18 THE SUNDAY; OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 23, 1922 FOR REXT. Fumishpd Rooms in Private Family. WE HAVE1 a modern 6-room house, only two in the family, away every day. "Would like to rent hedrooni to one or two- people with privilege of the rest of the house. BtLwy. 6528 Sunday, or eve Tabor 7102. FOR RENT Large, weli-furniahed rooms In apt., suitable for one or two busi ness girl or nurse; centrally located. Call from 6 to 8 P. M. 425 West Park, apt. 202, WILL RENT furnished room, privilege oath, phone, in my 5-rowTi apart ment, to gentleman; $20. 203 Dezen dorf apts. Atwater 2402. 2 to 6 P. M. Sunday. iKVJN'i-iTOX; well furnished rooms with board. Real home privileges; home cooking. Special rates for two in a room. Prices reasonable. Phone East 4379. LIGHT, nicely furnished single or double room, home privileges, also has house keeping room, one block from Haw thorne car ; very reasonable ; $10 to $20. East o066. 254 East 23d street. FRONT room overlooking park, for man accuptomed to nice things, quiet, mod ern place- Atvat-r 170. 365 Park st. '(doms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL,. 23d AND HOTT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. . 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; i-tee by day or month. Meals served to transients. ' THE LORRAINE. Phone Broadway 3463. 212 North 20th St. Exclusive private hotel for business people; excellent board, best accommo dations. Rooms with or without private bath.; ratps $45 to $65 per month. CHESTERBURY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENT TAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rite by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's down town high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1189. HOTEL HEREFORD. 785 HOYT. MAIN 3305. Special summer rates. Excellent dining room service. Under the direct supervision of Mrs. McDougall. PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and withou. oath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. 712 MARSHALL ST. MAIN S603. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Newly furnished, excellent meals; rates week or month. BUSINESS woman desires- roommate, large front room with private bath; $40 per month. Main 4878. 779 Mar shall s t. . BOOM and board for business girl; all modern conveniences; waiking dis tance; $3 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. LARGE room with sleeping porch, twin beds; west side, waiking distance; with or without board.' Broadway 4633. THE REX IE residential hotel. 772 Mar shall, will meet all your demands for a nice place to live. Phone Main 1644. BOARD and room, modern home, young man or young lady. Tabor 5195. 326 E. 32d st. 7114 LOVEJOY MAIN 8619. Residential or transient hotel; new 1y furnished, excellent meals. CONVALESCENT patient given best of care; also milk and rest cure given En st 7794. ROOMS Double and single, hot and cold water, private bath. 779 Marshall, Main 4ST8. NICELY furnished room with good board; special rates to married couple. 4s'i aiill sireet. Rooms With Board in Private Family. LOVELY front bedroom, hot water heat, bath and phone; home privileges and excellent home cooking. Close in on east side. 1 block from car. Gen .tleman preferred. 585 East Ash or phone East 8355. BUSINESS PEOPLE Do you want a change ? Come to our home, large front room, running water, fireplace, hot-water heat, plenty of good food, well cooked and served. 496 East lttth street N. IRVINGTON Attractive sunny room with glass-enclosed sleeping porch ad Joining. Home refinement with pleas ant surroundings. C. .S. Excellent table board; 40 minutes to city. 523 E. 25th North. East 8627. WANTED Private home for 8-year-old boy, where he will receive individual attention; Portland or vicinity; also beach for August; C. S. BF 807, Oregonian. COSY sitting room with large sleeping porch, clean, homelise, good mea;ls, for 2 business women or teachers; references required. 295 W. Park, cor. Columbia. Main 31S1. iIRVINGTON-i-TWO ROOMS. SINGLE OR SUITE; BEST HOME COOKING. REFINED HOME, GARAGE. EAST 6045. A LARGE room with breakfast and dinner for 1 or 2 young men, $35 a month; walking distance. 4H1 W. Park st. Main tt52. MAN AND wife or '2 business girls to share sunny 4-room apartment, board provided, walking distance; $35 each. Auto. 526-16. ROOM with or without board, home privileges, on Broadway carline. Spe cial rates for two in room. 647 E. Broadway. FOR MEN Best home cooking. 2 meals, laundry, mending, single, $8 week; double $7 a w-eek. 1261 E. Yamhill st. Tahor 9072. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Clean, sunny rooms, excellent table board, every home privilege, piano; on Broadway car line. East 3778. CHILDREN to care lor in my home, school age or younger; best of care; near school ; 1 2 years' experience. Phone Walnut 7307. GOOD board, room, $8 week; real home privileges; close in. West side. 320 Montgomery. Phone Main 5370. ROOM with first-class board, in private famfly; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Tabor 4S72. IN STRICTLY modern home, room and sleeping porch, meals if desired. Tabor S424. FURNISHED room with sleeping porch, couple employed, care for child during the day. Tabor 2372. EXCLUSIVE home among lovely trees, all privileges, reasonable, close in. Broadway 4314. DESIRABLE room modern home, Haw thorne dlst., walking dis. ; board if de sired. East 3753. INFANT to board or confinement cases In Myrtle Park home. C 820, Ore? nian. 2ICE ROOM, good board in modern home for 2 gentlemen. Home privi leges. No other boarder. Tabor 2538. ROOM and 2 meals a day in private fam ily for 2 young men. $50 a month. 66 E. 31st st. N. Walnut 6396. LARGE, light, well furnished room, home cooking, walking distance. 201 East First st. N. East 92S3. ROOM with 2 beds, gentlemen preferred, with or without board, one block from carline. 3920 54th st. S. E. WANTED Children under 6 years of ; age to board and care for; mother's f care. Tabor 4107. BOARD and room in private home at 734 Roosevelt st., near ball park. Price $35 per month. A-l ROOMS, with o Irvington district. East 494. without board, in 564 E. Broadway. FUR RENT With board. 1 or 2 rooms, pleasantly located and reasonable. Phone Tabor 4216. LADY wants children to board and room, best of care. Auto. 613-91. NICE place for one or two children; best of care. Walnut 6711. BOARD and care for two glris. 561 Going st. Walnut 0628. WANT chl.riren to board. Atwater 3530. NICELY furnished room with board, two blocks Broadway bridge. 408 Benton, WOULD like to have a child to board and room at 483 N. 23d st ROOM for 2 in apt., with board, west sida. Broadway 3780. , LARGE furnished room, with or without board, at 240 Fargo st. Walnut 7098, LARGE front room and board, home privileges. 170 ITJrt st. Aut. 518-66. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen in pvt. home at 450 E. 8th st. N. E. 3885. Furnished Aparrme n ti . 2 OR 3-ROOM apartment, modern, pri vate home. 207 Union, near Holladay, TWO and three-room furnished apart ments. The Klein. E. 10th and Burnside. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED or unfurnished apts., rent reasonable. Call Sell. 0902 KAYO APTS.. 503 W Union ave. N.. room furniahed apt. East 5 7 49 . NICE, clean apartment near Jefferson high school. 1Q51 Kerby st. A 3-ROOM furnished apartment. T o well, near 13th. EXTRA large rooms, housekeeping apt. witn garage or witnout. mo jq st. LARGE living room with alcove and kitchenette, fine location. 393 W. Park. THE DENN1SON APTS.. Belmont and 34th.. 2 and 3-room apartments, pri LARGE 3-room basement apt., 12th st. $30. 357 3 ROOMS, modern, ground floor, wafk- ing distance, west lde. 454 11 th sx. FOR BENT. Famished Apartments. ; STELWYN APARTMENTS. . THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished aDta. in city. In select res idence district, 0 minutes' walk from business-theater center by 23d at. or CC car (easy walking distance). Right up Washington street to 22d and around the cor ner (166 St. Clair- st). Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home at mosphere. References required. Lovely sunshiny front outside apt., sleeping porch, Chinese rugs, silk hangings, brasses, com fy wicker furniture, floor lamps, etc. Piano. A-l service. Ex ceptionally clean. Also single rooms, by day. week, month, THE STELWYN. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. High-class apartment house near 23d and Washington will accommodate tourists during summer; three-room furnished apt., 2 disappearing beds and outside balcony; also a newly-decorated 3-room apt. with a real bedroom and new furniture. 2-room apt. fur., ground floor. Very desirable for people employed. Call Main 38S3. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store ; good surroundings, strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., outside and French doors and balcony; permanent and transient. CHOICE APARTMENTS. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant, strictly modern front room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 dressing rooms, bath, fine view; only $42.50 month, partly furnished; adults. Garage if wanted. Phone Marshall 420. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main 9466. THE JACKSON. Three-room fur. and unfur. apta. $30 to $40; brick bldg., private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water; phone; 15 min. walk to 5th and Wash.; Rose Citj car. East 2846. 51 Union ave. N. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor. Mar. 128.' Completely furn. 4 and 5 -room apts., all outside rooms; no objection to qiil dren, transients and tourists. f D1EL APTS., 790 E. ANKENY. Modern 3-rm comp. furn. front cor ner apt., light, airy; just renovated and retinted; private bath and phone. Parking space. East 1808. WELLESLEY COURT. 15th and E. Belmont St., East 6613. 3-room apartment, furnished or un furnished, in high-class apt.-h.ouse with first-class service. FURNISHED 2-room apartment, with or without garage. Close in, reasonable. Free lights, water and phone; ma,n preferred. Tabor 0210. THE NICHOLS Two and 3-room apts., furnished or unfurnished, private baths, phone, garage ; children taken. Wood lawn 4971. 856 East 6th N. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. ETNA APARTMENTS. -3 rooms, dressing room and bath; hardwood floors, white enamel; free elec. washer and mangle. East 3782. JAEGER APTS. 701 WASH ST. 3 AND 4-KOOM APTS. JULIAETTS APARTMENT. 2d pnd Montgomery. Unfurnished 2-room apts.; private bath; reasonable. Phone Mar.' 2188. DR1CKSTON APT.. 448 11TH. 3 rooms. 2 disappearing beds, newly tinted and painted; also one 2-rm. apt. LAM BROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. ALTAMONT APTS., 304 COLLEGE. 3 rooms and private bath, nlceiy furnished, newly tinted, $47.50; aJso 4 room, private bath, nicely fur., newly tinted, $52.50. Main 6375. 2 AND 3-ROOM furn. apt.. $15 and 20. laundry and bath. No objections to children. Located ;4b Kusseu East 0765 LARGE living room, kitchenette, bath and dressing room furnished complete. Ardmay terrace, 395 12th st. Phone Atwater ONUS. MEREDITH APTS. Three - room fur nished apartment for rent, $47.50. 712 Washington, opposite 22d. Phone Bdwy. 6184. 2-ROOM apt. absolutely clean, large closets, white enamel breakfast set, elec. lights, gas. bath, phone, furnace heat, garage. Sellwood 1490. CAM AR APTS., 704 Lovejoy St., for rent, 3-room "front apt., with private bath and phone ; also 2 rooms. Atwater 2917. BANNER apts., nicely furnished two room apartment. Reasonable rent. 459 t; laj THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone; clean, cool, cosy, $23. Main 7392. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and Multnomah; 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. ALICE COURT 2 and 3-room private bath, fireplace, 2 beds, $40-$50. Free phone. E. 8th and Burnside. E. 3566. THE REXFORD. 2-room furnished apartment. 553. This is a nice one. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. J and 3 rooms, elevator. ' tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. LEONCE APTS.. 188 N. 22D ST. 3-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2250. DENVER APTS., 20S WASH.. COR 1ST. Single and double; good rooms, cheap rent. MORTON APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., also 3-room basement apt. 6i7 Washington st. Bdwy. 109S. THREE nice outside rooms, walking distance, $25. 509 Mill st. Phone At water 2772. NICE front apartment for 2 or 3. $25 per month. Everything furnished. Nob Hill. 629 Everett. Bdwy. 4205. THE LILLIAN. 3-room apts., west side, Marshall 1378. 381 Sixth st. NICELY furnished 2-room apv, done in ivory. 666 Hoyt. Bdwy. 1084. C. & preferred. LARGE living room and kitchen; gas range, light, heat, phone; well fur. ; lawn, trees. Sellwood 1068. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. IDAHO APARTMENTS. Two and 3-room nicely furnished, moderate prices, west side. 389 6th st. YOUNG MAN wanted to share apart ment; reierences exenangea. Atx ttJo, Oregonian. LARGE room with sleeping porch, twin beds; west side, walking distance; with or without board. Broadway 4633. ALTON1 A APTS-. 10th and Marshall 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts.. large, ngnt. airy, un fur nlshdorfurjxishdB - 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments, 2 beds, free lignts, modern apartment house, $25 to $35 month. 402 Mi 3d St. 2-ROOM suites, housekeeping; all out side rooms, clean, weu rurnished; $18, $20. $25 month'. 643 Upsher, cor. 20th. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel mont; 2 or 3-room apts. finished .in white enamel. East 4548. 2-ROOM suite, nice yard, laundry trays, phone ana ugnts, o a week. ia e. 16th. East 8954. THE LEONARD 3-room apts., fur nished; clean and desirable. 665 East Main. THE ORDERLEIGH, 82 Grand ave., at tractive, well-furnished suites, - reno vate d , iirivatebaUTSjVryreas o n a b 1 e. CAMBRIAN apts., 2 and 3-room fur. apts. h. w. tioors. 43. Loiumpia. -Mar. 3039. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., lignt, modern. Ar line apts.. 220 N. 17th st. Bdwy. 1812. 3-ROOM fur apt., Nob Hill dist., $35. 700 Flanders st. Atw. 1857. NEWLY renovated apts. $15 up; also sleeping room. Phone East 8331. 4-ROOM .apt, front porch. Irving Apts., IJlst ana irving. iviain nzmt. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts., newly tintea. goou muauuii. -vt ram st. BACHELORS' APT., hotel service, new mrntture, ciose in. jast 4zo. 2-ROOM apt, first floor, reasnnNe. at uavis st. ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st; 2 and S- room apt, iteasonapie. jawy. 4730. MADISON PARK apartment, 2, 3 and 4- room turmsnea apts. oz .Park st. AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 and 3- ,room apts.. opp Aumtorium. Mar. 5.1 1 BUENA VISTA APT3. MAIN 1UW. 2 and 3 fur., 1 unfur.' apt. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur. apt $21.50. Complete, concrete bldg. BENSON APT., 205 N. 20TH ST. 3-ROOM FURNISHED FRONT APT. ONE 3-room clean, furnished apartment. 35 N. 19th st CARLOIS APT., 2-rm. modern, furnished apt. ; reasonable. 14th and Market. ROSELYN APARTMENTS 110 N. 21st st. 2-rm. modern apt. Reasonable. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19th; 3 and 4-tqqw. apts, Broadway 3o5ti. FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. IDEAL HOME APARTMENT. CAN YOU IMAGINE yourself In a. real home of your own. with as won- arrui convenience and comiort as this? Beautiful 4-room completely fur - nished apartment with EVERY DE TAIL CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Built-in labor-saving features, im maculate in old ivory and tapestry, janitor service, phone and steam heat included. ,ENJOY THE -AIRY RIVER BREEZES; walking distance to heart of TOWN. The Meda Apts., 377 Van couver ave., - blk. north of Bdwy., just across the Bdwy. bridge. JUST COMPLETED. NEW WESCOTT COURT APTS. 8TH AND" WE IDLER; BLK, SOUTH BROADWAY. Most complete apartments In city, large living rooms, balcony, dining room, bedroom, tile bath and kitchen; shower baths, electric ranees, hard wood floors. All outside rooms, includ ing bath. Adults. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4-RM. MODERN APT., $50 MONTH. ALSO ONE FOR $45 MONTH. Furnished to accommodate 2 to a persons; light, large, classy. THESE ARE VERY SPECIAL RATES. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia. Newly painted and decorated inside and out. It's fine. ' $30 YOUR CHANCE $30. Light bright and nicely furnished, including 3 beautiful table lamps, large victrola, davenport, handsome library table, etc. This apt. one large living room, small kitchen, tub and shower bath included. Main 3816. WANT 2 single Masons to join, me In 5-room, furnished bachejor apart ment; very quiet; west side, waiking distance; about $65 each. 203 Dezen dorf apts., Atwater 2402 Sunday . 2 to 6. " JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. 4-room fur. apt., bungalow type; 7 windows, rooms all large. GET LO CATED NOW FOR WINTER. HEAT AND HOT WATER GUARANTEED. A quiet house and courteous service. FURNISHED apartment for lease to re sponsible couple, 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, completely and taste fully furnished, or owner will retain one room making reasonable allow ance. Address with references. AF fill, Oregonian. SUNNYSIDE APTS. Belmont st. at 37th, a highly re spected house, clean, quiet, conven iently located Secure your apt. for winter now. Tabor-Sunnyside car lines. Tabor 3900. - APT. OF 4 ROOMS. AUGUST 1. ALSO ONE OF 3 ROOMS AUGUST 3. $45 AND $55. VERY NICE. EQUIPPED FOR 2 TO 5 PERSONS. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. WILL sub let 3 f ro nt rooms, sleep i n g porch privilege, both phones, of my 5-room, furnished apartment, to reli able couple; $60; or 4 rooms, $6S. 203 Dezendorf apartments, Atwater 2402. 2 to 6 Sunday. FURNISHED 3-room apartment and bath, woodwork in bedroom, kitchen and bath white enamel; lights, water, phone and heat furnished; nice loca tion; fine car service. 554 E. Madison, corner 13th. 1 AVAILABLE JULY 29TH. Modern 3-room and sleeping porch, $45 including gas. light, phone, heat, ivory, mahogany furniture, floor, lamp, private entrance, lawn, shade trees. Tl E Ash. East 8678. IMPERIAL ARMS, pretty 3-rm. apt., with 2 beds, $50 mo. to party buying furniture, overstuffed davenport, wick er dining room set, mahogany living room furniture, dishes, etc.; sacrificing at $325. See manager. CARM-ELITA apartments, swell- 4-room, unfurnished, all front rooms, splend-id view; tile bath, polished floors, every thing first class and very reasonable: service unexcelled, close in. Main 20Sfl. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella Streets. Very desirable 3-room fur cished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. WKLLTNGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2 rooms, strictly modern, newly kal somined; all new golden oak furniture. Broad way 1240. 1, 2 AND 3-room apartments, 4 blocks from the market, electric lights, water in each apartment, free phone. 310 Main st., between 5th and Gth; also garage for rent SINGLE man or couple to share with elderly man 4-room modern furnished apartment, having 2 bedrooms; rea sonable; 5 minutes' walk to Portland hotel. Main 7385. NOKOMIS APARTMENT. Two-room apartment, private phone and bath Included. Very desirable; walking distance, bawy, WASHINGTON HIGH APARTMENTS. Mori, brick bide.. 3 rms prlv. bath, large outside rms., reasonable, walking di5t. 575 E. StarK, cor. ntn. -cat noao. STRICTLY modern 3-room apt., brick bldg., near White Temple; mahogany and wicker furniture; summer rates. 229 11th Ft. ' FOR RENT Three-room furnished apt., beautiful view, walking distance, $35 per month, including heat. Atwater 2243. GODFREY COURT. 500 Vancouver Ave. 3-room, clan, modern apt., $40; adults; near Bdwy. bridge. East 0841. ONLY $17 Nice clean 2-room apartment; adults only; nice lawn and flowers; T furnish lights, water and phone. 749 Belmont, near 23d BRIGHT, clean apartments, furnished complete, good furniture, walking dis tance, prices reasonable. Phone Bdwy. 4851. 193-195 17th st. N. . 1, 2, 3 ROOMS, $16. $20 and $25, includ ing heat, light, phone, hot and cold water. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings apt., 24ii N. 17thJ BUSINESS woman would phare modern 4-room apt. with lady employed: down- town location. Price reasonable. BF 7 15. Oregonian. THREE - ROOM furnished apartment, closets, modern, nicely furnished, clean, no objections to baby. E. Everett and 20th strpet. East 1674. WOMAN living alone will share com-, pletely furnished 4-room apt. with one or two. women employed. References. Walnut 6875. ' ' THE ALAMO APTS. Lovely furnished" 3-room front apt., steam heat, private bath, disappear ing bed. newly done over. 494 Market. LUXOR APTS., under new management, fur. 2 and 3-room apts., modern. Phone Main 8105. WALKING distance, cheap rent, two and three-room, comfortbaly furnished apartments. East 7907. 434 E. Morrison. NICELY furnished 2-room apts., gas, electricity furnished. $4.50 per week; near car barns. 733 Savier st. 2-ROOM furnished front apt; 5 minutes' - walk to Yamhill market; $24 per mo. 300 5th St. Atwater 4248. -ROOM apt. on the first floor and 2 room apt. on the second floor. 95 E. 12th and Wash. East 9582. 5 ROOMS and private bath, rent $32.50, including phone, water and garbage removed. Phone East 7737. WANTED Young 'lady to share apart ment with girl employed; rent reason able. D 810, Oregonian. 3-ROOM front apartment, with private. batn. light, water ana pnone rree; SS2 E. A?h st. 2 ROOMS and private bath, rent $22.50, including phone, water and garbage removed. Phone East 7737. BUENA VISTA APTS. 3-room corner apt., modern. Harrison. Main 1052. IRVINGTON Four-room furnished apt., all outside rooms; adults. 627 Han cock. MUNSEY AfTS., 390 Clay; modern 2-rm. apt., also basement apt, $20 mo. Tel. Main 8663. HiARTFORX) apts., 21st and Flanders sts.; modern, 3-room apt, unfur nished. WANTED Business girl to share west side, close-in apartment, reasonable. Phone Atwater 4400, Apt. 309. HAMMERS LEY COURT, 50 12th street One 2-room furnished apt., "private bath; walking distance. H ADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath. h. w. firs., pri va te balconies. $35 up. Mar. 1160. LEVARGE apartments, 271 South Broad way, 1 and 2-room apts; lights 'and hot water. 2 LARGE front rms., Inci. light, phone, water, heat, nice and clean, close in. 8 tnlon ave. N. 715 WAYNE .ST., NEAR KING. 6 large outside rooms. SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch CARLOTTA COURT, 17TH AND EVERETT. AUTO 513-25. Two-room front apartment. 170 CHAPMAN, near Morrison, at 18th. 2 large front rooms, $35. Depot-Morri son car. Atwater 2 AND 3 large rm. apts.: bath, phone, lightt $5.50 and $7 wk. ; garage. 566 Market. 2-ROOM residence apt, ground floor, separate entrance: adults. East 2170. $341 3 ROOMS, clean, complete; light, hot water. East 6745. heat 2-ROOM apt, strictly modern, rent $35. 390 Clay st. Unfurnished Apartments. THREE lovely rooms and bath, Stanton st.. near Williams ave. DOUGLAS COURT, 425 West Park Choice 3-room front apartment, $60. VERY desirable 5-room apt, adults. 555 ii.asc xamnui. ju&si FOE RENT, Unfuraisned Apartments. BELLE COURT APTS., 52 Trinity Place. One of Portland's choicest, real homelike, nice walking distance one 2-room and one 5-room, just vacated, both beautifullly finished; references required. Broadway 5430. HOYT-GLISAN APARTMENTS. 796 EAST HOYT ST. Reservations now being received for new building to be opened Aug. 1, two to five rooms, unfurnished apart ments an early selection will assure choice location overlooking large lawn. Phone East 7527. WHEELDON ANNEX. A large room, 27x36, finished in beautiful tapestry, ivory woodwork, kitchen, with electric stove, bath, dressing room; suitable for studio or other business. Price- $75. Main 6641. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 6-room lower No. 4 apart ment, hardwood floors. tiled bath, steam heat, janitor service, no children. References. Rent $100. 377 East 25th N. H. Hoffman, 367 Morrison, Atwater 5847. LEAVING city, August 1, must transfer lease 6-room anartment: exclusive Irv- Ington district; only 4 apartments In.; ounaing; nrepsace, sun parlor, all large rooms; beautiful interior finish; hard wood floors. East 1921 or Bdwy. 6913. BEAUTIFUL new unfurnished 5-room apartment, view of mountains; terrace lawn and flowers. In fact a real bun galow apartment home. Different from anything in city. Gordon Court apts., 530 Montgomery st. GLENN APARTMENTS, Cor. Hawthorne and Glenn aves. Very fine 2-room unfurnished, splen did residential location, best of service, a beautiful place and reasonable. Ta bor 0704. LARGE Irvington apartment, 6 rooms. 2 bedrooms, sun room, janitor service, electric washer; adults only. For par ticulars, phone East 0379, or call 624 Tillamook. ABERDEEN, 611 HAWTHORNE AVE. New apt. house, lust completed, four room apt., hdwd floors, 2 sets French doors, ivory finish, elec ranges and washer. Phone E. 6950. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 5-room flat, newly painted and kal somtned. Only 3 blocks from Wash ington st., $45. Broadway 1245. IMPERIAL ARMS APARTMENTS, 14th and Glay 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments now ready; hardwood floors, electric range, and best location In city. Main 6011. WHEELDON ANNEX. A large 2-room on ground floor with private entrance. Main 6041. THE MAY APARTMENT. 14TH AND TAYLOR. Will have a 3-room unfur. apt. va cant August 1; large rooms. Ivory woodwork, hardwood floors. Main 7219. UNFURNISHED apt. In Irvington; three large outside rooms and sleeping porch. Phone and heat included. Rent rea sonable. Phone East 2735. 392 East 15th st. N. BOWMAN APTS., 16th and Hancock, 4 outside rooms, first floor, bungalow style, modern, Jan. service, steam heat. French doors; adults; ref. East 13H9. FOR RENT Six-room apartment, all outside rooms, front and back porches, walking distance. Call mornings. Bdwy. 4263. HANTHORN APTS. Front 3-room, unfurnished apt., 2 dappearing beds, vacant August - 1. 251 12th st. 566 EAST ASH New, something differ ent and very desirable; large 4, rooms, hot water heat, fireplace, tapestry pa- pt ivory wooaworKj garage; rer. ONE 3-room and one 4-room; very nice, modern unfur. apts., $28 and $40; no children. Waverley court. East 26th and Clinton. Sellwood 2752. GARDNER, 13th and E. Ash Attractive 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat; references. East 2871. ARBOR COURT. 14TH AND COLUMBIA. Beautiful 3-room apartment now available. Rent reasonable. Adults. UNFURNISHED apartment, Tudor Arms, 18th and Couch. Three rooms; ref erpnees required. Bdwy. 2559. 3 OR 4-ItOOM apt., light, all outside. East 19th st. newly, painted, lots Phone East 89. B0 BARKER APARTMENTS. - Furnished and unfurnished apart ments; corner 2lst and Irving. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. IONIAN pOURT. 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt 1 blk. off Wash, st.,; adults. Bdwy. 2761. ROSE-FRIEND, BDW Y.-JEFFERSON. Elegant 4-rocm apartment can be se cured; good service. Atwater 1410. FOR LEASE 6-room apartment in fine Irvington home. 601 Schuyler, corner 15th. to respectable parties. BROWN APTS. Five-room apt., 2 -bedrooms, 2 baths, 14th and Yamhill. ELBRIDGE APARTMENT, 274 N. 21st., 4-room front unfurnished apartment, Broadway 4730. HASELET APTS., 3 large, cool outside rooms, unfurnished, modern, private bath., phone; adults onlv $40 368 13th TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir able fur. and unfur. apts. available at reasonapie rentals, none Bdwy. 6860. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and "5-room apartments. Bdwy. 3860. 5-ROOM modern apartment, 435. Call Main 4566. 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The Wilmar, 742 Everett st. Main 5164. 3 ROOMS and bath, $20, including light and water. 640 Milwaukie st. THREE-ROOM upper apartment floors covered, gas range; $30. 291 17th st. HENRIETTA, 160 E. 20th St., cor. Bel mont, 3-room apt., modern, steam heat. THE WE 1ST, 69 N. 23 D. 4 AND B-RM. apt, balcony and porch. Irving Apts., 2lst and Irving. Main 9239. FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, sleeping porch. Walnut 3943. ALTER apts., 6 rms., sip. porch, tile bath and shower, 21st-Overton. Bdy. 1980. THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished apartment. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3S73. 660 FLANDERS, 6-r. refin. apt., porches, $65. From Aug. 1., Bdwy. 3134. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, bath. newly tinted. 963 WlIMam? ave. Fm-iilttlwd or t itfurmiifq Apartments. UPSHUR APTS., 400 26th st., under new management, everytnmg new. Main 5497. 2, 3 and 4-room apts. Summer rates. ' LAURELHURST APTS. 8-room apt and bath, neatly furnished.- 142 East 39th and Morrison. Tabor 2614. WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room modern. furnished or unfurnished, excellent service, located 18th and Flanders, west side. Phone Bdwy. 2201. THE GRAND ES TA APTS. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 3-room apts, strictly clean and mod ern, $35 and up. Phone East 0208. THE VICTORIAN 4-room furn. or un- furn. apts., bath, close in, reasonable. 428 Columbia, near 11th. Atwater 2277. NICE, clean 3-room apt, with garage. East 6SC6. $22.59 3-ROOM- upper flat, C21 Overton, west side, walking distance, water, gag for bath free. East 1W4. 5-ROOM unfurnished flat, east side, for rent -cheap. Inquire i04 Morris sr., cor, Commercial. Phone Walnut 1563. 5-ROOM upper flat, pantry and bath, 5-ROOM modern furn. flat, walking dis- $15. 882 Williams. Woodlawn 1 8535. tance, neat and clean. 626 16th. $30 WALKING distance, fine location, FOUR nicely-furnished rooms, cool, clean, 320 Clay, four rooms and alcove. - piano, nice view. 561 Davenport st. 5 AND 6-room new flats for rent low NICE 3-room furnished flat 401 Tenth price. 380 E. 10th, cor. Harrison. st. Main 24SQ. ; hOH RENT Steam neateu uv a ifuiig- WEST SIDE, wonderful view, 5 rooms. ton. Phone East 4622. - clean, 2 porches: adults. Sellwood 1370. FINE 6-room upper flat, furnished or THREE large nice rooms. $25; also one unfurnished. 330 13th. Main 5999. room and kitchenette. $20. 402 Park st. STEAM-HEATED flat plenty of hot wa- $32.50 MODERN 4-rm. fuirn, flat walk- ter. close in. East 4276. ing distance. 569 Markett at. Adults. MODERN six-room upper flat, in East CLEAN 3-ROOM FLAT, fiK WALNUT Portland, $45. East 2301. 6711. .- 3- ROOM, kitchenette, bath, hardwood SIX-ROOM flat, nicely furnished, close floors, heat. 319 E. 49th South. in; piano; $50. Atwater 395. BEAUTIFUL lower 4-room flat, hard- FOR RENT Three-room flat reason - wood floors, $40. 695 E. Washington. able, adults only. Eaet 8441. 5-ROOM flat, partly furnished. 574 Rod- 5-RMS., upper flat, -nicely furn.; 2 bed- ney ave. Metzger-Parker Co. rms., flrepl. 711 Kearney. Main 1563. DESIRABLE 7-room upper flat. 6S0 4-ROOM FLAT, partly', furnished, private Haig street Bdw". 5157. bath. 497 Columbia st. FOR RENT Modern 5-room flat at 666 LOWER FLAT 6 large rooms, well fur- E. Madison. Phone East 3270. nished. $35. East 3513. CLEAN 4-room second flat, corner, some 6 LARGE rooms, elean, upfurnished up- furniture. Tabor 1523. per flat. Adults. 845 Belmont. $2500 1 NEAT rooms, sleeping porch. 2-ROOM flat, light, clean, private phone; 430 Knott st. Key 430.- garage for rent. Tabor 6743. VERY desirable 5 rms. and sleep, porch, 6-ROOM well furnished flat, upstairs, walking distance. 691 Everett. E. 2672. moderate rental. Main 096L 4- ROOM unfurnished lower flat gas. 4-ROOM, fumtehd flat, yard, -west side range. 566 E. Madison st. 694'. Lovejoy: -reasonable. Bd-wy. 3045. DESIRABLE upper flat, 4 rooms, bath, 5 ROOMS, FURNISHED. PHONE EAST heat and water. 731 E. Ash. E. 9789. 6248. ' $25 LOWER 4 rooms, newly tinted and painted; adults. 628 E. Mam. UPPER flat, 4 rooms. 3 unfurnished, bath, garage; adults. 1201 Kerby st 59S SALMON ST. 8 lovely rooms, $50; desirable and clean. Broadway 6252. 6-ROOM flat walking distance, $35, Phone E. 5994. 633 E. Main st. 5-ROOM modern flat, first-class condi tion. $30. 928 Vancouver ave. 5-RM. UPPER filat mod., good condition. lkHh and East Burnside. East 0733, FOR RENT. Flats. BRIGHT, cheerful upper flat, furnace, 5 large rooms, lawn, veranda, or . can . have 7 rooms and sleeping porch. -latter furnished, for sub-letting. 228 E. 20th, between Hawthorne and S. S. car. East 7267. , FLAT for rent, $10, turniture for sale at a great sacrifice; owing to circum stances I am compelled to sacrifice th. almost new furniture for a three room flat at once. 448 N. 24th st.. Sun day. i . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, disappearing bed in living room, new linoleum on kihen floor; gas range, heat and wa teS50 per 'month. Phone 632-53. VERY desirable upper flat, 7 rooms and sleeping- porch ; 393 16th st., second . building south of Montgomery; rent $47.50. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com, bldg. ' 5-ROOM, upper, large, well arranged and strictly modem, sleeping porch and gas range. 267 East 25th St., be tween Hawthorne and Madison. Phone East 18m. MODERN 5-room flat, 606 Madison Bt near Multnomah club. Fireplace and all built-ins. Apply Metzger-Parkef Co. 5 ROOMS, hardwood floors, sun portfh, sleeping porch, fireplace, very modern, convenient. 268 ft 30th, near Haw thorne. . IRVINGTON, modern -roorra upper fiat, sleeping porch, furnace, firefplace, hard wood floors, gas range and water heater, disappearing bed. Tabor 8013. 5-ROOM lower flat in good condition, beautiful location, only- JO minutes' walk from union depot. 290 Margin st. East 3612 TO RENT 6-room upper flat, all mod ern improvements; walking distance to town; rent reasonable. 644 Bel mont street. Tel. East 5698. - FOR RENT Complete 5-room flat with t basement, 690 2d St., walking distance, $15 per month, strictly in advance. Phone East 4743. NICE clean modern 5-room flat with basement, furnace and fireplace,, depir- aoie Gistnct, easy --aiKing. OLsrance. stanc t JUiJa st. bee after 1:30 f. NOB HILL DISTRICT. 3 nice outside rooms, phone, gas, lights and heat, $30 per month. 770 Kearney st.. bet. 23d and 24th. LARGE G-room flat, 3S64i Hawthorne av. Immediate possession. $30.00. Main 0815, 701 Corbett B13g. $22.50 3-ROOM upper flat. 621 Overton, west side, walking distance, water, gas for bath free. East 1104. ' FLAT, 3 unfurnished largje rooms-; bath, Hght, newly papered, painted. East 3124. 3 LARGE rooms, kitchenette, bath, store room, water, phone; fruit and berries, $27.50. 1029 E. Alder. Tabor 4277. ATTRACTIVE, modern 5-room flat, with sleeping porch and yard; .no children. Call, phone Sell. 3898. 445 VS. 30th. ATTRACTIVE 6-room flat, lose in on west side, corner 11th and Alder 0ts $50. Metager-Parker Co. MOD. CHOICE 4-rm. lower, some furn.. private veranda, sleep, p., view, walk ing dist.: ref. 468 Hall. At. 3403. 4-ROOM lower flat, 1 block from car line. Adults only, $30 per -month. 914 E. Morrison st. ENTIRE second floor, 3 fine rooms, un furnished, bathroom, $15. 671 Kear ney st. 3 AND 5-room lower' flat, reasonable; large yard. 675 Tillamook, East 4977. 3 ROOMS, modern, at 400 North 25th st. Call Atwater 3719. furnished Flats. $45 MODERN 5-room flat; every con venience possible ; iu mm. to town ; for rent during the month of August only; references required. Main 1233. 430 Broadway. FOR RENT One upper 4-room flat, fur-' nished and well located; private and,' convenient bath and closets; private approaches; adults; $30. Phone Wal nut 6170. UP-TO-DATE flat, good location, every thing new, $35 and $40, including -water, garbage and phone; cor. Wil liams ave. and Fargo ; adults. East 3305. Key, call 290 Fargo. BEAUTIFUL furnished five-room bu a . galow flat, hardwood floors, tiled bat h. fireplace, furnace, piano, sleepi og porch. 310 Glenn ave., 10 to 5 o'clocflt. LARGE 2-room modern flat, bath, dre ss ing room, rent $17; spotlessly clean, finely furnished; furniture for sale. fiSth and Belmont. Tabor 5115. 5-ROOM flat and sun-porch, . centrally located, nicely furnished, well ar " ranged; nice lawn; walking distance. Bdwy. 1904. SUNNYSIDE CARLINE Furnished flat, 2 rooms, alcove and bath, well fur nished and clean, private entrance, va bor 1811. W. H. Sawtell. - COMPLETELY" furnished 6-roora flat, for balance of summer, walking dis tance, references required. Call W.aln 5649. IN IRVINGTON ATTRACTIVE HIVE ROOMS AND SLEEPING JURC'lU. NO OBJECTION TO SMALL CH ILD. PHONE EAST 0933. 324 E. 14TTH N. i-ROOM furnished flat, ground floor, gas and coal ranges, near Buc kman and Washington high schools. '032 E. Morrison st. 4-ROOM flat, furnished, except b adding, 15 minutes on street .car to Union de pot. Atwater 6079. FURNISHED. $47.50. NEAT, MODERN. COZY FIjAT. 1085 HAWTHORNE. TABOR 8104. MODERN 6-room flat, iurniturei for sale, large sleeping porch. Can mike rent East 5443. FURNISHED 4 rooms, model m, lower flat with piano, fireplace an d garage. 662 E. 28th st. S. '- 4-ROOM furnished flat, wal king dis tance, 462 E. Flint st. between Tilla-monk- and Page st. Adults on y E. 5571. 5-ROOM- flat, private toilet anti bath, all furnished; -walking distance,, $36. Call 373 E. 'llth st. DESIRABLE' 4-room flat with sleeping porch, close In; also smailljer flat. In quire 660 Belmont. Eastj 8264. 1 OR 2 BEDROOMS in flait with well furnished kitchen, $22.50 and $32.50. 500 Market st. walking distance. 4-ROOM flat, completely furnished, light, gas, water free. Call 429 E. 31st st. before 1 P. M. B. V. Warren. 5-ROOM mod. well fur. flat, close In, West side, $40 per montlu 304 Mont go me ryMainTTJj) 4-ROOM flat, practically new, gas, elec tric light, bath, private entrance.-1111 East 2lPt st. North. MS ROSS ST. Walking .distance, partly furnished 4-room flat , Phone Walnut 1 859. - 5-F.OOM lower furnished flat, reason able. 444 Morris st. a half block E. Union ave. FULLY furnished 4-room upper flat, In cluding piano, phone, 'water and gar bage removal; adults. East 4708. MY HOME, 5-room. nictly; furnished flat, walking distance. ' 405 Benton. East IRVINGTON Residential; 4-room flat, 'light, water, gas, garage, $70; also 2-room apartment, 711. Thompson st. 5 ROOMS and private toath, rent $32.50, Including phone, waiter and garbage removed. Phone Eaist 7737. THREE-ROOM lower flat $17, on 23d car, , nicely furnished; furniture for sale cheap. Call Ea:it 6156. 3-KOOM lower flat, including light, heat -water, phone, .nice and clean. 324 1st and Hassalo. Close In. 5-ROOM lower corner illat, furn., mod ern. Cor. 6th and Wasco. Call East 8805. FURNISHED 4 rooms, modern, lower flat, with piano, firepllace and garage. 662 E. 28th st. S. ROOM and board for young lady, home privileges of piano. Broadway 1403. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat. $25. 725 E. 28th st. Woodstock car. 3-ROOM furnished flat, walking dis tance, re8sonabIev35j!C NICELY furnished flat, yard; will aoU furniture cheap. Atwater 3972. $25 MODERN, well-furnished, 5-room flat, 3 beds. 387 N. aist. NICELY furnished 6-room flat Nob Hill, piano, fireplace. Atwater S4G2. FOR RENT. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT Newly furnished 6-room modern flat; fine condition, 1 block to car, 2 block to Sunnyside school; no objection to well disciplined children. Phone Tabor $47L 1076 E. Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY . furnished Buites, large, light rooms, every convenience, hot water and free baths at all hours; linen, gas range, clean suites for de sirable people right downtown, no car fare, $4 to $5 week. Also H, K. rooms and suites suitable for single men, $3 $3.50. Hotel Cadillac, 2&8 3d St., near Jefferson. LOVELY LARGE ROOM FOR HOUSE KEEPING. $4 WEEK. HANDY TO BATH, PHONE, ETC.LARGE YARD, VIEW, FLOWERS. A PLACE YOU'LL LIKE TO LIVE IN. 660 BELMONT ST., CORNER EAST 18TH. ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished or unfurnished, exceptionally clean, airy, cool, reasonable ; ideal location, near city park on Council Crest car. 768 Park avenue. Mairf. 4278. CLEAN, nicely furnished h, k. and sleep . ing rooms, Hghts, gas and laundry privileges; beautiful - yard - and fine view; walking distance; summer rates, Phone. Main 5SD8. LARGE front room and kitchenette, fur--, nished. downtown corner 3d and Wash ington, $7 week, including light and gas. Apply 253H Washington st, Mon- aay, room. e. Mam esyus. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, $5 to $10 per month; 2 and 3-room suites, $12 to $18; lobby. - Special rates ex-service boys. The Vaughn Apts., N. 19th and vauynn bis. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH SLEEP ING PORCH, $4.50 WEEK. NEW AND "VERY HOMELIKE. LOVELY VIEW. 582 EAST 6TH ST., Near Woodward. 2 DANDY clean and light front h. k. rooms with porch, close in, west side, hot and cold water, gas range, op- Tosne oucn scnooi. oats tiusan. Bawy. ATTRACTIVE room with kitchenette and running water; also 3-room base ment apartment; private entrance and lavatory; children welcome. 501 Har rison, above 14th. Aut. 518-13. CLEAN H. K. rooms with free electric light, bath, gas, use of laundry and phone; no children; walking distance. 510 Flanders, corner 15th. Price $4. .W. W. Ragan. 2 CLEAN, well furnis-bed rooms, bath and garage, $22. Phone, light, water included; nice lawn. . Phone- Sellwood 1077. CLEAN, cool housekeeping suite ; also -sleeping room, heart of city ; phone and bath. 264 Jefferson St., corner of Third st. lyOR RENT 2 clean, convenient front i rooms, furnished for housekeeping; free : phone and bath; nice yard. 260 Chap- man st. Phone Atwater 1064. - IitARGE front housekeeping room with Bleeping porch, $22.50 per month. Also .'sleeping room at $12.o0. . 629 Everett. 1 Broadway 4205. IfiEATLY furnished 3-room upper floor, beautiful view, light, water and phone; : $25; adults. Phone Walnut 2975. 1090 East 15th street N. ERY ATTRACTIVE 2-room h. k. suite. Nob Hill; excellent house; every coti ; venience, with service. $22.50. 690 Irving, near 21st st. fLA.RGE, well-furnished housekeeping rooms, hot water, place to park car, rent reasonable. 631 Hoyt at. Bdwy. ' 404-6, $12.75 CLEAN H. K, room, 3d floor, man or working girl, walking distance. ; 2 hlks. off Wash., near 16th. 530 Davis. CLOSE in, 1 h. k. room and kitchenette. a month. it m. Bth JN., cor. Burn side. THREE large, well-furnished rooms on first floor, modern. 331 Montgomery sc., near rea wy. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. NICE, clean housekeeping room, $3 for single room, a rooms $4 up. 290 worm -isc st. . FOR RENT Light housekeeping and sleeping rooms, walking distance. iiroaaway 1584. BARBER APTV 92 Grand ave. East 8734. Single and 2 housekeeping rooms, ana ujj LARGE, clean, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, $3 per week up. down- town location. 432 Jefferson st NICE clean furnished h. k. rooms, $2.50 wees up. jsuciteye apts., 364 East aiurnson. ONE large housekeeping room, light and clean, --has running water, gas and electricity. ii m st. N. Main 3610. TWO. and 3 housekeeping apts. for rent very reasonable, at 392 E. Burnside ana (irana ave. DENVER APTS., 208 Washington, corner of First, Single and doubles; cheap TWO LARGE sleeping rooms and kitch enette ; ciean ana modern, $25 month. 312 Clay street. THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th. near Wash Furnished 1 rm., Kitchenette. $lfi and up- - - NEW., COOL, convenient housekeeping rooms, beautifully furnished, walking distance, rent reasonable. 428 Mill st. SUNN YORE ST, $15; large sing. h. k. rm.. 2 rms., $19.50; newly furn,- redecorated, h. c. water, gas, e-Iec. 186 Sherman. FURNISHED H. K.-rooms for rent, fur nace heat and place for car, hot and cold water in all rooms. 83 N. 21st st NICELY furnished housekeeping apts., reasonable rent. 275 N. 21st st. Main 5309. TWO H. tK. rooms, private entrance; also 1-room house. Call 500 Commercial st., near Russell. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $15; Stephenson court, 515 Mill, cor. lttth. Call after Sunday. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, light and cleanj newly tinted; see them; close VERY desirable housekeeping iapts., clsse in on Morrison, fine location. 168 13tb At water 0245. $3 and $4. 1, 2 AND 3-ROOM front apts., spotlessly clean, beautifully furnished, close in, west side. 474 Clay. Atwater 4194 - H. K. ROOM, h. and c. water and kitch enette, urtn sfa anq Main. 2 RM. furn. h. k. apt, free phone. lights, water; gas range; $5 weekly. 350 14th. FURNISHED houseboat foot Woodward ave. Houseboat. Hillcrest. 3 FURNISHED rooms, ground floor; Mt-c, Ka. ma ivy st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $8 MONTH. 163 FIRST. 3 THREE-ROOM suite, $25; 4 minutes' 2-ROOM basement apt.; everything futZ nisneq: ym. rut Glay st. Atwater 3602. DOWNTOWN, clean, outside apta. 271 Morrison St.. corner of 4th. SINGLE steam-heated: h. k. rooms, 'not water, $3 to $7 per week. 147 l3th. SUMMER prices, downtown fur. rooms, 253 Wash., cor. 3d. hr. k. 2-ROOM apartment 305 Jeffersoirst" corner of 5th st . "' ONE large room, with kitchenette, and cold water. 494 Taylor. hot FURN. h. k. -rooms; 1, 2 and 3-room apta. 194 Lownedaie, cor. Taylor., S-ROOM If. K. apt; modern, nicely fur. close In, east side. East 1674. ' TWO front rooms, suite; phone, bjath. 6f North 2Qth et. Broadway 4123. 1 OR 2 housekeeping rooms, ct-san and with running water. 206 First st CLEAN, well-furnished 1 and 2-room apta. 693 East Madison. East 8911. LARGE housekeeping rooms, 30O Jeffer son st. 3 H. K. ROOMS, 2 beds. $20 mo. Sin?.ie i ma. wt-t-n up. Qi.,1 nawinornQ. $24.50 SUNNY CREST, 3 rms. newly Gr, redec., gaa, elec. Inc. 186 Sher; nan. 141 11TH Front h, k. room $5. 2-room suite $25 month. Phone, bath. UNFURNISHED 4 rooms and bar'h, $20, TWO H. K. apartments, clean and modern, reasonable rent. 447 FMfth st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for re:ot; close In. Main 8909. TWO large unfurnished housekeeping muiiLg; meam neat, an urnon arve. m. THREE furn. H. K. rooms with sleeping porcn. ciosa in. -j. w est ark at. ONE LARGE H. K. room, vatendn room, close In. 223 West Park st. LARGE room and kitchenette, first floor hot water always. 655; Fltvhders' st ' 3 ROOMS and kitchen ;walXing distance $7 a week. 573 ,3d y,t. NICE clean 2-room iultrJa, with water, 3i ana ao a montn. 117 N. 18th. 3-ROOM apt, 2. be?s, yne single, all H K.; children; chep. 183 Holladay. H. K. ROOM, stAtalflle for neat man.; everytning mrmfsnyq. 306 iith st. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms and alcove light water, R15r mo. 386 Park st LARGE, clean Ai-rusekeeping room, mod el 11. iTittiii a (YU, TWO NICE an housekeeping rooms, m st. Main 5156. $20. 331 NICE la; furnished housekeeping 357 12th st. rooms, 20i 2 OUTSUD TOOm SUlteS. 20. 4 mlnnlco' walk to Business center. 300 4th st. WELL fyrnfshed housekeepin, the ,A1?a Vista. 544 Pettyg g rooms at grove. Houskceriii)e Rooms in Privulo ITnmiiv- threF furnished housekeeping roomsv $17.50. Tabor 414T. 2 H. K. ROOMS, gaL light and phone Tumisneo, y.'o.w. is. Ankeny. H. K. ROOMS, PIANO. PHONT3 AND ' GARAGE ASTt2533. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Trivate Fani'ly. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, private oatn, d closets, electricity, gas, laundry trays, phone, light, in sunny new home, one block from Sunnyside and Mt. Tabor cars, near Laurelhurst park;- adults only. 1256 E. Morrison st. 2 FRONT H. K. rooms and sleeping porch. In beautiful private home, everything 1st class, furnace heat, walking distance, with garage $30 a month. 497 Clay st. Main 9304. WELL furnished h. k. rooms, first floor, private bath, free phone, lights, water, walking distance. 167 E. th S., near Yamhill. Phone East 7389. NEWLY furnished, clean, light 2 or 3 housekeeping apartment ; rent cheap ; nice yard. 567 Vancouver ave., near Knott. WORKING woman can have housekeep ing room, light and heat for $7 per month, dose in, east side; no phone or bath. AE 824, Oregonian. LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath and garage. Montana ave. $20. Phone, light, water included. Nice lawn. Phone Selwood 1077. ' SUITE of 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor, private entrance, pantry, sink; walking distance; adults. 89 E. 8th North. East 9990. 2 FRONT rooms for Hght H. K., married couple employed; bedroom in mahog any, wicker and breakfast set. 188 North 21st st. 3 LIGHT, airy, all outside furnished h. k. rooms; bath, light and gas; have to be seen to be appreciated. S. S. car. 90 E. 43d st. Adults. CLEAN, newly papered 2-room front housekeeping apt., no objection to one child; $20 month. 5C0 Jefferson st., near 14th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for gentleman, and his wife and one large sleeping room, 473 Alder st., corner of 14th. 54 N. 10TH, NOB HILL district, large cool room, fireplace, kitchenette, wa ter, gas, phone, electric lights, linen free, first floor. Adults. . DELIGHTFUL, homelike housekeeping rooms, main floor, walking distance; reference required. 110 E. 20th and Alder. ONE FURNISHED Toora with kitchen ette, one block from Sunnyside car, $4.50 per week. Phone Tabor 03Q2. FOUR unfurnished H. K. rooms, garage, Sunnyside, very reasonable. xaoor 3. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, in modern home, white enamel ; aauus only. 196 E. 30th. Tabor 5501. LARGE room and kitchenette, all con veniences, price very reasonable. Bdwy. 5926. 2 CLEAN rooms with sleeping porch. light, phone and heat. Phone .East 1308. 672 B. Morrison st . 32 CLAY For rent, two furnished housekeeping rooms, nice and clean , no other roomers, no children. THREE nice housekeeping rooms, big ga rage. 604 Holly, between nawiaonw ave. and 14th st. East 6503. ' . NICE room for young lady; can use eiectric gnu. - uui bi. ucai . ruthers. $10 a month. TWO LOVELY furnished, housekeeping rooms, light, bath, $16 a month, obb Pettygrove. LARGE, light, airy room, very close in $3.50 a week. Smaller room, 5.vO. 6th St. Atwater 1455. ONE LARGE room with kitchenette, and one (single room, very reason-able. 514 Everett. Bdwy. 7636. CLEAN housekeeping rooms for gen tleman, $8 month. SOOV Jefferson, et, near 14th. MOST desirable sleeping room for two girls, cooking and laundry privileges walking distance. Phone Bdwy. 1085. ONE LARGE- modern furnished house keeping rm., kitchenette; neat clean and light. East 80'Jtt. ONE LARGE, light II . K. room, close in. light, phone, gas, water and bath, lur nished. 327 Clackamas. E. 5305V H. K. ROOMS, walking distance, ga rage, 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. ' - 3 H. K. ROOMS, light, water included, first -class dist. Adults only. Tabor 2329. CLEAN furnished h. k. and sip. rooms, reasonf NICELY ette jt reasonable, 143 N. 16th at. Bdwy. 4036. furnished 2-room and kltchen- 710 Lovej oy st ONE Ihxge housekeeping 'room and ga ragel for rent 1136 Belmont st. ONE AND THREE clean and desirable H. K. rooms. 388 12th st Min 3899. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping roomss, close in: private entrance. 227 Mill st. NICELY fur. h. k. rooms, piano, garagr; reasonable. 1551 Rodney, cor. Knott. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern; adults; reasonable. 690 E. Burnside. NEAT single H. K. rooms, $2 and $3 per week. 206 13th st. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, clean, good location. Tabor 0S04. Reference. BUNGALOW for rent, East 2sth. For information call 1412i East Ciay. near 50th. FOR RENT Good C-room house on paved street; full basement. wash trays and garage. Phone Bdwy. 3995. $26.60, NEWLY tinted and painted, 5-rm. modern cottage. 442 E. 8th st. Owner at 371 Larch st, Ladd's Addition. FOR RENT -Modern, n&a.; bungalow, 9 East - 84 th Sunday. live-room t. Inquire 4-ROOM modern bungalow; pretty place. Call at 1102 9th street, corner 9th and Roselawn, MODERN house on 41s" St., walking dis tance to Reed college ; lease or sen rent $40. Owner. Atwater 3511. $25 849 FRONT Gas, electricity, good neighborhood, clean. 861 Front. Fur niture for sale. Atwater 4440. $40 342 FARGO St., near Union; 7 rms.. Jot 50x100. Call Main 5856 Monday after 0. 7-ROOM modern house, furnace, garage, garden, 1 door n. Hawthorne ave. 269 E. 3d St.; $50. East 5235. $30 5 ROOMS, bath, cement basement nice yard, fruit. 10(18 East Main st Inquire 1036 N. W. Bank bldg. MOVING Pianos. furniture; long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5 121. 5-ROOM bungalow, $30 per month; one block fron Sellwood car. 664 Ellis ave. Adults only. East o2i0. RENT or sale, 12-room house, suitable for subletting, 'z baths, all conveu fences, close in. AC 796, Oregonian. SIN-ROOM bungalow with garage, 2 blocks Hawthorne car, $40. Call Tabor GOOD 6-room house, walking distance, corner Grand and Holladay ave., ready ror occupancy, rnone Tabor 47H-'. NEW 7-ROOM house In desirable loca tion; will lease to responsible couple. 610 E. 62d st N. Tabor 0706. 4 ROOMS in modern- bungalow, full ce ment basement, garage, evenings and . bun a ays. Jfnone Tabor 7401. FOR R'EN T ) - room house, partly fur nished. Belmont st, near . 3iKh; $50 mo. Atwater zmrit. BEAUTIFUL 10-ROOM, HOUSE IN IRV INGTON; LARGE GROUND AND GA RAGE: $100. ATWATER 3945. PIANO moving, $5; furniture, $2.50 per nour; z men, paaaea vans, can crown Transfer Go.. East 0047. FOR RENT 7-room house, close in; Portland Heights. - Main 3S48. TO RENT your home see ffranit I. Mc Gulre, Abington bldg. 6 ROOMS, modem', west side, walking distance. 701 1st: Atwater 2812. LAURELHUTtST, 6 rooms, garage. $05. lJ6 e. inanaers. xaoor e.iitf. FOR RENT bor 1253. -room house or sale. Ta- FOR RENT 5 rooms, new bungalow. 49th st. Call 225 Morrison. 6-ROOM house for rent, $25 per month. 530 Flanders st. 6-ROOM modern house, 1242 East Har rison, 50; no garage. Auto. 030-25. mouek;n t rooms. East Burnside, near 20th; flrst-clasa condition. Tabor 1221. FOR RENT Good 6-room house. East llth. $20 6-ROOM house, four furnished, near car. 803.1 o9th ave. -: MODERN four-room house. Phone Sell wood 3429. 6-FOOM modern house west of Peninsula Park. $30. Phone Sellwood 3796. J 7-ROOM modern house. 349 Multnomah at ftietzger-.Parker to. 5-ROOM modern house, full basement soutnern rortiana. a-o. jjdwy. 4140. MODERN 6-room bungalow, west side, walking d'st. Call at 657 Northrup st. 5-ROOM house with garage; Mt Tabor. Tabor 8949. 6-ROOM cottage, all downstairs, with or without garage. 486 Prescott 4-ROOM house, $17. Inquire 428 North zija. rnone Mam oaso. 6-ROOM North. house $14. 810 Nicolay st. Call Tabor 223 6. S-ROOM Laurelhurst house for rent, $75 montn. iiroaaway dso. MODERN 5-room house, garage, lawn roses. $35. Sellwood 3063. CLEAN 6-room house with sleeping p"" "' " " juyney ave. ai. 13.: 5-ROOM cottage, some fruit and berries place for chickens. $20. E 178. 3-ROOM house, gas range, $13.50; rage. $3. 233 E. 78th st. N. 4-ROOM house, gas, not modern, no aiuan cmturen. inquire tmu Kerhy. 7-ROOM house for rent, reasonable. 879 jioniana ave. ranor a-iliX. $30 C-ROOM modern, lose- in. car. 531 Center, Sell. FOB RENTT HOUSES FOR RENT. $lo.50 3-room upper flat. 447j East Sherman st. $37.50 4-room lower flat, strictly 1 modern, at 1805 Hawthorne ave. $35.00 5-room modern bungalow at 60 E. 30th st. $35.00 6-room modern cottage at 474 Shaver st. $35.00 7-room modern home; garage; 1593 Jordan st. C $40.00 S-room strictly modern house $ at 1033 E. 24th St. $50.00 9-room modern house; garage; 160 Morris st. $20.00 -5-room modern cottage at 1291 E. 12th st. Call Rental Department, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg., Bdw. 7171. 3d St.. b 't. Wash, and Stark. FOR RENT. Beautiful new bungalow located on Burnside in Laurel hurst, near the park 6 rooms and sun parlor. Tias home is modern in every way, wnst hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, most convenient kitchen, breakfast nook,' tiled bath, recessed- tub. shower etc. Garage. Unusually large lot. Rental $T5 monthly. Phone our Laurel hurst ofiice, E, 39th & GUsaa, today. Tabor 3433. A. G. TEEPE CO. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $35 a month. 8 rooms, country farm house, recently renovated, city water, electric lights, bath, some furniture, several acres of ground, fruit and berries ; wonderful view; 10-minute walk from Council Crest car line, near old county farm. Atwater 2324. PARKROSE- Four-room old cottage, one acre fine soil, electricity, gas and wa ter, lots of fruit, close to car and schools, $20 month. Call East 0932, between 7 A. M. and 3 P. M. AH 812 Oregonian. ' FURNITURE MOVING. Pianos moved $3 up; 30 days free storage on alt crated household goods; let us estimate your work. Atlas TranpferStorage Co. Phone Bdwy. 1207. MODERN 7-room house on Foss at.. 2 blocks from Columbia Park ; large tract of ground, fruit trees. $30 per month. Owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 7-rm. house, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Furnace, full basement, flowers, garden patch, paved st. JOHN A. ME1SSNKR. 821 Gasco Bldg. CALL BROADWAY 5S0 FOR " NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th street. FOR. RENT 7-room lower residence fat. modern, hardwood floor?, wonaerrui view. 996 Savier, Willamette Heights. Broadway 6S6:i. ALAMEDA PARK Regent Drive and E. 32d st, 8-room, modern, newly fin ished. New England house. Bdwy. 7308. Bergholtz. 807 Spalding bldg. FOR. RE-NT $25 New 5-room house, all . , conveniences, lots of fruit. People who were looking at it Friday evening please call up again. 204O Kaat Mill st ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow with garage, chicken house, good chicken run, large lot, located on Woodstock avo. Rent $2S. Phone Tabor 7674. 7 ROOMS and bath, full basement, fur nace, fireplace. Owner at flat 9' A. M. on Sunday. 705 E. 65th N. Take Rose City car. ON WEST SIDE 486 10th, 6-room house, just done over, neat as a pin. fine location, rent $40 to responsible grown ups. Key next door. Phone East 5431. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, cement base ment 1559 East Sixth st. N., $30; Vancouver car to Stafford st Tabor "fcilS. 5-ROOM cottage, electric lights and gas, furniture in same at present for sale if desired. 335 E. 1st st N. East 382S. IRVINGTON, 4 large rooms, $50; lower flat, oak floor, fireplace, furnace, large gas range and heater, lawn and flowers. East 3225. i 8-ROOM house In Laurelhurst 35 Meikle place, same as 42d. Rent $i& per month; will give lease for year or more to responsible party. Bdwy. 4143. 5-ROOM fiat, 779 Overlook blvd. Fine condition, beautitul location. .Price $-io per month. No children. Apply A. P. Wilson, 908 Capitol ave. 5-ROOM modern house, 124 Skidmore st. near Mississippi ave; also garage u wanted. Apply on premises before noon. 6-ROOM house, close In on East Bum- side st, near 20th, Just reflntshed: $45 month to responsible tenant Phone 315-33. NEW FIVE-ROOM bungalow, garage; paved street ; Alcazar combination rang in kitchen. 50 E. Lombard. East 4S42. FOR RENT, 8-room house at 646 Alblna ave., also a garage tor rent, inquire at 0.5 Borthwick. FOR RENT No. 413 Beech st., five- room house, modern improvements, adults. Phone Walnut 1833. EIGHT-ROOM house, yard, paved street, close to two car lines, rent $35. with ga r a ge $40. 1361 East Salmon. J4ij BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, disappearing bed, 2 sleeping porches, fireplace, fur nace. 8S East 19ih st. Phone East 89. MODERN 10-ruom house, furnished or unfurnished; party without children; in Parkrose district. Call Tabor 3624. ROOMY 6 room house; E. 12th St., off Burnside. Immediate oossesslon. $35. Main 0S15. 701 Cnrbett Bldg. -R. HOUSE, $20; will install electric U gilt a. 264 Porter, nr. 4th, west side. 318 Board of Trade bldg. ' Bdwy. 7452. EIGHT-ROOM modern house. 1008 Haw thorne avenue; $50. Inquire 307 Rail way Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM HOUSE, newly renovated, west side, walking distance. 534 Taylor st Call Monday. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 201 u2 Alder st. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIRE PROOF, 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO.. BDWY. 2445. 11 ROOilS; ?iean, furnace, lease, South Portland; East 4 854. ' Furnished Houses. ROSE CITY Large, new bungalow, beau tiful grounds, nicely furnished, fire place, tile shower, electric cleaner and" washing machine, etc. Garage. Will lease for year at $85 month. Phone owners. Auto. 3-5-54. $ 30 R EN T 4 -room modern fur n I shed house with sleeping poroh. newly painted and tinted. Phone, electricity and water free. L119 Grant. Haw thorne or Mt Scott car to 37th. FUR RENT UNTIL APRIL. 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE? ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $75 PER MONTH- AT WATER 0856. FINE large, light, clean rooms, furnace, lights, gat bath, garage; furnished or unfurhished. 950 E. Salmon, Sunny side. Tabor 9178. MODERN furnished 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, fine lawn. 296 E. 82d st. Vj blk. S. Haw. Tab. 4024. $25 BLOCK Rose City car; partly furnished, modern 4-room bungalow for Aug. and Sept. Tabor 6559. $40 MODERN 5-room bungalow, fur nished ; near Franklin high. Auto matic 612-73. 3-ROOM furnished house, $15, on elec tric line; 5-room furn. house and ga rage, $35. Main 8668 or Wal. 6417. MACLEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Cottages for rent for 19H2 season. See caretaker on grounds. 40 6-ROOM house. Mill st, also 4 room house. Mill St.. $26.50. Call 829 Salmon. Main 47S9. FOR RENT 7-room house, 2 stories, new, partly furnished. Mr. B. Hyman, 632 E. 23d st. South. 5-RM. FLAT in private home, com pletely furnished with piano. No chil dren. Phone Walnut 7032. 4 ROOMS and bath, lower floor, furnace, fireplace, piano, $30 month. Evenings, 757 East Ankeny. FURNISHED bungalow with garage. Jennings Lodge on river. Call Oak Grove 120-A. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bunga low, 438 Kenilworth ave., cor. Sher man. Sellwood 3."'95, FOR RENT 4-room, modern, furnished, $25. Phone East 6434. 5-ROOM house for rent furniture for sale. Walnut 3379. MODERN 5-room house for rent. Call Auto. 612-59. FURNISHED 5 and 3 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. S54 S. First. $15 3-ROOM upper floor, walking dis tance. 315 Tillamook st 3-ROOM furnished house. IO35 East Webster. Phone Walnut 2380. 6-ROOM furnished house, piano; $45 month. Call Aut 321-73. SMALL furnished house, $25 a month. 746 E. Morrison st. FURNISHED 6-room house to respon- slbie party. o49 K. MsN. Tabor 90Q3. FURNISHED 6 rooms, modern; near Jef ferson high school. $50. Walnut 4269. 4 ROOMS modern. $20, call before 3 P. M 1575 Enst Burnside st. 11 ROOMS well furnished, clean. South Portland, lease. East 4854. 4-ROO: apartment, nicely furnished; adult Inquire 605 E. Morrison. $35 3-ROOM furnished first floor, water and garage. 249 Harrison st CONGENIAL cuuple without children to share home. $25. Walnut 6536. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow with ga- rage. n-o rast win st. i., near Bandy. FOUR-ROOM furnished bungalow, piano no children. $30. 4319 58th st S. E. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent , W-room. Walnut 5104, A