candy Rubber Goads, Cameras, Photo Supplies, Imported French Perfumes, Elec trical Goods, Soaps,"" Vacu um Goods. 8th and Everett Opposite U.S. Custom Sts. House Lots of Merchandise Specially Priced for Buyers' Week. Pay us a visit youH be sur prised at the variety of goods handled. -'T-,wMe!BlsWaTllrgMM ll 11 'f HilJI f St i f 1 H HI 4i -rrsf