The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 23, 1922, Section One, Image 1

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Pages 1 to 20
98 Pages
Nine Sections
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Postofflce as Second-Class Matter.''
$375,000 BLAZE
. w
II ILAttO LLLU I lull ,
NwTfc. III III ill 111 III III 111 HI II
Contest for Control of
House Impends.
Outlook as Hazy to Parties
as to People.
Business Improving, but Sinistei
Possibilities for All Concerned .;
Are Seen in Strikes.
tCopyrlght by the New Fork 'Evening
Poet. Published by Arrangement.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. July 22.
(Special.) We are within six or
seven weeks of the time when the
democratic and republican parties
will be contesting before the public
for control of the lower house of
oongress. Just what will be the
issue or issues between the two
parties is not yet clear to the pub
lic or to the party leaders them
selves. Each party has its campaign com
mittee at work; each is soliciting
funds for the campaign (with rather
less success in the cases of both
parties than in the past, it may be
said, incidentally); each party has
official spokesmen who give out
utterances on various public ques
tions as they arise; but the repub
lican party has not formulated nor
crystallized the p-latform on which
it is to ask for a new lease o
power, nor has the democratic par
ty formulated or crystallized a plat
form on which it is to ask for a
transfer of power.
On the tariff there is a fairly clear
alignment between the parties. The
alignment of the democrats in oppo
sition to the present tariff bill is
rather more clear than the align
ment of the republicans in favor of
it. In other words, the democrats in
the senate will vote against the
present tariff bill more nearly sol
idly than the' republicans will vote
In favor of it.
Some Defection Likely.
" Wlhen the final vote comes on the
tariff, the only defections likely to
appear In the democratic ranks will
be from Louisiana and possibly one
or two iTom other states. For the
democratic eenators from Louisiana
to vote for a protective tariff has
little significance. They usually do
bo. On the republican side,
ever, there will be defections, lar
ger in number and more significant
in their character. These defections
may Include some surprising ones
from eastern states. Nevertheless,
in spite of these aberrations', the
alignment on the tariff will come
as close to composing a sharp and
definite issue between the two par
ties aa commonly occurs.
The question, ihoweyer is whether
there will be an equally sharp align
ment on the part of the public. The
bulk of the evidence provided by
members of the lower house of con
gress, who are now on vacations in
their borne districts, is that the pub
lic Is only Just beginning to show
much interest in the tariff.. So far
as this interest is being shown, it
follows the customary lines of
cleavage, although there is in New
England and the east a good deal
of opposition to the present tariff
among elementB who in previous
years have been counted on as the
stanchest supporters of republican
Convictions Yet Unformed.
The real question is whether the
public, by October, will have begun
to think and talk about the tariff
with sufficient vol-uma and intensity
of feeling to make it' a real cam
paign issue, capable of enlisting
strong interest and bringing out a
large vote. It Is largely a matter
of the time required for the public
to become familiar with the tariff
(Concluded on Page 4. Column 1.)
V77e suppose they sivveuo the ( M Uit WAY toms ti'rei ' "'" Cv5e ti-xs wctt vt ctA
rtllS -- v 1 , : . . Wut ( r v ,Rh tatn -.,
-rrj -- ( s so i.oM&- ' .
" " "
Victoria, B. C, Astronomer Spots
Giant Luminaries 52 Quad
rillion Miles Away.
VICTORIA, B. C, July 22. "Twin
suns," 52 quadrillion miles from the
earth, have been discovered by Dr.
J. S. Plaskett, director of the Do
minion of Canada's astrophyslcal
observatory here, through the ob
servatory's big 72-inch reflector
telescope, It was announced today.
Scientists here said the discovery
was one of the outstanding astro
nomical achievements of recent
years. The guns have been named
Plaskett, for their discoverer.
Dr. Plaskett has estimated that
the suns burn at a temperature of
30,000 degrees Fahrenheit as they
whirl around one another. One, the
more massive, is believed to be 76
times the bulk of our sun. The
lesser is 63 times heavier. ..
One is 15,000 times as bright as
the sun, the other 12,000 times as
bright. Plaskett, Dr.'Tlaskett esti
mates, is more than five time as
large as any other known heavenly
body. '
Reducing the figures to' modern
terms, scientists pointed but that an
airplane, traveling 200 miles an
hour, would require 30,000 million
years to travel from the earth to
the newly discovered planets. Light,
traveling at thejate of 186,000 miles
a second requires more than 6000
years fr the passage.
The announcement of the discov
ery quotes Professor Harold Jacoby
of Columbia university as charac
terizing it "the most outstanding of
recent astronomical discoveries,"
and as declaring that the measure
ments recorded by Dr. Plaskett must
be accepted as most reliable.
Zinc Bathtub, Waterpipe and
Metal Lamp Make Circuit.
FRANKFORT, 'Germany,. July 22.
Electrocution snuffed out the lives
of a young married couple yesterday
in an unusual accident. Both bodies
were found in a bathroom and in
vestigation revealed that the zinc
bath tub, a water pipe and a port
able metal lamp, stand figured in
completing the fatal electrical cir
The wife had grasped the lamp,
which was of defective construction,
with her wet hands as she was about
to leave the tub and was immediate
ly electrocuted, since the pipe lead
ing from the tub completed the cir
cuit to the ground.
The husband was killed -when he
took hold of the lamp in trying to
assist his wife.
Clarke County Probation Officer
Performs First Ceremony.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 22.
(Special.) Miss Ruth V. Bollinger,
Clarke county's new probation of
ficer and an ordained minister, to
day performed her. first marriage
ceremony since she took office. She
officiated at the wedding of Loren
E. Ellis and Miss lva J. Utterberg,
both of Portland. '
Miss Bollinger is not only an
efficient probation officer, but is
young and attractive. Mr. Ellis and
his bride-to-be were much aston
ished when they found that' they
were to be married by a pretty pro
bation officer rather than by Judge
Simpson, whom they sought. They
fell in readily with the plan, howT
fever. - '
Wind, Rain and Hall Do Thou
sands of Dollars' Damage.
OMAHA, Neb., July 22. Thou
sands of dollars of damage resulted
this morning from wind, rain, hail
and electrical storms that raged in
the vicinity of Omaha Falling trees
and limbs blown down by a 44-mtles-an-hour
wind crippled telephone and
telegraph service within a radius of
50 miles of Omaha, according to
telephone, and telegraph company
A large steel smokestack at the
Cudahy .Packing plant here was
twisted into such shape that it prob
ably will be necessary to tear it
WhisKy Found in Car
After Multi-Smash.
Wreck Occurs in Heavy
Traffic on Bridge.
Witnesses Vary From 30 to 45
Miles an" Hour in Versions. ,
Pair Face Court-Martlal.
Two army officers from Van
couver barracks. Captain T. A. Har
ris and Captain Mack M. Lynch,
were arrested by Patrolman Atkin
son at 8 o'clock last night when
their automobile, in . which they
were speeding east acrbss" the
Broadway bridge, ran into and
wrecked three other automobiles on
the east approach. A fourth car
also was struck, but1 only slightly
T. Hirsch, special officer, who
witnessed the accident, searched the
car and found one full bottle of
moonshine whisky and another bot
tle partially full. According to the
police, Captain Lynch was badly in
toxicated at the time of the accident
and Captain Harris also had been
drinking, although he was not as far
gone as Lynch. -
Bridge Jammed at Time.
Testimony Irom eye witnesses
varied as .to the speed at which the
machine was traveling, some saying
that the car was going 46 miles an
hour and other putting the speed at
a conservative estimate of, 30 miles
an hour. The multi-collision oc
curred when the bridge was jammed
with automobiles and traffic was
blocked for 100 yards in both direc
tions for a quarter of an hour after
ward. '.
The two captains were returning
to the army post from Portland. As
they crossed the bridge at a high
rate of speed, two other machines,
traveling abreast and both headed
east, blocked their path, and Lynch,
who was driving, attempted to swing
out to the left to pass them. In do
ing so, he caused the car to swerve
first to the left and then to the
right. Then the car, which'is owned
by Captain Harris, side-swiped a
machine driven and owned by W. W.
Bender, 328 Pine street.
Another Car Is Struck.
Swerving on its way it struck an
other car, driven by M. B. Byron
253 West Park street, damaging it
slightly, and did not stop until it
brought up, head on, against the car
of W. S. Buckles, 428 Chicago
street. Captain Harris' car bounded
over against a bridge support and
wrapped itself partially around
that. The rear fender and one rear
wheel of Bender's car were smashed
pretty badly and the Buckles car
suffered a badly smashed radiator
and frame. Captain Harris' car was
almost a total wreck. k -
The. surprising part of the triple
collision was that only one person
was hurt, but so slightly 'as not to
require medical attention. He was
Byron Buckles, 9-year-old son of M.
B. Byron. His lip was slightly cut
by flying glass. Other' passengers
in the cars were thrown from their
seats, but were not hurt. . .
," Doctors Arrive on Scene.
Officers and doctors arrived on
the scene a few minutes after the
accident and Captain Harris. .and
Captain Lynch were placed under
arrest- immediately.. Lynch was
charged with driving while intoxi
cated and held under $500 bail. Cap
tain Harris was charged with viola
tion of the prohibition laws and
was held on S250 hail.
An angry crowd collected about
the four wrecked cars and the police
had some difficulty in getting to the
(Continued on Pace 2, Column 2.)
Other Half Believes1 Stone Woman
Was Used' as Road Ballast
and Is Worth No More.
YONKERS, N. Y., July 22. (By
the Associated .Press.) The statue
which was dug ,up in Greystone,
Samuel Untermyer's estate, is divid
ing this city .against itself. ,
Half the populace refuses to be
lieve it dates any farther back than
some early Tohkers " period. The
other is of the opinion that it was
made in Greece anywhere from 1500
to 2000 years ago. ' ' ;
It may be Ceres or Demeter .or
some other mythological lady, says
one section of the city, but It's more
likely to prove valuable only as
plain road ballast, the other side
maintains. '''
The citizens agree on only two
features. First, that a statue was
found; second, that it was found by
a gang of workmen who dug up
a water main.
Whether it was1 on top of the
main or underneath is disputed. So
far it has been seen by only four
persons aside from the workmen
who dug it up. . ' ...',,
No. 1 is Isidor Konti, a sculp
tor. -Konti says it's Greek; that it
dates from the Praxiteles, or some
such noted sculptor; that it is
either Ceres or Demeter.
Number two is Rudolph Bicke-
meyer. He is an art collector and
(Continued Kn Page 2,, Column 2.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
71 degrees; minimum, 50 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; northwesterly winds.
Departments, '
Editorial. Section" 3," page 8. : -Dramatic.
Section 4, page 6.
Moving picture news. Section 4, page 1.
Real estate and building news. Section
4 page 11.
Churches, Section 5, page. 2.
Books. Section 5, page 3. .
Automobiles. Section 6.
Music. Section 4, page 5.
Garden. Section 4, page 7.
Radio. Section 5, page 6.
. Women's Features.
Society. Section 3, page 1.
Women's activities. Section 4, page 10.
Fashions. Section S. page 4.
Miss Tingle's column. Section 6, page 4.
Madam RIchet's column. Section 5.
page 6.
Auction bridge. Section 4, page 10.
Special Features.
Transcontinental hikes. Magazine sec
tion, page 1. - .j.
River of Indian romance, draws hotels.
Magazine section, page 2.
"The $10,000 beauty." fiction feature.
Magazine seetion1 page 3. y
News of world as seen by camera. Mag
azine section, page
Hill's cartoons, "AraoaK.'Us Mortals."
Magazine section, page S.
Mayflower "ladies" wer washerwomen.
Magazine section, papa 6.
Have Americans lost art of drinking?
- Magazine section, page 7.
Ghosts said to guide artists. Magazine
section, page 8. '
Famous women. Section 3. page 3. '
At .the beaches. Section 3, page 0.
Miiwaukie is thriving -center. Section 3,
, page 10. . ' -
Married life pf Helen and Warren. Sec
tlon 3. page 11.
Legion party ascends Mount- Hood. Sec-
Section 4, page 8. '
Oregon beauties View for trip. Section
5, page 1.
Darling's cartoons on topics of the day.
Section 5, page 7.
Elinor Glyn writes to flappers. Section 5,
Pa I. .
Home arrangement and construction.
Section 5, page 8. -. y
Forelgrsu V.
French seek help on debt question. Sec
tion i, page o. -
Hard fighting marks taking of Limerick
oy national xorces. section if page z.
Harold McCormick motors and dines with
Madame Walaskk. Section 1, page 16.
German leaders fear for their Uvea, says
Maximilian Harden. Section 1. page 6.
Palestine and Syrian mandates approved
by council of league. - Section 1,
page 16..
- National.
Coal strike solution offered to Harding.
Section jt, page 3.
Contest for control of liouse coming, yet
issues remain clouded. Section 1,
page 1.
Domestic, v ; ; :
Yonkers is divided on value of unearthed
statue. Section 1. page
Non-partisan league big primary' issue in
Oklahoma. Section l, page
Senator Reed denies he fought Wilson.
Section l, pue 4. --
Conservative leaders of trade " unionism
disturbed by growth of radicalism.
Section. 1. page 3.
Three issues prevent settlement of shop
. strike. Section 1, page 2.
Culberson behind in Texas election. Sec
tion 1, page 1. .
500 put hearts in cupid lottery.1 Section
1, page 15. v , , , t
Kansas ediyr arrested. Section I. page 1.
Flames of Undetermined Origin
' Get Beyond Control Before
Volunteers, Arrive.
PRESCOTT, Wash., July 22. Ap
proximately $375,000 loss was sus
tained by . the Portland Flouring
Mills company here today when its
local mill was entirely destroyed by
fire starting from an undetermined
cause at 6:30 P. M. in warehouse
No. 3.
The flames were uncontrollable
before volunteer,, fighters could be
assembled to battle them.
The flour mill, four warehouses,
a grain elevator, the office and the
dwelling ofE. F. Dunlap, Prescott
manager, were totally destroyed by
the flames. Firefighters were sum
moned from Waitsburg and- other
neighboring towns, but the flames
spread so rapidly that no help could
be given. The whole fire lasted
scarcely more than an hour.
The fire was thought to have
started from a hot box at the top
of one of the warehouses.
There were between 40,000 and
50,000 bushels of wheat stored in
the warehouses, and more than
2000 barrels of flour.
Grass fires threatened neighbor
ing buildings in the city, but were
easily put out by the firemen. The
loss, was covered by insurance.
That the loss through the destruc
tion of the Portland Flouring
(Continued on Page 2, Column 2.)
. Domestic.
Follies dancer declares love for rich
youth is dead. Section 1, page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Oregon editors condemn religious issues
in politics. Section 1, page s.
Reserve officers learn to play war game.
section 1, page s.
Efrerett, Wash., to' start gas-power buses.
- Section 1, page 8.
Blind graduate student of university of
Oregon reveals facts about colored
bearing. Section 1, page 7.
$375,000 blaze razes Portland Flouring
mills -plant at Frescott. section 1,
page 1. '
Twin suns, biggest of heavenly bodies,
, sighted by Victoria, B. C astronomer.
"-Sjection l, page l.
Highway commission's tour of state proves
to be revelation. Section 1, page 15.
The Dalles ready for Jegion convention.
Section 1. page 6.
Vancouver oarsmen win tirst in regatta.
Section 2, page 1.
Pans 'in Nebraska kill prizefights. Sec
tion 2, page 6.
William Tilden II wins tennis match at
Boston. Section 2. page 4.
Paddock's time on track beaten. Sec
tion 2, .page 4.
Expert to work on Seaside golf course.
Section,- 2. page 4.
Crowd of $5,000 expected to see Leohard
Tendlei fight next Thursday. Section
2, page 8.
Sacco-Harper fight set for Tuesday night.
Section 2, page 3. -
Best harness performers of northwest
circuit to race at Multnomah county
fair. Section 2, page 2.
Pacific Coast league results At Salt
Lake 2, Portland 4 (called seventh):
alfLos -Angeles 0, Vernon 2; at Oak
land 8. San Francisco 6: at SacTa
mento 3? Seattle 4. Section 2, page 2.
Pillette outpitches Shawkey and defeats
New York 2 to 0. Section 2. page 2.
Minister fails to prevent' bout. Section
2, page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Hide market reflects improvement in
general trace conditions, section l.
page 18.
Chicago wheat weak under selling pres
sure. Section 1. page 10.
Liberty bonds maintain gains at close of
week. Section 1. page 10.
Oregon hen has rivals in ' many foreign
lands. Section 1.. page 10.
All have rights, excepting public; when
.. capital and labor clash, says SpiUane.
Section 1, page IS.
Slap at Columbia channel in eastern pub
lication resented. Section 1, page 18.
360 provided 'to salvage Welsh Prince.
Section 1, page 17.
general Electric pie cut rumored. Sec
tion 1, page 19.
Portland and Vicinity.
Long dispute over use of parked circle
in Laurelhurst near settlement. Sec
tion 1, page .14.
Income tax measure will drive wealth
from state, says WJ Lair Thompson.
Sec tion 1. page 14.
Mayor to inaugurate., crusade against
vicious driving . In streets. Section J.
page ,13.
City council will consider plan to estab
lish municipal sinking fund. Section
1, page 12.
The Oregonian will feature three radio
concerts during current . week. Sec-
tlon 1. page 12.
Mayor- Baker -proposes another judge to
relieve congestion in municipal court
Section 1. page 11. .
Baldwin locomotive president talks ' by
radio to Oregon editors. Section 1,
page 11.
Portland is ready for buyers' week. Sec
tion 1, page 10.
Big Herman creek forest fire reported
still to be raging. Section 1, page 9.
Two-army captains wreck .four aotos.
Section 1, page 1. ; -
Archbishop Christie attacks compulsory
education bill. Section 1. page 16..
Walter L. Tooze Jr., republican chair
man, will tour state. Section 1,-page 15.
Warrant for Mr. White
Signed by Nephew.
Defendant and Governor
Still Close Friends. -.
Newspaper Man Says Strike Pla
card Will Not Be Shown, But
Adds That Jjaw Is Unjust.
EMPORIA, Kan., July 22. (By
the Associated Press.) A warrant
was served today on William Allen
White, author and editor, chargins
him with violation of the indus
trial court law in displaying a
placard sympathizing1 with . the
striking railroad shopmen. Mr.
White, through his attorney, im
mediately gave bond for hia appear
ance when the case is called for trial
in district court here next October.
The warf ant signed by County At
torney Roland Boynton, a nephew
of Mr. White's, was issued on an in
formation filed by a representative
of Governor Henry J. Allen, lifelong
friend of Mr. White.
Sttneraent Is Given Ont.
In a statement given out when the
warrant was issued, Mr. White said
the objectionable placard would not
be displayed pending legal settle
ment of the case. The statement
explained . that this action was "no
compromise absolutely no acknowl
edgment of the right of the state to
suppress free utterance, published in
decent and orderly manner," but
followed "a profound belief in law
and legal processes."
'Several days ago Mr. White posted
the placard in a window of his news
paper office, the Gazette. The yel
low poster announced "We are for
the striking railroad man 50 per
cent?! Mr. White said he would add
1 per cent each day as the shopmen's
strike continued, declaring "the
right to free utterance of honest
opinions is a fundamental right."
I.nvr Held Violated.
.But Governor Allen, his friend,
publicly and personally for many
years, and the companion of the ed
itor on a European trip during the
world war, differed in his interpre
tation of the industrial court act. Ue
held that displaying the sympathy
card in the uazette window was a
violation of the picketing clause of
the industrial court law, and de
clared Mr. White had the wrong
"slant" in the matter.
The governor said he did not be
lieve forbidding display of such
cards was an attack on free speech
as his author friend contended. He
declared, no exception could bi
made, that Mr. White must be ar
rested for violation of the law. '
Conference la Deadlocked. v
A conference held at Emporia last
'night between the "seconds" of Mr..
White and Mr. Allen resulted in a
deadlock. Mr. White, through his
representative, informed the gov
ernor's emissary that he would not
back down. When informed of this,
the governor said he would cause
Mr. White's arrest if the placard
was still up teday. It was.
Throughout it all, the governor
and Editor White have reiterated
that there was no personal feeling
between them, . declaring that their
personal friendship has not been
affected by-their difference of opin
ion over interpretation of the law.
Plaemrd Is) Removed.
.. Immediately after the warrant for
his arrest-had been served Mr. White
removed from display the .placard
which today expressed 62 per cent
sympathy with striking., railroad
men. -Yesterday it read "50 per
cent," the day before "49 per cent."
Mr. White gave bond in the sum
f 5j?0 to appear when his case is
(Concluded on Page 16. Column 1.)
Rangers Are Ordered to Corpus
Christ! to Maintain Order at
Polls; Cause Unknown.
DALLAS. Tex., Jufy 22. Earl B.
Mayf ield of Austin had a lead of
4879 votes over James E. Furgeson
of- Temple and 6734 over Senator
Culberson for the democratic nomi
nation for United States senator in
today's democratic primary, accord
ing to Incomplete figures to the
Texas election bureau from 93
Four of the counties were report
ed complete. May field had 23,025;
Ferguson, 18,146 if Culberson, 16,291;
Thomas, 13,271; Ousley, 9167; Henry,
7049. ' -
AUSTIN, Texas., July 22. Texas
rangers, under command of Cap
tain W. L. Wright, were ordered on
duty at Corpus Christl today to
maintain order at the polls during
the democratic primary. Charles
M. Crawford, ' assistant adjutant
general, in making this, announce
ment, did hot disclose the reason
for the order. ' '
OMAHA, July 22. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) With only three
precincts missing from the state's
1913, the vote in the race between
Charles Randall of- RandolDh, and
Adam McMuIlen of Beatrice for
nomination as republican candidate
for governor, this afternoon stood:
Randall, 49,041; McMuIlen, 48,378,
Daughter of . Capitalist, Secretly
Wedded, and Husband Depart.
NEW YORK, July 22. George J.
Gould's daughter Edith, who eloped
recently to become Mrs. Carroll
Wainwright, departed with her hus
band on the Homeric today to visit
her father, who startled society a
few weeks ago by letting the news
leak out in Paris that he had se
cretly wed Miss Guinevere Sinclair,
ex-actress, on May 1.
The Wainwrights will spend sev
eral weeks at Mr. Gould's Pari?
One of Two Passengers Probably
Fatally Hurt in Crash.
; FRAMINGHAM, Mass. July 22.
Zenos R. Miller of Boston, pilot of
an airplane that crashed in a quag
mire near . the Framingham , flying
field late today, was pHned under
the wreckage and dfjd before he
could be released. '
Dr. Clarence Gamble -of, Pasadenat
Cal., one of the two passengers, was
probably fatally injured. The other,
Ralph K. Miller,' a brother ; "of the
pilot, escaped wjth painful cuts and
Publisher Expected to Be New
York Democratic Candidate.
. NEW YORK, July 22. W, J. Con
nors, Buffalo newspaper publisher,
tonight issued a statement In which
he predicted that William Randolph
Hearst would be the only candidate
when the democratic convention
meets in Syracuse next September to
pick a nominee for governor of New
Mr. Connors indicated that the
five-cent fare throughout the state
and the milk question would be the
chief issues of the campaign.
I s ,
Ex-Governor of Ohio Guest at
Banquet in Paris.
PARIS, July 22. (By the Asso
ciated Press.)P-EX-Governor Cox of
Ohio was guest of honor at a dinner
given by Premier and Mme. Ray
mond Poincare In the, ministry of
foreign affairs tonight; ,
Approximately Normal Tempera
ture for Week Predicted'.
Weather outlook for the week bei
ginning Monday: - .
Pacific states Generally fair, tem
perature approximately normal .
Rich, Youth 'flo Longer
Makes Heart Throb.
Evan Fontaine Determines
to Make Bitter Fight. v
Defeat of Yale Crew in Race Is
Believed to Be, Due to Fact
Whitney Saw X5irl There.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, July 22. Evan Bur
rowes Fontaine, once of the Follies,
will now fight to the last of her
strength and her money for the fu
ture of her 19-months-old son, Cor
nelius Vanderbilt Whitney, named
after young "Sonny" Whitney, who
is alleged to be the child's father.
At the Whitney residence a
spokesman, who refused his name,
consented over . the telephone to
transmit to Harry . Payne Whitney
the message in which the Tribune
offered to reproduce any denials of
stated fact he wished to make.
"Mr. Whitney appreciates the ot
ter," came the answer, "but will not
have anything to say today."
At Los Angeles Evan first ad
mitted, with a smile, that she has
been aware that the friendship be
tween "Sonny" Whitney and Marie -Norton
would result in the recently
announced engagement of the couple.
Rival Declared Charming.
"I met Miss Norton once," she
said, "and she impressed me as
a very charming person.
r "I am in no sense undeceived by
the confirmation of the fact that
Sonny and Miss Norton are to marry.
I decided long ago sensibly, I
think to dismiss ..Whitney from my
mind. It was a struggle but I did
it. So anger and desire for revenge
will have nothing to do with the le
gal actions which my lawyers are
now preparing," s
A more dramatic meeting took
place a month ago, on the day of
the American Henley intercollegiate
boat races in Philadelphia. Evan
told of this encounter, which she
called "the farewell."
Sonny Whitney took part in the
races as "bow" of the second Yale
crew, and Evan, knowing this in ad
vance, planned la advance every de
tail of the mute interview.
She motored down to Philadelphia '
from her home In Kew Garden,
Long Island, on the day of the races,
sitting at the wheel of her car. She
calculated to the second her arrival
at the boathouse from which the
Yale rowers took the. water, and ap
plied her brakes just as the crew
lowered its shell into the water.
Heart la Puluidlng.
"My heart was -pounding," she
told, "till I thought .it would stop.
This astonished me. because I
thought I had subjugated my emo
tions. I saw Sonny and thought of
the child I had left at home at play
in the garden a small image of his
father. .
"When the men took up their oars
they had to lift their heads and face '
towards me. I had cliosen my posi
tion for this. I got out of the car
somehow, but y nearly fell to the
ground. For once my dancing legs .
wouldn't hold me up.
"Then Sonny saw me. 1 won't
forget that second, ever. He just . :,
got gray iff the face and wilted. I've
seen prizefights, and he acted just
like fighter who goes down, slow
ly, from a blow in the stomach.
"I had confuseS - thoughts : and
sensations. I can't teii what made
me do any of the things I did that
day. Certaintiy my actions had no
motive. I climbed back into the
car and drove off inland and came
up to the starting line just before
(Concluded on Page 10. Column 4.)