20 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 16, 1923 FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. LINCOLN HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Nice, clean sleeping rooms, " $6 a we&k and up; double rooms, suitable for two, $8 a week; transient, $1.50 and S2; house newly renovated, clean as a pin; new carpets; right downtown location, opposite Baker theater. 409 Morrison st., corner 11th. Fwntihhed Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, large, lower fr- keeping room; an exceptional desirable room, in well located home; all modern conveniences. Gall in per son at 725 East Madison. .Take Haw thorne oar. Kent very reasonable. You see this one and you li want it, CLEAN, cool room, adjoining bath; big ciuthes closet, electric lights, phone, 1 it modern flat near public library, only T minutes' walk to heart of city; $15 a inorvui. 228 10th st. Phone Main ..7"i.V CLh.N. comfortable room, with bath, ciurie In, $3.50 per week. Man prefer-a-M. Between 10th and 11th sts., op pue central library. 409 Yamhill St., upstairs. FURNISHED rooms in private nome. 2 cool shady rooms, first floor, for 2 gen tlemen or same for light housekeeping for married couple; 1 block from Haw thorne avo., E. 21id st. Call East 9270. "WEST SIDE Newly finished, ivory en ameled, extra nice room, in modern home, electric grill privilege, laundry, to refined lady, reasonable. SS9 11th st. Main 6750. ' - , A LARGE, nicely furnished room with garage, with or without breakfast, in ' a rurge Rose City Park home on Sandy . blvtL For further information cali Tabor 73 S. THE MAPLE, 30 North 17th. between Wash, and Couch; clean furnished sipping rooms, running water; always hot; free phone, bath, etc, $3 to $4.50 per wk. Attic room. $7 per month. ATTRACTIVE rooms, beautifully fur nished, parlor, piano, home . privileges twin beds, sleeping porch; rates J3.L0 up 61 North 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. TWO VERY attractive rooms in modern Nod Hill home; newly decorated; ; piano, home privileges. C. S. pre ferred. Atwater 1019. LARGE room lor one or two young men, separate beds, good home, ilO for one or $15 for two. a month. 667 Gllsan. Broadway 2948. FUR RENT Furnished room or bed room and parlor, private family, ten minutes" walk. 4(H) Park St., cor. Har rison. Atwater 3322. NEWLY refinlshed and furnisned room; every convenience; home privileges; ' close in; suitable for-one or two; men only. 325 13th street. 627 LOVEJOY, near 20th; will rent one or two rooms in my home, with use of kitchen reasonable to couple. Bdwy. 4125. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with water and dressing room, large clothes closet. Easy walking distance. 215 14th st. WALKING distance, we41 - furnished rooms in widow's home; wanting party looking for homelike place. -91fc Diivia. Broad way SU4S. FOR RENT Lower parlor, large and very nicely furnished, in east side home; excellent district and reasonable p rent. 725 East Madison. FRONT room overlooking park, for man accustomed to nice things; quiet, mod ern place. Atwater 1780. 302 Park street. FIRST-CLASS rooms; home privllegosj use of reception room, piano, etc., $la and $20 per month. Nob. Hill district. 2??. North 24th st. NICE furnished room in private lamhy. close in; walking distance; one block from Broadway. Reasonable- rent. 331 Lrrabee street. NOB HILL, large, nicely furn. rm. with dressing rm., private bath, suitable for 8 or 4- also smaller rm.; large lawn. K4 North 21st St.. cor. Everett. ATTRACTIVE room in lovely Nob Hill home, very lare; 2 car lines walking distance. Be sure and' see this: also havG sleeping porrh. Bdwy. 2058. LA HUE. airv room in raoderi home; beautiful 'location; private garage nuar; gentlemen preferred; references. Tabor 8465. LOVELY room and alcove, newly deco . rated, fireplace suitable 2 men; Nob hill, walking distance. 738 Hoyt. Main 21MJ4. CLOSE, choice, 2 splendid, rooms, reason able. 655 Everett; fine porch. Bdwy. 3501. LARGE and single room near Multno innh; meals optional; nice home. Main 22t!t. CLOSfcMN desirable rooms with all com forts of a home, including breakfast; reasonable rates. 469 Clay. Main 2228. AIRY, large- room with sleeping porch, eiisv walking distance; all conven- ience.": reasonable. Main 5552. LARGE well furnished room', moaern. close in; gentleman preferred. 307 11th St., Apt. E. Atwater 0481. NICE pleasant room in good district, home privileges for middle-aged lady. Walnut 7240. . PLEASANT sleeping room, $15 a month; free bath and phone; close 19. Ou - 21st. Mailt 407S. , ELEGANTLY furnished room in a lovely private home, suitable for two young men: $20 month. 71 Trinity Place- FRONT room in, private home; clean, quiet, modern, west side, close in; rei- p r e n cos required! Main 4640. m VERY pleasant front room in new bun galow for couple employed; gurage; reasonable. 522 E. 35th. npar Clinton. LIGHT, airy, very clean and nicely fur nished sleeping rooms. 585 Marshall st. or Bdwy. 313S. CORNER room in nie home facing park, aW conveniences; gentlemen only. Atwater P2!W. 374 Park. NOB HILL district, attractively fur nished rooms, 1 with private bath. At wp.ter 3SS3. NICE, cU'ari room for gentleman in real home, refined family. 426 Harrison St., west side. ON 48TH ST.. Rose City Park, nice, cool sleeping room, garage, $15 per month. 3 Tahor 1161. - . ROOM and meals.-for two gentlemen or young couple, 350 E. 9th su N just off Broadway. East 8172. ONE LARGE cool, beautifully furnished front room facing park way. Suitable for two. 330 Park street. . CLEAN, well furnished sleeping rooms; gentlemen preferred; reasonable rent. ' 371 6th st. . . IRVINGTON Two elegantly furnished connecting rooms, den and bedroom; ideal for 1 or 2 gentlemen. East 4073. NOB HILL Nicely furnished room, kitchen privileges, reasonable, all mod ern conveniences. Main Ql'SS. 766 Irving. SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms, $2.50 and $3 per week; men. only. 306 12th street. . A REAL horn for business people, well furnished and clean. ' Also private garage. 414 Market, cor. of 11th. SLEEPING rooms, modern home. Phone East 0168. . ' LARGE, comfortable room, modern, west side. Nob Hill district. Main 0485. FOR RENT Rooms "with or without board. Se-11. 22S6. - . " . HEIGHTS, large room, balcony, car line, $ 1 5 : lady. Atwater 2937. QU1KT, exclusive rms., close to business. :il 12th. corner Clay. Main 4S31. ROOMS, women employed. 302& Park st.. corner Columbia; women only. NICELY furnished, sleeping rooms, good location, warnings qistance. op mia st. NEWLY furnished rooms for rent a 294 10th st.. cor, of Columbia. $8MONTH Front sleeping room, pnone, bath: walking distance. 498 Columbia. TWO NICELY furnished sleeping rooms. Call SuiiAny or evenings. Main 7520. .FINE room, with or without breakfast, hot water heat, close in. East 6381. CHEERFUL' bay window room, 1st floor, home privileges; references. jS 6th st. 2 U2 1 0T H sTF! N. Front room"; newly v furnished ; call evenings. v E it Y cool pleasan t room near library, reasonable. 410 Salmon rs 3 1 TH ST. A comfortable room with all conveniences. PLEASANT front room, .reasonable; 2 b'ocks Broadway bridge. 382 Rosa st. Rooms W it h Board. HOI EL HEREFORD. 735 HOYT. MAIN 3305. Exclusive residential; special sum mer rotes; our meals speak for our popularity, PARK VIEW HOTEL. West Psrk and Montgomery. Residential hotel, rooms with and without bath at reasonable rates; con venient and comfortable. - 2 MARSHALL ST. MAIN 8603. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Newly furnished, exoe.lent meals; rates week or month, THE REIN A residential hotel. 772 Mar shall st. Nice place for people who want pleasant home surroundings. Main 1644. . ROOM and board for 'business girl; all modern conveniences; walking dis tance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. ,-.12 E. 7th st. ROOMMATE desired by business woman, large front room with private bath. 77i Mnrshall st. Main 4878. REXFORD. . 2-room furnished apts.. Is a nice one. Main S53. $27.50; this ROOMS, double and single, hot and cold , water, meals; home privileges; $20 , anri up. n'J Marsnaii. Alain 4S. LA ROE room with sleeping porch. beds: west side, walkiner distance: with. or. without board. Broadway 4633. FOR RENT. Rooms With Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL,. , 23d AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on the Pacific coast.' American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHESTER BURY HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT, AMERICAN PLAN. Rate by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's down town high- class family feotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. All the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy.-1189. HOLLYWOOD HOTEL. RESIDENTIAL. Newly furnished, excellent meals, water in rooms. 633 Kearney st. Bdwy. 1500. Rooms With Hoard in Private Family. IS THERE a little girl. 2 to 12 years who ue?ws a. reai uome wuere sue wouiu ue treated as our own In family of 3 adults? Piano, near school, Immacu, late surroundings, close in, $40 per month. Give full particulars, address and phone number. AH 03, Oregonian. MT. TABOR HEIGHTS a ivat summer iiume. iuuiu auu board to business man or married couple. Modern, private home, use of garage. Tabor 9290. IRVING'ON. nicely furnished room with giass encioseu steeping porc,n aujoin Ing; . home of refinement; excellent table board. C. S. 623 East 25th st. N. East 8(127. Garage for rent. WANTED Girl or boy of scho61 age to room And board where they win re ceive mother care; close to the new school. Auto 641-11. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Clean, sunny rooms, excellent tabte board, every home privilege, piano; on Bdwy. carllne. East 8773. WANTED Couple of young men or man and wire to room, with or without board ; reasonable rates. Call after Sunday. East 1276. CHILDREN to care for in my home, school age or younger; best of care; near school ; 12 years experience. Phone Walnut 7307. v A REAL home for men who room and board; nice comfortable rooms, real home table ; 2 in a room. 430 each East 8576. 2 REFINED employed ladies who want gooamcals, large, airy rooms, 2 beds, home privileges. In Nob Hill district, can have same in my home. Main 3353. WANTED Couple of respectable young men to room and. board; rates reason able; private home; piano and Victrola, Main 56:7. 792 Marshall st. WANTED At my home in the country, children for the summer or longer. Tabor 3S07. CLOSE-IN desirable rooms, with all com forts of a Home, including breakfast; reasonable rates. 469 Clay. Main 2228. NICE ROOM, good board in modern home for 2 gentlemen. Home privi- leges. No other boarders. Tabor 25;i8. ROOM with or without board, special price. Call at 1025 Williams ave. evening. . WILL give best of care to small chil dren in my home; board mothers if desired. Walnut 2051. ONE large room with 2 beds, good hot water, shower bath, first-class table board; walking distance. 681 Glisan. ROOM and ! meals a day in private family for two young men. $50 a month. 66 E. 31gt Ft. N. Woodl. 6396. NICE room suitable for two gentlemen, wfth board, in Irvington. 582 East Broadway. East 4709. LOVELY, airy room, good board, home privileges, walking distance. 481 W. Park st. Alain 8052. FIRST-CLASS board and room in pri vate modern, congenial home; suitable for two. Call Main 0305. ILL room and board one girl, aged , from 6 to 12 years; will give mother's care. 7Q2 Marshall. Main 5037. ARE you trying to reduce living ex penses? Room and two meals daily $45 per month at 386 Montgomery. ROOM and board; home privileges; spe cial rates for 2 in room; garage. iid2 East Ash. East 1)01 (1. WANTED Child under 5 years, $18 mo. 637 Rhone st. NICE place for one or two children: best of care. Waljiut 6711. EXCELLENT tabie board for ladies at 46S Market. Main 5923. - - T NICELY furnished room with board; walking distance. 703 Hoyt. UHILDREN to care for. 1528 E. 10th st. N. Phong Walnut 5642. ROOM and board for two working peo ple. East 80!i. 553 East Couch. B6ARD and room for working man; close in; reasonable. E. 81K2. ROOM and board in private family for a man. 188 E. 44th st. SS car. EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms and ex cellent ooard; close in. Broadwayy4314. WANT children to board. Atwater 3530. Furnished Apartments. . NOTICE. WHBELDON ANNEX. Did you know that the Wheel don Annex Apartments are un der new management and the entire building is being com pletely renovated and decorated? Here you will find the clean est and most desirable furnished apartments and single rooms in the city, with hotel service and reasonable rates to permanent and transient guests; close in to business dlstrict;corner 10th and Salmon sts. Main 6641. WILL rent July 20, two large furnished rooms, kitchen, sleeping porch, bath privilege in my 5-room -apartment; quiet neighborhood; walking distance, west side, to reliable young married couple without children. W 780, Ore gonian. NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnished immaculate apartment in high-class apartment house. period furniture. Wilton rugs, linen, silver, etc. Elm wood Apts., 415 10th st. Main 6600. WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4-room strictly modern, beautifully furnished outside apt.; only 3, -blocks irom wasmngton st. ; $q0, Bdwy. 124. PARK 'APARTMENTS. Light, cool, furnished 4-room apart ments; hardwood floors, fireplace, new carpets; west side; reasonable. "Mar shall 2381. FURNlSHEiD apartment, not modern, for care of yard 6 weeks; some fruit end garden. Adults. Protestants. Ref erences. Rent later $15 month. F S21. Ore-gronSan. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 187 17th St. 1- two-room. 1 three-room and also 1 four-room with a private ibath; rent vpry reasonable. GODFREY COURT, 500 Vancouver Ave. 3-room, clean, modern . apt, $40; adults, near Bdwy bridge East 841 ONLY $17; nice, clean 2-room apart ment, lawn and flowers: I furnish light, phone and water. 740 Belmont, near E. 23d. Snnnyslde car. WELL-FURN. apt to sublet, suitabie for 4; light, phone, gas, phonograph, elect., sewing machine, furnished. 10 min. walk. Atw. 1303. MUNCEY apts., 300 Clay st.; 2 rooms and kitchenette; clean and reasonable. Phone Main S663. WANTED Girl employed to- share apt. with three girls. Call at apt. 8 Laurette Apts., Sunday bet. 5 and 7 P. M. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3 and 4 room apts., ail ojutside rooms; yard for chil dren. 180 N. 2M' Ft. B J ELL AND APT. 2 four-room furnished apts. and- 2 three-room. Bdwy, 4S1. BERKELEY APARTMENTS, 39 Trinity place 2 and S-rm. outside apartments; modern; walking dlatjrace, Bdwy. 5 1 51. $32 MONTH, 2-room furnished apart ment; private bath, free lights. War renton apt.. 402 Third st. - YOUNG man to share apartment. Call Main 6582 between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. Sundav. SERENE COURT APTS.. cor. E. 1st and Multnomah: 2 and 3-rm. furnished apts., all outside apts. E. 1426. NEWLY furnished . 2-room and bath cor ner apartment, new building, $35. 415 East 10th South. Enst 1507. BUENA VISTA APTS. MAIN 1052 2 and 3 fur.. 1 unfur. apt. $2C 3 LARGE nfoms furnished wit! bedding and linen. 354 Ivy st. ROOM with kitchenette in first class hotel. $30. Broadway 5151. TO SUBLET, completely furnished 4 ro om apartment, $50. Main 7601 . NICELY furnished rooms, bath and pan try. Inquire before noon. Wdln. 1674. FOUR-ROOM lower flat, furnished. Will lease. 1111 E. 21st St. N. WANT girl to 'share apartment, refer ences exchanged. Marshall 1612. SEVARG apts., 271 S. Broadway. 1 and 2-room apt., lights and hot water. NEWjLY fur., clean housekeeping rooms, $3.50 and up. 83 Park st. Bdwy. 1225. 2-ROOM apartment with bath; walking distance. 355 Hall, corner Park. NEWLY renovated apt., also sleeping room. Phone East 8331. NICE clean apartment, bet. 4 carlines, f cheap. 1051 Kerby st. nooi,. clean h k. ant una eiAfnin? rnnm close in, 430 iiiU, FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments IDEAL HOME APARTMENT. CAN YOU IMAGINE yourself. In a real home of-your own, with as won derful convenience and comfort as this? Beautiful 4-room completely fur-' mshed apartment with KVJfiKY jjk TAIL CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Built-in labor-saving features, im maculate in old ivory and tapestry. Janitor service, phone and steam heat Included. ENJOY THE AIRY RIVER BREEZES. Walking distance to heart of TOWN. The Meda Apts., 877 Van couver ave blk. north of Bdwy., just across the Bdwy. bridge. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Ave. -High-class apartment house near 23d and Washington; three-'room fur nished apt., 2 disappearing beds and - outside balcony ; also a newly-decorated 3-room apt. with a real bedroom and new furniture; can be seen Sunday, July 16. i HANDSOME and, attractively furnished '-room- apanmem to suoiet lor .a months or one year to responsible parties in exclusive apartment house; all outside exposures; or will sacrifice furniture if desired; $1000; terms. Main 8750. - NOW AVAILABLE Desirable 2-room apta in modern brick bldg. ; large rooms, roomy kitchen, built-in or open beds, linen and silver furnished; noth ing better for the price, $25 to $40. Lincoln apts., 4th and-Lincoln. Main 1377. DiEL APTS,. 790 E. ANKENY. 1 3-room and 1 4-room apt. Both 1 completely furnished, just renovated and retinted; outside corner rooms, light and airy; private bath and phone, plenty hot water, good car service, 'parking place. East 3 SOS or East 4046. CHETOPA APTS. ; 3 rooms and bath in . modern house: also 3-rm. basement apt. Hardwood floors and solid oak furni - ture. Only 3 blocke north of Washing ton on 18th st. Call Broadway 4936. . WELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four rooms, newly furnished in ma hogany, beautiful outside apts., walk ing distance. $52. SO. Broadway 1245. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts. Front 3-room suite with vestibule and bath room; heat, hot and cold water. $45. No children. .References. Jani tor.' Atwater 5753. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. Modern brick bldg., 3-rm.. furnished, private bath, all large, outside rms., reasonable, walking distance. 575 East Stark, comer of 14th. E. 8636. THE EVERETT. 644: Everett, between 20th and Ella Streets. Very desirable 3-room fur nished corner apt. with balcony; mod ern; walking distance. Bdwy. 4490. WELLESLEY COURT. 15th and E. Belmont St., East 6613. 3-room apartment, furnished or un furnished, in high-class apt. -house with first -c lass se rvice. TO SUBLET from July 15 to September 1 or 15, to refined adults, a well-furnished -5-room apt. for exactly what I pay unfurnished, $85. . Bdwy, 3233. Bellcourt apts. THE NICKOLS Two and 3-room apts., furnished or unfurnished, private baths, plrfcne, garage; ohildren .taken. Wood lawn 471. 856 East 6th N. JULIAETTE APARTMENT, 2d and Montgomery. Unfurnished 2-room apts. private bath; reasonable. Phone Mar. 21SS ALTAMONT APTS., 304 COLLEGE. ' 4 rooms and private bath, newly tinted and nicely furnished, $52.50. Main 6375. HALSEY APT., 300 Williams ave.; two apts., .2 rooms, private bath, hxL and - cold water; one child accepted, $28 and $30. $25 TO $32 BY weeK or month for 2 or 3 room furnished, steam-heated apart ments; free lights and plenty hot wa ter. 402 3d st. y WEST SIDE lovelv 3-roora furnished ant Two disappearing beds, private bath. ana phone, isoo tun district, -Bdwy. 6472 mornings or evenings. - THREE furnished H. K. apts., 1 sleep ing porch, reasonable rent. Place for two automobiles free of charge. 162 North 22d street. DRICKSTON APT., . . ' 44S. 1WH. ,. 3 rooms, 2 disappearing beds, " newly t inter! and painted; also one 2-rm . apt. THREE rooms, kitchenette, gas range, nicely furnished and clean, reasonable rent. E. Everett and 20th sts. Phone East 1674. , LAMBJtOOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, furnished 2-rm. apts. Call East 4062. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt. 697 Washington st. Broadway 1008. ATTRACTIVE, modern, 1 room and kitchenette to sublet for 2 months. 454 So. Broadway. Main 3703. 3-ROOM modern f urnlsned apartment close to car, J20 per month. Phone Atwater 4166. - KING ALBERT APARTMENTS.1 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 350. HADLON HALL. 11TH AND HALL. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. ftrs., private balconies. $35 up. Mar. 1160 IDEAL 3-room apt., beautifully furnish ed, private porch; lovely yard. 325 Multnomah st. East 4S22. LEONCE APTS.. 180 N. 22D ST. 3-room, furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall Sfiiaw. THE LILLIAN. . 3-room apts., west side, close in. Marshall 137S. 3ftl Sixth st. JULIANA APTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. LARGE room with sleeping porch, twin beds; west side, walking distance; with or without board Broadway 4633. -ROOM, well-furnished apt., $45 for refined people, no objection to children. 412 E. Ottt st. N. Bdwy. car. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12th st. Large, light, 2-room a p ts. Free jjhone. Atwater 0S98. ALTON I A APTS., lllth and Marshall 2. . 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy, un furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. PENlflOSE APTS.. Grand ave. at Bel mont ; 2 or 3-room apts. finished In white enamel. East 4548. 3-ROOM furnished apt. with private bath, light, water and phone free. $30. SS2 East Ash. THE ORDERLEIGH, 82 Grand ave., at tractive, well -furnished suites, reno vated, p rivate baths, very reasonabl e. IN PRIVATE residence. 3-room furnished apt.; 1 single room; no other roomers. Phone 514-23. 407 N. 23d St. 4-ROOM apartment nicely furnished with fireplace, hot water heat. Call Wdln. 194o. ALICE COURT 2 and 3-room private bath, firepiace, 2 beds. $40-$50. Free phone. E. 8th and Burnslde. E. 3506. COLLEGE Swell 3 rooms, walking dis tance, near auditorium; low rates; 3d and College. . Marshall 5555. $35 TWO large front rooms, neat and clean. Atwater 1828. 170 Chapman. St., near ISth and Morrison. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt., all cool, outside rooms, $25 month. The Holmes Apts:. 751 Thurman. 2 AND- 3-ROOM apartments, well fur nished; close-in, on' east side. 38S Williams ave. Phone East 25S2. $24.50 NEWLY furn., redecorated, kitch enette, dining, living rm., h. c. water. Steam heat, gns, elec. Atwater 3763. CLEAN 2-room fur. apt., sink, hot and coid water In room, reasonable. 421H Sixth st. Atwater 2605. CONVENIENT apt. for couple or two working girls, reasonable rent. 383 Ross, apt. C. MADISON PARK apartment. 2. 3 and .4 room furnished apts. 262 Park st. THE WENTWORTH, 12th and Main; front, A-ronm, modern. Adults. , ELBRIDGE apts., 274 N. 21st;-2 and 3 room apt. Reasonable. Bdwy. 4730. TUDOR ARMS APTS., 18th and Couch. .. 3-room furnished. Bdwy. 2550. L'ION AVE. and Klllingsworth, fur. apt. jill.ou. complete, concrete oiag. BENSON APT.. 205 N. 20TH ST. 3-ROOM FURNISHED FRONT APT. 3-ROOM. FURNISHED APARTMENT. EAST 3158. ' ONE NICELY furnished 2-room apt, 383 & otn jt. .wain . FOUR rooms, sleeping porch; elegant new period furniture., 200 -E. 13th Bt, THREE rooms, gas. eiec. phone, $35 R. J. McGulre. 545 N. Union, E. 5407. 2-ROOM basement apt., private bath, $25. Roselyn Apts.. 110 North 21st st. AND 3-room furnished apt. Harrison Court. 394 5th. LIGHT front basement apt. 225 st. Main 9164. ONE 3-room clean, furnished apartment. 35 N. 19th et HIGHLAND COURT. AT. 3181. 4 and 5-room furnished apts. CARLOJS APT 2-rm. modern, furnished apt.; reasonable. 14th and Market. THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th; 2, 3 . and 4-room apts. Broadway 3658. CAMBRIAN apts., 2 and 8-room fur, apts. h. w. floors. 433 Columbia. Mar. 3639. 2 AND 3-RM. apts., light, modern. Ar line apts.. 220 N 17th st, Bdwy. 1812. AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 and 3 room apts., opp. Auditorium. Mar. 5566. 2-ROOM front apartment, private bath and phone. Broadway 49fltf. FOR RENT; Cosy 2-room apt, $30 mo. Inquire Oxford Hotel. Il-th and Wash. 2-ROOM apartment, newly painted and furnished, close in. 305 Graml ave. S. BANNER APTS., a rooms, nished apt. 4S9 Clay su .' cosy, fur- FOB BENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS. THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. Finest, most completely fur nished .Dts. in city, in select res idence district, 6 minutes' walk frorm business-theater center by 23d at, or CC car (easy walking distance). Right up Washington street to 22d and around the cor ner lfi6 St. CLair st.) Auto tourists and permanent tenants will enjoy our refined home at mosphere. References required. , Lovely sunshiny front outside ap., sleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hangings, brasses, com :y wicker furniture, floor lamps, etc. Piano. A-l service. Ex ceptionally clean. Also single rooms, by day, week, month. THE STELWYN. FOR RENT NEW AND SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED FIVE OR SIX-ROOM APARTMENT, WITH PRIVATE BATH, INCLUDING LINENS, SIL VER AND PHONOGRAPH, FOR TWO MONTHS. ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE IF DESIRED TO MOVE INTO A SIMILAR FURNISHED APARTMENT AT EKD OF TWO" MONTHS. , INQUIRE GORDON COURT APARTMENTS, 530 MONT GOMERY, OR PHONE MAIN 8272. THE -most unique -apartment house in Portland; each apartment like a bun galow; view entire city and mountains, flowers, lawn In fact, a real home; west side,,Valking distance; will fur nish if desirable; have furnished apart . ment, very desirable for bachelors; you cannot afford to miss living in one of these beautiful 5-room apartments. Gordon Court Apartments, 3tt Mont gomery. JUST COMPLETED. NEW WESCOTT COURT APTS. 8TH-AND WEIDLER; BLK. SOUTH BROADWAY: Most complete apartments In city, large living rooms, balcony, dining room, bedroom, tile bath and kitchen; shower baths, electric ranges, hard wood floors. All outside rooms, includ ing bath. Adults. " .BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4-RM. MODERN APT.. $,"0 MONTH. ALSO ONE FOR $43 , MONTH. Furnished to accommodate 2 to 5 persons; light, large, classy. THESE ARE VERY SPECIAL RATES. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia. Newly painted and decorated inside and out. It's fine. - THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk . to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., outside and French doors and balcony; jierrnanent and transient. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner Jefferson and 13th. 4-room furnished; a beautiful front apt. ; white enameled tile baths ; all outside rooms; unexcelled service ; close to business center and reasonable. Main 2086. FOR RENT Nicely furnished apt., in cluding $800 player piano with plenty rojls; also Victrola. We are going away for the summer; will rent complete, $75 month. Call Sunday. Ionian Court, apt. 44, 18th and Couch sts. No tele phone. CHAMBERLAIN APTS. Grand ave., at East Stark st., under new management; neat, clean; 1 and 2-room housekeeping apts.. sleeping rooms.by day, weeK or month; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. We solicit inspection- . MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished, phone, electric lights, electric washer, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg., electric ele vator, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. Main 9468. THE JACKSON. Three-room fur. and unfur. apts. $30 to $40; brick bldg., private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water; phone; 13 min. walk to 3th and Wash.; Rose C!itj car. East 2846. 51 H Union ave. N. THE DEZENDORP APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor. Mar. 123. Completely furn. 4 and 5-room apts., all outside rooms; no objection to chil dren, transients and tourists. MORRISON APTS. Under new management; furnished housekeeping, sleeping, transient rooms; summer prices; no objection to chil dren. East 5077. 132M. Union ave. FOR RENT 4 wis. in upper apartment; 3 rooms unfurnished; kitchen fur nished ; bath, phone, garage. Adults. 1201 Kerby st., 2d blk. from Killings wort h j SHEFFIELD APTS., 272 BROADWAY Nicely furnished 3 ar.d 4room apart ments, all outside looms, bath and telephone; tourist accommodations. L. Aghton. manager. Main 2"06. SUNNYSIDE APTS. P ' Belmont st. at 37th, one "of the nicest apt. houses in city. A clean, respect able place to live. Sunnyside-Tabor car lines. Tabor 3000. " PARTLY furnished apt., first floor; pri vate entrance; light and water; rrb children; small rent. 1029 East Alder. Tabor 4277. , THE ALAMO APTS, Lovely furnished ,3-room front apt. steam heat, private bath, disappear ing bed, newly done over. 41)4 AiarKet, COME and see my clean' 3-room apart ment, all outside rooms. Phone and bath, $25 and, up. East 5818. 89 East 12th st. $37.50 COMFORT DE LUXE $37.50. Beautiful, newly finished apt., artis tically furnished, light, bright and cool. Make this your Rome. Main 3816. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH & COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. WK. OR MT. E. 1990. THREE large rooms on first floor; mod ern ; f re pkone ; suitable for four adults. 331 Montgomery st., near Broadrvay. TWO &r THREE room furn. apt. $15 . and $20, laundry and bath. No ob jections to children. Located 246 Russell st. East 0765. $40 -WELL FURNISHED 3-room flat, private bath. Ruud heater, furnace, permanent ; adults; references. East 4911. ETNA APARTMENTS. 3 rooms,' dressing room and bath; hardwood .floors, white enamel; "free elec. washer and manffle. East 3782. THE STANFIELD. v Modern 2-room apt., light, heat, phone; clean", cool, cozy, $23. , Main 7392. . . JAEGER APTS. 701 WASH ST. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. ATTRACTIVE modern ..one-room and kitchenette to sublet two. months. . 454 S. Broadway. Main 3793. $35 MONTH. 3-room furnished front apt.. 2 beds, free lights, private1 entrance. 402M; Third street - ' - 4 ROOMS, nicely furnished for light housekeeping; adults. Inquire 665 E. Morrison. ' KEELER, 14th and Clay. Sublet choice 3-room apt., mahogany furniture, cool side. Main 4166; garage available. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. Completely furnished 3-room' apt.. 1 disappearing beda close m. hoi liith. 2 FURNISHED apts., no objection to babies; $35 mo. 1717 Portsmouth ave. Em p 1 re 0343. 3-ROOM APT. Will give care to child of employed parents. Will also board k if A T.T, furniaHAii nnnrtmontv irnra d-a heat, cheap rent. 551 Rodney ave., cor. Knott. . PHONE, water and ligbts free: use of piano, $26. 294 Ivy st. East 8980; adults only. 4-ROOM bungalow apt. in Irvington; large rooms and porch; rent $35. East . 707H. 832 Wasco. N FURNISHED 4-room apt., also h. k. rooms. 425 E. Couch , st. Phone East 1706. APT. Two room's with pantry; light and clean; close in, west s-ide; quiet place. 2Q8 I7th. Main 7-028 . IDAHO APARTMENTS. Two and 3-room nicely furnished, moderate prices, west side. 389 6th sL 5-ROOM modern flat, beautifully fur- nished; east side, - walking distance. Bdwy. 1904, or 24 E. 8thTst N. VERY desirable 2-room apt. in fine mod ern' home; everything furnished; ga rage; $35. 615 E. 66th N. WANTED4 Young lady room-mate, close in, east side, 3 rooms, bath and phone. $21. 5Q each. East 0310. Unfurnished Apartments. 5-ROOM apartment, east side, for rent cheap. Inquire 204 Morris 'St., cor. Commercial. Phone Walnut 1568. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts., $45, front 3-room suite; references. See janitor. Marshall 5753. " DAYTON APTS., 662 Fianders, near 20th. 6 large, rooms, $65. Bdwy. 3134. ALTER apts., 6 rms., slpj porch, tile bath and shower. 21st-Overton. Bdwy. 1980. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apart men ta. Bdwy. 3360. THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished apartment. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. VERY desirable 5-room apt. Yamhill. Adults only. 555 East MOR DAUNT, 5SC Everett; 4-room mod ern, homeiike; ' children; inspect this. THE. WEIST. 69 N. 23 D. 4 AND 5-RM. apt., balcony and porch. Irving Apts.. 2tst and Irving. Main 9239. 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The WUmax, 142 Everett sL IkLaln 5164. FOR BENT. Unfurnished Apartmeme. THE most unique apartment house in Portland; each apartment like a bun- . galow; view entire city and mountains, flowers, lawn in fact, a real home; west side, walking distance; will fur nish if desirable; have furnished apart - ment, very desirable for bachelors; you cannot afford to miss livfng in one of these beautiful 5-room apartments. . Gordon Court Apartments, 530 Mont gomery. LUCRETIA COURT. 3-room unfurnished, top floor, fine view; all outside rooms, hardwood floors; first-class service; a very de sirable home, $50. Also a 4-room unfurnished, some thing fine," unequaled in city, vacant in ten days. Adults; references. Atwater 1513. $70 WAGONER APARTMENT $70 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. Here is the cheapest and best apart ment; 6 large, light, outside rooms, all on one floor, ciose in and still fine residence district, heat and water. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. GLENN APARTMENTS. Corner Hawthorne and Glenn ave nues; 3-room unfurnished apt. an out side apartment on eorner; hardwood floors; very desirable and first-class in every respect; very reasonable. Ta bor 0704. LEAVING city Aug. 1, must transfer lease 6-room apartment; Exclusive Irv ington district; only 4 apartments in building; fireplace, sun parlor, all large rooms with beautirul interior finish; hardwood floors. East 1921 or Bdwy. 6013. HOYT-GLISAN APTS. 2-room unfur. apt., hardwood floors, white enamel woodwork, large dressing room, dining room and kitchen com bined; electric stove. 800 E. Hoyt. East 7527. IRVINGTON. 324 East 14th street N. 5 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, built-ins. C. A. WAfcNER COMPANY, ' Broadway 71S0. 230 Stark St. ABERDEEN. 611 HAWTHORNE AVE. New apartment house, just com pleted; 4-rm. apt., hardwood floors. 2 set French doors, ivory finish, electric ranges and washer. $73. Phone E. 6950. CHETOPA APTS. Light four-room and bath apartment with good entrance hall to each room; also 3-rm. basement apt. Best location for apartments in the city. Call Broadway 4936. BOWMAN APTS.. IRVINGTON. 3 6th and Hancock, 4-roorn modern outside. 1st floor bungalow apts. : steam htat, janitor pervice. $75. ReL East 1361). . STEPHENS APTS., 791 Northrup Six large outside rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat. Call Main 935. FRONT 4-room apt. ready the 9th. An other ready the 16th. Hardwood floors and electric ranges. Imperial Arms -Apts., 14th an dC! ay. . THE MAY APTS., 14TH AND TAYLOR. Will have a 3-room outside unfur nished apt., vacant August 1. White woodwork and hardwood floors. MARLBOROUGH APTS. A lovely 5-room apt., very large rooms, newly decorated, cheapest rent in city, $.17.50. Main 7516. 566 E. ASH -Sew. Something different .and very desirable; large 4 rooms, hot water heat, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory woodwork; garage; references. GARDNER 13th and E. Ash. Attractive 6 - rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot Wftter heat; references. E.ist 2S71. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP. FIRE PROOF. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO., BDWY. 2445. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. t ' 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 31th and Montgomery. . Main 359. IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front corner apt.; 1 blk. off Wash, at.; adults. Bdwy. 2761. TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir- aoie apts. available at reasonable ren tals. Phone Bdwy. 6800. 2-ROOM apt., sink, pantry, closet, lights. pnone. v orKing couple preferred.- vvainui nwj.ii. BROWN APTS. 5-room apt., i2 bathrooms, top floor front; ivory finish. 14th and Yamhill. HASELET APTS. 3 large, cool, outside rooms, unfurnished, modern, private patn, pnone; adults only; 545. 36S 13th. WALDORF COURT 475 SCHUYLER ST. - Five rooms with gunroom, sleeping porch and phone: everything modern. LARGE apartments on car line, near car barn. Walnut 2220. 985 Albina. Furnished or Unfurnished AnaiTinents. CHOICE APARTMENTS. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant, strictly modern front room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 dressing rooms, bath, fine view; only $42.50 per month; adults; garage If wanted. Phpne Mar shall 426. S OR 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apt., , hardwood floors, white enamel finish, with or without garage. Nob Hill dls- . trlct. Call Bdwy. 446S. LAURELHURST APTS. 8-room apt. and bath, neatly fur nished. 142 East 39th and Morrison. Tabor 2614. UPSHUR APTS., 406 26th st., under new management, everything new. Main 5497. 2, 3 and 4-room apts. Summer rates. FURNlSHEIkand unfurnished apts.; vator, heat, orivate baths and balcon ies. 410- Har-isnn St., netween 10th aai 11th. Phone Main 1S20. WICKERSHAM APTS. 5-room modern, furnished or unfurnished, excellent service, located 18th and Flanders, west fide. Phone Bdwy. 2201. BEAUTIFUL furnished or unfurnished 5-room apartment; fireplace, light and airy; $35 and $40, Inquire 1125 Gasco puiimng. xei. Main (won. MODERN 6-room flat, furniture for sale, large sleeping porch. Can make rent. East 5443. THE VICTORIAN .-room furn. or un furn. apts., bath, close in, reasonable. 4L'M Columbia, near 11th. Atwater 227 HIGHLAND COURT, ATWATER 3181. f urnisneq and uniurmsned apt. LARGE 5-room flat, 3864 Hawthorne av. Immediate possession. $30.00. Main OS15. 701 Corbett Bldg. 4-ROOM modern flat, 772 Osage ave., one block south of 23d and' Washington, west siae; aauits. iviain saas. $30 MODERN 4-room flat, partly fur nished. 140 E. 30th St., near SS car. Open 12 to 6. 4-ROOM flat, walklmg distance. $21 adults only. Call after 10 A. M. 634 E. titn st. .Nortn. near Davis. NEWLY reflnished 5-room flat, with gas range, corner aotn ana lamniii. con yenlent to car. Low rent. Tabor 74 21. CHOICE, lower flat, 5 rooms and sleep- w ing porcn, e:u jyverett, west side. Phone East 2672. $22.50 3-ROOM upper flat. 621 Overton, west side, walking distance, water, gas tor bath free. East 1904. 5-ROOM modern, clean outside rooms ; adults; with or without garage. 662 E. Main. 664 E. Main vacant Aug. 1st. DESIRABLE upper flat, 4 rooms, bath, heat and water, walking distance. Eaat 9789. ATTRACTIVE, modern 5-room flat, with sleeping porcn ana yard; no children. Call, phone East 9373. 445 East 30th st. FOR RENT A nice 6-room flat. East side, close in. Phone Monday, Main 669. .SEVEN-ROOM upper fiat, 5th and Har rison, gas, electrloity, fireplace.' Her man Moeller, 426 Lumberm-ens bldg. MODERN upper "5-room fiat, Irvington, vacant August L Mrs. John, East 2735. - . 5-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, .walk ing distance, hot water heat. 564 Couch st. Walnut 6178. 3 OR 4-ROOM upper fiat or 6 or 7-room flat suitable for subletting. . East 3418, .apartment 9. $30 NO. 320 FOURTEENTH ST; fine lo cation: large, airy rooms. Key 474 Clay. 6-ROOM unfurnished upper flat, close In. 6336 E. Mai A. $35. Adults.. LOVELY --room flat, light, clean, close in. 528 Flanders st. FOR RENT Steam neated liai in irving ton. Phone East 4622. 4-ROOM fiat, clean, steam heat, reason able. 401. Tenth. Main 2480. NICE 5-room upper, E. 12th, bet. Burn side and Couch. Adults only. FINE 6-room upper flat, furnished or unfurnished. 330 13th. Main 5999. 5-ROOM lower flat, with or without ga rage. 606 Belmont. 4-ROOM flat, Sellwood bank bldg., un furnlshed. $20. Phone Sellwood 0626. MODERN 5-room ffft at 7 Wilson at. Phone Main 0120. FIVE rooms, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, sleeping porch. Walnut 8943. 4-ROOM flat; unfurnished. 393 Fremont st., near Union ave. 5-ROOM lower fiat, sleeping porch. At water 2073. 4-ROOM flat, newly tinted, on car line. 963 Williams ave. 4-ROOM unfurnished lower flat, clean; adults only. 566 E. Madison st. FOR RENT Five-room flat. 319 Holla day. corner of First St.. $25. . 6-ROOM upper flat, ast Portland, $45. Phcne- E.-2301. MODERN lower and upper flat, corner Failing and Commercial. Walnut 0885. 6-ROOM upper flat, 1 month or d weeks, $5C. 330i 13th. Main- 5909. - 598V4 SALMON ST.- lovely rooms, $50; d esira Die ana ciean. .ttroaaway wjoz. f ODERX 5-room lower flat. Call East 877 ; - 3 AND 5-ROOM lower flat, reasonable: 1 largo yard. 675 Tillamook. 4877, FOB RENT. Flats. WALNUT PARK, 4 rooms, very desir able lower flat, newly tinted, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet In dining room, disappearing bed in living room, pri- vate basement and furnace; gas stove and heater; linoleum on bath and kkchen. 1056 Cleveland ave. Wal nut 3584. , NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Attractive 4-room flat, built-in. buf fet, disappearing bed, gas range, gas water heater, linoleum, furnace sep arate, basement, rent $35. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR. RENT. Upper flat, rooms, and bath and garage, newly tinted and painted; mod ern; adulta only; rent reasonable. Ta bor 4896. BEAUTIFUL, - clean 5-room flat, first floor, light, airy and modern, first class district, easy walking distance. If you want something good don't fail to see this. 62 Ella st. NOB HILL DISTRICT. & unfurnished housekeeping rooms, light, gas heat and hot water fur nished, $30 per month. 770 Kearney st. Call Main 8950. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, disappearing bed In living room, new llnoieum ,on kitchen floor; gas range, heat and wa ter; $50 per month. Phone 632-53. IRVINGTON, modern 4-room upper lat, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, gas range and water heater. 'Tabor 8018. . IRVINGTON Nice lower 4-room flat, oak floors, fireplace, gas range, fur nace, flowers and lawn well kept; rent S50 Phnn Ent VERY desirable upper flat, 7 rooms and - sleeping porch; 393 16th St., second - building south of Montgomery. Rent $50. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. DANDY 5-room lower flat, in good con dition ; beautiful location ; only ten minutes' walk from Union depot. 290 Margin st. East 3612. Rent $30. . MODERN 5-room flat, 60G Madison St., near Multnomah club; fireplace and mil built-ins. Apply Metzger-.Parker Com pany, Broadway 6355. - 5-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, walk ing distance; hot water heat,- water and garbage bill paid- 564 Couch st. Phone Walnut 6178. 5-ROOM flat, hardwood floors, $un porch, fireplace, range, linoleum, modern and convenient. 268 E. 30th St., near Haw thorne. FOUR-ROOM flat, large attic, basement and furnace, newly papered. Atwater 1483. Call at 434 College fit., corner of 12th st.- 5-ROOM upper with sleeping porch, in one of finest locations in city. 287 East 25th st., between Hawthorne and Madison. Phone East 1819. FOR RENT Clean, modern 6-room flat close to car. 169 East 27th st. $37.50 per month; no children. Phone Tabor 1TM. 6-ROOM --FLAT, partly furnished, 574 noaney ave. Metzger-Parker Company, Broadway 6355. MODERN 5-room flat, 649 Second St.; brick building, walking distance, $21; water Included. Main 1096. . 4-ROOM unfurnished flat, 692 Dovejoy st., between 21st and 22d; rent $30. Broadway 303. Open all day. Furnished Flats. $50 NEATLY furnished flat: Mod. conveniences. 1085 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8104. NICELY furnished 5-room flat, J.2 min utes riae rrom business district; school. outcner ana grocer, within half block no small children; $35. Take Mississip pi car and get off at Shaver. 802 Al bina ave. WEST SIDE, walking distance, to adults. o rooms ana sleeping porch 13x0, line view, hot water heat; absolutely clean. bouu lurimure. ivey stza Montgom ery st. Phone 545-89. IRVINGTON On car line; 3 larpe rooms, coinoieteiy lurmsneu: larea van porcb, etc., $45, includes phone, lights. water; suitable for 2 adulta East 6-ROOM furnished flat (lower), and basement and- bath., water free; close to school; 5 minutes from business district. Bdwy. 1227. 5-ROOM bungalow flat, hardwood floors, me Datn, sleeping 'porch, fireplace, iumace, piano, am uienn ave. Haw thorne car, 10 to 5. 2-ROOM furnished flat, lower floor, pri vate entrance, with or without sleep ing porch, walking distance. 89 E. 8th 3-ROOM flat, beautiful furniture, mod era private home, 207 Union, -near Hol- laaay. 3-ROOM nicely furnished flat, private bath, close in. 680 E. Alder st. East 7820. 5-ROOM upper flat, nicely furnished; 2 bedrooms, fireplace. 711 Kearney. Main 1563. 4 NICELY furnished rooms, cool, clean, piano, nice view. 661 Davenport St.. $30. VERY desirable 7-room furnished flat, 7 blocks from Morrison, on car line. 34t 6th st. or phone Bdwy. 1583. 268 ROSS ST. Walking distance, partly furnished 4-room flat. Phone Walnut 1X59. 3-ROOM, lower flat, $17, on 23d car, nicely . furnished; furniture for sale cheap. Call East 61o6. 3-ROOM flat, with very large sleeping porch, partly furnished or without. Sellwood 0732. FOR RENT 4-room furnished flat, gas . and bath. 1468 East Glisan st., on car line. Call Tabor 3594. 5-ROOM lower furnished flat; good , neighborhood. loOl Rodney ave., cor ,. ner Rodney, $40. Tabor 8352. FURNACE, 4 rooms, moaern, lower fiat, with piano, fireplace and garage. 662 E. 28th et. 4-ROOM furnished flat, yard. 604 Love joy. Nob Hill dist.; reasonable. Bdwy. 3045 Sunday or after 6. LARGE 5-room flat, - well furnished; basement, furnace, garage. 424 Tilla mook street. CLOSE IN, west side, 3-room furnished flat, $21 mo. Adults. Main 3787. 5-ROOM heated upper f, painted, $45. 126 North 2, at. Newly 3d St. NICELY furnished upper 4-room flat, near M. A. car. 803 Borthwlck. 5-R.M. FURNISHED FLAT OR HOUSE. MAIN 8668. ' WALNUT 6417. $32.50 MODERN 4-room, walking dis tance. 56(.t Market st. Adults. FIVE housekeeping rooms, Phone Atwater 3028. first floor. 4-ROOM flat for rent, $20; furniture for sale. i:;o. o.o Gantenbein ave. NICEhY furnished 4-room flat, built-ins; porches. 775 Wilson street. 4-ROOM furnished flat, very desirable, benutiful yard, garage. Sellwood 2559. 2-ROOM flat, light, clean, phone; rage for rent. Tahor 6743. MODERN 3-room flat; fireplace, sleep ing porch; walking distance. East 9224. SMALL modern flat; fireplace; close In; couple; 568H E. Main. Atwater 1020. MY HOME, ricely furnished, 4 rooms, clean, modern-; close in. East 35-25. 3-ROOM lower flat, completely furnished. Reasonable. S52 College. Atwater 2306. 4-ROOM flats, $37 and $40; adults. East 3305. 290 Fargo street. ATTRACTIVELY fur. 6-room flat; piano, nrepiace; od rim. Atwater 34tJ2. "i-ROOM fur. flat" garage, garbage, phone. water, iwn; reasvuaoie. vv ainut x-oo. NICELY furnished 5-room corner flat, close In. $40. Atwater 8295. 4-ROOM well-furnished flat, first floor; other rooms 420 E. Couch. East 6648. 3-ROOM well-furnished flat in modern home. 1113 East 15th N. 4-ROOM fiat for rent and furniture for sale cheap: west glde. 528 Columbia.' Housekeeping Rooms. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. E. 8th, 1 and 2-room furnished h. k. apt, reasonabl e. SLEEPING or h. k. rooms, $2.50 and $3 per week; men only. -306 12th gt. HOUSEKEEPING room, kltcnenette and dressing room. 769 E. Broadway. SUMMER prices, downtown fur. h! kT rooms.. 253H Wash., cor. 3d. NICE unfurnished houseKeeping rooms for rent. 174 Porter. No children. SLEEPING and light housekeeping rooms at summer rates. 88 N. 22d st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; close in. Main 8900. FIVE housekeeping rooms, Phone Atwater 302& first floor. 3-ROOM furnished h. k. apt.; free phone. 1 i g h ts. water. $tt weeKiy. hop 14th st. ROOM and kitchenette, $4 per week; slncle, su.ou. ai aa. opp. Auaitonum. 331 W. PARK 3 front rooms, sleeping porch, close in. NICE single rooms, $15; two large rooms, $20. 655 Flanders st. d NICE, light, clean, connecting rooms, -"reasonable, 312 Clay at. ONE ROOM and kitchenette; hot and cold water, $30. 233 10th st. and Main. 2 NICE fur. H. K. rooms; walking dia tance. 544 Flanders. CLEAN, apt?. well furnished 1 and 2-room 63- E. Maddson. Eat 8911. 3 ROOMS and kitchen, $30; 2 rooms, $20 a month; single, $3 a week. 573 3d st. LARGE room with kitchenette, running water. 494 Taylor st. SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, FURNISHED. 492 TAYLOR ST. 2-ROOM furnished apartment; alo large front room and kitchen. 235 11th .st. $28.50 SUNNYCREST, 3 rooms, bath, newly furn-, renov. ; gas, eiec, AC 8763. FOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms. WHY LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPING rooms when -you can have large. 4 room modern apartment with j-ivate bath, built-in refrigerator and janitor service, hat and hot water, for $4u month. 424 COLUMBIA STREET. 3 LARGE, light h. k. room oath ad joining, $25; art newly furnished, painted- and papered, new rugs and cur tains; ivory enameled breakfast set; light, water, phone furnished. Walk ing distance. 561 4th. Main 404H VERY COZY 1 OR 2-ROOM housekeeping apts., $4 and $6 week, homelike, nice yard, flowers, porches, view, electric washer in basement; a. placfe you'll like to live in. 660 BELMONT ST., COR, EAST 1STH. DAINTY NOB HILL SUITE for 1 or 2 persons. 2 well-furnished cheerful rooms, every convenience, with sarvice; absolutely clean, well main tained house; summer rent $22.50. 600 Irving st. ROOMS and kitchenette furnished or unfurnished, exceptionally clean, airy, cool; reasonable; ideal location, near city park on Council Crest car. 76S Park avenue. Main 4278. 1 H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette, close in, S3. 50; 2 large rooms,-$5; good furni ture; suitable for 4 adults; free space for car; everything furnished. Main 7S53. 530 DAVIS. Nob Hill district Two housekeeping rooms, 54 and yj. o ,weK , use of laundry room, phone, sewing machine; walking distance; two blocks off Washington, near itni THE MJfPLE, 30 North 17th,' between Wash, and Couch. Large, clean tur nished H. K. rooms, running water, always hot, free phone, bath, etc. Nice lobby with piano; summer gates, SINGLE housekeeping rooms, $5 to $10 per montn; z ana s-room sunee. to $18; lobby. Special rates ex-service boys. The Vaughn Apts., N. 10t and Vaughn sts. ONE FRONT corner, completely fur nished, housekeeping room, clean, mod ern, reasonable. Bushmark. Wash. St., corner 17th. CLEAN, newly renovated H. K. and sleeping- rooms for rent, reasonable; on carline. close in. 543 V& Washington st., near 16th. Northwestern Apts. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rms., newly calcimlned, modern. $-0 and $12 month; also furnished. Empire 0524j 704 Harvard. SINGLE and double H. K. rooms, ivory woodwork, mahogany and Ivory irnl ture; everything new; beautiful bldg. ' White Temple dist. 364 12th st. LARGE, attractive .room with kitch enette and running water; low summer rates. 501 Harrison, above 14th. Auto. 518-13. CLEANEST housekeeping rooms and suites in the city, $3 to $5 a week. Completely furnished. "The Cadillac" 3d near Jefferson. , CLEAN, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, single and: en suite, reasonable rates. East 840. 355 Hancock, neai Union ave. LARGE, dean, cool H. K. room on first floor, $5; also one $4; no children. H. H. Ragan, 510 Flanders St.. cor. 15th. Phone Bdwy. 1465. TWO LARGE, light, well-furnished housekeeping rooms, large pantry and clothes closet, first floor, walking dis tance. 110 E. 2Qth st. 3 PARTLY furnished, h. k. rooms, first floor, private entrance, light and water. No children; small rent. 1029 E. Alder. Tabor 4277. - FURNISHED 2 rooms and kitchenette and 2 large closets, light, phone and wa ter, laundry privileges; outside rooms. 628 Williams ave. $25. BEAUTIFUL, clea.n, well-fur. front rm. with use of kitchenette. Also 3-rm. apt. with allowance on rent for little light work. Close in. 474 Cly. At. 4104. 3 FURNISHED housekee.nine rooms, close in, suitable and very reasonable for two or three working girls. 34U Jeirerson St., between Broadway and Park. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms with bath, together with store; 184 Gibbs; rent $25. Apply Lewis Gevurtz, 1H5 1st St FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms, lights, gas ana Datn, close in. low rent. 34ii waimon st. 2-ROOM housekeeping, nicely furnished and clean, downtown location ; rent $25. Call 432 Jefferson. LARGE furnished H. K. rooms, single and apt. One large room suitable for office. 223 Pine, at First. 2-ROOM apartment, first floor, front porch, west side, close in, nice location, reasonable. Main 4360. . FURNISHED housekeeping, suitable for bachelor; $3.50 up. 224 & Washington - street. SMALL 2-room H. K. apt. in basement, cool and convenient ; very reasonable. 507 Clay. Atwater 3002, NICELY furnished housekeeping apt. ; rooms with board; reasonable rent. 686 Overton st. Main 2300. SINGLE housekeeping room, reasonable. Goodnough bldg, 5th and- 7am hill. In quire of engi-neer. ONE NICE, large, airy room, walking distance, " beautiful yard, everything homelike. Phone Main 5808. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Walking dis tance; $3.50 and $5; 055 Washington st. Broadway 3340. 2 AND 3 ROOM H. K. room, just re fini&hed; rent reasonable; close in, on Park. 404 Park st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent at cor. 13th and Morrison; reasonable rates. Bdwy. 6196. L THE BEAVER, 12th ana M-irsnati Fur nished H. K. rooms. $15 up, including hot crater, electric lights, laundry room NICE, clean furnished h k. rooms, single or double, $2.50 up. 304 & E. Morrison. Buckeye ApL 54 NORTH 16TH. near Wash., large cool H. K. room; kitchenette; no children. Reasonable. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, suitable for bachelors, downtown location. 270 Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING room, all new bedding, everything furnished; $15.40 and $22. 460 Holladay ave. Phono East 7559. . THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, lights, phone and bath, $23.50 per month. 167 East 8th S. WOMAN employed during day to occupy 2 rooms with landlady, everything, pro vided. 413 Main st. - ONE large housekeeping room, light and clean, has running water, gas and electricity. 115 21st st N. Main 3010. OR 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, for rent. 386 Park st., near Montgomery. $19.50 -NEWLY furn., redocorated large rm., kitchenette, h. and c. water, steam heat, ga, elec. At. 3763. THREE unfur. housekeeping rms.. newly kalsomined. modern, J10 and $12 month; also fur. Empire 0524. 3 ROOMS and pantry. $25, 4 rooms and pantry $30; on street floor; 4 min. to business center. 306 4th st. 53 N.lSth; clean, cool 1 and 2-room h. k. apts., hot and coid water, light and phone. $3.50 up. THREE h. k. rooms. 2 beds, $18. One h. k. room. $2 week. 372 Hawthorne, corner of Union. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 302 6th st. SINGLE steam-heated n. k. room, hot ater. $3 to $7 per week. 147 13th. TWO front rooms, -suite; phone, bath, 67 North 20th st. Broadway 4123. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Fumily. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, light, water, telephone. $4 a week. 510 .Columbia. Atwater 1606. ONE LARGE II. K.- room; very clean, light, airy ; everything furnished. 585 Marshall st., or Bdwy. 3138. TWO LARGE h. k. rooms in modern home. An ideal place for summer, ciose In. Adults. Sellwood 1068. ONE large front furnished h. k. room; phone, elec, bath. 651 E. Morrison st. at 18th st. , IRVINGTON $30, 2-room front apt., gas, elec, water, phone. Irvington car. Sin gle room with grille, $12. East 8259. 2 OR 3 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, in modern home, white enamel; adults only. 196 E. 30th. Tabor 5501. HOUSEKEEPING privilege for girls, modern home. Rose City Park ; $11 one girl, $15 two. 328-49. THREE nice furnished h. k. rooms, newly papered; adults; $20 month. 694 Front, corner Meade. $301068 EAST MORRISON ST., 5 rms., . bath, furnace, fruit. Call 1036" N. W. Bank bliLr 11 ROOMS, house ail clean, some fruit. Lease. East 4854. ' H. K. ROOMS, walking distance, chll dren. big yard. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. TWO housekeeping nooms home. East 0168. In modern FRONT room, $10 month. Fre electric lights, phone, bath.- 392 Fourth st. 3 ROOMS, nicely furnished, modern, first floor. 166 Skldmore street. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, no children. Phone East 1379. FURNISHED 5 and 3 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. 854 & 3. First. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $17.50. Tabor 4147 Sunday and evenings. MODERN room and kitchenette, light and phone. S18. East 5396. 440 Ross. 2 H. K. ROOMS, also 1 separate sleep ing room. East 4962. 2. CLEAN H. K. rooms, gns, light, phone funvi-med1; $26.50i 696 E. Ankeny. $20 2 ROOMS with use of kitchen. 212 East 2Sth gt. N. TWO neatly furnished light housekeep Ing rooms. 403 Ivy st. East 9891. IRVINGTON. $30, two-room corner ant. Gae, elec, water and phone, Ecurt S25ft, FOR RENT. Houaekeeptnfc Rooms in Private Family. TWO OR three furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, private oatu. o closets, 'electricity, gas, laundry trays, phone, light, in sunny new home, one block from Sunnyside and ML Tabor cars, near Laurelhurst park; adults only. 1256 East Morrison st; HOUSEKEEPING rooms, singled and twos, light -'and airy, modern; also sleeping rooms, nice for two young ladies o- men; two meals if desired; walking distance, cheap rent. 195 21st. Phone Bdwy. S0t4. THREE extra nice unfurn. rooms in at tractive home; heat, light and pnone; near 3 caslines; shady porch, pleasant and convenient neighborhood; cheap. Tabor 6875. 214 East 33d st. South. TWO FRONT rooms and bath in 5-room cottage; clean and quiet, homelike place; ten minutes walk to 6th And Washington sts; no children; rent rea sonable. 171 17th st, LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms sink, bowl, electricity, gas, phone and bath: adults only; walking distance. 292 Tillamook st., near Williams ave. East 01170. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pri vate residence, close in; electric lights; back and front entrance: nice yard; no other Mtmers. Call 532 C!ast.; no children. WBKT SIDE Neat ivory enameled room with small kitchenette, Jn modern home, electric grill, to refined lady. 11th St. Main 6750. ONE LARGE room with fireplace and kitchenette, walking distance, one or two. employed. 554 Johnson, cor. 17th street. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms and bath: upper floor, modern home ; $20 a month. 227 W. Sumner. Wal mit 6246. TWO furnuished rooms, private family. Irvington, tile bath and garage Includ ed, also gas, light and heat. $4v pev month. Keteren-ces required. East 4;;u. LARGE, clean room, kitchenette, clothes closet and water in room; very suitable for couple, $20; aiso one for $18. 512 Morrison, corner 17th Atwater 221V BASEMENT apt.-room with kitchenette, $15; everything furnished; employed people preferred. 303 Multnomah st East 8051. ONE LARGE, light housekeeping room, close in. lieht, phone, gas. water and bath furnished.' 327 Clacaamas. Phone Est. 5305. WORKING woman alone will share well furnished flat,' close in, with two girls or couple at very reasonable figure. Phone East 20S2. ONE AND TWO, thoroughly renovated, H. K., electric, gas. phone furnished. 431 Market. Atwater 2760. $15 UNFTRNISHED rooirta, closet, bath room, gas range in kitchen. 671 Kear ney. CONVENIENT furnished housekeeping rooms. 1019 E. 10th st. N. Walnut NEWLY furnished and painted house keeping rooms, rent greatly reduced, less than $20 per month. 30$ Mitl st. Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. This splendid 7-r. bungalow cannot be duplicated for the money, without the lot; every conceivable built-in fea ture; in excellent condition; owner forced to sell, hence this sacrifice. Step lively. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Realtor. COR. 36TH AND HAWTHQKNE. TAB. 744i3. EVENINGS. TAB. 1077. WILL lease 5-room Irvington bungalow and garag or will sell to responsible party on most reasonable terms. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER EAST 31.07 AUGUST 1, attractive 5-room apartment, on Portland Heights car line; large living room, fireplace, sun porch and sleeping porch: $65. Main 3553. FOR RENT Five-room house, full ce ment basement; with one acre all in garden; plenty of fruit. Phone Bdwy. 3ft5. - . WE CAN RENT your place and sell your . furniture quickly. See Mr. Orleman, 801 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 6704. FOR RUNT Good 8-room house on paved street; full basement, wash tray a and garage. Phone Bdwy. 3Q05. ROSE CITY PARK Large, modern house, garden, garage; will lease fur nlshed or unfurnished. 530 E. 47th st. 4 ROOMS, bath and kitchen-eUe, partly furnished, c-lose in. Will sub-rent very reasonable to right party. 39 Russell. FOUR-ROOM new bungalow, furnished or unfurnished; garage. All built-ins; lease; adults. R. C. Tabor 2S6L MODERN 6-room bungalow. Rose City; garage. Will consider lease. East 4440. BUNGALOW, 423 E. 43d St., between Hawthorne and Division, $30. C. De Young & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern house, completely furnished, for rent. Plione Sellwood 3165. ROOMY 6 room house; E. 12th St., off Burnslde. Immediate possession. $35. Main 0H15. 701 Corbett Bldg. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co. Main 1261. 202V Alder st. 5-ROOM bungalow, bath and toilet. $25. Adults only. Call after 10 A. M. 4520 01st ave. -S. E. 10-ROOM house, 506 Johnson, between 14th and 15th. Call between 2:30 and 5 o'clock today. ' 5-ROOM house at 1459 Union ave. N.; rent $18 per mo. ; open. Stewart Sc Johnson? 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. LOWER flat, 449 Broadway, $22 as it Is, or will fix It up. T. H. Edwards, " 82-86 5th st. FOR RENT Modern new five-room up per flat on Ladd ave. Call at 572 Ladd ave. E. 0887. COSY 5-room bungalow, good district; reasonable rent to responsible tenant Walnut 0056. . FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, new ly tinted and decorated. 786 Water st. Phone Aut. 516-22. SIX-ROOM house, west side, walking distance, rent $40. Call 'Monday. Bdwy. 3S40. Mr. Schmeer. ' . 7-ROOM modern home, large lot, good district, near street car and school; Immediate possession. 4U. taoor rf.-tjo. DESIRABLE 6-ROOM HOUSE, 312 SAN RAFAEL, NEAR UNION, CLOSE IN. INQUIRE 3H9 HANCOCK. t GOOD, clean 5-room cottage, 1339 East 8th st. N. Two blocks north of Ains worth' ave. Adults only MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d at. Bdwy. 5121. 6-ROOM house, furnace, gas range. 1 year or longer. 320 E. 33d st. and Mar ket. Tabor 75S9. m $40 FINE 6-room, corner house, gas, electricity, basement, garage, 1 block ear. 840 East Ash. m 5-ROOM cottage, 1252 E. Madison st.. Hawthorne car; full lot, fruit; $31.50, including water. Key 1248 E. Madison; FOR RENT or will lease partly-furnished 9-room house, suitable for 2 families. 875 E. Madison. Tabor 1836. FOR RENT Modern bungalow and ga rage. 1215 E. 16th St., N. Call Wal nut 6755. 5-ROOM bungalow, strictly modern, $25 per month. Call for particulars at Mfl E. Belmont. -ROOM bungalow rent $25. 5810 58th st.. end of Woodstock carllne. 616-12. MODERN 4-room bungalow, 1S75 Van Houten; reasonable. Empire 1544. 0-ROOM house, close in, $25 .month, water paid. 451 E. 10th St. FOR SALE By owner, new 6-room bun . galow. M. T. 88th car. 301 E. 82d at. 0-ROOM house, newly decorated, modern, $40. 672 E. Stark. 5-ROOM cottage, - large yard, good loca tjon, $28. Tabor 7674. MODERN 10-room house, with garage, west side. Inquire 140 5th st. 5 ROOMS and garage, $25; Vancouver ave. and Holland St. 7-ROOM house, garage, close In, east fide. $40 per month. Call Aut. 646-81. -ROOM house and garage, strictly mod ern. 729 Northrup. Mar. 1310. 3-ROOM modern house, 1033 E. 28th st N. Aiberta car. 7-ROOM house, close1 in, 5nf table for roomers. 187 Chapman. vlnu-t 6748. TO RENT your home see Frank L. Mc Guire. Abington bidg. ' 5-ROOM modern bungalow $30. If vou buy some furniture. Walnut. 6296. FOR RENT 5 rooms, new bungalow, E. 49th st. Call 225 Morrison. 7-ROOM house. newly tinted. 346 East 30th st., by owner. Phone Auto. 637-34. 7-ROOM modern house, partly furnished. $40 a month. 5429 38th ave. 6 ROOMS, modern, west side, walking distance. 791 1st. Atwater 2812. . ROOMS, gas, bath, electric lighta walking distance. 430 Harrison st. 6-ROOM house, 626 East Couch et.p near 10th, $35. East 3212. 5-ROOM modern, $"25. S. E. Auto. 628-14. 6935 45th ave. MODERN 6-room house. Hawthorne dis trict, clean, $40. Phone 639-25. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, trays, gas, electricity. Key 87 E. 17th, A. M. MODERN 6-room house. 1369 Milwaukie st. Phohe Sellwood 2670. MODERN 5-room house for rent. Call A u to. 6 12 -59 FOR RENT 7-room house, close in, Portland Heights. Main 3648. $30 VERY desirable 6 rooms, modem, does in. 531 Center st. Sellwood car. 5-ROOM house. $25, immediate posse sion. 1082 E. Lincoln. 6-ROOM bungalow, rent $25. 5810 58th Bt nd, of Woodstock carllne, Sia-12.