15 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 23, 1922 K FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY BARGAIN BASEMENT. If you only knew It, almost everyone could own a car. You don't have to pay a big price to set serviceable machine We sell TRANSPORTATION. Our used cars are priced accord ing to appearance and condition, and we sincerely believe them to be the best buys to be found In the city. We advertise below only a. few of the many automobiles we have for sale. FOR TOUR COMPARISON. 1818 Maxwell touring $ 215 1920 Maxwell touring . . . 435 1920 Maxwell touring, ve . fine 565 1918 Dodge touring .'. 450- 1910 Dodge touring 525 1920 Dodge roadster 650 1920 Dodge touring, Ilk new 685 1919 Chevrolet touring .... 824 f 1920 Chevrolet touring .... 375 1920 Chevrolet sedan 595 1917 Chevrolet touring 125 1919 Chandler chummy, new paint 675 1918 Paige touring 475 Model 90 Overland touring, new paint 825 1920 Gardner touring .... 525 1920 Franklin touring .... 1400 1910 Marmon touring, re painted 1500 1920 Jackson touring, a very fine car 725 1919 Chalmers 5 pass., very good .... 635 1920 Ford sedan 4S5 1922 Ford touring, like new 475 1919 Ford roadster 255 1919 Ford touring 235 1913 Steams-Knight touring 225 1820 Oakland 583 1917 Franklin 850 1919 Ford one-ton truck. With body, good tires 295 "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVET MOTOR CAR CO., TWO LOCATIONS. Main plant, Washington at 21st Bt. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broad way Branch at 28-30 Broadway. We have cars to take you from one branch to the other. . SOME REAL GOOD BUYS. 1917 Good shape lifts 1918 A swell car 50 iyu rme snape 295 lu.'l Like new 5jjg 1921 CoUtlfi- manv -.vti-oo kts 1921 Sedan, runs good . . .' 575 Maxwell, starter, looks good 150 inevrolet starter, runs fine 120 Dodge, new tires, paint -00 King 8. fine buy 410 oie o, uae new 16 Ford trUCk. eOOd hnV nnanm.ti. tires; runs like new "... 385 Mitchell, Reo and Many Others. Tour car as first payment, balance Open Sundays and Evenings. UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE. 181-3-5 Grand Ave., at Yamhill East 0471. See Del Wright. USED CAR BARGAINS. Dodge touring. $250 Mavwell tnnrinf, im 1917 Ford touring 135 1920 Ford touring 350 1010 Ford roadster 275 1920 Ford sedan . 525 1017 Ford delivery 145 1918 Ford truck 275' 11118 Chevrolet delivery 275 1919 Chevrolet chassis . . . . 200 FRANCIS MOTOR, CAR COMPANT. E. 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. 21 Studebaker L-6 coupe; Ideal car for q. doctor. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used-car Dept., 841 Burnslde at., Broadway 0616. Near Broadway. REO CAMPINO AUTO. A house complete, kitchen, bedroom, observation room and pantry; Ideal car for tourist; you're always at home, complete on real speed wagon chassis. Price $900. BRA LEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., 11th and Burnside. Bdwy. 32S1. 1922 490 CHEVROLET 4-PASS. COUPE. Driven less than 700 miles and just nicely broken In; this car has been privately driven and is really better than new car; equipped with 6 cord tires, spotlight mirror, bumnpr. ron- tometer; cost $1175, will discount tor quicK sale ana give terms to responsi ble party. Call owner. East 8608. CADILLAC. CADILLAC. Must be moved quickly; 4-pass., 1921, bumper spotlight, spare tire, seat cov ers; 1922 license, etc. In perfect run ning condition; $2700, terms; will con sider trade. Call Mr. Frost at Bdwy. 2320. REO. If yoH are looking for a nearly new 6-passenger touring car with 5 good ures, gmua top, paint ana upholsterin; In first-class condition, call Broad way 1814. '(-PASSENGER car. excellent condition mecnaiucauy; o very good tires, other wise well equipped; a splendid car for stage or touring; will positively sacrt lice una car; must nave the money not later than Friday this week. Wa,- nuc oyn. MARMON demonstrator: a real ear at wonderful bargain price; see it; ride in it; drive it; can be bought at a remarkable reduction in price. North west Auto Co., corner 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. 1022 190 CHEVROLET tour., -equipped wim exi-i ure, uumper, etc. The car nes run only a lew weeks and ii In perfect condition. Look at this be. fore buying -a car. Easy terms. Tabor U.'OO. 1922 SEDAN. I have one of the oust Tt n r, Sedans: looks and runs Just like a new One; has been run 3000 miles, cord tires, bumper, motor meter; a bargain; price $1075. Phone Tabor 9455. laiVsuicK: roadster. I have a wonderful roadster, looks like a new one, cord tires and oter extras, a snap at $800. Phone Bdwy 1130. Emery. DODGE, touring, 1921, private owner; light dlffuser and eipot light, equipped for sleeping. $600; terms can be ar ranged. Room 206, Byron Hotel, 210 Broadway. Phone Atwater Q.1'60. USED DODGES. All makes, $200 to $800. BRALET, GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc. 11th and Burnslde Sts. FORD delivery with a specially built screen side body and curtains: a beau tiful little job, at $325; easy terms. Wdln. 2461. 1920 4-90 CHEVROLET touring, mechan ically perfect; all new fenders, new top and new paint; good tires; $350, . some terms. Phone East 2355. 1922 NEW VELIE. If you want a new Velie call me as i can save you a lot or monev. Must sell at once. East 3770. Mr. Woodruff. OVERLAND car for sale, $150; good run ning order, 7 tires, newly painted. Bretnor apartments, corner 20th and Lovejoy. WILL sacrifice my Olds 8 for $825, or consider light car in trade. This car is in Al shape. T. McDonald, 191 Grand ave. 1912 CADILLAC, starter, cord tires, bumper, fair condition; $185, terms. L. T. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave at 8th. East 0720. OVERLAND for sale, cheap, good con dition. Phone 19 M41waukle. Derwey. watchmaker. FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadster In fall condition, $150 cash. Address box 514, Camas, Wash. 1920 DORT touring, in excellent shape throughout. Will consider terms. Phone owner, laDor 4318. OAKLAND 6, guaranteed mechanical condition Al all through, $250 cash. Lot, North Park at Burnslde. STORAGE, $4 and $5 per month. Brick garage, west siae. 1 can sen your car. U. S. Garage, 351 1st, corner Mill. FO'R SALE 1922 FORD TOURING. DRIVEJJ 800 MILES. 81 GRAND AVE. OR CALL EAST 7874 1922 CHEVROLET touring, just broke in. run lees than 3000 miles; at a special discount. Phone East 2355. 1917 FORD touring, license and extras. $185, Vranson's, Grand ave. and East Main. 1920 CHEVROLET baDy grand, new paint, completely overhauled; satisfac tion guaranteed. Walnut 3612. CLASST underslung bug, elect equipped, dlKC wheels and fenders, $150. 629 4th gt.. Sunday. WHITE touring, good condition, cheap, good tires. 1030 East 22d St. N. NEW 1922 Ford sedan, lots of extras; a snap. Tabor 9482. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED FORDS. USED FORDS. TOURINGS, good tires and motor; license.? 85 good tires and motor; license. 125 good tires and motor: license. 135 good tires and new top; li cense 195 good tires and all: license.... 265 good tires; lots of extras . 295 irnnA tir. Ht.rter. dem. CimS. 425 1916 1918 1910 1917 1819 1920 1921 1920 1920 1019 real good throughout 640 new starter and battery; li cense 350 one-man ton. cood tires: li cense 250 ROADSTERS. 1917 extra good; license 175 1921 new, natural wood wheels and i an.d new tires; U good throughout 893 CHASSIS. 1918 has shocks and in good con ditlon 165 1919 in dandy condition: license.. 210 COUPES. 1920 in apple-pie order, license... 495 1921 new paint and In good con dition; license 550 1922 good as new for use: license. 575 1920 this a real buy; license 495 -SEDANS. 1920 new paint, lots of extras, license 550 1921 new paint; good tires; extras: license -. "5 TRUCKS AND DELIVERIES. 1920 chassis, pneum. cord tires. license; In excellent condition 350 1920 roadster body for cab-stake body; license 350 1922 cab and stake body; pneum. cord tires; license 425 1919 pneumatic cords; comblna ' tion bua and express body.... 325 1921 16-pass. bus (new) ; has over drive shocks; pnuematic tires 875 1922 open express delivery; for use the same as new; license.... 450 1916 panel delivery 125 BUGS. Five wire wheels, new top and tires; license 275 1918 Dandy body, good tires 225 AND MANY OTHERS. "SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING. OPEN SUNDAYS. 9 TO 6. EVENINGS TILL 8:30. . TALBOT & CASET, INC.. "Authorized Ford Dealer." East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. THE PRICE OF THESE CARS WILL BE REDUCED EACH WEEK UNTIL SOLD. ,, DELIVERY CAR, 1000 to 1500 lbs. capacity, Cad illac, very good covered body, good running order. $ 170 STAGE CAR, 8-passenger, 40-h. p.. steam touring ; car, good tires, demount- -able rims, two extra tires, luggaga carrier, front and rear bumpers, clock and speedometer, good paint, fine running order 1300 LOCOMOBILE, 6-passenger car in good running or der 135 "Will sll on terms, or will take hay, grain, livestock or chickens In trade. FRED DUNDEE, IOTOR CAR REPAIRING AND MACHINE WORKS. 107 N. Broadway, Portland, Or. BUY remodeled Oaklands which have almost up-to-date improvements and sa.ve money. We will accept, trades on some of these jobs and grant liberal terms. 34-B Touring j .5650 34-C Touring .... 815 ' 84-C Touring 850 34-C Touring 725 4 Touring 225 NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO., 844 BURNSIDE STREET. (Just West of Broadway.) HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. '19 Studebaker ' special six touring. This car is a bargain. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used-car Dept., 341 Burnslde St., Broadway 0G16. Near Broadway. HIGHER CLASS Put yourself in a higher driving class; get a roomier, more comfortable car; one with riding quality and riding ease; see our Coles, Marmons, Reos and other makes, from $450 up; -easy terms. Northwest Auto Co., corner 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. 1922 CHEVROLET 4-90, S. & M. spot light, spare -tire, license, etc; driven far enough to be broken in nicely $575, terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave at 8th. East 0720. REO BIG SIX, 7-pass. touring, fine for heavy duty or for a summer tour with family, quick sale, price $600, easy terms if necessary. Northwest Auto Co., corner loth and Alder sts. Bdwy. 14G0. f 1922 CHEVROLET touring; cannot be told from new; run 1200 miles, bunga low curtains, spotlight, motormeter, cord tires with extras; will sacrifice on easy terms. Phone owner. Wdln. 6025. 1918 TOURING, Al condition, demount able rims, one-man top, Bosch mag. neto. large steering wheel. cut-out. foot throttle, bumper; Bnap at $250. lusw. Broadway. 1918 BUICK, rebuilt and- refinished: no defects, no imperfections; warranted good in every detail; no used car could be in any better condition. .Terms; no brokerage. 542 Aider St. NEW 1922 8-CYLINDER Oldsmoblle. 7 passenger touring, never been driven will sell for $1400, cash or terms; thiss is aboslutely a new car. Call Tabor 8548. 1UM CHEVROLET touring, good tires ana in gooa conaitlon. sio down, bal ance easy terms, or will trade . for rorq. vvainut -asv. c 21 L. SIX STUDE., looks like new. This is a real opportunity to get one. fac tory oversold on new cars. Phone veaie, at wain. 1727 or Bdwy. 1895. MAIBOHM SIX. Good condition, has bumner. wind deflectors, etc., $650, or trade for good 101. ,ast 1 1 di. 1922 CHEVROLET, disk wheels, cur tains open with doors and extras, at a big discount, boo JS. Burnslde St.. be fore 1 P. M., or East 6391. 1921 BABY Overland sedan, 5 cord tires, , wire wheels and lots of other extras will sacrifice for quick sale. Terms seMwooa 1921 OLDS sedan, air springs, cord tires. A practically new car in perfect, guar anteed condition. Only $1350. East 34W7. 10 union isorth. LIGHT Studebaker 4. a sacrifice: 5-nass.. first-class condition; 5 good tires, ton and upholstering; only $300. Call Tabor SR42. 1917 FORD touring, new one-man toD. shocks, spotlight, 3H tires; $185. terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave at 8th. East 0720. LATE model Stulz roadster in A-l shape neav paint and good rubber; a snap. Autorest Garage, 10th. and Salmon. Main 8287. $50 LIGHTWEIGHT SPASSENGER touring, good tires: balance $10 i month. Call Mr. Williams. Bdwy. 3281, OVERLAND 6 chummy; in good condl tion, for sale on terms. Or will take small car on trade. Phone Mam 4801 BARGAIN Equity in Grant six. $150, balance, $205, easy payments. Tabor 5052. LATE model Chevrolet touring 'in won derful shape: can arrange terms to re- sponsible party. Sell. 0b02. 1920 DOijGiS sedan, A-l shape; new cord tires; cnance to rignt party, see lal- ford. Autorest 'rnrage. Mam 3237. 1917 DODGE roadster, good running or der; $285. 21 N. Park at Burnside. Bdwy. 7943. mm CHEVROLET 490 touring, anod me chanical condition, good rubber", $250. East 4iH. oi2 Belmont St. NEW FORD Will sell my deposit con tract on a new Ford at a discount. i'hone Jast Zooa. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. HUGHSON'S FORD CORNER. BIG USED CAR SALE. . :. ..- ALL MODELS FORDS ALL PRICES. Due to the fact we need space for new cars and- because our service has doubled also in our shop, we must, therefore, sacrifice our (flnany good buys in used cars, which 4 ' your sav ing and profit. Here is your oppor tunlty to get your Ford at the right price and spend the difference on a vacation. . ' HONEST VALUES, PRICED RIGHT. TERMS TO SUlf. . BETTER FORDS FOR LESS. 1921 Ford sedan, wire wheels $525 1920 Ford sedan, wire -wheels o00 1920 Ford coupe, new pain,t 485 1920 Ford coupe, Al 4i5 1910 Ford coupe, line shape 385 1921 Ford touring, Al .400 1920 Ford touring, new paint .... 860 1919 Ford touring, new paint .... 2 10 1918 Ford touring .200 1916 Ford touring, some buy....... 180 Ford roadsters 300, $350, S75 Ford deliveries 125. 175, SoO Ford trucks 175, 250, 3-o These oars are all in fine shape. . Some $70 down, balance easy. Open Evenings and Sunday. Day and Night Service. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO., Where It's Handy. 60 -N. Broadway. Broadway S21. WHY OUR USED CARS SATISFY. Verv often the used cars we pur chase need reconditioning. We . buy them so that we can atxora to re condition and renew them thoroughly, and they are resold as near a perfect unit of transportation as it Is possible to make them Thev are attractive in appearance, and the tires are always fatisfactory, being 50 per cent or bet ter; starter, generator and battery are thoroughly tested ani O. Kd. The car is in top condition mechanically: frame, axles, springs, transmission and engine are caretuuy .inspected. We lielifivA our cars are the cheap est automotive transportation offered to the public in Portland. We solicit a visit to our used car department, where we exniDlt our re buildlne and reconditioning process. Here you may see, believe and, buy a reiiauie usea car. TndffpR. A.I models ' 1921 Ford delivery $395 1921 Ford touring 395 1020 Ford coupe 465 1921 Ford touring 335 Reo tourina car 250 Overland 90 f 300 1920 Maxwell ...' MANY OTHERS OF FINEST SE LECTION. ALL EQUIPPED WITH FIVE TIKES AND LICENSES. BRALEY, GRAHAM ft CHILD, INCORPORATED. Burnside at 11th. OREGON LEXINGTON COMPANY. Late 1919 Studebaker B,ig Six. This car has been completely rebuilt, motor rebored. new mstons. rings, wrist pins, etc.; new top, repainted and ready to go; a real bargain at tne price, $tuou. very reasonable terms. 1920 Case touring, 7 pass. This motor has been completely rebuilt, re bored, new pistons, rings and wrist pins. Will paint this carany color you desire; 58 ( a. . Very reasonable terms. 1918 Willys-Knight, In fine me chanical condition. 5 good tires, re painted. You can't go wrong on this; $400. Very reasonable terms. We also have several other good buys. See us before you buy. OREGON LEXINGTON COMPANY. 632 MORRISON ST. AT 21ST. BDWY. 5S78. HERE ARE SOME REAL BUYS. Hupmftbile touring-If you are in the market for, and appreciate a good buy, see this one. Studebaker Special 6, touring, good tires, a new paint job; motor just gone over. .National 6 touring, 1919 model, good tires; this is one of the best cars we have had in a long time. Oakland touring 18, tires, paint and the rest of the car in good condition. $135. Chevrolet touring 19, tires are almost new, motor and -the rest of the car are in good shape. $235. Elgin 6 touring ; look this car over ami make an offer; runs good and the tires are in good condition. Maxwell delivery; if you need a de liveryvhere is a buv for you. 1 ' $235. Cash or terms that you can handle. Pacific Motor Company, DURANT DEALERS. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 7918. Open Evenings. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER. '20 Case, sport moded; pig skin leather; car is a very sporty four-passenger. Price 'Is very reasonable. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used-Car Dept., 841 Burnslde st. Broadway .0616. Near Broad-Way, HUPMOBILE BARGAIN. Late 1917 Hupmobile. model N. This motor has recently been completely overnautea, motor reoorea, new pis tons, rings and wrist pins; transmis sion ana rear end overhauled; car equipped with Bosch magneto. Ale- mite grease system, spotlight, bumper. cross-bar radiator cap and seat cot-, ers. Car now being repainted. Will sell this car at $500 and give very reasonaoie terms, walnut 2010. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER. - 21 Studebaker Biff Six tour ing; almost new 5 tires; perfect mechanical condition. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used-car Dept., 341 Burnside st... Broadway 0616. Near Broadway. FOR SALE Ford bug; just overhauled; will make Council Crest on hiirh: sia;:. Dandy little roadster, Belf -starter, new battery, cord tires, in fine mechanical order; $145. Can be seen at Portland Auto bates, 120 Lownsdale st., cor. wasti, upen Sundays and evenings. REO, 5-PASS. touring, cord Ures all arouna. excellent condition, a wonder ful car. economical to operate and seldom In the shop, a snap at $425. Northwest Auto Co., corner 18th and iiti?r. uuwy. IIO'F. DORT touring. Have you seen the new moaei uort it is a revelation In tomobile building. It has power, is economical to operate. Northwest Auto u., corner isth and Alder. Bdwy. itoo. BABT GRAND Chevrolet, late 1918 mod el; owner wants quick action; $400, terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave at 8th. East 0720. WILLS-ST. CI.AIRIC SEriAV New this spring; run less than 7000 mnes, periect eonarcion; leaving City, uiuoi. ecu 1U1111CU.S1C1 at. isreat sacri fice. East 1921 or Broadway 6913. CHEVROLET .490. excellent condition California top. lots of extras, shock absorbers, exhaust heaters, tank In rear, etc. Call Tabor 1354 or 500 East gmn st. :i., evenings. DODGE sedan. $500, easy terms: first- class mechanical condition; private party. M. Aparton, 392 Burnside. Broadway 8883. 1918 FORD touring, good tires, new paint, motor overhauled, $250, terms. l. Mcuonaio, iHi tjrana ave. FORD coupe; Jate model;- first-class con dition. Phone Bellwood 1984. 1249 East 2rt street. 1920 FORD touring, shock absorbers. starter, speedometer; In good shape and good tires. $350. Tabor 5603. 1920 FORD sedan, In fine condition; tires nearly new; a bargain, $475. Tabor 0828 or 109 East 30th st $400 BUYS fine, well-equipped Ford tourkig oar: late model; cash or terms. Call oom 315 Washington hotel j-PASS., 6-cyl., 1917 model, newly paint ed, A-l condition, will sell or trade. Call Bdwy. 4',S9 Monday. OWNER sacrificing Studebaker car at $350; terms if desired or will consider trade. Phone East 5099. 6'ORD sedan, A-l condition; lota of ex tras: 5 good tires; a bargain. . 869 E. Morrison. 1922 CHEVROLET TOURING. Run 3 months, good .s new. Sell wood 3071. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, good tires, 276; easy terms. St) Grand evsi FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. GREAT NEWS FOR AUTO BUYERS. The big sale Is on with every car in the house marked down and tagged with new low prices. Come down today and take your pick from this fine stock. Sold on easv terms. Light cars taken in trade. See these cars today mi Ford sedan 465 1913 Ford touring 173 1920 Mitchell touring 895 1918 Liberty touring 15 1920 Crow-Elkhart touring. 485 1919 Briscoe touring 325 1917 Olds 8 touring .. S75 1920 Mitchell touring . 1075 1919 Chevrolet touring .... 335 1920 Moore touring 4?S 1917 Maxwell touring 150 1922 Gardner touring 935 -. 1917 Maxwell touring , 175 1918 Dodge touring 450 1919 Maxwell touring 385 1920 Mitchell touring 995-- 1920 Mitchell touring 1025 1920 Mitchell touring 975 1917 Mitchell touring 350 1919 Mitchell touring 725 1913 Overland roadster ... 40 1919 Mitchell Sedan ...... 1250 1917 Studebaker 7-pass. . . 300 1918 Studebaker roadster.. 315 1918 Mitchell touring 375 1918 Briscoe touring 225 1918 Mitchell club road.... 575 1918 Briscoe touring 195 1919 Briscoe touring 335 1917 Mitchell touring 375 1916 Mitchell roadster .... 275 1918 Overland touring .... 295 1918 Briscoe touring ...... 295 1918 Maxwell touring 210 1920"Oakland touring 535 1918 Maxwell touring 185 1918 Briscoe touring 295 1920 Mitchell touring .v- 925 . 1918 Ford sedan ,.t 395 Open evenings and Sundays during the sale. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANT, Broadway at Everett. 40 Years In the Northwest P. H. DUNN, 6 AND 8 GRAND AVE. N. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1920 OAKLAND TOURING. $475 1921 STEPHENS TOURING 975 1921 OVERLAND SEDAN 675 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING 275 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING . 225 11 OVERLAND 90 TOURING... 225 1921 OVERLAND 4 TOURING... 525 1920 BABY GRAND TOURING... 493 1921 CHEVROLET DELIVERY 325 ALL IN GUARANTEED CONDITION. LIBERAL TERMS -TRADE P. H. DUNN, ' 6 AND 8 GRAND AVE. N. BET. BURNSIDE AND ANKENY. HE BOUGHT AiNOTHER STUDEBAKER. - 21 Special 6 Studebaker" se dan; just refinished; everything like a new car. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA.-Used-car Dept., 341 Burnside st, Broadway 0018. Near Broadway. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER, Late Ford sedan; heavy type wire wheels. Best of condition. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. -Used-car Dept., 341 Burnslde St., Broadway 0016. Near- Broadway. OH, MEN! $55 down takes a 1918 Crow Elk--hart. snort model, chummy roadster; this year's license; just been com pletely overhauled; you don't need to spend any .money on this car except for gas and oil; must be old today, so come early. Price, $250. Take Sunny side or Mt. Tabor car to 34th, walk 2 blocks north. 113 E. aitn, LOOK. NEW CLEVELANDS, WHILE THEY LAST. $850. Cleveland Demonstrator" $800. Excellent Shape. Fully Guaranteed. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 3E0 Burnside. TO TRADE For coupe, the swellest looking Ford touring in city; gas tana in rear, vacuum tank front, seats lowered, Bosch magneto, many other Improvements; see this car Monday parked on Broadway. Ask to see Mitchell, in repair department . of Do Lay Motor Car Co. 1922 OLDSMOBILE. 7-passenger; new; never driven. Owner savs. sell it today. $500 from lint nrlce. See it today. .Broadway 1732. Oregon Motors, Inc., Chandler and Cleveland distributors. ol wasn- ington. near Burnside. BRAND new Essex touring; gone only 400 miles: owner leaving for East and must .sell; will make big sacrifice for quick action; car can oe seen at Port land Auto Sales. 125 Lownsdale at., cor. Washington. Open evenings and Sundays. CHANDLER 7-P. ' REBUILT. REPAINTED Looks Like New. $500. At 350 Burnside. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 1921 FORD touring, In fine mechanical condition; has Remey ignition system. hock absorbers, bumpers, speedometer, motor-driven horn, other extras, at $400; some terms. Phone Tabor 7781. CAN YOU BEAT IT 7 CHANDLER CARS $350 at TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 350 Burnslde. 7-PASSENGER STUDEBAKER In fine repair; looks good; upholstering fine; new top, extra tire; certainly very reasonable; cash or terms for quick sale. Tabor 2885. 266 E. 37th st OWNER must sell late Chevrolet touring, mechanically perfect, 5 new tires, li cense, tools; will sacrifice for cash. Call owner. East 8954. 1918 MAXWELL, new top, newly painted, . in fair shape; will consider trade for Ford coupe or touring, paying or tak ing difference. F 811, Oregonlan. BY OWNER, Reo touring; this car in fine condition ; completely overhauled; five good tires; new top and side cur tains; $350. Atwater 2447. 1921 FORD COUPE Sacrifice; take good piano, phonograph or diamond; reasonable terms. 166 10th et Main 2820, CHANDLER TOURING $350 At 350 Burnside. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 350 Burnside. PREMIER touring, 1919 model, perfect shape; price is right Mr. Fuson, East 8954, or see car at garage, 9th and Couch sts. CHANDLER CHUMMY $350. At 850 Burnside. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 350 Burnside. REO SIX, perfect condition, at very low price, from private owner. Call Tabor 3702 MUST sacrifice a brand-new Lexington Six, never driven; terms considered. 632 Morrison at Broadway 5878. LATE 1918 Ford roadster, absolutely per fect shape; real bargain; must sell. Call Monday. Main 4306. ' FORD touring car, late 1917 model, com pletely overhauled. 102 E. 18th st. 1920 CHANDLER, good condition; will sell reasonable, Atwater ib&S, FOIt SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS, USED CARS. - 1919 Winton six, new paint, motor per fect; tires extra; Spanish Heather up holstering; has license..... $800 1919 Hudson speedster, 6 extra good tires; driven only 13,500 milejs. .$1100 1918 Hudson touring, T-pass., extra good throughout $950 1917 Velie touring, 5-pass $250 1919 Dixie Flyer touring, new paint 395 1917 D45 light 6 Bulck touring, new paint .' $425' 1918 Overland touring; a real good car $275 1919 Dort touring; extra good $325 1918 Chevrolet touring $195 Rebuilt Reo roadster, good motor and paint $150 Apperson touring; good tires and top; motor wonderful condition $125 1919. Dort touring, 2 new cords; car in good condition all the way.. $250 1916 Chevrolet tourlngyi $150 TRUCKS. 1920 i,-ton Oldsmoblle; pneumatlo cords; has dandy express body; li cense; has starter; this truck real value S550 1-ton Buick, pneumatic cords good; license; motor and body good.. $200 CARS TRADED. EASY TERMS. pen Sundays 9 to 8. Eves. Until 8:30. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. "Authorized ForVl Dealers." East 8118. . , 250 GALLONS OF GAS FREE. COME IN AND ASK US ABOUT IT. OLDSMOB1LE USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Oldsmoblle coupe $1400 Hupmobile touring ...... s.... 1000 Cadillac touring 10(10 Oldsmoblle touring B0 Oldsmoblle 7 pass 550 Allen touring 600 Bulck touring 4o0 Overland touring 400 Chalmers touring 800 Chevrolet 450 roadster S75 Maxwell touring 200 Studebaker chummy 200 Many other good bargains. Cash, terms or trade. Open Evenings and Sundays. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. Broadway and Couch St USED CARS. 1920 Ford sedan, lots of ex- tras 550 Chevrolet Baby Grand. 600 1919 Nash, cord tires, new naint . . . 750 600 900 600 2500 2100 525 1918 Nash, new paint.... 1921 Essex Nash club roadster. 1921 Apperson sedan 1921 Packard little 6 1921 Ford sedan PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th and Burnslde, Portland. Broadway 52L, HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER, '20 Studebaker special, 6-ras-senger. Everything best of con dition. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used-oar Dept., 341. Burnslde St. Broadway 0616. Near Broadway. ANNOUNCEMENT. Hlgdon & Bowyer will open a used Ford salesroom at 108 N. Broadway Monday, July 24. Will have complete line at special prices for opening week. Big cash paid for used lords. HIGDON & BOWYER. USED CAR DEALERS. 108 N. BROADWAY. 19M lust been overhauled: shock absorbers. Other extras, $450; terms. Walnut 4602. '.SAXON PARTS. ' QO tin- airlp. VsnAo-a for Little "4" $ 1 Each Seat Covers Saxon "6" , 10 , ro,,u t 20 Two Good Used Saxon "6s". . 150 Each TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 350 Burnsldo. m-" FVsir.x COACH, p.iiYinni.'ri with Miller cord tires, bumpers front and rear, and about $'00 worth of other extras; will take Ford truck or light delivery as part payment. Call E. laas or i noun- day ave. t4trii?. lijrh-t six: snap: my light six r.i in Al condition mechanically has seat covers; refinished with high o-mrtft varnish job: has some cord tiro,- a genuine sacrifice at $500 terms if required. Call Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 14tl, l!t"il ESSEX TOURING. ' Five cord tires, full set of- tools running same as when new: we give -vin on this car as on a new car ?: small -navment. balance easy pay ments: no brokerage. Murphy Motor Car Co., 514 Alder st. Auto. 013-Bl. -MIX Ford touring; good tires, good car. Walnut 4602. rr,T.m R a rpni hn.rsa.in: sDlendld Condi inn 'meohanleallv: uoholstered in brown Spanish leather; a sacrifice at $550: terms. Mr. Argo, Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Bdwy, 1460. COLE AERO EIGHT, mechanically per feet, tires splendid, new paint 1921 Hr-pnRoi Hee it: a genuine snap at $475 terms if necessary. Northwest Auto Co., corner 18th and Alder sts. Bdwy 140. im hh evrolet 4-90 roadster. clmnce to pick up one of those little fellows at $27n, on easy terms. L. Y, BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave at 8th. East 0720. $150. FORD TOURING. TERMS. WALN UT 460-, 6-CYLINDER Packard, in Al shape; gOOU, UilBUit" l-", 1 v.. v"'"' ' ly new; '22 license; must sell Sunday or Monday. $480 takes it 432 Haw thorne. East 8226. 1018 CHEVROLET TOURING Excellent shape mechanically and fine appearance, just repainted, 5 good tires; $200 cash or terms. "Call Sell. 3166. 1920 FORD touring, mechanically per fect, lust being overhauled: new top. good tires: a real buy for $325. Tabor 7781. ; - symppK-ROOTH roadster. $125 down, $21.60 for 8 mos., or $275 cash. Call Main 1939, Anderson. Monday, after P. M. STUDEBAKERS. Fours and Sixes Fine Shape. For $350 At 850 Burnslde. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. l NEW 1922 Chevrolet touring car. Just broken in, run less than 1S00 miles iam e-rtrn. tire: owner going Into bus! ness and needs the money. Tabor 7781. man RIIICK roadster; 6 cord tires: $12. In extra equipment; in fine shape every way. Call Bdwy. 1130. Monday or Tuesday and ask for Mr. Knox. FORD, late '2L practically new; shocks, standard gear shift, Alemlte system and starter; sacrifice, $875. Main 1693. 1920 FCRD coupe," good condition, my equity $250, bal. $120 at $20 per mo. Call Main 4436. COLE 6; first-class condition, cheap. Merrill's Automotive Service Garage, 380 Flint St. Phone East 7165. STUTZ, 6-passenger, 16-valve motor; reasonable price. Call 191 Grand ave. East 6319.. ' "- HUDSON, 5-passenger; bargain at $475. Call at 191 Grand ave. East 6319. MAXWELL touring; a real bargain, $275, easy terms. 30 Grand ave. N. 1918 PAIGE for sale cheap; terms. 520 Brooklyn st cash or 1918 DODGE In fine condition. Tabor 2435 week days. 4-CYL. 6-pass. Franklin, Bosch mag., $60, or trade. East 1705. 404 E. Morrison. CHEVROLET delivery; good shape; new ly painted, t5. Tabor 6603. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. "RIDB IN A BETTER OAR." "BUY A GUARANTEED RE BUILT CAR FROM A RE LIABLE FIRM." Look over the following list of unusual values; 1918 HupmobUe 630 1919 Nash 875 3i)20 Chandler dispatch ... 050 1920 Paige light six 950 1920 Paige, sport 1000 1920 Cole &r sport 1-00 191$ Hupp 25 1919 Paige sport 975 1919 Oakland 500 1921 Ford sedan 530 Easy terms and your old car taken in trade. It pays to buy a. used car ou the C. & G. company system, which means: 1. A written guarantee. 2. A-full week's trial. 3. One price to all and that the lowest. 4. Permanent Interest In pur chaser and his car. This system has established the confidence in the used car business which it " rightly de serves, when conducted In tills manner. Open Sunday and Evenings ; Until 8:30 P. M. COOK & GILL CO.. INC. PAIGE and JEWETT DISTRIB UTORS. 891 Burnslde St.. cor. 9th. Phone Broadway 775L A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. W. B. De LAY MOTOR COMPANY. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE), BUY ONE OF OUR REBUILT CARS AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE, t For eight years we have been sell ing the used cars traded In on new Velie and Peerless cars to the people of Oregon and Washington. A list nntoinini- the names of thousands or .t!iflort owners is evidence of our successful selling methods. Tno-A la a s-nnd used car In our stock for you, priced low and sold on terms you can meet Tnsneot. our stock of rebuilt oars today." 1917 Ford touring, law price. 1918 Dodge toijring, finest shape. 1915 Oakland touring, only $325. 1918 Velie six, touring, rebuilt. V. 1921 Velie six touring, hardly used, 1918 Premier touring, rebuilt 1918 Overland "60." a fine car. 1917 Maxwell touring, only $175. 1916 Reo six touring, good car. 1919 Velie six chummy, fine car. MANY OTHERS OPEN SUNDAY. W. R, DB LAY MOTOR COMPANY. Distributors Velie and Peerless. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. Phone Broadway 3121. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway at Davis. GOOD USED CAR BUYS. GOOD COMPANY BACK OF THEM. . In buying used cars you have to take into consideration two things the condition of the au tomobile and the stability of the company you do business with, THINK THIS OVER, We invHe you to visit our used car department when looking for a GOOD used car. We can sat .isfy you In every particular as to price, size and make Tf auto mobile, and above all else as to our stability. THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK. COME EARLY. AND AVOID THE RUSH. THINK! NEW SERIES OVERLAND TOURINGS, $695. . Delivered at Portland. WTLLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway 3535. TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW LOCATION d:M uumpiae. We Have Reduced CHANDLERS. STUDEBAKERS, PATTERSONS, CHALMERS. To $350 Each. Can You Beat It? TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 350. Burnside. nnnr.H tourine car. practically new, 1922 tvne. oversize cora tires, iwu bumpers; S825. Call Tabor 815 want touring par. will trade $350 dia mond r ng ana some casn. issm i 1912 6-36 4-PASS. Pierce-Arrow, good shape. $550. sellwooa i. Automobiles Wanted. r.ARS wanted to wreck; all parts for less. Hodes Auto -arts uo.. o- j-iuer, corner 16th. Broadway aw. DODGE wanted, late model, cash; own ers only. B18 East morrison St., eve nings. wanted Ford touring car with start er, must have good motor ana iirest Walnut 3520. -inn. CASH for best Ford I am offered l neea a car anu men.! uuBmeoa. v i-. Blazler, Route 5, Oregon juy. MY EQUITY In corner, change for Ford car. evenings 1-04x11-. Walnut 8512, r.ASH for all makes of cars; condition n object. 414 Gllsan, woodyard. Broad way 293. WiYT late model Chevrolet or Ford will give 50x100 lot on 74th and Halsey In payment. laoor nHi am LEAVING cttv. will trade all part of hlgh-grade furniture for au lomooiie. mum o i i. WILL pay cash for Chevrolets and Fords. L. x. BlljL,lliji-irj x -awnjiv Hawthorne Ave at 8th. East 0720. WILL accept touring car as payment on irrigated land on Mt Hood loop. Auto, 824-28. AUTO wanted In exchange for some good gentle work hjorses. Route , Box 165, Orchards, Wash. WILL pay top cash price for your Ford, any model, nring it to ouu wasumg ton st., at 19th. WANTED To trade, light roadster, first-class shape, for B-pasaenger tour ing car. 4o -eimont. WANTED Light used touring car; would do carpenter work' as part payment. AP 815. oregonlan. WTT.T. PAY cash for Ford touring roadster from private party; no deal ers. Call E. 8849. TAKE good auto as part payment on best 2t acres wicn ouutunBs t i igara Balance cash or termB. jjgiP're woo. WANTED- 1922 Ford runabout; must be in good condition; win pay casn. 801, Oregonlan. WILL trade clear Portland lot and cash for 1921 or 1922 sedan or coupe, -AH 807. Oregonlan. mvE or lltfht 7-rjass.. nearly new auto. Not run over 5000 miles, late modeL Phone Atwater aa-i. WANTED A light car as part payment on little buick six in iirst-ciass snape. BD 812, uregonian. NEED 12 used Fords at once; will pay cash for any model. 181-3-5 Grand at Yamhill St. E. 0471. Del Wright LIGHT car first payment on 100x100, cor. 66th and Sacramento; might con stder acreage, walnut a.si. A 13-PLATE, 6 volt storage battery for 8-cyllnder car. iast looz. WILL install new Colonial- furnace light car. East 4854. DEAD STORAGE $4 per month, bldg. 120 Union N LOT 60x100 In St Johns, will trade for good automoDlie. aj) ova, uregonian. CASH for used cars. Commerce bldg. 515 Chamber of EXCHANGE piano for light car. have you? 409 Sacramento st. FORD SEDAN, 1921 OR 1922. AH 813, OREliUM IAIN. CASH paid for all makes. 6 and 7 Grand avenue Nortn. FRANKLIN sedan, will trade Franklin touring. Tabor 1809. FORD coupe, no dealers. 1920 ..or '21, good shape wal-mit niTi. SEE "My Loss Your Gain" under ness Opportunities." WANT used Ford, starter and demount- ables prererrea. u 813, uregonian. 11 ROOMS, good furniture, take car payment -wast 4854. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES I will pay cash for late-model cars of popular make, one or' any number. If you have left your car with some firm to sell, go and get it. Bring It here and get the cash In your hand. Want the following makes. Bulcka. Dodges, Fords, Maxwells, Chevrolet OJd3 fours, open or closed. We are al ways open, day or evenings, and we pay cash. Phone Auto. 613-67. Call 16CU and. Alder sts. MURPHY MOTgR CO. WANTED An auto as a part payment on a modern o-room bungalow: tnis bungalow has all the conveniences that could be desired in a home, is situated 1 block from school: all Im provements in and paid; Hawthorne district. For particulars call East 4617. ' - CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL LIGHT AUTO. 8S0 ALDER STREET. TAKE- auto as first Payment on com hi.ned fountain, confectionery and lunch; west-!de corner: fully estab lished: lease: income $1000 to S1250 monthly: exnense $300: price 83000; unincumbered. Owner. BC 808. Ore- gonlan bo YOU want to sell your car? We have customers waiting for modern cars ai today's prices. Call and see us, or phone Bdwy. 4374, Portland Auto Sales, 125 Lownsdale streel, cor. of Wash ington. WANTED FOR CASH. Either a Ford, Chevrolet or Over land sedan, must be In first-class con dition and cheap; give full information, price and condition in first letter. AB 806. Oregon Ian. WANT late model Dodge touring car. Will pay cash, but expect real good buy. Call 300 Oregonlan bldg. do you Want to sell your car? We have customers waiting for modern cars at today's prices. Call and see us, phone Broadway 43 li. roruanu Autp Sales, 125 Lownsdale st, corner of Washington. WILL trade new Mandol grafonoia with records, valued at $1T3, ana pay casu difference of $75 for good Ford tour ing car or Ford roadster. SO Grand ave. N. WANTED To buy from original owner. first hands. Ford touring car, isi m 1921 model, latest equipments; must be a bargain. Phone or write A. G. Hoffman. Forest Grove. Or. wa'TR,i Ijite model roadster or 4- passenger used car. Must oe mecnan lcally right; will pay $150 monthly and give mortgage on $1800 furniture as Bfcuruy. Fhone Auto. ,i.i'-ia. JUST outside of city limits, a good cow and equity In a -lot louxioo, io iraue for light car, a Ford preferred; must be in a-ood shape. Geo. Sellers, box 395, route 2, Mllwankie, Or, WANTED Good Ford, will trade 10 acres in Yamhill county, ltn anu ITtnnio avenue. blncka south of Tre- mont station. Mount Scott car. L, J. Moyer. TlAW: 11:11 afrps. Raker county, vai snilfl- Incumbrance sis HI. Que in ur years: want good late-model touring or sedan in good condition; might pay. some cash. Walnut 12il. WANTED A Ford roadster or bug with top: must have starter and oein gooa ninnlne order: will nay $100. M. B. Badger. Box 464, Vancouver. Wash. ITQUITY In new seven-room thoroughly modern home in nigniy reauiLru. close-in district for good late model car. Phone East 2760 or At. 0435. WILL trade lot. value $200, on 86th st notwpen Mart son and Main, lor goou Ford: will elvo some cash. Tabor 8375 Monday wiMTPn Ford or other light car, gentleman s diamond ring in excnangn or part payment: value $175. 677 65th st. and Sandy blva. Mmaay. WE YVKKCK. THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no odjcce. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., THIRD AND GLISAN. SUNNYS1DE corner, fruit, garage; close to car: value $900. to exchange lor auto: give or take difference. East :-i'.m.-i. $1030 EQUITY Rose City new and mod ern DUTlgaiOW, lor late nimiei ttuiuiii-j-bile. Call Automatic 329-10 Sunday nd evenings. Week days Tabor 8289. HAVR $1350 baby grand Knabe piano, almost new: will escnange tor late model automobile or real estate. Ca: Main 3754. CARS wanted to wreck; parts lor all cars for less. S & s. Auto wrecking Co.. loth and Aliler. Bdwy. 636. WILL trade 11HS Indian motorcycle and sidecar, electric equipment, reoorea and overhauled, for Ford. Tabor 8014 WANT touring car. with trade $350 dia mond ring and some casn. iast iooo. Motorcycles. 1923. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Are here and on display. -12 new features. Prices reduced. Now. Was. $510 1923 61-Inch elec. model. 1923 74-lnch. elec. model ..$345 .. 370 435 Terms one-third cash, balance 8 months. BUY NOW. The first carload nearly all sold now. The above price ie here f. o- fc. Portland. USED MACHINES Reduced accordingly. On your own terms. Too now have the opportunity to get a world's famous Harley-Davldson motorcycle at half the price you would have paid a year ago. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., Harley-Davldson Service Center. 200 3d st. comer Taylor. -Main 7889. REAL BUYS. Indian Scout, like new. full equip ment $200 Harley side car 76 1921 Cleveland, only 90 1919 Harley, A-l shape 160 1919 Excelsior, like new.......... 125 EASY TERMS. APEX BICYCLE CO., 457 Williams Ave. East 1480. " $100. W.i '-fljn't -Seat ithis. 3-STeed Excel slor, Just thoroughly overhauled; dream tandem: absolutely not jun- a aem onstratlon will convince. I need the money. Walnut 0864. EXCEI-3IOR motorcycle 1 will give someone the best buy on the best mo torcycle in town; come and see it Cook & Gill, Inc., Paige and Jewett dealers, 9th and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 7751. GREAT BARGAIN. 19118 Indian electric twin tandem: new tires. No. 4 2d st in working hours? Sundays and evenings phone East SHOW. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson motor cycle and sidecar, fully equipped, late 1919, $195 cash. Call Main 3783, room 2, Monday morning: INDIAN scout. 1921, tandem, 3 spots, A. B. C. generator, like new. Sell or trade for light car or as first payment 4f.O Holladay. East 7-559. 1919 EXCELSIOR motorcycle, in good shape; $50 down, balance easy pay ments. Total price $125. 87 N. 12th street. ' 1919 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, $200; Just overhauled; generator and battery; terms. T. McDonald, 191 Grand ave. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle side car in A-I condition, $100. Sandberg, 374 Wasco st. East 7445. $60 HARLEY-DAVIDSON bicycle, first class condition; $30. 289 East 73d N. or Tabor 7471. HARLEY-DAVIDSON and side car, run 6000 miles electrically equipped; like new. C. Van Pelt, East 3770. DATE 1919 electric Harley motorcycle and sidecar for $200; A-l condition. Call Automatic B20-40. HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1920 motorcycle, In good condition, $175; terms; less for cash. 609 N. Jersey St., St. Johns. WANTED Light weight motorcycle. Call at 6210 5Sth ave. S. E. Sunday. 1918 HARLEY, $80. Call Meyer at Bdwy. 6655, 9 to 10 A. M. week days. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 Third St. Main 6189. FOR SALE A speed Phone Tabor 7248. X motorcycle. SLIGHTLY used Indian motorcycle for tale. 363 N. 19th, 1919 CLEVELAND, $75; terms: Presto, new paint: overhauled. Tabor 8014. FOR SALE 1922 Harley Davidson in Al condition. Call East 7291. DAYTON motorcycle for sale, cheap, 1122 to E. 301U st, N., . FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles. ACE- 4-CLINDER MOTORCYCLES DROP IN PRICE $100. Making the new electrically equip ped machine $385 f. -0. b. Portland. In line with this reduction on nev machines we are reducing all prices or used motorcycles -correspondingly. W have a number of used Harleys, In dians. Excelsiors, Hendersons, Read ings and Clevelands, which we will sel. for cash or on liberal terms. BUT A MOTORCYCLE) FOR $25 DOWN. BALANCE BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. ACE-, CLEVELAND. READINO STANDARD AGENCIES. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44-46 Grand Avenue. INDIAN MOTORCYCLES. GET OUR NEW PRICKSk Several used machines: Excel siors, Hendersons, Harley-Davtd-eons and other makes .for sale at our cost. All the above are In good order and ready to go. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BI CYCLE CO., Main 6139. 209 3d St 1918 INDIAN and sidecar, electrio equip ment, Just rebored and overhauleO $225 terms, or will trade for Ford Jabor El4. Auto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE. 1 32x4 Wire wheel. 2 32x4 Perfection cord tires. 132x4 U. S. fabric tire. Used but little. E 819, OREGONIAN. ONE COMPLETE set of automobile me chanic tools, cnesi. vva.,,-. -bf-tween 7 and 9 P. M. 4 30x3 TIRES, 6 tubes and 2 wheels, onb $10, or exchange tor Phone TabortS6 ONE 6-volt battery, 11-plate, $10. East 18th .st. WANTED Set of wire wheels; also gen erator for 1-ora. -asi -o-ii. BATTERY, six volt, bargain. $4 cash Front St. Garage, i-an lor in. Automobiles tor Hire. YOUNG man with new high-grade five- passenger touring car wnose em mo ment leaves him. at leisure in the morn ing of one day and afternoon of tni next would like employment for him self and car, driving for private part; or for coin, men by day. week o; month. Mr. Cook, at B. 7737. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or wlthou. drivers Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3698. Remember our number. Bdwy. 3696. vbw CARS FOR RENT without drivers. Roadsters and tour ing cars $1.50 per hour and up. Ore gon Used Car Exchange, 325 Glisan bat -Mroadway and t'.th. Bdwy. 5o9. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St. Broadway 840. 6-CYLINDER. 5-PASS BUICK 'HIRE WITH DRIVER. BDWY. FOR 354- FORD, $1.50 per hour, any time. Phone Mam S4B8. ites.. cmi. -iuo. For fgxclmnge Automobiles. WANTED, your light touring or roadstc in exchange for my Chalmers 6 tour ing. Bring to 294 East 32d Sunday. Ta bor 4024. WOULD like to trade my houseboat fo: - .mail car: anyone desiring a house ..boat should investigate Sunday. T East 4114 Mcuonaia. iui wanu ave. FOR BALE or trade for a Ford tourmp car; 1 Fuller & Johnson gas engine, 15 h. p., on truck, in good shape. M. G Godwin, Scotts Mills, Or. 1915 HUP roadster, good mechanically, trade for cabinet phonograph and rec ords; even up if good. The very car for that outing trip. 1599 E. Stark. FOR SALE OR TRADE Reo 5-passenger touring car. Want 1-ton Fort, truck or a light delivery car Ad dress E. S. Marvin. Woodland, Wash HIVE 1918 Studebaker sedan, perrec condition; will exchange for real estate or anything of equal value. Call At water 2358. MY LEXINGTON thoroughbred six. per fect condition, fully equipped, for dia riionds or real estate. E 820. Orego nlan. SWAP my Buick for your Ford or Chevrolet with starter. Broadway 6652. LIGHT 5-passnger automobile to ex change for piano or diamond. Phone Atwatf-r 0o2tl. WANTED A light truck; will tradr some good young work horses. Route 1, Box !'.;:, urcnarus, va-ii- WILL trade Chalmers touring car tor small trucK, roaasier, iim-u u c. estate. Tabor 0760. TO EXCHANGE One practically new 30 H. P. G. A 1. c. tractor lur truck. AV 311. oregonlan. 191S BUICK 4, express, trade for l'ora roadster, vranson s. --u oiim FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FEDERAL TRUCK BARGAIN b. 3H-ton chassis, new, 12-lnch tires. This truck Is like new, no reasonable offer refused. This won't last long. 1-ton Diamond T, chassis and cab. 1921 model, new tirea This Is the best buy In Oregon. Your ofier may be our price. lt4-ton Federal. SVi-ton Federal, $950: Lee trailers. See Mr. Stoner. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. Broadway and Davis st Bdwy. 321. LOGGING TRAILERS AND LUMBER TRAILERS. All kinds, all sixes, new or used. f WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC.. 200 Second St, corner Taylor. FOR 8ALE Ford truck. 1921 model, with house for traveling; will accom modate four people; a regular palace car; will make a good school bus or Jitney, or will sell body separate. T. Young. Route 8, Box 21, Vancouver, Wash. , 3V. -TON WINTHER and log haul; $1000 will handle or take house and lot In trade; 2-ton Atterbury, with log haul. Close In. This Job will pay fOT the truck. Western Oregon Fageol Co., 53 4th st. Room 0. TRUCK SALE Al makes, all slzea, &U prices, all descriptions; we have Just the truck you want at the price you want to pay. See us. Easy terms. Northwest Auto Co.. corner 18th and Alder. Bdwy. iwi- ONE NEW IV. -ton and one slightly used 2W.-ton Day Elder truck at sacrifice prices for quick sale by finance com- . ,,- YT,H Mill pany; terms. t WE SELL new ana usea truc: u makes and models; H price shi trade, terms. Call 191 Grand. East 6319. MACK dump and logging truck. 8H and 6 tons, completely overhauled and guar anteed same as new. Phone Jensen, Brlwy. OnOl. evening Atwater 0183. PACKARD 2-ton, 1920 license and all complete, at a dirt cheap price. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691, evening Atwater 01S3. . TWO 5-ton trucks with il-feetx&l-lnch, dump bodies; easily changed Into wood or garbage bodies. Call Woodlawn 1583 after 5:80 P. M. G.M.C. 1-TON body and license, $450. Phone Jensen, uwj. ireui, e,.s water 01M. ONE-TON Maxwell truck, new rubber. In good condition; will consider trade, or sell on easy terms. 30 Grand ave. N. FOR SALE Used Dodge delivery truck in good condition. r or paiui;ui ply at office of public library. MASTER lV4-ton, license and new tires all arouna lor oou. . muiiH jiu, Bdwy. 0691. evening Atwater Olgit. jpfON LOGGING and lumber trailer, with bunks; A-l condition; must sell this week, cheap by owner. Tabor 8808. FOR SALE Truck, Stoner engine and wood saw or will trade for light car. Atwater 1442. 1046 Corbett st. FOR SALE Brand new Beck H4-ton truck price. Perfection Tire Co., 10th and Stark sts. TO TRADE for Portland real estate, 3 V. -ton truck, excellent condition. Main 1492 GMC 2-TON truck, fine condition; will consider trade, or sell on easy terms. 30 Grand ave. N. RUN KflOO MILES. Selden 2-ton truck. $1200. Bdwy. 7291. Ask for Boyle. Call WHITE -ton delivery, in good me chanical condition; good rubber, $450. Tabor 5WI3. FOR SALE or trade. Main 619JK Republic tractor. WHITE and Mack chain drive trucks. 614 Front Atwater 3040. 6-TON Packard truck; bargain at $575. Call at 191 Grand ave. East 6319. DUMP BODY and hoist for sale; excel lent condition. Main 1492. TRAILER for 8. or 5-ton truck, good condition. $425. East 7299. 2-WHEEL trailer, almost new; make me an offer. 240 Grand ave. 2V.-T0N Den by, cheap. Bob Cp-rgeoa. &t J123. , . '...'