The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 23, 1922, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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tions taken1 by the strike' leaders
and by the executives ,ot. fhe rail
roads, with whom the b'feird has
dealt. This was supplemented by
the three republican senators, who
themselves went overissues in the
controversy with heads of -eastern
railroads in a meeting in Washing
ton this week.
Labor Wants National Ad
justment Board. .
Irregulars Known to -Have
Lost Many, Men. i
Prlscilla Bean Feels 'Whole Lot
Wickeder Than in Short One.
Discontinuance of Contracting of
Shop Work Is Another '
Principal Issue.
President Harding spends
most of the day conferring
with Ben Hooper, chairman of
the United States railroad la
bor board and members of
senate committees on: the rail
way strike, but no course of
'action is made public.
Secretary of Labor Davis
confers with W- L. McMeni
men of the labor board and
B. M. Jewell and other strike
leaders at Mooseheart, 111., to
obtain all possible informa
tion on the controversy.
Agreements between the'
roads and employes prevents
strikes of 7300 clerks, freight
handlers, station and express
employes on the Chicago &
Northwestern railway and
4000 on the Big Four.
The railroad labor board
will be asked to arbitrate
wage differences between the
Michigan Central and 9000
maintenance of way employes,
it Is announced.
A committee representing
the "big four" brotherhoods
complained to Senator Cum
mins that engines and train
equipment are getting in poor
order and possibly in a dan
gerous condition.
Eastern railroads - plan to
form company unions, L. F.
Loree, chairman of the east
ern presidents' conference of
railway executives.announced.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased "Wire.)
CHICAGO. July 22. "Long skirts
make you feel a lot wickeder than
short ones," said Priscilla.Dean, who
arrived from Los Angeles today
wearing a bewildering gown, that
reached to her ankles, but ' 50 or
more slits reaching from the hem to
the knee gave a fairly good Work
ing idea of what she was wearing in
the way of pumps and. stockings.
miss ve&n sam sne wouia hko to
'work in Chicago, but she is to star
in a very wicked crook" play.
"I did think at first that maybe
they would pick Chicago as the lo
cation, but-they told me this was a
terribly wicked picture and only
New York would give the right at
Two Women Jump to SaJety . as
Auto Upsets Near Clatskanle.
CLATSKANIE, Or, Jul 22. (Spe
cial.) Two women jumped" to safety
ana if. m.. iopKins - oi .zsirftemeia.
the driver, eufferea a broken leg
when the mail stage of the Clats-kanle-Mlst
star route ran into a
ditch and overturned near here today.
The accident happened when the
driver ran too close to the ditch
in an effort to reach a mail box.
The women who were in the stage
were Mrs. Thorn Badney and Mrs.
Louis Birkenfeld, both of Birken-
feld. The injured driver was taken
to Portland for medical attention.
CHICAGO, July 22. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Three principal is
sues now prevent a possible settle-
". ment of the railway shopmen's
strike, B. M. Jewell, head of the
railway employes department of the
American Federation of Labor said
in a statement tonight. These is
sues, he said, are found in the re
fusal of the rail executives to (1)
discontinue contracting work; (2)
to establish a national board of ad-
:. justment; and (3) to continue sen
iority rights of employes who sus
pended work.
"The responsibility for increasing
losses to the railroads, to the com
, munities they serve and to the wage
earners upon the' railroads and
elsewhere through continuance of
the present suspension of work,"
the statement said, "rests now
plainly upon the association of rail
way t executives and particularly
upon that small but dominating
group representing the New York
banking interests."
" Board, Decision Violated.
Pointing out that the railroad
- labor board has decided against the
; practice of contracting railroad
work in certain cases, Mr. Jewell
, asserted that the Erie railroad, the
; New York Central and its sub
sidiaries including the Indiana Har-
i bor Belt line, the Michigan Central
; and the Big Four and the Western
i Maryland road have all contracted
, out shop work.
"Manyi other roads," the statement
. said, "have followed the same prac
; tice and always with the purpose
and result ot reducing wages, evad
'. ing decisions of the labor board, de-
grading working conditions and at
tacking the employes organiza-
'i tiona ,
The contract issue is the only one
of the three issues on which a strike
vote was taken which Mr. Jewell's
statement today said held up a pos
Bible settlement. The other two
strike issues were wages and work
ing rules, it having been virtually
agreed at conferences that these
matters could ie submitted to the
,, labor board for a rehearing. The
seniority and adjustment board is
sues have been brought up since
tne stnkestarted.
National Boards Wanted.
Appealing or national adiustmen
boards to decide disputes, Mr. Jewell
said that the association of railway
executives opposed such boards for
the purpose of "deliberately" over-
, loading tne labor board.
k , Employes desire one national
. board, the statement said, "becaus
r shop work conditions are practically.
, tne same everywnere, uniform na
tional rules have been promulgated
Dy tne labor board, uniform inter
, pretation of such rules is desirable
and intermediate boards will create
inharmonious rulings and regional
- i Boards would impose duplication an
Military Experts Suggest Joint
Attack on City by Sea
and Land 1'orees. .
(Chicaeo Tribune ForeiKn News Service.
Copyright, 1922, by the Chjpago Tribune.)
DUBLIN. July 22. Hard fighting
marked the taking of Limerick by
the national forces. The irregulars'
casualties are indefinite, but it is
known that 20 were Killed and many
wounded at the Strand barracks
alone. The total national losses
were six killed and 20 wounded.
Sixty irregulars "were taken pris
oner, 'the others escaping.
The nationals attacked at 11
o'clock Thursday morning, throwing
35 shells into, the Strand barracks
and then storming them. Next the
nationals took St. John's castle and
(Continued From First Pape.)
men responsible, wbo at that time
were endeavoring, to appease the
drivers of the damaged machines.
Two to Be Courtmartlaled.
After they were Incarcerated in
jail staff officers, from the army
post hurried to Portland and took charge, turning them over
to the military authorities. The case
will come up in 'court tomorrow aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock. 1 ' - --.
Captain Harris at the time had his
arm in a sling duet to a broken col
lar-bone which he suffered several
weeks ago. -1 ; .V
The staff officers from Vancouver
said while at. police- headquarters
that, regardless of the outcome of
the case in municipal court, Captains
Lynch and Harris will have to face
courtmartial for their conduct.
(Continued From First Page.)
local photographer. He agrees
with Konti.
Number three, is a local newspa
perman, name not given. He shakes
his head, refers to his notebook
spells out both Grek names and lets
ii go ai. mat.
Number four is Albert Millard, su
perintendent of Greystone. He is
merely the guardian angel.
No one of the opposing faction
has seen the statue. But this fac
tion recalls a certain historic re
mark of one P.- T. Barnum, and it
does not propose to" enter the select
class the circus man referred to. It
winks, smiles. nd wants to be
shown. It levins to the theory that
the statue already had ealered the
road-ballast category, having been
tossed in by the owner of the estate.
(Continued From First Page.)
mill s plant at Prescott will not
run beyond $375,000 was the opinion
expressed last night by Otto Ket
tenbach, one of the officials of the
company. Details of the fire' had
not been received by local officials.
. The fire will have little effect on
operations of the company, Mr. Ket-
tenbach added. Just how much
grain was in the mill at the time of
its destruction was unknown to of
ficials here.
The Prescott fire is the second
serious blaze In the company's mills
in the past six months. In Febru
ary the local cereal mills at East
First and Washington streets was
damaged by a fire.
General debate begun on the
wool schedule of the tariff
bill, Walsh, democrat, Massa
chusetts, speaking at length
in opposition. Lenroot, repub
lican, Wisconsin, will offer
amendment fixing maximum i
duty in wool schedule at ftO
per cent ad valorem instead
. of ranging up to 137 per cent.
simultaneously assaulted the ord
nance barracks, where a fire had
broken out.
The irregulars holding other
buildings set them on fire and then
retreated through tunnels to con
necting positions.
aAf ter the fall of Limerick about
3000 irregulars who were Daseo on
the town moved southward.
At the close of a hard but sue
cessful week, the efforts of the
Irish troops are confined princi
pally to consolidating the number
of important positions won and
continued activity of motor patrols.
A week-end lull is not unlikely be
fore the march southward Is re
sumed, where Cork continues to be
the main objective.
Military, experts point out that
the conquest of Cork would be at
tained more quickly and easily and
with less destruction of. property
and with fewer casualties if a Joint
attack from land and sea were
made, as the harbor offers no par
ticular difficulties to a landing
Boats . already have participated
in two operations of the nationals.
One was the attack on Inch island,
and the other was when a few
shells were fired from the river
Shannon on the irregular positions
in Limerick. Therefore the use of
boats in the more important opera
tions in the south would not be sur
prising. Rebel Forces Inferior.
. A general defeat for the irregu
lars in south Ireland is regarded
now as certain in army quarters. In
numbers and ' fighflng equipment
they are declared to have proved
inferior to the national army forces,
whose competently handled artillery
has been able to dislodge the in
surgents from any position they oc
cupied. ,
"Apparently the irregulars have
made Clonmel their headquarters
after their retreat from Limerick
and conflicts are considered possi
ble there, as well as at Mallow and
Fermoy. Though they hold Cork
city, their force there is not be
lieved- to be a strong one.
Japanese Chemist Bead. -'
NEW YORK. July 22. Dr. Jokichl
Takamine, , prominent Japanese
chemist, died in Lenox Hill hospital
shortly .before noon today after an
illness of .several weeks. Dr. Taka
mine, producer of the dlastatic en
zyme "Takadlastase," and origina
tor of adrapalin, died of a compli
cated kidney disease from which h
had suffered for several months.
"Iiifer"Drops Dead, in Prison.
' OSSINING, N. Y July 22. Martin
Smith, who had served 1 years of a
lite sentence lor a murder committed
in Nassau county, dropped dead to-
unfair expense." day in- Sing Sing prison hose house
The threatened strike of. 7300 of heart disease. Smith' had never
cierKs on. the Chicago & Northwest
ern railway was settled today
through the efforts of W. L. McMen
imen, labor member of the labor
board, according to a formal an
nouncement tonight by J. H. Sylves
ter, vice-president, and G. A. Wor
rell, general chairman of the Broth
erhood of , Railway and Steamship
Clerks, Freighthandlers, Express and
Station Employes.
The settlement provides1 for the
re-establishment of past practices
on the road for. vacations, sick leave
and Saturday afternoon holiday with
no deduction in pay, provided, how
ever, there is no extra expense to
the company involved.
No Intimation Is Given of Presi
. dent's Conclusions.
WASHINGTON, D. V., July 22.
(By the Associated Press.) Presi
dent Haidlng spent eight hours to
' day in close study of the railroad
strike situation, but when his ac
, tivities were concluded there was
not the slightest intimation con
cerning conclusions reached or pos
Bible course of the administration
Ben v. Hooper, chairman of the
railroad labor board, was the presi
dent's chief informant, but a part of
the time senators cummins. Iowa
Watson of Indiana and Kellogg of
Minnesota, all republican members
of the senate interstate commerce
committee, were closeted with the
president and Mr. Hooper.. Later,
also. Senators UndeTwood and Pom-
erene, democratic members of the
same senate committee, saw the
president.- For these conferences all
the usual White House engagements
were set aside.
Mr. Hooper gave the president a
full account of every move that had
been made by the labor board since
the shop crafts men- walked out July
1 and further a view of the posi-
had a visitor call on him at the
prison during his term, which began
in 190S.
Renomination Is Declined. '
22. C. Bascom Slemp, representa
tive from the ninth Virginia district.
cnly. republican congressman from
that -state, today issued a definite
statement . declining the renomina
tion given him by the republican
state convention Thursday.
Convention Cities. Selected.'
CINCINNATI, July 22. Omaha' was
selected as the place for the meet
ing of the International Union of
Stereotypers and Electrotypers in
1923 and Atlanta in 1921 at the con
cluding session of the convention
today. .. .
Roast Spring
' Chicken
$x -
Served 5 to S P.M. J
You'll enjoy '"oar
dinner for today -Roast
Stuffed Spring;
Chicken, with Giblet
Gravy, also many
other good things. r
, 269-271 Morrison St.
A Pleasant Place to Dine
Masked Men Hold Up Traln7
-CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, July 22.
Three masked men, two of whom
were captured by ' soldiers today,
held up the Potos Mining com
pany's railroad train and robbed the
conductor of $250'0, according to
military authorities.
Rail Official. Dies.
DES MOINES, la., July 22.
Charles W. Jones, general manager
of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
lines north of Kansas City, died at
his home here tonight following an
illness of several months
Phone your want ads to The Ore
gonian. Main 7070. '
Greatest variety
Morrison sywtmnjisit, - Always Frtsh)
For almost - thirty , years'
this establishment has
made 'clothes for
Portland's best -dressed
' Hen's Tailora Est. 1883'
Diamond Specialist
348 Washington Street
"Furniture With Richness Unexcelled Quality You've a Right to Expect
"yOUR, innermost thoughts of charmingly bright settings brought to
light. See those in the front window today. Particular, personal
attention was given this assemblage for the final and closing week of
"Edwards' Annual July Furniture Sale." Whether a houseful or a single
piece be selected at sale or regular prices, no additional charge is made
by Edwards' for holding until future delivery dates.
4 Fine Pieces to Match
Priced Now at
als Library Table with 42-mch
top and solid oak round arm Rocker
are , identical to illustration the ,
other Rocker and Chair have been
cnltd nnlr Arm Rocker
i nru " mi ........ " - -
and Baronial-brown Wicker Settee
adding much'tone to tha suite.
' 6-Foot Table and Six
Solid Oak Chairs
Hand-rubbed wax finish to match
the living room set mentioned above
at $58.75. Table has 45-inch dia
meter top and massive base Identi
cal to picture; Chairs are very sub
stantially built with saddle-shaped
seats securely reinforced against
the back posts.
Tggy- .
Lustered 0 1 d I v o r y
Enamel Suite of
5 Pieces
Pieces are very similar to illus
tration; corner Post Bed identical
to illustration, broad enamel side
rails not visible in illustration;
Triple Mirror Toilet Table, Chif
fonier, Chair and Rocker are quite
like the picture. Assembled in the
front window today..
3-Piece Outfit Com
plete Bed, Spring
and Mattress
Simmon's Continuous Post Bed in
ivory, white and V. M. (gold color),
square shaped (not diamond) high
riser steel Spring and 45-pound
felted cotton roll-edge reversible
Mattress with floral figure art tick.
Here's an Unusual
Value Table and
Six Chairs '
Queen Anne, the most lovable
and charming of all periods the
new oblong sha-pe top and the chairs
have cane panel backs and blue
genuine leather slip seats. Buffet
with full length plate mirror priced
now at $36.7o.
153 JBHUu
37.;. S v
v fk.lzizjf.S'!
This great store, recognized today as one of the foremost home
furnishing institutions -of Portland, brings to a close this week the
greatest month of July ever experienced. Over 40 vears have been
devoted to building up and promoting home interest with the fittingly
artistic During all these years, employes received uppermost thought,
too. This store has bien and will continue to be a. a real co-operative
Truck Drivers and Stock Room Workers Have a Pro
prietory Interest in Serving You Best. They, as
Well as the Salesmen, Buyers and Accountants
Receive a Share of the Entire Profits.
They'll Deem It a Privilege
to Serve You )
Full Web Construc
tion T apestry '
' Overstuffed
-Davenport, Chair and Rocker with
roil arms, distinctivety better look
ing than this illustration. Beside
web - construction and double
' strength spring front edge all loose
cushions are imbedded with coil
. springs. '
William and Mary
Period Table and
Six Chairs
Better looking than picture; 48
inch top Tables that open to six
feet; Chairs have the new blue
genuine leather slip seats and panel
Sacks (not slats.) These same
Tables and Chairs in' Jacobean oak
with brown leather seats also at
Mahogany Colonial
Suite, Three Beau
tiful Pieces
$ 107.60
Bed, Dresser and Chiffonier, quite
similar to illustration. You, like
many others since the price has
been Teduced. will be surprised and
pleased to know such fine pieces
as those can be had for so little
money. -
Charming Queen
Besauty in Silver
Tone and Walnut
Bow-foot Bed, Princess Vanity
and Chifforette, or the Bow-foot
Bed, Dresser and Chifforette. For
your convenience all the pieces are
in the front window today view
them as they'll appear in your home.
Windsor Breakfast
Set Table and
Four Chairs
Table has golden polished top and
flake white enamel base. In ap
pearance It surpasses, by far, this
illustration. The continuous post
back Chairs will, without question,
meet with, your full approval.
Mr. Scollard
Mr. Heilborn
Mr. Hamilton
Mr. Ormandy
Mr. Shaw
. Mr. Young
-Mr. West
-Mr. Seiberts
-Mr. Layne
-Mr. Pollock
Mr. McArthur
-Mr. Woltring
-Mr. Fox
1 Everything complete, 'including all
cooking utensils, dishes, silverware,
i draperies, rugs, lamps, etc.
i 1
I On One Account
I With only one initial cash pay-
1 ment, balance arranged to please
I your own personal and individual
I requirement. Edwards' does not 1
I charge interest.-elther.
Advance Rug News That's Pleasant As
Joyful Radio Flashes!
Two July-End Features
9x12 Seamless Axminster and Fine Wool 'Velvets;
actual $42.50 and $45.00 values. Your choice ffOC fin
of several new designs at '. 0JiUU
9x12 Linen Fringed Seamless Wilton Velvets; regu
lar tos.&u to ah tne Dest hh 1 1 1 1
patterns at
Fall siiipmi'nt of Anglo-Per
sian, Anglo-Kirman. Whittal's
T e p r a c. Karnack's, Imperial
Sarouk. Royal Herati. Temple
ton's Corona. Imported Scotch
Chenille and Marabia Wiltons.
Sizes 27x54. 36x63, 4.6x7.6, 6x9,
8.3x10.6. 9x12 and 9x15 feet.
The Grandest Selec
tion Ever Assembled
on the Second Floor
If your new home is not com
pleted, selections will be held
for future delivery without ad
ditional charge. . Present condi
tions point to a Wilton shortage
this fall. This sentence is not
here to scare you or try forcing
a sale, but merely facts, as Ed
wards' has been advised from
the eastern markets. It's for
you to decide about making
selections. The newest and best
are ready and await your inspection.
Tea Wagons
$23.95 and
Jacobean oak, walnut and
mahoganyT finishes; turned
.circle cuts and Queen Anne's
as well. All are equipped
' with silent swivel wheels, and
distinguished with July Furni
ture Sals Prices making this
a particularly opportune time
. to buy.
Gateleg Tables
$28.50 and
Beautiful turned-leg oval
and round top novelties
particularly clever for apart
ments and bungalows. Smart
and correct, if ' used in the
open room, by a window or
against the wall. Leg turn
ings are similar, not Identical,
to the illustration.
Spinet Desks
$53.75 to
$79.50 .
An exceptionally clever
collection of new and nifty
mahogany Spinets. Not any
piece of furniture will add
that snap of smartness to
your reception hall or
living room like a Spinet.
Spare a moment or two
this week and examine
those on the first floor,
Just inside the door.
K I l'.BWffl l" ISi"$
The'Stay SatisfactorRaige
The Newest Monarch
Production, Set Up and
Connected Complete With
Water and Gas ' -
This six-fire-top "Model Kitchen" Range,
built entirely of malleable iron and heavy
" plate steel, and taking up only 36-inch floor
space, has been a most timely arrival for
present-day home-builders. Peculiar as it
may seem, nearly every bungalow an
apartment home built recently has very
limited "range space."
yyjijjjtHiS "tayrTerms - Ho Merest