The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 16, 1922, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Witness to Attack on Widow
Under Inquiry.
Tather and Sister of Slain Woman
Brought to Sheriff's Office
for Interrogation.
LOS ANGELES. July 15. With the
statement that there are several dis
crepancies in the story of Mrs.
Peggy Caffee,, who yesterday told
the county grand jury that she was
a witness to an attack with a ham
mer upon Mrs. Alberta Meadows, 20-year-old
widow, by Mrs. Clara
Phillips. uner arrest in Tucson,
Ariz., which resulted in the former's
death, officers investigating- the
case spent most of today checking
every angle of her statement. The
officers refused to make known the
result of their investigation today,
but declared there will be important
changes in the situation before the
inquest, which will be held Monday
A report reaching the sheriffs of
fice today that a man had also
watched the slaying from a hillside
near the lonely road, where Mrs.
Meadows' body was found early
Wednesday evening, was quickly
checked by deputies and found to be
Father, Sister Questioned.
Kred A. Tremaine and Genora Tre
maine, father and sister of the slain
woman, were brought to the sher
iff's office for interrogation late to
day. Although refusing to disclose
the information furnished by the
father and daughter, officers said
following the conference they now
had some doubts as to the alleged
intimacy of A. L. Phillips, husband
of Mrs. Clara Phillips, and Mrs.
Meadows, as alleged to have been
made by Mrs. Phillips to Mrs. Caf
fee prior to the attack upon Mrs.
Meadows. The officers left to inter
view neighbors residing near the
Phillips home, in an attempt to dis
cover, they said, "whether the inti
macy charges were not a result of
mere gossip."
It was learned at the sheriff's of
fice that Phillips, an oil promoter, :s
well known among oil men In Texas,
who have offered him financial as
sistance. Airs. Phillips Searched.
Since her arrest on a Southern- Pa
cific train late Thursday night Mrs.
Phillips-has Insisted her name wis
Clara McGuier. The admission of
her identity was made only after a
secret conference with her attorney,
the dispatch stated, after Sheriff
William I. Traeger of Los Angeles
county, who is in Tucson to return
the prisoner here, had' refused to
give her a letter sent by her hus
band, A. L. Phill'ps, on the 'ground
that if she was Mrs. McGuier she
would not be permitted to read an
other woman's mail.
Immediately after Mrs. Phillips
admitted her identity, the dispatch
says, she was stripped and searched
by a police matron, who discovered
her legs badly scratched with what
are apparently finger nail marks.
These marks, in the opinion of the
authorities at Tuscon. the dispatch
added, were made by Mrs. Meadows
after she had been felled by a ham
mer blow and before she had been
beaten into insensibility. Other
marks were found on Mrs. Phillips'
hands and one finger had become
badly infected and swollen.
When told she would reach Los
Angeles tomorrow afternoon, Mrs.
Phillipps was delighted.
"t arn tickled to death at that,"
she said in a cheerful manner. "I'm
too tickled for words at the pros
pect of seeing my husband." .
(Contlnuad From First Page.)
nardino, where a worker in the
Santa Fe shops wounded one of a
group of men who attempted to drag
him off a street car.
The latest rioting took place last
night outside the railroad shops at
San Bernardino and, according to
Sheriff Shay, took deputies more than
two hours to quell, although no shots
were fired. It arose, he said, from
an attempt by strike sympathisers
to prevent workers from entering
the railroad yards.
Carriers Refuse to Negotiate
While Walkout Continues.
CHICAGO, . July 15. The third
week of the railway shopmen's
striKe opened today with peace ne
gotiations practically at a stand
still following yesterday's separate
conferences between rail executives,
union heads and railroad board
members when the differences were
described as "fundamental."
Western carriers tonight issued a
virtual, ultimatum to the strikers.
asserting tnat they will not agree
to any plan inconsistent with deci
sions of the labor board and will
not confer with the strikers while
the walkout continues. The state
ment, issued by the western presi
dents' committee on public relations,
.placed responsibility for the contin
uance of the strike on strike lead
ers and apparently left but one
course, open for a settlement.
The executives, the statement
said, "are perfectly willing to at-
tend any meeting or participate' in
any hearing called by the labor
board with a view to effecting a
settlement .that would not nullify,
but uphold and carry out, the
board's 'tlecisiqns."
B. M. JewelTT head of the shop
men, indicated yesterday that work
ing rules and wages, ,both based on
the board's decisions, must be set
tled satisfactorily before he will
consent to call off the. strike and
taKe the matter before the labor
Virtually abandoning hope of an
early settlement, many roads, ac
cording to a labor board official,
are prepared to make a determined
effort to reopen their shops the
first of the week with nonunion
With the carriers apparently de
termined to maintain traffic as
nearly normal as possible, the ranks
of the strikers were expected to be
augmented Monday by a walkout of
firemen and oilers, while af Cleve
land th? American Federation of
Railway Workers has voted to walk
out the first of the week.
After a conference with President
Harding today E. F. Grable, head of
the maintenance of way organiza
tion, said there was no prospect of
an immediate authorization of a
strike of his 400,000 men, but added
that 48 hours might change the sit
uation. According to a White House
statement concerning: the meeting,
Mr. Grable brought to the president
the first official word that railroads
are ignoring decisions of the labor
board and expressed the opfnlon that
a proper conference would end in a
Senator Cummins, chairman of the
interstate commerce committee, said
that the hearings will be held soon
looking toward a revision of the
transportation act and to deal with
problems developed by the strike,
one of the matters to be taken up,
he said, being penalties for violation
of the labor board decisions.
Chicago, the hub of the strike,
was quiet. Mr. Jewell announced he
would have nothing to say over the
week-end, while labor board media
tors apparently were nonplussed
'. Senate.
Debated tariff bill, rejecting
extension of embargo on dye-stuffs-
and further lowering
cotton rates.
Committee on agriculture
denounced by Caraway, dem
ocrat, Arkansas, for refusing
all propositions relating to
utilization of Muscle Shoals.
Reed, democrat. Missouri,
praised by his associates for
loyalty, ability and devotion
to people.
Heflin, democrat, Alabama,
sharply criticised all those in
dorsing the reappointment of
Governor Harding to the fed
eral reserve board. ,
by the "fundamental differences
developed at yesterday's conferences.
In Washington official circles
were said to be hopeful for H- set
tlement, but the administration was
prepared for emergency action
should the occasion arise.
Federal court orders restraining
strikers from interfering with the
petitioners continued to be granted.
Troops were requested at San Ber
nardino, Cal., to protect railroad
property, and representatives of
Secretary of War Weeks and Gov
ernor Neff of Texas were investi
gating the need for trops at Den
ison, Tex., Disorders occurred at
Scranton, . Pa., where one man was
shot, and at Ennis, Tex.
Indication that the strike would
have an early effect on crops was
seen in statements from Fresno, Cal.,
that, $200,000,000 worth of fruit is
endangered, and from Macon, Ga.,
that railroads have begun to with
draw their solicitors from the peach
and melon districts.
Results Not Expected to Be
! Known Before Several Days. -
WASHINGTON, I. C, July 15.
(By the Associated Press.) Presi
dent Harding personally intervened
today in the railroad strike situa
tion, but the success of his efforts
to remedy conditions, now admitted
generally by government officials to
be serious, will remain undetermined
until- early next week, when the of
ficers of the united brotherhood of
maintenance of way employes and
shop laborers meet In, Detroit. .
The president for two houre dis
cussed the strike situation with E.
F. Grabble, chief of the maintenance
of way employes' ..organization, who
came to Washington from Chicago
for the conference, and with -Fred
L. Feick, executive representative of
the same organization.
The results of this conference, as
announced in a White House state
ment, were that the president re
ceived for the first time direct in
formation as to the workers' side of
the controversy, and was afforded
for the first time an opportunity to
present direct to a recognized repre
sentative of the employes the posi
tion of the government
Another result, announced after
the conference by Mr. Grable, con
sists of a call for a meeting the first
of next week in Detroit of the grand
officers of the maintenance of way
brotherhoods to decide on a policy,
presumably on whether that organi
zation shall continue to withhold
the authorized strike order or
whether it shall allow Its members
to join the striking shop . craft
While the conference between the
president and Messrs. Grable and
Feick was In progress, Senator Cum
mins, republican, Iowa, announced
that hearings soon would be started
by the senate interstate commerce
committee, of which he is chairman,
with a view to initiating revision
of the transportation- act so as to
remedy faults which have been
shown to exist through development
of the present troubled railroad la
bor situation.
Moratorium . Is Acceptable
if Berlin Is Sincere.
Andre Tardeau Declares Future
Entente Policy Must Be One
of Real Construction.
Former French High Commissioner
to the United States.
(Copyright, 19S2, by The Oregwnian.)
PARIS, July 15. (Special Cable.)
What we need today in Europe is
My readers doubtless are not sur
prised by Germany's new demand
for a moratorium. I, myself, pre
dicted this. This time, however, it
is not a- moratorium that is de
manded for a single payment, but
for all payments due until the end
of 1924. The sudden collapse of
the mark is given as the reason for
this new demand.
The decline of the mark has been
inevitable since Germany's weak
government, with its demagogic
policy, began stopping the holes in
the budget with free issues of paper
and it was equally certain that Ger
many would say some day. "We
can't pay either gold or foreign se
curities." That day has come.
Moratorium Secondary Matter.
The moratorium is of secondary
importance, even for big creditors
like France, if there exists on the
side of Germany a sincere will to
pay and on the part of the allies
a determination to make Germany
pay. These sentiments ought to
have been manifested earlier, but It
is never too late to mend.
What rendered the moratorium
inevitable was the Indescribable
disorder of Germany's finances.
Therefore, we should have been
busying ourselves with this matter
during the last few years, but since
we did not then that is what we
now must iJo. But that is the one
thing the English press does not
suggest. Instead It proposes a pell
mell assemblage of the allied finance
ministers, a meeting of the supreme
council, an international loan or a
further reduction of Germany's
Same Old Problem Recurs.
While we admit Germany should
have more time, it Is our duty to
-see that Germany uses the time to
put herself in position to pay. In
short, it Is the same old problem.
Some means must be found whereby
Germany will pay an annuity which
will guarantee the credits discussed
by the bankers' committee two
months ago. If this is achieved
France is prepared to make sacri
fices, but she wont so long as there
is no suggestion of offering some
assurance of ultimate payment.
That is simple enough, but Lloyd
George and his journalistic support-
tars are blaming France for not ac
cepting the vague solutions which
he so glibly offers. France holds
back because 'these proposed solu
tions are vague, and because she has
no reason to curtail her rights there
is no compensating advantage to be
had. That is 'simple common sense,
as any American business man will
Mr. Poincare's great mistake is
that during the last six months he
has done nothing but formulate
criticism and reservations. Thus he
let slip the opportunity to ask Brit
ain to aid him effectively during the
moratorium. I fear this opportunity
is lost for the moment, but it France
knows its own mind and has a con
structive policy of its own it will
come again.
The summer begins full of threats
and grave responsibilities. Who will
face the first boldly and manfully
accept the second?
Clerks of Southern Railway Con
sider AValklng Out.
WASHINGTON, D. C, ' July 15.
Seventy-five hundred members of
the brotherhood of railway and
steamship clerks, freight handlers,
station and express employes of the
Southern railway and its affiliated
lines are taking a strike vote on
the labor board's decision reducing
their wages, It was made known
here tonight by 'Claude E. Pullian.
vice-chairman of the union for the
Southern system.
The ballots, which have just been
mailed, are returnable July 20 at
the brotherhood division headquar
ters in Chattanooga. Tenn., and it
was emphasized that the result will
involve only employes of the South
ern system.
More Than Scale Wage Paid.
COLUMBUS, O., July 15. Officials
of the Pennsylvania railroad tonight
announced that beginning tomor
row the company will put into effect
a new wage scale for shop employes,
which is a little more than the scale
provided by the railway labor board.
The new wage scale was not made
public. .
O. M. Clark of Portland Pays
Visit to Ship Board Heads.
WashingtcnD. d July 15. O. M.
Clark, Portland lumberman, . con
ferred with Chairman Lasker and
Vice-President Small of the shipping
board for an hour this afternoon
discussing jthe issueB involved in the
recent longshoremen's strike at the
port of Portland. Mr. Clark set
forth the position of Portland ship
ping and commercial interests rela
tive to the strike, asserting that the
board's attitude was calculated to
uphold the unions at the expense of
Chairman Lasker thanked the
Portland man for calling and said
he was glad to hear first hand the
argument of the shipping interests
Social Secretary Accepts Place.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. July-15.
(Special.) Miss Elizabeth Barclay
of Tacoma has accepted the position
of social and recreational secretary
of the First Methodist Episcopal
church of this city. She will assume
her duties early in August. She was
prominent in the University of
Washington T. W. C. A. and other
campus organizations. - -
Fried Spring
Served 5 to 8 P. M.
The feature of this Sun
day's dinner is Fried
Spring Chicken, with de
licious country gravy,
and a well-balanced menu.
269-271 Morrison St.
A Pleasant Place to Dine
For almost thirty years
this establishment has
made clothes for
Portland's best :
dressed men. .
W. P. Kraner & Co.
Hen's Tailors Est. 1893
2000 Yards of Genuine Cork-Filled
Maid -Linoleum-
Per Square Yd.
i I V YJX -No Job Lots!
I v No Remnants!
The Year s Grandest Oppo
... ......... nn a n
Who's Floor Shall Remain
Uncovered Now?
Tour choice of ten up-to-the-minute patterns; with
from 65 to 320 yards of each as stated in small type
above, there are No Imperfects, No Seconds, No Jobs,
No Remnants; all are new and fresh stock. As to pat
terns, they're the best that the manufacturer had to
offer. For your convenience, six pieces are in the door
way window. See them today.
Dont Forget Bring at Least Approximate Measure
ments So the Necessary Yardage May Be Reserved.
Where One-Third Your Life Is Being
Spent Carefully Grouped Settings
at July Furniture
Sale Prices
Pplychromed Old Ivory
109.50 Five-piece suite Bed, Dresser, Dressing Tabier
Dressing Table Chair and Slipper Rocker. 00 Cfl
An exceptional value at ...... OOXiUU
Frosted Grey-Tone Ash
106.75 Triple Mirror Dressing: Table. Bench, Panel Bed,
... Chiffonier with Mirror and Slipper Rocker. This
attractive five-piece setting, a suite you 77 OK
should see at. ... ; . . iJ
Colonial Period Oak
$196.50 Massive Roll Bed, large Dresser, Dressing Table. Cane
Bench and Slipper Rocker. No one has I hC nn
seen anything like this in many a day at vlAviUU
Duotone Decorated Ivory
$264.00 Period- Bed with Cane Panels, Chiffonier, distinctive
Dressing Table. Cane Bench and Slipper CI70 Cfl
Rocker. This is a most atractive value at ' ' OiwU
Queen Anne Mahogany
$342.50 Bow-foot Bed. very handsome Dresser, Chifferobe
with drawers, hat and suit compartment (full
length mirror on door), and. a dainty 097 flfl
Slipper Rocker at liUU
50-Lb. Felted Cotton
$2 Cash$1 Week No Interest
No one need sleep on an uncomfortable, lumpy bed any
more: These mattresses are built up in layers like' sjv many
comforters' tufted through and through inside of flower
strewn, ; heavyweight art ticking with rolled edges on all
sides, making them reversible from both ends. .'
rtunity on
t .or
aoies-ana u
Two Separate and
Distinct Ranges Built
Together Upon One -Base
j f cs in f Rjiinj j
Set Up Complete
With Hot-Water
Coils and Gas
$10 Cah, $3 Week, No iBterent
Yonr Old Stove Takes aa
Part Payment
Four-burner gas top; two
lid wood and coal cooking top.
Separate wood and coal oven
and separate gas baking oven.
Separate broiling oven with
boiling burner in the bottom.
Beautiful polished top and
plain nickel trimmings.
White enamel splashers and
white enamel door panels.
Gas fire-lighter, eliminating
the need of kindling.
Genuine walnut, mahogany and
quartered oak. substantially built
Up tops; both 48 and 54-inch dia
meters. Sets of six chairs (carvers
Included), finely finished and
securely built with genuine veal
stock leather slip seats in both
brown and the new popular blue.
Not one of these sets sold for less
than $125.00. The saving on uiese
sets range from $35.50 to $52.00.
j gaM, m'm lasy- Terms - No tnfertsi1
Diamond - Specialist 2
348 Washington Street H
See Those in the Front Window Today! At
William and Mary
Which Will You
"Queen Anne" Table &6 Chairs Now tQ&M
54-Inch Round and 54-Inch Oblong Tops tfs sJ
Both walnut and mahogany; substantially built up tops with solidly constructed and flnelyi finished
Chairs (carvers included) to match with genuine leather new blue seats.
Of all period furniture there's none so charmingly distinctive as "Queen Anne." ThiB graceful reproduce
tion of olden-day delights will no doubt meet fully with your approval. The savings on these sots
range 'from $21.50 to $33.00. See them on the second floor tomorrow. -
Drapery Bargains
s60-lnch Sun-tsted Derwa in plain J 0C
colors (wide enough to split), per yard liMv
50-inch Brocaded Pongee, admirable JO 71?
for the very exclusive home, yard vi'3
45-in. Scotch Madraskin mulberry color I C
(note the width), but thVprlce ts only yd. VI iJU
45-lnch Cream Madrarf (95 yards), while tjnp
any remains, will be, per, yard WUu
For your convenience a work shop is main
tained and draperies are measured, cut, sewed
and hung at a very small additional cost. Then,
too, you are relieved of worry and loss by pos
sible mistake in cutting.
A Brunswick
in Your Home
Means Pleasure for
Both Family and Friends -
, New
Models Equipped with the famous Brunswick
Ultona Reproducer, playing all records with
6ut the use of attachments, and the Bruns
wick Oval Tone Amplifier, the all-wood ton
chamber which gives the Brunswick the
sweet tones for which it is noted.
model, 200 1 1 nn nn
.(upper left illustration) I UUiUU
model, 210 ticnnn
(center of Illustration)..: flSUiUU
model. 201 1 1 or nn
(lower right Illustration) IZ3iUU
(JC Sends any one of the above to your home.
V Balance to please your personal require
ment. , ,
Your Favorite
-Whether, beautiful sacred songs, soft,
rhythmic airs of the opera, 6tirrlng band
music or catchy dance records, you will find
them all here, and, with a Brunswick Phono
graph to entertain your guests, you need
never experience any "dull" moments. "
Values Extraordinary
On Exquisite
$375.00 Mahogany-with-Cane Davenport. Chair and
Rocker , upholstered with rich C00 1 flfl
walnut-tone mohair, at t0liUU
$470.00 Mahogany-wlth-Cane Davenport, Chair and
Itocker, upholstered with taupe ifOylQ flfl
and figured mohair, now 01tOiUU
And the Finest Overstuffed
$750.00 Polychromed Mohair Overstuffed Davenport.
Fireside and Arm Chairs, ?j7R flfl
three pieces v'rl UiUU
$535.00 Taupe Mohair and Velour Combi- COOfl flfl
nation Suite cf 3 luxurious pieces.. OuOUiUU
Full Web Construction and
Three Spring-Filled Loose
Cushion Overstuffed
That, Would Be Conservative
and Honest Values at
$110.00 and $125.00
$89.50 $98.50
Beside having full web base and back construction,
these Davenports have all-coil springs securely sewed
into separate pockets. For your convenience Edwards
has a frame with this skeleton construction displayed
on the Main Floor. . (Chairs and Rockers to match all
Davenports are built the same way.)