THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 16, 1923 11 Woe lens THE June report of Portland chapter, American Red Cross, Just compiled for community ehest officials by Mrs. Margaret C Bean, office treasurer, shows that 611 cases of disabled veterans were looked after during the month. Some of the boys were ill them selves, some asked attention for lumbers of their families who were need of medical aid, and still others were in need of financial aid. Seven hundred and seventeen of fice appointments were kept; 889 letters were written in behalf of boys applying for compensation and other necessities; 42 cases of men applying for federal board training were looked after; 160 visits were made Into homes of ex-service men in distress by members of the office force; almost 1000 telephone calls from boys asking information and help were answered, and 126 notary seals were placed on legal docu ments for the boys. The motor corps members were especially busy during the month of June: also cars were always in readiness for funerals of ex-service men or members of their families, as well aB for transportation to and from pleasure resorts of convalescent men. , Results of the Red Cross Courier subscription contest, in. which Miss Jane V. Doyle, executive secretary of Portland chapter, was a candidate for a free trip to the national Red Cross convention to be held this fall in Washington, D. C., will not be known until the last of July. : . Scout Young auxiliary No. J, United Spanish War Veterans, held a reception in honor of Mrs. Cora A. Thompson, national president general auxiliary to the United Spanish War Veterans, at room 525 courthouse Tuesday evening. A ban quet was prepared by the committee in charge. President Birdie G. Reed acted as toastmistress. The speakers were Department Commander Elmer R. Lundburg, Commander of Scout Young Camp Robert A. Sawyer and Department President Helen Mahone. Greetings were extended 'by Com rade William Dowing of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Porter of Omaha, Neb, and Mrs. Bunham of Spokane, Wash. Toasts were given to National President-General Thompson by the past presidents, Meedames Coplan, McCarren, Carr, Love, Bodley and Harms. The main event of the eve- ning was a talk, given by the na iiomu presiaeni-generai, temng or !V!r Vr cU?lharS thr?u6hut the United States. Several songs were reuuerea Dy ivirs. .rveama j?ow ler Miller, accompanied by Mrs. Min nie Wolf. President Reed on behalf of Scout Young auxiliary presented National President-General Thomp son with a substantial check, a gift from Scout Young auxiliary. The members of the Marguerite Camp Coterie club, together with their families and friends, are ex pected to assemble in Sellwood park Thursday, July 20, for a basket picnic. The committee in charge will provide interesting entertainment. Scout Young auxiliary No. 3 will hold a business meeting Tuesday evemnir at 52n courthouse. SScout Youner auxiliary No. 3 will hold a dancing party on the excur sion boat Swan Wednesday evening. Boat leaves east end of Morrison Street bridge at 8:15 o'clock. Members of Ben Butler post and relief corps are invited to a birthday dinner next Tuesday at 12 o'clock at 525 courthouse. Each member is asked to take a basket of food. The regular meeting of the corps will be held at Z o'clock. Royal circle, Neighbors of Wood craft, will hold a card party next Wednesday night at Woodmen of the World hall. Eleventh street, be tween Washington and Alder. "Five hundred" will be played and prizes given. The midsummer meeting of Pat ton church members and their friends was held atthe residence of Airs. I. J. Boyce, 17 west Church street, last- Wednesday evening About 40 enjoyed the evening. A programme was presented and ice cream and cake were Berved. Members of the Business Women's club will take a five-mile hike to day. The directions are: Take Depot and Morrison car to Rugby street, where party will start at 10 A. M. to alk over the hills and back through Macleay park. Bring your lunch. Call Grayce Walsh? Broadway 0175 (office) or Atwater 1406, for further information. . Oregon circle. Neighbors of Wood craft, thimble club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs, Mary E- Hawker at Evergreen sta tion on the Oregon City car line Thursday. A delicious dinner was served on tables spread in the shady grove. The following were present: Mesdames Goulet, Jacobus, D. J. Cruikshank, Ehlers, Dyer, Myrtle Weston, Sarah Weston, Schmid, JohnBon, Barr, Williams, Wendlick, Babcock, Amunsen, Par cell, Wilson, Steepy, J. W. Manrose, Hill, Ladd, Brintzenhoff, Stephens and Misses Doralis Allphin. Leah ilson and Jessie Manrose. Sewing for a bazaar occupied the afternoon Rose social club of Oregon Rose . earn p. Royal Neighbors of America, will meet at the liome of Mrs. J. Van Dorn, 823 Water street, Wednes day, July 19, at 10 A. M. "Potluck' lunch will be served at noon,. All taw - - Royal Neighbors and friends are welcome. Quilts will be tied. ' The presidents' association, LadieB of the Grand Army of the Republic, will have a "potluck" dinner at noon Fifteenth street and Spokane ave- nue at 1:30 O.ciock. A business meet- hng and election of officers will be j.0m The Women's Forum club held Its annual picnic at Peninsula park on July 12. The forenoon was spent in a discussion of work for the coming year and the appointment of stand ing committees. A delightful lunch eon was served at noon under the direction of Mrs. ' EN D. Craig. An nformal social afternoon was en joyed. ' Saturday, July 8, Phalena temple. Pythian sisters, were honored by an official visit from the grand chief, jurisdiction of Oregon, Mrs. Ella Wortman of Medford. tone found the temple affairs in excel- dent shape and commended Phalena temple for its splendid progress. Monday the M. E. C.; Rose Harring ton, entertained in honor of Mrs. Wortman at her home in Rose City Park. The next meeting of Phalena temple is especially important on account of unusual business matters. A full attendance la desired July 22. Elizabeth Barry, chairman of the programme committee of the Busi ness Women s club, hasarrangea an interestingjrogramme for that organization at its regular weekly luncheon meeting Thursday, July 20, at 12:15 in the Y. W. C. A. social halL Willard Elliott will give an illustrated lecture, "Birds of Ore gon." Vice-President Bertha Mc Carthy will preside and Miss Mar garet Ewing is hostess. Mrs. Barry has made arrange ments for a river trip to terminal No. 4, under the auspices of ' the Port of Portland, for Sunday morn ing, August 6. Friends of members of the Business Women's club iare women s ciuo iare to Join the pyrty. cordially invited 7 . S Mrs. Harriet . Freeman, former Oregon CUT woman, who holds a renponnlhle riosltlon In the navy department at Wanning- - ton,. D. C, is visiting here. - mmmmmmmmsm ' I fsotfrr -Z?-T-ff. Tickets are $1.25, including lunch at the terminal cafeteria. Reserva tions may be made by writing Dr. Grace Keith. 811 Corbett building Miss lEmma Christman, 167 East Twenty-sixth street, or Elizabeth Barry u. S. National bank. ' - . The members of the Portland Women's Research club are invited to provide themselves with basket luncheons and attend a piqnic to be held at Peninsula park July 21. Cof fee will be served at noon. The entertainment for the occasion will be in charge of Mrs. Urva Dewitt Maxson. All desiring - to make reservations must call Mrs. Phillip uevurtz, Atwater 5855. The members of the Ockley Par. ent-Teacher association are re minded of a meeting which is to be held tomorrow afternoon, July 17, at 1130 o clock in Peninsula park, The members of the Portland Women's New Thought club will assemble at First and Alder streets at 11:30 A. M.'July 19, preparatory ior teavmg ror ine oaks, where the ciub picnic is to be held. Serva circle No, 850. Neighbors f Woodcraft, will hold the regular meeting Monday, July 17, in -Wood- crait nau Tenth and Taylor streets. au weignDors or Woodcraft are in vited. The Harmony club met at thn home of Mrs. Roy Nichols Wednes day. AfteV a luncheon cards were piayea, honors going to Mrs. n iNicnois, Mrs. is. l. Dimmett and jure. j. uoiste. ' m OREGON CITY, Or., July 15 (Special.) Mrs. Harriet Freeman. formerly Miss Harriet Moore of this city, now holding a responsible posi tion in the navy department at Washington, D. C, is . spending - a jui nun ui a moiun s vacation here. Four years ago she answered her country's call for young women in the service and since takins- un her official duties has been rapidly ad vanced. "She is delighted with her worn m tne capital city. Mrs. Free man Is visiting her sister. Mrs. E. H James of Portland, formerly Miss Agnes Moore of Oregon City. This is ner iirsi visu nere in two years Due to the large attendance of the memoers at tne Gladstone Chautan Qua the Sunnyside W. C. T. U. will not hold its meetings , during the muiua oe juiy. ' A silver tea will be given by the auxiliary to World War post No. 907, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at tne nome or Theresa Clifford July 20, RHODODENDRON POPULAR Many Rainbow Trout Are Report ed to Have Been Caught.. RHODODENDRON. Or.. Julv 15.. (Special.) Fishing has proved to be a success at Rhododendron during the week. Rainbow trout havebeen caught in large numbers. Hiking has been enjoyed because of the cool weather. Patrons at the Inn this week were Mrs. A. F. Curtiss, Frederic Curtiss Mrs. Lillian Mathews, Miss Edna Francelle Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Mann Fisher, W. H. Cook, Mrs. Gus Luellwitz, Mrs. C. B. Kent and fa ily, Miss Nellie Murnane, Miss Kath erine Murnane, Mrs. R. "Everding, Mrs. H. R. Sverding, Miss Caroline Bverding, Miss Marian Horn. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bowman have taken possession of the Rhododen dron annex for July. Mr. and Mrs. Dooley and family are settling in the Rhododendron bungalow for a few weeks' stay. I Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Minor and daughters, Marcile and Barbara I Jane, arrived last week and opened ! Honeymoon lodge for the summer. I Mrs. Mary A. Humbel is a guest at their cabin for two weeks. j Mrs. Keith of Oregon City has' opened Keith cottage for the sum mer. " Dr. W.. F. Stout and family have settled In their new cottage on Zig Zag. , - - Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kendall and family have opened their new cot tage and will move in during this week. ' Miss Eileen- Madigan was here the last two weeks at Camp Rusty. The Gortler cottage has been opened for the summer and Mrs. S. K. Hollister is passing the summer with Mrs. F. C. Gortler, Carl Gort ler, and Sam Gortler. Mrs. Lou Home, Elaine Home, Weldon Home and their guest, Mar jorle Viggers, . are domiciled in Dreamland. The Naples has been opened for the summer and Mrs. H. I. Natchin and family are enjoying themselves there. 1 The Bratneys passed the week end in the Lawrence cottage. Mr. and Mrs. X" H. Gilbaugh and family are spending the summer In their cottage, on Zig Zag creek. Edgewater Crest has been opened for the summer and Mrs. Edward Pape has entertained Mrs. Rogers during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rlescn and family are staying in the Oliver cot tage. - Mr. and Mrs. John E. Henry and family are in their cottage on Zig Zag. . The Luckels will move into their new home -about the 15th of this month. Mrs. Richard Price and family will soon move into theirnew home on Zig Zag creek. : The new home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ball at the one-mile bridge on Zig Zag is now ready for occu pancy. Since Hawns Home was opened for the summer Mrs. G. W. Hawn and daughter Ruth have had as guests Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen and children. G. W. Hawn, E. W. Hop kins, Harry Hagan, John Hein, Miss Edith De Koning, William Harper and Ralph Le Valley. Founder of Missions to Be Honored by Pageant. Play in Ont of Doors to Be. Pre sented Near Priest's Grave. CARMEL, Cali July 15. (By the Associated Press.) Tribute to Father Junlpero Serra.. the heroio founder of many of California's old missions, will be paid by Carmel literary . folk July 21," 22 and 23 when they present a pageant drama, "Serra," in the Forest thea ter here, a scant mile from where Father Serra's body lies in the Mis sion church of San Carlos. Garnet Holme, an authority on the history of the padres and a well- known author of several outdoor nlayB, has written the pageant- drama and will direct the produc tion. Herbert Grirawood, an actor well known in New York and Lon don, will play the title role, "Serra. The other members of the cast will be largely residents of Carmel and Monterey, not far from here. Hope is expressed by Mr. Holme that "Serra" will be presented yearly here in honor of the pioneer churchman, one of whose missions was founded in Carmel. Mr. Holme thinks that Father Serra should be honored by Carmel just as Stratford- on-Avon honors William . Shakes peare yearly and as the French city of Dijon pays tribute to the memory of Joan of Arc. GHOSTS ANNOY POLICE Cops Disgusted . AVIth liuunted Houses in Hawaii. HONOLULU, T. H., July 5. (Spe cial.) One grand chance for Sir Conan Doyle lies in the mystery of the haunted houses of One Mile Post, Piihonua, island of Hawaii. A few nights ago an alarm reached the po lice station in Hilo to the effect that a ghost had been seen to enter certain house m One Mile Post The ghost ambled right in through the solid walL When the cops ar rived the house was surrounded by 100-odd residents of One Mile Post to keep the intruder in. Examina tion revealed that the house was locked up from the inside and the house was vacant. Hardly were the officers back in headquarters when another call came from the same vicinity but from.another house. The ghost of the former owner was reported stalking about. The search re vealed tfo ghost and one disgusted cop was left to keep the evil spirits away during the rest of the night. PAIR WEDDED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Ar. H. Ferris Hon- ored on Golden Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ferris; with five of their family present, cele brated their golden wedding anni versary last Friday night at their home, 5308 Seventieth street South east, with a merry party planned by their children. Two sons, Hubert C. Ferris of Los Angeles and George H. Ferris of Long Beach, were not able to be present. The other four sons and a daugh ter, who live in Portland, were pres ent. They were: Walter IK Ferris, William H. Ferris, Charles L. Ferris, John O. Ferris and Mrs. Julia M. Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris also have 13 grandchildren. Mr. Ferris, who is 71 years old. and Mrs. Ferris, who is 7.0. werel very generously rememoerea Dy tne Ira Powers Furniture company, with which Mr. Ferris has been associated for nine years. - Museum Fellowship Trio Named. HONOLULU, T. H., July 15. The three men named on the Bishop museum fellowship, an honorary order created by Yale university, have just been announced for this year. The first is Professor N. E. A. Hinds, instructor . of geology at Harvard, who is to study the geol ogy of the island of Kauai. The other Is Dr. Fowler of the Phila delphia academy of science, who is the foremost authority on fish in the Pacific. The third is Professor Carl Skottsberg of Sweden, a bot anist who has devoted his life to the study of Pacific plants. Slackers to AValt Five Years. SPOKANE, Wash., July 15.. De nial of citizenship until five years from the signing of the armistice was ordered by Judge Frank Rud kin in the federal court here re cently in the' cases of five appll cants classed as "slackers." Thirty nine applications for - citizenship were heard, of which 23 were ad mitted, six continued and ten dis missed, including the case of the five slackers. WOMAN ACTS AS ASSISTANT PASTOR OF . AMERICAN CHURCH IN GERMAN CAPITAL Rev. Gertrude 'von Petzold Once Was in Charge of Church in Birmingham Other Women of Prom ' inence Glimpsed in News Events of World. sik'i lClSv ItrA I I r-r ' , r 'ita- '. - i 1141 flr AMERICAN tourists who visit Berlin this summer will find Rev. Gertrgd von Petzold as sisting the pastor of. the American church there. She was in charge of church at Birmingham in 1914, but had to leave England on account of the war. She is of German birth, but was (brought up in Scotland. The actress, Lilian McCarthy, who came to this country some years ago with Granville Barker, is now Lady Keeble. She married Professor F. W. Keeble two years ago and he b,as just been knighted. Ten thousand miles of travel is NEWS FROM BEACJT RESORTS (Continued From Page 10.) Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weaver, Mrs. J. Vanduyn, Frances Vanduyn, W. A. Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brownell, Roy Feldenheimer and R. H. Kaltz are among the recent arrivals at the Shelburne. Mitchell cottage Is housing Mr. and Mrs. B. F, Litfin and son from The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bowman and daughter Alice are guests at the Hotel Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Winterbotham are building a new home at Hplman station. Mrs. Wilson and daughter Flor ence of Hood River are vacationing here. Mrs. James Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Keator will occupy the Roberts cottage this season. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Ladd and children are at The Willows. The J. Wesley Ladd summer home I will be open July 19. Cottagette is occupied by Mrs. Means and two children of Portland. Mrs. Frank Stevens of Nampa, Idaho, is a guest at the Wills cot tage. Willard and Glen Blackstone will spend the summer at the Winter botham cottage. These lads have not missed a season here for the last nine years. - Mr. and Mrs. William Yeo and son Frank are summering at the Fern wood cottage. Miss Dorothy Bick ner is their house guest. Mrs. E. Belfield and children, Mar garet, Edwin and Audrey, have taken a cottage on the boulevard. Among the recent arrivals at the Hotel Seaview are: Leith Johnston, H. Robinson, C. P. Eliot, M. Silver, thorne, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hammack. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jamison have opened their attractive summer home Bide-a-wee. Their daughter, Mrs. David L. McDanlel, and son David Jr. arrived Tuesday frdm San Francisco to spend the summer. Mrs. Rosa Waters and son- Henry will arrive this week. Miss Mildred Love, a student at Pullman college, wll (spend her va cation with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Waters. - , Mrs. Roy E. Morse and son Max well of Pendleton are among the visitors at the Seacrest cottage. Miss Anna Smith is entertaining Mrs. Smith and little daughter. Mrs. H. H. Streeter Is the house guest of Mrs. W. A. Weaver at the Seacrest cottages. Mr. Weaver and Captain Ray Wenks were week-end visitors. Mrs. W. H. Pope is entertaining Mrs. H. E. Pope, Elizabeth Allyn, Marjorie Towne and Hollis Trees. Robert F. Shepherd spent the the aggregate of these three women in their visit to Radcliffe college for its commencement. They are Mrs. Edward Holden, who . came from Para, Brazil; Beulah Marie Dix, the playwright, of Hollywood (in private life Mrs. George Flebbe). and Mrs. Parker Maddux of San Francisco. MisS Dix wrote an orig inal play, "The Girl Comes Home," for the reunion. . Mrs. Clair Eugenia Smith, who has made a name in Italy as an opera singer and who was for a time a member of the Chicago Opera company, has returned to Milan to her former- instructor. week-end with his family ,at the Seacrest cottages. Mrs. Frank Heitkemper and sons Allard and Francis arrived Monday to spend two weeks In their cottage on, the ridge. . Mrs. C. J. Cook spent last week as the guest of Mrs. Fred Jennings. - ;Dr. Lawrence Selling has returned from the medical convention at Spo kane and is with his family here. H. A. Mader and family. Glen H. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred I Stone and Jack OB'rien were guests at The Gables last week. Miss Audrey Jensen Is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Will iams. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Stambaugh and family arrived Monday for the sea son. - - Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wolfard have opened their summer home here. Mrs. William Harder is domiciled in the Estes cottage. H. Glenn and daughters from The Dalles are among the new arrivals at the beach. . Mrs. L. L. Seufert and baby of Portland are In their cottage on the boulevard. ' Mrs. B. E. Loomis has taken the Marsh cottage for the season. The Dewart family Is occupying the Millard summer home here. Mrs. T. C. Elliott and sop of Walla Walla are summer visitors here. H. R. Wakeman and family will occupy the C. C. Smith cottage. C. E. Meredith and family are re cent arrivals ,at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lawrence and family will spend the summer at the Winterbotham cottage. Mrs. R. Glasgow and daughter Mary Helen are guests at the Man ner cottage. . Mrs. E. Schaff and daughters Rose and Helen have opened their sum mer home here. Miss Isabel Schetky is spending the summer months with Grandma Knight. Miss Pearl Westberg is vacation ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Thorsen Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Healy and chil dren Bernice and Frank Jr. are summering in their cottage here. Mr. Healy returned to Portland Sun day but will be back soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brownell mo tored to the beach.and are spending a few days at the Thorsen cottage. Mr. - H. E. Coleman and eon Hal motored down to open their cottage. They are having a new fireplace built and other improvements on their home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Manner and daughter Jean motored to Beach Center to spend the week-end. Mrs. Jack Lewis and daughter Ealinor, with Miss Helen Pittelkau Kir and Pauline Bondurant. are domi ciled in the Schiller cottage on the boulevard. Miss Dagmar Skulason and Marion Wilcox will be tne guests of Airs. Jack Lewis next week. Mrs. R. E. Bondurant and Mrs. Pittelkau will arrive soon to join their daughters, who are vacation inff here. Ed Concannon motored .to The Shelbourne to vis't his mother, Mrs. J. T. Concannon. - Mrs. John Houston and mother, Mrs. Harder, of Vale, Or., have taken a cottage for the season.. Mrs. W. J. Corcoran and son, Dr, Ed Corcoran, returned to Portland last week. Mrs. William O'Donnell and daugh ter Mary and sons William and John motored to their beach home, where they will remain until September. Mrs. Ed Garner and baby Dons are visiting Mrs. Garner's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Withers. Dr. and Mrs. Stuart McGuire and sons are at the McGuire cottage at Beach Center. - A. F. Watson and William Muffett motored back to Spokane last Sat urdav after a short stay here. Mrs. W. Seaholm and daughter Silvin are summering at the Way home. They have as their guests Merle Lavelle, Miss La Dessa Rich mond and Clifford Wooden. Mrs. Frank E. McClure and son Warren will spend the remainder o July at the Sechtem cottage. Mr. and Mrs. William Nash were their guests last week and Mr. McClure is a frequent visitor. Mrs. D. S. Baker and daughter Barbara of Walla Walla- are domi ciled in the Hull cottage for the season. Mrs. Carl Gensel of Pendle ton is visiting them. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Barnekoff and children Ruth and Kiernan are sum mering at the Martin cottage. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Spencer and children, Helen Elizabeth, Jack A, and Omar C. Jr., may be found at the Plympton cottage. Mrs. Nettie Jeffcott of Portland is a recent arrival at the beach. Miss Grace Howatt and Mrs. Thomas Dryden and daughter Mar. garet- Grace are occupying tn Weaver cottage. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sims and chil dren of The Dalles have taken the Carter cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edwards are vacationing at the Sunset hotel. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rles of Port land are summering at the McFar land cottage, which they purchased recently. Mrs. E. Durkln was a week-end visitor of Mrs. J. Way. Among the recent arrivals at th Sunset hotel are Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hodgdon will occupy the Porter cottage for th remainder of July. FAMILIES GOING TO BEACH Old Hesidcnts and Newcomers Are Among Arrivals. OCEAN PARK, Wash., July 13. (Special.) Many families are arriy. ing at Ocean Park, some who have spent the summer months here for many years and some who are new comers. Life. on the beach is most inter esting, especially for those who en. joy the outdoor life and water sports. The Park enjoys the dis Unction of offering to its visitors either a quiet swim in the bay or the excitement of surf bathing. The oyster beds are not many miles away, and all sorts of sea-food may be had here tn quantities. Camp Willapa, where the future belles of Portland are summering under the direction of Miss Elliott, is very close to the park and the girla . make frequent viBits here. They come en masse to the quaint little church on Sunday. Mrs. Jack White ia the guest of Miss Katherine Hart at Oceanside, Domiciled in the Beechy cottage is Mrs. J. A. Trosh. Mrs. E. R. McKay will occupy the. Love cottage this season. Mrs. Elmer Falk and Mrs. Ger. trude McCready are guests at the Chapman summer home. Mrs. W. R, Glendeninc is the house guest of Mrs. Campbell at Oceanside. Mrs. M. C Season Is summering , at the Schmeer cottage. .:. Among the tourists who are en joying an outing at the Ocean Park uto camp are Mr. and Mrs. tierDert Faber, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hazey, G. W. Parmeter, Mrs. H. W. Laurie and William Dalrymple. Captain Victor Painter is occupy ing the King bungalow. F. O. Lucas is among tne recent- arrivals, at the park. Helen Parfitt. Sarah and Hen- . riette Holmes may be found at Sel- dom inn. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Higgins are ; among the new arrivals at tne , beach. Mrs. R. H. Grahame will occupy the Harry Haseltlne cottage this season. . H. Spielers and family are domi- ciled in one of the Sprague cot- tages. 4 , Helen Ernst Lmton is a summer i visitor at the Park. f Miss Doris Klindt Is occupying er summer home home. " Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Ledin will ; s-pend the summer months at the i Olson cottage. Jacob Bosshart Is among the new : arrivals. Miss Martie Smith and Miss Macie O'Neil are domiciled in the Locust cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blake and aaugniers aiuarea, leucine ana tier- trude will occupy the Sprague cot- tage for a month. Richard Neal Boone of Maryland is a visitor here. Miss Frances Gill will entertain as her House guest Miss Helen Haseltine. - Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Phillips and ? Frank Taylor of The Dalles arrived last week. Mrs. M. Mon Pere and Miss Kath- i ryn Mon Pere are vacationing bere. - Among the recent arrivals at the Z Taylor hotel are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harkins, James McKinley, I. S. Sing- lar and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. . Occupying the McClaln bungalow are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Purcell and Julius O'Neil. P. H. Coffey and family are sum-'- mering at the Normandin cottage, Miss Elsie Beaumont Is a new- comer at Curran camp. Ralph A. Smith of Vancouver is , enjoying a visit here. ' Mrs A. A. Brjeg is among the new arrivals at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Schmeer and family motored down last Saturday and will spend the remainder of the v season In their summer home here. J Mr. and Mrs. Will DuBols and daughter arrived last week and are now occupying their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Claire and Miss Elsie Claire have opened their cot- ; tage here. Mrs. R. W. Haygood is a house guest at the DuBois cottage, r Mrs. L. J. Werschkul is now oc- cupying her summer home here. " Mrs. R. Fields is among the re- ' cent arrivals at xne Deacn. Mrs, C. J. Healy is vacationing at The Billows. Mrs. Munsell is entertaining her daughter. Mrs. A. G. Nurroughs, and granddaughter of New York- City. MANZANITA COTTAGES OPEN Attractive Inn AVill Be Opened Dy Family From Wheeler. MANZANITA, Or.. July 13. (Spe cial.; House guests or miss au f Vlnnilrlnnlnlr AnttoVQ SPA Miss Martha Buck of Portland and -Mis Sadie Trotter of Morris, 111. " . . : 1 1' 1 1 .. r. . DA.tlqn anH - Miss C. Wethered of Los Angeles are domiciled in the iaton oottage. Mrs. Ben Titus. Tom Swennes, K. L. f swennes, jarene ana rjno owtnutu They will remain for the remainder of July and the forepart of August. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Pickens, Rev. A. Caldwell and Miss Rita Caldwell of Spokane are stopping in Manza nita for a month and are installed in Craney Crow cottage. La Pftloma cottage is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Ambelle of Portland who will stop the fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Nunn and fam ily of Wheeler have arrived at Mansanita to open the attractive Manzanita inn. They are accompa nied by Mrs. E. E. Sherman, also of Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. V. Walker of Port land are occupying the Russell cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. T. Nesvold of Port land are stopping for the week at Manzanita inn. Lanning's Rest, the attractive summer home of the C. M. Lannings. is closed until the latter, part of August while Mr. and Mrs. Lanning are in Portiana. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen of Day- -ton. who are tourine the beaches. were camped near Manzanita on . Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Rinehart of er, Dr. Lois Ferguson of Seaside, mo-- tored through Manzanita last week, stopping for luncheon.. A motor party camped at Lane's over the week end, were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Howd. Miss Vead Howd and Clifford Wilson of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Deryl and Norma of Mohler and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones of Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Wither of Nehalem were at Lane s Place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lowe of Bull Run, Or., were camped at Lane's camp ground last week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Erickson of Portland are enjoying a week at Lane's. OYSTEKVIiXE SEASON OPENS Taako Inn and Private Cottages Filling AVIth Vacationists. OYSTERVILLE, Wash, July 15. (Special.) Recent guests at Taako inn include Miss lone Hartley of Portland and sister, Mrs. Tanquary of Canton, 111.; Dr. William O. Flack and wife of Portland, Miss Lydia. Deane of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. McLaughlin of Pasadena, Cal.; Miss Katherine Kahley of University of California and Misa Daisy Sunddy of Portland. Mrs Tjittin Hannon of NewberS and daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hollings- worth and cnuaren or uunaee, are domiciled in the Myrtle Rose cot tage and entertained over the Fourth Miss R. Gladys Hannon of Portland, J. B. Hollingsworth of Dundee, Dr. C. W. Moore, of Port land and Miss Katherine, daughter if Dr. Moore, who is Dassinir the summer at Camp Wlllapa. E. G. French, director of agricul- Robinson, supervisor of horticul ture, recently visited the Rich-. ardson cranberry marsh located In rvvntr-utllA and were much imDresstt hv tb nromlse of another banner crop. This marsh reports no froslw this year. C. C. Taylor and wife of Portland are passing their vacation in- their. cottage, tne cay v lew, -sua navs V Siting lliem V. . jjj o anu ucputw. J. u. J? ay ana wue rnruaaa are visiting Earl Fay and family. Carl Fresbie and. Charles Quigley of the Jefferson, high are spending' their vacation ia the Greenman cot- Prof, and Mrs. George H. Guinn cf- Pe Ell were visitors at tne Myrtle Rose Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greeley, Ray mond, Wash., were Oyaterville cal'. era recently.