12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 16, 1922 REAL ESTATE. BUNOAUOW KNAP. $050 CASH, ROSfcl CITY PARK, $4800. IiRAND NEW, FIVE ROOMS, HKtiAKFAST NOOK. HARiAVOOD Fl,t ORS. FIREPLACE. TAPESTRY PAPER. FULL, CEMENT T1ASEMKNT, NEAR SCHOOL. WONDERFUL LO CATION. OARAGE WITH CEMENT FLOUR AND DRIVEWAY. COME OUT AND SEE IT TODAY. R. W. SMITH. OWNER. CORNER E. .6TH AND i'HOMPSON. NEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. LAL'RELHL'RST. lilStt E- Glisan st. iust tfie oiave tor professional man; has 5 largg. rooms with attic that can by finished in 'Z rooms. Come out Sunda.v .nd look It over. ROE CITY. 710 E. 56th at., 5 rooms, corner lot. ready to move in; hardwood floors throughout. Open Niiiwinv. I Colonial Heights, Dutch colonial with 4 bedrooms; tor a lew aays mis piauw will be offered lor less than cost, j.:- K. T2d at. Bdwy. 5231 or Auto. 317-44. BUILT FOR A BRIDE. Brand-new 4-room bungalow, won derful Dutch kitchen with cosiest breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms, combina tion living and dining room with fire place, bookcases, etc.; all done in ivory; corner lot, 3 blocks from Mis sissippi car at 03 Skidmore at. All im- nrnvAirtantM in and paid. Price only $:tw; pay S700 down, balance like 1 rent; or can use soldier's loan. Oeorge F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Mis sissippi ave. Walnut lJul. Suburban Homes. $26503 ACRES. Park Rose. Wilson ave. north of Sandy blvd.. 1-room cottage, ground all cleared except a few trees along the creek; owner go ing into business and must sell Immediately; this ia a dandy tract, as the entire south side borders on the creek, excellent soil, terms $900 down, balance $J0 per month Included at 6. Call at our Parkroae branch of fice, near end of Parkroae -tar line. Tabor 2'JQi. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 603-1. v GRESHAM DISTRICT. For sale, one of the best suburban home sites, in vicinity of Portland, tYtacnif input nsnorama view of Helens. Adams 'and Hood; Including five acres of splendid soil, all in high state 1 of cu tivation, tour-room punBaiow, " chicken house. Bull Run water, gas and electricity; splendid home-owning neighbors; must be seen to De ap preciated. AV 207, Oreg'onian. RMAU. DOWN PAYMENT. Half acre with S8 assorted fruit trees;--variety of berries; neat 4-room house with sleeping porch, gas and I otv water: ohlriken house and parage: rie-ht s t T.iithr station and. close to t city: $2630. See this today. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L.. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 71T1. Thi rd .St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. 13 ACRE5, (AVE MILE N. O'F OR-ENKJO. All in high state of cultivation, 5 a. loganben ies, H acres wheat, pota toes and vegetables, family orchard; good' house, barn, chicken house and I - good water; everything Included in price If sold at once. For further par ticulars call. HENRY W. OO'DDARD, Realtor, 2-13 Stark -Street. Bdwy. 7831. " A LITTLE INCOME from this suburban home, will help out I on your earnings; 11 acres, all clear. fruit, berries, chicken houses, good j modern 5-room house, convenient to the city by auto or car' line; attrac-1 tive at $4000; $300 cash will handle, balance terms. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 21ft N. W. Bunk Bldg. Mar. 4114. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. Strictly modern 5-room, bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, gaa, elec tricity. Bull Run water, chicken house. finest liVis acres fruit and berries and onlv 20 minutes from 6th and Wash. The best buy around Portland. Look at this today. ROBINHON-SPOONER CO., Broadway 7S5. 712 Couch Bldg. tzooo. 100x3 00-ft liomesite, Oswego lake shore. mannlf icertt view, boat'houae. fine fish in, beautiful shade trees, neat 2-r. cottage, gas, elec, rchone, $500 cash, bal-. terms. Bdwy. 7672; at Lake Grove Sundays, McFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg. 1 ACRE AND 8-ROOM NEW HOUSE. PRICE SUM) S1B0 DOWN. This Is a fine acre tract, 8 miles trom heart oi city on aooa pavea roaa to place; in fine suburban district; 'close to stores; 15 minutes from, city; monthly payments to suit. JOHN M. KROO CO. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. TWO ACRES at Beaverton, 4-room mod ern bungalow, earden. truit. Iiowers. This is an ideal suburban home; $2900, terms. Or will trade for house In city up to $4000. J. W. O'CONNELL CO.. 213 Stock Exchange. Main 8601. GOING AWAY. 2-room garage house, cltr water. 1 nearly H acre fine land, just outside city, near 4d street, Alberta car. Let me show you this today; 1 1050, $250 cash, terms. Roper W. Carey, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg., Main 1643. Residence, walnut lv ah. FOR THifO NVLYV ONLY $2830. Fine new 4-room plastered bungalow. parage, piliimhing, lig-hts. boating. swimming, a fine grove of trees, close to elect no station and au;o road: easy terms. Allen, 500 Concord bid., ana stark. RAISE poultry and pay for one of these pretty little homes, wonderful soil and alt conveniences, thla Is a real chance to get a home of your own. Small pay ment down. Oregon city car to ever green station, cross bridge and go to I corner uatneia ana Aiaercrest road. Wm. Aspinwall, owner. OSWIEGO LAKE VIEW HOME. New, modern, 5 rooms, line, porch, overlooks lake, elec., gas, fruit, a ere, i vw cagn, Dai. term. rwy. tn& Here is your opportunity to ouy somethmgr extra nice at cut rate. At T-ake G-rove art ore Sunday Mc- ranana, realtor. gos Failing bldy.' OSWEGO LAK0 BARGAIN only sm New 4-room buiwraicw with 100x100. overlooking oeautuui u&wego Jake; water ana Mgn-ts. noanng ajid ttathlng. $100 gives rxrsses-sion. toalanc lik rnf. By owner, GOu Corword bldg.. 2d amd ia.rK. ONE ACRE AND LOMiiiLY KOJ IttOOO. On corner, just outside cHy Jimlts, 8 -room bungalow type, large porch, 1 double garage, chicken runs: 1 fu,r- 1 niture, -tools, chicks and. cow Included I in price, uooa terms. . , HfilVRT W. GODDiARD, Realtor, 248 Stark Street B-d'wy. 7S31. " REAL SNAP. ' Strictly up-to-date home of 6 rma. ana oig garage. Attractive grounds. aoout i acrp. uanuy ciose-in loca tion. Worth $5000. Will sacrifice over siuuv on price u taKen this week and give terms or take part trade. See a. is. hiii, -iiM uumbermens bldg. " AC RlE A -N D BU.NiAIjOW . ON'LY $1450. TCifty 4-room bunalow, close to sta tion, S. P. electric, large acre, fine soil, lights, rock road; a bargain at $1450, terms like rent- fiee Alien, 500 vx)ncora Dicig., M and stark. MULTNOMAH 2 blocks from station, big 1-3 acre tract, half dear, with tine garaen. man house and out-bulld- ings, all city conveniences: will selj my equity $JW0, balance due $.150. $10 per month at 0 per cent Interest. Fori a snap see ak yt'w. oregonian. - ON BEKTHA-B'EAV-ERTON HIOHWAY. 0 acres, upper side of road; beau tiful home end su-r rounding; R-arage; I own water system ana null Kim; srow p. ace. ah cr part of the Q a. ionn a. wisffner. ai iasco b.djr. oawiBGO lakje. " Must sell this week my beautiful lot on Oswego lake, with tour-room modarn rustic bungalow; big sacrifice. ! inquire ior wnewon at Goodln ata. aunoay or write L 777. Oregonlaju BEAUTIFUL OflW'BGO LAiKEt OMY $1200. I have a wonderful view acre, overt looking Oswego lake; rock road, water, lights and gas: easy terms. Ask Allen, 11 BEAUTIFUL sightly lots. cas. wtr. elec. light, 0-room bungalow, half completed on same: verv low nrtc n close estate. Terms. 603 Title & Trust hldg. Bdwy. 3-58. FoR UaLu. or trade. Forest Grove. Or., lots. 10-room house, all kinds o fruit: electricity, gas. Owner, Mrs. Ralner, TWO LI1'TLE dream homes for the newly-weds. Oregon City car to Ever green station, then go to corner Oat- fieid ana Aidercrest road. I-OR SALE Nt-w cozy 4-room houe and one acre, corner 72d and county line road. Take caT to Luther Sta. on Ea- tstcnrla line- Tabor 5H1. $100 CASH $1500. Cute S-room bungalow, acre pretty , trees, other fine places $700 up. Bdwy. 7u:2- .UcFarlaad, 20 Fatting bldg. REAL ESTATE. huburlmn Moine. a-ET US SHOW YOU vome of Our Good Buys in Acreage and Suburban Homes. $1800 At Maptewood, "close to MULT .NOMAh; halt acre anu a cozy ' 4-room cottage: city watr, ' elec, gas. city carfare; fruit and berries; only 0 minutes' " walk to station on macadam road; cash $400, $20 monthly. $2S0( Maplewood station, close to ' MULTNOMAH; 5-room bunga low. DUTCH kitchen, built-ins. bathroom, lavatory, elec, gas, Bl'lX RUN water, plastered, full cement basement, arage, family orchard full bearing, berries, city carfare, only three block from Oregon Elec. sia tion; cash $000, balance $25 monthly. ' $3200 H TIBER STATION, near BEAV ER TON ; 2 acres, fi-room l'ri story houe almoet Tiew, Dutch kitchen, built-ina ceiled and papered: half cement basement, fine water system from which piped water runs into the house, large weather boarded barn, garage, chicken house, wood shed, family orchard full bear ing, 1000 strawberry plants, 1 acre now la potatoes, fuel wood may be obtained close by very cheap. Aiso 3 acres adjoin that you can buy very cheap, where you may let your stock roam among the iirs; iz min utes' walk to S. P. station; cash $1000, balance $2o per month. $3300 ALOHA STATION $3300. TEN ACRES, a few miles west of BEAVERTON, 7 acres in or chard, some cherry trees and Italian prunes, full bearing; gas, city water close by; only 6 blocks to S. P. station, highway and school. Located on mac adam' road a genuine bargain; . cash $000, balance $20 per . - iponth. An IdeaUjr located tract. Investigate. $4200 MAPLEWOOD STATION. HALF ACRE, walking distance to MULTNOMAH; very artis tic, jaat completed and VA--CANT. ,Move In TOMORROW; 6 rooms, large living room and modern fireplace, with two-inch waxed fir flooring, buffet, built ins, breakfast-Rook, FRENCH doors; plastered, full cement basement, white enamel bath, septic tank, gas, elec., city wa ter, city carfare. WONDERFUL ( VIEW. Located on good road close to two electric lines and school; built for a home. Cash $500, balance $25 monthly. M. E. DeJOICE CO.,' '807 Henry Bl-dg. Broadway 1(531. Over 100 eelect suburban homes to choose, from. Office, open Sunday 11 A. M.-2 P. M. WORLD WAR VETERANS. ONLY. , "HOME GARDEN TRACTS," only 11 miles from Portland via Columbia river highway, each tract with a frontage on the Co lumbia river, are now offered for sale. Size of these tracts 8 to 13 acres. All very richest kind -.of garden soli, sub-irrigated. Will build substantial 3 to 4-room house as tracts are sold. - Fricas range from $4O00 to $4600. Simply APPLY STATE LOAN. Balance payable $15 monthly including interest 6. Only ten of these tracts avail able. GET BUSY. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT. SALES AGENTS, 283 Stark St. . Bdwy. 1188. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMES. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKEK. 1U acres, equal to 12 city lots, fine residence, electric lights, gas. and phone, choice flowers and lawn, fine vineyard and on ttka electric line. For only $6500,- NO. '1. Pretty .5 acres on the highway, fine 5-room bungalow, fine orchard, cher ries, pears, apples, strawberries, etc., fine spring, all in cultivation, a de lightful home; only $0000. I have many otner neautirui suburban homes Jrora $250v to $7000 cashl i-zm ranama taag. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. Pretty 4-room bungalow with sleep ing porch, hardwood floors; full ce ment, fasement; elec, gas and city water and modern In every respect; acre of choice soil; beautiful shade trees and lawn. You will buy this place if you see it. $5000. Small down pay ment handles. See F. C. Marshall. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 212 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St. Bet. Was h. and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME WITH INCOME. 4 acres, dts fruit trees, 3JA acres In assortment of berries; good house and outbuildings; on hard-surface road, 11 blocks outside city limits; city utili ties, close to school and. car. Some buy for $6500; $2000 cash; or will trade for rooming house up to $3000, or accept any good collateral as first pay ment. See today from branch office, loth and Shaver. Auto. 328-48. JOH'NSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. jtaln 3787. ACRES. 2 miles from Lents, naved road, creek on place, elec. car line on one ena.; small house, Darn, chicken houses, 83 of finest bearing young fruit trees, berries and grapes. Owner leav ing state and will sell for almost half what others are asking. $6000 will take it; will make splendid chicken or berry i uuuii. jrni ine snow nto you. H. II. STAIIB 1027 Belmont st. Tabor 0219. OSWEGO LAKE HEADQUARTERS. Lake shore lot. water, lights':. .1 4R0 One acre, water, lights, gas 500 nonage, 4 rooms, $iui down.... 1175 Bungaiow, near lake shore...... 1450 New bungalow, full acre 1500 Bunaralow. , acre, water, lifchts. gas i nan Bungalow, big corner, 9c fare... 2000 eungatow. 4 rooms, on 180x120-. . 200 Call for McCLURE, 500 Concord ' bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. One acre, all in cultivation, with new 4-room plastered bungalow with bathroom ; finished in white enamel ; has city water and gas; fine location. just outside city limits; $2700; easy icnua. SAYLER E. SMITH. S18 Railway Exchange Bldg. Evenings. Tabor 0318. TWO BEAUTIFUL suburban homes, just uumpieieu, oeauurui surroundings, setting in beautiful grove of trees and adjoining a natural park, where the kiddies can play and grow in safety. Oregon City car to Evergreen station, cross 'bridge, go to paved road, turn to left, then second and third new nouses on right; small payments. Wm Aaplnwall. owner and builder. CAPITOL HIGHWAY. ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME. Take Part Cash or Trad 5 A.i elect.- lights, water system. good house, barn, including garage, large chicken house, all well painted. iiuit m nDunuanco, nmg. walnuts, plenty neighbors, near store, church. school. Englehart, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Digg. v.. SMALL houses near Multnomah; one for mov, size or ground ttxl40; one Tor $i00, size of ground 70x140; one for $1150. size of ground lOOxlflil ft ah three are practically new and can be bought on easy terms. Would take some imae. t or parucuiars call on lien Kiesiana, 404 Piatt bldg., or Mrs. rant, in charge ot the Multnomah of- HIGH CLASS. Attractive 6-room bunyalow with lurnace, uiepi&ce, cement Basement, garage and all up-to-date features. Ixtcated choice, close-in, restricted suouroan district, ueagntlul grounds, Only J4bru. Small payment easy "is, lane iul or small DUn- galoTT part payment. See A. K. Hill, zp Lnmpermena Dldff. MR. RENT PAYER. I have two of the prettiest and coziest little bungalow homes you ever saw, jusi completed, all modern con vonlences, tVio commutation fare. Ore Bon City car to Evergreen station, cross Dridge and go to corner Oat field and IMdercrest road. Ismail pay- ment qowa. w.r. ivspinwail, owner. MAPLEWOOD, near Multnomah, V, acre, good assortment of fruit; hard road; 4-room house, bath, large living room, porcii, electricity, aas. cltv wa ter, garage and chicken house, near school; beautiful vl0w. Price reduced, but large first payment required. C. H. Austin, owner, Maplewood. ONE acre in high state of cultivation with good 5-room house and vnmvA located on Oregon City line on paved river road near Oak Grove station, for sale. Price $3500. For full Informa tion and terms see McClure & Schmauch uq., aim nan way e.xcnange bldg. ABOUT one-fourth acre artistic fiv- room bungalow, gas, fireplace, built-in 4j features, garage, near station, on fine road, close in. Pries $4300; easy terma 509 Chamber of Commerce bidg. B,dwy. 12 ACRES, 20 minutes from your office; paved road; Bull Run water, gas and eiectrrclty, house, bam, fruit trees. $500 down, balance 10 years. 502 Plt- tocK bin. Ha wy, gu'J. RIVER FRONT. Expensive home, complete; easy terms; sacrifice equity. Also building sites. Main 0503. 1S OSWEGO; 4-room cottage and lot 50x120; 2 blocks from depot; easy terms, AJ TTtf, Oregonlan KRAI, ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 3 acres, between Portland and Tigard. & mile to electric sta tion; all under cultivation; bear ing orchard, some -berries; 4-rm. house with electric lights, Jarn, chicken house, .other buildings; price $3510, $700 ash. Con sider 15 to 40 acres. Improved or unimproved; not over 25 miles irom Portland. One acre, half mile- from elec tric station, just outside city limits, near Milwaukle road; all under cultivation, city water; It bearing fruit trees; 4-room. house, 2 large chicken houses, capacity 500 chickens. small barn; price $1550, $500 cash. Ask for lir. Nelson. One acre, ft miles west of cen ter of JPortland; close to station and school; rocked road; all cul tivated ; 0 bearing fruit trees, some berries; attractive 4-room house, chicken house; price $2000. $600 down, balance easy terms. Consider larger place of -'5 to 10 acres, near high school, up to $3000. ACRE TRACTS CTTY CON VENIENCES. On the west side; good soil, no rock nor gravel; close to electric station ; tc commutation fare; good car service; Portland as, eiectric lights and city water on property. Offered far below value, on easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Grllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near ' Portland. FINE LITTLE COUNTRY HOME. -34 acres, 4-room house, woodshed, barn, chicken house. 0 full-bearing fruit trees. acre In assorted berries, lots of fruit and f'.ne growing garden and crop, about .100 chickens, 1 fine Jersey cow and 1 pig go with, place; paved highway into Portland, on both electric and auto stage line, only 25 minutes out; close to school and church; ideal for one working In Port : land; present owner selling on account old age; price $2750, on easy terms; this is a splendid buy. - WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth St. Bdwy. 2080. RIVER X.. DISTRICT. HIGH-CLASS HOUSE. Beautiful grounds, over 1 acre, with large, artistic, strictly modern, Cali fornia bungalow; right on hignway and electric carllne; 2 fireplaces; has wonderful possibilities for further . artistic developments. Price below cost of the residence. Term. Might consider small buncaow or Income property aa part purchase. JOHN A. MEISSWER, S21 Gasco Bidg. SPLENDID suburban home, Oregon City car line, acre, cosy 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bath, water, gas, electric lights, garage, big barn. Onrj of the prettiest homes near Portland." An abundance of shrubbery, trees and fruit. $5000; terms. Geo Anderson, Rialey sta tion, end walk one block south, or call 8.10 Spalding bldg. and see photo. V6 ACRE, one block from electric t tlon. 7c carfare; 2 blocks from city limits; west of 53d street, on fine macadamized street; practically all in fruit and berries; exceptionally good soil ; 6 -room plastered house, city water, gas, electric lights sd tele phone; in district of rood homes. Price $"050; very asy terms. Cosrtder confectionery stock for part. Ask for Kemp, j ohn Ferguson, realtor, Ger lingcr bldg. Over 500 small places 7Jear Portland. FOR SALE or lease, completely furn ished 5-room bungalow, on Oswego lake. AB 780. Qregonlan. For Sate Hu-iiipkh iioierty. SANOY . BLVD. BIG INCOME BLOCK, $5850. Three stores, garage and 4-room apartment with bath; will rent at $100, or at $50 besides own store and apart ment and garage ; -to Investigate see my agent early Monday, David-Harp, at R T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, E. 39th and Sandy Blvd. Aut. 320-04. BUSINESS LOCATION. 150x100, 6-room bungalow, rents for $40, on corner of two main thorough fare!, east side, price $S500; mortgage gf3i00. Sell on easy terms or trade equity for Seaside property or acreage. it. muahu, pui stocK .Exchange Bldg., I HAVE 200iU0 teet. FACING BROAD WAY; best site in city for OFFICE BUILDING. HOTEL or APARTMENT HOUSE, that I will Offer for short time for $325,000. For details address AH" 793, Oreironian. FOR SALE Good corner lot. 6th and E. Burnaide; also good business corner, 17th E. Davis; also good quarter block ' 18th E. Glisan, on terms. Phone own- THuMSO.V & THOMSON. TV have some old clients waiting for us to locate them. If you want to sell, phone us, Broadway 48S0. 620-21 Henry bldg. CHOICE INCOME PROPERTY. Nice clean investments bearing very fine returns. Priced right, good terms. Best locations. Mr. Lemons, Bdwy. 6007. F. E. Bowman & Co. IMPROVED quarter, S. E. corner East .Morrison and 8d. Something doing tn this locality. See us for a price. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. WILL sell cheap, improved quarter, 100X iuv, close m on west -side, north of Washington st. This is an exceptional buy. 4?3 Pacific St. East 2192. WASHINGTON street, ideal apartment. site, reasonable. O'DONOVAN, 427 Worcester bldg. For Sale Acreage. $12.10. ACRE AND HALF. . PARKROSE. $13 DOWN. $13 MONTH, in- terest included at C per cent, a few trees, balance all cleared, rich garden land, great for berries and garden, good view, north of Bandy blvd. and car line. PARKROSE branch of fice end of car line, open every day. Take Rose City Park Parkrose car. Tabor 2904. J..L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. FINE HOME ON THE RIVER. Over 3 lots, right on the river, with a wonderful outlook, located at Jen nings' Lodge, Oregon City car. Bunga low of four rooms and hath, nicely f in- isnea; large front porch, electric lights. dandy gas range, hot-water heat, full basement, flowers and shrubbery. Price oniy 3'uu; easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commence Bl d-g . 20 ACKtiri, only 12 miles out. ail tillable S acres cleared; 7 acres almost clear: 10 Acres good wood. The wood will more than clear the land: small house and barn; good water and garden; near school and electrio station, aiso paved iiignway. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. Broadway 67S5. 733 Couch Bldjr, $2800 CASH will handle 10 acres near Beaverton, all in crop; 300 chickens,. 2 cows, 1 horse, buggies, wagons, farm implements; 4-room lurnisnea ounga low, chicken houses, barn, water sys tem, fine orchard; 30 minutes by auto Income now $125 a month, 1038 Bel mont Tabor voei. . OWN YOUR OWN HOME. 1 acre, located on Oregon City oar line, Evergreen station; good 6-room plastered house, basement, city gas, cook stove, young fruit trees, berries. Only .$2300. S200 will handle. i2K monthly. See owner at 31S Chamber oi commerce. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN. On pavement.' city water piped. 5 miles courthouse, all highly cultivated, only $550. terms. D. McChesney. G26 Kenry bldg., Broadway . 250. Sunday and evenings. Main 7S44. 80 ACRES, about 30 acres cleared and in crops, 40 miles from city; about 4 miles from Amboy, Wash.; .good trout stream running through place; will trade for improved Portland property. Call 608 Tenino.ave. OVER 8 acres near Powell Valley road, about milevwest of Llnneman Junc tion, covered with second-growth tim ber, for raie at $3500. Oregon Invest ment & Mtg. Co., 210 Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark sts. BUY NOW, PLAT LATER. 20 acres on 45th ave, and Van NesB ave. (Lens), $1000 per acre, half cash. Oregon Investment & Mtg. Co., 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ONE ACRE snap, ail in garden and choice fruit, fine spring creek. 4-room house, on gravel road, 4 blocks Oregon Electric. $100. easy terms. Main 0053. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. 36 ACRES 18 miles east of city, & cuK Uvate-d. balance easily cleared: no waste land; running water, fair house and barn; macadam road; anxious to B-eM. Owner, 321 Eugene st. East 23Q5. 5 CHOICE acres at Oloha, near pave ment, house, barn, 3 hen -houses-, fine soil. $2650, $300 cash. 601 Stock Ex change bldg. 18 ACRES, close in, Bull Run water, ready for subdivision; $45Q acre, good gravel kmkU owaei; X 6Ub Owgomaa RE ATi ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. LOOK! LOOK! GOOD 10-ACRE BUY. Good 7-room house, garage and other outbuildings, 4 mile from good school, 45 minutes from Portland on gravel road and paved highway; G1 acres in cultivation. I acre exception ally good orchard sprayed every 15 days; ail kinds of small fruit, roses and shrubbery; 1 acre new chicken park: place all. fenced and cross fenced; fine, well; 2 cows, hogs, about 200 Wh ite Leghorn chickens ; aJ 1 household kitohen furniture and small tools. FOR ONLY $4250, some terms. BEE US TODAY I Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with ! FRANK 7,. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5 month buy a 5 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lying land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, ber ries, fruit and vegetables. Have 5 and 10-a ere tracts on the same terms In other locations. CHARLES DBLFBL. 81 8 Railway Exchange Bldg. SHARE IN BIG CROP OP - POTATOES FREE. 5 to 15-acre tracts all planted to potatoes will be sold with share In fine crop of potatoes harvested and sacked. No extra cost to purchaser. SUNDERLAND ACRES AT East 29th st. N. and Columbia blvd. Close in. fine location for home; rich soil, good roads, close to schools. Alberta and Woodlawn cars. $400 per acre and up. Easy, terms. C. H. Naylor. office E. 20th at. and Columbia blvd. J. O. ELROD, Owner, 283 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 1188. CHOICE ACREAGE HOME WITHOUT MONEY. Marvelous opportunity to acquire a fine ten-acre farm of the richest soil In the world short distance down river from Portland; comfortable house 'and barn, etc., lots of fruit and berries, water frontage; non-resident owner will either take a small house or some good building lota or about $500 as first payment; worth $10,000, will sell for $5500; no cash, a little trade will do. O. H. -SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., 404-406 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 67S7. 10-ACRE SNAP. Close to Portland, on O. E., few blocks to grade and high school; 4 room house, electrio lights and gas, barn, chicken and brooder house, two acres loganberries, acre strawber ries, oats, vetch, corn, potatoes, peas, beans, -tc. Fine horse, cow, chickens, ducks, good furniture all tools and machinery. This is an Ideal place; can be irrigated. Price $0500. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A Beautiful Country Home Sit For a Retired Business Man. Containing 8& acres- The land is all clear, awaiting the magic touch of the artistic gardener productive soil wnere you can grow all kinds of shrub bery and flowers, gardens and lawn. facing directly on Base Line road, 30 minutes' anve irom heart of the city. Price $0500. R. H. CON FRET, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t00 DOWN BT7YS A HOMFi Small house, barn and outbuildings witn i-fr acres or nc-n soil. Located in Burbank addition, fronting the Barr road, two hundred yards west of Barker road. ' Price $1950; terms; $100 down, $25 per month. . We have other 2-acre tracts in this addition at $025 to aiz;i per tract. Terms $-0 down, $15 per month. If necessary we will help you build. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. 25 ACRES, all cultivated, orchard, ber ries, six-room house, barn, new poul try house 24x40, crop and implements, Washington county, 14 miles Portland, near highway. $5800, terms. 20 acres near Newberg, 15 acres' cleared, orchard. SH acres, berries, on good road, $4500, easy terms. 6 acres, one mfle Beaverton, 4 acres cleared. $1500; tak auto to $500. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. SACRIFICE PRICE ON ACREAGE. - Non-resident owners have directed us to offer at $200 under the market a fine tract of 40 acres, on pavement, close to Portland, rich soils, in culti vation; can be sold in five-acre tracts; surveyed and ready for markets will sell entire body at $325 per acre; terms to satisfy anyone; trade on cash basis. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., 404-406 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Section Line Road Near 82d St. $100 down and $50 every , three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition; $950 and up; aiJ in cultiva tion, good soli, ftity water, some tracts with bearing raspberries, loganberries, currants, and strawberries; will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH. 81B Ry. Exch Bldg. SUNNY SLOPE ACREAGE. 5-acre tracts within 6-mUe limit of Portland, good soil, good road; $100 to $300 per acre, $50 to $100 down, bal ance $10 per month; no interest to pay. S. B. Gustoff. 400 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4975. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. The motley you pay for rent will buy a deed to a big acre in Caiman, situated on 42d St., just outside city with practically all city conveniences. $1400, only $15 per month. R. H. CpNFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACREAGE. NO CASH REQUIRED, All or part of 40 acres; land lies good, excellent soil, easy clearing, near station, 30 miles irom Portland ; payment required for 3 years. Put your time and money en the place. This is your opportunity, gran it. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A BIO ONE-HALF ACRE Where there is elbow room for the little ones without turning them Into the street. Near Beaumont school and carline; practically all city con veniences, verv easy terms. R. H. CON FRET, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 TO 5 ACRES on Milwaukee road where you can raise your own chick ens, garden and berries. Electric lights and Bull Run water available. ill finance house. Acres low as 425 $45 cash and $7 per month puts you where the rent pays for your home. owner. Main usas. 5 ACRES ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD, Located 3 miles east of 62d street, 2 acres cleared, l acre timber, bal ance pasture; city water and electrio ity. Ideal for poultry and berries, Price $3500, reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 2V4 ACRES WITH WATER. Facing on Barker road, ideal for nemos ana cnicKens. only 987.C0 less man casn win handle. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE Sc. CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of trade Bldg. 220 ACRES, 10 miles above Scotta Mills, a under cultivation. SS0 per acre $1900 down, rest on time at 4 per cent running water year round; old build ings: ft ot cron with place. Call Auto, 647-63 or write Y. C. Buasle, ililwau- kie. Or. 40 ACRES of prune land, facing im proved county rdad. only short His- tance from Portland. Will sell for $4000. Might takesa good piece of city property as part payment. For partlcu lars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt omg., 17 Park st. 8 ACRES AT STATION. Facing west on Barker road, just north of Base Line road, covered with native trees. $1400, easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO 5-ACRE TRACTS. Two 5-acre tracts, one under culti vation, other in fine fir grove; near paved highway and Columbia river. 15 minutes from Vancouver. Sold separately or together Reasonable terms. AF 784, Qregonlan. ACRES $10 DOWN. $10 MONTH. Natural trees or cultivated; lot $1 aown. 91 weex; cement waitcs, gas, electricity. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg WRITE fcr map ot western Washingcoa showing location, low prices and easy terms orrered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER-CO. Tacoma. Wash. FIFTY CHOICE ACRES all In crop, 6 miles city limits, 15 from courthouse, near electric depot, rock road. Will sell cheap, part or all. Haines, Broadway 4d i o. FOR SALE? 10 acres ' barh, box house, spring at door, no rock, easily cleared. $15UU; 3 mues sycamore station, ineo, Schacht. Boring. Or.. Route 3. ' 10-ACRE fruit ranch, 2ft miles from Ore gon City. Price $3800, $2300 cash, the rest assume. Address box 133, route 3, Oregon City, Or. 3 ACRES in cultivation near city limits, unfinished house; $2300 if sold soon. C. S. Tigard, 959 Cor belt. Phone Main 8923. - CARSON, Nevada, I have a nice little home and four acres, watered by ar tesian wells, which I will sell cheap or exchange. P. O. box 1003. Portland. 11 ACRES on Clack, river. 3 a. cleared. a-rm. nouse, nrepiace, ato roaa. line I Imtinti t i&Otik ttt B&ik Atv, &403k REAL ESTATE.' For Sale Acreage. ACRES, 14 miles from station. 27 miles from center of Port land, near Oregon City ; ma cadam road, 2 Vis acres' culti vated, balance Umber; all can be farmed when cleared ; some . fruit; 3-roora rustic house, new barn, chicken house and run way, other buildings; personal property, 3 cows, cream separa tor, wagon, harness, tools, fur niturfc, linoleum, etc. Price $1000, terms. .. .. 7H acres, 4 miles from good town, mile to grade school, . : ail cultivated, black loam aoii, 4 acres apples. 12 years old; acre loganberries, lots of straw- . berries and other fruit; 4-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed, personal property, . good Jersey cow, 40 laying hens, 50 yqung chickens, household furniture, Maxwell touring car, dragsaw, gasoline engine, etc.: price for everything $1950, "$95d cash, balance semi-annually at O per cent. Over H acres. 3 m!)es from city limits, close to station and school, Gresham vicinity, rocked road, all cultivated, -1 H acres red raspberries, one acre straw berries, Himalayas, blackcaps, bearing orchard, 5-room house, barn 40x60. chicken houso 10x40; included with place horse, wag on, plow harness, cultivator, crops, chickens, etc. Price for everything $3500; large cash pay ment; consider small place near some small town to $2500. 10 acres, on North Bank high way, 4 blocks from station; mile to school, 40 miles from Portland, acre berries, no waste land; good well, 4-room house, barn,, good chicken house and runways, close to hot springs, personal property 2 cows. 36 chickens, tools; price $3000, clear. Consider Port land house or vacant acreage close to Portland. GOOD ACREAGE BARGAIN. 10 acres, on macadam road, 12 miles from center of Portland, $4 mile to electric station, high and grade school ; 5 acres un der cultivation, no waste land, lots of berries, new house, plaster-board finish; garage. Price $3000, very easy terms. Inspected by Davis. AT OREGON" CITY. One acre, 1 miles from center of town, one mile to school; all in garden and fruit; irocked road, 4-room, plastered house with electric lights, garage, chicken house, capacity 100 chickens, other buildings. Price ' $2200. terms. Photos at office. . One acre, on Oregon City line, close In ; cultivated, gravel road, 2-roora house, barn, in cluded with place ran ge, gas plate, dining table, kitchen table, beds and other furniture. Price . for everything- $1200, terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over BOO Small Places Near . Portland. OttEIXG IS BELIEVING. Let us show you this fine place. 10 acres, all in cultivation, fine creek, also ""Bai-cu, some small . iruit, 4J-roora moa-ern nouse, not and cold water, bath wiiei, iuu casement, laundry trays, garage. Ford riiiverv i toon. 1 16 chickens, good wagon, 6 mile from (..ana. on pavea highway. o acres, 4 acrea in cultivation, bal ance pasture, some timber, 5-room bun galow, barn, large new chicken houee ail kinds of small fruit; close to Ore- sua uy; easy terms. YOUR HOME. nvies, acres in cultivation, new 4-room plastered house, ham and out buf dings, good family orchard, small fruit and garden plenty f wood cut. nam; 1 mues irom Ore- sun v,uy. rnce $4300. 10 acres, 7 acres in cultivation, room house, barn and nut hniMin COW. 1 horse, farm ImnlBmonli, barn, and household goods, all for $2100; 6 miles from Oregon City MILLER&HIP & STEWART lit ACRES HiriffT.V T HT'P'n riwn wub vi me iinest improved properties on the Columbia highway, 12 miles east or Portland is now for sale; has an 8-room house, bungalow type, with private lighting system, spring water piped to the house, barn and chicken runs, nice orchard,- loganberries, rasp berries and strawberries; nearly all in cuJtivatJon; has oak grove at the lake which borders on the property; nothing finer to be found close to Portland: price $11,500, on terms. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors. 269 Onk St. Bdwy. 5355. HAZEL PARK ACRES. Just one mile east of ' 82d st. on north side of Powell Valley road, all tracts face on pavement, part of each tract in cultivation, part in beautiful grove, Bull Run water, half acres $675, acres $1250, terms; go out and see It today; stakes numbered and big .sign on property so you can make your own selection. J. G. RAINEY. 517-18 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 62C9. 16-ACREt TRACT. Made to order for platting just a nice slope, all cleared except on corner of about an acre, city water, gas, elec tricity and telephone, county road and street, sidewalk to station, only 18 minutes from 6th and Salmon st. Lo cated on the west side, $500 an acre. This Is surely a bargain; investigate it and you will find land around held irom ium up. .Broadway 2571 PORTLAND HO MR CO 633 Railway Exchange bldg, Are You Living in Someone Else's Houso ? Afad buying the garden truck that grew on someone else's land ? Th greatest satisiaction you will ever know will be the satisfaction you will get in working on your own land. Start NOW. Buy 5 acres in Ritlow Acres, out uase Line road, for $1600. Easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of TradeBldg. $6500. A BARGAIN. $25.10 PASH. Five acres 3 miles from Vancouver. Wash. Good seven-room hounn. ham- chicken runs; 140 bearing peach trees, 140 prune trees one year old: cherries; K walnut trees, apples, pears, lots of grapes and all kinds of berries. Over an acre of strawberries. Might con- siaer xraae ror improved city property. ' G. C. ULRICH .CO., Jnc, Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg., Main 4354. Open Sunday. l $50 TO J100 AJ APR ft IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. A COUNTRY OF ROCK ROADS. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARMS. ANY SIZE TRACTS on small cash payments and easy terms; 15 to 20 miles from Portland, near electric sta tions, 30c and 40c fare, frequent serv ice ; fertile red shot loam soil, free from rock or gravel. On a good road. Roads now paved to Gresham. FRED F. HUNTRESS. Exclusive Agt 404 E. .Alder, cor. Grand Ave. E. 0640. 10 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED. On Columbia highway. 12 miles east of Portland, Is for sale or exchange for Portland pnoperty; will take a home up to $4000, some cash, balance terms; has a fine home, bungalow type, of 8 rooms, modern, has its own lighting system, spring water piped to the house; nearly all in cultivation. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors. 260 Oak St Bdwy. 15355. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY OPPORTUNITY. 10 acres,, facing on highway, at Cor bett, fine location for business pur poses, half in cultivation, part big na tive trees, wonderful view of river and mountains; snap for $3500; terms. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. 42 ACRES, close to Amity, Yamhill county; running water, all very near level, aoout iom coros or wood to acre; $3150; $400 down, balance 6 per cent. 52 acres, adjoining the 42 acres, saw timber, running 'water;- price cut to $3900; $500 down, balance 6 per cent. 220 Chamber 01 Commerce bldg. SEACHREST BROS. $21005 ACRES Base Line road. . $35005 acres Buckley ave. $5500 6 acres, improved house, barn, creek, naved road. $9000 Suburban modern home, 8 rms.. 1 acre, far arose. . CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 204 Ry. Ex. 2 ACRES, $12,500. On Barr road, 1 miles from Montavilia street cars; small catm pay ment, easy terma nun Run water, electric ngnts. teiepnone, neignoors. A W LAMBERT & SON. Realtors. 404 E. Alder, cor. Grand aye. E. 0640. WITHIN the 4-rntle circle of citv hall. right on pavement, just opening up beautiful tract 01 1 acpe suburban . 'homes; water, light and7 gas guaran- teed; get first choice. John A. Meiss ner. S21 Gasco bldg. WE HAVE farms from to 1000 acres which can be bought on very liberal terms. Also acreage to trade for city property. J. W. O'CONNELL CO., 215 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 8661 144 A. Douglas Co., trade for property In r u$ax Portland, C, Brown, Ioty Wash, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. FRANK C. ROBINSON. ACREAGE BUYS. SIX ACRES 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Toward Newberg. 4 blocks to carline on main highway; garage; large chick en house; 1 ft acres in loganberries; good small orchard, near school and church, $5500; $3500 down. This is a good buy. SUBURBAN HOME, 3 ACRES. 5-room house, family orchard, tele phone, cream route, 3 blocks to school, near store; a person with $000 to pay down can have this at tne low price 01 $2000. TAKE $3000 HOUSE IN TRADE. T ft acres. 50 S-year-old bearing fruit trees; no graveL fin dark soil, extra good water, nice 6-room house, 2 chicken houses, near the O. E. and S. P. cars, on good roads near Beaverton, $5000, or accept 4-room house to $3000. SEE WOLFHAGEN, WITH FRANK C. ROBINSON. REALTOR, 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222, 3H ACRES. PARKROSE. $26 DOWN $26 MONTH. $2602, all cleared but few shade trees, rich garden land, free from rocks, good building site, no building restrictions, low county tax, north of Sandy blvd. and car line. PARKROSE branch office at end of car line, take Rose Ci ty Park-Parkrose car. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. ONLY $1250 CASH will put you In possession of good 14-acre home; good build ings, good well and running water, orchard and small fruit; on paved road ft mile R. .R. town with good nigh school. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main ' St., Vancouver, Wash. CERTAINLY nothing like thia offer arauno tnis city, so pretty and so very close in. straight 7 cents fare, hard- surf aceT road into city. 1ft acres extra ncn son, an in cultivation, xencea, crops very extensive, fine garden, fruit, berries, shrubbery, roses, good 6-room house, full basement, barn, cow stable, chicken houses, all city con veniences, fine Jersey cow, some valua ble furniture, tools; fine homes, beau tiful section. Everything offered for $2500. C. L. BECKER, 133 FIRST ST. 2 ACRES BEARING FRUIT. $3200 TERMS. SOUTH OF PARKROSE. 2 ft acres of rich loam soil, all in cultivation, bearing fruit, cherries, ap ples, grapes and berries. Bull Run wa ter, gas and electricity; a beautiful building site on a good auto road, only half mile east of the city limits. . HENDE RSON-BANKUS CO. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. R1VERDALE DISTRICT, ONLY $1750. Owner is forced to sell. One acre on Pacific highway, close to ar solenoid school and within a few' blocks ot sta tion. Gap, -electricity and city water In front of property. It adjoins the most exclusive homes In this wonder ful district. It Is reasonably worth one and one-half times the price asked. J. J. MCCARTHY. Abington Bldg.. Agt. BEST BUY IV ACREAGE. Fine 8 acres. 2 miles outside city, only $375 acre, all or half, 500-foot frontage on paved road, city water, phone, orchard and berries, perfect soli, fine building site, price is half what others ask. Owner 626 Henry bldg., Broadway 2505; Sunday and evenings. M a in 7844. 10 ACRES with small improvements, only mile from station on Oregon Electric,- land has all been cultivated, but is not in crop this year; price 2000. , mortgage $500: will accent email payment cash or exchange for lots or small house In . Portland. Bdwy. 1331 10 ACRES .gafud land and timber for logs and soma cordwood, down-hill haul, 4 mile Columbia river, store, f. o.. scnool. boat landing, several boats calling daily, .trice auu; terms. 133 1st st. room 1. Nelson. TWO SPLENDID ACRES, just Off hard surface Base Line road, near Rock wood station on Mt, Hood electric; $500 per acre, easy terms. A real bargain. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co, 210 Oregon bidg. Broadway ioaa. 40 ACRES FOR S600. 35 miloa from Portland, 2 miles from red electric line, rough land, part logged off, good stand of timber left; cash or terms. H. S. Hudson, 608 Artisan bldg 22 ACRES. 1500 CORDS WOOD. House, well, spring. 6 acres cleared, county road, school, oak and fir tim ber will pay it; $750 cash, bal. terms. Near town, elec. R. R. 'and highway. McFarland. Realtor. 20K Falling Midg. 13 ACRES, w-ith running stream, fir and cedar trees: Ideal pi ace for sum mer home on good main ros-d. Bull Run electric; easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. - R ACRES, all In cultivation, fine chard, berries of all kinds in market quantities, live spring, good barn, hen house, garage, new 5-room house, 30 minutes from .ortiana, acino nign way. K 822. Qregonlan. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. One or more) acres at 91st and Gll ean; 1 block from city carline; good soil: verv small payment down: easy terms on balance. W. M. Bmb'denstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. HALF ACRE-18 DOWN $8 MONTH. Acres $10 down, $10 month; lots with cement walks, gas, electricity, riKP to school: $1 down. $1 week, Roger W. Carey, 1219 N, W. Bank bldg. RTDrfF.S TRACT. 42d and Ainsworth, all fine cultivated land, some tracts with fruit ana nerries. water, gas, irtrlHtv easy nay ment, Roger W, Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1B43. res, wainut jnu. 3 acres rood garden land, fine build ing location, gas, water and electric light, 5 minutes' walk to Oregon City car. For Information call Wainut 4S41. . wai.p acta with rood 6-room house. chicken houses, chickens; on the edge of city; owner canea east, wiu aa riflce. J. W. O'CONNELL CO., 215 etock Exch. Bldg. Main 8661. FOR SALE. Half acre or acre, $400 up, outside city limits, streets and water in, small payment down, terms. Laughlln, 418 Spalding bldg.. Bdwy. 6550 forenoons. five ACRES for J650. excellent soil. .mile north or Anderson etuon. on n-s- tacada electric, terms, w. jh.. umo dentnock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. VACANT government lands; official and free mtormation aoout iwb nunurau million acres open to entry In U. o. Address Homeseeker, 1334 Division st., Portland. Or. irPPF.R PORTLAND HEIGHTS ft acre. ISOv: level, wonaenui view, u oiaarA Tin liens, short distance C. C car, terms. J. G. Rainey, 617 Abing ton bmg. flawy, oog. TtiiCKMAN TRACT, north of Rose City, native trees or cuiuvatea; naai acres tA rinwn. 13 month. Acre $10 month, Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank building. MORTGAGE now due, 20 acres near Gresham. If yon can nanaie mortgage of $1000 will give you a Dargain on balance. Price for quick sale. $2500, AO 807, Qregonlan. ou, a f.RES. S950 : 25 down, balance $ 1U per montn. nicn son, ow w nwr road; free fuel Included. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, or UQffn, ACRE OREGON ELECTRIC. Near Capitol Hill; a bargain; your terms; soma trade. Particulars Bdwy. 7203 or Alar. Bdzi. . fixvx RR. 20 acres. Tigard. house, barn, wells, otner, improvements, ciear ui debt, bargain. D. J. Ward, Sherwood, route 4. FOR SALE. acre. $1350. Ideal spot for three bungalows. East 00th and 2f)t.h avenue. biock from Haw thorne car. Owner Eest 4323. 2rt ACRES near Jennings Lodge, on river, iionnn- will take home In city to $5000. bal. lone time, Preble, 1888 Milton st. BEAUTIFUL building site, 1 acre, city w.tpr ram and liflrhts. fine soil, all cleared, only $850; $25 down, bad. $10 per mo. tfdwy. Ptti t. 40 ACRES, 15 cleared, 1 miles from Timber. $1400, baif cash, balance two years at ox 00.' jimoer, r. 320 ACRES out-over land, fine for grac ing, clear; as payment on city or suburban home, u 710, uregoman. 10 AflP.KS near Beaverton. partially 1m proved, spring and creek, box house. awy. utvn, S300 $25 DOWN $300. HALF ACRE ON WEST SIDE. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. BEAUTIFUL building site on Willamette river for sale by owner. Phone Moa- day. Bdwy. 1156. FOR SALE 1 acre, 4 block of Gilbert road. Call Aut. bzh-zb. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS a REAL BARGAIN Half an acre near CiYlate- ft. laau-r at 434 R 70t REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ONE ACRE. $S85. $10 DOWN $10 MONTH. ' PARKROSE corner tract, aorae trees, balance ail cleared, rich garden land, no rocks, north of Sandy blvd. and car line, out side city limits, low county tax, no street assessments to pay, $10 is !a total monthly pay ment a"mcludes interest at 6 per cent. PARKROSE branch office at end of car line. iTake ?ose City Park-PARKROSE car. abor L904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. BEAVERTON BUNGALOW. Two fine acres, ail in cultivation, dandy four-room bungalow with at tractive bathroom, electric lights, city water and gas; chicken house, ga rage, fruit trees and berries, within . walking distance of electric line, on main rock road. Price only f2?00. Can ba purchased on -very easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham-ber of Commerce B!dg. ONE-ACRE HOME THE BEST. Under cultivation; 40 bearing fruit and nut trees, all kinds berries small fruits and grapes; 6-room house, ce ment fruit cellar, large chicken house, barn, outbuildings, gas and electricity. Bull Run water available; four blocks station, four blocks school; $3750; easy terms, or will take house in exchange. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ACREAGE BARGAIN, ft nr-rps ft acres cultivation, balance pasture, some timber, all level: 5-room hnus( barn, outbuildings, small or chard horse, cow, some chickens, wag on, harness, all farm tools; I ft miles from Hlllsboro. MiUership & Stewart, 165 Fourth ft. 20 ACRES, all in crop, Hlllsboro, $425u, terms. - 201 McKay bldg; . H o meatgads. Relinquishments. SERVICE MAN. YOUR CHANCE. 40 acres fine level land, rich soil, easy clearing, right on main mail route, close to school. American neigh bors. In prosperous part of Clackamas countv, good well, cabin, garage, gar den; just the place to make a home and only $15 per acre. Land in this section sells for over $100 per acre. MacINNES. Realtor, RITTER. LOWS & CO. . 201. 2, 8. 5, 7 Board of Trafle mg. RELINQUISHMENT for sale. 1M acres in southern Oregon, o mues irviu. Grants Pass, Or. $3-500 Improvements on it. Also 80 acres deeded Sand ad joining it. W511 sell all for $3000 casta. H. weoer, Gen. iei.. u rants r Era It Land for Sale or Kent. WALNUT orchard, 12 years old. heavy bearing every year, no taiiuro ever, 60 acres, $30,000, terms or part income property. Also walnut lands adjoin ing, $135 per acre; nothing finer. Chapman. Main tt3 or Aiwaior 129 Northwestern tfann meg. For Sale Farm. RA.R.M THIYERS. FOUR EXaEPTIOCsAL BAROATNS. Chosen from 2W gooa listings. FRANK C. ROBES -ON, Realtor, 415 Cham, of Com, Bdwy. 3i-'2. FOR SALE OR TRADE. RftO acres. Clarke Co.. Wash., 1 min utes' drive from Vancouver, 100 anres in cultivation, 42 acren potatoes. baL hay and grain; 2 acres good farnfy orchard, 11 -too m jnoern bungalow, fweDlace and fuirnaoe. large barn and obher good outbuildings i good wire f-ence and cross fenced; good, roads, 1ft hfil of milch cows. 3 horses. 2 iriulea, implements, everything goes for $42,500, $5000 down or will trade for good income property or mue. BKARCSO WALMJT ORCHARD. 84 acres. 46 cultivated and. In crop. bance In fine timber, 5 acres in wal nuts and fruit, fair farmhouse, 2 barns, garage, chicken house, telephone, good we-U. spring and creek. A convincing bargain, 10 miles out on ood road, $4000 DOWN. " 49 acres, close in on highway, 2 m lifts from carline, highly Improved, o acres cultivated, ail crops in. R. F. D phone, milk route, bra-nd-new 6-room urwraiow. tam ana oui-er outoimatngs, real running creek, good weWs and springs. 2 horses, 5 cows, chickens and pigs. $11,000. A RElAL FARM BARGAIN. 68 a.. 35 cultivated, near car, school church and store; good roads; soil excellent; good bearing family orchard; 4 -room house, barn, garage, 2 chicken houses; phone. R. F. D., cream route. This is locate! within 15 miles of Port land. Full price, implements and all, 7iw; ?UNo down. See Woifhagen, Farm Specialist, .. FRANK C, ROBTNSON, Realtor, 416 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. "222. 100 ACRES SNAP. Land all lies fine, not over 3 acres that cannot be farmed: 30 acres m eul tivation; acres of the place that is easy to clear; most of the place Is slashed off and in good pasture; some timber left for wood; A-l soli, fine ciover and potato land; good spring water in pas ture; place on good graveled road; on mail and cream route: o-room hour,e, barn and outhouses; fine well at house with windmill; 4 acres of good youn bearing fruit; place in wheat, oats, spuds and clover. This is 5 miles eas or canny, or., on gooa.oaa. y miu from Oregon City: land all around th Is worth from $100 to $150 per acre and Is selling for that: we will tak $70 per acre for this. If you had it $100 per acre would not touch it This is soma oar gam: here is your chance do not wait; will take $2000 down, bal o years at traan in tnis. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th and Main Srs.. Oregon City, Or. IDEAL COLORADO CHERRY ORCHARD. The best young cherry and appl orchard in the famous fruit district of northern Colorado: about 100 acres. coming Into heavy production: sold $23,000 fruit In ona season from this place. Id-eally located on Rocky Mountain National park highway, macadam road. fiv minutes from city. New elffht-room dwelling, all mod am conveniences, a home of unusual beauty. All other high-grade building improvements. Land owned by family for 40 years owner must seek low altitude on ac count ot health. Address Box 74B, R. F. D., No. 8, I-oveland, Cold. 33 ACRES, 15 acres cleared, all well fenced, cross rencea; gooa 7-room house and barn: good orchard; on goo road, close to school and railroad goes with this farm 40 acres of grain, 7 milking cows, 3 heifers, 8 hogs, disk, mower, rake, drill, plows, harrows, cans. 3 good horses, wagon, hack, chickens, lots- other tools and all cropa Price J9500. ft casn. easy terms balance. Phone George Beers, 67 Sandy. Or., or write. 40 AORES on macadam road. 35 miles from Portland. 4 miles from Estacada, all under cultivation and fully eaumned. 12 acres prunes, 6 acres Ap ples. 5 walnut trees, various other fruits, all in full bearing; 7 acres vetch. 7 acres oats, 1 acre wheat, arm oat ft tees. acre strawberries. acre loganberries; good 6-room bouse, cement cellar, cnicKen nouses. Darn reasonable price for quick sale. Own er, H. B. Davis, Estacada, Or. HIGHWAY RANCH. 42-acre ranch, facing on the Pacific highway, about 10 mues south or u gene. Alt bottom lard and all cleared. Good strong soil no nuiiamgs. xm i worth 60 to S75 Ter acre but can be bought for $40 per acre, with some terms. Thi 1 worth Investiga tion. 1046 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Bdwy. 2030. ONE OF the finest dairy ranches on the coast; 800 acres meadow, 700 acres in all: level land: 1 miles 01 bay front finest of tide lands and bottom land Highway running through. Close to town. Wonderful opportunity for right party. Close to ocean. rice sui.auo, terms. Long Bach Land company, Long Beach, wasn. 20 ACRES, 8 acres cleared; fair 4-room house, barn, orcnara, an gooa iana. lies fine; good spring; on mall route, wiiii mute, telephone: close to Sandy, Or.; price $1500' $600, balance $150 each year. write eo. aers, o. Sandy, Or. .. 4. AORES. Eood soiL 1 acre cleared room house ana outouuainga; mu ta nos toff Ice. store and school; m! to station; mile to sawmill;' 20 miles to Portland; mail and cream route by nlace: $100u, ft aown Daianc to suit. Sea owner, C. H. Bollen, Barton. Or. acl a r WiTfi alfalfa ranch. Okonogan val lav o-nort nouse. com-Dieteiy lurnisnea silo, stock and equipment; must sell; any reasonable offer or will trade; what have you? Owner, F. J. George, Everett, Wash. SPLENDID, improved 30-acie farm, mile from town; good house and barn, out buildings, . all kinds of fruit, alfalfa, corn, wheat; an up-to-date ranch for $6600; all Irrigated. Address E. P. pod d. Hermiston, Or. SEVEN acres, house, barn, etc., $500: also bouse and half acre in Castle Hock; good orchard. Price $500; woulii trade truck or car at value. Address Wm. Shirley, Castle Rock, Wash., R. 3. SKAMANIA Co. fruit ranch, 230 Sicres, 85 miles from Portland, 1 mile from North Bank highway, 60 acres fruit, apples, pear and prunes; will sell ail or part. AV 61, Qregonlan. QUARTER section, level. Improvements, gooa roaa; win buuuitiuv, sv vi, At C' REAL ESTATK. Eur Siile- 23 ACRES, 23 miles from center of Portland, southeast; Vi mile to electric station nd school ; 15 acres under cultivation; ail can be farmed when cleared; 13 acres pasture; bearing orchard; 4-room house, new barn, chick en house ; personal property, good team, two fresh cows, heifer, wagon, buggy, plow, spring-tooth harrow, cultivator, feed cutter, cream separator, ' tools, crops, etc. Owner going away and offering a real oar- t gain. . 20 acres, south of Canby; bus to high school; woven wir fences; 7 acres cultivated-; 13 acres pasture, no waste land; ex ceptionally good soil; bearing or ' chard; all rural conveniences; attractive piastered bungalow with' fireplace, good barn, ga rage, large chicken house, 300 capacity ; srhoke house, wagon shed, other buildings; personal property 2 cows, cream separa tor, large incu-bator, farm ma chinery, crops, etc A very at tractive place. Price $4250. terms. 40 acres, 20 miles southeast of Portland, 1 mile to school; 20 acres In oats, vetch, potatoes and garden, balance in good standing timber; ail can , be farmed when cleared; 2 acres orchard, creek, 5-room house, new garaga, barn. personal property, cow, chickens, baby chicks, etc. Price $3400. 1000 cash, balance $200 per year, 6 per cent. 40 acres, 23 miles southeast of Portland; half miie to church and school; good fences; rocked road: 14 acres cultivated, all can be farmed when cleared; red shot soil; 10 acres pasture; two springs, creek, rural delivery; cream route ; 2-room house. Price $1700. clear; very easy terma. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. G-erUnger Bldg. Over 600 small places near Portland. REAL FARM, YAMHILL COUNTY. 132 acres. mile of Yamhill, mile to paved state highway on good gravel road, all in cultivation except about 2 acres oak timber, 22 acres 4-year-old prunes, IS acres clover and. 37 acres more seeded to clover with, balance in grain. Good five-room hous. 2 fair barns, garage, electric lights and city water, 4 horses. 2 cmvs, 2 wag ons, gang plow, mower, disc and other farm implements. 50 bushels wheat, 150 bushels oats, both barns full ot loose hay, approximately 27 tons. Price, in-, eluding all above, only $135 per acre;A some terms. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS FARM, For small or large Yamhill county farms write or see Albert S. Nelson, Yamhill. Or. - MUST SHLL AT ONCE. 20 acres. 15 acres in, grain and pota toes, balance timber and pasture; or chard, berries, etc. New. bungalow, fine large barn, 1 modern chicken house, lhxlOS, and one 19x40; brooder houses, scratch pens, etc. Personal property consists of ftOO pure-bred White Leghorn hens and pullets, Jer sey cow and heifer, horse, wagon, har ness, brooders, bog. automobile, house hold furniture and all tools and im-1 pigments. This place is very well lo cated, 14 miles from Portland: is com pletely equipped and buildings are all new. On account of illness can be bought at a positive sacrifice on prac tically your own trms. JOHN M. KROO CO. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 1375. WHY RENT? , If you have a email amount of cash you can buy my farm and pay tha balance as you make It. The farm con sists of 300 acres with about 2ii5 acres In cultivation, running water, fair buildings. This ia a good dairy proposi tion and there are two good silos. Lo cated 7 miles north of Albany in Dinn countv. The price is far below the mar ket for a quick turn. Might take a smaller plase as part or a small busi ness property. This farm is not mort gaged. Call Broadway 5S48. T. W. ZIMMERMAN. 415 Abington Bldg. ATTENTION, MR. DAIRYMAN! FOR SALE 1G5 acres of green pas ture that never dries up. Plenty of water for stock all the year. Close to cheese factory that pays Portland prices and only 60 miles Irom Portland, This could 'be made the best dairy farm in Oregon. Will accept small pay ment down, long time on balance. J. W. McNemar, 236 Glenn ave. Tabor 7022. Portland, Or. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS IDEAL FARM of 50 acres, all in crojfc family orchard; creek on place: good 6-room plastered house, barn, chicken house, hog shed and stock shed ; ex cellent soil; located west of Hubbard. Or., on paved, highway. Owner Is get ting too old to run place. $12,500J term. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldtr. Broadway 71TX Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark, FOR SALE. THE BEST BUY OF THE SEASON. 42 a:res, IS cleared and In crops; 6V room house, large new barn and other buildings, family orchard, berries, eto. Timber for own use. Well and spring water. On good road and mile from, achooL Included with place are 5 cows, team, harness, machinery, good house hold furniture, 60 chickens, hoga, etc Price $2750. terms. yOQDLE REALTY CO.. Efrtacnda, Or, A kKAh BARGAIN. 41 acres, 10 miles from Portland, about 43 acres in fine crop, good im provements, fine soil, very sightly; 3 horses, 7 cows, 3 heifers, all kinds machinery and small tools. The crop, stock and machinery are worth $8000, which puts this place far below value. Price $12,500. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $2500. LOOK. $2500. 160-acre stock and grain ranch In Jefferson county; good 4-room house, plenty water; owner sold $1000 worth of vegetables If st year; also 500 bushels grain. $120 cash, balance long time. Owner will sell stock and equipment cheap or trade for truck. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. VBRf REASONABLE, 05-acre farm. mostly unaer "cultivation, an moaern conveniences such as farm Implements, electrio light, hot and oold water, good herd of cattle, team of horses, chick ens, etc.. eood buiiaings, stream place, plenty of wood, everything goes . with the place, terms, about half down.' balance arranged agreeable to both parties. BC 776, Qregonlan. luO ACRES ON PAVEL ROAD. Located on pacing, 6 miles Eugenef 50 acres cultivated, 50 open pasture and enough wood to pay for place; 0 room house, barn. etc. See Mr. Kinney at Multnomah hotel, or write KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO. Eugene. Or. , ' 431 ACRES, good soil, well watered, good outbuildings, 200 acres cleared on good, gravel road, 6 miles from two small towns; stock and implements go with place; will take city property, vacant lots or acreage. Phone after 6 P. M. Auto. 630-49 or address W. A Adams. 5227 43d et. 9. E. 20 ACRES Part set In 10-year-old appla trees with modern 8-room house, barn, drilled well, suitable for poultry; 4 miles from Mosier on good road; will take 41000 cash and trade for late model Hudson: balance easy terms to suit purcnaser. Price $3500., AV 43, O rgo n I an. 20 ACRES in Cow 11 U Co., Wash- 4 milos from Oak Point or Stella, 8 acres clear, good 4-room house and barn, all fenced, running creek, water piped in house, country road, very good buy; only $650 cash. Owner at 303 3d st r'ortiana, room e. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Fine 360-acre farm, Clackamas coun ty; 1150 acres crop, 100 acres pasture balance good timber; orchard, dally mall, phone, good buildings, good rood through place. Sell low or take income property, rei. liroaaway w.n. FOR SALE By owner, 7 acres on good road, in thickly settled community, near school, R. R. station; 4-room house, barn, cellar, fruit. A dandy home for somebody. Price $3500, terms. Address Box 232, R 8, Van couver, Wash. BARGAINS In Virginia farms along Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Fertile fruit, dairy, stock, grain farms $20 per acre up Also little farms near city. Easy terms, delightful climate. Write for bargain list. K. T. Crawley. Agent, Chesapeake & Ohio. Ry.. Richmond, Va. Al 6-A.CKE tract for sale Dy owner. 20 miles east ot Portland; good houee. barn and other outbuildings; small or chard; place in crop; for full descrip tion, price, terme and reason for sell- Ins write Wm. Dawson, Boring, OT. 40 ACRES near Portland. 60 per csut cleared; near highway; stocked and equipped. $6000. Will accept fed-, era! farm loan 2d mortgairn for bal ance Owner. AO 803. Qregonlan. STOCK RANCH. 4C7 acres, 125 acres in curttvatlon, plenty outrange. Good buildings and' fences. Price $35 per acre; easy terms. Powrie urns., lirain, ur. 247-ACRH ranch, 110 cleared ; improve ments; 4 creeks, spring water piped, silo barn, etc.; near Newberg: sell or trade. S213 44th St. 5. E. Aut. 642-94. 25 ACRES, good black soli, half in cult., amali bouse, barn, fruit, apring. Price only $875: $100 down. Bracer. 403 Soul ot Wade.