6 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1932 BY LEONE CASS BAER. FAY BAINTER is to have a new play in the autumn and "East Is West" will be released for stock. ' When Leonore Harris sailed for England on the Olympic a fortnight apo, she was acting custodian of the body of Barry Baxter, the young English actor who died several weeks ago as the result of an in jury sustained in Chicago while act. Ing in "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife." Miss Harris was a member of the cast of this play, and she and Bax ter were close friends. Indeed, the two had agreed some time back not to book passage for Europe until both could leave by the same boat, and the hand of fate grimly granted their wish- after all. ... Sheila Terry, the diminutive danc ing sar of the B. F. Keith circuit, has married Roy Sedley, the leading man in her act. They were, married secretly in Los Angeles last week. Sedley, whose home is in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, was been leading min in Miss Terry's act the entire season, and has been simu lating the bridegroom who wins her at the end of her little dance drama, "May and December." Therefore,' in the parlance of the theater, "he didn't have to step out of his char acter when it came to the actual tying of the knot. Mr. and Mrs. Sedley will continue their vaude ville tour together. They appeared in this act at the Orpheum last season. J. A. Johnson, manager of the Pantages theater, promises one of the best bills of the-season, com mencing witk tomorrow's matinee. Two headline attractions and, two added attractions are offend on the same bill. McLallen and Carson, in "Oh, Sarah." and Carl McCullough in "Bits of Travesty" are the big type acts, while Billy Bouncer's cir cus and Betty Bryon and William Haig are the added attractions. Jack McLallen is a lunmaker whose original methods and sense of humor have made him a favorite in vaudeville, aad Miss Carson is his charming assistant. Their of fering is said totbe a hilarious conP dy hit. Carl McCullough is a popular musical comedy star who has been appearing in the Shubert produc tions the last several years and he Is returning in. new songs and tories. He is a real entertainer. Billy Bouncer's circus is a delight to the children. Byron and Haig are offering "The Book of Vaudeville.", Marion GiWhey in "By Proxy" and Gladys Greene In "Vaudeville's Versatile Dancer" are the other acts on the same bill , . "In Gay Paree" Is the title of the merry international adventures of Ed Armstrong and his Baby Dolls Revue, which opens the third week of their locqj engagement at the big outdoor playhouse' at The Oaks. Conceived as a fun vehicle this mu sical comedy offering is most timely. Armstrong himself leads and directs the play. "In Gay Paree" " will be presented all this week with two shows a day. The Duncan eitersare appearing at the London Pavilion and while their act is being generously praised by the public and press, the young women themselves are having Quit a bit of explaining to do about a story which they sent to the Ameri can papers concerning their own popularity. The prirls now say they weren't responsible for the story, which appeared some months back In the Sunday edition of a New York paper. This article alleged that the Duncan sisters had been invited by the prince of Wales to a dinner given by one of the Vanderbilts in London, and that the prince and the king of Spain devoted the whole of their time to these, vaudeville stars and neglected the other guests. The tory was not, of course, re . peated. in the .London papers, but those who had read it in the Ameri can paper in question had told others. Although R was regarded as the ort of thing not worthy of a direct official denial, there was semi-official authority for a state- ment which was published in one . London paper to the effect that it was absolutely without foundation The Duncan sisters, in . order to put themselves right with the Brit ish public have now disclaimed the authorship of the article, and they have produced a cony of a telecgram which, they say, they sent to the ' proprietor of the New York paper protesting that what they told the ; reporter about the times they had In England wag .not what was pub ', lished. "Will you take the real story as we gave It to your reporter?" they asked. But they declare that noth lng was done to put the matter right. It is explained by the London press that the Duncan sisters were not asked as guests to tje Vander- ' entertainers. A London exchange says that ' Fanny Ward is in that city looking about 16 years of age. The paper recalls, somewhat ungallantly, the fact that she has a daughter who has been grown up for some years and that she herself appeared at the London Gaiety in J&94 in the orig inal production, of "The Shop Girl." And she not only looks youthful, says the exchange, but preserves the j energy of youth. She would also appear to bear i charmed life. She had a narrow -escape from death in the small hours of one Mondav morning. She had gone to London to attend an evening party and was motoring back to Maidenhead when her auto, in the darkness, smashed full tilt into a horse. The horse was ! sent flying some distance, the car I swerved away momentarily out of control and a wheel came off. Fanny Ward and her party had the un pleasant experience of being strand ed for a couple of hours in an out of-tbe-way place, but no bodily in jury befall any of them. . Frank Bacon gave at the Black stone theater last Saturday night his 400th Chicago performance of "Lightnin' " and the end, is not in sight. It is now expected he. will continue until October. As a sou venir of the event Bacon gave to each person in the audience a minia ture copy of a bronze bust of him self, j . Announcement has been made In Washington, D. C, that Minnie Mad dern Fiske will head the actresses' committee of the national woman's party during the coming campaign. It is understood Mrs. Fiske will speak in the party's behalf in towns where she appears on tur with her play and will direct work of other actresses in relation to the party's activities done through the medium or the stage. Mary Garden has been made chair-1 man of the gingers' committee of the ! national -woman's party. ! The organization has received a check for $1000 from Mme.. Ganna Walska, now in Paris. In a letter Madame Walska says: "I came to America a-s a Polish citizen, but 1 1 am happy to be an American citizen, for your country has shown such splendid recognition of women." VIOLA DANA IX NEW ROLE ' "They Like 'Em Rough" 'Feature of New Hippodrome Bill. Another especially fine bill is that which opened 'at the Hippodrome yesterday, .with "Around the Clock," 4 pretty music and dance revue, as the vaudeville headline attraction. and Viola Dana in her new picture teature, "TheyLike 'Em Rough." The picture is somewhat different from those In which Miss Dana has appeared before, depicting her in a more serious role and a more serious play, but giving her a part which has the vivacity and carefree dare deviltry that she portrays in so ex cellent a fashion. , "Around the Clock" has new ideas in scenery and costumes and it proved th,e stellar attraction in the opinion, of the audience. There are five pretty girls and a man in the cast, all of whom nave pleasing voices, are skilled m the latest dance steps and present snatches of the music of the .current Broadway shows. 5 v It is father a surprise -to' see "two natty chaps in full evening dress and billed as "Let's Sing'.' turn out to be the athletic offering, but that is what Ruetell and Hayes put over on the audience and their act, both in their introduction and afterward, is fine. Their specialty is jumping, air and ground somersaults and bal ancing. "A Doorstep Romeo" is the title of a smart playlet where Len Carle is told by his sweetheart, Dolly Inez, to go home, but fails to grasp the hint. They chatter until 5 o'clock in the morning, when the young fel low walks to work with the girl's father. Clever impersonation and some good singing make up the act of Jack Reddy, who is well known in Portland for the excellence of his Irene Edwards Brooks in musical comedy at. tie Oak y . ., " work in the cast. He gives his im pressions of a drug addict in a man ner that brings gasps to the audi ence. Fred Gray's antics in "The New Bellboy" comes pretty near sending the audience into hysterics. He is a comedian and an uiiusually funny one. Jean Carpentier is his. pretty partner, who delights the audience with a number of selections on a variety of instruments. NEW SHOW IS FULL OF FUN f ' - Stellar Attractions Promised at Pantages This Week. The new vaudeville show opening for the week at the Pantages thea ter with tomorrow's matinee has a 1 AmftM Baftfetel BY ANNIE BLANCHE SHELBY. THE declarant, no less than the adversary, is frequently in doubt as to his discard, notwithstand ing that he has the advantage of seeing and playing the two hands. When he is running with a long established suit in the one hand he is often compelled to make dis cards from the other which are ex tremely perplexing and call for the utmost care. One false play and one or more tricks may easily go to the adversary to which he is not en titled. Extremely clever play often develops in this respect, as will be seen from the following, all of which are hands which have come up in actual play: 87 10 5 KQ63 A QB 6 "I V A 10 A K Q J 10 8 4 J 10 8 7 K Q 3 6 4 2 9 8 7 4 A ' K8 2, the dealer, bids . a heart, at which declaration the hand Is played. Should Z fail to take. ad vantage of the situation as revealed by his o,wn and the dummy's hand he would lose four tricks (one trump trick and three club tricks). Should he, however, reason the Jllatter out and play for discards before lead ing trumps lie will take every trick but one. Played in. this way, the hand will go as follows: r S3 . Y 632 A B J9762 Z 643 ' Trick. A . Y B Z 1.. 1 5 3 16 A z 2 7 K 3 4 ,Q 9 .3 4 2 KM 7 5 7 Q4- 8 8 6 5 A 10 9 7 ... 3 7 A 2 8.. 2 4 K . 4 9..T B 8 10 K 10., 9 8 J Qt 11 8 6 Q J 12 6 10 J 9 13 J 6 A 6 Denotes winner of trick. Declarant, seeing that clubs are entirely against him and that both he and dummy will be compelled to follow three times should the ad versary, who holds the commanding trump, shift the lead t olubs, real izes the expediency of postponing the trump lead unless he has first discarded his three clubs. -As be tween his own and the dummy hand he holds the three commanding dia monds and the three commanding spades and his own hand is short in these suits, the opportunity offers for getting discards in his own hand on commanding cards led by dummy. This, then, seems , his best policy, and at Trick 2, he having won the first trick, instead f leading a trump as many would do for the protec tion of spades and diamonds, he leads the king of spades, following it at Trick 3 with the small spade, which dummy wins with queen, Dummy , then leads his two com manding diamonds and then his commanding spade, declarant on these three tricks discarding his three clubs:. (The order of dummy's lead is of no material' consequence; the lead of the two diamonds be fore the ace Of spades is because there is slightly less chance in dia monds than in spades of finding one of the adversaries as well void of the suit and In position to ruff. At Trick 7, the declarant having made all dummy's commanding cards and , knowing now that he can lose but one trick (the ace of hearts) leads a trump fromN the dummy hand. B, who holds the ace, puts it up in the forlorn hope that he may. make one at least of his commanding clubs. Not so, however. The declarant trumps and wins all the remaining tricks. This is known as the discard of losing cards in' the one hand on commanding cards In the other, in order to be in position to ruff the suit in which one holds the losing cards. - This is an. extremely effeet- sfej4 ''I!' If jjll '"nnviiirniwiiiiiiniifirniiii)MiNWiiiiiuili,iiim iiiiiniiinmi riii ' . s ' number o ste-Jlar attractions said to he of more than ordinary worth. It promises widely diversified enter tainment in the way of comedy, singing and dancing. Two head line and two added attractions are all on 'the same bill. 'McLallen and Carson in "Oh, Sarah", andvCarl Mc Cullough in "Bits of Travesty" are the headMners. . Jack McLallen is a comedjan whose methods are original and whose sense of the Absurd is un erring. He is a favorite through out vaudeville, and his assistant. Miss Carson, is a dainty young per son gifted with a winning personal ity and talent. Their skit, called "On, Sarah," is said to be riotous. Carl McCu'llougli is already known in Portland and it is enough to say that his mixture of songs and stories is the most artistic and en tertaining he has yet provided. In a word, McCullough is an artist whose efforts to entertain are never without results. ' The two acts of stellar promi nence are that of Byron and Haig and Billy Bouncer's -circus. Betty Byron and William Haig offer a dainty and. artistic singing and dan cing novelty called "The Book of Vaudeville," which place's real em phasis on the dancing. The act "is charmingly staged. Billy Bouncer is an internationally known clown with a trampoline ap paratus and the hilarity of his offer ing reaches a climax when he in vites the boys of the audience to come on the stage and participate in the "bouncing contest." Marion Gibney is popular through out vaudeville as a singing come- ive play, the opportunity for mak ing which develops more frequently than the unobservant player would imagine. To. be sure, had the declarant's trumps been established he would first have exhausted the adversaries of trumps and then have played for discards-. It was because the com manding trump was against him and that he was defenseless in one suit that the play became a necessity. Had he at once led trumps he would have lost three tricks and fallen short of game, making a score of but 40 24 for tricks and 18 for honors as . against 239 48 for tricks, 16 for honors, 50 for little slam and 125 for game. Here is. a hand which illustrates the importance of unblocking by discards: Q J 10 v AKQ 8 5 4 3 2 48 983 J 10 9 5 4 AQ10 87 AK 79 KJ6 AQ J 10 9 6 2 The dealer, gets the declaration at spades. Correctly played the hand will be as follows: " Y 7 6 5 4 S A B 8 6 3 2 Z 4 9 7 . K5- Trick. A Y B Z 1 J Q 2 7 5 4 A 8 K 3 5 K $ At 4 3 Q ? 6 6 8 J 4 J 6 9 10 5t K4 7. 7 8 ' 5 10 8. 8 4 K A 9..." . 10 2 6 Q 10...,..., 9 8 74 J" 11 .... Q 44 S 9 13....... 10 54 94 6 13 j A4 84 ,7 2 Denotes winner of trick. Declarant, taking a rapid inven tory of his two handssees that he will make a grand slam if he can get rid of his three losing diamonds and make a successful finesse in trumps. The only way he wcan -get rid of his diamonds is to throw his two commanding hearts on dummy's commanding clubs, and then when 1 dummy finally leads hearts nf which he will then hold command . discard his diamonds. Accordingly, A having led the jack of clubs, he wins with dummy's queen, and at Tricks 2 and 3 leads the ace and king of clubs and to these tricks throws his ace and king of hearts. leaving dummy with the three win ning hearts. This gives him just the opportunity desired, and to these tricks he clears his own hand of diamonds This accomplished, he next leads a, trump from the dummy hand and finesses, knowing that if the finesse is successful he will in. all prob ability make all his trumps and thus secure a grand slam. This is what happened. King of trumps falls to the ace on the second round of trumps and the Blam is secured. The player would 'have lacked per ception, indeed, who would at once have led trumps in the belief that he must exhaust the, adversaries in order to protect the commanding cards in clubs and hearts held by himself and his partner. . -These examples should convince- a player beyond the shadow of doubt that the declarant should often post pone the trump lead (even though, as in the cases given, he holds de cidedly the majority) until some other object has first been accom plished. While his policy generally is to lead the trumps and to con tinue the lead until the adversaries have become exhausted, everything depends upon developments and disclosures from the two hands. Here is another hand, the cor rect management of which reflects great credit upon the declarant. While the policy he adopts results in the gain of but one trick, it is the trickwhlch insures game and therefore has an, intrinsic value far greater than that of the ordinary trick. Besides, it is the one or more tricks which are gained through clever play that prove a player's skill and entitle him to be ranked as a thoroughly dependable and sound player, the sort which is we)- dienne and she has a new act that she calls "By Proxy," which is said to be filled with real laughter. She mingles bright chatter with melody and does her conception Of a vam pire, which is said to be very funny. Gladys Greene is known as vaudeville's versatile dancer, and she offers an artistic act in which baltet, oriental, eccentric an jazz dancing are introduced. The Pant&gescope will show The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" at matinee performances only, for the benefit of the childrep, and both at matinees and evening performances Pathe News, Aesop's fables and the topics of the 'day re shown. "IN GAY PAREE" AT OAKS Musical Comedy Feature Replete With Interesting Situations. The ambitious adventures of Pat Flannigan and Abie Cohn, comedians extraordinary, set the pace for the third offering of the Armstrong Baby Dolls Revue at the Oaks park auditorium beginning with this aft ernoon's matinee performance. "In Gay Paree," the expectant "title of the vehicle, is all that its name Implies, and in the bands of the players domiciled for the season at the Oaks, Paris is Indeed the.radiat ing center of supremely entertain ing musieal comedy extravaganza. Over here PatvFlannigan, an Irish citizen, seeks the very best in edu cation and sdcial achievement for his son and daughter.' In the hands corned as a partner and dreaded as an oppopent. The tricks .which are won by reason of one's particular holding entitle a player to no con sideration whatever: 542 - 10 3 2 ' AKQ 10 5 4 2 A K.Q J 10 ' K 9 J 10 7 5 3 8 The hand -goes as follows: 9 8 6 3 -'Y, 7 AJ8 A . B Q7654 96 " ' Z -4842 AKJ6 Q973 Trick. A . Y B Z 1..'. K 2 3 8 2 A 4 7 10 3 3 2 7 A 4 6 4V 24 K S. .... 64 . Q4 44 84 6.':, 94 A4 84. 64 7. 8 5 4 JV 8., 9 K4 5 Q 9 8 5 9 ,T4 10 J 10 6 104 11 6 2 Q 74 12 A 3 7 9 13 J 10 Q K Denotes winner of trick. A leads king of spades and fol lows with the spade ace, which de clarant trumps. Declarant, holding eight trumps fully established, at first sight thinks he will have no difficulty in going game, 'as he counts upon five tricks in trumps and five in diamonds. The fact that the dummy blocks his diamond suit does not disturb him, as he calcu lates that three rounds of tramps will disarm the adversaries, when fre will be left with the thirteenth trump with which to bring in his two remaining diamonds after the difmmy has led out his three com mands. After trumping the adverse spade at trick. 2 he leads a commanding trump, to which all follow. He then follows with another trump, con fidently looking for the same re sult. B, however, renounces, thus masking A with another trump and causing him, declarant, to see that it will call for his two remaining trumps to exhaust him. This is where the average - player would hopelessly fall down, as to continue the lead until the adversary was exhausted would be to leave the dummy in command of diamonds with no re-entry in his own hand with which to regain the lead and make the long diamonds. There are many who would con tinue the trumps in the belief that there was no way to remedy the situation, and that in any event matiheu i.20 SATUABKYANOSUWAY-CONTINUOUS IPMTOIIfWl - WEEK YARTIa MONOAY HTHtt mmrn I v -,1 ' ' ' i . ,1. .i - 1V- FAMOUS of Ed Armstrong, Flannigan is will ing to make any sacrifice that his offspring may reign socially trium phant. Fred tyeehan, as his son, and Marie Rich,, as his daughter, sup port him in his ambition. However, In this town of X there lives one Abie Cohn, a Hebrew (Dan Friendly), who covets the top of the Social ladder for his boy Charles (Frank O'Rourke) and his daugh ter (Ethel Edwards).- He strlved to outdo Flannigan's efforts and in itiates as mirth-quaking a series of domestic and foreign adventures as one could wish for in highlass mu sical comedy. Overseas he goes,' family and all, where, as the plot progresses, Flannigan arrives a little later with bag and baggage and son and daughter into the bargain. Paris, the city of pleasure, soon houses these . international adven turers and sees Intermarriages of the Cohn and Flannigan families un known to the parents. At a. gala ball, given by a certain Mrs. Wax taper, Flannigan and Cohn are num bered among the guests and their efforts as nabobs in their own right bring the hilarity to the pinnacle of enjoyment. Incidental to the laugh-provoking chatter are numerous song numbers introduced to spin the feet to mo tion and the heart to happiness. Of picturesque interest is "Circus Day" as sung by Irene Edwards Brooks, a Portland girl who has been de lighting Oaks patrons with her focal and Thespian abilities with the Arm strong Revue. the adversary would win a suffi cient number of tricks as to prevent his going game. After carefully reviewing the situ ation, declarant sees, however, that by dropping the trump lead until he has played two of dummy's com manding diamonds he can then lead dummy's remaining trump, aija on the fourth round of trumps led by himself discard dummy's command ing diamond at the same time that he exhausts the adversary and him self remains in the lead with the three long diamonds. This he does, at trick 8 discard ing dummy's commanding diamond, and at tricks 9, 10 and 11 making his three remaining diamonds. I am asked as to the following: The dealer has bid a spade, sec ond and third players have passed, and fourth player holds king, 8 and 6 of hearts, ace, king and 7 of clubs, queen, jack and 9 of diamonds, and ace, jack, 8 and 6 of spades. Should he make a bid or should he pass? There are threa policies open to the player, none of which could be considered unsound a pass, knowing that the declarant would be unable to game; a double, in the hope the partner had a good sec ondary bid to offer, or a bid of no trumps on the three protected suits, one of which is the adversary's suit. The no-trump bid would perhaps be the best policy, as the fact that his partner has refused to bid does not necessarily say that he has not some " suit, which, with the aid of his cards,, might not be established and brought in. As he holds three cards of three different suits, any of which may turn out to be his partner's suit, it . looks as though this result might be attained. As the dealer or second player after, a pass would undoubtedly bid no trumps onthe hand, there seems little reason why, there being good protection in the adversary's suit, the no-trump bid should not be made. RAILROADING IS. COSTLY Nationally Owned Western System May Pass to Private. Hands. Lathrop Stoddai'd . in Century" Magazine. ., , In these days, wen government ownership is widely advocated as a panacea, it is interesting to observe one important instance where the opposite ' process is taking place. The French government is appar ently about to quit railroading. For the last 14 years one of the five systems into which the French railroads are divided has been gov ernment owned.. This system is .the so-called Ouest Etate, which, as its name implies, serves the western NIGHTS 7A.9 AND OH, SARAK J L sni i uncut feRSC IN "BX16HT BITS OF TRAVESTY, i MAH.ION Glahvo HILAItlOOS COMEDY NOVELTY DttlY QOUftCCRS CIRCUS iNTKODUClNa -! FAMOUS BOUNOIN3 eOffTMT BETTY and Willie r- BYROMHAIG .TS.iwiichoiw:an novelty the, pop or vaudeville: RW9WHAPUF MURRAY ujpiiNuT - i,N per; IPS. HACK SENNETT "COMEDIAN. part of France, including many of the Paris suburban lines. When the Western railway was taken over by the French govern ment it was thought of as an ex periment to determine whether the other railway systems should be likewise government owned. The experiment, however, never worked well. Not- only was it run at a financial loss, but its service was notoriously the worst In France, so that the Ouest Etat became a fa vorite subject for cartoons and mu sic hall comedians. Of late years the drain upon the public treasury has been growing heavier. Last year the Parisian suburban lines alone showed jieficit of more than 100, 000,008 francs. t Spurred by urgent necessity to cut out all waste, the French govern ment began to consider this peren nial leak in its finances. A parliamentary-commission was appointed to make a thorough investigation, and its. report advocates the aban donment of state ownership and the turning over of the Western railway system to a private corporation on terms similar to those on which the other French railway systems are run." . The Western system, it may be remarked, ha a trackage of S&26 miles, out of. the total French rail way trackage of 24,744 miles. Of course the decision is still In the hands of parliament, bat the state of French finances is so kad that the recommendations of .tire com mission will probably be accepted. MARY MARTIN besranMo keep company with Dick Wentworth when she was 19 and he 21. He was a senior in college then and could not think of marriage for some time to come, as he was going to law school for three years, and after that it would be three or four years before he could hope to earn enough to support a wife. Mary understood this, but she was willing to wait for him, as in the meantime she was needed at borne, and the salary she received as stenographer . went toward the care of her widowed mother and three younger sisters. By the time Dick would be in a posi tion to marry Mary's younger sis ters would be able to earn money for themselves. When Dick was graduated from law school they became formally engaged, and a modest little dia mond sparkled on Mary's left hand. Before this Dick's family father, mother and sister Muriel, who was seven years younger .than Dick- had accepted his friendship wltn Mary as a more or less casual mat ter, and she was a welcome visitor at their house. But after the en gagement was announced their attl tude changed subtly, although to all appearances they were as friendly as before. Dick had gone to work for a prominent law firm and received a small salary at first. If he worked hard and showed promise there was a chance that some day he would become a member of the firm. But be was unable to save anything toward his marriage. Muriel, rap idly becoming a young woman, be Kan to make demands for new clothes, and Dick's mother Insinu ated that it was time. Dick helped out. So every time Muriel went into town to spend a useless afternoon shopping: or at the matinee she called at her brother's office and teased money from him. Then she demanded a fur coat when his saU ary was raised; then the living room must be done over and refurnlsnea so that Muriel might entertain her young men friends in style; and finally Muriel and her mother in duced Dick to buy an automobile. Dick's father was In moderate cir cumstances and owned his home, but did not feel he could afford the expense of a car. Gradually every cent that Dick earned went for fin ery for his mother and Muriel. In a futile endeavor to earn more ALWAYS GOOD AND MLod? jforie)3 i J a flp ARMSTRONG BABY DOLLS GIRLS V J W ln th6 BiS Lau&h GIRLS -V Y X Extravagant iGIRLS' t "In Gay Paree" I "' L A TALENTED PRINCIPALS. m' fSS snappy music, pretty VJ YJ-is' GIRLS, CiORGEOUS -iPi Tou'll Be Surprised. I f:feSy?Sl! I l! Tours for 10 and 20 Cents I UtCT ' 1 . a OAKS AUDITORIUM. I r($A Afternons at S, Evenings . S'"e -Ale 'rom W. W. Ely, Resident Manager, High Class VAUDEVILLE Feature . PHOTOPLAYS VIOLA DANA TODAY "AROUND THE CLOCK" A TIMELY OFFERING OF SONGS AND DANCES. ; ADDED ATTRACTION- FRED GRAY &. CO. WITH JEAN CARPENTIER "THE NEW BELL BOY." JACK REDDY RUSSELL VIOLA DANA In her latest greatest pictvre, "they like 'em rough." CHILDREN 10c ANY TIME money he worked nights and Sun days, and brought work home with him that kept him up until after midnight. Mary tried to remon strate, but the demands of the other two women were constant and more insistent Then came the war. Mary urged her fiance to go to Plattsburg. When Dick, spoke of this at home there was a scene; his mother and Muriel almost went into hysterics. Finally Dick was drafted. He and Mary considered gettlnsxoarrled before he went to camp, but there was an other scene and more hysterics. Dick mustn't think of such a thins : his soldier's allowance and insur ance must be made over to his sis tar,, and there must be no wife to have a claim on him. ' When the influenza epidemic raged in camp Dick succumbed among She first, his energy sapped by the extra work he had been do ing for te last few years. Muriel, resplendent in the most fetching and expensive mourning, sighed to Mary, "It's better for you to have loved . and lost, Mary, dear, than never to have loved at all." What would happen to Mary and Muriel in fiction? The selfistt- sis ter would be punished, of course preferably by having as dilatory and harassed a sweetheart as her brother bad been. And Mary would have crone on her solitary way in subdued and remembering grief. As it really havpened, Mary married within a year, and is happy with a young man who is unincumbered by clinging relatives. And Muriel has a fine husband, too, who provides generously for her many extrava gances. : J. M. SCOT'S REPLY READY Fishmonger Advised by Owner of . Dog to Whistle to Lobster. Tit-Bits, London. A Scotsman was -strolling through the market place with his faitlfful collie at his heels. Attracted by a fine display of shell end other fish, he stopped to admire, perhaps to purchase. The dog wagged its tail while his master engaged the fish monger in conversation. Unfortunately for the dog, its tail attracted the attention of a number of live lobsters. One of the largest lobsters seized the tail, and the sur- t prised collie dashed off through the market, yelping with pain, while the lobster hung On grimly. For a moment the fishmonger was speech less with indignation. Then, turn ing to his prospective customer,- he shouted: "Mon, mon! Whnstle to yer dog'. Whustle to yer dog!" "Hoot, mon," returned the other complacently, "you whustle to yer lobster." Negro .Laborer Fears Mistake. Forbes Magazine. Roy Simpson, a negro laborer, was putting in his first day with a con struction gang whose foreman was known for getting the maximum amount of labor out of his men. Simpson was helping in the task of moving the right of way and all day long he carried heavy timbers and ties until at the close of the day he was completely tired out. Came quitting (ime. Before he went he approached the boss and said: "Mister, you sure got me down on the payroll?" The foreman looked over the list of names he held. "Yes," he said, finally, "here you are Simpson Roy Simpson. That's right, isn't it?" KYaas', suh, boss," said the negro, "dass right. I though mebbe you had me down as Sampson." Nevada Democrats Knock K. K. K. RENO, Nev. Opposition to "any and all organizations which hav for their purpose the enforcement of law otherwise than through con stituted authority" is expressed U the platform adopted by the demo crtaic state convention. Speaker! had urged that a stand be taken against the Ku Klux Klan. MOST TIMES GREAT. VIOLA DANA TODAY AND HAYES CARLE AND INEZ ASY ' TIME 1